Syllabus Webpage

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Republic of the Philippines CARAGA STATE UNIVERSITY Cabadbaran Campus T. Curato St., Cabadbaran, Agusan del Norte Tel.

Nos. (085)343-1020/281-2032 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course Syllabus in IT 110 ELECTI!E " # $eb%a&e Desi&n an' De(elo%)en*+ BSIT III / DCT II ! Par* I, Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives !ision A premier institution of higher learning in Caraga Region committed to global excellence in science and technology, and humanities to ards sustainable development! Mission Caraga "tate #niversity is committed to the four$fold functions %&uality instruction, research, extension, and production' of higher education by( )roviding &uality and relevant education in science and technology, and humanities* +eveloping competent individuals ho are scientifically trained, technologically s,illed, and morally upright* Contributing in the creation of an eco$friendly and healthy environment* )articipating actively in transnational collaboration, industry lin,ages and global net or,s! Goals -o provide a dynamic and &uality education in thru efficient delivery of instruction in all curricular programs! -o expand relevant curricular program, hich are in line ith the current re&uirements to complements the needs of industries! -o enhance scholarly activities and research capability of faculty and students! -o produce degree and ladderi.ed program graduates ho are technologically s,illful and globally competitive! -o develop lin,ages and partnership ith the local and national communities, lin,ages, of Research and /xtension 0 /xternal Affairs and university alumni! -o create a culture of environmental consciousness, strong sense of values and responsiveness! -o adopt an attractive admission and retention policies to effect enrollment increase! -o support in the promotion of production of goods and services! Ob-e.*i(es, -o facilitate and ongoing faculty development and close monitoring system of faculty performance! -o revie 0 offer programs focusing on the needs of the region and global mar,et!

-o expose the faculty and students to seminar and mentoring in research in "cience, -echnology and other disciplines to increase their s,ills! -o e&uip the faculty ith ade&uate ,no ledge, s,ills thru trainings, scholarships and seminars and ac&uired modern facilities to ensure high percentage of 1/- and -/"+A competency passers! -o establish lin,ages in 2ndustries, 1G#, /ducational 2nstitution and other establishment to support in the implementation of programs li,e 2nformation -echnology, -ourism 0 3otel and Restaurant Management and /ngineering! -o promote a clean, green and bloom premises and eco$friendly environment! -o expand students scholarship opportunities by allocating appropriate funds and generate grants4supports from lin,ages! -o encourage livelihood activities for socio$economic development of the community!
IT 110 Webpage Design and Development This o!"se is an int"od! tion to the basi s o# inte"a tive m!ltimedia p"od! tion$ Class p"o%e ts e&plo"e the potential o# inte"a tive media to omm!ni ate' e&p"ess' and hallenge !lt!"al ideas$ The o!"se see(s to develop a ombination o# "iti al' te hni al' and design s(ills$ The emphasis o# the o!"se is not onl) on the !nde"standing o# the a!tho"ing p"og"am' b!t' mo"e impo"tantl)' on ho* va"io!s media an be !sed and on being able to "eate an ed! ational appli ation !sing the p"og"am$ , UNITS .t the end o# the o!"se' the st!dents *ill be able to2 1$ Unde"stand the basi on epts o# inte"a tive m!ltimedia a!tho"ing tools 3$ Demonst"ate and !nde"standing o# basi theo"eti al on epts !nde"l)ing the !se o# m!ltiple media ,$ /e able to design and "eate an ed! ational appli ation !sing the a!tho"ing p"og"am in a #ield o# inte"est TI4E +R.4E 1h" SPECI+IC O/0ECTI1ES .t the end o# this topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 1$ 4emo"i6e the Instit!te 4ission and 1ision .t the end o# this topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 1$ :no* *hat is *ebpage design and development$ 3$ :no* ho* to ma(e a !ni;!e *ebsite$ 4ODE O+ INSTRUCTION Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE P"esentation INSTRUCTION.L 4.TERI.LS 5 RESOURCES /illboa"ds o# 1ision and 4ission o# the Instit!te Cop) o# Depa"tment Re#e"en e inte"net E1.LU.TI1E 4E.SURES O"al Re itation in the Class"oom 1.LUES Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( Dete"mination

Par* II/


TOPIC I$ O"ientation 4ission 5 vision o# the Instit!te$


9h"s 9h"s 9h"s

Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE PRESENT.TION

O"al Re itation in the Class"oom

Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( Dete"mination

Overvie 2nternet, 3-M1

of 5eb

the and

9h"s 9h"s 9h"s 9h"s

.t the end o# this topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 To (no* abo!t the di##e"ent html tags$ To (no* the di##e"ent design that html has$ .t the end o# this topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 To (no* abo!t the histo") o# the inte"net$

Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE P"esentation$ Resea" h 5 .ssignment

Re#e"en e boo(' eboo(s

O"al Re itation in the lass"oom <!i6 Set Wo"(

Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( Dete"mination

3istory of 2nternet

9h"s 3h"s

Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE P"esentation$ Resea" h 5 .ssignment

Re#e"en e boo(' eboo(s

. tivit) <!i6 Set Wo"(

Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( . s)stemati app"oa h to p"oblem solving leads to an o"de"l) *a) o# li#e$ Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( . s)stemati app"oa h to p"oblem solving leads to an o"de"l) *a) o# li#e$

