BDA - Fasttracksystem

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INTRODUCTION BDA has embarked on a major exercise to become more customer friendly and to ensure transparency and accountability

in its operations. With this in view, a host of new initiatives are in the pipeline and one of them covers the TPM division. This is a system proposed by BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY to reduce time period to get commencement certificate for the construction of buildings. Under Fast Track System, proposals will be submitted along with necessary documents and charges to BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. BDA will issue the commencement certificate within 72 hours or by the end of next working day. Note: Even though the fast track system is implemented, the existing system of plan approval will continue. 1. Creating List of Architects for Fast Track System The BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY will invite applications from interested Architects for issuing identification number to them for the Fast Track System. 1.1 Any architect holding a valid registration with the Council of Architecture with a minimum of 10 years experience will be eligible for applying in the presented format of application & undertaking, along with a copy of Registration Certificate.

1.2 The BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY will maintain a List of the Architects interested in using this facility and will allot Identification No. to the individual architects. This number will be quoted in all communications in the Fast Track System. 1.3 The Applicant Architect should have a clean record of professional practice and shall not be guilty of any professional misconduct or misdemeanor at any time in the past. The Architect will have to submit an undertaking to this effect along with his/her application. SCOPE OF THE FAST TRACK SYSTEM:


2.1. The proposal should be within the framework of Zonal Regulations. Any Architect found guilty while using Fast Track System, will be debarred from using FAST TRACK SYSTEM and the matter will be referred to the Council of Architecture (New Delhi) for further course of action. 2.2. Proposals & revisions will be eligible for fast track system upto 33% of permissible FAR. (This permissible FAR should exclude FAR of TDR.) 2.3. Proposals & revisions will be eligible for fast track system upto 1.0 FAR.

Note: This fast track system is applicable for new proposals, revisions.

2.4. This system shall not be applicable to: 2.4.1. Proposals of layout, amalgamation and subdivision of plots. 2.4.2. Proposals within the congested area(CBD). 2.4.3. Proposals requiring special DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. 2.4.4. Proposals utilizing T. D. R. 2.4.5. Proposals for Heritage, Religious & similarly placed Structures 3. PROCEDURE OF APPROVAL UNDER FAST TRACK SYSTEM: The Proposals shall be submitted as under: a. Six copies of the Plans along with requisite documents shall be submitted to BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. b. All pertinent charges for the built up area to be sanctioned under fast track system shall be paid to the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY along with the submission. c. The proposal thus submitted shall be eligible to get commencement certificate along with duly approved one copy of the plan within 72 hrs or by the end of third working day under the FAST TRACK system. permissions from BANGALORE

Note: In Addition to the above procedure, the Architect may submit the entire proposal distinctly indicating area permissible under fast track system. In such circumstances the indicated area shall be sanctioned under fast track system. And balance FAR will be sanctioned under existing procedure. BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY may either: i Grant the permission unconditionally OR ii Grant the permission with corrections OR iii Refuse permission giving all specific reasons/ objections as per the Zonal Regulations.
4. OTHER MODALITIES OF FAST TRACK SYSTEM a. The commencement certificate issued under the fast track system shall be valid only for the first applicants i.e., Architect and Owner. In case of any change in any of the applicants the commencement will have to be obtained again in the name of new Architect/ Owner. b. NOC issued to of the first applicant shall require for resubmission of the same proposal by the new applicants. c. The architect shall notify the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY in case of any deviation contrary to his recorded instructions or sanction plan. All such recorded instructions shall bear the signature of the Architect and the Owner. 2

d. The owner /Developer shall keep the Architect informed in writing about the commencement of work, plinth & completion of work. e. The Architect shall inform BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY immediately after completion of plinth work along with block plan having physically verified dimensions. Further work shall continue on submission of this notice. BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY officials may physically check the work and communicate objections if any to the Architect and the Owner within a period of 15 days from the date of submission of above notice. In case no such objections are raised by the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, A separate plinth-checking certificate from the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY will not be required. f. Any Architect found guilty by the Joint Technical Committee (JTC), while using fast track system, will be debarred from using FAST TRACK SYSTEM with immediate effect and the matter will be referred to the Council of Architecture for further course of action. 5. JOINT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (JTC) FUNCTIONS AND POWERS: Commissioner, BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY will constitute a Joint Technical Committee (JTC) for the purpose of clarification, implementing, administering, monitoring, and periodically reviewing technical matters of the Fast Track system. The JTC shall be the appellate authority to resolve all appeals made by Landowners, Architects or B.D.A. officials for all issues pertaining to FAST TRACK SYSTEM. Other modalities for JTC will be as per the enclosed note. 6. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE PROPOSAL: a. The proposals under fast track system shall be accompanied by documents, other papers as per list mentioned in the application form. However, proposals pertaining to revisions shall require only 6 copies of plans along with the application. b. Undertaking of the owner as per the enclosed formats. 7. The status of which of the applications submitted under the fast track system will be available on line through E-Pragathi Kiosk proposed by the BDA. In addition an applicant can also know the status on the web wherein icon has been created specifically for the purpose of tracking and monitoring each one of the applications received.


The BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Commissioner shall constitute a Joint Technical Committee (JTC) for the purpose of clarification, implementing, administering, monitoring, and periodically reviewing the Fast Track system. The JTC shall be the appellate authority to resolve all appeals made by Landowners, Architects or B.D.As officials for all technical issues pertaining to FAST TRACK SYSTEM. CHAPTER I 1. JTC means the Joint Technical Committee. 2. Meeting means the meeting of the Joint Technical Committee. 3. Commissioner means BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Commissioner. 4. Members mean Members of the Joint Technical Committee. 5. System means the Fast Track System. SHORT TITLES AND DEFINITIONS

The JTC shall consist of 6 members viz.: 1. Engineer Member. 2. Town Planner Member. 3. Deputy Commissioner(LAQ) 4. Deputy Director of Town Planning and Secretary of the committee. 4. One officially nominated representative by IIA. 5. One officially nominated representative by KOAPA. A JTC Members

The Senior Legal Advisor of the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY will be a special invitee of the J.T.C. 1. 2. 3. 4. The meetings of the JTC shall be held as often as may be required but at least once a month. The meetings shall be held at any BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY premises. The notice period for the meeting shall be 7 days. The Secretary of the JTC shall send agenda for the meeting to all members of the JTC along with the minutes of the last meeting. The Secretary of the JTC shall incorporate complaints/ appeals received prior to the issue of the notice for the meeting. The Quorum for the meeting shall be 4 nos. of whom one should be out of the two members mentioned at Sl. Nos. 5 and 6 above.

B Meetings



1. 2.

The JTC shall be responsible for periodic monitoring and reviewing the Fast Track system. The JTC shall resolve any technical disputes of interpretation of rules, policies or procedures amongst the Architect, the owner and the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY officials. If any person wants to seek the clarification regarding Zonal Regulations, Policies, Circulars of B.D.A. he/ she shall write to the JTC and the JTC shall communicate the clarification in writing within 30 days. If any dispute arises in JTC the decision of Commissioner shall be final and binding.

C Roles & Responsibilities of the JTC.


JTC will not give any decision without giving opportunity being heard to the affected parties.

The reports of the JTC shall be conveyed to both IAA & KOAPA Associations and be displayed on the notice board at a prominent place in the Town Planning Section of the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.

D Report of the JTC


NOTICE FOR ENLISTING ARCHITECTS FOR FAST TRACK SYSTEM. I. BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY intends to issue building permissions through a system known as FAST TRACK SYSTEM, where after submitting the proposal commencement certificate will be issued within 72 hours or by the end of third working day. For this a list of Architects is to be prepared and their names, addresses and other details will be made available on web site of BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. These Architects will be eligible to submit their building proposal to BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY under FAST TRACK SYSTEM. The fast track system will be optional to citizens seeking permissions to submit their building proposals. Proposals & revisions will be eligible for fast track system up to 33% of permissible FAR. (This permissible FAR should exclude FAR of TDR.) Proposals & revisions will be eligible for fast track system upto 1.0 FAR. This system shall not be applicable to: i. Proposals of layout, amalgamation and subdivision of plots. ii. Proposals within the congested area. iii. Proposals requiring special DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. iv. Proposals utilizing T. D. R. II. Applications are invited for identification numbers for fast track system from Architects having following minimum eligibility. A person registered under the provisions of Architects Act 1972 as an Architect and holding a valid registration of Council of Architecture as on date. permissions from BANGALORE

No action should have been taken against the Applicant on technical grounds.

Architect will have to submit an undertaking in the prescribed format while applying for the identification number under FAST TRACK SYSTEM.

III. BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY will issue identification number to the applicant Architect. It shall be the responsibility of the Architects that he / she has verified and confirmed all the plans and papers, required no-objection certificates, demarcations and Title opinion etc. of the proposal to be submitted in FAST TRACK SYSTEM. The proposal should be within the framework of Zonal Regulations Any Architect found guilty while using Fast Track System will be temporarily debarred from using FAST TRACK SYSTEM with immediate effect and the matter will be referred to the Council of Architecture (New Delhi) for further course of action. IV. Applications for Identification number for FAST TRACK SYSTEM to be submitted in prescribed Format. The forms and detailed procedure of application and FAST TRACK SYSTEM are available with the Town Planning Section. BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Bangalore . Identification number will not be issued to applicants, who do not fulfill the requisite norms. Applications duly filled and accompanied with required enclosures must be made to the undersigned. Any additional information and clarification required shall be obtained from the office of the undersigned during working hours.



(Note: This Application/ Undertaking should be submitted on Stamp paper of Rs. 200/- & duly notarised) Application for enlistment and Undertaking by the Architect for Fast Track System 1. I___________________________________ am a Registered Architect having valid Registration no. __________________ with the Council of Architecture. 2. I hereby apply for identification number under Fast Track System proposed by BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. I hereby affirm that I shall abide by all the Zonal Regulations and policies prevalent from time to time, in my proposals. I am fully aware of the modalities of the Fast Track System and the decision of the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY shall be binding on me. I further state that I have not been found guilty of any professional misconduct or misdemeanour in the past. Sign. ______________________________________ Name. _____________________________________ Registration no. _____________________________ Address ___________________________ BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Identification No. (For Official Use)

Date:-_____________ To, The Town Planner Member (Fast Track System) Town Planning Section, Bangalore Development Authority, Bangalore. Sub: Proposal under FAST TRACK system for proposed construction at _________________________________________________________________ ___ . Dear Sir, We enclose herewith, the above-mentioned proposal for approval under the FAST TRACK system. We enclose herewith following documents, which are prima facie verified by us. The Property is buildable considering the existing Zonal Regulations Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Documents Ownership Documents. Land use Certificate (if applicable). Land Acquisition Endorsement. Copy of approval layout (if applicable). Affidavit, Indemnity Bond. Latest Tax Paid Receipt. Registered Power of Attorney (if applicable). Owner/ Developers undertaking under FAST TRACK system. Application Form under MRTP & BPMC Act. Details

10. Structural Consultants certificate. 11. Fire Force, Airports Authority of India/BWSSB/KPTCL/Telecom NOCs (if applicable). 12. Environmental Clearance from KSPCB.


We enclose herewith six copies of the plans duly signed by us and prepared as per prevailing Zonal Regulations and BDA policies applicable for above referred proposal. The brief details of the proposal are as under 1. Minimum Plot Area _________________ sqm. 2. Net Plot Area _________________ sqm. (After deducting open space, Road widening area, encroachment area, any reservation, etc.) 3. Permissible Area under the FAST TRACK SYSTEM _________________ sqm. (33% of permissible FAR on net plot area) 4. Width of Road in front of the plot _____________m. 5. Height of the proposed building _________________ m. 6. Basement / Podium proposed Yes / No 7. Ground Coverage Permissible _______________ sqm. Proposed _______________ sqm. 8. Front Setback __________ m. 9. Side Setback (L) _______ m. (R)________m. 10. Rear Setback ____________m. 11. Minimum height of floors ________ m. 12. Maximum height of Floors ________ m. 13. Tenements Permissible _____________ Proposed _______________. 14. Commercial Area _______________ sqm. 15. Residential Area _____________ sqm. 16. Parking required _____________ Cars __________ Scooters _____________ Cycles. 17. Parking proposed _____________ Cars __________ Scooters _____________ Cycles. (Parking layout is enclosed) We also enclose herewith challans for the various amounts paid for the abovementioned proposal, which are also verified by us. Sr . No . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Particulars Challan No. Dated Amt. in Rs. Areas in Sqm. Resi. Comm.

Scrutiny Fees Development Charges Betterment Levy Slum Cess Ring Road Cess MRTL Cess


7. 8.

Cauvery Water Cess Security Deposit

We have physically inspected the site and verify that the construction of proposal submitted has not yet commenced. The above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We request that relying on our verification of the documents and plans enclosed herewith, please approve the plans and issue Commencement Certificate immediately. Thanking you, Yours faithfully.




