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The document discusses factors related to foreign currency financial statements including determining functional currency and approaches to translating financial statements based on the functional currency.

A company's functional currency is normally the currency it receives most payments in and pays most liabilities in. Other factors include whether sales prices are determined by local competition/regulation or worldwide markets.

If the functional currency is the local currency, the current rate method is used. If it is the parent currency, the temporal method is used. If it is some other currency, both approaches may need to be used.


Answers to Questions 1 A companys functional curr ncy is t! curr ncy of t! primary conomic n"ironm nt in #!ic! it op rat s$ It is normally t! curr ncy in #!ic! it r c i" s most of its paym nts from custom rs an% in #!ic! it pays most of its lia&iliti s$ Ot! r factors t!at ar consi% r % in % t rminin' t! functional curr ncy inclu% #! t! r its sal s pric s ar % t rmin % primarily &y local comp tition or local 'o" rnm nt r 'ulation inst a% of s!ort(run )c!an' rat c!an' s or #orl%#i% mar* ts$ T! functional curr ncy % t rmination +local curr ncy or par nt curr ncy or som ot! r curr ncy, is critical in % t rminin' #!at approac! to con" rtin' financial stat m nts to t! ultimat r portin' curr ncy is us %- t! curr nt rat or t! t mporal m t!o%$ If t! functional curr ncy is t! local curr ncy. t! curr nt rat m t!o% is us %$ If it is t! par nt curr ncy. t! t mporal m t!o% is us %$ If it is som ot! r curr ncy. t! n &ot! approac! s may n % to & us %$ 2 A !i'!ly inflationary conomy un% r GAA/ is on t!at !as cumulati" inflation of appro)imat ly 011 p rc nt or mor o" r a t!r (y ar p rio%$ T! functional curr ncy is assum % to & t! r portin' curr ncy +for U$S$ compani s. t! %ollar, #!ic! m ans t!at t! for i'n curr ncy financial stat m nts must & r m asur % into t! %ollar usin' t! t mporal m t!o%$ T! ff ct of t! !yp rinflation is t! n r fl ct % in t! curr nt y ars consoli%at % incom stat m nt #!ic! #oul% not & t! cas if t! curr nt rat m t!o% # r us %$ 2u%'m nt must & ) rcis % in applyin' t!is rul to a"oi% c!an'in' functional curr nci s fr 3u ntly %u to minor %iff r nc s in t! inflation rat $ T! functional curr ncy of a for i'n su&si%iary %o s not aff ct t! ori'inal r cor%in' of t! &usin ss com&ination$ T!is is & caus all ass ts. lia&iliti s. an% 3uiti s of t! for i'n su&si%iary ar con" rt % into U$S$ %ollars at t! curr nt )c!an' rat in ff ct on t! %at of consummation of t! &usin ss com&ination$ As a r sult. no sp cial proc %ur must & appli % at t! %at of ori'inal r cor%in' of a for i'n su&si%iary$ T! curr nt rat m t!o% is us % #! n t! for i'n su&si%iarys local curr ncy is % t rmin % to & t! su&si%iarys functional curr ncy$ T! su&si%iarys financial stat m nts must & translat % usin' t! curr nt rat m t!o% into t! r portin' ntitys curr ncy +typically t! par nts curr ncy,$ T! t mporal m t!o% is us % #! n t! for i'n su&si%iarys curr ncy is % t rmin % to & t! r portin' ntitys curr ncy +typically t! par nts curr ncy,$ T! su&si%iarys financial stat m nts must & r m asur % usin' t! t mporal m t!o% into t! r portin' ntitys curr ncy$ Sinc t! functional curr ncy is not t! par nts curr ncy. no %ir ct impact on t! r portin' ntitys +par nts, cas! flo#s is )p ct % %u to )c!an' rat c!an' s$ T! ff cts of )c!an' rat c!an' s ar r fl ct % in t! consoli%at % stat m nts accumulat % compr ! nsi" incom account inst a% of & in' inclu% % in t! incom stat m nt$ Sinc t! functional curr ncy is assum % to & t! r portin' ntitys +or par nts, curr ncy. a %ir ct impact on t! par nts cas! flo#s is )p ct % %u to )c!an' rat c!an' s$ T! ff cts of )c!an' rat c!an' s ar r fl ct % in t! consoli%at % incom stat m nt$ A for i'n su&si%iarys financial stat m nts coul% & &ot! translat % an% r m asur % if t! ntitys &oo*s ar maintain % in a %iff r nt curr ncy t!an t! functional curr ncy an% t! functional curr ncy is not t! r portin' ntitys local curr ncy$ In t!is cas . t! ntitys financial stat m nts must & r m asur % into t! functional curr ncy usin' t! t mporal m t!o%$ T! 'ain or loss on r m asur m nt is inclu% % in incom $ T! functional curr ncy financial stat m nts ar t! n translat % into t! r portin' ntitys curr ncy usin' t! curr nt rat m t!o%$ T! 'ain or loss on t! translation is inclu% % in accumulat % ot! r compr ! nsi" incom $ In t!is situation. t! consoli%at % financial stat m nts #oul% inclu% &ot! a


