Turkey Coasters and Ornaments

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Turkey Coasters And Ornaments

Dimension: Finished size: Approximate 6 1/2 ( ! x " 1/2 (#!

$au%e: not important as &on% as the yarn &a'e& said it is suita'&e (or 2)"mm to *)"mm hook) +ateria&s , Too&s: 1) -arn. a/ry&i/ 'a'y yarn. " 0 6 /o&ors) 2) Cro/het hook. *mm *) Fe&t 0 hite. 1&a/k and 2ed hite. 1&a/k and 2ed

3) 4e5in% thread 0 ") 4e5in% need&e 6) 4/issors A''re6iations: s& knot 7 s&ip knot st 7 stit/h

s&st 7 s&ip stit/h (to (asten! /h 7 /hain s/ 7 sin%&e /ro/het d/ 7 dou'&e /ro/het (o 7 (asten o(( 2nd 7 round Cro/het 8attern: ork on ri%ht side on&y. un&ess stated other5ise) F2O9T 1ody s& knot on hook to 'e%in)

2nd 1 0 /h 3. 13d/ into 1st /h. s&st to the 3th /h at the 'e%innin% rnd) This 5i&& %i6e you a tota& 1" sts in a rnd. /ountin% the */hs at the 'e%innin% rnd as the (irst 1 d/ stit/h) (1" sts! 2nd 2 0 /h *. d/ in same st. 2d/ in ea/h st around) s&st to the *rd /h at the 'e%innin% rnd) (o) (*: sts! 2nd * 0 9e5 /o&or: /h*. ;2d/ in next st. d/ in next st. repeat ; around) s&st to the *rd /h at the 'e%innin% round) (o) (3" sts! 2nd 3 0 9e5 /o&or: /h1. s/ around) (o) (3" sts! Tai& 2o5 1 0 9e5 /o&or: /h*. d/ in same st. /h1. 2d/ in same st. ;skip 2 sts. (2d/. /h1. 2d/! in next st. repeat ; unti& you ha6e made 1: sets) (o) 2o5 2 0 9e5 /o&or: start at the /h1 spa/e o( pre6ious ro5. /h*. d/ in same spa/e. /h1. 2d/ in same spa/e. ;(2d/. /h1. 2d/! in next /h1 spa/e. repeat ; unti& you rea/h to the end) (o) 2o5 * 0 9e5 /o&or: start at the /h1 spa/e o( pre6ious ro5. /h*. 2d/ in same spa/e. /h1. *d/ in same spa/e. ;(*d/. /h1. *d/! in next /h1 spa/e. repeat ; unti& you rea/h to the end) (o) 2o5 3 0 9e5 /o&or: start at the /h1 spa/e o( pre6ious ro5. /h*. "d/ 6d/ in same spa/e. ;6d/ <d/ in next /h1 spa/e. repeat ; unti& you rea/h to the end) (o) 1AC= Fo&&o5 the (ront pattern 5ith 1 /o&or on&y) hen makin% the tai&. you /an either (o&&o5 the (ront pattern 'y 5orkin% on ri%ht side on&y. that is (o at e6ery rnd and start at the (irst /h1 spa/e o( pre6ious rnd) Or. Turn your pie/e to the other side to 5ork 5ithout ha6e to (o at ea/h

