Respondent/intimat.: Public Law Human Rights Tonio Borg Procedere - Iter'

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PUBLIC LAW HUMAN RIGHTS PROCEDURE ITER Introduction: Iter is the jo r!e" o# $ h %$! ri&hts '$se i(e( ho) o!e '$! i!stit te $ h %$! ri&hts $'tio!( This *e+o!&s to th$t se'tio! o# the +$) ,e$+i!& )ith -ro'e, re( I# $ 'iti.e! #ee+i!&s th$t his h %$! ri&hts h$/e *ee! i!#ri!&e,0 o!e '$! $++e&e either $ /io+$tio! o# the Co!stit tio! 1es-e'i$++" 'h$-ter 23 or the -ro/isio!s o# Arti'+e 4I5 o# 6789 i(e( the E ro-e$! Co!/e!tio! A't( Whe! the +$tter )$s e!$'te,0 )e $,o-te, o!e -ro'e, re #or *oth the Co!stit tio! $!, the Co!/e!tio!0 so $s to $/oi, h$/i!& t)o ,i##ere!t -ro'e, res( It is i%-ort$!t to !ote th$t the E ro-e$! Co!/e!tio! is -$rt o# o r Co!stit tio!$+ +$) * t it is !ot -$rt o# the Co!stit tio! o# M$+t$( I: Instituting Proceedings Most '$ses $re i!stit te, i! ter%s o# *oth the Co!stit tio! $!, the Co!/e!tio! /io+$ti!& the -+$i!ti##s ri&hts so $s !ot to ris: the e+i%i!$tio! o# o!e or the other 'h$!'es( Th s0 i# the Po+i'e re# se $! $--+i'$tio! #or $ %eeti!&0 $rti'+es 2; o# the Co!stit tio! $!, $rti'+e 6< o# the E ro-e$! Co!/e!tio! '$! *e i!/o:e,(

O!e ,oes !ot &o ,ire't+" to the 'o!stit tio!$+ 'o rt i! s 'h '$ses * t to the Ci/i+ Co rt =irst H$++( The '$se #i+e, is '$++e, $! application>rikors? this is !ot the r +e i! 'i/i+ 'o rts *e'$ se s $++" $ writ of summons/citazzjoni is #i+e,0 ho)e/er0 )ith re&$r,s to h %$! ri&hts '$ses it is $+)$"s $! $--+i'$tio!( The -erso! #i+i!& the $'tio! is '$++e, the applicant/rikorrent $!, the -erso!>st$te re'ei/i!& the $'tio! is '$++e, the respondent/intimat( The Co!stit tio! $!, the E ro-e$! Co!/e!tio! st$te th$t $!" -erso! )ho $++e&es th$t@ 46. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-articles (6) and (7) of this article, an person who alle!es that an of the provisions of articles "" to #$ (inclusive) of this %onstitution has been, is bein! or is li&el to be contravened in relation to him, or such other person as the %ivil %ourt, 'irst (all, in )alta ma appoint at the instance of an person who so alle!es, ma , without prejudice to an other action with respect to the same matter that is lawfull available, appl to the %ivil %ourt, 'irst (all, for redress* The )or,s h$s *ee!0 is *ei!& or is +i:e+" to *e 'o!tr$/e!e, $re $! exception to the !or%$+ r +e( This sho)s the &re$t serio s!ess o# the iss e o# h %$! ri&hts( I! !o other '$se ,o )e #i!e, the 'h$!'e #or $ -erso! to *ri!& #or)$r, $! $'tio! i# he thi!:s th$t he is +i:e+">A$:t$rA to *e the /i'ti% o# $ /io+$tio!( Ho)e/er0 s 'h $ /io+$tio! % st *e re$so!$*+" -ro*$*+" $!, !ot re%ote(