Foreign Currency Financial Statements

r m asur m nt 'ain or loss in incom an% t! a translation a%4ustm nt inclu% % in accumulat % ot! r compr ! nsi" incom $ 9 No. it #oul% not & appropriat to us t! annual a" ra' )c!an' rat $ T! or tically. t! )c!an' rat at t! %at ac! transaction occurs s!oul% & us %$ Gi" n t!at t!is is not practical. r asona&l assumptions ar ma% conc rnin' #!at )c!an' rat to us $ T! us of an a" ra' )c!an' rat is appropriat #! n sal s ar arn % " nly %urin' t! y ar an% )p ns s ar incurr % " nly %urin' t! y ar$ A r asona&l assumption for a !oli%ay tr 'ro# r #oul% & to us t! a" ra' )c!an' rat %urin' t! 3uart r from Octo& r t!rou'! 5 c m& r sinc t!os ar t! mont!s t!at tr s ar typically sol%$ For )p ns s. )aminin' t! mont!s t!at ar t! most la&or int nsi" +suc! as plantin'. f rtili6in' an% !ar" stin', an% usin' a r asona&l # i'!tin' of t!os mont!s )c!an' rat s #oul% & a r asona&l #ay of % t rminin' t! rat for t!os costs$ T! par nt purc!as % t! su&si%iary for an amount in )c ss of &oo* "alu $ T!is )c ss #as attri&uta&l to an unr cor% % pat nt$ R call t!at t! )c ss amount #oul% not & inclu% % on t! su&si%iarys &oo*s$ T! consoli%at % financial stat m nts. !o# " r. #oul% inclu% &ot! t! amorti6ation of t! pat nt an% t! pat nt$ Sinc t! curr nt rat m t!o% is & in' us %. t! impact of t! c!an' in )c!an' rat s on t! pat nt an% t! amorti6ation is inclu% % in t! translation a%4ustm nt to & inclu% % in consoli%at % compr ! nsi" incom $ T! su&si%iarys translation a%4ustm nt #oul% not inclu% t!is & caus t! pat nt #as not inclu% % in t! &oo*s$ T!us. t! consoli%at % translation a%4ustm nt is lar' r t!an t! su&si%iarys translation a%4ustm nt$ T! t mporal m t!o% r 3uir s r m asurin' )p ns s of a for i'n su&si%iary$ E)p ns s r lat % to mon tary it ms ar r m asur % at appropriat ly # i'!t % a" ra' )c!an' rat s for t! p rio%$ T!os typ s of )p ns s ar it! r pai% in cas! or r cor% % as lia&iliti s #!ic! #ill r 3uir t! " ntual paym nt of cas!$ T!os t!at r lat to nonmon tary it ms ar r m asur % at !istorical )c!an' rat s$ E)p ns s r lat % to nonmon tary it ms #oul% & t!os r lat % to in" ntory an% plant ass ts$ Un% r t! curr nt rat m t!o%. all accounts ar translat % at t! # i'!t % a" ra' rat $ If t! functional curr ncy is su&si%iarys local curr ncy. t! curr nt rat m t!o% is us %. an% t! 'ain or loss on t! ! %' of a n t in" stm nt in a for i'n su&si%iary is r port % in ot! r compr ! nsi" incom $ If t! functional curr ncy is t! par nts curr ncy. t! t mporal m t!o% is us %. an% t! 'ain or loss is inclu% % in curr nt p rio% incom $




Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter 14


SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES Solution E14-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 c a c a b b 7 8 9 c b a

Solution E14-2 [Based on AICPA] 1 2 3 c d d 4 5 b a

Solution E14-3 Pai Com an! an" Su#$i"ia%! Consolidated Balance Sheet at Januar !, "#!! Current assets [$3,###,### % $&&#,### ' (!##,###) $!.*+,] .and [$/##,### ' ("##,###) $!.*+,] Buildings 8 net [$!,"##,### ' ("+#,###) $!.*+,] E0uip1ent 8 net [$!,###,### ' (!##,###) $!.*+,] 2ood3ill [$&&#,### cost % (4+#,###) 5air 6alue $!.*+,] $",!-+,### !,!3#,### !,*!",+## !,!*+,### "4-,+## $*,33#,### Current liabilities [$*##,### ' (+#,###) $!.*+,] 7otes pa able [$!,###,### ' (!+#,###) $!.*+,] Capital stoc8 9etained earnings $ */",+## !,"4-,+## 3,###,### !,4##,### $*,33#,###

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Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution E14-4 Foreign currency statements In6entor 3ill be carried at the !#,### euros historical cost.

Remeasured statements (Temporal Method) In6entor 3ill be carried at cost o5 $+,3##.

