A Goddess You Say
A Goddess You Say
A Goddess You Say
As the Christian writer C. S. Lewis once explained, apart from the Jews,
men in general knew only paganism so when the light of Christ’s gospel
was to be spread amongst the gentiles it appears, seemingly, that a
foundation was already laid down in the myths and legends of paganism.
This foundation, or shabby bed-rock, prepared for a true Religion, a true
Faith in other words for the Truth of the real Divinity of Jesus Christ and
of the Triune God, revealed as though such good news was concealed and
now came out in the open and revealed by the Creator, by God Himself.
Therefore, many pagan religions, Babylonian, Roman, Greek, Mayan,
borrowed Judaic/Hebrew elements or by chance absorbed elements which
Christianity could build upon. This could have happened by chance or by
Divine will, evidently for the sake of the people who would come to
understand and adopt Christianity as their own. This is possible for if
mankind is left isolated (such as the Inca, Maya, Aztec populations)
beliefs in forces of good and appeasement of evil developed naturally and
independently. Mankind seems always to gravitate towards the paradigm
of good vs evil even if isolated. Therefore, some truth and understanding
is developed by people who must build from scratch their lore, legend,
religion and beliefs even if left isolated from the rest of mankind. In
antiquity their occurred the emergence of the sun-god Ra by Pharoah
Akhenaten coincidentally in the times when the Jews where exiled in
Egypt. Was there any influence by Patriarch Joseph? The sun-god
became a sort of monotheistic one god religion contrasting greatly with
the diverse Egyptian deities and their pantheon. Once Akhenaten died,
the Egyptian priests who rather preferred a pantheon of gods and
goddesses, eradicated his monotheistic thought. However, the legends of
their deities have stories, which are shadows of Catholic teaching, such as
the story of Horus and his mother.
Moving further forward in history we can well mention the Roman god
chronos (god of time) whose emblem was Constantine’s Chi-Ro or XP,
which was adopted to represent Christ. So were other pagan Roman gods,
emblems and symbology adopted to represent Jesus Christ, such as the
Roman/Asian shepherd god Mithras. The early Christians also adopted
their names, such as Saint Venus and Saint Dionysius, this did not make
them pagan!
The three Magi, kings visiting the infant, were lucky to have preserved in
their lore the prophecies regarding a King who would be born when a
great Star was to appear. The Star of Bethlehem understood today as
being the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter representing a Holy High
Priest-King did appear. The three Magi followed it and presented the gifts
myrrh, gold and incense representing the Sacrifice, the Priest-hood and
Kingship, (in modern lore J.R.R. Tolkien hints to ‘Watch’ for the return
of the King.) The Magi were not Jews nor Christian but pagans who in
some manner, which eludes us still, were instructed in the Truth.
The Apostle Paul who set out to evangelise the pagans and the gentiles,
when evangelising the Greeks spoke regarding their ‘Unknown God’ to
whom an alter was dedicated. The Greeks had therefore dedicated an alter
to the unknown God whom Saint Paul compared or actually stated that
He was the True God, the Only One Triune God in existence without
beginning and without end.
Saul fell from his horse after being blinded by the sun out of which the
Lord’s voice was heard, and Constantine had a similar experience whilst
marching onto Rome. But why the sun? Most strikingly and
understandably so, is Jesus Christ compared with the light of the sun and
the sun itself, this is figurative. However, following the darkness of
paganism the sun and the light of the truth had to emerge, “What is the
truth?” enquired the pagan Pontius Pilate to Jesus Christ, the fact that the
Son of God had to suffer and die at the hands of men and resurrect on the
third day to redeem mankind was it. Christians do not adore the sun in as
much as they venerate the moon. The moon (and the morning star) reflect
the sun’s light, the representation of Our Lady. However, the light and the
darkness are mentioned many a time in the Old and New Testaments.