The /io+$tio! % st *e i! re+$tio! to the /i'ti% $!, it is he $!, only he th$t '$! *ri!& #or)$r, the $'tio!( There % st *e -roo# o# juridical interest/interess guridiku i(e( the /i'ti%s i!terests( The $'tio! % st *e ,o!e $&$i!st "o r ri&hts $!, you h$/e to *e the o!e )ho h$s s ##ere, the /io+$tio!0 )hi'h is immediate( I# $ &ir+ is &oi!& to $*ort her 'hi+,0 the Bisho- ,oes h$/e i!terest #or her !ot to $*ort0 * t it is o!+" the #$ther o# the 'hi+, )ho h$s $ j ri,i'$+ i!terest( The $'tio! is #i+e, $s $ 'iti.e! $!, it is $ -ri/$te $##$ir $+tho &h o# - *+i' i!terest0 $!, !o o!e other th$! the /i'ti% '$! *ri!& #or)$r, s 'h $'tio!@ 116. + ri!ht of action for a declaration that an law is invalid on an !rounds other than inconsistenc with the provisions of articles "" to #$ of this %onstitution shall appertain to all persons without distinction and a person brin!in! such an action shall not be re,uired to show an personal interest in support of his action* Court Proceedings Whe! there is $ /io+$tio!0 the 'o rt@ (-) .he %ivil %ourt, 'irst (all, shall have ori!inal jurisdiction to hear and determine an application made b an person in pursuance of sub-article (1) of this article, and ma ma&e such orders, issue such writs and !ive such directions as it ma consider appropriate for the purpose of enforcin!, or securin! the enforcement of, an of the provisions of the said articles "" to #$ (inclusive) to the protection of which the person concerned is entitled/

0rovided that the %ourt ma , if it considers it desirable so to do, decline to e1ercise its powers under this sub-article in an case where it is satisfied that ade,uate means of redress for the contravention alle!ed are or have been available to the person concerned under an other law* The 'o rt %$" %$:e s 'h or,ers0 iss e s 'h )rits $!, &i/e s 'h ,ire'tio!s $s it %$" 'o!si,er $--ro-ri$te? this &i/es $ /er" )i,e ,ire'tio! to the 'o rt( The 'o rt '$! ,e'i,e o! )h$t it ,ee%s $--ro-ri$te to e!#or'e these -ro/isio! i! 'h$-ter 2( This is $ -ro/isio! &i/i!& /er" )i,e ,is'retio! *e'$ se it '$! or,er !$" tri$+( The )or,i!& is so )i,e th$t it &i/es j ris,i'tio! to or,er $!" tri$+ it ,ee%s #it( It %$" st$te th$t the ri&hts h$/e *ee! /io+$te, $!, sto- there or it '$! %$:e the &o/er!%e!t -$" ,$%$&es( Moreo/er0 P$r+i$%e!t %$" e!$'t e/e! %ore +$)s to e!$*+e the 'o rt to e##e'ti/e+" eAer'ise its j ris,i'tio!( (6) 0rovision ma be made b or under an +ct of 0arliament for conferrin! upon the %ivil %ourt, 'irst (all, such powers in addition to those conferred b this article as are necessar or desirable for the purpose of enablin! the %ourt more effectivel to e1ercise the jurisdiction conferred upon it b this article* It is i%-ort$!t to !ote th$t $ 'o!stit tio!$+ $'tio! is $! $'tio! o# last resort( A#ter #i+i!& $! $'tio!0 the 'o rt %$" ,e'+i!e i# it thi!:s it is ,esir$*+e to ,o so( This is /er" ,is'retio!$r"( It %$" ,e'+i!e its j ris,i'tio! )he! it is s$tis#ie, th$t $,eB $te %e$!s o# re,ress $re>h$/e *ee! $/$i+$*+e to the -erso! 'o!'er!e,(



I! the 677<s $ -ro*+e% $rose o# )hether the 'o rt h$s a right to order the payment of moral/ symbolic/ punitive/nonpecuniary damages( It )$s ,e'i,e, th$t the 'o rt ,oes h$/e $ ri&ht to -$" ,$%$&es i! its ,is'retio! i! 'ert$i! '$ses #or e(&( i# the '$se h$s t$:e! 6< "e$rs to 'o%e to $! e!,0 the! the 'o rt %$" or,er ,$%$&es to *e &r$!te, $s 'o%-e!s$tio!>: !s+$%e!t( I! o r Ci/i+ +$)0 it is i%-ort$!t to !ote th$t )e ,o !ote h$/e %or$+ ,$%$&es? th s i# 4 hits C0 4 h$s to -$" #or the hos-it$+0 the ,o'tors $!, $++ the %$teri$+ ,$%$&es C s ##ers( This $+so i!'+ ,es +oss o# # t re e$r!i!&s i# there is $ ,is$*i+it" or #or the -erio, o# hos-it$+i.$tio!( Ho)e/er0 the -$i! $!, s ##eri!& th$t C h$s !,er&o!e $re !ot 'o%-e!s$te, i! Ci/i+ +$)( Ho)e/er0 Co!stit tio!$+ +$) is -$rt o# P *+i' +$) $!, there#ore0 there $re %or$+ ,$%$&es0 )hi'h ho)e/er0 $re !ot $ to%$ti'( Th s ti++ !o)0 the -erso! 'o!'er!e, % st h$/e i( -ro/e! his j ri,i'$+ i!terest $!, ii( eAh$ ste, $,eB $te $!, or,i!$r" %e$!s( The Constitutional Court I# $ Co!stit tio!$+ '$se $rises , ri!& the -ro'ee,i!&s0 the! the '$se ,oes !ot re%$i! i! the =irst H$++ Ci/i+ Co rt( S 'h )$s the '$se o# Po+i'e /s Gi$!!i C$%i++eri )ho )$s $rr$i&!e, i! the 'ri%i!$+ 'o rt 'h$r&e, )ith 'o!tr$/e!i!& the 'ri%i!$+ +$) $!, C$%i++eri 'h$++e!&e, the /$+i,it" o# the -$rti' +$r +$) 1)hi'h )o +, h$/e &r$!te, hi% $! $'B itt$+ h$, this *ee! -ro/e!3( I! th$t '$se0 the sitti!& $,j ,i'$tor0 j ,&e $!, the +i:e 1*e'$ se the '$se 'o +, h$/e st$rte, i! $ tri* !$+0 'o%%ittee *ro$,0 'ri%i!$+ 'o rt $!, so o!3 eA$%i!es )hether the 'o%-+$i! is %ere+" #ri/o+o s or /eA$tio s i(e( )ith !o #o !,$tio!s(

