Elphos Erald: Village Opts in For Free ODOT Bridge Inspections

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Telling The Tri-Countys Story Since 1869

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Delphos, Ohio

Jefferson, Fort Jennings out of girls tournament, p6-7

Project Recycle set Saturday

Due to weather conditions, the monthly third Saturday Recycle has been rescheduled to Saturday at Delphos Truck Fuel and Wash. When recycling, all containers must be clean. Plastic and glass can be co-mingled. Items that need to be separated are: tin cans, magazines, newspaper, aluminum and clean cardboard. Recycle does not accept styrofoam, salt or feed bags, window or ornamental glass, TVs or computer monitors. Computer and electrical equipment and batteries are accepted. In addition to regular items, Project Recycle is collecting old and damaged U.S. flags. Proceeds benefit Girl Scouts and Columbian Squires.


Village opts in for free ODOT bridge inspections

BY STEPHANIE GROVES Staff Writer [email protected] SPENCERVILLE Spencerville Village Administrator Sean Chapman reported the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is offering a three year program at no cost to municipalities where they will contract an ODOT pre-qualified consultant to perform annual bridge inspections to keep the village compliant with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) bridge requirements during the village council meeting Monday evening. Currently, the village is responsible for five bridges in town, which costs close to $3,000 per year for a consultant to inspect, Chapman said. ODOT asks each municipality whether they want to opt in or out of the program; if they choose to opt in, they must pass the appropriate legislation. Council moved to take advantage of the opportunity by suspending the rules and passing on its first reading as an emergency ordinance authorizing the village to participate in the ODOT Bridge Inspection Program. Additionally, council approved an ordinance allowing a one-time carry-over of accrued vacation time for Police Chief Darin Cook. Members also suspended the rules and passed two ordinances on their first reading, including a permanent appropriation ordinance and an ordinance authorizing and directing Mayor P. J. Johnson to enter into a contract with Jason Flower to provide professional services as the solicitor for the village. Council then heard from Summerfest representative Ida Kay Keller, who attended the meeting to clarify her request for street closures and to answer any questions. She also gave council a list of people involved in the Summerfest planning. After reviewing the street closures, dates, and activities associated with the request, council members unanimously approved the request. Council approved to pay bills in the amount of $19,717. Chief Cook was not in attendance; however, he left a report with council stating he requested the village crew clean 13 properties with snow and ice on sidewalks at the property owners expense. He placed a letter and a copy of the village Snow Removal Ordinance in the local newspaper, stating that all residents must clean their sidewalks for pedestrian safety. See BRIDGE, page 12

Red Cross Month encourages volunteer activity, blood donation

Information submitted For 133 years, the American Red Cross has helped individuals and families prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. And each spring since 1942, starting with F r a n k l i n R o o s e v e l t , the U.S. p r e s i d e n t acknowledges the A m e r i c a n Red Cross and encourages volunteerism by issuing a proclamation that declares March as Red Cross Month. We touch lives down the street, across the country and around the world, said Sharyn Whitman, CEO for the American Red Cross Indiana-Ohio Blood Services Region. And its your support that allows us to be there

The annual St. Davids Day Celebration will be held March 1 at the Gomer Congregational Church. The dinner and bazaar will begin at 4:30 p.m. The menu includes chicken and steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, homemade noodles, salads, homemade bread and choice of homemade desserts. Tickets are on sale now for $8 for adults and $4 for children. Tickets at the door will be $8.50 for adults and $4.50 for children. Call the church at 419-642-2681 to pre-order. There will be a musical program at 7:30 p.m. with choral selections by several area choirs as well as the Gomer Choir. The program is free of charge.

Gomer church to host St. Davids Day Celebration

every day for the millions of people who depend on us during their time of need. In 1881, 60-year-old Clara Barton launched the A m e r i c a n Red Cross based on a E u r o p e a n m o v e m e n t that provided relief and p r o t e c t i o n to wounded s o l d i e r s . Now, 133 years later, the Red Cross continues to help individuals and families prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. Red Cross Month celebrates the services and volunteers in areas like blood donation, disaster relief, health and safety training, and support to military members and their families. See VOLUNTEER, page 12

House OKs 5 more calamity days

BY ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS Associated Press COLUMBUS Schools would receive up to four additional days off this year because of the winter seasons extreme weather with teachers having to report on two of those, under a bill approved by the Ohio House on Wednesday. Snow and frigid temperatures has led many districts across Ohio to exhaust their five allowable calamity days. Some have cancelled classes for 10 or more days. One in three Ohio school districts have already used up their five calamity days, said bill sponsor Rep. Tony Burkley, a Republican from Payne in northwest Ohio. Co-sponsor Rep. Brian Hill, a Republican from Zanesville, some said schools in his eastern Ohio district have missed as many as 17 days to date. Concern about calamity days should never outweigh the safety of our children, Hill said. The House approved the bill 80-16. It goes next to the Senate. Gov. John Kasich has been among those advocating adding extra snow days on a onetime basis this year. Opponents said schools arent doing enough to make up the lost days on the weekends or through longer school days. Rep. Michael Henne said giving children more days off will cause them to fall behind academically. Its time for us to get our priorities in order, said Henne, a Republican from Clayton in southwest Ohio. We still have plenty of days where they can make up these days. Schools can also make up three days by using blizzard bags, lesson plans and materials prepared ahead of time for work at home in case of bad weather.

Jefferson hosting annual Wildcat Tournament Jefferson boys basketball coach Marc Smith and staff has scheduled the 9th annual Wildcat 4th-, 5th- and 6th-Grade Tournament to be held on April 4-6 (Friday thru Sunday) at Jefferson High School. There will be separate J.P. Soars & The Red Hots are the headliner for Saturday divisions for each grade night during the annual Pickles Blues Extravaganza March level. Each team will be 7 and 8 at Limas Memorial Hall. (Web photo) guaranteed a minimum of 3 games. Entry fee for this event is $125. For more information, contact Ed Smith at (419) 236-4754 or Coach Smith at (419) 615-7233. Information submitted and winner of the Albert King Award. Forecast LIMA On March 7 and The Blues Committee, 8, Blues fans everywhere will Inc. is a nonprofit organizaRain and get the chance to experience tion and a large percentage thunderstorms some of the best live blues of the profits is used to fund today and music available as The Blues the Blues in the Schools protonight posCommittee presents Pickles gram and it is also used for sibly mixed Blues Extravaganza 2014 in scholarships and for Artist in with freezLima Ohios Allen County Residency programs to help ing rain this Memorial Hall. students that want to go into morning. Fog through the The doors will open at 6 music and or into music eduday. Light ice accumulap.m. on Friday and Saturday cation. tions possible. Highs in the and live music starts at 7:30 Tables for 10 are availlower 50s and lows in the p.m., with the live music able for Friday and Saturday lower 30s. See page 2. featuring Friday-night open- night by calling The ing act Tom Holland & The Veterans Memorial Civic and Index Shuffle Kings with Omar Convention Center at 419Obituaries 2 Coleman from Chicago and 224-1552 or by stopping at State/Local 3 the Friday night headliner, the Civic Center box office. Balcony seating is also Agriscience 4 James Armstrong, who has available for both nights by been called The Ambassador Community 5 calling 419-224-1552 or at of The Blues. Delphos FFA 6 Saturday night will any Happy Daz or Beer Barrel Sports 8-9 open with the Mississippi location. General admission Classifieds 10 blues child, Mr. Sipp & for balcony will also be availTelevision 11 Kinfolk, winner of the 2014 able for purchase the night of World news 12 International Blues Challenge the shows at the door. For more information visit at 7:30 p.m., followed by J.P. Soars & The Red Hots. J.P. www.picklesbluesextravaSoars is an amazing guitar ganza.com and cigar box guitar player

Stores can see where you go by tracking your phone

BY JENNIFER C. KERR Associated Press ogy works: Your smartphone has a unique identifier code a MAC address for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Its a 12-character string of letters and numbers. Think of it like a Social Security or vehicle identification number, but this address is not linked to personal information, like your name, email address or phone number. The numbers and letters link only to a specific phone. When your smartphone is turned on, it sends out signals with that MAC address (for media access control) as it searches for Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Those signals can also be captured by sensors in stores that could tell a department store how often shoppers visit, how long they stay, whether they spend more time in the shoe department, childrens clothing section or sporting goods, or whether they stop for the window display, take a pass and decide to move on. Companies that provide mobile location analytics to retailers, grocery stores, airports, and others say they capture the MAC addresses of shoppers phones but then scramble them into different sets of numbers and letters to conceal the original addresses a process called hashing. This is how they make the data they collect anonymous, they say. The companies then analyze all the information those hashed numbers provide as shoppers move from store to store in a mall, or department to department in a store. Mall managers could learn which stores are popular and which ones arent. A retailer could learn how long the lines are at a certain cash register, how long people have to wait or whether more people visit on sale days at a store. Were in the business of helping brick and mortar retailers compete with online retailers, said Jim Riesenbach, CEO of California-based iInside, a mobile location analytics company. The retailers want to do the right thing because they know that if they violate the trust of consumers, there will be a backlash. Privacy advocates, though, argue that the scrambled or hashed MAC addresses arent completely secure. They can be cracked, says Seth Schoen, senior staff technologist at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. And that could reveal data that people may not want to share. See TRACK, page 12

Pickles Blues Extravaganza set March 7 and 8

WASHINGTON Should shoppers turn off their smartphones when they hit the mall? Or does having them on lead to better sales or shorter lines at the cash register? Retailers are using mobile-based technology to track shoppers movements at some malls and stores. The companies collecting the information say its anonymous, cant be traced to a specific person and no one should worry about invasion of privacy. But consumer advocates arent convinced. Its spying, they say, and shoppers should be informed their phones are being observed and then be able to choose whether to allow it. The Federal Trade Commission held a workshop Wednesday on the issue, part of a series of privacy seminars looking at emerging technologies and the impact on consumers. FTC attorney Amanda Koulousias says the commission wants to better understand how companies are using phone-location technology, how robust privacy controls are and whether shoppers are notified in advance. Heres how the technol-

2 The Herald

Thursday, February 20, 2014


One Year Ago This week marks the last for Delphos first female police officer and most senior in the department. Bev CrossMcNeal has announced her retirement after 33 years of service. Cross-McNeal began her career with the police department as a dispatcher on June 18, 1979, while she was completing course work at the police academy. 25 Years Ago 1989 Delphos Fire Association honored retired firefighter Stan Wiechart Saturday night with a dinner and roast at the Firemens Clubhouse. Delphos Fire Chief John Clark began the roast and presented Wiechart with a plaque and certificate commemorating his 25 years of service to the Delphos Fire Department. Helen Devitt, home economist teacher of Ottoville School, demonstrated shortcuts to microwave cooking at the recent meeting of the Growing Together chapter of Ohio Child Conservation League. Prelude was given by Carol Wenzlick; Darlene Maenle and Ruth Honigford were in charge of the raffle which was won by Viv Langhals and Dottie Oberg. The Lady Wildcats from Jefferson survived a fourth-quarter scare from the Antwerp Archers to post a 58-54 win in Saturdays sectional finals. They earned a share of the Division IV sectional


championship and advance to district play at Lima Bath, along with the Crestview Lady Knights. Leading scorer for Jefferson was Cheryl Kortokrax with 26. Laura Schmelzer added 13 and Kim Carmean eight.

For The Record

used to wrap meat. It was located near the lock on the Miami and Erie Canal where the plant of St. Marys Foods now stands. Paul Linder said when he worked at the mill in 1903, high school age boys worked 13 hours a day. 75 Years Ago 1939 The Delphos Jefferson Wildcats and Kittens ended their regular basketball season Saturday night by defeating Harrod in two games on the Harrod floor. The junior high team of Jefferson defeated the Harrod junior team by a score of 28-14. The Wildcats won their encounter by a 26-16 score in one of the roughest contests of the year. Betty Beckman, West Fourth Street, participated in the amateur program presented over radio station WBLY, Lima, Sunday afternoon. She sang My Reverie. The amateur program was the last presented over the Lima station using the call letters WBLY. At 2 p.m., the initial program over the Lima station using the new call letters WLOK was presented. St. Johns High cagers tasted sweet revenge Sunday afternoon when they wiped out the sting of the one-point defeat sustained at Lima on Jan. 20 by defeating the Rosarians in the varsity encounter by a score of 31-17. It was a double victory for the Blue and Gold, the Best Evers winning their fracas with the St. Rose reserves 30-11.


The Delphos Herald

Nancy Spencer, editor Ray Geary, general manager Delphos Herald, Inc. Lori Goodwin Silette, circulation manager The Delphos Herald (USPS 1525 8000) is published daily except Sundays, Tuesdays and Holidays. The Delphos Herald is delivered by carrier in Delphos for $1.48 per week. Same day delivery outside of Delphos is done through the post office for Allen, Van Wert or Putnam Counties. Delivery outside of these counties is $110 per year. Entered in the post office in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as Periodicals, postage paid at Delphos, Ohio. 405 North Main St. TELEPHONE 695-0015 Office Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE DELPHOS HERALD, 405 N. Main St. Delphos, Ohio 45833
Vol. 144 No. 178

Tough winter creates menace: Ice from high-rises

50 Years Ago - 1964 Patricia Wienken, seventh-grader, won the spelling championship at the Landeck Spelling Bee held this past Sunday. Patricia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wienken. Louise Pothast, eighth-grader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pothast, placed second. The champion and runner-up will now represent the Landeck School in the Allen County semi-final contest to be held March 16 at St. Josephs School in Wapakoneta. Two former pupils of the old Bryntawa School, Margaret Jones Rupel and Sadie Benett Niles of San Jose, Calif., met a few days ago for the first time in over 70 years. The reunion took place in the Rupel home in Gomer. Mrs. Niles was visiting her brother, Samuel Bennett, and his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paul of Clyde, who brought her to Gomer for a visit. Amateur photographer Paul Geier copied a photo from an old postcard of the Delphos Paper Mill and submitted it for publication. The mill produced large rolls of the coarse brown paper butchers

Maxine Marie Link

March 14, 1925Feb. 17, 2014 Maxine Marie Link, 88, of Delphos died at 3:37 a.m. Monday at Vancrest Healthcare Center of Delphos. She was born March 14, 1925, in Fostoria to Burgan Criss and Marie (Sauber) Wilson, who preceded her in death. She married William R. Link, who also preceded her in death on June 17, 1998. Survivors include two sons, William R. Rick (Debi) Link Jr. of Cincinnati and Jeffrey Wilson Jeff (Vicki) Link of Collierville, Tenn.; two sisters, Marilyn H. Otte of Delphos and Carolyn M. Masten of Las Vegas; four brothers, Robert J. (Margaret) Wilson of Manistee, Mich., Eugene B. (Mary) Wilson of Dayton, Frank Nick (Judy) Wilson of Delphos and Michael E. (Joyce) Wilson of Las Vegas; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by three sisters, Joan M. Wilson, Colleen Wilson Millet and Katherine L. Campanile. She worked many years at the Delphos Bending Company while also raising her family. She was a member of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, former member of CD of A, Beta Sigma and VFW Auxiliary. After her senior year, a group of high school friends formed a pinochle club called The Amicitia Club, of which she was the last surviving member. Maxine was an avid reader. She was also the family historian and a font of information. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at St. Johns Catholic Church in Delphos, with Father Chris Bohnsack officiating. Burial will follow in Resurrection Cemetery. Visitation will be from 2-8 p.m. Friday at Harter and Schier Funeral Home, where a Parish Wake will be held at 7:30 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to Delphos Senior Citizens Center: 301 East Suthoff St. Delphos, Ohio 45833; 419-692-1331. To leave condolences for the family online, visit www. harterandschier.com.

