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Railway Curves 8

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Shifted Circular Curve

Transition Curve

Original Circular Curve TC


Figure 3.5
Now in figure 3.5, in OFX,FX = 825.409 x tan 30 = 476.550m Transition curve is provided half in straight and half in circular curve, so AF = of transition length = 90/2 = 45m Hence AX = AF + FX = 45.0 + 476.550 = 521.550m i.e., point A can be located by measuring a distance of 521.550 m from point X along the rear on first tangent. [Ans.] Using equation (4.5), the deviation angle for each transition portion in cubic parabola is t = tan-1(L/2R) = tan-1 (90/*(2 x 825)) = 3.122 Hence the deviation angle for circular curve = 60- 2 * 3.122 = 53.756 The length of the shifted circular curve TC - CT between the two transitions (using eqn. (4.6)) is


L cir = * R ( 2 t )/ 180 $
L cir = * 825 * 53.756$ / 180$ = 774.03m The equation of transition curve is as per equation (4.2) is Y = x3/6RL Substituting the values of x as 10,20,30 etc., the values of offset Y can be calculated and are listed below: x 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Y 0 0.0022m 0.0180m 0.0606m 0.1436m 0.2805m 0.4848m 0.7699m 1.1492m 1.6364m [Ans.]

This curve can also be set using tangential angle. For this prupose a theodolite is set at point A (refer to fig 3.5). Select a chord length of 20m. The tangential angle is calculated as tan

= x 2 /(6 RL)

= tan 1 ( x 2 / 6RL)
Substituting the values of x as 20, 40 etc., the values of offset can be calculated and are listed below:


x 0 20 40 60 80 90

0 0 3 5.2 012 20.8 0 27 46.7 049 23 1 2 29.86 [Ans.]

Since the chainage of the starting point of curve is 253051, chainage at end of curve will be: = 253051 + 90.0 + 774.04 + 90.0 = 254005.04 [Ans.] The above data can be used for setting out the curve as per principles given in Chapter 4. Example 3.17 In group A route (B.G.), a rising gradient of 1 in 100 meets a falling gradient of 1 in 200 at a point of intersection whole chainage is 1000.00m and whose RL is 100.00m. Is is a vertical curve required to be provided? If so, set out the vertical curve between the two gradients. Solution:

Figure 3.6

The algebraic difference of gradients

1 (1) 1 3 15 = = = 100 200 100 200 1000

This is equivalent to 15mm per metre, which is more than 4 mm per metre12. So a vertical curve has to be provided. [Ans.] Since the route in A, the radius of the vertical curve, to be provided is 4000m.

See para 1.12, Chapter I.


CH =1000.00 RL = 100.00

100 1
CH =970.00 RL = 99.70 A
1 2





=1030.00 CCH RL = 99.85

Figure 3.7
Tan 1 = 1/100 For small values of 1 = tan 1 = 1 = in Radians Therefore 1 = 1/100 Radians Similarly 2 = 1/200 Radians Therefore Deflection angle at O = 1 + 2 = 1/100 + 1/2000 = 15 / 1000 Radians Since the value of deflection angle is very small, the following assumptions can be made which will enable quicker calculations for setting out of the curve, without loss of accuracy: (1) Length of the vertical curve ABC = Length of chord ABC = R

= 4000x

15 = 60m 1000

Tangent length AO R tan

=R 2 2

= 4000 x

15 1 x = 30m 1000 2

Now, chainage of point A = 1000 30 = 970m

RL A = 100

30 = 99.70m 100

Also, chainage at B = 1000 + 30 = 1030m

RL B = 100

30 = 99.85m 200

(3) The RL of any point say N on the vertical curve is found by summation of RL of the point N on the chord and the normal offset NN between the curve and its chord. For convenience of setting out the vertical cuve, the chord length ABC is equally divided into a convenient even number of subchords. In the present case, since the chord length is 60m, it is divided into 6 equal parts as M, N, B, S and T. Offsets from chord can be calculated using equation (1.2) for versine:


C2 = 60 2 / 8x 4000 = 0.1125m 8R

NN=SS = BB BL = 0.1125 202/8x4000 = 0.1m MM = TT = BB BK = 0.1125 (402 /8) x 4000 = 0.0625m The chainages of points M, N, etc., on the chord are assumed to be the same as chainage of point M, N etc., on the curve. Therefore Chainages of M, N etc. are as follows: Point A M, M' N, N' B, B' S , S' T, T' C Chainage 970.00 980.00 990.00 1000.00 1010.00 1020.00 1030.00

The levels of A and C are known, so reduced levels of the points M, N etc., on the chord can be interpolated as follows:


Point A M N' B' S' T' C

RL 99.70

99.70 +
99.70 +

(99.85 99.70) 1 = 99.725 6

(99.8 99.70) 2 = 99.75 6

99.70 +
99.70 +
99.70 +

(99.85 99.70) 3 = 99.775 6

(99.85 99.70) 4 = 99.800 6
(99.85 99.70) 5 = 99.825 6

Now we know R.L.s of M, N, etc. and offsets MM', NN' etc. Therefore. R.L.s of points M,N, etc. on vertical curves are:
Point M N B S T Chainage 980.00 990.00 1000.00 1010.00 1020.00 Reduced Level (RL) RL of M+MM = 99.725 + 0.0625 = 99.7875m RL of N + NN = 99.75 + 0.10 = 99.8500m RL of B + BB' = 99.775 + 0.1125 = 99.8875m RL of S + SS' = 99.80 + 0.1 = 99.9000m RL of T + TT' = 99.825 + 0.0625 = 99.8875m

[Ans.] Using above chainages and RLs, the vertical curve can be set out.




1. On a curve of radius 1000 m on Rajdhani route (maximum speed 130 KMPH), find out the cant, permissible speed and desirable length of transition assuming booked speed of goods train as 65 KMPH. 2. If transition length is limited to 50 m in a BG group D route curved track of radius 875 m, find out the speed potential of the curve. 3. Find out the equilibrium speed by Russian formula for a typical section with the following trains:
S No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Type of Train Rajdhani Mail/Express Passenger Main line EMU Container Loaded Goods Empty Goods Nos (n) 2 15 5 5 6 4 2 Average Load (Tonnes) 1700 1400 1100 900 2800 4700 2200 Average Speed (KMPH) 130 110 100 80 100 60 70

4. An MG curve of 2 degrees is to be converted to BG. The existing curve had a transition of 50 m length. If the sectional speed in BG is to be 100 KMPH, find out the maximum speed potential and desirable length of transition. Also find out the shift of track required. (Hint: Find out shift of existing track and that for the new track. The difference is the amount by which the track is to be shifted) 5. Speed on a section is to be raised from 130 KMPH to 160 KMPH. Find out the increase in length of transition in a curve having radius 2000 m.







4.1 Choosing a Curve:

Whenever there is any obstruction in the path of a straight track or there is some obligation (See para 1.1, Chapter I), the path of the track has to be changed by introduction of a curve. In order to have smooth running between the two directions of the track desired, the curve shall be laid such that it is tangential to the both the tangent tracks. One such instance where a water body is causing obstruction is seen in figure 4.1 below. (The figure is drawn as birds eye view.)

OPTION I (Min. Radius computed)


Figure 4.1 Now, these are various options of curves between same set of tangent tracks. (We are considering only circular curves at the moment, transition will be fitted later on.) The option I is decided by the consideration of minimum radius of curve based on the speed potential of the track being laid, i.e. curve having radius less than certain value cannot be laid otherwise there will be a Permanent Speed 134

Restriction (PSR). The option I in figure 4.1 is not feasible as it is cutting right through the water body which had prompted the introduction of curve. The option II is feasible as it leaves sufficient margin by the side of the water body. However, it may be seen that the length of curved track is quite large in option II and this will quire extra land and track, which will be uneconomical. Therefore, the extra distance from water body as seen in figure 4.1 is not good and optimum curve shall be one that passes at the least required distance away from the water body, as seen in the figure. Other instances where the curves are required to be introduced may be seen in figures 4.2 and 4.3 below. The figure 4.2 shows plan of a set of reverse curves where some work such as rebuilding of bridge is being done for which the track is to be side shifted. Figure 4.3 shows plan of a track layout where the direction of trackis to be changed to meet a population center which is an obligatory point.