I# the 'o rt0 tri* !$+ et' ,e'i,es th$t the '$se is #ri/o+o s $!,>or /eA$tio s0 the '$se sto-s there( I# it ,e'i,es th$t the 'o%-+$i!t is !ot so0 the! it re#ers the '$se to the =irst H$++@ (") 2f in an proceedin!s in an court other than the %ivil %ourt, 'irst (all, or the %onstitutional %ourt an ,uestion arises as to the contravention of an of the provisions of the said articles "" to #$ (inclusive), that court shall refer the ,uestion to the %ivil %ourt, 'irst (all, unless in its opinion the raisin! of the ,uestion is merel frivolous or ve1atious3 and that court shall !ive its decision on an ,uestion referred to it under this sub-article and, subject to the provisions of subarticle (#) of this article, the court in which the ,uestion arose shall dispose of the ,uestion in accordance with that decision* This is the re$so! )h" the o::j o# the '$se s 'h $s Po+i'e /s 4 is #o !, i! s 'h '$ses? it is !ot the Po+i'e th$t h$/e i!stit te, s 'h -ro'ee,i!&s0 *e'$ se it is o!+" the /i'ti% )ho '$! ,o so0 * t the Po+i'e st$rte, the $'tio! )hi'h )$s -re/io s+" 'ri%i!$+ #or e(&( $!, the '$se )$s tr$!s#erre, to $ 'o rt )ith Co!stit tio!$+ j ris,i'tio! i(e( =irst h$++( A#ter the =irst H$++ ,e+i/ers its j ,&e%e!t o! $ h %$! ri&hts '$se0 *oth the ri:orre!t $!, the i!ti%$t h$/e $ ri&ht to $--e$+ i(e( the i!,i/i, $+ or the &o/er!%e!t or *oth( (#) +n part to proceedin!s brou!ht in the %ivil %ourt, 'irst (all, in pursuance of this article shall have a ri!ht of appeal to the %onstitutional %ourt*



($) 4o appeal shall lie from an determination under this article that an application or the raisin! of an ,uestion is merel frivolous or ve1atious* The -erso!s )ho )$!ts to $--e$+0 ,oes so *" #i+i!& $ ri:ors t$ +-$--e++ *e#ore the Co!stit tio!$+ 'o rt o# se'o!, i!st$!'e *e'$ se it h$s $! $--e++$te j ris,i'tio!( It is i%-ort$!t to !ote th$t the =irst H$++ h$s 6 j ,&e -resi,i!& o/er it )hi+st the Co!stit tio!$+ 'o rt h$s D j ,&es 1)hi'h )ere E -rior to 67923( The Co!stit tio!$+ 'o rt '$! confirm the =irst H$++ j ,&e%e!t0 reform it>amend it or revoke it( U- to 6789 the iter sto--e, there( A#ter 67890 it is -ossi*+e to re#er the '$se to the E ro-e$! Co rt o# H %$! Ri&hts i! Str$s*o r&( uropean Court proceedings Te'h!i'$++"0 this is not $! $--e$+ *e'$ se it is !ot $ M$+tese 'o rt 1$+tho &h there is $ M$+tese j ,&e30 * t $! I!ter!$tio!$+ 'o rt( Th s0 i# the -erso! &oes to -riso!0 he '$!!ot !ot &o i! or,er to &o to Str$s*o r& *e'$ se #or $ M$+tese 'o rt this is !ot $! $--e$+( I! the '$se )he! there is $! $--e$+ #i+e, i! $ M$+tese 'o rt0 the $--e$+ s s-e!,s the j ,&e%e!t o# the =irst H$+( B t here it is !ot $! $--e$+ $!, so -ro'ee,i!&s i! Str$s*o r& ,o !ot s s-e!, the se!te!'e ,e'i,e, i! M$+ts0 !+ess the Str$s*o r& 'o rt or,ers M$+t$ to ,o so( We h$/e the right to individual petition %e$!i!& th$t it is o!+" the i!,i/i, $+ th$t h$s to ri&ht to resort to Str$s*o r& $!, !ot the st$te( I! #$'t0 $++ the '$ses $re $&$i!st the &o/er!%e!t $!, !ot /i'e /ers$@ To%%$si /s =r$!'e0 De%i'o+i /s M$+t$ $!,