Again the sun and the moon had many ancient pagan deities ascribed to
them, this nonetheless does not mean that Christianity or Catholicism is a
pagan religion. The sun is again mentioned during the Czestochowa and
Fatima appearances, this now only symbolises the light which Christ
brings to the world. In Heaven or in the New Jerusalem and in the
Kingdom of God, as described in Revelation, there is no sun nor moon
for God, the Triune God, is the Light and the only Light. If allegory and
comparisons of the truth with the light of the sun and the moon is taken as
pagan then the Bible (both Old and New Testaments) should be thrown
away into the waste paper basket for such comparisons are done
frequently, and this even the Catholic hating Evangelicals cannot but
admit as truth. In Revelation the explanation and full meaning of the
morning star is given. It represents power and dominion and the
resurrection, it represents Jesus Christ.
The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the
glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. Revelation 21:23
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the
churches. I am the Root and the offspring of David, and the bright
Morning Star.” Revelation 22:16
The Pope clearly states that whilst the pagans were fertile through
their prostitution, Our Lady and Christians are fruitful by virtue of
their celibacy and virginity. This fruitfulness is none other than
salvation or simply the achievement of eternal life. That is the true secret
of the path and the light, which illumes this path, our eternal life. The
sexual act in marriage is not the same act as outside of marriage; whilst
the physical attributes are similar, the spiritual is quite frankly at opposite
polar ends. One act profanes and defiles whilst the other sanctifies and
unifies. The Virginity, the Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception were
reserved only for her and her Son.
But first………
C.S. Lewis on Allegory and Lore
³I am trying here to prevent anyone from saying the really foolish thing
that people often say about Him [Jesus Christ]: “I’m ready to accept Jesus
as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.”
That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and
said the sort of things Jesus said wouldnot be a great moral teacher. He
would either be a lunatic — on a level with a man who says he is a
poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell.
You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is,the Son of God,:
or else a madman or something worse …. You can shut him up for fool,
you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and
call him Lord and God. But let us not come up with any patronizing
nonsense about his being a great humanteacher. He has not left that
option open to us. He did not intend to.²
If Aslan represented the immaterial Deity in the same way in which Giant
Despair [a character in The Pilgrim's Progress] represents despair, he
would be an allegorical figure. In reality however he is an invention
giving an imaginary answer to the question, ‘What might Christ become
like, if there really were a world like Narnia and He chose to be incarnate
and die and rise again in that world as He actually has done in ours?’ This
is not allegory at all. (Martindale & Root 1990)
So what ??
The similarity does not prove that Our Lady is a demon but rather proves
that you ‘guys and gals’ are deceived and listen to the lies of demons.
The New Age gods and goddesses are nothing but the same ancient and
modern day gods and goddesses of Freemasonry and other secret cults
and devil worshippers. The ancient Judaic colours used adorning the High
Priest were blue and white, however it is a blasphemous matter to
compare Salvation History and the Judaic colours with Mother Earth or
Gaia worship. Truly as everybody knows, the colours of planet Earth as
seen from space are indeed blue and white, Our Lady is also clothed with
such colours as in the apparitions of Lourdes and Fatima. However,
should straight reasoning in accordance with justice and truth deduce that
all that is associated with the colours blue and white is but paganism?
Then if the answer is in the affirmative so were the ancient High Priest
Judaic robes pagan. But who can state that such is so? A mere Bible
based Christian such as an Evangelical? Evangelicals who state such
nonsense are not Christian!!
In “Longing for Darkness”, New Age writer China Galland compares Our
Lady with the goddess Durga, the warrior queen also referred to as the
Queen of the Universe who could restore harmony. The writer compares
Our Lady with Kali-Kali who is dark or a black female goddess. Both
New Agers and Buddhists including (according to the author) the Dalai
Lama possibly view the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, the Black
Madonna of Poland as Buddhist Rang-Jung or self-arising. This self-
arising reminds me of Adam and Eve who attempted to become gods and
reach ‘the god status’ (the Dalai Lama would say Nirvana) by their own
(and Lucifer’s) futile efforts.
Just because Our Lady appears black in certain Icons doesn’t make her
Durga, Kali-Kali or other pagan demons. Should Barack Obama be
compared to an African Voodoo priest for the sole reason that he is a
black man? To me this is an evident smear campaign against the Blessed
Virgin Mary.
