Indian Overseas Bank - General Awarness

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Indian Overseas Bank General Awareness Exam 2009

1Q. Which one of the following is the percentage upto which FDI in defense sector is allowed ? (A) 26 (!) "1 (#) $1 (D) "% (&) 'one of these Answer ( (A) 2Q. Whene)er *!I does so+e ,pen ,peration /ransactions0 actuall1 it wishes to regulate which of the following ? (A) Inflation onl1 (!) 2i3uidit1 in econo+1 (#) !orrowing powers of the 4an.s (D) Flow of Foreign Direct In)est+ents (&) 'one of these Answer ( (#) $Q. /he +a5i+u+ a+ount of the /otal *e)enue earned 41 the 6o)t. of India co+es fro+7 (A) Inco+e /a5 (!) #usto+s Dut1 (#) &5cise Dut1 (D) 8alue Added /a5 (&) #orporate /a5 Answer ( (&) "Q. In econo+ics it is generall1 4elie)ed that the +ain o49ecti)e of a :u4lic ;ector Financial #o+pan1 li.e !an. is to7 (A) &+plo1 +ore and +ore people (!) -a5i+i<e total profits (#) -a5i+i<e total production (D) :ro)ide financial ser)ice to the people of the nation of its origin across the countr1 (&) ;ell the goods at su4sidi<ed cost Answer ( (D) =Q. Which of the following is /*>& a4out the ?;ingle7&>*, :a1+ent Area@ a concept )er1 +uch in news these da1s ? 1. It is a concept floated 41 &uropean >nion. 2. It ai+s to create an integrated for pa1+ent ser)ices in &>*,. $. It is a contract to con)ert all >; dollar pa1+ents into &>*,0 which is a currenc1 al+ost free fro+ fluctuations in its )alue. (A) ,nl1 1 (!) ,nl1 2 (#) ,nl1 $ (D) ,nl1 1 and 2 (&) 'one of these Answer ( (D) 6Q. What is a *epo *ate ? (A) It is a rate of which *!I sell 6o)t. securities to 4an.s (!) It is a rate at which *!I 4u1s 6o)t. securities fro+ 4an.s (#) It is a rate at which *!I allows s+all loans in the (D) It is a rate which is offered 41 !an.s to their +ost )alued custo+ers or pri+e custo+ers (&) 'one of these Answer ( (A) AQ. In a #o+pan1 the use of price sensiti)e corporate infor+ation 41 the #o+pan1Bpeople to +a.e gains or co)er losses is .nown as7 (A) Insider trading (!) Future trading (#) Foreign trading (D) ;toc. trading (&) 'one of these Answer ( (A)

CQ. As per the directi)es issued 41 the :ri+e -inister@s &cono+ic Ad)isor1 #ouncil (&A#)0 the percentage of the current account deficit (of the total 6D:) during 2DDCB2DD% should not 4e +ore than7 (A) 2EC (!) $ED (#) $E1 (D) $E2 (&) 'one of these Answer ( (D) %Q. /he agricultural census is done at which of the following inter)als ? (A) /here is no fi5ed ter+ (!) &)er1 1ear (#) ,nce in three 1ears (D) ,nce in ten 1ears (&) ,nce in fi)e 1ears Answer ( (&) 1D. Which of the following cannot 4e called as a De4t Instru+ent as referred in financial transactions ? (A) #ertificate of Deposits (!) !onds (#) ;toc.s (D) #o++ercial :apers (&) 2oans Answer ( (#) 11Q. /he a+ount of which of the following reflects the o)erall 4udgetar1 position of the 6o)t. of India at a gi)en ti+e ? (A) *e)enue Deficit (!) /otal A+ount of Inco+e /a5 collected (#) #apital Deficit (D) Fiscal Deficit (&) 'one of these Answer ( (D) 12Q. /he 11th Fi)e Fear :lan is ter+ed as plan for7 (A) India@s Gealth (!) &radication of po)ert1 fro+ India (#) India@s &ducation (D) De)elop+ent of *ural India (&) 'one of these Answer ( (#) 1$Q. Who a+ongst the following ga)e the concept of :>*A (:ro)iding >r4an facilities in *ural Areas) ? (A) *a9i) 6andhi (!) -an+ohan ;ingh (#) A.:.H. A4dul Iala+ (D) ;onia 6andhi (&) 'one of these Answer ( (#) 1"Q. /he higher rate of growth of econo+1 certainl1 reduces the7 (A) 6ender ine3ualities (!) :o)ert1 (#) :opulation of a countr1 (D) Flow of foreign direct in)est+ent (&) 'one of these Answer ( (!) 1=Q. !harat 'ir+an does not co)er which of the following areas ? (A) *ural e+plo1+ent (!) *ural Gousing (#) *ural Water suppl1 (D) Irrigation facilities (&) It co)ers all the a4o)e areas Answer ( (A)