Associated Press


NEW YORK (AP) City dwellers facing one of the most brutal winters on record have been dealing with something far more dangerous than snow falling from the sky: ice tumbling from skyscrapers. The West Side Highway and several streets around New Yorks new 1 World Trade Center, the nations tallest building, were closed during Wednesdays morning rush hours when wind-blown sheets of dagger-shaped ice hit the pavement near the 1,776-foot structure shattering potentially deadly, fast-falling projectiles. The ice attack sent frightened pedestrians running for cover. The streets reopened by midafternoon. Around the country, sidewalks around high-rises in cities big and small have been cordoned off with yellow caution tape because of falling icicles and rock-hard chunks of frozen snow, a situation that experts warn could get worse over the next few days as a thaw sets in over much of the country. The snow starts to melt and the liquid drips off and makes bigger and bigger icicles, or chunks of ice that break off skyscrapers, said Joey Picca, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in New York, which has had 48.5 inches of snow since the start of the year, and several cycles of freeze and thaw. Be very, very aware of your surroundings, he said. If you see ice hanging from a building, find another route. Dont walk under hanging ice. Some architects say newer, energy-efficient high-rises may actually be making the problem worse. They keep more heat inside, which means the outside is getting colder and that allows more snow and ice to form, said engineer Roman Stangl, founder of the consulting firm Northern Microclimate in Cambridge, Ontario.

Today is Thursday, Feb. 20, the 51st day of 2014. There are 314 days left in the year. Todays Highlight in History: On Feb. 20, 1944, during World War II, U.S. strategic bombers began raiding German aircraft manufacturing centers in a series of attacks that became known as Big Week. On this date: In 1792, President George Washington signed an act creating the U.S. Post Office. In 1809, the Supreme Court ruled that no state legislature could annul the judgments or determine the jurisdictions of federal courts. In 1862, William Wallace Lincoln, the 11-year-old son of President Abraham Lincoln and first lady Mary Todd Lincoln, died at the White House, apparently of typhoid fever. In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt signed an immigration act which excluded idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics, insane persons from being admitted to the United States. In 1933, Congress proposed the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to repeal Prohibition. In 1938, Anthony Eden resigned as British foreign secretary following Prime Minister Neville Chamberlains decision to negotiate with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. In 1950, the U.S. Supreme Court, in United States v. Rabinowitz, ruled 5-3 that authorities making a lawful arrest did not need a warrant to search and seize evidence in an area that was in the immediate and complete control of the suspect. In 1962, astronaut John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth as he flew aboard Project Mercurys Friendship 7 spacecraft. In 1971, the National Emergency Warning Center in Colorado erroneously ordered U.S. radio and TV stations off the air; some stations heeded the alert, which was not lifted for about 40 minutes. In 1987, a bomb left by Unabomber Ted Kaczynski exploded behind a computer store in Salt Lake City, seriously injuring store owner Gary Wright. Soviet authorities released Jewish activist Josef Begun. In 1999, movie reviewer Gene Siskel died at a hospital outside Chicago at age 53. In 2003, a fire sparked by pyrotechnics broke out during a concert by the group Great White at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, R.I., killing 100 people and injuring about 200 others. Ten years ago: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered the state attorney general to take immediate legal steps to stop same-sex weddings in San Francisco. (The next month, the

California Supreme Court ordered an immediate halt to same-sex weddings in San Francisco.) Bypassing angry Senate Democrats, President George W. Bush installed Alabama Attorney General William Pryor as a U.S. appeals court judge in his second recess appointment of a controversial nominee in five weeks. Five years ago: President Barack Obama warned a gathering of mayors at the White House that he would call them out if they wasted the money from his massive economic stimulus plan. The Dow Jones industrial average ended the week at 7,365.67, the lowest level in more than six years. Israeli President Shimon Peres chose Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new government. The WTA fined Dubai Tennis Championships organizers a record $300,000 after Israeli player Shahar Peer was denied a visa by the United Arab Emirates. One year ago: The Obama administration announced a broad new effort to fight the growing theft of American trade secrets following fresh evidence linking cyberstealing to Chinas military. Former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., entered a guilty plea in federal court to criminal charges that hed engaged in a scheme to spend $750,000 in campaign funds on personal items; his wife, Sandra Jackson, pleaded guilty to filing false joint federal income tax returns. Todays Birthdays: Gloria Vanderbilt is 90. Actor Sidney Poitier is 87. Racing Hall of Famer Bobby Unser is 80. Actress Marj Dusay is 78. Jazz-soul singer Nancy Wilson is 77. Racing Hall of Famer Roger Penske is 77. Singer-songwriter Buffy Sainte-Marie is 73. Hockey Hall-of-Famer Phil Esposito is 72. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is 72. Movie director Mike Leigh is 71. Actress Brenda Blethyn is 68. Actress Sandy Duncan is 68. Rock musician J. Geils is 68. Actor Peter Strauss is 67. Rock singer-musicianproducer Walter Becker (Steely Dan) is 64. Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is 63. Country singer Kathie Baillie is 63. Actor John Voldstad is 63. Newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst is 60. Actor Anthony Stewart Head is 60. Country singer Leland Martin is 57. Actor James Wilby is 56. Rock musician Sebastian Steinberg is 55. Comedian Joel Hodgson is 54. Basketball Hall-of-Famer Charles Barkley is 51. Rock musician Ian Brown (Stone Roses) is 51. Actor Willie Garson is 50. Actor French Stewart is 50. Actor Ron Eldard is 49. Model Cindy Crawford is 48. Actor Andrew Shue is 47. Actress Lili Taylor is 47. Singer Brian Littrell is 39. Actress Lauren Ambrose is 36. Actor Jay Hernandez is 36. Country musician Coy Bowles is 35. Actress Majandra Delfino is 33. Singer-musician Chris ST. RITAS Thile is 33. Actor Jake Richardson is 29. Singer A girl was born Feb. 18 Rihanna is 26. to Abbey and Shay Harter of Delphos.

The Delphos Herald wants to correct published errors in its news, sports and feature articles. To inform the newsroom of a mistake in published information, call the editorial department at 419-695-0015. Corrections will be published on this page.


PLEW, Elizabeth Ann Betty, 68, of North Webster, Ind., visitation will be from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. today at Owen Family Funeral Home, St. Rd. 13 & CR 500N, North Webster, Ind. Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1720 E. Center St, Warsaw, with Pastor Robert Bruckner o ff i c i a t i n g . Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in the North Webster Cemetery. Memorial bequest may be given to Redeemer Lutheran Church. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home and church. To send condolences to the family in Mrs. Plews memory, visit owenfamilyfuneralhome.com. MINNIG, Sharon A., 52, of Fort Wayne and formerly of Delphos, Mass of Christian Burial will begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at St. John the Evangelist Church. Preferred memorials are to be made to the family, which they will administrate until a memorial gift can be decided. Klaehn, Fahl & Melton Winchester Road Chapel is in charge of arrangements.


Wheat Corn Soybeans $6.00 $4.36 $13.60

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CLEVELAND (AP) These Ohio lotteries were drawn Wednesday: Classic Lotto 10-14-19-26-28-40, Kicker: 4-9-9-3-0-7 Estimated jackpot: $60.9 million Mega Millions Estimated jackpot: $172 million Pick 3 Evening 8-2-8 Pick 3 Midday 1-7-0


Pick 4 Evening 2-9-9-5 Pick 4 Midday 7-4-3-2 Pick 5 Evening 8-7-8-2-5 Pick 5 Midday 6-2-9-4-0 Powerball 01-17-35-49-54, Powerball: 34, Power Play: 3 Rolling Cash 5 15-21-23-24-26 Estimated jackpot: $100,000

WEATHER FORECAST Tri-county Associated Press TODAY: Rain. Possibly mixed with freezing rain and thunderstorms in the morning. Then rain showers and a slight chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon. Areas of fog through the day. Windy. Light ice accumulation possible. Highs in the lower 50s. South winds 15 to 25 mph. Chance of precipitation 80 percent. TONIGHT: Cloudy. Rain showers and chance of thunderstorms through midnight. Windy. Lows in the lower 30s. Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph. Chance of precipitation 90 percent. FRIDAY: Partly cloudy in the morning then clearing. Windy. Colder. Highs in the upper 30s. Southwest winds 25 to 35 mph decreasing to 15 to 25 mph in the afternoon. FRIDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of snow showers. Lows in the upper 20s. Southwest winds 10 to 20 mph. SATURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 30s. Lows around 20. SUNDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Highs around 30. Lows 10 to 15. MONDAY: Partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 20s. MONDAY NIGHT: Mostly cloudy with a 30 percent chance of snow showers. Lows 10 to 15. TUESDAY: Mostly cloudy with a 20 percent chance of snow showers. Highs in the mid 20s. TUESDAY NIGHT AND WEDNESDAY: Partly cloudy. Lows around 10. Highs around 20.


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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Herald 3

CIAO hosts annual Italian dinner

Information submitted LIMA CIAO (Charitable Italian American Organization) of Lima will present the 27th Annual Italian Dinner to be held April 13 at the Lima Civic Center. The dinner will feature pasta, meatballs, Italian sausage, salad, garlic bread, coffee and tea. Cannoli (Italian pastry) will be served for an additional charge. Frank and Dean will be the featured entertainment. Members of the organization and their families will be serving from noon-6 p.m. with a carry out-drive thru available. Tickets are now on sale and may be purchased from Bill Sarno at 419-228-8171, Joe Luchini at 419-234-0542 and Pete Mariotti at 419-2213309. Advanced tickets are $8 for adults and $5.50 for children or tickets may be purchased at the door $8.50 for adults and $6 for children. All proceeds from the dinner will go toward CIAO Charities. Among its many philanthropic projects, CIAO of Lima has raised and distributed over $400,000 in scholarships to local college students. For further information about CIAO including how you can become involved please see our website http:// www.ciaolima.org or contact Terri Crosina Spencer at 419236-9265.


Kasich wants kids to think about careers early

NORWOOD (AP) Ohios governor what jobs they want and how to get into said Wednesday he wants schoolchildren those careers can reduce dropouts. to start thinking as early as first grade What were doing in those schools is about what they want to be when they we are matching kids excitement with grow up, and he will urge expansion of the reality of the workplace, Kasich vocational education before high school. said. Theyre beginning to get informaGov. John Kasich said hell go into tion thats stokin em up, and giving more detail in his State of the State them the ability to see their future; its address next week, but he wants more really awesome. availability of vocational Ohio Education Department education, starting in seventh spokesman John Charlton said grade. And he said students some schools have already will increasingly be able to begun in the current school year use online resources starting offering vocational education in first grade to learn about starting in seventh grade. being farmers, nurses, teachU.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, a ers, police officers and other Youngstown area Democrat, careers, with videos and was among other political, busiother information to capture ness and education leaders taktheir imagination. ing part. He said there has been The Republican governor, a resurgence in jobs in such whose re-election chances industries as steel and auto, but Kasich this year will be affected by earlier downturns in old-style perceptions of how Ohios factories have left a cultural economy is doing, said the state is barrier with parents resistant to pointahead of the curve in preparing for ing their children toward modern manuworkforce needs. facturing. He said starting with Legos in He spoke at a manufacturing jobs childhood, and robotics competitions in forum organized by The Atlantic maga- high school, can get kids excited about zine, at Siemens manufacturing facility building things. in the Cincinnati suburb of Norwood. Host Siemens announced a $66.8 milKasich said earlier vocational and techni- lion software grant to Cincinnati State cal education doesnt stop children from Technical and Community College for going on to college, and he said knowing workforce education and training.


Social Security names new process for disabled veterans

Information submitted Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, along with Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) today unveiled a new initiative to expedite disability claims by veterans with a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation rating of 100 perecent Permanent & Total (P&T). Under the new process, Social Security will treat these veterans applications as high priority and issue expedited decisions, similar to the way the agency currently handles disability claims from Wounded Warriors. Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country and it is only right that we ensure they have timely access to the disability benefits they may be eligible for and deserve, said Acting Commissioner Colvin. Social Security worked with Veterans Affairs to identify those veterans with disabilities who have a high probability of also meeting our definition of disability. I am proud of our collaboration and happy to announce this new service for Americas vets. In order to receive the expedited service, veterans must tell Social Security they have a VA disability compensation rating of 100 percent P&T and show proof of their disability rating with their VA Notification Letter. The VA rating only expedites Social Security disability claims processing and does not guarantee an approval for Social Security disability benefits. These veterans must still meet the strict eligibility requirements for a disability allowance. Social Security plans to launch the expedited process in mid-March. For information about this service, please visit www.socialsecurity.gov/pgm/disability-pt.htm. For more about Social Securitys handling of Wounded Warriors disability claims, please visit www.socialsecurity.gov/woundedwarriors.

Lawmakers approve mental illness treatment

Parts of state to see threat of flooding today

COLUMBUS (AP) Ohio lawmakers have approved a bill that could lead to more people with severe mental illness receiving courtordered outpatient treatment. The legislation clarifies that outpatient treatment is an option that judges can consider for patients along with hospitalization. The proposal approved by the Senate on Wednesday also sets out more behaviors a patient must exhibit to receive court-ordered treatment, such as being unlikely to survive safely in the community without supervision.

19 people indicted in alleged drug ring

MARION (AP) Federal authorities say 19 people have been indicted in an alleged conspiracy to traffic large amounts of heroin, crack cocaine and prescription pills in a north central Ohio city. The top federal prosecutor for northern Ohio on Wednesday announced the unsealing of a 72-count indictment. Authorities say the indictment details a twoyear conspiracy in which drugs were brought to Marion from Detroit and Fort Wayne, Ind., and sold to juveniles and others. U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach says in a release that the arrests represent a joint law-enforcement effort to choke off the supply of drugs to the region.

