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The document provides an overview of Prague including information about arrival/transportation, culture/events, hotels, restaurants, nightlife, and sights.

The document mentions the metro, getting to Liberec for winter sports, and does not mention driving.

The document has sections listing restaurants, bars, clubs, and other establishments for food, drink, and nightlife including specific listings.

N75 - 100 K
Hotels Restaurants Cafs Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps
Winter 2014

The Olympic
Prague Sotchi
Winter 2014
Arrival & Transport 5
Culture & Events 7
Expat life in Prague 10
Regions 11
Exploring the Czech Republic
Hotels 18
Restaurants 23
Nightlife 34
Essential sights 38
Shopping 45
Lifestyle directory 48
Adult entertainment 51
Maps & Index
Street register 54
City centre map 55
City map 56-57
Index 58
Mahlerovy sady 1
130 00 Praha 3
[email protected]
+420 210 320 081
8.00 24.00
400 M FROM
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
Editor Jacy Meyer
Contributors Jacy Meyer,
Wendy Wrangham,
Jeroen van Marle
Layout & Design Tom Haman
Photos Jeroen van Marle, Tom Haman,
Wendy Wrangham, Robin Divila,
Cover: Robin Divila
Sales & Circulation
General & Sales Manager
Michal Jare - mob. 721 810 520
[email protected]
Publisher Craig Turp
Welcome to Prague! We hope you
enjoy your stay in the golden city.
It might not seem all that golden
now; February and March can be a
bit dreary. The winter has been a
strange one no snow in Prague
in December maybe youll get hit
with a big one while you are here!
Wont that be something? Luckily
for winter sports enthusiasts, the
mountains have snow. If you are looking for some of
the white stuff check our Regions section for tips on
how to get to Liberec.
Back in Prague, there are some great shows on these
months (think indoors, warm) so be sure to visit our
Culture section beginning on page 7.
Thanks for visiting and we hope to see you back soon!
Copyright notice
Text and photos copyright PIYP s.r.o.
2000-2014. Maps copyright cartographer.
All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced in any
form, except brief extracts for the purpose
of review, without written permission
from the publisher and copyright owner.
The brand name In Your Pocket is used
under license from UAB In Your Pocket
(Bernardinu g. 9-4, LT-01124, Vilnius,
Lithuania, tel. (+370-5) 212 29 76).
Editors note
The editorial content of In Your Pocket
guides is independent from paid-for
advertising. Sponsored listings are
clearl y marked as such. We welcome all
readers comments and suggestions.
We have made every effort to ensure
the accuracy of the information at the
time of going to press and assume no
responsibility for changes and errors.
Prague In Your Pocket
Nm. 14. jna 1307/2
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
tel. +420 721 810 520
fax +420 224 94 86 51
[email protected]
ISSN 1213-2128
PIYP s.r.o.
Published four times per year
The City of Prague will, in a word,
enchant you. Nowhere else in the
worl d can you fi nd a pl ace that
weds a mi l l enni um of tradi ti on
with a modern, dynamic and highly
cultural present. In walking around
the streets of Prague you will have
the opportuni ty to li terall y touch
history, to foll ow i ts course and
changes over time. I daresay nearly
all architectural and artistic styles have left their mark on
Prague, together forming a remarkable harmonic whole.
At the same time however it is a modern city that is not
a mere open-air museum for tourists, but also a home
to more than a million of its own inhabitants, who call it
the Mother of Cities with love and pride in their hearts.
Anyone who sees the unforgettable panorama of Prague
will keep that picture in their mind forever. Allow me, on
behalf of myself and all Pragues residents, to invite you
to Prague, a city with inimitable charm. Be welcome and
make yourself at home.
Tom Hudeek
Mayor of Prague
A word from our Mayor
Its now nearly 22 years since we published the first
In Your Pocket guide - to Vilnius in Lithuania - in
which time we have grown to become the largest
publisher of locally produced city guides in Europe. We
now cover more than 75 cities across the continent,
and we will be expanding even further in 2014 with
the publi cation of a gui de to Johannesburg in
South Africa: our first guide outside Europe. Whats
more, early in 2014 our already terrific guides will
be getting a fresh new look, designed to offer our
readers a better experience. The roll-out of this new
look begins in February. To keep up to date with all
thats new at In Your Pocket, like us on Facebook
( or follow us on Twitter
Europe In Your Pocket
FYR Macedonia
Vclav Havel Airport Prague, tel. (+420) 220 11
33 14, fax (+420) 235 35 09 22,
Pragues airport is 20 km from the city centre. A taxi to
the town centre now costs around 600 K even if you call a
company to pick you up or talk to one of the representatives
from reputable AAA Radiotaxi or 1.1.1. Radiocab taxi.
Dont pick one up from outside the terminal (click here for
taxi firms). Alternatively, use the EDAZ minibus service
(tel. 220 11 42 96, 05:30 - 21:30) that runs every half hour
between the airport and Nmst Republiky (F-2). Tickets
cost 90K (including one piece of baggage, children under
10 free) and can be bought from the driver or from the booth
in the arrival terminal. For an extra fee, EDAZ can also pick
you up or drop you off at your hotel.
The cheapest way to get into town is on by bus: N119
(2-8 times per hour between 04:18 and 00:10 wi th at
least one wheelchair-friendl y bus per hour) runs between
the airport and the Dejvick metro station (Line A, green)
in about 20 minutes. From Dej vi ck i t is j ust fi ve stops
to Muzeum in the centre of town. Bus N100 whisks
you to Zlin (metro Line B, yell ow) from the airport in
13 minutes. There is a new Airport Express (AE) bus
from Holeovice whi ch runs every hal f an hour, whiz-
zing you across the ci ty in hal f an hour, whether you are
arri ving or departing. Special fares appl y to this bus,
ti ckets can onl y be bought from the dri ver and do not
all ow any transfers or other forms of transport. Fi rst
& last buses from Hol eovi ce 05:15 & 21:45, from the
airport 04:40 & 21:10.
A 32 K transport ticket (plus a 10 K one for big bags) will
get you all the way into town or to the airport on all public
transport except the Airport Express. Tickets can be bought
at the friendly transport information desk in both arrival halls
(open 07:00 - 22:00) or from the coin-operated machine at
the airport bus stop, but not from the driver. You need to
validate the ticket (once for the whole trip) in the machines
on board the bus.
Pragues Terminal North 2 allows for at least 4 million
more passengers a year to travel into Prague with the
abili ty to conti nue expansi on. New bars, restaurants,
shops and services ply their trade in this terminal which
accommodates flights to and from Schengen countries
(Austria, Bel gium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Iceland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Greece, Spain & Sweden).
There is a left luggage facilty at the airport which doesnt
close and costs 60 K per item per day.
Pragues public transport system (Dopravn podnik)
is ef fi ci ent, fast and reasonabl y cl ean. Wi th three
metro lines, 26 tram routes and 9 ni ght trams you
won t need the bus routes that avoi d the centre.
Keep in mind that the centre of Prague is easil y ac-
cessibl e on foot.
Tickets, valid for all means of transport, can be pur-
chased from the numerous vendi ng machi nes at al l
metro stati ons, maj or tram stops and news stands.
You al ways need to validate your ticket yoursel f
by stampi ng i t i n the machi nes at metro entrances
and on trams. The most common ti cket is the 32 K
transfer ticket, whi ch i s val i d for 90 mi nutes after
vali dati ng. The 24 K non-transfer ticket is meant
for tram ri des under 30 mi nutes wi th no changes, or
i n the metro for up to 5 stati ons (changes al l owed)
from the departure stati on wi thi n 30 mi nutes. We
suggest you save yoursel f ti me by buyi ng a handful
of these on arri val. I f youre pl anni ng to stay a bi t
and expl ore, get the one- day pass (110 K) or a
three- day pass (310 K). Chi l dren under 6 travel
free; and ti ckets are hal f pri ce up to 15 years ol d.
Large pi eces of l uggage (i ncl udi ng rucksacks) cost
an extra 13 K whi l e dogs ri de the rai l s for 26 K.
Fines for no val i dated ti ckets are 800 K i f pai d on
the spot or pay 1,000 K l ater.
Trams trundle around
town every few mi n-
utes; useful lines are
N22 and 23 whi ch
run from the centre up
to the rear entrance of
the castle, saving you
the uphi l l wal k. The
metro connects the
two main train stations
and Florenc bus station to the centre and runs up to just
after midnight, after which the night trams (the warm
mobile home to many a smelly tramp) take over, zipping
in all directions from the Lazarsk stop (H-5) every half
hour. Tram information is on the red signs at each stop
and is generally correct assuming of course that some
worn out koda hasnt died on the tram lines.
Beware of Pragues ultra-professional pickpockets,
especially on trams N22 and 23 and in busy metro cars;
consider waiting for the next train if it looks squeezed.
For more information visit Dopravn podniks excellent
website with English and German information on routes
and schedules, at, or call tel. 222 62 37 77.
Travel Information Centre I-5, MMuzeum, tel.
(+420) 296 19 18 17 (07:00 - 21:00), www.dpp.
cz. All you ever wanted to know about routes, tari ffs,
tickets, timetables, re-routings and service disrup-
tions, maps and general information about Pragues
bus, tram and metro system from friendly, multi-lingual
folk. Apart from the airport offices, these are found
at the metro stations. QOpen 07:00 - 21:00. Also at
E-4, Mstek, Jungmannovo nm., open 07:00 - 18:00,
closed Sat & Sun; Andl, open 07:00 - 18:00, closed
Sat & Sun; Prague Ai rport termi nal s 1 & 2, open
07:00 - 22:00.
Public Transport
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
There are two classes on international trains, and prices
vary according to length of journey and class; expect to
pay one third more for first class tickets. For multilingual,
quick and friendly service, avoid the queues at the hlavn
ndra counters and buy your ticket at Wasteels or at
the CR agency.
Car rental
Avis I-3, Praha 1, Klimentsk 46, tel. (+420) 221 85
12 25, fax (+420) 221 85 12 29, QOpen
08:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
Europcar E- 2, Praha 1, El i ky Krsnohor sk
134/9, MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 224 81 05 15,
[email protected], QOpen
08:00 - 20:00. Airport office at Aviantick 1039/6 tel. 235
36 45 31, open 08:00 - 22:00. A
Sixt J-3, Praha 8, Poben 1 (Hilton Hotel), tel. (+420)
222 32 49 95, fax (+420) 224 84 23 13,
Book online for some of good rental rates. And check out
their even more budget version at QOpen
08:00 - 22:00. Airport office tel. 220 11 53 46, open 08:00
- 22:00, Sat, Sun 08:00 - 20:00.
City Taxi Zelen Pruh 52, Praha 4, tel. (+420) 257
25 72 57, [email protected], Another
of the most reputable firms. Ordering by SMS is possible
at tel. 777 25 72 57 but without a Czech mobile number,
they usually dont send a cab. Now with a van for cargo
Travel agencies
edok F-3, Praha 1, Na Pkop 18, tel. (+420) 800
11 21 12, Bus and train tickets avail-
able with only a scowl rather than the growl that is offered
at the station. QOpen 09:00 - 19:00, Sat 09:30 - 13:00.
Closed Sun.
Fischer E-3, Praha 1, Provaznick 13, tel. (+420) 800
12 10 10, One of the largest operators
in the Czech Republic. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00, Sat 09:00 -
16:00, Sun 10:00 - 16:00.
GTS International I-5, Praha 1, Ve Smekch 33,
tel. (+420) 222 11 97 00, Flight and
bus tickets, with special deals for students and under-24s.
QOpen 08:00 - 18:00, Sat 9:00 - -4:00. Closed Sun.
Marys Travel & Tourist Services J-5, Praha 2,
Italsk 31, tel. (+420) 222 25 40 07,
Marys staff can book accommodation and tours in seven
languages. Specialised in the Czech republic and Hungary.
QOpen 08:00 - 21:00, Sat, Sun 09:00 - 21:00.
TBS I-6, Praha 2, Koubkova 13, tel. (+420) 222 51 23
05, Specialised in business and congress
travel. QOpen 08:30 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
TC Travel Praha 7, U prhonu 5, tel. 266 70 46
07, f ax 266 70 46 20, inf o@tctravel -,
www.tctravel - Best pl ace to get your
Prague hol i day arranged before you come. Hotel s,
ai rpor t transfers, tours and more can al l be taken
care of through TC Travel . Day tri ps to nearby si tes
can al so be booked.
Black Light Theatre
All Colours Theatre E- 4, Praha 1, Rytsk 31,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 221 61 01 73, www.blackthe- Tickets 450K. Q Performances start at 20:30.
ern divadlo Wow show I-4, Divadlo Broadway, Na
Pkop 31, Praha 1, MMstek, tel. + 420 777 061
623/+ 420 225 113 194, [email protected], www. Performances start at 20:00.
Image Black Theatre E-1, Praha 1, Pask 4,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 222 31 44 58, fax (+420)
224 811 167, [email protected], www.imageth- start at 20:00.
Aero Praha 3, Biskupcova 31, tel. (+420) 271 77
13 49, A cool little arthouse cinema
in ikov; tram N9 to Biskupcova. Q Tickets 40 - 95K.
Cinema City Flra Praha 3, Vinohradsk 149,
MFlra, tel. (+420) 255 74 20 21, www.cinemacity.
cz. Includes an IMAX theatre. Q Tickets 159K, Tue 109K.
Also at Galaxie, Arkalyck 1; Zlin, evnick 1.
Lucerna I-4, Praha 1, Vodikova 36, MMstek, tel.
(+420) 224 21 69 72, Apparently
the longest-running cinema in Prague with Czech and English
language films. A classic.
Palace Cinemas Slovansk Dm F-3, Praha 1, Na
Pkop 22, tel. (+420) 257 18 12 12, www.palaceci- Popular city-centre multiplex, which is often the
only cinema with English language versions of films other
cinemas show dubbed. Q Tickets 159K, Wed 109K. Also
at Letany, Veselsk 663; Nov Smchov, Plzesk 8; Park
Hostiva, vehlova 32.
Svtozor I- 4, Praha 1, Vodikova 41, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 224 94 75 66, An
arthouse cinema showing classic, current and less main-
stream movies, plus Czech movies with English subtitles.
Q Tickets 100/50K.
Village Cinemas Andl Praha 5, Radlick 1E,
MAndl, tel. (+420) 251 11 51 11, www.villagecine- Another cinema complex, this one has an European
art house cinema and Gold Class, where you sit in armchairs
and can eat and drink to your hearts content. Q Tickets
159K, Mon 109K. Also at Village Cinemas ern most.
Concerts & Opera
State Opera I-4, Praha 1, Wilsonova 4, tel. (+420)
224 22 72 66, A fabulous neo-Rococo pile
quite unfortunately wedged between the station, National
Museum and two busy roads. Built in 1888 for Pragues Ger-
man Theatre Association, it is worth a visit for the glamorous
gold-and-plush interior and the view of the sumptuous ceiling
alone. Operas are usually performed in the original language,
with Czech or English subtitles projected above the stage.
For tours of the building, contact Pragues tourist office. Q
Booking office open 10:00 - 17:30; Sat, Sun 10:00 - 12:00,
13:00 - 17:30. Tickets 100 - 1,150K.
Karln Music Theatre Praha 8, Kikova 10, tel.
(+420) 221 86 87 77, [email protected], www. The theatre has a long history in the city; its first
performance was the circus back in 1881. Fast forward to
the floods of 2002 which saw the historic building practically
destroyed. The theatre reopened in 2006 and has been host-
ing a string of popular musicals ever since. Q 230-700 K.
Divadlo Archa J-3, Praha 1, Na Po 26, tel. (+420)
221 71 61 11, fax (+420) 221 716 666, www.archa- Affectionately known as the alternative National
Theatre, Archa has done wonders for Pragues cultural
scene. Its not necessarily an English theatre, however
their eclectic line-up often transcends language barriers.
Check their website - you never know what additional items
of interest, including concerts, theyll have on tap. All shows
at 20:00 unless otherwise listed Q Performances start
at 20:00 unless stated otherwise. PTAEGKW
Bohemia Ticket International F-3, Praha 1, Na
Pkop 16, tel. (+420) 224 21 50 31, www.tick- QOpen 10:00 - 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 17:00,
Sun 10:00 - 15:00. Also at (E-3) Praha 1, Mal nm. A
Ticket Art I-4, Praha 1, Politickch vz 9, tel.
(+420) 222 89 75 52, QOpen
09:00 - 17:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun.
Ticketpro E-3, Praha 1, Rytsk 12, tel. (+420)
296 32 99 99, QOpen 09:00 -
20:00. A
Ticketstream I- 6, Praha 2, Koubkova 8, tel.
(+420) 224 26 30 49,
QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sun. A
01.02 - 02.02
Ice Age Live!
O2 arena, Praha. A Mammoth Adventure will transport
audiences on an awe-inspiring journey with an all new
story that includes fun filled, beloved moments from the
first three Ice Age films.
This unique Ice Age Live! Show brings your favorite
characters to life as never before through innovative and
unique ways! Youll also meet new characters on this one
of a kind Ice Age Live! Adventure! QTickets 500-950K.
Box office at entrance No.10, open 13:00 - 18:00, day
of event 10:00 - until the end of event.
Ice Age Live Buses
Florenc Bus Station J-3, Praha 8, Kikova 4, tel.
(+420) 900 14 44 44, Most international
buses arrive at Pragues central Florenc bus station (Auto-
busov ndra Praha Florenc, open 05:00 - 23:00), which
is also the watering hole of several endemic species living
solely on alcohol. For information on bus times inquire at
window N8 (open 06:00 - 21:00). Alternatively, use the
handy computer in front of window N8 to search for your
speci fic bus from the timetables online at the excellent, which searches all forms of land transport.
Window N6 (open 05:30 - 20:00, Sat 07:00 - 19:00, Sun
09:00 - 19:30) sells tickets for the ever popular Czech
National Express (esk Nrodn Expres) buses to Brno.
The kiosk between window N4 and 5 (open 07:00 - 18:00,
Sat 07:00 - 15:00, Sun 08:30 - 15:30) is an exchange
office and also sells public transport tickets, maps and
guides. The nearest ATM is at Florenc metro station,
which is next to the bus station.
Hi tching in the Czech Republi c can be a frustrating ex-
peri ence, wi th many men never managing to get a ri de.
Women or pairs wi th a woman invol ved, will find li fe a
li ttl e easi er. The poli ce will move you on, so choose your
spot carefull y.
Town to Town H- 4, Praha 1, Nrodn tda 9, tel.
(+420) 222 07 54 07, fax (+420) 224 21 63 74, The cheapest way to travel around.
The Town to Town agency brings drivers and passengers
together. Go to the website, add your ride request (or offer)
or just call to check the available destinations, dates and
fixed prices, and hit the road. They speak Czech, English
and German. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 16:00.
Closed Sun.
Prague has two mai n rai l -
way stations. Praha Hlavn
ndra (main station, tel.
224 61 52 49) is architectur-
ally fabulous (in the Jugendstil
tradition) although you wont
know it until you exit its under-
ground nightmare. However
massive reconstruction has been going on, and i f youve
been here before youll see the obvious improvements.
Ticket windows move randomnly, as do other services, so
watch the signs. The work is scheduled to be completed
in 2010. There is a tourist office (open 09:00 - 19:00. Sat,
Sun 09:00 - 16:00) in the centre of the lower hall of the
two levels. For your best money exchange deal, use the
ATM on the far left of the lower hall. Train information can
currently be found in the lower left of the hall as well as to
the left of the middle passageway to the platforms. Left
luggage (schova) lockers are available. Getting to town
involves one stop on the metro to Muzeum or a dangerous
walk up busy Wilsonova.
The second station, Praha Holeovice (tel. 224 61 58
65), is used by trains on the main Berlin - Prague - Vienna/
Bratislava route. The small hall holds the ticket office (open
09:00 - 17:00, closed Sat, Sun), left luggage lockers, an
internet caf and several exchange and accommodation
offices (open 06:00 - 23:00). It is three stops on the metro
to Muzeum.
Prague In Your Pocket
24.01, 20:00
Michael Bubl
O2 arena, Praha QTickets 1290-3990K. Box office at
entrance No.10, open 13:00 - 18:00, day of event 10:00 -
until the end of event.
10.02, 20:00
Depeche Mode
O2 arena, Praha QTickets 1290-1790K. Box office at
entrance No.10, open 13:00 - 18:00, day of event 10:00 -
until the end of event.
01.03, 20:00
Lord of the Dance
O2 arena, Praha QTickets 650-1950K. Box office at en-
trance No.10, open 13:00 - 18:00, day of event 10:00 - until
the end of event.
24. 1. 2014 6. 4. 2014
Only the Good Ones: The Snapshot Aesthetic
The exhi bi ti on expl ores
the extensive influence of
the snapshot on variety
of practitioners working
in photography throughout
the 20th Century and be-
yond, with particular focus
on the last 25 years.
The snapshot a sponta-
neous capturing of a banal
moment, minimally direct-
ed and with little regard for
artistic or journalistic convention, full of red-eyes, severed
heads, leaky shutters and drugstore hyper-saturation
forms a fundamental part of the photographic produc-
tion throughout the 20th Century and today proliferates
globally on social media. The exhibition tells the history
of the snapshot aesthetic as a story of the provocative
intimacy of a diary, the poetry of everyday life and the
fast and catchy undercurrent of the street, periodically
revitalizing rigid artistic and commercial practice with the
primitive force of an unpremeditated gesture. Absurdity
of the trivial, sex, parties, adolescent injuries, naivety,
night swimming, intense feelings of now, houseplants,
life in the media and through the media: the snapshot is
the rock n roll of photography.
Galerie Rudolfinum
07.02 - 23.02
The proj ect will introduce the 22nd Winter Ol ympic
Games directly in Prague in Letn Park.
The Olympic Village will be available for two weeks and
will become an entertainment park for the public where
Czech fans and sportsmen can meet. The organizers
are also planning to open a sports area featuring an ice
rink with an area of 5,000 square metres, cross country
skiing track, laser biathlon shooting range, two ice hockey
rinks, curling track, snow park, speed skating ring,
snowboarding U-ramp, etc. It will be possible to lend the
sports equipment on the spot. Large format projections
of sports events and artist exhibitions are also planned.
QOpen 10:00 - 22:00. Admission free.
The Olympic Village Prague Sotchi





