Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering.26795531
Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering.26795531
Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering.26795531
Malay Ghose Hajra, Ph.D., P.E. Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of New Orleans 2000 Lakeshore Drive New Orleans, Louisiana 70148 504-280-7062 (office) [email protected] (email)
Louisiana Civil Engineering Conference and Show 2012 Pontchartrain Center Kenner, Louisiana September 20, 2012
Outline of todays discussion 1. Importance of Sustainable Development 2. Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering Current Trends 3. Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering Future opportunities 4. New Sustainability Rating System EnVision 5. Conclusions 6. Questions
The Facts
Leaking water pipes lose 7 billion gallons a day Billions of gallons of untreated wastewater are discharged each year from aging systems U.S. produces 254 million tons of solid waste a year
The Facts
More than 4 billion hours a year stuck in traffic; cost = $78 billion 1 in 4 bridges structurally deficient or functionally obsolete Electricity demand has grown by 25% since 1990
Interstate 35 Minneapolis, MN
Engineering design and construction has been dominated by one-dimensional view of technological efficiency assuming that nature is an infinite supplier of resources, perpetually regenerative, with an indefinite capacity to absorb all waste
B. Better Management of our assets Prolonging asset life and aiding in rehabilitation, repair and replacement decisions through efficient and focused operations and maintenance Meeting consumer demands with a focus on system sustainability Budgeting focused on activities critical to sustained performance Meeting service expectations and regulatory requirements Reducing overall costs for both operations and capital expenditures
Sustainable Development is defined as any development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Brutland Commissions Report, 1987)
Indicators of Sustainability
Traditional Indicators Sustainability Indicators Emphasis of Sustainability Indicators
Wages paid in the local economy that are spent in the local economy Dollars spent in the local economy which pay for local labor and local natural resources Percent of local economy based on renewable local resources
Percent of products produced which are durable, repairable, or readily recyclable or compostable
12 Source: George F. Crozier (Dauphin Island Sea Lab) and Scott Douglass (U. of South Alabama)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Geotechnical Engineering is one of the most resource intensive disciplines within Civil Engineering Consume vast amount of resources Consumes vast amount of energy Changes landscape Interferes with many social, environmental, and economic issues
Challenges 1. 2. 3. Geotechnical profession is often dominated by financial motivations Inadequate knowledge of geotechnical processes on ecological balance of surrounding areas Absence of geotechnical sustainability reference framework
Opportunities 1. 2. Improving sustainability of geotechnical processes is important Geotechnical profession has huge potential to improve sustainability of civil engineering projects due to its early position in the construction process 13
Robust design and construction that involves minimal financial burden and inconveniences to the society Minimal use of resources and energy in planning, design, construction and maintenance of geotechnical facilities Use of materials and methods that cause minimal negative impact on the ecology and environment Maximum reuse of existing geotechnical facilities/components to minimize waste
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Energy Geotechniques Material Reuse and Recycle Foundation Rehabilitation and Reuse Use of underground space Sustainable Ground Improvement Sustainability in Coastal Geotechniques
Energy Geotechnology
Current Challenges
Main sources of energy worldwide: Petroleum (34%), coal (26.5%), Natural gas (20.9%), Combustible renewables and waste (9.8%), nuclear power (5.9%), hydroelectric (2.2%), wind & solar (0.7%) [source: International Energy Agency, 2009] High increase in energy demand in the next 25 years (17% increase if consumption and population growth continue at current rates; 66% increase if consumption in underdeveloped world increases to levels required to attain proper quality of life) This situation will exacerbate current issues caused by the dependency on fossil fuels, its environmental consequences, and the international implications due to the mismatch between the geographic distributions of supply and demand of fossil fuels. A sustainable worldwide energy system will require proper long term national policies within a global approach, strategic pricing that takes into consideration production costs and life-cycle waste processing, reduced population growth rates, and efficiency and conservation with associated changes in cultural patterns.
Geothermal Energy
Deep geothermal energy systems extract heat from hot rock formations (temperatures often exceed 3500C) to produce steam that can be used directly to provide heating or to generate electricity.
Except for the construction of the power plant itself, CO2 emission from geothermal power plants are virtually zero.