Figure 4.2: Curves introduced for diversion for providing a new bridge


City B

City C Curves introduced for taking the alignment to population center i.e. city C City A

Figure 4.3: Curves introduced for meeting obligatory point From the above discussion, it is seen that the following guidelines for choosing radius of the curve may be followed in field: Curve has to chosen along feasible alignment i.e. the land shall be free and the construction of the track on the same shall be feasible. Radius less than a specified value cannot be chosen unless there are very strong technical or economic reasons which will justify the permanent speed restriction or reduced speed potential on the curve. The radius chosen will also be governed to some extent by the grade compensation considerations, if the location of the curve also happens to be on an up gradient, as discussed in para 2.14, chapter II. If some gradient is there at the location of the curve, the minimum curve radius shall be increased to compensate for the gradient. Too slack radius cannot be chosen as it increases the requirement of land.


4.2 Elements of a Curve: A curve can be set out in field only if we know its elements. Various elements of a curve are shown in figure 4.4. The curve (circular as well as transition at either end) is fitted between the two tangents as shown earlier and the angle between the two tangents is at the point of intersection of the two tangents, I. Now, ST is the point from which the transition curve starts from the straight. First of all, the transition of length L, shown as _ _ _ _ is fitted in and the same extends between ST and TC. The circular curve is between the points TC and CT. The circular curve is shown in solid line _____. At the end of the circular curve, the other transition is provided, between CT and TS. Beyond TS, the second straight is there.

Figure 4.4 For computation purpose, we consider a circular curve, shown in figure 4.1 and again drawn in figure 4.5, which is known as the equivalent circular curve. This curve starts from the point T1 and ends at point T2 and the length of the same is CL.


The various elements of the curve shown in figure 4.4 are: Deflection angle, D Radius, R Tangent length, TL 4.3 4.3.1 Transition length, L Overall length of curve, OAL (From ST to TC to CT to TS) Length of equivalent circular curve, CL (From T1 to T2 in figure 4.5) Determining the Elements of a Curve: Deflection angle, D: The general alignment that the track shall take is known from the starting point and the end stations which are to be joined together. The obligatory points change the general alignment of track. Other considerations such as ruling gradient also affect the alignment, which are considered while carrying out preliminary survey. During preliminary survey, two three alternative routes are studied. The track is plotted on the contour sheets to get an idea of the gradients. The general features of the soil, topography, built up areas, revenue likely to be earned, engineering problems likely to be encountered are also studied along with some elementary data collection from the actual site. If required, the direction of the track is changed to avoid obstructions, bad geological formations etc already known. From amongst the various options, one alignment which is chosen is taken up for detailed survey. The actual site data is collected along with the details of land to be acquired. The final alignment showing the general direction of tangent tracks is now decided taking into account the actual site conditions. The change in the direction of alignment will give the deflection angle at the junction of the straights. In figure 4.4/4.5 this is denoted by D.



Radius of curve (R): Let us consider the figure 4.1 again. To clear the obstruction, the radius of the curve is governed by the apex distance. The apex distance is also known as the versed sine of the curve. (The versed sine is different than the versine we have discussed in para 1.3, Chapter I). As seen in the figure 4.5, the versed sine is equal to R * tan D/2 R or versed sine = R*sec2 D/2........(4.1) Since D is already known from 4.3.1 above, and we know the minimum apex distance which will clear the obstruction, we can find the minimum radius of curve which can be provided.

