A Visit To Defkalion Green Technologies

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A Visit to Defkalion Green Technologies

Jeane Manning*

his article does not pretend to be a technical report on a visit to a new energy science laboratory. Instead, its a personal account intended to share the essence of what I heard thereglimpses of the thinking behind a company that could help change our world for the better. However, readers who are aware of nanoplasmonicsa new area of science dealing with the interaction of photons with matter including nuclei or sub-nuclear particleswill be interested to read how scientists at the Defkalion Green Technologies (DGT) lab now describe phenomena that they see happening in DGTs excess-heat-producing Hyperion product. Instead of using the term low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), DGT has been calling the process HENIheat energy from nuclear interactions. A recent breakthrough resulted in a change; instead of the N standing for nuclear, it now stands for nanoplasmonics. I expect that this simpler interpretation of the phenomena could help with the public image of this field and its products. Could it also build alliances with other academic fields? In April 2013, I met the officers and employees of Defkalion Green Technologies. I approached that meeting with mixed feelings. While driving to their laboratory at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, I knew that afterward I would enter a virtual no-win zone if I wrote publicly about my trip. Unless it could give the world new technical data about the operation of Defkalions product Hyperion, any report would be a magnet for scorn. And providing that new data was not the purpose of this visit. Instead, it was an introductory meeting arranged by a mutual friend, retired industrial chemist Dr. Peter Gluck, at a time when the DGT officers were too busy to allow media interviews. Adding to my apprehension, I arrived in the company of engineers whose insights I would not be able to quote in my writings, due to sensitivity regarding their employer and their signed non-disclosure agreements. As a non-scientist who dares to comment on revolutionary energy developments, I rely on independent advisors qualified scientists and engineersfor technical assessments that I can put into everyday language for general public audiences. But my fellow visitors to Defkalion made it clear that they would not be speaking out publicly about this visit, for the time being. All that I can tell you about them is that two of the engineers work for a large electrical utility and the third is a physicist employed by a reputable testing laboratory affiliated with the utility. The purpose of their viewing a demonstration of the Hyperion was educational and to explore the conditions for a possible business relationship between their employers and DGT.

One of the three, my friend Vlad, told me that the decision to collaborate would hinge on whether Defkalion is okay with a totally independent test conducted in our testing laboratory that should put an end to speculation about the reality of their claims. Critics claim Defkalion have not presented adequate information and data from testing so far. The independence of the test performed by seven scientists on (competing entrepreneur) Andrea Rossis Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat) heat transfer devicedescribed in a recently published paper on arXiv.org by those scientistshad been already criticized and the results questioned. Vlad said that, since the LENR phenomenon of excess heat is accepted as real by most experimental scientists in the field, it is only logical to give all the companies that claim such working technologies the benefit of the doubt, and encourage them to prove themselves beyond any reasonable doubt by undertaking proper independent testing. Regardless of the constraints on sharing the other visitors opinions, I came away from Vancouver deciding to write about Defkalion for my next magazine column deadline for Atlantis Rising. I am convinced that in the DGT laboratory we had been shown a successful cutting edge energy technology demonstrationthree times more heat power output than the energy inputwhile we viewed data points on a computer screen and Defkalions Chief Technology Officer (CTO) John Hadjichristos patiently answered questions for several hours. A lab assistant who is a chemist also explained the equipment being quietly operated in front of our eyes. Of course, the technically savvy readers of Infinite Energy want specific data from instrument readingsfrom longerduration testing conducted according to scientific protocol. At the DGT lab I was told that independent scientists, from respected institutions, who conducted months of third-party testing of DGTs Hyperion have written a paper. So you can expect to receive such data soon. For readers interested in non-technical aspects of the LENR scene, farther along in this article I will include some of the DGT teams philosophy. First, I have excerpted some pertinent details from the column I wrote for Atlantis Rising Issue 100. I have posted a copy of the original column on my blog: http://changingpower.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/ 05/Defkalion-2-page-JM-Article-100-3.pdf The good news claim is that DGT can control their multistage dynamic process. We observed their fifth-generation apparatus being ramped up in minutes instead of taking hours or days to reach levels of heat output several times higher than equivalent energy input of electricity. If we had watched a longer demonstration we may have seen even higher levels of more output than input. Afterwards it was explained to me that the tested apparaJULY/AUGUST 2013 ISSUE 110 INFINITE ENERGY 9