Hlavn mediln partner
Barbara Crane,
Private Views, 1980-1984
Divadlo Hybernia F-3, Praha 1, nm. Republiky 4,
tel. (+420) 221 41 94 12, www.divadlo-broadway.
cz. Dating back to the reign of Charles IV, this building was
recently refurbished and now provides a home to Golem, a
musical of the Jewish legend, which plays daily with English
subtitles. NB Rows 1-6 & 32-33 are not good for viewing
the subtitles. Q Tickets 599 - 799K. Box office open
10:00 - 02:00. Performances at 19:00. 15:00 & 19:00 Sat
& 15:00 Sun. PA
Laterna Magika C- 4, Praha 1, Nrodn 4, tel.
(+420) 222 22 20 41, Laterna Magika
developed a new way of combining theatre, dance, mu-
sic and film for the 1958 Brussels Expo, and was doing
multi-media performances before the word even existed.
All productions are visuall y orientated wi th no spoken
Czech - ideal for foreigners. Q Per formances start at
20:00. Tickets 735K.
National Theatre C- 4, Praha 1, Nrodn tda 2,
tel. (+420) 224 90 16 68,
Pragues most beauti ful riverside building hosts a wealth
of performances, mostly concerts and opera. Find the
booking office in the modernist glass building next door.
Q Booking office open 10:00 - 18:00; Sat, Sun 10:00 -
12:30, 15:00 - 18:30.
vandovo divadlo Praha 5, tefnikova 57, tel.
(+420) 234 65 11 11, Local
and international plays, both classic and contemporary;
always something interesting going on at vandovo. They
offer English subtitles on screens above the stage, so your
best bet are seats in the balcony. Visit their website for other
dramatic and occasionally musical interests.
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
Visit Plze - city of beer and culture
A magnet for tourists in West Bohemia is the Royal City
of Plze (Pilsen), founded in 1295. The large number of
preserved old buildings have made the historic city centre
a real compendium of architectural styles - you should
certainly see the Gothic Church of St Bartholomew with the
highest church tower in the Czech Republic (102.26 m), the
Renaissance city hall and Baroque bishopric building and the
Great Synagogue, the third largest in Europe.
It was two businesses founded in the mid-19th century
which assured Plze real fame koda engineering works
and Plzesk Prazdroj (Pilsner Urquell) brewery. Discover
the secret of producing this world-renowned beer on a tour
of the brewery, and find out about the history of brewing
by visiting the Brewery museum which also offers tours of
Plzes historic underground.
Plze is the ideal place for a trip with your family, as children
can visit the attractive Plze Zoo and DinoPark. Check out
the Puppet Museum on the main square to see world-
famous puppets, Spejbl and Hurvnek. Youll have great
fun discovering the world of science and technology in the
Techmania science centre, and see the whole of the night
sky in the unique 3D planetarium. There are a host of cultural
events and festivals throughout the year which enliven the
city, so youre assured that boredom wont be an issue.
Plzes rich cultural traditions and new art projects have
made it a European City of Culture for 2015. There will be
at least 650 events involved in the programme for 2015.
The citys excellent position in the centre of West Bohemia
makes Plze the ideal starting point for nearby trips. There
are worl d-renowned spa towns nearby Karl ovy Vary
(Carlsbad) and Marinsk Lzn, or you can visit Prague or
umava (the Bohemian Forest). So leave your luggage in one
of the many excellent hotels and enjoy a relaxing stay in the
capital of West Bohemia, Plze.
Pilsen City Information Centre
nm. Republiky 41, tel. +420 378 035 330,
fax. +420 378 035 332, [email protected],,
Tourist information
By bus
From Prague Zlin (terminal station of underground B
line) every hour with bus company Student Agency. Tickets
on the spot. The transport takes 60 minutes. Direct trains
from Prague centre (Praha hlavn ndra) to Pilsen main
train station (every hour). Transport takes 1 hour and 40
min. Timetable (buses or trains)
By car
Freeway D5 di recti on Pl ze (85 km). Easy cheap
parking in the city centre (parking house Rychtka;
4944'59.32"N, 1322'51.10"E)
How to get there
Many people say Prague is nothing but a big village. Its a city
that draws people from all over the world - and many find it
hard to leave. If you are looking to spend a little bit longer
here in town, weve brought together some experts and sug-
gestions for making your stay here a bit more comfortable.
Allied Pickfords Praha 5, Na Radosti 413, tel.
(+420) 233 09 05 01, fax (+420) 233 09 05 02, www. A twenty employee company doing
everything from household to international company moves.
QOpen 08:00 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
At Home Network Prague 2, Vinohradsk 25,
MMuzeum, tel. +420 222 23 32 33/+420 773 55 23
36, [email protected], www.athome-net- Looking to settle down in Prague? Luxury
home sale and rental assistance can be found through At
Home Network. Property consultations and accompanied
home searches are just two of the services offered. QOpen
08:30 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
Hunger Wall Residence B-4, Praha 5, Plask 615/8,
MAndl, tel. 257 40 40 40, fax 257 40 40 60, info@, I f your journey to
Prague is going to last a bit longer than just a weekend,
consider checking in to the Hunger Wall Residence. Located
in Mal Strana, youll be treated to a city centre location thats
surrounded by parks. Eighteen apartments comprise the fully
renovated building, offering such amenities as a separate
working corner and kitchenette. An LCD TV, washer and
dryer plus a personal security and fire alarm guarantees your
comfort and safety. Q18 rooms (8 Junior Suite 86 - 104,
8 Superior Suite 92 - 112, 2 Executive Suite 102 - 127).
Health & Beauty
American Dental I-3, Praha 1, V Celnici 4, MNmst
Republiky, tel. (+420) 221 18 11 21, fax (+420) 221 18
11 20, [email protected], www.americandental.
cz. Whether you have a pain in the mouth or looking to up-
grade your smile, the professionals at American Dental can
help. They have a full range of modern dentistry technology,
plus offer a variety of teeth whitening systems. QOpen
08:00 - 20:00. Closed Sat, Sun. A
Cybex Praha 8, Poben 1 (Hotel Hilton), tel. (+420)
224 84 27 13, fax (+420) 224 84 23 72, info@cybex-, Delightful, top-quality
surroundings and equipment for you to exert yourself in/on/
with. We suppose if youre going to suffer, you may as well
do it in style. QOpen 06:00 - 22:00, Sat, Sun 07:00 - 22:00.
Dental Office H33 Hvzdova 44, Praha 4 Pankrc, tel.
733737337,241410001, [email protected], www. Dental Office H33 is the centre for excellence
in dental care, implantology and cosmetic dentistry. They provide
premium dental care to international standards. The team of den-
tists, dental hygienists and assistents is prepared to provide the
level and range of treatment desired by their demanding patients.
Erpet Medical Centre H-5, Praha 1, Ptrossova
10, MKarlovo nmst, tel. (+420) 221 595 000,
[email protected],
Emergency toothache or a new bright smile - the experts at
Erpet can make it happen. Not only do they offer weekend
emergency service (phone: +420 724 511 547) but also
an array of reconstruction work like porcelain veneers and
crowns and bridges. Their tagline is We are here to make
you smile so get them to give your pearly whites a brush-up.
QOpen 7:30 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun. JA
Holmes Place Prague 5, Plzesk 8, MAndl, tel.
(+420) 257 313 830, [email protected], www. Del uxe heal th cl ub i nsi de the Nov
Smchov mall. QOpen 07:00 - 22:00, Sat, Sun 09:00 - 22:00.
Polyclinic at Narodni D- 4, Praha 1, Nrodn 9,
MNrodn tda, tel. (+420) 222 075 120, poliklinika@, 25 physicians,
all fluent in English (also some German, Russian and French
spoken). Preventative care and travel vaccinations, US visa
medical, dental, physio, home visits and 24hr emergency
coverage. QOpen 08:30 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun. 24hr
emergency, tel. 777 94 22 70. Lab opens at 08:00. A
Sportcentrum YMCA I-3, Praha 1, Na Po 12,
MNmst Republiky, tel. (+420) 224 87 58 11, fax (+420)
224 87 58 18, [email protected], Sweat
away the kilos in the fitness centre or sauna then cool down
by taking a dip in the swimming pool or by getting a massage.
QOpen 06:30 - 22:00, Sat 08:00 - 20:00, Sun 09:00 - 21:00.
Arkdy Pankrc Praha 4, Na Pankrci 86, MPankrc,
tel. (+420) 225 11 11 00, [email protected], www. Arkdy Pankrc is the newest of Pragues
bazillion malls. With a direct entrance from the Pankrc metro
station and a lot of really good shops; this should be a popular
hang out. Blaek for men, Pierre Cardin and Pietro Filipi are just
a few of the good ones, along with consistent favs Next, Gant,
H&M and Mango. And, they have nine separate shoe shops!
Unfortunately, the food court (everyones real reason for going
to the mall) is a bit disappointing; however they do have a branch
of the fab Lebanese restaurant, Safir. QOpen 9:00 - 21:00.
ern re F-3, Praha 1, Na Pkop 12, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 221 01 41 11, All the right
shops and some fine extras in this larger-than-it-appears centre.
QOpen 09:00 - 20:00, Sat 09:00 - 19:00, Sun 11:00 - 19:00.
Palladium nm. Republiky 1, Mnm. Republiky, tel.
(+420) 225 770 250, Pragues
newest and brightest mall. What used to be an army bar-
racks is now home to a huge variety of shops. A gourmet
floor and lots of restaurants means you could easily lose a
day amidst the 5 floors of climate-controlled amusement.
QOpen 7:00 - 22:00.
12 13
Winter 2014 Liberec In Your Pocket
Southern Bohemia
The region south of Prague is an outdoor lovers paradise.
Bi kers and wal kers fl ock to the area every weekend
to experi ence the fresh air and beauti ful countrysi de.
Picturesque towns and historical castles are available to
discover, whether you choose to explore the region by your
own power or not. We introduce you to four towns well-worth
your time.
esk Krumlov
This jewel of Southern Bohemia is almost too picture perfect.
A grandiose castle on a hill; a winding river twisting and
turning its way through the town; narrow streets huddled
together the adjectives could go on and on. Unfortunately,
all this cuteness brings a lot of tourists. One of the most
visited cities in the Czech Republic after Prague; youll be
sharing the tiny streets with many a camera-touting traveller.
Thats not to say you should give it a pass however. Spend
a couple days there; youll discover early mornings and late
afternoons and evenings are a bit more peaceful and allow
you to truly absorb the splendor.
Hotel: Bellevue, Latrn 77
Telephone: (+420) 380 720 177
Email: [email protected]
Tourist Information: Nmst Svornosti 2
Telephone: (+420) 380 704 622
Email: [email protected]
Peat moss and fish. Sounds like a smell y combination
but throw in some bikes and youve got a per fect Tebo
trip. This spa ci ty li es in the heart of the Tebo Basin,
a UNESCO bi osphere reser vati on. The area i s l aced
wi th fish ponds, full of the countrys favori te fish carp.
Whil e visi ting, be sure to try i t. I f youve eaten i t before
youl l be surpri sed by i ts cl ean, fresh taste. These
ponds are full of peat moss, and what better to do wi th
the pl ethora than spread i t on your body? The stuf f is
supposedl y full of iron, so good for your j oints. A relaxing
way to spend an evening after biking through the area
on well -marked trails.
Hotel: Zlat Hvzda, Masarykovo nmst 107
Telephone: (+420) 384 757 111
Email: [email protected]
Tourist Information: Masarykovo nmst 103
Telephone: (+420) 384 721 169
Email: [email protected]
Jindichv Hradec
Boasti ng the thi rd l argest castl e i n the Czech Republ i c,
J i nd i chv Hr adec i s a l ai dback, qui et pl ace t o
experi ence. The mai n square of Nmst Mru i s a
treasure trove of archi tectural styl es whi l e the nearby
Vaj gar Lake of fers a cooli ng landscape. Cli mb the tower
of the Church of the Assumpti on of the Vi rgi n Mary for
a bi rds eye vi ew of the surroundi ng countr ysi de or
stay l ow and experi ence the Gothi c and Renai ssance
wonders of the castl e.
Hotel: Bl Pan, Dobrovskho 5
Telephone: (+420) 384 363 329
Email: [email protected]
Tourist Information: Pansk 136
Telephone: (+420) 384 363 546
Email: [email protected],
Rel i gi ous wars and the Hussi tes pl ayed a bi g par t i n
the countr ys hi stor y back i n the 1400s. No where
i s thi s more apparent or preser ved than the town
of Tbor. The second l argest ci ty i n the regi on, i ts
hi stori cal center i s a beauti ful maze. The streets were
ori gi nal l y desi gned to thwar t i nvadi ng armi es; but now
they are an enj oyabl e way to fi nd yoursel f getti ng l ost.
Vi si t the Hussi te Museum and Underground Tunnel s
for a gl i mpse back; or wander around Lake Jordan
for a breath of fresh ai r. Tbors easy styl e and cl ose
proxi mi ty to Prague make i t a great pl ace to spend
the day.
Hotel: Nautilus, ikovo nmst 20
Telephone: (+420) 380 900 900
Email: [email protected]
Tourist Information: ikovo nmst 2
Telephone: (+420) 381 486 230
Email: [email protected]
Far to the north, along the Polish border, lays the intriguing
region of Liberec. Here youll find mountains and cities; a
curious mix of nature and culture. Discover the area via a
canoe on the Smd River; visit the wonderful Liberec Zoo
or spend an afternoon at the Babylon water park. Liberec
offers a wealth of fun for the entire family.
A mountainous area; the region is defined by the Luick
and Jizersk mountains to the north and the Krkonoe to
the northeast. In the midst, right outside the city of Liberec
is the towering and rugged Jetd Mountain. This symbol of
the region offers magnificent views of the surrounding valley;
and on a clear day you can see straight to Poland. The unique
tower perched on top was designed in 1973 by architect
Karel Hubek. Besides containing a communications tower;
theres also a restaurant and hotel there. The city of Liberec
is a distinctive and modern one. Architectural styles range
from 18th century classic style brick in the centre to well-
preserved 19th century industrial. The neoclassical town
hall is quite interesting, as is the villa quarter with stately
homes from the turn of the 20th century. One of the most
interesting can be found on Jabloneck street; the Lieberg
Manor-House. For a true flashback to the past stroll down
Vtrn street and admire the Waldstein houses. The oldest
buildings in town, they are the only remaining examples of
the classical merchant houses that used to make up the
downtown area.
The dominant tower of the Church of St. Antonin the Great
on Sokolovsk nmst is another defining landmark of the
city; its altar pictures the patron saints of the Czech lands.
The original Liberec synagogue was a monumental homage
to Neo-Renaissance architecture. It was burned down by the
Nazis in 1938 and has since been built. This new incarnation
is in the shape of half of the Star of David, and its faade is
symbolically representative of the Wailing Wall. You can find
this fascinating structure on Rumjancevova Street.
Now that youve explored the city; its time to visit some of
its sites. The Liberec Zoo is one of the best in the country,
containing wooded areas and a stream running through.
Here you can see eagles, rhinoceros, penguins, giraffes and
many more. The Liberec Zoo is also the only zoo in central
Europe that breeds white tigers. They are also known for
their breeding of rare and endangered species like Somali
donkeys and the macaque ibex.
In the style of an ancient spa, Babylon entertains modern
famili es of all ages. This aqua park not onl y of fers water
sli des, swimming pools, steam baths and a wil d ri ver
but al so some dri er acti vi ti es such as bowl i ng, l aser
shooting and a casino. Theres a hotel and restaurant
onsi te as well.
For more cultural pursuits, check out the Museum of Northern
Bohemia (its building is worth the entrance fee alone) or the
Regional Gallery, filled with European and Czech art. But now
lets get out of the city and explore what other attractions
the region has to offer.
There are three protected landscape areas in the region;
which means hikers and bikers will find plenty of nature
to explore. The area is crisscrossed by well-marked trails,
enabling you to plan and carry out an athletic excursion
all on your own. Water lovers should head towards Mcha
Lake or the region of Holansk for their network of artificial
lakes. Hikers must visit esk raj or Bohemian Paradise.
This geopark is home to a variety of interesting sites like the
Bozkov Caves and their underwater lake; giant potholes; a
petrified forest and lava streams. Towns in the area include
elezn Brod, Jilemnice and Turnov.
From ruined castles to elegant homes; from rock towns to
world class zoos everyone will find something to discover
in and around Liberec.
14 15
Winter 2014 Prague In Your Pocket
For those looking to escape the crowds of Prague, Olomouc,
a roughly 3 hour train ride from the capital, should capture
your heart. The pretty university town is small enough to be
charming, yet interesting enough for at least a weekend.
Located in Moravia, theres a plethora of architecture and
Olomouc is the fi fth largest city in the Czech Republic with
a population of about 100,000. It is home to the countrys
second ol dest uni versi ty (after Charl es Uni versi ty i n
Prague) which means its culture scene is alive and theres
a variety of dining and entertainment options available. To
get a feel for the city, start you day on the main square,
Horn nmst. There you will find the UNESCO listed Holy
Tri ni ty Col umn. I t is the largest coll ecti on of Baroque
statues within the framework of one sculpture group in
Central Europe. The lower part contains a chapel, which
can be visited by appointment only. The column is made
up of 18 statues, 12 torchbearers, 6 reliefs, a sculptural
group of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and finally
at the top, the Holy Trinity. Also on Horn nmst is an
Astronomical Clock we told you a visi t would be like
Prague! This clock is qui te di fferent from the one that
draws massive crowds to Old Town Square. The clock
dates back to the end of the 15th century, however the
form it takes here is much di fferent than what the original
planners had designed. During World War II, the clock
was so damaged in the fighting that City Hall decided not
to reconstruct it, but instead design something modern.
What youll see now is a 1950s work depicting Communist
era prol etariat, like buil ders, agri cul tural workers and
other laborers. The clock performs once a day, at noon,
for about five minutes.
There are a number of interesting museums in Olomouc
something for nearly everyone. The beautiful Archdiocesan
Museum, located on Vclavsk nmst, is home to a
permanent exhibition of the Olomouc Archdiocese, a picture
gallery featuring paintings dating back to the 16th century,
and the Mozarteum, a great hall commemorating the famous
composers stay in Olomouc. The inside of the Museum of
Modern Art belies its Classist style exterior. The permanent
exhibition is one on arts and crafts form the turn of the
19th and 20th centuries and temporary displays cover a
range of mediums. The Natural Science Museum is housed
in a former convent. The permanent exhibition is one on
endangered plant species while two exhibition halls host
about 20 temporary displays each year. The Olomouc zoo
is located about 10 kilometres outside the city, in a lovely
forested and hilly area. Giraffes, gibbons, ibex, white storks
and a Sumatran tiger are only a few of the more than 300
species you can find there. The aquarium, wolf pavilion and
birds of prey aviary are especially recommended.
The city is rich in religious history. Besides the Archdiocesan
Museum and the Holy Trinity Column, visitors can also marvel
at St. Maurices Church, the biggest Gothic church in the
region, dating from the 15-16th centuries and the oldest
Moravian monastery, the Archbishops Palace located in
the Olomouc suburb of Hradisko. The most signi ficant
sacred building in Olomouc is the Bishops Cathedral of St.
Wenceslas, built in 1109.
If you have a couple extra days, explore the lovely Moravian
countryside outside of Olomouc. The city is a great place to
base yourself while discovering the beautiful towns and tasty
Moravian wine in the eastern part of the county. Litomyl
and Krom are two charming towns that will keep you
busy for an entire day.
OLOMOUC INFORMATION CENTRE | Upper Square Town Hall arcade | tel.: +420 585 513 385
open daily 9:0019:00 | [email protected] |
most important urban conservation
area in the Czech Republic
only 2 hours by train from Prague
Holy Trinity Column UNESCO
sight since 2000
city of many monuments, parks
and entertainment
seat of the second oldest university
in the Czech lands
home of the genuine tvarky cheese
Visit Olomouc, hidden gem of
Europe and the most beautiful
Czech town. Lonely Planet
WIN A WEEKEND IN OLOMOUC! Answer the current competition
question at and win a unique weekend
for two in Olomouc and other great prizes.
Te four-star hotel ALLEY
ofers luxurious and
peaceful accommodation
in the heart of Olomouc.
Te ALLEY Hotel is located
directly at the entrance
to the vast urban park
while a few meters from
the historic city center.
Te hotel ofers frst class
accommodation in thirty
comfortably furnished
rooms and suites.
Business hotel ALLEY
Michalsk stromoad 1061/5
772 00 Olomouc
Legionsk 1311 / 21, Olomouc
Tel: (+420) 585 575 111
Design hotel built in 2010 is located 10 mins
walk from the historic center. Hotel, which
was awarded the Building of the Year Czech
Republic 2010 and won the Best conference
hotel in Olomouc Region 2012, stands out
above all, a conference space. The entire
convention oor with an area of ca 1,350 square
meters and capacity of nearly 1,600 people
are equipped with high-quality audio-visual
technique. The halls are variously combined
and suitable for all types of meetings and
events from small groups to large conventions.
The halls are air-conditioned, with daylight and
a private outdoor terrace. The hotel comprises
137 rooms, including 10 superior rooms and
3 junior suites. All rooms offer wi internet
access, coffee and tea service and safe deposit
box free of charge. Fitness in this center is also
guaranteed by hotel guests free of charge.
16 17
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
Beautiful Kutn Hora - a must-see destination, just an hour away from Prague
Kutn Hora is inseparably connected with silver mining
and coin minting. In the past it was rightfully regarded as
a heritage jewel of our nation, as its wealth once fuelled
the Czech Kingdoms expansion. Its cultural and historical
importance was recognised in 1995, when the historic
town centre was declared a UNESCO World Heritage
Site, along with the Cathedral of St Barbara and the
Cathedral of Assumption of Our Lady and St John the
Baptist in Sedlec. The centre has preserved its historic
spirit thanks to the sensitive reconstruction of the stone
streets and pavements.
Kutn Hora Town
Information Centre
Palackho nmst 377
tel. +420 327 512 378, +420 731 801 004
e-mail: [email protected]
Tourist information
In winter time many sights and towns switch into a sleepy
mode. This is not the case of Kutn Hora. Both Cathedrals,
as well as the Italian Court, the former royal mint, and the
renowned Ossuary (decorated entirely with human bones)
keep their gates open all year round. A cellar under the
Sankturin House hides away a unique Alchemy Workshop
Museum ask the Information Centre staff for admission. To
learn about the dark side of the towns history, you can visit
the Unveiling of the Mysterious Face of Kutn Hora Museum.
The Czech Museum of Silver is located in the Gothic palace
Hrdek and offers guided tours to the medieval silver mine
from April to November. Last year the Museum won the
Travellers Choice Attractions Award from TripAdvisor, the
worlds largest travel site. The award was based on candid
feedback from travellers recognising travellers favourite
things to do in destinations around the world.
For more information, including a tourist town map and guided
tour offers, please visit






