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The document discusses learning to program and provides an overview of various programming concepts and techniques.

Some project ideas mentioned include extending the grammar checker, building a CD database with search functionality, creating a tool to generate file listings as HTML links, and contributing to open source projects on SourceForge.

Additional topics suggested for further study include GUIs with Tk, web programming, toolkits, frameworks, and databases.


Alan Gauld

27 May 2007

Table of Contents
Learning to program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Learning to program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
What do I need to be a programmer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
What is programming? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Simple sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
More Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Looping the loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
A Little Bit of Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Conditionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Functions and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
File Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Text Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Namespaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Regular Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Event Driven Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Introduction to GUI Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Introduction to Functional Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
A Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Python in Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Working with Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Working with the Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Inter-Process Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Inter-Process Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

May 27, 2007

Learning to program 27/05/2007

Learning to Program
by Alan Gauld

Stop Press! Last Update: 27th May 2007


What do I need? The Web Site

What is Welcome to the Learning to Program web tutor!
I've been very busy in my day-job over the last year so very little
Getting Started progress has been made, however I am working on the first web
programming topic. Meantime there have been several tweaks to
the existing topics, including many minor bug fixes and some
changes to the colour scheme to reducethe contrast which some
The Basics folks felt was a bit glaring.

Sequences The original version of the tutor using TCl and QBASIC is still
available here.
The Raw
Materials The Book
More Sequences Latest news on my book is that it has moved to print-on-demand.
Basically this means that copies are only printed when firm orders
are received from retailers. Logically this means you are less likely
Add a little style to see it in the shops but you can still place an order and it will be
delivered, it just takes a little longer is all.
Talking to the
user The book is now significantly different to the new web site
although the basics remain the same. It is stuck at Python version
Branching 1.5 and doesn't have the new material, although it has extra
examples of its own plus several extra chapters compared to the
Modules & web site. These include an additional case study for an OO games
Functions framework. (A fully commented version of the framework is
available on the old Useless Python website as
Handling Files
You can order the book on Amazon by clicking here. Most of the
Handling Text other online bookshops have it in stock too.

Error Handling There is also a Japanese version available from the Japanese branch
of my publishers.

I now have a web site set up listing errata and providing

Advanced opportunities to send feedback and questions.
Topics Please pay a visit if you've bought the book!

Page 1
Learning to program 27/05/2007

What's in a
name? The Future
Regular As I said above I am still adding new topics added as part of a new
Expressions section looking at practical applications of programming. This is in
response to many requests from readers who say - "OK, Now I
Object Oriented know how to program, but what exactly can I do with my new
Programming found skills?" These topics do not feature any VBScript or
Event Driven
Programming There is a Polish translation underway and the Czech version has
been updated to reflect the latest version. As ever, Petr has been my
most exacting reviewer and I thank him for his many corrections.
Any remaining errors are entirely my fault!
The book is stagnant I'm afraid, but once I get the new topics
- or doing it to
written I might sound the publishers out about a second edition
updating it to the latest version of Python, whatever that will be by
Functional then, and adding the new material. But don't hold your breath
Programming waiting on that one...

A Case Study Non English Editions now available!

Martin Pozzi was the first to translate the tutor (into Spanish) and
he has now been followed by several others. The following versions
Applications are available:

Python in Language Translator

Czech version Petr P
Working with German Bruno Schaefer
Databases Korean johnsonj
Using the Italian Luca Fini
Operating Portuguese Wilson Edgar
Spanish Martin Pozzi
communications The tutorials above are all usable but at different stages of
completeness compared to the web site. That's because they reflect
Network the state of the web site at the time of translation. The Czech one in
programming particular is very professionally presented including a very
attractive appearance. I was so impressed with the style that I have
Writing web used Petr's stylesheets as the basis for the English version.
clients Hopefully I'll get round to changing the other language editions
Writing Web

Page 2
Learning to program 27/05/2007

Parallel I think all of the translators deserve a vote of thanks for their
processing efforts in putting this together. It's always better to read a
translation of an old tutorial than to struggle reading a new one in a
foreign language! If anyone else wishes to do a translation, or
update any of the existing ones, just send me an email.

Books and As mentioned above there is a Japanese version of my book
Projects available too.

New Stuff

Download the Not much because of the PC problems mentioned above!

whole thing in
TGZ format Download Archive Format Change

Or in ZIP I'll be posting both zip and tgz versions of the site from time to
format. time. I don't promise that they will be perfectly up to date but I'll try
not to let them get too far adrift. If you want the latest then check
Or in PDF the online version.
Linux users can download the tar/gzip version.
Send Feedback

Windows users should be able to use that version too since

winzip and the freeware archiver Quick Zip by Joseph Leung can
both cope with tgz format. I'll also be using tgz format for the non
English versions, just look at the bottom of the contents frame for a

Finally I have made a basic PDF version available too, it doesn't

have any fancy navigation features like bookmarks but if you like
PDF format it's here.

And Palm Users Too...

One Palm user has created a Palm doc file of the old site. I haven't
had a chance to try it yet but offer it here for those who want it. If
anyone has problems with this one then you're on your own, it's
unsupported. But hopefully it will be useful to someone. If you
don't have a Palm doc reader you can find a choice of freeware
ones at this site.

Page 3
Learning to program 27/05/2007

Introduction - What, Why, Who etc.

Why am I writing this?
The reason I am creating this tutorial is that there seems to be very
little for the absolute beginner to programming on the Web. Yet the
Internet and the Web encourage interest in computers and that
interest naturally leads to a desire to "take control", which means
learning to program!

Why me? Well I am a professional programmer who came to

programming from an electronic engineering background. I have used
(and continue to use) several computer languages and don't have any
personal interest in promoting any particular tool or language. Oh,
and when I started, nobody else seemed to be doing it! Since then
several other tutors for beginners have appeared, but this one seems
to have acquired enough of a fan base that I'll keep it going.

What will I cover

As much as I can. I will cover the basic theory of computer
programming - what it is, some of its history and the basic techniques
needed to solve problems. I will not be teaching esoteric techniques
or the details of any particular programming language, in fact I'll be
using several different languages, since I believe its important to
realize that different languages do different things well. That said, the
majority of the course will be in the language called Python.

Who should read it?

Put another way: what do I expect the reader to know already?

I expect the reader of this tutorial to be an experienced user of a

computer system, probably MS DOS, Windows or Unix although
others should be able to cope too. I also expect them to understand
some very basic mathematical concepts such as geometric
coordinates, sets, and basic algebra. These are all important in todays
programming environments, and many programming concepts are
based on these ideas. However the depth of knowledge needed is
very low and if you do find the math getting too hard, you can
usually just skip over a few paragraphs, try the code as it is and
hopefully the penny will drop even if the math still confuses you.

One thing you should know is how to run commands from your
operating system's command prompt. In Windows this is variously
known as a DOS box, the MS DOS Window or MS-DOS Prompt.
Basically it's a black window with a white text prompt that usually

Page 4
Learning to program 27/05/2007

says C:\WINDOWS> and you can start it by going to the Start->Run

dialog and typing COMMAND into the entry box and hitting OK. If
you use Linux then you should know all about terminal windows and
on MacOS you can run the Terminal program under Mac OS X
(which is found in the Applications->Utilities folder).

I will not be covering issues like how to create or copy text files, how
to install software, or the organization of files on a computer storage
system. Frankly if you need to know those things you probably are
not at the stage of being able to program, regardless of your desire to
do so. Find a tutorial for your computer first, then when you're
confident with the above concepts revisit this site.

Why Python?
Python happens to be a nice language to learn. Its syntax is simple
and it has some very powerful features built into the language. It
supports lots of programming styles from the very simple through to
state of the art Object Oriented techniques. It runs on lots of
platforms - Unix/Linux, MS Windows, Macintosh etc. It also has a
very friendly and helpful user community. All of these are important
features for a beginner's language.

Python however is not just a beginner's language. As your experience

grows you can keep on using Python either as an end in itself or as a
rapid prototyping language. There are a few things that Python is not
well suited to, but these are comparatively few and far between.

I will also use VBScript and JavaScript as alternatives. The reason

for this is to show that the same basic techniques apply regardless of
the language details. Once you can program in one language you can
easily pick up a new one in a few days. Why those languages? Well,
for a start they have very different styles to Python so form a useful
contrast, and more prosaically if we accept that most Web surfers
who are also beginners are using PCs with Microsoft Windows
installed, there is a programming environment built in to the
operating system called Windows Scripting Host which has support
for VBScript and JScript (which is Microsoft's variant of JavaScript).
In addition anyone using Microsoft's web browser can also use these
languages within their browser, and in fact JavaScript should work in
almost any browser. We'll only look at how to run VBScript and
JavaScript inside a browser, investigating WSH I'll leave as an
exercise for the interested Windows user!

Other resources

Page 5
Learning to program 27/05/2007

There are other Web sites trying to do this in other languages (and in
the time since I originally created this site a few other Python sites
have appeared). There are also lots of tutorials for those who already
know how to program but want to learn a new language. This section
contains links to some of those that I think are worthwhile!

The official Python language website with online

documentation, latest downloads etc.
The official Perl web site - Perl is a natural competitor to
Python in capability but is, I think, harder to learn.
JavaScript. is the source for information about JavaScript.
If you don't much like my style a web site with similar aims is
the How to think like a Computer Scientist produced by Jeff
Elkner who uses Python in his high School classes. It seems a
little bit less comprehensive than mine, but maybe I'm just
biased :-)
Since I first wrote this tutor a whole bunch of non
programmer's tutorials have appeared and they are listed on
the Python web site, so you can take your pick. Most of them
focus on just getting you programming in Python so they
don't explain so much of the jargon as I do, nor do they
explain the Computer Science theory like Jeff does. You can
find the page here.

Next Contents

If you have any ideas on how to improve this tutorial

please feel free to contact me

Page 6
Learning to program 27/05/2007

Learning to Program
by Alan Gauld

Stop Press! Last Update: 27th May 2007

The Web Site

Welcome to the Learning to Program web tutor!

I've been very busy in my day-job over the last year so very little progress has been
made, however I am working on the first web programming topic. Meantime there
have been several tweaks to the existing topics, including many minor bug fixes and
some changes to the colour scheme to reducethe contrast which some folks felt was
a bit glaring.

The original version of the tutor using TCl and QBASIC is still available here.

The Book
Latest news on my book is that it has moved to print-on-demand. Basically this
means that copies are only printed when firm orders are received from retailers.
Logically this means you are less likely to see it in the shops but you can still place an
order and it will be delivered, it just takes a little longer is all.

The book is now significantly different to the new web site although the basics
remain the same. It is stuck at Python version 1.5 and doesn't have the new material,
although it has extra examples of its own plus several extra chapters compared to the
web site. These include an additional case study for an OO games framework. (A
fully commented version of the framework is available on the old Useless
Python website as

You can order the book on Amazon by clicking here. Most of the other online
bookshops have it in stock too.

There is also a Japanese version available from the Japanese branch of my


I now have a web site set up listing errata and providing opportunities to send
feedback and questions.
Please pay a visit if you've bought the book!

The Future

Page 7
Learning to program 27/05/2007

As I said above I am still adding new topics added as part of a new section looking at
practical applications of programming. This is in response to many requests from
readers who say - "OK, Now I know how to program, but what exactly can I do
with my new found skills?" These topics do not feature any VBScript or JavaScript.

There is a Polish translation underway and the Czech version has been updated to
reflect the latest version. As ever, Petr has been my most exacting reviewer and I
thank him for his many corrections. Any remaining errors are entirely my fault!

The book is stagnant I'm afraid, but once I get the new topics written I might sound
the publishers out about a second edition updating it to the latest version of Python,
whatever that will be by then, and adding the new material. But don't hold your
breath waiting on that one...

Non English Editions now available!

Martin Pozzi was the first to translate the tutor (into Spanish) and he has now been
followed by several others. The following versions are available:

Language Translator
Czech version Petr P
German Bruno Schaefer
Korean johnsonj
Italian Luca Fini
Portuguese Wilson Edgar
Spanish Martin Pozzi

The tutorials above are all usable but at different stages of completeness compared to
the web site. That's because they reflect the state of the web site at the time of
translation. The Czech one in particular is very professionally presented including a
very attractive appearance. I was so impressed with the style that I have used Petr's
stylesheets as the basis for the English version. Hopefully I'll get round to changing
the other language editions too.

I think all of the translators deserve a vote of thanks for their efforts in putting this
together. It's always better to read a translation of an old tutorial than to struggle
reading a new one in a foreign language! If anyone else wishes to do a translation, or
update any of the existing ones, just send me an email.

As mentioned above there is a Japanese version of my book available too.

New Stuff

Page 8
Learning to program 27/05/2007

Not much because of the PC problems mentioned above!

Download Archive Format Change

I'll be posting both zip and tgz versions of the site from time to time. I don't promise
that they will be perfectly up to date but I'll try not to let them get too far adrift. If
you want the latest then check the online version.

Linux users can download the tar/gzip version.

Windows users should be able to use that version too since winzip and the freeware
archiver Quick Zip by Joseph Leung can both cope with tgz format. I'll also be using
tgz format for the non English versions, just look at the bottom of the contents frame
for a link.

Finally I have made a basic PDF version available too, it doesn't have any fancy
navigation features like bookmarks but if you like PDF format it's here.

And Palm Users Too...

One Palm user has created a Palm doc file of the old site. I haven't had a chance to
try it yet but offer it here for those who want it. If anyone has problems with this one
then you're on your own, it's unsupported. But hopefully it will be useful to someone.
If you don't have a Palm doc reader you can find a choice of freeware ones at this

Introduction - What, Why, Who etc.

Why am I writing this?
The reason I am creating this tutorial is that there seems to be very little for the
absolute beginner to programming on the Web. Yet the Internet and the Web
encourage interest in computers and that interest naturally leads to a desire to "take
control", which means learning to program!

Why me? Well I am a professional programmer who came to programming from an

electronic engineering background. I have used (and continue to use) several
computer languages and don't have any personal interest in promoting any particular
tool or language. Oh, and when I started, nobody else seemed to be doing it! Since
then several other tutors for beginners have appeared, but this one seems to have
acquired enough of a fan base that I'll keep it going.

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Learning to program 27/05/2007

What will I cover

As much as I can. I will cover the basic theory of computer programming - what it is,
some of its history and the basic techniques needed to solve problems. I will not be
teaching esoteric techniques or the details of any particular programming language, in
fact I'll be using several different languages, since I believe its important to realize that
different languages do different things well. That said, the majority of the course will
be in the language called Python.

Who should read it?

Put another way: what do I expect the reader to know already?

I expect the reader of this tutorial to be an experienced user of a computer system,

probably MS DOS, Windows or Unix although others should be able to cope too. I
also expect them to understand some very basic mathematical concepts such as
geometric coordinates, sets, and basic algebra. These are all important in todays
programming environments, and many programming concepts are based on these
ideas. However the depth of knowledge needed is very low and if you do find the math
getting too hard, you can usually just skip over a few paragraphs, try the code as it is
and hopefully the penny will drop even if the math still confuses you.

One thing you should know is how to run commands from your operating system's
command prompt. In Windows this is variously known as a DOS box, the MS DOS
Window or MS-DOS Prompt. Basically it's a black window with a white text prompt
that usually says C:\WINDOWS> and you can start it by going to the Start->Run
dialog and typing COMMAND into the entry box and hitting OK. If you use Linux
then you should know all about terminal windows and on MacOS you can run the
Terminal program under Mac OS X (which is found in the Applications->Utilities

I will not be covering issues like how to create or copy text files, how to install
software, or the organization of files on a computer storage system. Frankly if you
need to know those things you probably are not at the stage of being able to program,
regardless of your desire to do so. Find a tutorial for your computer first, then when
you're confident with the above concepts revisit this site.

Why Python?
Python happens to be a nice language to learn. Its syntax is simple and it has some very
powerful features built into the language. It supports lots of programming styles from
the very simple through to state of the art Object Oriented techniques. It runs on lots
of platforms - Unix/Linux, MS Windows, Macintosh etc. It also has a very friendly and
helpful user community. All of these are important features for a beginner's language.

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Learning to program 27/05/2007

Python however is not just a beginner's language. As your experience grows you can
keep on using Python either as an end in itself or as a rapid prototyping language.
There are a few things that Python is not well suited to, but these are comparatively
few and far between.

I will also use VBScript and JavaScript as alternatives. The reason for this is to show
that the same basic techniques apply regardless of the language details. Once you can
program in one language you can easily pick up a new one in a few days. Why those
languages? Well, for a start they have very different styles to Python so form a useful
contrast, and more prosaically if we accept that most Web surfers who are also
beginners are using PCs with Microsoft Windows installed, there is a programming
environment built in to the operating system called Windows Scripting Host which has
support for VBScript and JScript (which is Microsoft's variant of JavaScript). In
addition anyone using Microsoft's web browser can also use these languages within
their browser, and in fact JavaScript should work in almost any browser. We'll only
look at how to run VBScript and JavaScript inside a browser, investigating WSH I'll
leave as an exercise for the interested Windows user!

Other resources
There are other Web sites trying to do this in other languages (and in the time since I
originally created this site a few other Python sites have appeared). There are also lots
of tutorials for those who already know how to program but want to learn a new
language. This section contains links to some of those that I think are worthwhile!

The official Python language website with online documentation, latest

downloads etc.
The official Perl web site - Perl is a natural competitor to Python in capability
but is, I think, harder to learn.
JavaScript. is the source for information about JavaScript.
If you don't much like my style a web site with similar aims is the How to think
like a Computer Scientist produced by Jeff Elkner who uses Python in his high
School classes. It seems a little bit less comprehensive than mine, but maybe
I'm just biased :-)
Since I first wrote this tutor a whole bunch of non programmer's tutorials have
appeared and they are listed on the Python web site, so you can take your pick.
Most of them focus on just getting you programming in Python so they don't
explain so much of the jargon as I do, nor do they explain the Computer
Science theory like Jeff does. You can find the page here.

Next Contents

If you have any ideas on how to improve this tutorial

please feel free to contact me

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Learning to program 27/05/2007

Page 12
What do I need to be a programmer? 27/05/2007

What do I need?
What will we cover?
The character and mindset of a programmer, the programming environments used in
the tutor.

In principle you don't need anything to do this course other than an Internet enabled
computer - which I assume you have if you are reading this in the first place! The other
thing that is useful is the right mind set to program. What I mean by that is an innate
curiosity about things, coupled to a logical way of thinking. These are both essential
requirements for a successful programmer.

The curiosity factor comes into play in looking for answers to problems and being
willing to dig around in sometimes obscure documents for ideas and information
needed to complete a task.

The logical thinking comes into play because computers are intrinsically stupid. They
can't really do anything except add single digits together and move bytes from one
place to another. Luckily for us some talented programmers have written lots of
programs to hide this basic stupidity. But of course as a programmer you may well get
into a new situation where you have to face that stupidity in its raw state. At that point
you have to think for the computer. You have to figure out exactly what needs to be
done to your data and when.

So much for the philosophy! However if you want to get the best from the tutorial you
will want to follow along, either typing in the examples by hand or cutting and pasting
from the Web page into your text editor. Then you can run the programs and see the
results. To do that you will need to have Python installed on your system (and for the
VBScript/JScript examples you'll need a browser capable of running those languages.
Almost any modern browser can run JavaScript.)

Python version 2.3 is the latest release at the time of writing. The Python download is
quite big (about 9Mb for the Windows binary version) but it does include all the
documentation and lots of tools, some of which we'll look at later in the tutorial.

For Linux/Unix you can get the source and build it - see your sys admin!! It also comes
pre-built (and pre-installed) in most Linux distributions these days and packaged
versions (for Red Hat, Mandrake, Suse and Debian) can be found too. In fact you may
well find that many of the systems admin tools you use on Linux are actually written in

The master download site for Python is:

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What do I need to be a programmer? 27/05/2007

VBScript and JavaScript

As I said earlier most browsers can run JavaScript without any problems. VBScript
will only work in Microsoft's Internet Explorer. You don't need to install anything for
these languages, either you have them (on Windows boxes) or you don't (JavaScript
only on Linux). The only thing to watch out for is that some paranoid system
administrators occasionally turn off the scripting feature of the browser for security
purposes, but since so many web sites use JavaScript nowadays that's pretty unlikely.

And that's it. Bring your brain, a sense of humor and start programming....

Points to remember
You need logical thinking and curiosity to program
Python, JavaScript and VBScript(on Windows only) are all freely available
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Page 14
What is programming? 27/05/2007

What is Programming?
What will we cover?
An introduction to the terminology of computing plus some history and a brief look
at the structure of a computer program.

Back to Basics
Computer Programming is the art of making a computer do what you want it to do.

At the very simplest level it consists of issuing a sequence of commands to a computer

to achieve an objective. In the Microsoft world MS DOS users used to create text files
with lists of commands called BAT files. These simply executed the sequence of
commands as a BATCH, hence the name. You can still produce these in Windows
environments today but in practice they are rarely seen.

For example you might be producing a document (such as this tutorial) which
comprises lots of separate files. Your word processor may produce backup copies of
each file as it saves a new version. At the end of the day you may want to put the
current version of the document (all the latest files) into a 'backup' directory/folder.
Finally, to tidy up, delete all the backup files ready to start work the next day. A simple
BAT file to do this would be:



If the file were called SAVE.BAT then at the end of each day I could simply type
SAVE at a DOS prompt and the files would be saved and backups deleted. This is a

Note: Users of Linux or other operating systems have their own versions of these files
often known as shell scripts. Unix shell scripts are much more powerful than DOS
BAT files, and support most of the programming techniques that we will be discussing
in this course.

Let me say that again

If you were a little daunted by that, please don't be. A computer program is simply a
set of instructions to tell a computer how to perform a particular task. It's rather like a
recipe: a set of instructions to tell a cook how to make a particular dish. It describes
the ingredients (the data) and the sequence of steps (the process) needed to convert the
ingredients into the cake or whatever. Programs are very similar in concept.

A little history

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Just as you speak to a friend in a language so you 'speak' to the computer in a

language. The only language that the computer understands is called binary and there
are several different dialects of it - which is why that cool iMac program won't run on
your PC and vice versa. Binary is unfortunately very difficult for humans to read or
write so we have to use an intermediate language and get it translated into binary for
us. This is rather like watching the American and Russian presidents talking at a
summit meeting - One speaks in English, then an interpreter repeats what has been said
in Russian. The other replies in Russian and the interpreter again repeats the sentence,
this time in English.

Surprisingly enough the thing that translates our intermediate language into binary is
also called an interpreter. And just as you usually need a different interpreter to
translate English into Russian than you do to translate Arabic into Russian so you need
a different computer interpreter to translate Python into binary from the one that
translates VBScript into binary.

The very first programmers actually had to enter the binary codes themselves, this is
known as machine code programming and is incredibly difficult. The next stage was to
create a translator that simply converted English equivalents of the binary codes into
binary so that instead of having to remember that the code 001273 05 04 meant
add 5 to 4 programmers could now write ADD 5 4. This very simple
improvement made life much simpler and these systems of codes were really the first
programming languages, one for each type of computer. They were known as
assembler languages and Assembler programming is still used for a few specialized
programming tasks today.

Even this was very primitive and still told the computer what to do at the hardware
level - move bytes from this memory location to that memory location, add this byte to
that byte etc. It was still very difficult and took a lot of programming effort to achieve
even simple tasks.

Gradually computer scientists developed higher level computer languages to make the
job easier. This was just as well because at the same time users were inventing ever
more complex jobs for computers to solve! This competition between the computer
scientists and the users is still going on and new languages keep on appearing. This
makes programming interesting but also makes it important that as a programmer you
understand the concepts of programming as well as the pragmatics of doing it in one
particular language.

I'll discuss some of those common concepts next, but we will keep coming back to
them as we go through the course.

The common features of all programs

A long time ago a man called Edsger Dijkstra came up with a concept called structured
programming. This said that all programs could be structured in the following four

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Sequences of instructions:

Here the program flows from one step to the next in strict sequence.


Here the program reaches a decision point and if the result of the test is true
then the program performs the instructions in Path 1, and if false it performs
the actions in Path 2. This is also known as a conditional construct because the
program flow is dependent on the result of a test condition.


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In this construct the program steps are repeated continuously until some test
condition is reached, at which point control then flows past the loop into the
next piece of program logic.


Here the program performs an identical sequence of actions several times. For
convenience these common actions are placed in a module, which is a kind of
mini-program which can be executed from within the main program. Other
names for such a module are: sub-routine, procedure or function.

Along with these structures programs also need a few more features to make them

Data (we take a closer look at data in the Raw Materials topic.)
Operations (add, subtract, compare etc.
- we also take a look at the operations we can perform on data in the Raw
Materials topic.)
Input/Output capability (e.g. to display results
- we look at how to read data in the "Talking to the User" topic.)

Once you understand those concepts and how a particular programming language
implements them then you can write a program in that language.

Let's clear up some terminology

We already said that programming was the art of making a computer do what you
want, but what is a program?

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In fact there are two distinct concepts of a program. The first is the one perceived by
the user - an executable file that is installed and can be run repeatedly to perform a
task. For example users speak of running their "word processor program". The other
concept is the program as seen by the programmer, this is the text file of instructions to
the computer, written in some programming language, that can be translated into an
executable file. So when you talk about a program always be clear about which
concept you mean.

Basically a programmer writes a program in a high level language which is interpreted

into the bytes that the computer understands. In technical speak the programmer
generates source code and the interpreter generates object code. Sometimes object
code has other names like: P-Code, binary code or machine code.

The interpreter has a couple of names, one being the interpreter and the other being
the compiler. These terms actually refer to two different techniques of generating
object code from source code. It used to be the case that compilers produced object
code that could be run on its own (an executable file - another term) whereas an
interpreter had to be present to run its program as it went along. The difference
between these terms is now blurring however since some compilers now require
interpreters to be present to do a final conversion and some interpreters simply compile
their source code into temporary object code and then execute it.

From our perspective it makes no real difference, we write source code and use a tool
to allow the computer to read, translate and execute it.

The structure of a program

The exact structure of a program depends on the programming language and the
environment that you run it on. However there are some general principles:

A loader - every program needs to be loaded into memory by the operating

system. The loader does this and is usually created by the interpreter for you.
Data definitions - most programs operate on data and somewhere in the source
code we need to define exactly what type of data we will be working with.
Different languages do this very differently.
Statements - these are the core of your program. The statements actually
manipulate the data we define and do the calculations, print the output etc.

Most programs follow one of two structures:

Batch programs

These are typically started from a command line (or automatically via a scheduler
utility) and tend to follow a pattern of:

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What is programming? 27/05/2007

That is, the program will typically start off by setting its internal state, perhaps setting
totals to zero, opening the needed files etc. Once it is ready to start work it will read
data either from the user by displaying prompts on a screen or from a data file. Most
commonly a combination is used whereby the user provides the name of the data file
and the real data is read from the file. Then the program does the actual data
processing involving math or data conversion or whatever. Finally the results are
produced, either to a screen display or, perhaps, by writing them back to a file.

All the programs we write in the early parts of this tutorial will be batch style

Event driven programs

Most GUI systems (and embedded control systems - like your Microwave, camera etc)
are event driven. That is the operating system sends events to the program and the
program responds to these as they arrive. Events can include things a user does - like
clicking the mouse or pressing a key - or things that the system itself does like
updating the clock or refreshing the screen.

Event driven programs generally look like:

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In this configuration the program again starts off by setting up its internal state, but
then control is handed off to the event loop - which is usually provided by the
operating environment (sometimes referred to as the runtime). The program then waits
for the event loop to detect user actions which it translates to events. These events are
sent to the program to deal with one at a time. Eventually the user will perform an
action that terminates the program, at which point an Exit Event will be created and
sent to the program.

We look at event loops and event driven programming in the "Advanced Topics"
section and again in the GUI programming topic.
Points to remember
Programs control the computer
Programming languages allow us to 'speak' to the computer at a level that is
closer to how humans think than how computers 'think'
Programs operate on data
Programs can be either Batch oriented or Event driven
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Getting Started 27/05/2007

Getting Started
What will we cover?
How to start Python and what an error message looks like - just in case...
How to create a VBScript and JavaScript program.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although I use 3 languages you are not expected to type in
all of the exercises in all 3 languages. That would just be confusing. You might want
to try all of them in the early examples just to get experience of using them. However,
as you get beyond the first couple of topics you should choose one (I recommend
Python, but you can choose one of the others if you prefer) and type those examples
in, then simply read through the other language examples to note the similarities and
differences between them. That way you should get a feel for both reading code (an
important skill for a programmer in itself) and understanding the common ideas
between all programming languages.

Using Python
For the next set of exercises I will assume you have a properly installed version of
Python on your computer. If not, go fetch the latest version from the Python web
site and follow the install instructions for your platform.

Now from a command prompt type python. (If you are a Windows user and don't
know what a command prompt is or how to start one then read the sidebar
sidebar below. I assume Linux users will be familiar with terminal windows, and
MacOS users just have an icon to click as usual.) The Python prompt should appear
looking something like this:

Python 2.3 (#46, Jul 29 2003, 18:54:32) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Alternatively you might find a shortcut to something called IDLE, or the Python GUI,
in your start menus. If you start IDLE instead of the command line version you will get
a similar prompt but in a window of its own and with some pretty font colors! Danny
Yoo has written a pretty good IDLE Tutorial to get you started with IDLE and I
recommend you pay it a visit if you want to stick with it rather than the basic command
prompt. It duplicates some of the early material here but repetition of the basics is no
bad thing!

The full manual for IDLE is found here. For now I'd recommend you stick with
Danny's tutor.

One interesting thing about IDLE is that it is itself a Python program, so it's a very
good demonstration of just what is possible using Python

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Getting Started 27/05/2007

If you got your version of Python from ActiveState or if you downloaded the
Windows specific extensions (the winall package), you also have access to another
GUI programming environment, very similar to IDLE but perhaps a little more
polished, called Pythonwin. Either Pythonwin or IDLE make far better programming
environments than the standard DOS prompt, but at the very beginning I prefer to use
the most basic tools to focus on the underlying principles rather than the toys.
The Windows Command Prompt
Since I first wrote this tutorial it has become obvious that many Windows users are
no longer familiar with the venerable MS Dos command prompt. This sidebar will
describe how this invaluable tool can be accessed and provide the bare minimum on
how to use it.

There are several ways to access the command prompt. The simplest way is to go to
the Start Menu and select Run.... In the dialog that appears type cmd and hit OK.
A black window should appear with a white textual prompt saying something like:


This indicates the folder where the user is now located and typing DIR and hitting
return should display a list of all the files in the directory. You can also try typing
python and if all is well you should see the familiar >>> prompt and be able to type
Python commands.

Unfortunately recent versions of Python have not apparently been setting things up
such that the Dos prompt can find Python. If this is the case with you then you need
to set an Environment Variable called Path.

Assuming you are using Win2000 or XP you do that by right clicking My

Computer and selecting Properties. Go to Advanced and click Environment

You should find that 'Path' is already defined as a System variable so select it and
click Edit.

In the Variable Value field go to the end and add a semicolon and the full path to
your Python executable folder. OK your way back out.

Now you can type python at the command prompt from any folder and it should
start python. So you can CD (Change Directory) to the folder holding your script and
type the command as per the tutorial. There is a list of DOS commands that you can

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Getting Started 27/05/2007

type at the command prompt in the DOS help system. Just type help at the
command prompt. For help on how to use any given command type the name of the
command followed by /?. So for help on the DIR command that we used above,


Finally you can create a desktop shortcut by simply right-clicking the Desktop,
selecting New->Shortcut. In the wizard that appears type cmd and click Next
> then change the name to something like "Command Prompt" or similar. Click
Finish and a new icon should appear on the desktop for you to click.

Take time to explore this powerful tool. It may seem primitive but it can be much
more powerful, especially when doing repetitive tasks, than the GUI tools like
Windows Explorer.

A word about error messages

If you type in the commands as we go through them then sooner or later you will get
an error message. It will look something like this:

>>> print 'fred' + 7

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

Don't worry about the exact meaning here just look at the structure.
The '>>> print ...' line is the erroneous command
The next 2 lines are describing where the error occurred:
'line 1 in ?' means line 1 in the command we are typing. If it were a longer
program stored in a source file the <input> would be replaced by the file name.

The 'TypeError...' line tells you what the interpreter thinks is wrong and
sometimes there will be a caret character(^) pointing to the part of the line that Python
thinks is at fault.
Unfortunately this will often be wrong, usually the error is earlier in the line, or even in
the (one or two) lines immediately preceding where Python says it is - remember
computers are dumb!

Use the error information to figure out what's happening. Remember it's most likely to
be you at fault not the computer. Remember again that computers are dumb. Probably
you just mistyped something or forgot a quote sign or something similar. Check

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Basically there are three types of error you will encounter. The first of these is a syntax
error which basically means that Python didn't recognise what you typed as a valid
program, it's like missing out punctuation in an English sentence or spelling a word
wrongly. The next category of errors is a runtime error which is where the program
looks valid but for some reason cannot be executed, you have tried to perform an
illegal, or unavailable operation. Trying to read a file that did not exist would be an
example. The final type of error is a semantic error which is where the program
appears to have worked in that there are no error messaages but it produces the wrong
output. For example if you wrote a word counter program that reported that this file
only contained 5 words, it would obviously be wrong, so the program has a semantic
error. Most of the errors you will come across initially will be syntax errors or runtime
errors, later, as you start to design your own programs, you will make semantic errors
and need to fix them. This process is called debugging and the errors so found are
called bugs for historic reasons - one of the first computer faults was due to a real
insect-type bug getting stuck inside the machine!

In case you are wondering, the mistake I made was trying to add a number to a
character string which is a semantic error but in this case is one which also generates a
runtime error.. You're not allowed to do that so Python objected and told me there
was a TypeError. You'll need to wait till we get to the topic on the Raw Materials to
understand what types are all about....

Whichever approach you've decided to take, command prompt or IDLE (or

Pythonwin) we are ready to start creating some very simple Python programs.

To create JavaScript programs in a browser we need to do a bit more work. We need
to create an HTML file which we can load into a web browser. An HTML file is really
just a plain text file which you can create in Notepad or any other text editor. The file
will look like this:


<script type="text/javascript">

document.write('Hello World\n');



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The bit between <script...> and </script> is our program. I won't be showing
all the HTML tags every time in this tutorial so you need to copy that file each time as
a template and then replace everything between the script tags with the code you want
to try out.

VBScript is essentially the same as JavaScript with the single difference that you
replace the name "javascript" in the type= bit with, surprisingly enough, "vbscript".
Like this:


<script type="text/vbscript">

MsgBox "Hello World"



Once again the bit between the <script> tags is the program.

VBScript and JavaScript errors

In both VBScript and JavaScript you will get a dialog box pop up telling you the line
number of an error. There will also be a fairly inscrutable error message. As with
Python, treat the line number as a rough guide rather than an exact pointer. After
finding and fixing the error you will need to reload (or refresh) the page in your web

OK, Whichever language you choose you are ready to start.

Points to remember
Start python by typing python at a command prompt
Error messages are nothing to be scared of, read them carefully, they usually
give a clue as to why you got them.
But it's only a clue... if in doubt check the lines immediately before the
reported line.
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Simple sequences 27/05/2007

Simple Sequences
What will we cover?
Single commands
The use of Python as a calculator
Using parentheses to get the correct result
Using format strings to print complex output
How to quit Python from within a program.

A simple sequence of instructions is the most basic program you can write. The
simplest sequence is one containing a single command. We will try out some of these
now. The heading will describe what you should type at the '>>> ' Python prompt, the
following paragraph will explain what happens.

>>> print 'Hello there!'

The first thing to notice is that you don't need to type the space between the >>> and
the 'print' - Python puts that there for you. Secondly Python cares about details like
whether or not you use upper or lower case. If you typed Print instead of print you
would get an error because Python considers the two words to be different.
(JavaScript is also fussy about case whereas VBScript is much more forgiving, but it's
best to just get used to being very careful about case when programming.)

The print command is the way to get Python to display its results to you. In this case
it is printing the sequence of characters H,e,l,l,o, ,t,h,e,r,e,!. Such a
sequence of characters is known in programming circles as a string of characters or a
character string or just a plain string.

You signify a string by surrounding it in quotes. In Python you can use either single
quotes (as above) or double quotes: "a string". This allows you to include one type of
quote within a string which is surrounded by the other type - useful for apostrophes:

>>> print "Monty Python's Flying Circus has a ' within it..."

JavaScript and VBScript are both a bit more fussy about which types of quotes you
can use and where. In both of those languages I recommend sticking to double quotes
where possible.

It's not just characters that can be printed:

>>>print 6 + 5

Here we have printed the result of an arithmetic operation - we added six and five.
Python recognized the numbers as such and the plus sign and did the sum for us. It
then printed the result.

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So straight away you have a use for Python: it's a handy 'pocket calculator'! Try a few
more calculations. Use some other arithmetic operators:

subtract (-)
multiply (*)
divide (/)

We can combine multiple expressions like this:

>>> print ((6 * 5) + (7 - 5)) / (7 + 1)

Notice the way I used parentheses to group the numbers together. What happens if
you type the same sequence without the parentheses? This is because Python will
evaluate the multiplication and division before the addition and subtraction. This is
usually what you would expect mathematically speaking but it may not be what you
expect as a programmer! All programming languages have rules to determine the
sequence of evaluation of operations and this is known as operator precedence. You
will need to look at the reference documentation for each language to see how it
works. With Python it's usually what logic and intuition would suggest, but
occasionally it won't be...

As a general rule it's safest to include the brackets to make sure you get what you want
when dealing with long series of sums like this.

One other thing to note:

>>> print 5/2

results in a whole number (integer) result (i.e. 2). This is because Python sees that the
numbers are whole numbers and assumes you want to keep them that way. If you want
decimal fractions as a result simply write one number as a decimal:

>>> print 5/2.0


Python sees the 2.0 and realizes that we are happy dealing with fractions (referred to
as real numbers or floating point in computing parlance), so it responds with a
fractional result. In the most recent versions of Python you can change this behavior to
always produce real numbers from a division by adding this line to the top of your

>>> from __future__ import division

(Note, that's two underscores on each side of future)

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Its likely that this will be the standard type of division in some future version of Python
but for now you have to specifically tell Python that you want it turned on.

If you want to keep with whole numbers you can find the remainder by using the
% sign like a division operator. Python will print the remainder:

>>> print 7/2

>>> print 7%2
>>> print 7%4

% is known as the modulo or mod operator and in other languages is often seen as
MOD or similar.

Experiment and you will soon get the idea.

>>>print 'The total is: ', 23+45

You've seen that we can print strings and numbers. Now we combine the two in one
print statement, separating them with a comma. We can extend this feature by
combining it with a useful Python trick for outputting data called a format string:

>>> print "The sum of %d and %d is: %d" % (7,18,7+18)

In this command the format string contains '%' markers within it. The letter 'd' after the
% tells Python that a 'decimal number' should be placed there. The values to fill in the
markers are obtained from the values inside the bracketed expression following the %
sign on its own.

There are other letters that can be placed after the % markers. Some of these include:

%s - for string
%x - for hexadecimal number
%0.2f - for a real number with a maximum of 2 decimal places
%04d - pad the number out to 4 digits with 0's

The Python documentation will give lots more...

In fact you can print any Python object with the print command. Sometimes the result
will not be what you hoped for (perhaps just a description of what kind of object it is)
but you can always print it.

>>>import sys

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Now this is a strange one. If you've tried it you'll see that it apparently does nothing.
But that's not really true. To understand what happened we need to look at the
architecture of Python (for non Python programmers, bear with me there will be a
similar mechanism available to you too!)

When you start Python there are a bunch of commands available to you called
built-ins, because they are built in to the Python core. However Python can extend the
list of commands available by incorporating extension modules. - It's a bit like buying a
new tool in your favourite DIY shop and adding it to your toolbox. The tool is the
sys part and the import operation puts it into the toolbox.

In fact what this command does is makes available a whole bunch of new 'tools' in the
shape of Python commands which are defined in a file called ''. This is how
Python is extended to do all sorts of clever things that are not built in to the basic
system. You can even create your own modules and import and use them, just like the
modules provided with Python when you installed it.

So how do we use these new tools?


Whoops! What happened there? Simply that we executed the exit command defined
in the sys module. That command causes Python to exit. (Note: Normally you exit
Python by typing the End Of File(EOF) character at the >>> prompt - CTRL-Z on
DOS or CTRL-D on Unix)

Notice that exit had 2 brackets after it. That's because exit is a function defined in sys
and when we call a Python function we need to supply the parentheses even if there's
nothing inside them!

Try typing sys.exit without the brackets. Python responds by telling you that exit is a
function rather than by executing it!

One final thing to notice is that the last two commands are actually only useful in
combination. That is, to exit from Python other than by typing EOF you need to type:

import sys

This is a sequence of two commands! Now we're getting closer to real programming....

Using JavaScript
Unfortunately in JavaScript there is no easy way to type the commands in and see them
being executed immediately as we have been doing with Python. However we can type
all of the simple commands we used above into a single HTML file and load it into a
browser. That way we will see what they look like in JavaScript:

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Simple sequences 27/05/2007

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('Hello there!<BR>');
document.write("Monty Python\'s Flying Circus has a \' within it<BR>");
document.write( ((8 * 4) + (7 - 3)) / (2 + 4) );
document.write( 5/2 );
document.write( 5 % 2 );

And the output should look like this:

Notice that we had to write <BR> to force a new line. That's because JavaScript writes
its output as HTML and HTML wraps lines into as wide a line as your browser
window will allow. To force a line break we have to use the HTML symbol for a new
line which is <BR>.

And VBScript too...

Like JavaScript we have to create a file with our VBScript commands and open it in a
browser. The commands that we have seen, written in VBScript look like this:

<script type="text/vbscript">
MsgBox "Hello There!"
MsgBox "Monty Python's Flying Circus has a ' in it"
MsgBox 6 + 5
MsgBox ((8 * 4) + (7 - 3)) / (2 + 4)
MsgBox 5/2
MsgBox 5 MOD 2

And the output should consist of lots of dialog boxes each presenting the output from
one line of the program.

One point to note is that you cannot start a string using a single quote in VBScript
(We'll see why in a later topic) although you can include single quotes inside double
quoted strings. To include a double quote inside a double quoted string we have to use
a function called Chr which returns the character for a given ASCII character code.
I'ts all very messy but an example should show how it works:

<script type="text/vbscript">

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Simple sequences 27/05/2007

Dim qt
qt = Chr(34)
MsgBox qt & "Go Away!" & qt & " he cried"

Note that you can find out the ASCII code for any character by using the Character
Map applet in Windows, or by visiting this web site and looking up the decimal value
or, as a last resort, by using the following bit of JavaScript(!) and replacing the double
quote character with the character you want:

<script type="text/javascript">
var code, chr = '"';
code = chr.charCodeAt(0);
document.write("<BR>The ASCII code of " + chr + " is " + code);

Don't worry about what it means just yet, we'll get to it eventually for now just use it
should you be forced to find out an ASCII value.

That's our first look at programming, it wasn't too painful was it? Before we continue
though we need to take a look at the raw materials of programming, namely data and
what we can do with it.

Points to remember
Even a single command is a program
Python does math almost the way you'd expect
To get a fractional result you must use a fractional number
You can combine text and numbers using the % format operator
Quit with import sys; sys.exit()

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The Raw Materials

What will we cover?
What Data is
What Variables are
Data Types and what to do with them
Defining our own data types

In any creative activity we need three basic ingredients: tools, materials and
techniques. For example when I paint the tools are my brushes, pencils and palettes.
The techniques are things like ‘washes’, wet on wet, blending, spraying etc. Finally the
materials are the paints, paper and water. Similarly when I program, my tools are the
programming languages, operating systems and hardware. The techniques are the
programming constructs that we discussed in the previous section and the material is
the data that I manipulate. In this chapter we look at the materials of programming.

This is quite a long section and by its nature you might find it a bit dry, the good news
is that you don’t need to read it all at once. The chapter starts off by looking at the
most basic data types available, then moves on to how we handle collections of items
and finally looks at some more advanced material. It should be possible to drop out of
the chapter after the collections material, cover a couple of the following chapters and
then come back to this one as we start to use the more advanced bits.

Data is one of those terms that everyone uses but few really understand. My dictionary
defines it as:

"facts or figures from which conclusions can be inferred; information"

That's not too much help but at least gives a starting point. Let’s see if we can clarify
things by looking at how data is used in programming terms. Data is the “stuff”, the
raw information, that your program manipulates. Without data a program cannot
perform any useful function. Programs manipulate data in many ways, often depending
on the type of the data. Each data type also has a number of operations - things that
you can do to it. For example we’ve seen that we can add numbers together. Addition
is an operation on the number type of data. Data comes in many types and we’ll look
at each of the most common types and the operations available for that type:


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Data is stored in the memory of your computer. You can liken this to the big wall full
of boxes used in mail rooms to sort the mail. You can put a letter in any box but unless
the boxes are labeled with the destination address it’s pretty meaningless. Variables are
the labels on the boxes in your computer's memory.

Knowing what data looks like is fine so far as it goes but to manipulate it we need to
be able to access it and that’s what variables are used for. In programming terms we
can create instances of data types and assign them to variables. A variable is a
reference to a specific area somewhere in the computers memory. These areas hold the
data. In some computer languages a variable must match the type of data that it points
to. Any attempt to assign the wrong type of data to such a variable will cause an error.
Some programmers prefer this type of system, known as static typing because it can
prevent some subtle bugs which are hard to detect.

Variable names follow certain rules dependent on the programming language. Every
language has its own rules about which characters are allowed or not allowed. Some
languages, including Python and JavaScript, take notice of the case and are therefore
called case sensitive languages, others, like VBScript don't care. Case sensitive
languages require a little bit more care from the programmer to avoid mistakes, but a
consistent approach to naming variables will help a lot. One common style which we
will use a lot is to start variable names with a lower case letter and use a capital letter
for each first letter of subsequent words in the name, like this:


We won't discuss the specific rules about which characters are legal in our languages
but if you consistently use a style like that shown you shouldn't have too many

In Python a variable takes the type of the data assigned to it. It will keep that type and
you will be warned if you try to mix data in strange ways - like trying to add a string to
a number. (Recall the example error message? It was an example of just that kind of
error.) We can change the type of data that a variable points to by reassigning the

>>> q = 7 # q is now a number

>>> print q
>>> q = "Seven" # reassign q to a string
>>> print q

Note that q was set to point to the number 7 initially. It maintained that value until we
made it point at the character string "Seven". Thus, Python variables maintain the
type of whatever they point to, but we can change what they point to simply by

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reassigning the variable. At that point the original data is 'lost' and Python will erase it
from memory (unless another variable points at it too) this is known as garbage

Garbage collection can be likened to the mail room clerk who comes round once in a
while and removes any packets that are in boxes with no labels. If he can't find an
owner or address on the packets he throws them in the garbage. Let’s take a look at
some examples of data types and see how all of this fits together.

VBScript and JavaScript variables

Both JavaScript and VBScript introduce a subtle variation in the way we use variables.
Both languages prefer that variables be declared before being used. This is a common
feature of compiled languages and of strictly typed languages. There is a big advantage
in doing this in that if a spelling error is made when using a variable the translator can
detect that an unknown variable has been used and flag an error. The disadvantage is,
of course, some extra typing required by the programmer.


In VBScript the declaration of a variable is done via the Dim statement, which is short
for Dimension. This is a throwback to VBScript's early roots in BASIC and in turn to
Assembler languages before that. In those languages you had to tell the assembler how
much memory a variable would use - its dimensions. The abbreviation has carried
through from there.

A variable declaration in VBScript looks like this:

Dim aVariable

Once declared we can proceed to assign values to it just like we did in Python. We can
declare several variables in the one Dim statement by listing them separated by

Dim aVariable, another, aThird

Assignment then looks like this:

aVariable = 42
another = "This is a nice short sentence."
aThird = 3.14159

There is another keyword, Let that you may occasionally see. This is another
throwback to BASIC and because it's not really needed you very rarely see it. In case
you do, it's used like this:

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Let aVariable = 22

I will not be using Let in this tutor.


In JavaScript you can pre-declare variables with the var keyword and, like VBScript,
you can list several variables in a single var statement:

var aVariable, another, aThird;

JavaScript also allows you to initialize (or define) the variables as part of the
var statement. Like this:

var aVariable = 42;

var another = "A short phrase", aThird = 3.14159;

This saves a little typing but otherwise is no different to VBScript's two step approach
to variables. You can also declare and initialise JavaScript vartiables without using
var, in the same way that you do in Python:

aVariable = 42;

But JavaScript afficianados consider it good practice to use the var statement, so I
will do so in this tutor.

Hopefully this brief look at VBScript and JavaScript variables has demonstrated the
difference between declaration and definition of variables. Python variables are
declared by defining them.

Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types are so called because they are the most basic types of data we can
manipulate. More complex data types are really combinations of the primitive types.
These are the building blocks upon which all the other types are built, the very
foundation of computing. They include letters, numbers and something called a
boolean type.

Character Strings
We've already seen these. They are literally any string or sequence of characters that
can be printed on your screen. (In fact there can even be non-printable control
characters too).

In Python, strings can be represented in several ways:

With single quotes:

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'Here is a string'

With double quotes:

"Here is a very similar string"

With triple double quotes:

""" Here is a very long string that can

if we wish span several lines and Python will
preserve the lines as we type them..."""

One special use of the latter form is to build in documentation for Python functions
that we create ourselves - we'll see this later.

You can access the individual characters in a string by treating it as an array of

characters (see arrays below). There are also usually some operations provided by the
programming language to help you manipulate strings - find a sub string, join two
strings, copy one to another etc.

It is worth pointing out that some languages have a separate type for characters
themselves, that is for a single character. In this case strings are literally just collections
of these character values. Python by contrast just uses a string of length 1 to store an
individual character, no special syntax is required.

String Operators

There are a number of operations that can be performed on strings. Some of these are
built in to Python but many others are provided by modules that you must import (as
we did with sys in the Simple Sequences section).

String operators

Operator Description
S1 + S2 Concatenation of S1 and S2
S1 * N N repetitions of S1

We can see these in action in the following examples:

>>> print 'Again and ' + 'again' # string concatenation

Again and again
>>> print 'Repeat ' * 3 # string repetition
Repeat Repeat Repeat
>>> print 'Again ' + ('and again ' * 3) # combine '+' and '*'
Again and again and again and again

We can also assign character strings to variables:

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>>> s1 = 'Again '

>>> s2 = 'and again '
>>> print s1 + (s2 * 3)
Again and again and again and again

Notice that the last two examples produced the same output.

There are lots of other things we can do with strings but we'll look at those in more
detail in a later topic after we've gained a bit more basic knowledge.

VBScript String Variables

In VBScript all variables are called variants, that is they can hold any type of data and
VBScript tries to convert it to the appropriate type as needed. Thus you may assign a
number to a variable but if you use it as a string VBScript will try to convert it for you.
In practice this is similar to what Python's print command does but extended to any
VBScript command. You can give VBScript a hint that you want a numeric value
treated as a string by enclosing it in double quotes:

<script = "VBScript">
MyString = "42"
MsgBox MyString

We can join VBScript strings together, a process known as concatenation, using the
& operator:

<script = "VBScript">
MyString = "Hello" & "World"
MsgBox MyString

JavaScript Strings

JavaScript strings are enclosed in either single or double quotes. In JavaScript you
must declare variables before we use them. This is easily done using the var keyword.
Thus to declare and define two string variables in JavaScript we do this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var aString, another;
aString = "Hello ";
another = "World";
document.write(aString + another)

Finally JavaScript also allows us to create String objects. We will discuss objects a
little later in this topic but for now just think of String objects as being strings with
some extra features. The main difference is that we create them slightly differently:

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<script type="text/javascript">
var aStringObj, anotherObj;
aStringObj = String("Hello ");
anotherObj = String("World");
document.write(aStringObj + anotherObj);

Integers are whole numbers from a large negative value through to a large positive
value. That’s an important point to remember. Normally we don’t think of numbers
being restricted in size but on a computer there are upper and lower limits. The size of
this upper limit is known as MAXINT and depends on the number of bits used on your
computer to represent a number. On most current computers and programming
languages it's 32 bits so MAXINT is around 2 billion (however VBScript is limited to
about +/-32000).

Numbers with positive and negative values are known as signed integers. You can also
get unsigned integers which are restricted to positive numbers, including zero. This
means there is a bigger maximum number available of around 2 * MAXINT or 4
billion on a 32 bit computer since we can use the space previously used for
representing negative numbers to represent more positive numbers.

Because integers are restricted in size to MAXINT adding two integers together where
the total is greater than MAXINT causes the total to be wrong. On some
systems/languages the wrong value is just returned as is (usually with some kind of
secret flag raised that you can test if you think it might have been set). Normally an
error condition is raised and either your program can handle the error or the program
will exit. VBScript and JavaScript both adopt this latter approach. Recent versions of
Python are a little different in that from version 2.3 onwards Python will automatically
convert an integer into something called a Long Integer, which is a Python specific
feature allowing virtually unlimited size integers. We don't get these for free of course,
they come at the cost of much slower processing speed - but at least you know your
calculations will complete, eventually. And of course speed in computer terms is
relative, unless you are doing a lot of processing of these long integers you probably
won't notice the difference! You can tell a long integer because Python prints it with a
training 'L', like this:

>>> 1234567 * 3456789

>>> 4267637625363L

Note that we didn't use the print statement here, if we had the 'L' would be hidden.
Python has two ways of displaying results, the printed version is usually prettier, i.e.
easier to read, but the plain value as used here sometimes has more detail. Try typing
in the examples in the previous topic without the print statements and see how many
subtle differences in presentation you can spot. In general I will use the print
statement, partly because most languages insist on it and I'm trying to get you used to
good general practice not just Python's cozy way of doing things.

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Arithmetic Operators

We've already seen most of the arithmetic operators that you need in the 'Simple
Sequences' section, however to recap:
Python Arithmetic Operators

Operator Example Description

M+N Addition of M and N
M-N Subtraction of N from M
M*N Multiplication of M and N
Division, either integer or floating point result depending on the
M/N types of M and N. If either M or N are real numbers(see below)
the result will be real.
M%N Modulo: find the remainder of M divided by N
M**N Exponentiation: M to the power N

We haven’t seen the last one before so let’s look at an example of creating some
integer variables and using the exponentiation operator:

>>> i1 = 2 # create an integer and assign it to i1

>>> i2 = 4
>>> i3 = i1**i2 # assign the result of 2 to the power 4 to i3
>>> print i3
>>> print 2**4 # confirm the result

Shortcut operators

One very common operation that is carried out while programming is incrementing a
variable's value. Thus if we have a variable called x with avalue of 42 and we want to
increase its value to 43 we can do it like this:

>>> x = 42
>>> print x
>>> x = x + 1
>>> print x

Notice the line

x = x + 1

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This is not sensible in mathematics but in programming it is. What it means is that
x takes on the previous value of x plus 1. If you have done a lot of math this might
take a bit of getting used to, but basically the equal sign in this case could be read as
becomes. So that it reads: x becomes x + 1.

Now it turns out that this type of operation is so common in practice that Python (and
JavaScript) provides a shortcut operator to save some typing:

>>> x += 1
>>> print x

This means exactly the same as the previous assignment statement but is shorter. And
for consistency similar shortcuts exist for the other arithmetic operators:
Shortcut Operators

Operator Example Description

M += N M=M+N
M -= N M=M-N
M *= N M=M*N
M /= N M=M/N
M %= N M=M%N

VBScript Integers

As I said earlier VBScript integers are limited to a lower value of MAXINT

corresponding to a 16 bit value, namely about +/- 32000. If you need an integer bigger
than that you can use a long integer which is the same size as a standard Python
integer. There is also a byte type which is an 8 bit number with a maximum size of
255. In practice you will usually find the standard integer type sufficient.

All the usual arithmetic operators are supported.

JavaScript Numbers

It will be no surprise to discover that JavaScript too has a numeric type. It too is an
object as we'll describe later and its called a Number, original eh? :-)

A JavaScript number can also be Not a Number or NaN. This is a special version of the
Number object which represents invalid numbers, usually the result of some operation
which is mathematically impossible. The point of NaN is that it allows us to check for
certain kinds of error without actually breaking the program. JavaScript also has
special number versions to represent positive and negative infinity, a rare feature in a
programming language. JavaScript number objects can be either integers or real
numbers, which we look at next.

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Real Numbers
These include fractions. (I'm using the OED definition of fraction here. Some US
correspondents tell me the US term fraction means something more specific. I simply
mean any number that is not a whole number). They can represent very large numbers,
much bigger than MAXINT, but with less precision. That is to say that 2 real numbers
which should be identical may not seem to be when compared by the computer. This is
because the computer only approximates some of the lowest details. Thus 5.0 could be
represented by the computer as 4.9999999.... or 5.000000....01. These approximations
are close enough for most purposes but occasionally they become important! If you get
a funny result when using real numbers, bear this in mind.

Real numbers, also known as Floating Point numbers have the same operations as
integers with the addition of the capability to truncate the number to an integer value.

Python, VBScript and JavaScript all support real numbers. In Python we create them
by simply specifying a number with a decimal point in it, as we saw in the simple
sequences topic. In VBScript and JavaScript there is no clear distinction between
integers and real numbers, just use them and mostly the language will pretty much sort
itself out OK.

