Assingment On: International Marketing Strategy of General Electric Company
Assingment On: International Marketing Strategy of General Electric Company
Assingment On: International Marketing Strategy of General Electric Company
Table of contents
SL- NO Letter of Transmittal Table of contents E#ec"ti$e S"mmary C%apter & 1 Intro'"ction 1+1 1+) 1+. 1+/ Statement of t%e ,esearc% problem Scope an' ob-ecti$e of t%e st"'y Met%o'ology of t%e s"'y Limitations of t%e st"'y C%apter- ) International marketing strategy a'opte' by GE )+1 )+) )+. General Electric Company S1OT Analysis for GE T%e / !3s( pro'"ct4price4place4promotion* C%apter-. 6in'ings an' Analysis .+1 .+) .+. 6in'ings of Int- Marketing Stategies a'opte' by t%e company Importance of Int-Markeing Strategies to t%e company 1ays in 7%ic% t%e company can impro$e its IntMarketing Strategies C%apter-/ ,ecmmen'ations 8 Concl"sions ,ecommen'ations Concl"sions ,eference !artic"lar !age I II III (1-)* 1 1 1 ) ()-0* ) .-2 5-0 (0-1/* 0-1) 1. 1/ (12-15* 12 15 10
This paper examines the international marketing strategies used by General Electric Company in its quest to tap the international market. Over the years GE has highly diversified its operations and is now operating ma!or lines of
businesses which include transportation" consumer finance" commercial finance" insurance and energy. #t is also involved in healthcare" consumer and industrial products" advanced materials and $%C&'niversal. The ob!ective of this paper is to(
)ssess the * +,s of the company +erform a -.OT analysis for the company )ssess international marketing strategies used by the company Evaluate the importance of international marketing for GE Company
The information necessary for this paper is obtained by scrutini/ing company,s information from their website which is updated. %ased on the conclusions made in the report" recommendations for an effective international marketing strategy are to utili/e the internal and external market environment through employee appreciation" relationship marketing and utili/ation of local professionals in foreign region.
C%apter-1 Intro'"ction
To make a report on this type of 5$Es marketing strategy it needs enough time " opportunities" and statistical informations that # really lack. )fter all" this study suffers from lack of information which should be recoverd.
which include transportation" consumer finance" commercial finance" insurance and energy. #t is also involved in healthcare" consumer and industrial products" advanced materials and $%C&'niversal. #ts symbol in the 1ondon,s stock exchange is GE and it employs over 4 6"777 employees in over 87 countries" with headquarters in 9airfield" Connecticut. The company has for a long time aimed at promoting both the internal and external marketing environments. #ts primary marketing strategy has been a concentration on promoting customer
consciousness on all employees in all its branches. This has been based on the growing awareness in today,s market that a strategy can only be marketed successfully in the market place once it,s marketed internally.
Global recognition and strength&The company is positioned 6th in 9ortune 677 list" with a massive operation base in over 87
countries. The products of the company are well distributed in all ma!or markets making the company a household name for its products.
:iverse product range&The Company has invested heavily in ma!or business fields giving it a wide range of products. These products are categori/ed into both long and short term products. )mong the long term products are long term aircraft engines while short term products include lighting products" plastics and $%C.
) decentrali/ed organi/ational structure where management is done at the regional levels thereby reducing the burden of cross border transactions and communication.
The company has well established marketing relationships with both customers and employees.
+oor performance in the energy sector& The company sector" which forms a wide financial base for the company" has been underperforming with no signs for improvement in the near future. This has been attributed to the ongoing financial crisis that has massively affected ma!or businesses and economies.
#nability to acquire expansion sites for the company & :ue to its si/e" the company faces monumental challenges acquiring new sites for expansion due to existing domestic and foreign policy framework. 9or instance" the company,s planned purchase of ;oneywell #nternational was denied by the European 'nion.
+oor flexibility&:ue to the sheer si/e of the company" it is increasingly hard to effect essential changes to the business. This means that the company can lose ready market due to its inability to make quick decisions necessary to capture the change.
o o
Time to time charges of corruption cases poor history of large scale water and air pollution
#ncreased Geographic growth& The Company has potential to tap into geographically strategic paces such as China and select countries in )frica such as Egypt and -outh )frica. #mproved presence in the global market implies a significant potential for more business opportunities.
<esearch and :evelopment& The company massive investment in training and adoption of relevant technology positions it in a strategic position for competing with other ma!or world players.
o o
#mproved Customer service provision The company has adopted a customer focused strategy where customers are given access to all information needed within the short time possible. Enhancing professional raining for customer service training on its staff is also an immense potential for the company.
5ergers& The recent merger between =ivendi and $%C presents more opportunities for the company in the media business.
