Science of Creation

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The document discusses theories of creation from Vedic texts and compares them to modern scientific theories like the Big Bang theory and String theory.

The main topics discussed are the Big Bang theory, String theory, Vedic theories of creation from texts like the Rigveda and Yajurveda.

The document compares concepts like the transformation of matter and energy between Vedic views and modern physics, noting that Vedic texts describe intermediate stages that modern science does not.


( Big-Bang Theory, String Theory Vs Vedic theory )


Dr. S. Sivarambabu, M.Sc., Ph.D., Arjuna Devi, M. A.

Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas


( Big-Bang Theory, String Theory Vs Vedic theory ) All Rights Reserved First Addition September, 2010 Copies : 1000


Price : Rs. 10/-only

For copies : Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas (I-SERVE) (Recognised by DSIR as SIRO) 11-13-279, Road No:8, Alakapuri, Hyderabad -500035 Website : E mail : [email protected]

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Prof. K. Saraswathi M.Sc.Ph.D.,
Retd. Professor of Chemistry Sri Venkateswara University, TIRUPATHI 25 - 8 - 2010

Writing on Vedic Science is like swimming through the Ocean. Such is the attempt of Dr.Sakhamuri Sivarambabu to enlighten every one of us about our Precious Treasure of Vedic Science. It is really interesting to see that Dr.Sivarambabu is pushing through Vedas like electromagnetic radiation that too to dig out Vedic Science to relate it to Modern Science. Without any Sanskrit background, a chemistry person writing five books quoting Vedic Stanzas is quite appreciable. His first book in Telugu on VedamuParamanuvignanamu is well received, read and appreciated by many science persons. Later his two volumes, 1 and 2 in both English and Telugu languages on modern Science in Vedas have proved his interest and ability to bring out such an unusual matter which was never a part of his education or job. Not only Dr.Sivarambabu, but also his wife, Mrs.Arjunadevi, whose background is still unimaginable, a literature(English) person, could contribute to our rich hereditary knowledge about Vedic Science along with her husband. Both of them deserve applaud from every individual of Indian origin. In just a short time of four years Dr.Sivarambabu has brought out another novel volume on Creation of Universe quoting even our recent past, Bhagavadgita along with Vedas. His enterprising nature on this Vedic science part is most astonishing particularly to our present generation readers. He has brought out number of hidden secrets of our Indian Treasures in this volume. In the first part on Sahasra he has quoted Rgveda and Yajurveda and interpreted it to show that Ten Finger form Purusha is covering Bhumi. At the end of this he has used latest String theory and compared it with Vedic version. While reading this Sahasra, one will find many new ideas and their coordination in a very fitting way. From this he goes to Salila,

a remarkable relationship to show it as milky ocean of Puranas and transformation of Salila into Nirakara by heat or energy or Tapah. Later both Vedic view and Modern view of Big-Bang theory were compared. In Gods-Forces of Creation portion he has identified electric force from Vedic evidence of Indra and also explained the creation of energy which he called it as God. The evolution of universe was due to expansion in a slow manner as per Vedic Science opposing Big-Bang theory. Already this proposal of Big-Bang theory is facing number of arguments and who knows our next generation might prove the Vedic version with more research on Science of Creation. The second generation of creation of universe is another mile stone in Dr.Sivarambabus interpretation of Vedas followed by Bhagavata and Puranas. In this he has categorically mentioned that as per Vedas and Puranas version, the Universe contained Four Lokas as Four Headed Brahma. Based on our Vedic versions he has shown the systematic creation of Universe in seven stages and compared them with modern version of a single step due to Big-Bang. This BigBang theory is complete reverse of Vedic Scripts. Let our younger generation read this and get excited with this variation and go deep into Vedic studies to give more emphatic and real picture depicted in Vedas. The last and final part of this book is on the origin of particles taking again Rgveda inscriptions. The intermediate stage in the conversion of energy and matter is not mentioned in modern findings. This is another exemplary reflection of Dr. Sivarambabus ability to extract Vedic information that provides answers for many questions that baffle the proponents of scientific theories like Big-Bang and String Theory. What an illustration! Let us give a chance to all - particularly young generation to get insight into our own ancestral invaluable Vedic Science and swallow it bit by bit using this book as a first bite to grow with it fully and finally. May Lord of Seven Hills give strength and vigor to Dr.Sivarambabu and his wife to bring forth our sacred knowledge more and more to the Light.

