Botany and Plant Pathology

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Botany and Plant Pathology

Fruit Diseases
Grape Black Rot
Black rot is one of the most common and serious diseases of wild and cultivated
grapes. The fungus attacks canes, tendrils, leaves, and fruit. The disease is most
destructive in warm, humid areas. Before good control measures were developed,
it was not uncommon for entire crops to be lost. However, it is now possible to
maintain control of black rot using a combination of sound cultural practices,
fungicides, and resistant varieties.
Paul C. Pecknold, Symptoms of black rot first appear as small yellowish spots on leaves. As the
Extension Plant spots enlarge, a black border forms around the margins. The centers of the lesions
Pathologist become reddish-brown. By the time the lesions reach 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter,
tiny black dots appear. These are spore-producing structures of the fungus. Often
they are arranged in a ring pattern, just inside the margin of the lesion. Lesions
may also appear on young shoots, cluster stems, and tendrils. These lesions are
purple to black, oval in outline, and sunken. Fruit symptoms often do not appear
until grapes are half grown. Small, round, light brownish spots form on the fruit.
The rotted tissue in the spot softens and becomes sunken. The spot enlarges
quickly, rotting the entire berry in a few days. The diseased fruit shrivels,
becoming small, hard, black, and wrinkled. Raised, black spore-producing
Reference to products in this
structures of the fungus form on the blackened, shriveled fruit. The shriveled,
publication is not intended
infected fruit are commonly known as “mummies.” These mummies usually
to be an endorsement to the
exclusion of others which remain attached to the fruit cluster.
may be similar. Persons
using such products assume
responsibility for their use
in accordance with current
label directions of the

Shriveled “Mummified” fruit due to black rot infection

Purdue University • Cooperative Extension Service • West Lafayette, IN 47907

Cause 2. Chemical Control:
Black rot is caused by the fungus, Guignardia A fungicide spray program, especially early in the
bidwellii. During winter, the fungus persists in cane season, is required for adequate control of black rot.
and tendril lesions and fruit mummies. In spring, Apply fungicides on a regular schedule starting when
spores of the fungus are carried to young tissue by new growth is 4 to 6 inches long. Continue spraying
splashing or wind-blown rain. Infection of grape on a 7- to 10-day schedule (7 days during wet
tissue occurs in less than 12 hours if temperatures weather, 10 days if dry) until berries start to change
range between 60 and 90 deg. F. Black rot infection color. NOTE: Berries are no longer susceptible to
will continue as long as rains and warm weather black rot when they reach about 6 percent to 8 percent
continue. Usually, infection is first seen on the lower sugar content (usually when they start to change
leaves of vines 14-21 days after infection has color.)
occurred. Important: fungicides act as a protective coat of
“paint” on the leaf surface; where possible, apply
Control fungicides just before a prolonged wet period occurs,
1. Cultural Control: not after.
Sanitation is CRITICAL in the control of black rot. Fungicides commonly available to backyard growers
Destroy mummies, remove diseased tendrils from the for control of black rot include: myclobutanil 9sold as
wires, and when pruning, if possible, leave only Immunox), and captan. Follow all label instructions
fruiting canes without lesions. If only a few leaf regarding amounts of pesticide to use, method of
lesions appear in the spring, remove these infected application, and safety warnings. For further
leaves because the disease spreads rapidly after a few information on fungicides for commercial growers
infections become established. Plant grapes in sunny refer to: ID-169, “Indiana Commercial Small Fruit &
open areas that allow good air movement. When Grape Spray Guide.”
grapes are exposed to light and good air circulation,
they are less likely to have black rot. Good weed
control also enables plants to dry more quickly.

It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, David C. Petritz, Director, that all persons shall have equal opportunity and
access to the programs and facilities without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation,
or disability. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action institution. This material may be available in alternative formats.

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