Nikon D3s Brochure

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The D3S: on assignment

From the bustling metropolis of Sydney to aboriginal villages in As an artist with an immense respect for nature, award-winning
the Outback, from a cold and dusty Aussie rules football pitch wildlife photographer, Vincent Munier waits patiently in severe
in Tasmania to the sun-baked desert in Nambung National weather until his animal subjects grow to accept his presence.
Park, Sports Illustrated staff photographer and award-winning Only then will he begin photographing them. Vincent recently took
photojournalist, Bill Frakes roamed Australia for three weeks, the D3S on assignment with him to Norway and Finland. There, he
testing the D3S relentlessly to serve his seemingly limitless and the D3S sat quietly in the wind and rain while getting to know
photographic imagination. the creatures of the Nordic forest.
Bill Frakes Vincent Munier
Sports/Photojournalism (U.S.A.) Nature/Wildlife (France)

Every time I put the D3S to my eye, it's like opening a surprise Animal photography is a passion more than a profession. Sometimes
present. It makes the child in me come out and play. Everything I see I sit in the rain and snow for weeks just to experience a single brief
can be captured accurately and fluidly, and by combining still capture moment with an animal. I need the best and most reliable equipment
and D-Movie, I can meld motion and emotion into multidimensional available so that I can take full advantage of the rare opportunities
expressions of visual and audio exploration. inherent in my work.
I make career-defining decisions in milliseconds, and I want the best Many of my subjects are active only after the sun goes down. Yet
possible image quality every time I push the button. No matter who you are, or how you work, with the D3S, I managed to photograph things that my eyes were practically unable to see. For
you never know when the cosmos will align in such a way that the perfect image is available. example, I remember a brown bear that was just meters from my cabin in the Finnish taiga. It was
When it happens, I have to be ready in every conceivable way. This is why the D3S excites and the middle of the night, but just a short glimpse of his wet nose permitted me to focus, resulting
motivates me. I need a camera that responds precisely, quickly and consistently. The D3S does
in a surprisingly sharp picture. Capturing images like this is what makes the D3S invaluable.
that and more, and this kind of power gives me enormous freedom.

Printed in Japan Code No. 6CE90085 (0910/A) K DSLR-D3S-30-10/09

Redraw Your Boundaries
What would you do if the laws of photography changed? With the introduction of the new Nikon D3S, shoot HD movies at high ISOs with stereo sound*, saving a selected frame from D-Movie as a JPEG for immediate
professional photographers around the world will reconsider this question entirely, and re-examine the print and web publication, light sensitivity beyond what your own eyes can see clearly, and the consistent
power, potential and reach that photography can now achieve. The D3S's abilities are so revolutionary accuracy and reliability that Nikon is known for. All of these things are now at your command. The new Nikon
that photographers will experience an entirely new level of performance and creativity, pushing them flagship will quite literally make you see things differently, and help you approach your next assignment with a new
further into the uncharted waters of possibility. Standing on the shoulders of the incredibly fast and sense of excitement. It's time to redefine the true power of photography and the future of imaging. What could you
versatile D3, the new D3S makes spectacular improvements that will enable you to think and shoot in accomplish if you could redraw the boundaries of photography? Find out, with the D3S.
ways you never thought possible: commercial-quality low-noise images as high as ISO 12800, the ability to * When using an optional external stereo microphone.
• Sensitivity: ISO 12800 • Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 600mm f/4G ED VR • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [M] mode, 1/1,000 second, f/4 • White balance: Cloudy • Picture Control: Standard ©Bill Frakes • Sensitivity: ISO 12800 • Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 400mm f/2.8G ED VR • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [A] mode, 1/500 second, f/2.8 • White balance: Cloudy • Picture Control: Vivid ©Vincent Munier
Evolution of the D3: Standard ISO 12800

