Rule Book

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Table of Contents

ROBOTHON ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 THE FIGURE 8 .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 ROUNDS DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................................................. 4 ROBOMAZE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 SCORING .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 ROBOT OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................... 6 NAVIGATION THROUGH THE MAZE .......................................................................................................................... 6 ROBOWARS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 WEAPONRY ALLOWED .............................................................................................................................................. 7 WEAPONRY NOT ALLOWED ...................................................................................................................................... 7 MIC NIGHT......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 ROUNDS DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................................................. 8 LIST OF SOFTWARE AVAILABLE ................................................................................................................................. 8 RACE TO INNOVATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 ROUNDS DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................................................. 9 WOMEN IN ENGINEERING (WIE) .................................................................................................................................... 10 SPEAK IT UP ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 GENERAL RULES ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 PROJECT EXHIBITION................................................................................................................................................... 11 GENERAL RULES ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................ 11 PCB DESIGN COMPETITION ......................................................................................................................................... 12 GENERAL RULES ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 FOR OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE.................................................................................................................................. 13

Robothon is one of the hallmark events of IEEE GIKI Chapter. Over the years, Robothon has successfully accomplished the task to provide a national platform for the competition of robots. Talented individuals from all over Pakistan pit their fast moving robots against each other on this arena. In this event, the contestants robot must move along an intricate track containing a number of checkpoints. The robots must pass through each checkpoint and an inability to do so will cost the contestant precious points. The general rules adhering to this competition are discussed below.

Only 3-4 members per team are allowed. There will be a 3cm wide White line on blue background. The robot must pass through the check points (A, B, C, D) in sequence and return to the end point. The individual score of the checkpoints is as follows: o o o o Checkpoint A: 20 pts Checkpoint B: 20 pts Checkpoint C: 20 pts Checkpoint D: 40 pts

The robot should fit in a box of 30*30*30 cm and the bigger robots will be disqualified. Robot that can damage the track in any sense will be disqualified. There is no limit on the voltage of batteries but the power source must be attached to the robot and the operator can not touch the robot once it has been started. Only dry batteries can be used. A robot that goes off the track for over 15 seconds will be disqualified. A robot shall be deemed to have left the arena when all wheels have moved completely off the track In the first round, teams will be shortlisted on the basis of their track points. In the second round, a robot will be declared victorious with the least completion time.

For each robot, there are a maximum of 5 minutes for any number of tries. However, the fastest run will be
considered. A retry means that the robot has to start from the beginning.

For any queries contact: Malik Abbas (+92-314-5769015)

The figure 8 is yet another thoroughly entertaining event. This is a hot pursuit of sorts in which two robots have to chase down the other in order to win while staying on track the entire time. Contestants will have to employ masterful logic and intelligent construction of robots in order to gain an advantage over their opponents.

Only 2-3 members per team are allowed. There will be a White line on blue background and the line will be 3cm wide. The robot should fix in a box of 30*30*30 cm. The bigger robots will be disqualified. Robot that can damage the track in any sense will be disqualified. There is no limit on the voltage of batteries but the power source must be attached to the robot and the operator cannot touch the robot once it has been started. Only dry batteries can be used. Only Lego and logic based robots are allowed.

TIME-LAPSE ROUND: In the first round, the teams will be shortlisted on the basis of their individual track completion time. In this round only 3 consecutive retries are allowed. KNOCK-OUT ROUND: There is a knock out competition of a parallel robots race in which two robots will compete against each other. Two robots will start off at the same time from different check points. The one that catches the other robot wins. The one which deviates from the line loses. Max time duration allowed 90 s. The robot that travels the most distance wins. There are no retries in the knockout round.

For any queries contact: Muhammad Waqas Nawaz (+92-331-7634263)

The concept behind RoboMaze is taken from warfare like using tanks in a battlefield. Your robot, similar to the tank that takes instructions. detects the colour code that is displayed at the arena. Each colour codes means a different exit route which has to be adopted by the robot. There are four flags in the maze each of which carry points.