Appreciation and congratulations

Prof. S.Gangappa, M.A., Ph.D.,
Retd. Professor of Telugu Acharya Nagarjuna University SUDHARMA 27- 8 - 2010

There is abundance knowledge about this universe in our vedas which was established by our ancient Rishis. Starting with gveda, The Science of Creation and development can be explained knowing the minute items fully well. That is how Dr. S.Sivarambabu and Arjunadevi could do their best by attempting very Veda knowledge with their keen in depth study with full vedantic illustrations. Earlier this couple brought out five books namely ' VedamuParmanu Vignanamu', Two volumes in Telugu 'Vedamu- Adhunikaviganamu -1 & 2', Two Volumes in English 'Modern Science inVedas -1 & 2'. They were welcomed and appreciated by knowledgeable critics. The present research work of the couple is on the 'Science of Creation' with suitable illustrations from Vedas and Upanishads with indepth study. As per the modern Science, it is said that the creation took place due to Big-Bang. But as per our researchers, it is being explained mainly with gveda Mantras. Originally, there was unmanifest form of energy 'Salila' pervading all over. Due to Tapah 'Salila' was transformed into the manifest form of energy 'Nirkra'. In the third chapter ' Gods - Forces of Creation' has been explained. It is important to know that expansion did not take place at once. The First generation of creation was Nirkra(Super Space) which has been explained well by quoting gveda mantras in addition to Adharva Veda and Purusha Suktam.

Then the second generation of creation that is Skra (Universe) is explained by giving all necessary illustrations from gveda, Upanishads and puranas. Also the formation of three Lokas - Bhulok, Bhuvarlok and Suvarlok from Maharlok is established. It is also explained the seven stages or lokas in the universe which is personified as Anantha Padmanabha Swamy with full illustrations. Lastly, the 'Pasus' that is particles of matter is explained by classifying them. Thus this research work is concluded. Hence, I appreciate the excellent research work of Dr. Sivarambabu and Arjunadevi and congratulate them heartily. I also expect that this work gives inspiration for many to carry much more research on Vedas in future. I wish them all the best.

1. SAHASRA - Vedic View - Modern View - Difference 2. SALILA - Vedic View - Modern View - Difference 3. GODS - Vedic View - Indian Mythology 4. Nirkra - Vedic View - Indian Mythology - Modern View - Personification - Difference 5. Skra - Vedic View - Indian Mythology - Modern View - Personification - Difference 6. Pasus - Vedic View - Modern View - Difference Conclusion

Sahasra Ten finger form - - Complete Universe Ten dimensional form Latent energy which is the source of all forms of energy (Milky Ocean) Heat Lord of expansion Forces of creation Forces of annihilation The main force of creation The main force of annihilation

Salila - Tapah - - - - -

Brhmanaspati Gods Demons Indra

Vtra - Nirkra - Mrtnda - Skra - Mountain ch - -

First Generation of creation. It can not be felt by any of our sensory organs (Super space) To bring forth the annihilated brahmanda Second generation of creation (Universe) Boundary Bhulok

Sma Yaju

- -

Bhuvarlok Suvarlok Seven Chands represent seven dimensions Scientific phenomenon Transformation matter particles Intermediate in energy and matter transformation First born particle Quark particle Quark particle Quark particle

Chands - Yajna Sacrifice Pasus Aja - - - -

Ekaja Gau Avi Asva - - - -



Vedic View Vedic Mythology is extra-ordinarily rich in learning. In the later period of Vedas, to bring sublime knowledge in Vedas to common man, Brhmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads and Purnas were written. In Vedic Mythology, an orderly formed complete universe is established. 1.1 Yajurveda 15.65 says

Oh God! You stand for Sahasra, you represent Sahasra, you are Sahasra, you are the origin of Sahasra, you are the creator of Sahasra. Based on this Maharshi Daynanda Saraswathi says that Sahasra is Complete Universe. Satapatha Brahmana also says complete universe has the name Sahasra. 1.2 gveda 10.90.1 says

The translations given to this hymn by commentators like Vidyaranya, Daynanda etc., do not reflect the scientific dimensions of Veda, since their outlook was different. Now, I try to translate the hymn from a scientific perspective.

The word sahasra as already told, implies complete universe that is Nirkra and Skra. Sirsha implies the pinnacle or the highest point. Hence, Sahasra Sirsha means the greatest of the objects in the universe. We can simply say it is Omnipotent. The word Aksha which literally means an eye. It is derived from the root wordAkshu which means to pervade. Hence Sahasraksha can be translated as Omni- present . The famous dictionary Amarakosa says, Pada can mean a ray of light (3-nana-90 ). Hence Sahasra Pad can be translated as Omniscient. Then we shall consider the word Bhumi of the hymn. This Bhumi was the first manifested form of Salila (the primordial energy ). It corresponds to the working form of primordial form of energy. This is going to be explained in detailed in (4.1) of first generation of creation in this article. So, the original hymn can be translated as follows. Purusha is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. He is covering Bhumi all around and beyond this, he is there in ten finger form. Here the word ten finger form (dasangula) means ten dimensional form. The explanation follows.