Under translated statements (Current Rate Method) In6entor 3ill be carried at ear%end current rate o5 $*,###.

Solution E14-5 1 Patent at ac0uisition o5 Si1 Cost o5 Si1 Boo8 6alue ac0uired: (3+,###,### Euros $.#3#, Patent in dollars Patent in Euros ($!+#,###;$.#3#, 2 Patent a1orti<ation in dollars Patent a1orti<ation in Euros (+,###,###;!# ears, = +##,### Euros Patent a1orti<ation in $ (+##,### Euros $.#3" a6erage rate, 3 Entr to record patent a1orti<ation $!*,### 3,### !&,### 5ro1 !+#,### (!*,###, !34,### !&,### !+3,### $!,"##,### !,#+#,### $ !+#,### +,###,### Eu


Inco1e 5ro1 Si1 In6est1ent in Si1 E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation o5 Patent

?o record patent a1orti<ation and the e0uit ad>ust1ent translation o5 patent co1puted as 5ollo3s: Beginning patent +,###,### Euros $.#3# $ A1orti<ation (+##,###, .#3" 4,+##,### E0uit ad>ust1ent Ending patent 4,+##,### .#34 $

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Chapter 14


Solution E14-6 Preli1inar co1putations Cost o5 in6est1ent in Sta Boo8 6alue ac0uired (&#,### ) $!.**, E@cess in dollars E@cess allocated to e0uip1ent (*,### ) $!.**, Patent 1 E0uit "#!! $!*3,/## !4&,4## $ !4,4## $ &,&*#

$ 4,44# $ !4,4## ad>ust1ent 5ro1 e@cess allocated to e0uip1ent on Aece1ber 3!, ears, $ ",### ) *,+*# 3,3## &,/*# &,&*# $ !##

Aepreciation o5 e@cess based on ) (*,###;3

Bndepreciated e@cess balance at ear%end based on ) (4,### ) $!.*4 current rate, Add: Aepreciation on e@cess based on ) 8 "#!! ",### ) $!.*+ a6erage rate .ess: Beginning e@cess based on B.S. dollars E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation o5 e@cess allocated to e0uip1ent (loss, 2 E0uit

ad>ust1ent 5ro1 e@cess allocated to patent on Aece1ber 3!, "#!!. "*- ) $ 3,&4& 44! 4,3&# 4,44# +# ad>ust1ent

Patent (1ust be carried in ), $4,44#;$!.** = ",*-+ ) patent Patent a1orti<ation is ",*-+ ) ; !# ears = Bna1orti<ed e@cess balance at ear%end based on ) (",4#/ ) $!.*4 current rate, Add: A1orti<ation o5 patent based on ) ("*- ) $!.*+ a6erage rate, .ess: Beginning patent based on B.S. dollars E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation o5 patent (loss, Not required: ?he entr to record the decrease in the e0uit related to e0uip1ent and patent 3ould be as 5ollo3s: Inco1e 5ro1 Sta E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation (e0uip1ent, E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation o5 patent In6est1ent in Sta $3,-4! !## +# $

$ $ $


?o ad>ust the inco1e 5ro1 Sta 5or depreciation on the e@cess allocated to e0uip1ent ($3,3##, and a1orti<ation o5 patent ($44!,, and to record a decrease in the e0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation 5or the 5oreign e@change rate changes.

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution E14-7 P%&limina%! 'om utation$ In6est1ent cost Boo8 6alue ac0uired (!,4##,### Eu $.-+ e@change rate, E@cess cost o6er boo8 6alue ac0uired E@cess allocated to under6alued land (4##,### Eu $.-+, E(uit! a")u$tm&nt *%om t%an$lation on &+'&$$ allo'at&" to lan" E@cess on land at Januar !, "#!! .ess: E@cess on land at Aece1ber 3!, "#!! (4##,### Eu $.-- current rate at ear%end, E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation % gain (credit, Solution E14-8 [Based on AICPA] 1 a E@change loss o5 $!+,### less an e@change gain on the account pa able o5 $4,### ($*4,### original pa able % $*#,### ear%end ad>usted balance, = $!!,### loss. b ?ranslated at historical rate: "+,###;"." = $!!,3*4 d Aepreciation on the propert , plant, and e0uip1ent is co1puted as 5ollo3s:
Propert , Plant E@change Propert , Plant A1orti<ation Annual and E0uip1ent 9ate and E0uip1ent Period Aepreciation "#!! ",4##,### .CB !.* = $!,+##,### !# ears = $!+#,### "#!" !,"##,### .CB !./ = ***,**!# ears = **,** 3,*##,### .CB $",!**,**$"!*,**-

