BS5628 Part 2, 2000, Reinforced and Prestressed Masonry
BS5628 Part 2, 2000, Reinforced and Prestressed Masonry
BS5628 Part 2, 2000, Reinforced and Prestressed Masonry
ICS 91.080.30
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BS 5628-2:2000
BS 5628-2:2000
This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Building and Civil Engineering Sector Policy and Strategy Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 November 2000 BSI 11-2000 First published March 1985 Second edition October 1995 Third edition November 2000 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/525/6 Draft for comment 98/104044 DC ISBN 0 580 33238 1
BS 5628-2:2000
Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword iii 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions 2 4 Symbols 3 5 Alternative materials and methods of design and construction 5 6 Materials and components 5 7 Design objectives and general recommendations 8 8 Design of reinforced masonry 21 9 Design of prestressed masonry 37 10 Other design considerations 43 11 Work on site 47 Annex A (normative) Design method for walls incorporating bed joint reinforcement to enhance lateral load resistance 50 Annex B (informative) Wall tie for high-lift cavity walls 52 Annex C (informative) Estimation of deflection 52 Annex D (normative) Method for determination of characteristic strength of brick masonry, fk 53 Annex E (informative) Durability recommendations for various construction types 56 Bibliography 57 Index 58 Figure 1 Characteristic compressive strength, fk, of masonry 13 Figure 2 Short-term design stress-strain curve for reinforcement 23 Figure 3 Moment of resistance factor, Q 26 Figure 4 Hooks and bends 36 Figure 5 Typical short-term design stress-strain curves for normal and low relaxation tendons 41 Figure 6 Minimum concrete cover in pocket-type walls and in reinforced hollow blockwork walls 46 Figure B.1 Wall tie for high-lift grouted-cavity wall 52 Figure D.1 Typical prisms for determination of fk 54 Table 1 Requirements for mortar 7 Table 2 Chloride content of mixes 8 Table 3 Characteristic compressive strength, fk, of masonry 16 Table 4 Characteristic tensile strength of reinforcing steel, fy 16 Table 5 Characteristic anchorage bond strength 17 Table 6 Elastic modulus for concrete infill, Ec 18 Table 7 Partial safety factors, gmm, for strength of reinforced masonry in direct compression and bending: ultimate limit state 20 Table 8 Partial safety factors gmv, gm and gms: ultimate limit state 20 Table 9 Limiting ratios of span to effective depth for laterally-loaded walls 22 Table 10 Limiting ratios of span to effective depth for beams 22 Table 11 Values of the moment of resistance factor, Q, for various values of fk /gmm and lever arm factor, C 25 Table 12 Effective height of walls and columns 29 Table 13 Values of the coefficient j 32
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Table 14 Selection of reinforcement for durability Table 15 Minimum concrete cover for carbon steel reinforcement Table 15a Adjustments to minimum cement contents for aggregates other than 20 mm nominal maximum size Table D.1 Value of k Table D.2 Value of reduction factor to allow for ratio h/t Table E.1 Durability recommendations for various construction types
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This part of BS 5628 has been prepared under the direction of Technical Subcommittee B/525/6. It supersedes BS 5628-2:1995, which is withdrawn. This edition of BS 5628-2 introduces technical changes but it does not reflect a full review or revision of the standard which will be undertaken in due course. The recommendations in this code are based on existing experience and practice in the UK and overseas and on the results of recent research. However, compared with reinforced masonry, there are relatively few examples of prestressed masonry at present in this country. Annex A of this code gives interim recommendations for the design of masonry incorporating bed joint reinforcement for enhancement of lateral load resistance, pending further research. It has been assumed in the drafting of this code that the design of reinforced and prestressed masonry is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons, and the execution of the work is carried out under the direction of appropriately qualified supervisors. As a code of practice, this British Standard takes the form of guidance and recommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are not misleading. Annexes A and D are normative. Annexes B, C and E are informative. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 59 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.
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BS 5628-2:2000
1 Scope
This part of BS 5628 gives recommendations for the structural design of reinforced and prestressed masonry constructed of brick or block masonry or masonry of square dressed natural stone.
NOTE 1 The partial safety factors given in this code are based on the assumption that the special category of construction control (see 3.1) will be specified by the designer. If this is considered to be impracticable, higher partial safety factors should be used. NOTE 2 The dimensions of a member determined from strength considerations may not always be sufficient to satisfy requirements for other properties of the member such as resistance to fire and thermal insulation, and reference should be made to other appropriate standards.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of this British Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. BS 12:1996, Specification for Portland cement. BS 146:1996, Specification for Portland blastfurnace cements. BS 187:1978, Specification for calcium silicate (sandlime and flintlime) bricks. BS 410:1986, Specification for test sieves. BS 729:1971, Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles. BS 970-1:1996, Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes Part 1: General inspection and testing procedures and specific requirements for carbon, carbon manganese, alloy and stainless steels. BS 1014: 1975, Specification for pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products. BS 1243: 1978, Specification for metal ties for cavity wall construction. BS 1881-102:1983, Testing concrete Part 102: Method for determination of slump. BS 1881-115:1986, Testing concrete Part 115: Specification for compression testing machines for concrete. BS 1881-116:1983, Testing concrete Part 116: Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes. BS 3921:1985, Specification for clay bricks. BS 4027:1996, Specification for sulfate-resisting Portland cement. BS 4449:1997, Specification for carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete. BS 4466:1989, Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete. BS 4482:1985, Specification for cold reduced steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete. BS 4483:1985, Specification for steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete. BS 4486:1980, Specification for hot rolled and hot rolled and processed high tensile alloy steel bars for the prestressing of concrete. BS 4721:1981, Specification for ready-mixed building mortars. BS 4729:1990, Specification for dimensions of bricks of special shapes and sizes. BS 4887-1:1986, Mortar admixtures Part 1: Specification for air-entraining (plasticizing) admixtures. BS 5075-1:1982, Concrete admixtures Part 1: Specification for accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and water reducing admixtures. BS 5075-2:1982, Concrete admixtures Part 2: Specification for air entraining admixtures. BS 5328-1:1997, Concrete Part 1: Guide to specifying concrete. BS 5328-2:1997, Concrete Part 2: Methods for specifying concrete mixes. BS 5390:1976, Code of practice for stone masonry. BS 5628-1:1992, Code of practice for use of masonry Part 1: Structural use of unreinforced masonry. BS 5628-3:1985, Code of practice for use of masonry Part 3: Materials and components, design and workmanship. BS 5896:1980, Specification for high tensile steel wire and strand for the prestressing of concrete. BS 6073-1:1981, Precast concrete masonry units Part 1: Specification for precast concrete masonry units.
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BS 6073-2:1981, Precast concrete masonry units Part 2: Method for specifying precast concrete masonry units. BS 6399-1:1996, Loading for buildings Part 1: Code of practice for dead and imposed loads. BS 6399-2:1997, Loading for buildings Part 2: Code of practice for wind loads. BS 6399-3:1998, Loading for buildings Part 3: Code of practice for imposed roof loads. BS 6457:1984, Specification for reconstructed stone masonry units. BS 6649:1985, Specification for clay and calcium silicate modular bricks. BS 8002:1994, Code of practice for earth retaining structures. BS 8110-1:1997, Structural use of concrete Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction. BS 8110-2:1985, Structural use of concrete Part 2: Code of practice for special circumstances. CP 3:Chapter V-2, Code of basic data for the design of buildings Chapter V Part 2: Wind loads (obsolescent).
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3.4 types of geometric cross-section wall 3.4.1 diaphragm wall two single-leaf walls structurally connected together by a series of cross webs of masonry 3.4.2 fin wall wall with extended piers (fins) at frequent intervals constructed of masonry 3.5 prestressing tendon high tensile steel wire, strand or bar pre-tensioned or post-tensioned to prestress masonry 3.6 shear connector bed joint connector used to bond structural units together in a cross-section in lieu of masonry bonding 3.7 effective depth depth, in members in bending, from the compression face to the centroid of the longitudinal tensile reinforcement or prestressing tendons 3.8 shear span ratio of maximum design bending moment to maximum design shear force
4 Symbols
The following symbols are used in this standard. Am Aps As As1 As2 Asv a av b bc bt c d dc do d1 d2 Ec Em Eu Es ex cross-sectional area of masonry (in mm2) area of prestressing tendons (in mm2) cross-sectional area of primary reinforcing steel (in mm2) area of compression reinforcement in the most compressed face (in mm2) area of reinforcement in the least compressed face (in mm2) cross-sectional area of reinforcing steel resisting shear forces (in mm2) shear span (in mm) distance from face of support to the nearest edge of a principal load (in mm) width of section (in mm) width of compression face midway between restraints (in mm) width of section at level of the tension reinforcement (in mm) lever arm factor effective depth (in mm) (see 3.7) depth of masonry in compression (in mm) overall depth of section (in mm) the depth from the surface to the reinforcement in the more highly compressed face (in mm) the depth of the centroid of the reinforcement from the least compressed face (in mm) modulus of elasticity of concrete (kN/mm2) modulus of elasticity of masonry (in kN/mm2) worst credible earth or water load (in N) (see 7.3) modulus of elasticity of steel (in kN/mm2) resultant eccentricity in plane of bending (in mm) 3
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characteristic anchorage bond strength between mortar or concrete infill and steel (in N/mm2) strength of concrete at transfer (in N/mm2) characteristic compressive strength of masonry (in N/mm2) characteristic flexural strength (tension) of masonry (in N/mm2) stress due to prestress at the centroid of the section (in N/mm2) stress in tendon at the design moment of resistance of the section (in N/mm2) effective prestress in tendon after all losses have occurred (in N/mm2) characteristic tensile strength of prestressing tendons (in N/mm2) stress in the reinforcement (in N/mm2) stress in the reinforcement in the most compressed face (in N/mm2) stress in the reinforcement in the least compressed face (in N/mm2) diagonal tensile strength of masonry characteristic shear strength of masonry (in N/mm2) characteristic tensile strength of reinforcing steel (in N/mm2) characteristic dead load (in N) design load per unit area due to loads acting at right angles to the bed joints (in N/mm2) clear distance between lateral supports (in mm) effective height of wall or column (in mm) a coefficient derived from Table 12 coefficient to allow for type of prestressing tendon length of the wall (in mm) distance between end anchorages (in mm) transmission length (in mm) bending moment due to design load (in Nmm) increase in moment due to slenderness (in Nmm) design moment of resistance (in Nmm) design moment about the x axis (in Nmm) effective uniaxial design moment about the x axis (in Nmm) design moment about the y axis (in Nmm) effective uniaxial design moment about the y axis (in Nmm) design vertical load (N) design vertical load resistance (in N) overall section dimension in a direction perpendicular to the x axis (in mm) moment of resistance factor (in N/mm2) characteristic imposed load (in N) overall section dimension in a direction perpendicular to the y axis (in mm) width of shear connector (in mm) spacing of shear connectors (in mm) spacing of shear reinforcement along member (in mm) overall thickness of a wall or column (in mm) effective thickness of a wall or column (in mm) thickness of a flange in a pocket-type wall (in mm) thickness of shear connector (in mm)
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shear force due to design loads (in N) shear stress due to design loads (in N/mm2) characteristic wind load (in N) section modulus (in mm4) lever arm (in mm) partial safety factor for load partial safety factor for material partial safety factor for bond strength between mortar or concrete infill and steel partial safety factor for compressive strength of masonry partial safety factor for shear strength of masonry As/bd nominal diameter of tendon
Selection of units should follow the recommendations contained in BS 5628-3 or BS 5390, as appropriate, in respect of durability and other considerations. The tables and graphs in this part of BS 5628 cover masonry units of compressive strength 7 N/mm2 or more1). However, this should not be taken to preclude the use of masonry units of lower strength for certain applications. Masonry units that have been previously used should not be reused in reinforced and prestressed masonry unless they have been thoroughly cleaned and follow the recommendations of this code for similar new materials.
Based on gross area for solid concrete blocks and net area for hollow concrete blocks (see C.2 of BS 6073-2: 1981) and on the area of bed for clay, calcium silicate and concrete bricks.
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6.3 Steel 6.3.1 Reinforcing steel Reinforcing steel, including bed joint reinforcement, should conform to the relevant British Standard listed below. Hot rolled steel bars Cold worked deformed steel bars Cold reduced steel wire Steel fabric Austenitic stainless steel BS 4449 BS 4449 BS 4482 BS 4483 BS 6744, types 304S31 and 316S33 BS 970-1, types 304S15, 304S31 or 316S33, excluding free machining specifications
Reinforcement may be galvanized after manufacture in accordance with BS 729 or clad with a layer of austenitic stainless steel of nominal thickness not less than 1 mm. 6.3.2 Prestressing steel Prestressing wire, strands and bars should conform to BS 4486 or BS 5896. 6.4 Damp-proof courses Damp-proof courses (d.p.c.) should conform to one of the British Standards, as appropriate, specified in BS 5628-3:1985, clause 10. Designers should pay particular attention to the characteristics of the materials chosen for d.p.c. Materials that squeeze out are undesirable in highly stressed walls, and the effect of sliding at the d.p.c. should be considered especially in relation to lateral loading. In general, advice on the resistance to compression, tension, sliding and shear should be sought from the manufacturers of the d.p.c. 6.5 Wall ties Wall ties for low-lift grouted-cavity construction (see should be the vertical-twist type conforming to the requirements of BS 1243, except for those for length. Details of a tie for high-lift grouted cavity walls that is suitable for resisting the bursting forces which occur during the cavity filling and compaction operations are given in annex B. Protection against corrosion should follow the recommendations of 6.6 Cements Cement should conform to BS 12, BS 146 or BS 4027. Masonry cement or high alumina cement should never be used. 6.7 Aggregate Aggregate for mortar should follow the recommendations of BS 5628-3:1985, 6.3. Aggregate for concrete should be in accordance with BS 5328-1. 6.8 Mortars 6.8.1 General The mixing and use of mortars should follow the recommendations of BS 5628-3 or BS 5390, as appropriate. The proportions of the materials and mean compressive strengths required are given in Table 1. When testing is required, it should be in accordance with BS 5628-1:1992, A.1.
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(i) (ii)
16.0 6.5
11.0 4.5
NOTE 1 Designation (iii) mortar (see BS 5628-1:1992, Table 1) may be used in walls incorporating bed joint reinforcement to enhance lateral resistance (see annex A). NOTE 2 Proportioning by mass will give more accurate batching than proportioning by volume, provided that the bulk densities of the materials are checked on site. NOTE 3 In general, the lower proportion of sand applies to grade G of BS 1200 whilst the higher proportion applies to grade S of BS 1200.
