Forensic Audit Report Press Statement

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PRESS RELEASE For immediate release
DELAYS IN PUBLICATION OF THE FORENSIC AUDIT REPORT, LILONGWE: 18TH FEBRUARY 2014-The Office of the Auditor General announces a further delay in the finalization and publication of the Forensic Audit Report which should have been ready on Tuesday, 18th February 2014. The delay is as a result of the need to ensure that the Forensic Audit Report meets International Standards on Auditing as promulgated in the International Standards on Supreme Auditing Institutions (ISSAIs) enforced by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) of which Malawi National Audit Office is a member. Among the requirements is that the Audit Report should provide adequate clarity to any reader without requiring extra explanation.

The Auditor General received the draft Forensic Audit Report from the International Forensic Auditors in the evening of 14th February 2014 for his review and comments. The Auditor Generals observations and comments have since been referred to the Forensic Auditors who arrived in Malawi on Monday, 17th February 2014 to finalize the Report for quality improvements. Once the Forensic Audit Report has been finalized by the Forensic Auditors, it will be re-submitted to the Auditor General for necessary action, including onward transmission to the Minister of Finance who will publish the Report through submission to Parliament, among others. The relevant Malawi Government Authorities have been informed of the delay in the finalization and publication of the Forensic Audit Report and appreciate the efforts being made by the International Forensic Auditors and the Auditor General who are working tirelessly to finalize the Report in its highest standards required. It is in this regard that the Auditor Generals Office commends Malawi Authorities for their understanding of the delay at this critical hour that the country is anxiously looking forward to the findings of the Audit Report on the looting of the public resources and the way forward to improve Public Finance Management with the objective of deterring similar occurrences in the future.









understanding and undertakes to ensure timely publication of the Report as soon as it is finalized by the International Forensic Auditors. Finally, the Office of the Auditor General thanks all those who have supported the preparation of the Forensic Audit Report in various ways, including providing information needed during the process of preparing it.

For more information contact Mr. Thomas Chafunya Corporate Communications Officer National Audit Office Malawi P.O Box 30045 Lilongwe Cell: +265999857777

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