The Global 9inancial Crisis& Economy slowdown in ma!or economies such as the '- and '> is a potential disaster for the company since *7? of its gross revenue is generated overseas.
Cut&throat Competition& The constant change in technology raises up great competition as competitors adopts diverse strategies to remain in business. The continuous existence of the business requires smart strategies" which are not always timely. 5a!or competitors to the company includes +hilips Electronics" Citi group and )G
#ntense scrutiny& ;uge business attracts a lot of scrutiny from governments" private entities and individuals. )ny perceived non performance leads to investor apathy especially in the stock market.
The company has maintained a culture of producing high quality products aimed at providing the best value to the customer. #t also engages in continual improvement of the existing products through thorough and high&tech research.
#n recognition of existing competition in the global market" the company is involved in regular evaluation of its price to ensure that customers attain optimum value for their products using least resources. The company is hence involved in provision of discounts and promotional items from time to time.
The company has adopted an ambitious global plan over the years to distribute its products to its consumers in a considerably convenient manner. #n pursuit of this goal" the company has opened branches in over exclusively merchandise GE,s products. 87 countries which
The company has a vigorous promotion culture aimed at maximi/ing communication to the consumers. The company has a state of the art website
which is updated continuously to reflect the products" their benefits and how they can be accessed. Communication is amply up to date with a professional and articulate customer services onl
The internal marketing strategy is a business philosophy that utili/es employee,s potential in helping tap external market for the business. )mong ma!or competitors" it has become a widely accepted fact that a strategy cannot work in the market efficiently if it is not well marketed internally. 9or GE to achieve its ob!ective of reaching the wider world" the internal environment is
treated as a prerequisite. The goal in this strategy is to convert employees to adapt and cultivate a culture of relationship marketing.
9or GE to effectively penetrate the international marketing" the requirements of the internal market are first met and are then converted to the external market. #n business it is recogni/ed that inability of an organi/ation to meet the needs of the employees leads to employee,s defection which breaks up the relationship that they had built with the customers.
In promoting t%e internal market strategy " GE recogni/es its employees as customers of the organi/ation. The idea is that if products supplied by the company are valued by the employees" it is likely that the employees will bring in more customers. To promote this strategy" GE invests in their employees by providing good working environment and providing necessary tools required to perform various tasks in the organi/ation. %y being highly valued and appropriately compensated" the employees at GE are usually the first customers to purchase and promote any product rolled in the market. )nother important consideration in this strategy is the involvement of employees in developing a quality approach the work they do in the company. Every employee has the responsibility of promoting production of quality products within the business.
T%e ne#t strategy a'opte' by GE regar's t%e e#ternal en$ironment of t%e organi@ation. #n the external market" several aspects are considered to be crucial by GE. This market involves the review of the general economy and the likely market for the company,s products. #n seeking the external market" the company considers several factors such as fiscal" economic" technological developments" legal requirements and the business environment. )ttention is also paid to existing and potential competitors in the business within the external environment.
T%e micro an' macro en$ironment for the company,s business are also put into consideration. The microenvironment is the combination consisting of customers" suppliers and other stakeholders in the company. GE is a huge company that treats suppliers as insiders and crucial partners in the running of the business. The customers of GE are not seen !ust as potential people willing to spend their money in the business but the company has put efforts of integrating the company,s view and the view of the customers. Customer service is very core in GE and all multinationals dealing under GE is supposed to adopt this view. Three components are cited as crucial with regard to quality afforded to customers. These include the employees" the process and the customers themselves.
GE recogni/es the needs of customers and invests in meeting their needs. Customers needs identified in GE includes competitive prices" service and correct transaction processing" on time delivery and performance. %y analy/ing the needs of the customers GE is able to invent new modalities which produces the required satisfaction among the customers.
Anot%er strategy implemente' by GE is relations%ip marketing among its ma-or cons"mers+ This strategy basically aims at retaining existing customers. This strategy concentrates on building long term relationship with the customers which is regarded as very vital in the running of business. This strategy is based on the business recognition that customers build relationship with people rather than products. To build this relationship" frequent contact with the customers is enhanced and the customers are encouraged to keep on making enquiries within the business. #n its efforts to build strong relationship with the customers" GE has established a modern state of the art answer centre" which is regarded as one of the best in the world where customer,s gets free personali/ed attention around the clock. The center has been able to create opportunity for GE to be in contact with customers for longer time and hence creating the opportunity for tapping even customers who may get dissatisfied in the course of doing business. This contact helps the customers of GE to understand the company,s commitment to them and the value they attach to their customers. This has the effect of improving and cementing the very crucial relationship that GE
attempts to build. The knowledge obtained from customer,s interactions provides relevant information with regarding to sales and marketing and possibilities of new products development.