1. Astarte or Astaroth.
Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her symbols
were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star within a circle
indicating the planet Venus. Pictorial representations often show her
Astarte was accepted by the Greeks under the name of Aphrodite. The
island of Cyprus, one of Astarte’s greatest faith centers, supplied the
name Cypris as Aphrodite’s most common byname.
Other major centers of Astarte’s worship were Sidon, Tyre, and Byblos.
Coins from Sidon portray a chariot in which a globe appears, presumably
a stone representing Astarte. In Sidon, she shared a temple with Eshmun.
At Beirut coins show Poseidon, Astarte, and Eshmun worshipped
Other faith centers were Cytherea, Malta, and Eryx in Sicily from which
she became known to the Romans as Venus Erycina. A bilingual
inscription on the Pyrgi Tablets dating to about 500 BC found near Caere
in Etruria equates Astarte with Etruscan Uni-Astre that is, Juno. At
Carthage Astarte was worshipped alongside the goddess Tanit.
For what seems to be the use of the Hebrew plural form ‘Aštārōt as the
name of a demon, see also Astaroth.
Some sources claim that the Greek goddess Aphrodite (especially in her
aspect as Aphrodite Erycina) is another name for Astarte. Herodotus
wrote that the religious community of Aphrodite originated in Phoenicia
and came to Greeks from there. He also wrote about the world’s largest
temple of Aphrodite, in one of the Phoenician cities.
D – the sphinx
A – Our Lady is connected with war, however her power lies in the
intercession to protect and does not wage war. She is not a goddess of
war, she is not a goddess in the first place.
B – the symbol of the lion represents her Son. Solomon’s throne had
two lions on either side and twelve lions of gold before him.
C – the dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit, she is His spouse
D – the Jews might have used cherubim similar to the sphinx within
the temple on either side of the arc of the covenant.
Our Lady is not a goddess – she is the mother of Jesus Christ and
therefore of God. She intercedes for humanity, is present body and
soul in Heaven and therefore has qualities pertaining to Heaven and
not to Earth. She is not a goddess of war, but a mother who protects.
Isis, Osiris and Horus.
Sky god
Horus was told by his mother Isis to protect the people of Egypt from Set
the god of the underworld. Horus is the god of the sky, and the son of
Osiris. His mother is Isis.
It was said that after the world was created, Horus landed on a perch,
known as the djeba, which literally translates as finger, in order to rest,
which consequently became considered sacred. On some occasions,
Horus was referred to as lord of the djeba (i.e. lord of the perch or lord of
the finger), a form in which he was especially worshipped at Buto, known
as Djebauti, meaning (ones) of the djeba (the reason for the plural is not
understood, and may just have been a result of Epenthesis, or Paragoge).
The form of Djebauti eventually became depicted as an heron,
nevertheless continuing to rest on the sacred perch.
Since Horus was said to be the sky, he was considered to also contain the
sun and moon. It became said that the sun was one of his eyes and the
moon the other, and that they traversed the sky when he, a falcon, flew
across it. Thus he became known as Harmerty – Horus of two eyes. Later,
the reason that the moon was not as bright as the sun was explained by a
tale, known as the contestings of Horus and Set, originating as a
metaphor for the conquest of Upper Egypt by Lower Egypt in about
3000BC. In this tale, it was said that Set, the patron of Upper Egypt, and
Horus, the patron of Lower Egypt, had battled for Egypt brutally, with
neither side victorious, until eventually the gods sided with Horus (see
Horus was occasionally shown in art as a naked boy with a finger in his
mouth sitting on a lotus with his mother. In the form of a youth, Horus
was referred to as Neferhor. This is also spelled Nefer Hor, Nephoros or
Nopheros (nfr ḥr.w) meaning ‘The Good Horus’.
War god
Horus was also said to be a war god and a hunter’s god; since he was
associated with the falcon. Thus he became a symbol of majesty and
power as well as the model of the pharaohs.
Furthermore Nemty (also a war god meaning “He who travels”) was later
identified as Horus.
Conqueror of Set
After Set killed his brother, Osiris, Horus had many battles with Set, not
only to avenge his father, but to chose the rightful ruler of Egypt. One
scene stated how Horus was on the verge of killing Set; but his mother
(and Set’s sister), Isis, stopped him. Isis injured Horus, but eventually
healed him.