Complex or Imaginary Numbers

If you have a scientific or mathematical background you may be wondering about
complex numbers? If you haven't you may not even have heard of complex numbers, in
which case you can safely jump to the next heading because you don't need them!
Anyhow some programming languages, including Python, provide built in support for
the complex type while others provide a library of functions which can operate on
complex numbers. And before you ask, the same applies to matrices too.

In Python a complex number is represented as:


Thus a simple complex number addition looks like:

>>> M = (2+4j)
>>> N = (7+6j)
>>> print M + N

All of the integer operations also apply to complex numbers.

Neither VBScript nor JavaScript offer support for complex numbers.

Boolean Values - True and False

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This strange sounding type is named after a 19th century mathematician, George Boole
who studied logic. Like the heading says, this type has only 2 values - either true or
false. Some languages support Boolean values directly, others use a convention
whereby some numeric value (often 0) represents false and another (often 1 or -1)
represents true. Up until version 2.2 Python did this, however since version 2.3 Python
supports Boolean values directly, using the values True and False.

Boolean values are sometimes known as "truth values" because they are used to test
whether something is true or not. For example if you write a program to backup all the
files in a directory you might backup each file then ask the operating system for the
name of the next file. If there are no more files to save it will return an empty string.
You can then test to see if the name is an empty string and store the result as a boolean
value (True if it is empty, False if it isn't). You'll see how we would use that result later
on in the course.

Boolean (or Logical) Operators

Operator Example Description Effect

A and B AND True if A,B are both True, False otherwise.
True if either or both of A,B are true. False if both
A or B OR
A and B are false
A == B Equality True if A is equal to B
A != B
or Inequality True if A is NOT equal to B.
A <> B
not B Negation True if B is not True

Note: the last one operates on a single value, the others all compare two values.

VBScript, like Python has a Boolean type with the values True and False.

JavaScript also supports a Boolean type but this time the values are true and
false (note, with a lowercase first letter).

Finally the different languages have slightly different names for the Boolean type
internally, in Python it is bool, in VBScript and JavaScript it is Boolean. Most of the
time you won't need to worry about that because we tend not to create variables of
Boolean types but simply use the results in tests.


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Computer science has built a whole discipline around studying collections and their
various behaviors. Sometimes collections are called containers. In this section we will
look first of all at the collections supported in Python, VBScript and JavaScript, then
we’ll conclude with a brief summary of some other collection types you might come
across in other languages.


We are all familiar with lists in everyday life. A list is just a sequence of items. We can
add items to a list or remove items from the list. Usually, where the list is written paper
we can't insert items in the middle of a list only at the end. However if the list is in
electronic format - in a word processor say - then we can insert items anywhere in the

We can also search a list to check whether something is already in the list or not. But
you have to find the item you need by stepping through the list from front to back
checking each item to see if it's the item you want. Lists are a fundamental collection
type found in many modern programming languages.

Python lists are built into the language. They can do all the basic list operations we
discussed above and in addition have the ability to index the elements inside the list. By
indexing I mean that we can refer to a list element by its sequence number (assuming
the first element starts at zero!).

In VBScript there are no lists as such but other collection types which we discuss later
can simulate their features.

In JavaScript there are no lists as such but almost everything you need to do with a list
can be done using a JavaScript array which is another collection type that we discuss a
little later.

List operations

Python provides many operations on collections. Nearly all of them apply to Lists and
a subset apply to other collection types, including strings which are just a special type
of list - a list of characters. To create and access a list in Python we use square
brackets. You can create an empty list by using a pair of square brackets with nothing
inside, or create a list with contents by separating the values with commas inside the

>>> aList = []
>>> another = [1,2,3]
>>> print another
[1, 2, 3]

We can access the individual elements using an index number, where the first element
is 0, inside square brackets. For example to access the third element, which will be
index number 2 since we start from zero, we do this:

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>>> print another[2]


We can also change the values of the elements of a list in a similar fashion:

>>> another[2] = 7
>>> print another
[1, 2, 7]

Notice that the third element (index 2) changed from 3 to 7.

You can use negative index numbers to access members from the end of the list. This
is most commonly done using -1 to get the last item:

>>> print another[-1]


We can add new elements to the end of a list using the append() operator:

>>> aList.append(42)
>>> print aList

We can even hold one list inside another, thus if we append our second list to the first:

>>> aList.append(another)
>>> print aList
[42, [1, 2, 7]]

Notice how the result is a list of two elements but the second element is itself a list (as
shown by the []’s around it). We can now access the element 7 by using a double

>>> print aList[1][2]


The first index, 1, extracts the second element which is in turn a list. The second index,
2, extracts the third element of the sublist.

This nesting of lists one inside the other is extremely useful since it effectively allows
us to build tables of data, like this:

>>> row1 = [1,2,3]

>>> row2 = ['a','b','c']
>>> table = [row1, row2]
>>> print table
[ [1,2,3], ['a','b','c'] ]
>>> element2 = table[0][1]

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We could use this to create an address book where each entry was a list of name and
address details. For example, here is such an address book with two entries:

>>> addressBook = [
... ['Fred', '9 Some St',' Anytown', '0123456789'],
... ['Rose', '11 Nother St', 'SomePlace', '0987654321']
... ]

Notice that we constructed the nested list all on one line. That is because Python sees
that the number of opening and closing brackets don't match and keeps on reading
input until they do. This can be a very effective way of quickly constructing complex
data structures while making the overall structure - a list of lists in this case - clear to
the reader.

As an exercise try extracting Fred's telephone number - element 3, from the first row -
remembering that the indexes start at zero. Also try adding a few new entries of your
own using the append() operation described above.

Note that when you exit Python your data will be lost, however you will find out how
to preserve it once we reach the topic on files.

The opposite of adding elements is, of course, removing them and to do that we use
the del command:

>>> del aList[1]

>>> print aList

If we want to join two lists together to make one we can use the same concatenation
operator ‘+’ that we saw for strings:

>>> newList = aList + another

>>> print newList
[42, 1, 2, 7]

Notice that this is slightly different to when we appended the two lists earlier, then
there were 2 elements, the second being a list, this time there are 4 elements because
the elements of the second list have each, individually been added to newList. This
time if we access element 1, instead of getting a sublist, as we did previously, we will
only get 1 returned:

>>> print newList[1]


We can also apply the multiplication sign as a repetition operator to populate a list
with multiples of the same value:

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>>> zeroList = [0] * 5

>>> print zeroList
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

We can find the index of a particular element in a list using the index() operation,
like this:

>>> print [1,3,5,7].index(5)

>>> print [1,3,5,7].index(9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in ?
ValueError: list.index(x): x not in list

Notice that trying to find the index of something that's not in the list results in an error.
We will look at ways to test whether something is in a list or not in a later topic.

Finally, we can determine the length of a list using the built-in len() function:

>>> print len(aList)

>>> print len(newList)
>>> print len(zeroList)

Neither JavaScript nor VBScript directly support a list type although as we will see
later they do have an Array type that can do many of the things that Python's lists can


Not every language provides a tuple construct but in those that do it’s extremely
useful. A tuple is really just an arbitrary collection of values which can be treated as a
unit. In many ways a tuple is like a list, but with the significant difference that tuples
are immutable which is to say that you can’t change them nor append to them once
created. In Python, tuples are simply represented by parentheses containing a comma
separated list of values, like so:

>>> aTuple = (1,3,5)

>>> print aTuple[1] # use indexing like a list
>> aTuple[2] = 7 # error, can’t change a tuple’s elements
Traceback (innermost last):
File "", line 1, in ?
aTuple[2] = 7
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment

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The main things to remember are that while parentheses are used to define the tuple,
square brackets are used to index it and you can’t change a tuple once its created.
Otherwise most of the list operations also apply to tuples.

Finally, although you cannot change a tuple you can effectively add members using the
addition operator because this actually creates a new tuple. Like this:

>>> tup1 = (1,2,3)

>>> tup2 = tup1 + (4,) # comma to make it a tuple rather than integer
>>> print tup2

If we didn't use the trailing comma after the 4 then Python would have interpreted it as
the integer 4 inside parentheses, not as a true tuple. But since you can't add integers to
tuples it results in an error, so we add the comma to tell Python to treat the
parentheses as a tuple. Any time you need to persuade Python that a single entry tuple
really is a tuple add a trailing comma as we did here.

Neither VBScript nor JavaScript have any concept of tuples.

Dictionary or Hash

In the same way that a literal dictionary associates a meaning with a word a dictionary
type contains a value associated with a key, which may or may not be a string. The
value can be retrieved by ‘indexing’ the dictionary with the key. Unlike a literal
dictionary, the key doesn’t need to be a character string (although it often is) but can
be any immutable type including numbers and tuples. Similarly the values associated
with the keys can have any kind of data type. Dictionaries are usually implemented
internally using an advanced programming technique known as a hash table. For that
reason a dictionary may sometimes be referred to as a hash. This has nothing to do
with drugs! :-)

Because access to the dictionary values is via the key, you can only put in elements
with unique keys. Dictionaries are immensely useful structures and are provided as a
built-in type in Python although in many other languages you need to use a module or
even build your own. We can use dictionaries in lots of ways and we'll see plenty
examples later, but for now, here's how to create a dictionary in Python, fill it with
some entries and read them back:

>>> dct = {}
>>> dct['boolean'] = "A value which is either true or false"
>>> dct['integer'] = "A whole number"
>>> print dct['boolean']
A value which is either true or false

Notice that we initialize the dictionary with braces, then use square brackets to assign
and read the values.

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Just as we did with lists we can initialize a dictionary as we create it using the
following format:

>>> addressBook = {
... 'Fred' : ['Fred', '9 Some St',' Anytown', '0123456789'],
... 'Rose' : ['Rose', '11 Nother St', 'SomePlace', '0987654321']
... }

The key and value are separated by a colon and the pairs are separated by commas.
This time we have made our address book out of a dictionary which is keyed by name
and stores our lists as the values. Rather than work out the numerical index of the
entry we want we can just use the name to retrieve all the information, like this:

>>> print addressBook['Rose']

['Rose', '11 Nother St', 'SomePlace', '0987654321']
>>> print addressBook['Fred'][3]

In the second case we indexed the returned list to get only the telephone number. By
creating some variables and assigning the appropriate index values we can make this
much easier to use:

>>> name = 0
>>> street = 1
>>> town = 2
>>> tel = 3

And now we can use those variables to find out Rose's town:

>>> print addressBook['Rose'][town]


Notice that whereas 'Rose' was in quotes because the key is a string, the town is not
because it is a variable name and Python will convert it to the index value we assigned,
namely 2. At this point our Address Book is beginning to resemble a usable database
application, thanks largely to the power of dictionaries. It won't take a lot of extra
work to save and restore the data and add a query prompt to allow us to specify the
data we want. We will do that as we progress through the other tutorial topics.

Due to their internal structure dictionaries do not support very many of the collection
operators that we’ve seen so far. None of the concatenation, repetition or appending
operations work. To assist us in accessing the dictionary keys there is an operation that
we can use, keys(), which returns a list of all the keys in a dictionary. For example to
get a list of all the names in our address book we could do:

>>> print addressBook.keys()

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Note however that dictionaries do not store their keys in the order in which they are
inserted so you may find the keys appear in a strange order, indeed the order may even
change over time. Don't worry about that, you can still use the keys to access your
data and the right value will still come out OK.

VBScript Dictionaries

VBScript provides a dictionary object which offers similar facilities to the Python
dictionary but the usage is slightly different. To create a VBScript dictionary we have
to declare a variable to hold the object, then create the object, finally we can add
entries to the new dictionary, like this:

Dim dict ' Create a variable.

Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.Add "a", "Athens" ' Add some keys and items.
dict.Add "b", "Belgrade"
dict.Add "c", "Cairo"

Notice that the CreateObject function specifies that we are creating a

"Scripting.Dictionary" object, that is a Dictionary object from the
VBScript's Scripting module. Don't worry too much about that for now, we'll
discuss it in more depth when we look at objects later in the tutor. Hopefully you can
at least recognize and recall the concept of using an object from a module from the
simple sequences topic earlier. The other point to notice is that we must use the
keyword Set when assigning an object to a variable in VBScript.

Now we access the data like so:

item = dict.Item("c") ' Get the item.

dict.Item("c") = "Casablanca" ' Change the item

There are also operations to remove an item, get a list of all the keys, check that a key
exists etc.

Here is complete but simplified version of our address book example in VBScript:

<script type="text/VBScript">
Dim addressBook
Set addressBook = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
addressBook.Add "Fred", "Fred, 9 Some St, Anytown, 0123456789"
addressBook.Add "Rose", "Rose, 11 Nother St, SomePlace, 0987654321"

MsgBox addressBook.Item("Rose")

This time, instead of using a list, we have stored all the data as a single string. We then
access and print Rose's details in a message box.

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JavaScript Dictionaries

JavaScript doesn't really have a dictionary object of its own, although if you are using
Internet Explorer you can get access to the VBScript
Scripting.Dictionary object discussed above, with all of the same facilities. But
since it's really the same object I won't cover it further here. Finally JavaScript arrays
can be used very much like dictionaries but we'll discuss that in the array section
If you're getting a bit fed up, you can jump to the next chapter at this point.
Remember to come back and finish this one when you start to come across
types of data we haven't mentioned so far.

Other Collection Types

Array or Vector

The array is one of the earlier collection types in computing history. It is basically a list
of items which are indexed for easy and fast retrieval. Usually you have to say up front
how many items you want to store. It is this fixed size feature which distinguishes it
from the list data type discussed above. Python supports arrays through a module but
it is rarely needed because the built in list type can usually be used instead. VBScript
and JavaScript both have arrays as a data type, so let's briefly look at how they are

VBScript Arrays

In VBScript array is a fixed length collection of data accessed by a numerical index. It

is declared and accessed like this:

Dim AnArray(42) ' A 43! element array

AnArray(0) = 27 ' index starts at 0
AnArray(1) = 49
myVariable = AnArray(1) ' read the value

Note the use of the Dim keyword. This dimensions the variable. This is a way of telling
VBScript about the variable, if you start your script with OPTION
EXPLICIT VBScript will expect you to Dim any variables you use, which many
programming experts believe is good practice and leads to more reliable programs.
Also notice that we specify the last valid index, 42 in our example, which means the
array actually has 43 elements because it starts at 0.

Notice also that in VBScript we use parentheses to dimension and index the array, not
the square brackets used in Python and, as we'll soon see, JavaScript.

As with Python lists we can declare multiple dimensional arrays to model tables of
data, for our address book example:

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Dim MyTable(2,3) ' 3 rows, 4 columns

MyTable(0,0) = "Fred" ' Populate Fred's entry
MyTable(0,1) = "9 Some Street"
MyTable(0,2) = "Anytown"
MyTable(0,3) = "0123456789"
MyTable(1,0) = "Rose" ' And now Rose...
...and so on...

Unfortunately there is no way to populate the data all in one go as we did with
Python's lists, we have to populate each field one by one. If we combine VBScripts
dictionary and array capability we get almost the same usability as we did with Python.
It looks like this:

<script type="text/VBScript">
Dim addressBook
Set addressBook = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim Fred(3)
Fred(0) = "Fred"
Fred(1) = "9 Some St"
Fred(2) = "Anytown"
Fred(3) = "0123456789"
addressBook.Add "Fred", Fred

MsgBox addressBook.Item("Fred")(3) ' Print the Phone Number


The final aspect of VBScript arrays that I want to consider is the fact that they don't
need to be fixed in size at all! However this does not mean we can just arbitrarily keep
adding elements as we did with our lists, rather we can explicitly resize an array. For
this to happen we need to declare a Dynamic array which we do, quite simply by
omitting the size, like this:

Dim DynArray() ' no size specified

To resize it we use the ReDim command, like so:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim DynArray()
ReDim DynArray(5) ' Initial size = 5
DynArray(0) = 42
DynArray(4) = 26
MsgBox "Before: " & DynArray(4) ' prove that it worked
' Resize to 21 elements keeping the data we already stored
ReDim Preserve DynArray(20)
DynArray(15) = 73
MsgBox "After Preserve: " & DynArray(4) & " " & DynArray(15)' Old and new stil
' Resize to 51 items but lose all data
Redim DynArray(50)
MsgBox "After: " & DynArray(4) & " Oops, Where did it go?"

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As you can see this is not so convenient as a list which adjusts its length automatically,
but it does give the programmer more control over how the program behaves. This
level of control can, amongst other things improve security since some viruses can
exploit dynamically re-sizable data stores.

JavaScript Arrays

Arrays in JavaScript are in many ways a misnomer. They are called arrays but are
actually a curious mix of the features of lists, dictionaries and traditional arrays. At the
simplest level we can declare a new Array of 10 items of some type, like so:

var items = new Array(10);

We can now populate and access the elements of the array like this:

items[4] = 42;
items[7] = 21;
var aValue = items[4];

However JavaScript arrays are not limited to storing a single type of value, we can
assign anything to an array element:

items[9] = "A short string";

var msg = items[9];

Also we can create arrays by providing a list of items, like so:

var moreItems = new Array("one","two","three",4,5,6);

aValue = moreItems[3];
msg = moreItems[0];

Another feature of JavaScript arrays is that we can determine the length through a
hidden property called length. We access the length like this:

var size = items.length;

Notice that once again the syntax for this uses an format and is very
like calling a function in a Python module but without the parentheses.

As usual, JavaScript arrays start indexing at zero. However JavaScript array indexes
are not limited to numbers, we can use strings too, and in this case they become almost
identical to dictionaries! We can also extend an array by simply assigning a value to an
index beyond the current maximum, we can see these features in use in the following
code segment:

items[42] = 7;

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moreItems["foo"] = 42;
msg = moreItems["foo"];

Finally, let's look at our address book example again using JavaScript arrays:

<script type="text/javascript">
var addressBook = new Array();
addressBook["Fred"] = "Fred, 9 Some St, Anytown, 0123456789";
addressBook["Rose"] = "Rose, 11 Nother St, SomePlace, 0987654321";


Notice that we access the key as if it were a property like length.


Think of a stack of trays in a restaurant. A member of staff puts a pile of clean trays on
top and these are removed one by one by customers. The trays at the bottom of the
stack get used last (and least!). Data stacks work the same way: you push an item onto
the stack or pop one off. The item popped is always the last one pushed. This property
of stacks is sometimes called Last In First Out or LIFO. One useful property of stacks
is that you can reverse a list of items by pushing the list onto the stack then popping it
off again. The result will be the reverse of the starting list. Stacks are not built in to
Python, VBScript or JavaScript. You have to write some program code to implement
the behavior. Lists are usually the best starting point since like stacks they can grow as


A bag is a collection of items with no specified order and it can contain duplicates.
Bags usually have operators to enable you to add, find and remove items. In our
languages bags are just lists.


A set has the property of only storing one of each item. You can usually test to see if
an item is in a set (membership). Add, remove and retrieve items and join two sets
together in various ways corresponding to set theory in math (eg union, intersect etc).
VBScript and JavaScript do not implement sets directly but you can approximate the
behavior fairly easily using dictionaries.

Since Python version 2.3 sets are supported via the sets module, although this
functionality is considered experimental and from version 2.4 will be built in to the
Python core language.

The basic usage until then is like this:

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>>> import sets

>>> A = sets.Set() # create an empty set
>>> B = sets.Set([1,2,3]) # a 3 element set
>>> C = sets.Set([3,4,5])
>>> D = sets.Set([6,7,8])
>>> # Now try out some set operations
>>> B.union(C)
>>> B.intersection(C)
>>> B.issuperset(sets.Set([2]))
>>> sets.Set([3]).issubset(C)
>>> C.intersection(D) == A

There are quite a number of other set operations but these should be enough for now.


A queue is rather like a stack except that the first item into a queue is also the first item
out. This is known as First In First Out or FIFO behavior. This is usually
implemented using a list or array.

There's a whole bunch of other collection types but the ones we have covered are the
main ones that you are likely to come across. (And in fact we'll only be using a few of
the ones we've discussed in this tutor, but you will see the others mentioned in articles
and in programming discussion groups!)

As a computer user you should be very familiar with files - they form very basis of
nearly everything we do with computers. It should be no surprise then, to discover that
most programming languages provide a special file type of data. However files and the
processing of them are so important that I will put off discussing them till later when
they get a whole topic to themselves.

Dates and Times

Dates and times are often given dedicated types in programming. At other times they
are simply represented as a large number (typically the number of seconds from some
arbitrary date/time!). In other cases the data type is what is known as a complex type
as described in the next section. This usually makes it easier to extract the month, day,
hour etc. We will take a brief look at using the Python time module in a later topic.
Both VBScript and JavaScript have their own mechanisms for handling time but I
won't be discussing them further.

Complex/User Defined

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Sometimes the basic types described above are inadequate even when combined in
collections. Sometimes, what we want to do is group several bits of data together then
treat it as a single item. An example might be the description of an address:
a house number, a street and a town. Finally there's the post code or zip code.

Most languages allow us to group such information together in a record or

structure or with the more modern, object oriented version, a class.


In VBScript such a record definition looks like:

Class Address
Public HsNumber
Public Street
Public Town
Public ZipCode
End Class

The Public keyword simply means that the data is accessible to the rest of the
program, it's possible to have Private data too, but we'll discuss that later in the


In Python it's only a little different:

>>>class Address:
... def __init__(self, Hs, St, Town, Zip):
... self.HsNumber = Hs
... self.Street = St
... self.Town = Town
... self.ZipCode = Zip

That may look a little arcane but don't worry I’ll explain what the def
__init__(...) and self bits mean in the section on object orientation. One thing
to note is that there are two underscores at each end on __init__. This is a Python
convention that we will discuss later. Also you need to use the spacing shown above,
as we'll explain later Python is a bit picky about spacing. For now just make sure you
copy the layout above.

Some people have had problems trying to type this example at the Python prompt. At
the end of this chapter you will find a box with more explanation, but you can just wait
till we get the full story later in the course if you prefer. If you do try typing it into
Python then please make sure you copy the indentation shown. As you'll see later
Python is very particular about indentation levels.

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The main thing I want you to recognize in all of this is that we have gathered several
pieces of data into a single structure.


JavaScript provides a slightly strange name for its structure format, namely function!
Now functions are normally associated with operations not collections of data however
in JavaScript's case it can cover either. To create our address object in JavaScript we
do this:

function Address(Hs,St,Town,Zip)
this.HsNum = Hs;
this.Street = St;
this.Town = Town;
this.ZipCode = Zip;

Once again the end result is a group of data items that we can treat as a single unit.

Accessing Complex Types

We can assign a complex data type to a variable too, but to access the individual
fields of the type we must use some special access mechanism (which will be defined
by the language). Usually this is a dot.

Using VBScript

To consider the case of the address class we defined above we would do this in

Dim Addr
Set Addr = New Address

Addr.HsNumber = 7
Addr.Street = "High St"
Addr.Town = "Anytown"
Addr.ZipCode = "123 456"

MsgBox Addr.HsNumber & " " & Addr.Street & " " & Addr.Town

Here we first of all Dimension a new variable, Addr, using Dim then we use the
Set keyword to create a new instance of the Address class. Next we assign values to
the fields of the new address instance and finally we print out the address in a Message

And in Python

And in Python, assuming you have already typed in the class definition above:

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Addr = Address(7,"High St","Anytown","123 456")

print Addr.HsNumber, Addr.Street, Addr.Town

Which creates an instance of our Address type and assigns it to the variable addr. In
Python we can pass the field values to the new object when we create it. We then print
out the HsNumber and Street fields of the newly created instance using the dot
operator. You could, of course, create several new Address instances each with their
own individual values of house number, street etc. Why not experiment with this
yourself? Can you think of how this could be used in our address book example from
earlier in the topic?

JavaScript too

The JavaScript mechanism is very similar to the others but has a couple of twists, as
we'll see in a moment. However the basic mechanism is straightforward and the one I
recommend you use:

var addr = new Address(7, "High St", "Anytown", "123 456");

document.write(addr.HsNum + " " + addr.Street + " " + addr.Town);

One final mechanism that we can use in JavaScript is to treat the object like a
dictionary and use the field name as a key:

document.write( addr['HsNum'] + " " + addr['Street'] + " " + addr['Town']);

I can't really think of any good reason to use this form other than if you were to be
given the field name as a string, perhaps after reading a file or input from the user of
your program (we'll see how to do that later too).

User Defined Operators

User defined types can, in some languages, have operations defined too. This is the
basis of what is known as object oriented programming. We dedicate a whole section
to this topic later but essentially an object is a collection of data elements and the
operations associated with that data, wrapped up as a single unit. Python uses objects
extensively in its standard library of modules and also allows us as programmers to
create our own object types.

Object operations are accessed in the same way as data members of a user defined
type, via the dot operator, but otherwise look like functions. These special functions
are called methods. We have already seen this with the append() operation of a list.
Recall that to use it we must tag the function call onto the variable name:

>>> listObject = [] # an empty list

>>> listObject.append(42) # a method call of the list object
>>> print listObject

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When an object type, known as a class, is provided in a Python module we must

import the module (as we did with sys earlier), then prefix the object type with the
module name when creating an instance that we can store in a variable (while still using
the parentheses, of course). We can then use the variable without using the module

We will illustrate this by considering a fictitious module meat which provides a Spam
class. We import the module, create an instance of Spam, assigning it the name
mySpam and then use mySpam to access its operations and data like so:

>>> import meat

>>> mySpam = meat.Spam() # create an instance, use module name
>>> mySpam.slice() # use a Spam operation
>>> print mySpam.ingredients # access Spam data
{"Pork":"40%", "Ham":"45%", "Fat":"15%"}

In the first line we import the (non-existent!) module meat into the program. In the
second line we use the meat module to create an instance of the Spam class - by calling
it as if it were a function! In the third line we access one of the Spam class's
operations, slice(), treating the object (mySpam) as if it were a module and the
operation were in the module. Finally we access some data from within the
mySpam object using the same module like syntax.

Other than the need to create an instance, there’s no real difference between using
objects provided within modules and functions found within modules. Think of the
object name simply as a label which keeps related functions and variables grouped

Another way to look at it is that objects represent real world things, to which we as
programmers can do things. That view is where the original idea of objects in
programs came from: writing computer simulations of real world situations.

Both VBScript and JavaScript work with objects and in fact that's exactly what we
have been using in each of the Address examples above. We have defined a class and
then created an instance which we assigned to a variable so that we could access the
instance's properties. Go back and review the previous sections in terms of what we've
just said about classes and objects. Think about how classes provide a mechanism for
creating new types of data in our programs by binding together the data and operations
of the new type.

Python Specific Operators

In this tutor my primary objective is to teach you to program and although I use
Python in the tutor there is no reason why, having read this, you couldn’t go out and
read about another language and use that instead. Indeed that’s exactly what I expect
you to do since no single programming language, even Python, can do everything.
However because of that objective I do not teach all of the features of Python but
focus on those which can generally be found in other languages too. As a result there

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are several Python specific features which, while they are quite powerful, I don’t
describe at all, and that includes special operators. Most programming languages have
operations which they support and other languages do not. It is often these 'unique'
operators that bring new programming languages into being, and certainly are
important factors in determining how popular the language becomes.

For example Python supports such relatively uncommon operations as list slicing (
spam[X:Y] ) for extracting a section (or slice) out from the middle of a list(or string,
or tuple) and tuple assignment ( X, Y = 12, 34 ) which allows us to assign multiple
variable values at one time.

It also has the facility to perform an operation on every member of a collection using
its map() function which we describe in the Functional Programming topic. There are
many more, it’s often said that "Python comes with the batteries included". For details
of how most of these Python specific operations work you’ll need to consult the
Python documentation.

Finally, it’s worth pointing out that although I say they are Python specific, that is not
to say that they can’t be found in any other languages but rather that they will not
all be found in every language. The operators that we cover in the main text are
generally available in some form in virtually all modern programming languages.

That concludes our look at the raw materials of programming, let’s move onto the
more exciting topic of technique and see how we can put these materials to work.

More information on the Address example

Although, as I said earlier, the details of this example are explained later, some
readers have found difficulty getting the Python example to work. This note gives a
line by line explanation of the Python code. The complete code for the example looks
like this:

>>> class Address:

... def __init__(self, Hs, St, Town, Zip):
... self.HsNumber = Hs
... self.Street = St
... self.Town = Town
... self.Zip_Code = Zip
>>> Addr = Address(7,"High St","Anytown","123 456")
>>> print Addr.HsNumber, Addr.Street

Here is the explanation:

>>> class Address:

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The class statement tells Python that we are about to define a new type called, in
this case, Address. The colon indicates that any indented lines following will be part
of the class definition. The definition will end at the next unindented line. If you are
using IDLE you should find that the editor has indented the next line for you, if
working at a command line Python prompt in an MS DOS window then you will
need to manually indent the lines as shown. Python doesn't care how much you
indent by, just so long as it is consistent.
... def __init__(self, Hs, St, Town, Zip):

The first item within our class is what is known as a method definition. One very
important detail is that the name has a double underscore at each end, this is a
Python convention for names that it treats as having special significance. This
particular method is called __init__ and is a special operation, performed by
Python, when we create an instance of our new class, we'll see that shortly. The
colon, as before, simply tells Python that the next set of indented lines will be the
actual definition of the method.
... self.HsNumber = Hs

This line plus the next three, all assign values to the internal fields of our object. They
are indented from the def statement to tell Python that they constitute the actual
definition of the __init__ operation.The blank line tells the Python interpreter that
the class definition is finished so that we get the >>> prompt back.
>>> Addr = Address(7,"High St","Anytown","123 456")

This creates a new instance of our Address type and Python uses the
__init__ operation defined above to assign the values we provide to the internal
fields. The instance is assigned to the Addr variable just like an instance of any other
data type would be.
>>> print Addr.HsNumber, Addr.Street

Now we print out the values of two of the internal fields using the dot operator to
access them.

As I said we cover all of this in more detail later in the tutorial. The key point to take
away is that Python allows us to create our own data types and use them pretty much
like the built in ones.

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Points to remember
Variables refer to data and may need to be declared before being defined.
Data comes in many types and the operations you can successfully perform
will depend on the type of data you are using.
Simple data types include character strings, numbers, Boolean or 'truth'
Complex data types include collections, files, dates and user defined data
There are many operators in every programming language and part of
learning a new language is becoming familiar with both its data types and the
operators available for those types.
The same operator (e.g. addition) may be available for different types, but the
results may not be identical, or even apparently related!

Previous Next Contents

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

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More Sequences and Other Things

What will we cover?
We introduce a new tool for entering Python programs.
We review the use of variables to store information until we need it.
We discuss comments and why they are needed
We combine longer sequences of commands to perform a task.

OK, Now we know how to type simple single entry commands into Python and have
started to consider data and what we can do with it. In doing so we typed in a few
longer sequences of 5-10 lines. We are getting close to being able to write really quite
useful programs but with one big snag: every time we exit Python we lose our
programs. If you have been doing the VBScript or JavaScript examples you will see
that you have stored those examples in files and so can run them repeatedly, we need
to do the same with Python. I already mentioned that we can do this using any text
editor, like notepad or pico, say, and saving the file with a .py file extension. You can
then run the file from the operating system command prompt by prefixing the script
name with python. Here is an example that uses a sequemnce of python commands,
all things we've seen already:

# File:
print "hello world"
print "Here are the ten numbers from 0 to 9\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
print "I'm done!"
# end of file

Note that the comments at top and bottom are not really needed, I just added them to
show more clearly what goes into the file. You can use Notepad or any other text
editor to create the file so long as it saves in plain text.

Now to run it just start up an operating system command prompt. (If you aren't sure
about how to do that then see the in the Getting Started topic.) Change into the
directory where you saved your python file and execute it by prefixing its name with
pyhon, like this:

D:\PROJECTS\Python> python

hello world
Here are the ten numbers from 0 to 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I'm done!


You can see the Windows command prompt and the command I typed(in bold), plus
the output of the program displayed before the command prompt reappears.

However, there is an easier way...

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The joy of being IDLE

When you installed Python you also installed a useful application, itself written in
Python, called IDLE. IDLE is what is known as an Integrated Development
Environment, that is to say it includes several tools that help the programmer all
wrapped up in a single application. I won't be looking at IDLE in depth here, but the
two features that I want to highlight are the fact that it provides an enhanced version
of the Python >>> prompt, complete with syntax highlighting (That is, displaying
different features of the language in different colours) and other nice features, plus a
nice Python specific text editor which allows you to run your program files (such as
the one we created above) directly from within IDLE.

I strongly recommend that, if you haven't already done so, you give IDLE a try. The
best place to start, once you find the right way to start IDLE on your Operating
System, is to visit Danny Yoo's excellent tutorial.

There is also a full tutorial on using IDLE on the Python web site under the IDLE

If you are using MS Windows there is yet another option in the form of
PythonWin which you can download as part of the win32all package. This gives
access to all the Windows MFC low level programming functions and importantly, a
very good alternative to IDLE. Pythonwin only works in Windows but is, in my
opinion, slightly superior to IDLE. (If you happened to download python from the
ActiveState web site their version includes all the winall features, including Pythonwin,
as standard.) On the other hand IDLE is standard with Python so more people tend to
use it and it works on most platforms. Whichever you choose, it's nice to be given a

Finally, if you prefer a simple approach, you can find several text editors that support
programming in Python in various ways. The vim editor provides syntax highlighting
(colouring of key words etc), emacs has a full editing mode for Python and Scite is a
very lightweight editor that provides Python syntax highlighting and other nice

If you go down the text editor route you will likely find it most convenient to have
three windows open on your screen at once:

1. The editor where you type in and save your source code
2. A Python session where you try things out at the >>> prompt before adding
them to your program in the editor and
3. An operating system command prompt used to run the program to test it.

Your author personally prefers the 3 window approach, but most beginners seem to
prefer the all-in-one style of IDLE or Pythonwin. The choice is entirely up to you.

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And if you are using JavaScript or VBScript I recommend using one of the editors
mentioned above and a suitable web browser, say Internet Explorer, opened at the file
you are working on. To test changes just hit the Reload button in the browser.

A quick comment
One of the most important of programming tools is one that beginners often feel is
useless on first acquaintance - comments. Comments are just lines in the program
which describe what's going on. They have no effect whatsoever on how the program
operates, they are purely decorative. They do, however, have an important role to play
- they tell the programmer what's going on and more importantly why. This is
especially important if the programmer reading the code isn't the one who wrote it, or,
it's a long time since he/she wrote it. Once you've been programming for a while you'll
really appreciate good comments. I have actually been adding comments to some of
the code fragments that you've seen already, they were the blue bits of the lines with a
# (Python) or ' (VBScript) symbol in front of them. From now on I'll be commenting
the code fragments that I write. Gradually the amount of explanatory text will diminish
as the explanation appears in comments instead.

Every language has a way of indicating comments. In VBScript it's REM (for Remark)
or, more commonly, a single quote ' at the beginning of a comment. Everything after
the marker is ignored:

REM This never gets displayed

' neither does this
msgBox "This gets displayed"

You might recognize REM if you have ever written any MSDOS batch files, since they
use the same comment marker.

Note that the use of a single quote as a comment marker is the reason you can't start a
string with a single quote in VBScript - VBScript thinks it's a comment!

Python uses a # symbol as its comment marker. Anything following a # is


v = 12 # give v the value 12

x = v*v # x is v squared

Incidentally this is very bad commenting style. Your comment should not merely state
what the code does - we can see that for ourselves! It should explain why it's doing it:

v = 3600 # 3600 is num of secs in an hour

s = t*3600 # t holds elapsed time in hours, so convert to secs

These are much more helpful comments.

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More Sequences 27/05/2007

Finally JavaScript uses a double slash: // as a comment marker. Once again,

everything after the marker gets ignored.

Some languages allow multi-line comments between a pair of markers, but this can
lead to some obscure faults if the terminating marker is not correctly input. JavaScript
allows multi-line comments by using the pair of markers: /* followed by */, like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("This gets printed\n");

// A single line comment

/* Here is a multi line comment. It continues from this line

down into this line and even
onto this third line. It does not appear in the script output.
It is terminated by a mirror image of the opening marker */

document.write("And so does this");


The important point about comments is that they are there to explain the code to
anyone who tries to read it. With that in mind you should explain any mysterious
sections - such as apparently arbitrary values used, or complex arithmetic formulae etc.
And remember, the puzzled reader might be yourself in a few weeks or months time!

Sequences using variables

We introduced the concept of variables in the Raw Materials topic topic. There we
said they were labels with which we marked our data for future reference. We saw
some examples of using variables too in the various list and address book examples.
However variables are so fundamentally important in programming that I want to do a
quick recap of how we use variables before moving onto new things.

Now, either in IDLE or at Python Prompt(>>>) in the DOS (or Unix) command
window, try typing this:

>>> v = 7
>>> w = 18
>>> x = v + w # use our variables in a calculation
>>> print x

What's happening here is that we are creating variables ( v, w, x ) and manipulating

them. It's rather like using the M button on your pocket calculator to store a result for
later use.

We can make this prettier by using a format string to print the result:

>>> print "The sum of %d and %d is: %d" % (v,w,x)

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One advantage of format strings is that we can store them in variables too:

>>> s = "The sum of %d and %d is: %d"

>>> print s % (v,w,x) # useful if printing same output with different values

This makes the print statement much shorter, especially when it contains many values.
However it also makes it more cryptic so you have to use your judgment to decide
whether very long lines are more or less readable than a stored format value. If you
keep the format string beside the print statement, as we did here, then it's not too bad.
Finally one other thing that helps is to name your variables in such a way that they
explain what they are used for. For example instead of calling the format string s I
could have called it sumFormat, so that the code looked like this:

>>> sumFormat = "The sum of %d and %d is: %d"

>>> print sumFormat % (v,w,x) # useful if printing same output with differen

Now, in a program with several different format strings in use, we could more easily
tell which format is being printed. Meaningful variable names are always a good idea
and I'll try to use meaningful names where possible. Up until now our variables haven't
had much meaning to convey!

Order matters
By now you might be thinking that this sequence construct is a bit over-rated and
obvious. You would be right in so far as it's fairly obvious, but it's not quite as simple
as it might seem. There can be hidden traps. Consider the case where you want to
'promote' all the headings in an HTML document up a level:

Now in HTML the headings are indicated by surrounding the text with
<H1>text </H1> for level 1 headings,
<H2>text </H2> for level 2 headings,
<H3>text </H3> for level 3 headings and so on.

The problem is that by the time you get to level 5 headings the heading text is often
smaller than the body text, which looks odd. Thus you might decide to promote all
headings up one level. It's fairly easy to do that with a simple string substitution in a
text editor, substitute '<H2' with '<H1' and '</H2' with '</H1' and so on.

Consider though what happens if you start with the highest numbers - say H4 -> H3,
then do H3 -> H2 and finally H2 -> H1. All of the headings will have moved to H1!
Thus the order of the sequence of actions is important. The same is just as true if we
wrote a program to do the substitution (which we might well want to do, since
promoting headings may be a task we do regularly).

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More Sequences 27/05/2007

We've seen several other examples using variables and sequences in the Raw Materials
topic - particularly the various address book examples. Why not think up a few
examples for yourself? Once you've done that we'll move on to a case study that we
will build on as we move through the tutorial, improving it with each new technique
we learn.

A Multiplication Table
I'm now going to introduce a programming exercise that we will develop over the next
few chapters. The solutions will gradually improve as we learn new techniques.

Recall that we can type long strings by enclosing them in triple quotes? Let's use that
to construct a multiplication table:

>>> s = """
1 x 12 = %d
2 x 12 = %d
3 x 12 = %d
4 x 12 = %d
""" # be careful - you can't put comments inside
>>> # strings, they'll become part of the string!
>>> print s % (12, 2*12, 3*12, 4*12)

By extending that we could print out the full 12 times table from 1 to 12. But is there a
better way? The answer is yes, let's see what it is.

Points to remember
IDLE is a cross platform development tool for writing Python programs.
Comments can make programs clearer to read but have no effect on the
operation of the program
Variables can store intermediate results for later use

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If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

Page 68
Looping the loop 27/05/2007

Looping - Or the art of repeating oneself!

What will we cover?
How to use loops to cut down on repetitive typing.
Different types of loop and when to use them.

In the last exercise we printed out part of the 12 times table. But it took a lot of typing
and if we needed to extend it, it would be very time consuming. Fortunately there is a
better way and it's where we start to see the real power that programming languages
offer us.

FOR Loops
What we are going to do is get the programming language to do the repetition,
substituting a variable which increases in value each time it repeats. In Python it looks
like this:

>>>for i in range(1,13):
... print "%d x 12 = %d" % (i, i*12)

Note 1: We need the range(1,13) to specify 13 because range() generates from

the first number up to, but not including, the second number. This may seem somewhat
bizarre at first but there are reasons and you get used to it.

Note 2: The for operator in Python is actually a foreach operator in that it applies the
subsequent code sequence to each member of a collection. In this case the collection is
the list of numbers generated by range(). You can prove that by typing print
range(1,13) at the python prompt and seeing what gets printed.

Note 3: The print line is indented or spaced further in than the for line above it.
That is a very important point since it's how Python knows that the print is the bit to
repeat. There can be more than a single line indented too, Python will repeat all of the
lines that are indented for each item in the collection. Also, it doesn't matter how much
indentation you use so long as it's consistent.

Note 4: In the interactive interpreter you need to hit return twice to get the program to
run. The reason is that the Python interpreter can't tell whether the first one is another
line about to be added to the loop code or not. When you hit Enter a second time
Python assumes your finished entering code and runs the program.

So how does the program work? Let's step through it.

First of all, python uses the range function to create a list of numbers from 1 to 12.

Next python makes i equal to the first value in the list, in this case 1. It then executes
the bit of code that is indented, using the value i = 1:

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print "%d x 12 = %d" % (1, 1*12)

Python then goes back to the for line and sets i to the next value in the list, this time
2. It again executes the indented code, this time with i = 2:

print "%d x 12 = %d" % (2, 2*12)

It keeps repeating this sequence until it has set i to all the values in the list. At that
point it moves to the next command that is not indented - in this case there aren't any
more commands so the program stops.

Here's the same loop in VBScript:

The simplest VBScript loop construct is called a For...Next loop, and is used as

<script type="text/vbscript">
For I = 1 To 12
MsgBox I & " x 12 = " & I*12

This is much more explicit and easier to see what is happening. The value of I varies
from 1 through to 12 and the code before the Next keyword is executed. In this case it
just prints the result in a dialog box as we've seen before. The indentation is optional
but makes the code easier to read.

Note however that although the VBScript appears more obvious, the Python version is
ultimately more flexible as we'll see in a moment.

And in JavaScript

JavaScript uses a for construct that is common in many programming languages,

being modeled on C. It looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
for (i=1; i <= 12; i++){
document.write(i + " x 12 = " + i*12 + "<BR>");

Note: This construct has 3 parts inside the parentheses:

an initializing part: i = 1 executed just once, before anything else,

a test part: i <= 12 which is executed before each iteration and
an increment part: i++ which is shorthands for "increment i by 1", and is
executed after each iteration.

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Notice also that JavaScript encloses the repeated code (the loop body ) in braces
{} and although that is all that is needed, technically speaking, it is considered good
practice to indent the code inside the braces too, just to improve readability.

The loop body will only execute if the test part is true. Each of these parts can contain
arbitrary code but the test part must evaluate to a boolean value.

More about the Python for construct

The Python for loop iterates over a sequence. A Sequence in Python, lest you forgot,
is either a string, a list or a tuple. So we can write for loops that act on any of those.
Let's try printing the letters of a word one by one using a for loop with a string:

>>> for c in 'word': print c


Notice how the letters were printed, one per line. Notice too that where the body of
the loop consists of a single line we can add it on the same line after the colon(:). The
colon is what tells Python that there's a block of code coming up next.

We can also iterate over a tuple:

>>> for word in ('one','word', 'after', 'another'): print word


This time we got each word on a line. Of course we could put them all on one line
using the comma-at-the-end-trick. Simply putting a comma at the end of a print
statement prevents Python from printing a new line character so that the next print
statement carries on where the previous one left off.

>>> for word in ('one', 'word', 'after', 'another'): print word,


See how the words now appear as a single line?

We have already seen for with a list (because range() generates a list) but for
completeness we will do it explicitly:

>>> for item in ['one', 2, 'three']: print item


There is one caveat when using foreach style loops like this. The loop gives you a copy
of what was in the collection, you can't modify the contents of the collection directly.
So if you need to modify the collection you have to use an awkward kludge involving
the index of the collection, like this:

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Looping the loop 27/05/2007

myList = [1,2,3,4]
for index in range(len(myList)):
myList[index] += 1
print myList

That will increment each entry in myList. If we had not used the index trick we would
simply have incremented the copied items but not changed the original list.

Note that this is the first example where I have not used the interactive Python prompt
(>>>), so you need to type this into a file as described in the More sequences topic. If
you do try typing it at the >>> prompt you will need to add extra blank lines to tell
Python when you finish a block, for example after the myList = line. It's actually
quite a good way of learning where blocks start and stop; to type the code in and see if
you correctly guess where an extra line will be needed. It should be where the
indentation changes!

The other gotcha with for loops is that you can't delete items from the collection that
you are iterating over, otherwise the loop will get confused. It's a bit like the old
cartoon character cutting off the branch of a tree while sitting on it! The best way to
deal with this situation is to use a different kind of loop, which we are going to discuss
next. However to understand how to remove elements safely we need to wait until we
cover yet another topic, that of branching, so we will explain this subject when we get

In version 2.2 of Python some new tricks were added to make for loops even more
powerful but we'll cover them later. Meanwhile it's worth noting that VBScript and
JavaScript each have loop constructs for looping over the elements in a collection. I
won't discuss them in detail here, but the VBScript construct is for and the JavaScript version is You can look them up in
the relevant help pages if you want to see the details.

FOR loops are not the only type of looping construct available. Which is just as well,
since FOR loops require us to know, or be able to calculate in advance, the number of
iterations that we want to perform. So what happens when we want to keep doing a
specific task until something happens but we don't know when that something will be?
For example, we might want to read and process data from a file, but we don't know in
advance how many data items the file contains. We just want to keep on processing
data until we reach the end of the file. That's possible, but difficult, in a FOR loop.

To solve this problem we have another type of loop: the WHILE loop.

It looks like this in Python:

>>> j = 1
>>> while j <= 12:
... print "%d x 12 = %d" % (j, j*12)

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... j = j + 1

Let's walk through what's happening.

1. First we initialize j to 1, initializing the control variable of a while loop is a

very important first step, and a frequent cause of errors when missed out.
2. Next we execute the while statement itself, which evaluates a boolean
3. If the result is True it proceeds to execute the indented block which follows. In
our example j is less than 12 so we enter the block.
4. We execute the print statement to output the first line of our table.
5. The next line of the block increments the control variable, j. In this case it's the
last indented line, signifying the end of the while block.
6. We go back up to the while statement and repeat steps 4-6 with our new
value of j.
7. We keep on repeating this sequence of actions until j reaches 13.
8. At that point the while test will return False and we skip past the indented
block to the next line with the same indentation as the while statement.
9. In this case there are no other lines so the program stops.

By now that should feel pretty straightforward. Just one thing to point out - do you see
the colon (:) at the end of the while (and for) lines above? That just tells Python that
there's a chunk of code (a block) coming up. As we'll see in a moment, other
languages have their own ways of telling the interpreter to group lines together,
Python uses a combination of the colon and indentation.

Let's look at VBScript's version of the while loop:

<script type="text/vbscript">
J = 1
While J <= 12
MsgBox J & " x 12 = " & J*12
J = J + 1

This produces the same result as before but notice that the loop block is delimited by
the keyword Wend (short for While End obviously!). Other than that it works pretty
much exactly like the Python one.


<script type="text/javascript">
j = 1;
while (j <= 12){

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Looping the loop 27/05/2007

document.write(j," x 12 = ",j*12,"<BR>");
j = j + 1;


As you see the structure is pretty similar just some curly brackets or braces instead of
the Wend in VBScript. Note that unlike Python, neither VBScript nor JavaScript need
any indentation, that's purely to make the code more readable.

Finally its worth comparing the JavaScript for and while loops. Recall that the for loop
looked like this:

for (j=1; j<=12; j++){....}

Now, that is exactly the same structure as the while loop, just compressed into one
line. The initializer, the test condition and the loop modifier are all there clearly seen.
So in fact a JavaScript for loop is simply a while loop in a more compact form. It
would be possible to do without the for loop completely and only have while loops,
and that's exactly what some other languages do.

More Flexible Loops

Coming back to our 12 times table at the beginning of this section. The loop we
created is all very well for printing out the 12 times table. But what about other
values? Can you modify the loop to make it do the 7 times table say? It should look
like this:

>>> for j in range(1,13):

... print "%d x 7 = %d" % (j,j*7)

Now this means we have to change the 12 to a 7 twice. And if we want another value
we have to change it again. Wouldn't it be better if we could enter the multiplier that
we want?

We can do that by replacing the values in the print string with another variable. Then
set that variable before we run the loop:

>>> multiplier = 12
>>> for j in range(1,13):
... print "%d x %d = %d" % (j, multiplier, j*multiplier)

That's our old friend the 12 times table. But now to change to the seven times, we only
need to change the value of 'multiplier'.

Note that we have here combined sequencing and loops. We have first a single
command, multiplier = 12 followed, in sequence by a for loop.

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Looping the loop

Let's take the previous example one stage further. Suppose we want to print out all of
the times tables from 2 to 12 (1 is too trivial to bother with). All we really need to do
is set the multiplier variable as part of a loop, like this:

>>> for multiplier in range(2,13):

... for j in range(1,13):
... print "%d x %d = %d" % (j,multiplier,j*multiplier)

Notice that the part indented inside the first for loop is exactly the same loop that we
started out with. It works as follows:

1. We set multiplier to the first value (2) then go round the second loop.
2. Then we set multiplier to the next value (3) and go round the inner loop again,
3. and so on.

This technique is known as nesting loops.

One snag is that all the tables merge together, we could fix that by just printing out a
separator line at the end of the first loop, like this:

>>> for multiplier in range(2,13):

... for j in range(1,13):
... print "%d x %d = %d" % (j,multiplier,j*multiplier)
... print "------------------- "

Note that the second print statement lines up with the second 'for', it is the second
statement in the loop sequence. Remember, the indenting level is very important in

Just for comparisons sake lets see how that looks in JavaScript too:

<script type="text/javascript">
for (multiplier=2; multiplier < 13; multiplier++){
for (j=1; j <= 12 ; j++){
document.write(j, " x ", multiplier, " = ", j*multiplier, "<BR>");

Experiment with getting the separator to indicate which table it follows, in effect to
provide a caption. Hint: You probably want to use the multiplier variable and a Python
format string.

Other loops

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Looping the loop 27/05/2007

Some languages provide more looping constructs but some kind of for and while are
usually there. (Modula 2 and Oberon only provide while loops since while loops can
simulate for loops - as we saw above.) Other loops you might see are:

Same as a while but the test is at the end so the loop always executes at least
Similar to above but the logic of the test is reversed.
Mainly seen in older languages, these usually set a marker in the code and
then explicitly jump directly to that marker.

Points to remember
FOR loops repeat a set of commands for a fixed number of iterations.
WHILE loops repeat a set of commands until some terminating condition is
met. They may never execute the body of the loop if the terminating
condition is false to start with.
Other types of loops exist but FOR and WHILE are nearly always provided.
Python for loops are really foreach loops - they operate on a list of items.
Loops may be nested one inside another.
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[email protected]

Page 76
A Little Bit of Style 27/05/2007

Coding Style
What will we cover?
Several new uses for comments
How to layout code using indentation to improve readability
An introduction to the use of modules for storing our programs

I've already spoken about comments in the 'More Sequences' section. However there
are some other things we can do with comments and I'll enlarge on those here:

Version history information

It is good practice to create a file header at the start of each file. This should provide
details such as the creation date, author, date of last change, version and a general
description of the contents. Often a log of changes. This block will appear as a

# Module:
# Author: A.J.Gauld
# Date: 1999/09/03
# Version: Draft 0.4
This module provides a Spam class which can be
combined with any other type of Food object to create
interesting meal combinations.
# Log:
# 1999/09/01 AJG - File created
# 1999/09/02 AJG - Fixed bug in pricing strategy
# 1999/09/02 AJG - Did it right this time!
# 1999/09/03 AJG - Added broiling method(cf Change Req #1234)
import sys, string, food

Thus when you first open a file it should contain a nice summary of what the file is for,
what's changed over time and who did it and when. This is particularly important if you
are working on a team project and need to know who to ask about the design or the
changes. There are version control tools available that can help automate the
production of some of this documentation, but they are outside the scope of this

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A Little Bit of Style 27/05/2007

Note that I put the description in between two sets of triple quotes. This is a Python
specific trick known as a documentation string that makes the description available to
Pythons built-in help function as we'll see shortly.

Commenting out redundant code

This technique is often used to isolate a faulty section of code. For example, assume a
program reads some data, processes it, prints the output and then saves the results
back to the data file. If the results are not what we expect it would be useful to
temporarily prevent the (erroneous)data being saved back to the file and thus
corrupting it. We could simply delete the relevant code but a less radical approach is
simply to convert the lines into comments like so:

data = readData(datafile)
for item in data:
# Comment out till bug in calculateResult fixed
# for item in results:
print 'Program terminated'

Once the fault has been fixed we can simply delete the comment markers to make the
code active once more. Some editing tools, including IDLE, have menu options to
comment out a selected block of code, and to uncomment it later.

Documentation strings

All languages allow you to create comments to document what a function or module
does, but a few, such as Python and Smalltalk, go one stage further and allow you to
document the function in a way that the language/environment can use to provide
interactive help while programming. In Python this is done using the
"""documentation""" string style:

class Spam:
"""A meat for combining with other foods

It can be used with other foods to make interesting meals.

It comes with lots of nutrients and can be cooked using many
different techniques"""

def __init__(self):
pass # ie. it does nothing!

print Spam.__doc__

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A Little Bit of Style 27/05/2007

Note: We can access the documentation string by printing the special __doc__
variable. Modules, Functions and classes/methods can all have documentation strings.
For example try:

import sys
print sys.__doc__

Since Python version 2.2 there is also a help() function within Python that will
search for and print out any helpful documentation on a Python symbol. For example
to see the help on sys.exit we can do this at the Python prompt:

>>> import sys

>>> help (sys.exit)
Help on built-in function exit:


Exit the interpreter by raising SystemExit(status).

If the status is omitted or None, it defaults to zero (i.e., success).
If the status is numeric, it will be used as the system exit status.
If it is another kind of object, it will be printed and the system
exit status will be one (i.e., failure).

To get out of help mode hit the letter 'q'(for quit) when you see the (END) marker. If
more than one page of help is present you can hit the space bar to page through it. If
you are using IDLE, or other IDE, then you likely won't see the (END) marker rather
it will simply display all the text and you need to use the scroll bars to go back and
read it.

Block Indentation
This is one of the most hotly debated topics in programming. It almost seems that
every programmer has his/her own idea of the best way to indent code. As it turns out
there have been some studies done that show that at least some factors are genuinely
important beyond cosmetics - ie they actually help us understand the code better.

The reason for the debate is simple. In most programming languages the indentation is
purely cosmetic, an aid to the reader. (In Python it is, in fact, needed and is essential to
proper working of the program!) Thus:

< script type="text/vbscript">

For I = 1 TO 10
MsgBox I

Is exactly the same as:

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A Little Bit of Style 27/05/2007

< script type="text/vbscript">

For I = 1 TO 10
MsgBox I

so far as the VBScript interpreter is concerned. It's just easier for us to read with

The key point is that indentation should reflect the logical structure of the code thus
visually it should follow the flow of the program. To do that it helps if the blocks look
like blocks thus:


which reads better than:


because it's clearly all one block. Studies have shown significant improvements in
comprehension when indenting reflects the logical block structure. In the small samples
we've seen so far it may not seem important but when you start writing programs with
hundreds or thousands of lines it will become much more so.

Variable Names
The variable names we have used so far have been fairly meaningless, mainly because
they had no meaning but simply illustrated techniques. In general it's much better if
your variable names reflect what you want them to represent. For example in our times
table exercise we used 'multiplier' as the variable to indicate which table we were
printing. That is much more meaningful than simply 'm' - which would have worked
just as well and been less typing.

Its a trade-off between comprehensibility and effort. Generally the best choice is to go
for short but meaningful names. Too long a name becomes confusing and is difficult to
get right consistently(for example I could have used
the_table_we_are_printing instead of multiplier but it's far too long and not
really much clearer.

Saving Your Programs

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A Little Bit of Style 27/05/2007

While the Python interactive interpreter prompt (>>>) is very useful for trying out
ideas quickly, it loses all you type the minute you exit. In the longer term we want to
be able to write programs and then run them over and over again. To do this in Python
we create a text file with an extension .py (this is a convention only, you could use
anything you like. But it's a good idea to stick with convention in my opinion...). You
can then run your programs from an Operating System command prompt by typing:
$ python

Where is the name of your Python program file and the $ is the operating
system prompt.

The other advantage of using files to store the programs is that you can edit mistakes
without having to retype the whole fragment or, in IDLE, cursor all the way up past
the errors to reselect the code. IDLE supports having a file open for editing and
running it from the 'Edit|Run module' menu.

From now on I won't normally be showing the >>> prompt in examples, I'll assume
you are creating the programs in a separate file and running them either within IDLE
or from a command prompt (my personal favourite).

