Tutorial On Logic Analyzer Basics

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A logic analyzer can capture multiple signals simultaneously and trigger on patterns, making it useful for debugging digital circuits and buses. It has timing and state analyzer components.

A logic analyzer can capture multiple signals simultaneously while an oscilloscope is limited to 2 channels. A logic analyzer also triggers on patterns of highs and lows while an oscilloscope triggers on voltage levels. A logic analyzer represents signals as binary high/low while an oscilloscope shows voltage levels.

A logic analyzer should be used when it is necessary to look at more signals than can be viewed on an oscilloscope, or when triggering on patterns of highs and lows is required. A logic analyzer also decodes bus information.

A "How To" tutorial on logic analyzer basics for digital design

Introduction Let's assume that you need to simultaneously look at the inputs and outputs of a 16-bit counter to determine a timing error, but you have only a 2-channel scope how do you look all of the required signals? Or let's suppose that you've just developed timing diagrams for a board full of digital circuitry. How do you verify them? What do you use to capture and analyze the signals on the board? Without the appropriate tool, solving these kinds of problems can be very time consuming. For the above problems, a logic analyzer is the best solution. This article provides a quick overview of logic analyzer basics and offers ideas as to what can be achieved using a logic analyzer. Oscilloscope or logic analyzer? When given the choice between using a scope or a logic analyzer, many engineers will choose an oscilloscope. However, scopes have limited usefulness in some applications. Depending on what the user is trying to accomplish, a logic analyzer may yield more useful information. When to use a scope: When it is required to observe small voltage excursions on the signal. When high time-interval accuracy is required. When to use a logic analyzer: When one wishes to observe many signals at the same time. When it's necessary to look at signals in the system the same way hardware does. When it's required to trigger on a pattern of highs and lows on several lines and see the results. A logic analyzer reacts the same way as a logic circuit does when a single threshold is crossed by a signal in the system. It recognizes the signal to be either low or high. It can also trigger on patterns of highs and lows presented on these signals. In general, you should use a logic analyzer when it's necessary to look at more lines than can be monitored on an oscilloscope. Logic analyzers are particularly useful for looking at time relationships or data on a bus for example, a microprocessor address, data, or control bus. They can decode the information on microprocessor buses and present it in a meaningful form. When an engineer is past the parametric stage of the design, is interested in the timing relationships among many signals, and needs to trigger on patterns of logic highs and lows, a logic analyzer is by far the most appropriate tool. What is a logic analyzer? Most logic analyzers are really two analyzers in one. The first part is a timing analyzer, while the second part is a state analyzer. Timing Analyzer Basics The timing analyzer displays information in the same general form as a scope, with the horizontal axis representing time and the vertical axis as voltage amplitude. Because the waveforms on both instruments are time-dependent, the display is said to be in the time domain. Choosing the right sampling method (inc. transactional timing): A timing analyzer is similar to a digitizing scope with one bit of vertical resolution. This single bit of vertical resolution allows the display of only two states high or low. It cares about only one user-defined voltage-threshold. If the signal is above the threshold when it samples, it will be displayed as a 1 or high by the analyzer; by comparison, any sampled signal that is below the threshold is displayed as a 0 or low. From these sample points, a list of ones and zeros is generated, and this represents a onebit picture of the input waveform. This list is stored in memory and is also used to reconstruct a one-bit picture of the input waveform, as shown in Fig 1.

1. Timing analyzer sample points. (Click this image to view a larger, more detailed version) The timing analyzer tends to square everything up, which would seem to limit its usefulness. However, the timing analyzer is the right choice if timing relationships among several or hundreds of lines need to be verified together. It's important to remember that every sampling point uses one memory location. This means that, the higher the resolution (faster sampling rate), the shorter the acquisition window. When data is captured on an input line with data bursts, as illustrated in Fig 2, the sampling rate has to be adjusted to high resolution (for example, 4 ns) to capture the fast pulses at the beginning. This means that a timing analyzer with a 4K (4,096 sample) memory would stop acquiring data after 16.4 !s, so the engineer would not be able to capture the second data burst. In typical debugging work, data is sampled and stored for a long time where there is no activity. This uses up logic analyzer memory without providing additional information. This problem can be solved if it is known when transitions occur and if they are positive or negative. This information is the basis for transitional timing, which uses memory efficiently. In order to implement transitional timing, a "transition detector" could be used at the input of the timing analyzer along with a counter. The timing analyzer will now store only those samples that are preceded by a transition, together with the elapsed time from the last transition. This approach permits using only two memory locations per transition and no memory at all if there is no activity at the input. In our example, the second, third, fourth and fifth bursts can be captured, depending on how many pulses per burst are present. At the same time, we can keep the timing resolution as high as 4 ns (Fig 3).