By the Nineteenth dynasty, the enmity between Set and Horus, in which
Horus had ripped off one of Set’s testicles, was represented as a separate
tale. According to Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, Set is depicted as trying to
prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having intercourse with
him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches
Set’s semen, then subsequently throws it in the river, so that he may not
be said to have been inseminated by Set. Horus then deliberately spreads
his own semen on some lettuce, which was Set’s favorite food (the
Egyptians thought that lettuce was phallic). After Set has eaten the
lettuce, they go to the gods to try to settle the argument over the rule of
Egypt. The gods first listen to Set’s claim of dominance over Horus, and
call his semen forth, but it answers from the river, invalidating his claim.
Then, the gods listen to Horus’ claim of having dominated Set, and call
his semen forth, and it answers from inside Set.
This myth, along with others, could be seen as an explanation of how the
two kingdoms of Egypt (Upper and Lower) came to be united. Horus was
seen as the God of Lower Egypt, and Set as the God of Upper Egypt
(which happens to be _south_ of the upper Delta region). In this myth, the
respective Upper and Lower deities have a fight, through which Horus is
the victor. However, some of Horus (representing Lower Egypt) enters
into Set (Upper Egypt) thus explaining why Lower Egypt is dominant
over the Upper Egyptians. Set’s regions were then considered to be of the
But the battle wasn’t over yet, and the other gods were getting tired from
over eighty years of fighting and challenges. Horus and Set challenged
each other to a boat race, where they each raced in a boat made of stone.
Horus and Set agreed, and the race started. But Horus had a secret
weapon: his boat was made of wood, not stone. Set’s boat, being made of
heavy stone, sank, but Horus’s didn’t. Horus then won the race, and Set
stepped down and officially gave Horus the throne of Egypt. But after the
New Kingdom, Set still was considered Lord of the desert and its oases.
The similarities with the Blessed Virgin and Jesus Christ are the
D – the sphinx
B – Our Lady is connected with war, however her power lies in the
intercession to protect and does not wage war. She is not a goddess of
war, she is not a goddess in the first place.
D – the Jews might have used cherubim similar to the sphinx within
the temple on either side of the arc of the covenant.
Once again similarly with the case of Astarte, Isis, Osiris and Horus
are simply pagan myths. The rituals in their honour included temple
prostitution and this alone indicates that the Blessed Virgin has
absolutely nothing to do with such a myth. As Pope Benedict explains
clearly in his book “Daughter Zion” temple prostitution was a pagan
attribute due to the worry and apprehension of physical fertility.
Once Our Lady was Immaculately Conceived kept from every stain
of sin nobody can compare her with such a filthy image as of Isis.
Our Lady ensures our fruitfulness through our own sacrifices and
abstinence, while demons who play the role of Isis are only interested
in the profane sexual rituals which endure in the Black Mass and
Masonic Lodge which apparently is thought to lengthen life, bring
prosperity, ensure eternal life, a fake resurrection and victory over
Adonai by way of gaining an independent mortal life. All this is yet
but a lie set aflame by the scheming of he who calls himself prince of
this world.
Our Lady is not a goddess – she is the mother of Jesus Christ and
therefore of God. She intercedes for humanity, is present body and
soul in Heaven and therefore has qualities pertaining to Heaven and
not to Earth. She is not a goddess of war, but a mother who protects.
Juno, Diana and Hecate.
Juno was the protector and special counselor of the Roman state. She is a
daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter
and the mother of Juventas, Mars, and Vulcan. Her Greek equivalent is
Hera. As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman empire she was
called Regina (”queen”) and, together with Jupiter and Minerva, was
worshipped as a triad on the Capitol (Juno Capitolina) in Rome. As the
Juno moneta (which either means “the one who warns” or “the one
unique” or “union unique”) she guarded over the finances of the empire
and had a temple on the Arx (one of two Capitoline hills), close to the
Royal Mint. She was also worshipped in many other cities, where temples
were built in her honor. Every year, on the first of March, women held a
festival in honor of Juno called the Matronalia . On this day, lambs and
other cattle were sacrificed in her honor. Another festival called the
Nonae Caprotinae (”The Nones of the Wild Fig”) was held on July 7.