16Q. Which of the following co++ittees has gi)en its reco++endations on ?Financial Inclusion@ ? (A) *a.esh -ohan #o++ittee (!) *angara9an #o++ittee (#) ;inha #o++ittee (D) #o++ittee (&) 'one of these Answer ( (!) 1AQ. Which of the following correctl1 descri4es what su4Bpri+e lending is ? 1. 2ending to the people who cannot return the loans. 2. 2ending to the people who are high )alue custo+ers of the 4an.s. $. 2ending to those who are not a regular custo+er of a 4an.. (A) ,nl1 1 (!) ,nl1 2 (#) ,nl1 $ (D) All 10 2 and $ (&) 'one of these Answer ( (A) 1CQ. Which of the following isJare the +a9or concepts )isi4le in toda1@s industr1 in India ? 1. *is. !ased -anage+ent 2. 6rowing co+petition $. I/ Initiati)es (A) ,nl1 1 (!) ,nl1 2 (#) ,nl1 $ (D) !oth 2 and $ (&) All 10 2 and $ Answer ( (A) 1%Q. Which of the following ser)ices pro)ided 41 a 4an. in India is not lia4le for ;er)ice /a5 as per e5isting laws ? (A) ;afe Deposit 2oc.ers (!) -erchant ! ;er)ices (#) #redit cards (D) Discount earned on certain discounted 4ills (&) 'one of these Answer ( (D) 2DQ. /he actual return of an in)estor is reduced so+eti+es as the prices of the co++odities go up all of a sudden. In financial sector this t1pe of pheno+enon is .nown as7 (A) :ro4a4ilit1 ris. (!) ris. (#) Inflation ris. (D) #redit ris. (&) 'one of these Answer ( (!) 21Q. In India -ini+u+ ;upport :rices are announced 41 the 6o)t. of India e)er1 1ear. Which of the following co++odities is not co)ered under this polic1 ? (A) ;ugar (!) Wheat (#) #otton (D) White goods (&) All are co)ered under the polic1 Answer ( (D) 22Q. Which of the following policies of a countr1 4rings a crucial i+pact on the econo+ic growth of the nation ? 1. Fiscal polic1 2. Foreign polic1 $. ;ocial policies (A) ,nl1 1 (!) ,nl1 2 (#) ,nl1 1 and 2 (D) ,nl1 2 and $ (&) All 10 2 and $ Answer ( (#)