Note for Windows users

Under Windows you can set up a file association for files ending .py within
Explorer. This will allow you to run Python programs by simply double clicking the
file's icon. This should already have been done by the installer. You can check by
finding some .py files and trying to run them. If they start (even with a Python error
message) it's set up. The problem you will likely run into at this point is that the files
will run in a DOS box and then immediately close, so fast you scarcely even see them!
There are a couple of options:

The first way is simplest and involves putting the following line of code at the
end of each program:
raw_input("Hit ENTER to quit")

Which simply displays the message and waits for the user to hit the ENTER or
Return key. We will discuss raw_input() in a future topic.

The second technique uses the Windows Explorer settings. The procedure is
fairly standard but may vary according to the version of Windows you have. I
will describe Windows XP Home.
First select a .py file and go to the Tools->Folder Options menu item. In
the dialog box select the File Types tab. Scroll down till you find the PY file
type and click on it to select it. Click the Advanced button at the bottom. In
the new dialog select open from the list and click Edit... In the new dialog
you should see the Application... line say something like:

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A Little Bit of Style 27/05/2007

E:\PYTHON22\python.exe "%1" %*

Edit it to add a -i after the python.exe, like this:

E:\PYTHON22\python.exe -i "%1" %*

Now close all the dialogs.

This will stop Python from exiting at the end of your program and leave you at
the >>> prompt where you can inspect variable values etc, or just exit
manually. (An alternative trick is to add a new option called Test alongside
Open. This allows you to Right Click in explorer and choose open to run the
program and it close automatically and choose Test to run the program
finishing in Python. The choice is yours.)

Note for Unix users

The first line of a Python script file should contain the sequence #! followed by the
full path of python on your system. You can find that by typing, at your shell prompt:
$ which python

On my system the line looks like:

#! /usr/local/bin/python

This will allow you to run the file without calling Python at the same time (after you
set it to be executable via chmod - but you knew that already I'm sure!):

You can use an even more convenient trick on most modern Unix systems (including
all Linux distros) which replaces the path information with /usr/bin/env/python,
like this:
#! /usr/bin/env/python

That will find where Python is in your path automatically. The only snag is where you
may have two or more different versions of Python installed and the script will only
work with one of them (maybe it uses a brand new language feature, say), in that case
you will be better with the full path technique.

This #! line doesn't do any harm under Windows/Mac either, since it just looks like a
comment, so those users can put it in too, if their code is likely to ever be run on a
unix box.

VBScript & JavaScript

You VBScript and JavaScript users can ignore the above, you've already been saving
your programs as files, it's the only way to get them to work!

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A Little Bit of Style 27/05/2007

Points to remember
Comments can be used to temporarily prevent code from executing, which is
useful when testing or 'debugging' code.
Comments can be used to provide an explanatory header with version history
of type file.
Documentation strings can be used to provide run-time information about a
module and the objects within it.
Indentation of blocks of code helps the reader see clearly the logical structure
of the code.
By typing a python program into a file instead of at the Python '>>>' prompt
the program can be saved and run on demand by typing $ python at the command prompt or by double clicking the filename
within an Explorer window on Windows.

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If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

Page 83
Input 27/05/2007

Conversing with the user

What will we cover?
How to prompt the user to enter data and how to read that data once it is entered.
We will show how to read both numerical and string based data.
The concepts of stdin and stdout
We look at command line interfaces and how to read data input as command line

So far our programs have only dealt with static data. Data that, if need be, we can
examine before the program runs and thus write the program to suit. Most programs
aren't like that. Most programs expect to be driven by a user, at least to the extent of
being told what file to open, edit etc. Others prompt the user for data at critical points.
This aspect of programming is what is referred to as the User Interface and in
commercial programs designing and building the user interface is a job for specialists
trained in human machine interaction and ergonomics. The average programmer does
not have that luxury so must make do with some common sense, and careful thought
about how users will use the program. The most basic feature of a User Interface is
displaying output and we have already covered the most primitive way of doing that
via the Python print command (and JavaScript's write() function as well as the
VBScript MsgBox dialog). The next step in User Interface design is to take input
directly from the user. The simplest way to do that is for the program to ask for the
input at run time, the next simplest way is for the user to pass the data in when he or
she starts the program, finally we have graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with text
entry boxes etc. In this topic we look at the first two methods, we introduce GUI
programming much later in the tutor because it is significantly more complex.

Let's see how we can get data from a user in a normal Python interactive session
running in IDLE or an OS terminal. Afterwords we'll try doing the same in a program.

>>> print raw_input("Type something: ")

As you see raw_input() simply displays the given prompt - "Type something" in
this case - and captures whatever the user types in response. Print then displays that
response. We could instead assign it to a variable:

>>> resp = raw_input("What's your name? ")

And now we can print out whatever value was captured:

>>> print "Hi, %s, nice to meet you" % resp

Notice that we use the string formatting operator to display the value stored in the
variable resp and that value is the one captured from the user by raw_input.

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raw_input() has a cousin called input(). The difference is that

raw_input() collects the characters the user types and presents them as a string,
whereas input() collects them and tries to evaluate them as some kind of data. For
example if the user types '1','2','3' then input will read those 3 characters and convert
them into the number 123.

Let's use input to decide which multiplication table to print:

multiplier = input("Which multiplier do you want? Pick a number ")

for j in range(1,13):
print "%d x %d = %d" % (j, multiplier, j * multiplier)

Unfortunately there's a big snag to using input(). That's because input() doesn't
just evaluate numbers but rather treats any input as Python code and tries to execute it.
Thus a knowledgeable but malicious user could type in a Python command that deleted
a file on your PC! For this reason it's better to stick to raw_input() and convert the
string into the data type you need using Python's built in conversion functions. This is
actually pretty easy:

>>>multiplier = int(raw_input("Which multiplier do you want? Pick a number ")

>>>for j in range(1,13):
... print "%d x %d = %d" % (j, multiplier, j * multiplier)

You see? We just wrapped the raw_input() call in a call to int(). It has the same
effect as using input but is much safer. There are other conversion functions too so
that you can convert to floats etc as well.

So what about using this in a real program? You recall the address book examples
using a dictionary that we created in the raw materials topic? Let's revisit that address
book now that we can write loops and read input data.

# create an empty address book dictionary

addressBook = {}

# read entries till an empty string

name = raw_input("Type the Name - leave blank to finish")
while name != "":
entry = raw_input("Type the Street, Town, Phone. Leave blank to finish")
addressBook[name] = entry
name = raw_input("Type the Name - leave blank to finish")

# now ask for one to display

name = raw_input("Which name to display?(blank to finish)")
while name != "":
print name, addressBook[name]
name = raw_input("Which name to display?(blank to finish)")

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That's our biggest program so far, and although the user interface design is a bit clunky
it does the job. We will see how to improve it in a later topic. Some things to note in
this program are the use of the boolean test in the while loops to determine when the
user wants us to stop. Also note that whereas in the raw materials example we used a
list to store the data as separate fields we have just stored it as a single string here.
That's because we haven't yet covered how to break down a string into separate fields.
We'll cover that in a later topic too. In fact the address book program will be cropping
up from time to time through the rest of the tutorial as we gradually turn it into
something useful.

VBScript Input

In VBScript the InputBox statement reads input from the user thus:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim Input
Input = InputBox("Enter your name")
MsgBox ("You entered: " & Input)

The InputBox function simply presents a dialog with a prompt and an entry field. The
contents of the entry field are returned by the function. There are various values that
you can pass to the function such as a title string for the dialog box in addition to the
prompt. If the user presses Cancel the function returns an empty string regardless of
what is actually in the entry field.

Here is the VBScript version of our Address book example.

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim dict,name,entry ' Create some variables.
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
name = InputBox("Enter a name", "Address Book Entry")
While name <> ""
entry = InputBox("Enter Details - Street, Town, Phone number",
"Address Book Entry")
dict.Add name, entry ' Add key and details.
name = InputBox("Enter a name","Address Book Entry")

' Now read back the values

name = InputBox("Enter a name","Address Book Lookup")
While name <> ""
MsgBox(name & " - " & dict.Item(name))
name = InputBox("Enter a name","Address Book Lookup")

The basic structure is absolutely identical to the Python program although a few lines
longer because of VBScript's need to pre-declare the variables with Dim and because
of the need for a Wend statement to end each loop.

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Reading input in JavaScript

JavaScript presents us with a challenge because it is a language primarily used within a

web browser. We have a choice of using a simple input box like VBScript using the
prompt() function or instead we can read from an HTML form element (or, in
Internet Explorer, use Microsoft's Active Scripting technology to generate an
InputBox dialog like the one used by VBScript). For variety I'll show you how to use
the HTML form technique. If you are unfamiliar with HTML forms it might be worth
finding an HTML reference or tutorial to describe them, alternatively just copy what I
do here and hopefully it will be self explanatory. I will be keeping it very simple, I

The basic structure of our HTML example will be to put the JavaScript code in a
function, although we haven't covered these yet. For now just try to ignore the
function definition bits.

<script type="text/javascript">
function myProgram(){
alert("We got a value of " +;

<form name='entry'>
<P>Type value then click outside the field with your mouse</P>
<Input Type='text' Name='data' onChange='myProgram()'>

The program just consists of a single line that displays an alert box (very similar to
VBScript's MsgBox) containing the value from the text field. The form displays a
prompt message (within the <P></P> pair) and an input field. The form has a name,
entry within the document context, and the Input field has a name, data within the
entry form context. Thus within the JavaScript program we can refer to the value of
the field as:

I'm not going to show the address book example in JavaScript because the HTML
aspects become more complex and the use of functions increases and I want to wait till
we have covered those in their own topic.

A word about stdin and stdout

NOTE: stdin is a bit of computer jargon for the standard input device (usually the keyboard).
stdout refers to the standard output device (usually the screen). You will quite often see
references to the term stdin and stdout in discussions about programming. (There is a third,
less commonly used term, stderr, which is where all console error messages are sent.

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Normally stderr appears in the same place as stdout.) These terms are often called data
streams since data appears as a stream of bytes flowing to the devices. stdin and stdout are
made to look like files (we'll get to those shortly) for consistency with file handling code.

In Python they all live in the sys module and are called sys.stdin and sys.stdout.
raw_input() uses stdin automatically and print uses stdout. We can also read from stdin
and write to stdout directly and this can offer some advantages in terms of fine control of the
input and output. Here is an example of reading from stdin:

import sys
print "Type a value: ", # comma prevents newline
value = sys.stdin.readline() # use stdin explicitly
print value

It is almost identical to:

print raw_input("Type a value: ")

The advantage of the explicit version is that you can do fancy things like make stdin point
to a real file so the program reads its input from the file rather than the terminal - this can be
useful for long testing sessions whereby instead of sitting typing each input as requested we
simply let the program read its input from a file. [ This has the added advantage of ensuring
that we can run the test repeatedly, sure that the input will be exactly the same each time, and
so hopefully will the output. This technique of repeating previous tests to ensure that nothing
got broken is called regression testing by programmers. ]

Finally here is an example of direct output to sys.stdout that can likewise be redirected to
a file. print is nearly equivalent to:

sys.stdout.write("Hello world\n") # \n= newline

The main practical use for this is to get around the fact that print always puts a space between
the output values, whereas with stdout we can avoid that. Compare the two output lines in
the example below:

import sys
for item in ['one','is',1]:
print item, # comma suppresses newline
for item in ['one','is',str(1)]: # must explicitly convert to strings
sys.stdout.write(item) # no spaces!

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Of course we can achieve the same effect using format strings if we know what the data looks
like but if we don't know what the data will look like till runtime then its easier to just send it
to stdout rather than try to build a complex format string at runtime.

Redirecting stdin & stdout

So how do we redirect stdin and stdout to files? We can do it directly within our program
using the normal Python file handling techniques which we will cover shortly, but the easiest
way is to do it via the operating system.

This is how the operating system commands work when we use redirection at the command

C:> dir
C:> dir > dir.txt

The first command prints a directory listing to the screen. The second prints it to a file. By
using the '>' sign we tell the program to redirect stdout to the file dir.txt.

We would do the same with a Python program like this:

$ python > result.txt

Which would run but instead of displaying the output on screen it would
write it to the file result.txt. We could see the output later using a text editor like

To get stdin to point at a file we simply use a < sign rather than a > sign. Here is a complete

First create a file called containing the following code:

import sys
inp = sys.stdin.readline()
while inp.strip() != '':
print inp
inp = sys.stdin.readline()

Note: The strip() simply chops off the newline character that is retained when reading
from stdin, raw_input() does that for you as a convenience.

You can now try running that from a command prompt:

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$ python

The result should be a program that echos back anything you type until you enter a blank line.

Now create a simple text file called input.txt containing some lines of text. Run the last
program again, redirecting input from input.txt:

$ python < input.txt

Python echos back what was in the file. But you might recall that we said that print and
raw_input actually use stdin and stdout internally? That means we can replace the stdin stuff
in with raw_input() like this:

inp = raw_input()
while inp != '':
print inp
inp = raw_input()

Which is much easier in most cases.

By using this technique with multiple different input files we can quickly and easily test our
programs for a variety of scenarios (for example bad data values or types) and do so in a
repeatable and reliable manner. We can also use this technique to handle large volumes of
data from a file while still having the option to input the data manually for small volumes
using the same program. Redirecting stdin and stdout is a very useful trick for the
programmer, experiment and see what other uses you can find for it.

There is a known bug in Windows that breaks input redirection. If you start your program by
just typing in the script name, rather than explicitly typing in python before it, Windows
will not display the results on the console! There is a registry hack to fix this on Microsoft's
web site, although even the hack isn't quite correct! You need to look under HKEY_CURRENT
USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as recommended on the web page. My
recommendation is to always explicitly invoke python when dealing with redirected input or
output! [ Thanks go to Tim Graber for spotting this and to Tim Peters for telling me about
the registry hack to fix it ]

Command Line Parameters

One other type of input is from the command line. For example when you run your
text editor from an operating system command line, like:

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$ EDIT Foo.txt

what happens is that the operating system calls the program called EDIT and passes it
the name of the file to edit, Foo.txt in this case.So how does the editor read the

In most languages the system provides an array or list of strings containing the
command line words. Thus the first element will contain the command itself, the
second element will be the first argument, etc. There may also be some kind of magic
variable (often called something like argc, for "argument count") that holds the number
of elements in the list.

In Python that list is held by the sys module and called argv (for 'argument values').
Python doesn't need an argc type value since the usual len() method can be used to
find the length of the list, and in most cases we don't even need that since we just
iterate over the list using Python's for loop, like this:

import sys
for item in sys.argv:
print item

print "The first argument was:", sys.argv[1]

Note that this only works if you put it in a file (say and execute it from the
operating system prompt like this:

C:\PYTHON\PROJECTS> python 1 23 fred
The first argument was: 1

VBScript and JavaScript

Being web page based the concept of command line arguments doesn't really arise. If
we were using them within Microsoft's Windows Script Host environment the situation
would be different, and WSH provides a mechanism to extract such arguments from a
WshArguments object populated by WSH at run time.

That's really as far as we'll go with user input in this course. It's very primitive but you
can write useful programs with it. In the early days of Unix or PCs it's the only kind of
interaction you got. Of course GUI programs read input too and we will look at how
that's done much later in the tutorial.

Points to remember

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Use input for reading numbers, raw_input for reading characters/strings.

Both input and raw_input can display a string to prompt the user.
Command line parameters can be obtained from the argv list imported from
the sys module in Python, where the first item is the name of the program.

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Page 92
Conditionals 27/05/2007

Decisions, Decisions
What will we cover?
The 3rd programming construct - Branching
Single branches and multiple branches
Using Boolean expressions

The 3rd of our fundamental building blocks is branching or conditional statements.

These are simply terms to describe the ability within our programs to execute one of
several possible sequences of code(branches) depending on some condition.

Back in the early days of Assembler programming the simplest branch was a
JUMP instruction where the program literally jumped to a specified memory address,
usually if the result of the previous instruction was zero. Amazingly complex programs
were written with virtually no other form of condition possible - vindicating Dijkstra's
statement about the minimum requirements for programming. When high level
languages came along a new version of the JUMP instruction appeared called GOTO. In
fact QBASIC, which is still supplied on the CD ROM with older versions of
Windows(pre XP), still provides GOTO and, if you have QBASIC installed, you can
try it out by typing the following bit of code:

10 PRINT "Starting at line 10"

20 J = 5
30 IF J < 10 GOTO 50
40 Print "This line is not printed"

Notice how even in such a short program it takes a few seconds to figure out what's
going to happen. There is no structure to the code, you have to literally figure it out as
you read it. In large programs it becomes impossible. For that reason most modern
programming languages, including Python, VBScript and JavaScript, either don't have
a direct JUMP or GOTO statement or discourage you from using it. So what do we
use instead?

The if statement
The most intuitively obvious conditional statement is the if, then,
else construct. It follows the logic of English in that if some boolean condition (see
below for more about this aspect of things) is true then a block of statements is
executed, otherwise (or else) a different block is executed.


It looks like this in Python:

import sys # only to let us exit

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print "Starting here"

j = 5
if j > 10:
print "This is never printed"

Hopefully that is easier to read and understand than the previous GOTO example. Of
course we can put any test condition we like after the if, so long as it evaluates to True
or False, i.e. a boolean value. Try changing the > to a < and see what happens.


VBScript looks quite similar:

<script type="text/vbscript">
MsgBox "Starting Here"
J = 5
If J > 10 Then
MsgBox "This is never printed"
MsgBox "End of Program"
End If

It's very nearly identical, isn't it? The main difference is the use of End If to indicate
the end of the construct.

And JavaScript too

And of course JavaScript has an if statement too:

<script type="text/javascript">
var j;
j = 5;
if (j > 10){
document.write("This is never printed");
else {
document.write("End of program");

Notice that JavaScript uses curly braces to define the blocks of code inside the if part
and the else part. Also the boolean test is contained in parentheses and there is no
explicit keyword then used. On a point of style, the curly braces can be located
anywhere, I have chosen to line them up as shown purely to emphasize the block
structure. Also if there is only a single line within the block (as we have here) the
braces can be omitted entirely, they are only needed to group lines together into a
single block.

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Boolean Expressions
You might remember that in the Raw Materials section we mentioned a Boolean type
of data. We said it had only two values: True or False. We very rarely create a
Boolean variable but we often create temporary Boolean values using expressions. An
expression is a combination of variables and values combined by operators to produce
a resultant value. In the following example:

if x < 5:
print x

x < 5 is the expression and the result will be True if x is less than 5 and False if x is
greater than or equal to 5.

Expressions can be arbitrarily complex provided they evaluate to a single final value. In
the case of a branch that value must be either True or False. However, the definition
of these two values varies from language to language. In many languages False is the
same as 0 or a non-existent value (often called NULL, Nil or None). Thus an empty
list or string evaluates to false in a Boolean context. Python works this way and this
means we can use a while loop to process a list until the list is empty, using
something like:

while aList:
# do something here

Or we can use an if statement to test whether a list is empty without resorting to the
len() function like this:

if aList:
# do something here

Finally we can combine Boolean expressions using Boolean operators which can often
cut down the number of if statements we need to write.

Consider this example:

if value > maximum:

print "Value is out of range!"
else if value < minimum:
print "Value is out of range!"

Notice that the block of code executed is identical. We can save some work, both for
us and for the computer, by combining both of the tests into a single test like this:

if (value < minimum) or (value > maximum):

print "Value is out of range!"

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Notice we combined both tests using a boolean or operator. This is still a single
expression because Python evaluates the combined set of tests to a single result. You
can think of it as evaluating the first set of parentheses, then the second set of
parentheses and finally combines the two calculated values to form the final single
value, either True or False. (In practice Python uses a slightly more efficient technique
known as short-circuit evaluation which we discuss in the Functional
Programming topic)

Very often if we think carefully about the tests we need to carry out in our natural
language then we will find ourselves using conjunctions like and, or and not. If so
there's a very good chance we can write a single combined test rather than many
separate ones.

Chaining if statements
You can go on to chain these if/then/else statements together by nesting them one
inside the other. Here is an example in Python:

# Assume price created previously...

price = int(raw_input("What price? "))
if price == 100:
print "I'll take it!"
if price > 500:
print "No way Jose!"
if price > 200:
print "How about throwing in a free mouse mat?"
print "price is an unexpected value!"

Note 1:we used == (that's a double = sign) to test for equality in the first if statement,
whereas we use = to assign values to variables. Using = when you mean to use == is
one of the more common mistakes in programming Python, fortunately Python warns
you that it's a syntax error, but you might need to look closely to spot the problem.

Note 2:A subtle point to notice is that we perform the greater-than tests from the
highest value down to the lowest. If we did it the other way round the first test, which
would be price > 200 would always be true and we would never progress to the >
500 test. Similarly if using a sequence of less-than tests you must start at the lowest
value and work up. This is another very easy trap to fall into.

VBScript & JavaScript

You can chain if statements in VBScript and JavaScript too but as it's pretty self
evident I'll only show a VBScript example here:

<script type="text/vbscript">
DIM Price

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price = InputBox("What's the price?")

price = CInt(price)
If price = 100 Then
MsgBox "I'll take it!"
if price > 500 Then
MsgBox "No way Jose!"
if price > 200 Then
MsgBox "How about throwing in a free mouse mat too?"
MsgBox "price is an unexpected value!"
End If
End If
End If

The only things to note here are that there is an End If statement to match every
If statement and that we used the VBScript conversion function CInt to convert
from the input string value to an integer.

Case statements
One snag with chaining, or nesting if/else statements is that the indentation causes
the code to spread across the page very quickly. A sequence of nested
if/else/if/else... is such a common construction that many languages provide a
special type of branch for it.

This is often referred to as a Case or Switch statement and the JavaScript

version looks like:

<script type="text/javascript">
function doArea(){
var shape, breadth, length, area;
shape = document.area.shape.value;
breadth = parseInt(document.area.breadth.value);
len = parseInt(document.area.len.value);
switch (shape){
case 'Square':
area = len * len;
alert("Area of " + shape + " = " + area);
case 'Rectangle':
area = len * breadth;
alert("Area of " + shape + " = " + area);
case 'Triangle':
area = len * breadth / 2;
alert("Area of " + shape + " = " + area);
default: alert("No shape matching: " + shape)

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<form name="area">
Length: <input type="text" name="len">
Breadth: <input type="text" name="breadth">
Shape: <select name="shape" size=1 onChange="doArea()">
<option value="Square">Square
<option value="Rectangle">Rectangle
<option value="Triangle">Triangle

The HTML form code just allows us to capture the details and then when the user
selects a shape it calls our JavaScript function. The first few lines simply create some
local variables and convert the strings to integers where needed. The bold section is the
bit we are really interested in. It selects the appropriate action based on the shape
value, notice, by the way, that the parentheses around shape are required. Each block
of code within the case structure is not marked using curly braces, as you might
expect, but is instead terminated by a break statement. The entire set of
case statements for the switch is, however, bound together as a block by a single set
of curly braces.

Finally note the final condition is default which is simply a catch-all for anything not
caught in the preceding Case statements.

Why not see if you can extend the example to cover circles as well? Remember to add
a new option to the HTML form as well as a new case to the switch.

VBScript Select Case

VBScript has a version too:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim shape, length, breadth, SQUARE, RECTANGLE, TRIANGLE
shape = CInt(InputBox("Square(0),Rectangle(1) or Triangle(2)?"))
length = CDbl(InputBox("Length?"))
breadth = CDbl(InputBox("Breadth?"))
Select Case shape
area = length * length
MsgBox "Area = " & area
area = length * breadth
MsgBox "Area = " & area
area = length * breadth / 2
MsgBox "Area = " & area
Case Else

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MsgBox "Shape not recognized"

End Select

As with the JavaScript example the first few lines simply collect the data from the user
and convert it into the right type. The bold Select section shows the VBScript case
construct with each successive Case statement active as a block terminator for the
previous one. The whole Select construct is closed with the End Select statement.
Finally there is a Case Else clause which, like the default in JavaScript catches
anything not caught in the Cases above.

One other feature worth pointing out is the use of Symbolic Constants instead of
numbers. That is the uppercase variables SQUARE, RECTANGLE and TRIANGLE are
there simply to make the code easier to read. The uppercase names are simply a
convention to indicate that they are constant values rather than conventional variables,
but VBScript allows any variable name you like.

Python multi-selection

Python does not provide an explicit case construct but rather compromises by
providing an easier if/elseif/else format:

menu = """
Pick a shape(1-3):
1) Square
2) Rectangle
3) Triangle
shape = int(raw_input(menu))
if shape == 1:
length = float(raw_input("Length: "))
print "Area of square = ", length ** 2
elif shape == 2:
length = float(raw_input("Length: "))
width = float(raw_input("Width: "))
print "Area of rectangle = ", length * width
elif shape == 3:
length = float(raw_input("Length: "))
width = float(raw_input("Width: "))
print "Area of triangle = ", length * width/2
print "Not a valid shape, try again"

Note the use of elif and the fact that the indentation (all important in Python) does
not change (unlike the nested if statement example). It's also worth pointing out that
both this technique and the earlier nested if/else example are equally valid, the
elif technique is just a little easier to read if there are many tests. The final condition
is an else which catches anything not caught by the previous tests, just like the
default in JavaScript and Case Else in VBScript.

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VBScript also provides a slightly more cumbersome version of this technique with
ElseIf...Then which is used in exactly the same way as the Python elif but is
rarely seen since Select Case is easier to use.

Putting it all together

So far many of our examples have been pretty abstract. To conclude let's take a look at
an example that uses nearly everything we've learned about so far to introduce a
common programming technique, namely displaying menus for controlling user input.

Here is the code, followed by a brief discussion:

menu = """
Pick a shape(1-3):
1) Square
2) Rectangle
3) Triangle

4) Quit
shape = int(raw_input(menu))
while shape != 4:
if shape == 1:
length = float(raw_input("Length: "))
print "Area of square = ", length ** 2
elif shape == 2:
length = float(raw_input("Length: "))
width = float(raw_input("Width: "))
print "Area of rectangle = ", length * width
elif shape == 3:
length = float(raw_input("Length: "))
width = float(raw_input("Width: "))
print "Area of triangle = ", length * width / 2
print "Not a valid shape, try again"
shape = int(raw_input(menu))

We've added just three lines (in bold) to the previous Python example but in so doing
have significantly enhanced the usability of our program. By adding a Quit option to
the menu, plus a while loop we have provided the capability for the user to keep on
calculating sizes of different shapes until she has all the information she needs. There is
no need to rerun the program manually each time. The only other line we added was to
repeat the raw_input(menu) shape selection so that the user gets the chance to
change the shape and, ultimately, to quit.

What the program does is create the illusion to the user that the program knows what
they want to do and does it correctly, acting differently depending what they input. In
essence the user appears to be in control, whereas in fact, the programmer is in control
since he has anticipated all the valid inputs and how the program will react. The
intelligence on display is that of the programmer, not the machine - computers after all
are stupid!

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You see how easily we can extend our program just by adding a few lines and
combining sequences (the blocks that calculate the area), loops (the while loop) and
conditionals (the if/elif structure). Dijkstra's three building blocks of programming.
Having covered all three you can, in theory, now go out and program anything, but
there are a few more techniques we can learn to make things a bit easier, so don't rush
off just yet.

Modifying collections from inside loops

We mentioned in the looping topic that modifying a collection from inside a loop was a
difficult thing to do, but never got round to explaining how to do it! The reason is, we
had to wait for branching to be explained first. So here is the solution:

If we need to modify the elements of a collection in place we can use a while loop to
make the changes as we iterate over it. We can do this because in a while construct
we have explicit control over the index, unlike the situation in a for loop where the
index is automatically updated. Let's see how to delete all zeros from a list:

myList = [1,2,3,0,4,5,0]
index = 0
while index < len(myList):
if myList[index] == 0:
index += 1
print myList

The thing to note here is that we do not increment the index if we remove an item, we
rely on the deletion moving everything up so that the old index value now points at the
next item in the collection. We use an if/else branch to control when we increment
the index. It's very easy to make a mistake doing this kind of thing so test your code
carefully. There is another set of Python functions which are specifically designed for
manipulating list contents and we look at them in the Functional Programming topic in
the advanced section of the tutorial.
Things to Remember
Use if/else to branch
The else is optional
Multiple decisions can be represented using a Case or if/elif construct
Boolean expressions return True or False
Combining menus with Case constructs allows us to build a wide range of
user controlled applications.

Previous Next Contents

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

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Programming with Modules

What will we cover?
What modules are about
Functions as modules
Using module files
Writing our own functions and modules
An introduction to Windows Script Host

What's a Module?
The 4th element of programming involves the use of modules. In fact it's not strictly
necessary, and using what we've covered so far you can actually write some pretty
impressive programs. However as the programs get bigger it becomes harder and
harder to keep track of what's happening and where. We really need a way to abstract
away some of the details so that we can think about the problems we are trying to
solve rather than the minutiae of how the computer works. To some extent that's what
Python, VBScript and JavaScript already do for us with their built in capabilities - they
prevent us from having to deal with the hardware of the computer, how to read the
individual keys on the keyboard etc.

The idea of programming with modules is to allow the programmer to extend the built
in capabilities of the language. It packages up bits of program into modules that we
can 'plug in' to our programs. The first form of module was the subroutine which was
a block of code that you could jump to (rather like the GOTO mentioned in the
branching section) but when the block completed, it could jump back to wherever it
was called from. That particular style of modularity is known as a procedure or
function. In Python and some other languages the word module has taken on a more
specific meaning which we will look at shortly, but first let's consider functions a bit
more closely.

Using Functions
Before considering how to create functions let's look at how we use the many, many
functions that come with any programming language (often called the library).

We've already seen some functions in use and listed others in the operators section.
Now we'll consider what these have in common and how we can use them in our

The basic structure of a function call is as follows:

aValue = someFunction(anArgument, another, etc...)

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That is, the variable aValue takes on the value obtained by calling a function called
someFunction. The function can accept zero or many arguments which it treats like
internal variables. Functions can call other functions internally. In most programming
languages (although not all), even if there are no arguments, we must still provide the
parentheses when calling a function.

Let's consider some examples in our various languages to see how this works:

VBScript: Mid(aString, start, length)

This returns the next length characters starting at the start in aString.

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim time
MsgBox "Good" & Mid(time, 8, 8)

This displays "Good EVENING". One feature to note about VBScript is that it does
not require parentheses to group the function's arguments, spaces are usually sufficient,
as we have been doing with MsgBox. However if we combine two funxctions (as we
do here) then the inner one must use parentheses, my advise is: if in doubt, use the

VBScript: Date

This returns the current system date.

<script type="text/vbscript">
MsgBox Date

There's not much more I can say about that, except that there's a whole bunch of other
date functions for extracting the day, week, hour etc.

JavaScript: startString.replace(searchString, newString)

Returns a new string with the searchString replaced by newString, in


<script type="text/javascript">
var r,s = "A long and winding road";
document.write("Original = " + s + "<BR>");
r = s.replace("long", "short");
document.write("Result = " + r);

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Note: almost everything in JavaScript is an example of a special type of function called

a method. A method is a function that is associated with an object (as discussed in the
Raw Materials topic and in more detail later). The main thing to note here is that the
function is "attached" to the string s by the dot operator which means that s is the
string that we will be performing the substitution upon.

This is nothing new. We have been using the write() method of the
document object to display the output from our JavaScript programs (using
document.write()) since the beginning of the tutorial, I just haven't explained the
reason behind the dual name format up until now.

Python: pow(x,y)

pow() raises x to the power y

>>> x = 2 # we'll use 2 as our base number

>>> for y in range(0,11):
... print pow(x,y) # raise 2 to power y, ie 0-10

Here we generate values of y from 0 to 10 and call the built-in pow() function
passing 2 arguments: x and y. On each iteration of the loop the current values of x and
y are substituted into the pow() call and the result is printed.

Note: The Python exponentiation operator, ** is equivalent to the pow() function.

Python: dir(m)

Another useful function built in to python is dir which, when passed the name of a
module displays all of the exported names within the module - including all of the
variables and functions that you can use. Python comes with lots of modules, although
we haven't really discussed them up till now. The dir function gives back a list of
valid names - often functions - in that module. Try it on the built-in functions:

>>> print dir(__builtins__)

Note 1: builtins is one of Python's "magic" words so once again we need to

surround it with double underscores - that's two underscores at each end.

Note 2: To use dir() on any other module you need to import the module first
otherwise Python will complain that it doesn't recognize the name.

>>> import sys

>>> dir(sys)

You will recall that we met the sys module away back in our first sequences topic. In
the output from that last dir you should spot our old friend exit.

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Before doing much else we'd better talk about Python modules in a bit more detail.

Using Modules
Python is an extremely extensible language in that you can add new capabilities by
importing modules. We'll see how to create modules shortly but for now we'll play
with some of the standard modules that ship with Python.


We met sys already when we used it to exit from Python. It has a whole bunch of
other useful functions too, as we saw with the dir function above. To gain access to
these we must import sys:

import sys # make functions available

print sys.path # show where Python looks for modules
sys.exit() # prefix with 'sys'

If we know that we will be using the functions a lot and that they won't have the same
names as functions we have already imported or created then we can do:

from sys import * # import all names in sys

print path # can use without specifying prefix 'sys'

The big danger with this approach is that two modules could define functions with the
same name and then we could only use the second one that we import (because it will
override the first). If we only want to use a couple of items then it's safer to do it this

from sys import path, exit # import the ones we need

exit() # use without specifying prefix 'sys'

Note that the names we specify do not have the parentheses following them. If that
was the case we would attempt to execute the functions rather than import them. The
name of the function is all that is given.

Finally I'd like to show you a shorthand trick that saves some typing. If you have a
module with a very long name we can rename the module when we import it. Here is
an example:

import SimpleXMLRPCServer as s

Notice that we told Python to consider s to be a shorthand for

SimpleXMLRPCServer. Then to use the functions of the module we only need to type
s. which is much shorter!

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Other Python modules and what they contain

You can import and use any of Python's modules in this way and that includes modules
you create yourself. We'll see how to do that in a moment. First though, I'll give you a
quick tour of some of Python's standard modules and some of what they offer:

Module name Description

sys Allows interaction with the Python system:
exit() - exit!
argv - access command line arguments
path - access the system module search path
ps1 - change the '>>>' python prompt!
os Allows interaction with the operating system:
name - the current operating system, useful for portable
system - execute a system command
mkdir - create a directory
getcwd - find the current working directory
re Allows manipulation of strings with Unix style
regular expressions
search - find pattern anywhere in string
match - find at beginning only
findall - find all occurences in a string
split - break into fields separated by pattern
sub,subn - string substitution
math Allows access to many mathematical functions:
sin,cos etc - trigonometrical functions
log,log10 - natural and decimal logarithms
ceil,floor - ceiling and floor
pi, e - natural constants
time time(and date) functions
time - get the current time (expressed in seconds)
gmtime - convert time in secs to UTC (GMT)
localtime - convert to local time instead
mktime - inverse of localtime
sleep - pause program for n seconds
random random number generators - useful for games programming!
randint - generate random integer between inclusive end points
sample - generate random sublist from a bigger list
seed - reset the number generator key

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These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are literally dozens of modules provided
with Python, and as many again that you can download. (A couple of good sources are
the Vaults of Parnassus and, especially for more recent things, the Cheese shop.) Look
at the documentation to find out how to do Internet programming, graphics, build
databases etc. (I touch on some of these topics in the .Applicatons section of this

The important thing to realize is that most programming languages have these basic
functions either built in or as part of their standard library. Always check the
documentation before writing a function - it may already be there! Which leads us
nicely into...

Defining our own functions

OK, so we know how to use the existing functions and modules, but how do we create
a new function? Simply by defining it. That is we write a statement which tells the
interpreter that we are defining a block of code that it should execute, on demand,
elsewhere in our program.

VBScript first

So let's create a function that can print out a multiplication table for us for any value
that we provide as an argument. In VBScript it looks like:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Sub Times(N)
Dim I
For I = 1 To 12
MsgBox I & " x " & N & " = " & I * N
End Sub

So we use the keyword Sub (for Subroutine) and end the definition with End Sub,
following the normal VBScript block marker style. We provide a list of formal
parameters enclosed in parentheses. The code inside the defined block is just normal
VBScript code with the exception that it treats the parameters as if they were
already-defined local variables.

We can now call the new function like this:

<script type="text/vbscript">
MsgBox "Here is the 7 times table..."
Times 7

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Note 1: We defined a parameter called N and passed an argument of 7 . The local

variable N inside the function took the value 7 when we called it. We can define as
many parameters as we want in the function definition and the calling programs must
provide values for each parameter. Some programming languages allow you to define
default values for a parameter so that if no value is provided the function assumes the
default. We'll see this in Python later.

Note 2: We enclosed the parameter, N, in parentheses during function definition but, as

is usual in VBScript we did not need to use parentheses when calling the function.

This function does not return a value and is really what is called a procedure, which is,
quite simply, a function that doesn't return a value! VBScript differentiates between
functions and procedures by having a different name for their definitions. Let's look at
a true VBScript function that returns the multiplication table as a single, long string:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Function TimesTable (N)
Dim I, S
S = N & " times table" & vbNewLine
For I = 1 to 12
S = S & I & " x " & N & " = " & I*N & vbNewLine
TimesTable = S
End Function

Dim Multiplier
Multiplier = InputBox("Which table would you like?")
MsgBox TimesTable (Multiplier)

It's very nearly identical to the Sub syntax, however notice that you must assign the
result to the function name inside the definition. The function returns as a result
whatever value the function name contains when it exits:

TimesTable = S
End Function

If you don't assign an explicit value the function will return a default value, usually
zero or an empty string.

Notice also that we had to put parentheses around the argument in the MsgBox line.
That's because MsgBox wouldn't otherwise have been able to work out whether
Multiplier was to be printed or passed to its first argument TimesTable.

Python too

In Python the Times function looks like:

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def times(n):
for i in range(1,13):
print "%d x %d = %d" % (i, n, i*n)

And is called like:

print "Here is the 9 times table..."


Note that in Python procedures are not distinguished from functions and the same
name def is used to define both. The only difference is that a function which returns a
value uses a return statement, like this:

def timesTable(n):
s = ""
for i in range(1,13):
s = s + "%d x %d = %d\n" % (i,n,n*i)
return s

As you see it's very simple, just return the result using a return statement. (If you
don't have an explicit return statement Python automatically returns a default value
called None which we usually just ignore.)

We can then simply print the result of the function like so:

print timesTable(7)

Although we haven't followed this advice throughout this tutorial, it is usually best to
avoid putting print statements inside functions. Instead, get them to return the
result and print that from outside the function. That makes your functions much more
reusable, in a wider variety of situations.

A Note About Parameters

Sometimes beginners find it hard to understand the role of parameters in function

definitions. That is, whether they should define a function like this:

def f(x): # use x here...


x = 42
def f(): # use x here...

The first example defines a parameter x and uses it inside the function, whereas the
second directly uses a variable defined outside the function. Since the second method
(usually) works why bother defining the parameter?

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We have already said that the parameters act as local variables, that is, ones which are
only usable inside the function. And we've said that the user of the function can pass in
arguments to those parameters. So the parameter list acts like gateway for data moving
between the main program and the inside of the function.

The function can see some data outside the function (see the What's in a Name? topic
for more on that). However if we want the funcion to have maximum reusability in
many programs we want to minimise its dependance on external data. Ideally all the
data that a function needs to work properly should be passed into it via its parameters.

If the function is defined inside a module file it is permissable to read data defined in
that same module, but even that will reduce the flexibility of your function. Of course if
a lot of data is involved it may mean that you need a high number of parameters but we
can reduce that to a manageable level by using data collections: lists, tuples and
dictionaries etc. Also, in Python and some other languages, we can reduce the number
of actual parameter values we need to provide by using something called default
arguments which we discuss in the next section.

Default Values

You might recall that I mentioned the use of default values earlier? This refers to a way
of providing function parameters that, if not passed explicitly, take on a default value.
One sensible use for these would be in a function which returns the day of the week. If
we call it with no value we mean today, otherwise we provide a day number as an
argument. Something like this:

import time

# a day value of None => today

def dayOfWeek(DayNum = None):
# match day order to Python's return values
days = ['Monday','Tuesday',
'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# check for the default value

if DayNum == None:
theTime = time.localtime(time.time())
DayNum = theTime[6] # extract the day value
return days[DayNum]

Note: We only need to use the time module if the default parameter value is involved,
therefore we could defer the import operation until we need it. This would provide a
slight performance improvement if we never had to use the default value feature of the
function, but it is so small, and breaks the convention of importing at the top, that the
gain isn't worth the extra confusion.

Now we can call this with:

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print "Today is: %s" % dayOfWeek()

# remember that in computer speak we start from 0
# and in this case we assume the first day is Monday.
print "The third day is %s" % dayOfWeek(2)

Counting Words

Another example of a function which returns a value might be one which counts the
words in a string. You could use that to calculate the words in a file by adding the
totals for each line together.

The code for that might look something like this:

def numwords(s):
s = s.strip() # remove "excess" characters
list = s.split() # list with each element a word
return len(list) # number of elements in list is the number of words in s

That defines the function, making use of some of the built-in string methods which we
mentioned in passing in the Raw Materials chapter.

We would use it by doing something like this:

for line in file:

total = total + numwords(line) # accumulate totals for each line
print "File had %d words" % total

Now if you tried typing that in, you'll know that it didn't work. Sorry! What I've done
is a common design technique which is to sketch out how I think the code should look
but not bothered to use the absolutely correct code. This is sometimes known as
Pseudo Code or in a slightly more formal style Program Description Language (PDL).

Once we've had a closer look at file and string handling, a little later in the course, we'll
come back to this example and write it for real.

JavaScript Functions

We can also create functions in JavaScript, of course, and we do so using the

function command, like so:

<script type="text/javascript">
var i, values;

function times(m) {
var results = new Array();
for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
results[i] = i * m;
return results;

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// Use the function

values = times(8);

for (i=1;i<=12;i++){
document.write(values[i] + "<BR>");

In this case the function doesn't help much, but hopefully you can see that the basic
structure is very similar to the Python and VBScript function definitions. We'll see
more complex JavaScript functions as we go through the tutor. In particular JavaScript
uses functions to define objects as well as functions, which sounds confusing, and
indeed can be!

Before we move on though, now is a good time to look back at the JavaScript example
in Talking to the User, where we used JavaScript to read input from a web form. The
code looked like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function myProgram(){
alert("We got a value of " +;

<form name='entry'>
<P>Type value then click outside the field with your mouse</P>
<Input Type='text' Name='data' onChange='myProgram()'>

Looking at that we can now see that what we did was define a JavaScript function
called myProgram and then tell the form to call that function when the Input field
changed. We'll explain this further in the topic on Event Driven programming

A Word of Caution

Functions are very powerful because they allow us to extend the language, they also
give us the power to change the language by defining a new meaning for an existing
function (some languages don't allow you to do this), but this is usually a bad idea
unless carefully controlled (we'll see a way to control it in a minute). By changing the
behavior of a standard language function your code can become very difficult for other
people (or even you later on) to read, since they expect the function to do one thing
but you have redefined it to do another. Thus it is good practice not to change the
basic behavior of built in functions.

One way to get round this limitation of not changing built in behavior but still using a
meaningful name for our functions is to put the functions inside either an object or a
module which provides its own local context. We'll look at the object approach in the
OOP topic a little later but for now let's see how we go about creating our own

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Creating our own modules

So far we have seen how to create our own functions and call these from other parts of
our program. That's good because it can save us a lot of typing and, more importantly,
makes our programs easier to understand because we can forget about some of the
details after we create the function that hides them. (This principle of wrapping up the
complex bits of a program inside functions is called information hiding for fairly
obvious reasons.) But how can we use these functions in other programs? The answer
is that we create a module.

Python Modules

A module in Python is nothing special. It's just a plain text file full of Python program
statements. Usually these statements are function definitions. Thus when we type:

import sys

we tell the Python interpreter to read that module, executing the code contained in it
and making the names that it generated available to us in our file. It is almost like
making a copy the contents of into our program, like a cut n' paste
operation. (it's not really like that but the concept is similar). In fact in some
programming languages (noteably C and C++) the translator literally does copy
module files into the current program as required.

So to recap, we create a module by creating a Python file containing the functions we

want to reuse in other programs. Then we just import our module exactly like we do
the standard modules. Easy eh? Let's do it.

Copy the function below into a file by itself and save the file with the name You can do this using IDLE or Notepad or any other editor that saves
plain text files. Do not use a Word Processing program since they tend to insert all
sorts of fancy formatting codes that Python will not understand.

def print_table(multiplier):
print "--- Printing the %d times table ---" % multiplier
for n in range(1,13):
print "%d x %d = %d" % (n, multiplier, n*multiplier)

Now at the Python prompt type:

>>> import timestab

>>> timestab.print_table(12)

Heh presto! You've created a module and used it.

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Important Note:If you didn't start Python from the same directory that you stored the file then Python might not have been able to find the file and reported
an error. If so then you can create an environment variable called PYTHONPATH that
holds a list of valid directories to search for modules (in addition to the standard
modules supplied with Python).

Creating environment variables is a platform specific operation which I assume you

either know how to do or can find out! For example Windows XP users can use the
Start->Help & Support facility to search for Environment Variables and see how to
create them.

Modules in VBScript and JavaScript

What about VBScript? That's more complex.... In VBScript itself and other older
varieties there is no real module concept. Instead, VBScript relies on the creation of
objects to reuse code between projects. We look at this later in the tutorial. Meantime
you will have to manually cut n' paste from previous projects into your current one
using your text editor.

Note: VBScript's big brother Visual Basic does have a module concept and you can
load a module via the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) File|Open
Module... menu. There are a few restrictions as to what kind of things you can do
inside a VB module but since we're not using Visual Basic on this course I won't go
into that any further. (Note: there is (or used to be) a cut down version of Visual
Basic known as the Visual Basic 5.0 Control Creation Edition (VBCCE), available
for free download on Microsoft's website. If you feel like experimenting this
page has more details.

Like VBScript, JavaScript does not offer any direct mechanism for reuse of code files
as modules. However there are some exceptions to these in specialised environments
such as where JavaScript is used outside of a web page (See the Windows Script
Host box below for an example).

Windows Script Host

So far we have looked at VBScript and JavaScript as languages for programming

within a web browser. That imposes some restrictions including the lack of a way to
include a module of reusable code. There is another way to use VBScript (and
JavaScript) within a Windows environment, namely Windows Script Host or WSH.
WSH is Microsoft's technology to enable users to program their PCs in the same way
that DOS programmers used Batch files. WSH provides mechanisms for reading files
and the registry, accessing networked PCs and Printers etc.

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In addition WSH v2 includes the ability to include another WSH file and thus
provides reusable modules. It works like this, first create a module file called
SomeModule.vbs containing:

Function SubtractTwo(N)
SubtractTwo = N - 2
End function

Now create a WSH script file called, say, testModule.wsf, like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<script type="text/vbscript" src="SomeModule.vbs" />
<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim value, result
WScript.Echo "Type a number"
value = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
result = SubtractTwo(CInt(value))

WScript.Echo "The result was " &amp; CStr(result)


You can run it under Windows by starting a DOS session and typing:

C:\> cscript testModule.wsf

The structure of the .wsf file is XML and the program lives inside a pair of
<job></job> tags, rather like our <HTML></HTML> tags. Inside the first script tag
references a module file called SomeModule.vbs and the second script tag contains
our program which accesses SubtractTwo within the SomeModule.vbs file. The
.vbs file just contains regular VBScript code with no XML or HTML tags

Notice that to concatenate the strings for the WScript.Echo statement we have to
escape the ampersand (with &amp;) because the statement is part of an XML file!
Notice too, that we use the WScript.Stdin to read user input, you might recall the
sidebar in the User Input topic that discussed stdin and stdout?

This technique works with JavaScript too, or more correctly with Microsoft's version
of JavaScript called JScript, simply by changing the type= attribute. In fact you can
even mix languages in WSH by importing a module written in JavaScript and using it
in VBScript code, or vice-versa! To prove the point, here is the equivalent WSH
script using JavaScript to access the VBScript module:

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Functions and Modules 27/05/2007

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<script type="text/vbscript" src="SomeModule.vbs" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var value, result;
WScript.Echo("Type a number");
value = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine();
result = SubtractTwo(parseInt(value));

WScript.Echo("The result was " + result);


You can see how closely related the two versions are, most of the clever stuff is
actually done through the WScript objects and apart from a few extra parentheses the
scripts are very much alike.

I won't use WSH very often in this tutor but occasionally we will delve into it when it
offers capabilities that I cannot demonstrate using the more restricted web browser
environment. For example the next topic will use WSH to show how we can
manipulate files using VBScript and JavaScript. There are a few books available on
WSH if you are interested, and Microsoft have a large section of their web site
dedicated to it, complete with sample programs and development tools etc. You'll find
it here:

Next we'll take a look at files and text handling and then, as promised, revisit the
business of counting words in a file. In fact we're eventually going to create a module
of text handling functions for our convenience.

Things to remember
Functions are a form of module
Functions return values, procedures don't
Python modules normally consist of function definitions in a file
Create new functions with the def keyword in Python
Use Sub or Function in VBScript and function in JavaScript

Previous Contents Next

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

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Handling Files
What will we cover?
How to open a file
How to read and write to an open file
How to close a file.
Building an address book
Handling binary data files
Random Access to file data

Handling files often poses problems for beginners although the reason for this puzzles
me slightly. Files in a programming sense are really not very different from files that
you use in a word processor or other application: you open them, do some work and
then close them again.

The biggest differences are that in a program you access the file sequentially, that is,
you read one line at a time starting at the beginning. In practice the word processor
often does the same, it just holds the entire file in memory while you work on it and
then writes it all back out when you close it. The other difference is that, when
programming, you normally open the file as read only or write only. You can write by
creating a new file from scratch (or overwriting an existing one) or by appending to
an existing one.

One other thing you can do while processing a file is that you can go back to the

Files - Input and Output

Let's see that in practice. We will assume that a file exists called menu.txt and that it
holds a list of meals:

spam & eggs

spam & chips
spam & spam

Now we will write a program to read the file and display the output - like the 'cat'
command in Unix or the 'type' command in DOS.

# First open the file to read(r)

inp = file("menu.txt","r")
# read the file into a list then print
# each item
for line in inp.readlines():
print line
# Now close it again

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Note 1: file() takes two arguments. The first is the filename (which may be passed
as a variable or a literal string, as we did here). The second is the mode. The mode
determines whether we are opening the file for reading(r) or writing(w), and also
whether it's for ASCII text or binary usage - by adding a 'b' to the 'r' or 'w', as in:

Note 2: We used the file() function to open the file, older versions of Python used
the built in function open() instead. The parameters are identical but since open() is
still the preferred mechanism we will usually use open() however, if you find
file() more logical then feel free to use that instead.

Note 3: We read and close the file using functions preceded by the file variable. This
notation is known as method invocation and is another example of Object Orientation.
Don't worry about it for now, except to realize that it's related in some ways to
modules. You can think of a file variable as being a reference to a module containing
functions that operate on files and which we automatically import every time we create
a file type variable.

Note 4: We close the file at the end with the close() method. In Python, files are
automatically closed at the end of the program but it is good practice to get into the
habit of closing your files explicitly. Why? Well, the operating system may not write
the data out to the file until it is closed (this can boost performance). What this means
is that if the program exits unexpectedly there is a danger that your precious data may
not have been written to the file! So the moral is: once you finish writing to a file, close

Note 5: We have not specified the full path to the file in the code above so the file will
be treated as being in the current folder. However we can pass a full path name to the
file() or open() functions instead of just the file name. There is a wrinkle when
using Windows however, because the \ character used to separate folders in a
Windows path has a special meaning inside a Python string so when specifying paths in
Python it is best to use the / character instead and that will work on any Operating
System including Windows.

Now, consider how you could cope with long files. First of all you would need to read
the file one line at a time (in Python by using readline() and a while loop instead
of readlines() and a for loop). You might then use a line_count variable which
is incremented for each line and then tested to see whether it is equal to 25 (for a 25
line screen). If so, you request the user to press a key (enter, say) before resetting
line_count to zero and continuing. You might like to try that as an excercise...

Since Python version 2.2 it has also been possible to treat the file as a list so you don't
need to use readlines() inside a for loop, you just iterate over the file. Let's
rewrite the previous example to see this feature in action:

# First open the file to read(r)

inp = open("menu.txt","r")

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# iterate over the file printing each item

for line in inp:
print line
# Now close it again

This style also has the advantage that there are no limits of memory as with
readlines(), so it combines the advantages of a for loop and the
while/readline() approach mentioned above.

Really that's all there is to it. You open the file, read it in and manipulate it any way
you want to. When you're finished you close the file. However there is one little niggle
you may have noticed in the previous example: the lines read from the file have a
newline character at the end, so you wind up with blank lines using print (which adds
its own newline). To avoid that Python provides a string method called
strip() which will remove whitespace, or non-printable characters, from both ends
of a string. (It has cousins which can strip one end only called rstrip and
lstrip too) If we substitute the print line above with:

for line in inp:

print line.rstrip() #only strip right hand end

Everything should now work just fine.

To create a 'copy' command in Python, we simply open a new file in write mode and
write the lines to that file instead of printing them. Like this:

# Create the equivalent of: COPY MENU.TXT MENU.BAK

# First open the files to read(r) and write(w)

inp = open("menu.txt","r")
outp = open("menu.bak","w")

# read file, copying each line to new file

for line in inp:

print "1 file copied..."

# Now close the files


Did you notice that I added a print statement at the end, just to reassure the user that
something actually happened? This kind of user feedback is usually a good idea.

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Because we wrote out the same line that we read in there was no problems with
newline characters here. But if we had been writing out strings which we created, or
which we had stripped earlier we would have needed to add a newline to the end of
the output string, like this:

outp.write(line + '\n') # \n is a newline

Let's look at how we might incorporate that into our copy program. Instead of simply
copying the menu we will add todays date to the top. That way we can easily generate
a daily menu from the easily modified text file of meals. All we need to do is write out
a couple of lines at the top of the new file before copying the menu.txt file, like this:

import time
# Create daily menu based on MENU.TXT
# First open the files to read(r) and write(w)
inp = open("menu.txt","r")
outp = open("menu.prn","w")

# Create todays date string

today = time.localtime(time.time())
theDate = time.strftime("%A %B %d", today)

# Add Banner text and a blank line

outp.write("Menu for %s\n\n" % theDate)

# copy each line of menu.txt to new file

for line in inp:

print "Menu created for %s..." % theDate

# Now close the files


Note that we use the time module to get todays date ( time.time()) and convert it
into a tuple of values (time.localtime()) which are then used by
time.strftime() to produce a string which, when inserted into a title message
using string formatting, looks like:

Menu for Sunday September 19

Spam & Eggs

Spam &...

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Although we added two '\n' characters at the end there is only one blank line printed,
that's because one of them is the newline at the end of the title itself. Managing the
creation and removal of newline characters is one of the more irritating aspects of
handling text files.

Some Operating Systems Gotchas

Operating systems handle files in different ways. This introduces some niggles into
our programs if we want them to work on multiple operating systems. There are two
niggles in particular which can catch people out and we'll look at them here:


The whole subject of newlines and text files is a murky area of non standard
implementation by different operating systems. These differences have their roots in
the early days of data communications and the control of mechanical teleprinters.
Basically there are 3 different ways to indicate a new line:

1. A Carriage Return (CR) character ('\r')

2. A Line Feed (LF) character ('\n')
3. A CR/LF pair ('\r\n').

All three techniques are used in different operating systems. MS DOS (and therefore
Windows) uses method 3. Unix (including Linux) uses method 2. Apple in its
original MacOS used method 1, but now uses method 2 since MacOS X is really a
variant of Unix.

So how can the poor programmer cope with this multiplicity of line endings? In many
languages she just has to do lots of tests and take different action per OS. In more
modern languages, including Python, the language provides facilities for dealing with
the mess for you. In the case of Python the assistance comes in the form of the
os module which defines a variable called linesep which is set to whatever the
newline character is on the current operating system. This makes adding newlines
easy, and rstrip() takes account of the OS when it does its work of removing
them, so really the simple way to stay sane, so far as newlines are concerned is:
always use rstrip() to remove newlines from lines read from a file and always add
os.linesep to strings being written to a file.

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That still leaves the awkward situation where a file is created on one OS and then
processed on another, incompatible, OS and sadly, there isn't much we can do about
that except to compare the end of the line with os.linesep to determine what the
difference is.

Specifying Paths

This is more of an issue for Windows users than others although MacOS 9 users may
bump into it occasionally too. As above each OS specifies paths to files using
different characters to separate the drives, folders and files. The generic solution for
this is again to use the os module which provides the os.sep variable to define the
current platforms path separator character. In practice you won't need to use this
very often since the path will likely be different for every machine anyway! So
instead you will just enter the full path directly in a string, possibly once for each OS
you are running on. But there is one big gotcha hiding in wait for Windows users...

