HGST Partitioning and Formatting Guide

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Partitioning and Formatting Guide

Version 1.2 Date 05-15-2006

Partitioning and Formatting Guide

This guide is designed to explain how to setup your drive with the correct partition and format for your operating system. This guide will go over partitioning and formatting drives in the following operating systems: Windows 2000/XP nstall Windows 2000/XP "is# $anagement $acintosh &' X )inux Windows +.x and "&' $acintosh &' ,.x and +.x Page 0! Page 0% Page (( Page (* Page (, Page 2(

This guide ma#es the assumption that the drive is properly installed in the system and is -eing detected -y the . &' or controller card. f you need assistance installing a drive/ please view our nstallation 0uides at the following 12): http://www.hitachigst.com/hdd/support/instgde.htm 3or further assistance you may also contact one of our Technical 'upport 4enters: http://www.hitachigst.com/hdd/support/sources/tsc.htm
5ll information is provided -y 6itachi 0lo-al 'torage Technologies on an 75' '7 -asis only. 6itachi ma#es no representations or warranties/ whether express or implied/ regarding the information/ including the warranty of non8infringement and non8interference and the implied warranty or terms of merchanta-ility/ and fitness or use for a particular purpose. 1se of information that is provided -y 6itachi is at the recipient9s own ris#. 6itachi provides no assurances that any reported pro-lems may -e resolved with the use of any information that 6itachi provides. .y furnishing information/ 6itachi does not grant any licenses to any copyrights/ trademar#s/ patents or any other intellectual property rights. 5ny trademar#s and product or -rand names referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Please consult your 6itachi product manuals for complete trademar# information. 5ny references to third parties are provided as reference only and are not recommendations of any products -y 6itachi 0'T. 6itachi 0'T ma#es no warranty/ implied or otherwise/ regarding the performance or relia-ility of these companies or products.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 2

Windows 2000/XP hard drive setu during insta!!ation

To -egin the installation of Windows 2000 / XP/ you will need to insert the -oota-le Windows 4" into the 4" drive. f you are installing from floppies/ insert the first floppy into drive 5:. Turn the system on. &ne of the first things you will see during the installation process is :Press 3; if you need to install additional drivers<= The message only appears for ; seconds -efore the installation continues. >ou will need to press 3; to load additional drivers if you are using a '4' controller card/ a '5T5 controller card/ or a 25 " controller card that is not natively supported -y Windows. 4hec# with your controller card manufacturer for the latest drivers. ?Wording on screenshots may differ slightly -etween Windows 2000 and XP.

Press 7'7 to specify the driver for the controller card.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 3

>ou are now presented with ! options. 3or the purpose of this guide/ press @nter.

.efore you can install the operating system you must press 3, and agree to the license agreement. n order to install an operating system/ you will need a partition on which to install. f a partition does not already exist/ you must create one. To do this/ highlight the 71npartitioned 'pace7 and press 747/ for 4reate.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 4

@nter the capacity you want for the new partition and press @nter. f you want to use the entire space of the drive/ press @nter without ma#ing any changes.

>ou will now -e -rought -ac# to the screen which previously showed the 71npartitioned 'pace7 ta#ing up the whole drive. Aow/ it shows it as Partition( BAew C25WDE Fthis means it has not yet -een formattedG. To continue with the installation process and format the drive/ highlight the new partition and press @nter.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 5

>ou will -e given format options for the partition: AT3'/ AT3' FHuic#G/ 35T/ and 35T FHuic#G. &nly Windows XP gives the Huic# format options. f the partition is larger than !20.9s/ you must choose AT3'. ?W52A A0? 3ormatting will delete all data from the drive

The installation will now -egin formatting the drive to your specifications. "epending on the siIe of the partition/ this could ta#e anywhere from 2 minutes to over an hour to format.