E - The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: What is the latest prognosis for wind energy to command a larger piece of the renewable energy pie? Peter M., Akron Hydroelectric sources of power dwarf other forms of renewable energy, but wind power has been a dominant second for years, and continues to show hockey stick growth moving forward. According to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), global cumulative installed wind capacitythe total amount of wind power available has grown fifty-fold in less than two decades, from just 6,100 megawatts (MW) in 1996 to 318,137 MW in 2013. And the future looks brighter still. Analysts from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) predict that wind will account for the largest share30 percentof new renewables added to the global power grid by 2030. That new renewables are expected to account for as much as 70 percent of all new power sources over the next 20 years means that wind is poised to become a major player on the global energy scene. Here in the U.S., energy generated by domestic wind farms has nearly tripled in just the past four years, despite a brief hiccup due to a lapse in the Production Tax Credit, a renewable energy production incentive that effectively subsidizes the creation of more wind farms. But even despite this, wind represented about a third of all new power added to the U.S. grid over the past five years. The Natural Resources

Here in the U.S., energy generated by domestic wind farms has nearly tripled in just the past four years and represents about a third of all new power added to the U.S. grid over the past five years. (Martin Abegglen photo, courtesy Flickr) Defense Council (NRDC), a leading environmental non-profit and wind power advocate, forecasts that the U.S. will derive some 20 percent of its total electricity production from wind by 2030. The U.S. industry has many reasons for favorable long-term prospects, reports the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), a nonprofit trade group representing the wind industry. In addition to the record activity at the end of 2013, wind energy helped keep the lights on and insulate against temporary price spikes during the recent polar vortex cold weather snap, demonstrating the value of wind power in a balanced energy portfolio. AWEA also points out recent reports showing how incorporation of wind energy lowers costs for electric consumers. And critical to some parts of the country facing continuing drought, wind energy uses no water in its production, as well as releasing no emissions, adds the group. The fact that wind energy in the U.S. avoids some 100 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually is also good news. AWEA adds that that number will grow as wind energy scales up to 20 percent of the grid and beyond making the addition of more wind power one of the fastest, cheapest, and largest-scale ways for states to meet the Administrations new goals for reducing carbon pollution from power plants. While wind continues to grow fast, solar may finally be catching up. According to BNEF, some 36.7 gigawatts (GW) of new solar photovoltaic capacity were added worldwide in 2013 compared with 35.5 GW worth of new wind power installations. BNEF adds that global demand for wind turbines may actually shrink in 2014 (by five percent), representing the first such decline since 2004. But Justin Wu, head of wind analysis for BNEF, says its just a temporary blip: Falling technology costs, new markets and the growth of the offshore industry will ensure wind remains a leading renewable energy technology. EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E The Environmental Magazine (www. emagazine.com). Send questions to: [email protected].

CLEVELAND (AP) A combination of melting snow and rain is expected to produce a threat of flooding over the northern half of Ohio. The Cleveland office of the National Weather Service says melting snow will release a significant amount of water as warmer temperatures move into the state today. Forecasters say any heavy rain could produce significant flooding, with some river flooding likely. A flood watch will be in effect from this afternoon through Friday morning. Some areas under the watch include Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lucas and Ottawa counties. A watch means there is a potential for flooding based on current forecasts.

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House approves 2 election-related measures

COLUMBUS (AP) -- Proposals to trim early voting and set rules for mailing unsolicited absentee ballot applications cleared the Ohio House on Wednesday amid partisan rancor in the presidential battleground state. Ohioans can cast an absentee ballot by mail or in person without giving any reason. Currently, early voting starts 35 days prior to Election Day. One bill would cut that time by eliminating so-called golden week -- a period when residents can both register to vote and cast an early ballot. Without those days, early voting would then typically start 29 days before Election Day. More than 59,000 voters cast early, in-person ballots during golden week in the 2012 presidential election, according to estimates from the secretary of states office. That number does not include residents who voted by mail, though roughly 1.1 million had requested absentee ballots to do so that week. Supporters say same-day registration and voting doesnt give boards of elections enough time to properly verify registration applications. Democrats argued the state should not focus on rolling back early voting opportunities but rather expanding them. They accused majority Republicans of making it more difficult to vote. This is a good bill, said state Rep. Andy Brenner, a Powell Republican. Theres no voter suppression, its common sense. Republican House Speaker William Batchelder cut off debate on both bills over objections from Democrats -- some of whom stood to demand that the discussion be allowed to continue. A separate bill would let the secretary of state mail unsolicited applications for general elections and only if the Legislature directed the money for it. Other public officials would be banned. It also would prohibit local boards of elections from prepaying the return postage on the applications.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014



Delphos FFA members compete in subdistrict contests

VW Junior Fair Board announces turkey rule changes

Information submitted VAN WERT The Van Wert County Extension Office is currently taking order for turkey pullets to be exhibited at the 2014 Junior Fair. In an effort to focus on exhibitors efforts and knowledge of turkeys, the Junior Fair Board has voted to only allow those turkeys received through the Coopers bulk order to be exhibited at the 2014 Van Wert County Junior Fair. The first five turkeys are free of cost (can be ordered as hens, toms or a straight run combination). After the first five, birds can be ordered at an additional cost. Cost of extra pullets is as follows: hens at $3.25/pullet, straight run at $3.25/pullet and toms at $4/pullet. Orders must be placed no later than 4:30 p.m. March 7. Pullets will be available for pickup at the Extension Office from 1-4 p.m. April 11. Members that order will be mailed a reminder card when the date approaches. Again, it is important to take into account that only turkeys ordered through this bulk order will be allowed to exhibit at the Van Wert County Junior Fair this year. Please take the time to order before the deadline passes. To place orders, please contact the Extension Office at 419-238-1214, stop by in person or email at gottke.4@ osu.edu.

Third-graders can win farm field trip

Delphos FFA members recently participated in public speaking career development events. The purpose of this contest is to help students gain experience in public speaking as well as develop the art that it takes to address a group of people in a professional manner. Sophia Wilson, above left, competed in the beginning prepared contest placing second at the subdistrict level with a gold rating. Karen Cline placed first in prepared public speaking and received a gold rating. Beth Williams competed in the creed speaking contest and placed fifth overall with a gold rating. Tristan Moore also competed in creed speaking and placed sixth overall with a gold rating. Wilson and Cline both earned the right to move onto district competition Tuesday at Gibsonburg High School. (Submitted photos) Information submitted The Ohio Livestock Coalition (OLC) recently announced that it has extended the deadline for the annual statewide essay contest for third-graders as part of the For Your InFARMation program. The group will award a free, all-expenses-paid field trip to an Ohio livestock farm to the winning essay-writers entire class. As part of an ongoing effort of the Ohio Livestock Coalition to teach Ohio students about the origins of the food they eat and the important role agriculture plays in Ohios economy, the OLC is conducting a statewide essay contest for third-grade students. Participants are asked to respond to the question, How do Ohio farmers make sure we have good, safe food to eat? The essay contest is part of the Ohio Livestock Coalitions For Your InFARMation program. The program is designed to teach students about farmers and the economy, livestock farming, keys to safe and healthy food and careers in agriculture and includes free materials for teachers. The For Yo u r InFARMation materials were developed in consultation with a curriculum consultant and practicing third-grade teacher. Instructional resources include the following: A teachers guide with complete lesson plans; Interactive smart board lessons; Lapbook materials and worksheets; and Extended learning recommendations and cross-curricular suggestions. Additionally, the materials specifically address one of the new elements of the Ohio academic standards to teach students about how daily life is influenced by the agriculture, industry and natural resources in different communities. The For Yo u r InFARMation materials support key Ohio academic content standards for social studies, language arts, science and math and can be downloaded free of charge at www. F o r Yo u r I n FA R M a t i o n . com. The Ohio Livestock Coalition is a not-forprofit organization representing collective interests of Ohios livestock sector and affiliated stakeholders. All essays must be postmarked no later than March 14. The original deadline was Feb. 14. More specific information about the essay contest rules is available at www. F o r Yo u r I n FA R M a t i o n . com.

Delphos FFA members, front from left to right, Karen Cline, Sophia Wilson and Paige Oswald; back, Kylie Fritz, Andy Mat and Caleb Haunhorst recently participated in the Subdistrict C Job Interview Contest. The job interview contest places students in a job interview like setting, requiring them to fill out a job application, go through an interview and write a follow-up letter. They also had to prepare their cover letter, resumes and referwww.edwardjones.com ences in advance. Cline placed second in the junior division, Wilson placed first in the sophomore division, Oswald placed sixth in the freshman division, Fritz placed first in the senior division, Mat placed sixth in the senior diviYou Them In asecond Safein Place. sion andPut Haunhorst placed the freshman division. Cline, Wilson, Fritz and Haunhorst all earned the right to compete at district competition today.

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You still retain ownership make all themake all the You still retainand ownership and Current estimates are that USA supalready have an IRA elsewhere, its easy to transfer decisions process while we handle all the paperwork. Well automatically dividend and interest decisions while we handle all the paperwork. plies of phosphate rock used to make Call or visit your local Edward Jones it to an Edward Jones IRA and begin receiving payments, mergers, splits, bond dividend calls orand maturiWell automatically process interestand interest P fertilizer will be consumed by 2040. nancial advisor today. Well automatically process dividend the face-to-face guidance you deserve. ties, and more. Even better, youll receive a payments, mergers, splits, bond calls or maturipayments, mergers, splits, bond calls or maturi- Estimates are we will run out of P fertilAndy North ties, and more. Corey Norton izer in 50-100 years to several hundred Even youll receive a form ties, and better, more. Even better, youll receive a consolidated account statement and a single Financial Advisor Financial Advisor consolidated account statement and a single form To learn more about the advantages of and consolidated account statement a single formyears. There is a limited supply of P, so at tax time. 1122 Elida Avenue 1122 Avenue at Jones tax time. at the price is expected to increase as suptax time. an Edward IRA, call Elida or visit today. Delphos, OH 45833 Delphos, OH 45833 plies become limited. 419-695-0660 419-695-0660 CallNorth or visit local Edward Jones Callyour or visit your local Edward Jones While P is limited and costly to apply Call or visit your local Edward Jones Andy Corey Norton nancial advisor today. nancial advisor today. to agriculture fields, it is ironic that an nancial advisor today. Financial Advisor Financial Advisor estimated 8-15 million tons are lost annuAndy North Andy North Corey NortonCorey Norton AndyElida North Corey Norton 1122 Avenue 1122 Elida Avenue ally in surface water runoff. Phosphorus Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Delphos, OH 45833 Delphos, OH Advisor 45833 Financial Advisor Financial is a limiting nutrient to aquatic life, so 1122 Elida Avenue 1122 Elida Avenue 1122 Elida Avenue 419-695-0660 1122 Elida Avenue 419-695-0660 1122 Elida Avenue 1122 Delphos, Elida Avenue Delphos, OH 45833 OH 45833 Delphos, OH 45833 Delphos, OH 45833 excess P is quickly absorbed by cyanoDelphos, OH 45833 Delphos, OH 45833 419-695-0660 419-695-0660 419-695-0660 419-695-0660 bacteria, causing harmful algae blooms 419-695-0660 419-695-0660 (HAB). When these bacteria die, they create dead zones because they consume so much oxygen during decomposition OPR-1850-A Member SIPC that oxygen becomes limiting, killing off aquatic life. This process is called Eutrophication in fresh water bodies (Chesapeake Bay, Lake Erie, Grand Lake St. Marys) and excess nitrogen (N) Member SIPC Member SIPC IRT-2046F-A Member SIPC and P in seawater is called hypoxia (Gulf of Mexico) resulting in large dead zones. OPR-1850-A Member SIPC In Lake Erie, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) or inorganic P, representing about .5 percent of the total soil phosphorus, has become a major issue with HAB. Ohio State University researchers (Islam, Sundermeier, Hoorman) are now looking more closely at how P is tied up
. .

BY JAMES J. HOORMAN A lost or destroyed certicate can mean www.edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com Ag Educator inconvenience and lost money for you and your OSU-Extension You Put Them In a Safe Place. heirs. Let Edward Jones hold them for In you. You Put Them ain Safe Are your stock, bond or other certicates a Place. Putnam County You still retain ownership and make all the You have only so many years to prepare for safety deposit box, desk drawer or closet ... or decisions Thats while why we handle all the retirement. contributing to paperwork. your are you not sure at the moment? Phosphorus (P) is a major macronuAre your stock, or other a Are bond your stock, bond other in certicates in a Individual Retirement Account (IRA) iscerticates soor important. trient and essential for plant and aniWell automatically process dividend and interest safety deposit box, desk drawer or closet ... or A lost or destroyed certicate can safety deposit box,mean desk drawer Fortunately, you still have time to maximize your or closet ... or mal growth. Phosphorus forms the back payments, mergers, splits, calls or maturiare you not sure at bond the are you notmoment? sure atyou the moment? inconvenience and lost money for and your bone to DNA and RNA, is used for 2013 IRA contribution before the April 15th deadline. ties, and more. Even better, youll receive a heirs. Let Edward Jones them for you. can mean A lost or destroyed certicate can mean A losthold or destroyed certicate energy transfer and energy storage in consolidated account statement and ayou single form inconvenience and lost money for and for your By contributing now, your retirement savings inconvenience and lost money you and your cells (ATP) and gives strength to our You still retain ownership and make all the at tax time. Let Edward Jones hold them for Let Edward Jones hold them for you. bones and teeth (calcium phosphate). can have more opportunity to grow. Even ifyou. you decisions heirs. while weheirs. handle all the paperwork.

But the April 15th Deadline for Now, Where Was That? IRA Contributions Isnt.