Extractable thermal energy in the USA alone is estimated to be about 200,000 EJ, which is over 1000 times the annual consumption of primary energy in the USA
Role of Geotechnical Engineers Embodied energy consumed in reusing foundations is nearly half of that consumed in installing new foundations (Butcher et al, 2006) Foundations designed for reuse has much less Whole Life Cost (WLC) than foundations designed without the reuse option
Role of Geotechnical Engineers 1. Response of the host rock to large amplitude cycles in pore fluid pressure (e.g. stiffness, strength, strains) 2. Thermal fluctuations associated to gas compression and decompression 3. Moisture changes and mineral solubility 4. Evolution and long term performance of the underground cavern
Role of Geotechnical Engineers 1. Use of low embodied energy bio-engineered soils in many geotechnical applications, such as liquefaction mitigation, structural support, and excavation retention 2. Significant reductions in energy and material use might result if, reinforced concrete foundations can be reduced in size by increasing the strength and stiffness of foundation soils by biological activity 3. Challenges minimum pore size to accommodate life, upscaling of laboratory techniques to field conditions, thermodynamic equilibrium and long-term durability of biological treatments
Role of Geotechnical Engineers 1. Evaluation of in-situ ground improvement techniques in lieu of deep foundations 2. Increasing the strength and stiffness of foundation soils by biological activity 3. Change in hydraulic properties of soil by bio-remediation of soil
Role of Geotechnical Engineers 1. Geological investigation related to presence of discontinuity 2. Estimation of subsidence due to discontinuity
Role of Geotechnical Engineers 1. Dynamic and long-term static soil-pile interaction effects for energy piles 2. Time varying soil properties over repeated cycles of ground temperature changes and implications on the response of the foundation to extreme loading 3. Dynamic soil-structure interaction effects for wind-turbine foundations subjected simultaneously to earthquake loading and dynamic cyclic loading from the superstructure 4. Assessment and re-use of existing foundation elements in view of multiple anticipated hazards 5. Assessment and retrofitting of waterfront protection systems against rising sea level and potential increase in the occurrence of tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes
Role of Geotechnical Engineers 1. Beneficial use of dredged sediments for marsh nourishment projects 2. Proper characterization of dredged sediments and foundation soils 3. Sea level rise rates and storm waves be considered in the planning and design of coastal highways and infrastructures
Education in Geo-sustainability
Energy geotechnology and sustainability invoke scientific principles and engineering concepts that will extend and profoundly change geotechnical engineering analysis and design These changes will require renewed engineering curriculum, adapted continuing education programs for practitioners, and increased public awareness and expectations for civil engineering infrastructure Modify geotechnical curriculum to cover the fundamental scientific principles involved in geomaterials subjected to hydro-chemo-thermo-bio-mechanical loading Include in the curriculum case-histories of sustainable design with proper Life Cycle Cost Analysis Training to provide the development of multiple alternative sustainable options as part of decision making and optimization Focus on implementation, accountability, and integration with other disciplines Encourage proactive involvement of professional societies such as ASCE in sustainability education.
New curriculum for Undergraduate/Graduate Geotechnical Engineering course: 1. Mechanical properties (allowable stress and deformation) 2. Hydraulic properties and fluid transport (hydraulic conductivity and pressure diffusion consolidation) 3. Biological processes in soil (bioremediation of contaminated site, biogenic methane production in sediments) 4. Chemical processes (mass balance, reaction kinetics, mineral dissolution, reactive transport) 5. Thermal characteristics (heat capacity, heat transformation, conduction, diffusion) 6. Electrical characteristics (resistivity, permitivity, geophysical site investigation) 28 7. Optimal use of natural resources ( recycled waste materials for construction)
Geotechnical Engineers play a vital role in mitigating global crisis related to sustainability, with a focus on energy, global climate change, use of natural resources, and solid waste generation/management. The geotechnical engineering profession needs to meet these challenges acting now in a coordinated and determined manner, from individual engineers to professional societies, fully aware of the significant role we can play in the development of a sustainable, energy viable society Scientific and engineering research should include non-standard issues such as the response of geomaterials to extreme conditions, coupled processes, biological phenomena, spatial variability, emergent phenomena and the role of discontinuities. The challenges facing geotechnical engineering in the future will require a much broader knowledge base than is currently included in educational programs. It must address the changing needs of a profession that will increasingly be engaged in sustainable design, energy geotechnology, enhanced/efficient use of natural resources, waste management, underground utilization, and alternative/renewable energy.
Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) is a non-profit education and research organization founded by ASCE, APWA, and ACEC
Envision, a sustainable infrastructure rating system, was developed by Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at Harvard Graduate School of Design and the Institute of Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Envision is a tool, which itself is part of a larger system, developed to help evaluate the sustainability of civil infrastructure. This system includes:
Performance is on the right track
Noteworthy, but falls slightly short of conserving
Essentially zero impact
Performance that restores natural or community systems
Summary: Sustainability is a multidimensional concept that requires a balance of Economic, Social, and Environmental equities of development
Geotechnical Engineering warrants a sustainability study as it uses vast amount of resources and releases pollutants to the environment
Balance can be achieved by ensuring efficiency in resource use and reducing the environmental impact without ignoring the technical, technological, and financial concerns related to the process Further research studies on sustainability-related issues in Geotechnical Engineering should be performed in the areas of: a. Application of alternative materials b. Material reuse and recycling c. Environment friendly ground modification techniques d. efficient use of underground space e. reuse of foundations f. energy geotechniques Further research should be performed to develop clearly defined framework (sustainability rating system for geotechnical engineering application) to evaluate and quantify the relative sustainability alternative practices in geotechnical engineering. Geotechnical Engineering curriculum must address sustainable design, energy geotechnology, enhanced use of natural resources, waste management, underground utilization and alternative/renewable energy. 35
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Richard J. Fragaszy (at NSF) Dipanjan Basu (Univ. of Connecticut) ASCE New Orleans branch Geotechnical committee Google images