ISO performance: ISO 12800 as standard, D-Movie: new dimensions to your creativity
expandable to 102400 equivalent (Hi 3) From well-lit scenes to
Whether shooting indoor sports, stadium events at extremely low-lit situations,
night, theatrical and concert performances, weddings, Nikon's D-Movie mode
dimly-lit spot news or in any condition where light is delivers unique versatility.
limited and Speedlights are not an option, the D3S will Its Motion-JPEG gives you
change how you are able to approach assignments, Images taken at Hi 3 (ISO 102400 equivalent) ©Vincent Munier HD quality (1,280 x 720
even more dramatically than its predecessor, the • Sensitivity: 3 EV above ISO 12800 • Sensitivity: 3 EV above ISO 12800 pixels) movies at 24 fps.
legendary D3. Photographers can now depend on • Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 400mm f/2.8G • Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 400mm f/2.8G By controlling the aperture
ED VR • Image quality: 14-bit RAW ED VR • Image quality: 14-bit RAW Still image saved from D-Movie
ISO 200 to ISO 12800 as the professional standard. (NEF) • Exposure: [A] mode, 1/500 (NEF) • Exposure: [A] mode, 1/50 from the widest f-stop,
©Vincent Munier
second, f/2.8 • White balance: Auto second, f/2.8 • White balance: Cloudy
Imagine: tack-sharp action images in low light at • Picture Control: Standard • Picture Control: Vivid
the large FX-format sensor
action-freezing shutter speeds without worrying about renders low-noise images with beautiful bokeh effects
excessive, image-degrading noise – even at ISO 12800. from a large selection of NIKKOR lenses. Use High-
When needed, the D3S expands into uncharted Large pixel pitch: the 12.1-megapixel Sensitivity Movie mode to shoot at up to ISO 102400
territory, reaching the amazing ISO equivalent of FX-format advantage in places too dark to see clearly with your own eyes.
102400. At this setting, the D3S lets you still reveal Dedicated to raising the bar of the legendary D3 Movie footage is easy to trim in-camera by choosing
color and detail, even in extremely low-lit places. The performance, Nikon engineers completely redesigned the starting or ending points for easy transfer. You
D3S's exceptional low-noise performance also applies the image sensor of the D3S, further optimizing the can even save selected movie frames as JPEGs for
to D-Movie capture. What can you accomplish with inner structure while maintaining the pixel count and immediate print and web publishing needs. The D3S
still or movie images in extremely low-light situations? the large pixel pitch for even greater latitude in high has both an internal monaural microphone and an
Consider the new possibilities. ISO performance. As a result, the D3S captures and external stereo microphone input, enabling higher
renders light in ways that no other camera has yet fidelity audio recording.
achieved*. This in turn contributes to a significantly
higher signal-to-noise ratio and a wide dynamic Image Sensor Cleaning: assured protection
range, which translates into unmatched image quality After relentless testing, Nikon engineers successfully
throughout the broadened ISO sensitivity range developed the Integrated Dust Reduction System that
for both still images and movies. will satisfy high expectations. The
Combined with the unmatched D3S's Image Sensor Cleaning
ISO 200 ISO 400 ISO 800 ISO 1600
accuracy of NIKKOR lenses, the D3S function generates vibrations
and its FX-format sensor deliver a at four specific frequencies to
quality all their own. optimize dust removal. This function
* Among digital SLRs, as of September 2009. can be set to operate automatically
when the camera is turned on and off,
or manually.
©Bill Frakes
ISO 3200 ISO 6400 ISO 12800

• Sensitivity: ISO 12800 • Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [M] mode, 1/20 second, f/6.3 • White balance: Auto • Picture Control: Standard ©Bill Frakes 7
Image Quality Further Refined: EXPEED