4.3.3 Other Main Parameters: Now that the R and D are known, the other parameters, which are required for plotting the curves can be determined Length of equivalent circular curve, CL: Let us see figure 4.5. In the figure, T1 is the first transition point from where the circular curve takes off from the straight (or tangent), T2 is the second transition point, where the circular curve meets the

T2 T1 CL/2 CL/2


Figure 4.5


second straight (or tangent). I is the apex point and the alignment would have met at I, had the circular curve not set out between them. The curve length between T1 and T2 is given by the formula curve length, CL= 2*p *R*/360. Length of circular curve, CCL: The circular curve as seen in the figure 4.5 is not very good curve from railway point of view as it suddenly changes the curvature and limited amount of superelevation can be provided in such curves, as discussed in paras 1.5, 1.8 and 1.11, Chapter I. In most of the cases in field, a transition curve is inserted at either end of the circular curve. The elements for the combined curve are shown in figure 4.4. Superimposing the figures 4.4 and 4.5, we get figure 4.6 below. Here, it is seen that as discussed in para 1.11, chapter I, the
I TL L Shift T1 TC ST T2 CT TS

t t

Figure 4.6

circular curve shifts inside to accommodate the transition curves. A transition of length, L, has been inserted between the straight and the circular curve. (The length of transition in this case has been assumed equal, however it can also be different at the two ends.) As discussed in para 1.8, Chapter I, the transition curve is accommodated half in the straight and half in 140

the circular curve, therefore the beginning of curve shifts towards the straight, by an amount L/2. The circular curve shifts inwards by an amount S given by eqn (1.21). From equation (1.11), the equation of a transition is :


x3 6 RL


Now, deviation angle from tangent to any point on transition, (see figure 4.7)

y x2 = tan = ..(4.3) x 6 RL
Where x is measured from the point ST and is calculated for each station from the original tangent. And deviation angle for the complete transition, t for x = L is

L2 L t = = .................................................(4.4) 6 RL 6 R
Using equation (1.10), Chapter I, at end of the transition, x=L, the deflection angle t for transition comes to t =

L2 L = (4.5) 2 RL 2 R

i.e. Deviation angle for the complete transition, t =

t 3

Now, the transitions are inserted, so the deflection angle of the circular curve reduces from the overall deflection angle. The length of Circular curve also reduces correspondingly and is given by:


2R ( 2t ) ..(4.6) 360 Chainages of various points: Chainage of ST: We already know the chainage of the apex point from the initial survey when we fixed up the alignment of the track. Using geometry, in figure 4.6, the total tangent length,


I - ST = I + T1 = T1 - ST = ( R + S ) tan

L + 2 2

Therefore, the chainage of ST= Chainage at Apex-

( R + S ) tan

L + .......................(4.7) 2 2

Chainage of TC: Chainage of end of transition curve, TC = Chainage at ST + length of transition..(4.8) Chainage of CT: Chainage of end of circular curve, CT = Chainage at TC + Length of circular curve, CCL ....(4.9) Chainage of TS: Chainage of end of curve, TS = Chainage at CT + Length of transition, L...........(4.10) Total Length of curve: OAL=CCL + 2 * L........................................(4.11) Calculations For setting Out a Curve: In order to set out a curve, we need to fix the position of stations at every 10 m or so. In the transition portion since direction changes continuously, the stations may be set out at lesser distance. For each station, deflection angle from the tangent also needs to be determined.

For the transition portion, the deflection angle is given by the eqn (4.3) above. If x1 is the distance from the ST to the first station, the deflection for the first station (see figure 4.7) will be:

1 =

x12 ................................................(4.12) 2R

For subsequent stations at distance x2, x3, etc from the previous stations, the deviation angle from original tangent will be
2 x3 x2 2 , 3 = 2 + 2 = 1 + .....................(4.13) 2R 2R

Total deviation angle for the transition at the point TC will be as given in equation (4.4) above.

