Notes4 Homology Part2

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Simplicial homology = singular homology: We have so far introduced two homolo , whose computation only required some linear

algebra, and singular, gies; simplicial, H H , which is formally less dicult to work with, and which, you may suspect by now, is also becoming less dicult to compute... For -complexes, these homology groups are the (X ) same, Hn = Hn (X ) for every X . In fact, the isomorphism is induced by the inclusion Cn (X ) Cn (X ). And we have now assembled all of the tools necessary to prove this. Or almost; we need to note that most of the edice we have built for singular homology could have been built for simplicial homology, including relative homology (for a sub--complex A of X ), and a SES of chain groups, giving a LES sequence for the pair,
(A ) Hn (X ) Hn (X, A) Hn Hn 1 (A)

The proof of the isomorphism between the two homologies proceeds by rst showing that (X (k) ) the inclusion induces an isomorphism on k -skeleta, Hn = Hn (X (k) ), and this goes by induction on k using the Five Lemma applied to the diagram (k1) Hn+1 (X (k) , X (k1)) Hn (X (k1) ) Hn (X (k) ) Hn (X (k) , X (k1) ) Hn ) 1 (X (k) (k1) (k1) (k) (k) (k1) ) Hn (X ) Hn (X ) Hn (X , X ) Hn1 (X (k1) ) Hn+1 (X , X The second and fth vertical arrows are, by an inductive hypothesis, isomorphisms. The rst and fourth vertical arrows are isomorphisms because, essentially, we can, in each case, identify these groups. Hn (X (k) , X (k1) ) = Hn (X (k) /X (k1) ) = Hn (S k ) are either 0 (for n = k ) or Z (for n = k ), one summand for each n-simplex in X . But the same is true for (X (k) , X (k1) ); and for n = k the generators are precisely the n-simplices of X . The Hn inclusion-induced map takes generators to generators, so is an isomorphism. So by the Five Lemma, the middle rows are also isomorphisms, completing our inductive proof.
(X ) Hn (X ), we wish now to show that this map is an isomorphism. Returning to Hn ai i for i : n X . But each Any [z ] Hn (X ) is represented by a cycle z = i (n ) is a compact subset of X , and so meets only nitely-many cells of X . This is true for every singular simplex, and so there is a k for which all of the simplices map into X (k) , and so we may treat z Cn (X (k) . Thought of in this way, it is still a cycle, (X (k) ) so there is a z inCn (X (k) ) and a w Cn+1 (X (k) ) and so [z ] Hn (X (k) ) = Hn (X ) and w Cn+1 (X ), we have the same with i# z z = w. But thinking of z inCn equality, so [z ] Hn (X ) and i [z ] = [z ] . So i is surjective. If i ([z ]) = 0, then the cycle z= ai i is a sum of characteristic maps of n-simplices of X , and so can be thought of (X n) ) . Being 0 in Hn (X ), z = w for some w Cn+1 (X ) . But as an element of Cn as before, w Cn (X r) ) for some r , and so thought of as an element of the image of the (X (r) ) Hn (X (r) ), i ([z ]) = 0, so [z ] = 0 . So z = u for some isomorphism i : Hn r) (X ). Consequently, simplicial and singular u Cn+1 (X ) Cn+1 (X ) . So [z ] = 0 in Hn homology groups are isomorphic.

The isomorphism between simplicial and singular homology provides very quick proofs of several results about singular homology, which would other would require some eort: If the -complex X has no simplices in dimension greater than n, then Hi (X ) = 0 for all i > n.
(X ) are 0, so Hi (X ) = 0 . This is because the simplicial chain groups Ci

If for each n, the -complex X has nitely many n-simplices, then Hn (X ) is nitely generated for every n.
(X ) are all nitely generated, so Hn (X ), This is because the simplicial chain groups Cn being a quotient of a subgroup, is also nitely generated. [We are using here that the number of generators of a subgroup H of an abelian group G is no larger than that for G; this is not true for groups in general!]