$!,3+#,### !,#+#,### $ 3##,### $ 3##,###

$ $

3##,### 3#/,### /,###

2 3

4 5

a +.- .CB to $!, the rate in e55ect 3hen the di6idend 3as paid. d .ong%ter1 recei6ables !,+##,### .CB !.+ = .ong%ter1 debt ",4##,### .CB !.+ = c All three accounts are translated at current rates. c Cu1ulati6e in5lation rate = (33# % !+#,;!+# = !"#C $!,###,### $!,*##,###

6 7

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Chapter 14


SOLUTIONS TO PRO,LE-S Solution P14-1 1 Pa8Ds inco1e 5ro1 Sco 5or "#!! In6est1ent cost o5 4#C interest in Sco .ess: Boo8 6alue ac0uired ($",4##,### 4#C, Patent in dollars at ac0uisition Patent in euros at ac0uisition $!"#,###;$.*# e@change rate = E0uit in ScoDs inco1e ($3!#,### 4#C, Patent a1orti<ation 5or "#!! "##,### euros;!# ears $.*" a6erage rate Inco1e 5ro1 Sco 5or "#!! 2 In6est1ent in Sco at Aece1ber 3!, "#!! In6est1ent cost Add: Inco1e 5ro1 Sco .ess: Ai6idends ($!&",### 4#C, Add: E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation ($"!",### 4#C, Add: E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 patent co1puted as: Beginning balance $!"#,### .ess: Patent a1orti<ation !",4## .ess: Bna1orti<ed patent at ear end !!-,### In6est1ent in Sco Aece1ber 3!, "#!! 3 Proo5 o5 in6est1ent balance 7et assets at Aece1ber 3!, "#!! o5 $",-3#,### 4#C Add: Bna1orti<ed patent (!/#,### euros $.*+, In6est1ent balance $!,#&",### !!-,### $!,"#&,### $!,#/#,### !!!,*## (-*,/##, /4,/## $ $!,#/#,### (&*#,###, $ !"#,### "##,### euros !"4,### (!",4##, !!!,*##

&,4## $!,"#&,###

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution P14-2 1 E@cess Patent at Januar !, "#!!: $34",### ("4#,###, $!#",###

Cost Boo8 6alue o5 interest ac0uired (4,###,### .CBs $.!+, 4#C E@cess Patent E@cess Patent in .CBs $!#",###;$.!+ = */#,### .CBs 2 E@cess Patent a1orti<ation 8 "#!!: E@cess Patent in .CBs */#,###;!# rate = 3 ears $.!4 a6erage


Bna1orti<ed E@cess Patent at Aece1ber 3!, "#!!: (*/#,### % */,### .CBs a1orti<ation, $.!3 current rate $ -&,+*#


ad>ust1ent 5ro1 E@cess Patent: $!#",### (&,+"#, (-&,+*#, $ !",&"# $ */# !","4# $!",&"#

Beginning balance in B.S. dollars .ess: A1orti<ation 5or "#!! .ess: Ending balance E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 E@cess Patent Alternati6el , */,### .CBs ($.!+ % $.!4, = *!",### .CBs ($.!+ % $.!3, = 5 Inco1e 5ro1 Sor 8 "#!!: E0uit in inco1e ($!!",### 4#C, .ess: E@cess Patent a1orti<ation Inco1e 5ro1 Sor 8 "#!! 6 In6est1ent in Sor balance at Aece1ber 3!, "#!!: Cost Januar ! Add: Inco1e "#!! .ess: Ai6idends ($+*,### 4#C, .ess: E0uit ad>ust1ent ($/4,### 4#C, .ess: E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 E@cess Patent In6est1ent in Sor Aece1ber 3!, "#!!

$ 44,/## (&,+"#, $ 3+,"/#

$34",### 3+,"/# ("",4##, (33,*##, (!",&"#, $3#/,3*#

Chec8: 7et assets $""/,/## ($+-",### 4#C, plus $-&,+*# una1orti<ed E@cess Patent = $3#/,3*# in6est1ent in Sor at Aece1ber 3!, "#!!.

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter 14


Solution P14-3 1 Soo Com an!. Lt"/ ?ranslation Eor8sheet 5or "#!! British Pounds Debits Cash Accounts recei6able 8 net In6entories E0uip1ent Cost o5 sales Aepreciation e@pense Fperating e@penses Ai6idends Credits Accu1ulated depreciation Accounts pa able Capital stoc8 9etained earnings Sales E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation 2 Journal entries 8 "#!! anuary !" #$!! In6est1ent in Soo Cash ?o record purchase o5 Soo at boo8 6alue. During #$!! Cash In6est1ent in Soo ?o record di6idends 5ro1 Soo. $/##,### $/##,### "#,### -#,### +#,### /##,### 3+#,### /#,### !##,### 3#,### !,+##,### 33#,### -#,### 4##,### !##,### *##,### !,+##,### E@change 9ate $!.*+ !.*+ !.*+ !.*+ !.*3 !.*3 !.*3 !.*" C C C C A A A 9 BS Aollars $ 33,### !!+,+## /",+## !,3"#,### +-#,+## !3#,4## !*3,### 4/,*## $",4*3,+## $ +44,+## !!+,+## *4#,### !*#,### &-/,### "+,+## $",4*3,+##

