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(ADAPTED FOR THE REGULAR COPPER T 380A) (To be completed by the Trainers)
Place a 3 in case box of step/task is performed satisfactorily, an 7 if it is not performed satisfactorily, or N/O if not observed.
Satisfactory: Performs the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines Unsatisfactory: Unable to perform the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines Not Observed: Step, task or skill not performed by participant during evaluation by trainer

Participant __________________________________________

Course Dates _______________

CHECKLIST FOR IUD COUNSELING AND CLINICAL SKILLS (REGULAR COPPER T 380A) STEP/TASK METHOD-SPECIFIC COUNSELING 1. 2. 3. 4. Once the woman has chosen to use the IUD, assess her knowledge of the method. Ensure that she knows that menstrual changes are a common side effect among IUD users, and that the IUD does not protect against STIs. Describe the medical assessment required before IUD insertion, as well as the procedures for IUD insertion and removal. Encourage her to ask questions. Provide additional information and reassurance as needed. SKILL/ACTIVITY PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY IUD INSERTION Client Assessment (Use Appendix B to confirm that the woman is eligible for IUD use.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Review the clients medical and reproductive history. Ensure that equipment and supplies are available and ready to use. Have the client empty her bladder and wash her perineal area. Help the client onto the examination table. Tell the client what is going to be done, and ask her if she has any questions. Wash hands thoroughly and dry them. Palpate the abdomen. Wash hands thoroughly and dry them again. Put clean or HLD gloves on both hands. CASES

10. Inspect the external genitalia. Note: If findings are normal, perform the bimanual exam first and the speculum exam second. If there are potential problems, perform the speculum exam first and a bimanual exam second. 11a. Perform a bimanual exam (see Note above) 11b. Perform rectovaginal exam only if indicated. 11c. If rectovaginal exam is performed, change gloves before continuing.

IUD Guidelines for Family Planning Service Programs

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CHECKLIST FOR IUD COUNSELING AND CLINICAL SKILLS (REGULAR COPPER T 380A) STEP/TASK 12. Perform a speculum exam (see Note above). (Note: If laboratory testing is indicated and available, take samples now.) SKILL/ACTIVITY PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY Preinsertion and Insertion Steps (Using aseptic, no touch technique throughout) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provide an overview of the insertion procedure. Remind her to let you know if she feels any pain. Gently insert the HLD (or sterile) speculum to visualize the cervix (if not already done), and cleanse the cervical os and vaginal wall with antiseptic. Gently grasp the cervix with an HLD (or sterile) tenaculum and apply gentle traction. Insert the HLD (or sterile) sound using the no touch technique. Load the IUD in its sterile package. Set the blue depth-gauge to the measurement of the uterus. Carefully insert the loaded IUD, and release it into the uterus using the withdrawal technique. Gently push the insertion tube upward again until you feel a slight resistance. Withdraw the rod, and partially withdraw the insertion tube until the IUD strings can be seen. CASES

10. Use HLD (or sterile) sharp Mayo scissors to cut the IUD strings to 34 cm length. 11. Gently remove the tenaculum and speculum and place in 0.5% chlorine solution for 10 minutes for decontamination.. 12. Examine the cervix for bleeding. 13. Ask how the client is feeling and begin performing the postinsertion steps. SKILL/ACTIVITY PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY Postinsertion Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before removing the gloves, place all used instruments in 0.5% chlorine solution for 10 minutes for decontamination. Properly dispose of waste materials. Process gloves according to recommended IP practices. Wash hands thoroughly and dry them. Provide postinsertion instructions (key messages for IUD users): Basic facts about her IUD (e.g., type, how long effective, when to replace/remove) No protection against STIs; need for condoms if at risk Possible side effects Warning signs (PAINS) Checking for possible IUD expulsion When to return to clinic SKILL/ACTIVITY PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY IUD REMOVAL Preremoval Steps 1. 2. 3. Ask the woman her reason for having the IUD removed. Determine whether she will have another IUD inserted immediately, start a different method, or neither. Review the clients reproductive goals and need for STI protection, and counsel as appropriate.

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IUD Guidelines for Family Planning Service Programs

CHECKLIST FOR IUD COUNSELING AND CLINICAL SKILLS (REGULAR COPPER T 380A) STEP/TASK 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ensure that equipment and supplies are available and ready to use. Have the client empty her bladder and wash her perineal area. Help the client onto the examination table. Wash hands thoroughly and dry them. Put new or HLD gloves on both hands. SKILL/ACTIVITY PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY Removing the IUD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Provide an overview of the insertion procedure. Remind her to let you know if she feels any pain. Gently insert the HLD (or sterile) speculum to visualize the strings, and cleanse the cervical os and vaginal wall with antiseptic. Alert the client immediately before you remove the IUD. Grasp the IUD strings close to the cervix with an HLD (or sterile) hemostat or other narrow forceps. Apply steady but gentle traction, pulling the strings toward you, to remove the IUD. Do not use excessive force. Show the IUD to client. Place the IUD in 0.5% chlorine solution for 10 minutes for decontamination. If the woman is having a new IUD inserted, insert it now if appropriate. [If she is not having a new IUD inserted, gently remove the speculum and place it in 0.5% chlorine solution for 10 minutes for decontamination.] Ask how the client is feeling and begin performing the postremoval steps. SKILL/ACTIVITY PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY Postremoval Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before removing the gloves, place all used instruments and the IUD in 0.5% chlorine solution for 10 minutes for decontamination. Properly dispose of waste materials. Process gloves according to recommended IP practices. Wash hands thoroughly and dry them. If the woman has had a new IUD inserted, review key messages for IUD users. [If the woman is starting a different method, provide the information she needs to use it safely and effectively (and a back-up method, if needed).] SKILL/ACTIVITY PERFORMED SATISFACTORILY CASES



Score on Midcourse Questionnaire ______________% (Attach Answer Sheet) Counseling and Clinical Skills Evaluation: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Provision of services (practice): Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Trainers Signature___________________________________

Date _______________________

IUD Guidelines for Family Planning Service Programs

Guide for Trainers - 69

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