For an unforgettabl e experi ence come to Ostrava, a
friendly and dynamic city in the heart of Europe! You can
feel the spirit of Ostravas unique industrial heritage at
every step an unforgettably atmospheric backdrop to
a vibrant modern ci ty. Ostrava has become a popular
destination for making films and music videos, so dont be
surprised i f you meet a film crew or two while wandering
around the city.
But Ostrava is about much more than just its industrial
past. I t i s the greenest ci ty i n the Czech Republ i c, a
spacious metropolis packed full of beauti ful architecture,
with plenty to see and do all year round. Ostrava has a rich
and vibrant cultural li fe, offering unforgettable experiences
for all culture-lovers at the citys many theatres, concert
halls, music clubs, museums and galleries. To sample
Ostravas unique energy and cosmopolitan spirit, visit the
city during one of the big events held here - the Colours
of Ostrava music festival, the Golden Spike athletics
meeting (Usain Bolts favourite event!), or tenniss Davis
After discovering the citys rich industrial heritage and
enjoying its fascinating museums or galleries, why not relax
at one of the many sports and wellness centres in the city, or
treat yourself at the nearby Klimkovice spa resort. Ostrava
truly has something for everybody.
The Lower V tkovi ce ar ea, a r evi t al i zed for mer
steelworks and coal mining complex in the heart of Ostrava
ci ty centre, offers a day of unforgettable experiences.
After rel i vi ng Ostravas i ndustri al past at the former
blast furnace (now a national cul tural monument), you
can admire the historic gas holder now converted into a
multi functional auditorium known as the Gong a popular
venue for education, cul ture, events and conferences.
Finish your day at the U6- Small World of Technology,
a fascinating interacti ve exhibi tion themed around the
works of Jules Verne.
If you prefer going down the pit, discover the secrets of coal
mining at Ostravas Mining Museum, part of the Landek
Park, tracing the evolution of coal mining, mining technology,
and mine rescue services. Michal Colliery historic coal
mine is also open to visitors. Lets come and follow the
routes taken by miners when starting their shift including
the unique chain-system changing rooms, the engine hall,
and much more.
The Cathedral of St Barbara and the Jesuit College - GASK - nowadays the seat of the 2
largest gallery in the Czech Rep. showcasing modern art.
The Ossuary in Sedlec is the final resting place
for around forty thousand people.
The Cathedral of Assumption of Our Lady in Sedlec
the oldest Gothic cathedral in central Europe,
constructed as part of the Sedlec monastery.
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
Cream of the crop
Ambassador Zlat husa F- 4, Praha 1, Vclavsk
nm. 5-7, MMstek, tel. (+420) 224 19 31 11, fax
(+420) 224 22 61 67, [email protected], www. At the bottom of Vclavsk nm. you can
find this glitzy Art Nouveau tower with extensive conference
facilities, a casino and Baroque-style rooms. Q162 rooms
(4 singles 145 - 203, 115 doubles 155 - 217, 32 suites
180 - 252). PHARLGBK hhhhh
Four Seasons D-2, Praha 1, Veleslavnova 2a,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 221 42 70 00, fax
(+420) 221 42 60 00, reservations.prg@fourseasons.
com, Just a step from
Charles Bridge, the Four Seasons affords its guests with as
much class and comfort as is humanly possible. Over a year
was spent renovating the four buildings that provide a roof
over your head, which range from 500-year-old elegance to
contemporary design. Q161 rooms (singles 275 - 550,
141 doubles 295 - 570, 20 apartments 695 - 3900).
Palace Praha F-4, Praha 1, Pansk 12, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 224 09 31 11, fax (+420) 224 22 12 40,
[email protected], A beautiful
Viennese Art Nouveau building houses this hotel, which has
been providing superior service to wealthier visitors to Prague
since 1906. Its elegance may be a draw, but its real selling
point should be the friendly staff. Q124 rooms (114 doubles
160 - 336, 3 apartments 770 - 1140, 7 junior suites 430).
Paris I-3, Praha 1, U Obecnho domu 1, MNm. Re-
publiky, tel. (+420) 222 19 51 95, fax (+420) 224 22
54 75, [email protected],
Everything is Art Nouveau in this building, from its intricate
faade to the lamps and other furnishings in its caf and
restaurant. Even the brass door handles on the antique lifts
are decorated in this beautiful style. Take the stairs and be
rewarded with stained glass windows and red carpets rolled
out for each guest in the hallways. Dont forget to check out
this hotel restaurant. A bit more ispired than most, there is
also live music Thursdays & Fridays. Q86 rooms (70 doubles
160 - 360, 3 apartments 500 - 3700, 13 junior suites
280 - 520). PTHARLVEGBKD hhhhh
Prague Marriott I-3, Praha 1, V Celnici 8, MNm.
Republiky, tel. (+420) 222 88 88 88, fax (+420) 222
88 88 89, [email protected], Bigger really is better; plus
youve got an excellent location to boot. Every amenity
imaginable and size, lots of it. Higher priced suites have
two levels. The rooms have recently been renovated for an
extra pop of luxury and comfort. If you are shelling out for
a suite or better, then breakfast in the Executive Lounge is
included. Q293 rooms (258 doubles 149 - 315, 33 suites
359 - 495). PTHARUFLGKDC hhhhh
Sheraton Prague Charles Square Hotel H- 5,
Prague 2, itn 8, MKarlovo nmst, tel. (+420) 225
99 99 99, fax (+420) 225 99 99 09, www.sheraton- The Sheraton near Karlovo nmst offers
comfy beds, a good in between Old and New Town location
plus in room high speed internet connection and a variety
of dining options. Modern and sleek, the first Sheraton in
Prague has 160 rooms consisting of 122 deluxe rooms plus
38 suites. Its a well-located smart choice. Q (Deluxe rooms
160, Premium rooms 225). PJHA6UFKW
Absolutum Boutique Hotel Praha 7, Jablonskho
4, MHoleovice, tel. (+420) 222 54 14 06, booking@, The abso-
lute best place to stay in Praha 7. Design hotel Absolutum is
an upscale, clean and shiny place with all the conveniences
of home; including internet connection and parking. The
restaurant is also getting rave reviews so if you are looking
for chic accommodations in a cool hood, absolutely check
in.Q34 rooms (singles 69, doubles 79, 16 Standard, 16
Superior, 2 Junior Suites). PAUFK hhhh
Angelo Hotel Praha 5, Radlick 1g/3216, MAndl,
tel. (+420) 234 80 11 11, fax (+420) 234 80 99 99,
[email protected], Brightly
coloured design and black and white photos abound in this
buzzing hotel in the happening area around Andl. Rooms
and even suites are on the small side, but beds are King
and all suites have a terrace. The hotel is designed for the
businessman, but robes, TV & DVD afford pleasure-seekers
some comfort too. The safe is notebook-sized and has
an interior plug for safe recharging. The lower price for a
double room is single occupancy. Q168 rooms (163 doubles
140 - 255, 2 suites 200 - 300, 3 junior suite 180 - 280).
Apostolic Residence E-3, Praha 1, Staromstsk
nm. 22, MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 221 63 25 56, fax
(+420) 221 63 25 58, [email protected], You cant get any closer to the
Old Town with these rooms and apartments, right opposite the
astronomical clock. Fabulous views beckon if you tire of your
gorgeous, antique-filled room. Q14 rooms (13 doubles 153
- 320, 1 apartment 213 - 428). PA6GBK hhhh
Belvedere I-1, Praha 7, Milady Horkov 19, MVl-
tavsk, tel. (+420) 220 10 61 11, fax (+420) 233 37
44 71, [email protected], www.hotelbelvedere- Four-star hotel located in Letna area Prague 7
nearby Gallery of Modern Art, National Technical Museum
or Fair Ground Incheba Expo Prague. The hotel features 151
hotel rooms with Wi-Fi Internet connection, cosy lobby bar
& Internet Caf, restaurant, several conference rooms and
underground parking. Distance to the city centre: 15 minutes
by public transport - tram stop in the vicinity of the hotel.
Q151 rooms (109 doubles 49 - 108, 26 triples 68 - 135,
16 Double Executives 59 - 118). HAULGK hhhh
Casa Marcello F-1, Praha 1, snovka 3, MNm. Re-
publiky, tel. (+420) 222 31 02 60, fax (+420) 222 31 33
23, [email protected],
cz. This beautiful hotel alongside St. Agnes convent is a
bit hard to find but well worth it, if only to have stayed on
Eyelashes Street. A good option for those who dont want
to stay where any old riffraff can just saunter in as theyre
passing. Q32 rooms (20 doubles 140 - 270, 6 apartments
250 - 390, 6 junior suites 190 - 330). PTHARF
LGBKD hhhh
Chateau St. Havel Praha 4, V podzm 1, tel.
(+420) 241 44 57 17, fax (+420) 241 44 57 21, info@, The fabulous
neo-Gothic Kr castle, south of Pragues centre, houses
this exclusive hotel. Originally a 13th century fortress, the
building was remodelled into its current romantic form in the
1840s, and it still has an extensive English garden. From the
elegant lobby with its cassette ceiling and the minimalist
restaurant in the chapel to the regally-styled rooms, this
place is certainly for for a king. Q34 rooms (34 doubles
79 - 149). PTHAR6LGK hhhh
Cor i nthi a Panor ama Pr aha 4, Mi l evsk 7,
MPankrc, tel. (+420) 261 16 11 11/(+420) 261 16
60 61, fax (+420) 261 16 41 41, panorama@corinthia.
cz, The second, albeit less exclusive
Corinthia hotel in Prague still has excellent services and
facilities in rooms and restaurants. The pool provides pan-
oramic views of the city as one swims or lounges. Q450
rooms (118 singles 205 - 225, 321 doubles 205 - 225,
triples 275 - 295, 1 presidential suite 1340, 10 junior
sui tes 410). PTHARUFLVGBKDC
Hotel Duo Praha 9, Teplick 492, MStkov, tel.
(+420) 266 13 11 11, fax (+420) 283 88 01 42, info@, Hotel DUO
Prague, offers exceptional comfort, convenience and a wide
range of amenities and services. The hotel is located north
east of the city centre - just 10 minutes by metro from the
very centre of Prague. Indoor swimming pool, sauna, gym,
catering services, conference facilities, parking area and far
more is provided.Q647 rooms (62 singles 40 - 125, 556
doubles 41 - 134, 29 suites 59 - 199). HAUFL
GBKDC hhhh
Hotel & Apartments Elysee F-4, Praha 1, Vclavsk
nm. 43, MMuzeum , Mstek, tel. 221 45 51 11, fax
224 22 57 73, [email protected], www.hotelelysee- Located in the city centre of Prague, directly on
famous Wenceslas Square, the best shopping area in Prague.
All the Citys major attractions such as National Museum
or Old Town Square are within a short walk of the hotel. 63
elegantly and stylishly furnished rooms and 15 luxurious
apartments with parquet flooring. Regarding its convenient
position (in the renowned archway Jalta) the hotel provides
its guests with a range of supplementary services - fitness,
P Air conditioning A Credit cards accepted
O Casino H Conference facilities
T Child friendl y U Facilities for the disabled
R Internet L Guarded parking
F Fitness centre G Non-smoking rooms
K Restaurant M Nearest metro station
D Sauna C Swimming pool
6 Animal friendl y W Wi-Fi
Symbol key
AbsolutumBoutique Hotel Jablonskho 639/4, Praha 7
tel: +420 222 541 406 e-mail: [email protected]
MOSAIC HOUSE H-5, Praha 2, Odbor 4, MKar-
lovo nmst, tel. +420 221 595 350, fax +420
267 267 601, [email protected], MOSAIC HOUSE Design & Music Hostel
the first green hostel in the Czech Republic - blends four
hotel stars with modern, fresh, and fun. Slumber in the
comfort and style of our private rooms and apartments
and relish in the eco chic design. Mingle with a world of
fellow travelers in our shared rooms and enjoy live music
and cocktails at La Loca MUSIC BAR & LOUNGE. Explore
the golden city from our doorstep and make yourself
at home in our favorite city in the world.Q(Penthouse
120 - 212, Classic Double 40 - 58, 4 beds 9 - 14, 6
beds 7 - 11, 8 beds 6 - 10). PiLGW hhhh
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
working corner and kitchenette. An LCD TV, washer and
dryer plus a personal security and fire alarm guarantees your
comfort and safety. Q18 rooms (8 Junior Suite 86 - 104,
8 Superior Suite 92 - 112, 2 Executive Suite 102 - 127).
Marriott Executive Apartments I-5, Praha 2, V
Tnch 9, MMuzeum, tel. (+420) 221 02 21 02, fax
(+420) 221 022 103, www.praguemarriottexecu- An excellent choice for the corporate
or business traveller; the fully furnished studio or one-
bedroom apartments provide a home office area with two
lines, high speed (wired) internet access and fully equipped
kitchen. Housekeeping is available, as is dinner delivery from
a number of nearby restaurants. A fitness area, plunge pool,
plus business and conceirge services round out the ameni-
ties. Q53 rooms (53 apartments 80 - 250). JAFC
Czech Inn K-6, Praha 10, Francouzsk 76, MNm. Mru,
tel. (+420) 267 26 76 00, fax +420 283 87 06 36, info@, The pun is excused due
to the sheer design beauty and comfort these people have
afforded your average backpacker. From some of the makers
of Sir Tobys and Miss Sophies, Czech Inn is the future of back-
packing, we hope the custom iron bedsteads and furniture,
stylish fixtures, famous shower heads, caf and wow-split-level
apartments have already made the international press, even
the 10 bed dorm is spacious. Home to theBASEMENTbar with
regular events, concerts and daily happy hours. Reservations
necessary. Enter the promo code PIYP when making
your booking on our site and receive a 10% discount. Q52
rooms (12 doubles 42 - 57, 2 triples 58 - 65, 8 apartments
68 - 157, dorms 7 - 15). AGBKW
showers. Spacious dorms also available for the truly budget-
conscious! Free internet, guest kitchen, lounge and delicious
breakfast are just a few of the added benefits of this hotel/
hostel hybrid. Enter the promo code PIYP when making
your booking on our site and receive a 10% discount.
Q34 rooms (2 singles 30 - 42, 5 doubles 50 - 49, 4 triples
49 - 59, 3 apartments 60 - 73, 21 dorm beds 8 - 14).
AGBW hhhh
Neruda Praha 1, Nerudova 44, MMalostransk, tel.
257 53 55 57, fax 257 53 14 92, [email protected], One of Pragues first design hotels.
The 700 year old building nestled beneath the bulwarks of
the castle hold clean design, fully equipped modern rooms
with complimentary cake made in their divine caf from a
100 year-old recipe. The oasis of a roof top terrace is open
to non-guests too. Q42 rooms (singles 79, Superior Rooms
95). PARB hhhh
NH Prague Praha 5, Mozartova 261/1, MAndl,
tel. (+420) 257 15 11 11, fax (+420) 257 15 31 31,
[email protected], The NH
Prague hotel offers you modern and tastefully-designed ac-
commodations in the heart of Prague, with 439 comfortable
and spacious Standard, Superior and Executive rooms, includ-
ing 28 Suites. The NH Pragues 136 newly decorated Executive
Rooms and Suites are located in the hotels Executive Building
at the top of Smichov Hill, connected to the hotel at the foot
of the hill by cable car. Executive room and Suite rates include
many extra benefits such as complimentary selected drinks
daily in the Tower Lounge Bar, a Nespresso coffeemaker right
in your room, complimentary Internet access and use of the
hotels Business Center and fitness/wellness facilities. Q442
rooms (singles 125, doubles 125, suites 185, Executive
room 140). PTHARUFLGBKD hhhh
Adalbert Praha 6, Marktsk 1, tel. (+420) 220 40
61 80, fax (+420) 220 40 61 90, office@hoteladal-, Serenely nestled in the
calm buildings and gardens of the Bevnov monastery is a
delightful hotel of understated elegance in the furnishings,
chocolate coins on pillows and polite staff. Hear chanting in
the church and sleep where under Communism the Secret
Police lived to keep an eye on these subversive monks. Q23
rooms (7 singles 75 - 105, 12 doubles 97 - 132, 2 triples
134 - 167, 1 suite 140 - 170, 1 apartment 169 - 202).
Evropa F-4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 25, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 224 22 81 17, fax (+420) 224 22 45 44,
[email protected], Amazing...
from the outside. The 1905 Art Nouveau faade is the
most beautiful on Vclavsk nmst, and the caf is lovely.
However, the rooms (including the faux Louis 16th suites) are
distinctively scruffy-looking, some downright shabby furniture
and creaky floors. The cheaper rooms share facilities in the
corridor. Q85 rooms (13 singles 38, 41 doubles 58, 26
triples 78, 5 quads 123). ALK hh
Olanka Praha 3, Tboritsk 23, MJi ho z Podbrad,
tel. (+420) 267 09 22 02, fax (+420) 222 71 33 15,
[email protected], This
large hotel is not a beauty from the outside and inside, the
rooms could do with a bit of renovation, but you can usually get
space here even when other places are full. Just a 15 minute
ride from the city centre. Q207 rooms (2 singles 43 - 70, 115
doubles 63 - 90, 43 triples 86 - 116, 26 quads 100 - 133,
6 suites 83 - 113). HAUFLGBKDC hhh
Amour Hotel Residence B-2, Praha 1, Malostransk
nm. 5, MMalostransk, tel. (+420) 257 53 55 78,
fax (+420) 257 53 55 79, [email protected], www. Amour Hotel Residence
offers accommodation in romantic premises placed on the
highest floor of a rococo palace known also as the Grmling
Palace. Located in Prague 1, on Lesser Town Square, in
the immediate vicinity of the Saint Nicholas Cathedral and
Charles Bridge. FREE Wi-Fi Internet connection in the entire
hotel.. Q9 rooms (6 doubles 79 - 179, 2 suites 140 - 280,
1 apartment 162 - 306). PTARGW
Appia Hotel Residences A-2, Praha 1, porkova 3,
MMalostransk, tel. (+420) 257 21 58 19, fax (+420)
257 21 53 29, [email protected], www.appiaresidenc- The residence offers 21 stylish furnished and
above-standard equipped rooms Deluxe and apartments. FREE
Wi-Fi Internet connection. The residence features 24 hrs recep-
tion, lobby, sauna, underground parking, breakfast restaurant
in the historical hall and romantic garden. Located in Lesser
Town, in the historical part of Prague, facing Prague Castle.
Q21 rooms (10 doubles 79 - 172, 9 suites 140 - 280, 2
apartments 162 - 306). PHARLGBDW hhhh
Hunger Wall Residence B-4, Praha 5, Plask 615/8,
MAndl, tel. 257 40 40 40, fax 257 40 40 60, info@, I f your journey to
Prague is going to last a bit longer than just a weekend,
consider checking in to the Hunger Wall Residence. Located
in Mal Strana, youll be treated to a city centre location thats
surrounded by parks. Eighteen apartments comprise the fully
renovated building, offering such amenities as a separate
The Best value for your Money
Teplick 492, Praha 9
Tel.: +420 266 131 111
Email: [email protected]
hairdressers, restaurants, cafs, theatre etc. Q78 rooms
(51 doubles 62 - 142, 10 triples 86 - 178, 15 Luxury
Apartments 130 - 288, 2 Double Rooms Deluxe 72 - 152).
PAULG hhhh
Hotel Ariston & Ariston Patio K-4, Praha 3, Seif-
ertova 65, MHlavn ndra, tel. (+420) 222 78 25
17/(+420) 222 78 11 87, fax (+420) 222 78 03 47,
[email protected],
Located in the district called Zizkov, only 1 km from the city
centre, the Main Railway Station just 5 minutes away from
the hotel. WIDE RANGE OF SPECIAL OFFERS. 116 rooms
equipped with king size bed or two separated beds, satellite
LCD flat screen TV, direct dial phone, Wi-Fi Internet connec-
tion, safety deposit box, minibar, tea and coffee making
facilities, bathroom with shower or bathtub and toilet, heated
towel rail and hairdryer. Q116 rooms (101 doubles 47 - 102,
15 triples 65 - 128). HAUGK hhhh
Hotel Noir Legerova 35, Praha 2, MI.P.Pavlova, tel.
+420 224 104 111, [email protected], www.hotelnoir.
cz. Design hotel Noir is skillfully combining history and the
present. This modern accommodation is situated in the
very heart of Prague - the Wenceslas Square, the National
Museum and the prestige residential district of Vinohrady are
all within 5-minute walk. Q PiJAGKW
Miss Sophies I-5/6, Praha 2, Melounov 3, MI. P.
Pavlova, tel. (+420) 296 30 35 30, fax +420 283 87
06 36, [email protected], www.miss- A hotel for the discerning but cost-sensitive
traveller, Miss Sophies showcases deluxe rooms with a
modern, clean design: air conditioned private rooms and
apartments are paired with stylish bathrooms and rain-head
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
Courtyard Marriott Prague Airport Praha 6,
Aviatick 1092/8, tel. (+420) 236 07 71 40, fax
(+420) 236 07 70 78,
Security dictates no open windows so its all sealed
but its all glass walls with magnificent views and Zen
garden by the fitness centre with jasmine, lemon, orange
and olive trees. The comfy library, lobby and business
area (with to pay Wi-Fi) and Italian restaurant with open
kitchen and as-required bar are all open to the public and
connected to the airport via a covered walkway. Rooms
are of the high Marriott standard with plasma TVs with
keyboard, to pay internet, an ice machine on each floor
and a fridge for you to stock. A welcome change to the
airports services. Q235 rooms (132 singles 85 - 125,
98 doubles 85 - 125, 5 suites 175 - 195). PTHA
Airport Hotel
Aloha Wave Lounge E- 1, Praha 1, Dun 11,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 602 25 13 92, www. Aloha Praha, aloha Honolulu. Plants, fran-
gipani shirts and photos of tanned 1950s Hawaiians with
longboards form the dcor to this club and restaurant. Sit
in the small upstairs area or descend to the large cellar to
sample from the menu. The food, with Pacific overtones is
quite unlike anything else in Prague. DJs keep the place buzz-
ing long after the kitchen closes. QOpen 09:30 - 04:00, Mon,
Tue, Sun 09:30 - 02:00. (115 - 270K). PAE
Ambiente Living K-5, Praha 2, Mnesova 59, MNm.
Mru, tel. (+420) 222 72 78 51, One of
the Ambiente chain, and as eternally popular as the others,
this place serves up fresh salad, great stuffed peppers, ribs
and of course chicken wings. This is billed as a lifestyle
restaurant and serves delicious dishes with their distinctive
brand of style. QOpen 11:00 - 24:00, Sat, Sun 12:00 - 24:00.
(150 - 300K). A
Angus Restaurant I-3, Praha 1, V Celnici 10, MNm.
Republiky, tel. (+420) 602 68 75 12, millennium@, With a name like
that; you can bet on steak, burgers and other menu items that
formally mooed. Choose from a New York strip or rumpsteak;
an Angus burger or an American classic. Good beef in a city
where its hard to find. QOpen 08:00 - 21:00. Closed Sat,
Sun. 125k-646k.
Cowboys Steaks & Cocktails A-1, Praha 1, Nerudova
40, MMalostransk, tel. (+420) 296 82 61 07, www. Bazaar has morphed into the Kampa
Groups sublime version of an American steakhouse. Premium-
tequila-laden cowgirls on the bar, quality and affordable cuts
of steak, seafood and even lobster (1,250K), complementary
wine list, myriad salad and side offerings, cool bar, tunes and
atmosphere. A fabulous cellar space, classy design, exellent
cuisine and staff round out another Kampa success. The
primo cafe serves Illy coffee, Cream & Dream gelato and more.
QOpen 12:00 - 01:00. (250 - 750K) PAIEBW
T.G.I. Fridays F-3, Praha 1, Na Pkop 27, MNm.
Republiky, tel. (+420) 221 96 72 28, www.tgifridays.
cz. The TGI brand offers the same huge-portioned menu to
homesick travellers in Prague as they do around the world.
For a slice of Americana with your apple pie, free refills and
crazy outfits, this is the place to be. QOpen 11:00 - 23:00,
Fri, Sat 11:00 - 24:00. (250 - 350K). TAUGBS
TGI Fridays Praha 5, Ndran 110, MAndl, tel.
(+420) 257 28 62 61, Another loca-
tion for the same as it ever was slice of Americana although
this one has cheaper prices than its Old Town sibling and
shares its bathrooms with Planet Sushi next door. The
