Organic Synthesis

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The document discusses different model test papers for M.Sc. Chemistry exams covering topics like Organic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Heterocyclic Chemistry.

The papers are divided into different sections like Section A, Section B etc. and cover topics such as organic synthesis, photochemical reactions, atmospheric layers etc.

Unit I of Heterocyclic Chemistry covers topics like Dewar resonance energy, empirical resonance energy and nomenclature of heterocyclic compounds.

Model Test Paper 2011 M.Sc.

Chemistry(Final) Organic Synthesis II

Time : 3 hrs.


Attempt one question from each section. Each question carries 10 marks. Section-A Q. 1 Describe the steps involved in planning a synthesis with suitable examples. Q.2 Explain the following: a) Synthon and synthetic equivalent b) Order of event. Section-B Q.3 Q.4 Suggest various methods for protection and deprotection of carbonyl compounds. Discuss the following with suitable examples (i) Regioselectivity (ii) The group C-X disconnections Section-C Q.5 Explain with examplesUnsaturated carbonyl compds Q.6 Discuss in detail(i) Michael Addition (ii) Robinson Annelation Section-D Q.7 Q.8 Explain the retrosynthetic analysis & synthesis of camphor. Explain the retrosynthetic analysis & synthesis of Longifoline (ii) 1, 3 difunctionalised compounds

Section-E Q.9 Explain the retro synthetic analysis and synthesis of six membered ring compounds with examples. Q.10 Mention photochemical reactions employed in the synthesis of three membered ring.

Model Test Paper 2011 M.Sc. Chemistory (Final) Environmental Chemistry

Time : 3 hrs.


Section I Q.1 Q.2 Explain the Atmospheric layers with diagram. Give mechanism of photochemical decomposition. Section II Q.3 Q.4 Classify oil pollutants? What are aerosols? What are major green house gases and how they are responsible for global warming. Section III Q.5 Q.6 Explain the various processes employed for the purification of sewarge water. What are polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon and how they create the problem of water pollution? Section IV Q.7 Q.8 Explain environmental toxicology created by mercury and lead. How polychlorinated biphenyls responsible for the environmental pollution. Section V Q.9 How fertilizers and plastics create soil pollution?

Q.10 Write short note on (a) (b) London smog Sevoso (Italy)

Model Test Paper 2011 M.Sc. Chemistry( Previous) Organic Chemistry

Time : 3 hrs.
Note Attempt one question from each section.Each question carries 20 marks. Unit I Q.1 Explain the following(a) (b) (c) Q.2 Cross conjugation Catenanes and rotaxanes Inclusion compounds


Explain Huckel rule in detail Unit II


Explain with example (a) (b) (c) Hammett equation Carbanions Linear free energy relationship


Write down the application of NMR spectroscopy in determining the structure of organic compounds. Unit III


Give mechanism of he following reaction (a) (b) (c) Vilsmier reaction Gattermann Koch Reaction Diazonium coupling.


Explain SN1 and benzyne mechanism for aromatic nucleophilic subtitution. Unit IV

Q.7 Q.8

Explain Michal reaction and sharpless asymmetric epoxidation. Give mechanism for the following condensation reactions. (a) (b) (c) Benzoin condensation. Claisen condensation. Aldol condensation. Unit V

Q.9 Q.10

What are sigma tropic re arrangements? Explain in detail. Draw Woodward Hoffmann correlation diagram for 4n+2 cycloaddition reaction.

Model Test Paper 2011 M.Sc. Chemistry (Final) Heterocyclic Chemistry

Time : 3 hrs.


Note : Attempt one question from each section.Each question carries 10 marks.

Unit I Q.1 Explain the following(a) (b) Q.2 Dewar resonance energy Empirical resonance energy

What are the dos and donts, to be followed while writing nomenclature of compounds. Unit II


Explain the following. (a) (b) (c) Pyramidal Inversion Barrier to ring inversion. diaxial interaction.


Give principle of cyclization reaction in heterocyclic synthesis. Unit III

Q.5 Q.6

Write down the synthesis of aziridines & also the reactions involved there. Give classification of Meso-Ionic heterocycles in detail. Unit IV

Q.7 Q.8

Give synthesis of benzopyrole also give their medical applications. Give synthesis of diazine & triazine. Unit V


Give synthesis and reaction of diazocinis and dioxocines.

Q.10 Write down heterocyclic ring synthesis of three membered compounds.

M.Sc. . Chemistry y (F) Model l Paper-201 11

Heterocy yclic Chem mistry T Time: 3 Hr rs. MM:100

A Attempt one question from each secti ion.

Eac ch question carries c 20 marks. m S Section-I

Q 1 Q.

Write down the no omenclature of the follow wing compou unds-

Q Q.2

Explai in in detail th he criteria of f Aromaticity y in Heteroc cyclic compo ounds. S Section 2

Q Q.3 Q Q.4

Explai in ring current and chem mical shift in Aromatic sy ystem. Explai in strain bon nd angle and torsionel str rains and the eir conseque ence in small l ring hetero ocycles. S Section 3

Q Q.5 Q Q.6

Explai in the cycliza ation of carb bine in detail l. Write down the sy ynthesis of any one heter rocyclic com mpoundS Section 4 (i) Az ziridines (ii) Thiranes

Q Q.7 Q Q8

Give the synthesi is and medic cal applicatio on of benzop pyrroles or benzofurans. Expla ain pyramida al inversion and a ring inve ersion in detail. S Section 5

Q Q9 Q Q10

Write e down the synthesis of aziridines a & also the rea actions involved there. Give classification of Meso-Ionic heteroc cyclic in deta ail.

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