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The document discusses topics like atmospheric plasma formations, lightning, and their relation to solar activity and purification of the atmosphere. It also talks about ancient stone structures and their role in atmospheric processes.

It discusses how solar activity is leading to more intense atmospheric ionization and phenomena like auroras. It also talks about how this leads to purification of the atmosphere through production of nitric oxides and ozone.

It discusses how during lightning, water molecules undergo low energy nuclear fission of deuterium atoms into protium atoms, ejecting neutrons. This purifies the atmosphere by eliminating deuterium.

Alexander R.


Human Resonance
www.human-resonance.org www.resonanciahumana.org www.resonanceoflife.org

! 2013 Alexander R. Putney

1 Quantum Trappings 2 Qi Meridians 3 Pelagic Alchemists 4 Bone, Blood & Stone 5 Qi Flashes

1 18 19 44 45 64 65 78 79 86

1 The Quantum Trappings of a Golden Age

The Quantum Trappings of a Golden Age

Intensifying atmospheric ionization has generated spectacular auroral displays in recent months, building toward solar maximum in December. Extreme weather conditions, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and greater numbers of lightening strikes and auroral displays are being reported all over the world. What exactly takes place in these electron avalanches seen as plasma formations above the Earth that are mirrored by concurrent electrical storms in the atmospheres of all the planets in our solar system? The broader effect of the significant net increase in atmospheric plasma formation is a more efficient cleansing of our polluted skies, through electrical chain reactions known to produce the abundance of nitric oxides and ozone crucial to the natural rebalancing of atmospheric gases. There is yet another, more essential purification of atmospheric hydrogen that takes place in sprites, jets and lightning strikes relating to the elimination of deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen comprising 0.0156% of terrestrial waters. Deuterium content in atmospheric water vapor presents a vertical distribution gradient by gravity1, with greatest concentrations of heavy water molecules near sea level, decreasing steadily with altitude.

The latest advances of modern atmospheric sciences and atomic physics reiterate the ancient wisdom of the Vedas, as well as the Maya culture of Central America, concerning the sacred purification processes of natures water cycle. Sanskrit descendant cultures have built hundreds of monumental stone pyramids on every continent and island chain, forming a wireless network resonating at the 1.45 Hz heartbeat frequency and enhancing atmospheric water purity by resonant production of light water and the resonant elimination of heavy hydrogen isotopes from our skies. After centuries of disuse and dormancy, this advanced antediluvian technology of our Atlantean forbearers is now roaring back to life, with each progressive outburst of solar flares driving every atom of our planet into states of greater coherence.2 Emulating atmospheric HHO plasma formation in quartz vacuum chambers, chemist/physicist R. Mills has developed HHO plasma reactors (above) that sustain excess energy production by implosion of hydrogen atoms to form hydrinos,3 in a complex process that has been validated by Rowan University researchers. Laboratory findings revealing the unique dynamics of HHO resonant-transfer plasma inform the atomic reactions of lightning. As raindrops and water vapor in the storm cell create an electrical pathway for the ionospheric discharge, water molecules are rapidly ionized, undergoing low energy nuclear fission of deuterium atoms into protium atoms, with the ejected neutrons numbering upto 5,000 per cubic meter:

Russian scientists... installed three neutron detectors that were sensitive to low energy neutrons: one above ground, one partially shielded in a building, and a third underground... The cosmic rays generate muons that collide with something in or very near the detector, resulting in neutrons that have the high energy of the muon being registered. Neutrons from lightning, on the other hand, can only have the energy given up by a fission event, which is then lost in collisions with molecules in the air as they travel to the detector... In the previous experiments, it had been assumed that each detection event corresponded to a single neutron, [whereas] the 4 new data show that up to 5,000 neutrons per cubic meter are produced every second by lightning strikes...

The plasma formations of lightning and aurora have been replicated for study. At Blacklight Power, Mills has defined the high-energy states of hydrogen as an implosion process that releases vast amounts of energy through emission of infrared and ultraviolet light. During the formation of HHO plasma from water vapor, heavier deuterium isotopes are resonantly converted into protium as neutrons are ejected from the nuclei, represented by the conversion equation [ D2 ! H1 + n1 ]. Densely concentrated resonant nuclear transmutations of deuterium into protium remain the only viable explanation for the origin of neutron flux released by atmospheric HHO plasma briefly generated during lightning strokes. Precision tuning of this resonant conversion process of deuterium into protium allows bulk purification of drinking water for human consumption, as even slightly deuterium-depleted water has been observed to reduce and kill cancers, as well as significantly reducing rates of cellular aging.5 Significant extension of the average human lifespan will become measurable as light water becomes publicly available. Nuclear fission reactions of deuterium in lightning have not been previously identified, yet deuterium fusion reactions within metal substrates have been widely reported. The low energy fusion of deuterium atoms to form helium within a palladium lattice produces excess heat during electrolysis with heavy water6, while later experimentation achieved slightly greater efficiency by applying electron polarization.7 An emerging understanding of the complex nuclear dynamics of resonant conversions of lighter gases into heavier gases promises a full revelation of the atmospheric balancing processes protecting all life. Mathematical modeling of the nuclear recombinations that occur during low energy atomic reactions has been achieved by applying the nonhomogenous Burgers equation for nonlinear standing waves. Accurate visualization of the deuterium nucleon describes the standing wave fields surrounding the proton and neutron, solved as the 'Two-Body Distribution Probability of a Nucleon' (above, rendered by R. Zirbes).8 The standing wave structure of the electron was predicted by this author after research into Sanskrit mandala artifacts from La Man, Ecuador in 2004-07 that display ultraviolet fluorescent inlays encoding the quantum quadratic function [ zn+1 = zn2 ], being closely related to the Mandelbrot set [ zn+1 = zn2+ c ], and directly observed for the first time by Swedish researchers in 2008.9 Ancient Vedic knowledge of nonlinear standing waves underlies all of the holistic consciousness technologies of our deep past and imminent future, opening the door to resonant processes for converting one element into another.

The natural abundance of pure metals present in Earth's atmosphere and lithosphere appear as solid deposits and reduced particles of all sizes. Microbial and oxidative processes constantly reduce metal surfaces into nanoparticles, while geological forces liquefy and separate metals by density. Extensive interdisciplinary study has revealed that both geological and biological processes induce low energy atomic nuclear transmutations at specific resonant temperatures, in the presence of specific gases. Extensive investigations by French biologist C.L. Kervran (1901-1983) revealed the natural simplicity of biological transmutations occurring in multitudes of vital processes by replicating nuclear conversions as simple electrochemical reactions in vitro. Kervran defined resonant nuclear reactions as reversible, and involving both fusion and fission events between gases, metals, nonmetals and earths. His simple in vitro demonstration of the oxygen-dependent low energy atomic conversion of carbon into iron was reported in 1962, wherein ultrapure carbon rods were used as electrodes in an aqueous discharge system. Sediment analysis confirmed the fusion of two carbon atoms with two oxygen atoms in the formation of iron.10

Multiple government-funded investigations into recurring cases of fatal carbon monoxide poisoning of steelworkers in France were finally concluded with Kervran's definitive 1964 demonstration under controlled laboratory conditions that lethal quantities of carbon monoxide are generated during steel plasma-cutting processes over 400F by low energy nuclear transmutations of nitrogen gas.11 The fact that carbon monoxide is not formed below this critical temperature threshold is consistent with advanced atomic resonance calculations derived decades later, providing a basis for the determination of optimal temperature ranges for all such resonant atomic reactions that occur throughout natural systems. Kervran's groundbreaking studies of various other heat-induced atmospheric and lithospheric processes led to his identification of several essential nuclear transmutations without which such processes cannot be understood finding that airborne pairs of nitrogen atoms readily combine to form silicon at the edge of the thermosphere.12 A similar fusion event was identified in volcanic reactions where pairs of carbon atoms merge in the formation of magnesium, while pairs of oxygen atoms merge to form sulfur.13 The natural abundance of elements and the specific isotope ratios produced in thermospheric and volcanic processes provide compelling evidence for low energy nuclear reactions as the unified driving force of nature. Various researchers have obtained significant evidence for biological transmutation as the origin of calcium from nuclear conversions of sodium, magnesium, potassium and silicon in a wide range of organisms that secrete calcium from one side of a membrane to produce protective shells. Experiments showed that avian and reptilian species deprived of dietary calcium were incapable of producing solid eggshells unless provided with a dietary source of silicon that was readily converted into the calcium required for normal eggshell development.14 Similar experiments with crustacean species deprived of environmental calcium sources revealed their ability to supplant calcium with magnesium to facilitate normal shell development.15

Kervran also determined that calcium formation during tooth enamel and bone growth processes in all vertebrate species was mitigated by the same substitutive resonant nuclear reactions of magnesium and oxygen fusing to form calcium, as well as another notable reaction carbon fusing with fluorine to form phosphorus.16 The reversal of the latter process was identified in the bacterial digestion of bone, with phosphorus undergoing resonant fission into carbon and fluorine daughter isotopes. The constant emission of fluorine gas during bone decomposition is relied upon in the dating of fossil specimens, yet its genesis as a fission product of bacterial digestion remains the only viable explanation. Soil productivity is another area that Kervran's biological transmutation research has benefitted, after his unique findings concerning utilization of copper by wheat plants for resonant conversion into manganese. Initial attempts to increase manganese levels in wheat by the addition of manganese to soil proved fatal to test plants, while extensive trials by wheat farmers in Alberta, Canada confirmed Kervran's findings that supplementing soils with bluestone copper rebalances manganese and doubled soil productivity.17

Kervran further applied his comprehensive findings to resolve many commonly misunderstood biomineral deficiencies in humans involving biological transmutation of all essential elements including magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc. In fact, it is known that calcium deficiency and resulting bonedepletion cannot be reversed by calcium intake. Calcium is now widely supplemented with magnesium, but the underlying mechanism can only be satisfactorily explained by resonant atomic transmutation. Hard evidence for fusion of magnesium and oxygen atoms is found in measurable Ca44 depletions in all bone.18 An identical situation exists in dietary supplements manufactured for both iron and copper, which must be given together to achieve rebalancing of either essential element, as blood metabolism involves the resonant conversion of one element into the other.19 Comparative study of the three main varieties of animal blood green, blue and red reveal distinct sets of nuclear reaction cascades taking place within narrow resonant temperature bands enabled by thermocline migration and thermoregulation strategies. Cellular respiration processes in all green-blooded organisms, including ascidian, holothurian and sponge species, exhibit an alternate transmutation of iron that closely relates to those used by red- and blueblooded species (vertebrates, cephalopods, gastropods and crustaceans).20 Fission of iron atoms forms titanium and vanadium in green blood while in red blood the fusion of iron and oxygen forms copper and in blue blood the fission of copper atoms forms oxygen, manganese and iron. When one considers that constantly cycling cascades of nuclear reactions underlie the essential functions of all biological systems, acting as radiant biological holographic projectors, all previously inexplicable animal and plant behavior displaying group synchrony and coherent mass communication can be understood as nonlinear biophoton field coupling effects occurring within the range of visible light.

Researchers Widom, Srivastava and Sivasubramanian have redefined the well-established properties of biophotons as products of atomic nuclear reactions, drawing conclusions that parallel those established by Kervran in their 2011 paper, entitled 'Biological Nuclear Transmutations as a Source of Biophotons':
We have shown that soft multi-photon radiation from hard higher energy reactions sources can be employed to describe the three major well-established properties of biophoton radiation. Since the soft photon frequencies span the visible to the ultraviolet frequency range, the hard reaction sources have energies extending into the nuclear transmutation regime. Thus, the biophotons serve as a valuable clue as to which biological systems 21 exhibit a large number of nuclear transmutations.

Kervran's observations of human skin and sweat gland processes inspired laboratory experiments in 1959 that clearly demonstrated the low energy nuclear fusion of sodium and oxygen to form stable potassium,22 which contributes to the overall biophoton emissions observed of human skin surfaces. This surprising resonant atomic reaction was later replicated by ionizing sodium vapor in the presence of oxygen under spectrographic observation (Torii, Sakurazawa, Odagiri, 1963; Ohsawa, Kushi, 1964). Recent investigations of the ultraweak visible luminosity of the human body have applied direct biophoton detection by ultrasensitive light-amplified CCD cameras that accurately record subtle diurnal fluctuations in the distribution patterns within human biophoton fields over time. The reemission of absorbed photons observed in living cells is identified as 'delayed luminescence' in the hours after exposure. Multiple sources comprise the perpetual and spontaneous biophoton emissions of all cells. Biophysicist F.A. Popp and his research team have reported remarkable series' of images of the weak human glow during traditional acupuncture and moxibustion therapies (at left), clearly revealing the left-right symmetry of the healthy body and biorhythmic cycles of 14 days, 1 month, 3 months and 9 months.23 Popp's focus has narrowed to investigations of the nonlinear photon trapping of DNA as a coherent broadband visible light biocommunication system, emitted from within the chromatin in the nucleus of each cell. DNA base-molecules and surrounding cell walls act as quantum resonators, efficiently storing light by internal reflection of nonlinear standing waves. These findings inform a radical recharacterization of chromatin as an exciplex laser array, with DNA base pairs now recognized as 'excited complexes' that emit photon fields displaying constructive or deconstructive interference modes.24 Studies found that DNA conformation and skin conductivity directly correlate with biophoton emission intensity.25 Areas of the human body that emit the greatest intensity of photons (seen above in yellow, red and white) correspond closely to the circulatory system. Along with the heart, large superficial veins and arteries present the greatest biophoton emission and highest electrical conductivity in the body. Blood is more saline than other bodily fluids, and full of iron-bearing hemoglobin, contributing to a conductivity that is higher than the rest of the body's systems, acting as an extension of the electromagnetic field of the beating heart by maintaining an electronically excited state exhibiting coherent oscillations:

Monitoring of spontaneous and luminophore-amplified photon emission (PE) from non-diluted human blood under resting conditions and artificially induced immune reaction revealed that blood is a continuous source of biophotons indicating that it persists in electronically excited state. This state is pumped through generation of electron excitation produced in reactive oxygen species (ROS) reactions. Excited state of blood and of neutrophil suspensions (primary sources of ROS in blood) is an oscillatory one suggesting of interaction between individual sources of electron excitation. Excited state of blood is extremely sensitive to the tiniest fluctuations of external photonic fields but resistant to temperature variations as reflected in hysteresis of PE in response to temperature variations. These data suggest that blood is a highly cooperative non-equilibrium and non-linear system, whose components unceasingly interact in time and space. At least in part this property is provided by the ability of blood 26 to store energy of electron excitation that is produced in course of its own normal metabolism.