Ten Finger form:

What could ten finger form represent? Yaska in Nirukta says that directions are hands of nature. Tittiriya Samhita in says that fingers represent directions. The Satapatha Brahmana in and tells that dimensions are ten. All this referred to some sort of direction. But the state of the universe referred in1.2 mantra corresponds to that of working form of primordial energy- the Bhumi state. In other words this is a state when no celestial bodies like Sun and the earth did not take a solid shape. Ordinary directions like east and west come in to existence only when Sun is available. Hence the word direction (dik, disa) available in the mantras quoted above cannot mean ordinary east and west directions. we should translate the said words as dimensions only. Thus we have compelling evidence that outside of the universe is ten dimensional. Vedic commentator Sayana also considers dasangula to represent outside of the universe. So, it is evident that ten finger form represents ten dimensions, in Vedas. In ordinary language the word angula can mean an inch also. This meaning also can not fit into the frame work of the quoted Purusha Sukta mantra 1.2, since space was not yet formed at the state of the mantra. Measurement can start only when space is present. Hence the word dasangula could be translated as ten dimensional form only. It is so because the word angula personifies a direction only. Hence from the verse 1.2 it is clear that outside of the universe was ten dimensional.


Modern view String Theory

Type Bosonic Spacetime dimensions 26 Details Only bosons, no fermions, meaning only forces, no matter, with both open and closed strings; major flaw: a particlewith imaginary mass, called the tachyon, representing an instability in the theory. Super symmetry between forces and matter, with both open and closed strings; no tachyon; group symmetry is SO(32). Super symmetry between forces and matter, with only closed strings bound to D-brains; no tachyon; massless fermions are non-chiral. Super symmetry between forces and matter, with only closed strings bound to D-brains; no tachyon; massless fermions are chiral. Super symmetry between forces and matter, with closed strings only; no tachyon; heterotic, meaning right moving and left moving strings differ; group symmetry is SO(32) Supersymmetry between forces and matter, with closed strings only; no tachyon; heterotic, meaning right moving and left moving strings differ; group symmetry is E8E8










Difference Vedic view

1. Out side of the universe is ten dimensional.

Modern view
1. The Universe is ten and twenty six dimensional.

2. The manifested universe is divided 2. The Universe is one. into two parts. They are Nirkra and Skra. 14

2. Salila Unmanifest Energy

Vedic View
2.1 gveda 10.129.3 says that

Earlier there was darkness. Everything was enveloped in darkness. All this was undifferentiated Salila covered by emptiness. One was born by Tapah. Here we shall examine two new terms Salila and Tapah. 2.2 Salila: Saratiti Salilam is the derivative meaning of the word Salila. Thus, Salila means that which flows. Vedic Sages considered that before creation there was Salila. The common meaning of Salila is water. So, the whole world came to believe that there was water everywhere in the beginning. It gave raise to many popular myths. The Vedic meaning of Salila is the primordial state of the universe, where there was nothing manifest. There was complete equilibrium and homogeneity. That is why apraketa was used as an adjective to Salila. In Purnas it was described as

milky ocean. It was the soup of all parts of the universe. It was an undifferentiated primordial fluid, which existed before the moment of creation, from which the whole universe originated. Thus Salila can be defined as the source of all forms of energy. Energy can be known only by its action and the action by energy requires other supporting factor. When such supporting factor is not available, the energy remains latent and it cannot be recognized. Then, it is called un-manifest. Thus, according to Vedic view everything was covered by undifferentiated Salila. There is no problem of singularity, in this proposal.

2.3 Tapah:
In the above verse it was described that evolution of the universe started with Tapah. The common meaning of Tapah is meditation in deep forests to gain immense power. The Vedic meaning of Tapah is heat. Because of heat expansion took place which created space, with which the remaining creation started. Thus according to Vedic sages evolution of universe was due to heat. So, there was expansion but no explosion in the begining. Indian mythology In Indian mythology, it was described as Sarvah, Tapah, Janah. So, unmanifest energy Salilawas transformed into the manifest energy Nirkra by Tapah. Modern view According toBig-bang model in the beginning all the mass and energy was concentrated in a single point. This proposal

faces the problem of singularity. Here it is important to note that in modern view, evolution of the universe started due to Big-Bang. Difference
The essence of the above discussion can be summarized as follows.

