Diver Ticular
Diver Ticular
Diver Ticular
Diverticular Disease: Reconsidering Conventional Wisdom
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
The hypothesis that diverticulosis is a deciency disease
of Western civilization was made popular by Painter and Burkitt
based on their observation that diverticulosis was rare in rural
Africa, but increasingly common in economically developed
countries.11,12 They attributed the difference in disease prevalence to differences in dietary ber. They presumed that the
rural African diet was high in dietary ber and that economically developed countries consumed a low-ber diet. They proposed that this deciency of ber predisposed the population to
diverticulosis. Neither diet nor diverticulosis was actually
measured in their studies and they did not account for important potentially confounding variables such as age and sex.
December 2013
Painter13 proposed that the deciency of ber led to constipation and high-pressure segmentation of the colon that
resulted in mucosal herniation through weak sections of the
colon wall. To support their hypothesis they conducted motility
studies that compared intracolonic pressures in patients with
diverticulosis with intracolonic pressures in controls. Although
they reported that patients with diverticulosis had higher
colonic pressures, the investigators only reported pressure
measurements for select cases and there were no statistical analyses. Motility studies of the colon have not consistently shown
that patients with diverticulosis have increased colonic pressures.1419 Along the same lines, Burkitt et al20 conducted
colonic transit studies and found that a population consuming
a Western diet had longer mean colonic transit times and lower
mean stool weights compared with an African population.
Studies in populations with colonic diverticula, on the other
hand, have shown shorter colonic transit times compared with
The ber hypothesis is extremely popular. The concept of
forceful contractions of the colon leading to herniation makes
sense. However, the hypothesis has persisted for 4 decades largely
without proof. Historically it has been a challenge to refute the
hypothesis because a proper study would require a structural
examination (eg, barium enema) in asymptomatic individuals
to document the presence of diverticula. With the widespread
use of screening colonoscopy we now have the opportunity to
study large numbers of people who are undergoing a structural
examination of their colon in the absence of symptoms.
We recently published a colonoscopy-based, cross-sectional
study of dietary risk factors for diverticulosis.23 Each of the
2104 subjects had a colonoscopy to the cecum between 1998
and 2010. Participants completed a telephone interview that
included a comprehensive semiquantitative food frequency
questionnaire as well as questions about bowel frequency and
physical activity. Contrary to expectation, we found that a highber diet was associated with a higher (not lower) prevalence of
diverticula.23 The association with dietary ber intake was dosedependent and stronger when limited to cases with multiple
diverticula. We also found that constipation was not a risk factor
for diverticulosis. Instead, we found that participants who had
regular bowel movements (7 bowel movements/wk) had a 34%
higher risk of diverticulosis compared with participants who had
less frequent bowel movements (<7 bowel movements/wk).
Study participants were interviewed after their colonoscopy
and were aware, in most cases, that diverticulosis had been
found. In response to the concern that the study may have been
susceptible to response bias and reverse causality from the
subjects knowledge of their diagnoses,24 we performed a second
cross-sectional study in a different population in which we
limited the analysis to participants with no knowledge of their
diverticulosis status. The second study conrmed the results of
the initial work (unpublished data). Similar results with respect
to ber were found in 2 colonoscopy-based studies in nonWestern populations, although diverticula in Asia are found
predominantly in the right colon and may have a different
Although recent studies have suggested that a high-ber diet
does not protect against the development of diverticulosis23
there is some evidence that a high-ber diet may protect
against diverticular disease. Crowe et al27 studied 47,033 men
and women in England and Scotland. Individuals who reported
Risk of Diverticulitis
It is generally reported that 10% to 25% of patients with
diverticulosis will develop diverticulitis during their lifetime.31
This estimate is based on a widely cited review of the natural
history of diverticular disease published by Parks32 in 1975. The
largest case series, published almost 3 decades earlier in 1947,
included 47,000 roentgenologic examinations of the colon.33
Diverticulosis was diagnosed in 8.5% of the examinations. Of
the patients with diverticulosis, 15% were diagnosed with
diverticulitis. Because the study did not include any formal