Oscillatory excitation of the electronic state of blood by ROS reactions coordinates enzymatic activities and enhances the absorption of dissolved gases by metal nanoparticles in the blood, especially lithium, chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, copper, zinc and selenium. Hemoglobin within red cells acts as a reducing agent that synthesizes iron nanoparticles in the 2-5 nm range27 for optimized binding with oxygen during circulatory transport. Precision control of the blood pressure differentials of dissolved oxygen levels maintained between red cell membranes and the surrounding blood plasma is accomplished by temperature-dependent transport interactions with sodium and potassium cations.28 Kervran's elucidation of the electrically-enhanced nuclear fusion of sodium and oxygen to form stable potassium occurs under the exact conditions that are constantly maintained in healthy blood, in conjunction with the nuclear fusion reaction of iron and oxygen atoms to form stable copper. The indispensible role of absorbed oxygen atoms in the resonant nuclear conversions of sodium ! potassium and iron ! copper directly implicates these specific reactions as primary mechanisms for blood's crucial rebalancing of metal concentrations, thus enabling effective utilization of a wider ratio of available metals to fulfill the well-known respiratory functions as well as the newly discovered biophotonic functions of blood medium. This conclusion is directly supported by isotopic signature studies of trace metals in mammals and plants, which diverge significantly from the great abundance of dietary metal sources and those of all geological deposits. Trace copper isotope ratios in human blood consistently present a Cu65 variation of +0.30% as compared with non-biological copper,29 being products of the resonant fusion of iron and oxygen atoms. Isotopic shifts of iron in human blood enable gender determinations of partial skeletal remains,30 with male blood presents Fe56 depletions of 2.5% to 2.9%,31 suggesting heavier iron isotopes do not concentrate in the blood serum of females due to regular menstrual blood loss and the enhanced iron absorption that compensates for such periodic deficiency. This hypothesis is supported by findings that hemochromatosis, characterized by excess iron levels and heavy iron isotope concentrations, is alleviated by phlebotomy (the removal of blood).32 Such notable isotopic shifts that perpetually accumulate during blood recirculation implicate the atomic weight disparity as produced by perpetual resonant nuclear transmutations of iron.

The surprising conclusions established by Kervran's in vivo biological transmutation experiments have not been thoroughly followed-up by biophysicists despite the ever growing body of solid evidence for nuclear conversions occurring in all living organisms. The compelling case of biological transmutations informs the open questions of biophotonics by synthesis with the formulaic framework of phonon resonance developed by W. Lussage in 1965 and confirmed in microbial transmutation studies reported by J. Champion in 2001:
Dimensional phonon resonance occurs when the space occupied by one isotope is exactly the same as that of another isotope in its rest state [i.e. 20C]. This event can only occur under the following two conditions: the expansion of an isotope by heating, or the contraction of an isotope by cooling. Due to the natural characteristics of elemental properties, this event is extremely rare and one can only force the event under select conditions. To 33 determine the phonon resonance of an isotope, it is necessary to apply the following formula:

Phonon resonance calculations reveal the elusive quantum dynamics of the lattice interactions that induce low energy nuclear reactions throughout the bodies of living organisms, as first identified by Kervran decades earlier. Such precise calculations for the exact atomic diameter of various isotopes was only recently enabled by the careful determination of exact atomic masses, densities and linear thermal expansion coefficients for all known isotopes data that was not available during Kervran's discoveries of biological transmutations, and comprises undeniable evidence for his conclusions. Phonon vibration of individual iron atoms enclosed within hemoglobin proteins display an oscillatory mode that corresponds to one of the four stable iron isotopes (Fe54, Fe56, Fe57, Fe58), allowing only four distinct possibilities for precision tuning of the resonant nuclear fusion of iron and oxygen atoms. Comprising only 2.2% of the abundance of iron, Fe57 is the only iron isotope that resonates at a frequency corresponding to the atomic diameter of the target isotope Cu65 near room temperature. Atomic data for each isotope applied in these calculations (in blue) was obtained from various updated sources, while the exact atomic mass figures are consistent with tables produced by the Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS) Laboratory of the GeoForschungsZentrum in Potsdam, Germany.34 The resonant frequency of copper target isotope (Cu65) at the 20C rest state is 43,639,033 Hz, according to its atomic diameter and thermal expansion coefficient. Iron starting isotope (Fe57) matches this atomic diameter while resonating at the target frequency of 43,639,033 Hz during precision heating to 37.5C:

Starting Element: Iron (26Fe ) Natural Abundance: 2.2% Atomic Mass: 56.93540 3 Density (grams/cm ): 7.8597 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000120


Target Element: Copper (30Cu ) Natural Abundance: 30.83% Atomic Mass: 64.92779 3 Density (grams/cm ): 8.95 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000167


Blood circulating within the heart and large arteries maintains temperature near 38.0C, slightly elevated above average core body temperature near 37.0C. This significant variance of blood from the mean human body temperature induces rhythmic thermal fluctuations in blood cells according to their cyclical transport from the warm heart to the slightly cooler extremities and skin capillaries. During circulation, iron (Fe57) atoms split the mass of bound oxygen atoms to form helium and copper (Cu65) atoms at 37.5C:

Fe57 + O16 ! 2 He4 + Cu65

Half the nuclear mass of oxygen atoms fuses with iron atoms to form copper, while the remaining eight nucleons are released as diatomic helium that rapidly escapes from red blood cells and blood plasma, for helium is insoluble in water at low pressure. As atmospheric helium is very rare and does not form any compounds that can be injested, the presence of helium traces in human blood can only be accounted for as an exotic byproduct of phonon resonance reactions occurring within the heme groups of erythrocytes. Recognition of this atomic reaction offers a new view of hemoglobin and myoglobin proteins as nuclear transmutation nanomachines, efficiently reducing iron nanoparticles into individual atoms for binding with oxygen molecules during transport, while electrical currents in the bloodstream dissociate iron-bound O2 molecules for recombination as diatomic helium and copper. By this mechanism, nuclear conversion rates are enhanced by natural exposure to electric current through barefoot contact with the Earth.

Further studies of isotope variations in trace elements of the human body will identify specific contributors to exciplex photon cascades observed as biophotons. The wide variety of metals present in healthy human blood and their respective concentrations endow the fluid medium with complex resonant characteristics only now being recognized as phonon resonance dynamics of the metal crystal lattice. The frequency matching 'architecture' of phonon resonance relationships maintained in healthy blood trigger the release of photons in the range of visible light by a surprisingly rich variety of nuclear reactions that provide the first comprehensive explanation for the great diversity of trace metals in blood. The four stable isotopes comprising chromium nanoparticles (Cr50, Cr52, Cr53, Cr54) are in constant oscillation at four distinct frequency modes of phonon resonance within the crystal lattice. The low energy nuclear fusion reaction of chromium and oxygen atoms to form nickel is optimized at the resonant frequency of nickel target isotope (Ni62) at rest state: 44,219,726 Hz. Chromium starting isotope (Cr50) resonates at this exact phonon frequency during precision heating to 37.9C:

Starting Element: Chromium (24Cr ) Natural Abundance: 4.35% Atomic Mass: 49.94605 3 Density (grams/cm ): 7.1757 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000049


Target Element: Nickel (28Ni ) Natural Abundance: 3.59% Atomic Mass: 61.92835 3 Density (grams/cm ): 8.8918 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000133



The resonant reactions of iron ! copper and chromium ! nickel are also accompanied by the resonant fission of manganese ! chromium and vanadium, which takes place under exactly the same conditions present in the human bloodstream, according to frequency matching of Mn55 and Cr53. The low energy fission of manganese to form hydrogen, chromium and vanadium is optimized at the resonant frequency of chromium target isotope (Cr53) at rest state: 43,378,479 Hz. Manganese starting isotope (Mn55) resonates at this exact phonon frequency during precision heating to 37.5C:

Starting Element: Manganese (25Mn ) Natural Abundance: 100% Atomic Mass: 54.93805 3 Density (grams/cm ): 7.466 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000217


Target Element: Chromium (24Cr ) Natural Abundance: 9.5% Atomic Mass: 52.94065 3 Density (grams/cm ): 7.1757 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000049


As with transmutations of Fe ! Cu and Cr ! Ni, conversion of Mn ! Cr, V occurs within the same very narrow temperature band, revealing a profound synchronicity within the isotopic phonon relationships. Upon confirmation of these findings, one must inevitably conclude that the innate phonon resonance relationships of stable isotopes in adjacent element groups fulfill the primary purpose of providing all living systems with resonant temperature ranges for generating nuclear reaction cascades. Resonant nuclear interactions of matter form the basis of life throughout the vast reaches of the cosmos, and warm-blooded beings similar to mammals on Earth likely inhabit innumerable galaxies by exploiting tuned nuclear reactions releasing photon cascades by multiple resonant metal conversions near 37.5C:

This unmistakable pattern of phonon resonance conversions demonstrated between the predominant metals within red blood directly reveals the primary fundamental principle within the universal isotopic architecture of all matter that enables all living organisms to maintain excited states for coherent electrophotonic field communication. These remarkable conclusions offer the only comprehensive explanation for the observed natural isotopic order and the precision temperature regulation of living organisms.

The precise tuning of nuclear transmutations resonantly induced by the exact temperature of human blood provides a new biophysical framework for the integration of the ancient energy balancing practices of Asia, in addition to the Vedic prana development practice of sungazing known to all monumental stone builders worldwide. Modern sungazers practicing such ancient techniques include Anastasia, Sunyogi Umasankar, Hira Ratan Manek, Acharya Jowel and Dimbeswar Basumatary, all of whom derive the majority of their energy directly from the sun while completely abstaining from the normal metabolic consumption of food.35 Ancient traditions of the Maya teach the initiate that solar (photonic) energy of the heart is stored within the (DNA) serpent or 'coatl' for utilization by strict adherence to sacred cultural bioelectrification practices. Biophysicists have already determined that all cellular metabolic functions can be fueled directly by exposure to electrical current,36 and it is now evident that drinking the celestial golden waters of the Maya in caves and at pyramid sites, barefoot, induces electroluminescence in gold and silver nanoparticles that scatter red and blue light within the body's cells.37 Intracellular luminosity is the key to enhanced vitality and the extreme longevity ascribed to the Atlantean masters of consciousness, who make the explicit acknowledgement that gold is immortality, referring to electrum colloids as the elixir Soma: The man who supplies food hath always [his Soma] pressing stones adjusted, a wet Soma filter, well-prepared religious rites he who hath this knowledge wins the luminous spheres (Atharva Veda: IX.6). A Sanskrit descendant culture, the Maya preserved the Vedic calendar system (above) observing planetary cycles and resulting biophotonic cycles of 14 days, 1 month, 3 months and 9 months a human gestation cycle. Maya wisdom explicitly states human beings attain immortality by regular sungazing meditation at sacred temple sites, thereby engaging the eyes in completion of the solar circuit, absorbing and re-emitting photonic energy directly back to the sun:

Chalchiuhtlicue, Goddess of Terrestrial Waters, of that which flows, runs, surges, forward and down, arriving always at profounder levels. Chalchiuhtlicue swells the fruits and flowers only so that they may drop. Chalchiuhtlicue fills the gourd of pulque so that man may forget Tlloc, God of Celestial Water, god of the vapor that rises, from the earth warmed by the sun after the rains, god of the mist that ascends from the valleys at dawn, god of the water that returns to its source in the clouds that swim over the highest peaks, god of the humid incense from which rise the copal prayers and the prayers of sacrifice. Tlloc is the return of vapor that strains to rise, is the return of time that strains to remember. Tlloc, God of the Fight Against the Current, with whose aid the hero battles against the torrent toward his own origin and beginning, towards the wings of his soul, the wings that Tlloc hides in the hero's past. Quetzalcatl, the Plumed Serpent, moves between gods and men, because Quetzalcatl is God who permeates man and is the man that achieves God The Plumed Serpent is born when that which slithers over the Earth grows wings to be elevated to Heaven. Quetzalcatl is a superior man, the inner circle of humanity, the link between gods and men. All men are made of earth, air, water, and fire... But in their hearts and in their semen, each man has his own coati, his own serpent, the energy of Tonatiuh, the power of the sun itself. And in this serpent sleeps consciousness, in this serpent is hidden his divinity. From this serpent his wings will grow. There is an occult energy in the heart that comes from Tonatiuh, the sun, and if man releases it, returning it consciously to the sun, he becomes immortal. But to liberate this energy... man must sacrifice the desires and habits that he adores, sacrifice them in himself, and turn the knife against the enemy that he carries within himself, 38 that keeps his heart a prisoner. 14


Well-preserved masterworks of painting and sculpture by Aztec and Mayan artists attest to their prolific intellectual life, with Gods representing the transcendent isotopic qualities of water and fire. Tlloc, God of Celestial Waters represents light water (and all that biophysics now attributes to the effects of protium on cellular longevity), standing in opposition to Chalchihutlicue, Goddess of heavy Terrestrial Waters. Quetzalcatl presents the spiritual path of superior man who adheres to sacred bioelectrification practices, depicted as the Eagle Warrior with tail plumes forming standing waves (above, right). The kulthanlilni serpent is depicted rising through the chacla (Mayan for kundalini and chakras) to form wings as three lines weaving in helices along the spinal column representing the three frequency modes of nonlinear standing light waves stored in the DNA spiral. Floral mandalas adorn the wrists of ascending Quetzalcatl, with tassels that can be clearly recognized as chromosomes, bearing coiled DNA strands (below, at left).

Biophysical studies have recently reconfirmed ancient sacred knowledge that, indeed, human eyes emit light, as first observed in rat eye retinas and reported in 2010 (Wang, et al).39 Spontaneous biophoton emission measured by the researchers is comprised of soft photon scattering from continual atomic conversions pervading the network of fine blood vessels behind the retina, which forms a loose spiral centered behind each eye. The lens of the eye may not only focus environmental light onto the retina, but also focus ultra-weak biophotons re-emitted from the retina into a beam centered along the line of sight. Such findings confirm Maya elucidations of the solar circuit completion by ocular photon emissions. Barefoot contact with the piezoelectric pyramid stones provides electrical currents that excite atomic reactions within the blood by increasing the rate of molecular dissociation of gas molecules adsorbed to metal surfaces, effectively increasing the rate of gas absorption into metals. Just as Qigong and Reiki adepts practice regular meditation in conjunction with barefoot lifestyles at sacred sites, related holistic energy balancing practices such as acupressure, acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion are resonantly amplified by sacred bioelectrification lifestyles that excite the body's nuclear transmutation processes. The renewed holistic view of all living organisms as biological nuclear reactors that resonant nuclear transmutations are safely occurring all around us and within us in every moment of our existence shows modern scientific feats of 'atom smashing' to be entirely unnecessary for inducing nuclear transmutation. As exhibited by biological nuclear reactions, precision control of resonantly tuned reactions allows safe nuclear conversion of isotopes with a natural simplicity that has also been achieved in the field of genetic engineering. Crude initial genetic splicing methods have given way to more advanced 'wave genetics' techniques involving irradiation of living organisms with pulsed laser light or infrasound to induce mass spontaneous genetic enhancements in entire populations by coherent biophoton field stimulation.