2$Q. Which of the following financial products is not +uch popular in India as the1 are launched recentl1 onl1 ? (A) De)elop+ent !onds (!) Insurance :olicies (#) -utual funds (D) ;o)ereign Wealth Funds (&) All are )er1 popular products in India Answer ( (D) 2"Q. Which of the following countries is gi)en per+anent +e+4ership of the World /rade ,rganisation recentl1 ? (A) >.rain (!) India (#) :a.istan (D) ;ri 2an.a (&) 'one of these Answer ( (&) 2=Q. When the prices of co++odities0 goods and ser)ices start declining consistentl10 the pheno+enon is .nown as7 (A) Discount 1ield (!) Deflation (#) 'egati)e growth (D) capitali<ation (&) 'one of these Answer ( (!) 26Q. Which of the following products launched 41 +ost of the 4an.s help far+ers in getting instant credit for )arious agicultural purposes ? (A) Iissan #redit #ard (!) :ersonal 2oan (#) !usiness 2oan (D) A/- #ard (&) 'one of these Answer ( (A) 2AQ. Which of the following policies of the financial sectors is 4asicall1 designed to transferring local financial assets into foreign financial asset freel1 and at deter+ined e5change rates ? :olic1 of7 (A) #apital Account con)erti4ilit1 (!) Financial Deficit -anage+ent (#) -ini+u+ ;upport :rice (D) *estricti)e /rade :ractices (&) 'one of these Answer ( (A) 2CQ. A custo+er wishes to purchase so+e >; dollars in India. GeJ ;he should go to7 (A) :u4lic De4t Di)ision of the *!I onl1 (!) A+erican &5press !an. ,nl1 (#) *!I or an1 4ranch of a 4an. which is authori<ed for such 4usiness (D) -inistr1 of Foreign Affairs (&) 'one of these Answer ( (#) 2%Q. India@s 2oo. &ast :olic1 was launched in the 1ear7 (A) 1%%D (!) 1%%2 (#) 1%%= (D) 2DDD (&) 'one of these Answer ( (!) $DQ. Which of the following products of a 4an. is specificall1 designed to pro)ide financial help to children in their higher studies in India or in a foreign nation ? (A) :ersonal 2oan (!) #orporate 2oan (#) &ducational 2oan (D) -ortgage 2oan (&) 'one of these Answer ( (#)

$1Q. A !an.JFinancial ,rgani<ation these da1s relies hea)il1 on eBco++erce for its transaction. As a part of s1ste+ securit10 it has introduced organi<ation@s securit1 awareness +anual. /his step of the organi<ation can 4e classified under which one of the following categories of +easures for a 4usiness ? (A) :re)enti)e (!) #o+pliance (#) #orrecti)e (D) Detecti)e (&) 'one of these Answer ( (!) $2Q. Which of the following is the li+itation of the A/-s owing to which people are re3uired to )isit 4ranches of the 4an. ? 1. It does not accept deposits. 2. It has a li+ited cash dis4urse+ent capacit1. $. 2ac. of hu+an interface (A) ,nl1 1 (!) ,nl1 2 (#) ,nl1 $ (D) All 10 2 and $ (&) 'one of these are li+itations Answer ( (!) $$Q. Which of the following isJare the o49ecti)es of de)eloping ;pecial &cono+ic Kones (;&Ks) ? 1. 6enerate additional econo+ic acti)ities. 2. 6enerate additional e+plo1+ent opportunities. $. :ro+otion of e5port of goods and ser)ices. (A) ,nl1 1 (!) ,nl1 2 (#) ,nl1 $ (D) ,nl1 1 and 2 (&) All 10 2 and $ Answer ( (&) $"Q. An industr1 which is fighting hard to increase its share in e5isting (with new popular products) is .nown as7 (A) )endor (!) operator (#) leader (D) follower (&) challenger Answer ( (D) $=Q. -aruti )iew /ata -otors as pro+inent co+petitor 4ut does not )iew 8ol)o as a co+petitor. /his t1pe of co+petition in the is .nown as7 (A) :roduct co+petition (!) :roduction flow co+petition (#) #ost #ontrol co+petition (D) ;er)ice co+petition (&) 'one of these Answer ( (#) $6. Which of the following is not a social assistance progra++e launched 41 the 6o)t. of India ? (A) 'ational ,ld Age :ension ;che+e (!) Annapurna ;che+e (#) 'ational Fa+il1 !enefit ;che+e (D) Indira Awaas Fo9ana (&) All are social assistance progra++es Answer ( (D) $AQ. What is the ;tatutor1 2i3uidit1 *atio (;2*) at present ? (A) 1" (!) 1C (#) 2D (D) 2" (&) 'one of these Answer ( (D)

