Charecters of Transgenic Plants: 1. Improved Nutritional Quality

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Charecters of transgenic plants

1. Improved Nutritional Quality Milled rice is the staple food for a large fraction of the world's human population. Milling rice removes the husk and any beta-carotene it contained. Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, so it is not surprising that vitamin A deficiency is widespread, especially in the countries of Southeast Asia. The synthesis of beta-carotene requires a number of enzyme-catalyzed steps. In January 2000, a group of European researchers reported that they had succeeded in incorporating three transgenes into rice that enabled the plants to manufacture betacarotene in their endosperm. 2. Insect Resistance. Bacillus thuringiensis is a bacterium that is pathogenic for a number of insect pests. Its lethal effect is mediated by a protein toxin it produces. Through recombinant DNA methods, the toxin gene can be introduced directly into the genome of the plant where it is expressed and provides protection against insect pests of the plant.
Link to illustrated discussion of Bacillus thuringiensis.

3. Disease Resistance. Genes that provide resistance against plant viruses have been successfully introduced into such crop plants as tobacco, tomatoes, and potatoes.
Tomato plants infected withtobacco mosaic virus(which attacks tomato plants as well as tobacco). The plants in the back row carry an introduced gene conferring resistance to the virus. The resistant plants produced three times as much fruit as the sensitive plants (front row) and the same as control plants. (Courtesy Monsanto Company.)

4. Herbicide Resistance. Questions have been raised about the safety both to humans and to the environment of some of the broad-leaved weed killers like 2,4-D. Alternatives are available, but they may damage the crop as well as the weeds growing in it. However, genes for resistance to some of the newer herbicides have been introduced into some crop plants and enable them to thrive even when exposed to the weed killer.

Effect of the herbicide bromoxynil on tobacco plants transformed with a bacterial gene whose product breaks down bromoxynil (top row) and control plants (bottom row). "Spray blank" plants were treated with the same spray mixture as the others except the bromoxynil was left out. (Courtesy of Calgene, Davis, CA.)

5. Salt Tolerance A large fraction of the world's irrigated crop land is so laden with salt that it cannot be used to grow most important crops. [Discussion] However, researchers at the University of California Davis campus have created transgenic tomatoes that grow well in saline soils. The transgene was a highlyexpressed sodium/proton antiport pump that sequestered excess sodium in the vacuole of leaf cells. There was no sodium buildup in the fruit. 6. "Terminator" Genes This term is used (by opponents of the practice) for transgenes introduced into crop plants to make them produce sterile seeds (and thus force the farmer to buy fresh seeds for the following season rather than saving seeds from the current crop). The process involves introducing three transgenes into the plant:

A gene encoding a toxin which is lethal to developing seeds but not to mature seeds or the plant. This gene is normally inactive because of a stretch of DNA inserted between it and its promoter. A gene encoding a recombinase an enzyme that can remove the spacer in the toxin gene thus allowing to be expressed. A repressor gene whose protein product binds to the promoter of the recombinase thus keeping it inactive.

How they work When the seeds are soaked (before their sale) in a solution of tetracycline

Synthesis of the repressor is blocked. The recombinase gene becomes active. The spacer is removed from the toxin gene and it can now be turned on.

Because the toxin does not harm the growing plant only its developing seeds the crop can be grown normally except that its seeds are sterile. The use of terminator genes has created much controversy:

Farmers especially those in developing countries want to be able to save some seed from their crop to plant the next season. Seed companies want to be able to keep selling seed.

7. Transgenes Encoding Antisense RNA.

These are discussed in a separate page. Link to it.

8. Biopharmaceuticals The genes for proteins to be used in human (and animal) medicine can be inserted into plants and expressed by them. Advantages:

Glycoproteins can be made (bacteria like E. coli cannot do this). Virtually unlimited amounts can be grown in the field rather than in expensive fermentation tanks. It avoids the danger from using mammalian cells and tissue culture medium that might be contaminated with infectious agents. Purification is often easier.

Corn is the most popular plant for these purposes, but tobacco, tomatoes, potatoes, rice and carrot cells grown in tissue culture are also being used. Some of the proteins that have been produced by transgenic crop plants:

human growth hormone with the gene inserted into the chloroplast DNA of tobacco plants humanized antibodies against such infectious agents as o HIV o respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) o sperm (a possible contraceptive) o herpes simplex virus, HSV, the cause of "cold sores" protein antigens to be used in vaccines o An example: patient-specific antilymphoma (a cancer) vaccines. B-cell lymphomas are clones of malignant B cells expressing on their surface a unique antibody molecule. Making tobacco plants transgenic for the RNA of the variable (unique) regions of this antibody enables them to produce the corresponding protein. This can then be incorporated into a vaccine in the hopes (early trials look promising) of boosting the patient's immune system especially the cell-mediated branch to combat the cancer. other useful proteins like lysozyme and trypsin However, as of April 2012, the only protein to receive approval for human use is glucocerebrosidase, an enzyme lacking in Gaucher's disease. It is synthesized by transgenic carrot cells grown in tissue culture.

Impacts and long term effects Food safety implications

The main food safety concerns associated with transgenic products and foods derived from them relate to the possibility of increased allergens, toxins or other harmful compounds; horizontal gene transfer particularly of antibiotic-resistant genes; and other unintended effects (FAO/WHO, 2000). Many of these concerns also apply to crop varieties developed using conventional breeding methods and grown under traditional farming practices (ICSU). In addition to these concerns, there are direct and indirect health benefits associated with transgenic foods that should be more fully evaluated . Allergens and toxins

Gene technology - like traditional breeding - may increase or decrease levels of naturally occurring proteins, toAllergens and toxins xins or other harmful compounds in foods. Traditionally developed foods are not generally tested for these substances even though they often occur naturally and can be affected by traditional breeding.

Antibiotic resistance Horizontal gene transfer and antibiotic resistance is a food safety concern because many first-generation GM crops were created using antibiotic-resistant marker genes. If these genes could be transferred from a food product into the cells of the body or to bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract this could lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, with adverse health consequences Other unintended changes Other unintended changes in food composition can occur during genetic improvement by traditional breeding and/or gene technology. Chemical analysis is used to test GM products for changes in known nutrients and toxicants in a targeted way.

Virus resistance
Transgenic tobacco plants expressing either a full-length form of the tobacco etch virus (TEV) coat protein or a form truncated at the N terminus of the TEV coat protein were initially susceptible to TEV infection, and typical systemic symptoms developed. However, 3 to 5 weeks after a TEV infection was established, transgenic plants "recovered" from the TEV infection, and new stem and leaf tissue emerged symptom and virus free. A TEV-resistant state was induced in the recovered tissue. The resistance was virus specific. Recovered plant tissue could not be infected with TEV, but was susceptible to the closely related virus, potato virus Y. The resistance phenotype was functional at the single-cell level because protoplasts from recovered transgenic tissue did not support TEV replication. Surprisingly, steady state transgene mRNA levels in recovered tissue were 12-to 22-fold less than transgene mRNA levels in uninoculated transgenic tissue of the same developmental stage. However, nuclear run-off studies suggested that transgene transcription rates in recovered and uninoculated plants were similar. We propose that the resistant state and reduced steady state levels of transgene transcript accumulation are mediated at the cellular level by a cytoplasmic activity that targets specific RNA sequences for inactivation.

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