6.8.2 Ready-mixed mortars Ready-mixed lime:sand for mortar should conform to BS 4721. The appropriate addition of cement should be gauged on site. Ready-to-use retarded cement:lime:sand mortars should conform to BS 4721 and be used only with the written permission of the designer. 6.9 Concrete infill and grout 6.9.1 For certain reinforced masonry applications (see and the concrete infill may comprise a mix consisting of the following proportions by volume of materials: 1:0 to :3:2 cement:lime:sand: 10 mm nominal maximum size aggregate, otherwise the concrete infill for reinforced masonry, pre-tensioned masonry and post-tensioned masonry should be specified in accordance with BS 5328. Specification may be by Designed, Prescribed, Standard or Designated mix as appropriate to the requirements of use. The maximum size of aggregate for concrete infill should not exceed the cover to any reinforcement, less 5 mm. The recommendations for infill concrete, to ensure adequate reinforcement durability, are given in 10.1. 6.9.2 The workability of all mixes should be appropriate to the size and configuration of the void to be filled and where slumps are specified these should be between 75 mm and 175 mm for unplasticized mixers, when tested in accordance with BS 1881-102. In order to ensure that complete filling and compaction is achieved, designers should consider the workability of the infill concrete appropriate to the height and least width of the pour. For small or narrow width sections, the use of plasticised or superplasticized mixes should be considered. 6.9.3 Where tendons are used in narrow ducts which cannot be filled using the appropriate infill concrete described in 6.9.1, the ducts may be filled with a neat cement grout or a sand:cement grout with a minimum cube strength of 17 N/mm2 at 7 days, when tested in accordance with BS 1881-116. Sand for grout should pass a 1.18 mm sieve conforming to BS 410. 6.10 Colouring agents for mortar Colouring agents should conform to BS 1014 and their content by mass should not exceed 10 % (m/m) of the cement in the mortar. Carbon black colouring agent should be limited to 3 % (m/m) of the cement. The colouring agent should be evenly distributed throughout the mortar.
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6.11 Admixtures 6.11.1 General For the purposes of this code an admixture is taken to be as defined in BS 4887 or BS 5075-1, including superplasticizers for infill concrete and mortar plasticizer. Calcium chloride should never be used. Other admixtures should be used only with the written permission of the designer. If admixtures are used, it is important to ensure that the manufacturer's instructions about quality and mixing times are carefully followed. Admixtures should conform to the relevant British Standard listed below. Concrete admixtures: accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and water reducing admixtures Air-entraining admixtures Mortar plasticizers
Where there is no appropriate British Standard, the suitability and effectiveness of an admixture should be to the satisfaction of the designer. If two or more admixtures are to be used simultaneously in the same mix, data should be sought to assess their interaction and to ensure their compatibility. The effect of admixtures on durability of concrete or mortar should be carefully assessed, with particular reference to whether they will combine with the ingredients to form harmful compounds or increase the risk of corrosion of the reinforcement. The chloride ion content by mass of admixtures should not exceed 2 % (m/m) of the admixtures or 0.03 % (m/m) of the cement. 6.11.2 Chlorides Chlorides in sands The chloride ion content by mass of dry building sand should not exceed 0.15 % (m/m) of the cement. Chlorides in mixes The total chloride content of concrete and mortar mixes arising from aggregates and any other sources should not exceed the limits given in Table 2. Table 2 Chloride content of mixes
Type or use of concrete or mortar Maximum total chloride content by mass of cement
% (m/m) Prestressed concrete; heat-cured concrete containing embedded metal Concrete or mortar made with cement conforming to BS 4027 Concrete or mortar containing embedded metal and made with cement conforming to BS 12 or BS 146 0.1 0.2 0.4
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7.1.2 Limit states Ultimate limit state The strength of the structure should be sufficient to withstand the design loads, taking due account of the possibility of overturning or buckling. The design loads and the design strengths of materials should be those recommended in 7.3 and 7.4 respectively, modified by the partial safety factors appropriate to the ultimate limit state given in 7.5. Serviceability limit states Deflection The deflection of the structure or any part of it should not adversely affect the performance of the structure or any applied finishes, particularly in respect of weather resistance. The design should be such that deflections are not excessive, with regard to the requirements of the particular structure, taking account of the following recommendations. a) The final deflection (including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage) of all elements should not, in general, exceed length/125 for cantilevers or span/250 for all other elements. b) Consideration should be given to the effect on partitions and finishes of that part of the deflection of the structure taking place after their construction. A limiting deflection of span/500 or 20 mm, whichever is the lesser, is suggested. c) If finishes are to be applied to prestressed masonry members, the total upward deflection, before the application of finishes, should not exceed span/300 unless uniformity of camber between adjacent units can be ensured. In any calculation of deflections (see annex C) the design loads and the design properties of materials should be those recommended for the serviceability limit state in 7.3 to 7.5. For reinforcement, stresses lower than the characteristic strengths given in Table 4 may need to be used to reduce deflection or control cracking. Cracking Fine cracking or opening up of joints can occur in reinforced masonry structures. However, cracking should not be such as to adversely affect the appearance or durability of the structure. The effects of temperature, creep, shrinkage and moisture movement will require the provision of movement joints (see BS 5628-3:1985, clause 20) or other precautions. 7.2 Stability 7.2.1 General considerations The designer responsible for the overall stability of the structure should ensure the compatibility of the design and details of parts and components. There should be no doubt as to who has responsibility for overall stability when some or all of the design and detailing is carried out by more than one designer. To ensure a robust and stable design it will be necessary to consider the layout of the structure on plan, the interaction of the masonry elements and their interaction with other parts of the structure. As well as the above general considerations, attention should be given to the following recommendations. a) Buildings should be designed so that at any level they are capable of resisting a uniformly distributed horizontal load equal to 1.5 % of the total characteristic dead load above that level. This force may be apportioned between the structural elements according to their stiffness. b) Robust connections should be provided between elements of the structure, particularly at floors and roofs. For guidance, see BS 5628-1:1992, annex C. c) Consideration should be given to connections between elements of different materials to ensure that any differences in their structural behaviour do not adversely affect the stability of the elements. When bed joints are to be raked out for pointing, the designer should allow for the resulting loss of strength. Care should be taken in the use of d.p.c. materials that might reduce the bending and shear strengths of the masonry. Recommended test methods are given in DD 86-1.
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7.2.2 Earth-retaining and foundation structures The overall dimensions and stability of earth-retaining and foundation structures, e.g. the area of pad footings, should be determined by appropriate geotechnical procedures which are not considered in this code. However, in order to establish section sizes and reinforcement areas which will give adequate safety and serviceability without undue calculation, it is appropriate in normal design situations to apply values of the partial safety factor for load, gf, comparable to other forms of loading. The partial safety factor load, gf, should be applied to all earth and water loads unless they derive directly from loads which have already been factored in alternative ways to those described in 3.3 and, in which case the loads should be derived to achieve equilibrium with other design loads. When applying gf no distinction is made between adverse and beneficial loads. 7.2.3 Accidental forces In addition to designing the structure to support loads arising from normal use, the designer should consider the effect of misuse or accident. No structure can necessarily be expected to be resistant to the excessive loads or forces that could arise due to an extreme cause, but it should not be damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause. Furthermore, owing to the nature of a particular occupancy or use of a structure, e.g. flour mill or chemical plant, it may be necessary in the design concept or a design appraisal to consider the effect of a particular hazard and to ensure that, in the event of an accident, there is an acceptable probability of the structure remaining after the event, even if in a damaged condition. Where there is the possibility of vehicles running into and damaging or removing vital loadbearing members of the structure in the ground floor, the provision of bollards, walls, etc. should be considered. Buildings of five storeys and above (category 2 buildings as defined in BS 5628-1) should be designed following the additional recommendations of BS 5628-1:1992, clause 37 except that mortar designation (iii) is recommended only for plain masonry containing bed joint reinforcement designed in accordance with annex A. 7.2.4 During construction The designer should consider whether special precautions or temporary propping are necessary to ensure the overall stability of the structure or of individual elements during construction. 7.3 Loads Ideally, the characteristic load on a structure should be determined statistically. Since it is not yet possible to express loads in this way the following should be used as characteristic loads. a) Characteristic dead load. The characteristic dead load, Gk, is the weight of the structure complete with finishes, fixtures and partitions and should be taken as equal to the dead load as defined in, and calculated in accordance with, BS 6399-1. b) Characteristic imposed load. The characteristic imposed load, Qk, should be taken as equal to the imposed load as defined in, and calculated in accordance with, BS 6399. c) Characteristic wind load. The characteristic wind load, Wk, should be taken as equal to the wind load as defined in, and calculated in accordance with, CP 3:Chapter V -2 or BS 6399-2. For the purposes of this code, worst credible earth and water loads, Eu, should be obtained in accordance with BS 8002:1994. (See also 7.4 Structural properties and analysis 7.4.1 Structural properties Characteristic compressive strength of masonry, fk General The characteristic compressive strength of masonry, fk, used in the design of a member should be that appropriate to the direction of the compressive force in the member. Direct determination of the characteristic compressive strength of brick masonry, fk The characteristic compressive strength of brick masonry may be obtained from tests as described in annex D.
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BS 5628-2:2000 Value of fk where the compressive force is perpendicular to the bed face of the unit Where no specific tests are carried out (see the value of fk for a given masonry defined in terms of the compressive strength of the structural units and the mortar designation may be taken to be the characteristic compressive strength of masonry constructed with units laid in the normal way under laboratory conditions and tested at an age of 28 days under axial compression in such a manner that the effects of slenderness may be neglected (see Table 3 and Figure 1). The value of fk should be taken from the appropriate section of the table or figure, using the following guidelines. a) Table 3a) and Figure 1a) apply to masonry built with bricks or other structural units with a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension (aspect ratio) of 0.6.
NOTE This table is intended to cover normal size bricks which have an aspect ratio of approximately 0.63.
b) Table 3b) and Figure 1b) apply to masonry built with solid concrete blocks with a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of 1.0 and they make due allowance for the enhancement in strength resulting from the unit shape. c) Table 3c) and Figure 1c) apply to masonry built with solid concrete blocks, i.e. those without cavities, with a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of between 2.0 and 4.0 and they make due allowance for the enhancement in strength resulting from the unit shape. d) Table 3d) and Figure 1d) apply to masonry built with structural units, other than solid concrete blocks, with a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of between 2.0 and 4.0 and they make due allowance for the enhancement in strength resulting from the unit shape. e) When masonry is built of hollow blocks having a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension between 0.6 and 2.0, the value of fk should be obtained by interpolation between the values given in Tables 3a) and 3d). f) When masonry is built of solid concrete blocks, i.e. those without any cavities, having a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of between 0.6 and 2.0, the value of fk should be obtained by interpolation between the values given in Table 3a) and 3c). To assist the designer, Table 3b) gives values of fk for solid concrete blocks having a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of 1.0. g) When masonry is built with hollow concrete blocks and the vertical cavities are filled completely with in situ concrete, the value of fk should be obtained as if the blocks were solid [see f)] provided that: 1) the compressive strength of the blocks is assessed on their net area as defined in BS 6073-2:1981, annex C; 2) the characteristic concrete cube strength of the infill is not less than the compressive strength of the blocks derived from 1) and in no case less than the appropriate minimum strength given in 6.9. Where the infill concrete is less strong than the concrete in the block, the characteristic compressive strength of the masonry should be obtained as if the blocks were solid and of compressive strength equal to the cube strength of the infill concrete. h) When masonry is built with square dressed natural stone, the value of fk should be obtained as if the units were solid concrete blocks of an equivalent compressive strength. Linear interpolation within the tables is permitted. Value of fk where the compressive force is parallel to the bed face of the unit The value of fk for masonry in which the compressive forces act parallel to the bed faces may be taken as follows: a) for masonry units without holes, frogged bricks where the frogs are filled and filled hollow blocks, the strength obtained from the appropriate item of; b) for cellular bricks and bricks with perforations, the characteristic compressive strength determined in accordance with or, where no test data are available, one-third of the strength obtained from the appropriate item of; c) for unfilled hollow and cellular blocks, the characteristic compressive strength given in Table 3, using the strength of the block determined in the direction parallel to the bed face of the unit.
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BS 5628-2:2000 Value of fk for units of unusual format or for unusual bonding patterns The value of fk for masonry constructed with units of unusual formats, or with an unusual bonding pattern, may be taken as follows: a) for brick masonry, the values determined by test in accordance with, provided that the value of fk is not taken to be greater than the appropriate value given in Table 3; b) for block masonry, the value given in Table 3, using the strength of the block determined in the appropriate aspect. Characteristic compressive strength of masonry in bending For a given masonry defined in terms of the compressive strength of the structural units and mortar designation, the value of fk derived from may be taken to be the characteristic compressive strength of masonry in bending. Characteristic shear strength of masonry, fv Shear in bending (reinforced masonry) Characteristic shear strength may be calculated by one of two alternative methods appropriate to whether reinforcement is contained in mortar or in concrete infill. a) For reinforced sections in which the reinforcement is placed in bed or vertical joints, including Quetta bond and other sections where the reinforcement is wholly surrounded with mortar designation (i) or (ii) (see Table 1), the characteristic shear strength, fv, may be taken as 0.35 N/mm2.
NOTE No enhancement of characteristic shear strength, fv, is to be used for the area of primary reinforcing steel provided or, for situations where the ratio of the shear span to the effective depth is 2 or greater.
For simply supported beams or cantilevers where the ratio of the shear span (see 3.6) to the effective depth is less than 2, fv may be increased by the following factor: 2d/av where d av is the effective depth; is the distance from the face of the support to the nearest edge of a principal load;
provided that fv is not taken to be greater than 0.7 N/mm2. At sections in certain laterally loaded walls there may be substantial compressive stresses from vertical loads. In such cases the shear may be adequately resisted by the plain masonry (see BS 5628-1:1992, clause 25). b) For reinforced sections in which the main reinforcement is placed within pockets, cores or cavities filled with concrete infill as defined in 6.9.1, the characteristic shear strength of the masonry, fv, may be obtained from the following equation: fv = 0.35 + 17.5p where p = As/bd; As is the cross-sectional area of primary reinforcing steel; b is the width of section; d is the effective depth see 3.4); provided that fv is not taken to be greater than 0.7 N/mm2. For simply supported reinforced beams or cantilever retaining walls where the ratio of the shear span, a, (see 3.6) to the effective depth, d, is six or less, fv may be increased by a factor {2.5 2 0.25(a/d)} provided that fv is not taken to be greater than 1.75 N/mm2.