Some more topological results with homological proofs: The Klein bottle and real projective plane cannot embed in R3 . This is because a surface embedded in R3 has a (the proper word is normal) neighborhood N (), which deformation retracts to ; literally, it is all points within a (uniformly) short distance in the normal direction from the point on the surface . Our non-embeddedness result follows (by contradiction) from applying Mayer-Vietoris to the pair (A, B ) = (N (), R3 \ N ()), whose intersection is the boundary F = N () of the normal neighborhood. The point, though, is that F is an orientable surface; the outward normal (pointing away from N ()) at every point, taken as the rst vector of a right-handed orientation of R3 allows us to use the other two vectors as an orientation of the surface. So F is one of the surface Fg above whose homologies we just computed. This gives the LES H 2 ( R3 ) H 1 ( F ) H 1 ( A ) H 1 ( B ) H 1 ( R3 ) which renders as 0 Z2g H () G 0 . But , i.e., Z2g = H () G for the Klein bottle and projective plane (or any closed, non-orientable surface for that matter), H1 () has torsion, so it cannot be the direct summand of a torsion-free group! So no such embedding exists. This result holds more generally for any 2-complex K whose (it turns out it would have to be rst) homology has torsion; any embedding into R3 would have a neighborhood deformation retracting to K , with boundary a (for the exact same reasons as above) closed orientable surface. Invariance of Domain: If U Rn and f : U Rn is continuous and injective, then f (U ) Rn is open. We will approach this through the Brouwer-Jordan Separation Theorem: an embedded (n 1)-sphere in Rn separates Rn into two path components. And for this we need to do a slightly unusual homology calculation: For k < n and h : I k S n an embedding of a k -cube in to the n-sphere, Hi (S n \ h(I k )) = 0 for all i. Here I = [1, 1] . The proof proceeds by induction on k . For k = 0, S n \ h(I k ) = Rn , and the result follows. Now suppose the result os true for all embeddings of C = I k1 , but is false for some embedding h : I k S n and some i. Then if we divide the cube along its last coordinate, say, as I k1 [1, 0] = C [1, 0] and C [0, 1], we can set A = S n \ h(C [1, 0]), B = S n \ h(C [0, 1]), A B = S n \ h(C {0}), and A B = S n \ h(I k ) . These sets are all open, since the image under h of the various sets is compact, hence closed. By hypothesis, A B = S n \ h(C {0}) has trivial reduced homology, while A B = S n \ h(I k ) has non-trivial reduced homology in some dimension i. Then the Mayer-Vietoris sequence Hi+1 (A B ) Hi (A B ) Hi (A) Hi (B ) Hi (A B ) 2

reads 0 Hi (A B ) Hi (A) Hi (B ) 0 so Hi (A B ) = Hi (A) Hi (B ) , so at least one of the groups on the right must be non-trivial, as well. WOLOG Hi (B ) = H (S n \ h(C [0, 1])) = 0. Even more, choosing (once and for all) a non-zero element [z ] HI (A B ), snce its image in the direct sum is non-zero, its coordinate in (say) Hi (B ) is non-zero. Continuing with: For k < n and h : I k S n an embedding of a k -cube in to the n-sphere, Hi (S n \ h(I k )) = 0 for all i. Weve shown how we can throw away half of the cube without losing a (chosen) nonzero homology element. Now we continue inductively, cutting C [0, 1] in two along the last coordinate as C [0, 1/2], C [1/2, 1] and repeat the same argument. We fnd that Hi (S n \ h(C [a, b])) = 0, and [z ] maps to a non-zero element under the inclusioninduced homomorphism.. Continuing inductively, we nd a sequence of nested intervals In = [an , bn ] [an+1 , bn+1 ] whose lengths tend to zero (so an , bn x0 I as n ), and injective inclusion-induced maps 0 = Hi (S n \ h(I n ) Hi (S n \ h(C In ) Hi (S n \ h(C In+1 ) all of which send a certain non-zero element [z ] Hi (S n \ h(I n ) to a non-zero element, and all of which have an inclusion-induced map to Hi (S n \ h(C {x0 }) = 0. So there is a nontrivial element [z ] Hi (S n \ h(I n ) which remains non-zero in all Hi (S n \ h(C In )), but is i+1 zero in Hi (S n \ h(C {x0 }). Consequently, zw for some chain w = a j j Ci+1 (S n \ i+1 : i+1 S n \ h(C {x0 }), h(C {x0 })). Each singular simplex, however, is a map j n and so has compact image. But the sets S \ h(C In ) form a nested open cover of i+1 i+1 (i+1 ), and so there is an nj with j (i+1 ) S n \ S n \ h(C {x0 }), and so of j i+1 h(C Inj ) . Then setting N =max{nj }, we have j : i+1 S n \ h(C IN ) for every j , so w Ci+1 (S n \ h(C IN ), so 0 = [z ] Hi (S n \ h(C IN ), a contradiction. So Hi (S n \ h(I k )) = 0, and our inductive step is proved. One immediate consequence of this is that if h : S k S n is an embedding of the k -sphere into the n-sphere, then thinking of S k as the union of its upper and lower hemispheres, k k k k , D , each of which is homeomorphic to I k , we have D+ D = S k1 , the equatorial D+ (k 1)-sphere, and so by Mayer-Vietoris we have
k k )) Hi+1 (S n \ h(D+ ) Hi+1 (S n \ h(S k1 )) Hi (S n \ h(S k )) Hi+1 (S n \ h(D k k Hi (S n \ h(D )) Hi (S n \ h(D+ ) n k n k 1 n 0 n 1 i.e., Hi (S \ h(S )) )) ) , since = Hi+1 (S \ h(S = = Hi+k (S \ h(S )) = Hi+k (S 0 n 0 n1 S = 2 points, and so S \ h(S ) = S R S n1 . So Hi (S n \ h(S k )) = 0 unless i + k = n 1 (i.e., i = n k 1), when it is Z.