VEDIC VIEW 1. In the beginning, everything was enveloped by undifferentiated Salila 2. There was no problem of singularity 3. Because of heat, evolution of the universe started. 4. There was expansion but not explosion

MODERN VIEW 1. In the beginning, all the mass and energy was concentrated in a point. 2. It faced the problem of singularity. 3. Evolution of the universe started due to Big-Bang 4. Expansion was due to explosion.



Vedic View Vedic view point is that expansion of the universe was not spontaneous. There are forces that create expansion and forces that oppose expansion. The battle between forces of expansion and contraction is an epic battle in gveda. The scene of this battle is the edge of the universe. It was described as an immortalized battle between Indra and Vtra. Here we understand that the main force of creation in Vedic cosmology is Indra and the main force of annihilation is Vtra. Thus Gods represent forces of expansion there by supporting the process of creation. 3.1 Indra : Vedic Indra is to be identified as electric force, based on evidence available in Vedic literature. gveda 4.17.13 says that Indra is Asanimana which means one who possess thunder bolt. Kausitaki Brahmana 6.9 says that Indra is Asani the thunderbolt itself. Satapatha Brahmana puts the same fact in question and answer form. It says Who is Indra and who is prajapati? Thunder is Indra and Yajna is prajapati


Thus it is clear that God Indra can be identified as electric force on solid grounds and similarly we can conclude that Gods are the forces of expansion. We should remember that in Vedic thought the universe is not different from God himself. Indians are often put on defensive by the followers of Semitic religions, who attack Hinduism for being polytheistic. Here it should be kept in mind that Hindus worship different Gods only as a manifestation of one God in different forms. Indian Mythology During the age of Indian Purnas, massive up heal took place in the depiction of Gods. The Purnas were written for masses. On one hand the Purnas have to remain faithful to the Vedas and on the other hand, they had to keep ordinary people interested in them. As a result, the science of Vedas was given the form of long engrossing tales of fight between Gods and Demons. Vishnu took the place of Supreme Godhead and Indra became His subordinate. Hinduism is not a set of mumbo-jumbo, supposed to be delivered to a chosen fellow by God. It is a result of concentrated effort of several generations of intellectual sages to discover the nature of ultimate reality. Sages worship deitified scientific phenomenon and Hindus worship science in the form of deities. According to vedic sages creation of Gods(energy) took place in two generations. 1. First generation of creation (Nirkra) 2. Second generation of creation (Skra)


(First Generation Of Creation)

Vedic View Nirkra is absolute reality. It is manifested form of energy. It is Avyakta(invisible). It cannot be felt by any of our sensory organs. The ultimate concept of this realization can occur only at a very subtle scale, well beyond present day scientific capabilities. Modern scientists are imagining it as Super space.

4.1 gveda 10.72.1 says that

We speak about the birth of Gods clearly. Those who sing their praises in Yajnas will see them in the later age This verse clearly speaks about the Gods of earlier age that is the first generation of creation. gveda 10.72.2 says that

Brhmanaspati created Gods like an artisan. In the earlier age of Gods, the manifest was born from out of the un manifest. It tells that Brhmanaspati is responsible for creation. The root word for Brhmanaspati is brha means to expand. So, Brhmanaspati was the Lord of expansion. The evolution of universe was due to expansion, which created space, energy and matter.

gveda 10.72.3 says that

In the first age of Gods, the manifest was born from out of the un manifest. Then directions were born . After that one whose legs extended was born. So it is clear that manifest was born from out of the un- manifest, in the first generation of creation. The next verse 10.72.4 tells that from the one whose legs are extended, Bhumi was born. Hence, Bhumi was the first manifested form of Salila. In Prusha Suktam 10.90.14 also, Bhumi was described as legs of Purusha. 4.2 Adharvaveda 11.8.10 says that

The ten Gods of earlier age, existing before the present Gods, gave Loka to their sons. To which loka had they gone? This verse also clearly refers to the Gods of first generation of creation. Thus, it is evident that creation took place in two generations. 4.3 gveda 10.72.8 says that

Out of those eight sons, with seven Aditi went to Gods and left Mrtnda.