For circular curve, by simple geometry, if the chord length (distance between the stations being set up) is c, the deflection as


well as deviation angle, =

360 2R

* c ..........(4.14)

If the distance of the first station from the TC point is c1, the deflection angle from the tangent at TC will be

1 =

360 * c1 ..........(4.15) 2R

If further stations in the circular curve are at distances c2, c3 and so on, the deviation angles from straight will be:

2 = 1 +

360 360 * c2 ; 3 = 2 + * c3 and so on ..(4.16) 2R 2R

360 * CCL . 2R

As a check, the total deflection angle for the circular potion of the curve, between the points TC and CT will be i =

Note: 1) For the other transition, the calculations can be done from the other tangent point i.e. TS in similar fashion as above. 2) Even for the circular curve, the calculations may be done partly from one side and partly from the other side. 3) Normally, except for the first chord and the last chord, all other chords are kept equal to 10 m and separate calculations are not required to be done for each point.

2 1

x1 x2

Fig. 4.7 143

4.4 4.4.1

Setting out a Curve Using Tape and Theodolite:

The steps for setting out curve by this method are: Transition portion: a) Locate points ST on the first tangent and TS on the second tangent using the equation (4.7) to (4.10) and using the chainage readings from the apex I, which is already known from the final location survey. b) Set theodolite at ST, set versine to zero, clamp the upper screw. c) Sight apex point, I and clamp the lower screw. If the apex point is inaccessible, sight some other point on the tangent either in forward direction (I) or in the reverse direction (I) (see figure 4.7). If the point I is sighted, proceed as below. If the point I is sighted, the theodolite has to be plunged (telescope rotated about the horizontal axis) after sighting so that the theodolite is pointing in the direction of I. d) Release upper screw, swing the theodolite by the first deviation angle 1 calculated using equation (4.12). e) Take the tape opened by an amount equal to x1. The tape is swung till the stadia hair of the theodolite intersects the tape. Peg this point, X1. f) Open the tape equal to x2 from ST, release the upper screw and set the theodolite such that the deviation angle now reads 2 calculated using equation (4.13). Swing the tape as described in para above and peg the point X2. g) Similarly peg all the points on the transition upto TC. Circular Portion: h) Now the angle shift the theodolite to TC. Clamp the horizontal angle in theodolite at 360 $ 2 * t , telescope pointed towards the point ST. Plunge the telescope and swing the theodolite by angle 2 * t (See figure 4.8). Now the telescope is


Tangent at TC 2 c2






ST Figure 4.8

Fig. 4.8 pointing along the tangent at TC with reading in the horizontal scale showing zero. The zero reading in horizontal circle of theodolite will simplify calculations for angles for all the points subsequently. i) Mark the points on the circular curve using the same procedure as described in paras d) to f) above using the i and ci values calculated with the equations (4.15) and (4.16). As seen in figure 4.8, the pegging stations on circular curves done by swinging tape the point pegged every time as against transition curve where tape is swung from ST for all stations. The circular curve upto the point CT is pegged in similar manner. j) Using the procedure outlined above, the other transition can be pegged by similar procedure from the tangent point TS. If the curve is long, half of the curve can be pegged from one tangent and other half from the other tangent. 4.4.2 Setting out Curve by two theodolite method: The setting out of curve can be done using two theodolites, eliminating the need for using tape completely. This procedure is quite useful when the ground is undulating. a) The deflection angle for all the points shall be determined as outlined in para 4.3.4. The deflection angles shall be found out from one tangent for all the points. b) Set out the transition curves as explained earlier by using 145

tape and theodolite or by methods described further in para 4.4.1 from ST to TC and from TS to CT. c) As seen in figure 4.8, the total deflection angle for the transition at the tangent is 3*t. Therefore, after setting out the two transition curves, the angle for the circular curve at the center of the curve, O is: = 2 * 3 *t. d) Follow the procedure explained in para 4.4.1 i) above and shift the two theodolites to the points TC and CT and align both along the tangents to the curve, as shown in figure 4.9. e) Now the circle has a property that angle subtended by


I2 B -1 -2 CT

2 1 TC TS

21 22 O 


Figure 4.9

any chord at the center of the curve is twice the angle between the chord and tangent at an end of the chord. f) From equation (4.15) and (4.16), we can work out the angles 1, 2 etc for the chords TC A, A-B etc of the circular curve. Using the property defined in para e) above, we get the angles at the center of the circle as 2*1, 2*2, etc. And from the same property, 146

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