2. Sampling at high resolution. (Click this image to view a larger, more detailed version)

3. Sampling with a transition detector. (Click this image to view a larger, more detailed version) Glitch capture: Glitches have a nasty habit of showing up at the most inopportune times with the most disastrous results. Consider an example where a system crashes periodically because a glitch appears on one of the lines. One alternative is to use an analyzer without glitch trigger capability, sit in front of the machine, press the run button, and wait until the glitch appears. Since this condition occurs infrequently, storing data all the time (assuming there is enough storage capability) would result in an incredible amount of information to sort through. Now consider a timing analyzer that samples the incoming data and keeps track of any transitions that occur between samples, so it can readily recognize a glitch (in this context, a glitch is defined as any transition that crosses logic

threshold more than once between samples). To recognize a glitch, the analyzer is "taught" to keep track of all such multiple transitions and display them as glitches. While displaying glitches is a useful capability, it can also be helpful to have the ability to trigger on a glitch and display data that occurred before it. This can help determine what caused the glitch. This capability also enables the analyzer to capture data only when it is required when the glitch occurs. Triggering the timing analyzer: A logic analyzer continuously captures data and stops the acquisition after the trace point is found. Thus a logic analyzer can show information prior to the trace point, which is known as negative time, as well as information after the trace point.

Pattern trigger Setting trace specifications on a timing analyzer is a bit different from setting trigger level and slope on an oscilloscope. Many analyzers trigger on a pattern of highs and lows across input lines. To make things easier for some users, the trigger point on most analyzers can be set in binary (1's and 0's) hex, octal, ASCII, or decimal numbering. Using hex for the trigger point is particularly helpful when looking at buses that are 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits wide. Imagine how cumbersome it would be to set a specification for a 24-bit bus in binary.

Edge trigger When the trigger level knob on a scope is adjusted, think of it as setting the level of a voltage comparator that tells the scope to trigger when the input voltage crosses that level. A timing analyzer works essentially the same on edge triggering except the trigger level is preset to logic threshold. While many logic devices are leveldependent, clock and control signals of these devices are often edge-sensitive. Edge triggering allows users to start capturing data as the device is clocked. The analyzer can capture data when the clock edge occurs (rising or falling) and catch all of the outputs of the shift register. In this case, the trace point would have to be delayed to take care of the propagation delay through the shift register. State analyzer basics If an engineer has never used a state analyzer, one may think it's an incredibly complex instrument that would take a large time to master. The truth is many hardware designers find a state analyzer to be a very valuable tool. When to use a state analyzer: A "state" for a logic circuit is a sample of a bus or line when its data is valid. Consider a simple "D" flip-flop. Data at the "D" input will not be valid until a positive-going clock edge comes along. Thus, a state for the flip-flop is when the positive clock edge occurs. Imagine there are eight of these flip-flops in parallel and all of them are connected to the same clock signal. When a positive transition occurs on the clock line, all eight will capture data at their "D" inputs. Again, a state occurs each time there is a positive transition on the clock line. These eight lines are analogous to a microprocessor bus. If a state analyzer is connected to these eight lines and told to collect data when there is a positive transition on the clock line, the analyzer would do just that. Any activity on the inputs will not be captured by the state analyzer unless the clock is going high. The timing analyzer has an internal clock to control sampling, so it asynchronously samples the system under test. A state analyzer synchronously samples the system since it gets its sampling clock from the system. A state analyzer generally displays data in a listing format and a timing analyzer shows data as a waveform diagram. Understanding clocks: In the timing analyzer, sampling is under direction of a single internal clock. That makes things very simple. However, in the world of microprocessors, a system may have several "clocks." Suppose for a moment an engineer wants to trigger on a specific address in RAM and see what data is stored there. Let's assume the system uses a Zilog Z80. In order to capture addresses from the Z80 with a state analyzer, it will need to capture when the MREQ line goes low. But to capture data, the analyzer should sample when the write cycle (WR) line goes low or when read cycle (RD) goes low. Some microprocessors multiplex data and address on the same lines. The analyzer must be able to clock in information from the same lines but different clocks.