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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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19 20 21

Kervran, 'Transmutations A Faible Energie: Synthse et Devloppement', ch. 3 Ibid, ch. 3 Widom A, Srivastava YN, Sivasubramanian S (2011) 'Biological Nuclear Transmutations as a Source of Biophotons' Physics arXiv:1102.4605v1, online http://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.4605.pdf 17

22 23 24

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37 38

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2 Qi Meridians

Qi Meridians
Recognition of the essential biological transmutations that give rise to cascading nonlinear dynamics in biophoton field fluctuations shows such simple yet commonly misunderstood therapies as the application of infrared light (or moxibustion), as well as 'violet ray' UV-A treatments, efficiently replicate the beneficial effect of sunlight by stimulating the body's atomic transmutation processes and the resulting biophoton emission cascades,1 while avoiding the harmful UV-B and UV-C frequencies of direct solar radiation. Ancient energy meridian therapies have been validated by ultrasensitive CCD cameras, revealing fine optical communication channels within the human body that exactly correspond to the qi meridian system precisely mapped in the ancient medical sciences of Asia.2 Electrophotonic meridians of the body were rediscovered by B.H. Kim in 1963 (named Bonghan ducts),3 and confirmed by in vivo fluorescence microscopy by K.S. Soh in 2004, as a transparent, threadlike nodal network of corpuscles connected by bundled ductules that constitute a distinct circulatory system freely suspended within the vascular and lymphatic systems, optically hardwiring all of the internal organs directly to the central nervous system:

Bonghan theory [identifies] channels with DNA granules flowing inside connecting the acupoints in the skin to the internal organs. As the channels form a network of one-dimensional tubes with light sources, they can be an 4 optical channel [producing] a coherent photon state and the regulation mechanism of the body as a whole.

The free vascular suspension of fine electrophotonic ducts, which lack anchor filaments altogether, enables circulatory pumping of DNA crystals by the peristaltic motion of the ducts themselves. Soft photon emissions from the persistent resonant nuclear fusion cascades occurring in the electronically excited bloodstream are stored as nonlinear standing waves within electrophotonic filaments by crystalline DNA granules and chromatin that flow through the ultrafine filaments at a speed of 0.3 0.1 mm/s.5 While thorough biophoton imaging of adept Qigong healers has not yet been reported, conscious control of the heart offers definitive evidence of the quantum effects of biological fiber-optic networks, such as pyrokinesis and electricity from hands. Recent findings of the correlation between biophoton emission and skin conductivity have inspired laboratory investigations of electroacupuncture, reporting enhanced photon emission of stimulated electrophotonic corpuscles at acupoints using ultrasensitive cameras.6



The optical transmission of infrared light through the meridian system stimulates the flow of light-storing DNA granules to rapidly and effectively rebalance the luminal field of the human body. Moxa treatments provide direct infrared illumination to selected acupressure points, bringing highly localized skin surfaces to temperatures as high as 55C for just a few seconds, before brief withdrawl of the heat (Li et al, 2009). Skin temperatures during rest periods measured at different points of the body show a normal range of 1929C (Benedict, et al., 1919). Relatively recent discoveries in the field of thermography, or the visualization of infrared light, have been widely applied in diagnosing animal or human bodies for fungal infection and cancer diagnosis, also allowing direct imaging of distinct temperature variations observed between the warmer areas of the body where lymph node clusters and glands tend to be located, as opposed to the colder nasal region, the extremities and areas where excess fat is stored below the skin. When properly applied, intense infrared and ultraviolet-A light elevates skin metabolism into a heightened state that alters the elemental makeup of sweat gland secretions. The fascinating details of this heatinduced mode of enhanced skin metabolism were first quantified by C.L. Kervran in cases of heat stress of workers during oil prospecting activities in the arid conditions of North Africa's Sahara desert in 1959. To determine necessary dietary enhancements for the continually heat-stressed workers, Kervran created a closed environment to study the unusual relationship between sodium and potassium in human sweat. In total, 808 analyses were conducted to carefully quantify the elemental makeup of all liquids and solids ingested and excreted by the workers, even including sponging off sweat secretion samples. Test results confirmed that the ratio of potassium to sodium in the excreta of workers increased with temperature.

A full quarter, or an average of 1.28g per day, of ingested sodium could not be accounted for in their wastes. If this sodium was simply being stored in the body, a six-month accumulation would amount to a kilogram, suggesting that sodium was being converted into another element altogether. Painstaking analyses confirmed that the missing sodium was excreted as excess potassium, that otherwise could not be accounted for. Furthermore, data revealed that seasonal temperature increases over the course of the study from May to September, showed a clear correlation with the changes in the potassium to sodium ratio (K / Na) of workers' perspiration. This was unmistakable evidence for biological transmutation. Kervran's full report was completed and published in 1963, presenting carefully drawn conclusions that comprised the first solid identification of resonant nuclear transmutations occurring in the human body. He quite clearly demonstrated the crucial role of oxygen in this temperature-dependent reaction by pointing out that oxygen possesses the exact atomic mass required for the conversion of sodium into potassium.

Subsequent attempts to replicate this reaction in vitro were successful, and progessed to more complex experimental setups in Japanese universities, where the reaction was replicated under spectrographic observation by various other researchers using sodium vapor (Torii, Sakurazawa, Odagiri, 1963; Ohsawa, Kushi, 1964). The spectral emission lines of potassium consistently appeared in the pure sodium vapor. Time and time again, this reliable experiment revealed the same startling result sodium maintained at low temperature was converting into potassium at a stable rate that increased with electrical input to the system. The present physics of phonon resonance allows us to define precise temperature thresholds for the induction of such resonant nuclear transmutations, as in this case, by targeting unstable calcium:
11Na 23

+ 8O16 !



39 19K

Phonon frequency matching of sodium starting isotopes at 49.3C with unstable calcium isotope (Ca39) at rest (20C), induces conversion of sodium into unstable calcium, with a half-life of 895.6 milliseconds, releasing electrons during + decay into stable potassium (K39). The resonant frequency of unstable isotope (Ca39) in its rest state is 28,825,736 Hz, according to the element's atomic diameter at 20C. Meta-stable sodium isomer (Na24m) resonates at this same frequency when heated to 49.3C:

Starting Element: Sodium (11Na Natural Abundance: <0.0001% Atomic Mass: 23.99096 3 Density (grams/cm ): 0.968 Exp. Coefficient: 0.000071


Target Element: Calcium (20Ca ) Natural Abundance: 0% Atomic Mass: 38.97072 3 Density (grams/cm ): 1.55 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000223




Scanning electron microscopy of the dermal ridges of human hands and fingerprints have captured detailed images of individual pores of the sweat glands and their tiny sweat secretions (opposite). Shown in a heightened relief, the configuration of pores provides a unique fingerprint that leaves its watermark in the world as traces of sweat are perpetually secreted (below). Forensic science has been rapidly advanced using fingerprint, skin, hair and saliva samples for DNA pattern analyses to identify criminal suspects, and the present applications of phonon resonance physics similarly identifies unique patterns in the fundamental isotopic signatures of the elements that enable all biological metabolic processes. Dehydration becomes a serious threat during long periods of intense sweating, yet other temperaturedependent resonant atomic reactions have caused fatalities in the high-temperature work environments of steel manufacturing plants. While toxic welding gases and carbon soot produced by oxygen/acetylene torch processes and the dangers of metal grinding activities are well-known, carbon monoxide poisoning cases were once a serious industry hazard that had to be overcome by rigorous scientific investigation. A series of fatal CO poisoning cases in France in 1955 presented a great conundrum. The following is an excerpt from C. Louis Kervran's 'Biological Transmutations' (Crosby Lockwood, 1972), translated from the original French by Crosby Lockwood and revised by Herbert and Elizabeth Rosenauer, pages 18-21:


In 1935... a case of fatal poisoning of a welder had occurred... [yet] I could find no evidence to show where the carbon monoxide originated... It was only in 1955 that it dawned upon me what had happened. In that year... three welders using blow-pipes had died in a period of several months... from carboxyhaemoglobinaemia (carbon monoxide poisoning)... It was decided... to take blood samples from fellow workers even though the men were apparently in good health. The samples showed that those doing the same work as the victims were seriously afflicted with chronic carboxyhaemoglobinaemia, some to a degree approaching that of the fatal cases.

In fact the three fatal incidents in 1955 had lead me to a hypothesis which I had to verify. As the blood contains carbon monoxide without any being inhaled, if there is an undetected source of this toxic gas, it would be found in samples taken in the proximity of the respiratory organs, thus carbon monoxide would be produced in the body... ...[T]he indisputable fact [was,] that carbon monoxide did not enter the breathing passages, but that the workers bent over the metal as they cut it, and the powerful flame jet made a large area of the surface incandescent. Therefore, it was my opinion that the air, having been in contact with the incandescent metal, had become "activated". When the air was breathed in, it provoked a formation of carbon monoxide in the blood at the lungs level. The control experiment was made with the welders themselves. They were asked to wear a sandblaster's helmet, which has an air tube at the back of the neck... allowed to hang down so that the workers breathed in the air behind them. In a short time the incidences of carbon monoxide poisoning had markedly decreased... As a result, the prevention of such accidents followed. All that was needed was to give the workman an upward current of fresh air to counteract the air rising from the incandescent metal... (Experiments made in 1964 on rabbits and on humans had shown... this endogenous reaction only takes place when the metal is heated to more than 400C.)... Nitrogen is the only explanation... Each nitrogen nucleus has 14 nucleons, so the paired nuclei have 28... [with] a tendency to arrange themselves into two groups; one of 12 which is carbon, and the other of 16, which is oxygen:

2 7N14 !



+ 8O16

This tendency for atomic rearrangement that Kervran's experimentation had identified as occurring only above 400C is now known to be induced by dimensional phonon resonance frequency matching of nitrogen with oxygen atoms. When heated to just above 400C, nitrogen atoms become instilled with the resonant frequency of oxygen atoms at rest (20C). The exact atomic data required for such complex calculations has been experimentally determined in the decades since Kervran's insightful identification.

The resonant frequency of oxygen isotoope (O17) at rest is 3,699,285 Hz, according to the element's atomic diameter at 20C. Nitrogen isotope (N14) resonates at this frequency when heated to 413.0C:

Starting Element: Nitrogen (7N ) Natural Abundance: 99.634% Atomic Mass: 14.00307401 3 Density (grams/cm ): 0.0012506 Vol. Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000223


Target Element: Oxygen (8O ) Natural Abundance: 0.0038% Atomic Mass: 16.99913 3 Density (grams/cm ): 0.001429 Vol. Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000291


As Kervran had surmised and experimentally confirmed decades ago, potentially fatal carbon monoxide poisoning occurs as the 'atomic memory' of nitrogen atom pairs is established at 413C for conversion into carbon and oxygen atoms. The low energy transmutation reaction is triggered upon contact with cooler lung tissue, without breaking the molecular bond between the two atoms during the event. Phonon resonance determinations based on the conversion formulae of W. Lussage comprehensively elucidate the mnemonic capacity and temperature-induced conversion patterns among the isotopes of the physical elements, bringing human consciousness toward a complete understanding of the fundamental atomic processes that drive the recycling of elements through the incessant electricallyenhanced interaction of metals and gases being alternately heated and cooled as the planets spin.

Studies of the artificial excitation of the electromagnetic fields of objects and organisms undertaken by K. Korotkov have inspired the development of advanced techniques of Kirlian photography, now publicly available as the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) system.7 Future electrophotonic devices will soon enable rapid healing and rejuvenation in vacuum chambers where HHO gas containing colloidal electrum light water (pure protium, without heavy hydrogen isotopes) becomes rapidly ionized to form HHO plasma. HHO plasma will not heat water, due to the reaction of HHO gas recombining to form H2O. As used today in dental hygiene, helium/ oxygen cold plasma torches apply nanopulsed currents to turn plasma 'on' and 'off' at a rapid rate, allowing the flame to maintain such low temperatures that it can be directly applied to skin surfaces, oral tissues and tooth enamel. Electro-stimulation of cellular metabolism by low-intensity nanopulsed electrophotonic fields can be further applied to entire plasma chambers wherein wireless data devices can electronically couple to biophoton fields for digital communication and data storage.8 The astounding atomic reactions taking place in these newly recognized bioelectric excitation processes have also been observed in bacteria. Electrokinetic motility of microbes9 provides insight into the nuclear reactions that occur on metal surfaces, whereby bacterially generated electrical currents enable electrodissociation and digestion of a wide variety of available metals, including steel10 and even radioactive isotopes of uranium.11 Bacterial transmutation of nuclear waste is enabled by special abilities like those of Deinococcus radiodurans to repair DNA damage constantly incurred by gamma radiation,12 which informs the resilience of whitish scum growing in spent fuel pools at the Savannah River Nuclear Site.13 Nuclear transmutations of metals were identified in multiple budding yeast species (Champion, 2008) and disclosed in US Patent Application US2008/0081359: 'Methods for Producing Mutant Microbes Useful for Precious Metal and Bioenergy Production'.14 Intriguing metabolic processes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae convert silver surfaces into gold, platinum and palladium within a narrow resonant temperature band at 43.4C 1C by employing electrokinesis15 in conjunction with carbon-dioxide (CO2) production during fermentation while binding to silver surfaces using the SSB-1 protein.16 This set of aqueous conditions is also observed of blood electronic excitation with specific elevated temperature and specific gas pressure.


In various basic microbial experiments, resonant nuclear mass recombinations have been identified in which specific gases are absorbed by metals and subsequently undergo an induced nuclear fusion event, whereby metal and gas atoms merge to form heavier metallic isotopes. The absorption of gases by solids, and metals in particular, has been the focus of several decades of extensive study in materials science, and elucidates the quantum mechanics of resonant atomic transmutation reactions. There are two basic methods for the calculation of gas absorption by solids - volumetric and gravimetric. The volumetric method enables the gas absorption calculation using a vacuum chamber, by detecting the variation in gas pressure at a constant volume. The volume of absorbed gases within the solids is then calculated by subtracting the volume of gas left in the chamber from the total volume of gases introduced. The amount of gas absorption within solids is also expressed gravimetrically as a percentage weight increase, with the atomic mass of absorbed gases being added to the solids' total mass, enabling direct calculations using a highly sensitive microbalance. The accuracy of this calculation increases with the mass of the solids tested, thereby requiring less sensitive instrumentation for bulk processes.

