Robert Frost S Desert Places - A Journey of A Human Mind by Adeel Salman

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ROBERT FROSTS DESERT PLACES - A Journey of a Human Mind By Adeel Salman One of the most monumental poetic works

of T.S Eliot is The Waste Land. The poem emerges as a gigantic metaphor for melancholy, loneliness, solitude the una!oida"le companions of human e#istence. Similar kinds of feelings are e!oked "y $o"ert %rost in &esert 'laces. The !ery title is suggesti!e of a mood of emptiness. Throughout our life we cross !arious deserts to find our destiny. The "eauty of the poem lies in the con(unction ) the meeting point desert outside in the nature with the desert inside. This "ecomes the focal point of the poem. The dreary opening is indicated "y the falling snow and the ad!ancing night. The poet o"ser!es the scenario as the snow "lankets the earth and the darkness descends on the whole scene. Two factors which play an important role in the dawning of the mood are snow and night. The falling snow soon co!ers the irregular (agged surface of the earth and this !isual scene is gradually o!erwhelming the senses and sensiti!ity as the mind is going in a state of num"ness. *n such a state of num"ness one "ecomes concerned and confined with ones own self. The poet is trying to find refuge in the lap of nature "ut the cold whiffs of night seals out his approach. The falling snow has further aggra!ated the chances of his meeting with nature. * shows the approach towards nature slowing down and ca!ing in ones own self. The poet traces his steps "ack to his memories for some warmth in this snowy landscape. +ut this walk down the memory lane also fails to pro!ide him with the warmth he seeks. This reference appears as the first romantic touch yielded "y his imagination. The poet e#presses his ina"ility to associate with the present and his ina"ility to draw warmth from the past memories. Those memories which are like a few weeds and stu""le showing last. Stu""le shows an element of stu""ornness as the memories keep on protruding on his conscious mind. The desire to reach out to these past moments, to reopen the mind of the poet. ,ow the poet finally gi!es to the whole scene. The tiny man feels shrouded "y the layers of snow. The lonesome man crystalli-es his loneliness in this snowy co!ering. Such is the impact of the natural cohesi!eness that the poet, as he o"ser!es the natural panorama, regards himself as an intruder in this unit. The poet relishes the pleasure that the animals are ha!ing as they crouch in their lairs, "ecoming a part of the nature. The animals manage to de!elop a correlation with the nature "ecause they dont complain due to a feeling of unconsciousness while the poet does complain, he does gi!e !ent to his feeling as his percepti!e mind ponders o!er the cold hard realities.

$ealities that whether he matters in this whole setup0 The strain in the emotional chords of the poet endow a strange minor tone to the whole poem as he reali-es that his "enum"ed mind has failed to draw a relation and so he groo!es "ack into his own self. The whole of the second stan-a is "rimming with the reali-ation of "eing depri!ed. *t "ecomes his callousness and stu""ornness to enter the realm of nature and endowed to him "y the sense of "eing lonely and depri!ed. The recognition of this sense of loneliness and dispossession results in his mind "eing at a loss to emotional response. *n this mind set he gi!es way to the "enum"ing mood all around. The whole nature is showing a moodic deceleration "ecause of the snow and the night. *n direct contrast to its nature, this sluggishness sometimes endows mental hyper sensiti!ity and this sensiti!ity increases as the sluggishness increases. This metric increase in the sluggishness increases the focus of the mental epicenter and draws certain limits to the grip of loneliness e!en though the loneliness is there "ut due to the mental deceleration, the loneliness drowns away in the faint of the poet. 1s the poet starts to im"i"e the !iew that this strange stupor creates around him, he reali-es that the nature has no deceleration rather it is only the mind. *n such a state of reali-ation the poet undertakes an odyssey in search of ne!erland, in search of a place for respite, or perhaps in search for companionship. 1s he sails across the stellar mediums he reali-es that the stars that are so far away from each other are much like two people who apparently show a sense of harmony "ut actually are so distant from each other one feels good a"out drawing pleasure from their light "ut sadly always hesitant to share their pathos, sorrow which they hide under the gar" of light2 The "eauty of this whole argument is that man gains a sense of intellectual superiority when compared with these stars. 3ust a peep inside ones self is enough to reali-e the e#tent of loneliness. The depth of perception endowed "y the recognition of the intellectual superiority ena"les the man to accept his loneliness (ust at a glance. 4e does not ha!e to undertake any (ourney. The poem "egins with a !iew of the e#ternal panorama and shrinks into the "enum"ing !ista of human mind.

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