4. RAM timing waveform. During a read or write cycle, the Z80 first puts an address on the address bus. Next it asserts MREQ, showing the address is valid for a memory read or write. Lastly, the RD or WR line is asserted, depending on whether a read or write is being done. The WR line is asserted only after the data on the bus is valid. Thus, a timing analyzer acts as a de-multiplexer to capture an address at the proper time and then catch data that occurs on the same lines. Triggering the state analyzer: Like a timing analyzer, a state analyzer has the capability to qualify the data wanted for storage. If looking for a specific pattern of highs and lows on the address bus, the analyzer can start storing when it finds the pattern and continue storing until the analyzer's memory is full. The information can be displayed in hexadecimal or binary format. It may be more helpful to have the hex decoded into assembly code. In the case of a processor, specific hex characters comprise an instruction. Most analyzer makers have designed software packages called disassemblers or inverse assemblers. The job of these packages is to translate the hex codes into assembly code to make them easier to read.

5. Hex codes translated (disassembled) into assembly code. Understanding sequence levels: State analyzers have "sequence levels" that aid triggering and storage. Sequence levels allow qualifying data storage more accurately than a single trigger point. This means to accurately window in on the data without storing information that isn't needed. Sequence levels usually look something like the following:

1 find xxxx else on xxxx go to level x 2 then find xxxx else on xxxx go to level x 3 trigger on xxxx

Selective storage saves memory and time: Selective storage simply means storing only a portion out of a larger whole. For instance, suppose there is an assembly routine that calculates the square of a given number. If the routine is not calculating the square correctly, users can tell the state analyzer to capture that routine. This is done by first telling the analyzer to find the start of the routine. When it does find the start address, it will look for the ending address while storing everything in-between. When the end of the routine is found, the analyzer will stop storing (store no states). How to connect to the target system So far, some of the differences between scopes and timing and state analyzers have been discussed. Before these new tools are applied, the probing system should be mentioned. A logic analyzer probe is designed to allow connection of a large number of channels to the target system easily by trading off amplitude accuracy of the signal under test. Traditionally, logic analyzers used active probe pods that had an integrated signal detection circuitry for eight channels capacitance, giving a total of 16 pF per channel. Probing solutions Physical connections to digital systems for debugging must be reliable and convenient to deliver accurate data to the logic analyzer with minimum intrusion to the target system that is being debugged. A common probing solution is the passive probe with 16 channels per cable. Each channel is terminated at both ends with 100 k" and 8 pF. It can be best to electrically compare the passive probe with the scope probe. The advantage of the passive probing system, besides its small size and high reliability, is the probe can be terminated right at the point of connection to the target system. This avoids additional stray capacity due to the wires from the larger active pods to the circuit under test. As a result, the circuit under test only "sees" 8 pF load capacitance instead of 16 pF with previous probing systems. Connecting a state analyzer to a microprocessor system requires some effort in terms of mechanical connection and clock selection. Remember, the state analyzer has to be clocked whenever data or addresses on the bus are valid. With some microprocessors, it may be necessary to use external circuitry to decode several signals to derive the clock for the state analyzer. An analysis probe provides not only fast, reliable and correct mechanical connection for the target system, but also the necessary electrical adaptation such as clocking and de-multiplexing to capture a system's operation correctly.

6. An analysis probe. Summary This article has explained what a logic analyzer is and does. Timing and state analyzers have been covered separately since most analyzers are comprised of these two major parts. Together, they make up a powerful tool for the digital designer. The timing analyzer is better suited to bus-type structures or applications when dealing with many lines. It also has the ability to trigger on patterns among the lines, or on glitches. A state analyzer is most often viewed as a software tool. In reality, it also has many uses in the hardware domain. Due to the fact that the state analyzer obtains its clock from the system under test, it can be used to catch data when the system sees it on the system's clock. Armed with this fundamental knowledge, an engineer can now use a logic analyzer with confidence to debug digital designs.

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