)s part of its internal environment" GE makes efforts to ensure that its suppliers adopt practices that comply with its environmental and safety standards. The company has a program for helping their suppliers in new markets to enhance their environment" health and safety standards. This is achieved through conscious efforts to increase awareness of important issues among its suppliers. %y doing this" GE is able to protect its international image and integrity as well as safeguarding the quality of products.
Anot%er cr"cial strategy a'opte' by GE is 'i$ersification+ <ecently" the company diversified to offering financial services. This diversification is adopted in the company,s efforts to ensure that it can offer all services that its customers deem necessary. This attempt was initially started as a credit financing stream where customers would obtain financing for the products they wanted if they didn,t have enough money.
.+)+Importance Company
#nternational marketing is very important for this company in its quest for generating substantial profits. 9or today,s businesses" survival depends on their presence on the global world market. 9or such a company to effectively participate in global competition" a lot of efforts are needed in improving the effectiveness of the company,s top management in making crucial decisions at the right time. #nternational market for GE means new markets in places and regions that are new and that are not supplied with the products the company offers. Expansion of the company in the international market is important in connecting the company with new sources of raw materials that are needed in their production lines. -ince GE is a highly diversified company" there is also a great need for creating a highly diversified market that can absorb the diverse products offered by the company. 5arketing is primary to all activities carried out by GE. #n the international market" marketing is important to GE since it helps extend the domain for competitive enterprise.
This implies that this level of marketing helps to break economic and nationalistic barriers and helps build economic unity among different regions economies. 5arketing that is regarded as crucial by GE is that which concerns developing countries such as )frica and )sian giants such as China and @apan.
#n the upcoming international markets" marketing helps in the innovation of new products that are in line with the upcoming market trends. #t also helps in expanding existing market" accumulate more capital" helps in balancing international payments" exchange primary products" increase profits and extend production facilities. To achieve working solutions for the international market" the company borrows from other highly diversified companies which have faired well in the international foray. #t can however be argued that GE has not completely utili/ed its potential in tapping the larger world market. +art of the probable reasons why this company has not completely utili/ed the global market is associated with the high cost required for such ventures and the complexity of diversity due to its highly diversified aspects. There are however several ways through which this company can improve its access to the world market and remain effective despite its diversification.
.+.+1ays in 7%ic% t%e company can impro$e its international marketing strategy
The international market is considerably different as compared to local and regional markets. This is because it entails the possibility of meeting different markets dominated by different cultures. To achieve success in effective international penetration" several ways can be adopted and utili/ed.
The first strategy would be comprehensive market survey that would effectively establish the needs that potential customers of that market are. The survey should be carried out by professionals who should include as part of their team local professionals well oriented with local market. The survey would help the company establish the kind of products that it can offer to such markets. The other consideration would be to use other companies existing in the local markets as frontiers of the company in such markets either as dealers or franchises.
The other strategy would be recruitment and training of employees sourced from the local markets. -uch employees would give the company the advantage of being conversant with local languages and the general trends of business within their local environments. 'se of print and electronic media would also be very crucial in establishing international markets and this would call for establishment of liaison between ma!or media sources and the company. )dvertisement in the media should be professional and should portray the integrity and presence of the company.
The company should invest in high level business surveys in upcoming markets to expand its market base. The company should engage local professionals in their targeted regions who would help actuali/e the real customer needs in such markets. Company should adopt up to date technology to help fast track its services and product logistics in its wide markets. This calls for adequate training for employees on ways and modalities with which new technology should be used. -uch technology could be in the area of communication" international money transfer" shipping and logistics and effective diplomacy necessary to maintain budding foreign relations.
The #nternational 5arket is very important in today,s business. The growth of technology has established the world as a global village and has given businesses a perfect opportunity for reaching to the previously unreachable markets. GE has a well established capital base that ensures that it can reach to more regions than it has done. The strategy that needs to be adopted by this company in these efforts must be based on exploiting the immediate internal market which would effectively open room for wider penetration in the external market. The international market presents great potential for the company since it would assist in expanding production facilities for the company which would effectively help in maximi/ing the company profitability. One of the challenges facing this company is the adoption of flexible strategies that can be adopted fast and effectively. The company should hence work towards developing working solutions that would help develop strategies that would address this weakness.
.>otler" +. B377 2. 5arketing 5anagement B 7th edition2" Tsinghua 'niversity +ress. 3.....GE.Cahoo .com 4.Global 5arketingB*th edition by . @ .>eegan D Green2"+age &336 *. +ublished papers on marketing strategy by many international companies on google in #nternet