From this verse it is clear that first generation of creation resulted in the formation of Mrtnda.It is evident that after initial expansion, the universe started to collapse. So, the formation of universe was not spontaneous. The forces of expansion and contraction were in a delicate balance when the first expansion took place. Also, it is clear that the universe became steady after collapsing seven times. Thus the initial moments of creation were slow and steady. Finally first generation of creation resulted in the formation of Mrtnda. Indian Mythology In the Puranic literature, the same principle that the universe became steady after collapsing 7 times was depicted in the form of Sri Krishnas birth day. Sri Krishna is Viratpurusha and the universe was personified as Lord Sri Krishna. In this story, out of the eight children born to Devaki who was the mother of Sri Krishna, only the eighth child, Lord Sri Krishna, survived. Here Devaki is the reincarnation of Aditi. From this, we can clearly understand that the universe became steady after collapsing seven times. Mrtnda Anda means egg. Mrtnda after expansion is known as Brahmnda, in Indian mythology because Brha means expanding. According to Amarakosa 1-dig-29, Mrutam Brahmndam Jeevayati Mrtnda So, Mrtnda means to bring forth the annihilated Brahmnda. Modern View According to Big-Bang cosmology, the expansion took place very rapidly, within a few minutes, due to cataclysmic explosion. So, the initial moments of creation were very rapid and the universe expanded at a great velocity.

The most important point to be remembered is that according to the Vedic view, the initial moments of creation were slow and steady where as modern view tells that the initial moments of creation were very rapid. Personification : Vedic concepts are very abstruse. Such concepts cannot keep ordinary people interested in them. So, in Vedas, Scientific principles were personified. Purnas gave beautiful representations to the Vedic concepts. To ordinary Hindus, they are beautiful stories but behind these stories is hard-core science. Educated Hindus are supposed to know this. The first generation of creation was personified as Purusha in Purusha Suktam.(10.90.14). The importance of Purusha hymn is obvious from the fact that this is the only hymn which is available in all the four Vedas. The most important point to be remembered is that Indian tradition considers the Purusha hymn to be the most important and also we must remember that India can be understood clearly from Indian point of view only, because it has its own unique history. Purusha Suktam 10.90.14 says that

Antariksha is His (Purusha) navel, Dyau is His head, Bhumi is His legs, Dimensions are His ears. In this way Lokas are formed. The word Disa is already explained in1.2. In this verse, the first generation of creation is personified as Purusha


In the above figure Salila is shown as milky ocean. The first generation of creation is personified as Maha Vishnu lying over Seshatalpa who is the reincarnation of Purusha. Bhumi is shown as Bhudevi at the extended legs of Lord Vishnu. Thus Lord Vishnu depicts the first generation of creation(Nirkra).
Based on this the first generation of creation can be shown as follows.

First generation of creation


Difference The essence of the above discussion can be summarized as follows. VEDIC VIEW 1. Creation took place in two Generations. 2. Initial moments of expansionwere slow and steady 3. The universe collapsed seventimes before it became steady 4. It has no entropy problem. MODERN VIEW 1. Creation took place in one step. 2. Initial moments of expansionwere very rapid. 3. As the universe started due to Big-Bang, it was very chaotic in the beginning and smoothed out later. 4. It faced entropy problem.


5.S A K A R A U N I V E R S E

Vedic View 5.1 gveda10.72.9 says that

With seven sons Aditi went to the early age. For the birth and death of people, she accepted Mrtnda again. Here, the birth and death of people is mentioned. It clearly indicates that the second generation of creation is Skra (universe) Which started after the manifestation of Mrtnda. Maharlok Formation of Maharlok from Mrtnda is clearly explained in Chandogya upanishad 3.19.1-2. Chandogya upanishad 3.19.1

Aditya Brahma was great. It is being commentated. In the beginning it was Asat. Afterwards it became Sat. Then the Universe started. Then an egg was formed. At the end of a year the egg was divided into two. One half was silver where as other half was golden.

Chandogya upanishad 3.19.2

The silver half was Prithvi and the golden half was Divi. The top layer of the egg was formed as mountains, the embryo as cloud, veins as rivers and water in the womb as sea. In Indian Mythology it is called Mahar Lok. It can be shown as

Indian Mythology Satapathabrhmana11.1.6.1 says that Apah were indeed Salila earlier. Desire arose in it. They labored. From that, heat arose. From heat, golden egg was born. Golden egg was swimming in that for a year. MatsyaPurna 2.25-30 says that After Mahapralaya, dissolution of the universe took place. There was darkness everywhere. There was nothing moving or unmoving. Then Swayambu, Self-being, manifested. He created water first and deposited the seed of creation into it. That seed turned into a golden egg.

Vayupurna 4.72-73 says that Whole universe including moon, Sun, galaxies and planets was inside the egg. The egg was surrounded by ten qualities from outside. Vayupurna 24.73 says that At the end of thousand years the egg was divided into two by Vayu. Here thousand years is in God's time scale. 360 human years is equivalent to one year in God's time scale. Manusmrti 1.13 also confirms it by saying From that golden egg, earth and heaven were made. Hence, it is clear that Divi and Prithvi are formed from Mrtnda. These two are held together by Hiranya Garbha as indicated in gveda 10.121.1.