so o!( =ro% the =irst H$++ to the Co!stit tio!$+ 'o rt0 the &o/er!%e!t ,oes h$/e $ ri&ht to $--e$+ * t !ot i! the E ro-e$! 'o rt( Prior to 6778 1i(e( #ro% 67E<-67783 it )$s /er" 'o%-+i'$te, to t$:e $ h %$! ri&hts $'tio! to Str$s*o r&@

=irst0 o!e h$, to &o *e#ore the

uropean Commission )hi'h )$s $ si#ti!& or&$! )hi'h s$) th$t $++ +o'$+ re%e,ies )ere eAh$ ste, 1=irst h$++0 $!, Co!stit tio!$+ 'o rt30 th$t the '$se )$s #i+e, )ithi! F %o!ths o# the #i!$+ j ,&e%e!t o# the ,o%esti' 'o rt $!, th$t it )$s !ot %$!i#est+" !#o !,e,@

ARTICLE 26 .he %ommission ma onl deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been e1hausted, accordin! to the !enerall reco!nised rules of international law, and within a period of si1 months from the date on which the final decision was ta&en*

The! the i!,i/i, $+ 'o +, &o to the E ro-e$! 'o rt(

I! 67780 there )ere 'h$!&es *e'$ se the s"ste% )$s *ei!& i!e##e'ti/e( I! #$'t there )$s $ '$se )here $ -erso! )e!t to Str$s*o r& *e'$ se the '$se too: E "e$rs )hi'h )$s too +o!& $!, !#$ir? the Str$s*o r& 'o rt itse+# too: 9 "e$rs to ,e'i,e th$t the Port & ese 'o rt too: too +o!&G Th s0 o! 6st No/e%*er 6778 the Co%%issio! $!, the Co rt )ere %er&e, i!to o!e si!&+e 'o rt(



%omposition E$'h 'o!tr$'ti!& -$rt" to the E ro-e$! Co!/e!tio! se!,s o!e j ,&e0 the M$+tese j ,&e ri&ht !o) *ei!& Gio/$!!i Bo!e++o( He is !ot $ re-rese!t$ti/e o# M$+t$ * t $ j ,&e i! his i!,i/i, $+ '$-$'it"@ ARTICLE 23 .he members of the %ommission shall sit on the %ommission in their individual capacit * There is $ -ro'e, re o# e+e'tio! )here*" the &o/er!%e!t -ro-oses three !$%es to the Parliamentary !ssembly o# the Asse%*+" o# the Co !'i+ o# E ro-e( The Asse%*+" the! /ote to e+e't o!e o# the three j ,&es $!, !ot M$+t$( I! $++ there $re 22 j ,&es *e'$ se there $re 22 %e%*ers i! the Co!/e!tio!( The '$ses $re o*/io s+" !ot $++ eA$%i!e, *" 22 j ,&es e/er" ti%e( The 'o rt is ,i/i,e, i!to D 'h$%*ers>,i/isio!s@ H* t there $re se/er$+ o# these 'h$%*ers *e'$ se o# the i!'re$si!& ! %*er o# '$ses '+$i%i!& /io+$tio!sI(