?Aote: 3or drives larger than (!%0. you will need 'ervice Pac# ! for Windows 2000/ 'ervice Pac# ( for Windows XP/ or a controller driver that supports J, -it addressing to format the full capacity during installation. &nce the &' is in8 stalled/ you may update the &' to the latest 'ervice Pac# and then partition the remainder of the drive through "is# $anagement.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 6

Windows 2000/XP hard drive setu through Dis" #anagement

5 hard drive must contain at least one formatted partition -efore it is usa-le. >ou can use the Windows 2000/XP "is# $anagement tool to set up volumes or partitions on your hard dis#. With "is# $anagement/ you can create and delete partitionsK format volumes using a 35T/ 35T!2/ or AT3' file systemK and setup more advanced dis# su-systems. >ou can perform most dis#8related tas#s without the need to restart your computer as most configuration changes ta#e effect immediately upon committing the changes. >ou should not attempt to ma#e any changes to a partition from which the operating system was -ooted/ the system files are located/ or the active paging FswapG file is located. $o start Dis" #anagement (. 'elect %tart/ point to %ettings/ and then select &ontro! Pane!. 2. ' en (dministrative $oo!s/ and then open &om uter #anagement. !. 5lternatively/ select %tart/ right clic# on #) &om uter and select #anage. J. n the console tree/ select Dis" #anagement.

Note: >ou must -e logged on as an 5dministrator or a mem-er of the 5dministrators group in order to use the "is# $anagement utility.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2

.efore a new/ un8partitioned dis# can -e used in Windows XP it must contain a dis" signature. The first time that Dis" #anagement is run after a new hard dis# is installed/ the Dis" %ignature and * grade Dis" Wi+ard is started. f the wiIard is cancelled/ you may find that when you attempt to create a partition on the new hard dis#/ the ,ew Partition option is unavaila-le Fappears dimmedG. n this case a signature can -e written on the hard drive -y right clic#ing on the dis# description window Flower pane/ typically a red circle with a white dash covering the hard drive iconG and selecting -nitia!i+e Dis". ?Aote: 3or drives larger than (!%0. you will need 'ervice Pac# ! for Windows 2000/ 'ervice Pac# ( for Windows XP/ or a controller driver that supports J, -it addressing.

$o .reate a new artition or !ogi.a! drive/ n the "is# $anagement window/ do the following: (. 2ight8clic# the *na!!o.ated space and select ,ew Partition.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 !

2. &n the 7Welcome to the Aew Partition WiIard7 page/ select ,e0t.

!. &n the 7'elect Partition Type7 page/ select the type of partition that you want to create/ and then select ,e0t.

J. &n the 7'pecify Partition 'iIe7 page/ specify the siIe in mega-ytes F$.G of the partition that you want to create/ and then select ,e0t.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 "

*. &n the 75ssign "rive )etter or Path7 page/ enter a drive letter or drive path/ and then select ,e0t.

;. &n the 73ormat Partition7 page/ specify the formatting options that you want/ and then select ,e0t.

%. &n the 74ompleting the 4reate Partition WiIard7 page/ verify that the options that you selected are correct and then select Finish.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 1#

-nsta!!ing a hard drive on #a. '% X

To partition a drive in the $ac &'/ you will need to use a program called "is# 1tility. To use this program/ follow the steps -elow.

(. 0o to the 7Go7 menu and select 7Utilities7.

&pen the hard drive and select the ( !i.ations folder. 5nother way to 'elect the *ti!ities folder and inside you will find Disk access "is# 1tility: Utility.

2. When the 1tilities folder opens/ find the 7Disk Utility7 icon and dou-le clic#.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 11

!. 'elect which hard drive you wish to partition.

J. 5fter selecting the drive clic# on the Partition Ta-.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 12

*. 'elect the num-er of partitions you want to create

;. 'elect the file system FformatG for the partition

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 13

%. 4lic# on the 7Partition7 -utton

,. &lder versions of "is# 1tility have an option for &' + drivers. This option will allow users to switch from &' X -ac# to &' +.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 14

-nsta!!ing a 1ard Drive to an 20isting 3inu0 %)stem

This guide uses 3" 'L to partition and format a drive. There are other utilities such as 43" 'L and HTParted that will partition and format a drive. Note: f you are unsure of the syntax or switches of a command/ you can always run the 7man7 command. This will -ring up the manual page for whatever com8 mand you specify. @xample: man 4dis".