Phosphorous is essential for plant, animal growth

chemically by the soil using a process called P speciation. Phosphorus in the soil is tied in an inorganic form (without carbon or SOM) by calcium/magnesium (Ca2+/Mg2+) ions, iron (Fe 3+ or Fe2+) oxides and aluminum (Al3+) oxides. Aluminum and iron comprise about 2-5 percent of the soil composition, so they are significant ions that tie up P. Al oxides are a large molecular compound and the Al ties up the P very tightly. Calcium and Magnesium (2+) also tie up P but not as tightly as the Al (3+). Calcium phosphate (Ca-P) is part of our bone structure and our teeth (apatite) so lime (calcium carbonate) and gypsum (calcium sulfate) are soil additives that tie up P. In Grand Lake St. Marys, alum (aluminum sulfate) has been used to tie up P. The calcium in lime and gypsum and the aluminum in alum in these compounds will tie up the P in the soil or water. Iron oxides (Fe3+ or Fe2+) are intermediate between the calcium and aluminum; however, under certain environmental conditions (saturated soils, lack of oxygen or anaerobic condition), SRP is released. When the soil is saturated with water, soil microbes are searching for oxygen and have stripped the oxygen from the iron oxide reducing the Fe3+ to Fe2+ releasing SRP. What happens is that two iron oxide molecules in the Fe3+ state hold three SRP molecules. When the oxygen is stripped off, the iron oxide is converted to Fe2+ and the iron can only hold one SRP each, so SRP is released. This same process occurs with nitrates through denitrification, the soil microbes strip off the oxygen and convert N to nitrogen gas. In heavy clay soils, 40 to 60 percent of our N can be lost when soils are saturated in the spring. We now know that SRP is now being released from the iron oxides when the soil is saturated due to soil microbes stripping off oxygen. Phosphorus is generally tied up by clay particles and soil organic matter (SOM) in soil clay-P-SOM complexes. However when soils erode and the organic matter is lost, the P attached to the clay particles becomes SRP, which is both plant and microbe P available. By adding or increasing SOM levels in our soils, farmers can keep the P tied up in a large clay-P-SOM complex that is less likely to be lost from the soil profile. When farmers till their soils, they typically change the soil structure so that the soil can absorb less water. We form bricks from clay by burning the bricks in a furnace (burning off the SOM) and letting it dry. When farmers till the soil, they turn over soft wet clay, dry it out and burn off the SOM. The clay particles have a negative charge and when you add a positive ion like calcium, magnesium or potassium (Ca2+, Mg2+, of K+ ), the soil sets up like a brick wall. WE call a brick laying on top of the soil a clod, which are man-made. Farmers who excessively till their soil, getting their soil fine (cement mix), find that when it rains, their soils get hard and crust. Tillage decreases the SOM levels in the soil, decrease good soil structure and decrease water infiltration. When water ponds on the soil surface, the soil becomes saturated with water and the water that runs of is also saturated in SRP. In my next article, Ill discuss organic forms of phosphorus and how cover crops can be used to increase both N & P fertilizer management and soil retention.

Now, Where Was That? Now, Where Was That?

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Herald 5


Sara Says ...

(Editors note: Sara Says ... will replace Sara Berelsmans Under the Covers, allowing her to broaden her reviews to more than books and movies.)


By Sara Berelsman
Feeling alone, so alone wanting out. I think this song is a great one to listen to when those unwanted thoughts cross your mind. I credit music, in part, to saving my life several times over. When I decided to review a Im feeling down, sometimes musical artist this month. I all I can do is listen to music, Like P!nk, am obsessed and after a with P!nk. while, I feel I have less alone been ever the thoughts since I heard subside. of her, before Sometimes she morphed its not into the powso easy erhouse that members she is today. of our supI connect port group, with her lyrincluding ics; I love her me, have had voice. I love some heavy how she is thoughts, but herself and P!nk the group has she isnt afraid helped so many to sing about subjects so many artists gloss people. Dont be ashamed for feeling these thoughts over or ignore altogether. Her song Sober is one dont be scared to talk about that I credit with helping me it. Once you do, youll be to overcome the alcoholism amazed how people have felt that took hold of my life for the same way. I think we were put in far too long. Today I want to talk about this life to help each other her new song, The Great along the way. Even people Escape. This song, like so like P!nk, who has no idea I many others of hers, really exist, has helped me trementouches me on a visceral dously. The people in my level. I first heard it not long support group have helped after a suicide summit I me more than theyll ever attended, and it fit perfectly. know. I value them so much. Its about wanting to escape If youre in the area and this life, wanting out. And it would like to attend, mespromises that that wont hap- sage me anytime for more pen. Even though many peo- information. If youre not ple, myself included, want in the area and you ever to make the great escape at feel like making the great times in this life, we have to escape, please talk to somebe strong and live the lives one. Listen to this song. You are valuable. You are needwe were intended to live. I facilitate a support ed. You are loved. Thank you, P!nk. group for bipolar/depressed individuals, and this song The Great Escape reminds me of several of the I can understand how the dedicated, wonderful people who attend. Ive listened edges are rough And they cut you like the to them talk about wanting to make the great escape. tiny slithers of glass And you feel too much And you dont know how long youre gonna last, But everyone you know, is tryina smooth it over, Find a way to make the hurt go away, But everyone you know, is tryina smooth it over, Like youre trying to scream underwater, But, I wont let you make the great escape, Im never gonna watch you checkin out of this place Im not gonna lose you Cause the passion and pain Are gonna keep you alive someday Gonna keep you alive someday I feel like I could wave my fist in front of your face And you wouldnt flinch or even feel a thing And you retreat to your silent corner Like you decided the fight was over for ya, Everyone you know, is tryina smooth it over, Find a way to make the hurt go away, Everyone you know, is tryina smooth it over, Everyone needs a floor they can fall through I wont let you make the great escape, Im never gonna watch you checkin outta this place Im not gonna lose you Cause the passion and pain Are gonna keep you alive someday Theyre gonna keep you alive someday Oh, Terrified of the dark, but not if you go with me And I dont need a pill to make me know And I wrote the book already, But that chapter of my life will soon be done Im the king of the great escape Youre not gonna watch me checkin outta this place Youre not gonna lose me Cause the passion and pain Are gonna keep us alive, someday Yeah the passion and the pain Are gonna keep us alive someday, someday

Delphos Canal

Calendar of Events
TODAY 9-11 a.m. The Delphos Canal Commission Museum, 241 N. Main St., is open. 11:30 a.m. Mealsite at Delphos Senior Citizen Center, 301 Suthoff St. 1-3 p.m. The Delphos Museum of Postal History, 339 N. Main St., is open. 5:30 p.m. The Delphos Canal Commission meets at the museum, 241 N. Main St. 5-7 p.m. The Interfaith Thrift Store is open for shopping. 7 p.m. Spencerville Local Schools Board of Education meets. St. Johns Athletic Boosters meet in the Little Theatre. 7:30 p.m. Delphos Chapter 26 Order of the Eastern Star meets at the Masonic Temple on North Main Street. Delphos VFW Auxiliary meets at the VFW Hall, 213 W. Fourth St. FRIDAY 7:30 a.m. Delphos Optimist Club, A&W DriveIn, 924 E. Fifth St. 11:30 a.m. Mealsite at Delphos Senior Citizen Center, 301 Suthoff St. 1-4 p.m. Interfaith Thrift Store is open for shopping. SATURDAY 9-11:30 a.m. Delphos Project Recycle at Delphos Fuel and Wash. 9 a.m.-noon Interfaith Thrift Store is open for shopping. St. Vincent dePaul Society, located at the east edge of the St. Johns High School parking lot, is open. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Delphos Postal Museum is open. 12:15 p.m. Testing of warning sirens by Delphos Fire and Rescue. 1-3 p.m. The Delphos Canal Commission Museum, 241 N. Main St., is open. 7 p.m. Bingo at St. Johns Little Theatre. SUNDAY 1-3 p.m. The Delphos Canal Commission Museum, 241 N. Main St., is open. 1-4 p.m. Putnam County Museum is open, 202 E. Main St. Kalida. 1:30 p.m. Amvets Post 698 Auxiliary meets at the Amvets post in Middle Point. 4 p.m. Amvets Post 698 regular meeting at the Amvets post in Middle Point. 7:30 p.m. Sons of Amvets Post 698 meet at Amvets Post in Middle Point. MONDAY 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ottoville Branch Library is open. 11:30 a.m. Mealsite at Delphos Senior Citizen Center, 301 Suthoff St.

Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza 1/2-pound ground beef 1 small onion, chopped 1 prebaked Italian bread shell crust (1 pound) 1 can (8 ounces) pizza sauce 6 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled 20 dill pickle coin slices 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese 1 teaspoon pizza or Italian seasoning In a skillet, cook beef and onion until meat is no longer pink; drain and set aside. Place crust on an ungreased 12-inch pizza pan. Spread with pizza sauce. Top with beef mixture, bacon, pickles and cheeses. Sprinkle with pizza seasoning. Bake

Kitchen Press Your family is sure Kitchen to enjoy pizza and salad for a meal. Press

at 450 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted. Yield: 8 slices. Pizza Pasta Salad 3 cups penne pasta, cooked, cooled 4 tomatoes, chopped 12 slices Oscar Mayer hard salami, chopped 1 cup Kraft Finely Shredded Italian Five Cheese Blend 1/2 cup sliced fresh basil (optional) 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese 1/2 cup Kraft Tuscan House Italian Dressing Combine ingredients. Refrigerate 1 hour. *Substitute 3 ounces pepperoni for the salami. If you enjoyed these recipes, made changes or have one to share, email [email protected].


Quotes of local interest supplied by EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTS Close of business February 19, 2014
LastPrice Change
-89.84 -12.01 -34.83 -0.24 -5.66 +0.09 -0.08 -1.19 -0.05 -0.22 -0.22 -0.34 -0.14 -0.29 -0.59 -1.51 -0.28 -0.07 -0.21 +0.37 -1.12 -0.57 -0.53 -1.23 -0.50 -0.39 -0.47 +0.09 -1.08 +0.17 +0.1400 -0.04 -0.68 +0.32 -0.79 +0.55 -0.48



FEB. 24-28 MONDAY: Pork chops, redskin potatoes, Capri-blend veggies, diced apples, coffee and 2 percent milk. TUESDAY: Chicken and dumplings, broccoli, slaw, roll, margarine, pumpkin pie, coffee and 2 percent milk. WEDNESDAY: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, wax beans, bread, margarine, fruit, coffee and 2 percent milk. THURSDAY: Beef pot pie, green beans, roll, margarine, raspberry whip, coffee and 2 percent milk. FRIDAY: Salmon patty, cheese potatoes, cauliflower, dessert, coffee and 2 percent milk.

DowJonesIndustrialAverage 16040.56 S&P500 1828.75 NASDAQComposite 4,237.95 AmericanElectricPowerCo.,Inc. 50.15 AutoZone,Inc. 536.34 BungeLimited 78.40 BPplc 49.33 CitigroupInc. 48.19 CenturyLink,Inc. 30.90 CVSCaremarkCorporation 70.10 DominionResources,Inc. 70.64 EatonCorporationplc 72.13 FordMotorCo. 15.25 FirstDefianceFinancialCorp. 26.65 FirstFinancialBancorp. 16.01 GeneralDynamicsCorp. 105.26 GeneralMotorsCompany 36.03 TheGoodyearTire&RubberCompany 26.56 HuntingtonBancsharesIncorporated 8.85 HealthCareREIT,Inc. 57.33 TheHomeDepot,Inc. 76.45 HondaMotorCo.,Ltd. 36.60 Johnson&Johnson 91.64 JPMorganChase&Co. 57.26 KohlsCorp. 51.16 LowesCompaniesInc. 46.54 McDonaldsCorp. 95.55 MicrosoftCorporation 37.51 Pepsico,Inc. 77.10 TheProcter&GambleCompany 78.14 RiteAidCorporation 6.4100 SprintCorporation 8.16 TimeWarnerInc. 64.62 UnitedBancsharesInc. 15.47 U.S.Bancorp 39.95 VerizonCommunicationsInc. 46.53 Wal-MartStoresInc. 74.85

Happy Birthday

FEB. 21 Preston Vonderwell Dorothy Stocklin Jaymee Fair Linda Conner Nicholas Wurst Cody Bailey

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Thursday, February 20, 2014


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Each year a highlight of the FFA calendar is a four day trip to the National FFA Convention which is held in Louisville, Kentucky. Students traveled with two other chapters. On the way to the convention, several tours and sites were visited including: Tyson Foods in Logansport In., Toyota Manufacturing Plant, and Keenland Horse Track. The trip also including listening to several motivational speakers, attending business sessions, and touring the career show. Also, several Delphos FFA members were recognized for earning their America FFA Degrees which included, Lindzi Hoersten, Austin Reindel, Julie Noonan, and Tim Pohlman. Members who attended included: Riley Claypool, Austn Lucas, Eli Siefker, Brent Buettner, Sarah Fitch, Katie Caputo, and Halee Heising.

Leading and running a business meeting are life skills that Delphos FFA members gain by studying Parliamentary Procedure. Several members of the chapter participated in the Parliamentary Procedure Contest where they were able to apply the lessons learned in the classroom to a lifelike situation. This year, the senior team placed first in the sub-district competition, placed first in the district competition, and advanced to the state contest where they placed fourth in their heat. Team members include: back row l to r Kylie Fritz, Halee Heising, Sophia Thompson, Rileigh Tippie. Front row: Karen Cline, Desiree Wessel, Sophia Wilson and Tatiana Olmeda.

This year, th tition. Team m Thompson, H wald, Desiree

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This year, the Delphos FFA had two freshman teams placing Freshman Team Two members include: Danielle Dancer, Paige first & second respectively in the subdistrict competition and Oswald, Kylie White, Kaitlyn Hartsock, Alexa Plescher, Tori 1st at districts and 3rd in their heat at the state contest. Fresh- Schleeter, Brittany Phillips, Brent Buettner. man Team One members include: L-R Bottom Row: Danielle Dancer, Tori Schleeter, Cheyanna Sirocco, Beth Williams. Back row: Paige Oswald, Eli Eddie, Tristian Moore, Alexa Pleshcer.

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Each Year FFA members educate third grade students from St. Johns, Landeck and Franklin about where food comes from through the Food for America Program. Sophia Thompson and Jessica Pimpas help local third graders feed milk to the newborn calves at Hempfling Dairy Farm. Other stops include: Friedrich Swine Farm, Chief Supermarket, Miller Beef Farm, Mox Nursery, a wildlife presentation at the park and gun safety by Gary Dilworth at the park, and Harry Heidlebaugh Sheep Farm.

The 2013-2014 Delphos FFA Officer Team started their year of service with an officer training at 4-H camp Palmer. During this 2 day retreat the officers became better acquainted with one another, worked on developing teamwork skills, set goals for the chapter, and developed the Program of Activities for the upcoming year. The officers are pictured above ready for a great year of service. Officers include: Sophia Thompson- Reporter, Sophia Wilson- Treasurer, Asya Hamilton- Secretary, Karen Cline- Vice President, Tatiana Olmeda- Sentinel, , Kylie Fritz- President and Halee Heising- Student Advisor.

Over eighty member hibited various shop County Fair. Severa standing projects. A Fritz our current Pre hog.



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Each year along with the Delphos Young Farmers and wives the FFA participates in the Delphos Community Christmas Project. They collect monies and non-perishable food items to be distributed throughout our community. Karen Cline, Andy May and Kylie Fritz present Kenny Blankemeyer and Ralph Lauser representative from the project with monies and non perishable goods from the FFA and YF YFW organizations.