The '$se is #irst re#erre, to o!e o# the Co%%ittees( The D j ,&es !$!i%o s+" th$t the '$se is either %$!i#est+" !#o !,e, $!, the '$se sto-s there o# the" %$" #ee+ th$t it is !ot /eA$tio s $!, the '$se is the! re#erre, to the Ch$%*er( This !o) h$s the ro+e o# $ si#ti!& or&$!( A%o!&st the 9 j ,&es0 there % st *e e1 officio the j ,&e 'o%i!& #ro% the res-o!,e!ts st$te #or e(&( i# the res-o!,e!t is M$+tese0 the M$+tese j ,&e % st *e there i! or,er to i!ter-ret the +$)s o# M$+t$( This 'h$%*er 1$!, $&$i! there $re se/er$+3 sees i# there is $!"thi!& -ro'e, r$++" )ro!& $!, tries to #i!, $! $%i'$*+e sett+e%e!t( I# the '$se %erits 'o!si,er$tio!0 the! the" ,e+i/er j ,&e%e!t $!, the '$se sto-s there@ ARTICLE 30 2f the Sub-%ommission succeeds in effectin! a friendl settlement in accordance with +rticle -5, it shall draw up a 6eport which shall be sent to the States concerned, to the %ommittee of )inisters and to the Secretar -7eneral of the %ouncil of 8urope for publication* .his 6eport shall be confined to a brief statement of the facts and of the solution reached

There is #irst $ Committee o# D j ,&es There is $ Chamber o# 9 j ,&es $!, A "rand Chamber o# 69 j ,&es(



ARTICLE 31 1* 2f a solution is not reached, the %ommission shall draw up a 6eport on the facts and state its opinion as to whether the facts found disclose a breach b the State concerned of its obli!ations under the %onvention* .he opinions of all the members of the %ommission on this point ma be stated in the 6eport* -* .he 6eport shall be transmitted to the %ommittee of )inisters* 2t shall also be transmitted to the States concerned, who shall not be at libert to publish it* "* 2n transmittin! the 6eport to the %ommittee of )inisters the %ommission ma ma&e such proposals as it thin&s fit* So%e '$ses %$:e it - to the Gr$!, Ch$%*er( Arti'+e 2D o# the II Proto'o+ o# the E ro-e$! Co!/e!tio! o# H %$! Ri&hts st$tes th$t@ #"/ 'or the consideration of each case brou!ht before it the %ourt shall consist of a %hamber composed of seven jud!es* .here shall sit as an 9e1 officio: member of the %hamber the jud!e who is a national of an State part concerned, or, if there is none, a person of its choice who shall sit in the capacit of jud!e3 the names of the other jud!es shall be chosen b lot b the 0resident before the openin! of the case* Withi! $ -erio, o# D %o!ths the i!,i/i, $+ or the st$te %$"0 i! eA'e-tio!$+ '$ses reB est the '$se to *e re#erre, to this Gr$!, Ch$%*er@

ARTICLE 47 .he %ourt ma onl deal with a case after the %ommission has ac&nowled!ed the failure of efforts for a friendl settlement and within the period of three months provided for in +rticle "-* This is !ot $! $--e$+( A!other si#ti!& or&$! )$s 're$te, $ Ch$%*er o# E j ,&es i! or,er to $!$+"se the '$se *e#ore the Gr$!, Ch$%*er ,o so( There is o!+" one &r$!, 'h$%*er $s $&$i!st the se/er$+ Co%%ittees $!, Ch$%*ers( The '$ses th$t $re se!t to the Gr$!, Ch$%*er i# i( there is $ serio s B estio! e##e'ti!& the interpretation or the application o# the E ro-e$! Co!/e!tio! or ii( there is $ serio s iss e o# &e!er$+ i%-ort$!'e !ot o!+" #or M$+t$ * t )hi'h e##e'ts the +$)s o# $++ the 'o !tries )ith $ si%i+$r s"ste% o# +$)( ARTICLE 50 2f the %ourt finds that a decision or a measure ta&en b a le!al authorit or an other authorit of a (i!h %ontractin! 0art , is completel or partiall in conflict with the obli!ations arisin! from the present convention, and if the internal law of the said 0art allows onl partial reparation to be made for the conse,uences of this decision or measure, the decision of the %ourt shall, if necessar , afford just satisfaction to the injured part * There $re no more appeals *e'$ se this is $ #i!$+ j ,&e%e!t( Us $++" the Ch$%*ers ,e'isio! is #i!$+ * t )he! the Gr$!,



Ch$%*er is i!/o:e, $!, it ,e+i/ers j ,&e%e!t0 there is !o %ore ri&ht to $--e$+@ ARTICLE 52 .he jud!ement of the %ourt shall be final* The /i'ti% ,oes !ot -$" #or the ser/i'es re!,ere, *" the Co rt( The E ro-e$! 'o rt h$s $ # !, '$++e, the = !,s o# the Co !'i+ o# E ro-e( The 'o rt %$" or,er ,$%$&es to *e -$i, to the $--+i'$!t * t the 'o !tr" -$"s !o #ees to the E ro-e$! Co rt( The 22 %e%*er 'o !tries 'o!tri* te to the $!! $+ # !,(

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