Area of Irregular Polygons Lesson

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Carolyn Beaty Lesson Plan 2/20 Area of Irregular Polygon Shapes Materials: ELMO Foam tiles in two different

nt colors 1 inch square charted paper Rectilinear shapes for ELMO demonstration on 1 inch square chart paper Pencils Spiral notebooks Large 1 inch square chart (one per table group) Rectilinear shapes on 1 inch square chart paper (6 yellow, 6 green, 6 blue, and 6 red) Standards: Iowa Core: Mathematics > 3rd grade > Measurement > Finding the area of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-overlapping rectangles and adding the area of the non-overlapping parts. Objectives: Students will be able to separate rectilinear shapes into squares and rectangles. Students will be able to understand and apply the concept of area to rectilinear shapes (irregular polygons). Students will be able to find the are of rectilinear shapes (irregular polygons) Students will be able to work collaboratively to find the area of irregular polygons. Procedure: Teacher Actions: Set up a rectangle on made out of foam tiles on the ELMO. Students have been practicing how to find the area of these shapes all week. Now add in a few more foam tiles to make it a rectilinear shape. Ask students if they have any idea how we could find the area of a shape like this. Explain that in order to find the area of an irregular polygon shape, we need to split the shape into rectangles or squares. Use the other color foam tiles to show how we can split the shape into rectangles or squares. Use a think aloud for this portion of the lesson. Find the area of each shape. Have students participate in this. Then tell the students that we need to add the two areas together to find the area of the entire shape. Remember to add the label of sq. in. to the final answer. Do anther shape example with the tiles for students. Do it all in one color first, and have students make suggestions for how to separate the shape, then add the second color. Add together and add the label. Take a premade paper shape with the square inch chart on it and put it on the chart paper. Have students help solve this area. For the first one, you can put colored tiles onto the paper, but do not add color to the second one to see if students can visualize separating the polygon into rectangles and squares. Dont forget to add labels. Have students come up to the ELMO and show the class how they would split up the shape. Have students explain how they would solve the problem and find the area. Next, explain to students that they will be working in groups to find the areas of four different irregular polygon shapes. They will need to record their answers and show their thinking in their spiral notebooks. Show them on the ELMO how they need to set up their page. Area of

Irregular Polygons should be written on the top with the date. They should then write yellow, green, blue, and read down the side of their notebook, making sure to space this out. Hand each group a large 1 inch chart paper, and I shape of each color. Give students directions. They need to find the area of each shape, and show their thinking and record their answers in their notebooks. Remind them to always add a label (square inches). Give students time to work in groups and circulate to answer any questions and informally assess student understanding. Bring the group back together and have students read out their answers for each colored shape and how they solved it. See if each group got the same answer, or if they solved it the same way. Students can come up to the ELMO to share. (If there is not enough time, sharing can be done at a later time).

Student Actions: Students will need to listen to the direct instruction portion of the lesson on the ELMO. They will be asked to participate and answer questions during this part as well. Students will need to share their thoughts and ideas on how to spilt apart the shapes, and may be asked to come up to the ELMO to show the class how they think shapes should be split and how they would solve it. Students will listen to directions for the collaborative work portion of the lesson. Students will set up their spiral notebook as shown on the ELMO. Students will work together with their small groups to find the area of all four shapes. They will record the answers (with correct labels) and show their thinking in their notebooks. Students will share out their answers and their thinking process with the rest of the class. Students will be expected to participate in discussion and stay on task for the duration for the lesson. Assessment: Assessment can be done both informally and formally during this lesson. I will informally assess student understanding by listening to their answers to discussion questions, and to see if they can answer my questions when I am doing direct instruction on the ELMO. I will also informally assess as I watch and listen to each group during their group work time. I can formally assess student knowledge and understanding by looking at their spiral notebook page with the answers to the area of each shape along with their thinking of how they solved it. This will help me to see which students have a good grasp on the concept, and which student need some more instruction and scaffolding to succeed. Differentiation: This lesson can easily be differentiated for both struggling learners and advanced learners. For advanced learners, I would have shapes cut out that would require the students to separate the irregular polygon into three, four, or five separate rectangles or squares to find the area. This would challenge the students and allow them to use their problem solving skills, while also working in a collaborate group. For struggling learners, I would make sure to use appropriate scaffolding and give this group of learners extra help at the back table during collaborative group work. For ELL students, I will use pictures and physical examples to help explain the directions and provide scaffolding for their success.

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