EXPEED: Nikon's comprehensive Picture Control: custom-tailored tone and color

approach to quality digital images Nikon's powerful and intuitive image adjustment tool
Nikon understands that image quality, accuracy helps you define the look and feel of your images
and speed are equally critical to professional by custom-tailoring sharpness, saturation and other
photographers. Further refining these essential parameters to match your creative intentions. Think of it
performance requirements is what brought about Lateral chromatic aberration With Without ©Bill Frakes
like selecting certain types of film for specific shooting
EXPEED, Nikon's fast, comprehensive, and energy- reduction situations. The D3S comes with four pre-installed
efficient approach to in-camera image processing. Lateral chromatic aberration reduction: Picture Control profiles, which can be fine-tuned and
The rich initial data maintains its integrity through edge-to-edge sharpness saved as new custom Picture Control profiles that
14-bit A/D conversion and a 16-bit image-processing The D3S corrects color fringes caused by chromatic match your personal preferences and shooting style or
pipeline, which shows the enormous creative potential aberrations that, in some instances, can appear at the edges particular shooting conditions. Fast, easy and powerful,
inherent in the NEF (Nikon Electronic Image Format). between differing subject elements, thereby improving custom profiles are easily copied to additional cameras.
Combined with Nikon's FX-format sensor, the D3S image quality throughout the entire frame. Because lateral
produces an exceptional tonal range, and minimized chromatic aberrations are corrected regardless of lens
tone jumps. Expect finer tonal gradation in highlights type – whether telephoto, wide-angle, non-CPU and other
even with extremely bright subject matter – as well types of NIKKOR lenses – this important aspect of the
as colors that were once considered altogether D3S contributes substantially to the highly refined image
impossible, such as skin tones and strong reds in the integrity that professionals demand.
same frame without over-saturation.
Active D-Lighting: rescuing tone in highlights
and shadows
The days of choosing between shadow or highlight Standard ©Bill Frakes Neutral ©Vincent Munier
detail are over. Nikon's Active D-Lighting automatically
regulates the dynamic range of high-contrast scenes to
pull out shadow details and preserve highlights. Simply
choose the appropriate setting – Auto, Extra high, High,
Normal, Low or Off – prior to shooting. Auto setting
controls the regulation value appropriately. You can
also bracket Active D-Lighting strength levels up to five
Vivid ©Bill Frakes Monochrome ©Bill Frakes
frames and select the best rendition afterwards.

• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [M] mode, Active D-Lighting [Off] Active D-Lighting [High] ©Vincent Munier Portrait* ©Bill Frakes Landscape* ©Bill Frakes
• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [M] mode, 1/320 second, f/10 • White balance: Cloudy • Sensitivity: ISO 640 • Picture Control: Standard ©Bill Frakes 1/2,500 second, f/18 • White balance: Auto • Sensitivity: ISO 200 • Picture Control: Standard ©Bill Frakes * Can be downloaded from the Nikon website. 9
Lightning Speed and Razor-Sharp Accuracy

Speed and readiness throughout the workflow Scene Recognition System: enlightened accuracy Sophisticated AE with highlight analysis
The D3S optimizes workflow speed and fluidity and intelligence Nikon's exclusive 3D color matrix
throughout the entire process: from setup to shooting to Nikon's exclusive 1,005-pixel RGB sensor precisely metering II is highly praised for
data recording and transfer. Start-up time is approx. 0.12 reads brightness and color information to raise the its outstanding performance and
seconds* and release time lag is minimized to approx. overall accuracy of AF, AE, i-TTL flash control and faithful exposure results – even
0.04 seconds.* Autofocusing, image processing, buffer auto white balance to new heights via the Scene in complex, unforgiving lighting
memory, memory card access and recording, USB Recognition System. The D3S's AF delivers superb conditions. Using highlight analysis
interface and the optional wireless transmitter work subject tracking and subject identification performance. from the Scene Recognition System
together to keep you focused and moving forward. And Highlight analysis used for AE reproduces brightness and then carefully selecting from a
for sport and spot news photographers, many of the faithful to what your eyes see, and light source database containing information from
D3S's JPEG files are print-ready with little or no post- identification makes auto white balance uniquely over 30,000 actual shooting situations,
production: an extra edge when time is short. precise and reliable. the D3S now takes accurate exposure
* Based on CIPA Guidelines. further.
51-point AF: fast and accurate subject acquisition
9-frames-per-second* shooting rate in FX format, This dense net of 51 AF points delivers faster focus, Informed auto white balance
11 fps* in DX crop even with quick and/or erratic subject movement. Leading professionals often note that
The D3S's continuous shooting rates are quite The 15 cross-type sensors in the center of the Nikon's auto white balance exhibits
impressive, but what makes them truly unique is that frame maintain the same outstanding performance remarkable results, even in challenging
the camera's powerful stepping motor allows for a with any AF NIKKOR lens f/5.6 or faster. There are mixed lighting conditions. With the D3S,
steady delivery of fast continuous shooting speeds at four Dynamic-area AF options including 51 points auto white balance makes even further
a wider range of aperture settings than conventional (3D-tracking), which accurately pursue your subject progress. Professionals can expect
digital SLRs. Professionals will now have greater control by shifting focus points using color and brightness white as truly white in a wider variety of
and fewer limitations when making the images they information from the Scene Recognition System. settings.
desire, and with DX crop mode, photographers can This is useful when composition is important, but your
also add a 1.5x picture angle and a faster frame rate to subject's movement is extremely erratic. Single-point
their arsenal. Furthermore, the factory-installed buffer and Auto-area AF modes are also available.
memory is twice the capacity of the D3, dramatically
increasing the power of continuous shooting.
* Based on CIPA Guidelines.