$!.*+ C !.*+ C !.*# H 1easured !.*3

$ 4/,*## $ 4/,*##

December %!" #$!! In6est1ent in Soo $!3&,*## Inco1e 5ro1 Soo $!!4,!## E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation "+,+## ?o record inco1e 5ro1 Soo and enter e0uit ad>ust1ent 5or currenc 5luctuations. Chec8: In6est1ent in Soo !;! Ai6idends Inco1e 5ro1 Soo E0uit ad>ust1ent In6est1ent in Soo !";3! $/##,### (4/,*##, !!4,!## "+,+## $/&!,### Capital stoc8 9etained earnings !;! Add: Inco1e .ess: Ai6idends Stoc8holdersD e0uit Current rate 4##,### ) !##,### ) -#,### ) (3#,###,) +4#,### ) $ !.*+ $/&!,###

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Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution P14-4 Preli1inar co1putations In6est1ent cost $4,###,### .ess: Boo8 6alue o5 interest ac0uired ",/##,### (-,###,### euros $.+# e@change rate /#C interest, Patent $!,"##,### Patent in euros ($!,"##,###;$.+# e@change rate, = ",4##,### euros Patent a1orti<ation based on euros ",4##,### euros;!# ears = "4#,### euros 1 Sul Co% o%ation ?ranslation Eor8sheet at and 5or the ear ended Aece1ber 3!, "#!! Euros Debits Cash Accounts recei6able In6entories E0uip1ent Cost o5 sales Aepreciation e@pense Fperating e@penses Ai6idends !,###,### ",###,### 4,###,### /,###,### 4,###,### /##,### ",-##,### +##,### "3,###,### E@change 9ate B.S. Aollars $.*### .*### .*### .*### .++## .++## .++## .+4## C $ *##,### C !,"##,### C ",4##,### C 4,/##,### A ","##,### A 44#,### A !,4/+,### H "-#,### $!3,3&+,###

Credits ",4##,### Accu1ulated depreciation 8 e0uip1ent Accounts pa able 3,*##,### Capital stoc8 +,###,### 9etained earnings, Januar ! ",###,### Sales !#,###,### E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation "3,###,### 2 PetDs inco1e 5ro1 Sul 8 "#!!

.*### C $ !,44#,### .*### .+### .+### .++## C H H A ",!*#,### ",+##,### !,###,### +,+##,### -&+,### $!3,3&+,###

Share o5 SulDs net inco1e ($+,+##,### sales % $","##,### cost o5 sales % $44#,### depreciation % $!,4/+,### operating e@penses, Percentage o3ned E0uit in SulDs net inco1e .ess: Patent a1orti<ation ("4#,### euros $.++ a6erage rate, Inco1e 5ro1 Sul

$ !,3-+,### /#C !,!##,### (!3",###, $ &*/,###

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter 14


Solution P14-4 3


In6est1ent in Sul Aece1ber 3!, "#!! In6est1ent Januar !, "#!! Add: Inco1e 5ro1 Sul Add: E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation ($-&+,### /#C, Add: E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 Patent [$!,"##,### Patent at beginning o5 the period % $!3",### Patent a1orti<ation 8 (",!*#,### euros una1orti<ed Patent $.*# current rate,] .ess: Ai6idends ($"-#,### /#C, In6est1ent in Sul Aece1ber 3!, "#!! $4,###,### &*/,### *3*,###

(""/,###, ("!*,###, $+,!*#,###

Solution P14-5 Sa% Com an! 9e1easure1ent Eor8sheet at Aece1ber 3!, "#!! British ) Cash Accounts recei6able Short%ter1 note recei6able In6entories .and Buildings 8 net E0uip1ent 8 net Cost o5 sales Aepreciation e@pense Fther e@penses Ai6idends E@change loss on re1easure1ent Accounts pa able Bonds pa able 8 !#C Bond interest pa able Capital stoc8 9etained earnings Sales

E@change 9ate $!.-# !.-# !.-# !.*/ !.*# !.*# !.*# G !.*# !.*+ !.*4 C C C H H H H H H A

B.S. Aollars $ /+,### 34#,### /+,### "+",### 4/#,### *4#,### /##,### !,#+/,### 3"#,### **#,### !*4,### *!,### $4,&4+,### $ 3#*,### /+#,### 34,### /##,### 4/#,### ",4-+,### $4,&4+,###

+#,### "##,### +#,### !+#,### 3##,### 4##,### +##,### *+#,### "##,### 4##,### !##,### 3,###,### !/#,### +##,### "#,### +##,### 3##,### !,+##,### 3,###,###