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BS 5628-2:2000
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BS 5628-2:2000
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BS 5628-2:2000
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Figure 1 Characteristic compressive strength, fk, of masonry (continued) Racking shear in reinforced masonry shear walls When designing reinforced masonry shear walls the characteristic shear strength of masonry, fv, may be taken to be: 0.35 + 0.6gB with a maximum of 1.75 N/mm2 where gB is the design load per unit area normal to the bed joint due to the loads calculated for the appropriate loading condition detailed in 7.5. Alternatively, for unreinforced sections in which the main reinforcement is placed within pockets, cores or cavities filled with concrete infill as defined in 6.9.1, the characteristic shear strength of masonry, fv, may be taken to be 0.7 N/mm2 provided that the ratio of height to length of the wall does not exceed 1.5. Designers should consider the effect of damp-proof courses on shear strength of masonry (see 7.2.1). Shear in prestressed sections For prestressed sections with bonded or unbonded tendons the design shear strength of masonry may be determined directly from a consideration of the characteristic diagonal tensile strength of masonry and the prestress (see
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BS 5628-2:2000
(i) (ii)
Mortar designation
3.4 3.2
4.4 4.2
6.0 5.3
7.4 6.4
9.2 7.9
11.4 9.4
15.0 12.2
19.2 15.1
24.0 18.2
b) Constructed with solid concrete blocks having a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of 1.0 Compressive strength of unit N/mm2 7 10 15 20 35 50 70 or greater
(i) (ii)
Mortar designation
4.4 4.1
5.7 5.4
7.7 6.8
9.5 8.2
14.7 12.1
19.3 15.7
24.7 19.4
c) Constructed with solid concrete blocks having a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of between 2.0 and 4.0 Compressive strength of unit N/mm2 7 10 15 20 35 50 70 or greater
(i) (ii)
6.8 6.4
8.8 8.4
12.0 10.6
14.8 12.8
22.8 18.8
30.0 24.4
38.4 30.2
d) Constructed with structural units other than solid concrete blocks having a ratio of height to least horizontal dimension of between 2.0 and 4.0 Mortar designation 7 10 15 Compressive strength of unit N/mm2 20 35 50 70 or greater
(i) (ii)
5.7 5.5
6.1 5.7
6.8 6.1
7.5 6.5
11.4 9.4
15.0 12.2
19.2 15.1 Characteristic strength of reinforcing steel, fy The characteristic tensile strength of reinforcement, fy, is given in Table 4. To obtain the corresponding compressive strength, the given value should be multiplied by a factor 0.83. Table 4 Characteristic tensile strength of reinforcing steel, fy
Designation Grade Nominal size Characteristic tensile strength, fy
Hot rolled plain steel bars conforming to BS 4449 Hot rolled and cold worked deformed bars conforming to BS 4449 Cold reduced steel wire conforming to BS 4482 used in steel fabric in accordance with BS 4483 Types 304 and 316 plain stainless steel bars conforming to BS 6744 Types 304 and 316 deformed stainless steel bars conforming to BS 6744
250 460
250 460
250 460
NOTE If stainless steel bars are welded, the characteristic strength in the heat affected zone should be reduced to the following values: For type 304 For type 316 180 N/mm2 190 N/mm2
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BS 5628-2:2000 Characteristic breaking load of prestressing steel The characteristic breaking load of prestressing wire, strand and bar should be that specified in BS 4486 or BS 5896, as appropriate. Characteristic anchorage bond strength, fb The characteristic anchorage bond strength, fb, between the reinforcement and the mortar or concrete infill may be taken from Table 5. The values given for deformed bars apply to types 1 and 2 as defined in BS 4449. In forms of construction not covered in Table 5 or where austenitic stainless steel reinforcement other than types 1 and 2 is used, tests described in BS 4449:1978, appendix A should be carried out.
NOTE The recommendations in this clause might not apply to walls incorporating bed joint reinforcement to enhance lateral load resistance (see annex A).
Quetta bond Reinforced bed joints (see note 3) Grouted cavity construction
(i) and (ii) (i) and (ii) (i) and (ii) 1::3:2 (see note 4) C25/30 (or stronger) 1::3:2 (see note 4) C25/30 (or stronger) C25/30 (or stronger) C25/30 (or stronger) C25/30 (or stronger) C25/30 (or stronger)
Plain Plain Deformed Deformed Pocket type construction Plain Deformed Reinforced hollow blockwork Plain Deformed
NOTE 1 0.5 N/mm2 can be used in designation (iii) mortar. NOTE 2 Value applies to designation (iii) mortar also.
1.5 0.7 (see note 1) 2.0 (see note 2) Bars # 12 mm 1.8 1.8 3.4 4.1 1.4 1.4 3.4 4.1
NOTE 3 Where deformed bars no greater than 12 mm in diameter are built into horizontal voids no greater than 60 mm deep or 120 mm wide formed in beams and filled with mortar the values for reinforced bed joints may be used. NOTE 4 See 6.9.1.
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BS 5628-2:2000 Elastic moduli Where elastic methods of analysis are adopted, the following elastic moduli may be used in the absence of relevant test data: a) for clay, calcium silicate and concrete masonry, including reinforced masonry with infill concrete, the short term elastic modulus, Em = 0.9fk; b) for concrete infill used in prestressed masonry, the appropriate value of the elastic modulus, Ec, as given in Table 6; Table 6 Elastic modulus for concrete infill, Ec 28 day cube strength Ec
N/mm2 kN/mm2
20 25 30 40 50 60
24 25 26 28 30 32
c) for all steel reinforcement and all types of loading, the elastic modulus Es = 200 kN/mm2; d) for prestressing tendons, the appropriate value of Es as given in Figure 5. 7.4.2 Analysis of structure When analyzing any cross-section within the structure, the properties of the materials should be assumed to be those associated with their design strengths appropriate to the limit state being considered. Due allowance should be made when materials with different properties are used in combination. Where the member to be designed forms part of an indeterminate structure, the method of analysis employed to determine the forces in the member should be based on as accurate a representation of the behaviour of the structure as is practicable. When elastic analysis is used to determine the force distribution throughout the structure, the relative stiffnesses of the members may be based throughout on any one of the following cross-sections: a) the entire masonry section, ignoring the reinforcement; b) the entire masonry section including the reinforcement on the basis of the modular ratio derived from the appropriate values of modulus of elasticity given in; c) the compression area of the masonry cross-section combined with the reinforcement on the basis of the modular ratio as derived in b). 7.5 Partial safety factors 7.5.1 General The partial safety factors for materials (gmm, etc) make allowance for the variation in the quality of the materials and for the possible difference between the strength of masonry constructed under site conditions and that of specimens built in the laboratory for the purpose of establishing its physical properties. The values used in this code assume that the special category of construction control (see 11.3.1) will be specified by the designer. The values of partial safety factor for loads, gf, used in this code are based on those adopted in BS 5628-1. The factor gf is introduced to take account of: a) possible unusual increases in load beyond those considered in deriving the characteristic load; b) inaccurate assessment of effects of loading and unforeseen stress redistribution within the structure; c) the variations in dimensional accuracy achieved in construction.
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7.5.2 Ultimate limit state Loads When using the design relationships for the ultimate limit state given in clauses 8 and 9, the design load should be taken as the sum of the products of the component characteristic loads, or for earth loads the nominal load, multiplied by the appropriate partial safety factor, as shown below. Where alternative values are shown, the case producing the more severe conditions should be selected, except for earth and water loads as described in 7.2.2. a) Dead and imposed load Design dead load = 0.9Gk or 1.4Gk Design imposed load = 1.6Qk Design earth and water load = 1.2Eu b) Dead and wind load Design dead load = 0.9Gk or 1.4Gk Design wind load = 1.4Wk Design earth and water load = 1.2Eu In the particular case of freestanding walls and laterally loaded wall panels, whose removal would in no way affect the stability of the remaining structure, gf applied on the wind load may be taken as 1.2. c) Dead, imposed and wind load Design Design Design Design dead load imposed load wind load earth and water load = = = = 1.2Gk 1.2Qk 1.2Wk 1.2Eu
d) Accidental forces (see 7.2.3). For this load case, reference should be made to BS 5628-1:1992, 22d). For all these cases: Gk Qk Wk Eu is the characteristic dead load; is the characteristic imposed load; is the characteristic wind load; is the worst credible earth or water load (see 3.3). Where other than worst credible earth and water loads are used, such as nominal loads determined in accordance with Civil Engineering Code of Practice No. 2 1951, the appropriate partial safety, gf for design earth and water load determination is 1.4, and the numeral values are the appropriate gf factors.
In design, each of the load combinations a) to d) should be considered and that giving the most severe conditions should be adopted. When considering the overall stability of a structure other than a retaining wall, the design horizontal load should be taken to be the design wind load, for the case being considered, or 0.015Gk, for conformity to 7.2.1a), whichever is the greater. In certain circumstances other values of gf may be appropriate, e.g. in farm buildings. Reference should be made to the relevant British Standards, e.g. BS 5502-22. Where a detailed investigation of soil conditions has been made and account has been taken of possible soil-structure interaction in the assessment of earth loads, it may be appropriate to derive design values for earth and water loads by different procedures. In this case, additional consideration should be given to conditions in the structure under serviceability loads.
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BS 5628-2:2000 Materials The design strength of a material is the characteristic strength divided by the appropriate partial safety factor, i.e. gmm for compressive strength of masonry (see Table 7), gmv for shear strength of masonry (see Table 8), gmb for bond strength between infill concrete or mortar and steel (see Table 8) and gms for strength of steel (see Table 8). The values given in Tables 7 and 8 assume that all the recommendations in clause 11 for the special quality of control will be followed. If any of the recommendations of clause 7 cannot be followed, e.g. in masonry incorporating bed joint reinforcement (see annex A), higher partial safety factors for material strength should be used. Table 7 Partial safety factors, gmm, for strength of reinforced masonry in direct compression and bending: ultimate limit state
Category of manufacturing control of structural units Value of gmm
Special Normal
2.0 2.3
The different categories of manufacturing control as used in Table 7 are defined as follows. a) Normal category This category should be assumed when the supplier is able to conform to the requirements for compressive strength in the appropriate British Standard, but does not conform to the recommendations for the special category detailed in b). b) Special category. This category may be assumed where the manufacturer: 1) agrees to supply consignments of structural units to a specified strength limit, referred to as the acceptance limit for compressive strength, such that the compressive strength of a sample of structural units, taken from any consignment and tested in accordance with the appropriate British Standard, has a probability of not more than 2.5 % of being below the acceptance limit; and 2) operates a quality control scheme, the results of which can be made available to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the purchaser that the acceptance limit is consistently being met in practice, with the probability of failing to meet the limit being never greater than that stated in 1). Table 8 Partial safety factors gmv, gm and gms :ultimate limit state
Partial safety factor Value
Shear strength of masonry, gmv Bond strength between concrete infill or mortar and steel, gmb Strength of steel, gms
When considering the effects of accidental loads or localized damage, the values of gmm and gmv may be halved. The values of gmb and gms should then be taken as 1.0.
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7.5.3 Serviceability limit state Loads The design loads for a serviceability limit state should be taken as follows. a) Dead and imposed load Design dead load = 1.0Gk Design imposed load = 1.0Qk b) Dead and wind load Design dead load = 1.0Gk Design wind load = 1.0Wk c) Dead, imposed and wind load Design dead load = 1.0Gk Design imposed load = 0.8Qk Design wind load = 0.8Wk where Gk Qk Wk is the characteristic dead load; is the characteristic imposed load; is the characteristic wind load.
In assessing short-term deflections, each of the load combinations a) to c) should be considered and that giving the most severe conditions should be adopted. It may also be necessary to examine additional time-dependent deflections due to creep, moisture movements and temperature, and their effect on the structure as a whole, with particular reference to cracking and other forms of local damage (see 8.3.5). Materials The value of gmm for masonry should be taken as 1.5 and that of gms for steel as 1.0, for deflection calculations and for assessing the stresses or crack widths at any section within a structure. 7.5.4 Moments and forces in continuous members In the analysis of continuous members it will be sufficient to consider the following arrangements of load: a) alternate spans loaded with the design load (1.4Gk + 1.6Qk) and all other spans loaded with the minimum design dead load (0.9Gk); b) all spans loaded with the design load (1.4Gk + 1.6Qk) where Gk Qk is the characteristic dead load; is the characteristic imposed load.
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8.2 Reinforced masonry subjected to bending 8.2.1 General Subclause 8.2 covers the design of elements subjected only to bending. These elements include beams, slabs, retaining walls, buttresses and piers. Panel and free-standing (cantilever) walls reinforced, either vertically or horizontally, primarily to resist wind forces or other horizontal loads, may also be designed in accordance with this subclause. Where the form of a reinforced masonry element and its support conditions permit, it may be designed as a 2-way spanning slab using conventional yield line analysis or other appropriate theory. 8.2.2 Effective span of elements The effective span of simply supported or continuous members should normally be taken as the smaller of: a) the distance between centres of supports; b) the clear distance between supports plus the effective depth. The effective span of a cantilever should be taken as the smaller of: a) the distance between the end of the cantilever and the centre of its support; b) the distance between the end of the cantilever and the face of the support plus half its effective depth. 8.2.3 Limiting dimensions General To avoid detailed calculations to check that the limit states of deflection and cracking are not reached, the limiting ratios given in Tables 9 and 10 may be used, except when the serviceability requirements are more stringent than the recommendations in Walls subjected to lateral loading When walls are reinforced to resist lateral loading, the ratio of span to effective depth of the wall may be taken from Table 9. For free-standing walls not forming part of a building and subjected predominantly to wind loads, the ratios given in Table 9 may be increased by 30 %, provided such walls have no applied finish that can be damaged by deflection or cracking. Table 9 Limiting ratios of span to effective depth for laterally-loaded walls
End condition Ratio
Simply supported Continuous or spanning in two directions Cantilever with values of p up to and including 0.005
35 45 18 Beams The limiting ratios of span to effective depth for beams with various end conditions may be taken from Table 10. Table 10 Limiting ratios of span to effective depth for beams
End condition Ratio
20 26 7
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To ensure lateral stability of a simply supported or continuous beam, it should be proportioned so that the clear distance between lateral restraints does not exceed: 60bc or 250bc2/d, whichever is the lesser where d bc is the effective depth; is the width of the compression face midway between restraints.
For a cantilever with lateral restraint provided only at the support, the clear distance from the end of the cantilever to the face of the support should not exceed: 25bc or 100bc2/d, whichever is the lesser. 8.2.4 Resistance moments of elements Analysis of sections When analyzing a cross-section to determine its design moment of resistance, the following assumptions should be made: a) plane sections remain plane when considering the strain distribution in the masonry in compression and the strains in the reinforcement, whether in tension or compression; b) the compressive stress distribution in the masonry is represented by an equivalent rectangle with an intensity taken over the whole compression zone of fk/gmm where; c) fk is obtained from and gmm is given the value appropriate to the limit state being considered (see 7.5); d) the maximum strain in the outermost compression fibre at failure is 0.0035; e) the tensile strength of the masonry is ignored; f) the characteristic strength of the reinforcing steel is taken from Table 4, and the stress-strain relationship is taken from Figure 2; g) the span to effective depth ratio of the member is not less than 1.5. In the analysis of a cross-section that has to resist a small axial thrust, the effect of the design axial force may be ignored if it does not exceed 0.1fkAm, where Am is the cross-sectional area of the masonry, i.e. the member may be designed for bending only.