description of the methods, the indication for the original
roentgenologic examination and the criteria for a diagnosis of
diverticulitis are unknown. A 1958 case series described the
natural history of diverticulosis in 300 patients diagnosed with
diverticulosis by double-contrast barium enema.34 A diagnosis
of diverticulitis was made for patients who subsequently presented with acute constipation or diarrhea, abdominal cramping, localized tenderness, fever, and leukocytosis. In that study,
10% of patients with diverticulosis developed diverticulitis over a
follow-up period of 1 to 5 years. Among those followed up for
6 to 10 years, 25% developed diverticulitis. Smaller case series
also have reported estimates of the risk of developing diverticular disease in those with diverticulosis.35
To accurately calculate the cumulative incidence of diverticulitis it would be necessary to enroll a population of patients
with diverticulosis and no history of diverticulitis. These individuals then would be observed over time for the development
of diverticulitis. The widely quoted estimates are based on
studies that were performed more than 50 years ago and
potentially were biased. The studies began with patients who
sought medical care and subsequently received a diagnosis of
diverticulosis. This approach selects a population more likely to
have diverticular disease and thus likely overestimates the risk
of diverticulitis. Furthermore, these studies only included patients who were followed up in subsequent visits. Patients with
diverticulosis without any symptoms were less likely to attend a
follow-up visit.
Recent data suggest that the lifetime risk of diverticulitis is
lower than commonly cited. Shahedi et al36 estimated the incidence of acute diverticulitis in a retrospective cohort of veterans
with diverticulosis incidentally found on colonoscopy. The risk
of diverticulitis conrmed by computerized tomography (CT)
scan or surgery was 1% over 11 years of follow-up evaluation.
With the widespread use of colonoscopy for screening for
colorectal cancer, many patients are being given a diagnosis of
diverticulosis and then warned that their risk of a complication
is 1 in 4. This prediction appears to be exaggerated.
Chronic Symptoms
A recent taxonomy of diverticular disease terms distinguishes several types of symptomatic disease.9 The taxonomy
includes 2 types of chronic diverticulitis: chronic recurrent
diverticulitis and segmental colitis associated with diverticulosis.9 Chronic recurrent diverticulitis may begin early after the
initial episode, and may be consistent with failure of the index
episode to settle.39 Segmental colitis associated with diverticulosis is dened as peridiverticular colitis that spares the
rectum.9 It is not surprising that patients with chronic recurrent
diverticulitis and segmental colitis associated with diverticulosis
have symptoms, given their measurable colonic inammation.
Another category of chronic disease has been termed symptomatic
uncomplicated diverticular disease and is dened as diverticulosis
associated with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in the
absence of diverticulitis or overt colitis.9 The criteria for a
diagnosis of symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease do
not include a history of acute diverticulitis.
The literature on symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular
disease is limited and confusing. For example, a small Italian
study administered a general quality-of-life survey (Short-Form
36) to 58 outpatients who met the criteria for symptomatic
uncomplicated diverticular disease and had symptoms of
abdominal pain/discomfort, bloating, tenesmus, diarrhea,
abdominal tenderness, fever, or dysuria.40 Not surprisingly, the
quality-of-life scores were lower than a normative Italian population at baseline. It is not possible to conclude that either the
symptoms or the decrement in quality of life were the result of
diverticulosis. At 6 months, quality-of-life scores had improved,
suggesting that the initial low scores were caused by diverticulitis
or other acute illness at baseline. In another study, 12 patients
with symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease were
compared with 13 controls. The diverticular disease patients
were found to have visceral hypersensitivity based on rectal
barostat studies, perhaps mediated by ongoing inammation
and up-regulation of tachykinins based on colonic histology.41
In contrast, a study of 784 subjects who had a structural examination of their colon found that the frequency of abdominal
pain, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel was similar in
patients with and without diverticulosis.42 The study used Rome
criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to classify patients and
the response rates were high. Subjects completed questionnaires
before structural examinations. This study casts doubt on
whether diverticulosis is associated with chronic symptoms.
Symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease simply may
be irritable bowel syndrome in patients who are found to have
diverticulosis because they undergo colonoscopy. A population-
December 2013
Elective Surgery
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of
diverticular disease of the colon in adults published in 1999
state that elective (prophylactic) surgery may be reasonable in
patients with recurrent attacks of diverticulitis.8 The recommendation was based on the fact that the risk of recurrent
symptoms after an attack of acute diverticulitis ranged from 7%
to 62%, and because recurrent attacks were less likely to respond
to medical therapy and have a higher mortality rate. The
guidelines suggested that the approach should be individualized
based on the severity and responsiveness of the attack, general
health of the patient, and the risk of surgery compared with the
risk of a future attack.
More recent studies of the natural history of acute diverticulitis, on the other hand, suggest that medically managed acute
diverticulitis has a low recurrence rate and rarely progresses to
complications. In one retrospective cohort study, the risk of
recurrent acute diverticulitis after an initial episode of medically
managed acute diverticulitis was 13% over 9 years.50 A second
retrospective cohort found that the risk of recurrent acute
diverticulitis was 19% over 16 years.51 A study published in
2010 found that 23% of patients had a recurrence.39 Most had a
single recurrence, with only 4.7% having more than 2 episodes of
diverticulitis. After an initial episode of uncomplicated acute
diverticulitis, the risk of complicated disease was 5% over 8
years.39 The risk of recurrence was no greater in complicated
disease (abscess, stricture, stula) than uncomplicated disease,
suggesting the elective surgery should not be recommended
routinely for complicated disease.
Janes et al52 calculated that the risk of an individual requiring
urgent surgery was 1 in 2000 patient-years of follow-up evaluation. They further noted that there was a high complication
rate in surgery for diverticular disease and that 27% to 33% of
patients had ongoing symptoms after bowel resection, not
necessarily attributed to recurrent acute diverticulitis.
The more widespread use of laparoscopic resection might be
expected to decrease the surgical risk for elective colectomy. We
still must balance the risk of surgery with the risk of a
complicated future attack of diverticulitis. The American Society
of Colon and Rectal Surgeons has appropriately recommended
consideration of elective sigmoid colectomy after recovery from
acute diverticulitis on a case-by-case basis, with the decision
based on the age, comorbid disease, the frequency and severity
of the attacks, and whether symptoms persist after the acute
The American College of Gastroenterology guidelines
recommend colonic evaluation after resolution of clinically
diagnosed diverticulitis to exclude other diagnostic considerations, particularly cancer.8 Because of the potential for perforation as a result of the microabscess that presumably caused
acute diverticulitis, the examination typically is postponed for
at least 6 weeks.
There is an increased risk of colon cancer in the rst year after
a diagnosis of diverticular disease. A population-based, casecontrol study of 41,037 patients with colon cancer found an
increased odds ratio of 25 (95% condence interval, 1738) of a
colon cancer diagnosis within 6 months of an admission for
diverticular disease. There was no association with a colon
cancer diagnosis 12 months after the admission for diverticular
disease. The increased risk of colon cancer within 12 months of
an admission for diverticular disease was attributed to surveillance bias and misclassication.63
If a patient has had a recent colonoscopy before developing
acute diverticulitis, whether there is any use in a repeat endoscopic examination is unknown. Lau et al64 found a number of
cancers and other signicant lesions when they performed a
colonoscopy after an acute attack of diverticulitis. However, they
excluded patients who had a colonoscopy within a year, and
therefore recommended only performing colonoscopic examinations for individuals who had not had a recent radiologic or
endoscopic colonic examination.
A colonoscopy should be performed to exclude colon cancer
after an initial episode of suspected diverticulitis. If a patient
has had a recent colonoscopy before developing acute diverticulitis, the value of a repeat colonoscopy to exclude cancer is
Recent work in diverticulosis has created uncertainty
among both researchers and clinicians. The theories of prior
generations have been proven to be questionable and in
some cases unsupportable. A high-ber diet may not protect
against asymptomatic diverticulosis. The risk of developing