$!.-# !.-# !.-# !.*#

C C C H H !.*+ A

Cost o5 sales = Beginning in6entor ("##,### ) $!.*#, ' purchases (*##,### ) $!.*+, % ending in6entor (!+#,### ) $!.*/, = $!,#+/,###

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Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution P14-6 Stu Co% o%ation 9e1easure1ent Eor8sheet Aece1ber 3!, "#!! 7e3 Iealand Aollars Debits Cash Accounts recei6able 8 net In6entories Prepaid e@penses .and E0uip1ent Cost o5 sales Aepreciation e@pense Fther operating e@penses Ai6idends 9e1easure1ent loss Credits Accu1ulated depreciation Accounts pa able Capital stoc8 9etained earnings Sales 7ote ! !+,### *#,### 3#,### !#,### 4+,### *#,### !"#,### !",### "/,### "#,### 4##,### "",### !/,### !+#,### !#,### "##,### 4##,### 7ote + H $ #.*+ C #.-# H H #.*- A E@change 9ate $ #.*+ #.*+ #.** #.-# #.-# 7ote ! 7ote " 7ote 3 7ote 4 #.** C C H H H H H H H H B.S. Aollars $ &,-+# 3&,### !&,/## -,### 3!,+## 4!,/## /","## /,3*# !&,### !3,"## !,4+# $"-3,#*# $ !+,3*# !!,-## !#+,### -,### !34,### $"-3,#*#

Friginal e0uip1ent (+#,### 7I$ $.-#, ' e0uip1ent purchased in "##* (!#,### 7I$ $.*/, Beginning in6entor (+#,### 7I$ $.-#, ' purchases (!##,### 7I$ $.*-, % ending in6entor (3#,### 7I$ $.**, Aepreciation on original e0uip1ent (+#,### 7I$ "#C $.-#, ' depreciation on ne3 e0uip1ent (!#,### 7I$ "#C $.*/, Fther operating e@penses consist o5 the prepaid supplies used (/,### 7I$ $.-#, ' current ear outla s ("#,### 7I$ $.*-, Accu1ulated depreciation on the original e0uip1ent ("#,### 7I$ $.-#, ' accu1ulated depreciation on the e0uip1ent purchased (",### 7I$ $.*/,

7ote "

7ote 3 7ote 4

7ote +

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Chapter 14


Solution P14-7 1 Sa% Com an! ?ranslation Eor8sheet at and 5or the ear ended Aece1ber 3!, "#!! She0els Debits Cash ?rade recei6ables In6entories .and E0uip1ent 8 net Buildings 8 net E@penses E@change loss (ad6ance,G Ai6idends E0uit ad>ust1ent ?otal Credits Accounts pa able Fther liabilities Ad6ance 5ro1 Pel Co11on stoc8 9etained earnings Januar Sales ?otal

?ranslation 9ate $.3# .3# .3# .3# .3# .3# .3" .3" .33 C C C C C C A A 9

B.S. $ $ !",### !+,### 4+,### 4/,### &#,### !+#,### !"/,### *,4## 33,### 4#,*## $+*/,### $ 3*,### !/,### 4",### !-+,### !#+,### !&",### $+*/,###

4#,### +#,### !+#,### !*#,### 3##,### +##,### 4##,### "#,### !##,### !,-"#,### !"#,### *#,### !4#,### +##,### 3##,### *##,### !,-"#,###

$.3# .3# .3# .3+ .3+ .3"


Sar increased its ad6ance b loss.

"#,### she0els and recogni<ed a "#,### she0el

Journal entries to account 5or the in6est1ent in Sar: anuary !" #$!! In6est1ent in Sar $3#/,### Cash ?o record the in6est1ent in Sar Co. anuary #" #$!! Ad6ance to Sar $ 4",### Cash ?o record ad6ance to Sar deno1inated in B.S. dollars. une #$!! Cash


$ 4",###

$ 33,### In6est1ent in Sar $ 33,### ?o record receipt o5 di6idends (!##,### she0els $.33,. $ !-,### 4#,*## $ +-,*## $ ",+*# 3,/4# $ *,4##

December %!" #$!! In6est1ent in Sar E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation Inco1e 5ro1 Sar ?o record e0uit in Sar. Inco1e 5ro1 Sar E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation In6est1ent in Sar

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Foreign Currency Financial Statements

?o record e0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 Patent a1orti<ation co1puted as 5ollo3s: Patent a1orti<ation /#,### she0els;!# ears $.3" rate = $",+*# Ending balance -",### she0els $.3# rate = $"!,*## $"/,### beginning balance % $"!,*## ending balance = $*,4##

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Chapter 14


Solution P14-8 Preli1inar co1putations $!,-!#,### (!,+"#,###, $ !&#,### !,###,### .CB !##,### .CB $ $ $!&#,### (!/,+##, (!*",###, !/,+## !*",###

In6est1ent cost o5 SAA Boo8 6alue ac0uired (/,###,### .CB $.!&#, Patent Patent based on .CB ($!&#,###;$.!&#, A1orti<ation o5 Patent (!,###,### .CB;!# ears,