Single-point AF mode Dynamic-area AF using 9 points Dynamic-area AF using 21 points Dynamic-area AF using 51 points Dynamic-area AF using 51 points (3D-tracking)
©Bill Frakes ©Bill Frakes ©Bill Frakes ©Vincent Munier ©Bill Frakes
• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 400mm f/2.8G ED VR • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [A] mode, 1/6,400 second, f/2.8 • White balance: Cloudy • Sensitivity: ISO 800 • Picture Control: Standard ©Vincent Munier
True Versatility: Total Imaging System

NIKKOR lenses: the heart of Wireless Transmitter WT-4A*

the Total Imaging System Photographers working in large venues will appreciate the
The conditions of photographic assignments are WT-4A, which supports IEEE 802.11a/b/g. The Thumbnail
fluid, while the requirement for professionals to Selector quickens workflow by first sending thumbnails
deliver stunning images remains constant – and to a remote computer. Editors can select images before
stunning images begin with world-famous NIKKOR their full data is sent, saving precious time.
interchangeable lenses. NIKKOR lenses represent * Product name varies according to region, depending on local frequency channels available.

decades of optical engineering experience and the

benefits of exclusive Nikon technologies such as Super GPS Unit: GP-1
Integrated Coating to reduce ghost and flare. Nikon's With the GPS Unit GP-1, latitude, longitude, altitude
Nano Crystal Coat further minimizes ghost and flare and time are automatically recorded to each image's
caused by internal reflections, even when the light EXIF data, making it easy to exchange data, create
source is in the frame. These, and a myriad of additional • Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) original maps or display image location on Google
• Exposure: [M] mode, 1/250 second, f/7.1 • White balance: Auto • Sensitivity: ISO 640
design considerations, are brought together in a skillful • Picture Control: Standard ©Bill Frakes
MapsTM using ViewNX software (provided). GP-1 is
blend of both art and science to create the optical quality also useful for travel records, news reporting and
on which so many professionals rely. Creative Lighting System: the light of inspiration academic research. Time Adjustment lets you adjust
NIKKOR is a registered trademark of Nikon Corporation in Japan and the USA. The D3S's Scene Recognition System delivers refined your camera's time zone, which is useful for group
i-TTL flash control from your SB-900, SB-600 and SB- assignments that require several D3S cameras to be
400 Speedlights. You can achieve accurate exposure synchronized.
results, even with small subjects and highly reflective
objects. The Creative Lighting System offers various Nikon's exclusive software
flash techniques, including Advanced Wireless Nikon offers powerful software to give professionals
Lighting, which gives you immediate and total control, extra reach and definition for their images. Camera
making commanding multiple Control Pro 2 (optional) for remote camera operation,
remote Speedlights as easy ViewNX (provided) for browsing, and Capture NX 2
AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II
as controlling one Speedlight (optional) for developing the greatest potential of NEF
mounted on your (RAW) postproduction processing and photographic
camera. editing.

• Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II • Image quality: 14-bit RAW (NEF) • Exposure: [M] mode, 1/125 second, f/20 • White balance: Auto • Sensitivity: ISO 640 • Picture Control: Standard ©Bill Frakes
n Nikon Digital SLR Camera D3S Specifications n
Flagship Reliability and Improved Operation
Type Frame Advance Rate • DX (24x16): Up to approx. 9 fps (CL) or approx. 9 to 11 fps (CH) Live View
Type Single-lens reflex digital camera (CIPA Guidelines) • Other image areas: Up to approx. 9 fps Modes Tripod, Hand-held
Lens Mount Nikon F mount (with AF coupling and AF contacts) Self-timer Electronically controlled timer with duration of 2, 5, 10 or 20 s Autofocus • Tripod: Contrast-detect AF anywhere in frame • Hand-held: TTL phase-
Picture Angle Equivalent to angle produced by lens focal length (1.5 times when DX detection AF with 51 focus points (including 15 cross-type sensors)
format is selected) Flicker Reduction 50 Hz and 60 Hz
Metering TTL full-aperture exposure metering using 1,005-pixel RGB sensor
Effective Pixels Metering System 1) Matrix: 3D color matrix metering II (type G and D lenses); color matrix Movie
Effective Pixels 12.1 million metering II (other CPU lenses); color matrix metering (non-CPU lenses if Frame Size (pixels) 1,280 x 720/24 fps, 640 x 424/24 fps, 320 x216/24 fps
user provides lens data) File Format AVI
Image Sensor
2) Center-Weighted: Weight of 75% given to 12-mm circle in center of Compression Format Motion-JPEG
Image Sensor CMOS sensor, 36.0 x 23.9 mm; Nikon FX format
frame, diameter of circle can be changed to 8, 15 or 20 mm, or weighting Audio Microphone sensitivity can be adjusted
Total Pixels 12.87 million
can be based on average of entire frame (non-CPU lenses use 12-mm ISO Sensitivity ISO 200 to 12800 (ISO 6400 to Hi 3 in high-sensitivity movie mode)
Dust-reduction System Image Sensor Cleaning, Image Dust Off reference data (optional Capture
circle or average of entire frame)
n Approx. 100% frame coverage n Magnesium alloy: rugged n Comprehensive sealing n Shutter durability n Self-diagnostic shutter n Mirror balancer NX 2 software required) Monitor
3) Spot: Meters 4-mm circle (about 1.5% of frame) centered on selected
dependability against dust, moisture and LCD Monitor 3-in., approx. 921k-dot (VGA), 170-degree wide-viewing-angle, 100% frame
The D3S's large prism gives you the FX- For the reliability professionals demand, Shutter speeds range from 1/8,000 s Minimizes mirror bounce and extends Storage focus point (on center focus point when non-CPU lens is used)
coverage, low-temperature polysilicon TFT LCD with brightness adjustment
format visual advantage when you shoot. The body, exterior cover, chassis and electromagnetic waves the shutter of the D3S has been tested for to 30 s with an internal mechanism viewing time, which allows more time for Image Size (pixels) Metering Range 1) 0 to 20 EV (Matrix or center-weighted metering), 2) 2 to 20 EV (Spot
The viewfinder image is not only large mirror box are comprised of strong-yet- Assured protection against invasive 300,000 cycles. And to ensure rigorous that automatically monitors and AF operation – one reason why the D3S metering) (ISO 100 equivalent, f/1.4 lens, at 68°F/20°C) Playback
Image area Large Medium Small
and bright, but the focusing screen is lightweight magnesium alloy to perform moisture, dust and even electromagnetic real-world conditions, the testing is corrects possible variances between can offer autofocus and Focus Tracking Exposure Meter Coupling Combined CPU and AI Playback Function Full-frame and thumbnail (4, 9 or 72 images) playback with playback zoom,
FX format (36 x 24) 4,256 x 2,832 3,184 x 2,120 2,128 x 1,416 movie playback, slide show, histogram display, highlight display, auto image
the designated shutter speed and the even at high-speed continuous shooting. Exposure Modes 1) Programmed Auto (P) with flexible program, 2) Shutter-Priority Auto (S),
