Tech Information From Mahle Clevite Inc
Tech Information From Mahle Clevite Inc
Tech Information From Mahle Clevite Inc
MAHLE Clevite Inc. 1240 Eisenhower Place Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108-3388 U.S.A.
Bearing lining materials are nearly all alloys. Alloys are made up by mixing two or more pure materials in specific proportions in order to obtain the desired combination of properties. In part one we mentioned that lead, tin and copper are used to make up some of the most commonly used bearing alloys. In addition aluminum, silicon, nickel and indium are also used. Individually these materials have limitations in their properties, but when combined together in the proper proportions as an alloy, the overall bearing qualities are better than those of the individual elements. BABBITT does not define a single bearing alloy but rather, a family of alloys having similar properties. Babbitts, also sometimes referred to as white metals, are soft alloys made up of lead or tin with elements such as copper, antimony and arsenic added. These alloys have exceptionally good surface properties (slipperiness, embeddability and conformability), but low fatigue resistance and relatively poor temperature strength when applied in layers over about .001 in thickness. Babbitt materials may be separated into two groups, lead-based and tin-based. This terminology defines the metal which makes up the major portion of the alloy. Lead-based babbitt is stronger and less expensive, but tin-based babbitt offers better corrosion resistance. The choice must therefore be made on the basis of the specific bearing application. Babbitt may be bonded to steel or other bearing alloys by casting the molten alloy on to a preheated substrate or by electroplating. Generally, casting is used to produce thicker layers while electroplating is restricted to producing layers of about .002 or less. Although babbitt bearings are some of the oldest types of bearing materials, they are still in common use today. In the next part of this series we will talk more about bi-metal bearings and the materials used to make them.