Since weight can be measured with greater accuracy than almost any other fundamental property of matter, gravimetric analysis is considered one of the most accurate classes of analytical methods available. The simplicity of the gravimetric method for determination of gas absorption in solids allows for rapid calculation of transmutation results, immediately after the reaction is completed (offering greatest reliability in cases where the isotopic composition of newly formed elements conforms closely to expectations based on prior experimental data). Published research concerning the reversible weight increase resulting from adsorbed/absorbed gases within metals has defined the respective heat and pressure-dependent adsorption, absorption and desorption rates for various metals, while the nuclear fusion of gas atoms with metal atoms to form heavier elements has only recently been observed. Quite fascinating observations have revealed that while this weight change can be fixed by artificially induced methods, the visible transformation of metal actually occurs over the course of the following 100 hours, in accordance with known decay processes.

The resonant atomic reconfiguration of metal atoms is achieved through precision manipulation of the mnemonic standing wave fields of atoms (pgs. 21-22) by induced periods of equilibrium, followed by the sudden disruptive stressing of atoms. In chemistry, Le Chatelier's principle is applied to manipulate the outcomes of reversible reactions, often to increase the yield of reactions by destabilizing a previously established equilibrium:
If a chemical system at equilibrium experiences a change in concentration, temperature, volume, or partial pressure, then the equilibrium shifts to counteract the imposed change and a new equilibrium is established.

This principle also applies to the physics of resonant atomic conversions that occur during the second stage of the transmutation reaction, involving the quantum trapping of gases absorbed within metals during the first stage at resonance. The 24-hour dwell time of exposure to pressurized gas establishes 'atomic memory' according to the influence of a specific resonant temperature calibrated to the rest frequency signature of the target element. The instant this induced equilibrium within the metal atoms becomes destabilized by the quantum trapping event, the previously instilled resonant diameter of the metal atoms is preserved by the rapid atomic deformation and forced recombination of protons, neutrons and electrons of the absorbed gases to form the much heavier target element.

Kervran's diverse biological researches uncovered hidden patterns within resonant atomic interactions that underlie the biophotonic communication system that triggers the vast multitudes of molecular interactions from which consciousness finds material expression in all living organisms. All the biological examples of low-energy nuclear transmutations that have been identified and replicated in every single case involve the absorption of gas by solids, a process that can now be accurately visualized. As is the case with biophotonic fields, mathematical modeling of the nonlinear standing wave fields that 2 comprise atoms can be accurately rendered by applying the quadratic function [ zn+1 = zn ]; one that is 2 closely related to the famous Mandelbrot Set, expressed as [ zn+1 = zn + c ]. Accurate modeling and visualization of atomic spacing and linear expansion dynamics is accomplished by stacking the atoms according to the body-centered or face-centered cubic structure of the metal lattice (pgs. 21-22).17 A clear correlation is observable by comparison with atomic force microscope images of the atomic lattice of a gold nanoparticle (above) and x-ray diffraction images of platinum18 and iridium atoms19 (pgs. 23-24).





The hydrogen-dependent low energy transmutation of nickel into copper and zinc was observed in the heat-producing Energy Catalyzer reactor developed by Italian physicist A. Rossi (above). Independent testing of this heated pressure system has consistently measured excess heat production, implicating a cascade of low energy nuclear reactions with nickel and hydrogen atoms fusing to form copper and zinc. The E-Cat reactor was granted a patent by the Italian Patent Office, and Rossi successfully opened the first 1 Megawatt thermal power plant in Bologna, Italy for an unnamed military entity in October of 2011. An international patent was also granted to Rossi and associates in 2009, patent WO 2009/125444 (A1) 'Method and Apparatus for Carrying Out Nickel and Hydrogen Exothermal Reactions':
A method and apparatus for carrying out highly efficient exothermal reactions between nickel and hydrogen atoms in a tube, preferably, though not necessarily, a metal tube filled by a nickel powder and heated to a high temperature, preferably, though not necessarily, from 150C to 5000C are herein disclosed. In the inventive apparatus, hydrogen is injected into the metal tube containing a highly pressurized nickel powder having a 20 pressure, preferably though not necessarily, from 2 to 20 bars.

The various isotopes of nickel (Ni) undergo a cascade involving the nuclear fusion of individual nickel atoms with multiple hydrogen atoms to form several stable isotopes of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), as well as two unstable, radioactive isotopes of copper one of which is responsible for excess heat production. The measurable heat build-up within the Energy Catalyzer reactor is caused by the resonant conversion of 62 64 68m 62 64 nickel isotopes Ni and Ni into radioactive meta-stable copper isomer Cu . Isotopes Ni and Ni comprise ~4.5% of the natural abundance of nickel, thus limiting the excess heat production during the reaction to manageable levels which diminish naturally (without any further introduction of nickel powder). Formation of 'hot' isomer Cu68m occurs as the temperature rises through certain critical temperature thresholds, thereafter releasing gamma radiation for a 225-second decay period before conversion into stable Zn68 and unstable Cu68, releasing a further ~31.1 seconds of beta radiation before forming Zn68. Optimal temperature thresholds for inducing the transmutation have not yet been determined by Rossi.

The effect of increased heat and pressure replicates the extreme geothermal conditions that maximize the transmutation reactions that release excess heat. Related research concerning biological agents that demonstrate metabolic processes involving the resonant transmutation of precious metals have identified optimal temperature ranges for the effect by application of the phonon resonance formulae for calculating the atomic frequency resonance underlying such reactions. My own research in this area has focused for the last several years on a series of astounding reactor experiments that has revealed the complete set of mechanisms underlying the bacterial transmutation of Ag ! Au, Pt, Pd and the same conclusions are clearly applicable to the resonant nuclear transmutation reaction of Ni ! Cu, Zn repeatedly demonstrated by Rossi's basic heat/pressure apparati (detail below). Application of the novel mathematics of phonon resonance shows the exothermal nuclear fusion reactions of Rossi can be precisely tuned to increase the production rate of stable copper isotopes, or to enhance the effect of heat production. Precision heating of nickel powder to 489C or 859C resonance with copper isotope Cu63 in the presence of pressurized H2 gas will target and maximize conversion of nickel into stable copper. The nuclear fusion reaction that produces excess heat can be specifically targeted by precision heating of the reaction to 620C or 966C resonance with meta-stable copper isomer Cu68m.

Nonlinear mathematical modeling of the resonantly induced nuclear recombinations that occur during low energy atomic transmutation events elucidates the entire two-stage reaction, enabling bulk conversion processes. The far-reaching implications of this fundamental discovery include the resonant production of clean, free energy and conversion of deadly radioactive materials into stable medicinal isotopes like gold. While the induced atomic transmutations observed in the E-Cat system produce short-lived radioactive elements, biological transmutations induced near room temperature and ambient atmospheric pressure offer safe conditions for study and replication in vitro. Low energy nuclear transmutation of silver into gold, platinum and palladium can be induced without using any biological agents, by precision control of atomic resonance and pressure in a two-stage reaction developed and refined by this author in 2011.

The first stage of the transmutation reaction involves precision heating to maintain the starting element (silver) at the phonon resonance frequency of the target element (gold), during a 24-hour dwell time under gas pressure. The resonant temperature calculation for the conversion of silver into gold is determined by application of the phonon resonance formula (pg. 9) using recently obtained atomic data for greatest accuracy, as even small discrepancies in atomic data significantly influence the precision of calculation. The resonant frequency of gold (Au197) in its rest state is 38,945,222 Hz, according to the element's atomic diameter at 20C. Heavy silver isotope (Ag109) cannot be heated to resonate at the desired target frequency, yet becomes informed by the frequency vibrations of the adjacent atoms of the sister isotope. Silver isotope (Ag107) resonates at the (Au197) target frequency of 38,945,222 Hz when heated to 43.4C:

Starting Element: Silver (47Ag Natural Abundance: 51.839% Atomic Mass: 106.905095 3 Density (grams/cm ): 10.50 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000189


Target Element: Gold (79Au ) Natural Abundance: 100% Atomic Mass: 196.966569 3 Density (grams/cm ): 19.32 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000142



Once the starting element is instilled with the atomic frequency signature of the target element, the second stage of the transmutation reaction involves the quantum trapping and restabilization procedure that triggers bulk conversion of the starting element into the target element !according to the established atomic frequency 'memory' . While a notable weight increase can be measured immediately after the quantum trapping procedure is completed (and shows no variation thereafter), the stunning visible color changes take place very gradually over the course of the following 100 hours! Safe, cost efficient reactors achieve conversion of Ag ! Au, Pt, Pd at a rate of upto ~4% of the metal atoms during a 24-hour cycle in the reactor, being directly measured as a total weight increase of ~8%. Standard pressure reactor components can be purchased for systems of any size, allowing gold and platinum production targets (in ounces per day) to be achieved by a specific volume of reactor capacity. Multiple reactors can be linked in series to function more efficiently than a solitary reactor. These newly designed resonant reactors produce an entirely new class of atomically mixed alloys that demonstrate physical properties that far exceed the standards for all previously known metal alloys. Repeated reprocessing of these special new alloys endows resonantly-enhanced quantum characteristics such as extreme hardness, supermagnetism and even low temperature superconductivity. By effectively replicating the safe, natural transmutation of metals as observed in both biological and geological processes, resonant nuclear reactors can and must necessarily replace all mining operations.


Presently intensifying worldwide mega-earthquake activity and the concurrent formation of hundreds of isolated sinkholes on every continent in the last few years alone should be enough to warrant the total cessation of all subterranean excavation and hydro-electric dam projects, while the Fukushima nuclear disaster demands the same immediate action from the energy industry. The destructive environmental impact of atmospheric and oceanic contamination by radioactive 'fuels', along with mining and fracking, are now becoming a serious hazard to all life on Earth and must be brought to an immediate halt. The present advancements of phonon resonance enable precision tuning of heat/pressure systems for the conversion of lighter metals into heavier metals, while further applications of resonant nuclear reactions will process toxic aluminum and lead, as well as radioactive nuclear waste, into medicinal nanoparticles of silver, gold and platinum. The new physics of resonant transmutation not only allows conversion of all metals, but also delivers clean, resonant energy and atomically pure drinking water from HHO plasma reactors for the decisive resolution of the greatest dangers now threatening humanity and mother Earth.

The innate atmospheric balancing processes of HHO plasma formation in our skies are being amplified by the Shift of the Ages, culminating in the resonant reignition of the world's now-dormant network of sacred monumental piezoelectric pyramids. The advanced Atlantean physics of resonance has been diligently preserved in the sacred Sanskrit mandala, rendered among all indigenous cultures of the world as a square within a circle, encoding the quantum iterated function for nonlinear standing waves: [ zn+1 = zn2 ]. Lifeforce, or 'rlung', is focused by the resonant metal alloys of Tibetan singing bowls, trumpets and gongs, with elegantly etched surfaces depicting standing waves (opposite), commemorating the profound sacred knowledge of Atlantean levitation techniques still maintained to this day in remote monasteries. A resonant Golden Age now blossoms in the deepening recognition of cosmic order and the primacy of spiritual human beings acting in the self-knowledge of unified consciousness. The seers of ancient Mexico directly reference nuclear reactions occurring in the body as the fire within; known as the third attention that is attained only by those highly advanced masters who achieve the transcendent state of total awareness:
The new seers... let the mastery of awareness develop to its natural end, which is to extend the glow of awareness beyond the bounds of the luminous cocoon in one single stroke. The third attention is attained when the glow of awareness turns into the fire from within: a glow that kindles not one band at a time but all the... 21 emanations inside mans cocoon... Seers who deliberately attain total awareness are a sight to behold. That is the moment when they burn from within. The fire from within consumes them. And in full awareness they fuse 22 themselves to the emanations at large, and glide into eternity. 42


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18 19 20

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21 22

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3 Pelagic Alchemists

Pelagic Alchemists
The majestic beauty of all life is vitalized by the cosmic emanations of resonance. The brilliant twinkling of tremendous thermonuclear reaction cascades taking place within all stars is driven by the same fundamental nuclear transmutation processes that cause our skin to glow in the range of visible light. The luminosity of all living matter attests to an excited electrophotonic state that can now be identified as the result of resonant nuclear transmutation cascades releasing soft photon radiation that forms standing light waves within DNA molecules. While it has been known for decades that DNA comprises an exciplex laser array displaying efficient photon storage within base molecules (Popp et al., 1984),1 the origin of biophotons being stored by the DNA laser array has remained entirely occluded from scientific perception until now. Newly discovered resonant processes reveal the nuclear fire of all life. Comprehensive findings concerning the excited state maintained by blood have elucidated the nuclear chemistry of seemingly spontaneous biophoton radiation. The known respiratory functions of iron atoms in hemoglobin to bind and transport oxygen throughout the body occurs within a finer subset of conditions that trigger atomic reaction cascades responsible for observed biophoton emission. The primary biophotonic function in warm-blooded species requires specific thermoregulation to sustain dimensional phonon resonance relationships between metal nanoparticles and dissolved gases in the bloodstream that only occur within a narrow temperature band at 37.5C. Half the mass of an oxygen atom fuses with iron to form copper, while the other half is released as diatomic helium:

Fe57 + O16 ! 2 He4 + Cu65

Subtle temperature fluctuations sustained by blood circulation in warm-blooded animals mirrors the greater temperature variance of ambient environmental conditions that induce similar life-sustaining resonant transmutations in cold-blooded organisms. Sunlight drives diurnal temperature fluctuations caused by the rotation of planets around their suns, which define the vibratory interactions of matter. While land-based plant life thrives in specific habitat regions where crucial temperature resonance requirements are met, aquatic organisms undertake mass nocturnal migrations toward warmer surface waters to sustain the sensitive nuclear reaction cascades generating light within their bodies. The nightly rise of plankton and invertebrates up the water column thermocline has been explained as a feeding strategy to graze richer pelagic waters under protection of darkness, yet must be further understood as optimizing temperature-dependent phonon resonance reactions crucial to life. The conversion of iron into copper employed by red-blooded animals is utilized in reverse as a fission reaction by blue-blooded marine animals (the cephalopods, gastropods and crustaceans) and a great 63 variety of terrestrial and aquatic plant species (Kervran, 1964).2 Copper (Cu ) atoms release helium 55 65 atom pairs to form manganese (Mn ) atoms, while copper (Cu ) atoms release helium atom pairs to 57 form iron (Fe ) atoms, according to the conversion formulae:

Cu63 ! 2 He4 + Mn55 Cu65 ! 2 He4 + Fe57

Resonant conversions of dietary copper into manganese and iron are employed by vast multitudes of lifeforms that do not regulate their own body temperatures, because the narrow temperature band required for such conversions lies very close to the mean ambient temperature in a great variety of habitats. However, careful calculation of phonon relationships reveals that frequency resonance of copper with iron and manganese cannot occur anywhere near ambient ocean temperatures. These copper fission reactions constantly occurring in blue blood produce oxygen in the presence of hydrogen by phonon frequency matching of deuterium at 23.5C with helium atoms at rest (20C).


