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USACM LIQUIDATING TRUST, Plaintiff-Appellant, and USA CAPITAL DIVERSIFIED DEED FUND, LLC, Plaintiff, v. DELOITTE & TOUCHE, Defendant-Appellee. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Nevada Philip M. Pro, Senior District Judge, Presiding Argued and Submitted March 15, 2013San Francisco, California Filed February 18, 2014 Before: J. Clifford Wallace and Sandra S. Ikuta, Circuit Judges, and Marvin J. Garbis, Senior District Judge.* Order; Opinion by Judge Garbis
The Honorable Marvin J. Garbis, Senior District Judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, sitting by designation.

No. 11-15626 D.C. No. 2:08-cv-00461PMP-PAL



The panel filed an order recalling the mandate, granting appellees request for publication, withdrawing a memorandum disposition, and filing an opinion affirming the district courts summary judgment on claims brought by a bankruptcy litigation trust under Nevada law. The trust, created by a confirmed chapter 11 plan, sued the debtors former outside auditor, alleging that the auditor wrongfully issued unqualified audit opinions, concealing the misappropriations of the debtors funds through two allegedly fraudulent schemes perpetrated by the debtors owners and controllers. The panel held that under Nevadas sole actor rule, the misconduct of the owners and controllers must be imputed to the debtor. Accordingly, the district court properly granted summary judgment to the defendant auditor on its affirmative defense that the debtors claims had expired under Nevada law prior to the bankruptcy petition date.

COUNSEL Allan B. Diamond (argued) and J. Maxwell Beatty (argued), Diamond McCarthy LLP, Houston, Texas, for PlaintiffAppellant. Steve Morris and Rosa Solis-Rainey, Morris Peterson, Las Vegas, Nevada; Miles N. Ruthberg (argued), Robert W.

** This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.

USACM LIQUIDATING TRUST V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE 3 Perrin and Melanie M. Blunschi, Latham & Watkins LLP, Los Angeles, California, for Defendant-Appellee.

ORDER The mandate issued on May 15, 2013, is hereby recalled. Appellee Deloitte & Touches request for publication is GRANTED, and the Memorandum Disposition filed on April 22, 2013, is withdrawn. The withdrawn memorandum disposition is replaced and superseded by the attached opinion. No petitions for rehearing and/or rehearing en banc will be entertained.

OPINION GARBIS, Senior District Judge: On April 13, 2006, USA Commercial Mortgage Company (USACM) filed for bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada. USACMs confirmed Chapter 11 plan created a bankruptcy litigation trust, USACM Liquidating Trust (the Trust), for purposes of pursuing USACMs claims for the benefit of holders of allowed unsecured claims in USACMs bankruptcy. On April 11, 2008, the Trust sued USACMs former outside auditor, Deloitte & Touche LLP, alleging that Deloitte wrongfully issued unqualified audit opinions for fiscal years 2000 and 2001, concealing the misappropriations of USACMs funds through two allegedly fraudulent schemes

4 USACM LIQUIDATING TRUST V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE perpetrated by Thomas Hantges and Joseph Milanowski (the owners and controllers of USACM). The charged misappropriations caused USACM to sustain millions of dollars in losses and required its bankruptcy filing. The Trust appeals from the district courts summary judgment in favor of Deloitte. We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1291, and we affirm. The district court properly granted summary judgment to Deloitte on the ground that the misconduct of Hantges and Milanowski must be imputed to USACM under Nevadas sole actor rule.1 Under Nevada law, the sole actor rule imputes an agents actions to the principal corporation even if the agent totally abandons the corporations interest when the corporation and its agent are indistinguishable from each other.2 See Glenbrook Capital Ltd. Pship v. Dodds (In re Amerco Derivative Litig.), 252 P.3d 681, 69596 (Nev. 2011). The record before the district court demonstrated that, for all relevant purposes, Hantges and Milanowski utterly controlled and dominated USACM: they were the majority shareholders, owning collectively at least 83% of the stock at any given time prior to bankruptcy; held top management

At the time of the district courts opinion, the Nevada Supreme Court had not yet issued its opinion in Glenbrook Capital Ltd. Pship v. Dodds (In re Amerco Derivative Litig.), 252 P.3d 681, 69596 (Nev. 2011), officially adopting the sole actor rule. However, the district court accurately predicted that the Nevada Supreme Court would do so. The sole actor rule is a limited exception to the adverse interest exception, which precludes the general imputation of an agents acts to the principal corporation under agency law when the agents actions are completely and totally adverse to the corporation. Glenbrook, 252 P.3d at 695.

