The Nervous System

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16-1 Chapter 16 The Nervous System

Multiple Choice

1. A 24-year-old male graduate student is brought into the ER following a two-vehicle MVA. He is on a backboard and has obvious bruises and lacerations to his head and extremities. On exam, he does not respond to either conversation or even shaking. He does arouse to a deep sternal chest rub and mumbles incoherently. When the stimulus ceases, he lapses back into an unresponsive state. What level of consciousness best describes his response?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Lethargic Obtunded Stuporous Comatose

2. A 43-year-old female kindergarten teacher presents to your office with the complaint of fainting this morning. She reports this occurred after standing up from her bed after having been sick all night with diarrhea and vomiting. She has had no fever and is unable to keep fluids down. She has had no chest pain, shortness of breath, or palpitations. Her past medical history is significant for two spontaneous vaginal deliveries and a 10-year-history of hypothyroidism. On exam, she has a fast heart rate of 110 bpm. Her abdomen is tender, with no signs of a surgery. What is the most likely underlying cause of her fainting?

(A) (B)

Vasodepressor syncope Postural (orthostatic) hypotension

(C) (D) Cardiac arrhythmia Hysterical faint

3. A 7-year-old boy is brought to the ER by EMS and is accompanied by his parents. They report that he had a spell an hour before, during which his body stiffened, he lost consciousness, and then started jerking. They also report that he bit his tongue. He was sitting quietly in the living room playing video games when this occurred. The parents state that the child has never had any problems like this in the past. Upon exam, he is pale and confused. He says he is sleepy and would like every one to go away. You notice blood in his mouth and that his shorts and underwear are soiled with urine. What is the mostly likely reason for this spell?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Simple partial seizure Complex partial seizure Generalized tonic clonic (grand mal) seizure Absence seizure

4. A 55-year-old retired woman comes to your office complaining of worsening problems with walking accompanied by falling down. She states that she has to watch the ground while she is walking or she will often misstep and fall. She has a 20-year history of type-2 diabetes and has had a history of diabetic foot ulcers in the past. She denies any smoking, drug, or alcohol use. On exam, you note that she has decreased feeling on the planter surfaces of her feet. She cannot remain steady with her feet together and her eyes closed; she remains steady with her eyes open. While watching her walk, you also note that she has a wide gait with slapping motion with her feet on the floor. What abnormalities of gait best describe her symptoms and signs?


Sensory ataxia

(B) (C) (D) Cerebellar ataxia Parkinsonian gait Steppage gait

5. A 19-year-old male college student presents to your clinic with a complaint of tremors in his hands. He states that it embarrasses him in front of his friends. He notices it only when he isnt doing anything with his hands; it gets better when he drinks alcohol. He has no significant past medical history but does relate that his older sister and mother have had similar problems. Upon exam, he holds his hands out in front of him revealing a fine tremor. There are no additional movements with his fingers. When he does purposeful movement, the tremors disappear. What involuntary movement disorder best describes his symptoms and signs?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Resting tremors Postural tremors Intention tremors Athetosis

6. A 63-year-old high school coach presents to your office complaining of weakness in both of his hands. He states that he has trouble writing out test questions and gripping the baseball bat in practice. He also complains that the muscles in his forearms are twitching. He has a 10-year history of hypertension, which is well controlled, and has no history of trauma. He has a 50-year history of chewing tobacco and drinks three to four beers two to three times per month. He denies any cigarette or drug use. On exam, his grip strength is greatly decreased bilaterally but his sensation is normal. His brachioradialis reflexes are also decreased. You note some wasting of the muscles between the thumbs and fingers on the dorsal surface of both hands. In what part of the peripheral nervous system is he most likely to have a disorder?


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Spinal roots Neuromuscular junction Anterior horn cells Muscle fibers

7. A 20-year-old college junior is brought to your office by classmates who state that she is acting strangely. She has been seen talking to herself around campus and has told people that she has been awarded the Nobel Prize for her study in physics. Her friends tell you that until 2 months ago she seemed a normal, happy young woman with no medical problems. They had heard mention of an older brother with mental problems. They tell you she drinks alcohol on the weekends but has never gotten drunk and has never done any drugs. On exam, you find you cannot understand her because she speaks in a nonsensible manner by repeating phrases and shifting her ideas. She is oriented to person, place, and time; her math calculations are correct, but she cannot explain any proverbs. You also notice that her blouse is on backwards. What is the most likely cause of her mental health problem?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Major depression Bipolar disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Schizophrenia

8. A 71-year-old woman is brought to the ER by her family, who state that she is not acting like herself. They say that several hours ago she began to slur her words as she started wandering around the house. They heard her calling to her husband, who has been deceased for over 10 years. After several minutes of this, she said she wasnt feeling well and laid down on the sofa;

she became sleepy. When they tried to ask her what was wrong, she snapped at them. Although the woman is retired, she is very active in her church and senior citizens club. Her past medical history is significant for 3 vaginal deliveries, 10 years of hypertension, and 5 years of type-2 diabetes. She does not smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs. Review of systems reveals that she had mentioned to her daughter the day before that urinating is painful and that her back is sore. On exam, you find an elderly woman who is lethargic. You have to speak loudly for her to answer questions. She is alert to person but not place or time. Her vital signs and exam of the head, heart, lungs, and abdomen are all normal. She is tender at the costal angle on the right. What is the most likely cause of her mental status change?

(A) (B) (C)

Psychotic reaction to major depression Delirium Dementia

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