You saw in the previous section that python treats the string '\n' as a newline
character. That is it takes two characters and treats them as one. In fact there are a
whole range of these special sequences beginning with back slash (\) including:

\n - A new line
\r - A carriage return
\t - A horizontal tab
\v - A vertical tab
\b - A backspace
\0nn - Any arbitrary octal character code. e.g. the code \033 is the escape
character ( ESC)

This means that if we have a data file called test.dat and want to open it in Python
by specifying a full Windows path we would expect this to work:

>>> f = open('C:\test.dat')

But Python will see the \t pair as a tab character and complain it cannot find a file
called C: est.dat. So how do we get round this inconvenience? There are three

1. put an 'r' in front of the string. This tells Python to ignore any back slashes
and treat it as a "raw" sting.

>>> print "Hello\nWorld"

>>> print r"Hello\nWorld"
2. Use forward slashes (/) instead of backslashes, Python and Windows will
between them sort out the path for you. This has the added advantage of
making your code portable to other operating systems too.

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3. Use a double backslash(\\) since a double backslash character is seen by

Python as a single backslash!

Thus any of the following will open our data file correctly:

>>> f = open(r'C:\test.dat')
>>> f = open('C:/test.dat')
>>> f = open('C:\\test.dat')

One final twist in file processing is that you might want to append data to the end of an
existing file. One way to do that would be to open the file for input, read the data into
a list, append the data to the list and then write the whole list out to a new version of
the old file. If the file is short that's not a problem but if the file is very large, maybe
over 100Mb, then you will simply run out of memory to hold the list. Fortunately
there's another mode "a" that we can pass to open() which allows us to append
directly to an existing file just by writing. Even better, if the file doesn't exist it will
open a new file just as if you'd specified "w".

As an example, let's assume we have a log file that we use for capturing error
messages. We don't want to delete the existing messages so we choose to append the
error, like this:

def logError(msg):
err = open("Errors.log","a")

In the real world we would probably want to limit the size of the file in some way. A
common technique is to create a filename based on the date, thus when the date
changes we automatically create a new file and it is easy for the maintainers of the
system to find the errors for a particular day and to archive away old error files if they
are not needed. (Remember, from the menu example above, that the time module can
be used to find out the current date.)

The Address Book Revisited

You remember the address book program we introduced during the Raw
Materials topic and then expanded in the Talking to the User topic? Let's start to
make it really useful by saving it to a file and, of course, reading the file at startup.
We'll do this by writing some functions. So in this example we pull together several of
the strands that we've covered in the last few topics.

The basic design will require a function to read the file at startup, another to write the
file at the end of the program. We will also create a function to present the user with a
menu of options and a separate function for each menu selection. The menu will allow
the user to:

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Add an entry to the address book

Remove an entry from the book
Find and display an existing entry
Quit the program

Loading the Address Book

filename = "addbook.dat"

def readBook(book):
import os
if os.path.exists(filename):
store = open(filename,'r')
for line in store:
name = line.rstrip()
entry =
book[name] = entry

Notice the use of rstrip() to remove the new-line character from the end of the line.
Also notice the next() operation to fetch the next line from the file within the loop.
Finally notice that we defined the filename as a module level variable so we can use it
both in loading and saving the data.

Saving the Address Book

def saveBook(book):
store = open(filename, 'w')
for name,entry in book.items():
store.write(name + '\n')
store.write(entry + '\n')

Notice we need to add a newline character ('\n') when we write the data.

Getting User Input

def getChoice(menu):
print menu
choice = int( raw_input("Select a choice(1-4): ") )
return choice

Adding an Entry

def addEntry(book):
name = raw_input("Enter a name: ")
entry = raw_input("Enter street, town and phone number: ")
book[name] = entry

Removing an entry

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def removeEntry(book):
name = raw_input("Enter a name: ")

Finding an entry

def findEntry(book):
name = raw_input("Enter a name: ")
if name in book:
print name, book[name]
else: print "Sorry, no entry for: ", name

Quitting the program

Actually I won't write a separate function for this, instead I'll make the quit option the
test in my menu while loop. So the main program will look like this:

def main():
theMenu = '''
1) Add Entry
2) Remove Entry
3) Find Entry
4) Quit and save
theBook = {}
choice = getChoice(theMenu)
while choice != 4:
if choice == 1:
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
else: print "Invalid choice, try again"
choice = getChoice(theMenu)

Now the only thing left to do is call the main() function when the program is run, and
to do that we use a bit of Python magic like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This mysterious bit of code allows us to use any python file as a module by importing
it, or as a program by running it. The difference is that when the program is imported,
the internal variable __name__ is set to the module name but when the file is run, the
value of __name__ is set to "__main__". Sneaky, eh?

Now if you type all that code into a new text file and save it as, you
should be able to run it from an OS prompt by typing:

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C:\PROJECTS> python

Or just double click the file in Windows Explorer and it should start up in its own DOS
window, and the window will close when you select the quit option.

Or in Linux:

$ python

Study the code, see if you can find the mistakes (I've left, at least, two minor bugs for
you to find, there may be more!) and try to fix them. This 60 odd line program is
typical of the sort of thing you can start writing for yourself. There are a couple of
things we can do to improve it which I'll cover in the next section, but even as it stands
it's a reasonably useful little tool.

VBScript and JavaScript

Neither VBScript nor JavaScript have native file handling capabilities. This is a
security feature to ensure nobody can read your files when you innocently load a web
page, but it does restrict their general usefulness. However, as we saw with reusable
modules there is a way to do it using Windows Script Host. WSH provides a
FileSystem object which allows any WSH language to read files. We will look at a
JavaScript example in detail then show similar code in VBScript for comparison, but as
before the key elements will really be calls to the WScript objects.

Before we can look at the code in detail it's worth taking time to describe the
FileSystem Object Model. An Object Model is a set of related objects which can be
used by the programmer. The WSH FileSystem object model consists of the
FSO object, a number of File objects, including the TextFile object which we will
use. There are also some helper objects, most notable of which is, for our purposes,
the TextStream object. Basically we will create an instance of the FSO object, then
use it to create our TextFile objects and from these in turn create
TextStream objects to which we can read or write text. The TextStream objects
themselves are what we actually read/write from the files.

Type the following code into a file called testFiles.js and run it using cscript as
described in the earlier introduction to WSH.

Opening a file

To open a file in WSH we create an FSO object then create a TextFile object from

var fileName, fso, txtFile, outFile, line;

// Get file name

fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

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WScript.Echo("What file name? ");

fileName = WScript.StdIn.Readline();

// open inFile to read, outFile to write

inFile = fso.OpenTextFile(fileName, 1); // mode 1 = Read
fileName = fileName + ".BAK"
outFile = fso.CreateTextFile(fileName);

Reading and Writing a file

// loop over file till it reaches the end

while ( !inFile.AtEndOfStream ){
line = inFile.ReadLine();
outFile.WriteLine( line );

Closing files


And in VBScript

Save the following as and then run it using:


Or alternatively, put the bit between the script tags into a file called
testFile.vbs and run that instead. The .ws format allows you to mix JavaScript
and VBScript code in the same file by simply using multiple script tags, should you
want to...

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim fso, inFile, outFile, inFileName, outFileName
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

WScript.Echo "Type a filename to backup"

inFileName = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
outFileName = inFileName &amp; ".BAK"

' open the files

Set inFile = fso.OpenTextFile(inFileName, 1)
Set outFile = fso.CreateTextFile(outFileName)

' read the file and write to the backup copy

While not inFile.AtEndOfStream
line = inFile.ReadLine

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' close both files


WScript.Echo inFileName &amp; " backed up to " &amp; outFileName


Handling Non-Text Files

Handling text is one of the most common things that programmers do, but sometimes
we need to process raw binary data too. This is very rarely done in VBScript or
JavaScript so I will only be covering how Python does it.

Opening and Closing Binary Files

The key difference between text files and binary files is that text files are composed of
octets, or bytes, of binary data whereby each byte represents a character and the end of
the file is marked by a special byte pattern, known generically as end of file, or eof. A
binary file contains arbitrary binary data and thus no specific value can be used to
identify end of file, thus a different mode of operation is required to read these files.
The end result of this is that when we open a binary file in Python (or indeed any other
language) we must specify that it is being opened in binary mode or risk the data being
read being truncated at the first eof character that Python finds in the data. The way
we do this in Python is to add a 'b' to the mode parameter, like this:

binfile = file("aBinaryFile.bin","rb")

The only difference from opening a text file is the mode value of "rb". You can use
any of the other modes too, simply add a 'b': "wb" to write, "ab" to append.

Closing a binary file is no different to a text file, simply call the close() method of
the open file object:


Because the file was opened in binary mode there is no need to given Python any extra
information, it knows how to close the file correctly.

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Data Representation and Storage

Before we discuss how to access the data within a binary file we need to consider
how data is represented and stored on a computer. All data is stored as a sequence of
binary digits, or bits. These bits are grouped into sets of 8 or 16 called bytes or
words respectively. (A group of 4 is sometimes called a nibble!) A byte can be any
one of 256 different bit patterns and these are given the values 0-255.

The information we manipulate in our programs, strings, numbers etc must all be
converted into sequences of bytes. Thus the characters that we use in strings are each
allocated a particular byte pattern. There were originally several such encodings, but
the most common is the ASCII (American Standard Coding for Information
Interchange). Unfortunately pure ASCII only caters for 128 values which is not
enough for non English languages. A new encoding standard known as Unicode has
been produced, which can use data words instead of bytes to represent characters,
and allows for over 65000 characters. A subset of Unicode called
UTF-8 corresponds closely to the earlier ASCII coding such that every valid ASCII
file is a valid UTF-8 file, although not necessarily the other way around. Python by
default supports ASCII and by pre-pending a u in front of a string we can tell Python
to treat the string as Unicode. (Although we also need to tell Python which encoding
is in use or it will be confused.)

In the same way numbers need to be converted to binary codings too. For small
integers it is simple enough to use the byte values directly, but for numbers larger
than 255 (or negative numbers, or fractions) some additional work needs to be done.
Over time various standard codings have emerged for numerical data and most
programming languages and operating systems use these. For example, the American
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) have defined a number of
codings for floating point numbers.

The point of all of this is that when we read a binary file we have to interpret the raw
bit patterns into the correct type of data for our program. It is perfectly possible to
interpret a stream of bytes that were originally written as a character string as a set of
floating point numbers. Or course the original meaning will have been lost but the bit
patterns could represent either. So when we read binary data it is extremely
important that we convert it into the correct data type.

The Struct Module

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To encode/decode binary data Python provides a module called struct, short for
structure. struct works very much like the format strings we have been using to print
mixed data. We provide a string representing the data we are reading and apply it to
the byte stream that we are trying to interpret. We can also use struct to convert a set
of data to a byte stream for writing, either to a binary file (or even a communications

There are many different conversion format codes but we will only use the integer and
string codes here. (You can look up the others on the Python documentation for the
struct module.) The codes for integer and string are i, and s respectively. The
struct format strings consist of sequences of codes with numbers pre-pended to
indicate how many of the items we need. The exception is the s code where the
prepended number means the length of the string. For example 4s means a string of
four characters (note 4 characters not 4 strings!).

Let's assume we wanted to write the address details, from our Address Book program
above, as binary data with the street number as an integer and the rest as a string (This
is a bad idea in practice since street "numbers" sometimes include letters!). The format
string would look like:

'i34s' # assuming 34 characters in the address!

To cope with multiple address lengths we could write a function to create the binary
string like this:

def formatAddress(address):
# split breaks a string into a list of 'words'
fields = address.split()
number = int(fields[0])
rest = ' '.join(fields[1:])
format = "i%ds" % len(rest) #create the format string
return struct.pack(format, number, rest)

So we used a string method - split() - (more on them in the next topic!) to split the
address string into its parts, extract the first one as the number and then use another
string method, join to join the remaining fields back together. The length of that
string is the number we need in the struct format string. Phew!

formatAddress() will return a sequence of bytes containing the binary

representation of our address. Now that we have our binary data let's see how we can
write that to a binary file and then read it back again.

Reading & Writing Using Struct

Let's create a binary file containing a single address line using the
formatAddress() function defined above. We need to open the file for writing in
'wb' mode, encode the data, write it to the file and then close the file. Let's try it:

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import struct
f = file('address.bin','wb')
data = "10 Some St, Anytown, 0171 234 8765"
bindata = formatAddress(data)
print "Binary data before saving: ", repr(bindata)

You can check that the data is indeed in binary format by opening address.bin in
notepad. The characters will be readable but the number will not look like 10! In fact it
has dissappeared! If you have an editor which can read binary files (e.g vim or emacs)
and use that to open address.bin you will see that the start of the file has 4 bytes.
The first of these may look like a newline character and the rest are zeros. Now it turns
out that, just coincidentally, the numerical value of newline is 10! As we can show
using Python:

>>> ord('\n')

The ord function simply returns the ASCII value of a given character. So the first 4
bytes are 10,0,0,0 in decimal (or 0xA,0x0,0x0,0x0 in hexadecimal).

On a 32 bit computer an integer takes up 4 bytes. So the integer value '10' has been
converted by the struct module into the 4 byte binary sequence 10,0,0,0. Now on
intel micro-processors the byte sequence is to put the least significant byte first so
that, reading it in reverse, gives us the true "binary" value: 0,0,0,10.

Which is the integer value 10 expressed as 4 decimal bytes. The rest of the data is
basically the original text string and so appears in its normal character format.

Be sure not to save the file from within Notepad since although Notepad can load
some binary files it cannot save them as binary, it will try to convert the binary to text
and can corrupt the data in the process! It is worth pointing out here that the file
extension .bin that we used is purely for our convenience, it has no bearing on
whether the file is binary or text format. Some Operating Systems use the extension to
determine what programme they will use to open the file, but you can change the
extension by simply renaming the file, the content will not change it will still be binary
or text whichever it was originally. (You can prove this by renaming a text file in
Windows to .exe whereupon Windows will treat the file as an executable, but when
you try to run it you will get an error because the text is not really executable binary
code! If you now rename it back to .txt the file will open in Notepad exactly as it did
before, the content has not been altered at all. - In fact you could even have opened the
text in Notepad while it was named as a .exe and it would have worked just as well!)

To read our binary data back again we need to open the file in 'rb' mode, read the data
into a sequence of bytes, close the file and finally unpack the data using a struct format
string. The question is: how do we tell what the format string looks like? In general we
would need to find the binary format from the file definition (there are several web

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sites which provide this informaton - for example Adobe publish the definition of their
common PDF binary format). In our case we know it must be like the one we created
in formatAddress(), namely 'iNs' where N is a variable number. How do we
determine the value of N?

The struct module provides some helper functions that return the size of each data
type, so by firing up the Python prompt and experimenting we can find out how many
bytes of data we will get back for each data type:

>>> import struct

>>> print struct.calcsize('i')
>>> print struct.calcsize('s')

Ok, we know that our data will comprise 4 bytes for the number and one byte for each
character. So N will be the length of the data minus 4. Let's try using that to read our

import struct
f = file('address.bin','rb')
data =

fmtString = "i%ds" % (len(data) - 4)

number, rest = struct.unpack(fmtString, data)
address = ' '.join((str(number),rest))

print "Address after restoring data:", address

And that's it on binary data files, or at least as much as I'm going to say on the subject.
As you can see using binary data introduces several complications and unless you have
a very good reason I don't recommend it. But at least if you do need to read a binary
file, you can do it (provided you know what the data represented in the first place of

Random Access to Files

The last aspect of fiule handling that I'll look at is called random acess. Random access
means moving directly to a particular part of the file without reading all the intervening
data. Some programming languages provide a special indexed file type that can do this
very quickly but in most languages its built on top of the normal sequential file access
that we have been using up till now.

The concept used is that of a cursor that marks the current position within the file,
literally how many bytes we are from the beginning. We can move this cursor relative
to its current position or relative to the start of the file. bWe can also ask the file to
tell us where the cursor is currently.

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By using a fixed linelength (perhaps by padding our data strings with spaces or some
other character where necessary) we can jump to the start of a particular line by
multiplying the length of a line by the number of lines. This is what gives the
impression of random access to the data in the file.

Where am I?

To determine where we are in a file we can use the tell() method of a file. For
example if I open a file and read three lines, I can then ask the file how far into the file
I am.

Let's look at an example, first I will create a file with 5 lines of text all the same length
(the equal length business isn't strictly necessary but it does make life easier!). Then I'll
read three lines back and ask where we are. I'll then go back to the beginning, read one
line then jump to the third line and print it, jumping over the second line. Like this:

# create 5 lines of 20 chars (+ \n)

testfile = open('testfile.txt','w')
for i in range(5):
testfile.write(str(i) * 20 + '\n')

# read 3 lines and ask where we are

testfile = open('testfile.txt','r')
for line in range(3):
print testfile.readline().strip()
position = testfile.tell()
print "At position: ", position, "bytes"

# go back to the beginning
print testfile.readline().strip()*22)
print testfile.readline().strip()

Note the use of the seek() function to move the cursor. The default operation is to
move it to the byte number specified, as shown here, but extra arguments can be
provided that change the indexing method used. Also note that the value printed by the
first tell() depends on the length of a newline on your platform, on my Windows XP
PC it printed 69 indicating that the newline sequence is 3 bytes long. But since this is a
platform specific value and I want to make my code portable I've used tell() again,
after reading one line, to work out how long each line really is. These kind of "cunning
ploys" are often necessary when dealing with platform specific issues!

Some new access modes

Things to remember

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Open files before using them

Files can usually only be read or written but not both at the same time
Python's readlines() function reads all the lines in a file, while
readline() only reads one line at a time, which may help save memory.
However in v2.4 onwards you don't usually need to use either since Python's
file/open functions work with for loops.
Close files after use.
Binary files need the mode flag to end in 'b'
tell() and seek() enable pseudo-random access to sequential files
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Page 134
Text Handling 27/05/2007

Manipulating Text
What will we cover?
How to split lines of text into character groups
How to search for strings of text within other strings
How to replace text within a string
How to change case of characters

Handling text is one of the most common things that programmers do. As a result
there are lots of specific tools in most programming languages to make this easier. In
this section we will look at some of these and how we might use them in performing
typical programming tasks.

Some of the most common tasks that we can do when working with text are:

splitting lines of text into character groups

searching for strings of text within other strings
replacing text within a string
changing case of characters

We will look at how to do each of these tasks using Python and then briefly consider
how VBScript and JavaScript handle text processing.

Python takes a slightly ambiguous approach to processing text as of version 2.3. This
is because in early versions of Python all string manipulation was done via a module
full of functions and useful constants. In Python version 2.0 string methods were
introduced which duplicated the functions in the module, but the constants were still
there. This position has remained through to version 2.3 but work is underway to
remove the need for the old string module completely. In this topic we will only
look at the new object oriented approach to string manipulation, if you do want to try
out the module then feel free to read the Python module documentation.

Splitting strings
The first task we consider is how to split a string into its constituent parts. This is often
necessary when processing files since we tend to read a file line by line, but the data
may well be contained within segments of the line. An example of this is our Address
Book example, where we might want to access the individual fields of the entries
rather than just print the whole entry.

The python method we use for this is called split() and it is used like this:

>>> aString = "Here is a (short) String"

>>> print aString.split()
['Here', 'is', 'a', '(short)', 'String']

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Notice we get a list back containing the words within aString with all the spaces
removed. The default separator for ''.split() is whitespace (ie. tabs, newlines and
spaces). Let's try using it again but with an opening parenthesis as the separator:

>>> print aString.split('(')

['Here is a ', 'short) String']

Notice the difference? There are only two elements in the list this time and the opening
parenthesis has been removed from the front of 'short)'. That's an important point
to note about ''.split(), that it removes the separator characters. Usually that's
what we want, but just occasionally we'll wish it hadn't!

There is also a ''.join() method which can take a list (or indeed any other kind of
sequence) of strings and join them together. One confusing feature of ''.join() is
that it uses the string on which we call the method as the joining characters. You'll see
what I mean from this example:

>>> lst = ['here','is','a','list','of','words']

>>> print '-+-'.join(lst)
>>> print ' '.join(lst)
here is a list of words

It sort of makes sense when you think about it, but it does look weird when you first
see it.

Counting words

Let's revisit that word counting program I mentioned in the functions topic. Recall the
Pseudo Code looked like:

def numwords(aString):
list = split(aString) # list with each element a word
return len(list) # return number of elements in list

for line in file:

total = total + numwords(line) # accumulate totals for each line
print "File had %d words" % total

Now we know how to get the lines from the file let's consider the body of the
numwords() function. First we want to create a list of words in a line. That's nothing
more than applying the default ''.split() method. Referring to the Python
documentation we find that the builtin function len() returns the number of elements
in a list, which in our case should be the number of words in the string - exactly what
we want.

So the final code looks like:

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def numwords(aString):
lst = aString.split() # split() is a method of the string object aString
return len(lst) # return number of elements in the list

inp = file("menu.txt","r")
total = 0 # initializer to zero; also creates variable

for line in inp:

total = total + numwords(line) # accumulate totals for each line
print "File had %d words" % total


That's not quite right of course because it counts things like an ampersand character as
a word (although maybe you think it should...). Also, it can only be used on a single
file (menu.txt). But it's not too hard to convert it to read the filename from the
command line ( argv[1]) or via raw_input() as we saw in the Talking to the
user section. I leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Searching Text
The next common operation we will look at is searching for a sub-string within a
longer string. This is again supported by a Python string method, this time called
''.find() It's basic use is quite simple, you provide a search string and if Python
finds it within the main string it returns the index of the first character of the substring,
if it doesn't find it, it returns -1:

>>> aString = "here is a long string with a substring inside it"

>>> print aString.find('long')
>>> print aString.find('oxen')
>>> print aString.find('string')

The first two examples are straightforward, the first returns the index of the start of
'long' and the second returns -1 because 'oxen' does not occur inside aString.
The third example throws up an interesting point, namely that find only locates the
first occurrence of the search string, but what do we do if the search string occurs
more than once in the original string?

One option is to use the index of the first occurrence to chop the original string into
two pieces and search again. We keep doing this until we get a -1 result. Like this:

aString = "Bow wow says the dog, how many ow's are in this string?"
temp = aString[:] # use slice to make a copy
count = 0
index = temp.find('ow')
while index != -1:
count += 1
temp = temp[index + 1:] # use slicing

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index = temp.find('ow')
print "We found %d occurrences of 'ow' in %s" % (count, aString)

Here we just counted occurrences, but we could just as well have collected the index
results into a list for later processing.

The find() method can speed this process up a little by using a one of its extra
optional parameters. That is, a start location within the original string:

aString = "Bow wow says the dog, how many o's are in this string?"
count = 0
index = aString.find('ow') # use default start
while index != -1:
count += 1
start = index + 1
index = aString.find('ow', start) # set new start
print "We found %d occurrences of 'ow' in %s" % (count, aString)

This solution removes the need to create a new string each time, which can be a slow
process if the string is long. Also, if we know that the substring will definitely only be
within the first so many characters (or we aren't interested in later occurrences) we can
specify both a start and stop value, like this:

# limit search to the first 20 chars

aString = "Bow wow says the dog, how many ow's are in this string?"
print aString.find('ow',0,20)

To complete our discussion of searching there are a couple of nice extra methods that
Python provides to cater for common search situations, namely
''.startswith() and ''.endswith(). From the names alone you probably can
guess what these do. They return True or False depending on whether the original
string starts with or ends with the given search string, like this:

>>> print "Python rocks!".startswith("Perl")

>>> print "Python rocks!".startswith('Python')
>>> print "Python rocks!".endswith('sucks!')
>>> print "Python rocks!".endswith('cks!')

Notice the boolean result. After all, you already know where to look if the answer is
True! Also notice that the search string doesn't need to be a complete word, a
substring is fine. You can also provide a start and stop position within the string,
just like ''.find() to effectively test for a string at any given location within a string.
This is not a feature that is used much in practice.

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And finally for a simple test of whether a substring exists anywhere within another
string you can use the Python in operator, like this:

>>> if 'foo' in 'foobar': print 'True'

>>> if 'baz' in 'foobar': print 'True'
>>> if 'bar' in 'foobar': print 'True'

That's all I'll say about searching for now, let's look at how to replace text next.

Replacing text
Having found our text we often want to change it to something else. Again the Python
string methods provide a solution with the ''.replace() method. It takes two
arguments: a search string and a replacement string. The return value is the new string
as a result of the replacement.

>>> aString = "Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was dirty!"
>>> print aString.replace('dirty','white')
"Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white!"

One interesting difference between ''.find() and ''.replace is that replace, by

default, replaces all occurrences of the search string, not just the first. An optional
count argument can limit the number of replacements:

>>> aString = "Bow wow wow said the little dog"

>>> print aString.replace('ow','ark')
Bark wark wark said the little dog
>>> print aString.replace('ow','ark',1) # only one
Bark wow wow said the little dog

It is possible to do much more sophisticated search and replace operations using

something called a regular expression, but they are much more complex and get a
whole topic to themselves in the "Advanced" section of the tutorial.

Changing the case of characters

One final thing to consider is converting case from lower to upper and vice-versa. This
isn't such a common operation but Python does provide some helper methods to do it
for us:

>>> print "MIXed Case".lower()

mixed case
>>> print "MIXed Case".upper()
>>> print "MIXed Case".swapcase()
mixED cASE

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>>> print "MIXed Case".capitalize()

Mixed case
>>> print "TEST".isupper()
>>> print "TEST".islower()

Note that ''.capitalize() capitalizes the entire string not each word within it.
Also note the two test functions (or predicates) ''.isupper() and ''.islower().
Python provides a whole bunch of these predicate functions for testing strings, other
useful tests include: ''.isdigit(), ''.isalpha() and ''.isspace(). The last
checks for all whitespace not just literal space characters!

We will be using many of these string methods as we progress through the tutorial, and
in particular the Grammar Counter case study uses several of them.

Text handling in VBScript

Because VBScript descends from BASIC it has a wealth of builtin string handling
functions. In fact in the reference documentation I counted at least 20 functions or
methods, not counting those that are simply there to handle Unicode characters.

What this means is that we can pretty much do all the things we did in Python using
VBScript too. I'll quickly run through the options below:

Splitting text

We start with the Split function:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim s
Dim lst
s = "Here is a string of words"
lst = Split(s) ' returns an array
MsgBox lst(1)

As with Python you can add a separator value if the default whitespace separation isn't
what you need.

Also as with Python there is a Join function for reversing the process.

Searching for and replacing text

Searching is done with InStr, short for "In String", obviously.

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim s,n
s = "Here is a long string of text"
n = InStr(s, "long")

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MsgBox "long is found at position: " & CStr(n)


The return value is normally the position within the original string that the substring
starts. If the substring is not found then zero is returned (this isn't a problem because
VBScript starts its indices at 1, so zero is not a valid index). If either string is a Null a
Null is returned, which makes testing error conditions a bit more tricky.

As with Python we can specify a sub range of the original string to search, using a start
value, like this:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim s,n
s = "Here is a long string of text"
n = InStr(6, s, "long") ' start at position 6
MsgBox "long is found at position: " & CStr(n)

Unlike Python we can also specify whether the search should be case-sensitive or not,
the default is case-sensitive.

Replacing text is done with the Replace function. Like this:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim s
s = "The quick yellow fox jumped over the log"
MsgBox Replace(s, "yellow", "brown")

We can provide an optional final argument specifying how many occurrences of the
search string should be replaced, the default is all of them. We can also specify a start
position as for InStr above.

Changing case

Changing case in VBScript is done with UCase and LCase, there is no equivalent of
Python's capitalize method.

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim s
s = "MIXed Case"
MsgBox LCase(s)
MsgBox UCase(s)

And that's all I'm going to cover in this tutorial, if you want to find out more check the
VBScript help file for the list of functions.

Text handling in JavaScript

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JavaScript is the least well equipped for text handling of our three languages. Even so,
the basic operations are catered for to some degree, it is only in the number of "bells &
whistles" that JavaScript suffers in comparison to VBScript and Python. JavaScript
compensates somewhat for its limitations with strong support for regular
expressions (which we cover in a later topic) and these extend the apparently primitive
functions quite significantly, but at the expense of some added complexity.

Like Python JavaScript takes an object oriented approach to string manipulation, with
all the work being done by methods of the String class.

Splitting Text

Splitting text is done using the split method:

<script type="text/javascript">
var aList, aString = "Here is a short string";
aList = aString.split(" ");

Notice that JavaScript requires the separator character to be provided, there is no

default value. The separator is actually a regular expression and so quite sophisticated
split operations are possible.

Searching Text

Searching for text in JavaScript is done via the search() method:

<script type="text/javascript">
var aString = "Round and Round the ragged rock ran a rascal";
document.write( "ragged is at position: " +"ragged"));

Once again the search string argument is actually a regular expression so the searches
can be very sophisticated indeed. Notice, however, that there is no way to restrict the
range of the original string that is searched by passing a start position (although this
can also be simulated using regular expression tricks).

JavaScript provides another search operation with slightly different behaviour called
match(), I don't cover the use of match here.

Replacing Text

To do a replace operation we use the replace() method.

<script type="text/javascript">
var aString = "Humpty Dumpty sat on a cat";

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And once again the search string can be a regular expression, you can begin to see the
pattern I suspect! The replace operation replaces all instances of the search string and,
so far as I can tell, there is no way to restrict that to just one occurence without first
splitting the string and then joining it back together.

Changing case

Changing case is performed by two functions: toLowerCase() and toUpperCase()

<script type="text/javascript">
var aString = "This string has Mixed Case";
document.write(aString.toLowerCase()+ "<BR>");
document.write(aString.toUpperCase()+ "<BR>");

There is very little to say about this pair, they do a simple job simply. JavaScript,
unlike the other languages we consider provides a wealth of special text functions for
processing HTML, this revealing it's roots as a web programming language. We don't
consider these here but they are all described in the standard documentation.

That concludes our look at text handling, hopefully it has given you the tools you need
to process any text you encounter in your own projects. One final word of advice:
always check the documentation for your language when processing text, there are
often powerful tools included for this most fundamental of programming tasks.
Things to remember
Text processing is a common operation with powerful support built-in to most
The most common tasks are splitting text, searching for and replacing text and
changing case
Each language provides different levels of support but the three basic operations
are nearly always available.
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Page 143
Error Handling 27/05/2007

Handling Errors
What will we cover?
A short history of error handling
Two techniques for handling errors
Defining and raising errors in our code for others to catch

A Brief History of Error Handling

Error handling is the process of catching the errors generated by our program and
hiding them from our users. It doesn't matter too much if we, as programmers get
exposed to a Python error message - we are supposed to understand all that techno
speak. But our users are probably not programmers and they want nice, easy to
understand messages when things go wrong, and ideally, they want us to catch the
error and fix it without them ever knowing about it!

And that's where error handling comes in. Almost every language provides a
mechanism for catching errors as they occur, finding out what went wrong and, if
possible, taking appropriate action to fix the problem. Over time there have been a
number of different approaches adopted to do this and we tackle the subject by
following the historical development of the technology. In that way you can hopefully
appreciate why the new methods have been introduced. At the end of the topic you
should be able to write user friendly programs that never allow a hint of a Python error
message to be seen by your users.

VBScript is by far the most bizarre of our three languages in the way it handles errors.
The reason for this is that it is built on a foundation of BASIC which was one of the
earliest programming languages (around 1963) and VBScript error handling is one
place where that heritage shines through. For our purposes that's not a bad thing
because it gives me the opportunity to explain why VBScript works as it does by
tracing the history of error handling from BASIC through Visual Basic to VBScript.
After that we will look at a much more modern approach as exemplified in both
JavaScript and Python.

In traditional BASIC, programs were written with line numbers to mark each one of
code. Transferring control was done by jumping to a specific line using a statement
called GOTO (we saw an example of this in the Branching topic). Essentially this was
the only form of control possible. In this environment a common mode of error
handling was to declare an errorcode variable that would store an integer value.
Whenever an error occurred in the program the errorcode variable would be set to
reflect the problem - couldn't open a file, type mismatch, operator overflow etc

This led to code that looked like this fragment out of a fictitious program:


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5000 IF ERRORCODE = 1 GOTO 5100
5010 IF ERRORCODE = 2 GOTO 5200

As you can see almost half of the main program is concerned with detecting whether
an error occurred. Over time a slightly more elegant mechanism was introduced
whereby the detection of errors and their handling was partially taken over by the
language interpreter, this looked like:


1020 ON ERROR GOTO 5000
5000 IF ERRORCODE = 1 GOTO 5100
5010 IF ERRORCODE = 2 GOTO 5200

This allowed a single line to indicate where the error handling code would reside. It
still required the functions which detected the error to set the ERRORCODE value but it
made writing (and reading!) code much easier.

So how does this affect us? Quite simply Visual Basic still provides this form of error
handling although the line numbers have been replaced with more human friendly
labels. VBScript as a descendant of Visual Basic provides a severely cut down version
of this. In effect VBScript allows us to choose between handling the errors locally or
ignoring errors completely.

To ignore errors we use the following code:

On Error Goto 0 ' 0 implies go nowhere


To handle errors locally we use:

On Error Resume Next

If Err.Number = 42 Then
' handle the error here

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This seems slightly back to front but in fact simply reflects the historical process as
described above.

The default behavior is for the interpreter to generate a message to the user and stop
execution of the program when an error is detected. This is what happens with GoTo
0 error handling, so in effect GoTo 0 is a way of turning off local control and allowing
the interpreter to function as usual.

Resume Next error handling allows us to either pretend the error never happened, or
to check the Error object (called Err) and in particular the number attribute (exactly
like the early errorcode technique). The Err object also has a few other bits of
information that might help us to deal with the situation in a less catastrophic manner
than simply stopping the program. For example we can find out the source of the error,
in terms of an object or function etc. We can also get a textual description that we
could use to populate an informational message to the user, or write a note in a log
file. Finally we can change error type by using the Raise method of the Err object.
We can also use Raise to generate our own errors from within our own Functions.

As an example of using VBScript error handling lets look at the common case of trying
to divide by zero:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim x,y,Result
x = Cint(InputBox("Enter the number to be divided"))
y = CINt(InputBox("Enter the number to divide by"))
On Error Resume Next
Result = x/y
If Err.Number = 11 Then ' Divide by zero
Result = Null
End If
On Error GoTo 0 ' turn error handling off again
If VarType(Result) = vbNull Then
MsgBox "ERROR: Could not perform operation"
MsgBox CStr(x) & " divided by " & CStr(y) & " is " & CStr(Result)
End If

Frankly that's not very nice and while an appreciation of ancient history may be good
for the soul, modern programming languages, including both Python and JavaScript,
have much more elegant ways to handle errors, so let's look at them now.

Error Handling in Python

Exception Handling

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In recent programming environments an alternative way of dealing with errors known

as exception handling works by having functions throw or raise an exception. The
system then forces a jump out of the current block of code to the nearest exception
handling block. The system provides a default handler which catches all exceptions
which have not already been handled elsewhere and usually prints an error message
then exits.

One big advantage of this style of error handling is that the main function of the
program is much easier to see because it is not mixed up with the error handling code,
you can simply read through the main block without having to look at the error code at

Let's see how this style of programming works in practice.


The exception handling block is coded rather like an if...then...else block:

# program logic goes here
except ExceptionType:
# exception processing for named exception goes here
except AnotherType:
# exception processing for a different exception goes here
# here we tidy up if NO exceptions are raised

Python attempts to execute the statements between the try and the first
except statement. If it encounters an error it will stop execution of the try block and
jump down to the except statements. It will progress down the except statements
until it finds one which matches the error (or exception) type and if it finds a match it
will execute the code in the block immediately following that exception. If no matching
except statement is found, the error is propagated up to the next level of the program
until, either a match is found or the top level Python interpreter catches the error,
displays an error message and stops program execution - this is what we have seen
happening in our programs so far.

If no errors are found in the try block then the final else block is executed although,
in practice, this feature is rarely used. Note that an except statement with no specific
error type will catch all error types not already handled. In general this is a bad idea,
with the exception of the top level of your program where you may want to avoid
presenting Python's fairly technical error messages to your users, you can use a general
except statement to catch any uncaught errors and display a friendly "shutting down"
type message.

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Error Handling 27/05/2007

It is worth noting that Python provides a traceback module which enables you to
extract various bits of information about the source of an error, and this can be useful
for creating log files and the like. I won't cover the traceback module here but if you
need it the standard module documentation provides a full list of the available features.

Let's look at a real example now, just to see how this works:

value = raw_input("Type a divisor: ")

value = int(value)
print "42 / %d = %d" % (value, 42/value)
except ValueError:
print "I can't convert the value to an integer"
except ZeroDivisionError:
print "Your value should not be zero"
print "Something unexpected happened"
else: print "Program completed successfully"

If you run that and enter a non-number, a string say, at the prompt, you will get the
ValueError message, if you enter 0 you will get the ZeroDivisionError message
and if you enter a valid number you will get the result plus the "Program completed"


There is another type of 'exception' block which allows us to tidy up after an error, it's
called a try...finally block and typically is used for closing files, flushing buffers
to disk etc. The finally block is always executed last regardless of what happens in
the try section.

# normal program logic
# here we tidy up regardless of the
# success/failure of the try block

This becomes very powerful when combined with a try/except block. In this case
there is no significant advantage as to which try block sits inside the other, the
sequence of processing is the same in either case. Personally I normally put the
try/finally block on the outside since it reminds me that the finally is done last, but
to Python it makes no difference. It looks like this:

print "Program starting"

data = file("data.dat")
print "data file opened"
value = int(data.readline().split()[2])
print "The calculated value is %s" % (value/(42-value))

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Error Handling 27/05/2007

except ZeroDivisionError:
print "Value read was 42"
print "data file closed"
print "Program completed"

Note: The data file should contain a line with a number in the 3rd field, something like:

Foo bar 42

In this case the data file will always be closed regardless of whether an exception is
raised in the try/except block or not. Note that this is different behavior to the
else clause of try/except because it only gets called if no exception is raised, and
equally simply putting the code outside the try/except block would mean the file
was not closed if the exception was anything other than a ZeroDivisionError. Only
a try/finally construct ensures that the file is always closed.

Also notice that I put the file() statement outside the try/except block. That is
purely a stylistic decision to make it align with the close() statement. If I'd actually
wanted to catch a file open error I'd have moved it into the try/except block and
added another except statement.

One final point to emphasise is that you cannot combine try/except/finally into
a single construct. You must keep them as separate blocks each with its own
try statement.

Generating Errors

What happens when we want to generate exceptions for other people to catch, in a
module say? In that case we use the raise keyword in Python:

numerator = 42
denominator = input("What value will I divide 42 by?")
if denominator == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError()

This raises a ZeroDivisionError exception which can be caught by a

try/except block. To the rest of the program it looks exactly as if Python had
generated the error internally. Another use of the raise keyword is to propagate an
error to a higher level in the program from within an except block. For example we
may want to take some local action, log the error in a file say, but then allow the
higher level program to decide what ultimate action to take. It looks like this:

def f(datum):
return 127/(42-datum)
except ZeroDivisionError:

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Error Handling 27/05/2007

logfile = open("errorlog.txt","w")
logfile.write("datum was 42\n")

except ZeroDivisionError:
print "You can't divide by zero, try another value"

Notice how the function f() catches the error, logs a message in the error file and
then passes the exception back up for the outer try/except block to deal with.

User Defined Exceptions

We can also define our own exception types for even finer grained control of our
programs. We do this by defining a new exception class (we briefly looked at defining
classes in the Raw Materials topic and will look at it in more detail in the Object
Oriented Programming topic later in the tutorial). Usually an exception class is trivial
and contains no content of its own, we simply define it as a sub-class of
Exception and use it as a kind of "smart label" that can be detected by
except statements. A short example will suffice here:

class BrokenError(Exception): pass

raise BrokenError
except BrokenError:
print "We found a Broken Error"

Note that we use a naming convention of adding "Error" to the end of the class name
and that we inherit the behavior of the generic Exception class by including it in
parentheses after the name - we'll learn all about inheritance in the OOP topic.

One final point to note on raising errors. Up until now we have quit our programs by
importing sys and calling the exit() function. Another method that achieves exactly
the same result is to raise the SystemExit error, like this:

>>> raise SystemExit

The main advantage being that we don't need to import sys first.

JavaScript handles errors in a very similar way to Python, using the keywords try,
catch and throw in place of Python's try, except and raise.

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Error Handling 27/05/2007

We'll take a look at some examples but the principles are exactly the same as in
Python. Recent versions of JavaScript have introduced the finally construct and
JavaScript's finally clause can be combined with try/catch in a single construct;
see the JavaScript documentation for details.

Catching errors

Catching errors is done by using a try block with a set of catch statements, almost
identically to Python:

<script type="text/javascript">
var x = NonExistentFunction();
document.write("We got an error in the code");

One big difference is that you only get to use one catch statement per try construct,
you have to examine the error passed to see what kind it is inside the catch block.
This is, in my view, a bit more messy than Python's multiple except style based on
exception type. You can see a basic example of testing the error value in the code

Raising errors

Similarly we can raise errors by using the throw keyword just as we used the
raise keyword in Python. We can also create our own error types in JavaScript as we
did in Python but a much easier method is just to use a string.

<script type="text/javascript">
throw("New Error");
if (e == "New Error")
document.write("We caught a new error");
document.write("An unexpected error found");

And that's all I'll say about error handling. As we go through the more advanced topics
coming up you will see error handling in use, just as you will see the other basic
concepts such as sequences, loops and branches. In essence you now have all of the
tools at your disposal that you need to create powerful programs. It might be a good

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idea to take some time out to try creating some programs of your own, just a couple,
to try to sound these ideas into your head before we move on to the next set of topics.
Here are a few sample ideas:

A simple game such as OXO or Hangman

A basic database, maybe based on our address book, for storing details of your
video, DVD or CD collection.
A diary utility that will let you store important events or dates and, if you feel
really keen, that automatically pops up a reminder.

To complete any of the above you will need to use all of the language features we have
discussed and probably a few of the language modules too. Remember to keep
checking the documentation, there will probably be quite a few tools that will make the
job easier if you look for them. Also don't forget the power of the Python >>> prompt.
Try things out there until you understand how they work then transfer that knowledge
into your program - it's how the professionals do it! Most of all, have fun!

See you in the Advanced section :-)

Things to remember
Check VBScript error codes using an if statement
Catch exceptions with a Python except or JavaScript catch clause
Generate exceptions using the Python raise or JavaScript throw keyword
Error types can be a class in Python or a simple string in JavaScript
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Page 152
Namespaces 27/05/2007

What will we cover?
The meaning of namespace and scope and why they are important
How namespaces work in Python
Namespaces in VBScript and JavaScript

What's a namespace? I hear you ask. Well, it's kinda hard to explain. Not because they
are especially complicated, but because every language does them differently. The
concept is pretty straightforward, a namespace is a space or region, within a program,
where a name (variable, class etc) is valid. We actually use this idea in everyday life.
Suppose you work in a big company and there is a colleague called Joe. In the
accounts department there is another guy called Joe who you see occasionally but not
often. In that case you refer to your colleague as "Joe" and the other one as "Joe in
Accounts". You also have a colleague called Susan and there is another Susan in
Engineering with whom you work closely. When referring to them you might say "Our
Susan" or "Susan from Engineering". Do you see how you use the department name as
a qualifier? That's what namespaces do in a program, they tell both programmers and
the translator which of several identical names is being referred to.

They came about because early programming languages (like BASIC) only had
Global Variables, that is, ones which could be seen throughout the program - even
inside functions. This made maintenance of large programs difficult since it was easy
for one bit of a program to modify a variable without other parts of the program
realizing it - this was called a side-effect. To get round this, later languages (including
modern BASICs) introduced the concept of namespaces. (C++ has taken this to
extremes by allowing the programmer to create their own namespaces anywhere within
a program. This is useful for library creators who might want to keep their function
names unique when mixed with libraries provided by another supplier)

Another term used to describe a namespace is scope. The scope of a name is the extent
of a program whereby that name can be unambiguously used, for example inside a
function or a module. A name's namespace is exactly the same as it's scope. There are
a few very subtle differences between the terms but only a Computer Scientist pedant
would argue with you, and for our purposes namespace and scope are identical.

Python's approach
In Python every module creates it's own namespace. To access those names we have to
either precede them with the name of the module or explicitly import the names we
want to use into our modules namespace. Nothing new there, we've been doing it with
the sys and time modules already. (In a sense a class definition also creates its own
namespace. Thus, to access a method or property of a class, we need to use the name
of the instance variable or the class name first. More about that in the OOP topic)

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In Python there are a total of four possible namespaces (or scopes):

1. Built in scope - names defined within Python itself, these are always available
from anywhere in your program.
2. Module scope - names defined, and therefore visible within a file or module,
confusingly this is referred to as global scope in Python whereas global
normally means visible from anywhere in other languages.
3. Local scope - names defined within a function or a class method
4. Nested scope - a slightly complex topic which I'll come back to in another
topic. For now you can pretty much ignore this one!

Let's take a look at a piece of code that includes examples of all of these (except

def square(x):
return x*x

data = int(raw_input('Type a number to be squared: ')

print data, 'squarted is: ', square(data)

The following table lists each name and the scope to which it belongs:
Name Namespace
square Module/global
x local (to square)
data Module/global
int built-in
raw_input built-in

Note that we don't count def and print as names because they are keywords or
commands forming part of the language, if you try to use them as names of variables of
functions you will get an error.

So far so good. Now how does this come together when variables in different
namespaces have the same name? Or when we need to reference a name that is not in
the current namespace?

Accessing Names outside the Current Namespace

Here we look in more detail at exactly how Python locates names, even when the
names we are using are not in the immediate namespace. It is resolved as follows,
Python will look:

1. within it's local namespace (the current function),

2. within the module scope (the current file),
3. the built-in scope.

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But what if the name is in a different module? Well, we import the module, as we've
already seen many times in the tutorial. Importing the module actually makes the
module name visible in our module namespace. We can then use the module name to
access the variable names within the module using our familiar style.
This explains why, in general, it is not a good idea to import all the names from a
module into the current file: there is a danger that a module variable will have the same
name as one of your variables and one of them will mask the other causing strange
behavior in the program.

For example let's define two modules, where the second imports the first:

##### module #########

spam = 42
def print42(): print spam

##### module ########

from first import * # import all names from first

spam = 101 # create spam variable, hiding first's version

print42() # what gets printed? 42 or 101?


If you thought it would print 101 then you were wrong (and I admit I expected that
when I first wrote the example!). The reason why it prints 42 instead has to do with
the definition of a variable in Python as we described it away back in the Raw
Materials topic. Recall that a name is simply a label used to reference an object. Now
in the first module the name print42 refers to the function object defined in the
module (if this sounds odd there's more explanation in the advanced topic Functional
Programming where it discusses something called a lambda expression). So although
we imported the name into our module we did not actually import the function which
still refers to its own version of spam. Thus when we created our new spam variable it
has no effect on the function referred to by print42

All of that confusion should serve to illustrate why, although it's more typing, it is
much safer to access names in foreign modules using the dot notation. There are a few
modules, such as Tkinter which we'll meet later, which are commonly used by
importing all of the names, but they are written in such a way to minimize the risk of
name conflicts, although the risk always exists and can create very hard to find bugs.

Finally there is another safe way to import a single name from a module, like this:

from sys import exit

Here we only bring the exit function into the local namespace. We cannot use any
other sys names, not even sys itself!

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Avoiding Name Clashes

If a function refers to a variable called X and there exists an X within the function
(local scope) then that is the one that will be seen and used by Python. It's the
programmer's job to avoid name clashes such that a local variable and module variable
of the same name are not both required in the same function - the local variable will
mask the module name.

There is no problem if we just want to read a global variable inside a function, Python
simply looks for the name locally, and not finding it will look globally (and if need be
at the built-in namespace too). The problem arises when we want to assign a value to a
global variable. That would normally create a new local variable inside the function.
So, how can we assign a value to a global variable without creating a local variable of
the same name? We can achieve this by use of the global keyword:

var = 42
def modGlobal():
global var # prevent creation of a local var
var = var - 21

def modLocal():
var = 101

print var # prints 42

print var # prints 21
print var # still prints 21

Here we see the global variable being changed by the modGlobal function but not
changed by the modLocal function. The latter simply created its own internal variable
and assigned it a value. At the end of the function that variable was garbage collected
and its existence was unseen at the module level.

In general you should minimize the use of 'global' statements, it's usually better to pass
the variable in as a parameter and then return the modified variable. Here is the
modGlobal function above rewritten to avoid using a global statement:

var = 42
def modGlobal(aVariable):
return aVariable - 21

print var
var = modGlobal(var)
print var

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In this case we assign the return value from the function to the original variable while
also passing it in as an argument. The result is the same but the function now has no
dependencies on any code outside itself - this makes it much easier to reuse in other
programs. It also makes it much easier to see how the global value gets changed - we
can see the explicit assignment taking place.

We can see all of this at work in this example (which is purely about illustrating the

# variables with module scope

W = 5
Y = 3

#parameters are like function variables

#so X has local scope
def spam(X):

#tell function to look at module level and not create its own W
global W

Z = X*2 # new variable Z created with local scope

W = X+5 # use module W as instructed above

if Z > W:
# pow is a 'builtin-scope' name
print pow(Z,W)
return Z
return Y # no local Y so uses module version

VBScript takes a fairly straightforward approach to scoping rules: if a variable is
outside a function or subroutine then it is globally visible, if a variable is inside a
function or subroutine it is local to that module. The programmer is responsible for
managing all naming conflicts that might arise. Because all VBScript variables are
created using the Dim statement there is never any ambiguity about which variable is
meant as is the case with Python.

There are some slight twists that are unique to web pages, namely that regardless of
<script> tag boundaries global variables are visible across an entire file, not just
within the <script> tag in which they are defined.

We will illustrate those points in the following code:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Dim aVariable
Dim another
aVariable = "This is global in scope"
another = "A Global can be visible from a function"

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Namespaces 27/05/2007

<script type="text/vbscript">
Sub aSubroutine
Dim aVariable
aVariable = "Defined within a subroutine"
MsgBox aVariable
MsgBox another
End Sub

<script type="text/vbscript">
MsgBox aVariable
MsgBox aVariable

There are a couple of extra scoping features in VBScript that allow you to make
variables accessible across files on a web page (e.g from an index frame to a content
frame and vice-versa). However we won't be going into that level of web page
programming here so I'll simply alert you to the existence of the Public and
Private keywords.

And JavaScript too

JavaScript follows much the same rules, variables declared inside a function are only
visible within the function. Variables outside a function can be seen inside the function
as well as by code on the outside. As with VBScript there are no conflicts as to which
variable is intended because variables are explicitly created with the var statement.

Here is the equivalent example as above but written in JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
var aVariable, another; // global variables
aVariable = "This is Global in scope<BR>";
another = "A global variable can be seen inside a function<BR>";

function aSubroutine(){
var aVariable; // local variable
aVariable = "Defined within a function<BR>";



This should, by now be straightforward.

Things to Remember
Scoping and Namespaces are different terms for the same thing.
The concepts are the same in every language but the precise rules can vary.

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Python has 3 scopes - file (global), function (local) and built-in.

VBScript and JavaScript have 2 scopes - file (global) and function (local).

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Page 159
Regular Expressions 27/05/2007

Regular Expressions
What will we cover?
What regular expressions are
How to use regular expressions in Python programs
Regex support in JavaScript and VBScript

Regular expressions are groups of characters that describe a larger group of
characters. They describe a pattern of characters for which we can search in a body of
text. They are very similar to the concept of wild cards used in file naming on most
operating systems, whereby an asterisk(*) can be used to represent any sequence of
characters in a file name. So *.py means any file ending in .py. In fact filename
wild-cards are a very small subset of regular expressions.

Regular expressions are extremely powerful tools and most modern programming
languages either have built in support for using regular expressions or have libraries or
modules available that you can use to search for and replace text based on regular
expressions. A full description of them is outside the scope of this tutor, indeed there is
at least one whole book dedicated to regular expressions and if your interest is roused
I recommend that you investigate the O'Reilly book.

One interesting feature of regular expressions is that they manifest similarities of

structure to programs. Regular expressions are patterns constructed from smaller units.
These units are:

single characters
wildcard characters
character ranges or sets and
groups which are surrounded by parentheses.

Note that because groups are a unit, so you can have groups of groups and so on to an
arbitrary level of complexity. We can combine these units in ways reminiscent of a
programming language using sequences, repititions or conditional operators. We’ll
look at each of these in turn. So that we can try out the examples you will need to
import the re module and use it’s methods. For convenience I will assume you have
already imported re in most of the examples shown.

As ever, the simplest construct is a sequence and the simplest regular expression is just
a sequence of characters:


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Regular Expressions 27/05/2007

This will match, or find, any occurrence of the three letters ‘r’,’e’ and ‘d’ in order,
in a string. Thus the words red, lettered and credible would all be found because they
contain ‘red’ within them. To provide greater control over the outcome of matches we
can supply some special characters (known as metacharacters) to limit the scope of
the search:
Metacharacters used in sequences

Expression Meaning Example

^red only at the start of a line red ribbons are good
red$ only at the end of a line I love red
\Wred only at the start of a word it’s redirected by post
red\W only at the end of a word you covered it already

The metacharacters above are known as anchors because they fix the position of the
regular expression within a sentence or word. There are several other anchors defined
in the re module documentation which we don’t cover in this chapter.

Sequences can also contain wildcard characters that can substitute for any character.
The wildcard character is a period. Try this:

>>> import re
>>> re.match('be.t', 'best')
<re.MatchObject instance at 864460>
>>> re.match('be.t', 'bess')

The message in angle brackets tells us that the regular expression ‘be.t’, passed as
the first argument matches the string ‘best’ passed as the second argument.
‘be.t’ will also match ‘beat’, ‘bent’, ‘belt’, etc. The second example did not match
because 'bess' didn’t end in t, so no MatchObject was created. Try out a few more
matches to see how this works. (Note that match() only matches at the front of a
string, not in the middle, we can use search() for that as we will see later!)

The next unit is a range or set. This consists of a collection of letters enclosed in
square brackets and the regular expression will search for any one of the enclosed

>>> re.match('s[pwl]am', 'spam')

<re.MatchObject instance at 7cab40>

This would also match 'swam' or 'slam' but not 'sham' since 'h' is not included in the
regular expression set.

By putting a ^ sign as the first element of the group we can say that it should look for
any character except those listed, thus in this example:

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Regular Expressions 27/05/2007

>>> re.match('[^f]ool', 'cool')

<re.MatchObject instance at 864890>
>>> re.match('[^f]ool','fool')

we can match ‘cool’ and ‘pool’ but we will not match ‘fool’ since we are looking for
any character except 'f' at the beginning of the pattern.

Finally we can group sequences of characters, or other units, together by enclosing

them in parentheses, which is not particularly useful in isolation but is useful when
combined with the repetition and conditional features we look at next.

We can also create regular expressions which match repeated sequences of characters
by using some more special characters. We can look for a repetition of a single
character or group of characters using the following metacharacters:

Metacharacters used in repetition

Expression Meaning Example

zero or one of the preceding
pythonl?y matches:
character. Note the zero part
‘?’ pythony
there since that can trip you
up if you aren’t careful.
pythonl*y matches both of the above,
looks for zero or more of the
‘*’ pythonlly
preceding character.
pythonl+y matches:
looks for one or more of the
‘+’ pythonlly
preceding character.
looks for n to m repetitions of fo{1,2} matches:
the preceding character. fo or foo

All of these repetition characters can be applied to groups of characters too. Thus:

>>> re.match('(.an){1,2}s', 'cans')

The same pattern will also match: ‘cancans’ or ‘pans’ or ‘canpans’ but not ‘bananas’
since there is no character before the second 'an' group.

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There is one caveat with the {m,n} form of repetition which is that it does not limit
the match to only n units. Thus the example in the table above, fo{1,2} will
successfully match fooo because it matches the foo at the beginning of fooo. Thus if
you want to limit how many characters are matched you need to follow the multiplying
expression with an anchor or a negated range. In our case fo{1,2}[^o] would
prevent fooo from matching since it says match 1 or 2 ‘o’s followed by anything other
than an ‘o’.

Greedy expressions
Regular expressions are said to be greedy. What that means is that the matching and
searching functions will match as much as possible of the string rather than stopping at
the first complete match. Normally this doesn’t matter too much but when you
combine wildcards with repetition operators you can wind up grabbing more than you

Consider the following example. If we have a regular expression like a.*b that says
we want to find an a followed by any number of characters up to a b then the match
function will search from the first a to the last b. That is to say that if the searched
string includes more than one 'b' all but the last one will be included in the .* part of
the expression. Thus in this example:


The MatchObject has matched all of abracadab. Not just the first ab. This greedy
matching behaviour is one of the most common errors made by new users of regular

To prevent this ‘greedy’ behaviour simply add a ‘?’ after the repition character, like so:


which will now only match ‘ab’.

The final piece in the jigsaw is to make the regular expression search for optional
elements or to select one of several patterns. We’ll look at each of these options

Optional elements

You can specify that a character is optional using the zero or more repetition

>>> re.match('computer?d?', 'computer')

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Regular Expressions 27/05/2007

<re.MatchObject instance at 864890>

will match computer or computed. However it will also match computerd, which
we don’t want.

By using a range within the expression we can be more specific. Thus:

>>> re.match('compute[rd]','computer')
<re.MatchObject instance at 874390>

will select only computer and computed but reject the unwanted computerd.

Optional Expressions

In addition to matching options from a list of characters we can also match based on a
choice of sub-expressions. We mentioned earlier that we could group sequences of
characters in parentheses, but in fact we can group any arbitrary regular expression in
parentheses and treat it as a unit. In describing the syntax I will use the notation
(RE) to indicate any such regular expression grouping.