0.83 fy/
200 kN/mm2
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BS 5628-2:2000 Design formulae for singly reinforced rectangular members Based on the assumptions described in, the design moment of resistance, Md, of a single reinforced rectangular member may be obtained from the equation: Afz Md = s y gms provided that Md is not taken to be greater than: f bd2 0.4 k gmm where z is the lever arm given by: 0.5 Asfygmm z=d 1 2 bdfkgms provided that z is not taken to be greater than 0.95 d; As b d fk fy gmm gms is is is is is is is the the the the the the the cross-sectional area of primary reinforcing steel: width of the section; effective depth; characteristic compressive strength of masonry; characteristic tensile strength of reinforcing steel given in Table 4; partial safety factor for strength of masonry given in 7.5; partial safety factor for strength of steel given in 7.5. The expression for the lever arm given in cannot be used directly to calculate the area of reinforcement, As. It is more convenient to express the design moment of resistance, Md, in terms of a moment of resistance factor, Q, such that: Md = Qbd2 where b is the width section; d is the effective depth; Q is the moment of resistance factor given by: Q = 2c(1 2 c)fk/gmm where fk is the characteristic strength of masonry; gmm is the partial safety factor for strength of masonry given in 7.5; c is the lever arm factor, z/d. The relationship between Q, c and fk/gmm is shown in Table 11 and Figure 3. Where the ratio of the span to the depth of a beam is less than 1.5, it should be treated as a wall beam. Tension reinforcement should be provided to take the whole of the tensile force, calculated on the basis of a moment arm equal to two-thirds of the depth, with a maximum value equal to 0.7 times the span.
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Table 11 Values of the moment of resistance factor, Q, for various values of fk/gmm and lever arm factor, c
fk/gmm 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 20
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0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.72
0.095 0.113 0.130 0.147 0.164 0.180 0.196 0.211 0.226 0.241 0.255 0.269 0.282 0.295 0.308 0.320 0.332 0.343 0.354 0.365 0.375 0.385 0.394 0.403
0.190 0.226 0.260 0.294 0.328 0.360 0.392 0.422 0.452 0.482 0.510 0.538 0.564 0.590 0.616 0.640 0.664 0.686 0.708 0.730 0.750 0.770 0.788 0.806
0.285 0.338 0.391 0.442 0.491 0.540 0.587 0.634 0.679 0.722 0.765 0.806 0.847 0.886 0.923 0.960 0.995 1.030 1.063 1.094 1.125 1.154 1.183 1.210
0.380 0.451 0.521 0.589 0.655 0.720 0.783 0.845 0.905 0.963 1.020 1.075 1.129 1.181 1.231 1.280 1.327 1.373 1.417 1.459 1.500 1.539 1.577 1.613
0.475 0.564 0.651 0.736 0.819 0.900 0.979 1.056 1.131 1.204 1.275 1.344 1.411 1.476 1.539 1.600 1.659 1.716 1.771 1.824 1.875 1.924 1.971 2.016
0.570 0.677 0.781 0.883 0.983 1.080 1.175 1.267 1.357 1.445 1.530 1.613 1.693 1.771 1.847 1.920 1.991 2.059 2.125 2.189 2.250 2.309 2.365 2.419
0.665 0.790 0.911 1.030 1.147 1.260 1.371 1.478 1.583 1.686 1.785 1.882 1.975 2.066 2.155 2.240 2.323 2.402 2.479 2.554 2.625 2.694 2.759 2.822
0.760 0.902 1.042 1.178 1.310 1.440 1.566 1.690 1.810 1.926 2.040 2.150 2.258 2.362 2.462 2.560 2.654 2.746 2.834 2.918 3.000 3.078 3.154 3.226
0.855 1.015 1.172 1.325 1.474 1.620 1.762 1.901 2.036 2.167 2.295 2.419 2.540 2.657 2.770 2.880 2.986 3.089 3.188 3.283 3.375 3.463 3.548 3.629
0.950 1.128 1.302 1.472 1.638 1.800 1.958 2.112 2.262 2.408 2.550 2.688 2.822 2.952 3.078 3.200 3.318 3.432 3.542 3.648 3.750 3.848 3.942 4.032
1.045 1.241 1.432 1.619 1.802 1.980 2.154 2.323 2.488 2.649 2.805 2.957 3.104 3.247 3.386 3.520 3.650 3.775 3.896 4.013 4.125 4.233 4.336 4.435
1.140 1.354 1.562 1.766 1.966 2.160 2.350 2.534 2.714 2.890 3.060 3.226 3.386 3.542 3.694 3.840 3.982 4.118 4.250 4.378 4.500 4.618 4.730 4.838
1.235 1.466 1.693 1.914 2.129 2.340 2.545 2.746 2.941 3.130 3.315 3.494 3.669 3.838 4.001 4.160 4.313 4.462 4.605 4.742 4.875 5.002 5.125 5.242
1.425 1.692 1.953 2.208 2.457 2.700 2.937 3.168 3.393 3.612 3.825 4.032 4.233 4.428 4.617 4.800 4.977 5.148 5.313 5.472 5.625 5.772 5.193 6.048
1.900 2.256 2.604 2.944 3.276 3.600 3.916 4.224 4.524 4.816 5.100 5.376 5.644 5.904 6.156 6.400 6.636 6.684 7.084 7.296 7.500 7.696 7.884 8.064
BS 5628-2:2000
Q (N/mm2)
dc d
BS 5628-2:2000
0 c=
z = cd
5 0.7 = c
0 0.8
Md = Qbd2
fk Q = 2c(1-c) mm
5 0.8
c = 0.95
0 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 fk/ mm (N/mm)
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BS 5628-2:2000 Design formulae for walls with the reinforcement concentrated locally Flanged members Where the reinforcement in a section is concentrated locally such that the section can act as a flanged beam, the thickness of the flange, tf, should be taken as the thickness of the masonry but in no case greater than 0.5d, where d is the effective depth. The width of the flange should be taken as the least of: a) for pocket-type walls, the width of the pocket or rib plus 12 times the thickness of the flanges; b) the spacing of the pockets or ribs; c) one-third the height of the wall. The design moment of resistance, Md , may be obtained from the equation given in, provided that it is not taken to be greater than the value given by the following equation: f Md = k btf(d 2 0.5tf) gmm where b d fk tf gmm is is is is is the the the the the width of the section; effective depth; characteristic compressive strength of masonry given in; thickness of the flange; partial safety factor for strength of masonry given in 7.5.
Where the spacing of the pocket or ribs exceeds 1 m, the ability of the masonry to span horizontally between the ribs should be checked. Locally reinforced hollow blockwork When the reinforcement in a section is concentrated locally such that the section cannot act as a flanged member, the reinforced section should be considered as having a width of three times the thickness of the blockwork. 8.2.5 Shear resistance of elements Shear stresses and reinforcement in members in bending The shear stress, v, due to design loads at any cross-section in a member in bending should be calculated from the equation: V v= bd where b d V is the width of the section; is the effective depth (or for a flanged member, the actual thickness of the masonry between the ribs, if this is less than the effective depth as defined in 3.7); is the shear force due to design loads.
Where the shear stress calculated from this equation is less than the characteristic shear strength of masonry, fv, divided by the partial safety factor, gmv, shear reinforcement is not generally needed. In beams, however, the designer should consider the use of nominal links, bearing in mind the sudden nature of shear failure. If required, they should be provided in accordance with
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BS 5628-2:2000
Where the shear stress, v, exceeds fv/gmv shear reinforcement should be provided. The following recommendation should be satisfied: Asv b(v 2 fv/gmv)gms << sv fy where Asv b fv fy sv v gms gmv is the cross-sectional area of reinforcing steel resisting shear forces; is the width of the section; is the characteristic tensile strength of masonry obtained from; is the characteristic tensile strength of the reinforcing steel resisting shear forces obtained from Table 4; is the spacing of shear reinforcement along the member, provided that it is not taken to be greater than 0.75d (see 8.6.4); is the shear stress due to design loads, provided that it is not taken to be greater than 2.0/gmv N/m2; is the partial safety factor for strength of steel given in; is the partial safety factor for shear strength of masonry given in
NOTE This part of BS 5628 does not give guidance on the use of bent up bars as shear reinforcement in masonry, and the principles given in BS 8110 may be used. Shear stress in retaining walls In vertical retaining walls, the design shear stress may be reduced by the horizontal component of force in any tension bars inclined to the vertical so as to increase the resistance to the applied shear force. The reduction available is: M sinf bd2 where f is the angle of inclination to the vertical.
If this reduction is used, fv, which is taken from, should be based on the reduced steel area As 2 Asi, where Asi is the sectional area of the inclined bars. Where the main reinforcement is not lapped at the same effective depth, as, for example, in the case of stepped pocket type retaining walls, sufficient shear reinforcement (e.g. links) should be provided to transfer the shear force. Concentrated loads near supports Where the distance from the face of a support to the nearest edge of the principal load, av, is less than twice the effective depth, d, the main reinforcement should be provided with an anchorage in accordance with 8.6.9. Any concentrated load (or loads) should be treated as a principal load when it contributes more than 70 % of the total shear force at a support. 8.2.6 Deflection Deflection of members may be calculated (see annex C) and compared with the recommendations for serviceability given in but in all normal cases the deflection will not be excessive if the member has a span/depth ratio within the limits given in 8.2.3. 8.2.7 Cracking In most cases the recommendations for detailing reinforcement given in 8.6 will ensure that cracking in members is not excessive.
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8.3 Reinforced masonry subjected to a combination of vertical loading and bending 8.3.1 General Subclause 8.3 gives recommendations for the design of members subjected simultaneously to substantial vertical and horizontal loading or to eccentric vertical loads where the resultant eccentricity exceeds 0.05 times the thickness of the member in the direction of the eccentricity. 8.3.2 Slenderness ratios of walls and columns Limiting slenderness ratios The slenderness ratio of walls and columns should not exceed 27, except in the case of cantilever walls and columns, when it should not exceed 18. Special consideration should be given to deflection where the percentage of reinforcement in cantilever walls or columns exceeds 0.5 % of the cross-sectional area obtained by multiplying the effective depth by the breadth of the section. Lateral support A lateral support should be capable of transmitting to the elements of construction that provide lateral stability to the structure as a whole, the sum of the following design lateral forces: a) the simple static reactions to the total applied design horizontal forces at the line of lateral support; and b) 2.5 % of the total design vertical load that the wall or column is designed to carry at the line of lateral support. The elements of construction that provide lateral stability to the structure as a whole need not be designed to support this force. However, the designer should satisfy himself that loads applied to lateral supports will be transmitted to the elements of construction providing stability, e.g. by the floors or roofs acting as horizontal girders. Simple resistance to lateral movement may be assumed for a lateral support if the forces defined in a) and b) can be transmitted. Enhanced resistance to lateral movement for walls may be assumed where floors or roofs of any form of construction span on to the wall from both sides at the same level or where an in situ concrete or reinforced masonry floor or roof, or a precast concrete floor or roof giving equivalent restraint, irrespective of their direction of span, has a bearing of at least one-half the thickness of the wall on to which it spans but in no case less than 90 mm. Further information on lateral supports is given in section 4 of BS 5628-1:1992. Effective height The effective height, hef, of a wall, panel or column should preferably be assessed by structural analysis. Alternatively, the values given in Table 12 may be adopted, where h is the clear distance between lateral supports. Table 12 Effective height of walls and columns
End condition Effective height, hef
Wall with lateral supports at top and bottom which provide enhanced resistance to lateral movement (see BS 5628-1:1992, Wall with lateral supports at top and bottom which provide simple resistance to lateral movement (see BS 5628-1:1992, Column with lateral supports restricting movement in both directions at top and bottom Column with lateral supports restricting movement in one direction only at top and bottom
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BS 5628-2:2000 Effective thickness For single-leaf walls and columns the effective thickness, tef, should be taken as the actual thickness. For cavity walls and for columns with only one leaf reinforced, the effective thickness should be taken as two-thirds the sum of the actual thicknesses of the two leaves or the actual thickness of the thicker leaf, whichever is the greater. The effective thickness of a grouted-cavity wall should be taken as the overall thickness of the wall, provided the cavity does not exceed 100 mm. If the cavity width exceeds 100 mm, the effective thickness should be calculated as the total thickness of the two leaves plus 100 mm. 8.3.3 Design Columns subjected to a combination of vertical loading and bending Short columns Where the slenderness ratio of a column does not exceed 12, only single axis bending generally requires consideration. Even where it is possible for significant moments to occur simultaneously about both axes, it is usually sufficient to design for the maximum moment about the critical axis only. However, where biaxial bending has to be considered reference should be made to Either the cross-section of the column may be analyzed to determine the design moment of resistance and the design vertical load resistance, using assumptions a), c), d) and e) given in, or the following design method may be used. a) Where the design vertical load, N, does not exceed the value of the design vertical load resistance, Nd, given in the following equation, only the minimum reinforcement given in 8.6.1 or 8.6.3 is required: f Nd = k b(t 2 2ex) gmm where b ex fk t gmm is is is is is the the the the the width of the section; resultant eccentricity; characteristic compressive strength of the masonry; overall thickness of the section in the plane of bending; partial safety factor for strength of masonry.
NOTE This formula does not cover cases where the resultant eccentricity: M ex = N exceeds 0.5t, where M is the bending moment due to design load.
b) Where the design vertical load, N, is greater than that given by the equation in a) the strength of the section may be assessed by using the following equations and the relation fs1 = 0.83fy. f f A f A Nd = k bdc + s1 s1 2 s2 s2 gmm gms gms 0.5fk 0.83fy f Md = bd (t 2 dc) + A (0.5t 2d1) + s2 As2 (0.5t 2 d2) gmm c gms s1 gms
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where As1 is the area of compression reinforcement in the more highly compressed face; As2 is the area of the reinforcement nearer the least compressed face; this may be considered as being in compression, inactive or in tension, depending on the resultant eccentricity of the load; b is the width of the section; d1 is the depth from the surface to the reinforcement in the more highly compressed face; dc is the depth of masonry in compression; d2 is the depth to the reinforcement from the least compressed face; fk is the characteristic compressive strength of the masonry; fs1 is the stress in the reinforcement in the most compressed face; fs2 is the stress in the reinforcement in the least compressed face, equal to 20.83fy in compression or +fy in tension; fy is the characteristic tensile strength of the reinforcement nearer the least compressed face; Md is the design moment of resistance; Nd is the design vertical load resistance; t is the overall thickness of the section in the plane of bending; gmm is the partial safety factor for strength of masonry given in 7.5; gms is the partial safety factor for strength of steel given in 7.5. The designer should choose a value of dc which ensures that both the design vertical load resistance, Nd, and the moment of resistance, Md, obtained from these equations exceed the design vertical load, N, and the design bending moment, M. The choice of dc establishes the assumed strain distribution in the section. Appropriate values for the stresses in the reinforcement may be determined from the stress-strain relationship given in Figure 2 or as follows: 1) where dc is chosen as t, then fs2 varies linearly between 0 and 20.83 fy; 2) where dc is chosen between (t 2 d2) and t, then fs2 = 0; 3) where dc is chosen between (t 2 d2) and t/2, and fs2 varies linearly between 0 and fy; 4) where dc is chosen between t/2 and 2d1, fs2 may be taken as +fy; 5) dc should not be chosen as less than 2d1. c) As an alternative to b) when the resultant eccentricity is greater than (t/2 2 d1), the vertical load may be ignored and the section designed to resist an increased moment, Ma, given by: Ma = M + N(t/2 2 d1) The area of tension reinforcement necessary to provide resistance to this increased moment may be reduced by: Ngms/fy
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BS 5628-2:2000 Short columns: biaxial bending Where it is necessary to consider biaxial bending in a short column, a symmetrically reinforced section may be designed to withstand an increased moment about one axis given by the following equations: Mx My p M9 x = Mx + j q My for p $ q or Mx My q M9 y = My + j p Mx for p < q where Mx My M9 x M9 y p q j is the design moment about the x axis; is the design moment about the y axis; is the effective uniaxial design moment about the x axis; is the effective uniaxial design moment about the y axis; is the overall section dimension in a direction perpendicular to the x axis; is the overall section dimension in a direction perpendicular to the y axis; is a coefficient derived from Table 13. Table 13 Values of the coefficient j
Value of N/Amfk Value of j Slender columns In a slender column with a slenderness ratio greater than 12 it is essential to take account of biaxial bending where appropriate, and also of the additional moment induced by the vertical load, due to lateral deflection, Ma, which may be obtained from the equation: Nhef2 Ma = 2 000t where t hef N is the width of the column in the plane of bending; is the effective height of the column; is the design vertical load.