Before the creation, there existed Hiranya Garbha (golden womb). He was the only Lord of everything born. He holds Prithvi and Divi , intact. Sage Bharadwaja in his work called Amsubodhini, says that the two pieces of Brahmnda move in opposite directions called up and down and settle there due to Sisrukshata Sakti of HiranyaGarbha.

5.2 Formation of Three Lokas from Maharlok

The three states of the universe (Skra) were represented as three Lokas, in Vedic literature. We shall now see what these Lokas are? How are they formed from Maharlok?


gveda 1.139.11says that

There are eleven Gods in Divi, eleven Gods in Prithvi and eleven Gods in Apah (which represents the space between Divi and Prithvi), who enjoyed the Yajna. This verse clearly refers to the Gods participated in the Yajna that took place in the Maharlok which leads to the second generation of creation. gveda 10.90.9 says that,

From that Yajna of entire offering ch and Sma came into existance. From that Chands were born. From that Yaju was born. This verse is traditionally quoted to prove the divine origin of the gveda, Smaveda, Yajurveda and Adharvaveda. Adharvaveda is not mentioned in the verse. According to Tittiriya Upanishad 1.5.2,

This means ch = Bhulok, Sma = Bhuvarlok and Yaju = Suvarlok.So, the above verse clearly indicates that three lokas namely Bhulok, Bhuvarlok and Suvarlok were born from the Yajna.

CHANDAH Chanda is identified with Adharvaveda to prove the divine origin of Adharva Veda. But we must remember that seven Chands are there. Usually Chands indicate metres of the ch. Sankara in his commentry on Chanda says,

From the study of Chands the scholors get vedic wisdom and also get vedic universe. According to yaska Nirukta 7.3.2

Chndogya Upanishad 1.4.2 says Gods are afraid of death. To protect from death they entered into tripartite division and covered with Chands. As Gods are always covering with Chands. The thing that covers is called chanda. Bhagvatgeeta 15-1 says, As leaves protect the tree, chadas protect Myjla Mya is a powerful term in Hinduism. Now it means that the universe is an illusion. However, Mya is formed from the root ma means to measure. So, it does not mean illusion. It means that the universe formed is well measured. The origin of this universe is Hiranyagarbha. In vedas it is

mrtnda. Hence it is clear that Gods of Mrtnda are protected by covering with Chands. The derivative meaning of chanda is The one that covers is chanda. In vajaseya samhita 4-8, the concept of Krishnajina Dharana is described as follows: In the same way as a baby lie by closing his fingers, folding his hands covered by the womb of his mother, the performer of yajna also must lie closing his fingers, folding his hands covered by the skin of a deer, which is the symbolic of Chands. This clearly tells that chanda is the skin of the yajna. The white-black-brass colours of the skin of a deer represent ch-Sma-yajus. It is the tripartite division.
Satapatha brahmana and Vajaseya samhita 5-14 syas that,

The performer of the yajna is invisible though he is covered with his physical skin. He becomes visible only after yajna when covered with Chands skin. This clearly describes the formation of skra from Nirkra by yajna. The invisible Gods of Mrtnda (Hiranya Garbha) became visible by Chands. There are seven Chands. Hence we can understand that Skra is seven dimensional. Thus, ten dimensional Nirkra is invisible where as seven dimensional Skra is visible. Nirkra is invisible means it can not be felt by any of our sensories where as Skra can be felt by sensories. The most sacred Gayatri mantra says Ohm Bhur Bhuvah Swah This mantra also clearly mentioned three Lokas. They are Bhulok, Bhuvarlok and Suvarlok. Thus second generation of creation resulted in the formation of three Lokas (Bhulok, Bhuvarlok and Suvarlok) from Maharlok (that is Divi and Prithvi, by interaction with Apah).