tus so far produces 5 kilowatts. The next prototype is expected to be able to operate nine reactors working in parallel, creating a multi-reactor producing up to 45 kilowatts. The power of each reactor can be modulated to put out between 1 and 5 kilowatts by use of the control mechanismelectrical currents creating and maintaining the plasma. All thats needed to shut down the reactor is to switch off those currents that create plasma. The Hyperion doesnt burn fuel; it creates a reaction involving atoms nuclei, but not necessarily the kind of nuclear reaction known or speculated by nuclear physicists on the Fleischmann-Pons effect. Instead its said to be somewhere between a nuclear and chemical reaction. Bottom line: several different versions of kilowatt Hyperion units tested in Greece ran continuously for six months on less than three grams of powdered nickel and two liters of hydrogen. Standing in the laboratory that DGT rents at UBC and observing their core technology working smoothly on a nearby table, it felt like I was seeing the bare beginnings of a new era. Defkalions sixth-generation apparatus, which we didnt see, is a pre-industrial version designed for household useanalogous to the little personal computer which skipped past the huge expensive mainframe computers and reached the public. The size of a Hyperion 45-kilowatt-of-heat-energy household unit, however, will be similar to a dishwasher. DGTs plan is to make a self-contained 45 cubic centimeter box and have it fully automated, with a heat management system and software inside it. We were extra lucky to be visiting the Defkalion laboratory, because it was soon to be put into lock-up mode in order to meet development deadlines.

products for aircraft, steel factories or other industries. Were not specialists at everything. Our job is to produce safe, green and low cost energy. DGT Business Development Officer Symeon Tsalikoglou further said, The responsibility to develop specialized usage of Defkalions technology will be on those companies that are partnering with Defkalion for common R&D projects.

Team Began Five Years Ago

When they first came together, the Defkalion team didnt plan to develop an energy source technology of their own. Hadjichristos explained that five years ago they began to investigate developing certain industrial products. That effort focused later on Andrea Rossi of Italys claim that he had a game-changing nickel and hydrogen energy technology that could be turned into industrial products. Alex Xanthoulis, now Chief Executive Officer of Defkalion, built a team to investigate and see if Rossis E-Cat claims made sense or not. Xanthoulis and his new team then formed a company dedicated only to these technologies. They found out that Rossi was indeed onto something. But unfortunately for him it is not well designed to be controllable, Hadjichristos told us, so it was impossible to develop a technology around something that cannot be controlled. While Defkalion was in a business relationship with Rossis company, the Greek company invested much money on designing around what is called a black boxa technology whose inner secrets are not revealed. Rossi said as much in his August 4, 2011 press release announcing the end of his agreement with DGT for the production of E-Cats: . . .no information, nor industrial secret nor any technology whatsoever has been. . .disclosed. . .to Defkalion nor to any Greek company. . .it still remains a well-preserved industrial secret. In addition to Rossis secrecy about the technology, there were complications in business dealings such as how Rossi