4ommand 'yntax: 64dis" /dev/000 GFxxx M the drive designation with which you wish to wor#. @xam8 ple: hda/ hd-/ sda/ sd-G

-nstru.tions 4or .reating one artition using the entire .a a.it) o4 the hard drive
(. @nter the a-ove command with the correct device with which you wish to wor#. 2. Press # for a list of menu options. !. 4hoose P to list the partitions on this drive. J. Press , to create a new partition. *. @nter P for Primary partition. ;. @nter 1 for the partition num-er. %. 4hoose the cylinder you wish the partition to start on or press 2nter for the de8 fault. When specifying the siIe of the drive/ you can enter it in terms of the last cylinder or the siIe in $.9s or L.9s. To use the entire drive/ Nust press 2nter. +. Press W to write the changes. (0. Press 7 to exit FD-%5

-nstru.tions 4or .reating mu!ti !e artitions

(. @nter the command line to initiate the fdis# utility. 2. Press , to create a new partition. !. @nter , to create a primary partition. J. 4hoose 1 for the partition num-er. *. 4hoose which cylinder you want to start the partition at or press 7@nter7 to se8 lect the default. @nter either the last cylinder of the partition or the siIe. When en8 tering the siIe/ use the following format: OCsiIeD$ or OCsiIeDL %. Press , to create another partition. ,. 4hoose 2 for extended. +. 4hoose 2 for the partition num-er. 5s with "&'/ the extended partition should ta#e up the remaining space on the drive. 5t this point/ it is -est to choose the default -eginning cylinder. (0. Press 2nter to choose the default end cylinder. Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 15

((. Press n to create another partition. (2. Press ! to create a )ogical partition within the extended partition. (!. @nter the first cylinder or press 2nter to select the default. (J. @nter either the last cylinder of the partition or the siIe. 2epeat to use the remaining space on the drive. When you are finished/ press W to write the changes and then 7 to exit.

Formatting a hard drive

.efore a hard drive can -e used/ it must -e partitioned and formatted. n "&' or Windows/ you format a hard drive as 35T(;/ 35T!2/ or AT3'. n )inux/ the file system is called @XT! For 2eiser3'G. To format a hard drive/ use the following syntax: m"e84s /dev/000 Fxxx M the hard drive designation you wish to wor# with. @xam8 ple: hda/ hd-/ sda/ sd-G This will format the partition you specified/ with a )inux format. 5s with the Win8 dows 7format7 command/ this will erase everything on the hard drive. .e sure you are formatting the correct drive.

(dding a #ount Point

5fter formatting the hard drive/ you have to designate a point on the hard drive that the system and user will use to access the hard drive. This is called a mount point. n the $icrosoft world/ it is compara-le to assigning a hard drive letter. When adding a mount point for a hard drive/ you have to first create a directory that you will use to access the new partition. m"dir #ountPoint,ame 5fter pressing the 2nter #ey/ you can verify the directory was created -y issuing the ls command. This will give you a directory reading of your current location. The new directory should -e listed. To manually mount the drive/ use the mount command: mount 9t e0t8 /dev/hd.1 /#ountPoint,ame mount is the command/ 8t is for the type of file system/ /dev/hd-( is for the first partition on the secondary master "@ device/ and /$ountPointAame is the loca8 tion where the drive will -e mounted.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 16