The situation we want to examine here is the case whereby we want to match a regular
expression containing (RE)xxxx or (RE)yyyy where xxxx and yyyy are different
patterns. Thus, for example we want to match both premature and preventative.
We can do this by using a selection metacharacter:

>>> regexp = 'pre(mature|ventative)'

>>> re.match(regexp,'premature')
<re.MatchObject instance at 864890>
>>> re.match(regexp,'preventative')
<re.MatchObject instance at 864890>
>>> re.match(regexp,'prelude')

Notice that when defining the regular expression we had to include both the options
inside the parentheses, otherwise the option would have been restricted to
prematureentative or prematurventative. In other words only the letters
e and v would have formed the options not the groups.

Using Regular Expressions in Python.

We’ve seen a little of what regular expressions look like but what can we do with
them? And how do we do it in Python? To take the first point first, we can use them as
very powerful search tools in text. We can look for lots of different variations of text
strings in a single operation, we can even search for non printable characters such as
blank lines using some of the metacharacters available. We can also replace these
patterns using the methods and functions of the re module. We’ve already seen the
match() function at work, there are several other functions, some of which are
described below:
re Module functions and methods

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Regular Expressions 27/05/2007


match(RE,string) if RE matches the start of the string it returns a match object

if RE is found anywhere within the string a match object is
split(RE, string) like string.split() but uses the RE as a separator
returns a string produced by substituting replace for re at the
sub(RE, replace, string) first matching occurrence of RE. Note this function has
several additional features, see the documentation for details.
Finds all occurences of RE in string, returning a list of match
findall(RE, string)
produces a regular expression object which can be reused for
multiple operations with the same RE. The object has all of
the above methods but with an implied re and is more
efficient than using the function versions.

Note that this is not a full list of re’s methods and functions and that those listed have
some optional parameters that can extend their use. The listed functions are the most
commonly used operations and are sufficient for most needs.

A Practical Example Using Regular Expressions

As an example of how we might use regular expressions in Python let’s create a

program that will search an HTML file for an IMG tag that has no ALT section. If we
find one we will add a message to the owner to create more user friendly HTML in

import re

# detect 'IMG' in upper/lower case allowing for

# zero or more spaces between the < and the 'I'
img = '< *[iI][mM][gG] '

# allow any character up to the 'ALT' or 'alt' before >

alt = img + '.*[aA][lL][tT].*>'

# open file and read it into list

filename = raw_input('Enter a filename to search ')
inf = open(filename,'r')
lines = inf.readlines()

# if the line has an IMG tag and no ALT inside

# add our message as an HTML comment
for i in range(len(lines)):
if,lines[i]) and not \,lines[i]):
lines[i] += '<!-- PROVIDE ALT TAGS ON IMAGES! -->\n'

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# Now write the altered file and tidy up.

outf = open(filename,'w')

Notice two points about the above code. First we use instead of re.match
because search finds the patterns anywhere in the string whereas match only looks at
the start of the string. Secondly we use a statement continuation character ‘\’ in the if
statement. This just allows us to lay the code out over two lines which looks a little
neater, especially if there are many expressions to be combined.

This code is far from perfect because it doesn’t consider the case where the IMG tag
may be split over several lines, but it illustrates the technique well enough for our
purposes. Of course such wanton vandalism of HTML files shouldn’t really be
encouraged, but then again anyone who doesn’t provide ALT tags probably deserves
all they get!

We’ll see regular expressions at work again in the Grammar Counter case study,
meantime experiment with them and check out the other methods in the re module. We
really have just scratched the surface of what’s possible using these powerful text
processing tools.

JavaScript has good support for regular expressions built into the language. In fact the
string search operations we used earlier are actually regular expression searches, we
simply used the most basic form - a simple sequence of characters. All of the rules we
discussed for Python apply equally to Javascript except that regular expressions are
surrounded in slashes(/) instead of quotes. Here are some examples to illustrate their

<Script type="text/javascript">
var str = "A lovely bunch of bananas";
document.write(str + "<BR>");
if (str.match(/^A/)) {
document.write("Found string beginning with A<BR>");
if (str.match(/b[au]/)) {
document.write("Found substring with either ba or bu<BR>");
if (!str.match(/zzz/)) {
document.write("Didn't find substring zzz!<BR>");

The first two succeed the third doesn't, hence the negative test.


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VBScript does not have built in regular expressions like JavaScript but it does have a
Regular Expression object that can be instantiated and used for searches, replacement
etc. It can also be controlled to ignore case and to search for all instances or just one.
It is used like this:

<Script type="text/vbscript">
Dim regex, matches
Set regex = New RegExp

regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "b[au]"

Set matches = regex.Execute("A lovely bunch of bananas")

If matches.Count > 0 Then
MsgBox "Found " & matches.Count & " substrings"
End If

That's all I'll cover here but there is a wealth of subtle sophistication in regular
expressions, we have literally just touched on their power in this short topic.
Fortunately there is also a wealth of online information about their use, plus the
excellent O'Reilly book mentioned at the start. My advice is to take it slowly and get
accustomed to their vagaries as well as their virtues.
Points to remember
Regular expressions are text patterns which can improve the power and
efficiency of text searches
Regular expressions are notoriously difficult to get right and can lead to
obscure bugs - handle with care.
Regular Expressions are not a cure all and often a more sophisticated
approach may be needed, if it doesn't work after say 3 attempts consider
another approach!
Previous Next Contents

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

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Object Oriented Programming

What will we cover?
What is an object?
What is a Class?
What are polymorphism and inheritance?
Creating, Storing and using objects

What is Object Oriented Programming?

Now we move onto what might have been termed an advanced topic up until about 10
years ago. Nowadays 'Object Oriented Programming has become the norm.
Languages like Java and Python embody the concept so much that you can do very
little without coming across objects somewhere. So what's it all about?

The best introductions are, in my opinion:

Object Oriented Analysis by Peter Coad & Ed Yourdon.

Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications by Grady Booch (the
1st edition if you can find it)
Object Oriented Software Construction by Bertrand Meyer (definitely the 2nd
edition of this one)

These increase in depth, size and academic exactitude as you go down the list. For
most non professional programmers' purposes the first is adequate. For a more
programming focused intro try Object Oriented Programming by Timothy Budd(2nd
edition). This uses several languages to illustrate object oriented programming
techniques. It is much more strongly oriented towards writing programs than any of
the other books which cover the whole gamut of theory and principle behind object
orientation, at the design level as well as at the code level. Finally for a whole heap of
info on all topics OO try the Web link site at:

Assuming you don't have the time nor inclination to research all these books and links
right now, I'll give you a brief overview of the concept. (Note:Some people find OO
hard to grasp others 'get it' right away. Don't worry if you come under the former
category, you can still use objects even without really 'seeing the light'.)

One final point: it is possible to implement an Object Oriented design in a non OO

language through coding conventions, but it's usually an option of last resort rather
than a recommended strategy. If your problem fits well with OO techniques then it's
best to use an OO language. Most modern languages, including Python, VBScript and
JavaScript support OOP quite well. That having been said I will be using Python
throughout all the examples and only showing the basic concepts in VBScript and
JavaScript with little additional explanation.

Data and Function - together

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Objects are collections of data and functions that operate on that data. These are
bound together so that you can pass an object from one part of your program and they
automatically get access to not only the data attributes but the operations that are
available too. This combining of data and function is the very essence of Object
Oriented Programming and is known as encapsulation. (Some programming languages
make the data invisible to users of the object and thus require that the data be accessed
via the object's methods. This technique is properly known as data hiding, however in
some texts data hiding and encapsulation are used interchangeably.)

As an example of encapsulation, a string object would store the character string but
also provide methods to operate on that string - search, change case, calculate length

Objects use a message passing metaphor whereby one object passes a message to
another object and the receiving object responds by executing one of its operations, a
method. So a method is invoked on receipt of the corresponding message by the
owning object. There are various notations used to represent this but the most
common mimics the access to items in modules - a dot. Thus, for a fictitious widget

w = Widget() # create new instance, w, of widget

w.paint() # send the message 'paint' to it

This would cause the paint method of the widget object to be invoked.

Defining Classes
Just as data has various types so objects can have different types. These collections of
objects with identical characteristics are collectively known as a class. We can define
classes and create instances of them, which are the actual objects. We can store
references to these objects in variables in our programs.

Let's look at a concrete example to see if we can explain it better. We will create a
message class that contains a string - the message text - and a method to print the

class Message:
def __init__(self, aString):
self.text = aString
def printIt(self):
print self.text

Note 1:One of the methods of this class is called __init__ and it is a special
method called a constructor. The reason for the name is that it is called when a new
object instance is created or constructed. Any variables assigned (and hence created in
Python) inside this method will be unique to the new instance. There are a number of
special methods like this in Python, nearly all distinguished by the __xxx__ naming

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format. The exact timing of when a constructor is called varies between languages, in
Python init gets called after the instance has actually been created in memory, in
other languages the constructor actually returms the instance itself. The difference is
sufficiently subtle that you don't usually need to worry about it.

Note 2:Both the methods defined have a first parameter self. The name is a
convention but it indicates the object instance. As we will soon see this parameter is
filled in by the interpreter at run-time, not by the programmer. Thus printIt is called,
on an instance of the class (see below), with no arguments: m.printIt().

Note 3:We called the class Message with a capital 'M'. This is purely convention, but
it is fairly widely used, not just in Python but in other OO languages too. A related
convention says that method names should begin with a lowercase letter and
subsequent words in the name begin with uppercase letters. Thus a method called
"calculate current balance" would be written: calculateCurrentBalance.

You may want to briefly revisit the 'Raw Materials' section and look again at 'user
defined types'. The Python address example should be a little clearer now. Essentially
the only kind of user-defined type in Python is a class. A class with attributes but no
methods (except __init__ ) is effectively equivalent to a construct called a
record or struct in some programming languages..

Using Classes
Having defined a class we can now create instances of our Message class and
manipulate them:

m1 = Message("Hello world")
m2 = Message("So long, it was short but sweet")

note = [m1, m2] # put the objects in a list

for msg in note:
msg.printIt() # print each message in turn

So in essence you just treat the class as if it was a standard Python data type, which
was after all the purpose of the excercise!

What is "self"?

No, it's not a philosophical debate, it's one of the questions most often asked by new
Python OOP programmers. Every method definition in a class in Python starts with a
parameter called self. The actual name self is just a convention, but like many
programming conventions consistency is good so let's stick with it! (As you'll see later
JavaScript has a similar concept but uses the name this instead.)

So what is self all about? Why do we need it?

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Basically self is just a reference to the current instance. When you create an instance of
the class the instance contains its own data (as created by the constructor) but not of
the methods. Thus when we send a message to an instance and it calls the
corresponding method, it does so via an internal reference to the class. It passes a
reference to itself (self!) to the method so that the class code knows which instance to

Let's look at a relatively familiar example. Consider a GUI application which has lots
of Button objects. When a user presses a button the method associated with a button
press is activated - but how does the Button method know which of the buttons has
been pressed? The answer is by referring to the self value which will be a reference to
the actual button instance that was pressed. We'll see this in practice when we get to
the GUI topic a little later.

So what happens when a message is sent to an object? It works like this:

the client code calls the instance (sending the message in OOP speak).
The instance calls the class method, passing a reference to itself (self).
The class method then uses the passed reference to pick up the instance data
for the receiving object.

You can see this in action in this code sequence, notice that we can explicitly call the
class method, as we do in the last line:

>>> class C:
... def __init__(self, val): self.val = val
... def f(self): print "hello, my value is:", self.val
>>> # create two instances
>>> a = C(27)
>>> b = C(42)
>>> # first try sending messages to the instances
>>> a.f()
hello, my value is 27
>>> b.f()
hello, my value is 42
>>> # now call the method explicitly via the class
>>> C.f(a)
hello, my value is 27

So you see we can call the methods via the instance, in which case Python fills in the
self parameter for us, or explicitly via the class, in which case we need to pass the self
value explicitly.

Now you might be wondering why, if Python can provide the invisible reference
between the instance and its class can't Python also magically fill in the self by itself?
The answer is that Guido van Rossum designed it this way! Many OOP languages do
indeed hide the self parameter, but one of the guiding principles of Python is that
"explicit is better than implicit". You soon get used to it and after a while not doing it
seems strange.

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Same thing, Different thing

What we have so far is the ability to define our own types (classes) and create
instances of these and assign them to variables. We can then pass messages to these
objects which trigger the methods we have defined. But there's one last element to this
OO stuff, and in many ways it's the most important aspect of all.

If we have two objects of different classes but which support the same set of messages
but with their own corresponding methods then we can collect these objects together
and treat them identically in our program but the objects will behave differently. This
ability to behave differently to the same input messages is known as polymorphism.

Typically this could be used to get a number of different graphics objects to draw
themselves on receipt of a 'paint' message. A circle draws a very different shape from a
triangle but provided they both have a paint method we, as programmers, can ignore
the difference and just think of them as 'shapes'.

Let's look at an example, where instead of drawing shapes we calculate their areas:

First we create Square and Circle classes:

class Square:
def __init__(self, side):
self.side = side
def calculateArea(self):
return self.side**2

class Circle:
def __init__(self, radius):
self.radius = radius
def calculateArea(self):
import math
return math.pi*(self.radius**2)

Now we can create a list of shapes (either circles or squares) and then print out their

list = [Circle(5),Circle(7),Square(9),Circle(3),Square(12)]

for shape in list:

print "The area is: ", shape.calculateArea()

Now if we combine these ideas with modules we get a very powerful mechanism for
reusing code. Put the class definitions in a module - say '' and then simply
import that module when we want to manipulate shapes. This is exactly what has been
done with many of the standard Python modules, which is why accessing methods of
an object looks a lot like using functions in a module.


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Inheritance is often used as a mechanism to implement polymorphism. Indeed in many

OO languages it is the only way to implement polymorphism. It works as follows:

A class can inherit both attributes and operations from a parent or super class. This
means that a new class which is identical to another class in most respects does not
need to re-implement all the methods of the existing class, rather it can inherit those
capabilities and then override those that it wants to do differently (like the
calculateArea method in the case above)

Again an example might illustrate this best. We will use a class hierarchy of bank
accounts where we can deposit cash, obtain the balance and make a withdrawal. Some
of the accounts provide interest (which, for our purposes, we'll assume is calculated on
every deposit - an interesting innovation to the banking world!) and others charge fees
for withdrawals.

The BankAccount class

Let's see how that might look. First let's consider the attributes and operations of a
bank account at the most general (or abstract) level.

It's usually best to consider the operations first then provide attributes as needed to
support these operations. So for a bank account we can:
Deposit cash,
Withdraw cash,
Check current balance and
Transfer funds to another account.

To support these operations we will need a bank account ID (for the transfer
operation) and the current balance.

We can create a class to support that:

class BalanceError(Exception):
value = "Sorry you only have $%6.2f in your account"

class BankAccount:
def __init__(self, initialAmount):
self.balance = initialAmount
print "Account created with balance %5.2f" % self.balance

def deposit(self, amount):

self.balance = self.balance + amount

def withdraw(self, amount):

if self.balance >= amount:
self.balance = self.balance - amount
raise BalanceError, BalanceError.value % self.balance

def checkBalance(self):

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return self.balance

def transfer(self, amount, account):

except BalanceError:
print BalanceError.value

Note 1: We check the balance before withdrawing and also use an exception to handle
errors. Of course there is no Python error type BalanceError so we needed to create
one of our own - it's simply an subclass of the standard Exception class with a string
value. The string value is defined as an attribute of the exception class purely as a
convenience, it ensures that we can generate standard error messages every time we
raise an error. When we raise BalanceError we pass the internal format string
value filled in with the current value of the object's balance. Notice that we didn't
use self when defining the value in BalanceError, that's because value is a shared
attribute across all instances, it is defined at the class level and known as a class
variable. We access it by using the class name followed by a dot:
BalanceError.value as seen above. Now, when the error generates its traceback it
concludes by printing out the formatted error string showing the current balance.

Note 2: The transfer method uses the BankAccount's withdraw/deposit

member functions or methods to do the transfer. This is very common in OO and is
known as self messaging. It means that derived classes can implement their own
versions of deposit/withdraw but the transfer method can remain the same for
all account types.

The InterestAccount class

Now we use inheritance to provide an account that adds interest (we'll assume 3%) on
every deposit. It will be identical to the standard BankAccount class except for the
deposit method. So we simply override that:

class InterestAccount(BankAccount):
def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance = self.balance * 1.03

And that's it. We begin to see the power of OOP, all the other methods have been
inherited from BankAccount (by putting BankAccount inside the parentheses after
the new class name). Notice also that deposit called the superclass's deposit method
rather than copying the code. Now if we modify the BankAccount deposit to include
some kind of error checking the sub-class will gain those changes automatically.

The ChargingAccount class

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This account is again identical to a standard BankAccount class except that this time it
charges $3 for every withdrawal. As for the InterestAccount we can create a class
inheriting from BankAccount and modifying the withdraw method.

class ChargingAccount(BankAccount):
def __init__(self, initialAmount):
BankAccount.__init__(self, initialAmount)
self.fee = 3

def withdraw(self, amount):

BankAccount.withdraw(self, amount+self.fee)

Note 1: We store the fee as an instance variable so that we can change it later if
necessary. Notice that we can call the inherited __init__ just like any other

Note 2: We simply add the fee to the requested withdrawal and call the BankAccount
withdraw method to do the real work.

Note 3: We introduce a side effect here in that a charge is automatically levied on

transfers too, but that's probably what we want, so is OK.

Testing our system

To check that it all works try executing the following piece of code (either at the
Python prompt or by creating a separate test file).

from bankaccount import *

# First a standard BankAccount

a = BankAccount(500)
b = BankAccount(200)
# a.withdraw(1000)
print "A = ", a.checkBalance()
print "B = ", b.checkBalance()

# Now an InterestAccount
c = InterestAccount(1000)
print "C = ", c.checkBalance()

# Then a ChargingAccount
d = ChargingAccount(300)
print "D = ", d.checkBalance()
print "D = ", d.checkBalance()

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print "A = ", a.checkBalance()

print "D = ", d.checkBalance()

# Finally transfer from charging account to the interest one

# The charging one should charge and the interest one add
# interest
print "C = ", c.checkBalance()
print "D = ", d.checkBalance()
print "C = ", c.checkBalance()
print "D = ", d.checkBalance()

Now uncomment the line a.withdraw(1000) to see the exception at work.

That's it. A reasonably straightforward example but it shows how inheritance can be
used to quickly extend a basic framework with powerful new features.

We've seen how we can build up the example in stages and how we can put together a
test program to check it works. Our tests were not complete in that we didn't cover
every case and there are more checks we could have included - like what to do if an
account is created with a negative amount...

Collections of Objects
One problem that might have occurred to you is how we deal with lots of objects. Or
how to manage objects which we create at runtime. It's all very well creating Bank
Accounts statically as we did above:

acc1 = BankAccount(...)
acc2 = BankAccount(...)
acc3 = BankAccount(...)

But in the real world we don't know in advance how many accounts we need to create.
How do we deal with this? Lets consider the problem in more detail:

We need some kind of 'database' that allows us to find a given bank account by its
owners name (or more likely their bank account number - since one person can have
many accounts and several persons can have the same name...)

Finding something in a collection given a unique key....hmmm, sounds like a

dictionary! Lets see how we'd use a Python dictionary to hold dynamically created

from bankaccount import *

import time

# Create new function to generate unique id numbers

def getNextID():

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ok = raw_input("Create account[y/n]? ")

if ok[0] in 'yY': # check valid input
id = time.time() # use current time as basis of ID
id = int(id) % 10000 # convert to int and shorten to 4 digits
else: id = -1 # which will stop the loop
return id

# Let's create some accounts and store them in a dictionary

accountData = {} # new dictionary
while 1: # loop forever
id = getNextID()
if id == -1:
break # break forces an exit from the while loop
bal = float(raw_input("Opening Balance? ")) # convert string to float
accountData[id] = BankAccount(bal) # use id to create new dictionary entry
print "New account created, Number: %04d, Balance %0.2f" % (id,bal)

# Now let's access the accounts

for id in accountData.keys():
print "%04d\t%0.2f" % (id,accountData[id].checkBalance())

# and find a particular one

# Enter non-number to force exception and end program
while 1:
id = int(raw_input("Which account number? "))
if id in accountData.keys():
print "Balance = %0.2d" % accountData[id].checkBalance()
else: print "Invalid ID"

Of course the key you use for the dictionary can be anything that uniquely identifies
the object, it could be one of its attributes, like name say. Anything at all that is unique.
You might find it worthwhile going back to the raw materials chapter and reading the
dictionary section again, they really are very useful containers.

Saving Your Objects

One snag with all of this is that you lose your data when the program ends. You need
some way of saving objects too. As you get more advanced you will learn how to use
databases to do that but we will look at using a simple text file to save and retrieve
objects. (If you are using Python there are a couple of modules called Pickle and
Shelve) that do this much more effectively but as usual I'll try to show you the generic
way to do it that will work in any language. Incidentally the technical term for the
ability to save and restore objects is Persistence.

The generic way to do this is to create save and restore methods at the highest
level object and override in each class, such that they call the inherited version and then
add their locally defined attributes:

class A:
def __init__(self,x,y):
self.x = x
self.y = y

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def save(self,fn):
f = open(fn,"w")
f.write(str(self.x)+ '\n') # convert to a string and add newline
return f # for child objects to use

def restore(self, fn):

f = open(fn)
self.x = int(f.readline()) # convert back to original type
self.y = int(f.readline())
return f

class B(A):
def __init__(self,x,y,z):
self.z = z

def save(self,fn):
f =,fn) # call parent save
return f # in case further children exist

def restore(self, fn):

f = A.restore(self,fn)
self.z = int(f.readline())
return f

# create instances
a = A(1,2)
b = B(3,4,5)

# save the instances'a.txt').close() # remember to close the file'b.txt').close()

# retrieve instances
newA = A(5,6)
newA.restore('a.txt').close() # remember to close the file
newB = B(7,8,9)
print "A: ",newA.x,newA.y
print "B: ",newB.x,newB.y,newB.z

Note: The values printed out are the restored values not the ones we used to create the

The key thing is to override the save/restore methods in each class and to call the
parent method as the first step. Then in the child class only deal with child class
attributes. Obviously how you turn an attribute into a string and save it is up to you the
programmer but it must be output on a single line. When restoring you simply reverse
the storing process.

Mixing Classes and Modules

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Modules and classes both provide mechanisms for controlling the complexity of a
program. It seems reasonable that as programs get bigger we would want to combine
these features by putting classes into modules. Some authorities recommend putting
each class into a separate module but I find this simply creates an explosion of modules
and increases rather than decreases complexity. Instead I group classes together and
put the group into a module. Thus in our example above I might put all the bank
account class definitions in one module, bankaccount, say, and then create a separate
module for the application code that uses the module. A simplified representation of
that would be:

# File:
# Implements a set of bank account classes

class BankAccount: ....

class InterestAccount: ...

class ChargingAccount: ...

And then to use it:

import bankaccount

newAccount = bankaccount.BankAccount(50)
newChrgAcct = bankaccount.ChargingAccount(200)

# now do stuff

But what happens when we have two classes in different modules that need to access
each others details? The simplest way is to import both modules, create local instances
of the classes we need and pass the instances of one class to the other instances
methods. Passing whole objects around is what makes it object oriented programming.
You don't need to extract the attributes out of one object and pass them into another,
just pass the entire object. Now if the receiving object uses a polymorphic message to
get at the information it needs then the method will work with any kind of object that
supports the message.

Let's make that more concrete by looking at an example. Let's create a short module
called logger that contains two classes. The first logs activity in a file. This logger
will have a single method log() which has a "loggable object" as a parameter. The
other class in our module is a Loggable class that can be inherited by other classes to
work with the logger. It looks like this:

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# File:
# Create Loggable and Logger classes for logging activities
# of objects

class Loggable:
def activity(self):
return "This needs to be overridden locally"

class Logger:
def __init__(self, logfilename = "logger.dat"):
self._log = open(logfilename,"a")

def log(self, loggedObj):

self._log.write(loggedObj.activity() + '\n')

def __del__(self):

Note that we have provided a destructor method ( __del__) to close the file when the
logger object is deleted or garbage collected. This is another "magic method" in
Python (as shown by the double '_' characters) similar in many ways to __init__()

Also notice that we've called the log attribute _log with a '_' character in front of the
name. This is another common naming convention in Python, like using capitalized
words for class names. A single underscore indicates that the attribute is not intended
to be accessed directly, but only via the methods of the class.

Now before we can use our module we will create a new module which defines
loggable versions of our bank account classes:

# File:
# Extend Bank account classes to work with logger module.

import bankaccount, logger

class LoggableBankAccount(bankaccount.BankAccount, logger.Loggable):

def activity(self):
return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

class LoggableInterestAccount(bankaccount.InterestAccount,
def activity(self):
return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

class LoggableChargingAccount(bankaccount.ChargingAccount,
def activity(self):
return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

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Notice we are using a feature called multiple inheritance, where we inherit not one but
two parent classes. This isn't strictly needed in Python since we could just have added
an activity() method to our original classes and achieved the same effect but in
statically typed OOP languages such as Java or C++ this technique would be necessary
so I will show you the technique here for future reference.

The sharp eyed amonst you may have noticed that the activity() method in all
three classesis identical. That means we could save ourselves some typing by creating
an intermediate type of loggable account that only has an activity method. We can then
create our three different loggable account types by inheriting from that instead of
from the vanilla Loggable class. Like this:

class LoggableAccount():
def activity(self):
return "Account balance = %d" % self.checkBalance()

class LoggableBankAccount(bankaccount.BankAccount,

class LoggableInterestAccount(bankaccount.InterestAccount,

class LoggableChargingAccount(bankaccount.ChargingAccount,

It doesn't save a lot of code but it does mean we only have one method definition to
test and maintain instead of three identical methods. This type of programming where
we introduce a superclass with shared functionality is sometimes called
mixin programming and the minimal class is called a mixin class. It is a common
outcome of this style that the final class definitions have no body but a long list of
inherited classes, just as we see here. Its also quite common that mixin classes do not
themselves inherit from anything. In essence it's just a way of adding a common
method (or set of methods) to a class or set of classes via the power of inheritance.
(The term mixin originates in the world of ice cream parlours where different flavours
of ice cream are added (or mixed in) to vanilla to produce a new flavour. The first
language to support this style was called Flavors and was a dialect of Lisp.)

Now we come to the point of this excercise which is to show our application code
creating a logger object and some bank accounts and passing the accounts to the
logger, even though they are all defined in different modules!

# Test logging and loggable bank accounts.

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import logger
import loggablebankaccount as lba

log = logger.Logger()

ba = lba.LoggableBankAccount(100)

intacc = lba.LoggableInterestAccount(200)

Note the use of the as keyword to create a shortcut name when importing

Note also that once we have created the local instances we no longer need to use the
module prefix and because there is no direct access from one object to the other, it is
all via messages, there is no need for the two class definition modules to directly refer
to each other either. Finally notice also that the Logger works with instances of both
LoggableBankAccount and LoggableInterestAccount because they both
support the Loggable interface. Compatibility of object interfaces via polymorphism
is the foundation upon which all OOP programs are built.

I should point out that a much more sophisticated logging system is included in the
standard library logging module, this one was purely to demonstrate some
techniques. If you want logging facilities in your own programmes investigate the
standard logging module first of all.

Hopefully this has given you a taste of Object Oriented Programming and you can
move on to some of the other online tutorials, or read one of the books mentioned at
the beginning for more information and examples. Now we will briefly look at how
OOP is done in VBScript and JavaScript.

OOP in VBScript
VBScript supports the concept of objects and allows us to define classes and create
instances, however it does not support the concepts of inheritance or polymorphism.
VBScript is therefore what is known as Object Based rather than fully Object
Oriented. Nonetheless the concepts of combining data and function in a single object
remain useful, and a limited form of inheritance is possible using a technique called
delegation which we discuss below.

Defining classes

A class is defined in VBScript using the Class statement, like this:

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<script type=text/VBScript>
Class MyClass
Private anAttribute
Public Sub aMethodWithNoReturnValue()
MsgBox "MyClass.aMethodWithNoReturnValue"
End Sub
Public Function aMethodWithReturnValue()
MsgBox "MyClass.aMethodWithReturnValue"
aMethodWithReturnValue = 42
End Function
End Class

This defines a new class called MyClass with an attribute called anAttribute which
is only visible to the methods inside the class, as indicated by the keyword Private. It
is conventional to declare data attributes to be Private and most methods to be
Public. This is known as data hiding and has the advantage of allowing us to control
access to the data by forcing methods to be used and the methods can do data quality
checks on the values being passed in and out of the object. Python provides its own
mechanism for achieving this but it is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Creating Instances

We create instances in VBScript with a combination of the Set and New keywords.
The variable to which the new instance is assigned must also have been declared with
the Dim keyword as is the usual VBScript style.

<script type=text/VBScript>
Dim anInstance
Set anInstance = New MyClass

This creates an instance of the class declared in the previous section and assigns it to
the anInstance variable.

Sending Messages

Messages are sent to instances using the same dot notation used by Python.

<script type=text/VBScript>
Dim aValue
aValue = anInstance.aMethodWithReturnValue()
MsgBox "aValue = " & aValue

The two methods declared in the class definition are called, in the first case there is no
return value, in the second we assign the return to the variable aValue. There is
nothing unusual here apart from the fact that the subroutine and function are preceded
by the instance name.

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Inheritance and Polymorphism

VBScript as a language does not provide any inheritance mechanism nor any
mechanism for polymorphism. However we can fake it to some degree by using a
technique called delegation. This simply means that we define an attribute of the sub
class to be an instance of the theoretical parent class. We then define a method for all
of the "inherited" methods which simply calls (or delegates to), in turn, the method of
the parent instance. Let's subclass MyClass as defined above:

<script type=text/VBScript>
Class SubClass
Private parent
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set parent = New MyClass
End Sub
Public Sub aMethodWithNoReturnValue()
End Sub
Public Function aMethodWithReturnValue()
aMethodWithReturnValue = parent.aMethodWithReturnValue
End Function
Public Sub aNewMethod
MsgBox "This is unique to the sub class"
End Sub
End Class

Dim inst,aValue
Set inst = New SubClass
aValue = inst.aMethodWithReturnValue
MsgBox "aValue = " & CStr(aValue)

The key points to note here are the use of the private attribute parent and the special,
private method Class_Initialise. The former is the superclass delegate attribute
and the latter is the equivalent of Pythons __init__ method for initializing instances
when they are created, it is the VBScript constructor in other words.

OOP in JavaScript
JavaScript supports objects using a technique called prototyping. This means that there
is no explicit class construct in JavaScript and instead we can define a class in terms of
a set of functions or a dictionary like concept known as an initializer.

Defining classes

The most common way to define a JavaScript "class" is to create a function with the
same name as the class, effectively this is the constructor, but is not contained within
any other construct. It looks like this:

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<script type=text/JavaScript>
function MyClass(theAttribute)
this.anAttribute = theAttribute;

You might notice the keyword this which is used in the same way as Python's
self as a placeholder reference to the current instance.

We can add new attributes to the class later using the built in prototype attribute like

<script type=text/JavaScript>
MyClass.prototype.newAttribute = null;

This defines a new attribute of MyClass called newAttribute.

Methods are added by defining a normal function then assigning the function name to a
new attribute with the name of the method. Normally the method and function have the
same name, but there is nothing to stop you calling the methods something different, as
illustrated below:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function oneMethod(){
return this.anAttribute;
MyClass.prototype.getAttribute = oneMethod;
function printIt(){
document.write(this.anAttribute + "<BR>");
MyClass.prototype.printIt = printIt;

Of course it would be more convenient to define the functions first then finish up with
the constructor and assign the methods inside the constructor and this is in fact the
normal approach, so that the full class definition looks like this:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function oneMethod(){
return this.anAttribute;

function printIt(){
document.write(this.anAttribute + "<BR>");

function MyClass(theAttribute)
this.anAttribute = theAttribute;

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this.getAttribute = oneMethod;
this.printIt = printIt;

Creating Instances

We create instances of classes using the keyword new, like this:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
var anInstance = new MyClass(42);

Which creates a new instance called anInstance.

Sending Messages

Sending messages in JavaScript is no different to our other languages, we use the

familiar dot notation.

<script type=text/JavaScript>
document.write("The attribute of anInstance is: <BR>")

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Unlike VBScript it is possible to use JavaScript's prototyping mechanism to inherit

from another class. It is rather more complex than the Python technique but is not
completely unmanageable, but it is, in my experience, a relatively uncommon technique
among JavaScript programmers.

The key to inheritance in JavaScript is the prototype keyword (we used it in passing
in the code above). By using prototype we can effectively add features to an object
after it has been defined. We can see this in action here:

<script type="text/javascript">
function Message(text){
this.text = text;
this.say = function(){
document.write(this.text + '<br>');

msg1 = new Message('This is the first');


Message.prototype.shout = function(){

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msg2 = new Message('This gets the new feature');


/* But so did msg1...*/



Note 1: We added the new alert method using prototype after creating instance
msg1 of the class but the feature was available to the existing instance as well as to the
instance, msg2 created after the addition. That is, the new feature gets added to all
instances of Message both existing and new.

Note 2: We used function in a new way here. It effectively is used to create a function
object which is assigned to the object property. That is:

obj.func = function(){...};

is equivalent to saying:

function f(){....}
obj.func = f;

We will see a similar concept in Python when we get to the Functional

Programming topic.

This prototyping feature gives rise to the interesting capability to change the behavior
of built-in JavaScript objects, either adding new features or changing the way existing
features function! Use this capability with great care if you don't want to spend your
time grappling with really confusing bugs.

This use of prototype as a mechanism for adding functionality to existing classes has
the disadvantage that it alters the existing instance behaviors and changes the original
class definition.

More conventional style inheritance is available too, as shown below:

<script type="text/javascript">
function Parent(){ = 'Parent';
this.basemethod = function(){
alert('This is the parent');

function Child(){
this.parent = Parent;
this.submethod = function(){
alert('This from the child');

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var aParent = new Parent();

var aChild = new Child();



The key point to note here is that the Child object has access to the
basemethod without it being explicitly granted, it has inherited it from the parent
class by virtue of the assignment/call pair of lines:

this.parent = Parent;

within the Child class definition. And thus we have inherited the basemethod from
the Parent class!

We can, of course, use the same delegation trick we used with VBScript. Here is the
VBScript example translated into JavaScript:

<script type=text/JavaScript>
function noReturn(){

function returnValue(){
return this.parent.getAttribute();

function newMethod(){
document.write("This is unique to the sub class<BR>");

function SubClass(){
this.parent = new MyClass(27);
this.aMethodWithNoReturnValue = noReturn;
this.aMethodWithReturnValue = returnValue;
this.aNewMethod = newMethod;

var inst, aValue;

inst = new SubClass(); // define superclass
document.write("The sub class value is:<BR>");
aValue = inst.aMethodWithReturnValue();
document.write("aValue = " + aValue);

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We will see classes and objects being used in the following topics and case studies. It is
not always obvious to a beginner how this, apparently complex, construct can make
programs easier to write and understand but hopefully as you see classes being used in
real programs it will become clearer. One thing I would like to say is that, for very
small programs they do not really help and almost certainly will make the program
longer. However as your programs start to get bigger - over about 100 lines say - then
you will find that classes and objects can help to keep things organized and even
reduce the amount of code you write.

If you are one of those who finds the whole OOP concept confusing don't panic, many
people have programmed for their whole lives without ever creating a single class! On
the other hand, if you can get to grips with objects it does open up some powerful new
Things to Remember
Classes encapsulate data and function into a single entity.
Classes are like cookie cutters, used to create instances, or objects.
Objects communicate by sending each other messages.
When an object receives a message it executes a corresponding method.
Methods are functions stored as attributes of the class.
Classes can inherit methods and data from other classes. This makes it easy to
extend the capabilities of a class without changing the original.
Polymorphism is the ability to send the same message to several different
types of object and each behaves in its own particular way in response.
Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance are all properties of Object
Oriented programming languages.
VBScript and JavaScript are called Object Based languages because while
they support encapsulation, they do not fully support inheritance and

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Page 189
Event Driven Programs 27/05/2007

Event Driven Programming

What will we cover?
How does an event driven program differ from a batch program?
How to write an event loop
How to use an event framework such as Tkinter

So far we have been looking at batch oriented programs. Recall that programs can be
batch oriented, whereby they start, do something then stop, or event driven where they
start, wait for events and only stop when told to do so - by an event. How do we
create an event driven program? We'll look at this in two ways - first we will simulate
an event environment then we'll create a very simple GUI program that uses the
operating system and environment to generate events.

Simulating an Event Loop

Every event driven program has a loop somewhere that catches received events and
processes them. The events may be generated by the operating environment, as
happens with virtually all GUI programs or the program itself may go looking for
events as is often the case in embedded control systems such as used in cameras etc.

We will create a program that looks for precisely one type of event - keyboard input -
and processes the results until some quit event is received. In our case the quit event
will be the space key. We will process the incoming events in a very simple manner -
we will simply print the ASCII code for that key. We'll use Python for this because it
has a nice, easy to use function for reading keys one at a time - getch(). This
function comes in two varieties depending on the operating system you use. If you are
using Linux it's found in the curses module, if you use Windows it's in the
msvcrt module. I'll use the Windows version but if you are on Linux just substitute
curses.stdscr for msvcrt and it should work just fine, I'll discuss this in more
detail after covering the Windows code.

First we implement the event handler function that will be called when a keypress is
detected then the main program body which simply starts up the event gathering loop
and calls the event handling function when a valid event is detected.

import msvcrt

def doKeyEvent(key):
if key == '\x00' or key == '\xe0': # non ASCII
key = msvcrt.getch() # fetch second character
print ord(key)

def doQuitEvent(key):
raise SystemExit

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# First, clear the screen of clutter then warn the user

# of what to do to quit
lines = 25 # set to number of lines in console
for line in range(lines): print

print "Hit space to end..."


# Now mainloop runs "forever"

while True:
ky = msvcrt.getch()
length = len(ky)
if length != 0:
# send events to event handling functions
if ky == " ": # check for quit event

Notice that what we do with the events is of no interest to the main body, it simply
collects the events and passes them to the event handlers. This Independence of event
capture and processing is a key feature of event driven programming.

Note: Where the key was non ASCII - a Function key for example - we needed to
fetch a second character from the keyboard, this is because these special keys actually
generate pairs of bytes and getch only retrieves one at a time. The actual value of
interest is the second byte.

Linux programmers can use the above code with the following modifications:

import curses

# curses needs to initialize the screen

# so that it can control it. We assign the screen to msvcrt
# just so that the remaining code works as-is, you would
# normally use a variable like screen!
msvcrt = curses.initscr()

# rest of code here...


Note that the curses.endwin() will restore your screen to normal. Without it your
screen display may act strangely. If you should wind up with an invisible cursor, no
carriage return etc. You can fix it if you exit Python with Ctrl-D and use the Linux

$ stty echo -nl

Hopefully that will restore things to normal.

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If we were creating this as a framework for use in lots of projects we would probably
include a call to an initialization function at the start and a cleanup function at the end.
The programmer could then use the loop part and provide his own initialization,
processing and cleanup functions.

That's exactly what most GUI type environments do, in that the loop part is embedded
in the operating environment or framework and applications are contractually
required to provide the event handling functions and hook these into the event loop in
some way.

Let's see that in action as we explore Python's Tkinter GUI library.

A GUI program
For this exercise we'll use the Python Tkinter toolkit. This is a Python wrapper around
the Tk toolkit originally written as an extension to Tcl and also available for Perl. The
Python version is an object oriented framework which is, in my opinion, considerably
easier to work with than the original procedural Tk version. We will look much more
closely at the principles of GUI programming in the GUI topic.

I am not going to dwell much on the GUI aspects in this topic, rather I want to focus
on the style of programming - using Tkinter to handle the event loop and leaving the
programmer to create the initial GUI and then process the events as they arrive.

In the example we create an application class KeysApp which creates the GUI in the
__init__ method and binds the space key to the doQuitEvent method. The class
also defines the required doQuitEvent method.

The GUI itself simply consists of a text entry widget whose default behavior is to echo
characters typed onto the display.

Creating an application class is quite common in OO event driven environments

because there is a lot of synergy between the concepts of events being sent to a
program and messages being sent to an object. The two concepts map on to each other
very easily. An event handling function thus becomes a method of the application class.

Having defined the class we simply create an instance of it and then send it the
mainloop message.

The code looks like this:

# Use from X import * to save having to preface everything

# as
from Tkinter import *

# Create the application class which defines the GUI

# and the event handling methods

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class KeysApp(Frame):
def __init__(self): # use constructor to build GUI
self.txtBox = Text(self)
self.txtBox.bind("<space>", self.doQuitEvent)

def doQuitEvent(self,event):
import sys

# Now create an instance and start the event loop running

myApp = KeysApp()

Notice that we don't even implement a key event handler! That's because the default
behavior of the Text widget is to print out the keys pressed. However that does mean
our programs are not really functionally equivalent. In the console version we printed
the ASCII codes of all keys rather than only printing the alphanumeric versions of
printable keys as we do here. There's nothing to prevent us capturing all of the
keypresses and doing the same thing. To do so we would add the following line to the
__init__ method:

self.txtBox.bind("<Key>", self.doKeyEvent)

And the following method to process the event:

def doKeyEvent(self,event):
str = "%d\n" % event.keycode
self.txtBox.insert(END, str)
return "break"

Note 1: the key value is stored in the keycode field of the event. I had to look at the
source code of to find that out... Recall that curiosity is a key attribute of a

Note 2: return "break" is a magic signal to tell Tkinter not to invoke the default
event processing for that widget. Without that line, the text box displays the ASCII
code followed by the actual character typed, which is not what we want here.

That's enough on Tkinter for now. This isn't meant to be a Tkinter tutorial, that's the
subject of the next topic. There are also several books on using Tk and Tkinter.

Event Driven Programming in VBScript and JavaScript

Both VBScript and JavaScript can be used in an event driven manner when
programming a web browser. Normally when a web page containing script code is
loaded the script is executed in a batch fashion as the page loads. However if the script

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contains nothing but function definitions the execution will do nothing but define the
functions ready for use, but the functions will not be called initially. Instead, in the
HTML part of the page the functions will be bound to HTML elements - usually within
a Form element - such that when events occur the functions are called. We have
already seen this in the JavaScript example of getting user input, when we read the
input from an HTML form. Let's look at that example again more closely and see how
it really is an example of event driven programming within a web page:

<script type="text/javascript">
function myProgram(){
alert("We got a value of " +;

<form name='entry'>
<P>Type value then click outside the field with your mouse</P>
<Input Type='text' Name='data' onChange='myProgram()'>

The script part simply defines a JavaScript function, and the definition is executed
when the page loads. The HTML code then creates a Form with an Input element. As
part of the Input definition we bind the onChange event to a short block of
JavaScript which simply executes our myProgram() event handler. Now when the
user changes the content of the Input box the browser executes our event handler.
The event loop is embedded inside the browser.

VBScript can be used in exactly the same way except that the function definitions are
all in VBScript instead of JavaScript, like this:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Sub myProgram()
MsgBox "We got a value of " &
End Sub

<form name='entry2'>
<P>Type value then click outside the field with your mouse</P>
<Input Type='text' Name='data' onChange='myProgram()'>

Thus we can see that web browser code can be written in batch form or event driven
form or a combination of styles to suit our needs.
Things to remember
Event loops do not care about the events they detect
Event handlers handle one single event at a time
Frameworks such as Tkinter provide an event loop and often some default
event handlers too.
Web browsers provide for both batch and event driven coding styles, or even a
mixture of both.

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Page 195
Introduction to GUI Programming 27/05/2007

GUI Programming with Tkinter

What will we cover?
Basic GUI building principles
Basic widgets
Simple Tkinter program structure
GUI and OOP, a perfect match
wxPython as an alternative to Tkinter

In this topic we look at how a GUI program is assembled in a general sense, then how
this is done using Python's native GUI toolkit, Tkinter. This will not be a full blown
Tkinter reference nor even a complete tutorial. There is already a very good and
detailed tutor linked from the Python web site. This tutorial will instead try to lead you
through the basics of GUI programming, introducing some of the basic GUI
components and how to use them. We will also look at how Object Oriented
programming can help organize a GUI application.

GUI principles
The first thing I want to say is that you won't learn anything new about programming
here. Programming a GUI is exactly like any other kind of programming, you can use
sequences, loops, branches and modules just as before. What is different is that in
programming a GUI you usually use a Toolkit and must follow the pattern of program
design laid down by the toolkit vendor. Each new toolkit will have its own API and set
of design rules and you as a programmer need to learn these. This is why most
programmers try to standardize on only a few toolkits which are available across
multiple languages - learning a new toolkit tends to be much harder than learning a
new programming language!

Most windows programming languages come with a toolkit included (usually a thin
veneer over the very primitive toolkit built into the windowing system itself). Visual
Basic, Delphi(Kylix) and Visual C++/.NET are examples of this.

Java is different in that the language includes its own graphics toolkit (called Swing)
which runs on any platform that Java runs on - which is almost any platform!

There are other toolkits that you can get separately which can be used on any OS
(Unix, Mac, Windows...). These generally have adapters to allow them to be used from
many different languages. Some of these are commercial but many are freeware.
Examples are: GT/K, Qt, Tk

They all have web sites. For some examples try:

wxPython, a Python version of the wxWidgets toolkit which is actually written

in C++
PyQt, the Qt toolkit which has "bindings" to most languages.

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pyGTK, the Gimp Toolkit, or GTK+ which is a opensource project used

heavily in the Linux community.

Qt and GT/k are what most Linux applications are written in and are both free for non
commercial use (i.e. where you don't sell your programs for profit). Qt can provide a
commercial license too if you want to use it for commercial purposes and GTk is
licensed under the Gnu GPL which has its own special terms.

The standard Python graphics kit (comes with the language) is Tkinter which is based
on Tk, a fairly old multi-OS toolkit. This is the toolkit we will look at most closely,
versions of it are available for Tcl, Haskell and Perl as well as Python.

The principles in Tk are slightly different to other toolkits so I will conclude with a
very brief look at another popular GUI toolkit for Python (and C/C++) which is more
conventional in its approach. But first some general principles:

As we have already stated several times GUI applications are nearly always event
driven by nature. If you don't remember what that means go back and look at the event
driven programming topic.

I will assume that you are already familiar with GUIs as a user and will focus on how
GUI programs work from a programmers perspective. I will not be going into details
of how to write large complex GUIs with multiple windows, MDI interfaces etc. I will
stick to the basics of creating a single window application with some labels, buttons,
text boxes and message boxes.

First things first, we need to check our vocabulary. GUI programming has its own set
of programming terms. The most common terms are described in the table below:

Term Description
Window An area of the screen controlled by an application. Windows are usually
rectangular but some GUI environments permit other shapes. Windows can
contain other windows and frequently every single GUI control is treated as
a window in its own right.
Control A control is a GUI object used for controlling the application. Controls
have properties and usually generate events. Normally controls correspond
to application level objects and the events are coupled to methods of the
corresponding object such that when an event occurs the object executes
one of its methods. The GUI environment usually provides a mechanism for
binding events to methods.

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Widget A control, sometimes restricted to visible controls. Some controls (such as

timers) can be associated with a given window but are not visible. Widgets
are that subset of controls which are visible and can be manipulated by the
user or programmer. The widgets that we shall cover are:

Text Entry
Message boxes

The ones we won't discuss in this topic but are used elsewhere in the tutor

Text box
Radio Button

Finally, the ones not discussed at all are:

Canvas - for drawing

Check button - for multiple selections
Image - for displaying BMP, GIF, JPEG and PNG images
Listbox - for lists!
Menu/MenuButton - for building menus
Scale/Scrollbar - indicating position

Frame A type of widget used to group other widgets together. Often a Frame is
used to represent the complete window and further frames are embedded
within it.
Layout Controls are laid out within a Frame according to a particular form of
Layout. The Layout may be specified in a number of ways, either using
on-screen coordinates specified in pixels, using relative position to other
components (left, top etc) or using a grid or table arrangement. A
coordinate system is easy to understand but difficult to manage when a
window is resized etc. Beginners are advised to use non-resizable windows
if working with coordinate based layouts.
Child GUI applications tend to consist of a hierarchy of widgets/controls. The top
level Frame comprising the application window will contain sub frames
which in turn contain still more frames or controls. These controls can be
visualized as a tree structure with each control having a single parent and a
number of children. In fact it is normal for this structure to be stored
explicitly by the widgets so that the programmer, or more commonly the
GUI environment itself, can often perform some common action to a
control and all its children.

The Containment tree

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One very important principle to grasp in GUI programming is the idea of a

containment hierarchy. That is the widgets are contained in a tree like structure with a
top level widget controlling the entire interface. It has various child widgets which in
turn may have children of their own. Events arrive at a child widget and if it is unable
to handle it it will pass the event to its parent and so on up to the top level. Similarly if
a command is given to draw a widget it will send the command on down to its
children, thus a draw command to the top level widget will redraw the entire
application whereas one sent to a button will likely only redraw the button itself.

This concept of events percolating up the tree and commands being pushed down is
fundamental to understanding how GUIs operate at the programmer level, and why
you always need to specify a widgets parent when creating it, so that it knows where it
sits in the containment tree. We can illustrate a containment tree for the simple
application we will create in this topic like this:

This illustrates the top level widget containing a single Frame which represents the
outermost window border. This in turn contains two more Frames, the first of which
contains a Text Entry widget and the second contains the two Buttons used to
control the application. We will refer back to this diagram later in the topic when we
come to build the GUI.

A Tour of Some Common Widgets

In this section we will use the Python interactive prompt to create some simple
windows and widgets. Note that because IDLE is itself a Tkinter application you
cannot reliably run Tkinter applications within IDLE. You can of course create the
files using IDLE as an editor but you must run them from a OS command prompt.

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Pythonwin users can run Tkinter applications since Pythonwin is built using windows
own GUI toolkit, MFC. However even within Pythonwin there are certain unexpected
behaviors with Tkinter application. As a result I will use the raw Python prompt from
the Operating System.

>>> from Tkinter import *

This is the first requirement of any Tkinter program - import the names of the widgets.
You could of course just import the module but it quickly gets tiring typing
Tkinter in front of every component name.

>>> top = Tk()

This creates the top level widget in our widget hierarchy. All other widgets will be
created as children of this. Notice that a new blank window has appeared complete
with an empty title bar save for a Tk logo as icon and the usual set of control buttons
(iconify, maximize etc). We will now add components to this window as we build an

>>> dir(top)
['_tclCommands', 'children', 'master', 'tk']

The dir function shows us what names are known to the argument. You can use it on
modules but in this case we are looking at the internals of the top object, an instance
of the Tk class. These are the attributes of top, note, in particular, the children and
master attributes which are the links to the widget containment tree. Note also the
attribute _tclCommands, this is because, as you might recall, Tkinter is built on a Tcl
toolkit called Tk.

>>> F = Frame(top)

Create a Frame widget which will in turn contain the child controls/widgets that we
use. Frame specifies top as its first (and in this case only) parameter thus signifying
that F will be a child widget of top.

>>> F.pack()

Notice that the Tk window has now shrunk to the size of the added Frame widget -
which is currently empty so the window is now very small! The pack() method
invokes a Layout Manager known as the packer which is very easy to use for simple
layouts but becomes a little clumsy as the layouts get more complex. We will stick with
it for now because it is easy to use. Note that widgets will not be visible in our
application until we pack them (or use another Layout manager method).

>>> lHello = Label(F, text="Hello world")

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Here we create a new object, lHello, an instance of the Label class, with a parent
widget F and a text attribute of "Hello world". Notice that because Tkinter object
constructors tend to have many parameters (each with default values) it is usual to use
the named parameter technique of passing arguments to Tkinter objects. Also notice
that the object is not yet visible because we haven't packed it yet.

One final point to note is the use of a naming convention: I put a lowercasel, for
Label, in front of a name, Hello, which reminds me of its purpose. Like most naming
conventions this is a matter of personal choice, but I find it helps.

>>> lHello.pack()

Now we can see it. Hopefully yours looks quite a lot like this:

We can specify other properties of the Label such as the font and color using
parameters to the object constructor too. We can also access the corresponding
properties using the configure method of Tkinter widgets, like so:

>>> lHello.configure(text="Goodbye")

The message changed. That was easy, wasn't it? configure is an especially good
technique if you need to change multiple properties at once because they can all be
passed as arguments. However if you only want to change a single property at a time,
as we did above you can treat the object like a dictionary, thus:

>>> lHello['text'] = "Hello again"

which is shorter and arguably easier to understand.

Labels are pretty boring widgets, they can only display read-only text, albeit in various
colors, fonts and sizes. (In fact they can be used to display simple graphics too but we
won't bother with that here).

Before we look at another object type there is one more thing to do and that's to set
the title of the window. We do that by using a method of the top level widget top:

>>> F.master.title("Hello")

We could have used top directly but, as we'll see later, access through the Frame's
master property is a useful technique.

>>> bQuit = Button(F, text="Quit", command=F.quit)

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Here we create a new widget a button. The button has a label "Quit" and is associated
with the command F.quit. Note that we pass the method name, we do not call the
method by adding parentheses after it. This means we must pass a function object in
Python terms, it can be a built-in method provided by Tkinter, as here, or any other
function that we define. The function or method must take no arguments. The
quit method, like the pack method, is defined in a base class and is inherited by all
Tkinter widgets, but is usually called at the top window level of the application.


Once again the pack method makes the button visible.


We start the Tkinter event loop. Notice that the Python >>> prompt has now
disappeared. That tells us that Tkinter now has control. If you press the Quit button
the prompt will return, proving that our command option worked. Don't expect the
window to close, the python interpreter is still running and we only quit the
mainloop function, the various widgets will be destroyed when Python exits - which
in real programs is usually immediately after the mainloop terminates!

Note that if running this from Pythonwin or IDLE you may get a slightly different
result, if so try typing the commands so far into a Python script and running them from
an OS command prompt.

In fact it's probably a good time to try that anyhow, after all it's how most Tkinter
programs will be run in practice. Use the principle commands from those we've
discussed so far as shown:

from Tkinter import *

# set up the window itself

top = Tk()
F = Frame(top)

# add the widgets

lHello = Label(F, text="Hello")
bQuit = Button(F, text="Quit", command=F.quit)

# set the loop running


The call to the top.mainloop method starts the Tkinter event loop generating
events. In this case the only event that we catch will be the button press event which is
connected to the F.quit method. F.quit in turn will terminate the application and
this time the window will also close because Python has also exited. Try it, it should
look like this:

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Exploring Layout
Note: from now on I'll provide examples as Python script files rather than as
commands at the >>> prompt.

In this section I want to look at how Tkinter positions widgets within a window. We
already have seen Frame, Label and Button widgets and those are all we need for this
section. In the previous example we used the pack method of the widget to locate it
within its parent widget. Technically what we are doing is invoking Tk's packer Layout
Manager. The Layout Manager's job is to determine the best layout for the widgets
based on hints that the programmer provides, plus constraints such as the size of the
window as controlled by the user. Some Layout managers use exact locations within
the window, specified in pixels normally, and this is very common in Microsoft
Windows environments such as Visual Basic. Tkinter includes a Placer Layout
Manager which can do this too via a place method. I won't look at that in this tutor
because usually one of the other, more intelligent, managers is a better choice, since
they take the need to worry about what happens when a window is resized away from
us as programmers.

The simplest Layout Manager in Tkinter is the packer which we've been using. The
packer, by default, just stacks widgets one on top of the other. That is very rarely what
we want for normal widgets, but if we build our applications from Frames then
stacking Frames on top of each other is quite a reasonable approach. We can then put
our other widgets into the Frames using either the packer or other Layout Manager
within each Frame as appropriate. You can see an example of this in action in the Case
Study topic.

Even the simple packer provides a multitude of options, however. For example we can
arrange our widgets horizontally instead of vertically by providing a side argument,
like so:


That will force the widgets to go to the left thus the first widget (the label) will appear
at the extreme left hand side, followed by the next widget (the Button). If you modify
the lines in the example above it will look like this:

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And if you change the "left" to "right" then the Label appears on the extreme
right and the Button to the left of it, like so:

One thing you notice is that it doesn't look very nice because the widgets are squashed
together. The packer also provides us with some parameters to deal with that. The
easiest to use is Padding and is specified in terms of horizontal padding (padx), and
vertical padding(pady). These values are specified in pixels. Let's try adding some
horizontal padding to our example:

lHello.pack(side="left", padx=10)
bQuit.pack(side='left', padx=10)

It should look like this:

If you try resizing the window you'll see that the widgets retain their positions relative
to one another but stay centered in the window. Why is that, if we packed them to the
left? The answer is that we packed them into a Frame but the Frame was packed
without a side, so it is positioned top, center - the packers default. If you want the
widgets to stay at the correct side of the window you will need to pack the Frame to
the appropriate side too:


Also note that the widgets stay centered if you resize the window vertically - again
that's the packers default behavior.

I'll leave you to play with padx and pady for yourself to see the effect of different
values and combinations etc. Between them, side and padx/pady allow quite a lot of
flexibility in the positioning of widgets using the packer. There are several other
options, each adding another subtle form of control, please check the Tkinter
reference pages for details.