Thompson Seed Farm 4920 DEFIANCE TRAIL

he beginning team placed first in the subdistrict compemembers include: (L-R back row). Devin Rabe, Sophia Halee Heising, Rileigh Tippie. (L-R front row) Paige OsWessel, Sophia Wilson and Tatiana Olmeda.

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Steve Pothast

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y members of the Delphos FFA compete at an Wert County Fair as well. They show iety of projects and livestock. Two highfrom this years fair include Sophia Wile named Grand Champion performance and also Brock Bonifas garnered Grand At the 2013 State FFA Convention, Delphos FFA experienced great success. 21 Members mpion Market Hog. traveled to Columbus, and they listened to motivational speakers, and toured the career show. Four members received the State FFA Degree that includes: Jason Wittler, Kylie Fritz, Tanner Vermule and Caitlin Landwehr and they had one State Proficiency Winner-Wes Roby in Landscape Mgt. Placement. (front row L R)- Rileigh Tippie, Desiree Wessel, Halee Heising, Sophia Wilson, Sophia Thompson, Sydney Freund, Kiersten Teman, Courtney Van Schoyck. (Middle Row L-R)- Austin Lucas, Eli Siefker, Tanner Vermule, Riley Claypool, Gavin Shobe, Devin Rabe, Veronica Vulgamott, (Last Row L-R)- Kylie Fritz, Jason Wittler, Wes Roby, Justin Siefker, Jordan Barclay, Caitlin Landwher. Each year the FFA celebrates FFA Week doing various activities throughout the week. Activities include a teacher/members pancake and sausage breakfast, Leadership day, State officer visit and FFA Olympics. The peddle tractor relay is one of the contests FFA members participate in. Justin Siefker, Jason Wittler, Jordan Barclay. Chris Martin, Devin Rabe, Riley Claypool, Serena Lorencivic get ready at the starting line.

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rs of the Delphos FFA competed and exp and livestock projects at the 2013 Allen al members were recognized for their outA highlight of this years fair was Kylie esident winning grand champion market

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8 The Herald

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Russia loses shot at Olympic hockey gold

By DAVID PACE Associated Press SOCHI, Russia A Russian hockey team with immense expectations lost its shot at an Olympic title Wednesday at a Winter Games tempered by violence both in the host city and in nearby Ukraine. Finland beat the Russians 3-1, knocking them out of the quarterfinals and ending their chances of winning a hockey gold medal in front of their own fans. Defending Olympic champion Canada had a scare from upstart Latvia before a late goal sealed a 2-1 win. The U.S. advanced easily with a 5-2 win over the Czech Republic. The U.S. will meet Canada and Sweden will take on Finland in Fridays semifinals. Another Russian with great expectations, 15-year-old figure skater Julia Lipnitskaia, fell during the womens short program and finished fifth. Defending gold medalist Yuna Kim of South Korea led the competition, which finishes Thursday. Ted Ligety of the U.S. won gold in mens giant slalom, the first American man to win two Olympic medals in Alpine skiing. American-turned Russian snowboarder Vic Wild won the mens parallel giant slalom, minutes after his Russian wife, Alexa Zavarzina, won bronze in the womens competition. In downtown Sochi, Cossack militia attacked the Pussy Riot punk group with horsewhips and removed members trademark ski masks. The confrontation lasted less than three minutes and no one was arrested. Earlier, Sergei Bubka, the pole vault great who heads the Ukrainian Olympic Committee, urged both sides in Ukraines political crisis to halt the violence that left at least 25 people dead and 240 injured in Kiev on Tuesday. The crisis centers on divided loyalties in Ukraine between Russia and the West. Im shocked by what is happening in my native country especially because the violence is taking place during the Olympic Games, the worlds most peaceful and democratic event, Bubka said. On Day 13 of the Sochi Olympics, Norway won the first Olympic mixed relay in biathlon, making Ole Einar Bjoerndalen the most decorated Winter Olympian ever with 13 medals; Norway also won the womens cross-country team sprint, with Finland taking the mens title; Martina Sablikova of the Czech Republic denied the Netherlands another speedskating podium sweep; and the Canadian women won the gold in bobsled.
___ ICE HOCKEY: Finlands win over Russia was not an upset. The Finns had advanced to the semifinals as the fourth seed, while Russia had to win a consolation round game to advance to the final eight. Sweden continued its undefeated run, beating Slovenia 5-0 to advance to the semifinals. ___ FIGURE SKATING: Kim scored 74.92 points, ahead of Adelina Sotnikova of Russia by 0.28. Carolina Kostner of Italy is third with 74.12. Lipnitskaia, who helped Russia win the team gold on Feb. 9, fell on a triple flip. She was too tearful to speak after her worst performance in months. American champion Gracie Gold was fourth. ___ ALPINE SKIING: Ligety was 21 when he won his first gold medal in the combined at the 2006 Turin Games. The only other American to win two Olympic golds in Alpine skiing was Andrea Mead Lawrence, who took the womens slalom and giant slalom at the 1952 Oslo Games. On Wednesday, Steve Missillier of France took the silver and teammate Alexis Pinturault the bronze. ___ CROSS-COUNTRY: Marit Bjoergen captured her fifth career Olympic gold medal when Norway won the womens team sprint. Ingvild Flugstad Oestberg was the other Norwegian skier. Finland took silver and Sweden bronze. In the mens race, Finland took advantage of a fall that slowed its two closest rivals. Russia grabbed the silver, Sweden the bronze. ___ SNOWBOARDING: Wild grew up in White Salmon, Wash., and applied for Russian citizenship after marrying Zavarzina in 2011. He then joined the Russian snowboarding team. Nevin Galmarini of Switzerland finished second for silver, and Zan Kosir of Slovenia took the bronze. In the womens race, Patrizia Kummer cruised to victory and Switzerlands sixth gold medal of the games when Japans Tomoka Takeuchi missed a gate midway through the second run of the finals. ___ SPEEDSKATING: Sablikova won her second consecutive gold in the womens 5,000 meters. The Dutch still added two more medals, with Ireen Wust winning silver and Carien Kleibeuker the bronze. Wust now has won four medals at the Sochi Games, including gold in the 3,000 and silvers in the 1,000 and 1,500. Dutch speedskaters have 21 medals overall. ___ BIATHLON: Bjoerndalen broke the record for overall medals that he had shared with cross-country skiing great Bjoern Daehlie. He also matched his fellow Norwegians record of eight gold medals. Bjoerndalen earlier won gold in Sochi in the mens sprint biathlon. He can win another medal in the final mens biathlon event of the Sochi Games, the 4x7.5-kilometer relay on Saturday. In the mixed relay biathlon, the Czech Republic won the silver and Italy the bronze. ___ BOBSLED: The Canadian team of Kaillie Humphries and Heather Moyse won their second straight Olympic womens bobsled gold. Elana Meyers and Lauryn Williams of the U.S. took silver, and teammates Jamie Greubel and Aja Evans the bronze. Williams became the fifth Olympian to medal at both the Summer and Winter Games. She has gold and silver medals from three Olympic appearances as a sprinter. ___ CURLING: Canada and Sweden will play for the gold medal in womens curling after winning semifinal games that went to the final shot. In the mens tournament, Canada will meet Britain for gold.

Kalida dispatches Jefferson in girls tourney action

By JIM METCALFE Staff Writer [email protected] VAN WERT The second season is all about surviving. Winning is all that matters, no matter how it looks. It wasnt always pretty but Kalida was one of those girls basketball teams that did make it to another game Wednesday night, dispelling Jefferson out of the Division IV Sectional Tournament with a 56-46 triumph on the Cougars Den court of Van Wert High School. The LadyCats (9-13) advance to take on Ottoville, an earlier victor of Fort Jennings, at 8 p.m. Saturday. The Lady Wildcats bow out at 10-12. Seven seniors played their final hardwood games in a Red and White uniform: Katie Goergens (17 counters on 3 treys, 8-of-9 singles; 5 boards; limited by foul trouble), Rileigh Stockwell (14 markers, 8 rebounds), Makayla Binkley (5 counters), Jasmine McDougall (2 boards), Lindsay Deuel, Hannah Sensibaugh (1 assists) and Gabby Pimpas (2 rebounds). Hannah and Makayla missed the first half of the season due to injuries and they worked hard to come back and play, even when it didnt look like they would. Their injuries cost us continuity early on because they were back from last year but their return did help us, Jefferson mentor Dave Hoffman explained. Seven seniors is a big chunk finally got our complete team. We had our ups and downs but we started to be more consistent later on. There was one tie in this contest: 3-pointers by Kalida sophomore Brittany Kahle and Jefferson junior Brooke Culp (10 markers, 3 rebounds) to open the contest. Kalida sophomore Kylie Osterhage (7 markers, 5 boards; limited by foul trouble) gave them the lead, only to see Goergens hit all three free throws while fouled on a 3-ball give the Red and White their first and last lead. When Kalida senior Elizabeth Turnwald put them up 7-6, they never trailed again and there were no other ties. Kalida took advantage of its prowess on the backboards outrebounding Delphos 43-24 (15-6) and forcing six turnovers with its full-court press (13 for the game versus 16 of its own) and led by as much as five twice before taking a 16-12 edge on a steal and layin by junior Jackie Gardner (18 points, 6 boards, 4 steals) at 55 ticks. The Maroon and White appeared on the verge of taking command in the second period, using five each by Gardner and junior Nicole Recker in shooting out to a 29-15 advantage on a pair of singles by sophomore Allison Recker (14 markers, 10 boards) at 2:15. The Lady Jeffcats rallied with a 6-2 closing spurt, capped by a Culp freebie at 36.3 seconds, to get within 31-21. See KALIDA, page 9



Jefferson senior Rileigh Stockwell finds the going tough against Kalida sophomore Joni Kaufman Wednesday night in Division IV Sectional girls basketball action at Van Wert. (Delphos Herald/Pat Agler) of players to lose and they were all key parts of the team for at least the last two seasons, if not three. Overall, I was pleased with our efforts all season, especially later in the year when we

Two Wynn free throws in OT win for Grove girls

By CHARLIE WARNIMONT DHI Correspondent [email protected] WAPAKONETA It was only fitting that a free throw decided Wednesday nights Division III sectional semi-final between Columbus Grove and Coldwater at Wapakoneta High School. On a night when there were 60 charity tosses attempted by the two squads, both teams had their chances at the line to get the win. Coldwater was unable to convert at the end of regulation to steal a win, while the Bulldogs used two free throws in the final seconds of overtime to come away with a 51-49 over the Cavaliers. The win advances the Bulldogs (14-9) to the sectional finals Saturday night at 6:15 p.m. against Allen East. Columbus Grove went to the free throw line 33 times Wednesday evening sinking 27. They were 7-of-8 at the line in overtime and 16-of-18 in the second half. Coldwater attempted 27 free throws in the game making 17 of them. However, two big misses at the end of regulation cost them a chance to advance. In a tightly contested game, the Bulldogs went up 42-40 with 52 seconds left when Jade Clement drained two free throws. The Cavaliers had an opportunity to tie the game as Hannah Bruns was fouled going to the basket. She could only connect on the second of her two chances. Coldwaters full-court pressure defense forced a Bulldog turnover giving them a chance to win the game in regulation. Sarah Kanney was fouled on a drive to the basket with four seconds left. Kanney missed her first attempt, then drained a pressure packed second free throw to tie the game at 42-42. Columbus Grove had a chance to win the game, but a long 3-pointer by Rachel Schumacher was on line but fell short of hitting the rim. In overtime, the Bulldogs scored first on two free throws by Julia Wynn. The Cavaliers scored the next four points as Bruns hit two free throws and Joelle Hemmelgarn came up with a steal that she converted into two points. Columbus Grove tied the game on

two free throws by Jade Clement before Wynn gave the Bulldogs the lead with 1:27 left with a free throw. With 53 seconds left, Erica Sudhoff gave Coldwater the lead when she drained a threepointer. Wynn tied the game with 37 seconds on a layup giving Coldwater a chance to play for the last shot. The Cavaliers missed the shot and in the battle for the rebound, Wynn was fouled with 1.8 seconds left. After a Cavalier timeout to ice Wynn, the senior center went to line and drained both chances. A long 3-point attempt by Kanney was well off the mark as time expired. The game was back and forth all night and Julia Wynn came up big for us at the end with two free throws, Bulldog coach Brian Schroeder said. In that final huddle I told the girls this is a lot of fun, I dont know if I want this night to end, but Julia you can go ahead and hit the free throws if you want. She seemed cool, calm and confident and when that first one goes in that just makes the second one easier to hit. See GROVE, page 9

Hamlin puts injury behind him and focuses on 2014

Associated Press DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. Just five months ago, Denny Hamlin could barely get in his race car at his home track in Richmond without first stopping at the care center for treatment on his aching back. He was bent on finishing the year despite the fractured vertebra that had derailed his season and was causing him so much discomfort. That dogged determination eventually helped him turn a corner. Hamlin was feeling substantially better by the end of the season when he won his only race of the year at Homestead. It gave him momentum into the offseason and resolve to make 2014 his year. His win in last Saturday nights exhibition Sprint Unlimited was a statement for Hamlin and for anyone who doubted he couldnt return from his injury. Kligerman lands on roof in Daytona 500 practice: The first full practice for the Daytona 500 ended early Wednesday after rookie Parker Kligermans airborne car ripped out a chunk of the grandstand fence. Kligermans car ended up sliding on its roof halfway down the front-stretch at Daytona International Speedway.

US Olympians

Associated Press ALPINE SKIING Men Giant Slalom Final Ranking (First and second runs in parentheses) 1. Ted Ligety, Park City, Utah, (1, 1:21.08; 14, 1:24.21) 2:45.29. GOLD 15. Tim Jitloff, Reno, Nev., (21, 1:23.23; 8, 1:23.90) 2:47.13. 19. Jared Goldberg, Salt Lake City, (27, 1:23.66; 6, 1:23.82) 2:47.48. 20. Bode Miller, Easton, N.H., (26, 1:23.64; 13, 1:24.18) 2:47.82. ___ BIATHLON Mixed Relay 9. United States (Susan Dunklee, Barton, Vt., Hannah Dreissigacker, Morrisville, Vt., Tim Burke, Paul Smiths, N.Y., Lowell Bailey, Lake Placid, N.Y.), 1:12:20.1 (1+0). ___ BOBSLEIGH Women Final 2. United States 1 (Elana Meyers, Douglasville, Ga., Lauryn Williams, Rochester, Pa.), 3:50.71. SILVER 3. United States 2 (Jamie Greubel, Newtown, Pa., Aja Evans, Chicago), 3:51.61. BRONZE 11. United States 3 (Jazmine Fenlator, Wayne, N.J., Lolo Jones, Des Moines, Iowa), 3:53.97.

___ CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING Men Team Sprint Classic 6. United States (Simi Hamilton, Aspen, Colo., Erik Bjornsen, Winthrop, Wash.), 23:49.95. Women Team Sprint Classic 8. United States (Sophie Caldwell, Peru, Vt., Kikkan Randall, Anchorage, Alaska), 16:48.08. ___ FIGURE SKATING Women Short Program 4. Gracie Gold, El Segundo, Calif., 68.63 (Q). 6. Ashley Wagner, Alexandria, Va., 65.21 (Q). 7. Polina Edmunds, San Jose, Calif., 61.04 (Q). ___ SNOWBOARD Mens Parallel Giant Slalom Qualifying 24. (14) Justin Reiter, Steamboat Springs, Colo., 1:41.25. - did not qualify Womens Parallel Giant Slalom Qualifying None competed. ___ SPEEDSKATING Women 5000 16. Maria Lamb, River Falls, Wis., 7:29.64.

Economist: College football like NFL but for pay

By MICHAEL TARM Associated Press CHICAGO Major colleges run their football teams just like those in the NFL, relying on players to generate millions of dollars in revenue, an economist testified Wednesday before a federal agency that will decide whether Northwestern football players may form the first union for college athletes in U.S. history. The difference would be the NFL pays their players, Southern Utah University sports economist David Berri told the National Labor Relations Board on the second day of a hearing in Chicago that could stretch into Friday. That colleges dont pay their football players, he said, likely boosts their programs profitability further. The NLRB is considering whether Wildcats football players can be categorized under U.S. law as employees, which would give them rights to unionize. The university, the Big Ten Conference and NCAA have all maintained college players are student-athletes, not employees. Attorneys for Northwestern began presenting their case opposing unionization, endeavoring to show that the newly formed College Athletes Players Association would provide little tangible benefit to the Northwestern players. Asked whether one of CAPAs stated goals to improve football-player graduation rates made any sense for Northwestern, the universitys associate athletic director, Brian Baptiste, noted the schools rate was already No. 1 in the nation at 97 percent. I guess you can increase 97 percent, he replied wryly. Union supporters say they would be able to force schools to better protect football players from head injuries.

No one was injured in the 7-car wreck, which stirred memories of last years last-lap crash in the second-tier Nationwide Series season opener at Daytona. Kyle Larsons car destroyed a large section of the catch-fence, sending debris into the stands and injuring nearly 30 people. The stands were virtually empty during practice Wednesday. The garage area, meanwhile, was buzzing with teams feverishly trying to fix cars or fine-tune backups for todays dual qualifying races. It happens every year, driver Joey Logano said. You always hope youre the one thats not in it or you miss it. I saw it getting kind of crazy out there and youre kind of in the middle of it and you cant really get out of it at that point when youre in the middle. It was a little too late. Logano and Matt Kenseth started the melee when they got together coming out of turn 4 during a drafting session. Trevor Bayne hit Logano, who then slammed into Paul Menard. Menards car shot up the track and collected Kligerman. You dont want to wreck in practice for sure, Kenseth said. Honestly, the last lap and a half, I was just trying to figure out how to get out of there and get to the pits. But when youre stuck in the middle, you kind of got to wait until everything clears out.

Associated Press Subject to change Curling Women Bronze Medal Britain vs. Switzerland, 3:30 a.m. Gold Medal Canada vs. Sweden, 8:30 a.m. Figure Skating Womens free program, 10 a.m. Freestyle Skiing Mens Ski Cross Seeding, 2:45 a.m. Mens Ski Cross Finals, 4:30 a.m.

Todays Winter Olympic Schedule

Womens Halfpipe Qualification, 9:30 a.m. Womens Halfpipe Final, 12:30 p.m. Ice Hockey Women Bronze Medal Sweden vs. Switzerland, 7 a.m. Gold Medal United States vs. Canada, Noon Nordic Combined Mens Team Jump (large hill), 3 a.m. Mens Team 4x5km, 6 a.m.

Baptiste suggested that only the NCAA, with oversight power across the country, was in position to address that. That has to be done on a national level, he said. Northwestern wouldnt have control over that. Supporters argue a union would provide athletes a vehicle to lobby for greater financial security. They contend scholarships sometimes dont even cover livings expenses for a full year. Baptiste said NCAA rules tie Northwesterns hands, and they would bar it from assenting to demands from an oncampus football union, including calls to increase the value of scholarships. He said the NCAA caps scholarship amounts. Berri, the economist, was called to testify on behalf of the proposed union, which is pushing the unionization bid with support from the United Steelworkers. He sought to illustrate how the relationship between Northwestern and its football players was one of employer to employees.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Herald 9

Martin/Incognito isnt over by a long shot

Metcalfes Musings

Lady Green overwhelms Jennings in sectional 55-22

By JOHN PARENT DHI Correspondent [email protected] VAN WERT Its not often a team can shoot 29 percent and miss 20 consecutive 3-point attempts in a game and come away with a victory. Its even less often that victory will come by 33 points. Thats just what happened, however, at the Division IV sectional at Van Wert on Wednesday night, as Ottovilles Lady Green raced past Fort Jennings, 55-22. The Lady Green (13-8) will play the 8 p.m. contest on Saturday night at Van Wert when they take on Kalida for the sectional championship. Whether it was nerves, playing in an unfamiliar environment, or the Lady Musketeer defense, Ottoville never found a rhythm on Wednesday, at least from the perimeter. Though senior Taylor Mangas drilled an early triple to put the Lady Green up 5-0, it would be until mid-way through the fourth quarter that Ottoville would connect from distance again. Where Ottoville had a significant advantage over the Musketeers was on the interior, where sisters Lexie and Lyndsey Wannemacher turned in outstanding performances, both on offense and on the glass. Lexie got the scoring started with a putback of a Lady Green miss before adding a pair of hoops from the low block later in the first quarter, the second of which she converted into an old-fashioned three-point play. The Lady Green managed just 4-for-12 shooting in the opening period but held a 14-3 lead as the stanza came to a close. Fort Jennings (3-19) was held to 1-for-7, a Jenna Calvelage 3-pointer, from the field and committed nine turnovers. Ottovilles high-pressure defense took the black-andorange out of its comfort zone and forced rushed decisions and rushed shots. Unfortunately for the Lady Musketeers, it was a trend that would continue throughout the contest. We were diving for every loose ball, we were working

By JIM METCALFE Sports Editor [email protected] Do you feel that we havent heard the last of the Richie Incognito/Johnathan Martin brouhaha? I understand the report that the National Football League was pretty condemning of Incognito, as well as two other fellow linemen and a coach, that it claimed were involved in the harassment of Martin. I figure there will be fallout my guess is that Incognitos career is over, for starters, and there will be changes in the way the NFL and its locker rooms do business. No one wants to see bullying, abusive behavior, undignified behavior in any way. It shouldnt be about demeaning ANYONE in building up a team or teammate. At the same time, the powers-that-be need to tread lightly because if they are NOT careful, they may turn the locker room when there needs to be real respect/unity (you may not like your teammates but youd better respect them as players) into nothing but a place of suspicion, where people are afraid of saying the wrong thing and thus destroying any sense of camaraderie. To really have a team, players have to be able to speak their minds and clear the air. Coaches talk about playing as one, not having any distractions to, well, distract them or their players from putting forth their best effort and winning games. To really quell distractions, players have to feel free to address them, whatever they may be. Im not saying boys will be boys but adults have to be adults; if they are prevented from doing so, the problem will only get worse and, I fear, explode. Perhaps the answer will be one-on-one with a coach, another player, a group of players or even management. What is the sad part of this Incognito/Martin spat is that Martin didnt feel free to either confront the teammates that were responsible he didnt feel he could really defend himself, though I wonder what those thousands of text messages they sent amongst themselves were about or be secure enough to go to someone else on the team or a higher-up. Maybe he could have done so most coaches claim they have an open door but who knows and apparently, teammates wondered why he didnt but apparently, he didnt think he could. That we may not really know because, according to the report, the coaching staff outside of the offensive line coach was not responsible; this was purely a player-based act. Who knows what Incognito will end up doing; it is his name above all that has been besmirched ever since this issue came to the forefront and he may decide to burn any bridges left as I wrote before, his career is likely done and sue the NFL and perhaps Martin? He wasnt very kind to his erstwhile teammate immediately before and after the release of that report though he did tweet apologies earlier this week to parties involved. Still, I wonder if those were public relations moves or true changes of heart. Think he could find a lawyer lawyers to take his case should he so choose to go ahead and bring a suit? Either that or he may truly realize what he has done and finally figure it out. My other question is: what about Martin? It seems he wants to continue his NFL career it would be sad for him to have ended his career this way because he can play but I can see why he could have lost the desire, too or with which team he might play for. Would he want to return to Miami? Would he and/ or perhaps his teammates be able to put this whole mess behind them enough to accept each other as teammates again? It wont be easy and as I wrote before, there is going to have to be strong communication from everyone involved for this to even have a chance to work. Heres the rub: if some of his teammates thought he went about it all wrong, that he had the opportunity to address this issue head-on but didnt, that would or has gotten around quickly and that might make a return to the game less likely. A shame, really. We shall see, wont we?

Ottoville junior Lexie Wannemacher is providing tough defense as Fort Jennings sophomore Kylie Jettinghoff tries to get off a shot in the first Division IV girls sectional contest Wednesday night at Van Wert High School. (Delphos Herald/Pat Agler) hard for everything we were getting, and thats contagious. When theyre hustling, it forces everybody else to hustle, noted Ottoville head coach Dave Kleman. Defensively, I loved our effort tonight. If we play as hard as we did tonight, Ill take whatever happens. You can take losing or winning as long as youre busting your butt. Fort Jennings endured a scoreless drought of 7:26 between that Calvelage three and their next field goal, which came with 4:15 on the second quarter clock. Alyssa Schimmoeller made her way to the basket and drew contact, resulting in a three-point play. That effort only brought the Musketeers to within 18-6, however. a Brook Mangas three-point play and a hoop and free throw from Lyndsey Wannemacher closed out the half for the Lady Green, giving them a 24-6 cushion. The Musketeers were just 2-for-17 shooting in the first half and coughed up 19 turnovers. Ottoville used its size advantage to out-rebound Fort Jennings, 19-14, with eight of those coming on the offensive glass. Though the hole was far too deep for Fort Jennings to climb out of, the Lady Musketeers showed a lot of fight coming out of the locker room. Emily Kehres scored on an offensive rebound early in the third and fellow senior Cassie Lindeman drilled back-to-back 3-pointers moments later, forcing Klemen to burn a timeout. Shes been our go-to shooter this year, Musketeer head coach Rhonda Liebrecht noted on Lindemans eight-point third quarter. Shes knows the ball is coming her way. A baseline drive and score by Ottovilles Alicia Honigford stemmed the tide and Lexie Wannemacher added a put-back

to establish a 20-point margin on the scoreboard as the Lady Green took a 36-16 lead into the final period. Kasidy Klausing grabbed an errant shot and scored the put-back for Fort Jennings to open the fourth, but Lexie Wannemachers hoop-and-harm immediately followed, capping a 14-point effort for the junior. The Lady Green closed the game by scoring 16 of the final 20 points, with four of those coming on Lyndsey Wannemcher buckets from the low block. Lyndsey finished with nine points for the Lady Green. They (the Wannemacher sisters) work their butts off, Kleman explained. Theyre in the gym all summer, trying to get better, and theyre starting to get rewarded from that right now. Thats great to see because theyre great kids. The loss caps a difficult first year for Liebrecht, but she sees the foundation of an improving program. Our girls work hard, and thats my goal to get from them, Liebrecht added. We cant make this program just do a complete 360 like that, but I keep telling them and reminding them to put the work in, to work hard, and theyre getting it. To get where we want to be, we have to work hard. Its all baby steps, but were making them. For Klemen, the latest victory is the continuation of a young team thats growing together. The kids really enjoy each other, Kleman noted. Theyre a very tight-knit group. If I make one of them mad, I make them all mad, and if I make one happy, I make all of them happy, because theyre really tight. I just think that were coming together and understanding what were trying to do offensively.
Score by quarters Fort Jennings 3 3 10 6- 22 Ottoville 14 10 12 19- 55 Fort Jennings (22) Calvelage 3, Schimmoeller 3, Lindeman 10, Clippinger 0, Kehres 4, Jettinghoff 0, Osting 0, K. Eickholt 0, Klausing 2, Metcalfe 0. Ottoville (55) T. Mangas 11, B. Mangas 6, Lindeman 5, Le. Wannemacher 14, Kramer 0, Landwehr 0, Ly. Wannemacher 9, Thorbahn 1, Sarka 2, Von Sossan 0, Boecker 3.

Reds, Bailey agree on 6-year deal

season. Also, the $5 million buyout would be paid when either side decides not to exercise GOODYEAR, Ariz. Starter Homer the option rather than having it deferred until Bailey agreed to a 6-year, $105 million deal November as well. on Wednesday that avoids arbitration and The Reds planned to discuss the deal will help the Cincinnati Reds with their cash today. Bailey declined to comment on the flow by temporarily deferring some of the agreement after a workout on Wednesday. salary. Baileys was the last arbitration case left The deal includes a $25 milin the majors. Teams won two of lion mutual option for 2020 with a three cases that went to hearings, $5 million buyout. with the Indians beating pitchers Bailey was the Reds final playVinnie Pestano and Josh Tomlin. er left in arbitration. He reached Pitcher Andrew Cashner won his the agreement a day before his case with San Diego. Owners have scheduled hearing in Florida. He a 293-215 margin since arbitration made $5.35 million last season began in 1974. and had asked for $11.6 million in Bailey went a career-best 13-10 arbitration. The Reds offered $8.7 with a 3.68 ERA in 2012, completmillion, their biggest gap with one ing his breakthrough season by of their arbitration-eligible playthrowing a no-hitter in Pittsburgh Bailey ers. on Sept 28. He followed that with The 27-year-old Texan was the 16th no-hitter in franchise hiscoming off a season that included his second tory last June, a 3-0 win over San Francisco no-hitter. The sides struck a deal that will at Great American Ball Park. help the Reds with their cash flow. Bailey went 11-12 with a 3.49 ERA last Bailey gets salaries of $9 million this year, leaving him in line for a big salary year, $10 million in 2015, $18 million in increase in arbitration or a long-term deal. 2016, $19 million in 2017, $21 million The Reds rotation in includes five players in 2018 and $23 million in 2019. In an under the age of 30 Johnny Cueto (28), unusual twist, much of the annual salary will Mat Latos (26), Bailey (27), Mike Leake be deferred until the November after each (26) and left-hander Tony Cingrani (24). season. Reds need LF Ludwick back in form Bailey will be paid in-season amounts after injury: Thirty-eight games, two home of $3 million this year, $4 million next year, runs. Even when Ryan Ludwick was back in $11 million in 2016, $12 million in 2017, the lineup, his power was still missing. $14 million in 2018 and $15 million in 2019. And so was a big part of the Reds If he is traded, his new team would have offense. to pay all of the salary amounts during the The Reds got very little out of their left Associated Press


(Continued from page 8)

Coldwater 13-46 17-27 49: Sarah Kanney 4-6-17; Brooke Welsch 2-16; Hannah Bruns 4-6-14; Erica Sudhoff 1-4-7; Denise Schwieterman 1-0-3; Joelle Hemmelgarn 1-0-2. Columbus Grove 12-34 26-33 51: Julia Wynn 3-8-14; Sydney McCluer 1-4-6; Lynea Diller 5-1-11; Jade Clement 2-4-8; Sammi Stechschulte 1-2-5; Kyrah Yinger 0-5-5; Rachel Schumacher 0-0-0. Score by Quarters: Coldwater 12 8 7 15 7 - 49 Columbus Grove 7 13 11 11 9 - 51 Three-point goals: Coldwater 6 (Kanney 3, Welsch, Sudhoff, Schwieterman); Columbus Grove 1 (Stechschulte).