NOTE: The dots in the arena are shown to indicate distance according to the scale set in figure. The dots in the walls are shown in the figure as a measure of distance according to the scale set. They will not be part of the actual arena.

6 members per team are allowed at maximum. The contest arena as shown in figure 1 consists of two routes coded as P1 and P2. The colour codes shown at L will be black or yellow. The yellow colour code corresponds to route P2 and black colour code corresponds to route P1. The robot will have to take the route as specified by the colour shown at L. The maze is made of white coloured laminated wooden walls of height 15cm. The floor of the maze will also be made up of white laminated wood. Throughout the maze the track width is 50cm. Each robot is made available 4 flags during its designated route, one before the gate and three in its exit route. Flags are simply check points which appear in a longer route to the destination. They are included to test the robots speed and agility. They are labelled as F in the figure. The P1 and P2 routes as shown in the figure are fixed and have to be chosen by the robot according to the colour shown at point L.

Each flag yields 10 points for the team. The teams overall score is calculated as follows:

Total score = (Flag points = 4 flags*10 points/flag) + (Entering the correct coloured path = 20 points) + (Crossing the exit line = 20 points) + (Bonus for collecting all the four flags= 30 points) = 110 points max. Robots scoring equal points will be judged on the basis of arena completion time. The team which completes the arena in the shortest time will be shortlisted for next rounds.

Once turned on, the robot must be autonomous without any human intervention. Remote control of any sort cannot be used. Contestants are not allowed to enter the arena or touch their robots after start-up. The robot must direct itself to point L first. After detecting the colour, the robot must enter the corresponding exit route and navigate itself to the exit point. A robot can will get the points of crossing the exit line even if it doesnt passes all the four flags.


Robot may navigate the maze using any suitable technique. During operation, the robot might touch the walls of the maze without damaging the arena. Tactile sensors are not allowed to sense the walls. Robot will be given a total of 4 minutes to navigate through the arena. Only proximity IR sensors are allowed in this module.

For any queries contact: Talha Khan (+92-347-8986204)

It is our goal to advance the sport of Robotic Combat in Pakistan. We aim to encourage the Pakistani inventors, engineers and mad tinkers out there to turn their dream machines into solid metal and put it on the line and in the zone to build the ultimate destruction machine!

2 Robots will go head to head in a single round Maximum number of participants in a team can be 4. Contestant must knock out the opponent from arena or disable the opponent in limited time If neither happens, the robot taking the least damage (primarily based on functionality) during a round will be declared the winner. Match duration will be between 5-7 minutes. Maximum weight limit is 25kg Robot dimensions (upper limit) 3ft x 3ft x 2ft. (l x w x h) Robots must be radio controlled Robots should be operational at least 2 frequencies in order to avoid two robots of the same frequency All contestants will be asked to send their frequencies via email before the event. A maximum of 48 volts DC or AC will be allowed. Modifications to the robot once technically checked are prohibited. On the event day, robots will be measured and weighed to make sure they abide by the rules. A mobility test will be taken prior to the competition in order to make sure that the robots are functional. Robots will also be awarded points based on their designs and weaponry. You are required to notify us regarding what frequency you will be using when you register for this event along with the name of the robot and the names of members. The event will not take place if less than 4 robots register for the event.

Rammer Spinner Wedge Full body spinner Lifter Flipper Overhead hammer/axe


Flammable weapons Radio jamming Liquid discharge Lasers

For any queries contact:

Syed Muhammad Mohsin Raza Rizvi Farhan Hassan

(+92-331-2432191) (+92-300-5319553)

Microcontroller Interfacing Competition (MIC) is a competitive event organized by IEEE GIKI Chapter that aims to provide a platform for students where they can put their microcontroller programming skills against a given problem. The MIC is a challenging competition that not only aims to put a teams competence pertaining to microcontrollers to the test but also to stimulate creativity amongst the participating teams in order to solve the given problem , efficiently. Contesting teams will be judged based on the efficiency and adopted methodology in solving the given problem. The competition is divided into three rounds. The description of each round and the general rules adhering to this competition are discussed below.

