Accounting Graduate Sample Cover Letter
Accounting Graduate Sample Cover Letter
Accounting Graduate Sample Cover Letter
#ear Sir or Madam Re: Graduate Accountant position $ am %ritin& to a''l( )or t*e adverti+ed ,raduate Accountant 'o+ition $ am a recent -ac*elor o) .ommerce &raduate %it* a major in Accountin&/ +ee0in& t*e o''ortunit( to im'lement m( 0no%led&e and +0ill+ and ma0e a contribution to (our or&ani+ation $ *ave e1'erience in all o) t*e area+ encom'a++ed b( t*i+ role t*rou&* bot* %or0 and +tud(/ includin& account+ 'a(able/ account+ receivable/ ban0 account reconciliation+/ +tatutor( account 're'aration and ta1 com'liance/ includin& -AS/ ,S2/ 'a(roll ta1 and bud&et+ $n addition/ $ brin& a %ealt* o) ot*er e++ential +0ill+ and 3ualitie+ t*at $ *ave develo'ed t*rou&* +tud( and variou+ %or0 e1'erience: team%or0 and communication/ time mana&ement/ attention to detail/ 're+entation +0ill+/ cu+tomer +ervice and t*e abilit( to meet deadline+ #urin& m( univer+it( +tudie+ $ demon+trated m( abilit( and ener&( in maintainin& accountin&4 related em'lo(ment %*ile +tud(in& )ull time $ believe t*at %it* m( 'o+itive attitude and +tron& %or0 et*ic/ $ %ould be a &reat )it )or t*e adverti+ed 'o+ition 5ou %ill )ind me to be a 'o+itive/ motivated and *ard4%or0in& 'er+on %*o i+ 0een to learn and contribute ,iven t*e o''ortunit(/ $ %ould a''l( m(+el) %it* ent*u+ia+m to all ta+0+/ en+urin& t*at $ &et t*e job done accuratel( and e))icientl( M( re+ume i+ attac*ed/ and $ loo0 )or%ard to bein& able to di+cu++ t*e 'o+ition %it* (ou )urt*er 6ind re&ard+ !Si&n *ere" Joseph Maradona