The cross-section may be analyzed using the assumptions given in to determine its design moment of resistance and design vertical load resistance. As an alternative, slender columns subjected to bending about one axis only may be designed using the equations given in but including the additional bending moment, Ma, determined by the equation given in this subclause in the design bending moment.
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BS 5628-2:2000 Walls subjected to a combination of vertical loading and bending Short walls When the slenderness ratio of a wall does not exceed 12, the wall may be analyzed to determine the design moment of resistance and design vertical load resistance, using the assumptions given in If the resultant eccentricity, ex, is greater than 0.5 t the member may be designed as a member in bending in accordance with 8.2, neglecting the vertical load. Slender walls When the slenderness ratio of a wall exceeds 12, the wall should be designed in accordance with, including in the design bending moment the additional bending moment, Ma, determined in accordance 8.3.4 Deflection Within the limiting dimensions given in 8.2, it may be assumed that the lateral deflection of a wall is acceptable. 8.3.5 Cracking Unacceptable cracking due to bending is unlikely to occur in a wall or column where the design vertical load exceeds: Amfk/2 where Am fk is the cross-sectional area of masonry; is the characteristic compressive strength of masonry.
A more lightly loaded column should be treated as a beam for the purposes of crack control and reinforced in accordance with the recommendations of 8.6. 8.4 Reinforced masonry subjected to axial compressive loading Reinforced masonry walls or columns subjected to axial loading or vertical loading having a resultant eccentricity not exceeding 0.05 times the thickness of the member in the direction of the eccentricity, may either be designed as described in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 32, i.e. taking no account of the reinforcement, or using the methods given in 8.3 of this code. In the latter case the following should be used: a) design axial load resistance, Nd, determined in accordance with, in conjunction with; b) the design moment of resistance, Md, determined in accordance with and; c) the increase in moment due to slenderness, Ma, determined in accordance with, where the slenderness ratio of the element exceeds 12. Walls subjected to concentrated loads should be designed following the recommendations of BS 5628-1:1992, clause 34.
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8.5 Reinforced masonry subjected to horizontal forces in the plane of the element 8.5.1 Racking shear Where a vertically reinforced wall resists horizontal forces acting in its plane, adequate provision against the ultimate limit state in shear being reached may be assumed if the following relationship is satisfied: f v< v gmv where fv is the characteristic shear strength of masonry (see; gmv is the partial safety factor for shear strength of masonry given in; v is the shear stress due to design loads given by: v= where t L V is the thickness of the wall; is the length of the wall; is the horizontal shear force due to design loads. V tL Where the relationship given in is not satisfied, horizontal shear reinforcement should be provided but in no case should v exceed 2.0 /gmv N/mm2. Where horizontal reinforcement is provided, the following requirement should be satisfied: Asv t(v 2 fv /gmv) $ fy /gms sv where Asv t fv fy sv gmv gms is the cross-sectional area of reinforcing steel resisting shear forces; is the thickness of the wall; is the characteristic shear strength of masonry obtained from; is the characteristic tensile strength of the reinforcing steel resisting shear forces obtained from Table 4; is the spacing of shear reinforcement along member; is the partial safety factor for shear strength of masonry given in; is the partial safety factor for strength of steel given in 7.5.
8.5.2 Bending When the bending is in the plane of the wall, the analysis and design of the wall should follow the recommendations for beams given in 8.2. Where the slenderness ratio exceeds 12 in any direction, it is essential also to take account of the slenderness at right angles to the plane of the wall by calculating the maximum compressive stress in the wall and checking that the recommendations for slender columns described in are satisfied. 8.6 Detailing reinforced masonry 8.6.1 Area of main reinforcement Designers should consider whether the area of main reinforcement is such that the recommendations for unreinforced masonry given in BS 5628-1 would be more appropriate than the recommendations given in this part of BS 5628.
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8.6.2 Maximum size of reinforcement The size of reinforcing bars used in reinforced masonry should not exceed 6 mm when placed in joints or 25 mm elsewhere, except in the case of pocket-type walls, where bar sizes up to 32 mm may be used. 8.6.3 Minimum area of secondary reinforcement in walls and slabs In all walls and slabs designed to span in one direction only, the area of secondary reinforcement provided should not be less than 0.05 %, based on the effective depth times the breadth of the section. Secondary reinforcement may be omitted from pocket-type walls except where specifically required to tie the masonry to the infill concrete. Some or all of the secondary reinforcement may be used to help control cracking due to shrinkage or expansion, thermal and moisture movements. 8.6.4 Spacing of main and secondary reinforcement The minimum clear horizontal or vertical distance between individual parallel bars should be equal to the maximum size of aggregate plus 5 mm or the bar diameter, whichever is greater, but in no case less than 10 mm. The maximum spacing of main secondary tension reinforcement should not exceed 500 mm. Where the main reinforcement is concentrated in cores or pockets, e.g. in pocket-type walls, the maximum spacing centre-to-centre between the concentrations of main reinforcement may exceed these recommendations. In vertical pockets or cores less than 125 mm 3 125 mm, only one reinforcing bar should be used, except at laps. Where shear reinforcement is provided, the spacing of the bars in the direction of the span should not exceed 0.75d, where d is the effective depth. 8.6.5 Anchorage, minimum area, size and spacing of links Anchorage of links A link may be considered to be fully anchored if it passes round another bar of at least its own diameter through an angle of 908 and continues beyond for a minimum length of eight times its own diameter, or through 1808 and continues for a minimum length of four times its own diameter. In no case should the radius of any bend in a link be less than twice the radius of the test bend guaranteed by the manufacturer of the reinforcement. Beam links Where nominal shear reinforcement is required (see it should be provided throughout the span such that: Asv = 0.002bt for mild steel; or sv Asv = 0.0012bt for high yield steel sv where Asv is the cross-sectional area of reinforcing steel resisting shear forces; bt is the width of beam at the level of the tension reinforcement; sv is the spacing of shear reinforcement, which should not exceed 0.75d, where d is the effective depth. Column links In columns where the area of steel, As, is greater than 0.25 % of the area of the masonry, Am, links should be provided if more than 25 % of the design axial load resistance is to be used. In columns where As is not greater than 0.25 % of Am, links need not be provided. Where links are required, they should be not less than 6 mm in diameter. The spacing of these links should not exceed the least of: a) the least dimension of the column; b) 50 3 link diameter; c) 20 3 main bar diameter. Where links are provided, they should surround the main vertical steel. Every vertical corner bar should be supported by an internal angle at every link spacing and this angle should not exceed 1358. Internal vertical bars need only be supported by the internal angles at alternate link spacings.
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8.6.6 Anchorage bond To prevent bond failure, the following recommendations should be met: a) the tension or compression in any bar due to design loads should be developed on each side of the section by the appropriate anchorage bond strength given in divided by the partial safety factor for bond, gmb, from Table 7; and b) the cover of concrete infill or mortar should not be less than the bar diameter. 8.6.7 Laps and joints Connections transferring stress may be lapped or jointed with a mechanical device, should where practicable occur away from points of high stress and should be staggered. Where the stress in the bar at the joint is entirely compressive, the load may be transferred by end bearing of square sawn-cut ends held in concentric contact by a suitable sleeve or mechanical device, e.g. a threaded coupler. When bars are lapped, the length of the lap should be at least equal to the anchorage length (see 8.6.6) required to develop the stress in the smaller of the two bars lapped. The length of lap provided, however, should not be less than 25 times the bar size plus 150 mm in tension reinforcement nor less than 20 times the bar size plus 150 mm in compression reinforcement. 8.6.8 Hooks and bends Hooks, bends and other reinforcement anchorages should be of such form, dimension and arrangement as to avoid overstressing the concrete or mortar. Hooks, which should be used only to meet specific design requirements, should be of U or L-type, as specified in BS 4466. The effective anchorage length of a hook or bend should be measured from the start of the bend to a point four times the bar size beyond the end of the bend (see Figure 4), and may be taken as the greater of the actual length and the following: a) for a hook, eight times the internal radius of the hook, but not greater than 24 times the bar size; b) for a 908 bend, four times the internal radius of the bend, but not greater than 12 times the bar size. In no case should the radius of any bend be less than twice the radius of the test bend guaranteed by the manufacturer of the bar. When a hooked bar is used at a support, the beginning of the hook should be at least four times the bar size inside the face of the support (see Figure 4).
Effective anchorage length
4 x bar size
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8.6.9 Curtailment and anchorage In any member subjected to bending, every bar should extend, except at end supports, beyond the point at which it is no longer needed for a distance equal to the effective depth of the member or 12 times the size of the bar, whichever is the greater. The point at which reinforcement is no longer needed is where the resistance moment of the section, considering only the continuing bars, is equal to the necessary moment. In addition, reinforcement should not be stopped in a tension zone unless one of the following conditions is satisfied for all arrangements of design load considered. a) The bars extend at least the anchorage length appropriate to their design strength, fy /gms, from the point at which they are no longer required to resist bending; where fy is the characteristic tensile strength of reinforcing steel; gms is the partial safety factor for strength of steel. b) The design shear capacity at the section where the reinforcement stops, is greater than twice the shear force due to design loads, at that section. c) The continuing bars at the section where the reinforcement stops provide double the area required to resist the moment at that section. At a simply supported end of a member each tension bar should be anchored by one of the following: 1) an effective anchorage equivalent to 12 times the bar size beyond the centre line of the support, where no bend or hook begins before the centre of the support; 2) an effective anchorage equivalent to 12 times the bar size plus d/2 from the face of the support, where d is the effective depth of the member, and no bend begins before d/2 inside the face of the support. Where the distance, av, from the face of a support to the nearest edge of a principal load (see is less than twice the effective depth, d, all the main reinforcement should continue to the support and be provided with an anchorage equivalent to 20 times the bar diameter.
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Where tendons and anchorages are made from materials that could degrade and are not inspectable and replaceable, they should be robustly and reliably protected from the agents that cause that degradation. Such protection should be resistant to disruption from subsequent operations. Clause 9 covers the design of all prestressed masonry. As it is not possible to assume that a particular limit state will always be critical, design methods are given to ensure that the recommendations for both the ultimate and the serviceability limit states are satisfied. 9.2 Design for the ultimate limit state 9.2.1 Bending When analyzing a section, the following assumptions should be made: a) plane sections remain plane when considering strain distribution in the masonry; b) the distribution of stress is uniform over the whole compression zone and does not exceed: fk/gmm where fk is the characteristic compressive strength of masonry; gmm is the partial safety factor for compressive strength of masonry; c) the maximum strain at the outermost compression fibre is 0.0035; d) the tensile strength of masonry is ignored; e) plane sections remain plane when considering the strains in bonded tendons and any other bonded reinforcement, whether in tension or in compression; f) stresses in bonded tendons, whether initially tensioned or untensioned, and in any other reinforcement are derived from the appropriate stress-strain curves shown in Figures 2 and 5; g) stresses in unbonded tendons in post-tensioned members are limited to 70 % of their characteristic strength; h) the effective depth, d, to unbonded tendons is determined by taking full account of the freedom of the tendons to move. The resistance moment, Mu, of members containing bonded or unbonded tendons, all of which are located in the tension zone, may be taken as: Mu = fpbApsz where fpb is the tensile stress in tendon at ultimate limit state; z is the lever arm; Aps is the area of prestressing tendons. In members with unbonded tendons the strain induced in the tendons by the applied moment is not the same as that in the adjacent masonry. For such members with rectangular compression zones, and with gmm = 2, values of fpb and x, the neutral axis depth, may be obtained from the following equations: fpb = fpe + 700 3 (d/l) 3 {1 2 1.4 (fpu/fk) 3 (Aps/bd)} x = 2(fpu/fk) 3 (fpb/fpu) 3 (Aps/bd)d where fpe d l fpu b is is is is is the the the the the effective prestress after losses; effective depth to centroid of tendons; distance between end anchorages; characteristic strength of tendons; breadth of masonry compression zone.
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9.2.2 Loading parallel to principal axis The strength of a slender prestressed member subjected to loading parallel to a principle axis may be assessed by the method given in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 32 for solid walls, except that, if the cross-section of the member is not solid rectangular in plan, the capacity reduction factor which allows for the effects of slenderness and the eccentricity of the applied load may need to be calculated in accordance with the design assumptions of BS 5628-1:1992, annex B. When a member is post-tensioned the prestress may have to be limited to take account of the slenderness, and possible buckling failure, of the member due to the prestress alone. 9.2.3 Shear resistance
NOTE Members built with full masonry bonding rely for their shear strength on the masonry, while members that use metal shear connectors in the bed joints for bonding rely on the strength of the shear connectors. Shear strength of masonry The shear stress, v, due to design loads at the section being considered may be determined from: V v= dob and, for prestressed sections with bonded or unbonded tendons and which are uncracked in flexure, the design shear strength may be taken as: {(ft/gmv)2 + 0.9fp(ft/gmv)}0.5 where V do b ft fp gmv is is is is is is the the the the the the shear force due to design loads at the section being considered; overall depth of the section; width of the section resisting shear; diagonal tensile strength of masonry; stress due to prestress at the centroid of the section; partial safety factor for shear strength of masonry.