A maximum of 3 members are allowed per team. All the tasks have to be completed in a given time. Datasheets for the devices used in the task will be provided. The contestants shall not leave their seats without prior consent from the relevant authorities, nor talk to any irrelevant person. Be Punctual. No late-comers will be allowed to sit in the contest area. The decision of the adjudicators, evaluators and invigilators are final and cannot be reversed. It is an open competition i.e. contestants can employ the use of text books, internet, journals etc. However, getting help from any individual, besides your own team members, is strictly forbidden. Teams will be disqualified if found using any unfair means or violating any rules. Bring along, if you need any other software.

Participants are advised to bring their own laptops for their ease.

Round 1: This round is about the general knowledge of the 8051 family. It is a Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based test. The duration of the test will be 30 minutes. Round 2: This round includes programming and interfacing tasks. The duration of this round will be 1 hour. Round 3: In this round, the contestants have to implement practical circuit using 8051 on the breadboards of the task given; this round will be of 2 hours.


1. Proteus V 7.10 2. Keil 3. MIDE

For any queries contact: Sheece Gardezi (+92-336-7740400) Uman Khalid (+92-321-4978290)

There are times when we all have to up our game. We are entering one of those periods where we have to learn how to compete, and more importantly, how to win. The world is in the throes of some dramatic changes and the innovation gloves have to come on. Innovation capacity in many countries needs a new, more robust solution as we are in a race of our lives, based on innovation engagement.

2-3 members / team All the tasks have to be completed in the allotted time. Round 1 and Round 2 marked papers will not be shown to any team. Round 1 results will displayed on campus. Round 2 results will be announced at the closing ceremony. 7-10 teams will qualify to round 2 depending on the competitive needs and skill set of the participants. Be Punctual. No late-comers will be allowed to sit in the contest area. The decision of the adjudicators, evaluators and invigilators are final and are not subject to revision. Teams will be disqualified if found using any unfair means or violating any rule.

Round 1: Qualifying Round Time: 1hr 10min Type: On Paper Set of general IQ questions. Predict the output / Guess the working of logic circuit. Logic diagram for given problem statement.

Round 2: Innovation Round Time: 2hr 30min Type: Practical Draw the logic on the breadboard provided and thegiven equipment. A fully working circuit will be graded full marks automatically. Half or non-working circuits willbe graded based on paper work, block diagram and understanding. Wires, ICs, Breadboard, Trainer board, Wire Stripper and other necessary equipment will be provided to each team as needed.

Basic required knowledge: - Logic Design and Basic Circuit Analysis, Analytical and Reasoning skills.

For any queries contact: Sherjeel Sikander (+92-331-5091526)


This module is designed to enable the students to learn about the ethical and professional dimensions of decision making that companies employ when tasked with solving a problem on a national scale. The problem will exist in a fictional state of Anarchistan and will probably be a crisis situation. For example, an earthquake has hit the state of Anarchistan and the government is approaching private companies for the rescue efforts. As part of the aiding company, you are to come up with an efficient plan based on an innovative idea, which can be executed with relative ease to avert the crisis, all the while reducing the governments overall expenditure on the project and making a reasonable profit for your own company. Remember this is just an example. Contestants will be provided with a problem scenario. This scenario will be disclosed on the official IEEE GIKI webpage and NEO Facebook page. (links provided in the end of the document), once registrations commence.

