Brand Positioning of Cadbury

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Cadbury is Indias largest chocolate maker and enjoys a healthy market share of more than 70% closely followed

by Nestle which has a market share of 20%. he big two names in the chocolate market together enjoy more than !0% of the market while as the rest of the "layers# that is# Cam"co# $mul enjoy the rest. Cadbury commands the market with some great "roducts like %airy &ilk# 'i(e)star# *ourne(ille# and +clairs which are enjoyed by all.

Cadbury had decided to re-position another of its brand Gems which so far had a""ealed to kids only. Cadbury which has successfully re)"ositioned its other "roducts in the "ast decided to target adults as well# com"lemented by the cam"aign with a tagline ,-aho .marless/# which en)courages consumers to enjoy regardless of the age.

The campaign to reposition Gems is meant just to increase sales or is it something else? Chocolates as we know ha(e an interesting history and it ha(e been eaten regularly for "leasure as well as for medicinal (alues. 0uro"eans ha(e used it for its a"hrodisiac effect as well as an energy "ro(ider and it was eaten by soldiers during 1"anish ci(il war as well as during 2orld wars. &3& founder &r. &ars in(ented the idea for the candy in the 4!50s during the 1"anish Ci(il 2ar when he saw soldiers eating chocolate "ellets with a hard shell of tem"ered chocolate surrounding the inside# "re(enting the candies from melting. India which has always known for its sweets of (arious fla(ors and es"ecially in India sweets are must in e(ery festi(als. Chocolates manufacturing in India started in 4!67 onwards# but could not make a major dent in the market. In India chocolates were meant only for children and sometimes were enjoyed by an adult that too in "ri(acy. 'or Indian consumers sweets was a better o"tion than chocolate. In late !0s Cadbury which was leader in chocolate market saw a big o""ortunity# which was to make an inroads into the Indian sweets market# which was

loosely un)organi7ed and slowly was getting organi7ed with some big names like 8aldirams 3 9hastiram manufacturing sweats in an organi7ed way. For Cadbury the market was too big and needed a transition. It decided to reposition itself among the adults and started with a series of campaign aimed to woo adults. It started with the now famous T C showcasing a girl enjoying match in stadium while as her boyfriend who!s playing cricket. "s soon as he scores a ton she jumps on the ground dancing and celebrating with Cadbury dairy milk. The campaign was complemented with a tagline #$ya %waad &ai' ( This "d along with the other featuring )mang $umar shook the entire "d*ertising world. It was something uni+ue and ne*er done before, but it achie*ed what was desired and Cadbury had found a new consumer that is Indian youth and "dults. -o longer would anyone call you a child if you were spotted ha*ing a chocolate. Cadbury which wanted to ha(e a big "ie of Indian sweets market decided to launch its own brand of sweats and in 4!!7 it launched Cadbury mithai around %iwali. he "roduct failed to ignite market and e(en though Cadbury tried to re)launch it# it sim"ly failed. Cadbury recalled the "roduct as it

could not woo consumers away from the sweets with its own sweets.

Cadbury again concentrated on the adult consumers with series of cam"aign. o ca"ture the sweets market it made a subtle effort with series of ads around (arious festi(als like -aksha)*andhan and recent ,:uch meetha ho jayee/. This has actually helped Cadbury as on .iwali, consumers do buy chocolate gift packs for distribution. he re"ositioning of 9ems# which is an Indian (ersion of &3& marbles# is aimed to ca"ture the adult consumers# while there is logic behind the new 9; the campaign fails to pro*ide any compelling reason for adults to buy Gems. ,-aho .marless/ does not em"hasis as to why# rather it is a weak attem"t to attract adult 3 to make them rethink about 9ems.

Ideally the brand should ha(e tried with a non) hy"erbolic# real life scenario where an adult is enjoying life or the "roduct 3 it would ha(e attracted the 9 in a right way. The right approach would ha*e been that while repositioning, the brand should ha*e concentrated on building salience and should ha*e concentrated on finer details as to why to buy and when to? These elements are simply missing in the campaign. he fact that &3& marbles were in(ented for the soldiers to be used on the battle)ground 3 argeting 50 years and abo(e indi(iduals for it makes sense# but the way it did does not make any sense at all. he magic Cadbury had created earlier with its earlier re"ositioning is sim"ly missing.

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