Patent a1orti<ation 5or "#!! (!##,### .CB $.!/+, Bna1orti<ed Patent at Aece1ber 3!, "#!! (&##,### .CB $.!/#, E0uit ad>ust1ent 5or Patent 5or "#!!: Beginning balance .ess: A1orti<ation .ess: Ending balance


9econciliation o5 in6est1ent account: In6est1ent in SAA Januar !, "#!! Add: Inco1e 5ro1 SAA 5or "#!! ($3*#,-+# % $!/,+## Patent a1orti<ation, E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation ($/4,-+# !##C, E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 Patent Ai6idends 5ro1 SAA In6est1ent in SAA Aece1ber 3!, "#!!

$!,-!#,### 34","+# (/4,-+#, (&,+##, (!/+,###, $!,--3,###

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution P14-8 (continued, 1 Journal entries to account 5or the in6est1ent in SAA anuary !" #$!! In6est1ent in SAA $!,-!#,### Cash ?o record purchase o5 SAA stoc8 5or cash.


uly !" #$!! Ad6ance to SAA $ 333,### Cash $ 333,### ?o record short%ter1 ad6ance to SAA deno1inated in dollars. &eptember !" #$!! Cash $ !/+,### In6est1ent in SAA $ !/+,### ?o record receipt o5 di6idends 3hen e@change rate is $.!/+. December %!" #$!! In6est1ent in SAA E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation Inco1e 5ro1 SAA ?o record e0uit in inco1e o5 SAA. Inco1e 5ro1 SAA E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation In6est1ent in SAA ?o record Patent a1orti<ation and e0uit co1puted as 5ollo3s: $ "-*,### /4,-+# $ $ !/,+## &,+## 3*#,-+#

$ "/,### ad>ust1ent 5ro1 Patent

Patent a1orti<ation: !##,### .CB $.!/+ a6erage rate = $!/,+## E0uit ad>ust1ent: $!&#,### beginning Patent balance % $!/,+## a1orti<ation % (&##,### .CB una1orti<ed Patent at ear end $.!/# current rate, = $&,+##

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter 14


Solution P14-8 (continued, P01 Co% o%ation an" Su#$i"ia%! Consolidation Eor8ing Papers 5or the ear ended Aece1ber 3!, "#!!
PEA 'ncome &tatement Sales Inco1e 5ro1 SAA E@penses E@change loss 7et inco1e Retained (arnings 9etained earnings 8 PEA 9etained earnings 8 SAA 7et inco1e Ai6idends 9etained earnings Aece1ber 3!, "#!! )alance &heet Cash Accounts recei6able Ad6ance to SAA In6entories .and E0uip1ent 8 net Buildings 8 net In6est1ent in SAA Patent $3,44+,""# Accounts pa able Ad6ance 5ro1 PEA Fther liabilities Capital stoc8 9etained earnings E0uit E0uit ad>ust1ent 8 PEA ad>ust1ent 8 SAA $3,44+,""# $ !*",-"# 3#/,+## ",###,### !,#*/,"+# (&4,"+#, $",!/-,### $ !3+,### 333,### d 333,### !#/,### &+#,### b &+#,### -4+,-+# (/4,-+#, $",!/-,### b /4,-+# $3,*//,""# $ SAA Ad>ust1ents and Eli1inations Consolidated State1ents $!,*-&,+## (!,!+/,+##, (&,"+#, $ +!!,-+#

+*&,+## $!,!!#,### 34","+# a 34","+# (4##,###, (-4#,###, c !/,+## (&,"+#, $ +!!,-+# $ 3*#,-+#

/+*,+## $ +!!,-+# (3##,###, +-#,### 3*#,-+# (!/+,###, b +-#,### a !/+,###

/+*,+## +!!,-+# (3##,###,




&#,-"# !"/,+## 333,### !"#,### !##,### *##,### 3##,### !,--3,###

&&,### &#,### d "-#,### "//,### +4#,### &##,### a !+-,"+# b !,*!+,-+# b !/#,+## c !/,+## 333,###

!/&,-"# "!/,+## 3&#,### 3//,### !,!4#,### !,"##,###

!*",### $3,*//,""# $ "&-,-"# 4!*,+## ",###,### !,#*/,"+# (&4,"+#,

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution P14-9 1 San Co% o%ation Ad>usted ?rial Balance ?ranslation Eor8sheet at Aece1ber 3!, "#!! .CBs Debits Cash Accounts recei6able In6entories .and Buildings E0uip1ent Cost o5 sales Aepreciation e@pense Fther e@penses E@change loss Ai6idends E0uit ad>ust1ent Credits Accu1ulated depreciation 8 buildings Accu1ulated depreciation 8 e0uip1ent Accounts pa able Short%ter1 loan 5ro1 Par Capital stoc8 9etained earnings Januar ! Sales 2 !+#,### !/#,### "3#,### "+#,### *##,### /##,### "##,### !##,### !"#,### 3#,### !##,### %%% ",-*#,### 3##,### 4##,### !3#,### "3#,### /##,### "##,### -##,### ",-*#,### 9ate $."# ."# ."# ."# ."# ."# ."" ."" ."" ."" ."! C C C C C C A A A A 9 B.S. Aollars $ 3#,### 3*,### 4*,### +#,### !"#,### !*#,### 44,### "",### "*,4## *,*## "!,### 44,### $*#*,### $ *#,### /#,### "*,### 4*,### !&",### 4/,### !+4,### $*#*,###