A maximum of 3 members are allowed per team. Contestants will be provided with a problem scenario. You are required to formulate an idea and provide an efficient solution for the given problem. The module will consist of three rounds. 1st round consists of an elevator pitch competition and executive summary submission. The executive summary and elevator pitch, carry 30 points and 20 points respectively. Participants are required to submit their executive summary at least a day prior to the start of NEO 14. In the 2nd round, the competing teams will have to give a full business presentation and convince the chairs about their idea. The business presentation carries 60 points. The presentations must not exceed 30 minutes in duration, else scores will be penalized. Each individual presentation will be followed by a 10 minute question and answer session. Competing teams are strongly encouraged to ask difficult questions. After the 2nd round, elimination will take place and only the top 8 teams will advance to the final round, based on their cumulative score. Details on the final round will only be disclosed after the 2nd round elimination. Prizes will be awarded to Winner and runner up. Registrations will commence form January 1st. The problem scenario will be disclosed on our official IEEE GIKI webpage and NEO Facebook page (Links provided below), alongside the commencement of registrations. Participants will also have to submit an abstract of their solution while registering. Please note that this abstract is different from the executive summary.

For any queries contact: Sarim Javed (+92-334-1931572) Ashaa Naveed (+92-303-8116007)

IEEE GIKI Chapter aims to promote innovative ideas by providing the young and talented, a platform to showcase their engineering acumen. The project exhibition will provide students with exposure and allow them to interact with other future innovators present at the event, learn from one another and exchange ideas.


A maximum of 4 members are allowed per team. Teams may contain members of multiple disciplines. Registering teams are required to submit their chart, abstract and poster (jpg format) regarding their project to Event Coordinator. Your charts should simple and easy to interpret. As the number of projects to be put on the exhibition is limited, your abstract should be eloquent. Your poster should be attractive and completely describe your project. Your project must have a proper documentation (technical report). The projects will be on display for general public. The participants are expected to be present with their respective projects at all times and provide a demonstration when asked. Participants are required to be there at the time of evaluation. Failure in appearing before the judge at the time of evaluation will automatically disqualify the project from the competition. All accessories including computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard etc. will have to be arranged by the participants themselves. We are not responsible for the damage to any of your belongings.


Participants of the project exhibition are required to submit a technical report. Remember that brevity and clarity are important and the report should be easy to read. All reports should be written in the third person (e.g., use "the pressure was measured..." instead of "we measured the pressure..."). There are no excuses for misspelled words. Also, proof reading cannot be over-emphasized. If possible, have a friend read the report for grammar, style, spelling, clarity, and typographical errors. Also, make sure nouns and verbs agree. The report format to be used for your projects is as follows: 1. TITLE PAGE 2. ABSTRACT 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. INTRODUCTION 5. BRIEF STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT 6. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM MODEL, APPROPRIATE BLOCK DIAGRAMS AND PARAMETERS 7. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS (all plots and tables included in the report must be discussed in the text) 8. CONCLUSIONS AND LESSONS LEARNED 9. REFERENCES 10. APPENDICES (if needed) For any queries contact: Bushra Jamal (+92-334-6801261) Danyal Butt (+92-322-5170008)


For the first time in NEO, WIE brings PCB design competition! This module does not only demand prompt assembling skills but an exceptional aesthetics sense. This competition is a challenge for innovative minds in which we aim to explore the most attractive yet efficient design out of all.

A maximum of 3 members is allowed per team. All teams will be required to complete their tasks in the allotted time which will be told to them before 2 hours of beginning the competition. Judging criteria will be based on neatness, effectiveness, performance speed, and understanding of the design required with the latter having the most weightage. Each team will be allotted an equal quantity of each item. Marking sheets will not be revealed to any participant. The decision of the evaluators will be final and would not be subject to reconsideration For any queries contact: Fatima Razzaq (+92-321-4862347)


Shahid Abbasi (+92-341-6621681)

Ahmed Zia (+92-347-5085855)

Ali Hassan (+92-303-7261351)

Muhammad Usman Sardar (+92-333-5166111) Address: Room No. 35, Hostel 3, GIK Institute, Topi, District Swabi. Muhammad Saad Muhammad Abdullah Sarwar Uman Khalid Ashaa Naveed Haseeb Haider (+92-341-9104959) (+92-334-0701346) (+92-321-4978290) (+92-303-8116007) (+92-300-3797610)

For more details follow: For registration log on to: Email Address: [email protected]


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