The most common heavy isotope of hydrogen, deuterium is present in the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans at trace levels near 0.0156%. Aquatic organisms of all kinds inhabiting the ocean's pelagic zones exploit helium-producing phonon resonance reaction cascades by following a rising and falling band of seawater near 23.5C, while light hydrogen cooled to 13.5C resonates with oxygen at rest.

Despite significant differences in atomic mass and density between the two elements, hydrogen and oxygen atoms actually present similar atomic diameters, thereby allowing phonon resonance to occur very close to the rest state. This intriguing fact allows the phonon vibrations of hydrogen atoms absorbed into metal nanoparticles to instill metal atoms with the resonant target frequency of oxygen. Resonant nuclear fission of pairs of copper atoms to form oxygen, manganese and iron atoms occurs at the resonant frequency of target isotope (O16) in its rest state at 3,775,138 Hz. Copper starting isotopes (Cu63, Cu65) become instilled with the phonon frequency of oxygen target isotope (O16) by the vibrations of absorbed hydrogen (H1) atoms within the metal lattice, during precision cooling to 13.8C:

Starting Element: Hydrogen (1H ) Natural Abundance: 99.985% Atomic Mass: 1.007825037 3 Density (grams/cm ): 0.0000899 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000366

Target Element: Oxygen (8O ) Natural Abundance: 99.762% Atomic Mass: 15.99491 3 Density (grams/cm ): 0.001429 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000291



Similar fission reactions can be induced in iron atoms at the same resonant 13.8C temperature, whereby terrestrial and aquatic plants are able to convert iron into calcium, as also exploited by all cold-blooded animals in the growth of bone, carapace, protective shell or eggshell:

Fe56 ! O16 + Ca40 Fe57 ! O16 + K41 Fe58 ! O16 + Ca42

The full cascade of oxygen-producing reactions at 13.8C proceeds with an additional step following the same isotopic conversion pattern, involving transmutation of calcium into oxygen and magnesium:

Ca40 ! O16 + Mg24 Ca41 ! O16 + Mg25 Ca42 ! O16 + Mg26

The most unusual atomic conversions taking place in the animal kingdom have raised eyebrows among biophysicists for years, who have been unable to satisfactorily account for the exceedingly high concentrations of exotic metals in the bodies of sea squirts, and virtually all ascidian species. Titanium is the exotic byproduct of resonant conversions of copper into oxygen in green-blooded species that can also be induced at the calculated phonon frequency resonance threshold of 13.8C:

Cu63 ! O16 + Ti47 Cu65 ! O16 + Ti49 !


Just as blue-blooded animals utilize copper, green-blooded animals also rely on the close phonon frequency matching of hydrogen and helium atoms to induce resonant nuclear conversions of both copper and iron. Trace metal analyses of tunicates reveal high concentrations of rare metals within tunichrome blood pigments that comprise solid evidence of low energy nuclear transmutations. The blood of Pyura chilensis contains high levels of iron and titanium while Ascidia dispar presents high levels of iron, titanium and vanadium (Roman et al., 1988).3 The predominant nuclear reactions releasing biophoton cascades in green blood involve the fission of iron atoms during precision heating to 23.5C, producing helium, titanium and vanadium atoms:

Fe54 Fe56 Fe57 Fe58 Fe58

! ! ! ! !

2 He4 2 He4 2 He4 2 He4 2 He4

+ + + + +

Ti46 Ti48 Ti49 Ti50 V50

The four stable isotopes of iron can only be converted into four of the five stable isotopes of titanium, indicating isotopic shifts may be expressed in Ti47 depletion. In the case of human blood, perpetual Cu65 enhancement provides definitive confirmation of ongoing resonant conversions of iron into copper. Further studies of tunicate metabolism may establish if ascidians, when deprived of an environmental source of titanium and vanadium, are capable of transmuting those elements from copper and iron.


These clearly observed elemental resonance patterns in the blood chemistry of all three major blood varieties in animals (red, blue and green) comprise a completely new physical framework for the development of a comprehensive understanding of the essential vital processes that perpetuate resonant nuclear recombinations releasing biophotons in all living systems. The specific resonant temperature ranges established by basic phonon frequency determinations have been verified through extensive experimental investigations, with replication of transmutation results in both biological and non-biological systems. The great potential for the realignment of human technologies with sustainable natural resonance principles now demands our complete abandonment and dismantling of the entirely fallible atomic power facilities in use today. Newly distinguished atomic processes revealed here deepen our mathematical knowledge of the constant regenerative abundance of nature, offering a new definition of the fundamental requirements of all life in the universe as electrophotonically enabled by the innate, physical properties of the elements. The periodic table must be re-evaluated in new supercomputer analyses, now capable of applying resonant transmutation formulae to the revelation of all possible pathways for phononinduced atomic transmutations throughout the entire breadth of stable elements. We must now reshape our lives and our technologies in this rooting awareness of the creative force of resonance that operates at the core of Nature's mind, emanating the light of all life. Previously hidden to us, this light of life shines even in the deepest abyssal crevasses, springing forth at geothermal vents below our vast oceans, and those of innumerable planets throughout the depths of the cosmos.



Many of the most extreme examples of highly specialized adaptations witnessed in animal physiology have developed in the Southern Ocean at the freezing point of water. The intriguing metabolism of Antarctic icefish has amazed biologists for decades for their unique transparent blood variety and specialized ability to produce antifreeze glycoproteins throughout their body tissues to thrive in an icy seawater habitat that maintains regular annual temperature fluctuations between -2 and +2C. As ocean temperatures settle below zero, icefish antifreeze glycoproteins bind and arrest ice crystal growth within tissues by thermal hysteresis due to greater solute concentration (Harding et al., 2003).4 The role of metals in the bodies of 'glass-blooded' icefish is highly unusual, with metallothionein found to be entirely absent in most species (Scudiero et al., 1997).5 Hemoglobin and myoglobin, important intracellular oxygen-binding proteins, are also largely absent in many icefish species due to known gene deletions. Variable expression of the myoglobin gene also occurs by two other distinct molecular mechanisms, suggesting that loss of myoglobin expression occurred separately in at least three lineages of icefish during species diversification (Sidell et al., 1997).6 Subsequent investigations of the myoglobin gene in muscle tissue from the blackfin icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus identified a duplicate TATAAAA sequence that effectively blocks hemoglobin production (Small et al., 2002).7

Of the 100+ distinct icefish species identified thus far, a great majority display the same set of extreme anatomical enhancements, especially enlarged hearts, with enlarged and more numerous blood vessels. The glass blood of icefish consists primarily of water, which itself carries far more dissolved oxygen near its freezing point, which is absorbed through transparent gills and through skin surfaces. Being scaleless, the skin of icefish acts as an integral part of the respiratory system to absorb oxygen directly from oxygen-rich Antarctic waters, effectively bypassing the oxygen-transport role of hemoglobin in the blood (as with frog skin). The newly discovered biophotonic function of blood medium is achieved in icefish by sustaining conversions of iron into hydrogen and manganese. Trace element analysis of the organs and tissues of Antarctic icefish reveal significantly elevated levels of manganese, as reported in the tissues of Champsocephalus gunnari (Ishikawa et al., 1993):8
Typical accumulations were observed for Mn, Fe and Cu in muscle, whereas Zn was in the gill. Though porphyrin was absent, Fe content in the muscle of the icefish was 49.2 ppm. Also the icefish muscle accumulated a few hundred times more Mn than the other fish. The results suggest that the oxygen transporter is not the metal protein but other substances in the icefish. Mn may play an important role in specific oxygen respiration mechanisms in the Antarctic fish, Champsocephalus gunnari.


The expansive Southern Ocean is also populated by warm-blooded mammals that developed a slightly different strategy to withstand the harsh sub-zero temperatures experienced in the depths of winter. Insulation provided by a thick fat layer maintains red blood circulation between 35 - 39C within the bodies of whales and seals, whereby resonant atomic transmutation of iron into copper is enabled by phonon frequency matching of Fe57 atoms at 37.5C with Cu65 atoms at rest:

Fe57 + O16 ! 2 He4 + Cu65

This resonant fusion reaction of iron and oxygen atoms that occurs in the hemoglobin of red-blooded mammals, and at a lower rate in the red-blooded fishes, cannot take place in icewater. Instead, a fission reaction has been effectively exploited by the near-freezing glass blood of the icefishes, which circulates much more slowly than the red blood of fish, sharks, seals and whales. Transparent blood and icefish tissue display levels of manganese that are a few hundred times greater than those of tropical fish, resulting from sustained nuclear transmutations of iron into hydrogen and manganese:

Fe54 + H1 Fe56 Fe57 Fe58

! ! ! !

Mn55 H1 + Mn55 2 H1 + Mn55 3 H1 + Mn55

Such high concentrations of manganese in icefish cannot be explained as bioaccumulation products, but instead comprise solid evidence for perpetual resonant atomic reaction cascades releasing biophotons that are part of the essential vital processes enabling life within such harsh temperature extremes. Fission of iron atoms to form hydrogen and manganese atoms occurs at the resonant frequency of manganese target isotope (Mn55) at rest state: 43,431,944 Hz. Iron starting isotope (Fe58) resonates at this exact phonon frequency during precision cooling to 0.0C:


Starting Element: Iron (26Fe ) Natural Abundance: 0.28% Atomic Mass: 57.93328 3 Density (grams/cm ): 7.8597 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000120

Target Element: Manganese (25Mn ) Natural Abundance: 100% Atomic Mass: 54.93805 3 Density (grams/cm ): 7.466 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000217


As shown, icefish metabolism can only occur at the freezing point of water. This Fe ! H, Mn fission reaction was previously suggested after laboratory investigations of manganobacterial residues deposited on weathered ferruginous rocks, as well as prehistoric cave paintings made with iron-rich red ochre pigments (Kervran, 1964). Cross-referencing the latest findings of phonon resonance physics with the unusual habitat temperatures and trace element anomalies observed of Antarctic icefish establish a more precise context for determination of the specific nuclear reactions involved. While exact dimensional phonon frequency references were not available during the speculative biophysical work of Kervran, precise phonon relationships observed among the entire periodic table of elements can now be applied to a deeper understanding of the atomic source of the vital luminosity of all living organisms, and the fundamental biophotonic function of blood medium and the DNA exciplex laser array.


The symbiotic respiration processes of cyanobacteria, algae, and plants with those of animals mitigate the perpetual rebalancing of gases enveloping our planet, in conjunction with the cleansing processes of atmospheric lightening. The essential exchange of gases in this delicate global respiration cycle of life primarily involves carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen, which are processed within the bodies of both plants and animals using specialized molecules that bind gases with metals to produce resonant nuclear reaction cascades that are responsible for the subtle radiance of all living organisms. The photosynthetic functions of chlorophyll have been well understood for decades as an essential metabolic process that converts solar photons into chemical energy that becomes stored as sugars in the vast variety of colorful and delicious fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, germs and grains we enjoy. However, the origin of the ultraweak luminosity of plants, and leaves in particular, and the role of these biophotons in the luminal field communications of all living organisms has only recently been identified. The ripening of fruit is signaled by the subtle ultraviolet glow that is also known to be used by flowers for communication with the multitudes of insect species that spread pollen widely, just as seeds of the ripened fruit become dispersed by animals in their feeding and excrement. Biophoton cameras have been developed using photomultiplyer techniques to amplify and accurately visualize the biophoton field of living organisms in real-time. Leaves, like all living matter, store photons from sunlight for milliseconds during which time these photons form standing waves within DNA strands before being re-emitted as 'delayed luminescence'. After the extinction of re-emitted photons, the spontaneous ultraweak photon emission of leaves continues at a stable rate even in the absence of light.

Previously identified temperature-dependent atomic transmutation reactions occurring in the many blood varieties of animals provide further insight into the nuclear origin of the ultraweak biophoton emission of green algae and plants. The green biochrome pigment chlorophyll binds magnesium and oxygen atoms, implicating a resonant atomic fusion reaction forming sulfur and phosphorus and releasing soft multi-photon radiation in the visible range. Indeed, investigations of the variation of sulfur concentration in tree leaves has ruled out the environmental uptake of sulfur (Reimann, et al., 2003):9
Leaves of up to eleven different plant species... have been collected from up to nine catchments... spread 2 over a 1,500,000 km area in northern Europe and analysed for total (digestion by 16M HNO3) sulphur concentrations... Willow leaves show by far the highest total S concentrations. They are, however, not related to pollution but were observed in the catchment nearest to the coast of the Barents Sea.


The measured S concentrations in the leaves do not correlate well either with available or total S in the soils. Several different pathways must be considered for leaf uptake of S in all plants. The important role of S as a major plant nutrient and the consequently high background concentrations and variations prohibit the use of leaves as reliable indicators of SO2 pollution levels in air. It is not possible to establish general background S concentrations in plant leaves for a very large area.

The systematic study of leaf catchments found no correlation between sulfur concentrations in leaves and environmental sources, as sulfur is converted within chlorophyll from magnesium, and is thereby linked to the uptake of available sources of magnesium and the exact set of conditions under which such reactions occur. Magnesium atoms split oxygen to form helium, hydrogen and sulfur atoms.

Resonant fusion reactions occurring in green chlorophyll molecules produce hydrogen, helium, sulfur and unstable sulfur (S31) atoms, with a half-life of 2.572 seconds, undergoing positron emission during + decay to form stable phosphorus (P31) atoms. This vital cascade of temperature-dependent, resonant atomic recombinations taking place in leaves can be clearly expressed as:

Mg24 + O16 ! 2 He4 + S32 Mg25 + O16 ! 2 He4 + S33 Mg26 + O16 ! 2 He4 + 3 H1 + S31 ! P31
Direct sunlight triggers resonant chain reactions releasing positrons and neutrinos that stimulate leaf turgor pressure by the gating of aquaporins, also enhanced by reactive oxygen species. Solar photons scattered within algae and plant leaf cells become stored as standing waves within the DNA molecules comprising chromatin an exiplex laser array. While the photon-storing capacity of DNA has been known for decades, the three major properties of biophotons have only recently been described as gamma products of biological nuclear transmutations (Widom, et al., 2011).10 The high degree of accuracy of the presently available atomic data allows for precision phonon resonance calculations that reveal the delicate fabric of atomic vibratory relationships enabling the astounding coherence of photon fields of living matter that have evaded all prior scientific inquiry.