The characteristic diagonal tensile strength of masonry, ft, may be taken as: ft = 1.3 2 0.275M/Vdo where M is the bending moment due to design loads at the section being considered with: 0.2 N/mm2 < ft < 0.75 N/mm2 for dense aggregate solid concrete blockwork masonry; and 0.2 N/mm2 < ft < 1.60 N/mm2 for brickwork masonry. For members which are cracked in flexure the above relationships for determining design shear strength may be used with the additional beneficial effects of the increase in the prestressing force due to the flexural cracking also being taken into account by using an enhanced value of fp. The shear stress, v, should not exceed the design shear strength. Shear connectors The size and spacing of the shear connectors may be calculated using the following formula: ru = 12twsv/(0.87fy) where r u tw s v fy is is is is is is the the the the the the width of the connector; thickness of the connector; width of the masonry section in vertical shear; spacing of the connectors; design vertical shear stress on the masonry section; yield strength of the connector.
The shear connectors should be of flat metal section and should also conform to the recommendations for wall ties in respect of anchorage and embedment length.
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9.3 Design for the serviceability limit state 9.3.1 When analyzing a section the following assumptions should be made: a) plane sections remain plane when considering strain distribution in the masonry; b) stress is proportional to strain; c) no tensile stresses are allowed in the masonry; d) after losses the effective prestressing force does not change. In general there are two serviceability conditions which need to be examined: at transfer of prestress, and under the design loads after losses, but there may be some intermediate stages when the load is applied incrementally. 9.3.2 The compressive stress should be limited to one-third of the characteristic compressive strength of the masonry, fk, under the design loads and to 0.4 fkt at transfer, where fkt is the compressive strength of the masonry at transfer. Designers should assess the value of fkt either by masonry tests in accordance with annex D, or from the known behaviour of the materials being used. If compression tests on mortar samples, stored under the same conditions as the masonry, show that the specified 28 day strength has been achieved, then fkt may be taken to be equal to fk. 9.3.3 Where the area of concrete infill represents more than 10 % of the section under consideration, elastic analysis should be undertaken using the transformed area calculated from the values of elastic modulus given in (see also 9.3.4 The deflection of members should be calculated following the recommendations of 9.4 Design criteria for prestressing tendons 9.4.1 Maximum initial prestress The jacking force should not exceed 70 % of the characteristic breaking load of the tendon. 9.4.2 Loss of prestress General When calculating the forces in the tendons at the various stages considered in design, allowance should be made for the appropriate losses of prestress resulting from: a) relaxation of the tendons (see; b) elastic deformation of masonry (see; c) moisture movement of masonry (see; d) creep of masonry (see; e) draw-in of the tendons during anchoring (see; f) friction (see; g) thermal effects (see Where low levels of strain are induced in the prestressing tendon, the accumulation of losses may cancel the effects of prestress.
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Stress (N/mm2)
Es 205 kN/mm2 195 kN/mm2 165 kN/mm2 206 kN/mm2 for for for for cold drawn wire conforming to BS 5896 strand conforming to BS 5896 rolled and stretched bars conforming to BS 4486 rolled and as rolled streched and tempered bars conforming to BS 4486
fpu gms
is the characteristic tensile strength of prestressing tendons is the partial safety factor for strength of steel
Figure 5 Typical short-term design stress-strain curves for normal and low relaxation tendons Relaxation of tendons The loss of prestress should be taken to be the maximum relaxation of the tendon after 1 000 h duration given in the manufacturer's UK Certificate of Approval. In the absence of such a certificate, the values appropriate to the jacking force at transfer should be taken from BS 4486 or BS 5896, as appropriate. These standards give values corresponding to a maximum initial prestress of 60 % and 70 % of the breaking load. For initial loads of less than 60 % of the breaking load, the 1 000 h relaxation value may be assumed to decrease from the value given for 60 % to zero at 30 % of the breaking load. When a load equal to or greater than the relevant jacking force has been applied to a tendon for a short time prior to the anchoring, no reduction in the value of the relaxation should be made. Where stainless steel is used at more than 67 % of the 0.2 % proof stress, the 1 000 h relaxation might not give a true indication of relaxation and specialist advice should be sought. Elastic deformation of masonry Calculation of the immediate loss of force in the tendons due to elastic deformation in the masonry at transfer may be based directly on the values of the short-term elastic moduli, Ec, Em and Es, obtained from, and the appropriate strength of the masonry (see 9.3). In post-tensioned masonry, when the tendons are stressed simultaneously, elastic deformation occurs during tensioning and thus there is no loss in prestress due to elastic deformation at transfer. With tendons that are not stressed simultaneously, there is a progressive loss during transfer, and the resulting total loss should be taken as being equal to half the product of the modular ratio and the stress in the masonry adjacent to the centroid of the tendons, unless the tendons are restressed Moisture movement of masonry Where the moisture movement of masonry results in an eventual shrinkage, this will lead to a loss of prestress in the tendons, which may be calculated assuming that the maximum shrinkage strain is 500 3 10-6 for concrete and calcium silicate masonry. The effect of moisture expansion of fired-clay masonry on the force in the tendons should be disregarded in design. Creep of masonry The loss of force in the tendons due to the effects of creep in fired-clay or calcium silicate brick masonry and dense aggregate concrete block masonry may be calculated by assuming that the creep is numerically equal to 1.5 and 3.0 times the elastic deformation of the masonry, respectively. The elastic deformation should be based on the appropriate value of the elastic modulus, Em, obtained from
NOTE Some information is available in research reports about the estimation of creep values. However, no information is available at the time of publication for masonry built with lightweight concrete blocks.
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BS 5628-2:2000 Anchorage draw-in In post-tensioning systems, and particularly for short members, allowance should be made for any movement of the tendon at the anchorage when the prestressing force is transferred from the tensioning equipment to the anchorage. Friction In post-tensioning systems with tendons in ducts, there will be movement of the greater part of the tendon relative to the surrounding duct during the tensioning operation and, if the tendon is in contact with the duct or any spacers provided, friction will cause a reduction in the prestressing force. In the absence of other information, the stress variation likely to be expected should be assessed following the recommendations of BS 8110-1:1997, 4.9. Thermal effects Consideration should be given to differential thermal movement between the masonry and the prestressing tendon, especially where tendon stresses are low. 9.4.3 Transmission length in pre-tensioned members The length of member required to transmit the initial prestressing force in a tendon to the concrete or grout surrounding it depends upon a number of variables, the most important being the strength and homogeneity of the concrete or grout and the size, type and deformation, e.g. crimp, of the tendon. The transmission length should, where possible, be based on experimental evidence from known site or factory conditions. In the absence of such evidence, the following equation for the transmission length, lt, may be used for initial prestressing forces up to 75 % of the characteristic strength of the tendon when the ends of the units are fully compacted: Kf It = t fci where fci f Kt is the concrete strength at transfer; is the nominal diameter of the tendon; is a coefficient for the type of tendon and is selected from the following:
a) plain or indented wire (including crimped wire with a small wave height): Kt = 600; b) crimped wire with a total wave height not less than 0.15f: Kt = 400; c) 7-wire standard or super strand: Kt = 240; d) 7-wire drawn strand: Kt = 360. 9.5 Detailing prestressed masonry 9.5.1 Tendons For vertically spanning post-tensioned members bar tendons should be sufficiently stiff to stand vertically without lateral support so that the masonry can be built around them. Where strands or wires are used they should be suspended from scaffolding or placed in vertically standing ducts. Tendon anchorages should be correctly positioned. For pretensioned masonry where tendons or groups of tendons are surrounded by concrete, the distance between individual tendons or groups of tendons should not be less than the maximum aggregate size plus 5 mm to allow for adequate compaction of the concrete. To prevent overstressing of the masonry, it is essential for the designer to specify the correct tensioning sequence for the tendons and the compressive strength of the masonry at transfer. 9.5.2 Anchorage in reinforced concrete Where tendon anchorages are embedded in reinforced concrete, this may form part of a foundation, wall coping or column capital. In such circumstances the reinforced concrete needs to be designed to sustain all the forces it is subjected to, both internal (from the anchorages) and external (from, for example, floors, roof and ground). Where bending stresses arise from the reinforced concrete spanning over voids or spaces in the masonry cross-section, to avoid the development of splitting cracks in the masonry near the anchorage, the design tensile stress in the reinforcement should be limited to 85 N/mm2. The reinforced concrete should be designed to distribute the prestress from the anchorages to the wall to prevent local overstressing of the masonry. 42
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9.5.3 Detailing prestressed masonry The local bearing stress on the masonry immediately beneath a prestressing anchorage, after locking off the tendon, should not exceed: a) 1.5fk/gmm, following the recommendations of BS 5628-1:1992, clause 34 where the prestressing loads are perpendicular to the bed joints; or b) 0.65fk/gmm, where the prestressing loads are parallel to the bed joints; where fk is the characteristic compressive strength of masonry; gmm is the partial safety factor for compressive strength of masonry. 9.5.4 Tendons To prevent overstressing of the masonry, it is essential for the designer to specify the correct tensioning sequence for the tendons and the compressive strength of the masonry at transfer. Where tendons or groups of tendons are surrounded by concrete, the distance between individual tendons or groups of tendons should not be less than the maximum aggregate size plus 5 mm to allow for adequate compaction of the concrete. 9.5.5 Links Where links are required, they should beb provided in accordance with 8.6.5.
Carbon steel galvanized in accordance with BS 729. Minimum mass of zinc coating 940 g/m2 (see notes 1 and 2) Carbon steel galvanized in accordance with BS 729. Minimum mass of zinc coating 940 g/m2 (see note 2) Austenitic stainless steel or carbon steel coated with at least 1 mm of stainless steel Austenitic stainless steel or carbon steel coated with at least 1 mm of stainless steel
Carbon steel
Carbon steel or, where mortar is used to fill the voids, carbon steel galvanized in accordance with BS 729 to give a minimum mass of zinc coating of 940 g/m2 Carbon steel galvanized in accordance with BS 729. Minimum mass of zinc coating 940 g/m2 Austenitic stainless steel or carbon steel coated with at least 1 mm of stainless steel
NOTE 1 In internal masonry other than the inner leaves of external cavity walls carbon steel reinforcement may be used. NOTE 2 Prefabricated bed joint reinforcement is not generally available with a mass of zinc coating of 940 g/m2.
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Minimum cement content
325 0.55
350 0.50
E1b E2 E3 E4
20 35
20c 30 40
20c 25 30 60d
20c 20 25 50
All mixes are based on the use of normal-weight aggregate of 20 mm nominal maximum size (but see 6.9). Where other sized aggregates are used, cement contents should be adjusted in accordance with Table 15a.
b Alternatively, 1:0 to :3:2 cement:lime:sand:10 mm nominal aggregate mix may be used to meet exposure situation E1, when the cover to reinforcement is 15 mm minimum c d
These covers may be reduced to 15 mm minimum provided that the nominal maximum size of aggregate does not exceed 10 mm. Where the concrete infill may be subjected to freezing whilst wet, air entrainment should be used.
Table 15a Adjustments to minimum cement contents for aggregates other than 20 mm nominal maximum size
Nominal maximum aggregate size mm Adjustments to minimum cement contents in Table 15 kg/m3
10 14 20
+40 +20 0 Classification of exposure situations Exposure situations are classified into the following four situations Exposure situation E1. Internal work and the inner skin of ungrouted external cavity walls and behind surfaces protected by an impervious coating that can readily be inspected or external parts built where the exposure category given in BS 5628-3:1985, Table 10 is Sheltered or Very Sheltered. Exposure situation E2. Buried masonry and masonry continually submerged in fresh water or external parts built where the exposure category given in of BS 5628-3:1985, Table 10 is Sheltered/Moderate or Moderate/Severe. Exposure situation E3. Masonry exposed to freezing whilst wet, subjected to heavy condensation or exposed to cycles of wetting by fresh water and drying out or external parts built where the exposure category given in BS 5628-3:1985, Table 10 is Severe or Very Severe. Exposure situation E4. Masonry exposed to salt or moorland water, corrosive fumes, abrasion or the salt used for de-icing. Exposure situations requiring special attention Special consideration should be given to any feature that is likely to be subjected to more severe exposure than the remainder of the building or structure. In particular, parapets, sills, chimneys and the details around openings in external walls should be examined. Normally such situations should be considered equivalent to exposure situation E3. Where stressed reinforcement and tendons may be directly exposed to chlorinated atmosphere, e.g. swimming pools, stainless steel should be used only following specialist advice.
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BS 5628-2:2000 Effect of different masonry units The protection against corrosion provided by brickwork tends to be improved if high strength low water absorption bricks are used in strong mortar. Where bricks that have a greater water absorption than 10 % or concrete blocks having a net density less than 1 500 kg/m3, measured as described in BS 6073-2, are used, the steel recommended for the next most severe exposure situation or, where appropriate, stainless steel should be used, unless protection to the reinforcement is to be provided by concrete cover in accordance with Concrete infill Concrete infill for reinforced masonry should be of minimum grade C30 or equivalent and be specified in accordance with BS 5328, taking into account minimum cement content, maximum free water/cement ratio and cover as given in Table 15. For grouted cavity and Quetta bond reinforced masonry construction the concrete infill may consist, at the option of the designer, of a 1:0 to :3:2 cement:lime:sand:10 mm nominal maximum size aggregate mix, or a mortar infill, as appropriate to the exposure situation and reinforcement type, in accordance with the requirements of Table 14 and Where high lift grouted cavity construction (see or Quetta bond is employed, the infill concrete mix, if required to provide durability protection to the reinforcement, should contain an expanding agent or other suitable measures to avoid early age shrinkage. Concrete infill for pre-tensioned masonry should be of minimum grade C content, maximum free water/cement ratio and cover as given in Table 15. Concrete infill for post-tensioned masonry should be of minimum grade C30 or equivalent and be specified in accordance with BS 5328, taking into account minimum cement content and maximum free water/cement ratio as given in Table 15. This recommendation is nominal as the durability of post-tensioned masonry is usually assured by direct protection of the tendons. Cover Where austenitic stainless steel, or steel coated with at least 1 mm of austenitic stainless steel, is used, there is no minimum cover required to ensure durability. However, some cover will be required for the full development of bond stress (see 8.6.6). Where reinforcement is placed in bed joints, the minimum depth of mortar cover to the exposed face of the masonry should be 15 mm. For grouted-cavity or Quetta bond construction, the minimum cover for reinforcement selected using Table 14 should be as follows: a) carbon steel reinforcement used in internal walls and exposure situation E1: 20 mm mortar or concrete; b) carbon steel reinforcement used in exposure situation E2: 20 mm concrete; c) galvanized steel reinforcement: 20 mm mortar or concrete; d) stainless steel reinforcement: not required for durability. Figure 6 shows the minimum concrete cover recommended for carbon steel reinforcement in pocket-type walls and in reinforced hollow blockwork walls. The cut ends of all bars, except those of solid stainless steel, should have the same cover as that appropriate to carbon steel in the exposure situation being considered, unless alternative means of protection are used. Prestressing tendons Where tendons are placed in pockets, cores or cavities that are filled with concrete or mortar, the recommendations given in, and should be followed. Where carbon steel tendons or bars are installed in open cavities, pocket or ducts they should be suitably protected.