$C. -r. *a+an ;ingh has ta.en o)er as the #hief -inister of which of the following ;tates after a6eneral &lection in 'o)e+4erJDece+4er 2DDC ? (A) Ha++u L Iash+ir (!) -adh1a :radesh (#) Delhi (D) #hhattisgarh (&) 'one of these Answer ( (D) $%. /he World De)elop+ent *eportB 2DD% is released a few +onths earlier0 41 which of the following ,rganisations ? (A) >'&;#, (!) AD! (#) I-F (D) W/, (&) World !an. Answer ( (&) "D. As per news pu4lished in newspapers0 how +uch +one1 6o)t. of India has decided to in)est in Infrastructure ;ector as an initiati)e ? A4out7 (A) *s. $D0DDD crores (!) *s. "D0DDD crores (#) *s. =D0DDD crores (D) *s. 6D0DDD crores (&) *s. AD0DDD crores Answer ( (&) "1. -r. Gosni -u4ara. who is the recipient of the Hawaharlal 'ehru Award for International >nderstanding recentl1 is the7 (A) :resident of ;outh Africa (!) :ri+e -inister of ;outh Africa (#) :resident of &g1pt (D) :ri+e -inister of &g1pt (&) ;ecretar1 6eneral of >', Answer ( (#) "2. -r. :aul Irug+an whose na+e was in news recentl1 is a fa+ous7 (A) -edical ;cientist (!) &cono+ist (#) Author (D) Astroph1sicist (&) ;ports :ersonalit1 Answer ( (!) "$Q. /he !uc.ingha+ #anal which is declared a 'ational Waterwa1 of India recentl1 is a #anal running fro+7 (A) :un9a4 to Gar1ana (!) -u+4ai to 6oa (#) 8i9a1awada 8illupura+ (D) #ochin to Io<hi.ode (&) Ian1a.u+ari to *a+eshwara+ Answer ( (#) ""Q. -an1 ti+es we see in newspapers that so+e pro9ects are launched 41 the 6o)t. Authorities on ?:::@ 4asis. What is the full for+ of ?:::@ ? (A) :referential :a1+ent :lan (!) :u4lic :ri)ate :artnership (#) :artial :a1+ent :ro9ect (D) :opular :ri)ate :ro9ect (&) :u4lic :ri)ate :lan Answer ( (!) "=Q. Which of the following countries is not the +e+4er of Asia :acific &cono+ic #ooperation (A:&#) which was in news recentl1 ? (A) ;outh Iorea (!) #anada (#) #hina (D) India(&) >.;.A. Answer ( (D)

"6Q. /he co+pulsor1 &ducation Act will ensure education to the children upto the age of7 (A) 1D 1ears (!) 12 1ears (#) C 1ears (D) 6 1ears (&) 'one of these Ans ( (&) "AQ. ;ani1a -ir<a and -ahesh !hupati won which of the following titles recentl1 ? (A) Australia ,pen (!) >.;. ,pen (#) Wi+4ledon Finals (D) Da)is #up Finals (&) 'one of these Answer ( (A) "CQ. -r. Iunwar 'ara1an who was selected for the Hnanpith Award (for 2DD=) recentl1 is a fa+ous poet and writer in7 (A) >rdu (!) &nglish (#) 6u9arathi (D) :un9a4i (&) Gindi Answer ( (&) "%Q. Which of the following countries is planning to launch its -oon -ission ;pace 8ehicle na+ed as -oonB2I/& ? (A) :a.istan (!) 6er+an1 (#) *ussia (D) France (&) !ritain Answer ( (&) =DQ. Which of the following 4oo.s is written 41 -r. 'andan 'ile.ani ? (A) I+agining India (!) A 6ood Wo+an (#) !etween the Assassinations (D) /he White /iger (&) 'one of three Answer ( (A)

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