rejuvenation of this area is underlined by the location here
of Pragues second TGIF . QOpen 11:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat
11:00 - 01:00. (120 - 400K). PTAGW
U Malho Glena B- 3, Praha 1, Karmelitsk 23,
MMalostransk, tel. (+420) 257 53 17 17, malyglen@, Renowned for the tiny
though classy jazz joint downstairs, the street level bar
has entertaining barmen, free-flowing beer and cocktails,
and good food. Czech-Mex standards jostle for space with
salads, sandwiches and hot pitas, although the menu has no
breakfast dishes, except (Bohemia) bagels. Kitchen closes
at 24:00. QOpen 10:00 - 02:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 02:30.
(50 - 300Kc). PE
Gitanes A-2, Praha 1, Trit 7, MMalostransk, tel.
(+420) 257 53 01 63, [email protected],
A vast and fairly expensive selection of local and international
wines precede a vastly unusual menu for a Prague restaurant.
Octopus and mussels vie for space with veal and lamb, served
in a marked Balkan slant, see sa, kajmak and sarma
sauerkraut. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. (185 - 435K). AG
Brewery restaurants
U Flek H-5, Praha 1, Kemencova 11, MNrodn
tda, tel. (+420) 224 93 40 19, [email protected], A tourist trap since they started brewing
their dark, rich aromatic beer on this spot in 1499. The brew is
worth the trip in itself, and should be accompanied by hearty
pub food. The loud and boisterous crowds of tourists and
locals are a show worth watching as everyone and his tour
guide treks through. QOpen 10:00 - 23:00. (85 - 320K). A
U Kalicha I-6, Praha 2, Na Bojiti 12, MI.P. Pavlova,
tel. (+420) 296 18 96 00/(+420) 224 91 25 57,
[email protected], The pub that
features at the beginning of the Czech literary classic The
Good Soldier vejk as the planned location of the never-to-be
meeting six in the evening after the war. An oompah
band keeps the atmosphere rolling. QOpen 11:00 - 23:00.
(150 - 300K). PAEG
U Pinkas E- 4, Praha 1, Jungmannovo nm. 16,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 221 11 11 50/(+420) 602 66
71 70, [email protected], The
presence of locals is encouraging in this beer hall whose not
unimpressive claim to fame is that of being the first pivnice in
Prague to have Pilsner Urquell on draught. A commemorative
plaque and a tap mark the spot where this countrys most
renowned beer began to flow in 1843. In todays establish-
ment youll find a courtyard terrace and two floors of beer
swilling and sausage eating. More elegant no-smoking rooms
are available for dining; the menu, although traditional, is
uninspired. QOpen 10:00 - 03:00. (150 - 200K). AB
Barnick rychta A-2, Praha 1, Trit 23, MMalos-
transk, tel. (+420) 257 53 24 61, [email protected], This dark and cosy pub, aglow
from the large copper lighting fixtures, may be the perfect
place to experience the beauty of Czech winters, although in
the warmer months it may translate as a little stuffy. Either
way the food is as earthy and homemade as it comes in
Prague. A must for those wanting a downbeat, real Czech
eating experience. QOpen 11:00 - 23:00, Sun 11:00 - 21:00.
(50 - 150K). AE
P Air conditioning A Credit cards accepted
E Live music S Take away
T Child friendl y U Facilities for the disabled
G Non-smoking areas L Guarded parking
O Casino M Nearest metro station
B Outside seating I Fireplace
R Internet W Wi-Fi 6 Animal friendl y
Symbol key
Melounov 3, Prague 2
tel. (+420) 296 30 35 30
[email protected]
Francouzsk 76, Prague 10
tel. (+420) 267 26 76 00
[email protected]
Dlnick 24, Prague 7
tel. (+420) 283 87 06 35
[email protected]
Hostel Prague Tyn Tnsk 19 - 21, tel. +420 224
829 058, [email protected], www.hostel- The Hostel Prague Tyn is a backpackers
accomodation in the historical centre of Prague . They provide
you a complete backpackers experience when staying in our
hostel. Hostel Prague Tyn is suitable for couples or families
since they offer private rooms too. Q iGW
Little Town Hotel A-2, Praha 1, Malostransk nmst
11, MMalostranska, tel. 242 40 69 64, info@littletown-, Opened in 2009, Little
Town Hotels best feature is its location. Right out your front door
is St. Nicholas Cathedral on Malostransk nmst. There are a
variety of rooms for every budget from dorm style to private,
en suite. The dcor is pretty bare bones, but when youve got the
magic of Prague to explore, who needs art? Staff is friendly and
helpful. Q (singles 49, doubles 33). JAGW
Old Prague Hostel F-2, Praha 1, Benediktsk 2, MNm.
Republiky, tel. (+420) 224 82 90 58, info@oldpraguehos-, Award-winning hostel
slap bang in the thick of Pragues nightlife. All entrances are key-
coded for security, dorms (max. 8 beds) have lockers and are fairly
cramped, but hey, all youre going to do is sleep in there. Plus free
internet, TV/DVD lounge, kitchen, breakfast and linen, a 24 hour
reception and very friendly staff the owners grandmother did all
the artwork. Q 20 rooms (prices from 21.30). G
Prague Square Hostel E-3, Praha 1, Melantrichova 10,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 224 24 08 59, info@praguesquare-, Full service
- friendly atmosphere is their slogan; and boy do they live up to
it. Included in the price is breakfast, free linens & towels, internet
&Wi-Fi, lockers and a luggage room. Checking out? Theyll keep
your bags for free. Newly reconstructed and in a great part of
town; definitely check it out. Q Prices from 13.90 . JGW
Sir Tobys Praha 7, Dlnick 24, MNdra Holeovice,
tel. (+420) 283 87 06 35, fax (+420) 283 87 06 36,
[email protected], A fri endl y,
excellently-run independent hostel. Its out of the centre, but
prices are good, transport connections abound, and within a
few blocks of clubs Mecca, Sasazu and Cross. Whether you
want a dorm or a room with private bathroom, they have it.
Plus garden, bar, full kitchen, internet and informative, knowl-
edgable staff. Enter the promo code PIYP when making
your booking on our site and receive a 10% discount.
Q27 rooms (1 single 35, 4 doubles 38 - 45, 4 triples
47 - 54, 6 quads 50 - 63, 12 dorms 6 - 12). AGBW
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
Washed down with lots of cold Pilsner beer, youll be feeling
full and fine in no time. Gorgeous Art Nouveau interiors and
a nice staff, reservations are recommended. QOpen 11:30
- 23:00. 210-425 CZK.
Aviatick 1092/8, tel. (+420) 224 24 25 77, info@, Czech
cuisine in the midst of international travel. Step out of the
airport for what may be your last chance for Czech food and
beer. Located in the shopping centre next to the Marriott,
they offer traditional Czech cuisine and original special
regional dishes. Their lunch specials are a good deal, and
they offer free Wi-Fi. Restaurant is also a Czech Specials
certificate holder. No smoking area. QOpen 10:30 - 22:00.
(120 - 440K). PTAGW
Francouzsk restaurace Art Nouveau F-3, Praha
1, Nmst Republiky 5, MNm. Republiky, tel. (+420)
222 00 27 70, [email protected], www.fran- Superb French (and some Czech)
gourmet dishes from this restaurants award winning chefs.
Mussels, rabbit, foie gras and duck all make delightful
appearances in one of the worlds masterpieces of art nou-
veau architecture (the Municipal House building itself) and
interior. Lunch specials and a concert package lower prices
somewhat, and try the Jazz Brunch on the first Sunday of
each month. QOpen 12:00 - 23:00. Open 12:00 - 23:00.
(600 - 2,000K). PAUEB
La Cave DAdrien Americk 18, Prague 2, tel. 00420
246 030 284, [email protected], http://lacave- La Cave dAdrien is a trendy boutique wine
shop and delicatessen with a simple and efficient website
and a sales force that is ready to listen to every customers
requirements in order to bring France to your doorstep.
Sarah Bernhardt I-3, Praha 1, U Obecnho domu 1,
MNm. Republiky, tel. (+420) 222 19 59 00, fbof-
[email protected], Hotel dining is
reaching dizzy heights in Prague and the art nouveau design
of this restaurant is divinely matched by Chef Karel Hyneks
inspired menues. Offering set meals for the undecided or
choose from poached trout or slow roated lamb. Live music
every Thursday & Friday evening. QOpen 6:30 - 23:00. Open
06:30 - 10:00 (10:30 Sat & Sun), 12:00 - 16:00 & 18:00 -
23:00. (550 - 1,200K). PAEG
Kri-Kri J-5, Praha 2, Korunn 48, MNmst Mru, tel.
(+420) 222 540 400, [email protected], www.kri-kri.
cz. Its all Greek to them. From the food to the service, Kri-
Kri is about as authentic as you can get off the island. Be
prepared for a long evening and dont go in starving as the
service isnt the best. However, once your food arrives youll
be wallowing in happiness over their stifado, shrimp saganaki
and tzatziki. Their Greek house wines are surprisingly cheap
and good. QOpen 12:00 - 24:00. Closed Sun. 145-210 K.
Olympos K- 4, Praha 3, Kubelkova 9, MJiho z
Podbrad, tel. (+420) 222 72 22 39, rezervace@taver-, Rightfully the
most famous Greek restaurant in Prague. Excellent Grecian
starters, a haul of fresh seafood, and friendly, hard working
staff. Superb. And the garden here is one of the best kept
secrets in Prague and has a great playground to keep the
kids happy. QOpen 11:30 - 24:00. (200 - 500K). TAB
Bellevue C- 3, Praha 1, Smetanovo nbe 18,
MNrodn tda, tel. (+420) 222 22 04 53, bellevue@, A fantastic set-
ting, looking out to Charles Bridge, the castle and the
Vltava, and a classic atmosphere sets the scene for you
to feel dead posh i f you want and i f you can afford it. Chef
Petr Bures prepares dishes like fillet of fallow deer with
rose hip sauce, caramelised pears, homemade sptzle
and wild mushrooms. Try their jazz brunch on Sundays.
QOpen 12:00 - 15:00 & 17:30 - 23:00. (1,000 - 2,000K).
Caf freys E- 3, Praha 1, Staromstsk nm. 10,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 224 82 80 31, info@
caf, www.caf Good servi ce and a
great location on Staromtsk nm. make this a popular
Irish pub for many, including large parties of stag nighters.
Prices are more favourable here than other Old Town spots;
plus they offer an excellent food menu (try the authentic
Irish breakfast), first rate Guinness (99 K), Magners Irish
cider (99 K), Walkers crisps and more to make you feel
right at home. A good venue to watch all the major (GAA
too) sporting events. QOpen 09:00 - 01:00, Sat 09:00 -
02:00. PABK
Chefparade Cooking School, tel. 734 814 743,
[email protected],
ists. Chefparade Cooking School in Prague is a place, where
cooking and fun meet. Discover local culture and Czech cui-
sine through special Cooking Courses for tourists. Hands-on
class in English gives you the opportunity to cook side-by-side
with the Chef and take home the feeling of local gastronomy.
All adjusted to your preferences. QOpen 08:30 - 17:30.
Dubl i ner I r i sh Pub F- 2, Pr aha 1, Tyn 1,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 224 89 54 04, info@, If you find yourself
hankering for a bit o Irish cooking; head over to The Dubliner
for a mighty fine meal. Indulge in their Irish specialties like
cottage pie, Guinness Irish stew or fish and chips. Feeling
exotic in an Irish sort of way? Try their chicken curry or chilli
con carne. Of course theyve got the big Irish breakfast plus
snacks and sandwiches. Live sports are played on their many
TVs and the atmosphere is usually rollicking. QOpen Mon,
Tue, Wed, Sun 10:00 - 01:00, Thu, Fri, Sat 10:00 - 03:00.
135-395 Kc. ABK
La Degustation F-2, Praha 1, Hatalsk 18, MNm.
Republiky, tel. (+420) 222 31 12 34, [email protected], This self-styled Bohemian Bour-
geoisie restaurant from the Ambiente Group is a luxurious
corner restaurant with an open kitchen and a private dining
room feel to it. Set menus intrigue the senses with a heady
list of amuse-bouche, there is a pre- and post-theatre menu,
and the sommelier has created a superb wine list. QOpen
18:00 - 24:00, Tue, Wed, Thu 12:00 - 14:30. Closed Sun.
(945 - 2,450K). A
Rocky OReillys Praha 1, tpnsk 32, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 222 23 10 60, [email protected], www. Nothing rescues an all-nighter like a mas-
sive Irish breakfast and Rocky OReillys is the place to get
it. You can get stuffed other times of the day as well with
their massive platters of food including ribs and chicken
wings. In true international style, you can get a curry, fajitas
or cottage pie. Friendly staff, plus lots of TVs showing live
sports and you may be here for a couple of meals. QOpen
10:00 - 02:00. 165-395 Kc. JAK
he most beautiful Art Nouveau
restaurant in the world
French and International cuisine
prepared by Captain of Czech
National Culinary Team Jan Horky
Daily live piano music
Extensive wine list
T. 222 002 770 F. 222 002 778
[email protected]
These restaurants are the ones to head for i f youre
yearning for spectacular views over the city while you
hold the hand of your lover. Or if you need something to
look at if the conversation wanes...
Il Giardino Praha 5, Mozartova 1 (Mvenpick
Hotel), MAndl, tel. (+420) 257 15 42 62, hotel.
prague@moevenpi, www.movenpi ck- Il Giardino is a hotel restaurant with a little
flair, created mostly by the rooftop view over Prague, but
also by their varied Mediterranean menu. Q Open 05:30
- 10:30, 12:00 - 23:00. (400 - 1,000K). PTAUG
Petnsk Terasy A-4, Praha 1, Seminsk zah-
rada 13, tel. (+420) 257 32 06 88, restaurant@, The
restaurant with one of the best views of Prague sits
halfway up Petn Hill and is furnished in a Slovak country
cottage kind of way. Cuisine is the somewhat traditional
international and Czech variety, and live dulcimer music
accompanies dinner. Take the funicular to the Nebozizek
stop to get here. QOpen 12:00 - 23:00, Sat, Sun 11:00
- 23:00. (160 - 280K). AIEB
Tower Park Prague K-4, Praha 3, Mahlerovy sady,
MJiho z Podbrad, tel. (+420) 210 320 081, info@, Dominant and
the highest building metropolis offers a unique 360
prospect with thematically capsules, restaurant, bistro,
bar and six-suite. Neighbourhood Tower Park Prague
surrounds a garden restaurant and a summer terrace.
In the next year will find there a mini golf course, picnic
lawn and playground. In the outdoor courtyard will be
located mobile stage and the auditorium. QOpen 08:00
- 24:00. PTAL
Food with a view
Chudoba K-5, Praha 2, Vinohradsk 67, MJiho
z Podbrad, tel. (+420) 222 25 06 24, info@res-, A
restaurant with smooth vibes, good food and drinking. With
various levels and alcoved tables in two separate rooms,
there is a feeling of privacy and calmness, added to by
the fish tanks and fireplace. The menu is large and is in
English too, with great dishes available, such as pregnant
marge, kiss me darling and sauted stinker. The fondue
is excellent. QOpen 11:00 - 01:00, Sun 11:00 - 24:00.
(65 - 230K) IB
Lv dvr A- 1, Praha 1, U Pranho mostu 6,
MHradansk, tel. (+420) 224 37 23 61/(+420)
257 53 02 26, [email protected],
Loitering in a small house at the northern entrance to
the castle, the Lions Court offers Czech cooking fit for
royalty at princely prices. The European wine selection is
excellent and their kitchen does amazing things to pork
that we hadnt dreamed possible. QOpen 11:00 - 23:00.
(150 - 400K). PAB
Plzesk Praha 1, Nmst republiky 5, MNmst
Republiky, tel. +420 222 00 27 70, info@plzenskares-, A cavernous room
in the basement of the Municipal House is home to a great
big Czech food experience. Huge plates of all the good stuff
come streaming from the kitchen. Go for some roasted duck,
pork tenderloin, beef goulash or chicken or pork schnitzel.
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
Osteria De Clara Praha 10, Mexick 7, tel. (+420)
271 72 65 48, [email protected], www.daclara.
com. A not-so-good location on the Vinohrady/Vrovice
border is an unfortunate fact of this nice Italian eatery.
Small menu of basic hearty meals; stuffed zucchini, riga-
toni ragu, pork fillet. All are well-prepared and a relaxed
atmosphere makes this an excell ent qui et spot. Lets
hope it doesnt stay too quiet. QOpen 11:30 - 15:00,
18:00 - 23:00, Sat 12:00 - 15:30, 18:00-23:00. Closed
Sun. 130-250K.
Japanese & Korean
Aureole Hvzdova 1716/2b, Praha 4, MPankrac, tel.
+ 420 222 755 380, High style in more
ways than one in this designer fusion restaurant located on
the 27th floor of the citys tallest building. Besides the main
dining area, theres a bar, two lounges and a fabulous ter-
race. Asian influences are scattered throughout the menu;
enjoy duck breast, roasted chicken or sushi. QOpen 11:00
- 02:00, Sun 11:00 - 24:00. 350-450 CZK or degustation
menu from 1250 CZK.
Mamy Korean restaurant Benediktsk 3, Praha
1, tel. 00420 224 815 009,
Mamy is a restaurant that offers traditional korean food.
They have 3 di fferent kind of kitchens. Original Korean
food, Sushi and Vegetarian menu. All of the vegetables,
meats, fishes, etc, are imported every day from around
the world.This is why the time you spend in Mamy will be
specially memorable to you.QOpen 11:30 - 21:30. .
The Sushi Bar G-5, Praha 5, Zborovsk 49, MAndl,
tel. (+420) 603 24 48 82, [email protected], www. The freshest fish for the best sushi, this place
does it - but for a price. Try the sushi menu for a selection
sampler - the three piece Temaki Sushi set and nine piece
Sashimi set was handsomely presented and deliciously
refreshing. Superb servi ce and intimate setting make
this a continual favourite. QOpen 12:00 - 22:00. (250 -
500K). PA
Latin American
Ambiente Brasileiro E-3, Praha 1, U Radnice 8,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 224 23 44 74, brasileiro@, Dont be alarmed when a man
brandishing a large skewer of meat appears before you
and starts slicing bloody chunks of beef onto your plate.
In addition to the churrasco grill, delicious pastas and ap-
petisers are also offered with Brazilian flair - and its eat all
you possibly can, so take some time. If you pay up before
18:00, the price is 445K for the meat churrasco. QOpen
11:00 - 24:00. Also at F-3, Na Pikop 22 - Slovansk Dm,
tel. 221 45 12 00. (225 - 545K) PA
Mexican & Tex-Mex
Amores Perros K- 4, Praha 2, Kubel kova 33,
MJiho z Podbrad, tel. (+420) 222 73 39 80, amo-
[email protected], www.amoresperros.
cz. A mediocre addi tion to Pragues Mexi can choi ces,
with uninspired dcor and dishes that have resulted in its
ambivalent ambience. This sounds a tad harsh, as Amores
Perros is no worse than any other Czech-Mex zone and
they do have a very cool contraption to keep your tacos
upright. Many a family group have weekend brunch here.
Not authentic, but good enough. QOpen 11:00 - 02:00.
(100 - 300K). PAS
Giallo Rosa F-3, Praha 1, Jakubsk 2, MNm. Re-
publiky, tel. (+420) 604 89 89 89, [email protected], This small take-away place decked
out in football scarves serves the closest thing to a New
York-style pizza that weve seen in Prague. Whats more
amazing is that it also provides as much oregano and spicy
oil as you need, gratis. QOpen , Mon, Tue, Sun 11:30 - 23:00,
Wed, Thu, Sat 11:30 - 24:00, Fri 11:30 - 01:00. (From 25K/
slice) AGS
The Obansk Plovrna Thai Restaurant U Plo-
vrny 8, Praha 1 - Mal Strana, MMalostransk, tel.
+420 257 531 451, fax +420 257 535 760, info@,
The Obansk Plovrna Thai Restaurant can boast a fabled
Thai chef, Paramese Mesy Wongwan, who is regularly with
imagination diversifying the complex menu, so it gives a true
picture of the traditional orient recipes based on freshness
and strength of the original foodstuffs. To one of indisputable
benefits of Obansk plovrna belong large terraces located
right on the river bank. Each terrace has got capacity of 50
seats; both terraces are roofed and as such protected from
direct sun shine and rain. This Thai restaurant its an ideal
place for your relax. For that matter, come and see. QOpen
11:00 - 23:00. EBKW
Yam Yam Thai Food & Cafe Praha 4, Metro station
Vyehrad 1670, MVyehrad, tel. +420 774 84 44 43,
[email protected], Never thought wed
recommend this place; but Thai lovers and others looking for
a good inexpensive bit should pop off the metro at Vyehrad
for a tasty Thai meal. Both the menu and the eatery is small,
but both offer a big bang. Good choices are their Nu Rad Prig,
Kaeng Pet Kai and the spring rolls. Yam Yam = Yum Yum.
QOpen 11:00 - 23:00, Sat, Sun 12:00 - 22:00. 50-145 CZK.
Clear Head (Lehk hlava) D-4, Praha 1, Borov 2,
MNrodn tda, tel. (+420) 222 22 06 65, info@leh-, Healthy and delicious,
this veggie place doesnt take itself too seriously and despite
the name, does serve alcohol. The open kitchen produces
ratatouille, pasta, salads, burritos and more, with tofu (try it
smoked) and eggplant high on the menu. Fresh juices can
be combined to detox while you sit and chill, eat and chat in
the cool dcor of their three distinct rooms. Tricky to find,
down a small alley, but worth it. QOpen 11:30 - 23:30, Sat,
Sun 12:00 - 23:30. (80 - 150K) NG
Wine bars
Bokovka H- 5, Praha 1, Ptrossova 8, MKarlovo
Nmst, tel. (+420) 721 26 25 03, wineclubokovka@, Czech and international
wines in the heart of Prague opened by film directors Jan
Hebejk (Pupendo, Horem pdem) & David Ondiek (Samo-
tri). Large wine list and there is no smoking to mess with
the taste buds. QOpen 16.00 - 01.00. G
In Your Pocket is now available on all smartphones
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cities across Europe, In Your Pocket Mobile is
an invaluable resource which puts our unrivalled
content together with the technical capabilities
of todays smartphones. In Your Pocket Mobile
allows you to view all venues in a city on a map,
quickly showing which are the closest to your current
location. Smart filters can be used to ensure that
only those places which matter to you are displayed.
You can also leave comments about venues, as well
as rate them, right in the mobile platform. You can
even share your comments with your friends via the
most popular social networks. Point your phones
web browser to now.
In Your Pocket Mobile
7, MNdra Holeovice, [email protected], The Prague restaurant Salut
offers guests a pleasant and sensitively furnished environ-
ment with a hearth, circular leather cubicles and aquarium.
Friends and business partner can sample culinary speci-
alities in the hotel restaurant, which offers both Czech and
international cuisine. The hotel head chef will provide you
with many and varied gastronomic experiences. The wine-list
boasts top-class Moravian and foreign wine. QOpen , Mon,
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 07:00 - 23:00, Sat 7:30 - 10:30 ,18:00 -
22:00, Sun 7:30 - 10:30. PiKW
Aromi K-5, Praha 2, Mnesova 78, MJiho z Podbrad,
tel. (+420) 222 71 32 22, [email protected], www.aromi.
cz. Simplicity, tradition, passion is the Anatevka-like motto
of this upmarket Vinohradys Italian, but theres no fiddling on
the roof here. At Aromi theres a compact choice of excellent
pasta, meat and fish dishes, complemented by an equally
good wine list. As a result, the spacious L-shaped space holds
happy locals and expats enjoying the moment. Reservations
recommended. QOpen 12:00 - 23:00, Sun 12:00 - 22:00.
(95 - 395K). PAG
Bilkova 13 E-2, Praha 1, Blkova 13, MStaromstsk,
tel. +420 224 82 92 54, [email protected], A beauti ful space with a gorgeous
menu, Bilkova 13 is a relaxed, upscale dining experience.
Chef Krejci worked many years in Italy and has brought the
simple, homemade flavours to Prague. Classic pastas and
creative beef dishes are great choices, and be sure to savour
the wine list. QOpen 11:00 - 23:00. 140-440 K.
For more restaurants go to
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket


, ,
, ,
! 1992


. ,
, ,
45 .
, 1918
. ,
. 1344

( 1352 .),
(13561399). 600
1929 .
. ,

, 1342 .
, 1870
, 1357 IV.

, 1402.
16831928 30
. (. ,...).

12 ,
1591 .


1380. .



14 . ( 15 )
9 21 12 ,

8 1945

, -
. ,
, (Petn),
318 .
. 1890 -

(Vratislav Pasovsk), -

(Frantiek Pri l) (Julius
Souek) -
, 28 1891
, 20
, 20 .
, -
51 , 299 ,
63,5 .
. 60 -

. ,
, ,
1 1953 . t-
, .
. 1991

20 ,
, -
. ,
, ,

24 2002 .
Source: Czechtourism
Absol ut um Bout i que Hot el Pr aha 7,
Jablonskho 4, MHoleovice, . (+420) 222
54 14 06, [email protected], www.
7. - Absolutum
, oe oe
. e
, c
.QPAUFK hhhh
MOSAIC HOUSE H-5, Praha 2, Odbor 4, MKar-
lovo nmst, . +420 221 595 350, info@
mosai chouse. com, www. mosai chouse. com.



.QPiLGW hhhh

30 31
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014

, .

(U Flek), (Pivovarsk dm)
(Staropramen) .
, .
, .
U Kalicha
I-6, Praha 2, Na Bojiti 12, MI.P. Pavlova,
tel. (+420) 296 18 96 00/(+420) 224 91 25 57,
[email protected],

, , -


, -
, -
, .
H-5, Praha 1, Kemencova 11,
MNrodn tda, tel. (+420) 224 93 40 19,
[email protected],

Alchymist Grand Hotel & Spa

, ,
Alchymist Grand
Hotel & Spa. 5- boutique-

A-2, Praha 1, Trit19, M Staromtsk,
tel. (+420) 257 28 60 11, fax (+420) 257 28 60 17, reservations@,
Four Seasons
Four Seasons .


, Four Seasons

D-2, Praha 1, Veleslavnova 2a,
M Staromstsk, tel. (+420) 221 42 70 00, fax (+420)
221 42 60 00, [email protected],

. ,
, .

, ,

. , ?


, .

, .

, ?


? ,

, .

? ,

, ,
. ,
? ,


, ,


. !



, ,

, , .


, , , ,
, , , ,
, , .

. ,

, ,

. , !

Czech Specials.

, .
, , Ml nec
(), Malostransk beseda (
), Potrefen husa ( ), V Zti
( ) Hergetova Cihelna (
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
starting at 7:30
Our second PASSION after COFFEE?
and Czech microroasteries
Caf of the Year / 2nd place Caf of the Year / 2nd place Caf of the Year / 1st place
Caf Lounge
Plask 615/8, P5 - Lesser Quarter
For reservation dial: 257 404 020
www. cafe-l ounge. cz
Mo Fr: 7:30 am - 10 pm
Sa: 9 am 10 pm / Su: 9 am 5 pm
Bresto Prague 1, tpnsk 31, MMstek, tel. (+420)
222 21 28 10, [email protected], New
teeny tiny cafe and wine bar. Early hours make it nice for a
pastry and coffee, stop by at lunch for one of their freshly made
sandwiches and in the evening choose from their extensive
wine selection. And what welcoming staff we have! QOpen
9:30 - 23:30, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 23:00. (50-200k). J
Caf Imperial I-3, Praha 1, Na Po 15, MNm. Repub-
liky, tel. (+420) 246 01 14 40, [email protected], After a long facelift, the landmark Impe-
rial has reopened with the Art Nouveau tiles and wood carvings
still in situ within the high ceiling-ed rooms. The stale donuts have
sadly not reappeared but the beautiful and historic space is well
worth visiting for breakfast, a sandwich or meal (chef Zdenk
Pohlreich hails from the Radisson SAS Alcron and Marriott), al-
though reviews have been hit and miss. A decent cocktail list will
keep you here late. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00. (130 - 400K). PA
Caf Lounge B-4, Praha 5, Plask 615/8, MAndl,
tel. (+420) 257 40 40 20, [email protected], www. Voted best cafe in the 2010 Czech Bar
Awards, Cafe Lounge kept the love with a 2nd best cafe finish
in 2011. This Mal Strana spot is the height of sophistication.
They offer breakfast, a wide range of coffees, a delicious
lunch menu, a wine of the week and on Friday nights, live
music. With an emphasis on fresh seasonal cuisine, they are
highly recommended. QOpen 7:30 - 22:00, Sat 9:00 - 22:00,
Sun 9:00 - 17:00. TAEGSW
Caf Louvre D- 4, Praha 1, Nrodn 22, MNrodn
tda, tel. (+420) 224 93 09 49, cafelouvre@cafelouvre.
cz, In true French style, this historic
caf is for anything but bourgeois tastes. Caf Louvre is a true
slice of Czech life where a great breakfast is served that one
can enjoy with an international newspaper. Whether you want
to play a game of pool in the swank billiard hall or indulge in
some fresh pastries over coffee, this is the perfect place to
have a great caf experience. QOpen 08:00 - 23:30, Sat,
Sun 09:00 - 23:30. (100 - 500K). PTAVG
Emporio Caf F-4, Praha 1, Jindisk 3, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 234 65 60 99, [email protected], www. Befitting the newly renovated city palace
on the corner of Vclavsk nmst and Jindrisk, the lat-
est outlet of this chain caf inside it is the most grand; two
floors of sleek designer chairs, slowly revolving metal strip
lamps and a whole wall imaginatively decorated with, yes,
broken egg shells. The menu sports everything from salads
to full meals. Service is still somewhat lacking so make sure
you sit well within view of the waiter. DJs spin at weekends.
QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. Also at I-3, Praha 1, Krlodvorsk
11, tel. 222 31 02 48. (50 - 200K). PAS
Espressamente Illy I-3, Praha 1, V Celnici 8 (Prague
Marriott Hotel), MNmst Republiky, tel. (+420) 222
881 258, Open for breakfast
or lunch; the new Espressamente Illy promises authentic
Italian Espresso and cappuccino. Located in the Prague Mar-
riott Hotel, it has a street entrance on V Celnici. Offering 20
kinds of Illy coffee for your morning meetings, plus pastries
and light snacks; its a quiet place in a busy neighbourhood.
Globe H-5, Praha 1, Ptrossova 6, MNrodn tda,
tel. (+420) 224 93 42 03, [email protected], The Globe provides a sophisti-
cated atmosphere to meet other enlightened souls. Darker
walls indicate an edgier characterisation to this bastion of
expat life which had become a tad stuffy in its middle age.
The good food, books (new and second-hand) and internet
caf remain but now we also have Gambrinus on tap as well
as live music and events spicing things up. QOpen 09:30 -
00:00, Thu, Fri, Sat 09:30 - 01:00. (40 - 120K). AUE
Grand Caf Orient F-3, Praha 1, Ovocn trh 19,
MNmst Republiky, tel. (+420) 224 22 42 40, cafeori-
[email protected], The first floor of
the Cubist House of the Black Madonna is home to a truly
unique Cubist-style caf that was reconstructed from photo-
graphs to match the one that was here from 1911 until the
1920s. Even caf-capital Vienna doesnt have one of these.
The simple menu lists pancakes, sandwiches and some good
coffee. Try to get a seat on the balcony overlooking Celetn
street. QOpen 09:00 - 22:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 22:00. PA
Kavrna Obecn Dm Nmst Republiky 5, MNmst
Republiky, tel. (+420) 222 00 27 63, kavarna.od@, Come for the
atmosphere as well as the treats. This Art Nouveau caf on the
ground floor of Obecn Dm is one of the most elegant in town.
Youll be treated to nice service amidst beautiful surroundings,
and we dare you to turn your head when they start wheeling
the cake cart around. A breakfast menu, plus sandwiches and
salads make this a good break point no matter what time of
day. QOpen 7:30 - 23:00. 90-470K. JAEB
Starbucks B-2, Praha 1, Malostransk nm. 28,
MMalostransk, tel. (+420) 257 21 47 25, sbmalostran-
[email protected], Perhaps the
last place on the planet without one, Prague is now the happy
home to a Starbucks. Wipe the tear from your eye and order
your grande skinny latte, no whip. Smack dab in the middle of
Malostransk nmst; impossible for the masses to miss. The
ground floor is spacious, but theres more comfy seating down-
stairs. QOpen 07:00 - 21:00, Sat, Sun 08:00 - 21:00. 75-195k.