There are a couple of other layout managers in Tkinter, known as the grid and the
placer. To use the grid manager you use grid() instead of pack() and for the placer
you call place() instead of pack(). Each has its own set of options and since I'll
only cover the packer in this intro you'll need to look up the Tkinter tutorial and
reference for the details. The main points to note are that the grid arranges components
in a grid (surprise!) within the window - this can often be useful for dialog boxes with
lined up text entry boxes, for example. The placer user either fixed coordinates in

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pixels or relative coordinates within a window. The latter allow the component to
resize along with the window - always occupying 75% of the vertical space say. This
can be useful for intricate window designs but does require a lot of pre-planning - I
strongly recommend a pad of squared paper, a pencil and eraser!

Controlling Appearance using Frames and the Packer

The Frame widget actually has a few useful properties that we can use. After all, it's
very well having a logical frame around components but sometimes we want
something we can see too. This is especially useful for grouped controls like radio
buttons or check boxes. The Frame solves this problem by providing, in common with
many other Tk widgets, a relief property. Relief can have any one of several values:
sunken, raised, groove, ridge or flat. Let's use the sunken value on our
simple dialog box. Simply change the Frame creation line to:
F = Frame(top, relief="sunken", border=1)

Note 1:You need to provide a border too. If you don't the Frame will be sunken but
with an invisible border - you don't see any difference!

Note 2: that you don't put the border size in quotes. This is one of the confusing
aspects of Tk programming is knowing when to use quotes around an option and when
to leave them out. In general if it's a numeric or single character value you can leave
the quotes off. If it's a mixture of digits and letters or a string then you need the
quotes. Likewise with which letter case to use. Unfortunately there is no easy solution,
you just learn from experience - Python often gives a list of the valid options in it's
error messages!

One other thing to notice is that the Frame doesn't fill the window. We can fix that
with another packer option called, unsurprisingly, fill. When you pack the frame do
it thusly:


This fills horizontally, if you want the frame to fill the entire window just use
fill='y' too. Because this is quite a common requirement there is a special fill
option called BOTH so you could type:


The end result of running the script now looks like:

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Adding more widgets

Let's now look at a text Entry widget. This is the familiar single line of text input box.
It shares a lot of the methods of the more sophisticated Text widget which we won't
look at here. Essentially we will simply use it to capture what the user types and to
clear that text on demand.

Going back to our "Hello World" program we'll add a text entry widget inside a Frame
of its own and a button that can clear the text that we type into it. This will
demonstrate not only how to create and use the Entry widget but also how to define
our own event handling functions and connect them to widgets.

from Tkinter import *

# create the event handler first

def evClear():

# create the top level window/frame

top = Tk()
F = Frame(top)

# Now the frame with text entry

fEntry = Frame(F, border=1)
eHello = Entry(fEntry)
fEntry.pack(side="top", expand="true")
eHello.pack(side="left", expand="true")

# Finally the frame with the buttons.

# We'll sink this one for emphasis
fButtons = Frame(F, relief="sunken", border=1)
bClear = Button(fButtons, text="Clear Text", command=evClear)
bClear.pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=2)
bQuit = Button(fButtons, text="Quit", command=F.quit)
bQuit.pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=2)
fButtons.pack(side="top", expand="true")

# Now run the eventloop


Note that once more we pass the name of the event handler (evClear)., without
parentheses, as the command argument to the bClear button. Note also the use of a
naming convention, evXXX to link the event handler with the corresponding widget.

Running the program yields this:

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And if you type something in the text entry box then hit the "Clear Text" button it
removes it again.

Binding events - from widgets to code

Up till now we have used the command property of buttons to associate Python
functions with GUI events. Sometimes we want more explicit control, for example to
catch a particular key combination. The way to do that is use the bind function to
explicitly tie together (or bind) an event and a Python function.

We'll now define a hot key - let's say CTRL-c - to delete the text in the above example.
To do that we need to bind the CTRL-C key combination to the same event handler as
the Clear button. Unfortunately there's an unexpected snag. When we use the
command option the function specified must take no arguments. When we use the bind
function to do the same job the bound function must take one argument. This we need
to create a new function with a single parameter which calls evClear. Add the
following after the evClear definition:

def evHotKey(event):

And add the following line following the definition of the Entry widget:

eHello.bind("<Control-c>",evHotKey) # the key definition is case sensitive

Run the program again and you can now clear the text by either hitting the button or
typing Ctrl-c. We could also use bind to capture things like mouse clicks or capturing
or losing Focus or even the windows becoming visible. See the Tkinter documentation
for more information on this. The hardest part is usually figuring out the format of the
event description!

A Short Message
You can report short messages to your users using a MessageBox. This is very easy in
Tk and is accomplished using the tkMessageBox module functions as shown:

import tkMessageBox
tkMessageBox.showinfo("Window Text", "A short message")

There are also error, warning, Yes/No and OK/Cancel boxes available via different
showXXX functions. They are distinguished by different icons and buttons. The latter
two use askXXX instead of showXXX and return a value to indicate which button the
user pressed, like so:

res = tMessageBox.askokcancel("Which?", "Ready to stop?")

print res

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Here are some of the Tkinter message boxes:

Wrapping Applications as Objects

It's common when programming GUI's to wrap the entire application as a class. This
begs the question, how do we fit the widgets of a Tkinter application into this class
structure? There are two choices, we either decide to make the application itself as a
subclass of a Tkinter Frame or have a member field store a reference to the top level
window. The latter approach is the one most commonly used in other toolkits so that's
the approach we'll use here. If you want to see the first approach in action go back and
look at the example in the Event Driven Programming topic. (That example also
illustrates the basic use of the incredibly versatile Tkinter Text widget)

I will convert the example above using an Entry field, a Clear button and a Quit button
to an OO structure. First we create an Application class and within the constructor
assemble the visual parts of the GUI.

We assign the resultant Frame to self.mainWindow, thus allowing other methods of

the class access to the top level Frame. Other widgets that we may need to access
(such as the Entry field) are likewise assigned to member variables of the Frame. Using
this technique the event handlers become methods of the application class and all have
access to any other data members of the application (although in this case there are
none) through the self reference. This provides seamless integration of the GUI with
the underlying application objects:

from Tkinter import *

class ClearApp:
def __init__(self, parent=0):
self.mainWindow = Frame(parent)
# Create the entry widget
self.entry = Entry(self.mainWindow)
self.entry.insert(0,"Hello world")

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# now add the 2 buttons, use a grooved effect

fButtons = Frame(self.mainWindow, border=2, relief="groove")
bClear = Button(fButtons, text="Clear",
width=8, height=1, command=self.clearText)
bQuit = Button(fButtons, text="Quit",
width=8, height=1, command=self.mainWindow.quit)
bClear.pack(side="left", padx=15, pady=1)
bQuit.pack(side="right", padx=15, pady=1)

# set the title


def clearText(self):

app = ClearApp()

Here's the result:

The result looks remarkably like the previous incarnation although I have tweaked the
lower frame to give it a nice grooved finish and I've supplied widths to the buttons to
make them look more similar to the wxPython example below.

Of course its not just the main application that we can wrap up as an object. We could
create a class based around a Frame containing a standard set of buttons and reuse that
class in building dialog windows say. We could even create whole dialogs and use
them across several projects. Or we can extend the capabilities of the standard widgets
by subclassing them - maybe to create a button that changes colour depending on its
state. This is what has been done with the Python Mega Widgets (PMW) which is an
extension to Tkinter which you can download.

An alternative - wxPython
There are many other GUI toolkits available but one of the most popular is the
wxPython toolkit which is, in turn, a wrapper for the C++ toolkit wxWidgets.
wxPython is much more typical than Tkinter of GUI toolkits in general. It also
provides more standard functionality than Tk "out of the box" - things like tooltips,
status bars etc which have to be hand crafted in Tkinter. We'll use wxPython to
recreate the simple "Hello World" Label and Button example above.

I won't go through this in detail, if you do want to know more about how wxPython
works you will need to download the package from the wxPython website.

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In general terms the toolkit defines a framework which allows us to create windows
and populate them with controls and to bind methods to those controls. It is fully
object oriented so you should use methods rather than functions. The example looks
like this:

import wx

# --- Define a custom Frame, this will become the main window ---
class HelloFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size)
# we need a panel to get the right background
panel = wx.Panel(self)

# Now create the text and button widgets

self.tHello = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, "Hello world", pos=(3,3), size=(1
bClear = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Clear", pos=(15, 32))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClear, bClear)
bQuit = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Quit", pos=(100, 32))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnQuit, bQuit)

# these are our event handlers

def OnClear(self, event):

def OnQuit(self, event):


# --- Define the Application Object ---

# Note that all wxPython programs MUST define an
# application class derived from wx.App
class HelloApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
frame = HelloFrame(None, -1, "Hello", (200,50), (200,90) )
return True

# create instance and start the event loop


And it looks like this:

Points to note are the use of a naming convention for the methods that get called by
the framework - OnXXXX. Also note the EVT_XXX constants used to bind events to
widgets - there is a whole family of these. wxPython has a vast array of widgets, far

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more than Tkinter, and with them you can build quite sophisticated GUIs.
Unfortunately they tend to use a coordinate based placement scheme which becomes
very tedious after a while. It is possible to use a scheme very similar to the Tkinter
packer but its not so well documented.

Incidentally it might be of interest to note that this and the very similar Tkinter
example above have both got about the same number of lines of executable code -
Tkinter: 19, wxPython: 21.

In conclusion, if you just want a quick GUI front end to a text based tool then Tkinter
should meet your needs with minimal effort. If you want to build full featured cross
platform GUI applications look more closely at wxPython.

Other toolkits include MFC and .NET and of course there is the venerable curses
which is a kind of text based GUI! Many of the lessons we've learned with Tkinter
apply to all of these toolkits but each has its own characteristics and foibles. Pick one,
get to know it and enjoy the wacky world of GUI design. Finally I should mention that
many of the toolkits do have graphical GUI builder tools, for example Qt has
Blackadder and GTK has Glade. wxPython has Python Card which tries to simplify the
whole wxPython GUI building process. There is also a free GUI builder, Boa
Constructor, available although still only in Alpha release state. There is even a GUI
builder for Tkinter called SpecTix , based on an earlier Tcl tool for building Tk
interfaces, but capable of generating code in multiple languages including Python.
There is also an enhanced set of widgets for Tkinter called Tix which has recently been
added to the standard Python library ( and another popular add-in is the Python
Mega-Widgets (PMW)) to fill the gap between the basic Tkinter set and those
provided by wxPython etc.

That's enough for now. This wasn't meant to be a Tkinter reference page, just enough
to get you started. See the Tkinter section of the Python web pages for links to other
Tkinter resources.

There are also several books on using Tcl/Tk and at least one on Tkinter. I will
however come back to Tkinter in the case study, where I illustrate one way of
encapsulating a batch mode program in a GUI for improved usability.
Things to remember
GUIs controls are known as widgets
Widgets are assembled in a containment hierarchy
Different GUI toolkits provide different sets of widgets, although there will be
a basic set you can assume will be present
Frames allow you to group related widgets and form the basis of reusable GUI
Event handling functions or methods are associated with widgets by linking
their name with the widgets command property.
OOP can simplify GUI programming significantly by creating objects that
correspond to widget groups and methods that correspond to events.

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Introduction to GUI Programming 27/05/2007

Previous Next Contents

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

Page 212
Recursion 27/05/2007

What will we cover?
A definition of recursion
How recursion works
How recursion helps simplify some hard problems

Note: This is a fairly advanced topic and for most applications you don't need to know anything
about it. Occasionally, it is so useful that it is invaluable, so I present it here for your study. Just
don't panic if it doesn't make sense straight away.

What is it?
Despite what I said earlier about looping being one of the cornerstones of
programming it is in fact possible to create programs without an explicit loop
construct. Some languages, such as Scheme, do not in fact have an explicit loop
construct like For, While, etc. Instead they use a technique known as recursion
. This turns out to be a very powerful technique for some types of problem, so we'll
take a look at it now.

Recursion simply means applying a function as a part of the definition of that same
function. Thus the definition of GNU (the source of much free software) is said to be
recursive because GNU stands for 'GNU's Not Unix'. ie GNU is part of the definition
of GNU!

The key to making this work is that there must be a terminating condition such that
the function branches to a non-recursive solution at some point. (The GNU definition
fails this test and so gets stuck in an infinite loop).

Let's look at a simple example. The mathematical factorial function is defined as being
the product of all the numbers up to and including the argument, and the factorial of 1
is 1. Thinking about this, we see that another way to express this is that the factorial of
N is equal to N times the factorial of (N-1).

1! = 1
2! = 1 x 2 = 2
3! = 1 x 2 x 3 = 2! x 3 = 6
N! = 1 x 2 x 3 x .... (N-2) x (N-1) x N = (N-1)! x N

So we can express this in Python like this:

def factorial(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)

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Now because we decrement N each time and we test for N equal to 1 the function
must complete. There is a small bug in this definition however, if you try to call it with
a number less than 1 it goes into an infinite loop! To fix that change the test to use
"<=" instead of "==". This goes to show how easy it is to make mistakes with
terminating conditions, this is probably the single most common cause of bugs in
recursive functions. Make sure you test all the values around your terminating point to
ensure correct operation.

Let's see how that works when we execute it. Notice that the return statement returns
n * (the result of the next factorial call) so we get:

factorial(4) = 4 * factorial(3)
factorial(3) = 3 * factorial(2)
factorial(2) = 2 * factorial(1)
factorial(1) = 1

So Python now works its way back up substituting the values:

factorial(2) = 2 * 1 = 2
factorial(3) = 3 * 2 = 6
factorial(4) = 4 * 6 = 24

Writing the factorial function without recursion actually isn't that difficult, try it as an
exercise. Basically you need to loop over all the numbers up to N multiplying as you
go. However as we'll see below some functions are much harder to write without

Recursing over lists

The other area where recursion is very useful is in processing lists. Provided we can
test for an empty list, and generate a list minus its first element we can use recursion
easily. In Python we do that using a technique called slicing. This is explained fully in
the Python manual but for our purposes all you need to know is that using an "index"
of [1:] on a list returns all of the elements from 1 to the end of the list. So to get the
first element of a list called L:

first = L[0] # just use normal indexing

And to get the rest of the list:

butfirst = L[1:] # use slicing to get elements 1,2,3,4...

Let's try it out at the Python prompt, just to reassure ourselves that it works:

>>> L =[1,2,3,4,5]
>>> print L[0]

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>>> print L[1:]

OK, let's get back to using recursion to print lists. Consider the trivial case of printing
each element of a list of strings using a function printList:

def printList(L):
if L:
print L[0]

If L is true - non empty - we print the first element then process the rest of the list like


prints [1,2,3][0] => 1
runs printList([1,2,3][1:]) => printList([2,3])
=> we're now in printList([2,3])
prints [2,3][0] => 2
runs printList([2,3][1:]) => printList([3])
=> we are now in printList([3])
prints [3][0] => 3
runs printList([3][1:]) => printList([])
=> we are now in printList([])
"if L" is false for an empty list, so we return None
=> we are back in printList([3])
it reaches the end of the function and returns None
=> we are back in printList([2,3])
it reaches the end of the function and returns None
=> we are back in printList([1,2,3])
it reaches the end of the function and returns None

[Note: The above explanation is adapted from one given by Zak Arntson on the Python Tutor
mailing list, July 2003]

For a simple list that's a trivial thing to do using a simple for loop. But consider what
happens if the List is complex and contains other lists within it. If we can test whether
an item is a List using the built-in type() function and if it is a list then we can call
printList() recursively. If it wasn't a list we simply print it. Let's try that:

def printList(L):
# if its empty do nothing
if not L: return
# if it's a list call printList on 1st element
if type(L[0]) == type([]):
else: #no list so just print
print L[0]
# now process the rest of L

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Recursion 27/05/2007


Now if you try to do that using a conventional loop construct you'll find it very
difficult. Recursion makes a very complex task comparatively simple.

There is a catch (of course!). Recursion on large data structures tends to eat up
memory so if you are short of memory, or have very large data structures to process
the more complex conventional code may be safer.

Finally, both VBScript and JavaScript support recursion too. However since there is
little to say that has not already been said I will leave you with a recursive version of
the factorial function in each language:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Function factorial(N)
if N <=1 Then
Factorial = 1
Factorial = N * Factorial(N-1)
End If
End Function

Document.Write "7! = " & CStr(Factorial(7))


<script type="text/javascript">
function factorial(n){
if (n <= 1)
return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1);

document.write("6! = " + factorial(6));


OK, let's now take another leap into the unknown as we introduce Functional
Things to Remember
Recursive functions call themselves within their own definition
Recursive functions must have a non-recursive terminating condition or an
infinite loop will occur.
Recursion is often, but not always, memory hungry

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Page 216
Introduction to Functional Programming 27/05/2007

Functional Programming
What will we Cover?
The difference between Functional and more traditional programming styles
Python FP functions and techniques
Lambda functions
Short Circuit Boolean evaluation
Programs as expressions

In this topic we look at how Python can support yet another programming style: Functional
Programming(FP). As with Recursion this is a genuinely advanced topic which you may wish to
ignore for the present. Functional techniques do have some uses in day to day programming and
the supporters of FP believe it to be a fundamentally better way to develop software.

What is Functional Programming?

Functional programming should not be confused with imperative (or procedural)
programming. Neither is it like object oriented programming. It is something different.
Not radically so, since the concepts that we will be exploring are familiar programming
concepts, just expressed in a different way. The philosophy behind how these concepts
are applied to solving problems is also a little different.

Functional programming is all about expressions. In fact another way to describe FP

might be to term it expression oriented programming since in FP everything reduces to
an expression. You should recall that an expression is a collection of operations and
variables that results in a single value. Thus x == 5 is a boolean expression. 5 +
(7-Y) is an arithmetic expression. And "Hello world".uppercase() is a string
expression. The latter is also a function call (Or more strictly a method call) on the
string object "Hello world" and, as we shall see, functions are very important in FP
(You might already have guessed that from the name!).

Functions are used as objects in FP. That is they are often passed around within a
program in much the same way as other variables. We have seen examples of this in
our GUI programs where we assigned the name of a function to the command attribute
of a Button control. We treated the event handler function as an object and assigned a
reference to the function to the Button. This idea of passing functions around our
program is key to FP.

Functional Programs also tend to be heavily List oriented.

Finally FP tries to focus on the what rather than the how of problem solving. That is, a
functional program should describe the problem to be solved rather than focus on the
mechanism of solution. There are several programming languages which aim to work
in this way, one of the most widely used is Haskell and the Haskell web site ( has numerous papers describing the philosophy of FP as well as the
Haskell language. (My personal opinion is that this goal, however laudable, is rather
overstated by FP's advocates.)

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A pure functional program is structured by defining an expression which captures the

intent of the program. Each term of the expression is in turn a statement of a
characteristic of the problem (maybe encapsulated as another expression) and the
evaluation of each of these terms eventually yields a solution.

Well, that's the theory. Does it work? Yes, sometimes it works very well. For some
types of problem it is a natural and powerful technique. Unfortunately for many other
problems it requires a fairly abstract thinking style, heavily influenced by mathematical
principles. The resultant code is often far from readable to the layman programmer.
The resultant code is also very often much shorter than the equivalent imperative code
and more reliable.

It is these latter qualities of conciseness and reliability that have drawn many
conventional imperative or object oriented programmers to investigate FP. Even if not
embraced whole heartedly there are several powerful tools that can be used by all.

FP and Reliability
The reliability of Functional Programs comes in part from the very close relationship
between FP constructs and formal specification languages such as Z or VDM. If a
problem is specified in a formal language it is a fairly straightforward step to translate
the specification into an FP language like Haskell. Of course if the original
specification is wrong then the resultant program will merely accurately reflect the

This principle is known in computer science as "Garbage In, Garbage Out". The
inherent difficulty of expressing system requirements in a concise and unambiguous
manner remains one of the greatest challenges of software engineering.

How does Python do it?

Python provides several functions which enable a functional approach to programming.
These functions are all convenience features in that they can be written in Python fairly
easily. What is more important however is the intent implicit in their provision, namely
to allow the Python programmer to work in a FP manner if he/she wishes.

We will look at some of the functions provided and see how they operate on some
sample data structures that we define as:

spam = ['pork','ham','spices']
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5]

def eggs(item):
return item

map(aFunction, aSequence)

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This function applies a Python function, aFunction to each member of aSequence.

The expression:

L = map(eggs, spam)
print L

Results in a new list (in this case identical to spam) being returned in L.

We could have done the same thing by writing:

for i in spam:
print L

Notice however, that the map function allows us to remove the need for a nested block
of code. From one point of view that reduces the complexity of the program by one
level. We'll see that as a recurring theme of FP, that use of the FP functions reduces
the relative complexity of the code by eliminating blocks.

filter(aFunction, aSequence)

As the name suggests filter extracts each element in the sequence for which the
function returns True. Consider our list of numbers. If we want to create a new list of
only odd numbers we can produce it like so:

def isOdd(n): return (n%2 != 0) # use mod operator

L = filter(isOdd, numbers)
print L

Alternatively we can write:

def isOdd(n): return (n%2 != 0)

for i in numbers:
if isOdd(i):
print L

Again notice that the conventional code requires two levels of indentation to achieve
the same result. Again the increased indentation is an indication of increased code

reduce(aFunction, aSequence)

The reduce function is a little less obvious in its intent. This function reduces a list to
a single value by combining elements via a supplied function. For example we could
sum the values of a list and return the total like this:

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Introduction to Functional Programming 27/05/2007

def add(i,j): return i+j

print reduce(add, numbers)

As before we could do this more conventionally like this:

res = 0
for i in range(len(numbers)): # use indexing
res = res + numbers[i]
print res

While that produces the same result in this case, it is not always so straightforward.
What reduce actually does is call the supplied function passing the first two members
of the sequence and replaces them with the result. In other words a more accurate
representation of reduce is like this:

def reduce(numbers):
L = numbers[:] # make a copy of original
while len(L) >= 2:
i,j = L[0],L[1] # use tuple assignment
L = [i+j] + L[2:]
return L[0]

Once more we see the FP technique reducing the complexity of the code by avoiding
the need for an indented block of code.


One feature you may have noticed in the examples so far is that the functions passed to
the FP functions tend to be very short, often only a single line of code. To save the
effort of defining lots of very small functions Python provides another aid to FP -
lambda. The name lambda comes from a branch of mathematics called lambda
calculus which uses the Greek letter Lambda to represent a similar concept.

Lambda is a term used to refer to an anonymous function, that is, a block of code
which can be executed as if it were a function but without a name. Lambdas can be
defined anywhere within a program that a legal Python expression can occur, which
means we can use them inside our FP functions.

A Lambda looks like this:

lambda <aParameterList> : <a Python expression using the parameters>

Thus the add function above could be rewritten as:

add = lambda i,j: i+j

And we can avoid the definition line completely by creating the lambda within the call
to reduce, like so:

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print reduce(lambda i,j:i+j, numbers)

Similarly we can rewrite our map and filter examples like so:

L = map(lambda i: i, spam)
print L
L = filter(lambda i: (i%2 != 0), numbers)
print L

List Comprehension

List comprehension is a technique for building new lists borrowed from Haskell and
introduced in Python since version 2.0. It has a slightly obscure syntax, similar to
mathematical set notation. It looks like this:

[<expression> for <value> in <collection> if <condition>]

Which is equivalent to:

L = []
for value in collection:
if condition:

As with the other FP constructs this saves some lines and two levels of indentation.
Lets look at some practical examples.

First let's create a list of all the even numbers:

>>> [n for n in range(10) if n % 2 == 0 ]

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

That says we want a list of values (n) where n is selected from the range 0-9 and n is
even(i % 2 == 0).

The condition at the end could, of course, be replaced by a function, provided the
function returns a value that Python can interpret as boolean. Thus looking again at the
previous example we could rewrite it as:

>>>def isEven(n): return ((n%2) == 0)

>>> [ n for n in range(10) if isEven(n) ]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

Now let's create a list of the squares of the first 5 numbers:

>>> [n*n for n in range(5)]

[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

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Notice that the final if clause is not needed in every case. Here the initial expression is
n*n and we use all of the values from the range.

Finally let's use an existing collection instead of the range function:

>>> values = [1, 13, 25, 7]

>>> [x for x in values if x < 10]
[1, 7]

This could be used to replace the following filter function:

>>> filter(lambda x: x < 10, values)

[1, 7]

List comprehensions are not limited to one variable or one test however the code starts
to become very complex as more variables and tests are introduced.

Whether comprehensions or the traditional functions seem most natural or appropriate

to you is purely subjective. When building a new collection based on an existing
collection you can use either the previous FP functions or the new list comprehensions.
When creating a completely new collection it is usually easier to use a comprehension.

Remember though that while these constructs may seem appealing, the expressions
needed to get the desired result can become so complex that it's easier to just expand
them out to their traditional python equivalents. There is no shame in doing so -
readability is always better than obscurity, especially if the obscurity is just for the sake
of being clever!

Other constructs
Of course while these functions are useful in their own right they are not sufficient to
allow a full FP style within Python. The control structures of the language also need to
be altered, or at least substituted, by an FP approach. One way to achieve this is by
applying a side effect of how Python evaluates boolean expressions.

Short Circuit evaluation

Because Python uses short circuit evaluation of boolean expressions certain properties
of these expressions can be exploited. To recap on short-circuit evaluation: when a
boolean expression is evaluated the evaluation starts at the left hand expression and
proceeds to the right, stopping when it is no longer necessary to evaluate any further
to determine the final outcome.

Taking some specific examples let's see how short circuit evaluation works:

>>> def TRUE():

... print 'TRUE'

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... return True

>>>def FALSE():
... print 'FALSE'
... return False

First we define two functions that tell us when they are being executed and return the
value of their names. Now we use these to explore how boolean expressions are

>>>print TRUE() and FALSE()

>>>print TRUE() and TRUE()
>>>print FALSE() and TRUE()
>>>print TRUE() or FALSE()
>>>print FALSE() or TRUE()
>>>print FALSE() or FALSE()

Notice that only IF the first part of an AND expression is True then and only then will
the second part be evaluated. If the first part is False then the second part will not be
evaluated since the expression as a whole cannot be True.

Likewise in an OR based expression if the first part is True then the second part need
not be evaluated since the whole must be True.

There is one other feature of Pythons evaluation of boolean expressions that we can
take advantage of, namely that when evaluating an expression Python does not simply
return True or False, rather it returns the actual value of the expression. Thus if
testing for an empty string (which would count as False) like this:

if "This string is not empty": print "Not Empty"

else: print "No string there"

Python just returns the string itself!

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We can use these properties to reproduce branching like behavior. For example
suppose we have a piece of code like the following:

if TRUE(): print "It is True"

else: print "It is False"

We can replace that with the FP style construct:

V = (TRUE() and "It is True") or ("It is False")

print V

Try working through that example and then substitute the call to TRUE() with a call to
FALSE(). Thus by using short circuit evaluation of boolean expressions we have found
a way to eliminate conventional if/else statements from our programs. You may recall
that in the recursion topic we observed that recursion could be used to replace the loop
construct. Thus combining these two effects can remove all conventional control
structures from our program, replacing them with pure expressions. This is a big step
towards enabling pure FP style solutions.

To put all of this into practice let's write a completely functional style factorial
program using lambda instead of def, recursion instead of a loop and short circuit
evaluation instead of if/else:

>>> factorial = lambda n: ( (n <= 1) and 1) or

... (factorial(n-1) * n)
>>> factorial(5)

And that really is all there is to it. It may not be quite so intelligible as the more
conventional Python code but it does work and is a purely functional style function in
that it is a pure expression.

At this point you may be wondering what exactly is the point of all of this? You would
not be alone. Although FP appeals to many Computer Science academics (and often to
mathematicians) most practicing programmers seem to use FP techniques sparingly
and in a kind of hybrid fashion mixing it with more traditional imperative styles as they
feel appropriate.

When you have to apply operations to elements in a list such that map, reduce or
filter seem the natural way to express the solution then by all means use them. Just
occasionally you may even find that recursion is more appropriate than a conventional
loop. Even more rarely will you find a use for short circuit evaluation rather than
conventions if/else - particularly if required within an expression. As with any
programming tool, don't get carried away with the philosophy, rather use whichever
tool is most appropriate to the task in hand. At least you know that alternatives exist!

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There is one final point to make about lambda. There is one area outside the scope of
FP that lambda finds a real use and that's for defining event handlers in GUI
programming. Event handlers are often very short functions, or maybe they simply call
some larger function with a few hard-wired argument values. In either case a lambda
function can be used as the event handler which avoids the need to define lots of small
individual functions and fill up the name space with names that would only be used
once. Remember that a lambda statement returns a function object. This function
object is the one passed to the widget and is called at the time the event occurs. If you
recall how we define a Button widget in Tkinter, then a lambda would appear like this:

def write(s): print s

b = Button(parent, text="Press Me",
command = lambda : write("I got pressed!"))

Of course in this case we could have done the same thing by just assigning a default
parameter value to write() and assigning write to the command value of the
Button. However even here using the lambda form gives us the advantage that the
single write() function can now be used for multiple buttons just by passing a
different string from the lambda. Thus we can add a second button:

b2 = Button(parent, text="Or Me",

command = lambda : write("So did I!"))

We can also employ lambda when using the bind technique, which sends an event
object as an argument:

b3 = Button(parent, text="Press me as well")

b3.bind(<Button-1>, lambda ev : write("Pressed"))

Well, that really is that for Functional Programming. There are lots of other resources
if you want to look deeper into it, some are listed below. Neither VBScript nor
JavaScript directly support FP but both can be used in a functional style by a
determined programmer. The key features being to structure your programs as
expressions and not to allow side-effects to modify program variables.

Other resources

There is an excellent article by David Mertz on the IBM web site about FP in
Python. It goes into more detail about control structures and provides more
detailed examples of the concept.
Other languages support FP even better than Python. Examples include:: Lisp,
Scheme, Haskell, ML and some others. The Haskell web site in particular
includes a wealth of information about FP.
There is also a newsgroup, comp.lang.functional where you can catch up
on the latest happenings and find a useful FAQ.

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There are several book references to be found on the above reference sites.
One classic book, which is not entirely about FP but does cover the principles
well is Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelman,
Sussman and Sussman. This text focuses on Scheme an extended version of
Lisp. My personal primary source has been the book The Haskell School of
Expression by Paul Hudak which is, naturally enough, about Haskell.

If anyone else finds a good reference drop me an email via the link below.
Things to Remember
Functional programs are pure expressions
Python provides map, filter and reduce as well as list
comprehensions to support FP style programming
lambda expressions are anonymous (ie unnamed) blocks of code that can be
assigned to variables or used as functions
Boolean expressions are evaluated only as far as necessary to ensure the
result, which fact enables them to be used as control structures
By combining the FP features of Python with recursion it is possible (but
usually not advisable) to write almost any function in an FP style in Python.

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Page 226
A Case Study 27/05/2007

A Case Study
For this case study we are going to expand on the word counting program we
developed earlier. We are going to create a program which mimics the Unix
wc program in that it outputs the number of lines, words and characters in a file. We
will go further than that however and also output the number of sentences, clauses and
paragraphs. We will follow the development of this program stage by stage gradually
increasing its capability then moving it into a module to make it reusable, turning it
into an OO implementation for maximum extendability and finally wrapping it in a GUI
for ease of use.

Although we will be using Python throughout it would be possible to build JavaScript

or VBScript versions of the program with only a little adaptation.

Additional features that could be implemented but will be left as exercises for the
reader are to

calculate the FOG index of the text, where the FOG index can be defined
(roughly) as:

(Average words per sentence) + (Percentage of words more than 5 letters)

and indicates the complexity of the text,

calculate the number of unique words used and their frequency,

create a new version which analyzes RTF files.

Counting lines, words and characters

Let's revisit the previous word counter:
import string
def numwords(s):
list = string.split(s)
return len(list)

inp = open("menu.txt","r")
total = 0

# accumulate totals for each line

for line in inp.readlines():
total = total + numwords(line)
print "File had %d words" % total


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We need to add a line and character count. The line count is easy since we loop over
each line we just need a variable to increment on each iteration of the loop. The
character count is only marginally harder since we can iterate over the list of words
adding their lengths in yet another variable.

We also need to make the program more general purpose by reading the name of the
file from the command line or if not provided, prompting the user for the name. (An
alternative strategy would be to read from standard input, which is what the real
wc does.)

So the final wc looks like:

import sys, string

# Get the file name either from the command-line or the user
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
name = raw_input("Enter the file name: ")
name = sys.argv[1]

inp = open(name,"r")

# initialize counters to zero; which also creates variables

words, lines, chars = 0, 0, 0

for line in inp:

lines += 1

# Break into a list of words and count them

list = line.split()
words += len(list)
chars += len(line) # Use original line which includes spaces etc.

print "%s has %d lines, %d words and %d characters" % (name, lines, words, cha

If you are familiar with the Unix wc command you know that you can pass it a
wild-carded filename to get stats for all matching files as well as a grand total. This
program only caters for straight filenames. If you want to extend it to cater for wild
cards take a look at the glob module and build a list of names then simply iterate over
the file list. You'll need temporary counters for each file then cumulative counters for
the grand totals. Or you could use a dictionary instead...

Counting sentences instead of lines

When I started to think about how we could extend this to count sentences and words
rather than 'character groups' as above, my initial idea was to first loop through the file
extracting the lines into a list then loop through each line extracting the words into
another list. Finally to process each 'word' to remove extraneous characters.

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Thinking about it a little further it becomes evident that if we simply collect the lines
we can analyze the punctuation characters to count sentences, clauses etc. (by defining
what we consider a sentence/clause in terms of punctuation items). Let's try sketching
that in pseudo-code:

foreach line in file:

increment line count
if line empty:
increment paragraph count
count the clause terminators
count the sentence terminators

report paras, lines, sentences, clauses, groups, words.

We will be using regular expressions in the solution here, it may be worth going back
and reviewing that topic if you aren't sure how they work. Now lets try turning our
pseudo code into real code:

import re,sys

# Use Regular expressions to find the tokens

sentenceStops = ".?!"
clauseStops = sentenceStops + ",;:\-" # escape '-' to avoid range effect
sentenceRE = re.compile("[%s]" % sentenceStops)
clauseRE = re.compile("[%s]" % clauseStops)

# Get file name from commandline or user

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
name = raw_input("Enter the file name: ")
name = sys.argv[1]

inp = open(name,"r")
# Now initialize counters
lines, words, chars = 0, 0, 0
sentences,clauses = 0, 0
paras = 1 # assume always at least 1 para

# process file
for line in inp:
lines += 1
if line == "": # empty line
paras += 1
words += len(line.split())
chars += len(line.strip())
sentences += len(sentenceRE.findall(line))
clauses += len(clauseRE.findall(line))

# Display results
print '''
The file %s contains:
%d\t characters
%d\t words
%d\t lines in

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A Case Study 27/05/2007

%d\t paragraphs with

%d\t sentences and
%d\t clauses.
''' % (name, chars, words, lines, paras, sentences, clauses)

There are several points to note about this code:

It uses regular expressions to make the searches most efficient. We could have
done the same thing using simple string searches, but we would have needed to
search for each punctuation character separately. Regular expressions
maximize the efficiency of our program by allowing a single search to find all of
the items we want. However regular expressions are also easy to mess up. My
first attempt I forgot to escape the '-' character and that then got treated as a
range by the regular expression, with the result that any numbers in the file got
treated as clause separators! After much head scratching it took a call to the
Python community to spot the mistake. A quick '\' character inserted and
suddenly all was well again.
This program is effective in that it does what we want it to do. It is less
effective from the re-usability point of view because there are no functions that
we can call from other programs, it is not yet a modular program.
The sentence tests are less than perfect. For example abbreviated titles such as
"Mr." will count as a sentence because of the period. We could improve the
regular expression by searching for a period, followed by one or more spaces,
followed by an uppercase letter, but our "Mr." example will still fail since "Mr."
is usually followed by a name which begins with an uppercase letter! This
serves to illustrate how difficult it is to parse natural languages effectively.

As the case study progresses we will address the second point about re-usability and
also start to look at the issues around parsing text in a little more depth, although even
by the end we will not have produced a perfect text parser. That is a task that takes us
well beyond the sort of programs a beginner might be expected to write.

Turning it into a module

To make the code we have written into a module there are a few basic design
principles that we need to follow. First we need to put the bulk of the code into
functions so that users of the module can access them. Secondly we need to move the
start code (the bit that gets the file name) into a separate piece of code that won't be
executed when the function is imported. Finally we will leave the global definitions as
module level variables so that users can change their value if they want to.

Let's tackle these items one by one. First move the main processing block into a
function, we'll call it analyze(). We'll pass a file object into the function as a
parameter and the function will return the list of counter values in a tuple.

It will look like this:

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A Case Study 27/05/2007

# Module: grammar
# Created: A.J. Gauld, 2004,8,8
# Function:
# Provides facilities to count words, lines, characters,
# paragraphs, sentences and 'clauses' in text files.
# It assumes that sentences end with [.!?] and paragraphs
# have a blank line between them. A 'clause' is simply
# a segment of sentence separated by punctuation. The
# sentence and clause searches are regular expression
# based and the user can change the regex used. Can also
# be run as a program.
import re, sys

# initialize global variables
paras = 1 # We will assume at least 1 paragraph!
lines, sentences, clauses, words, chars = 0,0,0,0,0
sentenceMarks = '.?!'
clauseMarks = '&();:,\-' + sentenceMarks
sentenceRE = None # set via a function call
clauseRE = None
format = '''
The file %s contains:
%d\t characters
%d\t words
%d\t lines in
%d\t paragraphs with
%d\t sentences and
%d\t clauses.

# Now define the functions that do the work

# setCounters allows us to recompile the regex if we change

# the token lists
def setCounterREs():
global sentenceRE, clauseRE
sentenceRE = re.compile('[%s] +' % sentenceMarks)
clauseRE = re.compile('[%s] +' % clauseMarks)

# reset counters gets called by analyze()

def resetCounters():
chars, words, lines, sentences, clauses = 0,0,0,0,0
paras = 1

# reportStats is intended for the driver

# code, it offers a simple text report
def reportStats(theFile):
print format % (, chars, words, lines,
paras, sentences, clauses)

# analyze() is the key function which processes the file

def analyze(theFile):

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global chars,words,lines,paras,sentences,clauses
# check if REs already compiled
if not (sentenceRE and clauseRE):
for line in theFile:
lines += 1
if line == "": # empty line
paras += 1
words += len(line.split())
chars += len(line.strip())
sentences += len(sentenceRE.findall(line))
clauses += len(clauseRE.findall(line))

# Make it run if called from the command line (in which

# case the 'magic' __name__ variable gets set to '__main__'
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Usage: python <filename>"
aFile = open(sys.argv[1],"r")

First thing to notice is the commenting at the top. This is common practice to let
readers of the file get an idea of what it contains and how it should be used. The
version information (Author and date) is useful too if comparing results with someone
else who may be using a more or less recent version.

The final section is a feature of Python that calls any module loaded at the command
line "__main__". We can test the special, built-in __name__ variable and, if it's
main, we know that the module is not just being imported, but run, and so we execute
the trigger code inside the if block.

This trigger code includes a user friendly hint about how the program should be run if
no filename is provided, or indeed if too many filenames are provided, it could instead
- or in addition - ask the user for a filename using raw_input().

Notice that the analyze() function uses the initialization functions to make sure the
counters and regular expressions are all set up properly before it starts. This caters for
the possibility of a user calling analyze several times, possibly after changing the
regular expressions used to count clauses and sentences.

Finally note the use of global to ensure that the module level variables get set by the
functions, without global we would create local variables and have no effect on the
module level ones.

Using the grammar module

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Having created a module we can use it as a program at the OS prompt as before by


C:\> python spam.txt

However provided we saved the module in a location where Python can find it, we can
also import the module into another program or at the Python prompt. Lets try some
experiments based on a test file called spam.txt which we can create and looks like

This is a file called spam. It has

3 lines, 2 sentences and, hopefully,
5 clauses.

Now, let's fire up Python and play a little:

>>> import grammar

>>> grammar.setCounterREs()
>>> txtFile = open("spam.txt")
>>> grammar.analyze(txtFile)
>>> grammar.reportStats()
The file spam.txt contains:
80 characters
16 words
3 lines in
1 paragraphs with
2 sentences and
1 clauses.

>>> # redefine sentences as ending in vowels!

>>> grammar.sentenceMarks = 'aeiou'
>>> grammar.setCounterREs()
>>> grammar.analyze(txtFile)
>>> print grammar.sentences
>>> txtFile.close()

As you can see redefining the sentence tokens changed the sentence count radically. Of
course the definition of a sentence is pretty bizarre but it shows that our module is
usable and moderately customizable too. Notice too that we were able to print the
sentence count directly, we don't need to use the provided reportStats() function.
This demonstrates the value of an important design principle, namely separation of
data and presentation. By keeping the display of data separate from the calculation of
the data we make our module much more flexible for our users.

To conclude our course we will rework the grammar module to use OO techniques
and then add a simple GUI front end. In the process you will see how an OO approach
results in modules which are even more flexible for the user and more extensible too.

Classes and objects

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One of the biggest problems for the user of our module is the reliance on global
variables. This means that it can only analyze one file at a time, any attempt to handle
more than that will result in the global values being over-written.

By moving these globals into a class we can then create multiple instances of the class
(one per file) and each instance gets its own set of variables. Further, by making the
methods sufficiently granular we can create an architecture whereby it is easy for the
creator of a new type of document object to modify the search criteria to cater for the
rules of the new type. (eg. by rejecting all HTML tags from the word list we could
process HTML files as well as plain ASCII text).

Our first attempt at this creates a Document class to represent the file we are

#! /usr/local/bin/python
# Module:
# Author: A.J. Gauld
# Date: 2004/08/10
# Version: 3.0
# This module provides a Document class which
# can be subclassed for different categories of
# Document(text, HTML, Latex etc). Text and HTML are
# provided as samples.
# Primary services available include
# - analyze(),
# - reportStats().
import sys,re

Provides 2 classes for parsing "text/files.
A Generic Document class for plain ACII text,
and an HTMLDocument for HTML files.

class Document:
sentenceMarks = '?!.'
clauseMarks = '&()\-;:,' + sentenceMarks

def __init__(self, filename):

self.filename = filename

def setCounters(self):
self.paras = 1
self.lines = self.getLines()
self.sentences, self.clauses, self.words, self.chars = 0,0,0,0

def setREs(self):
self.sentenceRE = re.compile('[%s]' % Document.sentenceMarks)

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self.clauseRE = re.compile('[%s]' % Document.clauseMarks)

def getLines(self):
infile = open(self.filename)
lines = infile.readlines()
return lines

def analyze(self):
for line in self.lines:
self.sentences += len(self.sentenceRE.findall(line))
self.clauses += len(self.clauseRE.findall(line))
self.words += len(line.split())
self.chars += len(line.strip())
if line == "":
self.paras += 1

def formatResults(self):
format = '''
The file %s contains:
%d\t characters
%d\t words
%d\t lines in
%d\t paragraphs with
%d\t sentences and
%d\t clauses.
return format % (self.filename, self.chars,
self.words, len(self.lines),
self.paras, self.sentences, self.clauses)

class TextDocument(Document):

class HTMLDocument(Document):

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
doc = Document(sys.argv[1])
print doc.formatResults()
print "Usage: python "
print "Failed to analyze file"

There are several points to notice here. First is the use of class variables at the
beginning of the class definition to store the sentence and clause markers. Class
variables are shared by all the instances of the class so they are a good place to store
common information. They can be accessed by using the class name, as I've done here,
or by using the usual self. I prefer to use the class name because it highlights the fact
that they are class variables.

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I've also added a new method, setCounters() for flexibility when we come to deal
with other document types. It's quite likely that we will use a different set of counters
when analyzing HTML files - maybe the number of tags for example. By pairing up the
setCounters() and formatResults() methods and providing a new
analyze() method we can pretty much deal with any kind of document.

The other methods are more stable, reading the lines of a file is pretty standard
regardless of file type and setting the two regular expressions is a convenience feature
for experimenting, if we don't need to we won't.

As it stands we now have functionality identical to our module version but expressed
as a class. But now to really utilize OOP style we need to deconstruct some of our
class so that the base level or abstractDocument only contains the bits that are truly
generic. The Text handling bits will move into the more specific, or concrete
TextDocument class. We'll see how to do that next.

Text Document
We are all familiar with plain text documents, but it's worth stopping to consider
exactly what we mean by a text document as compared to a more generic concept of a
document. Text documents consist of plain ASCII arranged in lines which contain
groups of letters arranged as words separated by spaces and other punctuation marks.
Groups of lines form paragraphs which are separated by blank lines (other definitions
are possible of course, but these are the ones I will use.) A vanilla document is a file
comprising lines of ASCII characters but we know very little about the formatting of
those characters within the lines. Thus our vanilla document class should really only be
able to open a file, read the contents into a list of lines and perhaps return counts of the
number of characters and the number of lines. It will provide empty hook methods for
subclasses of document to implement.

On the basis of what we just described a Document class will look like:

# Module: document
# Created: A.J. Gauld, 2004/8/15
# Function:
# Provides abstract Document class to count lines, characters
# and provide hook methods for subclasses to use to process
# more specific document types

class Document:
def __init__(self,filename):
self.filename = filename
self.lines = self.getLines()
self.chars = reduce(lambda l1,l2: l1+l2, [len(L) for L in self.lines])

def getLines(self):

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f = open(self.filename,'r')
lines = f.readlines()
return lines

# list of hook methods to be overridden

def formatResults(self):
return "%s contains $d lines and %d characters" % (len(self.lines),
def _initSeparators(self): pass
def analyze(self): pass

Note that the _initSeparators method has an underscore in front of its name. This
is a style convention often used by Python programmers to indicate a method that
should only be called from inside the class's methods, it is not intended to be accessed
by users of the object. Such a method is sometimes called protected or private in other

Also notice that I have used the functional programming function reduce() along
with a lambda function and a list comprehension to calculate the number of
characters. Recall that reduce takes a list and performs an operation (the lambda) on
the first two members and inserts the result as the first member, it repeats this until
only the final result remains which is returned as the final result of the function. In this
case the list is the list of lengths of the lines in the file produced by the
comprehension and so it replaces the first two lengths with their sum and then
gradually adds each subsequent length until all the line lengths are processed. Actually,
in this case, I could have used the built in function sum() to do the same thing, but I
wanted to illustrate the functional programming structures being used in a real

Finally note that because this is an abstract class we have not provided a runnable
option using if __name__ == etc

Our text document now looks like:

class TextDocument(Document):
def __init__(self,filename):
self.paras = 1
self.words, self.sentences, self.clauses = 0,0,0
Document.__init__(self, filename)

# now override hooks

def formatResults(self):
format = '''
The file %s contains:
%d\t characters
%d\t words
%d\t lines in
%d\t paragraphs with
%d\t sentences and
%d\t clauses.

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return format % (self.filename, self.chars,

self.words, len(self.lines),
self.paras, self.sentences, self.clauses)

def _initSeparators(self):
sentenceMarks = "[.!?]"
clauseMarks = "[.!?,&:;-]"
self.sentenceRE = re.compile(sentenceMarks)
self.clauseRE = re.compile(clauseMarks)

def analyze(self):
for line in self.lines:
self.sentences += len(self.sentenceRE.findall(line))
self.clauses += len(self.clauseRE.findall(line))
self.words += len(line.split())
self.chars += len(line.strip())
if line == "":
self.paras += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
doc = TextDocument(sys.argv[1])
print doc.formatResults()
print "Usage: python <document> "
print "Failed to analyze file"

One thing to notice is that this combination of classes achieves exactly the same as our
first non-OOP version. Compare the length of this with the original file - building
reusable objects is not cheap! Unless you are sure you need to create objects for reuse
consider doing a non-OOP version it will probably be less work! However if you do
think you will extend the design, as we will be doing in a moment then the extra work
will repay itself.

The next thing to consider is the physical location of the code. We could have shown
two files being created, one per class. This is a common OOP practice and keeps
things well organized, but at the expense of a lot of small files and a lot of import
statements in your code when you come to use those classes/files.

An alternative scheme, which I have used, is to treat closely related classes as a group
and locate them all in one file, at least enough to create a minimal working program.
Thus in our case we have combined our Document and TextDocument classes in a
single module. This has the advantage that the working class provides a template for
users to read as an example of extending the abstract class. It has the disadvantage that
changes to the TextDocument may inadvertently affect the Document class and thus
break some other code. There is no clear winner here and even in the Python library
there are examples of both styles. Pick a style and stick to it would be my advice.

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One very useful source of information on this kind of text file manipulation is the book
by David Mertz called "Text Processing in Python" and it is available in paper form as
well as online, here. Note however that this is a fairly advanced book aimed at
professional programmers so you may find it tough going initially, but persevere
because there are some very powerful lessons contained within it.

HTML Document
The next step in our application development is to extend the capabilities so that we
can analyze HTML documents. We will do that by creating a new class. Since an
HTML document is really a text document with lots of HTML tags and a header
section at the top we only need to remove those extra elements and then we can treat it
as text. Thus we will create a new HTMLDocument class derived from
TextDocument. We will override the getLines() method that we inherit from
Document such that it throws away the header and all the HTML tags.

Thus HTMLDocument looks like:

class HTMLDocument(TextDocument):
def getLines(self):
lines = TextDocument.getLines(self)
lines = self._stripHeader(lines)
lines = self._stripTags(lines)
return lines

def _stripHeader(self,lines):
''' remove all lines up until start of element '''
bodyMark = '<body>'
bodyRE = re.compile(bodyMark,re.IGNORECASE)
while bodyRE.findall(lines[0]) == []:
del lines[0]
return lines

def _stripTags(self,lines):
''' remove anything between < and >, not perfect but ok for now'''
tagMark = '<.+>'
tagRE = re.compile(tagMark)
lines2 = []
for line in lines:
line = tagRE.sub('',line).strip()
if line: lines2.append(line)
return lines2

Note 1: We have used the inherited method within getLines. This is quite common
practice when extending an inherited method. Either we do some preliminary
processing or, as here, we call the inherited code then do some extra work in the new
class. This was also done in the __init__ method of the TextDocument class above.

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Note 2: We access the inherited getLines method via TextDocument not via
Document (which is where it is actually defined) because (a) we can only 'see'
TextDocument in our code and (b) TextDocument inherits all of Document's
features so in effect does have a getLines too.

Note 3: The other two methods are notionally private (notice the leading underscore?)
and are there to keep the logic separate and also to make extending this class easier in
the future, for say an XHTML or even XML document class? You might like to try
building one of those as an exercise.

Note 4: It is very difficult to accurately strip HTML tags using regular expressions due
to the ability to nest tags and because bad authoring often results in unescaped '<' and
'>' characters looking like tags when they are not. In addition tags can run across lines
and all sorts of other nasties. A much better way to convert HTML files to text is to
use an HTML parser such as the one in the standard HTMLParser module. As an
exercise rewrite the HTMLDocument class to use the parser module to generate the
text lines.

To test our HTMLDocument we need to modify the driver code at the bottom of the
file to look like this:

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
doc = HTMLDocument(sys.argv[1])
print doc.formatResults()
print "Usage: python <document> "
print "Failed to analyze file"

Adding a GUI
To create a GUI we will use Tkinter which we introduced briefly in the Event Driven
Programming section and further in the GUI Programming topic. This time the GUI
will be slightly more sophisticated and use a few more of the widgets that Tkinter

One thing that will help us create the GUI version is that we took great care to avoid
putting any print statements in our classes, the display of output is all done in the
driver code. This helps when we come to use a GUI because we can use the same
output string and display it in a widget instead of printing it on stdout. The ability to
more easily wrap an application in a GUI is a major reason to avoid the use of print
statements inside data processing functions or methods.

Designing a GUI

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The first step in building any GUI application is to try to visualize how it will look. We
will need to specify a filename, so it will require an Edit or Entry control. We also need
to specify whether we want textual or HTML analysis, this type of 'one from many'
choice is usually represented by a set of Radiobutton controls. These controls should
be grouped together to show that they are related.

The next requirement is for some kind of display of the results. We could opt for
multiple Label controls one per counter. Instead I will use a simple text control into
which we can insert strings, this is closer to the spirit of the commandline output, but
ultimately the choice is a matter of preference by the designer.

Finally we need a means of initiating the analysis and quitting the application. Since we
will be using a text control to display results it might be useful to have a means of
resetting the display too. These command options can all be represented by
Button controls.

Sketching these ideas as a GUI gives us something like:

| | O HTML |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

Now we are ready to write some code. Let's take it step by step:

from Tkinter import *

import document

################### CLASS DEFINITIONS ######################

class GrammarApp(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent=0):
self.type = 2 # create variable with default value
self.master.title('Grammar counter')

Here we have imported the Tkinter and document modules. For the former we have
made all of the Tkinter names visible within our current module whereas with the latter
we will need to prefix the names with document.

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We have also defined our application to be a subclass of Frame and the

__init__ method calls the Frame.__init__ superclass method to ensure that
Tkinter is set up properly internally. We then create an attribute which will store the
document type value and finally call the buildUI method which creates all the
widgets for us. We'll look at buildUI() next:

def buildUI(self):
# Now the file information: File name and type
fFile = Frame(self)
Label(fFile, text="Filename: ").pack(side="left")
self.eName = Entry(fFile)
self.eName.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)

# to keep the radio buttons lined up with the

# name we need another frame
fType = Frame(fFile, borderwidth=1, relief=SUNKEN)
self.rText = Radiobutton(fType, text="TEXT",
variable = self.type, value=2,
self.rText.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
self.rHTML = Radiobutton(fType, text="HTML",
variable=self.type, value=1,
self.rHTML.pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
# make TEXT the default selection
fType.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=3)
fFile.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)

# the text box holds the output, pad it to give a border

# and make the parent the application frame (ie. self)
self.txtBox = Text(self, width=60, height=10)
self.txtBox.pack(side=TOP, padx=3, pady=3)

# finally put some command buttons on to do the real work

fButts = Frame(self)
self.bAnal = Button(fButts, text="Analyze",
self.bAnal.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=50, pady=2)
self.bReset = Button(fButts, text="Reset",
self.bReset.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10)
self.bQuit = Button(fButts, text="Quit",
self.bQuit.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, padx=50, pady=2)

fButts.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)

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I'm not going to explain all of that, instead I recommend you take a look at the
Tkinter tutorial and refernce found on the Pythonware web site. This is an excellent
introduction and reference to Tkinter going beyond the basics that I cover in my GUI
topic. The general principle is that you create widgets from their corresponding
classes, providing options as named parameters, then the widget is packed into its
containing frame.

The other key points to note are the use of subsidiary Frame widgets to hold the
Radiobuttons and Command buttons. The Radiobuttons also take a pair of options
called variable & value, the former links the Radiobuttons together by specifying
the same external variable (self.type) and the latter gives a unique value for each
Radiobutton. Also notice the command=xxx options passed to the button controls.
These are the methods that will be called by Tkinter when the button is pressed. The
code for these comes next:

################# EVENT HANDLING METHODS ####################

# time to die...
def doQuit(self):

# restore default settings

def doReset(self):
self.txtBox.delete(1.0, END)

# set radio values

def doText(self):
self.type = 2

def doHTML(self):
self.type = 1

These methods are all fairly trivial and hopefully by now are self explanatory. The final
event handler is the one which does the analysis:

# Create appropriate document type and analyze it.

# then display the results in the form
def doAnalyze(self):
filename = self.eName.get()
if filename == "":
self.txtBox.insert(END,"\nNo filename provided!\n")
if self.type == 2:
doc = document.TextDocument(filename)
doc = document.HTMLDocument(filename)
self.txtBox.insert(END, "\nAnalyzing...\n")

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resultStr = doc.formatResults()
self.txtBox.insert(END, resultStr)

Again you should be able to read this and see what it does. The key points are that:

it checks for a valid filename before creating the Document object.

It uses the self.type value set by the Radiobuttons to determine which type
of Document to create.
It appends (the END argument to insert) the results to the Text box which
means we can analyze several times and compare results - one advantage of the
text box versus the multiple label output approach.

All that's needed now is to create an instance of the GrammarApp application class and
set the event loop running, we do this here:

myApp = GrammarApp()

Let's take a look at the final result as seen under MS Windows, displaying the results
of analyzing a test HTML file,

That's it. You can go on to make the HTML processing more sophisticated if you want
to. You can create new modules for new document types. You can try swapping the
text box for multiple labels packed into a frame. But for our purposes we're done. The
next section offers some ideas of where to go next depending on your programming
aspirations. The main thing is to enjoy it and always remember: the computer is dumb!

Previous References Contents

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If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

Page 245
Python in Practice 27/05/2007

Python in Practice
In this section of the tutorial we are going to focus on some of the practical
applications to which Python can be put, and the library modules that help us do that.
This will involve learning about some background technologies such as databases,
computer networks and the world wide web, as well as the basic features of the
operating system that drives your computer. Because this is supposed to be a
programming tutorial I will only cover the bare bones of these technologies and
provide links to other sites where the curious can find out more.

The topics I have chosen reflect the areas that seem to crop up most often on the
Python tutor mailing list, and therefore should be closest to the needs of new
programmers. If your particular area of interest is not covered then the final topic may
provide links to suitable sites where you will find what you need.