(Note: This Undertaking should be submitted on Stamp paper of Rs. 200/- & duly notarized) UNDERTAKING BY THE OWNER/ DEVELOPER/ P. A. H.

To, The Commissioner, Bangalore Development Authority, Bangalore. I/We ________________________________________________________________ am / are the owner/ Developer/ Power of Attorney Holder bearing ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ village ______________________ (hereinafter referred to as the said plot of land) and I have appointed ______________ ______________________________ as Architect for the project on the said plot of land. I/ We am/ are submitting the building plans with necessary and required papers for according building construction permission on the said plot of land under the FAST TRACK SYSTEM. I/ We am/ are aware that it is difficult for BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY to scrutinize and check the genuineness; bonafides, correctness and many other aspects of the documents submitted by me/ us on which BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY shall be relying, while sanctioning the plans in FAST TRACK SYSTEM. Hence I/ we certify, affirm and undertake that: 1. The documents submitted by me/ us are genuine, certified copies of original documents, of the said plot of land. 2. I/ We am/ are the owner of the said plot of land and I/ we have every right to get the plans approved from BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY as Owner / Developer and title of the said plot of land is clear and marketable. 3. On getting the plans sanctioned under FAST TRACK SYSTEM, for the said plot of land any dispute/ complaint is received by BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY against me/ us challenging the title of the said plot of land, I/ we hereby undertake to indemnify the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY against any loss/ damage that may be caused due to sanctioning of plans by BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY under FAST TRACK SYSTEM.


4. I/ We undertake to abide myself/ ourselves by the instructions/ decisions of the Architects appointed as aforesaid by me/ us as regards amendments / modifications / alterations to the sanctioned plans. 5. I/ We also undertake to alter / modify / amend the actual construction on site after receiving the final decision of the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY as regards modification / alterations / amendments to the plans sanctioned, after proper scrutiny of the proposal in the due course of time. 6. In the event it is found that I/ we am/ are not abiding the instructions given by the Architect/ BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY as regards following the Zonal Regulations, and if there is any dispute as regards interpretation of Zonal Regulations, I/ we shall abide by the decision of the BANGALORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. 7. I/ We shall keep informing the Architect regarding the progress of the work from time to time.






Name Postal Address

Telephone No. if any Qualification(Enclosed Photocopy of the Certificate) Experience (enclosed the list of information building designed both in Bangalore and other major cities in the supporting documents) Whether Prescribed fee of Rs.2000. Paid? Challan No. & Date Photostat copies of relevant document in Support of Qualification & minimum of 10 years experience to be furnished Whether member of institution of Architect any other professional Institution recognized is so, the Reg. No. to be certificate Any other relevant information in support of registration Phone No. Residence Mobile
Station: Date: Signature of the Applicant

Three P.P



This is to Certify that the name of

Renewals Year Shri/Smt... . has been entered in the Register as for . FAST TRACK SYSTEM and his Registration No. ..


. .
This certificate is valid from of

. .. .. .. ..

Given under the seal Of the Bangalore Development Authority

This Day..200.

Town Planning Member Bangalore Development Authority


To, Town Planner Member, Bangalore Development Authority Bangalore, From , K. Shanthi Valli Com.K.vamshidhar Babu No.104, Sai residency Appartments II, Royalseema nagar, Biragi Patina, Thirupathi Sub: Changes of lands use Sy.No. 80/3 of Bellandur Village Varthur hobli, Bangalore South Taluk. 6216-sft areas o/o 8621-00-sft Reference: Your office Letter No.BDA/TPM/CLU/483/4007/2004-05 dated 24-3-2005-03-26

With reference to your letter I am hereby enclosing the paper notification fee paid at Canara Bank extension counter, BDA vide challan no.1448874 dated 26.3.2005 for further needful.

Yours Faithfully


To, Town Planner Member, Bangalore Development Authority Bangalore, From , K. Shanthi Valli (GPA holders for Sri . S.B.S. Maniyan ) No.02,1St A cross, Dollar scheme , I stage, BTM Layout Bangalore-560 068 Sub: Changes of lands use Sy.No. 80/3 of Bellandur Village Varthur hobli, Bangalore South Taluk Reference: Your office Letter No.BDA/TPM/CLU/483/4007/2004-05 dated 24-3-2005-03-25

With reference to your letter I am hereby enclosing the paper notification fee paid at Canara Bank extension counter, BDA vide challan no.1448873 dated 26.3.2005 for further needful.

Yours Faithfully


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