also carefully designed to help you to in demanding real-world conditions and interference. A comprehensive series always performed on fully assembled 1.2x (30 x 20) 3,552 x 2,368 2,656 x 1,776 1,776 x 1,184 3) Aperture-Priority Auto (A), 4) Manual (M) rotation, image comment (up to 36 characters), and voice memo input and
intuitively sense sharp focus, be it manual assure superb, reliable performance and of O-rings and other specialized seals, cameras. actual shutter timing over the shutter DX format (24 x 16) 2,784 x 1,848 2,080 x 1,384 1,392 x 920 playback
Exposure Compensation ±5 EV in increments of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV
or autofocus. longer life. combined with additional Nikon mechanism's life span. 5:4 (30 x 24) 3,552 x 2,832 2,656 x 2,120 1,776 x 1,416 Exposure Bracketing 2 to 9 frames in steps of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 1 EV
engineering, keeps you shooting when Interface
Exposure Lock Exposure locked at detected value with AE-L/AF-L button
USB Hi-Speed USB
lesser cameras would fail. File Format 1) NEF (RAW): 12 or 14 bit, lossless compressed, compressed, or uncompressed, ISO Sensitivity ISO 200 to 12800 in steps of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV; can also be set to approx. 0.3,
Video Output NTSC or PAL; simultaneous playback from both the video output and on the
2) TIFF (RGB), 3) JPEG: JPEG-Baseline compliant with fine (approx. 1:4), 0.5, 0.7 or 1 EV (ISO 100 equivalent) below ISO 200 or to approx. 0.3, 0.5, 0.7,
LCD monitor available
normal (approx. 1:8), or basic (approx. 1:16) compression (Size priority); 1, 2 or 3 EV (ISO 102400 equivalent) above ISO 12800; auto ISO sensitivity
HDMI Output Type C HDMI connector; camera monitor turns off when HDMI cable is
Optimal quality compression available, 4) NEF (RAW) + JPEG: Single control available
photograph recorded in both NEF (RAW) and JPEG formats Active D-Lighting Can be selected from [Auto], [Extra high], [High], [Normal], [Low] or [Off]
Audio Input Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5-mm diameter)
Picture Control System Four setting options: Standard, Neutral, Vivid, Monochrome; each option ADL Bracketing 2 frames using selected value for one frame or 3 to 5 frames using preset
10-pin Remote Terminal Can be used to connect optional remote control, GPS Unit GP-1 or GPS
can be adjusted values for all frames
device compliant with NMEA 0183 version 2.01 and 3.01 (requires optional
Storage Media CompactFlash (Type I, compliant with UDMA)
Focus GPS Cable MC-35 and cable with D-sub 9-pin connector)
Double Slot Slot 2 can be used for overflow or backup storage or for separate storage of
Autofocus Nikon Multi-CAM 3500FX autofocus sensor module with TTL phase
NEF (RAW) and JPEG images; pictures can be copied between cards Supported Languages
detection; 51 focus points (including 15 cross-type sensors); AF fine tuning
File System Compliant with DCF 2.0, DPOF, Exif 2.21, and PictBridge Supported Languages Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish,
Viewfinder Detection Range -1 to +19 EV (ISO 100 at 68°F/20°C)
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Viewfinder Eye-level pentaprism single-lens reflex viewfinder Lens Servo 1) Autofocus: Single-servo AF (S); Continuous-servo AF (C); predictive focus
Frame Coverage FX (36x24): Approx. 100% (vertical/horizontal), 1.2x (30x20): Approx. 97% tracking automatically activated according to subject status, 2) Manual Power Source
n Info button n Live View button n 3-in., approx. 921k-dot color, 170° n Quiet Shutter-release mode n Twin CF card slots n Long-life battery
(vertical/horizontal), DX (24x16): Approx. 97% (vertical/horizontal), 5:4 focus (M) with electronic rangefinder Battery One Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL4a/EL4