NOTE Under certain circumstances, galvanizing may lead to hydrogen enbrittlement and should therefore be avoided.
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Figure 6 Minimum concrete cover in pocket-type walls and in reinforced hollow blockwork walls Wall ties Wall ties should be specified so that their resistance to corrosion is at least equal to that of reinforcement used in the same position, except that the minimum mass of zinc coating on galvanized2) steel ties should be 940 g/m2. In some cases the material of the wall ties will differ from that of the reinforcement. In such cases the two dissimilar metals should not be allowed to come into contact. 10.2 Fire resistance The recommendations for fire resistance of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements given in section 4 of BS 8110-2:1985 should be followed but taking masonry as part of the cover. 10.3 Accommodation of movement Precautions should be taken against cracking due to movement in walls, following the recommendations of BS 5628-3:1985, clause 20. Where contraction joints are not designed to act as expansion joints, separate expansion joints should be provided at intervals of 30 m in concrete block, concrete brick or calcium silicate brick free-standing or retaining walls. In earth-retaining walls, where the temperature and moisture content of the masonry do not vary greatly, joint spacings of up to 20 m may be justified. In addition, debonded dowels may be provided to restrict lateral movement between adjacent panels whilst permitting movement within the plane of the wall. Where appropriate, dowels should also be incorporated at the joint between a panel wall and its frame.
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10.4 Spacing of wall ties In ungrouted cavity walls and low-lift grouted-cavity walls, the spacing of ties should follow the recommendations of BS 5628-1. In high-lift grouted-cavity walls, the wall ties should be spaced at not greater than 900 mm centres horizontally and 300 mm centres vertically, with each layer staggered by 450 mm. Additional ties should be provided at openings, spaced at not greater than 300 mm centres vertically. 10.5 Drainage and waterproofing When retaining walls support earth, other than freely draining granular material, a drainage layer of rubble or coarse aggregate of 200 mm thickness or 100 mm thick porous blocks should be placed behind the wall for the full height of the earth retained. Preferably, perforated land drains should be laid behind retaining walls and be provided with a positive outfall to suitable drainage positions. Weepholes can be used as drainage condition indicators, but their positioning should be carefully considered in order to avoid uncontrolled overflow onto hard areas where there is pedestrian or vehicular public access. To minimize salts ingress and other staining of the exposed masonry face in service, all walls retaining earth should be painted with a waterproofing compound on the face in contact with the earth. Where practicable, a layer of self-adhesive bituminous sheet, with all joints lapped, may be applied in place of the waterproofing compound. Waterproofing compounds and sheeting should be protected before backfilling. Where it is not practicable to provide retaining walls with weepholes or land drains, e.g. in basement walls, or where the wall is designed to resist a permanent water pressure, asphalt tanking or a similar positive waterproofing layer should be applied and protected before backfilling. At vertical movement joints where anything other than minor movement is anticipated, a water bar may be used. BS 8102:1990 gives guidance on the waterproofing of structures below ground level. 10.6 D.p.c. and copings The provision of d.p.c. and copings should follow the recommendations of BS 5628-3:1985, clause 21 having regard to the material of the d.p.c. and its effect on the bending and shear strength of the member.
11 Work on site
11.1 Materials All materials used in reinforced and prestressed masonry should follow the recommendations of clause 6. 11.2 Construction 11.2.1 General Work should generally conform with BS 5628-3 and BS 5390. Storage and handling of masonry units and storage and mixing of materials for mortars should follow the recommendations of BS 5628-3:2000, A.4. Storage and mixing of materials for concrete and storage, handling fixing, and positioning of reinforcement and prestressing tendons should follow the recommendations of sections 6, 7 and 8 of BS 8110-1:1997. For laying of structural units in reinforced and prestressed masonry, plumbness and alignment of the masonry and precautions to protect the work in adverse weather conditions and when the work is temporarily stopped, reference should be made to section 4 of BS 5628-3:1985. The maximum height of masonry that should normally be built in a day is 1.5 m. Infill concrete should be in accordance with 6.9. Special consideration should be given to the workability of the infill concrete and the height of pour when filling small sections, to ensure that complete filling is achieved. Reinforcement should be in accordance with 6.3 and fixed as shown on the detail drawings. Care should be taken to ensure that the specified cover to the reinforcement is maintained, e.g. by using spacers. Where spacers are used or where bed joint reinforcement crosses voids or pockets that contain reinforcement and are to be filled with concrete, the spacers should be of such a type and the reinforcement so positioned that compaction of the infill concrete is not prevented. Reinforcement should be free from mud, oil, paint, retarders, loose rust, loose mill scale, snow, ice, grease or any other substance which may affect adversely the steel or concrete chemically, or reduce the bond. Normal handling prior to embedment is usually sufficient for the removal of loose rust and scale from reinforcement. Bed joint reinforcement should be completely surrounded with mortar. Anchorages, bar couplings and other supports to prestressing tendons should be positioned and aligned so that the tendons are not kinked or bent beyond the manufacturer's recommendations.
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11.2.2 Grouted-cavity construction General It is essential that mortar droppings or scrapings should not be permitted to remain in the cavity (see BS 5628-3:1985, 32.11). Ties between the leaves of grouted-cavity walls should be provided in accordance with 10.4. Low-lift In low-lift grouted-cavity construction, the concrete infill should be placed as part of the process of laying the units at maximum vertical intervals of 450 mm. Any excess mortar in the cavity should be removed before infilling. The infill concrete should be placed in layers to within 50 mm of the level of the last course laid and should be placed using receptacles with spouts to avoid staining and splashing of face work. It is important that the concrete infill should be compacted immediately after pouring. Care should be taken to avoid raising the walls too rapidly, causing disruption due to excessive lateral pressure from the infill concrete before the masonry has had time to gain sufficient strength. If the wall should move at any level due to these forces, it is essential to take it down and rebuild it. High-lift In the high-lift technique, walls should be built up to a maximum 3 m high and clean-out holes left along the base of one leaf. These holes should be of minimum size 150 mm 3 200 mm and spaced at approximately 500 mm centres. Prior to infilling with concrete, and preferably soon after laying, debris should be removed from the cavity and the clean-out holes should then be blocked off. The concrete infill should be placed not sooner than 3 days after building. The infill should be placed and compacted, usually in two lifts. Recompaction of the concrete in each lift may be necessary after initial settlement, due to water absorption by the masonry, but before setting. Wall ties (see 6.5, 10.4 and annex B) should be used to hold the leaves together against the lateral pressure exerted by the concrete infill. 11.2.3 Reinforced hollow blockwork General All hollow blocks should be laid on a full bed of mortar and any excess mortar in the core should be removed before placing of the infill. Low-lift The procedure for low-lift filled hollow blockwork should in general follow the corresponding recommendations for low-lift grouted-cavity construction, except that the maximum vertical intervals at which concrete infill is placed may be increased to 900 mm. High-lift In the high-lift technique, walls should be built up to a maximum 3 m high and clean-out holes left along the base of the wall. These holes should occur at every core which is to be filled and should be of minimum size 100 mm 3 100 mm. Alternatively, particularly where every core is to be filled, the base course may consist of bricks spaced to suit the size of block in order to achieve a clear opening at each core. High-lift grouting should not be used for walls whose overall thickness is less than 190 mm. Prior to infilling with concrete, and preferably soon after laying, debris should be removed from the core and the clean-out holes blocked off. Infilling should not be carried out sooner than one day after building; a longer time should be allowed in cold weather. Concrete infill should be placed and compacted, usually in two lifts. Recompaction of the concrete in each lift may be necessary after initial settlement, due to water absorption by the masonry, but before setting. 11.2.4 Quetta bond and similar bond walls Main reinforcement should be fixed sufficiently in advance of the masonry construction so that other work can proceed without hindrance. The cavities formed around the reinforcement by the bonding pattern should be filled with mortar or concrete infill as the work proceeds. Alternatively, if the cavities are sufficiently large, they may be filled by the low-or high-lift techniques described in and respectively. Secondary reinforcement, where required, should be incorporated in the bed joints, in accordance with clause 6, as the work proceeds. 11.2.5 Pocket-type walls In pocket-type wall construction, the walls are generally built to full height before the infill concrete is placed. Main reinforcement should preferably be fixed in advance of wall construction, especially where it is necessary to incorporate reinforcement in the bed joints. Care should be taken to ensure that the formwork to the back face of the pocket is adequately tied to the wall or propped to prevent disturbance of the formwork during placing and compaction of the infill concrete and to avoid grout loss. 48
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11.2.6 Tensioning of prestressing tendons Tensioning of tendons should be carried out following the recommendations of BS 8110-1:1997, 8.7. It is essential to ensure that the specified value for the masonry strength at transfer is achieved. In walls where it is not possible simultaneously to prestress all the tendons, prestressing should follow a pre-arranged programme, loading the tendons in stages until the required level of prestress is applied along the wall. 11.2.7 Forming chases and holes, and provision of fixings The protection of prestressing tendons should follow the recommendations of BS 8110-1:1997, 8.8. Protection against corrosion may be provided by the use of stainless steel tendons. 11.2.8 Replacement of unbonded tendons If tendons have to be replaced the defective tendons should be de-stressed gradually under competent supervision to safeguard persons from injury and avoid damage to equipment and the works. The strength, stability and serviceability of the structure, of which the prestressed masonry may only be a part, should be maintained during de-stressing. 11.2.9 Forming chases and holes and provisions of fixings Chasing of completed walls, the formation of holes on the inclusion of fixings should be carried out only when approved by the designer and then following the recommendations of 19.6 of BS 5628-3: 1985. 11.2.10 Jointing and pointing Points should only be raked-out or pointed when approved by the designer. 11.3 Quality control 11.3.1 Workmanship Workmanship should generally conform with BS 5628-3 and BS 5390. The designers should specify, supervise and control the construction of reinforced and prestressed masonry to ensure that the construction is compatible with the special category of construction control as defined in BS 5628-1. Preliminary and site testing should be carried out (see 11.3.2). 11.3.2 Material General All sampling and testing of materials should be carried out in accordance with the appropriate British Standard. Masonry units If masonry units of suction rate greater than 1.5 kg/(m 2min) are used, they may need wetting before laying (see BS 5628-3:1985, 17.5). Mortar The procedures for trial mixes and site control of mortar should follow the recommendations of BS 5628-1. Infill concrete All sampling and testing of fresh and hardened infill concrete should be carried out in accordance with BS 1881. A prescribed mix should, unless otherwise specified, be judged on the basis of the specified mix proportions and required workability. A designed mix should be assessed according to the strength of the hardened concrete.
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BS 5628-2:2000
Annex A (normative) Design method for walls incorporating bed joint reinforcement to enhance lateral load resistance
A.1 General Recommendations for the design of unreinforced walls subjected to lateral loads are given in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 36. The use of bedjoint reinforcement enhances the capacity of walls to resist lateral loading. This annex is based on the restricted amount of research available and includes four alternative approaches to design which may be used (see A.3 to A.6). The proposed design methods may be applied to walls made from structural units described in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 7 and mortar of designation (iii) may be used. The characteristic compressive strength of masonry constructed using types of masonry unit and mortar designations not given in the tables in this part of BS 5628 is given in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 23. Partial safety factors should be chosen for the appropriate level of quality control from BS 5628-1:1992, clause 27.
NOTE The recommendations of 11.3.1 of this part of BS 5628 apply only to special category of construction control.
Special care is required to ensure that adequate provision is made to protect bed joint reinforcement against corrosion. The designer should follow the recommendations of 10.1. The values for characteristic anchorage bond strength given in should be used with caution. It is advisable in all cases to consult the reinforcement manufacturer and this is particularly important where some form of coating against corrosion has been specified for use on the steel. A.2 Design recommendations A.2.1 General The experimental evidence available suggests that for walls reinforced with the percentage of steel which is common for bed joint reinforcement, the load at which the wall first cracks is comparable to the ultimate load for a similar unreinforced wall, although the cracking patterns may differ. A.2.2 Support conditions and continuity The degree of restraint provided by different types of support should be assessed as described in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 36. A.2.3 Limiting dimensions The limiting dimensions of panels should be as follows: a) panel supported on three edges: 1) two or more sides continuous: height 3 length equal to 1 800 tef2 or less; 2) all other cases: height 3 length equal to 1 600 tef2 or less. b) panel supported on four edges: 1) three or more sides continuous: height 3 length equal to 2 700 tef2 or less; 2) all other cases: height 3 length equal to 2 400 tef2 or less. No dimension should exceed 60tef where tef is the effective thickness as defined in A.2.4 Minimum amount of reinforcement It may be assumed that the wall will have enhanced lateral load resistance compared with an unreinforced wall if reinforcement with a minimum cross-sectional area of 14 mm2 is placed at vertical intervals not exceeding 450 mm. A.2.5 Compressive strength of masonry In general there is little likelihood of the compressive strength of the masonry in bending being exceeded in walls that are reinforced with bed joint reinforcement. However, when using masonry units of low compressive strength or highly perforated units and frequent reinforcement of the bed joints, the designer should check that this is the case by using the appropriate formula (see 8.2.4) and values of fk appropriate to the direction of the compressive force. 50
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A.2.6 Partial safety factors Where reference is made to the use of the design formulae in 8.2.4 the appropriate partial safety factor for the compressive strength of masonry, gm, should be taken from BS 5628-1:1992, clause 27. A.3 Method 1: design as horizontal spanning wall Single-leaf walls and reinforced leaves of cavity walls may be designed as spanning horizontally between supports following the recommendations of and considering steel which is in tension. For a cavity wall where both leaves are reinforced, the design lateral strength may be considered to be the sum of the design strengths of the two leaves. It is essential to ensure that the wall ties are capable of transmitting the required forces. Recommendations for the use of wall ties as panel supports are given in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 36. The maximum enhancement of lateral load resistance above that for the equivalent unreinforced wall, which may include some element of two-way spanning, should be taken to be 50 % unless a serviceability and deflection check is carried out in accordance with A.6. A.4 Method 2: design with reinforced section carrying extra load only Single-leaf walls may be designed to span horizontally between supports on the basis that the enhancement in lateral load resistance above that for the unreinforced wall is derived from the reinforced section. The reinforced section should be designed using the equation in The maximum enhancement of load capacity above that for the unreinforced wall should be limited to 30 % unless a serviceability and deflection check is carried out in accordance with A.6 (see note).
NOTE This approach to design cannot be rigorously justified in theoretical terms as it combines the flexural resistance of the uncracked unreinforced section spanning two ways with the design resistance of the reinforced section, which may be cracked, spanning one way.