To Vancouver from Greece

Defkalion opened a new R&D facility in Vancouver in late 2012 after exploring the opportunities that were available elsewhere in Canada. Defkalion shareholders continue to fund this project while expanding their ties with international institutions. Their new location offers advantages, such as being able to rent the use of advanced measuring equipment at UBCs labs. Possible future cooperation could result in new ceramics to support structures inside Defkalions device, or the universitys theoretical experts might further explain the working process. John Hadjichristos says their core technology is also operating elsewhere. Defkalion is establishing regional R&D centers in countries around the world to ensure fast growth of multiple applications worldwide. Currently they have R&D centers in Athens and Milan. Defkalion will soon announce its Latin American location. These regional laboratories will develop various industrial applications in direct partnership with companies whose expertise lies in each application, such as connecting Defkalions core technology to Sterling or Rankin heat engines, agriculture, marine propulsion and space propulsion, to name a few. In Vancouver, Hadjichristos and his lab assisDefkalion CTO John Hadjichristos with an experimental Hyperion. tants wont try to specifically engineer Hyperion

dealt with a contract that his company had with Defkalion. Agamemnon had led futile sieges for ten years. Odysseus was During this visit Hadjichristos didnt want to get into a inspired to build a huge wooden horsethe horse being discussion of the two companies divorce, and just said to us, Troys emblem. Under cover of darkness the Greeks hid solWe hope that he will be successful also. He recalled that diers inside the horse. While the Greeks pretended to sail Defkalions problem at the time was that they had invested away, the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a trophy. their shareholders private money into product-design projThat night the soldiers crept out of the horse and opened the ects and faced a decisionstop and give up on this area of gates for the rest of their army, which had sailed back. They research or try to conquer its challenges by themselves. destroyed the city and ended the war. When Defkalion faced that decision, Hadjichristos had John Hadjichristos compares fusion researchers strategies studied almost all of the scientific papers available in the to that war. Troys castle or a mountain can be a metaphor LENR online library (http://lenr-canr.org) at that time. He for the Coulomb barrier, the repulsive energy that two nuclei had some ideas, and proposed give me six months and a need to overcome so they can get close enough to fuse. small team of scientists and I might have a chance to make Agamemnon tried to take down the castle by using his it happen. troops brute force. Hadjichristos said, The hot fusion guys Hadjichristos decided not to take direction from other sciare doing what Agamemnon wastrying to squeeze and entists previous LENR attempts, except for minor areas of break that energetic mountain. These kinds of strategies. . . research such as how to handle materials. The team did look cost a lot of money and what you gain is less than what you for common features of what is called the nuclear active lost. environment (NAE) found in successful LENR methods. We did what Odysseus did to get rid of the castle with his Hadjichristos said, Already we understood that the process warriors. The DGT strategy was to properly disguise the could not be controlled in the environments used in all the proton from the hydrogen nucleus so that other nuclei experiments since Fleischmann and Pons. . . wouldnt recognize it. It still was a proton, but for a very Unlike most LENR short time, something researchers whose initial like 10-13 of a second, it looks like a neutron due goal is getting the highto the stretched (elliptiest level of heat output cal) orbit of the accomfrom their prototypes, panying electron in Defkalion first designed clusters. For this fleeting their apparatus for its period of time they disability to control the appeared the mountain phenomenon. The goal since the Coulomb barof achieving the best rier was no longer a barratio of output to input rier. Then its rather came afterward. easy to get (particles) in The Greek team a dance and create the began with small ideas energy. and played with them, Defkalions terminoland checked out suggesogy for describing the tions from even very The Hyperion device. entire field of research is young scientists on their intended to deflect team instead of rejecting potential problems with bureaucrats. Instead of LENR, the unusual original ideas. For instance, a young scientist who is company would prefer to say that their process is heat enercurrently apprenticing at CERN was a student of electrical gy from nanoplasmonics interactions (HENI). The words engineering when he was inspired to make a suggestion that nuclear reactions in LENR have raised red flags in many turned into one of the important technical advances for the countries nuclear regulatory agencies while not describing company. The team also recognized Natures clues; LENRthe real nature of the observed phenomena in the Defkalion type events happen in the suns corona and possibly in reaction. Representatives of industries in more than 80 counEarths crust and in volcanic explosions as in many other not tries have contacted Defkalion about potential licenses to well understood phenomena in technical apparatus, such as manufacture Hyperion products in their home country or to high voltage transformer breakdowns. gain access to their technology for applications. Early in their experimentation, in one incident they suddenly saw unexpected levels of heat energies. Eventually they New Paradigm Philosophy were confident that they started to understand the reaction. Alex Xanthoulis explained why the company turned down The DGT team solved a major technical problem by lucrative offers from large corporations that wanted excluthinking like the strategist in an ancient legend about the sive rights to the DGT technology. It was not an easy deciTrojan War, the hero Odysseus. Trojan Horse has become sion, but DGT officers decided to keep the rights to the a metaphor for any trick that causes the target to allow their household-sized unit because they want people in all ecoenemy into a space where the enemy can then defeat the tarnomic circumstances to benefit from affordable power techget. This is another interpretation of engineering as signalled nology. Xanthoulis personal experience with helping an in the Greek language. elderly acquaintance who could not afford to pay both rent In the legend, Greece had been fighting a long war and and heat for her apartment serves as a metaphor to his team; was stopped outside the gates of the walled city Troy. King