Only twice in the game did either team threaten to pull away from the other. Behind their defense and two three-pointers from Kanney the Cavaliers grabbed an early 8-3 lead. Coldwater settled for a 12-7 first quarter lead as the Bulldogs hit just 2-of-11 shots and they stretched that lead to 16-7 early in the second quarter forcing coach Schroeder to use his second timeout of the game. That second timeout worked magic as the Bulldogs went on a 7-0 run as they pulled into a 20-20 halftime tie with the Cavaliers. Columbus Grove never led in the opening half. In the third quarter, the Bulldogs tried to pull away as they built a 31-24 lead with an 8-0 run as Lynea Diller had four points, while Clement and Sydney McCluer both had a basket. Bruns converted a three point play late in the quarter to cut the Grove lead to 31-27 going to the final eight minutes. Kanney scored the first four points of the final quarter to tie the game at 31-31. A Wynn putback and two free throws by Kyrah Yinger gave Grove a four point lead, which would be their biggest lead of the quarter. Coldwater led once in the final quarter as Denise Schwieterman canned a three-pointer only to see Sammi Stechschulte come right back with the Bulldogs only three of the night. Kanney tied the game with two free throws setting up the final exciting minutes of the game. Coldwater came out the more physical, more aggressive team and it gave us issues and we had to adjust to their play style and have our guards step up and make plays in one-onone situations, Schroeder said. Fortunately we were able to make enough plays tonight. In that second timeout we just needed to gather ourselves, gather our poise a little bit, settle down and go over what we needed to do again. It was more just to talk them about the game plan. Wynn led the Bulldogs with 14 points and Diller had 11 points before fouling out late in the fourth quarter. Clement added eight points. Kanney led the Cavaliers and all scorers with 17 points and Bruns finished with 14. ***


fielders last season after Ludwick tore up his right shoulder on opening day. They were near the bottom of the league in most categories at the position, which is the one place they need to fix this time around. Getting Ludwick back to form is a priority. I think it was a pretty noticeable difference from 2012 and 2013, having a guy who can hit in the middle of your order and have some consistent run production, manager Bryan Price said on Wednesday before the first full-squad workout. Reds left fielders combined for a .250 batting average that ranked 11th in the National League, according to STATS LLC. Their .374 slugging percentage ranked 10th. They hit only 14 homers (10th), drove in 65 runs (ninth) and scored 70 runs, which ranked second-last in the NL. And all Ludwick could do was get his shoulder healthy enough to play, then give it whatever he had for the final six weeks. You come back and you play with what youve got, said Ludwick, who tore the labrum and tissue in the shoulder. I knew what to expect. I knew my power wasnt what it was going to be with time. Its good now to mis-hit balls out of the yard. The 35-year-old outfielder was a key to the Reds NL Central title in 2012, steadying the offense after Joey Votto tore cartilage in his knee and was limited in the second half of the season. Ludwick hurt his right shoulder while sliding into third base on opening day last season and didnt return until mid-August. be impatient. We arent a great shooting team to begin with. We want the girls to shoot threes but good ones: moving the ball and executing the offense. Jefferson totaled 16-of-22 at the charity stripe (72.7%); and 18 fouls.
KALIDA (56) Jackie Gardner 7-3-18, Nicole Recker 2-0-5, Makenna Vorst 0-0-0, Brittany Kahle 2-1-6, Joni Kaufman 0-0-0, Kylie Osterhage 3-1-7, Elizabeth Turnwald 2-2-6, Katelyn Siebeneck 0-0-0, Allison Recker 4-6-14. Totals 17-3-13-56. JEFFERSON (46) Heather Pohlman 0-0-0, Brooke Culp 3-3-10, Lindsay Deuel 0-00, Katie Goergens 3-8-17, Rileigh Stockwell 4-5-14, Hannah Sensibaugh 0-0-0, Gabby Pimpas 0-0-0, Shelby Koenig 0-0-0, Makayla Binkley 2-0-5, Jasmine McDougall 0-0-0, Tori Black 0-0-0. Totals 6-6-16-46. Score by Quarters: Kalida 16 15 11 14 - 56 Jefferson 12 9 12 13 46 Three-point goals: Kalida, Gardner, N. Recker, Kahle; Jefferson, Goergens 3, Culp, Stockwell, Binkley.

(Continued from page 8)

We definitely guarded them well in the first half. This was only Jackies sixth game this season; she was hurt all during the summer, a lot of the fall and quite a bit of basketball season, LadyCat coach Adam Huber noted. Jackie is such a competitor and we miss that when shes not in there; she knows she isnt completely back and doesnt have her basketball legs yet. We anticipated that our starting five (Gardner, Turnwald, Osterhage, Kahle and Nicole Recker) tonight would do so all season but due to injuries, this was only their second time. Delphos needed to toughen up on the backboards in the second half and they did better there. However, they couldnt get comfortable shooting the ball against the collapsing

Kalida man defensive scheme in shooting 4-of-12 (12-of-43 overall, 6-of-20 long range, for 28.4%). They did get within 31-26 on a Goergens rainbow at 1:45 but no nearer the rest of the night. Kalida wasnt much better in the third, tossing in 4-of-14 shots (20-of-52 for the game, 3-of-16 triples, for 38.6%) but when Allison Recker out back her own miss at 42 ticks, they led 42-33. The Jeffcats needed to heat up in a hurry in the fourth to see their season prolonged by at least a game but they could not, notching 2-of-15, including 1-of-8 3-pointers. They thrice reduced their deficit to eight, the final time on a 3-point play by Stockwell on a drive-andharm at 1:14. However, the only points scored from then on were two foul shots by Gardner. We were much better

defensively and rebounding the second half than the first. We gave up too much dribble penetration the first half and that opened up second and third shots for them, Hoffman added. We did better with those the second half; we forced them to shoot over the top more. Unfortunately, we missed some big shots and forced some shots. Once we had to go man, they exploited that. Kalida concluded with 13-of-17 free-throw shooting (76.5%); and 16 fouls. We tried to approach halftime as 0-0; Jefferson had been playing much better lately, beating a good Allen East team, for example, and we knew theyd up the intensity and come at us hard, Huber added. We started to rely too much on the 3-pointers in the third and that was credit to their defense for making us

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Trilogy Real Estate Ohio LLC, Lot 382 and Lot 222, Glandorf, to Putnam County Commissioners. Thelma E. Kuhlman, 1.008 acre Liberty Township, to Carol Ann Vennekotter, Elaine Laudick, Stanley Kuhlman, Daniel F. Kuhlman, Robert Kuhlman, Kathleen Kern, Charlotte Salisbury, Susan Verhoff and Anthony Kuhlman. Michael Litten, 1.101 acre Sugar Creek Township to Ross M. Litten. Elizabeth A. Miller and Richard H. Miller, Lot 465 Ottoville, to Richard H. Miller and Elizabeth A. Miller. Nicetas S. Allen and Joe Allen, parcel Sugar Creek Township, to Nicetas S. Allen and Joe Allen. Dolores A. Wehri LE, Lot 619, Kalida, to Donna M. Schnipke and Debora M. Burgei. Mark E. Kiene TR, Bruce D. Kiene TR, Richard F. Kiene TR and Cecille A. Kiene TR, Lot 50 and Lot 57, Glandorf, to Katelyn S. Meyerhoffer. Kory Maag and Jenna Maag, 3.022 acres Ottawa Township, to Patricia A. Maag. Patricia A. Maag, 3.022 acres Ottawa Township, to Herbert G. Aldrich and Nicole L. Aldrich. Valita A. Lammers TR and HPL TR, Lot 599 A and Lot 599 B, Kalida, to Mindy R. Siebeneck and Dennis M. Siebeneck. Virginia Ann Hohm-

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Putnam County
an, Lot 750 Columbus Grove, to Tina M. Teders and Jeffrey A. Teders. Jason J. Kahle and Aleasha D. Kahle, Lot 505 Kalida, to William T. Fortman and Cheryl L. Fortman. Cheryl L. Fortman fka Cheryl L. Birkemeier, and William T. Fortman, Lot 573 Kalida, to Benjamin J. Slusser and Lindsey J. Slusser. Shirley Schnabele, Lot 3, Pandora, to Helen M. Schnabele and Paul T. Schnabele. Laura Rodney, Lot 646 Ottawa, to Wells Fargo Bank. Jennifer L. Recker and Christopher L. Recker, Lot 323 Glandorf to Jennifer L. Recker. Christopher L. Recker LE, Donald Denhart TR and Carol C. Recker TR, Lot 5 and Lot 6, Glandorf, to Christopher L. Recker. Jennifer L. Recker and


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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Herald - 11

Behavior therapy, medication may help stop hair pulling

Dear Annie: One of our I was more despondent that darling grandmy friend and his curdaughters started rent (third) wife did to pull out her not attend his sons eyelashes at funeral. They live in around age 9. We another state, but still. expressed our It was his son. Weve concern to our been friends for more son. Shortly afthan 50 years, but it ter, we were told makes me realize he that our grandwouldnt bother atdaughter was tending my funeral, seeing a couneither. selor to address Annie, should I this behavior. Annies Mailbox dissolve our friendWe were so reship? Should I tell lieved when she him how shocked and stopped. But about a year lat- disappointed I am? Or should er, she started again. Now her I simply overlook it? -- Sensi9-year-old brother is pulling tive, Caring Person hair out of his head. He has a Dear Sensitive: While not bald spot about two inches in attending his sons funeral diameter. seems callous, is it possible Our son and his wife have that your friend has health iseducation degrees. The mar- sues that prevented him from riage and family appear OK. traveling? Might he and his The kids seem happy, and son have been estranged and they do well in school. I re- his presence at the funeral cently brought up the coun- unwelcome? You can let him seling to our son, but he said, know that you were surprised We tried that. He indicated he didnt attend the funeral, that the kids will stop on their but he is under no obligation own. to satisfy your curiosity. LimIs stress causing this? iting the friendship because How involved should we get? you believe he no longer cares Right now, we feel like its the enough about you is a legitielephant in the room. -- Blue- mate concern, but cutting off Collar Grandparents a 50-year friendship because Dear Grandparents: he might not attend your fuTrichotillomania is a disor- neral is excessive. How your der that results in compulsive friend treats you while you hair pulling. It is currently are alive is what counts considered to be a bodyDear Annie: This is in refocused repetitive behavior. sponse to those individuals There also may be a genetic who invite family, friends and predisposition, which would neighbors to their home for explain why both of your dinner and then feel slighted grandchildren suffer from it. because the invitation is not Sometimes stress, anxiety or reciprocated. fatigue can trigger the hair Many years ago, when pulling, but not always. invited to someones home, I Doctors do not know the did return the invitation. But underlying cause but believe it always made me nervous it may develop due to a com- to entertain. Id lose sleep, bination of genetic, hormonal, worry about what to serve, emotional and environmental wonder whether Id have factors. Appropriate treat- enough food or whether my ment involves cognitive be- dinner would turn out well. I havioral therapy, sometimes finally decided that it just was in combination with medica- not worth the anxiety to keep tion, hypnosis and relaxation having people over. techniques. Your son and his I will occasionally host wife may already be taking an informal gathering at my the necessary steps, but either home, nothing fancy. Thank way, you can get more infor- goodness I have friends who mation through the Trichotil- know that entertaining makes lomania Learning Center at me anxious. They still invite trich.org. me to their homes and ask me Dear Annie: I recently to bring a salad, a dessert or a learned that a friends son bottle of wine. Some of us just died from a heart attack. He arent meant to host parties. -was relatively young. I was Im Not both saddened and shocked.

Tomorrows Horoscope
By Bernice Bede Osol


FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2014 Your popularity and reputation continue to grow. Others are drawn to your sincerity and enthusiasm. As a result, you will be involved in many diverse and interesting events. Your experience, participation and accomplishments will combine to make this an exciting and fulfilling year. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- You need a challenge. Explore new and complex subjects in order to quench your thirst for knowledge. Take advantage of any free time to read and expand your outlook. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -Be careful what you wish for. Trying to emulate a phony lifestyle will not bring good results and can be costly. Be proud that you are a responsible individual who works hard. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -Someone close to you may be feeling neglected. Spend time nurturing important relationships. Plan a trip or attend an event that helps bring you closer to the people you love most. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Maintain your position in the workplace by emphasizing your talents and ideas to your superiors. Doing so will help to dispel criticism from an opposing quarter. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -Dedicate time to your family. Sharing hobbies, playing games or enjoying other entertainments will bring you closer together. Happy memories are what build strong bonds and encourage togetherness. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Remain calm and patient in your dealings with moody individuals. Take steps to ensure that slight differences of opinion dont get blown out of proportion. A positive attitude will bring stellar results. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -Youll be upset if things dont go your way. Seeking advice from trusted relatives may help you to gain a new perspective. Dont be afraid to admit you have a problem. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -Financial matters take precedence. Ignore the pleas of those who want to borrow from you. Keeping accurate records of investments and expenditures is essential to good money management. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Unreasonable accusations or unfounded jealousy will cause tension between you and someone you love. You can avoid unpleasant situations by keeping your thoughts and emotions in check. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Stay clear of those who try to involve you in their private affairs. You have much to lose and little to gain if you take sides. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Dont go over your budget. Spend time acquainting yourself with community events and local activities. You may be hesitant at first, but your social life will benefit if you participate. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -Someone is withholding information. You will be able to learn all the details if you maintain your focus and ask pertinent questions. Increased career commitments will keep you busy. DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL UCLICK FOR UFS






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Thursday, February 20, 2014


Guidelines to reduce C-section births urge waiting

WASHINGTON (AP) Show more patience in the delivery room: Thats the prescription being given to the nations obstetricians. New guidelines say doctors should give otherwise healthy women more time to deliver their babies vaginally before assuming that labor has stalled. The recommendations are the latest in years of efforts to prevent unnecessary C-sections. Labor takes a little longer than we may have thought, said Dr. Aaron Caughey, who co-authored the guidelines for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The recommendations are being published jointly today by two groups of pregnancy specialists ACOG and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine amid growing concern that C-sections are overused. Nearly 1 in 3 women in the U.S. gives birth by cesarean. Yes, C-sections can be life-saving for mother or baby. But they also can be done for convenience or fear of lawsuits, and the surgery can bring some serious health risks. And having one cesarean greatly increases the chances that a next pregnancy will end in one, too. One of the main reasons for a first-time C-section is labor thats progressing too slowly, ACOGs analysis found. How long should labor take? Theres no clear-cut deadline, and every woman is different, stressed Caughey, obstetrics chairman at the Oregon Health and Sciences University. My patients ask this every day, he said. He tells them it can run the gamut from six hours long, start to finish, to three and four days at the other extreme. Whether labor is too slow is assessed at different time points and what doctors were taught in medical school about the different stages may not be the most up-to-date. A 2012 study from the National Institutes of Health found that one particular stage takes up to 2 hours longer now than it did in the 1960s, when many labor definitions were set. Partly thats because todays mothers-to-be tend to be older and weigh more. But its also because of some changes in obstetric practice, such as more use of painkilling epidurals that can slow labor.