Many people consider the month of June, which is named after the
goddess who is the patroness of marriage, to be the most favorable time
to marry. Lucina was an epithet for Juno as “she who brings children into
light.” Juno’s own warlike aspect among the Romans is apparent in her
attire. She often appeared armed and wearing a goatskin cloak, which was
the garment favoured by Roman soldiers on campaign. This warlike
aspect was assimilated from the Greek goddess Athena, whose goatskin
was called the ‘aegis.’
Diana was the hunting goddess, associated with wild animals and woodlands. She
also later became a moon goddess, supplanting Luna, and was an emblem of chastity.
Oak groves were especially sacred to her. She was praised in poetry for her strength,
athletic grace, distinct beauty and hunting skill. In practice she made up a trinity with
two other Roman deities: Egeria the water nymph, her servant and assistant midwife;
and Virbius, the woodland god. In her etymology, “Diana” is simply :”the Goddess”,
with a Greek parallel in the name — though not the cult practice — of Dione at
Dodona. She was goddess of fertility and quick to anger.
Diana is therefore associated with Chastity and the Moon just like
Our Lady, however this does not make Our Lady a pagan goddess.
She still remains the Mother of God.
Our Lady is not a goddess – she is the mother of Jesus Christ and
therefore of God. She intercedes for humanity, is present body and
soul in Heaven and therefore has qualities pertaining to Heaven and
not to Earth. She is not a goddess of war, but a mother who protects.
Demeter, Kali, Inanna and Durga.
Her Roman equivalent is Ceres, from whom the word “cereal” is derived.
Demeter is easily confused with Gaia or Rhea, and with Cybele. The
goddess’s epithets reveal the span of her functions in Greek life. Demeter
and Kore (”the maiden”) are usually invoked as to theo (’”The Two
Goddesses”), and they appear in that form in Linear B graffiti at
Mycenaean Pylos in pre-classical times. A connection with the goddess-
cults of Minoan Crete is quite possible.
Both Innana and Durga are warriors and fight demons however both
encourage temple prostitution.
Sophia, Lilith, Persephone and Maat.
Lilith (Hebrew )ליליתis a mythological female Mesopotamian storm
demon associated with wind and was thought to be a bearer of disease,
illness, and death. The figure of Lilith first appeared in a class of wind
and storm demons or spirits as Lilitu, in Sumer, circa 4000 BC. Many
scholars place the origin of the phonetic name “Lilith” at somewhere
around 700 BC despite post-dating even the time of Moses. Lilith appears
as a night demon in Jewish lore and as a screech owl in the King James
version of the Bible.
Fanciful myth. Any comparisons with the Blessed Virgin start and
finish with the elements of morality, truth, order and justice.
Lawyers should pray the Holy Rosary too if they want to follow these
Our Lady is not a goddess – she is the mother of Jesus Christ and
therefore of God. She intercedes for humanity, is present body and
soul in Heaven and therefore has qualities pertaining to Heaven and
not to Earth. She is not a goddess of war, but a mother who protects.
The goddess Quetzacoatl in Mexico City
At the center of the city, at the summit of a pyramid 150 feet high, Cortes
insisted on the removal of the Aztec idols and installed a cross and an
image of the Virgin Mary. Eventually, the natives attempted to remove
the image, however their attempts proved useless as the image resisted
and refused to be removed. A battle ensued and according to the Indios,
“…the woman of the altar”(1) cast powder and hail in their eyes and
blinded many, while Saint James of Compostella appeared astride a white
horse, both the steed and rider killed numerous Indios. The Aztecs
claimed that, had Saint James and the Virgin not frightened them, the
Spanish would have been cooked and eaten with chocolate. The Spanish
thanked ‘Our Lady of the Snows,’ (Feast August 5), for having delivered
them from the cannibalistic and chocolate eating Aztecs. The chocolate
was consumed together with honey and amaranth during their pagan and
magic rituals, practises which were later outlawed. However, an ancient
prophecy of the Aztec civilization was regarding the return of the goddess
Quetzacoatl, they had to respond and free themselves from her by
performing magic rituals and repel the aggressors with showers of
chocolate. The Blessed Virgin might have been mistaken for their
Quetzacoatl. The Virgin who stamps out the snake underfoot shot
water/snow/hail chrystals at them. Saint John the Baptist baptized with
water. The Church today baptizes with water and the Holy Spirit to
cleanse the child (neophyte) of Original sin. The fact that Our Lady, the
Spouse of the Holy Spirit, guided Colombus through arduous adventures
for the sake and salvation of the Indios, this mission to the Americas was
a ‘baptizing’ mission. The dynamics of God’s Mercy and Justice which
were manifest in Tenochtitlan can be studied. Our Lady symbolized the
arrival of Christianity, of the christening with water and the Holy Spirit,
manifest by God’s Mercy in baptism and God’s Justice in Our Lady’s
supernatural attack. Our Lady of the Snows is radiant and pure, reflecting
the Sun’s rays or God’s power.