Makes it easy to view and change The dedicated Live View button gives viewing angle LCD monitor Imagine a scene where silence is Record two full CF cards of data, record The D3S uses EN-EL4a rechargeable AC Adapter AC Adapter EH-6 (optional)
(30x24): Approx. 100% (vertical) and approx. 97% (horizontal) Focus Point Can be selected from 51 or 11 focus points
settings. Push once to see the settings. you instant access, offering two Live The large, high-resolution LCD monitor essential. Simply select “Q” on the the same data onto two cards (backup), batteries. Power consumption and Magnification Approx. 0.7x (50mm f/1.4 lens at infinity; -1.0 m-1) AF-area Mode 1) Single-point AF, 2) Dynamic-area AF [number of AF points: 9, 21, 51, 51 Tripod Socket
Push again for a direct shortcut to the View modes: Tripod mode for accurate AF delivers bright, crisp image playback with release mode dial and reduce the sound of record RAW and JPEG simultaneously power management systems have Eyepoint 18 mm (-1.0 m-1) (3D-tracking)], 3) Auto-area AF Tripod Socket 1/4 in. (ISO 1222)
menu page of the camera setting you operation and Hand-held mode for more up to 27x enlargement for immediate and the camera's mirror-down during shooting. onto separate cards, and transfer data been engineered for greater operating Diopter Adjustment -3 to +1 m-1 Focus Lock Focus can be locked by pressing AE-L/AF-L button or by pressing shutter-
want to alter. versatile shooting angles. The speed precise image confirmation. Each LCD is from one card to another. You can also efficiency, so you can expect long battery Focusing Screen Type B BriteView Clear Matte VI screen with AF area brackets release button halfway (Single-servo AF) Dimensions/Weight
for Contrast-detect AF in Tripod mode covered with scratch resistant tempered designate the slot for data-heavy D-Movie life. You can shoot up to 4,200 images* Reflex Mirror Quick return Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 6.3 x 6.2 x 3.4 in./159.5 x 157 x 87.5 mm
Flash Weight Approx. 2 lb. 12 oz./1,240 g without battery, memory card, body cap or
has also been improved for enhanced glass and individually calibrated and fine- recording. per charge. Depth-of-field Preview When Pv (depth-of-field preview) button is pressed, lens aperture can be
Flash Control 1) TTL: i-TTL balanced fill-flash and standard i-TTL flash for digital SLR using accessory shoe cover
practicality. stopped down to value selected by user (A and M modes) or value selected
tuned at the factory to deliver consistent * Based on CIPA Standards. 1,005-pixel RGB sensor are available with SB-900, 800, 600 or 400
by camera (P and S modes) Operating Environment
performance. 2) Auto aperture (AA): Available with SB-900, 800 and CPU lens
Lens Aperture Instant return, electronically controlled Temperature 32-104°F/0-40°C
3) Non-TTL auto (A): Available with SB-900, 800, 28, 27 or 22S
Lens 4) Range-priority manual (GN): Available with SB-900 and 800 Humidity Under 85% (no condensation)
Compatible Lenses 1) Type G or D AF NIKKOR*1:All functions supported (PC Micro-NIKKOR Flash Modes 1) Front curtain sync, 2) Slow sync, 3) Rear-curtain sync, 4) Red-eye Accessories
does not support some functions), 2) DX NIKKOR: All functions supported reduction, 5) Red-eye reduction with slow sync Supplied Accessories* Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL4a, Quick Charger MH-22, USB Cable
except FX-format (36x24)/1.2x (30x20)/5:4 (30x24) image size, 3) Other AF Flash Bracketing 2 to 9 frames in steps of 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 1 EV UC-E4, Audio Video Cable EG-D2, Camera Strap AN-DC5, Body Cap BF-1B,
NIKKOR*2: All functions supported except 3D color matrix metering II, Flash-ready Indicator Lights when Speedlight such as SB-900, SB-800, SB-600, SB-400, SB- Accessory Shoe Cover BS-2, Eyepiece DK-17, Battery Chamber Cover BL-4,