The resonant conversion of magnesium into unstable sulfur takes place within chlorophyll molecules at a rate that is determined by the seasonal temperature conditions of the environment, according to the specific thermal expansion and dimensional characteristics of the elements. Phonon resonance determinations confirm this reaction occurs by frequency matching in the heat of daylight. Low energy fusion of magnesium and oxygen atoms to form unstable sulfur atoms occurs at the resonant frequency of unstable target isotope (S31) in its rest state at 34,250,831 Hz. Magnesium starting isotope (Mg26) resonates at this phonon frequency during precision heating to 28.1C:

Starting Element: Magnesium (13Mg ) Natural Abundance: 11.01% Atomic Mass: 25.98260 3 Density (grams/cm ): 1.736 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000248

Target Element: Sulfur (16S ) Natural Abundance: 0% Atomic Mass: 30.97955 3 Density (grams/cm ): 2.067 Exp. Coefficient: 0.000064


Green terrestrial and aquatic plants, algae and phytoplankton species that produce chlorophyll for photosynthesis are able to optimize the fusion of magnesium and oxygen atoms in direct sunlight, which brings the sunlit surfaces of leaves and the oceans to the required resonance at 28.1C. The great abundance of atmospheric oxygen on Earth is produced by the great variety of green phytoplankton species of our oceans, which thrive wherever warm pelagic waters meet colder upwellings.


Comparison of sea surface chlorophyll concentrations with sea surface temperature variation reveals the specific oceanic conditions that stimulate massive plankton blooms observable from orbit high above. Large deep-water upwellings driven up the steep volcanic cones of Ecuador's Galapagos Islands convey nutrient-rich waters to sunlit pelagic zones where the photosynthesis of phytoplankton is maximized (above). The diurnal nuclear transmutation cascades of magnesium into sulfur and phosphorus that occur within chlorophyll require this exact temperature range at 28.1C ( 2C).


Chlorophyll's temperature-dependent nuclear transmutations are induced within an octagonal planar hydrocarbon ring consisting of 4 pentagonal pyrroles, each presenting a nitrogen atom toward the center of the ring as a potential binding site for magnesium ions (rendered above, with nitrogen atoms shown in blue and the central magnesium ion in purple). Called porphyrin in its simplest form, this ring structure is present in many organometallic molecules including biochrome and cytochrome pigments, vitamin B12 and the catalases, among many others. This multi-purpose ring molecule also binds an iron ion as ferroporphyrin, or heme, which combine in groups of four in the formation of hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporter found in the red blood cells of terrestrial and aquatic mammals, birds and fish. The similarity of the chemical structures of chlorophyll and heme were first pointed out over 150 years ago (Verdel, 1855), and nutritional studies followed much later confirming the dietary benefits of chlorophyll in the synthesis of hemoglobin by animals (Saunders, 1926; Patek, 1936; Hughes & Latner, 1936). Deeply green-colored organisms contain the greatest concentrations of chlorophyll, showing the richest sources to be found in cyanobacteria such as spirulina, and the alga chlorella, as well as commonly known leafy plants such as seaweed, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, parsley, asparagus, peas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, green beans, romaine lettuce, leeks, etc... Stimulation of hemoglobin production by porphyrin was also specifically identified (Hammel-Dupont & Bessman, 1970),11 while the present findings reveal temperature-dependent biophotonic functions of chlorophyll and hemoglobin pigments, as generated by the phonon resonance reactions of metals and absorbed gases within the living tissues of green plants and red-blooded animals, respectively:

Chlorophyll Hemoglobin

Mg + O ! 2 He + S Fe + O ! 2 He + Cu

The minute disparity in atomic mass between the starting elements and target elements involved in these paired resonant nuclear fusion reactions is emitted as photons in the visible spectral range that excite and coordinate the great variety of cellular metabolic processes perpetually working in concert.


At the core of each myoglobin molecule and each of the four heme groups comprising hemoglobin sits a ferroporphyrin an octagonal planar hydrocarbon ring with 4 central nitrogen atoms binding an iron ion (rendered above, with nitrogen atoms shown in blue and iron represented in red). The presence of helium in red blood provides strong evidence for conversion of individual iron atoms in hemoglobin molecules, suggesting a similar reaction involving emisson of helium byproducts in the case of nuclear reactions of magnesium and oxygen in chlorophyll molecules. Notable shifts in the isotopic ratios of blood copper have been observed to accumulate over time, and this distinct rate of enhancement of heavier isotopes confirms their origin as nuclear fusion products. As with shifts in blood copper isotopes, heavier nuclear fusion products have been confirmed in tree leaves by the significant mean increase of ~1% in the sulfur isotope ratio (S34 : S32) (Menegrio, et al., 1998).12 Such miniscule but unmistakable isotopic signatures of biological copper and sulfur attest to the secret inner light of life, and resonant vibratory relationships of all physical matter in the cosmos. Looking beyond the structural and functional similarities of chlorophyll and hemoglobin molecules, the existence of a much deeper symbiotic relationship between green plants and red-blooded human beings reveals a profound spiritual lesson concerning biorhythmic resonance. The life-giving influences of solar radiations upon the living organisms of our planet occurs through the bioelectric stimulation of these temperature-dependent atomic transmutation cascades that illuminate and coordinate the metabolic processes of all living cells. The coherence of biophoton field communications is enabled by the distinct qualities of light generated by resonant nuclear conversions that are calibrated by the phonon architecture of dimensional relationships among the elements. Ancient Sanskrit knowledge preserved from Atlantean times, before the global destruction, identifies the resonant infrasound field of the planets as the Cosmic Om, which constantly strikes all living organisms to infuse them with the invisible energy of life. This advanced awareness of the cosmos was reawakened in the West through the synthesis of the concept of bioelectrification with the modern scientific rediscovery and description of resonant infrasound standing waves by Nikola Tesla in 1899.13


Sanskrit teachings on the relationship of human beings with the cosmic emanations through living trees is preserved in ancient Aramaic and Hebrew texts. The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4, translated by E.B. Szekely, clearly identifies the divine influences of infrasound standing waves as The Holy Streams. The healer now known as 'Jesus of Nazareth' taught that human beings access the Holy Stream of Life through 'unification' by heartbeat synchronization with his Brother Tree:

Now in the hour before the rising of the sun, just before the angels of the Earthly Mother breathe life into the still sleeping earth, then do you enter into the Holy Stream of Life. It is your Brother Tree who holds the mystery of this Holy Stream, and it is your Brother Tree that you will embrace in your thought, even as by clay you embrace him in greeting when you walk along the lake shore. And you shall be one with the tree, for in the beginning of the times so did we all share in the Holy Stream of Life that gave birth to all creation. And as you embrace your Brother Tree, the power of the Holy Stream of Life will fill your whole body, and you will tremble before its might. Then breathe deeply of the angel of air, and say the word "Life" with the outgiving of breath. Then you will become in truth the Tree of Life which sinks its roots deep into the Holy Stream of Life from an eternal source. And as the angel of sun warms the earth, and all the creatures of land and water and air rejoice in the new day, so will your body and spirit rejoice in the Holy Stream of Life that flows to you 14 through your Brother Tree.

This sacred knowledge of the radiant cosmic symbiosis of the human being and the tree has also been preserved among the Vedruss adepts of the Siberian taiga, who live in mastery of Sanskrit Ayurveda. Vedruss Elder Anastasia demonstrates that the energy fields of human beings can become amplified through the simple DNA imprinting of seeds, whereby imprinted groves of trees act as a resonant broadband antenna array that stores and transduces all localized infrasound into resonance with the heartbeat rhythms of that DNA lineage:
"God created the cedar to store cosmic energy... When someone is in a state of love they emit a radiant energy. It takes but a split second for it to reflect off the planets floating overhead and come back to Earth to give life to everything that breathes." "The Sun is one of those planets, and it reflects but a tiny fraction of such radiance. Only bright rays can travel into Space from Man on the Earth. And only beneficial rays can be reflected from Space back to Earth." "Under the influence of malicious feelings Man can emit only dark rays. These dark rays cannot rise but must fall into the depths of the Earth. Bouncing off its core, they return to the surface in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, wars, etc. The culminating achievement of these dark rays is their direct effect on the Man originating them, invariably exacerbating the man's own malicious feelings."


"Cedars live to be five hundred and fifty years old. Day and night their millions of needles catch and store the whole spectrum of bright energy.* During the period of the cedars' life all the celestial bodies which reflect this bright energy pass above them." "Even in one tiny piece of cedar there is more energy beneficial to Man than in all the man-made energy installations taken together. Cedars receive the energy emanating from Man through Space, store it up and at the right moment give it back. They give it back when there is not enough of it in Space "and, consequently, in man" or in everything living and growing on the Earth." "Occasionally, though very rarely, one discovers cedars that have been storing up energy but not giving back what they have stored. After five hundred years of their life they start to ring. This is how they talk to us, through their quiet ringing sound "this is how they signal people to take them and cut them down to make use of their stored-up energy on the Earth. This is what the cedars are asking with their ringing sound. They keep on asking for three whole years. If they don't have contact with living human beings, then in three years, deprived of the opportunity to give back what they have received and stored through the Cosmos, they loose their ability to give it back directly to Man. Then they will start burning up the energy internally. This torturous process of burning and dying lasts twenty-seven years." "Not long ago we discovered a cedar like this. We determined that it had been ringing for two years already. It was ringing very, very softly. Perhaps it was trying to draw out its request over a longer period of time, but 15 still, it has only one year left. It must be sawed up and given away to people." *Footnote - Trees indeed capture a wide range of radiation beyond the visible light. Man-made antennas are but an imitation of branching pattern in trees. Both the structure of trees and the materials composing them betray natural wave receptors. Tree sap is a great conductor of electricity (this is why a tree hit by lightning virtually explodes), and static electricity was first received from amber - a fossil resin from conifer trees. 62

The crystalline wisdom of our ancient forbearers has been preserved in secret among a family of adepts of Ayurveda, living deep in the Siberian taiga, attuned to the ultra-low ringing of the giant Siberian cedars. Pristine knowledge of the sacred biorhythmic relationship between human beings and living trees provides detailed explanations of the profound purpose of family gardens developed using the Vedic process for DNA-imprinting of seeds. The mastery of reincarnation reveals itself as immortality among those who are able to generate a field of resonance within the family garden as a Space of Love that will store the memory of their spirit and maintain family bonds during transitions through death into further incarnations in that same field of energy. The changing conditions of the infrasound environment of Earth are now inducing a renewed capacity in human perception and longevity, as well as a renewed awareness of our own collective divinity. The ongoing rectification of human consciousness is now rapidly dismantling the Old World control system while a new civilization emerges. The Native American prophecy of the Red Dawn foretells that the emergence of the new solar cycle will be heralded by the blood-red skies --day and night-- when the appearance of the Earth changes permanently and all living beings undergo a re-embodiment according to the sudden appearance of a nearby Red Dwarf companion star of our Sol.16 Ancient Vedic wisdom reflects this advanced astronomical awareness of the solar twins, echoing American indigenous knowledge of this epochal change now upon us, that will be experienced as a broadening of the bandwidth of human perception and a stunning change in the appearance of the heavens, the Earth and all her creatures. Anastasia explains immortality as conscious reincarnation:
"God created Man immortal. To witness this, only three conditions are required to be observed: "First create a living Space which will attract Man to itself and to which Man has aspired. "Second there should be, somewhere on the Earth, at least one person who thinks of you with kindness and love. "Third never even admit the thought that you can be overtaken by death and this is extremely important. Even if you suggest to someone who is simply falling asleep that he is dying and he believes it, then he will die, in obedience to his thought. But even if an elderly man (in Earth terms) wears out his body and is lying at death's door, but does not think about death, but pictures his life in the living Space he has been creating, he will be born anew such is the law of the Universe. The Universe will not stand by and allow a life-creating thought to die. "You have a concept in your world known as natural selection. Even now God's programme is selecting the best of everything for a re-embodiment. Before, however, there was not much to choose from. Now it is showing a multifold increase. Whoever builds a domain with love will be reincarnated again and again. "Whatever interferes with them will disappear from the Earth forever, giving way to the birth of a new civilisation." "But why a new civilisation," I asked, "if the people are going to be the same, with the same vegetation and the same planet?" "The new civilisation, Vladimir, will be characterised by a new conscious awareness as well as by new perceptions of the surrounding world. This great principle, that has been given birth in people today, will remain invisible to ordinary sight until the appearance of the planet known as the Earth has changed. It will affect life in the Universe as a whole." "But how can the Universe change as a result of the Earth's appearance?" "It can, Vladimir. Even though our planet is but a small particle, it is in close interaction with other parts of the Universe. Even if one small particle should change, its changes can influence the whole spectrum of the 17 Universe." 63