A different rabbinical tradition says that the idol was hollow and was
divided into seven compartments, in one of which they put flour, in the
second turtle-doves, in the third a ewe, in the fourth a ram, in the fifth a
calf, in the sixth an ox, and in the seventh a child, which were all burned
together by heating the statue inside.
Hestia, Vesta and Rhea Silva
Vesta was the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman
mythology. Although she is often mistaken as analogous to Hestia in
Greek mythology; she had a large, albeit mysterious role in Roman
religion long before she appeared in Greece. Vesta was much more
important to the Romans than Hestia was to the Greeks. Little is known
about the goddess, as unlike other Roman deities, she had no distinct
personality, was never depicted and went without mention in myths.
Vesta’s presence was symbolized by the sacred fire that burned at her
hearth and temples. Vesta’s (in some versions she is called Vestia) fire
was guarded at her Temples by her priestesses, the Vestales. Every March
1 the fire was renewed. It burned until 391, when the Emperor
Theodosius I forbade public pagan worship. One of the Vestales
mentioned in mythology was Rhea Silvia, who with the God Mars
conceived Romulus and Remus (see founding of Rome). The Vestales
were one of the few full time clergy positions in Roman religion. They
were drawn from the patrician class and had to observe absolute chastity
for 30 years. It was from this that the Vestales were named the Vestal
virgins. They could not show excessive care of their person, and they
must not let the fire go out. The Vestal Virgins lived together in a house
near the Forum (Atrium Vestae), supervised by the Pontifex Maximus. On
becoming a priestess, a Vestal Virgin was legally emancipated from her
father’s authority and swore a vow of chastity for 30 years. This vow was
so sacred that if it were broken, the Vestal was buried alive in the
Campus Sceleris (’Field of Wickedness’). It is likely that this is what
happened to Rhea Silvia. They were also very independent and had many
privileges that normal women did not have. They could move around the
city but had to be in a carriage. Vesta is also known as honoring God in
Greek mythology. Vesta was celebrated at the Vestalia which took place
from June 7 to June 15. On the first day of the festivities the penus Vestae
(the curtained sanctum sanctorum of her temple) was opened, for the only
time during the year, for women to offer sacrifices in. Such sacrifices
included the removal of an unborn calf from a pregnant cow. Vesta was
the goddess of the hearth at the centre of atrium and home. It was in the
house and home that Vesta was most important as she was the goddess of
the hearth and of fire. Vesta was particularly important to women of the
household as the hearth was the place where food was prepared and next
to it the meal was eaten with offerings being thrown into the fire to seek
omens (the future) from the way it burned. Her weakness was that she
couldn’t fall in love.