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Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
Ambassador Casino E- 4, Vclavsk nm. 5,
MMstek, tel. +420 724 747 401, ambassador.
[email protected], Texas
Holdem Poker, roulette, blackjack, pontoon and slots
attract a sophisticated crowd with the casinos excellent,
knowledgeable staff, and appropriate atmosphere. Q
Open 24hrs. AK
Bohemia Praha 4, 5. kvtna 65 (Congress
Centre), MVyehrad, tel. (+420) 241 40 65 57,
[email protected], www.casinobohemia.
cz. Pragues first casino. With slot machines, poker,
Blackjack and the usual suspects both on and off the
tables, Bohemia is as good a place as ever to gamble
your crowns away. Smart dress and ID required. QOpen
17:00 - 05:00. ALK
Casino de Prague Le Hilton J-2, Praha 8,
Poben 1 (Hotel Hilton), MFlorenc, tel. (+420)
224 81 09 88. One of the favoured casinos for Prague
expats, the Hilton provides roulette, poker, blackjack,
pontoon, Punto Banco, and slots with the worldwide
standards of the Hilton chain. QOpen 14:00 - 06:00.
Casi no Panor ama Pr aha 4, Mi l evsk 7,
MPankrc, tel. +420 724 747 403, panorama.
[email protected], The Corin-
thia Panorama Hotel hosts another winning casino
from the VIP group. The usual games (American Rou-
lette, Black Jack, Poker) and slot machines are on
offer, with drinks and refreshments. QOpen 20:00
- 04:00. AL
Century Casino Millennium I-3, Praha 1, V Cel-
nici 10, MNm. Republiky, tel. (+420) 221 03 34
01, Catering to the likes of the Mar-
riott Hotel, the Century Casino in the Millennium Plaza
boasts excellent croupiers who will help out beginners
and take anyones money. The usual roulette, poker and
blackjack are available. QOpen 15:00 - 04:00, Fri, Sat
15:00 - 05:00. AL
Hotel Ambassador
Vclavsk nm. 5, Praha 1
Hotel Corinthia Panorama
Milevsk 7, Praha 4
OPEN 20.00 - 04.00
Aloha Wave Lounge E- 1, Praha 1, Dun 11,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 602 25 13 92, info@, Wear a flower in your
hair and head downstairs to Alohas cocktail lounge, featuring
a long bar, Pacific cocktails at nice prices (try the Chi-Chi,
with vodka, pineapple and coconut), and a dance floor to
hula to nightly R&B and rock music. QOpen 09:30 - 04:00,
Mon, Tue, Sun 09:30 - 02:00. PAE
Back Doors Praha 5, Na Blidle 30/310, MAndl,
tel. (+420) 257 31 58 24, [email protected], www. This space is part restaurant, part bar and
part club in the cellar of an old Smchov house. Massive
wooden furniture and forged iron work complement the brick
walls and parquet floor of its historical setting. Good for
their lunch specials and fabulous for the night time change
to music bar with high quality audio system, where you can
hear various styles of music from famous Czech DJs. QOpen
11:00 - 02:00, Fri 11:00 - 03:00, Sat 18:00 - 03:00. Closed
Sun. AE
Barock H-3, Praha 1, Pask 24, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 222 32 92 21, [email protected], Not a rock bar at all. Swing
with the smart set in this flash and polished bar/restaurant
with huge windows and chandeliers - all the better to see
the beautiful models sipping and sashaying. The aprons will
come buzzing around you to offer expertly crafted drinks,
succulent sushi, and a reassuringly expensive bill. QOpen
10:00 - 01:00. PAU
Bugsys E-2, Praha 1, Pask 10, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 840 28 47 97, [email protected], www. Bugsys has been around for a fair while
now, but it has managed to keep the it that means it is a
place to go if you wanted everyone who has it to think that
you have it too. A trendy and hip crowd guaranteed then,
as is a menu featuring plenty of decent cocktails. QOpen
19:00 - 02:00. PAE
Cloud 9 J2, Praha 8, Poben 1, MFlorenc, tel.
(+420) 224 84 29 99, [email protected], www.cloud9.
cz. Nine fl oors up, Pragues first sky bar of fers stun-
ning vi ews, a cool interior, smooth sounds and amazing
cocktail s. A master bartender mi xes up ol d favori tes
pl us a l i ne of si gnature Cl oud 9-onl y concocti ons. A
small grazing menu of fers an ecl ecti c line-up of tastes
and weekend DJs keep the vi be going. Atop the Hil ton
Hotel . Hi ghl y recommended. QOpen 18: 00 - 02: 00.
Cl osed Sun. JAE
Coyotes E-3, Praha 1, Mal nm. 2, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 224 21 60 00, [email protected], www. Lots of beauties floating around here;
both behind and in front of the bar. Nightly DJs spin the best
from the 70s, 80s & 90s. Cocktails and food complete the
night. QOpen 16:00 - 03:00. PA
Dogs Bollocks G-7, Praha 5, Ndran 42/82,
MAndl, tel. (+420) 775 73 60 30, nadrazni@, I f ever there
was a misnomer. This pub would get high marks for its
casual interior, drinks selection and impressive bar food
were it not for the service that amounts to a euphemism
for detachment from its thirsty customers, with draught
beer running out at 23:00 on the Friday night we visited.
QOpen 17:00 - 3:00, Mon 17:00 - 0:00, Fri, Sat 17:00 -
5:00. Closed Sun. PA
Hangar Bar Praha Dun 9/9, MNmst Republiky,
tel. +420 724 004 305, [email protected], www. The Hangar Bar Prague is a stylish
establishment with the original atmosphere of 1940-60s
aviation. It combines the style and beauty of the pioneering
Pan Am Airlines in the upper-floor Pilots Lounge with the
recklessness of the stunt and military pilots in the Hangar
Club placed on the bottom floor. In Hangar Bar Prague you
can enjoy your cocktail and meal in peace, or experience
a wild atmosphere with the show going on till the morning
hours. The Hangar Cocktail Bar, Music Club and Restaurant
is located in the popular cocktail-bar quarter in Dun 9,
Prague 1. Q PJKW
Harleys E-2, Praha 1, Dlouh 18, MNmst Republiky,
tel. (+420) 227 19 51 95, [email protected], www.har- Interesting mix of bikers, locals and tourists, this long,
long bar has emerged on the scene not just because of their large
US style food, well mixed drinks or Wild Cats (shot shifting girls) but
due to the presence of two of Dusk till Dawns barmen. Check it
out. Shots around 60K and Jack 80K. QOpen 19:00 - 04:00,
Wed, Thu 19:00 - 5:00, Fri, Sat 19:00 - 6:00. (120 - 350K). A
James Dean E- 2, Pr aha 1, V Kol kovn 1,
MStaromstsk, tel. +420 606 97 97 97, info@, Whether you have
a cause or not, you can hit James Dean for an evening of
drinks and a dose of American. A big cocktail and spirits
list, the kitchen is also open till 23:00 serving up burgers,
sandwiches, chicken wings and other bar food. Q Restaurant
open 08:30 - 06:00 (food till 23:00), Bar open 21:00 - 06:00.
La Casa Bl E-1, Praha 1, Koz 15, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 224 81 82 70, [email protected], www. A package deal of generic South Americana
sold as the real deal. A pleasing and soothing spirit pervades
the darkened corners, which are perfect, when a little recu-
peration is needed, for sprawling in but at the same time
you can perch at the bar and find yourself in the midst of a
mini Mardi Gras. Ay caramba the food is great too. QOpen
11:00 - 23:30, Sun 14:00 - 23:30. 6EKW
La Casa de la Havana Vieja H-5, Praha 1, Opatovick
28, MNrodn tda, tel. (+420) 602 32 10 07/(+420)
222 52 38 58, [email protected], www.casahavana.
cz. Cool and stylish, this classic Cuban bar is sure to become a
classic Prague hangout. Dark wood, low lights, smooth Cuban
tunesoh and nearly 100 different kind of rum; a cocktail list
the length of an island plus tasting menus for a variety of spir-
its. Live Cuban music every Wednesday and Thursday night.
QOpen 17:00 - 01:00, Sun 17:00 - 24:00. PAEBW
LOCA cafe bar Smetanovo nbe 24, Praha 1, tel.
+420 604 901 188, [email protected], www.locabar.
cz. LOCA BAR - very brand new Restaurant & Cafe Bar nearby
Vltava River and Charles Bridge. Beautiful interior design, live
djs, great drinks... bartender shows etc. LOCA = the best place
for your party in Prague. QOpen Mon, Tue, Sun 11:00 - 02:00,
Wed, Thu 11:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat 11:00 - 04:00. JAKSW
Lokalblok G-6, Praha 5, nm. 14. jna 10, MAndl,
tel. (+420) 251 511 490, [email protected], www. A climbing bar in Andl, with air conditioned
walls, claiming to be the third largest in Europe. With good
overhangs and some tough lines, the wall will create a thirst
that is easily and cheaply quenched in the popular bar
upstairs, where the prime sport is vertical flirting. A weird
foosball table downstairs too. QOpen 11:00 - 01:00, Sat,
Sun 16:00 - 01:00. Climbing wall open 09:00 - 22:00; Sat &
Sun 12:00 - 22:00. 60K per day. PB
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
Peach Pit J-5, Praha 2, Budesk 933/22, MNm.
Mru, tel. (+420) 605 97 49 07, The
80s continue in this Beverly Hills 90210 themed bar. Far
more interesting than Jason and the girls is the chameleon
and the Wurlitzer. Seating is sofas, the front bar has piqued
the gay-dar of more than one visitor, its all a tad on the bright
side, but Staropramen is 21K and basic food is available.
QOpen 17:00 - 05:00. Closed Sun. P
Ultramarin H-4, Praha 1, Ostrovn 32, MNrodn tda,
tel. (+420) 224 93 22 49, [email protected], Deep in an old cellar, Ultramarin has
pricey but decently made drinks and a few bugs to iron out
service-wise. Theyve browsed through the chic end of the
renovation brochure producing a feel that is definitely style
over substance. QOpen 11:00 - 04:00. PAE
Akropolis K- 4, Praha 3, Kubelkova 27, MJiho z
Podbrad, tel. (+420) 296 33 09 13, www.palacak- Akropolis goes a long way to saving the world on
those humdrum nights in the winter. A sprawling den of scruffy
delights with great and often unusual live music and DJs. There
are two bars, an adjoining caf, plus the excellent gig space
offering some of the most intriguing music in Prague on offer.
Gigs have to finish at 22:00 so start times here are punctual.
QOpen 16:00 - 04:00. Admission 30 - 400K. EKW
Cross Club Praha 7, Plynrn 23, MNdra Holeovice,
tel. (+420) 736 53 50 53, [email protected], One of Pragues underground legends
has emerged into legal luminescence as the cool kid on
the block. The labyrinthine den has, despite its slightly out
of the way location, become a firm favourite. Jungle, drum
n base, house and chill out have their own rooms and the
music, whether DJ or live, has to compete with some of the
funkiest, most inventive and ever-changing dcor around.
QOpen 14:00 - 03:00. 6EBK
Duplex I-4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 21, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 732 22 11 11, [email protected], www.duplex.
cz. A massive designer space fed by a couple of lifts from
street level, this is where Mick Jagger decided to spend his
birthday, which has probably made the place even more full
of itself. Theme nights range from Dirty Dancing parties on
Fridays to local and international DJs on Saturdays. QOpen
, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 22:00 - 05:00. Closed Mon, Tue, Sun.
Futurum G-6, Praha 5, Zborovsk 7, MAndl, tel.
(+420) 257 32 85 71, [email protected], www. Smchov is on its way to glory, and
the way is paved by Futurums, er, futuristic rooms. Its ultra
modern conversions with eccentric lighting and exposed
metal and brick is inventive. The place hosts launch parties
for Czech bands, the odd cultural festival and half-decent
DJs. Fridays host their popular 80s & 90s night. QOpen
20:00 - 03:00. Admission 100K. E
Infinity Praha 3, Chrudimsk 2a, MFlra, tel. (+420)
272 17 65 80, [email protected], www.infinitybar.
cz. Infinity is a long time, and thats usually how long lovely
locals and leering expats linger in the cellar music bar/club.
This is an unsophisticated hedonists den - descend and
enjoy with everyone else. A decent restaurant of the same
name sits on ground level and serves till midnight. QOpen
18:00 4:00. PA
Karlovy Lzn C-3, Praha 1, Smetanovo nbre 198,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 222 22 05 02, info@kar-, Set up as Pragues
superclub, this place has been rebuilt with panache, e.g. the
transparent floor thus enabling you to comfortably look up
girls skirts. Live bands, chillout rooms and free internet ac-
cess in the basement, standard tunes one floor up, eclectica
up one again, and more hard core dance tracks in the loft.
QOpen 21:00 - 6:00. MCM Internet Caf open 10:00 - 05:00.
Club open 21:00 - 05:00. Admission 21:00-22:00 50K,
after 22:00 120K.
Klub Phenomen Praha 5, Ndran 84, MAndl,
tel. (+420) 774 36 66 36, [email protected], www. DJs spin nightly at the new Klub Phenomen,
winner of the Best Nightclub in the 2010 Czech Bar Awards.
A sprawling basement space, theres a mix of high and low
tables and a big dance floor. The bar is brightly lit and you
get an overall clean feel. Classy and upscale with a decent,
late-night food menu, served until 02:00. QOpen Tue, Wed,
Thu 19:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat 19:00 - 04:00.
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Lucerna Music Bar I- 4, Praha 1, Vodikova 36,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 224 21 71 08, [email protected], The more popular local bands
and the smaller international groups ply their trade here fairly
regularly. Every Saturday you can find an un-hip, unpretentious
crowd cavorting at their disarmingly popular 1980s night,
which has led to the doors being closed because of sheer
numbers. QOpen 20:00 - 3:00. Admission 50 - 150K. PE
Nebe (The Heaven) H- 5, Praha 1, V celnici 4,
MNmst Republiky, tel. (+420) 777 80 04 11, info@, This slice of heaven
produces what its punters want every night and hence
conjures up a good vibe, happy drinkers and DJs who do
have a clue about creating and keeping the atmosphere.
Bar keeps add to the atmosphere which goes on late. There
are 2 more Heavens in Prague, at Vclavsk nmst and
Kemencova street. QOpen Mon 14:00 - 02:30, Tue, Wed,
Thu 14:00 - 04:30, Fri 14:00 - 05:00, Sat 18:00 - 05:00,
Sun 18:00 - 02:00.
RadostFX I-5, Praha 2, Blehradsk 120, MI.P.
Pavlova, tel. (+420) 603 18 15 00, [email protected], Unquestionably the glitziest club in town,
RadostFX seems to be attempting to be more of a brand
name entertainment centre, for those seeking an experience,
than merely a club. Downstairs in the large housey club, the
beautiful people of Prague mingle, entertained by a troupe
of innovatively and often provocatively presented dancers.
Glam it up with the roster of well known local and interna-
tional guest DJs. QOpen , Mon, Tue 11:00 - 2:00, Wed, Thu
11:00 - 3:00, Fri, Sat 11:00 - 4:00, Sun 10:30 - 2:00. PE
Retro Music Hall J-6, Praha 2, Franzouzsk 4, MNm.
Mru, tel. (+420) 606 82 40 05, [email protected], A new and rising star of a club of the
same name as the adjacent restaurant and music bar. The
club has a good and varied roster of local and international
bands and DJs rocking the decent floor, balcony and stage
space. Open for gigs only and closing time depends on the
band/after party. Admission 30 - 500K depending on the
band. Q Open Thu - Sat 17:00 - 05:00. PE
Zephyr Excelent Urban Pub Praha 1, Michalsk 13,
tel. +420 841 111 140, [email protected], www. Zephyr concept is made for urban
people who are searching for something new. This will be
space for meetings, work and for sure for night life. Club,
restaurant, bar and gallery, all in one place. Gates of the
Zephyr space will be open this May in the charming centre
of Prague. Stay tuned for the next information.
Zlat strom D-3, Praha 1, Karlova 6, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 222 22 04 41, [email protected], www. Famous throughout the city for, well, being a
disco and having a dance floor straight out of Saturday Night
Fever. Down in an historical basement, the large dancefloor
is usually full - except when the strip shows start. The
restaurant serves 24 hours a day. QOpen 20:00 - 06:00.
Admission 100K. PAK
AghaRTA Jazz Centrum E-3, Praha 1, elezn 16,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 222 21 12 75, [email protected], This beautiful arched medieval cellar is
the perfect place to appreciate some of the very fine bands
on the Prague jazz circuit, cut with the odd night of heavy
blues. Arrive early to claim a seat at a table. Theres a jazz
shop, where they sell CDs including their own compilations
of visiting talent. QOpen 19:00 - 01:00. Concerts daily
at 21:00. Admission 200K. Reservations via email only
before 15:00. E
Jazz Boat D-1, Praha 1, echv most, Kotva boat,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 731 18 31 80, info@jazz-, Take a musical journey on the
low seas of the Vltava. The Jazz Boat sets sail each evening
from echv most and for only 590K youre afforded a two
and a half hour cruise around Prague to the accompaniment
of excellent jazz performed by some of the citys finest musi-
cians. A bar and restaurant are also at your disposal, but their
services are not included in the bill. Its best to arrive early
to get good seats. QOpen 20:30 - 23:00. AEGBK
Reduta D-4, Praha 1, Nrodn 20, MNrodn tda, tel.
(+420) 224 93 34 87, Founded
in 1958, Reduta was the first real venue for Czech rock and
roll, playing smuggled Elvis records. Reduta has not changed
much since then; dont come for the brown 1980s interior or
the uncomfortable bench seating; Reduta still brings in qual-
ity performers and even attracts a president or two. Vclav
Havel has brought Bill Clinton here twice now, and yes, he
did play his sax. QOpen 21:00 - 24:00. PE
Dubl i ner I r i sh Bar F- 2, Pr aha 1, Tn 1,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 224 89 54 04, info@, Formerly Legends
sports bar, the Dubliner bills itself as an Irish sports pub.
Whatever, youve still got 12 TVs + 2 large screens now
nestled in a homely Irish pub atmosphere. If theres an inter-
national sport match you gotta watch its highly likely youll
see it here. Weekends visiting DJs rule the roost. QOpen
Mon, Tue, Wed, Sun 11:00 - 01:00, Thu, Fri, Sat 11:00 -
03:00. (100 - 400K). PJAEK
Merlin J-6, Praha 2, Blehradsk 68a, MI.P. Pavlova,
tel. (+420) 222 52 20 54, [email protected], Merlin the magician shares brick wall
space with Guinness posters and other emblems of Irish-
ness, intermingled with antique agricultural contraptions.
The long bar resembles that of an authentic pub and the
sofas add to the laid-back feel. The lower level houses the
restaurant, which serves the usual options with more than a
dash of a varied Mexican menu. QOpen 11:30 - 24:00. K
U Zl atho tygra D- 3, Pr aha 1, Husova 17,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 222 22 11 11, www. Havel took Bill Clinton here to demonstrate
Czech drinking culture (and lets face it, if theres one thing
Havel knows, its his booze). Get there by opening time to have
any chance of getting in. The Pilsner brewery makes special
deliveries here - the beer is pumped directly into the large tanks
below the bar. A national institution. QOpen 15:00 - 23:00. K
Sports bars
Beer Factory I- 5, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 58,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 736 63 08 68, beerfactory@, Down see-through
steps (which could make things hallucinogenic later on) is
this industrial-looking and functional, as the name suggests,
beer factory. Well located and easily locatable by the squares
landmark statue, this beer halls cavernous space should be
packed daily - just look at those opening hours. Taps at your
table serve Pilsner Urquell (at 39K) while mix drinks, coffee
and hearty Czech dishes are served up by the staff. TVs offer
music and sport. QOpen 09:00 - 05:00. (150 - 350K). PK
La Loca MUSIC BAR & LOUNGE Odbor 278/4,
Prague 2, MKarlovo nmst, tel. +420 221 595
350, [email protected], Fresh, fun and
with a whole lotta flava, find La Loca MUSIC BAR &
LOUNGE on MOSAIC HOUSEs ground level, in the center
of Prague. La Loca is a non-smoking music bar which
features free music entertainment EVERY NIGHT, rocking
cocktails and a sizzling international vibe. Plus a fresh
menu of tapas made for sharing and more delicious food.
QOpen 11:30 - 02:00. EG
38 39
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
The largest collection of wonders in the city, Prague castle
is an amalgamation of architecture from different periods.
From the almost pastoral serenity of St. Georges Basilica,
to the awe-inspiring Gothic power of St. Vitus Cathedral, the
castle has attractions for all - history and architecture plus
marching soldiers and entertainment.
Approach & Entry A-1, Praha 1, Hradany, tel. (+420)
224 37 24 23, There are two information
centres, one in the second courtyard and one in the third.
Here you can find out what time the changing of the guard
takes place, buy tickets and get audio guides.
There are four ways to approach the castle. By far the
best way is to take tram N22 to the Pohoelec stop, where
you start with breathtaking views of Prague from Strahov
Monastery; then walk down through beautiful Hradansk
district along Loretnsk towards the main castle entrance
on Hradansk nmst. You can skip the Hradansk walk
by getting off the tram earlier, at the Prask hrad stop, from
where you enter the second courtyard. Alternatively, walk
up Nerudova and the steep hill from Malostransk nmst.
The worst approach is up the Star zmeck schody steps
near Malostransk metro station; these are best kept for
the way down. Q Buildings & Info: From 1 November - 31
March: open 09:00 - 16:00. Courtyards (admission free) open
06:00 - 23:00. Castle gardens and Jelen pkop are closed.
From 1 April - 31 October: open 09:00 - 18:00. Courtyards
(admission free) open 05:00 - 24:00. Castles gardens and
Jeleni prikop 10:00 - 18:00. Admission to the Old Royal
Palace, St. Georges Basilica, Powder Tower, Picture Gallery
and Golden Lane: 350K (long tour.) Cathedral, Old Royal
Palace, St. Georges Basilica and Golden Lane: 250K (short
tour.) Reductions for families.
St er nber g Pal ace (t er nber sk pal c)
Hradansk nm. 15. Sharing an entrance wi th the
Archbishops Palace is the ternbersk palc from 1698.
Its part of the National Gallery and home to a collection of
European art, including Rubens and Rembrandt. In 1991
thieves stole US$2.6 million worth of Picassos. QOpen
10:00 - 18:00. Closed Mon.
First courtyard. Pause at the castle gates to admire the
soldiers uniforms (designed by the wardrobe designer of the
film Amadeus), and hopefully see the changing of the guard.
Then move into the courtyard flanking the presidential rooms,
which are not open to the public. These are numerous and
include the Spanish Hall, once the venue for meetings of the
Czechoslovak Communist Party. As you walk through the
archway, the steps on your right are where many of the official
greetings are made to visiting heads of state.
Second courtyard. Reconstructed by Empress Maria
Theresa, this courtyard acts as an intersection point for
two of the entrances into the castle. You can exit under the
archway to reach the Stag Moat, Royal Gardens and trams
N22 and 23.
St. Vitus Cathedral (Kat-
edrla svatho Vta).
Moving into the third court-
yard of the castle youll face
one of Europes great Gothic
cathedral s. St. Vi tus i s the
spiritual heart of the nation as
the mausoleum of Bohemian
kings and the citys greatest
landmark. Work on the present
cathedral was started in 1344
but i t wasn t consecrated
until 1929. Check out Muchas
stained glass window and the
door with seven locks leading to the crown jewels. Dont miss
the beautiful mosaic depicting the Last Judgment of Christ
on the exterior of the cathedral. The mosaic is 84 square
metres and was created in 1371. QOpen 09:00 - 16:00.
Old Royal Palace (Star krlovsk palc). One of the
oldest and most impressive parts of the castle, the Old Royal
Palace dates from 1135 and was the seat of Bohemian princes.
From the 13th to the 16th century it was the kings palace. The
magnificent Vladislav Hall was used for banquets, councils,
coronations and even jousting. All presidents have been sworn
in here, and this building was where the 1618 defenestration
took place. The palace contains The Story of Prague Castle
exhibition. Dont forget to have a look at the Rampart Gardens
below. QOpen 09:00 - 16:00. Admission 120/60K.
Gol den Lane (Zl at
ulika). The phrase pictur-
esque street might have been
invented to describe this tiny
cobbled lane with its miniature
workers cottages. After a
l engthy reconstruction, the
Lane has reopened and now
features displays on how past
residents of the street used to live. A few of the souvenir
shops do remain. It was on this street, or so legend has it,
that 16th-century alchemists laboured to discover the Phi-
losophers Stone to make gold from lead. Franz Kafka spent
evenings at his sisters house, N22. QOpen 09:00 - 16:00.
Daliborka Tower. Built in 1496 and used as a prison till
the end of 18th century, the tower stands on your left as
you exit theGolden Lane. It is so named for its first prisoner,
Dalibor of Kozojedy, whose story was told by Smetana in his
1868 opera Dalibor. The underground cell is truly terrifying.
QOpen 09:00 - 16:00.
Palace Gardens B-1, Valdtejnsk 12. A large set of
steeply terraced gardens leading up to the castle. The steep
climb up to the castle is rewarded by fitness, some beautiful
landscaping and stunning views of the city. QOpen 10:00 -
18:00. Admission 80/40K, families 180K.
St. Georges Basilica (Bazilika svatho Ji). The
basilica is the Romanesque church lurking behind a Baroque
facade in the courtyard behind St. Vitus. Now deconsecrated,
it serves as a concert hall. In the chapel on the right of the
presbytery is the tomb of St. Ludmila, the first Czech saint.
QOpen 09:00 - 16:00.
The essentials of Prague - i f you see nothing else, do not
miss these sights. Obviously in this city that has been a
destination for hundreds of years, there is much to see and
do, and one of the most enjoyable aspects is just wander-
ing around. Dont forget to look up as the gilded spires are
rightfully what Prague is renowned for. But keep an eye of
the ground too - dog owners are not renowned for their
cleaning-up ability.
Charles Bridge (Karlv
most) C- 3, Pr aha 1,
MStaromstsk. Karl v
most joins Star Msto (Old
Town) and the Mal Strana
(Little Quarter) and is one of
the worl ds most beauti ful
bridges. The bridge was built
in 1357, but the figures of saints were added during the
17th century. They symbolise the confidence of the Catholic
Austrians triumph over the Protestant Hussites. The bridge is
thronged all day with tourists, while at night it offers wonder-
ful views of the illuminated castle and Old Town. Go at dawn
to be alone and witness the saints emerging from the mist.
Municipal House (Obec-
n Dm) F-3, Praha 1, nm.
Republiky 5, MNm. Re-
publiky, tel. (+420) 222 00
21 01, www.obecnidum.
cz. The magni ficent Obecn
Dm building holds two res-
taurants, a super caf, an
American bar, a gallery, shop
and classical music venue. Built between 1905 and 1910 in
the architecturally stunning Art Nouveau style, the Municipal
House has been painstakingly restored to its former glory.
It was here that the Czechoslovakian state was signed into
being on October 28, 1918. It was also here in 1989 that
communist bureaucrats and revolution leaders of the Civic
Forum discussed the velvet transfer of power and the states
transformation to democracy.
Na t i o n a l Th e a t r e
(Nrodn divadlo) C- 4,
Nrodn 2, MNrodn tda,
tel. (+420) 224 90 14 48.
This lavish neo-Renaissance
building on the bank of the
Vltava, with its golden crown
of chariot-driving women, is
Pragues National Theatre. The building was completed
in 1881 and was almost immediately destroyed by fire. It
reopened in 1883. See Events for the current programme.
Ol d To wn S q u a r e
( S t a r o m s t s k
nmst) E- 3, Praha 1,
MStaromstsk. The indis-
putable heart of Prague. This
vast open space is flanked by
a pleasing blend of carefully
restored architectural styles:
Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque
and neo-styles. The square
i s notabl e for i ts constant
hum of activity, day and night,
and a long history as centre
stage for so many of the
citys defining moments, from
the execution of preacher J.
elivsk in 1422, to the attacks on Soviet tanks with Molotov
cocktails in 1968. Towering above the square, half-hidden
behind a row of houses, is the fairy-turreted Tn Church. The
centrepiece of the square is a memorial to Jan Hus. It was
draped in swastikas by the Nazis and in black cloth to mourn
the passing of the Prague Spring.
Town Hall & Astronomi-
cal clock (Staromest-
sk radnice) E-3, Praha
1, Staromstsk nm.,
MStaromstsk. The 14th
century Town Hall compl ex
features a tower with an as-
tronomi cal cl ock, added i n
the 15th century. Every hour
on the hour Jesus and hi s
disciples lead a pageant that
includes the allegorical figures
of Death, the Turk, the Miser,
the Fool and the Rooster. It
sounds more impressive than
it actually is, but its still worth
a look. The climb or lift up the
tower is rewarded by the stunning views. QOpen 09:00 -
18:00, Mon 11:00 - 18:00. Admission 60/40K.
Vy ehr a d H - 7, Pr a -
ha 2, Sobsl avova 1,
MVyehrad. The rocky cliff-
top boasts Pragues second
castle. In the hearts and minds
of many Czechs, Vyehrad
symbolises the birth of the
Czech nation and is shrouded
in legend and myth. This is
apparentl y the spot where
Pri ncess Li bue stood and
predicted the rise of a great
ci ty. Li terall y translated as
high castle, it was probably founded in the middle of the
10th century. In 972 Prince Boleslav II built the royal mint here,
and in 1085 Vratislav II selected it as his residence. Over the
following centuries successive kings remodelled the palace
and fortress, but moved their permanent home across the
river. Within the fortress confines is the national cemetery
(Vyehradsk hbitov), which from the 1870s became the
final resting place of many of the most famous Czech writers
and composers, including Jan Neruda, Bedich Smetana and
Antonn Dvok. QOpen 09:30 - 17:30.
Wenceslas Square (V-
clavsk nmst ) F- 4,
Praha 1, Vclavsk nm.,
MMst ek. Vcl avsk
nmst is actually a bou-
l evard runni ng down from
the National Museum and
the equestri an statue of
Saint Wenceslas to Mstek,
formerly the site of of a city gate and drawbridge. This is
where crowds traditionally come to demonstrate against their
incompetent rulers, and this was where, in 1989, thousands
gathered to shake their keys in celebration of the death of
the Communist Party. Rows of shops, hotels (note the Art
Nouveau glory of Hotel Europa) and nightclubs flank the
pavements, and by night it can get a bit sleasy. Thankfully,
there are plans to rid the square of cars, bury the highway in
front of the museum in a tunnel and have tram N11 make
a come-back.
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
- 1172) Judit Bridge, and others in the region, construction
techniques, etc. Charles Bridge, with its statues and history,
is the focus but there is so much more. Fascinating. QOpen
10:00 - 18:00. 150/70K.
City Museum (Muzeum
hlavnho msta Prahy)
B- 3, Praha 1, Na Po
52, tel. (+420) 224 81 67
72, www.muzeumprahy.
cz. This homage to the city
of a hundred spires includes
a paper model of the city that
took 11 years to create and a gigantic model of the entire city
at the beginning of the 19th century. This wood and paper
model was made from 1829-1837 by Antonin Langweil and
is a highlight to the museum. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed
Mon. Admission 110/40K.
Decorative Arts Museum (UpM) D-2, Praha 1,
17. listopadu 2, tel. (+420) 251 093 111, www.upm.
cz. Basically, this is a museum of stuff. Its permanent
exhibit showcases what normal articles (clocks, ceramics,
glass, clothing, photographs, furniture) from the 19th-20th
century. You wont bump into philosopher Emmanuel Kant
here; he believed that an esthetic object is only art i f it has
no use (hes also long dead). Built in 1899 in commemora-
tion of Franz Josef becoming emperor, the building itsel f
is impressive, too. QOpen 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Mon.
Admission 80/40K. A
DOX Centre f or Con-
temporary Art Praha 7,
Pouptova 1, tel. (+420)
774 145 434, info@dox-
pr ague. or g, www. dox- Opened in Oc-
tober 2008; DOX is sure to
make a splash on Pragues still burgeoning contemporary art
scene. The building itself is amazing - a mix of old metal fac-
tory and new build right in the heart of industrial Holeovice.
Organizers plan to showcase present contemporary art
from around the world; as well as offer exposure to Czech
contemporary artists. QOpen 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Tue.
Adults: 120k, Children: 80k.
Dvok Museum I-6, Pra-
ha 2, Ke Karlovu 20, tel.
(+420) 224 92 33 63, www. The Dvok Museum
is housed in the so-called Villa
America, a Baroque summer
pal ace desi gned by Ki l i an
Ignaz Dientzenhofer, who was
also responsible for the beau-
tiful St. Nicholas Church in Mal Strana. This museum houses
a good collection of memorobilia from the life and work of
Dvok, the Czech composer famous for the New World
Symphony, among others. QOpen 10:00 - 17:00. Closed
Mon. Admission 40K.
Dvor ak Sec Contempor ar y E- 2, Pr aha 1,
Dlouh 5, MStaromstsk, tel. (+420) 604 20
46 53, i nf [email protected], www.dvoraksec.
com. I n addi ti on to di spl ayi ng thei r own col l ecti ons,
the new gal l er y space i n Ol d Town of fers young and
emergi ng ar ti sts as wel l as more establ i shed i nter-
nati onal ar ti sts. Thei r newl y reconstructed bui l di ng
i s an amazi ng space i n i tsel f. QOpen 9: 00 - 18: 00.
Cl osed Sat, Sun.
Bet hl ehem Chapel
(Bet l msk Kapl e)
D- 3, Praha 1, Betlmsk
nmst, MStaromstsk.
From 1402 to 1412, Jan Hus
preached at the Bethlehem
Chapel , hence i ts si gni fi -
cance for non-Catholics, but
in 1622, the Jesuits took con-
trol of the chapel and Catholic
mass became the ser vi ce
of the day. Then i n 1786
i t was l evel l ed, onl y to be
rebuilt (somewhat strangely)
by the communists, who had
preserved its architectural plans in 1950. Apparently, they
were keen to exploit the chapels symbolism as an historic
emblem of Czech national pride. QOpen 10:00 - 17:30.
Closed Mon.
B evnov Monaster y
(Benedictine Archab-
bey) Praha 6, Marktsk
1. Established i n 992-993
by the Bi shop of Prague,
Voj tch, and the Bohemian
Prince, Bol eslav II, Brevnov
Monastery is the oldest Bene-
dictine monastery in the Czech Republic. The former wooden
monastery underwent Roman then Gothic renovation and
became an important religious, cul tural and economic
institution for the Czech kingdom. During the Hussite wars
it was burned down, but 200 years later, it was crafted into
its present Baroque form. The large monastery complex
contains the Basilica of St. Markety, the terrace garden,
the Vojtka spring and St. Josephs Chapel. Tram N8,
22 to Bevnovsk klter.
Chur ch of Our Lady
Victorious B- 3, Praha 1,
Karmelitsk 9, MMalos-
transk, tel. (+420) 257
53 36 46, www.pragjesu.
info. This house of worship
was buil t by German Luther-
ans between 1611-1615. To
the ri ght of the entrance is
a commemorati ve si te to
the 16th centur y Spani sh
nun, St. Therese of Avi l a,
who al ong wi th fri ar John
of the Cross, reformed the Carmeli te order i nto what
is known as the Discal ced Carmeli tes. Further insi de is
the churchs claim to fame, a 45cm hi gh wax statuette
of Jesus known as the Infant Jesus of Prague, whi ch is
a pil grimage si te of sorts - for i ts histori cal and reli gious
i mportance, and a coupl e of unnamed mi racl es that
have been attached to i t. QOpen 08:30 - 19:00, Sun
08:30 - 20:00.
Loreta A-1, Praha 1, Lo-
rentnsk nm. 7. One of
the countrys most famous
pl aces of pi l gri mage, thi s
chapel is j ust a qui ck walk
from the main entrance to the
castle. Built between 1626-
1720, this Baroque building
contains, among other icons
and objects, a painting of a
bearded lady, ornate friezes,
bejewelled icons and a high
quota of chubby-cheeked cherubs. The small museum also
houses a collection of diamond ostensories. Within the main
chapel there is the brickwork supposedly from the original
Loreto in Italy which was flown over from Italy by some
well-meaning angels. Blasphemers take note - the split in
the wall was supposedly caused by a thunderbolt fired off
at one of your kind. Q Open 09:00 - 12:15, 13:00 - 16:30.
Admission 110/90K.
Our Lady of Snow (U
Panny Marie Snn)
E- 4, Praha 1, Jungman-
novo nm, MMstek. The
towering Gothic torso hidden
near Vclavsk nmst was
started off in 1347 by Charles
IV as a Carmelite order monastery. Construction was stopped
by the Hussites in 1419, and only the 34m-high choir of the
planned 110m-long church was finished. The Franciscans
renovated the ruins of the church in 1604, adding the mag-
nificent Renaissance altar. The peaceful adjacent monastery
gardens (Frantiknsk zahrada) are an excellent place to
soak up the sun.
St. Ignatius Church (Kostel Sv. Ignce) H-5,
Praha 2, Jen 2, MKarlovo nmst, tel. (+420) 224
92 12 54. The construction of what was intended to be a
basilica began in 1665 on these very grounds. In 1671 the
church alongside Karlovo Square was finally completed and
the large statue of Saint Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuit
order, was placed on top. The church is still active and run
by Jesuit monks.
St. Ni chol as Church
B-2, Praha1, Malostransk
nm. 38, MMalostransk,
tel. (+420) 224 19 09 91.
Construction of this Baroque
pile began in 1673, but it would
be nearly another 80 years
until the Jesui ts compl eted
it. Peer closely at the copper
statue of St. Nicholas above
the gold coated altar; the two
statues below him are of St.
Ignatius Loyola and St. Fran-
cis Xavier. The ceiling fresco
depicts the apotheosis of St. Nicholas. Also of interest is the
organ, which has 2500 pipes and 44 registers, and it was
these very ivories that Mozart tinkled on his visit to Prague.
QOpen 10:00 - 17:00. Admission 70/50K.
Prague Info E-3, Praha 1, Staromstsk nm. 1,
(Old Town Hall), MStaromstsk, tourinfo@pis.
cz, This excellent official tourist
information centre provides vocal and written information
in various languages from helpful and knowledgeable
staff, plus tickets, excursions, and accommodation.
For general information in English, Czech or German call
tel. 124 44. QOpen 09:00 - 19:30. Also at I-3, Praha
hlavn ndra & B-2, Praha 1, Mal Strana Tower, open
10:00 - 18:00.
Tourist Information
Strahov Monastery Pra-
ha 1, Strahovsk ndvo 1,
tel. (+420) 233 10 77 18,
cz. The Strahov Monastery
has stood on the approach to
the castle since 1140. Today,
this Romanesque monastery
houses various museums for
religious arts and is home to
the quite stunning central cha-
pel. The Museum of Czech
Literature (open 09:00 - 12:00; 13:00 - 17:00, admission
50K), is housed in the monastic libraries. The Theological
and Philosophical Halls are superb but can only be viewed
from the doorways. Items available for closer inspection are
manuscripts from the 14th century, a stuffed dodo, and a
large collection of crabs, fish, shells and insects. The Strahov
Gallery in the central courtyard (open 09:00 - 17:00, admis-
sion 35K) has one of the finest collections of monastic art
in Central Europe. Trams N22,23 to Pohoelec. QOpen
09:00 - 17:00. Admission 60/40K.
Sts. Cyril and Metho-
dius Church H-5, Praha
1, Resslova 9, MKarlo-
vo nmst, tel. (+420)
224 92 06 86, www.pra-
vosl avnaci Thi s
Orthodox church was bui l t
i n honour of Sts. Cyril and
Methodius, the men responsible for the Slavonic alphabet.
However, most people know about this church because of
what happened here at 04:10 on the morning of June 18,
1942 when the Nazis had discovered that the seven Czech
parachutists involved in the assassination of Reichspro-
tektor Heydrich were hiding in the crypt. The west side of
Karlovo nmst was cordoned off by 800 troops from the
SS and the Gestapo. Three of the soldiers died as the SS
stormed the church. The remaining four fought on. After
hours of shooting and a long stand-off which led to the
Germans deciding to literally flush them out, they used their
last bullets on each other. The bullet-scarred exterior wall
holds a plaque in honour of their bravery.
A permanent exhibition to the memory of those who par-
ticipated in the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in 1942
has here. The small, but very in depth display maps the
Czechoslovak resistance movement against the Nazis and
includes photographs and memorabilia from the time. There
are also films showing on TV screens and backgrounds into
the seven paratroopers who participated in the mission. Q
Open daily: 09:00-17:00. Closed Mon. (From Nov.-Feb. closed
Sundays & Mondays) 75 K
Museums & Galleries
Charles Bridge Museum
D-3, Praha 1, Kovnick
nm. 3, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 776 776 779,
www.muzeumkarlovamos- This museum, opened
to coi nci de wi th the 650th
anniversary of the building of
Charles Bridge in 1357 (the clever number logo is no coinci-
dence, 135797531. The first stone was laid at 05:31 on 9
July). English texts are available to explain the unique Knights
of the Red Cross hospital location, their church and crypt,
various bridges; an arch and pillar of the even older (1158
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
Futura Praha 5, Holekova 49, MAndl, tel. (+420)
251 51 18 04, This non-profit
galleryto provide an accessible space for contemporary
art. Three floors of a renovated factory. Tram 4, 7, 9, 10 to
Bertramka. Q Open Wed - Sun 11:00 - 18:00.
Ga l e r i e L a F e mme
E- 2, Praha 1, B l kova 2,
MStaromstsk, tel. (+420)
224 81 26 56,
Gal erie La Femme is located
in the centre of the Prague Old
Town opposite to the hotel Inter-
continental. Its primary interest
is the theme of woman in her countless forms as the eternal
source of inspiration for many artists. The exhibited works
will show you a woman beautiful and perfect but also flawed
and vain. QOpen 10:00 - 18:00.
Galerie MIRO Praha 1, Strahovsk ndvo 1, tel. (+420)
233 35 40 66, In St. Rocha Church and
host to contemporary and classical artists including Goya, Dal,
Chagnall, Warhol and Picasso. A privately owned gallery and on
the tourist trail between the castle and Strahov monastery. Tram
N22 or 23 to Pohoelec. QOpen 10:00 - 17:00.
Gal eri e Vclava ply Praha 1, Nrodn 30,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 602 675 362, www.spalovka.
cz. The Galerie Vclava ply is once again open to the
public and promising the same prestigious exhibitions it was
once renowned for. pla was a Czech avant-garde painter
from the early 20th century. The museums heyday was in
the late 60s-early 70s, and again after 1989. The gallery
is now focusing on mid-generation Czech artists. QOpen
10:00 - 18:00. Closed Mon. Admission 20/10K.
Kampa Museum B-3, Praha 1, U Sovovch mln 2,
tel. (+420) 257 28 61 47,
Museum Kampa is located on the west bank of the Vltava
in the shadow of Prague Castle. The museum has on display
three major permanent exhibitions, featuring works by the
pioneering abstract artist Frantiek Kupka, Cubist sculptor
Otto Gutfreund and a large collection of modern works dating
from the 1950s to present day by Central European artists.
They also have temporary exhibits. The museum has a beau-
tiful restaurant with an outside terrace overlooking the river.
A visit to Museum Kampa is definitely worthwhile. QOpen
07:00 - 18:00. Admission varies according to exhibition.
Leica Gallery Praha 1,
kol sk 28, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 777 918 866, Excellent photo
gall ery wi th stunning rotat-
ing exhibits from Czech and
international photographers.
Check out their cafe and bookshop, too. QOpen 11:00 -
21:00. Closed Sun.
Miniatures Museum Pra-
ha 1, Strahovsk ndvo
11, tel. (+420) 233 35 23
71, www.muzeumminiatur.
com. This museum contains
odd scribblings on grains of
rice, the Lords Prayer written
on one human hair, the worlds smallest book, and minitures
of masterpieces. They have magni fying glasses. QOpen
09:00 - 17:00. Admission 50K.
Museum of Communism F- 4, Praha 1, Na Pkop
10, tel. (+420) 224 21 29 66, www.muzeumkomu- The posters featuring the workers of the state,
featuring a mix of socialist-realism which produces simul-
taneoushilarity and dark brooding, are almost worth the
entrance fee on their own. Errant and erratic household
objects can give this place an incomplete feel, however, the
photos and historical information on display are a minimalist
introduction to the events of this period. QOpen 09:00 -
21:00. Admission 180K.
Museum of Young Ar t Praha 1, Karl ova 2,
MStaromstsk, tel. +420 240 20 02 07, museum@, The only museum dedi-
cated to young Czech artists is now open next to the Charles
Bridge. Interesting, innovative and provocative; discover
the next crop of Czech artists now. QOpen 10:00 - 19:00.
Closed Mon. 170 CZK.
Robert Guttmann Gal-
lery (Jewish Museum)
E-2, Praha 1, U Star koly
3, MStaromstsk, tel.
(+420) 221 71 15 11, www. As syna-
gogues and prayer rooms
began to be demolished by
Pragues municipal offices at the end of the 19th century,
the Czech-Jewish community applied their vigour to creating
a Jewish Museum wherein ritual objects could be saved from
destruction and kept for future generations. Thus, in 1906
Pragues Jewish Museum began with a modest collection.
Today, it is celebrating its centenary with an exhibit here
entitled Defying the Beast (until 1 Oct). The museum is closed
on Jewish holidays too. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat.
Admission 40/20K.
Rudolfinum D-2, Praha
1 , Al ovo nb . 12,
MStaromtsk, tel. (+420)
227 05 92 05, www.galerier- Commissioned
as concert halls and exhibition
space and named after the Aus-
trian Prince Royal who attended
the opening in 1885, this is now home to the Czech Philharmonic
and an exhibition space. With no permanent collection, the gal-
lery is dedicated to temporary exhibitions.QOpen 10:00 - 17:30,
Thu 10:00 - 19:30. Closed Mon. Admission 120/60K. U
Veletrn Palace (Na-
tional Gallery) I-1, Praha
7, Dukelskch hrdin 47,
MVltavsk, tel. (+420) 224
30 11 11, www.ngprague.
cz. The stunning modernist
Veletrn Palace houses the
National Gallerys collection of
modern and contemporary art, including works by Klimt and
Frank Gehry. The building is so big that they split entrance
fees by how many of its three floors you wish to visit. Tram
N5,12,17 to Veletrn.QOpen 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Mon.
Admission 180/90K.
Dancing Fountains (Kikova Fontna) Praha 7,
Prmyslov palc (Vstavit), tel. (+420) 220 10 32
80, Water and lights accom-
panied by music (from Carmina Burana to Queen) and on
occasion, people. This is actually far more enthralling than
it sounds - really.
Villa Mller Praha 6, Nad
Hradnm vodojemem 14,
tel. (+420) 224 31 20 12, This
icon of modern architecture
was designed by Moravian-
born Adolf Loos for construc-
tion magnate Frantiek Mller
in 1930. The building looks
like a solid white block from the outside, though the interior
is constructed with marble, mahogany and walnut, highly
polished and cleanly designed. The rooms all sit at various
levels around an ascending sweeping spiral. Tram N1,18
to Oechovka. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Mon, Wed, Fri.
Admission 300/200K, 100K extra for an English guide.
Tours by appointment only.