USACM LIQUIDATING TRUST V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE 5 positions including CEO and President, respectively; were the only two directors until 2001 when they appointed a nominal third director, who admittedly had no active involvement in the company; and were perceived by other actors within USACM as the relevant decision-makers whose actions could not be overridden. As the district court correctly held after its thorough analysis, the Trust failed to present evidence of any innocent decision-makers within USACM sufficient to permit a reasonable fact finder to find that Hantges and Milanowski were not USACMs sole actors for purposes of imputation. See id. at 696 (explaining presence of innocent decision-makers is relevant to assessing whether agents are a corporations sole actors). Because the district court properly imputed Hantges and Milanowskis misconduct to USACM, the district court also properly granted summary judgment to Deloitte on its affirmative defense that USACMs claims had expired under Nevada law prior to April 13, 2006, the petition date, and were thus ineligible for the two-year extension of applicable limitations periods under 11 U.S.C. 108(a) that would have rendered its claims (filed on April 11, 2008) timely.3 Since knowledge of Hantges and Milanowskis fraudulent schemes is imputed to USACM, the company would have discovered that Deloitte failed to expose those schemes in its 2000 and 2001 fiscal year audits in alleged contravention of its contractual and professional obligations no later than the date Deloitte completed those audits on June 28, 2001 and November 26, 2002. Hence, the two-year limitations period

11 U.S.C. 108(a) extends applicable limitations periods in the bankruptcy context up to an additional two years after the order for relief provided that the limitations period has not expired before the date of the filing of the petition.

6 USACM LIQUIDATING TRUST V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE for the Trusts accounting malpractice and breach of contract claims expired on June 28, 2003 and November 26, 2004, respectively, which both preceded the petition date and were therefore untimely. See 11 U.S.C. 108(a); Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. 11.2075(1)(a).4 With regard to the aiding and abetting breaches of fiduciary duty claim, USACM would have discovered Deloittes failure to report and/or affirmative cover-up of Hantges and Milanowskis fraudulent schemes no later than when Deloitte terminated its services with USACM in January 2003. Thus, the three-year limitations period provided by Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. 11.190(3)(d)5 expired in January 2006, which again preceded the petition date and therefore could not be extended under 11 U.S.C. 108(a) to make USACMs claim timely.

4 Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. 11.2075(1) requires that an action against an accounting firm to recover damages for malpractice must be commenced within the earlier of (a) two years after the date on which the actionable conduct is discovered or should have been discovered, (b) four years after completion of performance of the service for which the action is brought, or (c) four years after the date of the initial issuance of the report prepared by the accountant . . . regarding the financial statements or other information. 5 Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. 11.190(3)(d), applied by the district court to the breaches of fiduciary duty claim, provides limitations for an action grounded on fraud. Under Nevada law, the true nature of a breach of fiduciary claim determines the applicable limitations period. Stalk v. Mushkin, 199 P.3d 838, 84142 (Nev. 2009). As observed by the district court, this claim is more akin to fraud than an auditor malpractice claim. However, even if the accounting malpractice limitation rules were applied the claim would be barred under the lesser two-year period under 11.2075(1)(a).

USACM LIQUIDATING TRUST V. DELOITTE & TOUCHE 7 The district court correctly decided that there should be no concealment-based tolling of limitations because Deloitte could not have concealed from USACM that which USACM knew based upon the imputation of Hantges and Milanowskis knowledge to USACM. The district court also properly declined to apply the adverse domination doctrine, which tolls claims alleging wrongdoing by those who control the corporation under certain circumstances, see Fed. Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Jackson, 133 F.3d 694, 698 (9th Cir. 1998), because Nevada has not adopted the doctrine. The applicable limitations statutes are comprehensive and provide for tolling based on specified circumstances not pertinent hereto. Because the Trusts claims are barred by the applicable statute of limitations under Nevada law, we do not reach, and do not address other issues presented by the parties, including those related to Deloittes alternative in pari delicto defense. AFFIRMED.

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