Rhea Silvia (also written as Rea Silvia), and also known as Ilia, was the
mythical mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, who founded the city
of Rome. Her story is told in the Ab Urbe Condita of Livy. According to
the legend, she was the daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa and
descendant of Aeneas. Numitor’s brother Amulius seized the throne and
killed Numitor’s son. Amulius forced Rhea Silvia to become a Vestal
Virgin, a priestess to the goddess Vesta, so that she (and through her,
Numitor) would have no heirs; Vestal Virgins were sworn to celibacy for
a period of thirty years. The god Mars, however, came upon Rhea Silvia
and raped her in the forest, thereby conceiving the twins. When Amulius
learned of this, he ordered Rhea Silvia buried alive and ordered a servant
to kill the twins, but the merciful servant instead set them adrift in the
river Tiber. The river-god, Tiberinus found the twins and gave them to a
she-wolf, Lupa, who had just lost her own cubs, to suckle. Subsequently,
Tiberinus rescued and married Rhea Silvia. Romulus and Remus went on
to found Rome and overthrow Amulius, reinstating Numitor as King of
Alba Longa. Livy presents a somewhat rationalised version of this tale. In
Ab Urbe Condita, the Tiber had overflown and the soldiers were ordered
to expose the babies to the Tiber, thinking that the muddy flooded ground
would be sufficient to drown the twins. Livy also casts doubt on whether
the twins were actually suckled by a wolf. Livy commented that it was
believed that the wife of the shepherd who would eventually raise the
twins was a prostitute known to the other shepherds as the Wolf. That
Livy’s euhemerist and realist deflation of this myth that was central to the
origins of Rome was not general, is demonstrated by the recurrence of the
theme of Mars discovering Rhea Silvia in Roman arts: the Latinists’
“Invention of Rhea Silvia” appears in bas-relief on the Casali Altar
(Vatican Museums), in engraved couched glass on the Portland Vase
(British Museum) or on a sarcophagus in the Palazzo Mattei. In a version
presented by Ovid, it is the river Anio that takes pity on her and invites
her to rule in his realm.
Ancient Rome and its mythological birth was begotten by the most
abominable of unions. A virgin, Rhea Silva, sworn to celibacy, a
priestess of the goddess Vesta was raped by Mars the god of war. The
fruit of this union, Romelus and Remus, the offspring, battled each
other and as Cain killed Abel, Romulus murdered Remus for power
and dominion over Rome. The antichristian spirit waged against the
early Christians comes by no surprise when considering such a
mythological backdrop. However, also does this myth contain
similarities to what the Triune God prepared for the world and its
In its factual birth the Kingdom of Heaven was begotten by the
singular holiest union ever. A virgin Immaculately Conceived gave
birth to the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit or God Himself.
The Kingdom of Heaven is truly not of this Earth.
The similarities with the Blessed Virgin and Jesus Christ are the
A – Hestia and Vesta are the centre of the family and represent the
fire or the heart
A – if allowed the Blessed Virgin becomes the heart of the family and
the Holy Spirit is represented by fire
D – The Virgin Birth gives to the world its Redeemer and Saviour the
Priest-King of the Christians and of the future New Jerusalem
E – Our Lady is connected with war, however her power lies in the
intercession to protect and does not wage war. She is not a goddess of
war, she is not a goddess in the first place.
Our Lady is not a goddess – she is the mother of Jesus Christ and
therefore of God. She intercedes for humanity, is present body and
soul in Heaven and therefore has qualities pertaining to Heaven and
not to Earth. She is not a goddess of war, but a mother who protects.
When Evangelicals speak of saints or of the Church victorious they
do not understand the qualities pertaining to the people who dwell
already in heaven. Jesus paid the full price and is the only mediator
between God and man, however He is God Himself. The many secret
societies ever endeavour to darken the above-mentioned Truth. They
believe that they hold the secret to eternal life – the lie of the angel of
light, the prince of this world and believed by Adam and Eve. In
antiquity the Church was Israel but when Israel did not recognise the
light, which came in the world, the Church became the faithful
gentiles, the Roman Catholic Church. If the State of Israel this day
likens itself with the Woman as mentioned in the Bible it is a
delusion. American Evangelicals who have strong bonds with the
State of Israel cannot believe that the Woman as mentioned in
Revelation 12 is Israel for so will they be deluded. This might be a
stumbling block for them to come to understand who the Woman
really is. One question is posed; “What does it take for a mother to
intervene before her Son, when her Son is God Himself?” The
answer is our prayer, for when we pray the Holy Rosary we ask Our
Lady to pray to her Son for us. Lest we forget the angelic salutation
in the Bible confirming that all grace passes from God to us through
her. Evangelicals you can tear your clothes such as the High Priest
Annas and Kaiphas did before Christ but you can change nothing of
the Truth. Do not be found calling God a liar!!