$."# ."# ."# ."# ."4 ."4 .""


Journal entries 5or "#!! 2Pa%3$ #oo4$5 anuary !" #$!! In6est1ent in San $"!*,### Cash $"!*,### ?o record purchase o5 &#C interest in San: !,###,### .CB $."4 e@change rate &#C interest. May !" #$!$ Ad6ance to San $ 4*,### Cash $ 4*,### ?o record short%ter1 loan to San deno1inated in B.S. dollars: "##,### .CB $."3 e@change rate.

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter 14


Solution P14-9 (continued, &eptember #$!! Cash $ !/,&## In6est1ent in San $ !/,&## ?o record receipt o5 di6idends 5ro1 San (!##,### .CB $."! e@change rate &#C interest,

December %!" #$!! In6est1ent in San $ &,&## E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation 3&,*## Inco1e 5ro1 San $ 4&,+## ?o record in6est1ent inco1e 5ro1 San o5 $4&,+## co1puted as [$!+4,### re6enue J ($44,### cost o5 sales ' $"",### depreciation e@pense ' $"*,4## other e@penses ' $*,*## e@change loss,] &#C and to record e0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation o5 $3&,*## co1puted as $44,### &#C.


o%tin6 'om utation$ $"!*,### (!/,&##, 4&,+## (3&,*##, $"#-,###

In6est1ent balance Januar !, "#!! .ess: Ai6idends Add: Inco1e 5ro1 San .ess: E0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation In6est1ent balance Aece1ber 3!, "#!! 7oncontrolling interest at Januar !, "#!! date o5 ac0uisition !,###,### .CB $."4 !#C .ess: 7oncontrolling interestDs share o5 the e0uit ad>ust1ent 5ro1 translation 5or "#!! ($44,### !#C, Beginning 7oncontrolling interest in consolidation 3or8ing Papers

$ "4,### (4,4##, $ !&,*##

Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall


Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Solution P14-9 (continued, 3 Pa% Co% o%ation an" Su#$i"ia%! Consolidation Eor8ing Papers 5or the ear ended Aece1ber 3!, "#!!
Par 'ncome &tatement Sales Inco1e 5ro1 San Cost o5 sales Aepreciation e@pense Fther e@penses E@change loss 7oncontrolling inco1e 7et inco1e Retained (arnings 9etained earnings 8 Par 9etained earnings 8 San 7et inco1e Ai6idends 9etained earnings Aece1ber 3!, "#!! )alance &heet Cash Accounts recei6able .oan to San In6entories .and Buildings 8 net E0uip1ent 8 net In6est1ent in San San &#C Ad>ust1ents and Eli1inations 7oncontro Consolidated lling State1ents Interest $ 4&,+## (444,###, (!#3,###, (""*,4##, (*,*##, (+,+##, $ !*/,+## &+4,###

$ /##,### $ !+4,### 4&,+## a (4##,###, (44,###, (/!,###, ("",###, ("##,###, ("*,4##, (*,*##, $ !*/,+## $ ++,###

$ +,+##

$ ""#,### $ !*/,+## (!##,###, $ "//,+## $ 4/,### ++,### ("!,###, /",### b 4/,### a !/,&## (",!##,


!*/,+## (!##,###, $ "//,+##

4-,### &#,### 4*,### !!#,### !+#,### !/#,### !*#,### "#-,###

3#,### 3*,### c 4*,### +#,### *#,### /#,### a 3#,*## b !-*,4## 4*,###

--,### !"*,### !+*,### "##,### "4#,### "4#,###

$ &&#,### Accounts pa able .oan 5ro1 Par Capital stoc8 9etained earnings E0uit ad>ust1ent 8 Par E0uit ad>ust1ent 8 San $ "4!,!## +##,### "//,+## (3&,*##,

$ 3#",### $ "*,### 4*,### !&",### /",###

$!,#3&,### $ c 4*,### b !&",### "*-,!## +##,### "//,+## (3&,*##,

(44,###, $ &&#,### $ 3#",###


7oncontrolling interest Januar !, "#!! 7oncontrolling interest Aece1ber 3!, "#!!


!&,*## $"3,### "3,### $!,#3&,###

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Chapter 14


Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

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