In particular, H0 (S n \ h(S n1 )) = Z, so we have the Jordan-Brouwer Separation Theorem: every embedded S n1 in S n has two complementary path-components A, B . With a little work, one can show that A B = h(S n1 , so the (n 1)-sphere is the frontier of each complementary component. [Removing a point from S n to get Rn does not change the conclusion (for n > 1); a point does not disconnect an open subset of S n .] 3

When n = 2, the Jordan Curve Theorem (as it is then called) has the additional consequence that the closure of each complementary region is a compact 2-disk, each having the embedded circle h(S 1 ) as its boundary. This stronger result does not extend to higher dimensions, without putting extra restrictions on the embedding. This was shown by Alexander (shortly after publishing an incorrect proof without restrictions) for n = 3; these examples are known as the Alexander horned spheres. To prove Invariance of Domain, let U Rn S n be an open set, and f : U Rn S n be injective and continuous. It suces to show, for every x U , that there is an open neighborhood V with f (x) V f (U ) . Since U is open, there is an open ball B n centered at x whose closure Dn is contained in U . f is then an embedding of Dn = S n1 into S n , and of Dn = I n into S n . By our calculations above, S n \ f (S n1 ) has two path components A, B ; being an open set and contained in a locally path-connected space, these are also the connected components of the complement. But our calculations above also show that S n \ f (Dn ) is path-connected, hence connected, and f (B n ), being the image of a connected set, is connected. Since f (B n ) (S n \ f (Dn )) = S n \ f (S n1 = A B ), it follows that f (B n ) = A and S n \ f (Dn ) = B (or vice versa). In particular, f (B n ) is open, forming an open subset of f (U ) containing f (x), as desired. Invariance of Domain in turn implies the other invariance of domain; if f : Rn Rm is continuous and injective, then n m, since if not, then composition of f with the inclusion i : Rm Rn , i(x1 , . . . , xm ) = (x1 , . . . , xm , 0, . . . , 0) is injective and continuous with non-open image (it lies in a hyperplane in Rn ), a contradiction. This also gives the more elementary: if Rn = Rm , via h, then n = m . Another proof: by composing with a translation, that h(0) = 0, and then we have (Rn , Rn \ 0) = Rm , (Rm \ 0), which gives Hi (S n1 ) = Hi+1 (Dn , Dn ) = Hi+1 (Dn , Dn \ 0) = Hi+1 (Rn , Rn \ 0) = Hi+1 (Rm , Rm \ 0) = Hi+1 (Dm , Dm ) = Hi (S m1 ) = Hi+1 (Dm , Dm \ 0) Z implies n 1 = m 1 . Setting i = n 1 gives the result, since Hn1 (S m1 ) = Homology and homotopy groups: There are connections between homology groups and the fundamental (and higher) homotopy groups, provided by what is known as the Hurewicz map H : n (X, x0 ) Hn (X ) . or n = 1 (higher n are similar) the idea is that elements of 1 (X ) are loops, which can be thought of as maps : S 1 X (or more precisely, mapping into the path component containing x0 ), inducing a map : Z = H1 (S 1 ) H1 (X ) . We dene H ([ ]) = (1) . Because homotopic maps give the same induced map on homology, this really is well-dened map on homotopy classes, i.e. from 1 (X ) to H1 (X ). [A dierent view: a loop : (I, I ) (X, x0 ) denes a singular 1chain which, being a loop, has zero boundary, so is a 1-cycle. Since based homotopic maps give homologous chains (essentially by the same homotopy invariance property above), we get a well-dened map 1 (X, x0 ) H1 (X ). Since as 1-chains, the concatenation of two loops is homologous to the sum + the map K : I I X given by K (s, t) = ( )(s), after crushing the left and right vertical boundaries to points, can be thought of as a singular 2-simplex with boundary + ( ) - the map H is a homomorphism. 4

