Booking Contract PerformingArtists

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The document outlines the terms of a booking contract between two parties for a dance performance including details about the event, artists, payments, food/coordination provided, and contingencies.

The first party shall pay the second party 50% upon signing and 50% on the day of the event. The second party is responsible for compensating the artists.

If the second party cannot perform due to circumstances beyond their control, they refund the down payment. If the first party postpones, the second party keeps half the down payment as damages.



This Agreement made and entered into on ____________ in and bet!een" herein re#erred to as the FIRST PARTY$ % and %


hereina#ter re#erred to as the SECOND PARTY$ WITNESSETH: That &' FIRST PARTY has so(ght the ser)i*es o# the SECOND PARTY !ho +resents herse,# as s(++,ier o# artists, to +ro)ide artists #or the +er#orman*e o# dan*e n(mbers #or the e)ent be,o! s+e*i#ied and in a**ordan*e !ith the #o,,o!ing detai,s" EVENT VENUE : : ONE ESPLANADE BLDG. Seasi e B!"#e$a% &!%'e% (. W Di!)'! B!"#e$a% * +a## !, Asia C!-.#e/ Pasa0 Cit0 1233 : : 2 DANCE NU+BERS : CD ONLY


-' .or the +(r+ose, the SECOND PARTY has +ro+osed to FIRST PARTY the dan*e gro(+ /no!n as 5B GENSAN 0hereina#ter the 1A%tists23 as the +er#ormers to be +ro)ided #or the e)ent and the FIRST PARTY has agreed thereto'

4' .or and in *onsideration o# the +er#orman*e o# the Artists in the e)ent and o# the SECOND PARTY6S ser)i*es, the FIRST PARTY sha,, +a to the SECOND PARTY the amo(nt o# +a ab,e as #o,,o!s" .i#t +er*ent 05673sha,, be d(e (+on signing the agreement$ and .i#t +er*ent 05673 ba,an*e on the da o# the e)ent be#ore the +rogram starts' The SECOND PARTY sha,, be res+onsib,e in *om+ensating the Artists and hereb ho,ds the FIRST PARTY #ree and harm,ess #rom an *,aims b the Artists' 8' The FIRST PARTY agrees to +ro)ide the #o,,o!ing to the SECOND PARTY" a3 .ood and be)erages #or &4 +eo+,e (+on arri)ing and d(ring the sta at the )en(e b3 9oordination and an ade:(ate ba*/gro(nd in#ormation or brie#ing on the e)ent thro(gh its a ,iaison +erson$ .or the +(r+ose, it agreed that *omm(ni*ation sha,, be thro(gh emai, at and a,ternati)e, b te;t messaging to the mobi,e +hone n(mber ' 5' <n *ase the SECOND PARTY #ai,s to +er#orm at the e)ent d(e to (n*ontro,,ab,e=(na)oidab,e *ir*(mstan*es s(*h as si*/ness o# Artists, tro+i*a, disasters, a**idents or an a*ts o# >od, the SECOND PARTY sha,, ret(rn the #i#t +er*ent do!n +a ment to FIRST PARTY' Pro)ided that in *ase the reason #or the inabi,it to +er#orm is d(e to si*/ness, the SE9ON? PARTY ma , s(b@e*t to a++ro)a, o# .<RST PARTY, re+,a*e the Artists !ith another !ith the same star )a,(e' FIRST PARTY agrees that this *ontra*t does not *o)er an radio, te,e)ision' or #i,m rights' A' <n *ase the FIRST PARTY +ost+ones the said #(n*tion, the ARTIST sha,, re#(nd one ha,# o# the amo(nt o# do!n +a ment and retain the other ha,# b !a o# damages #or ,ost boo/ing be*a(se the ARTIST has b,o*/ed the date o# the said e)ent and did not a**e+t boo/ings on the same da to +re)ent *on#,i*t o# s*hed(,e !ith the e)ent o# FIRST PARTY' Pro)ided ho!e)er that i# the Artists are a)ai,ab,e to +er#orm on the date o# resetting o# the e)ent b .<RST PARTY, the SE9ON? PARTY sha,, ha)e the o+tion o# *ontin(ing this *ontra*t in a**ordan*e !ith its terms or to *an*e, the same !ith #or#eit(re as hereinbe#ore +ro)ided' B' A,, +a ments made herein sha,, be e;*,(si)e o# a++,i*ab,e ta;es d(e on the amo(nt re*ei)ed b SECOND PARTY and=or Artists !ho agree to be res+onsib,e #or the +a ment o# an and a,, ta;es on the amo(nt the re*ei)ed and hereb ho,ds the .<RST PARTY #ree and harm,ess #rom s(*h *,aim or ,iabi,it '

<n !itness thereo#, the _______________-6&-'












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