Government drops plan to collect license tag data

WASHINGTON (AP) The Homeland Security Department abruptly reversed course Wednesday and dropped plans to ask a private company to give the government access to a nationwide database of license plate tracking information. Secretary Jeh Johnson directed that a contract proposal issued last week be canceled. The proposal said Immigration and Customs Enforcement was planning to use the license plate data in pursuit of criminal immigrants and others sought by authorities. Gillian Christensen, an ICE spokeswoman, said the contract solicitation was posted without the awareness of ICE leadership. While we continue to support a range of technologies to help meet our law enforcement mission, this solicitation will be reviewed to ensure the path forward appropriately meets our operational needs, Christensen said. The department said Johnson has ordered a review of the proposal. The contract notice came amid growing concerns about government surveillance of U.S. citizens but didnt address potential privacy consequences. Before the notice was canceled, Christensen said the database could only be accessed in conjunction with ongoing criminal investigations or to locate wanted individuals. Law enforcement has been using license plate readers for several years, but privacy advocates have raised concerns that the

Nebraska law that allowed Keystone XL struck down

Facebook buying messaging app WhatsApp for $19B

NEW YORK (AP) Facebook is buying mobile messaging service WhatsApp for $19 billion in cash and stock, by far the companys largest acquisition and bigger than any that Google, Microsoft or Apple have ever done. The worlds biggest social networking company said Wednesday that it is paying $12 billion in Facebook stock and $4 billion in cash for WhatsApp. In addition, the apps founders and employees 55 in all will be granted restricted stock worth $3 billion that will vest over four years after the deal closes. The deal translates to roughly 11 percent of Facebooks market value. In comparison, Googles biggest deal was its $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola Mobility, while Microsofts largest was Skype at $8.5 billion. Apple, meanwhile, has never done a deal above $1 billion. The deals price tag stunned Gartner analyst Brian Blau. I am not surprised they went after WhatsApp, but the amount is staggering, he said. Facebook likely prizes WhatsApp for its audience of teenagers and young adults who are increasingly using the service to engage in online conversations outside of Facebook, which has evolved into a more mainstream hangout inhabited by their parents, grandparents and even their bosses at work. WhatsApp also has a broad global audience. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the service doesnt get as much attention in the U.S. as it deserves because its community started off growing in Europe, India and Latin America. But WhatsApp is a very important and valuable worldwide communication network. In fact, WhatsApp is the only widely used app weve ever seen that has more engagement and a higher percent of people using it daily than Facebook itself. Blau said Facebooks purchase is a bet on the future. They know they have to expand their business lines. WhatsApp is in the business of collecting peoples conversations, so Facebook is going to get some great data, he noted. In that regard, the acquisition makes sense for 10-year-old Facebook as it looks to attract its next billion users while keeping its existing 1.23 billion members, including teenagers, interested. The company is developing a multi-app strategy, creating its own applications that exist outside of Facebook and acquiring others. It released a news reader app called Paper earlier this month, and has its own messaging app called Facebook Messenger. Facebook seems to be in acknowledgement that people are using a lot of different apps to communicate, said eMarketer analyst Debra Aho Williamson. In order to continue to reach audiences, younger in

unchecked collection of such information could allow for the tracking of an average citizens every movement. Lawmakers around the country, meanwhile, have been wrestling with whether or how to control the collection and use of license plate data. At least 14 states are considering measures that would curb surveillance efforts, including the use of license plate readers. License plate readers essentially cameras that snap rapid-fire pictures of license plates and vehicles as they pass are in use in a host of locations, by private companies and law enforcement. But its not just the license plate number that gets recorded. The readers whether they are mounted to police cars, traffic lights or toll booths record the date, time and location of the vehicle when the picture was taken. According to the contract proposal, the government wanted a close-up of the plate and a zoomed out image of the vehicle. The Homeland Security Department also wanted instant and around-the-clock access to the records and is asking for whoever wins the contract to make the information available through a smartphone app. It is not clear from the contract notice how long individual records would be kept or what other government agencies may have access to the trove of records. Jennifer Lynch, a senior staff attorney with the San Francisco-based civil liberties group Electronic Frontier Foundation, said those unknowns represented serious privacy concerns.

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) A Nebraska judge on Wednesday struck down a law that allowed the Keystone XL pipeline to proceed through the state, a victory for opponents who have tried to block the project that would carry oil from Canada to Texas refineries. Lancaster County Judge Stephanie Stacy issued a ruling that invalidated Nebraska Gov. Dave Heinemans approval of the route. Stacy agreed with opponents arguments that the law passed in 2012 improperly allowed Heineman to give Calgarybased TransCanada Corp. the power to force landowners to sell their property for the project. Stacy said the decision to give TransCanada eminent domain powers should have been made by the Nebraska Public Service Commission, which regulates pipelines and other utilities. A spokeswoman for Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said the state will appeal the ruling. Heineman said he supports the decision to appeal. This is an important issue for the State of Nebraska, he said. Stacys decision could cause more delays in finishing the pipeline, which is critical in Canadas efforts to export its growing oil sands production. It also comes amid increased concerns about the dangers of using trains to transport crude oil after some high-profile accidents including a fiery explosion in North Dakota last month and an explosion that killed 47 people in Canada last year. A spokesman for pipeline developer TransCanada said company officials were disappointed and disagreed with the decision, which came in a lawsuit filed by three Nebraska landowners who oppose the pipeline. The company planned to review the ruling before deciding how to proceed. TransCanada continues to believe strongly in Keystone XL and the benefits it would provide to Americans thousands of jobs and a secure supply of crude oil from a trusted neighbor in Canada, said spokesman Shawn Howard. Foes say the pipeline would carry dirty oil that contributes to global warming and are also concerned about a possible spill. The proposed pipeline route would cross through Montana, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, which have already approved their segments, and company officials have previously argued that cutting through Nebraska was the most direct, practical way to transport the oil. A reroute around Nebraska could bring more states into the mix and would lead to further expensive delays.

particular, it needs to have a broader strategynot put all its eggs in one basket. Facebook said it is keeping WhatsApp as a separate service, just as it did with Instagram, which it bought for about $715.3 million nearly two years ago. WhatsApp has more than 450 million monthly active users. In comparison, Twitter had 241 million users at the end of 2013. At $19 billion, Facebook is paying $42 per WhatsApp user in the deal. The transaction is likely to raise worries that Facebook and other technology companies are becoming overzealous in their pursuit of promising products and services, said Anthony Michael Sabino, a St. Johns University business professor. This could be seen as a microcosm of a bubble, Sabino said. I expect there to be a lot of skepticism about this deal. People are going to look at this and say, Uh, oh, did they pay way too much for this? For Facebook, WhatsApps huge user base, fast growth pace and popularity is worth the money. The app is currently adding a million new users a day. At this rate, said Zuckerberg, WhatsApp is on path to reach a billion users. He called services that reach this milestone incredibly valuable. Its an elite group to be sure one that includes Google (which owns YouTube), Facebook itself and little else.


(Continued from page 1)

Red Cross officials say its easy to get involved in helping to effect change in your community. Volunteers can give blood, donate their time and talents, or make financial contributions. Nationwide, more than 500,000 volunteers make a difference through Red Cross services. Locally, the Red Cross blood program supports patients at more than 60 hospitals across 52 counties. Every two seconds, someone needs a blood transfusion. Donated blood helps accident victims, premature infants, those being treated for cancers or blood disorders and helps make routine surgeries possible. Whatever way you give be it through blood donation, volunteerism or financial contribution youll feel good knowing youre helping to change lives, said Whitman. Without people like you, there would be no American Red Cross. Upcoming American Red Cross blood drives in your area: Tuesday, March 4, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the American Red Cross Allen County Chapter House, located at 610 S. Collett St. in Lima. From 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. March 13 at the Eagles 471 in the Community Room, located at 1600 E. Fifth St. in


Delphos; and From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 15 at Layman Feed and Lawn, located at 705 E. Main St. in Elida. How to donate blood To schedule an appointment to donate please call 1-800RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org for more information. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental permission in some states), meet weight and height requirements (110 pounds or more, depending on their height) and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. Please bring your Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive ID when you come to donate. About the American Red Cross The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nations blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit redcross.org or visit us on Twitter at @ RedCross.


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Chapman reported effective May 1, all payments for water, sewer and garbage bills will be collected at the villages utilities offices located at 524 N. Broadway St. He said Reliable Plumbing & Heating will no longer act as the villages collection agent. Chapman said customers should note that all correspondence with respect to their utilities account will now occur solely at the local offices. He said all of the items needed to begin in-house collections have been ordered and a notification will go out to all customers in their upcoming billing. Chapman explained that Richard Kirk of Kirk Brothers Construction, Inc. (KBC), sent an email regarding the status of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) review, what steps are needed in order to continue the review process and offer an approval. He also reported Poggemeyer Design Group (PDG) met with the OEPA representative who is reviewing the plans and the earlier submittal which was reviewed and approved by the head of the Division of Drinking and Ground Waters. Industrial Fluid Management (IFM) submitted the proposed sand filters and nano filtration membranes to the OEPA well before Christmas 2013 in order to get early approval,

due to the long lead time for delivery, Chapman said. The OEPA reviewer also asked for additional details regarding the nano filtration piping, additional information on the chemical feed piping and system and on the generator that has already been installed. In addition, the reviewer requested a letter from the village stating that the waste stream from the water treatment plant (WTP) will be discharged to the villages sanitary sewer system and will ultimately be treated at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Chapman said the letter will be drafted by PDG, reviewed, signed and returned to the OEPA. Chapman said an estimate has been received from Kirk Brothers in the amount of $2,781.45 to replace the fence which was damaged during construction along the west edge of the WTP site which separates the plant from the pool. Chapman will authorize the work and make sure it is included in a change order as part of the WTP construction project. Chapman said crews repaired a leak on the fire hydrant lateral along Fourth Street adjacent to Spencerville Dental Associates. We were notified of water entering their sump in their basement as well as water bubbling up from one of their downspouts, Chapman stated. Aqua-Line a leak-detection service estimated the leak to be

around 500 gallons per day. Chapman said he thought the leak was well into the tens of thousands of gallons per day. He said the crew also repaired a leak in front of 105 E. Third Street which was split around the pipe and required a 6 x 8-inch clamp to repair it. Additionally, crews had to address a frozen water line at 303 Brett Lane in early February. Chapman said typically, the water line is frozen after the customers meter; however, in this instance, the water line was frozen beneath the cul-de-sac. He said the copper water service line was only 17 inches below the surface, which clearly explains why the line froze. Our crews were planning to dig back as far as possible and dig the water line in deeper, Chapman detailed. However, with the amount of frost in the ground, it was virtually impossible to dig through the street. He said the village has put this project on hold until most of the frost is out of the ground and is able to excavate easier. Chapman reported that he has received notification that the village has been approved for a grant of $78,000 for the OPWC street project for 2014. The next village council meeting will be held in council chambers at 7 p.m. on March 3.

There might be some place that you go that you wouldnt want people to know about, said Schoen. While not necessarily worried about foot traffic at a mall, Schoen raised concerns about down-the-road scenarios, like apps that could track where a person goes, whom that person is with possibly the kind of information a divorce lawyer or law enforcement might seek. The retail tracking is a relatively new technology. Nordstrom tried a small pilot test in 17 of its more than 250 stores in September 2012. The company posted signs at doors telling shoppers they could opt out by turning off their Wi-Fi. Nordstrom ended the trial in May 2013 after some customers complained, saying they felt uncomfortable, spokeswoman Brooke White said. An AP-GfK poll in January found half of Americans were

extremely or very concerned about the ability of retailers to keep their personal information secure. Older Americans were far more concerned about the safety of that information than younger ones 59 percent of those age 50 or over said they were extremely or very concerned about it, compared with 46 percent age 30 to 49 and 32 percent of people under age 30. Some of the major players in the field of mobile location analytics iInside, Euclid, Mexia Interactive and others have agreed to a code of conduct advanced by a Washington-based think tank, the Future of Privacy Forum. It calls for hashing MAC addresses, notification signs in stores for consumers and an opt-out website for people to enter their phones MAC addresses to prevent companies from tracking them. The opt-out website can be found at www.smartstoreprivacy. org.

Answers to Wednesdays questions: The theme song to Jeopardy! Think was originally written as a lullaby by the shows creator, Merv Griffin, for his son and he called it Time for Tony. He later reworked it, renamed and used it as the countdown music for the final Jeopardy round when the show debuted in 1964. It became the shows theme song 20 years later when Jeopardy! was syndicated and Alex Trebek became the host. Kale was dubbed slow lettuce by Kanzi, a bonobo ape with an extensive and often creative vocabulary. Kanzi, who lives at the research center of the Great Ape Trust in Des Moines, Iowa, had difficulty chewing it. Todays questions: Which 1953 Marilyn Monroe movie was the source of the black-and-white publicity photo that pop artist Andy Warhol used for his famous Marilyn series of silkscreen canvases? What were the names of the two zany crash-test dummies who urged the U.S. car-riding public to buckle up in an award-winning ad campaign that ran from 1985 to 1998? Answers in Fridays Herald.


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