Modernview The three Lokas were formed not because the universe was not divided into three, but because it was divided into two with an inter phase. Scientists are divided on this. Gibs considered the inter phase as an imaginary plane dividing the two phases of energy and matter. Guggenheim considered the inter phase to be a separate phase and assigned all the properties to the inter phase that a phase can have. This is in agreement with Vedic concept of Bhulok(matter phase), Bhuvarloik (inter phase) and Suvarlok (energy phase). Personification Bhgavata: There is another codification in Bhgavata. In the third Skanda of Sri Bhgavata, it is said that Maha Vishnu lying on the ocean by His own free will, sprouts a long stem from his own navel. Through this stem, the divine life-substance that was about to put forth the manifest universe arose as a lotus. Lord Vishnu entered it as Antaryami (the inner pervading deity). Then, at the centre of the lotus, four-headed Brahma came into being. That is why Brahma is called Swayambhu (the self born one). Matsya Purna: Matsya Purna puts this in a slightly different way. It says that a stem sprouts from the navel of Sreemannarayana and grows up to the height of hundred Yojanas forming a lotus. After that Sreemannaryana entered the lotus as black bee and deposited His potency. Then from that, Brahma took birth. Sri Padma Purna: Sri Padma Purna echoes the same. It says that when all things were lost in a dreadful ocean of Pralaya (the great dissolution ), the four headed Brahma was bornfrom the novel of Parabrahma, lying on the ocean.

The essence of all these is that the Skra ( universe ) contained four Lokas Mahar Loka, Suvar Loka,Bhuvar Loka and Bhu Loka which are personified as the four headed Brahma at the centre of the lotus, that are manifested from the centre of Nirkra (Super Space). Anantapadmanbha Swamy In Indian mythology complete universe containg seven Lokas representing seven stages of creation was personified as Anantapadmanbha Swamy.

In the above figure, Salila is shown as milky ocean. The first generation of creation (Nirkra), personified as Maha Vishnu, the incarnation of Purusha lying over Seshatalpa. Goddess Bhudevi of first generation of creation, representing Bhumi in Vedas, is shown at the extended legs of Lord Vishnu. The second generation of creation (Skra) containing four Lokas, is personified as four headed Brahma at the centre of the lotus, on

a stem which sprouted from the navel of Maha Vishnu, through which the divine life substance arose. Thus Lord Anantapadmanbha Swamy depicts the complete universe. Based on this, the systematic creation of the universe in seven stages can be shown as follows.

In Indian mythology these seven stages are codified as Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Mahatala, Talatala, Rasatala and Patala. Difference Vedic View Modern view 1. The universe 1. The Universe may contain (Skra)contains two or three lokas three lokas formed from Maharloka 2. Altogehter there 2. Creation took place in a are seven stages single step due to Big-bang of creation

6. P A S U S - M A T T E R
Vedic View Now we shall see , how the matter and particles were described in Vedas. The Purusha hymn of gveda 10.90.8 describes the origin of particles (Pasus) 6.1 gveda 10.90.8 says that

From that Yajna, curd and butter were obtained. From that, Vyavya, Aranya and Gramya pasus were born. Here, particles of matter were given the name pasus because they could be seen. The root word of pasu is pas which means to see. The common meaning of pasu is animal. But the Vedic meaning is visible. That is why the particles that can be seen were named as pasus in Vedas. Satapathabrhmana says that Prajapati saw Agni in Pasus Agni is energy. This mantra clearly shows the equivalence of Pasus and Agni that is particles and energy. Yajurveda 23.17 says that Agni was Pasu Taittiriyabrhmana says that Pasus are Agneya The transformation of matter particles into energy and energy into particles is well established by these mantras.


gveda 10.90.8 quoted above (6.1) tells us that, from that Yajna curd and butter were obtained. We already know that Salila was described as ocean of milk in Purnas. Milk is homogeneous. Curd and butter from Yajna means conversion of homogeneous energy into heterogeneous form through a scientific phenomenon, from which Pasus were born. This means that particles were produced from energy. In the above verse (6.1) Pasus have been classified as Gramya, Aranya and Vyavya. Gramya pasus are those animals which stay together. Grma means a place where all live together.So, we can understand that Gramya pasus are particles which prefer to stay together. Scientists call them as Bosons. Aranya pasus are wild animals which prefer to stay alone. So, it is clear that Aranya pasus are particles that prefer to stay alone. Scientists call them as Fermions. Vyavya pasus are those which can fly. So, Vyavya pasus are field particles. Scientists are under the concept that particles interact via exchange of field particles. For example, Electromagnetic interaction takes place by the exchange of photons. Vedic sages realized this thousands of years ago.

6.2 Classification of Grmya pasus

Gramya pasus are further classified into four types as mentioned in gveda hymn 10.90.10.

From that Asva (horses) Who have teeth on both sides were born, Gau (cows), Avi (sheep) and Aja (goats) were born.