Finally, the topics in this section are all based on Python exclusively. There may be
similar capabilities available in JavaScript and VBScript but the differences are far
greater than the similarities at this level of detail. For example the easiest way to access
the Windows operating system from JavaScript or VBScript is via the Windows Script
Host discussed earlier but that is completely different in approach to Python's os
module. Comparisons would be meaningless.

The topics
The specific topics I will be covering along with some idea of the depth of coverage
are listed below:

Working with Data

The need to store and retrieve complex sets of data is one that most
programmers come across at some stage. While Python provides several
methods of storing simple data easily the most powerful storage mechanism is
a full relational database. This topic will cover the principles behind
relational databases and the SQL language used to manipulate them. It will
conclude with a very simple example of using such a database from within
Using the Operating System
The operating system is the basis of everything we do with a computer and it
is very common that in the middle of a program we want to do the sort of
things we do as a user everyday. For example, we might want to copy or
move files, or create a folder, or start another program, or print a document.
Fortunately the operating system exposes a programmable interface as well as
a user interface and in this topic we will look at some of the features available
to us, especially in the areas of traversing file structures and working with the
Network programming

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The internet has connected computers all over the globe, but how can one
computer communicate with another from within a program? It turns out
that there are lots of ways to do this but here we will consider the most basic
mechanism available in Python, the socket. Built on top of the socket are
higher level mechanisms and we will go on to look at two of these: the email
interface for sending and reading email messages and the ftp module for
transferring files over a network.
Writing web clients
Having mastered basic network programming we now come onto the most
common form of networking today: The World Wide Web. It turns out that
python provides modules that make web programming easy. In this first
topic on the subject we look at automating basic web tasks such as fetching
information from a web site on a regular basis without resorting to a
Writing Web Applications
In this topic we turn from the web user perspective to the web site creators
view. We consider how to write a basic web application. In this case we will
put a web interface onto the address book example we have been building
since the early days of the tutor.
Inter-process communications
Most beginner programs consist of a single computer process running in
isolation, however as the systems we build get more powerful it is often better
to split the program into separate parts each running in its own process, often
using a technique known as client-server design. Or sometimes we simply
want to access another program's output. In this module we will look at the
basic principles and then illustrate an example of each of the two types
Parallel processing
As programs get more complex it is often the case that the simple sequential
model of execution that we have discussed up until now is not sufficient. We
want to do several things at once. This is where a technique called
threading comes into play, and we will look at how to use Python's threading
module to build parallel processing into a program.

Previous Next Contents

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

Page 247
Working with Databases 27/05/2007

Working with Databases

What will we cover?
Database concepts and SQL
Creating tables and inserting data
Extracting and manipulating data
linking data sets together

In this topic we will look at how data can be stored over time and manipulated via a
database package. We have already seen how to use files to store small quantities of
data such as our personal address book but the complexity of using files increases
dramatically as the complexity of the data increases, the volume of data increases, and
the complexity of the operations (searching, sorting, filtering etc). To overcome this
several database packages exist to take care of the underlying file management and
expose the data in a more abstract form which is easy to manipulate. Some of these
packages are simple code libraries that simplify the file operations we have already
seen, examples include the pickle and shelve modules that come with Python. In this
topic we will concentrate on more powerful packages such as those from commercial
vendors that are designed to handle large volumes of complex data.

The specific package I will be looking at is SQLite, an open source freeware package
that is simple to install and use but capable of handling the data needs of most
beginning and intermediate programmers. Only if you have very large data sets -
millions of records - do you need to consider a more powerful package and, even then,
almost all you know from SQLite will transfer to the new package.

The SQLite package can be downloaded from here and you should fetch the
command-line package appropriate for your platform. (There are some useful IDEs for
SQLite that you might like, but they aren't necessary for this tutorial.) Follow the
instructions on the web site to install the packages and you should be ready to start.

Relational Database Concepts

The basic principle of a relational database is very simple. It's simply a set of
tables where a cell in one table can refer to a row in another table. Columns are known
as fields and rows as records.

A table holding data about employees might look like:

EmpID Name HireDate Grade ManagerID

1020304 John Brown 20030623 Foreman 1020311

1020305 Fred Smith 20040302 Labourer 1020304

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1020307 Anne Jones 19991125 Labourer 1020304

Notice a couple of conventions here:

1. We have an ID field to uniquely identify each row, this is known as the

Primary Key. It is possible to have other keys too, but conventionally there will
always be an ID field to uniquely identify a record. This helps should an
employee decide to change their name for example!
2. We can link one row to another by having a field that hold the Primary Key for
another row. Thus an employee's manager is identified by the ManagerID field
which is simply a reference to another EmpID entry. Looking at our data we
see that both Fred and Anne are managed by John who is, in turn, managed
by someone else whose details are not visible on our section of the table.

We are not restricted to linking data within a single table. We could create another
table for Salary. These could be related to Grade and so we get a table like:

SalaryID Grade Amount

000010 Foreman 60000

000011 Labourer 35000

Now we can look up the grade of an Employee, such as John, and find that they are a
Foreman, then by looking at the Salary table we can see that a Foreman is paid

It is this ability to link table rows together in relationships that gives relational
databases their name. Other database types include network databases,
hierarchical databases and flat-file databases. Relational databases are by far the most

We can do much more sophisticated queries too and we will look at how this is done
in the next few sections. But before we can do that we had better create a database and
insert some data.

Structured Query Language

The Structured Query Language or SQL (pronounced as either Sequel or 'S' 'Q' 'L') is
the standard tool for manipulating relational databases. In SQL an expression is often
referred to as a query.

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SQL comprises two parts, the first is the Data Definition Language, or DDL. This is
the set of commands used to create and alter the shape of the database itself, its
structure. DDL tends to be quite database specific with each database supplier having a
slightly different syntax for their DDL set of SQL commands.

The other part of SQL is the Data Manipulation Language or DML. DML is much
more highly standardised between databases and is used to manipulate the data content
of the database. You will spend the majority of your time using DML rather than DDL

We will only look briefly at DDL, just enough to create (with the CREATE command)
and destroy (with the DROP command) our database tables so that we can move onto
filling them with data and then retrieving that data in interesting ways using the DML

Creating Tables
To create a table in SQL we use the CREATE command. It is quite easy to use and
takes the form:

CREATE TABLE tablename (fieldName, fieldName,....);

Note that SQL statements are terminated with a semi-colon. Also SQL is not
case-sensitive and, unlike Python, does not care about white-space or indentation
levels. As you will see there is a certain style convention that is used but it is not rigidly
adhered to and SQL itself cares not a jot!

Let's try creating our Employee and Salary tables in SQLite. The first thing to do is
start the interpreter, which is simply a case of calling it with a filename as an argument.
If the database exists it will be opened, if it doesn't it will be created. Thus to create an
employee database we will start SQLite like so:

E:\PROJECTS\SQL> sqlite3 employee.db

That will create an empty database called employee.db and leave us at the
sqlite> prompt ready to type SQL commands. So let's create some tables:

sqlite> create table Employee

...> (EmpID,Name,HireDate,Grade,ManagerID);
sqlite> create table Salary
...> (SalaryID, Grade,Amount);
Employee Salary

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Note that I moved the list of fields into a separate line, that simply makes it easier to
see them. The fields are listed by name but have no other defining information such as
data type. This is a peculiarity of SqlLite and most databases require you to specify the
type along with the name. We can do that in SqlLite too and we will look at this in
more detail a little later in the tutorial.

Also note that I tested that the create statements had worked by using the
.tables command to list all the tables in the database. SQLite has several of these
dot commands that we will use to find out about our database. .help provides a list of

There are lots of other things we can do when we create a table. As well as declaring
the types of data in each column, we can also specify constraints as to the values (for
example NOT NULL means the value is mandatory and must be filled in - usually we
would make the Primary Key field NOT NULL and UNIQUE.) We can also specify
which field will be the PRIMARY KEY. We will look more closely at these more
advanced creation options later on.

For now we will leave the basic table definition as it is and move on to the more
interesting topic of manipulating the data itself.

Inserting Data
The first thing to do after creating the tables is fill them with data! This is done using
the SQL INSERT statement. The basic structure is very simple:

INSERT INTO ( column1, column2... ) VALUES ( value1, value2... );

There is an alternate form of INSERT that uses a query to select data from elsewhere
in the database, but that's rather too advanced for us here so I recommend you read
about that in the SQLite manual.

So now, to insert some rows into our employees table, we do the following:

sqlite> insert into Employee (EmpID, Name, HireDate, Grade, ManagerID)

...> values ('1020304','John Brown','20030623','Foreman','1020311');
sqlite> insert into Employee (EmpID, Name, HireDate, Grade, ManagerID)
...> values ('1020305','Fred Smith','20040302','Labourer','1020304');
sqlite> insert into Employee (EmpID, Name, HireDate, Grade, ManagerID)
...> values ('1020307','Anne Jones','19991125','Labourer','1020304');

And for the Salary table:

sqlite> insert into Salary (SalaryID, Grade,Amount)

...> values('000010','Foreman','60000');
sqlite> insert into Salary (SalaryID, Grade,Amount)
...> values('000011','Labourer','35000');

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And that's it done. We now have created two tables and populated them with data
corresponding to the values described in the introduction above. Now we are ready to
start experimenting with the data.

Extracting Data
Data is extracted from a database using the SELECT command of SQL. Select is the
very heart of SQL and has the most complex structure. We will start with the most
basic form and add additional features as we go along. The most basic Select statement
looks like this:

SELECT column1, column2... FROM table1,table2...;

So to select the names of all employees we could use:

sqlite> SELECT Name from Employee;

And we would be rewarded with a list of all of the names in the Employee table. In this
case that's only three, but if we have a big database that's probably going to be more
information than we want. To control the output we need to be able to refine our
search somewhat and SQL allows us to do this by adding a WHERE clause to our
Select statement, like this:

SELECT col1,col2... FROM table1,table2... WHERE condition;

the condition is an arbitrarily complex boolean expression and, as we shall see, can
include nested select statements within it.

Let's use a where clause to refine our search of names. We will only look for names of
employees who are labourers:

sqlite> select Name

...> from Employee
...> where Employee.Grade = 'Labourer';

Now we only get two names back. We could extend the condition using boolean
operators such as AND, OR, NOT etc. Note that using the = condition the case of the
string is important, testing for 'labourer' would not have worked! We'll see how to get
round that limitation later on.

Notice that in the where clause we used dot notation to signify the Grade field. In this
case it was not really needed since we are only working with a single table but where
multiple tables are specified we need to make it clear which table the field belongs to.
As an example let's change our query to find the names of all employees paid more
than $50,000. To do that we will need to consider data in both tables:

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sqlite> select Name, Amount from Employee, Salary

...> where Employee.Grade = Salary.Grade
...> and Salary.Amount > '50000';

As expected we only get one name back - that of the foreman. But notice that we also
got back the salary, because we added Amount to the list of columns selected. Also
note that we have two parts to our where clause combined using an and boolean
operator. The first part links the two tables together by ensuring that the common
fields are equal, this is known as a join in SQL.

Note 1: Because the fields that we are selecting come from two tables we have to
specify both of the tables from which the result will come. The order of the field names
is the order in which we get the data back but the order of the tables doesn't matter so
long as the specified fields appear in those tables.

Note 2: We specified two unique field names. If we had wanted to display the
Grade as well, which appears in both tables, then we would have had to use dot
notation to specify which table's Grade we wanted, like this:

sqlite> select Employee.Grade, Name, Amount

...> from Employee, Salary

The final feature of Select that I want to cover (although there are several more
which you can read about in the SQL documentation for SELECT) is the ability to sort
the output. Databases generally hold data either in the order that makes it easiest to
find things or in the order in which they are inserted, in either case that's not usually
the order we want things displayed! To deal with that we can use the ORDER BY clause
of the Select statement.

SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE expression ORDER BY columns;

Notice that the final ORDER BY clause can take multiple columns, this enables us to
have primary, secondary, tertiary and so on sort orders.

Let's use this to get a list of names of employees sorted by HireDate:

sqlite> select Name from Employee

...> order by HireDate;

And that's really all there is to it, now you can't get much easier than that! The only
thing worthy of mention is that we didn't use a where clause. If we had used one it
would have had to come before the order by clause. So although SQL doesn't mind
if you drop the clause, it does care about the sequence of the clauses within the

That's enough about extracting data, let's now see how we can modify our data.

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Changing Data
There are two ways that we can change the data in our database. We can alter the
contents of a single record or, more drastically, we can delete a record or even a whole
table. Changing the content of an existing record is the more common case and we do
that using the UPDATE SQL command.

The basic format is:

UPDATE table SET column = value WHERE condition;

We can try it out on our sample database by changing the salary of a Foreman to

sqlite> update Salary

...> set Amount ='70000'
...> where Grade = 'Foreman';

One thing to notice is that up until now all of the data we've inserted and selected has
been string types. SQLite actually stores its data as strings but actually supports quite a
few different types of data, including numbers. So we could have specified the salary in
a numeric format which would make calculations easier. We'll see how to do that in the
next section.

The other form of fairly drastic change we can make to our data is to delete a row, or
set of rows. This uses the SQL DELETE FROM command, which looks like:

DELETE FROM Table WHERE condition

So if we wanted to delete Anne Jones from our Employee table we could do this:

sqlite> delete from Employee where Name = 'Anne Jones';

If more than one row matches our condition then all of the matching rows will be
deleted. SQL always operates on all the rows that match our query, it's not like using a
sequential search of a file or string using a regular expression.

To delete an entire table and its contents we would use the SQL DROP command, but
we will see that in action a little later. Obviously destructive commands like
Delete and Drop must be used with extreme caution!

Linking Data Across Tables

Data Constraints

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We mentioned linking data across tables earlier, in the section on SELECT. However
this is such a fundamental part of database theory that we will discuss it in more depth
here. The links between tables represent the relationships between data entities that
give a Relational Database such as SQLite its name. The database maintains not only
the raw data about the entities but information about the relationships too.

The information about the relationships is stored in the form of database

constraints which act as rules dictating what kind of data can be stored as well as the
valid set of values. These constraints are applied when we define the database structure
using the CREATE statement.

We normally express the constraints on a field by field basis so, within the CREATE
statement, where we define our columns, we can expand the basic definition from:

CREATE Tablename (Column, Column,...);


CREATE Tablename (
ColumnName Type Constraint,
ColumnName Type Constraint,

And the most common constraints are:


NOT NULL is fairly self explanatory, it indicates that the value must exist and not be
NULL! And a NULL value is simply one that has no specified value. Thus NOT
NULL means that a value must be given for that field, otherwise
an error will result and the data will not be inserted.

PRIMARY KEY simply tells SQLite to use this column as the main key for lookups (in
practice this means it will be optimized for faster searches). The
AUTOINCREMENT means that an INTEGER type value will automatically be assigned on
each INSERT and the value automatically incremented by one. This saves a lot of work
for the programmer in maintaining separate counts. Note that the
AUTOINCREMENT "keyword" is not actually used, rather it is implied from a
type/constraint combination of INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. This is a not so obvious
quirk of the SQLite documentation that trips up enough people for it to appear at the
top of the SQLite FAQ list!

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UNIQUE means that the value must be unique within the column. If we try to insert a
value into a column with a UNIQUE constraint then an error results and the row will
not be inserted. UNIQUE is often used for non INTEGER type PRIMARY KEY columns.

DEFAULT is always accompanied by a value. The value is what SqlLite will insert into
that field if the user does not explicitly provide one. The effect of this is that columns
with a DEFAULT constraint are in practice very rarely NULL, to create a NULL value
you would need to explicitly set NULL as the value.

We can see a quick example showing the use of default here:

sqlite> create table test

...> (id Integer Primary Key,
...> Name NOT NULL,
...> Value Integer Default 42);
sqlite> insert into test (Name, Value) values ('Alan',24);
sqlite> insert into test (Name) values ('Heather');
sqlite> insert into test (Name,Value) values ('Linda', NULL);
sqlite> select * from test;

Notice how the entry for Heather has the default value set? And also that the value for
Linda is non existent, or NULL. That is an important difference between NOT NULL and
DEFAULT. The former will not allow NULL values either by default or explicitly. The
DEFAULT constraint prevents unspecified NULLs but does not prevent deliberate
creation of NULL values.

There are also constraints that can be applied to the table itself but we will not be
discussing those in any depth in this tutorial.

The other kind of constraint that we can apply, as already mentioned, is to specify the
column Type. This is exactly like the concept of types in a programming language and
the valid set of types in SQLite are:


These should be self evident with the possible exception of NUMERIC which allows the
storage of floating point numbers as well as integers. None is not really a type but
simply indicates that, as we did above, you don't need to specify a type at all. Most
databases come with a much wider set of types including, crucially, a DATE type,
however as we are about to see, SQLite has a somewhat unconventional approach to
types which renders such niceties less relevant.

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Most databases strictly apply the types specified. However SQLite employs a more
dynamic scheme, where the type specified is more like a hint and any type of data can
be stored in the table. When data of a different type is loaded into a field then SQLite
will use the declared type to try and convert the data, but if it cannot be converted it
will be stored in its original form. Thus if a field is declared as INTEGER but the
TEXT value '123' is passed in, SQLite will convert the string '123' to the number 123.
But if the TEXT value 'Freddy' is passed in the conversion will fail so SQLite will
simply store the string 'Freddy' in the field! This can cause some strange behaviour if
you are not aware of this foible. Most databases treat the type declaration as a strict
constraint and will fail if an illegal value is passed.

Modelling Relationships with Constraints

So how do these constraints help us to model data and, in particular, relationships?

Let's look again at our simple two-table database:

EmpID Name HireDate Grade ManagerID

John SalaryID Grade Amount

1020304 20030623 Foreman 1020311

000010 Foreman 60000

1020305 20040302 Labourer 1020304
000011 Labourer 35000

1020307 19991125 Labourer 1020304

Looking at the Employee table first we can see that the ID value should be of
INTEGER type and have a PRIMARY KEY constraint, the other columns, with the
possible exception of the ManagerID should be NOT NULL. ManagerID should also
be of type INTEGER.

For the Salary table we see that again the SalaryID should be an INTEGER with
PRIMARY KEY. The Amount column should also be an INTEGER and we will apply a
DEFAULT value of 10000. Finally the Grade column will be constrained as
Unique since we don't want more than one salary per grade! (Actually this is a bad
idea since normally salary varies with things like length of service as well as grade, but
we'll ignore such niceties! In fact, in the real world, we probably should call this a
Grade table and not Salary...)

The modified SQL looks like this:

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sqlite> create table Employee (

...> EmpID integer Primary Key,
...> Name not null,
...> HireDate not null,
...> Grade not null,
...> ManagerID integer
...> );

sqlite> create table Salary (

...> SalaryID integer primary key,
...> Grade unique,
...> Amount integer default 10000
...> );

You can try out these constraints by attempting to enter data that breaks them to see
what happens. Hopefully you see an error message!

One thing to point out here is that the insert statements we used previously are no
longer adequate. We previously inserted our own values for the ID fields but these are
now autogenerated so we can (and should!) miss them out of the inserted data. But
this gives rise to a new difficulty. How can we populate the managerID field if we
don't know what the EmpID of the manager is? The answer is we can use a nested
select statement. I've chosen to do this in two stages using NULL fields initially and
then using an update statement after creating all the rows.

To avoid a lot of repeat typing I've put all of the commands in a couple of files which I
called employee.sql for the table creation commands and employee.dat for the
insert statements. (This is just the same as creating a python script file ending in .py to
save typing everything at the >>> prompt.)

The employee.sql file looks like this:

drop table Employee;

create table Employee (
EmpID integer Primary Key,
Name not null,
HireDate not null,
Grade not null,
ManagerID integer

drop table Salary;

create table Salary (
SalaryID integer primary key,
Grade unique,
Amount integer default 10000

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Notice that I drop the tables before creating them. The DROP TABLE command, as
mentioned earlier, simply deletes the table and any data within it. This ensures the
database is in a nice clean state before we start creating our new table.

The employee.dat script looks like this:

insert into Employee (Name, HireDate, Grade, ManagerID)

values ('John Brown','20030623','Foreman', NULL);
insert into Employee (Name, HireDate, Grade, ManagerID)
values ('Fred Smith','20040302','Labourer',NULL);
insert into Employee (Name, HireDate, Grade, ManagerID)
values ('Anne Jones','19991125','Labourer',NULL);

update Employee
set ManagerID = (Select EmpID
from Employee
where Name = 'John Brown')
where Name = 'Fred Smith' OR
Name = 'Anne Jones';

insert into Salary (Grade, Amount)

insert into Salary (Grade, Amount)

Notice the use of the embedded select statement in the update command and also
the fact that I've used a single update to modify both employee rows by using a
boolean OR condition. By extending this OR I can easily add more employees with the
same manager.

This is typical of the problems you can have when populating a database for the first
time. You need to plan the order of the statements carefully to ensure that for every
row that needs to contain a reference value to another table that you have already
provided the data for it to reference! It's a bit like starting at the leaves of a tree and
working back to the trunk. Always create/insert the data with no references first, then
the data that references that data and so on. If you are adding data after the initial
creation you will need to use queries to check the data you need already exists, and
add it if it doesn't. At this point a scripting language like Python becomes invaluable!

Finally we can run these from the sqlite prompt like this:

sqlite> .read employee.sql

sqlite> .read employee.dat

Make sure you have the path issues sorted out though: either run sqlite from wherever
the sql scripts live (as I've done above) or provide the full path to the script.

Now we'll try a query to check that everything is as it should be:

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sqlite> select Name from Employee

...> where Grade in
...> (select Grade from Salary where amount >50000)
...> ;
John Brown

That seems to have worked, John Brown is the only employee earning over $50000.
Notice that we used an IN condition combined with another embedded
SELECT statement. This is a variation on a similar query that we performed above
using a cross table join. Both techniques work but usually the join approach will be

Many to many relationships

One scenario we haven't discussed is where two tables are linked in a many to
many relationship. That is, a row in one table can be linked to several rows in a
second table and a row in the second table can at the same time be linked to many
rows in the first table.

Consider an example. Imagine we are writing a database to support a book publishing

company. They need lists of authors and lists of books. Each author will write one or
more books. Each book will have one or more authors. How do we represent that in a
database? The solution is to represent the relationship between books and authors as a
table in its own right. Such a table is often called an intersection table or a mapping
table. Each row of this table represents a book/author relationship. Now each book
only has potentially many book/author relationships but each relationship only has one
book and one author, so we have converted a many to many relationship into two one
to many relationships. And we already know how to build those using IDs. Let's see it
in practice:

drop table author;

create table author (
Name String NOT NULL

drop table book;

create table book (
Title String NOT NULL

drop table book_author;

create table book_author (
bookID Integer NOT NULL,
authorID Integer NOT NULL

insert into author (Name) values ('Jane Austin');

insert into author (Name) values ('Grady Booch');
insert into author (Name) values ('Ivar Jacobson');

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insert into author (Name) values ('James Rumbaugh');

insert into book (Title) values('Pride & Prejudice');

insert into book (Title) values('Emma');
insert into book (Title) values('Sense & Sensibility');
insert into book (Title) values ('Object Oriented Design with Applications');
insert into book (Title) values ('The UML User Guide');

insert into book_author (BookID,AuthorID) values (

(select ID from book where title = 'Pride & Prejudice'),
(select ID from author where Name = 'Jane Austin')

insert into book_author (BookID,AuthorID) values (

(select ID from book where title = 'Emma'),
(select ID from author where Name = 'Jane Austin')

insert into book_author (BookID,AuthorID) values (

(select ID from book where title = 'Sense & Sensibility'),
(select ID from author where Name = 'Jane Austin')

insert into book_author (BookID,AuthorID) values (

(select ID from book where title = 'Object Oriented Design with Applications')
(select ID from author where Name = 'Grady Booch')

insert into book_author (BookID,AuthorID) values (

(select ID from book where title = 'The UML User Guide'),
(select ID from author where Name = 'Grady Booch')

insert into book_author (BookID,AuthorID) values (

(select ID from book where title = 'The UML User Guide'),
(select ID from author where Name = 'Ivar Jacobson')

insert into book_author (BookID,AuthorID) values (

(select ID from book where title = 'The UML User Guide'),
(select ID from author where Name = 'James Rumbaugh')

Now we can try some queries to see how it works. Let's see which Jane Austin books
we publish:

sqlite> SELECT title from book

...> where book_author.bookID = book.ID
...> and book_author.authorID = (select ID from author
...> where name = "Jane Austin");

It's getting a wee bit more complex but if you sit and work through it you'll get the
idea soon enough. Let's try it the other way around, Let's see who wrote 'The UML
User Guide':

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sqlite> SELECT name from author

...> where book_author.authorID = author.ID
...> and book_author.bookID = (select ID from book
...> where title = "The UML User Guide");

If you look closely you will see that the structure of the two queries is identical, we
just swapped around the table and field names a little.

That's enough for that example, I'm now going to return to our Address Book
example that we last considered in the topic on file handling. You might want to
review that before reading on to see how we convert it from file based storage to a full

The Address Book Revisited

In the file based version of the address book we used a dictionary with the contact
name as key and the address as a single data item. That works fine if we always know
the name we want or we always want the full address details. But what if we want all
of our contacts in a particular town? Or all the people called 'John'? We could write
specific Python code for each query but as the number of special queries rises the
amount of effort gets to be a serious disincentive. This is where a database approach
pays dividends with the ability to create queries dynamically using SQL.

So what does our address book look like as a database? Basically it is a single table.
We could split the data into address and person and link them - after all you may have
several friends living in the same house, but we will stick with our original design and
use a simple table.

One thing that we will do is split the data into several fields. Rather than a simple name
and address structure we will split the name into first and last names, and the address
into its constituent parts. There has been a lot of study into the best way to do this and
no definitive answer, but the one thing everyone agrees on is that single field addresses
are a bad idea - they are just too inflexible. Let's list the fields of our database table and
the constraints that we want to apply:

Field Name Type Constraint

First Name String Primary Key
Last Name String Primary Key
House Number String NOT NULL
Street String NOT NULL
District String
Town String NOT NULL
Post Code String NOT NULL
Phone Number String NOT NULL

Some points to note:

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1. We have two primary keys which is not allowed, we'll have to deal with that
in a moment.
2. All of the data is type string even though the House Number might be
expected to be an integer. Unfortunately house numbers often include letters
too, so we have to use a string.
3. The district is the only optional field
4. Post or Zip codes are very specific in form but only within a single country.
This means we have to, once again, leave the type as a string to cater for all
5. The Phone Number might seem like a candidate for a UNIQUE constraint, but
that wouldn't allow us to have two friends sharing the same phone.

Going back to the first point, that we have two primary keys. This is not allowed in
SQL but what we can do is take two columns and combine them into what is called a
composite key which allows them to be treated as a single value so far as identifying a
row is concerned. Thus we could add a line at the end of our create
table statement which combined FirstName and LastName as a single Primary
Key. It would look something like this:

create table address (

FirstName NOT NULL,
LastName NOT NULL,
PhoneNumber NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (FirstName,LastName)

Notice the last line which lists the columns we want to use as the composite key. (This
is actually an example of a table based constraint.)

However, thinking about this, it isn't really such a good idea since, if we know two
people with the same name, we could only store one of them. We'll deal with this by
first of all defining an integer primary key field to uniquely identify our contacts,
even though we will rarely if ever use it in a query.

We know how to declare an Integer Primary Key constraint, we did that for our
employee example.

We can turn that straight into a SQLite data creation script, like this:

-- drop the tables if they exist and recreate them afresh

-- use constraints to improve data integrity
drop table address;
create table address (
ContactID Integer Primary Key,
First Not Null,
Last Not Null,
House Not Null,

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Working with Databases 27/05/2007

Street Not Null,

Town Not Null,
PostCode Not Null,
Phone Not Null

The first two lines are simply comments. Like the # symbol in Python, anything
following a double dash (--) is considered a comment in SQL.

Notice that I have not defined the type because String is the default in SQLite, if we
needed to convert, or port in computer speak, this schema, or table layout, to some
other database we would probably need to go back and add the type information.

The next step is to load some data into the table ready to start performing queries. I'll
leave that as an exercise for the reader, but I will be using the following data set in the
following examples:

First Last House Street District Town PostCode Phone

Anna Smith 42 Any Street SomePlace MyTown ABC123
Bob Builder 17 Any Street SomePlace MyTown ABC234
Clarke Kennit 9 Crypt Drive Hotspot MyTown ABC345
Dave Smith 42 Any Street SomePlace MyTown ABC123
Dave Smith 12A Double Street AnyTown DEF174
Debbie Smith 12A Double Street AnyTown DEF174

Now we have some data let's play with it and see how we can use the power of SQL to
extract information in ways we couldn't even dream of with our simple file based
Python dictionary.

Who lives in Any Street?

This is a fairly straightforward SQL query made simple by the fact that we have broken
our address data into separate fields. If we had not done that we would have had to
write string parsing code to extract the street data which is much more complex. The
SQL query we need looks like this:

sqlite> SELECT First,Last FROM Address

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Working with Databases 27/05/2007

...> WHERE Street = "Any Street";

Who is called Smith?

Again this is a fairly straightforward select/where SQL expression:

sqlite> SELECT First,Last FROM Address

...> WHERE Last = "Smith";

What is Dave's Phone number?

Again a straightforward query except that we get multiple results back.

sqlite> SELECT First,Last, Phone FROM Address

...> WHERE First Like "Dav%";

Notice we used Like in the where clause. This uses a wild card style comparison and
ignores case. (Notice that the SQL wild card is a percent symbol (%) rather than the
more common asterisk (*).) As a result it is a looser match than equality which
requires an exact match. Notice that if we had only used D% as the wildcard pattern we
would also have selected Debbie

What are the duplicated names?

This is a more complex query. We will need to select the entries which occur more
than once. This is where the unique ContactID key comes into play:

sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT A.First, A.Last

...> FROM Address as A, Address as B
...> WHERE A.First = B.First
...> AND A.Last = B.Last
...> AND NOT A.ContactID = B.ContactID;

We use a few new features here. The first thing is that we provide alias names, A and
B, to the tables in the from clause. (We can also provide aliases for our result values
too to save typing.) Also we use those aliases when referring to the result fields using
the familiar dot notation. You can use an alias in any query but we are forced to do it
here because we use the same table, Address, both times (thus joining it to itself!) so
we need two aliases to distinguish the two instances in our where clause. We also
introduce the DISTINCT keyword which results in us eliminating any duplicate results.

In summary, the query searches for rows with the same first and last names but
different contactIDs, it then eliminates duplicate results prior to displaying them.

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As with the Python interactive prompt the SqlLite interactive prompt is a powerful tool
when developing more complex queries like this. You can start with a simple query
and then build in the complexity as you go. For example the last part of the query that
I added was the DISTINCT keyword, even though it's the second word in the final

Accessing SQL from Python

SQLite provides an Application Programmers Interface or API consisting of a number
of standard functions which allow programmers to perform all the same operations that
we have been doing using the interactive SQL prompt. The SQLite API is written in C
but wrappers have been provided for other languages, including Python.


When accessing a database from within a program one important consideration is how
to access the multiple rows of data potentially returned by a select statement. The
answer is to use what is known in SQL as a cursor. A cursor is like a Python sequence
in that it can be accessed one row at a time. Thus by selecting into a cursor and then
using a loop to access the cursor we can process large collections of data.

The documentation for the latest version of the Python DB API is found in the
Database Topic Guide on the Python website. You should read this carefully if you
intend doing any significant database programming using Python.

Installing the SQLite drivers

Note: From Python version 2.5 the SQLite drivers are included in the standard
Python library. The version 2.5 import command should look like:

import sqlite3 as sqlite

If you don't have Python 2.5 installed yet then read on.

The Python DBAPI drivers for SQLite can be found here. Simply download the
version corresponding to your version of Python and run the installer if you are using
Windows, other OS users will need to follow the instructions on the web site! After it
is installed you should be able to import the driver module like this:

from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite

If no errors are reported then congratulations, the module is installed and usable.

Basic DBI usage

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I am not going to cover all of the DBI features just enough for us to connect to our
database and execute a few queries and process the results. We'll finish off by rewriting
our address book program to use the address book database instead of a text file.

>>> db = sqlite.connect('D:/DOC/HomePage/Tutor2/sql/address.db')

>>> cur = db.cursor()

>>> cur.execute('Select * from address')

>>> print cur.fetchall()

And the results look like this:

[(1, u'Anna', u'Smith', u'42', u'Any Street', u'SomePlace', u'MyTown', u'ABC12

(2, u'Bob', u'Builder', u'17', u'Any Street', u'SomePlace', u'MyTown', u'ABC2
(3, u'Clarke', u'Kennit', u'9', u'Crypt Drive', u'Hotspot', u'MyTown', u'ABC3
(4, u'Dave', u'Smith', u'42', u'Any Street', u'SomePlace', u'MyTown', u'ABC12
(5, u'Dave', u'Smith', u'12A', u'Double Street', u'', u'AnyTown', u'DEF174',

As you can see the cursor returns a list of tuples. This is very similar to what we
started off with back in the raw materials topic! And we could simply use this list in
our program as if we had read it from a file, using the database merely as a persistence
mechanism. However the real power of the database lies in its ability to perform
sophisticated queries using select.

The Address Book - One last time

I'm now going to present our address book example for the final time. It's far from
polished and is still command line based. You might like to add a GUI, remembering to
refactor the code to separate function from presentation.

I won't explain every detail of the code, by now it should mostly be self evident if you
read through it. I will however highlight a few points at the end.

# Author: A J Gauld
# Build a simple addressbook using
# the SQLite database and Python

# set up the database and cursor

dbpath = "D:/DOC/Homepage/Tutor2/sql/"

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Working with Databases 27/05/2007

def initDB(path):
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
db = sqlite.connect(path)
cursor = db.cursor()
except :
print "Failed to connect to database:", path
db,cursor = None,None
return db,cursor

# Driver functions
def addEntry(book):
first = raw_input('First name: ')
last = raw_input('Last name: ')
house = raw_input('House number: ')
street = raw_input('Street name: ')
district = raw_input('District name: ')
town = raw_input('City name: ')
code = raw_input('Postal Code: ')
phone = raw_input('Phone Number: ')
query = '''INSERT INTO Address
Values ("%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s")''' %\
(first, last, house, street, district, town, code, phone)
except :
print "Insert failed"
# raise
return None

def removeEntry(book):
name = raw_input("Enter a name: ")
names = name.split()
first = names[0]; last = names[-1]
book.execute('''DELETE FROM Address
WHERE First LIKE "%s"
AND Last LIKE "%s"''' % (first,last))
except :
print "Remove failed"
# raise
return None

def findEntry(book):
field = raw_input("Enter a search field: ")
value = raw_input("Enter a search value: ")
query = '''SELECT first,last,house,street,district,town,postcode,phone
FROM Address WHERE %s LIKE "%s"''' % (field,value)
except : print "Sorry no matching data found"
for line in book.fetchall():
print ' : '.join(line)
return None

def testDB(database):

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Working with Databases 27/05/2007

database.execute("Select * from Address")

print database.fetchall()
return None

def closeDB(database, cursor):

print "problem closing database..."
# raise

# User Interface functions

def getChoice(menu):
print menu
choice = raw_input("Select a choice(1-4): ")
return choice

def main():
theMenu = '''
1) Add Entry
2) Remove Entry
3) Find Entry
4) Test database connection
9) Quit and save
theDB, theBook = initDB(dbpath + 'address.db')
choice = getChoice(theMenu)
while choice != '9' and choice.upper() != 'Q':
if choice == '1' or choice.upper() == 'A':
elif choice == '2' or choice.upper() == 'R':
elif choice == '3' or choice.upper() == 'F':
elif choice == '4' or choice.upper() == 'T':
else: print "Invalid choice, try again"
choice = getChoice(theMenu)
else: closeDB(theDB,theBook)

if __name__ == '__main__': main()

Note that we have to put quotes around the strings within the SQL queries otherwise
SQLite interprets them as field names. Also note that the closeDB function includes a
call to commit. This forces the database to write all the changes in the current session
back to the file, it can be thought of as being a little like the file.flush method.
Finally note that the insert statement had to include all of the field names otherwise
SQLite complained about a mismatch in the number of fields even though the ID field
is declared as AUTOINCREMENT

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One last point to note, which is unrelated to using databases but nonetheless is a useful
debugging trick. Several of the functions have try/except constructs and in the
except clause I've put in a raise statement which is now commented out. The
raise is only there to aid debugging since, without it, the except clause would mask
the full Python error report. However to restore user friendly reporting of errors it's
easy to comment out this one line. This is much easier than trying to comment out the
entire try/except construct during debugging.

A Word about Security

While the code above works and demonstrates how to call SQL from Python it does
have one significant flaw. Because I used string formatting to construct the queries it is
possible for a malicious user to enter some rogue SQL code as input. This rogue code
then gets inserted into the query using the format string and is executed, potentially
deleting vital data. To avoid that, the execute() API call has an extra trick up its
sleeve. It can take the values that we use in a format string as an additional sequence
parameter and insert them into the query for us. Unlike vanilla formatting however
execute is smart enough to detect most rogue code and issue an error. It's not perfect
and you do lose visibility of the actual SQL query submitted to the database (which
can be useful when debugging) but if there is any possibility of users entering rogue
data this is the best way to use execute. By way of an example here is our
removeEntry() function with execute doing the formatting:

def removeEntry(book):
name = raw_input("Enter a name: ")
names = name.split()
first = names[0]; last = names[-1]
book.execute('''DELETE FROM Address
AND Last LIKE ?''', (first,last) )
except :
print "Remove failed"
# raise
return None

Note the removal of the string formatting % operator and the introduction of the
comma separating the query string argument from the value tuple argument. Also the
formatting marker is now a question mark, however this value is specific to
the database adaptor being used. Finally notice that we don't need to add quotes
around the marker, execute is smart enough to fill those in itself.

A Final word
We have used SQLite for our examples because it is freely available, easy to install and
use, and fairly forgiving of mistakes. However, this simplicity means that many of the
more features found in more powerful packages are not available. In particular the text
processing capabilities and the range of constraints available are quite limited. If you

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do find yourself confronted with a database like Oracle or IBM's DB2 it is well worth
while taking the time to read the reference documentation, using the features of the
database to best effect can significantly reduce the amount of custom code you need to

Some of the advanced features you should look out for are described in the box below:

Advanced Database Features

Foreign Keys

Most databases feature Foreign Keys. These allow us to specify linkages or

relationships between tables. The data consists of primary keys of other tables. In
some cases the keys are allowed to be in other databases as well as from other tables
in the current database. We haven't discussed cross table joins in much detail here but
this is one of the most commonly used features of relational databases as applications
get larger.

Referential Integrity

Referential integrity is the ability to only allow data values in a column if they exist in
another location. For example in our employee database we could have restricted the
value in the Employee.Grade field to only allow values already defined in the
Salary.Grade table. This is a very powerful tool in maintaining the consistency of
data across the database and is especially important where, as with the
grade columns, the values are used as keys for joining two tables.

Stored Procedures

These are functions written in a proprietary programming language provided by the

database vendor and stored in the database. The advantage of using a stored
procedure is that these are compiled and so tend to be much faster than using the
equivalent SQL commands. In addition they save bandwidth by only requiring the
function name and arguments to be sent from the client program. By being built into
the server they allow us to build common behaviour, such as complex business rules,
into the database where it can be shared by all applications consistently. The
disadvantage is that they are proprietary and if we want to change database vendor
then all stored procedures will need to be rewritten, whereas standard SQL will work
almost unchanged on any database.


These are virtual tables made up from other real tables. They could be a subset of the
data in another table, to simplify browsing or, more commonly, a few columns from
one table and a few from another joined by some key. You can think of them as
being a SQL query permanently being executed and the result stored in the view. The
view will change as the underlying data changes. Some databases only allow you to

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read data in a view but most will permit updates as well. Views are often used to
implement data partitioning such that one user can only see the subset of data that is
relevant to her.

Cascaded Deletes

If a cascaded delete is set up between two data items it means that when the master
item is deleted all subordinate items will also be deleted. One of the most common
examples is an order. An order will normally comprise several ordered items plus the
order itself. These will typically be stored in two separate tables. If we delete the
order we also want to delete the order items. Cascaded deletes are normally
configured in the database DDL statements used to create the database schema. They
are a type of constraint.

Advanced Data types

Some databases permit a wide variety of data types to be stored. In addition to the
usual number, character, date and time data, there may be network addresses, Binary
Large Objects (known as BLOBs) for image files etc. Another common type of data
is the fixed precision decimal type used for financial data, this avoids the errors from
rounding found with traditional floating point numbers.

Finally if you do want to explore some more sophisticated uses of SQLite there is an
excellent tutorial by Mike Chirico which can be found in several places on the web, but
the one I find easiest to read is found here. With the foundation material above
imprinted on your mind you should have no problem following Mike's excellent tutor.

Points to remember
Databases organise data into tables
Records consist of fields and comprise the rows of the tables
SQL is the language used to manage data
CREATE, INSERT, SELECT and UPDATE are the key commands
Programming languages provide SQL wrappers to acccess the data from
Cursors store the results of a SQL query in a temporary but accessible form

Contents Previous Next

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

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Working with the Operating System 27/05/2007

Working with the Operating System

What will we cover?
The role of the Operating System
Python's access to the operating system
Working with files and folders
Working with Processes
Finding out about users

In this topic we will look at the role of the Operating System (OS) and how we can
access the OS from Python.

So What is the Operating System?

Most computer users know that their computer has an operating system, whether it be
Windows, Linux or MacOS or some other variety. But not so many know exactly what
the operating system does. This is compounded by the fact that most commercial
operating systems come bundled with lots of extra programs that are not really part of
the operating system per se, but without which the computer would not be very usable.
Examples of these extras are image viewers, web browsers, text editors and so forth.
So what exactly is the operating system and why do we need one?

The layer cake principle

The answer lies in the way computers are built. We can think of them as a layer cake
with the computer hardware, the electronics, at the bottom. The hardware includes the
Central Processing Unit (CPU or just the chip), the hard disk, the memory, the
Input/Output subsystem (usually abbreviated to IO - pronounced Eye-Oh) including
things like Serial and Parallel ports, USB ports, Network connections and so on.

The next layer up is the Basic Input Output System or BIOS. The BIOS is the first
layer of software and is responsible for booting up the computer and providing a very
raw interface to the hardware. For example it allows the hard disk heads to be moved
from track to track and sector to sector within a track, and to read or write individual
bytes to the hardware data buffers attached to each port. The BIOS knows nothing
about files or directories or any of the other higher level concepts that we as users are
so familiar with. It only knows how to manipulate the basic electronic devices from
which the computer is assembled. In fact in some cases it does this by allowing
hardware vendors to install their own software at critical places within the BIOS - so
for example graphics card vendors install links to their own graphics drivers at a
standard location in the BIOS code so that the BIOS simply calls an agreed interface
but the vendors provide their own customized software.

The next layer up from the BIOS is where we hit the operating system proper. The
structure of this layer depends a lot on the operating system but generally it comprises
a kernel or core set of services with associated device drivers. The device drivers may

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be built into the kernel or they may be modules loaded by the kernel as needed - very
similar to the way Python's modules get loaded by programs as they are needed. What
this layer does is translates from the low-level hardware to the logical structures that
we recognize and use, like files and folders.

As an example consider what happens when we open and read a file in Python:

We call the Python open()

Python calls an operating system function to open the same file
The operating system looks up some internal data and translates the filename
into a set of tracks and sectors on the hard disk (and indeed figures out which
hard disk!)
The operating system then calls several BIOS functions to position the heads at
the right location.
The Python program calls
Python calls the operating system read function
The operating system instructs the BIOS to read the right number of bytes
from that location.
The operating system repeats the BIOS locate/read sequence steps as often as
is necessary to read all of the data required for our file.

The final layer in the cake is the shell which is the user environment. On modern
operating systems this is usually presented as a Graphical User Interface.

If that all sounds pretty complicated that's because it is! The good news is that the
reason we have an operating system is to save us mere mortal programmers from
having to think about it, we just call open() and read().

Process Control

However the operating system does more than simply control access to the hardware,
it also provides the ability to launch a program. In fact it provides the mechanisms for
managing all of the programs that run concurrently on your computer. The reason it
needs to do this is that usually there are far fewer CPUs than there are programs so, to
produce the illusion of all these programs running at the same time, what happens is
that the operating system switches between them very quickly, giving each program a
share of the CPU - a technique known as time-slicing. Some operating systems are
better at this than others, for example early Windows and MacOS operating systems
could only multi-task in this way with cooperation from the programs being run. If an
errant program failed to provide a suitable pause point the computer would appear to
lock up!

Most modern operating systems use a system called pre-emptive

multi-tasking whereby the operating system interrupts programs regardless of what
they are doing and automatically gives the next program access to the CPU. Various
algorithms are used to improve the efficiency of this process, depending on the
operating system. Common examples are - round robin, most recently used, least

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recently used, and there are several others. Again, from a programmer's point of view
we can usually just ignore all this and pretend there really are multiple parallel
programs running.

User Access and Security

The final aspect of the operating system that I'm going to mention is the control of
Users. Most modern computers can at least allow several different users to access the
machine, each with their own files, desktop settings etc. Several operating systems go
one step further and allow several users to be logged in at the same time, this is
sometimes called multi-session operation. However with many users comes the issue
of security, it's important that John can't see Janet's data and vice versa. The operating
system is responsible for ensuring that each user's files are securely protected and only
those with the appropriate authority can access data.

So how can we use it?

Since the operating system's job is to abstract away all these details you may be
wondering why we as programmers should be interested in it at all, apart from
academic curiosity, perhaps? The answer is that sometimes we need to interact with
the hardware in ways that the standard programming functions don't allow, or maybe
we need to launch another program from within our own. At other times we may want
to control the computer in the same way a user would from within our programs. To
do any of these things we need to get access to the underlying operating system

Python provides a number of modules for interacting with the operating system. The
most important is called the os module and it tries to provide a common interface to
any operating system by loading other lower level modules under the covers. The end
result is that you can call the functions defined in the os module but some operating
systems will behave slightly differently depending on the way they implement those
functions internally. This doesn't normally present a problem, but if you do encounter
strange behaviour from the os functions check the documentation to see if there are
any restrictions on your operating system implementation.

The other operating system modules that we will consider are shutil, which provides
user level control of files and folders to programmers. Also os.path and glob both
of which provide facilities for navigating the computer file system. In fact that's the
part we will look at first.

Manipulating Files
We've already covered handling files earlier in the tutorial, so what can the operating
system help us do that we can't already? Well for one thing we can delete files, the
standard file methods allow us to create them and to modify them but not delete them.
Also we can search for files. open() is great if you know where the file lives but if
you don't how can you find it? Extending that idea what about handling groups of files

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- let's say you want to manipulate all of the image files in a folder. And finally what
about finer grained control of what we read from a file? The standard methods read
either a single line or the whole file, but what if we only want a few bytes? All of these
things are possible using the OS functions.

Finding files

The first module I want to look at for finding files is called glob and it's used to get
lists of filenames. The bizarre name comes from Unix where the term has been used for
a long time to describe the act of selecting groups of files using wildcard characters. I
have absolutely no idea where it originated and if anyone knows please send me an

The module itself is quite easy to use. After you import it (of course!) you find that
there is only a single function glob()! You pass in a pattern to match and the function
returns a list of matching filenames - what could be easier? Here is an example:

import glob
files = glob.glob("*.exe")
print files

And you get a list of the executable files in the current directory. Which begs the
question how do we know what the current directory is? And can we change it? Of
course we can - by using the os module!

import os
print os.getcwd() #cwd=current working directory
print os.getcwd()
print os.listdir('.') # finally get listing of cwd

Note that forward slashes (/) can be used in path names to avoid having to double up
the back slash (\\) escape character normally used by Windows and MS DOS. The
slash also works on MacOS so it can be considered a universal path separator which is
very convenient! If you do need to be OS specific there is a variable os.sep that tells
you the current OS setting.

So now we know how to look for a file in the current directory and how to change the
current directory to the one we want. But that still makes searching for a specific file a
tedious exercise. To help in that we can use the very powerful os.walk() function.

We will look at an example of os.walk being used to find a specific file located
somewhere under a starting point. We'll create a findfile function that we can use
in our programs.

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First I create a test environment consisting a hierarchy of folders under a root

directory. In each folder I've placed some files and in one of the folders the one I want
to search for, which I've called target.txt. You can see this structure in this
screenshot of Windows Explorer:

The os.walk function takes a starting point as a parameter and returns a

generator (kind of a virtual list that builds itself as required) consisting of tuples with 3
members (sometimes called a 3-tuple), the root, a list of directories in the current root
and a list of the current files. If we look at the hierarchy I have created we would
expect the first such tuple to look like this:

( 'Root', ['D1','D2','D3'], ['FA.txt','FB.txt'])

We can check that easily by writing a for loop at the interactive prompt:

>>> for t in os.walk('Root'):

... print t
('Root', ['D1', 'D2', 'D3'], ['FA.txt', 'FB.txt'])
('Root/D1', ['D1-1'], ['FC.txt'])
('Root/D1/D1-1', [], ['FF.txt'])
('Root/D2', [], ['FD.txt'])
('Root/D3', ['D3-1'], ['FE.txt'])
('Root/D3/D3-1', [], ['target.txt'])

This clearly shows the path taken by os.walk. It also shows how we can find a file
and construct its full path by looking in the files element of the tuples returned by
os.walk and combining the name once we've found it with the root value of the
containing tuple.

By writing our function to use regular expressions and to return a list we can create a
function that is much more powerful (but also slower!) than the simple
glob.glob that we looked at earlier. Let's have a go, it should look like this:

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Working with the Operating System 27/05/2007

# module containing only one function,

# findfile(), based on the use of os.walk()

import os,re

def findfile(filepattern, base = '.'):

regex = re.compile(filepattern)
matches = []
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(base):
for f in files:
if regex.match(f):
matches.append(root + '/' + f)
return matches

And we can test it out at the interactive prompt like this:

>>> import findfile

>>> findfile.findfile('t.*','Root')
>>> findfile.findfile('F.*','Root')
['Root/FA.txt', 'Root/FB.txt', 'Root/D1/FC.txt', 'Root/D1/D1-1/FF.txt', 'Root/
/FD.txt', 'Root/D3/FE.txt']
>>> findfile.findfile('.*\.txt','Root')
['Root/FA.txt', 'Root/FB.txt', 'Root/D1/FC.txt', 'Root/D1/D1-1/FF.txt', 'Root/
/FD.txt', 'Root/D3/FE.txt', 'Root/D3/D3-1/target.txt']
>>> findfile.findfile('D.*','Root')

So it works, and notice in the last example that it only works for files because the
directory names are in the dirs lists which we didn't check. As an exercise try adding
a new function to the findfiles module called finddir() that searches for
directories matching a given regular expression. Then combine both to create a third
function findall() that searches both files and directories.

Moving, Copying and Deleting files

We discussed in the Handling Files topic how to copy a file by reading it and then
writing it out to a new location. However it's possible to use the operating system to
do this work for us with a single statement! In Python we use the shutil module for
this kind of work. shutil has several useful functions but the ones we will look at are
(summarizing the Python module documentation):
copy(src, dst)

Copy the file src to the file or directory dst. If dst is a directory, a file with
the same basename as src is created (or overwritten) in the directory specified.
Permission bits are copied. src and dst are path names given as strings.
move(src, dst)

Recursively move a file or directory to another location.

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If the destination is on our current filesystem, then simply use rename src.
Otherwise, copy src to the dst and then remove src.

And, perhaps strangely, the following functions from the os module rather than


Remove the file path.

If path is a directory, OSError is raised; (see rmdir() to remove a

rename(src, dst)

Rename the file or directory src to dst.

If dst is a directory, OSError will be raised.

The easiest way to see these in action is simply to try them out at the interactive
prompt, using the directory/file structure I constructed for the os.walk example

>>> import os
>>> import shutil as sh
>>> import glob as g
>>> os.chdir('Root')
>>> os.listdir('.')
['D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'FA.txt', 'FB.txt']

>>> sh.copy('FA.txt', 'CA.txt')

>>> os.listdir('.')
['CA.txt', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'FA.txt', 'FB.txt']

>>> sh.move('FB.txt','CB.txt')
>>> os.listdir('.')
['CA.txt', 'CB.txt', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'FA.txt']

>>> os.remove('FA.txt')
>>> os.listdir('.')
['CA.txt', 'CB.txt', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3']

>>> for f in g.glob('*.txt'):

... newname = f.replace('C','F')
... os.rename(f,newname)
>>> os.listdir('.')
['D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'FA.txt', 'FB.txt']

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In the examples we moved and copied the files, deleted the remaining original file then
used rename to restore the folder back to its original state. These are all operations a
user might do at a command prompt or in a file browser but here we have done them
using Python. Note also the use of a for loop to do multiple changes. Obviously we
could have added all manner of checks and rules within the loop, giving the potential
to create some very powerful file manipulation tools. And of course, by saving the
code as a script, we could perform these changes as often as we wished by simply
running the script.

Testing File Characteristics

Often when dealing with files we need to know something about the characteristics of
the files in question. For example when reading a directory listing, from glob say, is
the "file" in question really a file, or is it a directory? Also it might be useful to find out
when it was last modified, or even to monitor it to see if it is being regularly modified -
thus indicating that another user or program is accessing the file. We might similarly
want to monitor the size of a file to see if it's growing.

We can do all of these things using OS features from our programs. First of all we'll
see how to check what kind of thing we are dealing with:

import os.path as p
import glob
for item in glob.glob('*')
if p.isfile(item): print item, ' is a file'
elif p.isdir(item): print item, ' is a directory'
else: print item, ' is of unknown type'

Note that the test functions are found in the os.path module. Also note that there are
several other tests available which you can read about in the os.path module

The next characteristic of a file that we will look at is its age. There are a number of
interesting dates in a files lifeline, the first of which is its creation date, the next its
more recent modification date and finally the date of the last access. Not all operating
systems store all of the dates but most will provide creation and modification dates. In
Python the creation and modification dates can be reached through the
os.path module using the ctime() and mtime() functions respectively.

We'll take a look at some of the files in our Root structure. They were all created at
nearly the same times but the top level files will be slightly different because we
manipulated them in our earlier example using rename().

>>> import time as t

>>> os.listdir('.')
>>> for r,d,files in os.walk('.'):
... for f in files:
... print f,' created: %s:%s:%s' % t.localtime(p.getctime(r+'/'+f))[3:6]

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... print f,' modified: %s:%s:%s' % t.localtime(p.getmtime(r+'/'+f))[3:6]

FA.txt created: 13:42:11
FA.txt modified: 13:36:27
FB.txt created: 13:42:11
FB.txt modified: 17:32:5
FC.txt created: 17:32:46
FC.txt modified: 17:32:5
FF.txt created: 17:34:3
FF.txt modified: 17:32:5
FD.txt created: 17:33:12
FD.txt modified: 17:32:5
FE.txt created: 17:33:53
FE.txt modified: 17:32:5
target.txt created: 17:34:28
target.txt modified: 17:32:5

Notice the slightly bizarre result for FA and FB? It appears they were created after they
were modified! That's because we created them as copies of the original files, then we
deleted the originals and renamed the copies. The OS recognizes that the contents
didn't change so shows the original copy time as the modification time but sees the
rename operation as the creation time for the current file names!

There is a useful OS function that can return most of the information we ever need
about a file in a single tuple. It's called stat() and there are several variants available,
however we will only look at the version found in the os module.

os.stat() returns a tuple containing:

st_mode (protection bits),

st_ino (inode number),
st_dev (device),
st_nlink (number of hard links),
st_uid (user ID of owner),
st_gid (group ID of owner),
st_size (size of file, in bytes),
st_atime (time of most recent access),
st_mtime (time of most recent content modification),
st_ctime (creation time, but is platform dependent)

Note that there may occasionally be some extra fields depending on what the
underlying operating system supports. Check the documentation for your platform.

Here is a simple example applied to our top level file FA.txt:

>>> fmtString = "protection: %s\nsize: %s\naccessed: %s\ncreated: %s"

>>> stats = os.stat('FA.txt')
>>> print fmString % stats[0],stats[6],stats[7],stats[9]
protection: 33279
size: 0

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access: 1132407387
created: 1132407731

Notice that apart from size, which is simply the number of bytes in the file, all the other
values need a bit of decoding to make them human readable. We'll look at how to
work with each of them. The timestamps are easy since the numbers are just the
number of seconds from the epoch - we covered that earlier in the tutorial - and we
can use the time module functions (as we did with localtime() above) to convert
to a meaningful data structure or string. The protection format needs to be decoded
and the decoding is done using some special values found in the stat module.
However we also need to use some operators, known as bitwise operators, which we
haven't discussed yet. If you haven't come across these before read through the
material in the box below before continuing.

Bitwise Operators and Flags

The stat module contains a set of predefined constants - ie variables with a value
which is not intended to be changed. There constants allow us to decode the
permissions data using bitwise operators. The bitwise operators are the same as the
boolean logical operators we have used before: and, or, not and one new one xor.
The difference is that, as the name suggests, these versions operate on the individual
binary bits of data rather than the overall value.