their touchstone is a Mrs. Maria mottoa reminder to design a product that will be priced such that simple and vulnerable low-income people can have access to cheap energy. They also take seriously the possibility of too much heat energy escaping into the environment when large numbers of their units are built, tested and sold to consumers. This concern led to embedding technologies and design architectures into the Hyperion that will avoid as much irresponsible consumer or producer behavior as possible. In Europe you cannot throw energy into the environment. It is a very bad habit," Xanthoulis explained. My power engineer friend vehemently expressed his own worriesthat in worrying about waste heat escaping from customers windows, DGT officers are taking responsibility for societys problems and that concern could deflect them from getting a product out into the world. Hadjichristos replied that DGTs responsibility is only to provideinside the Hyperions enclosurethe tools that help a customer be more environmentally friendly. Software and other mechanisms for responsible use of the technology will be built into the design of their first commercial product. Full stop. That finishes our job. There is much more to the DGT vision than can be covered in a short article, such as using waste heat to warm neighboring homes or businesses and provide hot water; cogeneration and other ways to turn waste heat into electricity; how small decentralized energy generators such as Hyperion can make an intelligent grid possible; teamwork in the larger world of planners, researchers and scientists.

LENR field even before retiring from the chemical industry, writes on his blog (egooutpeters.blogpost.ro), Cold fusion came before its time. It is too complex, too new, too unexpected, too messy, too multifaceted, too dynamic, too nonlinear and too weird to be really understood and controlled at the time of its discovery. As he sees it, over the years some LENR scientists retreated into the safer position of were making discoveries in basic science, instead of resolving to make practical heating devices that ordinary people could use soon. Fleischmann and Pons original vision lost its momentum. The two had wanted to bring a new source of clean energy to the world and develop useful products, but instead they were punished for announcing their discovery prematurely. LENR hasnt solved the worlds energy problems, so in Dr. Glucks view it makes sense to move on to a new category of research and developmentLENR+. The difference is that LENR+ aims more directly at making commercial products. He looks to Defkalion Green Technologies and sees that focus and cause for optimism. About the Author Jeane Manning is an award-winning author whose books are published internationally. Her co-authored book Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World can be ordered from Infinite Energy. The e-book of Breakthrough Power is available from http://BreakthroughPower.net. Follow Jeanes blog at: http://ChangingPower.net

Talk To and Hear Each Other

Before my visit I read a blog discussion in which John Hadjichristos told Peter Gluckregarding the need to keep academic dogma and egos out of a definition of the new phenomenathat more open-minded attitudes and unity among specialists are required. Science is one, and we have to keep it that way if we want to keep on talking with Mother Nature, Hadjichristos wrote. We can not see or listen and understand her stories if we stop talking to and hearing each other. Dr. Gluck, who had actively researched the cold fusion/

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Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-Leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World
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