6.3 Asva:
The common meaning of Asva is horse. But according to Yaska Nirukta Asnute Advanam which means the name Asva is given because of its propagation and fast speed. gveda 1.163.11 says that

O horse, your body is made for flying. Your mind is rapid as wing. Your beautiful horns are placed in various ways and travel in forests. There is no flying horse in reality. Flying is the character of quark particles. So, Asva can be considered as one of the quark particles. In this verse, the horns of horse are referred. Horses do not have horns. This description was deliberate to distinguish Asva as a particle but not simply the animal. gveda 1.163.12 says that

Strong horse goes for sacrifice meditating up on the Gods. His navel, Aja (goat) is led a head, praises and poets follow him. This verse clearly describes horse sacrifice. In Vedas sacrifice means transformation. So, it is the transformation of Asva particle into energy. That is why Asva is supposed to go to Gods. In 3.1 of this article it was already established that Gods are various forms of energy. In the above verse it is mentioned that Aja is the centre of Asva. This clearly indicates that before transformation into energy Asva particle becomes Aja. Asva <---> Aja <---> Agni

6.4 Aja According to Adharva Veda 9.14.1

Aja was born from the Soka of Agni. He saw his creator Agni first. Because of Aja sacrifice (Aja medha) Gods attain divine power and mount the state of highest . From this mantra it is clear that Agni and Aja Convert into each other. In scientific terminology Agni is energy. Satapathabrhmana 6.5.14 says that Aja is the form of all animals (pasus) . It is evident that all particles transform into energy through an intermediate particle Aja. In 4.1 of this article it is also established that energy is manifested from unmanifested Salila (2.2). Particles <---> Intermediate <---> Energy Modern view: The basic principle of Big-bang model is the Law of Conservation of Energy that is energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Modern physics says that matter and energy can be converted into each other. It was given by Einstein as Law of mass-energy equivalence. So, both Vedas and modern physics agree that matter particles transform into energy and energy transforms into matter. The important point to remember is that Vedas clearly tells about the intermediate stage involved

in the transformation of particles into energy and vice versa. But modern science does not tell about the intermediate stage in the transformation of matter particles and energy into each other. Difference The essence of the above discussion can be summarized as: VEDIC VIEW MODERN VIEW 1. Energy can be 1. Energy can neither manifested from be created nor destroyed. unmanifested Salila and vice versa 2. There is an intermediate 2. Does not know about stage in the conversion of the intermediate stage. energy and matter. Conclusion: To illustrate that the Vedic statements are beyond all sorts of religious frame works, we conclude this article by quoting an American thinker ThoreauIn great teaching of Vedas there is no touch of Sectarianism. It is of all ages, climes and nationalities and is the royal road for the attainment of great knowledge. So, it may be quite worthwhile for scientists and students of science background to investigate into many of the concepts in Vedas.


References :
1. Rgveda Vignanam 3. Veda - Upanisads 4. Rgveda Digdarsanam 5. Purusha Sukta Rahasyam 6. Vedic Physics 7. Principles of Physics 8. Chaturveda Samhita 9. Upanishad Darsanam 10. Andhra Vedamulu - Rgveda 11. Bharathi Nirukti 13. Arsha Vignana Sarvaswam 14. Nirukta - Yaska 15. Elementary Modern Physics 16. Bhagvad Geetha 17. Purva Gadhalahari 18. Amruthopanisads 19. Sree Devi Bhagavatham 20. Sri Astadasa Purana 21. Amarakosamu 22. Sri Brahma Samhita 23. Chandogya Upanishad 24. Amsu Bodhini 25. String Theory 26. Vedalalo Devatalu 27. Yogavasista Hridayamu 28. Sri Mad Bhagavathamu 29. Veda Tatva Prakasamu - Sri Gangapuram Nrisimha Dixitulu - Sri K.Krishna Murthy - Dr.K.V. Raghavacharya - Dr. Vedavyasa - Dr. Raja Ram Mohan Roy - Ernest S. Green - Acharya Marri Krishna Reddy - Sri N. S. Venkata Somayajulu - Sri Bankupalli Mallaiah Sastri - Sri Hari Brothers - Dr. S.B. Raghunadha Charya - Pandit Gopadev - Atham P.Arya - Sri Srilla A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami - Sri V. Sreenivasa Rao - Dr.Dasaradhi Ranaga Charya - Acharya Bethavolu Ramabrahmam - Sri. D. Sridhar - S.J Publications, Hyderabad - Sri B.S. Goswami Thakura - Pandit Gopadev - Sage Bharadwaj - George Musser - A.A. Macdonell translated by P.S.Subramanyam - K.V. Krishna Murthy - A.Muralidhara Rao - Swami Dayananda Saraswathi 40 2. Srimad Andhra Rgveda Samhita - Dr. Dasarathi Rangacharyulu

12. Vedamula Yadartha Swarupam - Pandit L.M. Siddhanta Charya

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