, m
Galerie La Femme, Bilkova 2, Prague 1
tel.: ++20 22+ 812 6S6, ++20 77S 726 067, [email protected]
00420 602 277 060 [email protected]
"Gliding through Prague on a
Segway with an iSegway guide
was the best fun in town"
Peter and Tammy Brisbane Australia
U SOVOVCH MLN 2, 118 00 PRAGUE 1, TEL: +420 257 286 147
E-MAIL: [email protected], WWW.MUSEUMKAMPA.CZ
The permanent exhibition presents Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian and Yugoslavian art works from
the second half of the 20th century.
The majority of these works were created during the Communist era, they reflect this social experience
and the emotions of the artists, who often lived and worked in difficult conditions.
The exhibition of Frantisek Kupka represents one of the largest and most significant collections of this
Czech artist of abstract art in Czech Republic.
The collection of works by Otto Gutfreund, the significant Czech sculptor of the first half of the 20th
focuses on his Cubist works.

, 1
, S
WORKS FROM 1910 TO 1950.
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
Funicular Railway A-4, jezd tram stop. The funicular
runs up Petin Hill providing beautiful views of Prague and
the castle. There are two restaurants sitting at the half-way
point - there is a station there. Use regular 26K tickets.
Trams run at 15 min intervals. QOpen 09:00 - 11:20.
Petn Tower (Petnsk rozhledna) A-4, MPetin
funicular, tel. (+420) 724 911 497. At the top of Petin Hill
stands a 60m-high tower, affording great views of the city. The
building was completed in May 20, 1891. An alternative route
to the castle is to ride the funky funicular up Petn Hill and walk
pass the tower across to the castle area. QOpen 10:00 - 19:00.
Open Sat & Sun 10:00 - 17:00. Admission 50/40/10K.
Th e Da n c i n g Ho u s e
(Tanc dm) G- 5, Praha
2, Ranovo nb. 80. Frank
Gehrys design for this building
was inspired by the dancing team
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire.
Built in 1996, this structure more
than cuts a swathe among the Austrian-Hungarian terrace
blocks that make up most of Prague.
Parks & Gardens
Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science Na
Slupi 16, MKarlovo nmst, tel. +420 221 951 879,
[email protected], Botanical Garden
of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague is
situated in the city center and is almost 240 years old. An
area of 3.5 hectares including greenhouses grown 9 and a
half thousand plant species. The most interesting exhibition
gardens are collections of Central European flora and succu-
lent plants. Garden boasts the largest plants Cycas circinalis
on the continent, 200 years old. To the botanical gardens to
get to the metro station Karlovo namesti tram 6,18,24 to
Botanical Garden Station QOpen 10 - 17:00. JB
Petn A-3/4. With stunning views of the city and a choice of
gardens and trails to explore, Petn is packed with activites
or lazing opportunities. Features include the tower, a mirror
hall, an 18th century Ukrainian wooden church and Pragues
lovers enjoying ... ah, the view.
Walking & Bike Tours
Segway Prague Tours Michalsk 432/12, tel. +420
602 277 060, [email protected],
Rent Segway and absorb magical mystery of Prague on
one to three hours individual guided Prague segway tour. All
a round the Prague on the Segway. Enjoy Prague Segway
tours with everything you need to make your visit to Prague
an unforgettable experience: fun, culture, adventure and the
glamour of a super star when everyone turns round to look
at and smile to you! Gliding a Segway is as easy as walking
and more fun as if you were sitting on the magic carpet.
QOpen 10.00 - 20.00.
Segwaytrip F-3, Ovocn trh 8, Praha 1, tel. +420 608
244 655, [email protected], Best
private seightseeing on the segway with SEGWAYTRIP from the
heart of the Europe with professional guides. Are you in Prague
for a short time and want to see everything? In 2 or 3 hours,
they will show you a whole day to do on your own! Move quickly
on your segway from one historical monument to another, this
tour is full of culture. The company is making PRIVATE tours and
also the group tours. - 30,60,120,180 minuts tours. Each tour
and price is including the professional guide. Member of www. 10% discount, you can apply here: www. 10:00 - 20:00.
Are you in Prague for a
short time and want to
see everything?
In 2 or 3 hours, we will
show you a whole day
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Department stores
Debenhams F-4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 21, tel. (+420)
221 01 50 57, The English department
store has made its mark. QOpen 09:00 - 20:00. A
Kotva F-2, Praha 1, nm. Republiky 8, MNmst
Republiky, tel. (+420) 224 80 11 11, info@markland.
cz, The building is an architectural land-
mark, believe it or not and inside youll find a good selection
of shops and services, plus a food court and kids area on
the third floor. QOpen 09:00 - 20:00, Sat 10:00 - 19:00,
Sun 10:00 - 18:00. AL
Slovansk dm Na Pkop 1, MNm. Republiky,
tel. (+420) 234 603 360, [email protected], Shopping, food and a great
cinema all under one roof. Good mix of shops from fashion
to housewares. QOpen 10:00 - 20:00.
Tesco D- 4, Praha 1, Nrodn 26, MNrodn tda,
tel. (+420) 272 087 111, [email protected], Britains best store with a supermarket in
the basement. Delivery service is also available, check the
website for details. QOpen 08:00 - 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 20:00,
Sun 10:00 - 20:00. Supermarket open 07:00 - 22:00, Sat
08:00 - 20:00, Sun 09:00 - 20:00. A
C&A F- 4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 33, tel. (+420)
222 81 13 11, QOpen 09:30 - 20:00,
Sun 10:00 - 18:00. A
H & M I-4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 19, tel. (+420)
234 65 60 51, QOpen 9:30 - 20:00, Sun
10:00 - 18:00. Also at Praha 5, Plzesk 8 (Nov Smchov
Shopping centre). A
Jackpot & Cottonfield F- 3, Praha 1, Na pkop
13, tel. (+420) 224 21 37 44, www.iccompanys.
com. Cool pur veyors of smooth i f sl i ghtl y chi l l y Scan-
di navi an chi c. QOpen 10: 00 - 20: 00. Al so at E-3,
Praha 1, el ezn 6, tel . 224 22 23 80. Open 10: 00
- 19: 00. A
Marks & Spencer I-4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 36,
tel. (+420) 224 24 74 26,, One of
the outposts of the British Empire, with a small but refined
food department. QOpen 9:30 - 20:30, Sat 9:30 - 20:00,
Sun 10:00 - 20:00. A
Green Lemon Myslkova 22, Prague 2, tel.
+420 226 200 117, [email protected], www. Green Lemon is a unique rental
shop and tour provider located in the heart of Prague.
Green Lemons passion is meeting and bringing local
life and culture to travellers from all around the world,
with an eco-friendly twist. Green Lemon offers a wide
range of rentals and tours. Rent a retro bike, Gocycle
electric bike, rent an electric scooter or go on a Segway
tour and experience Prague differently! QOpen 10:00
- 19:00. Closed Mon.
Prague In Your Pocket
NevO Dead Sea SPA Prask 55, Jlov u Prahy, tel.
+420 283 883 043, [email protected], www.nevo- NevO Dead Sea SPA produces skin care and
body care products and cosmetics, which enhance health
and beauty using Dead Sea water, Dead Sea mud and Dead
Sea essential minerals. Dead Sea products are internation-
ally recognized for advancing body detox, skin rejuvenation,
and skin radiance and for intensifying the treatment of anti-
ageing and skin problems. Miracle Mud Mask uniquely
combines natural shea butter and detoxi fying effects of
minerals from the Dead Sea. To remove the mask there is
a special magnet that attracts all the dirt and mud, but will
leave hydrating film on the skin. And specially for men there is
a novelty Christmas this year - After Shave Balm containing
minerals from the Dead Sea with cucumber extract, honey
and chamomile. Delicate, youthful and regenerated skin
thanks to minerals from Dead Sea.
Pilsner Urquell Galerie Experience Shop
U Luickho semine 11, Prague 1- Lesser Town,
tel. +420 739 620 799, [email protected], The only brand shop of
the Pilsner Urquell brewery with an extensive range of cloth-
ing and gifts associated with this world-renowned lager beer.
QOpen 10:00 - 18:00.
Botanicus E-3, Praha 1, Tnsk dvr 3, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 224 89 54 46, [email protected], Smelly things, mostly made of wood that
nobody needs but everybody wants. QOpen 10:00 - 20:00. A
Jewellery & Watches
Klenoty Aurum I- 3, Praha 1, Nmst Republiky
1078/1 (OC Palladium), MNmst Republiky, tel.
(+420) 225 77 12 26, [email protected], www. QOpen 09:00 - 22:00, Sun 09:00 -
21:00. A
Shopping centres
Centrum ern Most Praha 9, Chlumeck 6, Mern
Most, tel. (+420) 281 91 81 00, infoccm@unibail-, Bata, Citizen
centrum, DM Drogerie markt, Eiffel Optic, Jasmin, Kenvelo,
McDonalds, Mustang, Ethno and many more. QOpen 09:00
- 22:00. A
ern re F-3, Praha 1, Na Pkop 12, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 221 01 41 11, All the
right shops and some fine extras in this larger-than-it-
appears centre. QOpen 09:00 - 20:00, Sat 09:00 - 19:00,
Sun 11:00 - 19:00.
Metropole Zlin Praha 5, evnick 1, MZlin, tel.
(+420) 257 11 15 11, [email protected], www. QOpen 10:00 - 24:00.
Myslbek F-3, Praha 1, Na Pkop 21, MNm. Re-
publiky, tel. (+420) 224 23 95 50,
QOpen 09:00 - 20:00.
Nov Smchov Praha 5, Plzesk 8, MAndl, tel.
(+420) 251 511 151, Home to
Tesco and more. The games arcade is fabulous and Palace
Cinemas are on the top floor. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00.
Palc Flra Praha 3, Vinohradsk 151, MFlra, tel.
(+420) 255 74 17 12, New and
very chic shopping centre, with over 120 shops, as well as
restaurants, cafs, a cinema multiplex and an IMAX theatre.
All in the centre of Prague. QOpen 08:00 - 24:00.
Shopping Park Praha Praha 5, Skandinvsk 1 - 27,
MZlin, tel. (+420) 296 77 79 99, avion.praha@ikea.
com, IKEA, Tesco,
GigaSport, DatArt megastore, La Halle, Kenvelo, Computer
City, Bata, Grand Optical, McDonalds, Segafredo Espresso.
Pick up the shoppping centres bus from outside Zliin metro
station. QOpen 10:00 - 20:00.
Slovansk Dm F-3, Praha 1, Na Pkop 22, MNm.
Republiky, tel. (+420) 221 45 14 00, www.slovansky- High end retail shops, a multiplex cinema and Kogo
restaurant attract the right people at this central shopping
centre. QOpen 10:00 - 20:00.
Sparkys E-3, Praha 1, Havsk 2, MMstek, tel.
(+420) 224 23 93 09, [email protected], www. Over four floors of toys and gi fts where the
latest fads jostle for space with traditional Czech wooden
toys. Indulge your child or even yourself. Also at Palladium,
Nmst Republiky 1 (open 09:00 - 21:00).QOpen 10:00 -
19:00, Sun 10:00 - 18:00. A
In Your Pocket is now available on all smart-
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than 100 cities across Europe, In Your Pocket
Mobile is an invaluable resource which puts our
unrivalled content together with the technical
capabilities of todays smartphones. In Your
Pocket Mobile allows you to view all venues in
a city on a map, quickly showing which are the
closest to your current location. Smart filters can
be used to ensure that only those places which
matter to you are displayed. You can also leave
comments about venues, as well as rate them,
right in the mobile platform. You can even share
your comments with your friends via the most
popular social networks. Point your phones web
browser to now.
In Your Pocket Mobile
Meet the Czech
beer legend
in the centre
of Prague
Charles Bridge
Charles Bridge
Vojanovy sady