rnd) +ake 2 to * s&st at the 'e%innin% o( ea/h rnd to %et to the /h1 spa/e 'e(ore 'e%innin% the (irst /h* (or the ne5 rnd) Don>t (o and /ontinue 5ith the next step 'y ?oinin% the (ront and 'a/k pie/es up) #ook @oop: +ake a &oop at the midd&e o( the tai& 5ith /h 1: and s&st to the &ast s/) ea6e in a&& ends to neaten 'oth (ront and 'a/k pie/es) Aoinin% Front , 1a/k (4e5 (a/ia& assem'&ies on the (ront 'e(ore ?oinin% the (ront and 'a/k pie/e) Detai& on se5in%. p&ease read (urther do5n)! The tai& out&inin% and detai&in% are made 5hi&e ?oinin% 'oth (ront and 'a/k pie/es) A&& stit/hes must %o throu%h 'oth pie/es (or ?oinin% up) 8&a/e the (ront pie/e on top o( the 'a/k pie/e. 5ith 5ron% side (a/in% ea/h other) @ine up ed%es) 4ide ed%e o( the tai&: ;1s/ (at the /orner to the tai& and %o throu%h 'oth &ayers!. /h 1. repeat ; unti& you rea/h the 'ody) 1ody , (eet: s/ in next < sts. Bmake (oot: /h 2. ;/h 2. s/ on 2nd /h (rom hook. s&st to 2nd next /h. repeat ; * times. s/ on next st. s/ in the same st o( &ast s/ 'e(ore makin% (ootC. s/ in next 3 sts. repeat make (oot. s/ in next 6 sts) 4ide ed%e o( the tai&: ;/h 1. 1s/. repeat ; unti& you rea/h the /orner o( the tai& Tai& out&ine and ?oinin%: ; s/ in next < sts) s/ in 'et5een the 2 she&&s) Ch 1. s/ around the ro5 'e&o5 (in 'et5een the same 2 she&&s you ?ust did. on&y on ro5 <!) Ch 1. s/ around ro5 6) Ch 1. s/ around ro5 " (there are 2 skipped sts a6ai&a'&e. 1 s/ into the

/&osest one. /h 1. then s/ into the other!) Ch 1. s/ around ro5 6) Ch 1. s/ around ro5 <) Ch 1. s/ around ro5 D)

Fa/ia& Assem'&y: Do this 'e(ore ?oinin% the (ront and 'a/k pie/e) 1) Cut 2 p/s) o( */3 diameter o( 5hite (e&ts. 2p/s) o( 1/2 diameter o( '&a/k (e&ts. */3 red 'eak and 1 1/3 &on% snood) 2) 4e5 on the (ront o( the turkey 5ith respe/ti6e /o&or thread)

$et ready some (a&& /o&or yarns. (or examp&e shades o( 'ro5n. oran%e. ye&&o5. %rey and 5hite) Cut eyes. 'eak and snood (rom (e&t) 8&an the /o&or /om'o and arran%ement or re(er to a'o6e photos (or su%%estion) 4&ip knot on /ro/het hook. /ro/het 3 /hains) /ro/het turkey 'odyFo&&o5 /ro/het pattern a'o6e (rnd 1 to rnd 3! to make the turkey 'ody) 1e%in to /ro/het turkey tai& 'y makin% 1: sets o( E2d/./h1.2d/F (or ro5 1) A&5ays 'e%in ea/h ro5 (rom ri%ht hand side 5ith ri%ht side (a/in% you) /ro/het turkey tai&Fo&&o5 /ro/het pattern a'o6e (ro5 1 to ro5 3! to make the turkey tai&) stit/h turkey (a/eOn/e the (ront is done. 5ea6e in a&& ends to neaten) 4e5 (a/ia& o( turkey to the 'ody)

/ro/het /oaster 'a/kCro/het the 'a/k 5ith sin%&e /o&or yarn 'y repeatin% the (ront pattern. ex/ept that you /an /hoose to either (o&&o5 exa/t&y. or. turn your pie/e as you 5ork on the the tai&) +ake a 1: /hains hook &oop at the midd&e o( the &ast ro5) ?oin (ront and 'a/k8&a/e the (ront pie/e on top o( the 'a/k pie/e. 5ith 5ron% side (a/in% ea/h other) @ine up ed%es) Cro/het a&on% the ed%e to5ards the 'ody) 4tit/hes must %o throu%h 'oth &ayers) Cro/het (eet) Cro/het to5ards the turkey tai&) 4in%&e /ro/het < stit/hes on the she&& and 1 stit/h 'et5een the 2 she&&s) Cro/het 1 /hain. then sin%&e /ro/het a%ain 'et5een 2 she&& on the (o&&o5in% ro5) 2epeat the stit/hes unti& you %et to the 'ottom) 4in%&e /ro/het in the (irst skip stit/hes o( round ". /hain 1. sin%&e /ro/het on the se/ond skip stit/h) $o up to the top a%ain) ?oin and detai&in% the tai&Continue to /ro/het 'y repeatin% the stit/hes (or the rest o( the tai& detai&s) /ro/het turkey /oaster and ornament4&ip stit/h and (astern o(( the yarn 5hen you rea/h the (irst stit/h o( the ?oinin% pro/ess) ea6e in the end) DoneG

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