Tax Checklist

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Preparing for Your Taxes

Bringing Key Records to your Certified General Accountant

Completing your income tax return can be challenging, even with the help of an accountant. Consider using the following checklist to help gather the right information & documentation to ensure youre on the right track.
Note: You should receive all your applicable tax documentation by the end of March 2014.

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Copy of last years tax return Copy of spouses tax return Your current contact info Copy of any foreign tax return filed (U.S. citizens must file U.S. returns) 2012 Notice of Assessment Other years reassessments received in the current year Your personal status such as dates of marriage, separation, divorce or widowed, births & deaths Names & SIN of spouse & dependents Note consenting to provide your income tax information to Elections Canada Installment payments made, if any Details of foreign property holdings (if any*) (T1135**) Contact details & consent to discuss your investments with any advisors Details of lawsuits settled in 2013 Support & settlement details resulting from matrimonial changes, if any TFSA statements Direct deposit information, if desired or bank changed

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Income from employment insurance (T4E) Income from partnerships (T5013) Workers compensation/social assistance payments (T5007) Details of the sale of securities such as stocks & bonds (eg. realized gain/loss report from your broker), possible T5008 slips Details of real estate sales & purchases Income from foreign investments Spousal support payments received T4As for any miscellaneous income received during the year T4PS (profit sharing)

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Universal child care benefit (RC62) Employment income (T4) Pension income (T4A, T4A(P), T4RIF, T4RSP) U.S. social security & any other foreign pensions Old age security (T4OAS) Investment income (T5) Income from trusts such as mutual fund investments (T3)

Trades people & apprentice tool purchases, if eligible Declaration of conditions of employment form (T2200) TL2 meals & lodging for transportation employees Expenses not reimbursed by your employer Office rent if required as a condition of employment Home office expenses If you are a commissioned salesperson, details supporting advertising expenses, promo tion, meals & entertainment

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Total kilometers driven & kilometers driven just for work c Details of total expenses c New vehicle, purchase invoice/agreement

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RRSP contributions Medical, dental, prescription drugs, nursing home expenses Payments to a private health insurance plan Charitable donations Tuition fees/education amount (T2202A for Canadian & TL11 for foreign universities) for yourself or transferred from a dependent, signed by student Interest paid on student loans Professional dues & insurance, union dues Public transit passes Childrens participation in programs related to physical activity & arts Interest on loans assumed to purchase investments Professional consultant fees Legal fees paid to establish child or spousal support or to enforce a pre-existing agreement Legal fees paid to recover wages from your employer Details of people you support & their medical status Child care receipts (if for camp, list dates attended) Non-reimbursed moving expenses if you moved 40 km or closer to a new work space location Property taxes or residential rent paid & to whom Ontario health home renovation costs incurred by those 65 & older Political contributions receipts Disability tax credit claim form completed by authorized health practitioner (T2201) Spousal support payments paid Adoption expenses

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Software backup of bookkeeping records, if computerized (include password) Manual book keeping records Total sales revenue or receipts for the year, if books not kept Total expenses listed by category for the year or receipts, if books not kept Capital assets acquired (eg., computers & peripherals, furniture & equipment) Home office expenses Partners names, addresses, SINs & per cent interest

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Address & number of units Rental income by unit c Rental expenses by unit & by category of expense c Partners names, addresses, SINs & per cent interest c details of any capital additions over $500, including furnishings & appliances

To better understand eligibility for tax deductions, read CGA Ontarios Personal Tax Planning guide, available in the Publications section of CGA Ontario offers a free accountant referral service to Ontario residents & businesses that would like to hire a CGA to help with tax returns, financial & other accounting services. Visit to locate a CGA in your area.

* May necessitate the filing of a U.S. or foreign tax return. ** The T1135 has changed, more details are required. Special thanks to the following CGAs for the development of this list: Bruce Clark, CGA, LPA; Allan Goldbach, CGA; Brian Moore, FCGA, LPA; Harley Saltzman, CGA, LPA; John Nazzarro, CGA, LPA; Stephen Lee, CGA Copyright 2014 by the Certified General Accountants of Ontario

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