2dit 4sta:
5fter adding the mount point/ you need to edit the fsta- file. This is a file that will -e read during -oot and will automatically mount all devices listed. To edit this file/ type the following command or use the editor of your choice Fnano/ emacs/ vi/ etc...G: nano /et./4sta: &nce in the file/ you need to add the appropriate entries. 3or information on the different settings/ use the man 4sta: command. .elow is a summery of what you should see: 4olumn one: The device location F/dev/hdc(G 4olumn two: The mount point F/newdriveG 4olumn three: The files system type of the partition -eing mounted Fext2/ msdos/ etc...G 4olumn four: 5ny switches or varia-les you wish to add. Aormally/ you can Nust type default. 4olumn five: The dump field. This determines which filesystems need to -e dumped. The -oot partition is normally set to (/ most others should -e set to 0 Fdisa-ledG 4olumn six: This will determine if fsc# needs to -e run on the mounted system and in what order. 5 0 will disa-le fsc# from -eing run on that filesystem. 5fter ma#ing the appropriate changes or entries/ press &tr!-0. Press ; when it as#s if you want to save the file and 2nter when it as#s for the name Funless you want to change the nameG. The mount point is created and the system #nows to mount it at -oot. >ou can now re-oot the system and it will load the partition. >ou can now access that partition as a folder under the name you specified.

$ore information can -e o-tained from The )inux "ocumentation ProNect: http://www.tldp.org http://www.tldp.org/6&WT&/Partition/fdis#Ppartitioning.html

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 1

Partitioning and 4ormatting a 1ard Drive in Windows <.0 and D'%

(. .oot the system with a startup dis#. 2. Type fdis# at the "&' prompt Fa:QG. !. When you first enter 3" 'L/ you will see the following screen.

This warning page will show up if there is a drive larger than *(2$.. >ou will see this message anytime you use a current 6itachi 0'T drive. 1nder most circumstances/ you will want to select > for large dis# support F35T!2G. f you select A FnoG 3" 'L will partition the drive with 35T(; which has a 2.(0. partition limitation.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 1!

J. This is the main page of the fdis# program

'elect ( to create a partition on the drive.

*. 'elect option ( to create a Primary partition. 3dis# will then chec# the drive integrity. &nce that is completed you can select the full siIe of the drive. Then fdis# will chec# the drive integrity again. &nce the integrity chec# has completed the program will inform you to restart the computer. Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 1"

Formatting the hard drive

5fter creating the partition with fdis# you must format the drive. .oot with the startup dis# and at the "&' prompt type in format c: where 9c9 is the drive letter of the partition you want to format. >ou will -e warned -efore formatting the drive.

Additional information: There is a cosmetic pro-lem with some versions of 3" 'L. When you use 3" 'L to partition a hard dis# that is larger than ;J0. F;J giga-ytes/ or ;,/%(+/J%;/%!; -ytesG in capacity/ 3" 'L does not report the correct siIe of the hard dis#. This is only a cosmetic pro-lemK the utility will partition the hard drive correctly. 6owever/ $icrosoft has released an update to address the issue. The $icrosoft description of the issue and the patch for the ;J80. cosmetic limitation of 3" 'L can -e found at the following 12): http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspxRscidM#-Ken8usK2;!0JJ 3or an explanation of how $'8"&' and Windows +.x assigns drive letters view $icrosoft9s Lnowledge -ase article S*(+%,: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspxRscidM#-Ken8usK*(+%,

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 2#

-nitia!i+ing an ($( hard drive in #a.intosh '% =.X through <.X

T 0o to the 'ystem 3older/ 1tilities/ and open Drive %etu . 1. 'elect the hard drive you want to initialiIe then select -nitia!i+e to proceed to the nitialiIe screen. 2. To create a single volume on the new hard drive/ select -nitia!i+e to finish. 3. To create multiple volumes or specify an alternate file format/ select 4us8 tom 'etup. 4hoose the partition arrangement and file system you want to use then select '5. 'elect -nitia!i+e to finish. &nce the hard drive is initialiIed/ a new volume icon will appear on your des#top and the hard drive will -e ready for use. >ou can verify the partition information -y going -ac# to the ( !e %)stem Pro4i!er and selecting the Devi.es and Vo!umes ta-.

Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Partitioning and Formatting Guide version 1.2 21

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