4) AI-P NIKKOR: All functions supported except autofocus and 3D color 80DX, SB-28DX or SB-50DX is fully charged; blinks after flash is fired at full USB Cable Clip, Software Suite CD-ROM
matrix metering II, 5) Non-CPU: Can be used in exposure modes A and M; output * Supplied accessories may differ depending on country or area
color matrix metering and aperture value display supported if user provides Accessory Shoe ISO 518 hot-shoe with sync and data contacts, and safety lock Main Optional Wireless Transmitter WT-4A*, GPS Unit GP-1, Magnifying Eyepiece
lens data (AI lenses only) Nikon Creative Lighting Advanced Wireless Lighting supported with SB-900, SB-800 or SU-800 as Accessories DK-17M, AC Adapter EH-6, Capture NX 2 Software, Camera Control Pro 2
Electronic rangefinder can be used if maximum aperture is f/5.6 or faster System (CLS) commander and SB-900, SB-800, SB-600 or SB-R200 as remotes; Auto Software, Image Authentication Software
*1. IX- NIKKOR lenses cannot be used *2. Excluding AF- NIKKOR lenses for F3AF FP High-Speed Sync and modeling illumination supported with all CLS- * Product name varies according to region, depending on local frequency channels available
compatible flash units except SB-400; Flash Color Information Communication
n Electronic Virtual Horizon n Extended menu banks n Multiple exposure n In-camera edit function n Enhanced playback function n 1.2x crop mode Shutter
and FV lock supported with all CLS-compatible flash units
Type Electronically-controlled vertical-travel focal-plane shutter • PictBridge is a trademark. • CompactFlash is a registered trademark of SanDisk Corporation.
Instant, accurate confirmation of your Store up to four combinations of exposure You can also designate this function to the The D3S offers various retouch menus such Review images in a variety of useful When you need both the telephoto effect Sync Terminal ISO 519 sync terminal with locking thread • HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered
Speed 1/8,000 to 30 s in steps of 1/3, 1/2 or 1 EV, bulb, X250
“horizontal level.” In Live View shooting, mode, shutter speed and aperture value. bracketing button for repeated multiple as NEF (RAW) Processing for on-the-spot ways. The thumbnail display shows up to and a large enough file size, use 1.2x (30 x Flash Sync Speed X = 1/250 s; flash synchronization at up to 1/250 s trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC. • Google Maps™ is a trademark of Google, Inc. • Products and
White Balance
display the Electronic Virtual Horizon on A timesaver for photographers who must exposure operation. That way you can alterations, without the need of a computer. 72 frames at a time for quicker search and 20) format with approx. 8.4 megapixels. White Balance Auto (TTL white balance with main image sensor and 1,005-pixel RGB sensor),
brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. • Images in
the LCD, above the monitor image, for regularly switch quickly between fixed continue multiple exposures without Resize function and D-Movie editing select. The D3S can also check histograms Release viewfinders, on LCDs and monitors shown in this brochure are simulated.
Incandescent, Fluorescent (7 options), Direct Sunlight, Flash, Cloudy, Shade,
landscape and architectural photography. camera settings according to different coming back to the menu each time. convert image data or movie clips to smaller of a selected and magnified portion of an Release Modes 1) Single-frame [S] mode, 2) Continuous Low-speed [CL] mode, 3) Continuous
preset manual (up to 5 values can be stored), and color temperature setting
High-speed [CH] mode, 4) Quiet Shutter-release mode [Q], 5) Self-timer [ ]
shooting situations. sizes while maintaining the original – useful image. (2,500 K to 10,000 K), all with fine tuning
mode, 6) Mirror-up [Mup] mode
14 when transmitting speed is important. White Balance Bracketing 2 to 9 frames in steps of 1, 2 or 3 15

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