When X is path-connected, this map H : 1 (X ) H1 (X ) is onto . [When it isnt it maps onto the summand of H1 (X ) corresponding to the path component containing our chosen basepoint.] To see this, note that any cycle z Z1 (X ) can be represented as a sum of 1 , i.e. we can (by reversing the orientations on simplices to make singular 1-simplices i coecient positive, and then writing a multiple of a simplex as a sum of simplices) assume 1 1 (0, 1) i (1, 0)) means that, starting all coecients in our sum are 1. Then 0 = z = (i with any positive term, we can match it with a negative term to cancel that term, which is paired with a postive term, having a matching negative term, etc., until the initial positive term is cancelled. This sub-chain represents a collection of paths which concatenate to a loop, so z = (this loop) + (the remainiung terms) . Induction implies that z can be written as a sum of (sums of paths forming loops), which is (as above) homologous to the sum of loops. Choosing paths from the start of these loops to our chosen basepoint (which is the only place where we use path connectedness, we can concatenate the based loops to a single based loop , which under H is sent to a chain homologous to z . So H [ ] = [z ] . Since H1 (X ) is abelian (and 1 (X ) need not be), the kernel of H contains the commutator subgroup [1 (X ), 1(X )] . We now show that, if X is path connected, H induces an isomorphism H1 (X ) = 1 (X )/[1(X ), 1 (X )] . To show this, it remains to show that ker(H ) [1 (X ), 1(X )] . Or put dierently, the ineduced map from 1 (X )ab = 1 (X )/[1 (X ), 1 (X )] (i.e., 1 (X ), written using additive notation) to H1 (X ) is injective. So suppose [ ] 1 (X ) and, thought of as a singular 1-simplex, = w for some 2-simplex 2 . As before, we may assume that all ai = 1, by reversing orientation and w = a i i 2 to our writing multiples as sums. By adding tails from each image of a vertex of each i 2 chosen basepoint x0 , we may assume that the image of every face of , under the i , is a loop at x0 (by essentially replacing each i with a i which rst collapses little triangle at each vertex to arcs, maps the resulting central triangle via i , and the arcs via the paths).
n 2

Once we have made this slight alteration, the equation = w =

i=1 j =0

j i = 0 makes

sense (and is true) in both (C1 (X ) hence Z1 (X ) hence) H1 (X ) and 1 (X )ab , the rst essentially by denition and the second because all of the j i are loops at x0 and, in 1 (X ), (0 i )1 i (2 i ) is null-homotopic, so is trivial in 1 (X ). Written additively, this means that in 1 (X )ab , 0 i 1 i + 2 i = 0. So = 0 in 1 (X )ab , as desired. he Hurewicz map H : 1 (X ) H1 (X ) induces, when X is path-connected, an isomorphism from 1 (X )/[1 (X ), 1 (X )] to H1 (X ) . This result can be used in two ways; knowing a (presentation for) 1 (X ) allows us to compute H1 (X ), by writing the relators additively, giving H1 (X ) as the free abelian group on the generators, modulo the kernel of the presentation matrix given by the resulting linear equations. Conversely, knowing H1 (X ) provides information about 1 (X ). For example, a calculation on the way to invariance of domain implied that for every knot K in S 3 (i.e., the image of an embedding h : S 1 S 3 ), H1 (S 3 \ K ) = bbz . This implies that the abelianization of GK = 1 (S 3 \ K ) (i.e., the largest abelian quotient of GK is Z. But this in turn implies that for every integer n 2, there is a unique surjective homomorphism GK Zn , since such a homomorphism must factor 5

through the abelianization, and there is exactly one surjective homomorphism Z Zn ! Consequently, there is a unique (normal) subroup (the kernel of this homomorphism) Kn GK with quotient Zn . Using the Galois correspondence, there is a (unique) covering space Xn of X = S 3 \ K corresponding to Kn , called the n-fold cyclic covering of K . This space is determined by K and n, and so its homology groups are determined by the same data. And even though homology cannot distinguish between two knot complements, K , K , it might be the case that homology can distinguish between their cyclic coverings. Consequently, if H1 (Xn ) = H1 (Xn ), then K and K have non-homeomorphic complement, and so represent dierent embeddings, hence dierent knots. In practice, one can compute presentations for 1 (Xn ) (in several dierent ways), and so one can compute H1 (Xn ), providing an eective way to use homology to distinguish knots! This approach was ultimately formalized (by Alexander) into a polynomial invariant of knots, known as the Alexander polynomial. Computing the homology of the cyclic coverings can be done in several ways. The ReidemeisterSchreier method will allow one to compute a presentation for the kernel of a homomorphism : G H , given a presentation of G and a transversal of the map, which is a representative of each coset of G modulo the kernel. Abelianizing this will give homology computation. Another approach uses Seifert surfaces, orientable surfaces with = K , to cut S 3 \ K open along. Writing S 3 \ K = (S 3 \ N ()) N () allows us to use MayerVietoris to compute homology. But the cyclic covering spaces can be built by unwinding this view of S 3 \ K ; instead of gluing the two ends of N (K ) to the same S 3 \ N (), we can take n copies of S 3 \ N () and glue them together in a circle. Mayer-Vietoris again tells us how to compute the homology of the resulting space. Details may be found on the accompanying pages taken from Rolfsens Knots and Links.

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