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon the humiliation of his servant. Yes,
from now onwards all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty has done great things for me. Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm, he has routed the arrogant of
He has pulled down princes from their thrones and raised high
the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things, sent the rich away
He has come to the help of Israel his servant, mindful of his
faithful love
-according to the promise he made to our ancestors-of his mercy
to Abraham and to his descendants for ever.
Both the Catholic Church and Our Lady are identified with the
‘Woman’ of Genesis 3:15, whom God said would be the perpetual
enemy of the Devil: “I will make you enemies of each other: you (the
‘Serpent’) and the woman, your offspring and her offspring. It will
crush your head and you will strike its heel.” Saint Bernard of
Clairveaux explains that Mary, the image and model of the Church,
already enjoys that victory by virtue of her Immaculate Conception,
therefore, she is most evidently identified to the ‘Woman’ of Genesis
3:15 and of Revelation 12. In two occasions in the New Testament the
Messiah addresses her as ‘Woman.’ In John 2:4 “Jesus said,
‘Woman, why turn to me? My hour has not come yet.’” Our Lady
intercedes for mankind before her Son Jesus Christ. If Our Lord
favored her intercession previous to ‘his hour,’ how much more does
He favor her intercession following his sacrifice upon the cross, his
Resurrection, Ascension and Our Lady’s Assumption of body and
soul into heaven and coronation as ‘Queen of Heaven and Earth’?
John 19:26 reveals that while crucified, the Messiah presented the
Blessed Virgin to the disciple: “Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman,
this is your son.’ Then to the disciple He said, ‘This is your mother.’”
Our Lord entrusts all mankind in the care of the ‘Woman’ and we in
turn, receive her as our mother, or at least we should receive her as
such. “By her maternal charity, Mary cares for the brethren of her
Son who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and
difficulties, until they are led to their happy fatherland. Therefore,
the Blessed Virgin is invoked by the Church under the titles of
Advocate, Auxiliatrix, Adjutrix, and Mediatrix. These, however, are
to be so understood that they neither take away from nor add
anything to the dignity and efficacy of Christ the one Mediator…. In
the bodily and spiritual glory which she possesses in heaven, the
Mother of Jesus continues in this present world as the image and first
flowering of the Church as she is to be perfected in the world to
come. Likewise Mary shines forth on earth, until the day of the Lord
shall come, as a sign of sure hope and solace for the pilgrim People of
By the power the Father bestowed upon the Blessed Virgin, she
is triumphant over Satan. Revelation chapter 12 reveals Creation’s
primeval and present conflict: “Now a great sign appeared in
heaven: a woman, adorned with the sun, standing on the moon, and
with twelve stars on her head for a crown. She was pregnant, and in
labor, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth. Then a second sign
appeared in the sky, a huge red dragon that had seven heads and ten
horns, and each of the seven heads crowned with a coronet. Its tail
dragged a third of the stars from the sky…. The woman brought a
male child into the world, the son who was to rule all the nations with
an iron scepter… And now war broke out in heaven, when Michael
with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his
angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven. The great
dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had
deceived the entire world, was hurled down to the earth and his
angels were hurled down with him…. As soon as the devil found
himself thrown down to the earth, he sprang in pursuit of the
woman, the mother of the male child, but she was given a huge pair
of eagle’s wings to fly away from the serpent into the desert, to the
place where she was to be looked after for a year and twice a year
and half a year… Then the dragon was enraged with the woman and
went away to make war on the rest of her children, that is, all who
obey God’s commandments and bear witness for Jesus.” It is by no
coincidence that the Marian title ‘Terror of Demons,’ is one of the
images applied to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Humanity’s Mother and
Queen, is brilliantly set in Heaven and on Earth, her Immaculate
sinless glory abusively terrifies the demonic forces. Therefore, rightly
does the Roman Catholic Church attribute this title to the Blessed
Virgin, who is terrible as an army set in full battle array. The
‘Shulamite Woman’ in the Old Testament Book, Song of Songs 6:10,
is indeed the ‘Woman’ of Revelation 12.
“Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, who alone has crushed all the heresies in the world,”