most. v

Open daily:
OctoberMarch from 11am to 6.30pm
AprilSeptember from 11am to 8pm
Only 20 m from the Charles Bridge.
U Luickho semine 11
Prague 1-Lesser Town
Tel.: +420 739 620 799
E-mail: [email protected]
Pilsner Urquell Gallery Experience Shop in Prague
combines an exhibition of the story of Pilsner Urquell
lager and a gift shop dedicated to this renowned
Czech brand.
New special offer: Pilsner School of
Draughting Beer
Enjoy a guided tour of the exhibition and learn
the unique way of draughting Pilsner Urquell the
way Czechs do. This course runs in English every
Wednesday from 4pm. Groups of 5 people or more
can call and arrange the course at any time.
Winter 2014
Prague In Your Pocket
Asklepion J-6, Praha 2, Londnsk 39, MNmst
Mru, tel. (+420) 234 71 65 07/(+420) 234 71 60 00,
[email protected], Super trendy
clinic offering plastic surgery, laser treatments, dentistry
and even eye lash perms. Labs and operating theatres on
site. QOpen 09:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.
Eiffel Optics F-3, Praha 1, Celetn 38, MNmst Re-
publiky, tel. (+420) 221 61 33 02, zakaznickyservis@, QOpen 09:00 - 21:00.
Also at H-5, Praha 2, Jen 6; F-3, Praha 1, Na Pkop 25.
Grand Optical F- 3, Praha 1, Na pkop 19/21,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 224 23 83 71, myslbek_praha@, QOpen 08:30 -
20:00, Sat 10:00 - 19:00, Sun 10:00 - 18:00.
Swimming pools
Hotel Axa J-3, Praha 1, Na po 40, tel. (+420) 224
81 25 80. Scull yourself silly for 1K/min.
Olanka Praha 3, Tboritsk 23 (Hotel Olanka), tel.
(+420) 267 09 22 02, Pool,
sauna, massages. An hour of aquatic delight costs 60K.
Take trams N5, 9 or 26. QOpen 06:00 - 21:00, Sat, Sun
08:00 - 20:00.
Sportcentrum YMCA I-3, Praha 1, Na po 12, tel.
(+420) 224 87 58 12, Do the dance
in the water (or on the water if you really believe). QOpen
06:30 - 22:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 22:00.
standards. The team of dentists, dental hygienists and assis-
tents is prepared to provide the level and range of treatment
desired by their demanding patients.
Erpet Medical Centre H-5, Praha 1, Ptrossova
10, MKarlovo nmst, tel. (+420) 221 595 000,
[email protected],
Emergency toothache or a new bright smile - the experts at
Erpet can make it happen. Not only do they offer weekend
emergency service (phone: +420 724 511 547) but also
an array of reconstruction work like porcelain veneers and
crowns and bridges. Their tagline is We are here to make
you smile so get them to give your pearly whites a brush-up.
QOpen 7:30 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun. JA
European Dental Center Praha 8, Peckova 9, tel.
(+420) 224 22 89 84, [email protected], www.edcdental.
cz. A high-quality, modern dental centre providing both
general and cosmetic dentistry, with a friendly atmosphere
and relatively painless treatment. Implants, prosthetic work,
crowns, bridges, inlays, orthodontics, periodontics and
mouth surgery, and root canal treatment are all available,
with support from digital x-ray. Plus the smile you want with
the Brite-Smile system. QOpen 08:30 - 20:00, Sat 09:00 -
18:00. Closed Sun. A
Extreme sports
Aviatic Centrum Praha Praha 4, Pujmanov 27/881,
MPankrc, tel. (+420) 602 32 36 08, fax (+420) 272
68 03 65, [email protected], Should
your life be too much for you, come here and learn to para-
glide, which is a sport akin to jumping out of the window
and waving a crisp packet in the air. You can also jump out
of an aeroplane and plummet 3,000 - 4,000 metres in six
minutes, which at 4,460K works out at 1.48K - 1.11K
per metre. Bargain.
Bobsleigh Praha 9, Proseck 906/34b, MPalmovka,
tel. (+420) 284 84 05 20, fax (+420) 284 84 05 21, Not too extreme but thri l l i ng
nonetheless. Reach speeds of up to 50km/hr on a large
tea tray on wheels with a brake, which you might want to
use. A fantastic view of Prague, restaurant, lift back to the
top and adrenaline boosting 800m runs make a fantastic
day out. 60K a run or 280K for 6 runs. Take bus N 140,
187 & 233 two stops (to Kelerka) from Palmovka. Q Open
12:00 - 20:00. Sat & Sun 10:00 - 22:00. K
K. I. Bungee Jump, tel. (+420) 608 768 168/(+420)
777 250 126, For 700 - 800K these
nice folks will march you to a bridge and let you jump off.
Fitness centres
Cybex Praha 8, Poben 1 (Hotel Hilton), tel. (+420)
224 84 27 13, fax (+420) 224 84 23 72, info@cybex-, Delightful, top-quality
surroundings and equipment for you to exert yourself in/on/
with. We suppose if youre going to suffer, you may as well
do it in style. QOpen 06:00 - 22:00, Sat, Sun 07:00 - 22:00.
Fitness Tn F-2, Praha 1, Tnsk 19, MStaromstsk,
tel. (+420) 224 80 82 95, [email protected], QOpen 07:00 - 21:00, Sat, Sun 10:00 - 20:00.
Holmes Place Prague 5, Plzesk 8, MAndl, tel.
(+420) 257 313 830, [email protected], www. Del uxe heal th cl ub i nsi de the Nov
Smchov mall. QOpen 07:00 - 22:00, Sat, Sun 09:00 - 22:00.
E.A.S.E. - TantraSpa Velehradsk 1599/10, tel.
(+420) 777 85 88 64, [email protected], www.tantras- One of the best sensual massages in Prague for men,
women and couples. Visit Tantra Spa Prague, the first and
largest studio in the Czech republic offering sensual massage
of your whole body. SOTHYS rituals, The Art of Touch signature
rituals, healing therapies and more.QOpen 9:00 - 22:00.
Harmony Spa H-6, Praha 2, Ranovo nbe 36, MKar-
lovo nmst, tel. +420 733 31 13 81, info@harmonyspa.
cz, Harmonize your relationship in
Prague by indulging in a tantra or other special massage at
Harmony Spa. A full menu of offerings including ritual mas-
sages and baths will relax and calm you. QOpen 09:00 - 22:00.
Zen Asian Wellness Praha 1, V Jm 6, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 221 63 41 09,, icon@ The small but perfectly formed new Thai
massage space within the new boutique ICON Hotel deliv-
ers on the wellbeing front, as do sister establishments in
Pragues Maximilian Hotel and elsewhere. Avoid the pretty
but repetitively slow website and just go for some delicious
Zen maintenance. Various procedures include traditional
Thai (1 hr 990K) and foot massages, plus Pre-Mama and
Zenergy. The price ranges from a 30 min BackScratch for
290K to a 90 min Bali Blossom for 1,690K.
Medical centres
American Medical Center Praha 6, Evropsk
175/115, tel. (+420) 235 36 20 25, amcmedical@amc.
cz, Q Open 24hrs. A
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Babylon Nitransk 1, Liberec, tel. (+420) 485 249
311, [email protected], www.cen- In the style of an ancient spa, Babylon
entertains modern families of all ages. This aqua park not
only offers water slides, swimming pools, steam baths and
a wild river but also some drier activities such as bowling,
laser shooting and a casino. Theres a hotel and restaurant
onsite as well.
Beauty & Spas
Aquapalace Prhonice - estlice, Prask 138, tel.
(+420) 271 10 41 11, [email protected], www. A gentle touch of luxury can be yours
thanks to the variety of wellness and relaxation services at
Aquapalace. Choose from body and cosmetic treatments;
manicures and pedicures, plus Finnish and Roman saunas.
From the Opatov (C, red line) metro station, take bus number
324, 325, 328, 363, 385 to estlice. QOpen 10:00 - 22:00.
Beauty salons
La Cherve Obchodn dm TESCO MY Nrodn, tel.
00420 800 191 999, [email protected], www. Cosmetics made from nature .
Dental Office H33 Hvzdova 44, Praha 4 Pankrc,
tel. 733 737 337/241 410 001, info@dental-office.
cz, Dental Office H33 is the centre
for excellence in dental care, implantology and cosmetic
dentistry. They provide premium dental care to international
Winter 2014
8|gger - 8euer - known for ua||ty
1he Spec|a| one |n rague
1he excepnona| one among rague's c|ubs. Cn 4 oors above the roofs
of rague everyone hnds the r|ght one - and th|s has been our a|m from
the beg|nn|ng. 1he oas|s for enterta|nment and re|axanon |n the centre of
the go|den c|ty. Conv|nce yourse|f that w|th us, the c||ent |s sn|| the k|ng.
16 |nd|v|dua| rooms, 10 of them des|gned accord|ng to a spec|a| theme,
equ|pped w|th v|deo programs, a|rcond|non and separate sound, wh|ch
does not make the cho|ce |n any way easy.
Cur System
Cn average 4 managers, w|th whom you can commun|cate |n Lng||sh,
Ita||an, Irench, German and other |anguages, w||| take care of you at a||
nmes - to fu|h|| your most secret des|res. Whether |t's about the free
tour through our prem|ses, where you can conv|nce yourse|ves that |t's
worthwh||e to re|ax at our p|ace, or whether |t's about a persona| adv|ce
concern|ng our g|r|s, the managers are a|ways po|sed to make your stay
as comfortab|e as poss|b|e.
kS,[ust a un|que k|nd to re|ax
Korunn 5, 120 00 Praha 2, nm. Mru Tel.: +420-224 250 505,
+420-224 250 606 email: [email protected]
Prague is as famous for its sex clubs as it is for its beer. Stag
nights take advantage of the price and availability of both,
and on the whole these clubs are well organised and clean.
Safe sex is practiced, and bouncers and/or managers will
explain the rules and methods of each place on arrival. It is
cheaper to partake over here, but that does not mean you
wont pay for the privilege of watching a live sex or lesbian
show. Generally, youll have to pay an entrance fee (around
500K) to sit at the bar; this fee is waived if you are there to
pay for other services immediately. Many of the central clubs
pay men and women to entice you off the street and into their
nearby establishments, but if youre heading somewhere
by taxi, make sure youre taken to the one you want to go to
rather than the one the taxi driver gets commission from.
Check prices of services and drinks, and enjoy
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 10, robrova 6, MFlora,
tel. (+420) 777 57 77 76, [email protected], www. Strip clubs are a dime a dozen in Prague,
but Exclusive Club has raised the bar. Newly open; they
take reservations, have a VIP room, free entry and every-
one gets a welcome drink. Lovely ladies and an events
calendar; Exclusive Club is worth the slightly out of centre
trip. QOpen 19:00 - 04:00, Wed, Thu 19:00 - 05:00, Fri,
Sat 20:00 - 06:00.
Captain Nemo Ovocn trh 13 , Praha 1, tel. +420
224 211 868, [email protected], www.cabaret- The club is located at the heart of
Prague. Striptease, GO-GO, privat dance, aqua show - this is
what the club offers. Metal and mahogany were used for the
ultra-modern interior a la submarine, friendly and mysterious
atmosphere. Tables are fenced off from each other with soft
leather sofas, so no one will disturb you during the pleasant
evening with unforgettable strip show.
Prague In Your Pocket Winter 2014
Darling Cabaret Ve Smekch 32, Praha 1, tel. +420
732 248 082, [email protected], www.kabaret.
cz. One of the biggest and most popular of the adult clubs in
town but its not cheap as it caters for the comparatively rich
tourists. Head over to Vclavsk nm. and just try to miss
it... youve probably seen and been photographed next to
their limo too. Watch cabaret, lesbian shows, Thai Fire shows
and table dancing courtesy of 150-200 girls a night. QOpen
Mon, Tue 20:00 - 05:00, Wed, Thu, Sun 12:00 - 05:00, Fri,
Sat 12:00 - 06:00.
Escade I-7, Praha 4, Kesomyslova 5, MVyehrad, tel.
(+420) 241 40 98 88, [email protected], www. Tucked down in Nusle is Escade, home to thirty
girls every night for your viewing (and more) pleasure. Get
comfortable in the sofa-laden bar before taking your pick of
one of their spacious rooms, sauna or whirlpool. The usual
strip and erotic shows are crowd pleasers, and Escade also
offers soft S&M, services for couple, special private arrange-
ments and an escort service. Just in case you go overboard,
theres an ATM. Q Open 24 hrs. PA
Extasy Cabaret Praha 3, Chlumova 13, tel. (+420)
222 78 00 48/(+420) 777 206 006, [email protected], Extasy offers a courtesy car from anywhere
in Prague and a free welcome drink for punters. This is a
well-known place for quality girls and imaginative shows,
for example, Cheryl and her drill - use that imagination
yup, thats right. Anyway, its all air conditioned, they have
a bar with dance, erotic and lesbian shows, massage, plus
various rooms and even a waterbed. Extasy also hosts film
and photo shoots. QOpen 20:00 - 06:00. A
Goldf ingers E- 4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 5,
MMstek, tel. (+420) 608 663 066, info@goldfingers.
cz, No sex please, were British. This
is not the call of either James Bond or the stag-partier, but
that is the ethic at Goldfingers, the classiest strip joint in
town. Its not cheap but then again, the girls arent either.
QOpen 21:00 - 04:00. PJAEX
Hot Peppers F- 4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 21,
MMuzeum, tel. (+420) 724 13 40 11, hotpeppers@, Hot Peppers - Gate to Hell
is an original, exclusive club. Next door to the disco Duplex,
its the ideal combination of cabaret dancers and champagne
consumption; all with a professional presentation. The
V.I.P. Champagne Lounge, with its choice of many exquisite
brands of bubbly, cant be found anywhere else. The all-night
programme includes exotic and cancan dancers; a lesbian
show, stag show and even private rooms. Benefits include
free entry, every second beer free, discount vouchers for 5
and 10 beers, and many more attractive offers. Plus, the
party can go on as long as you wish - theres no closing time
at Hot Peppers. Excepts all credit cards, including American
Express. QOpen 20:00 - 6:00. PJA
Lotos Club Praha 4, Kupeckho 832, MHje, tel.
(+420) 272 91 68 25, [email protected],
Newly renovated and still specialising in the discreet luxury
niche. Lotos is modelled on a gentlemans club although with
the added bonus of young girls, pool and S&M room for start-
ers. Choose from over 20 quality girls a night. Free entrance
voucher on the website. Q Open 24hrs. A
erotic shows. I f you so desire, have extra sugar in your
bowl with a choice of seven rooms - one has a whirlpool.
Various theme nights spice things up too. QOpen 19:00
- 07:00. PA
Tantra Club Dejvick 1, Hradansk metro station,
MHradansk, tel. +420 777 58 74 88, tantraclub@, www.tantra- Swi nger cl ub wi th
unique Tantric concepts is inviting couples and singles
(single men and women accepted) to learn, experience
and enjoy special Tantric Massages, Therapy of Touch,
exclusive Erotic performances. Each program is at least 4
hours long and includes various tantric techniques, learn-
ing Dao and ancient Egyptian massage, introductions and
switching partners, as well as erotic competitions and
prizes. Sauna, Whirlpool, Bar, Showers, Karaoke, Private
Rooms available. The club is located only a few minutes
walk from the Hradansk metro station.
TANTRIC Massage- Prague salon Dejvick 1,
Praha 6, MHradansk, tel. +420 773223648,
[email protected], www.massage- Erotic massage Club - a holiday for lov-
ers of spicy treats. Beauti ful masseuses, tactful and
professional. In this club you will be abl e to experi ence
the real pl easure from professional hands and beauti ful
bodi es.Q PJW
Velvet Praha 4, Ve Svahu 13, MVyehrad, tel.
(+420) 241 43 26 74, [email protected],
The sel f-proclaimed flagship of erotic calls for all hands
on deck a short taxi ride south of the centre. Amenities
include bubble baths, video, free minibar and escort ser-
vices. Call ahead and a taxi will pick you up free of charge.
Q Open 24hrs. A
Magic Club Prague Havelsk 8, Praha 1, tel. +420
224 247 557, [email protected], www. Magic Cabaret Prague offers a
very friendly and intimate atmosphere with upto 10 girls
girls every night. Although not ideal for larger Stag Parties
this club has something special .... something magical.
QOpen 20:00 - 05:00.
Neon Club Balbinov 21, MMuzeum, tel. (+420)
222 25 01 05/(+420) 733 12 10 22, info@neonclub.
cz, The Neon Club offers three exotic
floors of strippers, lap dancers and escort services. The
first floor will amuse with its selection of sex toys; while the
second has a reasonably priced cocktail bar and dancing
girls. Ascend to the third and you can catch a game in their
sports bar. QOpen 12:00 - 5:00.
Ni ght Gym Anensk 203/1, Pr aha 1, tel .
+420702080011, [email protected], www.nightgym.
cz. A brand new club - NIGHTGYM has all you need, beautifull
ladies, great cocktails, superb shows, special showlounges
for exercising and training, champagne rooms - all that for
great prices. Q Open from 20:00.
Sexy Sauna Club Praha 1, Ve Smekch 19, MMuze-
um, tel. +420 775 37 76 16, [email protected], www. The Sexy Sauna Club will heat up you night
with a variety of massages and lots of girls. An all-inclusive
unlimited stay fee offers food, soft drinks, Finnish sauna,
XXXL whirlpool and more. QOpen 12:00 - 05:00, Fri, Sat
12:00 - 06:00. 2000 CZK, plus extras.
Sugars Cabaret I - 5, Praha 1, Krakovsk 25,
MMuzeum, tel. (+420) 222 21 07 96. Get a free
beer while you watch one of their strip, lesbian or auto-
Carioca E-4, Praha 1, Vclavsk nm. 1, MMstek,
tel. (+420) 296 32 53 14. A large open room with a central
stage hosts girls galore doing the can-can and go-go, plus strip
and lesbian shows. The place resembles a wedding reception
complete with faux Louis XIV furniture, but you lads arent here
for the dcor, now are you? QOpen 21:00 - 04:00. PA
Club 161 K-2, Praha 8, Sokolovsk 161, MKikova,
tel. (+420) 284 81 02 62, [email protected], www. A small residential house hosts from two (in the
day) to 12 lovely girls for your pleasure. Downstairs is a bar
and pole for strip and lesbian shows, while upstairs you can
take your pick of four rooms and/or a Jacuzzi. An S&M room
has toys, PVC everything and whips if thats your bag, baby.
Free entrance and decent bar prices. QOpen 12:00 - 06:00,
Sat, Sun 18:00 - 06:00. AL
Club 600 Praha 3, Konvova 66, tel. (+420) 222 58
61 28, [email protected], Cosy club offering
all the fun of the fair from three in the afternoon to the very
early hours of the morning. Always a good number of Czech
girls on hand to provide you with whatever assistance and
relaxation you may need. QOpen 19:00 - 05:00.
Club K5 Relax J-5, Praha 2, Korunn 5, MNm. Mru,
tel. (+420) 224 25 05 05, The best
club in Prague, and considered by experts as one of the top
sex clubs anywhere in Central Europe. From friendly doormen
to the hands-on management who will answer all of your
questions in as many languages as you can imagine, to the
lovely girls who will look after your every wish, this place has
it all. A computerised payment system ensures that you will
not be ripped off. We cannot recommend K5 more. QOpen
16:00 - 04:00. A
Prague In Your Pocket
17. listopadu D-2
28. jna E-4
Alovo nbe D-2
Anensk D-3
Anensk Nm. D-3
Anesk F-1
Bartolomjsk D-4
Benediktsk F-2
Besedn B-4
Betlmsk D-4
Betlmsk Nm. D-4
Blkova E-2
Borov D-4
Behov D-1
Betislavova A-2
Celetn F-3
Ciheln C-2
echv most D-1
erven E-2
Divadeln C-4
Dlouh E-2
Draickho B-2
Draickho Nm. B-2
Dun E-1
Dvokovo nb. D-1
E. Krsnohorsk E-2
Harantova B-3
Hatalsk F-2
Hatalsk Nm. F-2
Havelsk E-3
Havelsk ulika E-3
Havsk E-3
Hellichova A-3
Hlavsova E-3
Hradansk nm A-1
Hradebn F-2
Hroznov B-3
Husova D-3
Charvtova E-4
Chotkova B-1
Jchymova E-2
Jakubsk F-3
Jalovcov D-3
Jnsk vrek A-2
Jilsk D-3
Jindisk F-4
Jisk B-1
Josefsk B-2
K Hatalu F-1
Kamzkov E-3
Kaprova D-2
Karlova D-3
Karlv most C-3
Karmelitsk B-3
Karolny Svtl C-4
Klrov C-1
Kltersk F-1
Konviktsk D-4
Kosrkovo nb. D-1
Kosten E-2
Koz E-1
Kon E-3
Krlodvorsk F-3
Krocnova C-4
Kiovnick D-3
Kiovnick Nm. D-3
Lzesk B-2
Letensk B-2
Liliov D-3
Linhartsk D-3
Maiselova D-2
Mal Kltern F-1
Mal Nm. E-3
Malostransk nb. B-4
Malostransk Nm. B-2
Maltzsk Nm. B-3
Mnesv most C-2
Marinsk Nm. D-3
Martinsk D-4
Masn E-2
Melantrichova E-3
Michalsk E-3
Mikovcova I-5
Mikulandsk D-4
Mikulsk E-3
Mesk B-2
Most Legi C-4
Mosteck B-2
Na Frantiku E-1
Na Kamp B-3
Na Mstku E-4
Na Opyi C-1
Na Pertn D-4
Na Pkop F-3
Na Rejditi D-2
Na Zbradl C-3
Nb. Ed. Benee C-1
Nm. Curieovch E-1
Nm. Franze Kafky E-3
Nm. J. Palacha D-2
Nm. U sv. Ji A-1
Nmst Republiky F-2
Nprstkova D-3
Nrodn D-4
Nebovidsk B-3
Nekzanka F-3
Nerudova A-2
Nosticova B-3
Novotnho lvka C-3
Olivov F-4
Ovocn trh F-3
Pansk F-4
Pask E-1
Pelclova B-3
Perlov E-4
Plask B-4
Platnsk D-2
Pod Bruskou C-1
Politickch vz F-4
Pran most A-1
Prokopsk B-2
Provaznick E-3
Prchodn D-4
Rmov F-2
Revolun F-2
Rov F-4
Rybn F-2
Rytsk E-4
snovka F-1
etzov D-3
n B-4
Salvtorsk E-2
Sask B-2
Seminsk D-3
Senovn F-3
Skoepka D-4
Smetanovo nb. C-4
Snmovn B-2
Splen D-4
Star zmeck schody B-1
Staromstsk Nm. E-3
Stbrn D-3
ekov B-4
irok D-2
tefnikv most F-1
tupartsk F-2
Templov F-3
Thunovsk A-2
Tomsk B-2
Trit A-2
Tnsk F-2
Tnsk ulika E-2
U Bruskch kasren C-1
U Dobenskch D-4
U Lanov drhy A-4
U Luickho sem. C-2
U Milosrdnch E-1
U Obecnho domu F-3
U Obecnho dvora E-2
U Plovrny D-1
U Pran brny F-3
U Radnice E-3
U Sovovch mln B-3
U Star koly E-2
U Starho hbitova D-2
U Sv. Ducha E-2
U Zlat studn B-1
U elezn lvky C-1
Uheln trh E-4
jezd A-4
V Cpu F-4
V Kolkovn E-2
V Kotcch E-4
Vclavsk Nm. F-4
Valdtejnsk C-1
Valdtejnsk Nm. B-1
Valentinsk D-2
Vejvodova D-3
Veleslavnova D-2
Velkopevorsk Nm. B-3
Vzesk E-2
Viksk A-1
Vtzn B-4
Vlask A-2
Vorilsk D-4
Vehrdova B-4
Za Hatalem F-2
Zmeck A-2
Zmeck schody A-1
Zlat D-3
Zlat ulika B-1
ateck D-2
elezn E-3
Prague In Your Pocket
AAA Exclusive Club 51
Absolutum Boutique Hotel
18, 29
Adalbert 20
AghaRTA Jazz Centrum 37
Akropolis 36
Aloha Wave Lounge 23, 34
Ambassador Casino 34
Ambassador Zlat husa 18
Ambiente Brasileiro 26
Ambiente Living 23
Amores Perros 26
Amour Hotel Residence 21
Angelo Hotel 18
Angus Restaurant 23
Apostolic Residence 18
Appia Hotel Residences 21
Aromi 26
Aureole 26
Back Doors 34
Barnick rychta 23
Barock 34
Beer Factory 37
Bellevue 25
Belvedere 18
Bilkova 13 26
Bohemia 34
Bokovka 27
Bresto 33
Bugsy's 34
Caf Imperial 33
Caf Lounge 33
Caf Louvre 33
Caffrey's 25
Captain Nemo 51
Carioca 52
Casa Marcello 18
Casino de Prague Le Hilton 34
Casino Panorama 34
Century Casino Millennium 34
Clear Head 27
Cloud 9 34
Club 161 52
Club 600 52
Club K5 Relax 52
Corinthia Panorama 19
Courtyard Marriott Prague
Airport 22
Cowboys Steaks & Cocktails
Coyotes 34
Cross Club 36
Czech Inn 21
Darling Cabaret 52
Dog's Bollocks 34
Dubliner Irish Bar 37
Dubliner Irish Pub 25
Duplex 36
Emporio Caf 33
Escade 52
Espressamente Illy 33
Evropa 20
Extasy Cabaret 52
Four Seasons 18
Francouzsk restaurace Art
Nouveau 24
Futurum 36
Giallo Rosa 27
Gitanes 23
Globe 33
Goldfinger's 52
Grand Caf Orient 33
Hangar Bar Praha 35
Harleys 35
Hostel Prague Tyn 22
Hotel & Apartments Elysee 19
Hotel Ariston & Ariston Patio
Hotel Duo 19
Hotel Noir 20
Hot Pepper's 52
Hunger Wall Residence 21
Charles Bridge 38
Chateau St. Havel 19
Chefparade Cooking School
Chudoba 24
Il Giardino 24
Infinity 36
James Dean 35
Jazz Boat 37
Karlovy Lzn 36
Kavrna Obecn Dm 33
Klub Phenomen 36
Kri-Kri 24
La Casa Bl 35
La Casa de la Havana Vieja
La Cave D'Adrien 24
La Degustation 25
La Loca Music Bar & Lounge
Little Town Hotel 22
LOCA cafe bar 35
Lokalblok 35
Lotos Club 52
Lucerna Music Bar 37
Lv dvr 24
Magic Club Prague 53
Mamy Korean restaurant 26
Marriott Executive
Apartments 21
Merlin 37
Miss Sophie's 20
Mosaic House 19, 29
Municipal House 38
National Theatre 38
Nebe (The Heaven) 37
Neon Club 53
Neruda 20
NH Prague 20
Night Gym 53
Old Prague Hostel 22
Old Town Square 38
Olanka 20
Olympos 24
Osteria De Clara 26
Palace Praha 18
Paris 18
Peach Pit 36
Petnsk Terasy 24
Plzesk 24
Prague Marriott 18
Prague Square Hostel 22
RadostFX 37
Reduta 37
Retro Music Hall 37
Rocky O'Reilly's 25
Sarah Bernhardt 24
Sexy Sauna Club 53
Sheraton Prague Charles
Square Hotel 18
Sir Toby's 22
Starbucks 33
Sugar's Cabaret 53
Tantra Club 53
TANTRIC Massage-Prague
salon 53
T.G.I. Fridays 23
TGI Fridays 23
The Obansk Plovrna Thai
Restaurant 27
The Sushi Bar 26
Tower Park Prague 24
Town Hall & Astronomical
clock 38
U Flek 23
U Kalicha 23
Ultramarin 36
U Malho Glena 23
U Pinkas 23
U Zlatho tygra 37
Velvet 53
Vyehrad 38
Wenceslas Square 38
Yam Yam Thai Food & Cafe 27
Zephyr Excelent Urban Pub 37
Zlat strom 37
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