The values in stat can be found by looking at the defined variables as binary values.
Unfortunately Python does not provide a built-in binary format option so we need to
write a short conversion function, which relies on the fact that each digit of an octal
number converts directly to its binary representation and there is a built-in octal
conversion. The bin(n) function looks like this:

def bin(n):
digits = {'0':'000','1':'001','2':'010','3':'011',
octStr = "%o" % n # convert to octal string
binStr = ''
# convert octal digit to its binary equivalent
for c in octStr: binStr += digits[c]
return binStr

The Bitwise Operators

Now we will look at how the bitwise operators work using our bin function to
display input and output values.

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First let's look at the effect of a bitwise and which has the symbol &

>>> print bin(5)

>>> print bin(1)
>>> print bin(2)
>>> print bin(5 & 1)
>>> print (bin( 5 & 2)

Let's look at those results and think about what is happening. Recall that a logical
and is true if, and only if, both values are true. Similarly a bitwise & is true (value 1)
if two corresponding bits are true (value 1). So for 5 & 1 the right-most bit is one in
both cases, so the result also has its rightmost bit set to one. For 5 & 2 there are no
locations where both bits are ones, therefore the result is all zero.

This behaviour leads to an exciting feature of bitwise and operations. By 'and'ing a

binary value with a number containing a single binary digit set to one we can find out
if the corresponding bit in the test value is also at one, if it is, we will get a non-zero
result back.

Let's look at an example. Lets assume we want to test if the second bit in a number is
set. We know from above that the value with a single bit in the second position
(counting from the right!) is 2. Let's look at the test:</>

for n in range(10):
if n & TWOBIT: print n,' = ',bin(n)

You should find that 2,3,6 and 7 all have their second bit set.

We can do similar things with the bitwise or which is the | symbol, the bitwise not
which is ~ (be careful though, this one can break our overly simplistic
bin() function!). Play with these using the bin() function to display the bits input
and the output. Hopefully you will see how the various operators work. Just
remember to compare the values bit by bit.

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The final bitwise operator is the exclusive or or xor operator which has the symbol ^.
The exclusive or is true if either one of the test values is true but not if both are true.
This has some interesting results. For example any number xor'd with itself always
results in zero! Similarly any number xor'd with a key will produce a result which, if
it is then xor'd with the same key, will return the original result! This is very useful in
cryptography. Let's look at a few examples before we return to the stat module and
the business of finding permission values.

>>> print bin(5 ^ 2)

>>> print bin(5^5)
>>> print bin((5^2)^2)


When a boolean value is used to store a piece of information the variable used is
often called a flag - because a flag can be either raised or lowered (we'll ignore half
mast!). Where we have many such values relating to a single entity it is common to
use a single number to store the combined set of flags by using the individual data
bits to represent each individual flag. These flag values can then be retrieved using
the bitwise operators we have been discussing. In particular the bitwise and
combined with a decoding value known as a mask which allows us to extract the
specific bits we need. (Our TWOBIT value was a mask for extracting the second bit.)

The stat module is essentially a set of predefined masks for examining the
permissions flags returned by the os.stat() function.

Using stat constants with bitwise operators

Now we will look at some of the stat values as binary numbers and see if we can
work out how to use them.

>>> import stat

>>> dir(stat)
'S_IXGRP', 'S_IXOTH', 'S_IXUSR', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__',

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>>> print bin(stat.S_IREAD)

>>> print bin(stat.S_IWRITE)
>>> print bin(stat.S_IEXEC)

The first thing to point out is that there are a lot of constants defined! The next thing
to note is the three values we printed are the values for determining if a file can be
read, written or executed respectively. Notice that each value has a single bit set, just
like our TWOBIT value in the examples above. So we can use a bitwise and to find out
the permissions of our file following a call to the os.stat() function! Like this:

import os, stat

perm = os.stat()[]
if perm & stat.S_IREAD:
print 'The file is readable'
if perm & stat.S_IWRITE:
print 'The file is writeable'
if perm & stat.S_IEXEC:
print 'The file is executable'

Those are usually the only permissions we care about, but if you need more, read the
stat module documentation carefully then check your understanding by
experimenting at the Python >>> prompt.

Changing permissions of Files

Having discovered what the permissions on a file are currently set to we can also use
the os module to change those permissions to something more suitable. Python uses
the Unix conventions for changing permissions whereby each file has a set of three
flags (read, write, execute) for each of three user categories (owner, group and world).
Thus there are a total of 9 flags per file. These are represented by nine bits. These bits
make up the rightmost bits of the permissions flag returned by os.stat

To change the permissions we simply set the bits appropriately. To do this there is a
convenience function in the os module called chmod(). This function takes as an
argument a 9 bit number. To convert the 9 bit binary string to a real number we can
use the built-in function int() and pass in a second argument representing base 2, like

>>> perm = '111101100' # rwxr--r--

>>> print int(perm,2)

Now we can use that decimal value to change the permissions of the file.

>>> os.chmod('FA.txt',492)

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Or we could do it all in one step like this:

>>> os.chmod('FA.txt',int('111101100',2))

If you are familiar with octal numbers you will know that each octal digit represents
three binary bits. Thus you can express permissions very conveniently as three octal
digits. (You can see that in the bin function that we wrote above, it uses that fact to
convert to binary representation). Regular Unix users are familiar with expressing
permissions this way and you can use that in Python too, making our chmod call look
like this:

>>> # must use a leading 0 to treat as octal

>>> os.chmod('FA.txt',0754)

All of the examples above do the same thing, they set the owners permissions to read,
write and execute while setting the group to read and execute and the world rights to
read only.

Paths, Files and Folders

When developing a program it's common to have the data files in the same folder as
the program files so that everything can find everything else. In a program that you will
use more generally you cannot assume that the files will be in a known location so you
may need to search for them - perhaps using glob or os.walk as described above.

Having found the file you need you will likely need to set the full path if you want to
open the file or examine its attributes. Alternatively, given a full pathname you might
want to deconstruct that to extract only the file name, or maybe the folder name to
hold in a variable say. os.path provides the tools you need to do that.

Filenames in Python are considered to be made up of various parts. First there is an

optional drive letter (non-Windows operating systems often do not have the concept of
physical drives being part of a filename). This is followed by a sequence of folder
names separated by some specified character (in Python you can use '/' and it will
nearly always work, but some operating systems have their own particular variants).
Finally we have the filename or basename which in turn will usually have some kind of
file extension. Consider an example:


This says that the file FA.txt is located in the Root folder which is in the
PYTHON folder under the PROJECTS folder in the top level directory of the F: drive.

Given a full path name we can extract the basename, the extension or the folder
sequence by using functions in the os.path module, like this:

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>>> pth = F:/PROJECTS/PYTHON/Root/FA.txt

>>> stem, aFile = os.path.split(pth)
>>> print 'stem : ',stem, ' file = ',aFile
stem : F:/PROJECTS/PYTHON/Root file = FA.txt

>>> # this only works on OS with drive concept, like Windows

>>> print os.path.splitdrive(pth)
('F:', '/PROJECTS/PYTHON/Root/FA.txt')

>>> print os.path.dirname(pth)


>>> print os.path.basename(pth)


>>> print os.path.splitext(aFile)

('FA', '.txt')

and we can join it all together again...

>>> print os.path.join(stem,aFile)


One thing to note about os.path.join is that it uses the official separator character
for the OS. Thus if you want to build a path that is portable across platforms use
os.path.join to do it rather than hard coding the path into your program.

File Descriptors v File objects

Some of the os family of modules use a slightly different mechanism of file access to
the one we are used to. This is known as a file descriptor and is more closely tied into
the operating systems concept of a file than the file objects we have used up until now.
The advantage of using a file descriptor over a file object is that we can access a suite
of low-level file operations that enable us to gain greater control of the files and their
data. It is possible to create a file descriptor from a file object and vice versa. However
in general it's best not to try to mix the modes of operation within a single function or
program. Either use file descriptors exclusively or file objects.

The file descriptor functions include all of the usual file operations that we are
accustomed to such as open, read, write and close. The low-level routines are
usually harder to use with more potential for getting things wrong. Therefore only use
low-level access if you absolutely have to. In most cases using the standard file
objects will be a better solution.

Under what circumstances might you need to use low-level file access? The standard
operations use a concept known as buffered IO whereby data is held in storage areas
known as buffers during read and write operations. Sometimes those buffers cause
problems when accessing unusual hardware devices or performing time critical
operations. In those cases low-level operations might be the answer, but if you are not
sure why you are using them, then you probably shouldn't be!

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Having given a huge caveat in the previous paragraph I'm now going to say that using
the low-level routines is not really so difficult, it's just that there are a few gotchas that
you need to avoid.

Let's start by performing the simple task of opening a text file, writing some data and
closing it again. It looks like this:

>>> fname = 'F:/PROJECTS/PYTHON/Root/FL.txt'

>>> mode = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY # create and write
>>> access = 0777 # read/write/execute for all
>>> data = 'Test text to check that it worked'
>>> fd =, mode, access) # NB. os version not the builtin!
>>> length = os.write(fd, data)
>>> if length != len(data): print 'Amount of data written doesn't match the da
>>> os.close(fd)

And similarly we can read the data back from the file.

>>> mode = os.O_RDONLY # read only

>>> fd =,mode) # no access needed this time
>>> result =, length)
>>> print result
>>> os.close(fd)

Notice that the way we set the file access type is more complex here, we have to use a
bitwise or operator to combine all of the necessary flags as provided by the os module.
Secondly notice that we can provide an access level other than the default, this is one
advantage over the standard file object methods. The octal number (octal because it is
starting with a zero) is the same as that described above under the heading "Changing
permissions of files". When reading the data we have to pass the length of data read,
we can do this with the standard read too but for low-level access it's compulsory.

The actual data read and written is always a series of bytes. When dealing with ASCII
character strings that's not a problem since each character takes up one byte but for
other data types you will have to use the struct module as described in the File
Handling topic.

Manipulating Processes
One of the most common things we do as users of an operating system is execute
programs. Usually we do this from within a GUI or via a command line shell, but it is
also possible to launch programs from within another program. Sometimes launching a
program and allowing it to run to completion is all we need to do, at other times we
may need to provide input data or read the output back into our own program.

The technical term for this is called inter-process communication, or simply IPC and
we will look at that much more closely in the next topic.

So what is a "process"?

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Process is a fancy computer science term for what most users call a running program.
Thus we have an executable file on the computer and when we execute it, it starts
running within its own memory space. It may be possible to start several instances of
the same executable file, each of which takes up its own memory space and processes
its own data. Each of these executing programs along with their associated operating
environment is what is called a process.

We can see the processes running on our computer using tools provided by the
operating system. If you are running Windows NT/2000 or XP you can start an
application called the Task Manager by hitting Ctrl-Alt-Del. Look at the tab labeled
Processes and you will see a long list of running processes. Some of the names you will
recognize, others you won't because they are services started by Windows itself. Also
you might notice that some applications start several processes - relational databases
and web servers often do this. The Task Manager process view on my PC looks like

On Linux or MacOS you can use a Unix command called ps to list running processes.
Running ps on my PC results in a screen like this:

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The free internet encyclopedia Wikipedia gives useful and more complete definitions
for the different terms program, process, and executable

Running an external program - os.system()

So now we understand the difference between a program and a process let's see how
we can execute a program from Python. The easiest way is to use the
system() function from the os module. This simply executes a command string and
returns an error code that reflects whether the command terminated correctly. There is
no way of accessing the actual output of the invoked program, nor of providing input
to the running process. As such, system() is best used for "fire and forget" execution
of programs. For example, to clear a terminal screen we don't even need to know
whether the command completed successfully, we don't need to interact with the
command once it is underway. We can see an example of this, on a Unix type
operating system below:

>>> import os
>>> errorcode = os.system("clear")

For MS DOS/Windows based operating systems the command is slightly different:

>>> errorcode = os.system("CLS")


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But the result in both cases should be that the terminal window is cleared and the
errorcode should be zero which indicates successful completion. This might not seem
too useful but we can use system to good effect in our scripts where we only need to
display the native output of the command or where we are only interested in the
success or failure of the command. For example, we can find out if a file exists at a
particular location on a Linux computer by invoking the ls command with the
filename as an argument.

>>> filename = 'xxyyzz.ggh'

>>> errorcode = os.system('ls %s > /dev/null' % filename)
>>> if errorcode != 0: print filename, 'does not exist'

The example shows several techniques. First it shows a way of parameterizing system
calls using string formatting. Secondly it shows how to suppress the output from being
printed on the terminal by redirecting it to /dev/null (or perhaps to a temporary file
where the OS does not support any kind of /dev/null concept). Finally, it shows us
interpreting the errorcode to determine the result of the operation.

If the file exists the error code will be zero but if it doesn't then we will get a non-zero
error value. Of course we saw above a more elegant way to do that check using native
Python functions but the principle can often be used with other commands.

While system is very easy to use it is not particularly flexible and has no direct way of
communicating any data back to our programs. We can fake this by capturing the
output to a temporary text file and then opening that file and processing it as usual.
But there is a better way of achieving the same result using another os module
function called popen.
Note to Windows Users
The following code examples all use the Unix ps command and will not work under
Windows. In particular the commands module is not available for Windows so you
can skip that part entirely. The other examples can be modified to work on Windows
by substituting the command string for a valid Windows command such as "DIR
/W". I will conclude this section with some Windows specific techniques for running
processes. Unfortunately this is one area where interacting with the operating system
is decidedly non-portable!

Running an external program - os.popen()

In fact there are several variations of the popen command called popen, popen2,
popen3 and popen4. The numbers refer to the various data stream combinations that
are made available. The standard data streams were described in a sidebar in the
Talking to the User topic. The basic version of popen simply creates a single data
stream where all input/output is sent/received depending on a mode parameter passed
to the function. In essence it tries to make executing a command look like using a file

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By contrast, popen2 offers two streams, one for standard output and another for
standard input, so we can send data to the process and read the output without closing
the process. popen3 provides stderr access in addition to stdin/stdout. Finally
there is popen4 that combines stderr and stdout into a single stream which
appears very like normal console output. In Python 2.4 all of these popen calls have
been superseded by a new Popen class found in a new subprocess module which we
will look at later. For now we will only look at the standard os.popen() function, the
others I will leave as a research exercise!

Let's consider how we can read the output of the ps command shown in the console
output above. As I said earlier, popen tries to make a command look like a file, so we
open the command with a read mode string and that gives us a file like object back.
We can then apply file operations like readline, read etc. For non interactive
programs like ps the simplest way is to let the program run and use read() to sweep
up the entire output as a string. We can then use string.split() to separate the
string into its individual lines. It looks like this:

import os
psout = os.popen('ps -ef', 'r')
results ='\n')
for line in results:
print line

This gives us the same information that was displayed on screen, but now we can
access the data and use Python's string manipulation features to extract whichever
rows or fields we need. For example we could extract the process ID for the Python
interpreter by finding the appropriate row and reading the 3rd field (or more usefully
the 5th last field since the User ID here has potentially one or two words, and so
working back is more likely to be accurate).

Let's try that:

for line in results:

if 'python' in line:
print 'The python pid is:', line.split()[-5]

As you can see this is much more powerful than the use of system and its need to
create temporary files etc.

We can also use popen to write to processes too, but this is relatively uncommon.
There are other modules that often make this easier such as the telnet module. We
will not consider writing to processes in this topic but if the need arises remember that
popen is trying to make a process look like a file and the file can be opened for writing
as well as reading.

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More recent versions of Python have added modules and functions to try to simplify
this kind of process interaction even more. We will look at some of these convenience
functions now.

Other mechanisms for external program access

Python provides a module called commands which provides a slightly easier to use
wrapper around popen on Unix based systems. The above example of extracting the
pid from ps is repeated below using the commands module:

>>> import commands as c

>>> psout = c.getoutput('ps -ef').split('\n')
>>> for row in psout:
... if 'python' in row:
... print row.split()[-5]

Notice that we need to split the string into rows and then split the rows into fields
exactly as we did with popen, but this time we didn't need to explicitly read the
output. Instead a single call to commands.getoutput executed the command and
retrieved the result. Other functions in the module allow us to access the exit status

Another Python module introduced in version 2.4 is the subprocess module. This
module is explicitly intended to replace all of the other mechanisms discussed above.
Examples of how to use it are given in the module documentation but we will look at
the basic usage here. The module is based upon a class called Popen - notice the
capital first letter!

The Popen class can be used to create an instance of a command. Unfortunately the
documentation is rather daunting since the Popen constructor has a great many
parameters. The good news is that they nearly all have default values and can be
ignored in the simplest cases. Thus to simply run an OS command from within a script
we only need to do this:

import subprocess
p = Popen('ps -ef', shell=True)

Notice the shell=True argument. This is necessary to get the command interpreted
by the operating system command processor, or shell.

There is also a function called call that can be used as a replacement for
os.system as in the above example:'ps -ef', shell=True)

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At this level call is almost identical to the Popen usage described above, but
call does not have all of the options available to Popen and does not create any
instances so uses slightly less system resources.

The equivalent to os.popen() is only slightly more complex.

import subprocess
psout = subprocess.Popen('ps -ef', shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout
results ='\n')
for line in results:
print line

Note: The main difference here is that instead of providing an 'r' mode string we
specify that stdout should be a PIPE and then assign the stdout attribute of the
Popen instance to psout. Having done that the rest of the code is unchanged from the
previous examples.

The other os.popen variants can be simulated in much the same way by specifying
which of the standard streams need to be represented as pipes. (A pipe is just a data
connection to another process, in this case between our process and the command that
we are executing) The valid values that can be assigned to the various streams include
open files, file descriptors or other streams (so that stderr can be made to appear on
stdout for example). The documentation shows how to replace each of the
os.popen functions in more detail.

One big improvement using subprocess rather than the older functions is that the
subprocess module raises an OSError exception if the requested command can not
be found. The older functions generally left you with no clear indication of an error!

We will return to the use of subprocess and the concept of data pipes later in the
inter-process communications topic.

What about Security?

There's a lot said about computer security these days and most of the facilities that
ensure a secure environment are provided by the operating system. Just as other OS
features are available through the OS API so we can access security features too, but
with the important proviso that the operating system will still regulate our access to
certain features according to the rights granted to the user who is running the program.
So if we want to gain access to another users files we need to have that permission
anyway, it's not an open invite to evade the built-in security of the system - at least it
shouldn't be!

In this section we will take a look at some of the security related functions available,
such as determining the user id, changing ownership of a file and finally using
environment variables to find out about the current user's environment.

Users and File Ownership

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The first of these tasks, finding out the current user's ID, is done with the
os.getuid function. The User ID is in the form of a number and converting that to a
user name is slightly more complex but we rarely need to do that since we can usually
get the user's name with the use of the getpass.getuser() function which simply
looks at the various environment variables which might hold the information. We use it
like this:

>>> import getpass

>>> print getpass.getuser()

The user ID is however the value that the program needs to modify security settings,
so we obtain it like:

>>> import os
>>> print os.getuid()

Probably the most common use for this is to programmatically change the ownership
of a file, perhaps one we created earlier as part of our program. For an example we
will use one of the files we created earlier in this topic:

import os

os.system('ls -l *.txt')
id = os.getuid()
os.system('ls -l *.txt')

We use system() to display the directory listing before and after the call to
chown() so that we can see any changes. We call chown() with the user ID that we
obtain from getuid() and use -1 for the third parameter of chown() to indicate that
we don't want to change the group ownership. (If we did there is also an
os.getgid() function for fetching the group id). Note that the script will only have
an effect if you run it as a different user from the current owner. Also that user must
have permission to affect the change, so I recommend you log in as an administrator
(or 'root').

Note that chown() does not tell you anything about the outcome so if you needed to
check the result you would have to use something like stat to check the user id value
before and after and thus check that the changes you expect have actually occurred.

The User Environment

In this section we look at the environment in which a process runs. When we start a
program it inherits a whole memory context from the program which launches it,
which is usually a users command line shell - either MS DOS or perhaps the Bash or
Korn shells on Unix based systems. That environment includes lots of information

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about the system such as the users name, home directory, current directory, temporary
directory, search paths etc. This means that by setting various environment
variables each user can to some degree customize how the operating system works
and even individual programs. For example Python takes heed of the
PYTHONPATH environment variable when searching for modules. So two different
users on the same computer could have different module search paths because they
have each set up their own value for PYTHONPATH

Programmers can take advantage of this by defining some program specific

environment variables that the user can set to override the normal program default
values. For this to be effective we need to be able to read the current environment to
find these values. To do this we can either read a single variable using the
os.getenv() function or all of the currently set variables by looking at the
os.environ variable which contains a dictionary of the name/value pairs.

We will first of all print all the environment variables, and you might be surprised to
see how much information is available in this list:

>>> import os
>>> print os.environ

Thats it! It couldn't be much easier. Of course we could pretty it up a bit if we wanted
to using the normal dictionary and string operations. However, in most cases it's much
more useful to get at the value of the variables one at a time, which we do like this:

>>> os.getenv('PYTHONPATH')

This shows whether we have set our PYTHONPATH variable and if so, to what.

Typical usage of getenv() would be during initialization of a program when we set

up things like the folder in which data files are found. In the following example we
check to see where our address books should be stored, using a default of the current
directory if no variable exists:

# ... other initialization steps here.

folder = os.getenv('PY_ADDRESSES', os.getcwd())
# ... rest of program here

Notice that if no value exists for the variable PY_ADDRESSES then getenv() returns
its second argument which is our default location.

Normally the user would create and set such environment variables manually using the
operating system. For example in Windows XP it's done via the
MyComputer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables

sequence of settings.

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On Linux or MacOS it is done from a command prompt by using the export or

setenv commands depending on the shell being used.

On some operating systems, but not all, it is possible to change the values of an
existing environment variable. Be very careful if you do this since on some systems it
can result in you overwriting other values. Also while some operating systems will
mirror these changes back into the users environment in most cases the changes will
only apply in the context of the writing process.

Thus if the OS supports it we could write our default folder value back to the users
environment to ensure that other instances of our program use the same location.

# other code as above

putenv('PY_ADDRESSES', folder)
# ... carry on with the rest of the program

Some Unix environment variables are used by many programs, for example:

EDITOR - determines which editing program the user prefers to use, typically
either 'ed', 'vi', 'vim' or 'emacs'. Other programs can launch that program if the
user needs to edit a text file as part of the application.
PRINTER - determines how the user prefers to print files.
PAGER - determines the users preferred file viewing program, frequently this
will be set to one of 'more', 'less' or 'view'

That's all I'll say about environments for now. We will touch on them again in a later
topic but for now, if you are wondering how to get user-specific data remember to
look and see if it's already there as an environment variable, or alternatively give the
user the option of setting it via an environment variable specific to your program.

And there's more, much more!

The os module and its friends contain far too much to cover in a single topic. In fact
even the Python documentation takes several HTML pages to describe the os module
alone and a page each for the other modules. Please explore the wealth of functionality
provided. You will discover many weird and wonderful names in there. Many of these
come from the Unix operating system and its API. The os module does its best to
provide equivalent functionality on any operating system but if you want to find out
more about what these functions do, often the best way is to read the Unix
documentation. A good place to start, especially if you don't have a Unix/Linux system
to hand, is with the O'Reilly book, Unix Systems Programming for SVR4.

And if this look at operating systems has whetted your appetite then a good general
operating systems book is Fundamentals of Operating Systems by James Lister. It's
short and easy to read with many diagrams of the concepts. If you want to get closer
to the code level then there is no better book than Andrew Tanenbaum's classic text:

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Operating Systems: Design And Implementation. This was the book that inspired
Linus Torvalds to write his own operating system, which went on to become the
phenomenon that is Linux!

Points to remember
The OS provides an environment in which processes can run
The OS provides access to the computers hardware
The OS is accessed via an API, usually written in C
Python's os module provides a wrapper on top of the OS API
The os.path and glob modules facilitate access to files
system(), popen(), command() and Popen all provide different levels
of process control and IPC.
getuid(),getenv() and related features allow us to find out about the user
and their preferences.

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Inter-Process Communications
What will we cover?
The whys and wherefores of IPC
The fundamentals of pipes
Cloning a process with os.fork()
Communication via pipes
Terminating processes using os.kill()

Caveat: The material in this topic uses the os.fork() function which is not available under Microsoft
Windows. (One reason is that Windows, compared to Unix, is very slow to create new processes so
that in practice you would never use fork() even if you could! There is another solution to this
problem - threading - that works on both Unix and Windows which we will cover in a later topic.)
If you are using Windows I recommend that you read the concept sections at the top because the
principles will be used in the next topic. But there is no point in typing in the examples as they will
not work. If you are using any form of Unix, including MacOS X then it should all work as

What does inter-process communication mean?

As the name suggests Inter-Process communications or IPC, is the mechanism
whereby one process can communicate, that is, exchange data, with another process.
You will recall if you read the Using the Operating System topic that a process is an
executing program. Also that one process can communicate to another using various
means such as os.popen or the subprocess module's features. While these
techniques are very useful for communicating with other programs they do not provide
the fine grained control that's sometimes needed for larger scale applications. In these
applications it is quite common for several processes to be used, each performing a
dedicated task and other processes requesting services from them.

As an example a web server might have one process for listening to web requests from
browsers and serving up simple HTML but use another process for serving more
complex data queries, and possibly yet another process for handling ftp requests and
the like. Each process is tuned to perform one job well. In addition this
architecture allows the administrator to share the processing load over several
processes so that if there are a lot of ftp requests a second ftp process can be started
and the ftp requests distributed between the two processes.

Do I really care?
While you might not expect to be writing such large scale applications it can still be a
useful technique and the principles involved are important in many of the later topics
we will discuss such as network programming. Even quite small applications can
benefit from this approach particularly where there could be many users accessing a

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common resource, such as a database. Also if you are reading data from various
communications ports it is useful to have a process per network connection so that
blockages in one network do not prevent the other networks from being read.

Is this the same as Client/Server?

You may have heard the term client/server being bandied around and this is a very
common software architecture for business applications. Client/Server refers to every
specific type of IPC arrangement whereby one process, the client, makes requests of
another process, the server. The server never requests anything from the client. There
can be many client processes accessing a single server. Servers can in turn be clients to
other servers - this is known as N-Tier Client/Server computing.

So Client/Server computing always uses IPC but IPC is not always client/server based.
It is quite possible to have a network of processes each sending messages to the others
without and rigid demarcation between clients and servers, this is often called peer to
peer computing, While it may sound like an attractive model it turns out to be quite
difficult to manage beyond a very small number of processes and the more rigid
client/server approach is generally easier to design and operate.

You may have noticed a similarity in terminology to Object Oriented

Programming with the use of messages between processes being similar to the sending
of messages between objects. It turns out that there is indeed a lot of synergy between
an object model and an IPC model and some IPC architectures have developed that
capitalize on these synergies. One such architecture is the Common Object Request
Broker Architecture or CORBA. In this architecture we can register objects with a
central Object Request Broker or ORB and messages sent to the object from anywhere
in the architecture get routed to whichever process registered the object. We will not
be looking at CORBA in this tutorial but there are Python implementations of ORBs
that you can investigate if you are interested.

We're nearly ready to start writing some code. There are several different mechanisms
for communicating between processes and we will consider two of them. The first IPC
mechanism we are going to look at uses a mechanism called a pipe to exchange data
between the two processes.

What is a pipe?
Conceptually a pipe can be thought of much like a hose-pipe, in that it is a conduit
where we pour data in at one end and it flows out at the other. A pipe looks a lot like a
file in that it is treated as a sequential data stream. Unlike a file, a pipe has two ends, so
when we create a pipe we get two end points back in return. We can write to one end
point and read from the other. Also unlike a file, there is no physical storage of data
when we close a pipe, anything that was written in one end but not read out from the
other end will be lost.

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We can illustrate the use of pipes as conduits between processes in the following

Here we see two processes which I've called Parent and Child, for reasons that will
become apparent shortly. The Parent can write to Pipe A. and read from Pipe B.
The Child can read from Pipe A and write to Pipe B.

Note that each pipe can be used to send a request or return data depending upon which
process is initiating the transaction. This gives us an interesting challenge in naming
the pipes which we'll discuss a little later.

OK, enough theory, let's roll up our sleeves, write some code and see how we can
build an IPC mechanism using Python. The general idea is that we will create a parent
process which will open two pipes. We then fork or spawn off a clone of the process,
the child, which is an exact copy of the parent process, including the same two pipes.
We can then use the pipes to communicate between parent and child.

The first thing to do is see how we use pipes to send and receive data. We create a
pipe using the os.pipe() function which returns two file descriptors, one for each
end of the pipe. We can then use the functions to send data along
the pipe. :

import os

# create the pipe

receive, transmit = os.pipe()

data = 'Here is a data string'

length = os.write(transmit, data)

# 1024 size buffer to ensure all data received

print 'The pipe contains:',, 1024)

Of course this is all happening within a single process so its not really very useful. But
once we clone our process we can separate the reading and writing code and really
start to achieve something. So how do we spawn our clone process?

Spawning processes

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The mechanism used for spawning a child process is to use the os.fork() system
call. This returns different values depending on whether you are in the original, parent
process or in the new child process. In the original process the returned value is the
process ID or pid of the child process. If you are in the child process then the return
value from fork is zero.

This means that in the code we will have an if statement that tests the fork() return
value and if it is zero performs the child functions and if non zero does the parent
function. To keep things manageable it is usually best to put those functions into
separate modules and call the functions as required. In our example here we won't do
that since the code is short and a single listing will suffice. (Again I stress that
Microsoft Windows does not support the fork() function so the code will not work
under Windows. Windows users will need to wait till the next topic to find out how to
write client-server programs, sorry, but complain to Microsoft not me!)

What we are going to do is create a child process that can perform a simple text
formatting operation for us, it will return the value that we pass to it prefixed and
postfixed with the phrase 'Ni'.

Here we go:

import os,signal

# create pipes

ServerReceive,ClientSend = os.pipe()
ClientReceive, ServerSend = os.pipe()

pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0: # in child
while True: # serve forever
data =,1024)
data = 'Ni!\n' + data + '\nNi!'
else: # in parent
data = ['The Knights who say Ni!',
'Appear in the film "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" ']
for line in data:

# now terminate the child process


Note that we use the pid received from fork to terminate the child process. If we
failed to do this the child would become a background or daemon process running
silently, forever waiting for data to appear on its input pipe. The actual termination is
done using the os.kill() function which, despite the name, is actually used to send
any signal to any process. Signal SIGTERM is the terminate signal as defined in the

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signal module. The full list is platform dependent and definitively documented in the
documentation for the libc C library for your platform, but it is more easily obtained
by using

>>> dir(signal)

at the Python interactive prompt or, on a Unix system, by typing:

$ kill -l

at the operating system prompt (Note, that's an 'ell' not a one). In the latter case you
also get the numeric value which can be used in kill() directly but at the risk of
losing platform independence.

Let's review what we have done: So far we have created pipes, and transmitted data
along them. We have spawned a child process, sent data to it, manipulated the data in
the child process and sent data back to the parent. Finally we terminated the child
process. That's really all you need for basic IPC, the complexity of the processing is
simply a matter of writing more complex functions for the child. So lets see a real
example in action. It's time to revisit the address book again.

The Address Book as Client/Server

Back in the files topic we built a version of our address book using a dictionary. Let's
reuse that example but this time we will build a client/server version.

Notice that the original code broke one of the good practice rules we discussed earlier:
I included User Interface code in my helper functions. If we were to try to use this
code we would get messages from the child process mixed up with messages from the
parent. We need to tweak the code slightly so that we can turn it into a reusable
module. The main thing is to remove any print statements from the functions and
pass the data in as arguments. We also want to return a result from each function.

Once we have done that we can import the code and access the helper functions
without executing the main() function. The functions that we will make available are
saveBook(book, filename)
addEntry(book, name, data)
removeEntry(book, name)
findEntry(book, name)

The modified code looks like this:

def readBook(filename='addbook.dat'):
import os

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book = {}
if os.path.exists(filename):
store = file(filename,'r')
for line in store:
name,entry = line.strip().split(':')
book[name] = entry
store = file(filename,'w') # create new empty file
return book

def saveBook(book, filename = "addbook.dat"):

store = file(filename,'w')
for name,entry in book.items():
line = "%s:%s" % (name,entry)
store.write(line + '\n')

def addEntry(book, name, data):

book[name] = data
return 'Added entry for ' + name

def removeEntry(book, name):

return 'Deleted entry for ' + name

def findEntry(book, name):

if name in book.keys():
result = "%s : %s" % (name, book[name])
else: result = "Sorry, no entry for: " + name
return result

Note that I've ignored the user interface functions because we don't need them here but
you might want to try making the necessary modifications to allow it to still function as
a standalone program as well as serve as a module for the client/server version as an

Once you've fixed up the code and got it working as a stand-alone program once more
(or just saved the code above as, which is what I've done), we can
proceed to writing our client/server code.

The client/server code will comprise our standard structure of creating pipes and
forking the process. In the child process we will read the incoming pipe and interpret
the data as a command followed by the arguments supplied and then call the relevant
database function. In the parent, or client process, we will present the user with a menu
and depending on the choice, request any needed additional data before sending the
combined data string to the child or server process. The client will then read back the
response and present it to the user.

The main program looks like this:

import os, signal, address_srv

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fromClient,toServer = os.pipe()
fromServer,toClient = os.pipe()

pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
addresses = address_srv.readBook()
while True:
s =,1024)
cmd,data = s.split(':')
if cmd == "add":
details = data.split(',')
name = details[0]
entry = ','.join(details[1:])
s = address_srv.addEntry(addresses, name, entry)
elif cmd == "rem":
s = address_srv.removeEntry(addresses, data)
elif cmd == "fnd":
s = address_srv.findEntry(addresses, data)
else: s = "ERROR: Unrecognized command: " + cmd
menu = '''
1) Add Entry
2) Delete Entry
3) Find Entry

4) Quit
while True:
print menu
try: choice = int(raw_input('Choose an option[1-4] '))
except: continue
if choice == 1:
name = raw_input('Enter the name: ')
num = raw_input('Enter the House number: ')
street= raw_input('Enter the Street name: ')
town = raw_input('Enter the Town: ')
phone = raw_input('Enter the Phone number: ')
data = "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (name,num,street,town,phone)
cmd = "add:%s" % data
elif choice == 2:
name = raw_input('Enter the name: ')
cmd = 'rem:%s' % name
elif choice == 3:
name = raw_input('Enter the name: ')
cmd = 'fnd:%s' % name
elif choice == 4:
print "Invalid choice, must be between 1 and 4."

os.write(toServer, cmd)
print "\nRESULT: ",,1024)

os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)

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Obviously we could tidy that up a bit more by using some functions for the
if/elif chains but the example is small enough for that not to be necessary. A
couple of points to note are the use of break to stop the loop and continue to go
round to the top of the loop again. We didn't discuss these in the looping topic but
hopefully their use is obvious and if not the documentation describes them in more

An obvious extension to this exercise would be to use the database version of the
address book as the server instead of the dictionary version. I'll leave that as an
exercise for the keen students among you!

The big snag with this form of client/server programming is that the server can only
talk to the client that started it. It would be much better if the server could be started
first and then multiple clients attach to it. That's exactly what we will do at the end of
the next topic where we introduce networking.
Things to remember
Processes can communicate via pipes
Parents can spawn a clone of themselves using os.fork
Child processes need to be terminated or they will run forever consuming
valuable computer resources. We can terminate a child process using the
os.kill function.
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Network Communications
What will we cover?
A little bit of networking background
The fundamentals of sockets
Creating a server process
Creating a client process
Communicating via sockets

A Gentle Introduction to Network Communication

So far we have looked at the operating system and its ability to manage processes. We
have also looked at how to get our scripts to execute existing programs and how to
clone our own porogram and communicate between the two copies using pipes. In this
topic we will look at how we can extend that to communicate with processes running
on a completely separate computer over a network. Of course the process could be
running on the same computer and the network be a logical network, we'll look at that
as an example first.

As an example consider a web server. It runs on a computer somewhere on the

network and we can access it from our computer provided we have the right web
address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The URL is just a specific type of
network address which includes information about the location on the network, the
particular language (or protocol that it speaks, and the location on the server of the
files we want to fetch.

I'll assume that if you are reading this tutorial that you have at least a basic familiarity
with the concept of the internet and the fact that computers connected to the internet
have addresses. But how does it all hang together? We don't have time here to go into
a full discussion of networking but a good place to get the details is here. The high
level view is that when two computers connected to a network need to communicate
they do so by sending a packet of data from one to the other. That packet is a lot like
an envelope sent through the post with a note inside. The note represents the data and
the envelope represents the packet header which contains the sender and receivers
addresses. A router or switch locates the part of the network where the destination
computer lives and forwards the packet to the router machine in that area. Eventually
the packet winds up on the same network segment as the destination computer and the
destination computer recognises its own address and opens the packet. It then sends an
acknowledgement packet back to the sender to let it know that the message has been

Unlike the postal service the packets in a computer network have a maximum amount
of data they can send, think of it like being able to post a letter with only a single sheet
inside. For a long message you need to post many letters with one sheet in each. At the
other end the receiver has to assemble the parts into order, so a sequence number is

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added to the sheet( like a page number). If a page goes missing or does not turn up
within a predetermined time of its predecessor and successor then an error message is
sent by the receiver to the sender.

Most of the time we don't need to worry about all this, the computer, operating system
and networking software handle it all for us, but its worth knowing that this is all
happening under the covers since you cannot rely on data being transmitted reliably or
constantly when you use a network. You should expect occasional errors and be
prepared for data going missing, or arriving corrupted.

Plugging into the Network

Lets leave the abstract theory behind and take a look at the specifics of how to
program a networked application. The idea is simple: we need to create a server
program that will run on one computer and a client program that can run on one or
more computers attached to the same network as the server. To achieve that we need a
mechanism to enable communication between two programs that works across the
network. As we saw above, each computer on the network has an address. An IP
address has 4 digits separated by dots, you will probably have come across these from
time to time in web addresses. A networked application adds an extra element to the
IP address known as a port.

Ports and Protocols

A port is specified by adding a colon followed by the port number to the normal IP
address. Thus port 80 on IP address is accessed as:

Some port numbers are reserved for special purposes, specifically for the different
internet application protocols(a protocol is just a set of rules and message definitions
that defines how a service will work). For example port 80 is the standard web server
port for http traffic, port 25 is used for SMTP email and so on. Thus the same
computer can act as a server for several different services at the same time simply by
exposing those services through their various ports. We can demonstrate this very
easily by adding port number 80 to a web server address such as The web page should open up as normal because the
browser normally connects to port 80 anyway if no other port is provided. It's quite
common practice for port 8080 to be used as a test port for new versions of web sites
before they are publically launched

There are quite a few of these reserved port numbers but for bespoke applications we
can generally use port numbers in the range 1000-60000 without conflict. However,
because there is always a small chance that another program on the same computer has
picked the same port number it is best to make the port number configurable, perhaps
via a system environment variable or by a command line parameter. In this tutorial I
won't bother with that but in a real world scenario where you don't have exclusive
control of the server computer it's pretty much essential that you do so.

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So having identified our mechanism the obvious question is: how do we get our code
to connect to one of these ports?

Introducing Sockets
The most basic communications mechanism is called a socket. A socket is exposed on
the network as a port at an IP address. In Python sockets are created and used by
importing the socket module.

To use a socket we must write a server that creates the socket, associating it (or
binding it) with a port. We then listen to the socket for incoming requests. We must
then write a client to connect to the socket on that port. When the client connects to
the port and the server accepts the connection then the server creates a new temporary
port that is used for the actual send/recv communication with the server during the
transaction. This frees the original port for more incoming connection requests. We
can show that pictorially like so:

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This raises the problem of testing this type of application since, without a client, we
can't tell whether the server works, but a client without a server will not do anything,
so we must have both client and server programs available. However, once a server
has been written any number of other clients can be created provided they
communicate with the server socket using the correct message protocol. We can see
examples of that in the way that there are many different web browsers that can all
connect to any http server. Similarly once a protocol has been published many different
servers can be written and any client should work with any server. This is one of the
things that has made this type of networked application so popular, it is effectively an
open and extensible environment where either end of the client/server pair can be
enhanced without breaking the other end. Ok, enough of that, let's write some code!

Creating a Server
As a first example we will create a very simple server program that simply responds to
requests by returning a welcome message and the count of the number of requests

import socket

# create an InterNET, STREAMing socket (aka TCP/IP)

serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Use localhost and port 2007

serversocket.bind(('localhost', 2007))

# Get ready to receive requests


connections = 0
while True:
# process connections from clients
(clientSocket, address) = serversocket.accept()
connections += 1
print "Connection %d using port %d" % (connections, address[1])

# now do something with the clientsocket

while True:
req = clientSocket.recv(100)
if not req: break # client closed connection
message = 'Thankyou!, processed connection number %d' % connections
count += 1

Note 1: The combination of AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM indicates that we will be

using the TCP/IP protocol. Other IP protocols are possible using other combinations
of contants. TCP/IP is the most popular variety however so that's all I will cover in this

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Note 2: We pass a value of 5 to listen(). This represents the number of

connnections we will allow to build up in the port queue. This is normally adequate be
cause we finish processing one request before too many others arrive. We can improve
the efficiency of processing by spawning a separate process to do the actual processing
(see Note 5 below) which allows the server to get back to pulling messages from the
queue as quickly as possible. Only on very busy servers should you need to increase
the size of the limit beyond 5.

Note 3:Clients establish a new connection for each transaction. When the transaction is
over no new data will be available and we can terminate the inner while loop and go
back to waiting for a connection.

Note 4: We have processed the clients request in our server code. This is OK because
its a trivial bit of processing but in a real application the processing could take a
significant amount of time. In that case we would spawn off another process (maybe
using the subprocess module discussed in the OS topic) to handle the specific client
transaction and let the server get back to pulling requests out of its queue.

Note 5: There is no way to terminate the server process, it runs forever unless there is
an error. In practice we can shut it down using the operating system, for example by
using TaskManager in Windows, or kill in Unix.

So now we have a server ready to run and await client requests. But we don't yet have
a client to send those requests. Let's build one now.

Creating a Client
The client is just as simplistic, it simply sends repeated requests to the server at one
second intervals and prints the responses.

import socket,time

# create socket
serverAddress = ('localhost',2007)

# send some requests

for n in range(5):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.send('dummy request\n')
data = sock.recv(100)
if not data: break # no data from server
print data
# now tidy up

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Note 1: We use connect to access the socket. Then we use the same
send/recv interface used by the server, but because the client initiates the transaction
the sequence is reversed.

Note 2: We could have sent and received more data in a single transaction, we simply
did it this way to emphasise the different connectinn numbers coming back from the
server. It is the client which decides when to terminate the transaction, not the server -
unless there is an error!

Note 3: Notice the use of try/finally to ensure that the socket gets closed even in
the event of an exception being raised. This is good housekeeping practice since some
OS will keep open sockets alive for a long time consuming system resources.

Running the programs

To run the programs we need to make sure we start the server running first. Once it is
happy we can start up one or more client programs which will connect to it. Since we
limited the server to being on localhost we can't run this across the network so we
need to start a number of console sessions on our local computer.

A screen capture of my PC running the server (on the right) and 2 clients (on the left)
is shown below:

Notice the output of the two clients shows the sequence of messages received from the
server, and the server messages show the connections and the temporary port numbers
assigned by the server.

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The Networked Address Book

In the IPC topic we built a server version of our address book and called it We are going to use that same module in our socket based
version. The big difference between the original IPC based model and this version is
that we can have more than a single client accessing the address book and indeed the
clients can all be running on different computers.

Recall that the functions that we made available in address_srv were:

addEntry(book, name, data)
removeEntry(book, name)
findEntry(book, name)

The Server Program

Although we have turned our address book into server style functions we still need to
write a server program that handles receiving the requests from clients and calling the
appropriate function. This mechanism is sometimes called dispatching the messages.
The code is very similar to the simple examples above.

The main program looks like this:

import socket, address_srv

addresses = address_srv.readBook()

# set up the socket

serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
serversocket.bind(('localhost', 2007))

print 'Server started and listening on port 2007...'

# process connections from clients

while True:
(clientSocket, address) = serversocket.accept()

# now process address book commands

while True:
s = clientSocket.recv(1024)
try: cmd,data = s.split(':')
except ValueError: break
print 'received request: ', cmd
if cmd == "add":
details = data.split(',')
name = details[0]
entry = ','.join(details[1:])
s = address_srv.addEntry(addresses, name, entry)

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elif cmd == "rem":

s = address_srv.removeEntry(addresses, data)
elif cmd == "fnd":
s = address_srv.findEntry(addresses, data)
else: s = "ERROR: Unrecognised command: " + cmd

The main things to note here are that the main socket handling code is exactly the same
as above. The processing of the request data has been put in a try/except construct
to catch incomplete data from the client. Otherwise you should find this is virtually
identical to the IPC based version in the previous topic.

The Client Program

Now that we have a server running in the background we need to write a client
program that can talk to it. This will be very similar to our IPC version but now it is
located in its own script and we will be able to run several instances at the same time.

import socket

serverAddress = ('localhost', 2007)

menu = '''
1) Add Entry
2) Delete Entry
3) Find Entry

4) Quit
while True:
print menu
try: choice = int(raw_input('Choose an option[1-4] '))
except: continue
if choice == 1:
name = raw_input('Enter the name: ')
num = raw_input('Enter the House number: ')
street= raw_input('Enter the Street name: ')
town = raw_input('Enter the Town: ')
phone = raw_input('Enter the Phone number: ')
data = "%s,%s %s, %s, %s" % (name,num,street,town,phone)
cmd = "add:%s" % data
elif choice == 2:
name = raw_input('Enter the name: ')
cmd = 'rem:%s' % name
elif choice == 3:
name = raw_input('Enter the name: ')
cmd = 'fnd:%s' % name
elif choice == 4:
print "Invalid choice, must be between 1 and 4."

# do all the socket stuff

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

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data = sock.recv(250)
if not data: break # no data from server
print data

Again, we see that the menmu processing is exactly as it was before and all the comms
stuff is at the bottom in a few lines. It is exactly like the client example above.

Moving to the network

So far our sockets have been on a local machine. What do we need to do to move it
onto a real network and have true client server operation? In principle its incredibly
easy, we just change the addresses used in the bind() call in the server and the
connect() call in the client. Simply replace the reference to 'localhost' with the
IP address (either the name or number version) of the computer that the server
program is running on and it should just work. If you have multiple machines on the
same network you can ruin versions of the client on each machine, at the same time,
and the server will process the requests.

In practice we sometimes need to do a little bit more work handling DNS name
resolution etc. Also because real networks are inherently less reliable we should add
some more error checks and a timeout mechanism so that the server doesn't get locked
up. But these are rather more advanced topics that I'm going to cover in this tutorial,
just be aware that you may need to think about these kinds of issues.

More information
There is lots more information on socket programming available. In particular there is
the Socket How-To by Gordon McMillan which covers many of the pitfalls of socket
programming and suggests ways of dealing with them. And, of course, the Python
socket module documentation is essential reading.

A number of books include sections on network programming with sockets too.

Particularly noteworthy is the book Python Network Programming by John Goerzen
which is all about network programming with extensive coverage of sockets.

The good news is that a lot of common network programming tasks can be done at a
higher level if we are using one of the standard internet protocols such as http, smtp,
ftp, telnet etc. This is because Python includes modules which implement those
protocols at the socket layer so that we don't have to. In the next few topics we will
look at how web programming using http can be simplified using these higher level
Things to remember

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Processes can communicate via pipes

Parents can spawn a clone of themselves using os.fork
Child processes need to be terminated or they will run forever consuming
valuable computer resources. We can terminate a child process using the
os.kill function.

Previous Next Contents

If you have any questions or feedback on this page send me mail at:
[email protected]

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References 27/05/2007

Books Web Sites Project Ideas Study Topics

Books to read

Learning Python
Mark Lutz - O'Reilly press. Probably the best book on programming Python
if you already know another language. Typical O'Reilly style, so if you don't
like that you may prefer:
Python - How to Program
Dietel & Dietel - ??? This takes a fairly fast paced trip through Python and
introduces lots of the interesting packages you might like to use - TCP/IP
networking, Web programming, PyGame etc. It's big but very
comprehensive, although not in-depth.
Programming Python
Mark Lutz - O'Reilly press. The classic text. The second edition has less
tutorial (his Learning Python book now covers that ground) but describes the
whys and wherefores of the language better than many of the the others, it is
strong on coverage of the more unusual modules and OOP.
Python Programming on Win32
Mark Hammond & Andy Robinson - O'Reilly press. This is an essential read
if you are serious about using Python on a Windows box. It covers access to
the registry, ActiveX/COM programming, various GUIS etc.
Python and Tkinter Programming
John Grayson - Manning press. This is the only real in depth book on
Tkinter and does a fair job of covering the ground, including the bolt-on
PMW set of widgets. Its not a basic tutorial but it does provide a reasonable
reference for the serious Tkinter GUI programmer.
Python in a Nutshell
Alex Martelli - O'Reilly press. Alex is one of the mainstays of the Usenet
Python community and hit Nutshell book is the best concise reference on
Python currently available. It is not a tutorial although it does cover the
basics as well as most of the common modules.
Python Essential Reference
David Beasley - New Riders. This is New Riders equivalent to O'Reilly's
Nutshell book. It is similar in scope but slightly slimmer and based on Python
2.1 rather than Martelli's 2.2. Unfortunately for Beasley a lot of new stuff
appeared in 2.2 so he misses out in the best reference award. Still an excellent

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There is also an excellent online book for more advanced Python programmers called
Dive into Python

There is now a new generation of Python books appearing on specialist topics, there
are books focusing on text handling, GUI programming, Network programming, Web
and XML programming, Scientific computing etc etc. Python is really coming of age
as a language and the number and depth of books now available reflects that.


Tcl and the Tk toolkit

John Ousterhout - Addison Wesley. The classic on Tcl/Tk by the language's
creator. Very much a reference book and rather out of date now. It needs a
2nd edition. The Tk section is of interest to any Tk user regardless of
language (Tk is a GUI library and is implemented on Tcl, Perl and Python).
Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell
Raines & Tranter - O'Reilly press. This is the book I turn to first when
looking for Tk information. It's only the first couple of sections that interest
the Python programmer since that's where the bits relevant to Tkinter live.
On the other hand, you might like the look of Tcl too and be motivated to
experiment, and that's never a bad thing!


There are several books on VBScript but the only ones I have used and can thus
recommend are:

Windows Script Host

Dino Esposito - Wrox press(now defunct). A good intro to WSH including
both VBScript and JScript. But its not a tutorial and the reference section is
very brief.
VBScript in a Nutshell
Lomax et al - O'Reilly press. Good reference but the tutorial section is very
sparse and only suitable if you know how to program (eg. you've done my
tutor! :-). As a reference it is quite good but misses out by not providing a
code example per function.


There are lots of books on JavaScript but most of them focus very heavily on the Web,
it can be hard sometimes to disentangle what features are JavaScript the programming
language, and what are web browser features. The best JavaScript books that I know

JavaScript the Definitive Guide

Flanagan - O'Reilly press. This was indeed the definitive guide for a long time
and although getting a little old now is still the best single book on the
subject, if a little dry.

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The JavaScript Bible

Danny Goodman - SAMS(?). This gets good reviews from friends and
colleagues but I confess not to having read it. It is supposed to be a slightly
more readable book than the Flanagan one.

There are lots of others, read the reviews, choose your budget and pick one.

General Programming
There are some classic programming texts that any serious programmer should own
and read regularly. Here are my personal favorites:

Code Complete
Steve McConnell - Microsoft Press. This is the most complete reference on all
things to do with writing code that I know. I read it after several years of
experience and it all rang true and I even learnt some new tricks. It literally
changed the way I wrote programs. Buy it. Now!
Programming Pearls
Jon Bentley - Addison Wesley. There are two volumes, both invaluable.
Bentley shows how to improve the efficiency of your programs in every
conceivable way, from concept through design to implementation.

These are part of a programming library that came out of Bell Labs in the
1980's in the wake of Unix. There are so many classics in this series that I will
simply say that anything from the pens of Ken Thompson, Jon Bentley,
Dennis Ritchie, Andrew Koenig and the rest at Bell Labs is worth reading.
The styles may vary but the content is pure gold.
Algorithms by Donald Knuth
This is a set of books describing fundamental algorithms that are used by
programmers over and over again. Heavy going, and a bit mathematical but,
if you are concerned about the efficiency and absolute correctness of your
programs, they are worth searching out. The whole set has recently been
reissued with some updates.

Object Oriented Programming

I've already mentioned these, but here they are again anyway:

Object Oriented Analysis

Peter Coad & Ed Yourdon. - A great intro to OO concepts with a very simple
notation for recording your designs. As an added bonus the notation is very
similar to the new Unified Modeling Language (UML) standard that is being
adopted by most books, tools and journals.
Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications
Grady Booch - Benjamin Cummings. This is another excellent book, moving
more into the detail of designing classes and objects.The 1st edition, if you
can find it, illustrates the lessons in 5 different OO languages whereas the

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second edition only uses C++ and is the poorer for it. It uses Booch's own
notation which in my opinion is still the best notation so far seen but it is
being eclipsed by UML and so is effectively obsolete. Booch is reputed to be
bringing out a new edition using UML, but it's been a long time coming...
Object Oriented Software Construction (2nd Ed)
Bertrand Meyer. Meyer has his own OOP language - Eiffel and uses it to
teach OO very effectively. Because Eiffel is (unfairly) a bit of a minority
interest the book takes a little extra effort to read. It is undoubtedly worth it
for the sheer breadth of coverage of the current OO technology scene.

Other books worth reading are:

Object Oriented Design Patterns

Gamma, Johnson et al. A revolutionary book when it came out. It contains a
number of common OO design patterns and, perhaps more importantly, a
notation for documenting them. There is now a flourishing patterns
discussion and a dedicated web site with many additional patterns as well as
variations of the ones in the book.
From Clouds to Code
Jesse Liberty(Wrox Press). This book takes you through the process of
building a real OO application - warts and all. Its rather like our Case study
but much bigger and includes use of design tools like UML.

Web sites to visit


The Python web site

Mark Hammond's Python for Windows page connecting MS Windows and Python.
A Tkinter GUI tutorial
A Powerful Web Development environment using Python.

Tcl/Tk - and thus Tkinter

The definitive Tcl site


The Microsoft VBScript web site

There are several other online web sites for VBScript resources: components, tips,
chat-rooms etc. One such is the VBScript Forum


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There are now several sites claiming to be "the definitive online source for JavaScript
information", but a couple of good ones are:

The JavaScript Source


The original Netscape site

Other languages of interest

The following languages are all of interest from a programming point of view because
they all do things slightly differently to the mainstream approach adopted by the 3
languages we have been using. Once you feel comfortable using the approach I have
been teaching you then try reading one of the tutorials listed below, they all have free
interporeters or compilers available. Go on, be adventurous!

The first group are basically similar to our languages but feature some new twist or

Java, Object Pascal(aka Borland Delphi/Kylix)) and Perl.

This second group get more extreme in their departure from our view of programming.
As such they are, in many ways, the more interesting to explore!

Smalltalk, Tcl, Lisp/ Scheme and Rebol

Programming in General
Try finding some general programming links pages on Yahoo, Google etc. There are
several good ones out there, I have no particular favourite. The best thing to do is look
for a specific topic of interest and usually you will find more than enough resources.
On Usenet the news group is often a good starting point.

Object Oriented Programming

The Cetus page again
IBM offer some nice tutorials including one on Object Orientation.
The UML web site offers info on the documentation of OO designs, but be warned
this site uses some fairly heavy techie terminology. Wikipedia is likely to be your friend
for the first few pages!
Bruce Eckel's "Thinking In ..." series of online books offers excellent advice on
using OOP as you move on to larger projects. much of his advice works just as well in
Python (and Eckel is a keen Python user and advocate too!)

Projects to try

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There are several ideas for projects listed in the tutorial. In addition I will give some
ideas here, in approximately ascending order of difficulty. Most will be achievable with
the skills learn't here but all of them can be improved by checking the documentation
that comes with Python for alternatives. A couple will definitely require that you start
digging for yourself, recall that one of the requirements of a good programmer was

Extend the grammar checker to include the extra facilities mentioned.

Build a database of your CDs and a search facility to locate them again. Maybe
also to record the last time or frequency that you play them.
Create a tool to generate HTML pages which display a list of the files in a
directory as links (so that you can open them by clicking).

Other places to look include the unique Useless Python web site which has many
sample scripts plus ideas for new ones. They are all quite short and within the scope of
a "graduate" of my tutorial.

One thing that is fun is the Python Challenge game.

It consists of a series of challenges (13 when I did it, but its up to 33 last time I
checked) that you must solve using different features of Python. The answer to each
challenge gives you the URL to the next one! They get progressively more difficult and
require the use of some of the more unusual Python modules, a good way to get an
introduction to Python's hidden gems.

Finally there is SourceForge Search for projects using Python (or VBScript or
JavaScript!), pick one that interests you and see what needs doing. Often just
documenting something - say a module - is a good place to start learning how the code
works, then trying to fix a reported bug, finally adding new features. This is very good
for getting exposed to much bigger projects and also working in a team.

Hopefully that should keep you busy until you start finding project ideas of your own!

Topics for further study

If all the projects above still leave you looming for more here are a few areas for you
to explore and become expert in:

GUI with Tk
Web programming - CGI

That's all there is. If you'd like to send me feedback on any aspect of the tutorial then
send me mail.

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Thanks for getting here!

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