Popp FA, Nagel W, Li KH, Scholz W, Weingrtner O, Wolf R (1984) 'Biophoton Emission: New Evidence for Coherence and DNA as Source' Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 6(1), pp. 33-52, online http://www.scribd.com/doc/62497415/Biophoton-Emission Kervran, CL (1964) 'Transmutations A Faible Energie: Synthse et Devloppement' Libraire Maloine, Ferc sur Sarthe, France, ch. 3 Roman DA, Molina J, Rivera L (1988) 'Inorganic Aspects of the Blood Chemistry of Ascidians, Ionic Compisitions, and Ti, V, and Fe in the Blood Plasma of Pyura chilensis and Ascidia dispar' Biology Bulletin 175, pp. 154-166, online http://www.biolbull.org/content/175/1/154.full.pdf Harding MM, Anderberg PI, Haymet AD (2003) ''Antifreeze' Glycoproteins from Polar Fish' European Journal of Biochemisty 270(7), pp. 1381-1392 Scudiero R, Carginale V, Riggio M, Caoasso C, Capasso A, Kille P, di Prisco G, Parisi E (1997) 'Difference in Hepatic Metallothionein Content in Antarctic Red-Blooded and Hemoglobinless Fish: Undetectable Metallothionein Levels in Haemoglobinless Fish is Accompanied by Accumulation of Untranslated Metallothionein mRNA' Biochem 322(Pt1), pp. 207-211 Sidell BD, Vayda ME, Small DJ, Moylan TJ, Londraville RL, Yuan M, Rodnick KJ, Eppley ZA, Costello L (1997) 'Variable Expression of Myoglobin Among the Hemoglobinless Antarctic Icefishes' Poc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94, pp. 3420-3424, online http://www.pnas.org/content/94/7/3420.full Small DJ, Moylan T, Vayda ME, Sidell BD (2002) 'The Myoglobin Gene of the Antarctic Icefish, Chaenocephalus aceratus, Contains a Duplicated TATAAAA Sequence that Interferes with Transcription' Journal of Experimental Biology 206, pp. 131-139, online http://jeb.biologists.org/content/206/1/131.full.pdf Ishikawa M, Nakamura K (1993) 'Trace Elements in Tissues and Organs of an Actarctic Icefish, Chamsocephalus gunnari' Nuclear Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Research Sec.B 49(1-4), pp. 220-224 Reimann C, Koller F, Frengstad B, Kashulina G, Niskavaara H, Englmaier P (2003) 'Total Sulphur in Leaves pf 2 Several Plant Species from Nine Catchments Within a 1,500,000km Area in Northern Europe: Local vs. Regional Variability' Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 3, pp. 205-215, online http://geea.lyellcollection.org/content/3/2/205.full.pdf Widom A, Srivastava YN, Sivasubramanian S (2011) 'Biological Nuclear Transmutations as a Source of Biophotons' Physics arXiv:1102.4605v1, online http://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.4605.pdf Hammel-Dupont C, Bessman S (1970) 'The Stimulation of Hemoglobin Synthesis by Porphyrins' Biochemical Medicine 4, pp. 55-60
34 32




Menegrrio AA, Gin MF, Bendassolli JA, Bellato ACS, Trivelin PCO (1998) 'Sulfur Isotope Ratio ( S: S) Measurements in Plant Material by ICP Mass Spectometry' J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 13, pp. 1065-1067


Putney A (2009) 'Veil of Invisibility' Human Resonance Productions, pp. 2-4, online http://www.human-resonance.org/Veil_of_Invisibility.pdf tr. Szekely EB (1981) 'The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4: The Holy Streams' International Biogenic Society, online http://www.essene.com/GospelOfPeace/peace4.html V Megre (2001) 'Anastasia' Ringing Cedars Press, pp.6-8


15 16

Putney A (2011) 'Lightwater' Human Resonance Productions, pp. 194-220, online http://www.human-resonance.org/lightwater.pdf Megre V (2005) 'The New Civilization' Ringing Cedars Press, pp. 223-224 64


4 Bone, Blood & Stone

Bone, Blood & Stone

The Vedruss Elders of the Siberian taiga have preserved a wealth of knowledge concerning invisible energies and our conscious relationship with the living world. Wisewoman Anastasia has given detailed descriptions of an enhanced communication with the biological world as engendered by ancient Vedic practices involving the DNA imprinting of seeds within a sacred family garden, and the holistic benefits of maintaining biorhythmic resonance with plants through barefoot contact with the living Earth. Anastasia explains that children raised in sacred family gardens will gain natural telepathic influence over microbial life forms, citing young siblings named Kostia and Dashenka.1 Kostia explains to his bewildered father: "Dasha's... made friends with microbes. They obey her... the ones that are very prolific, that live everywhere, all around us and inside us. We cant see them, but theyre there." Dashenka continues:
"I call them my little ones, my goodies... I play with them sometimes. People pay hardly any attention to them, but they always try to do good for everyone. When Man is joyful they feel good too from the joyful energy; when Man is angry and hurts something living a lot of them perish. Others rush in to replace them. But sometimes the others dont manage to replace the ones that have died and Mans body becomes ill.

The crucial importance of balanced gut flora and the human immune system is now well understood, confirming the Ayurvedic knowledge possessed by these children, pointing out the potential for direct microbial mitigation of airborne radioactive dust metals from the Chernobyll and Fukushima disasters. Ingestion of 5g/day of the beneficial cyanobacterium spirulina reverses radioactive toxicity in 5 weeks,2 while the bacterial cleanup of airborne radioactive dust metals is constantly and invisibly taking place. Nature's rapid cleanup of the bones of dead animals in normal soil conditions occurs by similar microbial processes that have been applied in the relative dating of ancient bones based on the measurement of fluorine gas content in a process that is not entirely understood. In fact, the source of fluorine atoms perpetually accumulating during bone decomposition has not been clearly identified, until now.

The first scientific investigations of bone decay were undertaken over 150 years ago, firmly establishing the significant accumulation of fluorine gas within spongy bone samples over time. Researchers suggested a link between bone fluorine content and localized fluoride levels in groundwater leaching through soils (Middleton, 1844; Rivire & Carnot, 1895). While this erroneous hypothesis formed the entire basis for the fluorine bone dating technique, the large surface area increase in spongy bone (above) does not increase fluoride uptake as supposed, but instead allows the proliferation of bacterial colonies that emit fluorine gas. This early misattribution is quite understandable considering the essential role of biological transmutation in such processes was not addressed until the work of C.L. Kervran in the 1960's. Kervran identified the fluorine gas accumulation in bone as a byproduct of resonant nuclear transmutations occurring within living bacteria.3 This idea could not be proven in experiment at the time, but subsequent discoveries have partly described the digestive metabolic reactions taking place in bacterial colonies, as well as the exact temperature-dependent conditions that facilitate the sustained metabolic activity of bacterial species.


The gradual metabolic process of bone digestion by bacteria was carefully studied during periods of upto 15 years of shallow burial in soil, revealing the partial disappearance of collagen fibers and biomineral hydroxyapatite crystals. A species of bacterium named for its role in body tissue dissolution, Chlostridium bistolyticum is commonly found in soils and the animal and human gut, and has been identified as the primary cause of the notable destruction of microstructure in archeological bone (Jackes et al, 2001):
We believe we have shown that these Mesolithic bones are partly comprised of bacterially reprecipitated mineral, which has had collagen removed, with subsequent obliteration of bone microstructure... A Japanese experiment involving the burial of human bone for periods upto 15 years (Yoshino et al, 1991) proved that focal destruction is the result of bacterial action. These researchers did not characterize changes to the bone caused by bacterial action, but investigation of the morphology of Portugese Mesolithic bone led to the discovery of bacteria (Palmer, 1987) which encouraged us to concentrate on this question. These bacteria... could not be isolated from bone scrapings (after freezing it was not possible to rehydrate the bacteria despite use of cryoprotectant), so identification was tentative. The bacteria appear to be Clostridium, 0.50.8! long, with peritrichous flagellae, whip-like extensions all over the cell surface. Clostridium is an anaerobic bacterium, occurring in soil and in the intestines of humans and other animals... The best known bacteria which attack bone are Clostridium bistolyticum (the species name means 'tissue dissolving'). C. bistolyticum produces collagenase, the enzyme capable of digesting bone... [and is characterized as] motile and peritrichous straight rods..., occurring singly and side-by-side, in pairs or in short chains, and producing oval 4 spores that cause the cell to bulge.


Bacterial secretion of collagenase enzyme dissolves collagen fibers for ingestion, while further exposing biomineral hydroxyapatite crystals, Ca5(PO4) 3OH, as a rich source of calcium and phosphorus. Partial destruction of bone microstructures is inevitable as the matrix is bacterially decomposed, eventually becoming reduced to fine depositions of carbon dust excreted by the microbes (above). Fluorine gas is released during the temperature-induced low energy fission of phosphorus into fluorine and carbon:

P31 ! F19 + C12

The metabolic bacterial release of fluorine gas from this resonant nuclear reaction accounts for the measurable variation in gas concentration from bone samples of various ages, due to the increase of bacterial concentration with available bone surface area, reflecting heterogeneous colony distribution. These findings firmly establish the nuclear fission origin of fluorine gas from bone phosphorus, enabling refinement of the fluorine gas dating method as presently applied to archaeological investigation. Rectification of the false working hypothesis that fluoride leaching from ground water sources causes fluorine build-up in bone demands a thorough reevaluation of the applicability of the method to various soil types and bone samples. Identification of this resonant fission reaction also reveals the specific temperature range requirement for enhanced microbial proliferation, redefining the crucial patterns of diurnal temperature fluctuation enabling bacterial conversion of phosphorus into carbon.


The resonant frequency of stable fluorine (F ) in its rest state is 3,774,148 Hz, according to the element's atomic 16 diameter at 20C. Oxygen (O within the phosphorus lattice) resonates at this frequency when heated to 23.9C:


Starting Element: Oxygen (8O ) Natural Abundance: 99.762% Atomic Mass: 15.99491 3 Density (grams/cm ): 0.001429 Vol. Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000291

Target Element: Fluorine (9F ) Natural Abundance: 100% Atomic Mass: 18.99840 3 Density (grams/cm ): 0.001696 Vol. Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000278


Dimensional phonon resonance interactions of the elements provide the basis for a new understanding of essential biological processes that have eluded all prior identification despite decades of painstaking inquiry. Bacterial dissolution of bone matrix by enzymatic liquification reverses the complex process of bone formation, which has been effectively replicated in vitro, using a liquid-phase mineral precursor to hydroxyapatite. This breakthrough in biomaterials research applies a new model to comprehensively explain how intrafibrillar mineralization of collagen occurs during bone formation (Olszta et al., 2007):


Secondary (osteonal) bone, the focus of this review, is a laminated organic inorganic composite composed primarily of collagen, hydroxyapatite, and water; but minor constituents, such as non-collagenous proteins (NCPs), are also present and are thought to play an important role in bone formation... In the case of bone biomineral, we have now been able to duplicate the most fundamental level of bone structure, the interpenetrating nanostructured architecture, using relatively simple anionic polypeptides that mimic the polyanionic character of the NCPs. We propose that the charged polymer acts as a process-directing agent, by which the conventional solution crystallization is converted into a precursor process. This polymerinduced liquid-precursor (PILP) process generates an amorphous liquid-phase mineral precursor to hydroxyapatite which facilitates intrafibrillar mineralization of type-I collagen because the fluidic character of the amorphous precursor phase enables it to be drawn into the nanoscopic gaps and grooves of collagen fibrils by capillary action. The precursor then solidifies and crystallizes upon loss of hydration waters into the more thermodynamically stable phase, leaving the collagen fibrils embedded with nanoscopic hydroxyapatite crystals. Electron diffraction patterns of the highly mineralized collagen fibrils are nearly identical to those of natural bone, indicating that the hydroxyapatite crystallites are preferentially aligned with orientation along the collagen fibril axes. In addition, studies of etched samples of natural bone and our mineralized collagen suggest that... collagen is the primary template for crystal organization, but with the important caveat that this templating occurs only for crystals formed from an infiltrated amorphous precursor... From a biomedical perspective, in addition to providing possible insight into the role of NCPs in bone formation, this in vitro system may pave the way toward the ultimate goal of fabricating a synthetic bone substitute that not only has a composition similar to bone, but has comparable mechanical properties and bioresorptive potential as natural bone. From a materials chemistry perspective, the non-specificity of the PILP process and capillary infiltration mechanism suggests that non-biological materials could also be fabricated into nanostructured 5 composites using this "biomimetic" strategy.



In vitro replication of the biomineral crystallization process of bone formation closely reproduces the fine crystallographic structures observed of biological bone samples, suggesting that non-collagenous proteins dictate the alignment of seed nanocrystals. Images of the morphology of artificial porous hydroxyapatite ceramic samples were obtained by scanning electron microscopy (Rusnah, 2011)6, presenting foam-like structures left by gas bubble clusters present within the liquid during crystallization (below). Artificial hydroxyapatite produced in modern laboratory experiments has lead to the application of novel calcium-phosphate bone cements (Combes et al., 2007)7 and also confirms the extraordinary findings of geopolymer experts regarding the artificial origin of the stones of Egypt's Orion pyramids. The high content of calcite, opal CT and hydroxyapatite crystals constituting the Great Pyramid's artificial limestones (Davidovits, 1984)8 attests to an ancient global Vedic biotechnology of psychoacoustic architecture, constructed in high-resonance biomimetic geopolymer stone (opposite). The octahedral form of each of the pyramids references the calcite biomineralizations of the human pineal gland, known as the ajna or 'third-eye' chakra in ancient Sanskrit tradition, while the complex composition of the pyramids' cement blocks mimic the resonant characteristics of human bone. The presence of gas bubbles within artificial limestones having been poured as liquid cement significantly lowers the density of these ancient geopolymer products. Hydroxyapatite crystals within the stones may substitute calcium with various bivalent metal ions, as observed in natural bone (Gutowska et al., 2005).9 The resonant properties of the crystalline formations of human bone have been incorporated into every stone of ancient Vedic temples to enhance acoustic energy storing within the buildings. Similarly, sacred Ayurvedic waters contain trace amounts of electroluminescent gold and silver nanoparticles to enhance the resonant capacity of the human body, generating red and blue light by surface plasmon resonance during barefoot exposure to piezoelectric temples, linking bone with stone for bioelectrical healing.



The primary function of blood in the formation of bone has been extensively studied, yet remains an area of vertebrate physiology that is not fully understood. Bone health has been closely linked with diet, as calcium depletion has become a major problem for westerners due to decades of regular consumption of processed milk, which has been conclusively shown to deplete calcium levels within the body rather than rebalance them as falsely advertised by the dairy industry and government agencies.10 Preliminary research by C.L. Kervran provided the first coherent evidence for this counter-intuitive biological mechanism being the result of low energy nuclear transmutations taking place within the body itself, suggesting that supplementing levels of other crucial elements may achieve rebalancing of bone calcium during depletion. To this end, simple dietary trials were conducted that revealed horsetail tea effectively increases calcium levels in the body by supplying silicon for conversion into calcium.11

Magnesium is another essential element implicated in the dietary rebalancing of calcium levels, but the resonant atomic conversion of one element into another could not be replicated in experiment to verify Kervran's strong hypothesis. Recent studies of isotopic variation in bone calcium versus tissue calcium reconfirms that bone biomineralization requires low energy transmutation (Skulan & DePaolo, 1999):
Calcium from bone and shell is isotopically lighter than calcium of soft tissue from the same organism and 44 40 isotopically lighter than source (dietary) calcium. When measured as the Ca/ Ca isotopic ratio, the total range of variation observed is 5.5, and as much as 4 variation is found in a single organism. The observed intraorganismal calcium isotopic variations and the isotopic differences between tissues and diet indicate that isotopic fractionation occurs mainly as a result of mineralization... Bone is typically depleted in heavy calcium relative to soft tissue and dietary calcium by about 1.31.5 in 44 40 terms of the Ca/ Ca ratio. This fractionation produces differences in the isotopic composition between soft tissue, bone, and dietary calcium that under many conditions can be detected with current analytical techniques. According to our model, the difference in isotopic composition between soft tissue and dietary calcium should 44 reflect the net bone mineral loss or gain. Soft tissue is generally similar or higher in " Ca relative to dietary 44 calcium when bone formation is dominant and lower in " Ca relative to dietary calcium when bone mineral loss 44 is dominant. It should therefore be possible to use measurements of soft tissue and dietary " Ca as a 12 qualitative indicator of the calcium balance in living organisms.