+o6s and +on6ts in designing a eb page

3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s 3h"s

.t the end o# this topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 7no on ho to create a uni&ue and lovely ebsite! #ser6s friendly ebsite! "ecurity 5ebpage editor .t the end o# this topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 :no* the di##e"ent te"ms and te"minologies !sed in the WE/$

Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE P"esentation$ Resea" h 5 .ssignment Resea" h 5 .ssignment

Re#e"en e boo(' eboo(s

O"al Re itation in the lass"oom <!i6 Set Wo"(

-erms and -erminologies used in the 5/8

Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE P"esentation$ Resea" h 5 .ssignment

Re#e"en e boo(' eboo(s

O"al Re itation in the lass"oom <!i6 Set Wo"(

Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( . s)stemati app"oa h to p"oblem solving leads to an o"de"l) *a) o# li#e$

Overvie of -ags and Attributes 2ntroduction to 3-M1 tagging 8asic 3-M1 structure

1h" 3h"s

.t the end o# the topi the st!dent sho!ld be

Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE

Re#e"en e boo(' eboo(s

O"al Re itation in the lass"oom

Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"(

3ead, -itle, Meta 8ody and its attributes "aving and 1oading 3-M1 file%s' 8asic 3-M1 text formatting Changing font and font Adding attributes bold, italics, underline, etc! -ext bloc,ing using heading, paragraph, etc! -ext Alignment using Center, Right, 9ustify Adding bullets4list 2nserting 2mages Creating table Creating hyperlin,s 1in,ing to another page 1in,ing to specific anchor -argeting lin,s to specific indo Creating 7eyboard "hortcuts for 1in,s +ividing an 2mage into Clic,able region Creating :rames /nhancing 5eb )age 2ntegrating Cascading "tyle "heet ; C"" 2ntegrating some 9avascript, 9ava, etc! code 2ntroduction to 5eb )age Authoring tool

1h" 1h" 1h"

1h" 1h" 3h"s 1h" 1h" 1h" 1h" 3h"s 3h"s

able to2 :no* ho* to "eate a *ebsite 7 *ebpage !sing html tags$ .t the end o# the topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 :no* abo!t the adding att"ib!tes2 bold' itali and !nde"line$ :no* on ho* to align a te&t$ :no* on ho* to inse"t an image in the page$ :no* ho* to "eate a table$ .t the end o# the topi the st!dent sho!ld be able to2 To (no* on ho* to h)pe"lin( a e"tain page to anothe" page$ To (no* ho* to appl) CSS = Cas ading St)le Sheets$ :no* ho* to integ"ate 0avas "ipt$ :no* abo!t the Web Page .!tho"ing Tool$

P"esentation$ Resea" h 5 .ssignment

<!i6 Set Wo"(

Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE P"esentation$ Resea" h 5 .ssignment

Re#e"en e boo(' eboo(s

O"al Re itation in the lass"oom <!i6 Set Wo"(

Resea" h 5 .ssignment

. s)stemati app"oa h to p"oblem solving leads to an o"de"l) *a) o# li#e$ Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( . s)stemati app"oa h to p"oblem solving leads to an o"de"l) *a) o# li#e$ Dete"mination Dete"mination

1h" 1h" 1h" 1h" 3h"s 3h"s 9h"s ,h"s 3h"s Le t!"e7Dis !ssion !sing SLIDE P"esentation$ Resea" h 5 .ssignment O"al Re itation in the lass"oom <!i6 Set Wo"(

Re#e"en e boo(' eboo(s

Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( . s)stemati app"oa h to p"oblem solving leads to an o"de"l) *a) o# li#e$ Dete"mination Dete"mination

Resea" h 5 .ssignment

Pe"sonal d"ive 8a"d *o"( . s)stemati app"oa h to p"oblem solving leads to an o"de"l) *a) o# li#e$ Dete"mination Dete"mination

%+ream eaver, :ront )age, etc' E0ui%)en* an' Ma*erial use' 1aptop Computers, +1) )rojector, 5hite 8oard ,Mar,ing )en, 2ntroduction to 5ebpage +esign and +evelopment! "#$$$ b% Scott &uhl ht'ldo(nload)ht'l#$$$.i(' , *oogle 2nternet, 5ebsite

III/ A''i*ional 2nternet Cri*eria 1or Gra'in&, Major /xamination )relim /xam Midterm /xam :inal /xam )roject Others TOTAL

<=> <=> <=> ?=> @=> 1002

-he final grade corresponding to the student6s general average is given in the table belo ( GENERAL A!ERAGE FINAL GRADE AB ; @== @!= AC ; AD @!<E A@ ; A? @!E= FF ; A= @!BE FE ; FB <!= F< ; FC <!<E BA ; F@ <!E= BD ; BF <!BE BE ?!= Conditional C!= 2ncomplete 2GC :ailed E!==

+ropped 2n )rogress

+R) 2n )rog!

)repared by(

Chec,ed by(

Recommending Approval


DA!ID F/ CANDA$AN 3R/ 2-$1ecturer

MARILYN 4/ CASTILLO5 E'/D/ +ept! Chairman

ARACELI R/ MANDIN/5E'/D 3ead, Academic Affairs

LOLITA P/ MARAGA6AS/5E'/D/ Campus, +ean

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