A.5 Method 3: design using modified orthogonal ratio Single-leaf walls and cavity walls may be designed following the appropriate recommendations of BS 5628-1:1992, 36.4 but using a modified orthogonal ratio. For leaves which contain bed joint reinforcement, the orthogonal ratio is defined as the ratio of the moment of resistance about a horizontal axis, that is when the plane of failure is parallel to a bed joint, to the moment of resistance about a vertical axis, that is when the plane of failure is perpendicular to a bed joint. The moment of resistance about the horizontal axis is given by: fkxZ gm where fkx gm Z is the characteristic flexural strength of the masonry when the plane of failure is parallel to the bed joints given in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 24; is the partial safety factor for strength of masonry given in BS 5628-1:1992, clause 27; is the section modulus per unit length of the bed joint.
The design moment of resistance about the vertical axis is as given in The design moment in the panel is found using the appropriate bending moment coefficient in BS 5628-1:1992, Table 9. The design moment of resistance of the panel is determined from For cavity walls the recommendations of BS 5628-1:1992, 36.4.5 should be followed. The maximum enhancement of lateral load resistance above that for the equivalent unreinforced wall should be taken to be 50 %, unless a serviceability and deflection check is carried out in accordance with A.6. A.6 Method 4: design based on cracking load Since the load causing cracking of a single-leaf wall containing bed joint reinforcement is at least as large as the ultimate load of a similar unreinforced wall, the cracking load may be used to assess whether the wall conforms to the serviceability requirements, up to the design strength of the reinforced section. The failure strength of the wall, excluding reinforcement, should be calculated in accordance with BS 5628-1:1992, 36.4, taking the value of gm as 1.0. The service strength is then determined by dividing this strength by the partial safety factor for masonry for the serviceabililty limit state taken from
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To ensure that there is an adequate margin of safety against reaching the ultimate limit state the wall should be designed as described in A.3, A.4 or A.5 but with no limitation on the load enhancement. The appropriate partial safety factor, gf, should be obtained from, bearing in mind the recommendations of A.2.6. However, the designer should ensure that in service the deflection will not be excessive; the deflection at service load may be calculated assuming that the wall acts as an elastic plate. A.7 Cavity walls Where cavity walls have both leaves reinforced to increase lateral load capacity, the enhancement in design lateral strength of each leaf should be limited to the values given in A.3 to A.6. The total load capacity of the wall may be taken as the sum of the design lateral strengths of the leaves. Where only one leaf of a cavity wall is reinforced, the maximum enhancement of the design lateral strength, appropriate to the method, relates to that leaf.
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An elastic analysis should be used to estimate deflections. The following assumptions may be made. 1) The section to be used for the calculation of stiffness is the gross cross-section of the masonry, no allowance being made for the reinforcement. 2) Plane sections remain plane. 3) The reinforcement, whether in tension or compression, is elastic. 4) The masonry in compression is elastic. Under short term loading the moduli of elasticity may be taken as the appropriate values given in The long term elastic modulus, Em, allowing for creep and shrinkage where appropriate, may be taken as: for clay and dense aggregate concrete masonry, Em = 0.45 fk kN/mm2; for calcium silicate, a.a.c and lightweight concrete masonry, Em = 0.3 fk kN/mm2 where fk is the characteristic compressive strength of masonry obtained from
The deflection at the appropriate applied bending moment may be estimated directly or from the estimated curvature.
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D.3.2.4 Preparation of ends Unfilled frogs exposed on the end of a specimen should be filled with mortar, struck off to give a level surface. Perforations in bricks so exposed should not be filled. D.3.2.5 Curing Specimens should be close covered with polythylene and stored for 28 days in the laboratory prior to test. D.4 Test procedure Wipe clean the bearing surfaces of the testing machine and remove any loose grit from the bed faces of the specimen. Apply the load to the specimen in the same direction as in service, and carefully align the axis of the specimen with the centre of the ball-seated platen. As the latter is brought to bear on the specimen, gently guide the moveable portion by hand so that a uniform seating is obtained. Test specimens prepared in accordance with D.3.2 between two 3 mm plywood sheets whose linear dimensions, length and width, should exceed the corresponding work sizes by not less than 5 mm or by more than 15 mm; use each sheet once only.
Grout Grout
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D.5 Calculation of results D.5.1 Mode of failure The mode of failure of each specimen should be noted and if untypical of that expected in an actual element the result should be rejected. However, not less than five results should be used to calculate fk. D.5.2 Mean strength The mean (compressive) strength should be calculated by dividing the maximum failing load by the gross area of each specimen and calculating the arithmetic mean for the total number of specimens tested. D.5.3 Characteristic strength The characteristic strength should be calculated as follows. If the strengths of the test specimens are: x1, x2, x3 ... the values y1, y2, y3 ... should be calculated where y = log x in each case. The mean, y , and the standard deviation, s, should then be calculated as: y = (y + y2 + y3 + ...)/n where s= where n
Then yc = y 2 ks where k is a coefficient which varies according to the number of results used for the calculation as given in Table D.1; Characteristic strength = antilog (yc) In addition, a reduction factor, as given in Table D.2, should be applied to the calculated characteristic strength to allow for the height, h, to thickness, t, ratio of the specimen. Table D.1 Value of k
No. of specimens Value of k
10 9 8 7 6 5
2 3 4 5 or more
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E1, E2 E3, E4
E3, E4 Pocket type walls, reinforced hollow blockwork walls and other reinforced masonry construction Pre-tensioned masonry Post-tensioned masonry E1, E2 E3, E4
1:0 to :3:2 or Concrete C30 grade or equivalent or mortar as appropriate to reinforcement type Concrete specified in accordance with Table 14 Concrete specified in accordance with Table 14
Carbon steel
Concrete specified in accordance with Table 14 (see Note 2) Concrete C30 grade or equivalent (see Note 3)
NOTE 1 Where austenitic stainless steel reinforcement is used there is no recommendation for minimum infill cover except that needed to develop bond. NOTE 2 The minimum concrete suitable is C35 grade or equivalent. NOTE 3 This specification for concrete infill is nominal as the durability of reinforcement in post-tensioned masonry will usually be provided by direct protection of the reinforcement itself. NOTE 4 Where concrete infill may be subjected to aggressive environments (e.g. sulfate attack) the recommendations given in BS 8110 regarding minimum grade specifications should be followed. Mortars should follow the recommendations of BS 5628-3
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Standards publications
BS 1199, 1200:1976, Specification for building sands from natural sources. BS 3148:1980, Methods of test for water for making concrete (including notes on the suitability of the water). BS 4551-1:1998, Methods of testing mortars, screeds and plasters Part 1: Physical testing. BS 4551-2:1998, Methods of testing mortars, screeds and plasters Part 2: Chemical analysis and aggregate grading. BS 5075-3:1985, Concrete admixtures Part 3: Specification for superplasticizing admixtures. BS 5502-22:1993, Buildings and structures for agriculture Part 22: Code of practice for design, construction and loading. BS 8102:1990, Code of practice for protection of structures against water from the ground DD 86-1:1983, Damp-proof courses Part 1: Methods of test for flexural bond strength and short term shear strength. DD 86-2:1984, Damp-proof courses Part 2: Method of test for creep deformation.
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In this index references are to clause, annex and table numbers.
accidental forces partial safety factor for loads, stability, 7.2.3 admixtures, 6.11 aggregate, 6.7 alternative materials, 5 alternative methods of design and construction, 5 analysis, 7.4 anchorage bond, 8.6.6 characteristic bond strength, curtailment, 8.6.9 draw-in, prestressing tendons, 9.5.1 reinforcement, 8.6.5 axial loading prestressed masonry, 9.2.2 reinforced masonry, 8.4 beams continuous members, moments and forces, 7.5.4 effective span, 8.2.2 limiting ratios and span to effective depth, moment of resistance, 8.2.4, 9.2.1, 9.3.1 shear stress, bed joint reinforcement design, annex A materials, 6.3.1 bending in prestressed masonry, 9.2.1 in reinforced masonry, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5.2 block masonry characteristic compressive strength,, Tables 3b), 3c), 3d) hollow, locally reinforced, hollow, reinforced, 3.3.4, 11.2.3 blocks clay, 6.2 concrete, 6.2 brick masonry, characteristic compressive strength,, Table 3a) bricks calcium silicate, 6.2 clay, 6.2 concrete, 6.2 buildings, stability, 7.2 carbon black, 6.10 cements, 6.6 characteristic anchorage bond strength, characteristic breaking load of prestressing steel, characteristic compressive strength of masonry,, Table 3 compressive force parallel to bed face of unit, compressive force perpendicular to bed face of unit, direct determination,, annex D masonry in bending, unusual bonding patterns, unusual units, characteristic loads, 7.3
characteristic shear strength, characteristic strength of reinforcing steel,, Table 4 chases, 11.2.7 chloride content, 6.11.2 colouring agents for mortar, 6.10 columns cracking, 8.3.5 deflection, 8.3.4 links, slenderness ratios, 8.3.2 vertical (axial) loading, 8.4, 9.2.2 vertical loading and bending, compressive strength masonry see characteristic compressive strength mortar, 6.8.1, Table 1 prestressed masonry at transfer, 9.4.1, 9.5 structural units, 6.2 concentrated loads, concrete infill, construction, 7.2.4, 11.2 construction control,, 11.3.1 copings, 10.6 cover to prestressing tendons, cover to reinforcement, cracking general, reinforced masonry, 8.2.7, 8.3.5 creep prestressed masonry, serviceability limit state, damp-proof courses (d.p.c.) design, 7.2.1, 10.6 materials, 6.4 definitions, 3 deflection estimation, annex C general, prestressed masonry, 9.3.4 reinforced masonry, 8.1, 8.2.6, 8.3.4 design analysis, 7.4 basis, 7.1 formulae for singly reinforced rectangular members, formulae for walls with the reinforcement concentrated locally, general, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 non-structural considerations, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 prestressed masonry, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 reinforced masonry, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 design axial load resistance prestressed masonry, 9.2.2 reinforced masonry, 8.2.4, 8.3.3 design loads serviceability limit state, ultimate limit state,
design moment of resistance prestressed masonry, 9.2.1 reinforced masonry, 8.2.4 drainage, 10.5 durability accommodation of movement, 10.3 durability of masonry and reinforcement, 10.1 fire resistance, 10.2 earth loads, 7.3 earth-retaining structures, 7.2.2 effective depth, 3.7 effective height,, Table 12 effective span of elements, 8.2.2 effective thickness, elastic deformation of prestressed masonry, elastic methods of analysis, 7.4.2 elastic moduli, in post-tensioned anchorages in post-tensioned members, 9.5.2 exposure situations,, Table 14 fire resistance of masonry, required cover, 10.2 fixings, provisions of, 11.2.7 flanged members, foundation structures, 7.2.2 friction in prestressing tendons, grout, 6.9, grouted-cavity construction high-lift, low-lift, wall ties, 6.5,, annex B grouted-cavity reinforced masonry definition, 3.3.1 durability, 10.1 workmanship, 11.3.1 handling, 11.2.1 hollow block masonry characteristic compressive strength,, definition, 3.3.4 locally reinforced, infill, concrete materials, 6.9 recommendations, sampling and testing, lateral support for reinforced columns and walls, limit state serviceability basis of design, 7.1.1, cracking, deflection, design loads, partial safety factor for materials (gmm),, prestressed masonry, 9.1.1, 9.3 ultimate basis of design, 7.1.1, design loads, partial safety factor for materials (gmm),, Tables 7 and 8 prestressed masonry, 9.2
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limiting dimensions beams, walls subjected to lateral loading, loads see characteristic loads and design loads loading, parallel to principal axis, 9.2.2 manufacturing control,, Table 7 masonry see under individual types, e.g. hollow block masonry masonry units durability, 10.1.1 previously used, 6.2 quality control, structural, 6.2 materials see also individual types, e.g. cements durability, 10.1 partial safety factors,, quality control, 11.3.2 work on site, 11.1 methods of design and construction, alternative, 5 mortars admixtures, 6.11.1 colouring agents, 6.10 designations, 6.8.1, Table 1 durability, 10.1.1 general, 6.8.1 quality control, ready-mixed, 6.8.2 types, 6.8.1, Table 1 work on site, 11.1 movement,,, natural stone masonry characteristic compressive strength, structural units, 6.2 partial safety factors earth and water loads, 7.2.2 general, 7.5.1 moments and forces in continuous members, 7.5.4 serviceability limit state, 7.5.3 ultimate limit state, 7.5.2 pocket-type wall durability, 10.1 definition, 3.3.2 design formulae, workmanship, 11.3.1
prestressed masonry definition, 3.2.2 design, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 detailing, 9.5 durability, 10.1 steel, 6.3.2 structural units, 6.2 workmanship, 11.1, 11.3.1 prestressing operations, 11.2.6 prestressing recommendations, 9.4, 9.5 prestressing steel characteristic breaking load, cover, detailing, 9.5 durability, 10.1.2 materials, 6.3.2 propping, temporary, 7.2.4 quality control materials, 11.3.2 workmanship, 11.3.1 Quetta bond walls definition, 3.3.3 durability, 10.1 workmanship, 11.2.4 racking shear reinforced masonry shear walls, reinforced masonry subjected to horizontal forces in the plane of the element, 8.5.1 ready-mixed mortars, 6.8.2 reinforced masonry definition, 3.2.1 design, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 detailing, 8.6 structural units, 6.2 workmanship, 11.1, 11.3.1 reinforcing steel characteristic tensile strength, cover, durability, 10.1.2 elastic modulus, materials, 6.3.1 maximum size, 8.6.2 minimum area, 8.6.1, 8.6.3, 8.6.5 workmanship, 11.1 resistance moments of reinforced elements, 8.2.4 resistance to lateral movement, reinforced masonry,
selection of structural units, 6.2 serviceability limit state,, 7.5.3, 9.3 shear in prestressed masonry, 9.2.3 in reinforced masonry, 8.2.5, 8.5.1 shrinkage of units in prestressed members, slenderness ratios, 8.3.2 solid concrete block masonry, stability accidental forces, 7.2.3 during construction, 7.2.4 earth retaining and foundation structures, 7.2.2 general, 7.2.1 steel see prestressing steel and reinforcing steel storage, 11.2.1 structural properties, 7.4 structural units, 6.2 symbols, 4 temporary propping, 7.2.4 tendon, 3.5 (see also prestressing steel) tension, axial, in prestressed masonry, 9.2.2 thermal effects,, transfer, strength of prestressed masonry, 9.3 transmission length in pre-tensioned members, 9.4.3 ultimate limit state,, 7.5.2, 9.2 vehicular damage, 7.2.3 walls (see also individual types of masonry, e.g. hollow block masonry) lateral loading, reinforcement concentrated locally, 8.2.4 shear, 8.5 vertical (axial) loading, 8.4 vertical loading and bending, wall ties durability, for high grouted walls, annex B materials, 6.5, annex B spacing, 10.4 workmanship, 11.3.1 waterproofing, 10.5 water loads, 7.3
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