Digitally-controlled phonon resonance reactors now enable replication of low energy nuclear reactions perpetually taking place during bone formation. Red blood cells supply the starting element used by the body to accomplish low energy transmutation of iron into calcium that accounts for the significant isotopic variation of mineralized bone calcium from dietary calcium and tissues. During blood circulation through the fine network of Haversian canals that course through compact bone (above), iron atoms bound within hemoglobin transport molecules maintain rhythmic temperature fluctuations between 3738C that trigger the resonant conversion reaction. Single atoms of iron isotope (Fe54) release three helium atoms at the moment unstable vanadium isotope (V42) is formed, which then safely decays into unstable titanium before forming stable calcium in mere milliseconds:

Fe54 ! 3 He4 + V42 ! Ti41 ! Ca40

Unstable vanadium (V42) atoms, with a half-life of <55 nanoseconds, release protons during decay into unstable titanium (Ti41), with a half-life of 80.4 milliseconds, releasing + radiation before finally forming stable calcium isotope (Ca40). This reaction occurs simultaneously with conversions of iron (Fe57) into copper (Cu65) also facilitated in hemoglobin by phonon frequency matching at the same temperature. Transmutation of iron into calcium in vertebrate bone is enabled by phonon frequency matching of iron isotope (Fe54) with unstable vanadium isotope (V42) at rest (20C). The resonant frequency of vanadium isotope (V42) in its rest state is 44,416,417 Hz, according to the element's atomic diameter at 20C. Iron isotope (Fe54) resonates at this same frequency when heated to 37.4C:


! !

Starting Element: Iron (26Fe ) Natural Abundance: 5.8% Atomic Mass: 53.93961 3 Density (grams/cm ): 7.8597 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000118

Target Element: Vanadium (23V ) Natural Abundance: 0% Atomic Mass: 41.99123 3 Density (grams/cm ): 6.11 Exp. Coefficient: 0.0000084


These phonon resonance determinations suggest that a strict vegetarian diet may contribute to anemia (iron deficiency) that, in conjunction with magnesium and silicon deficiencies, negatively influences the body's ability to rebalance calcium levels, leading to gradual bone mineral loss. Group diet restriction studies consistently demonstrate that the human gut is not designed for a strictly raw or vegetarian diet like that of a gorilla, which has a much larger stomach to accommodate the huge volume of vegetable matter required to fuel a large animal. For this reason, a balanced diet including small amounts of red meat provides sufficient iron intake for conversion into calcium, required for the growth and maintenance of healthy bones.


The microstructural properties of bone have been characterized in recent studies as a nanocomposite of collagen and hydroxyapatite that far exceeds the performance capabilities of both components (above, with collagen fiber atop a hydroxyapatite crystal). The complete molecular structure of bone was finally decoded by a team of MIT research scientists led by M. Buehler,13 after tests confirmed their calculations:
Buehler explains that even a few years ago, the modeling required to deduce the internal structure of bone would have taken years of computer time on the most powerful computers. But newer supercomputers can carry out much more detailed computations in a few months. Still, it took several iterations, after studying the previous results and probing the materials response to increasing pressure, to derive an answer, which the team was then able to confirm through comparisons with laboratory tests. One key, they found, is that the hydroxyapatite grains are tiny, thin platelets just a few nanometers (billionths of a meter) across, and are deeply embedded in the collagen matrix. The two constituents are bound together by electrostatic interactions, which allows them to slip somewhat against each other without breaking.

This breathrough in the modeling of the molecular structures of naturally formed bone will enable development of more advanced artficial bone composite materials that will merge with natural bone without disturbing its natural piezoelectric capacity that is essential to its resonant function as a tranducer of localized infrasound. Application of supercomputer analyses to biological phonon resonance transmutation processes involved in bone formation will reveal the complete architecture of temperatureinduced nuclear reactions that drive the eternal transformative rematerialization of Creation, ceaselessly turning the atomic wheelworks of Nature.



1 2

Megre V (2006) 'Who Are We?' Ringing Cedars Press, pp. 72-73 -- (2012) 'Spirulina Bionutrec: Radiation Protective Effect and Immune System Improvement' Bionutrec, online http://www.andexs.org/bionutrec/radiation.html Kervran, CL, tr. Rosenauer H&E (1972) 'Biological Transmutations' Swan House Pub. Co., New York, p. 76 Jackes M, Sherburne R, Lubell D, Barker C, Wayman M (2001) 'Destruction of Microstructure in Archaeological Bone: A Case Study from Portugal' International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 11, pp. 415-432, online http://arts.uwaterloo.ca/~dlubell/IJO_Jackes%20et%20al..pdf

3 4

Olszta MJ, Cheng X, Lee SS, Kumar R, Kim I, Kaufman MJ, Douglas EP, Gower LB (2007) 'Bone Structure and Formation: A New Perspective' Science Direct, online http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Rusnah M, Andanastuti M, Idris B (2004) 'The Influence of Sintering Temperature on the Porosity and Strength of Porous Hydroxyapatite Ceramics' Medical Journal of Malaysia 59 Suppl B, pp. 158-159 Combes C, Bareille R, Rey C (2006) 'Calcium Carbonate- Calcium Phosphate Mixed Cement Compositions for Bone Reconstruction' Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 79(2), pp. 318-328, online http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/39/1/Combes_39.pdf

Davidovits J (1984) X-Ray Analysis and X-Ray Diffraction of Casing Stones from the Pyramids of Egypt, and the Limestone of the Associated Quarries Science in Egyptology Symposia, pp. 511-520 Gutowska I, Machoy Z, Machalinski B (2005) 'The Role of Bivalent Metals in Hydroxyapatite Structures as Revealed by Molecular Modeling with the HyperChem Software' Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 75(4), pp. 788-793 online http://www.pum.edu.pl/__data/assets/file/0018/20448/The-role-of-bivalent-metals-inhydroxyapatite-structures-as-revealed-by-molecular-modeling-with-the-HyperChem-software-.pdf


-- (2012) 'Excessive Calcium Causes Osteoporosis' How Milk Causes Osteoporosis, online Kaufmann K (2001) 'Silica - Secret to Longevity' Alive Academy of Nutrition, online Skulan J, DePaolo DJ (1999) 'Calcium Isotope Fractionation Between Soft and Mineralized Tissues as a Monitor



of Calcium Use in Vertebrates' Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. 96(24), pp. 13709-13713, online http://www.pnas.org/content/96/24/13709.full.pdf

Chandler DL (2013) 'Decoding the Structure of Bone' MIT News, online



5 Qi Flashes

Qi Flashes

Ancient healing traditions from various parts of the world have been passed on from master to pupil in hidden temples, kept secret from destructive outer influences for thousands of years. Only a few of these lineages of sacred knowledge have survived to the present day. Adept practitioners of highly complex bioenergetic healing techniques that require a comprehensive knowledge of the qi meridians of the body have been forced into secrecy over the generations of politically motivated persecution. Bonghan Kim's 1963 identification of a fine network of translucent ducts lining all of the body's organs revealed a tertiary circulatory system that links the previously known vascular and lymphatic systems.1 Integration of the breakthroughs of biophotonics with the suppressed findings of Bonghan Kim provide the electrophysiological basis for laboratory study of qi meridians and moxibustion therapies.2 The BBC television documentary episode 'Ring of Fire: East of Krakatoa' (1987) captures rapid HHO plasma flashes around the body of Javanese Mo Pai Master John Chang (opposite).3 These rapid flashes, lasting 2-5 frames, are identified here for the first time as closely linked with resonant atomic transmutation processes that are perpetually induced in the bloodstream.4 After Chang completes the qi electro-acupuncture treatment for filmmaker Lorne Blair, he gestures to his navel and perineum explaining "Yin-Yang, positive-negative... when [I flex, they] meet together... this can [generate] electricity". At the moment that Chang begins to bring his hands together, the flash of an electrical discharge can be seen atop his head, in stark contrast with his black hair (above). Flashes also appear on the Mo Pai healer's hair and arms during focused projection of qi.


Blood circulation is controlled by the heart, and it is the mastery of the pulmonary and vascular systems that enables qi focusing, requiring years of meditation to achieve an essential emotional balance. While he casually smokes on the patio, a bright flash streaks from Chang's heart (above) just as he explains: "God has given us all the Yin-Yang polarity, but it takes discipline and meditation to awaken and control it." Mo Pai techniques enable EM induction of atomic reaction cascades in the blood near 37.5C:

Of the over 80 distinct plasma flashes recorded in the 1987 Blair documentary, the great majority appear close to the healer's skin or clothing in areas of the body where large arteries convey blood below skin surfaces. The largest plasma discharges are seen near the healer's head and heart, the carotid artery in the neck, and along the exterior arteries of the arms and legs.


Chang's attainments are the culmination of 18 years of intensive training involving prolonged meditation and isometric muscular excercises practiced in underground chambers, following the strict protocols of his Master Lao, a Chinese emigrant to Java. Documentary video clearly captures HHO plasma orbs and streaks flashing in the air during electro-acupuncture healing and pyrokinesis demos (composite, above). Auto-induced EM fields and semi-levitation (90% weight loss) have also been recorded.5 My own experiences with rapid plasma flashes have been previously discussed in comparison with the accounts of Nikola Tesla regarding luminous sparks and flashes during life-threatening situations:
[I]mpulse-driven behavior is a kind of automation of human consciousness, while self-motivated scientific investigation results in a brilliant idea or spiritual cognition that becomes energetically expressed as flashes of light around ones body, precisely following the moment of insight. Tesla acknowledged as much in his breakthrough experiences: I never had any control over the flashes of light [that] were, perhaps, my strangest experience and inexplicable. They usually occurred when I found myself in a dangerous or distressing situation or when I was greatly exhilarated. In some instances I have seen all the air around me filled with tongues of living flame. Their intensity, instead of diminishing, increased with time and seemingly attained a maximum when I was about twenty-five years old these luminous phenomena still manifest themselves from time to time, 6 as when a new idea opening up possibilities strikes me Interestingly, despite all of Teslas close work with electrical standing waves, he did not draw the conclusion that I have arrived at: that these flashes of light are actually airborne plasma discharges moving along the invisible standing waves. This hypothesis is borne out by dozens of luminous flashes that have been captured on video 7 downlink from NASA space missions, later discovered in single frames by video editor Martyn Stubbs.




One particularly interesting frame (below) captures a red/pink plasma discharge streaking across the Earths thin horizon, amplifying the crescent Earths reflected light where it is crossed by the discharge. This detail is consistent with the properties of plasma. The multicolor flashes were also observed inside the shuttle and commented on by awestruck astronauts Mark Lee and Steven Smith on live audio/video downlink to mission control, during the 1997 Hubble Repair Mission STS-82:

Mark: What was that flash? I saw a light flash past me just here. Did you see it? Steven: [Laughs] I just thought it was my imagination. Mark: Yeah, I saw it too so its not. There were two of them. Theres another one. What are they? Steven: I thought I saw the lights flickering in here. Mark: Whod be taking pictures? What is this? Steven: Its just gone past in front of us. Martyn Stubbs presents dozens of NASA downlink video frames that clearly capture streaking luminous flashes that appear for mere nanoseconds. Most people who see such flashes dismiss them due to the extreme brevity of the experience, but when the flashes occur in series, as recorded on the STS-82 shuttle mission, witnesses are able to reconfirm their observations. The highly charged electrical environment of the space shuttle while in orbit of Earth presents a perfect opportunity to witness and capture the phenomena, 8 while on Earth it occurs more rarely.

The qi electromagnetic healing and pyrokinesis demonstrations of Master John Chang represent the first definitive video documentation of ancient advanced Vedic techniques associated with the root of acupuncture and acupressure therapies. Drinking of sacred waters9 in conjunction with daily meditation practices in piezoelectric stone temples according to ancient wisdom endows the human body with the crystalline properties of an efficient electrical capacitor that can be discharged during qi projection. As witnessed in Longview, Texas on 9/9/9 (overleaf),10 intensifying ground-level HHO plasma discharges are presently activating the monumental stone temples of our ancestors, calling our hearts into sacred alignment. Within stone temple chambers, electro-stimulation of the qi meridians of the body11 ignites the nuclear fire of resonant atomic transmutation cascades that vitalize all living beings.




Kim BH (1963) On the Kyungrak System J. Acad. Med. Sci. of D. P. R. Korea 5, pp. 1-41, online http://primosystem.wikispaces.com/file/view/ON_KYUNGRAK_SYSTEM.doc

Popp FA, Yan Y, Popp A, Humt E, Cohen S (2005) 'Electromagnetic Man - Biophoton Emission is Correlated to Resistance Values of the Skin, But Even to the Distribution Function of Electric Parameters of the Skin' International Institute of Biophysics, online http://www.bicom.se/Artiklar/electro%20magnetiv%20man%20%20biophoton%20emission%20skin.pdf

Blair L&L (1987) 'Ring of Fire: East of Krakatoa' BBC documentary excerpt, online http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tTXFYrDd0E

Putney A (2012) 'Quantum Trappings of a Golden Age' Human Resonance, online http://www.human-resonance.org/quantum_trappings.html

-- (2010) 'John Chang's Western Student: Interview with Jim McMillan of Mo Pai Nei Kung (1/4)' online audio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yaPc2AbUbk

6 7

Tesla N (1982) My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Hart Brothers, Vermont, pp. 34-35 Birdsall G (1999) Secret NASA Transmissions documentary video, online http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dro2CTqEhI

Putney A (2008) 'Tesla's Rebirth' Human Resonance, pp. 21-24, online http://www.human-resonance.org/Tesla's_Rebirth.pdf

Putney A (2008) 'Sacred Ayurvedic Waters' Human Resonance, online http://www.human-resonance.org/water.html


Putney A (2009) 'Aerial Plasma Plumes in Longview, Texas' Human resonance, online


Slawinksi J, Gorski Z (2008) 'Imaging of Biophoton Emissions from Electro-Stimulated Skin Acupuncture Point jg4: Effect of Light Enhancers' Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 46, pp. 340-344, online



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