Name of The Economists and Their Contribution

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Economics UGC-NET/SET


1. Absolute income Theory J .M. Keynes
2. Abstinence Theory of Interest Senior
3. Affluent Society J .K. Galbraith
4. Agio Theory of interest (or) Psychological theory of interest
First advanced by J ohn Rae;
(developed by Bohm Bawerk)
5. Architect of Indian Planning J awaharlal Nehru
6. Biological Theory of Population Raymond Pearl
7. Cobweb Theorem Nicholas Kaldor
8. Concept of Social optimum - Pareto
Consumers Surplus
First propounded by
Popularised by
Arsene J ules Dupuit
Alfred Marshall
10. Degree of Monopoly Theory Kalecki
11. Demand schedule Alfred Marshall
12. Demonstration effect Duesenbery
13. Division of Labour Adam Smith
14. Doctrine of Balanced Growth Ragner Nurkse
15. Doctrine of Conspicuous consumption Thorstein Veblen
16. Doctrine of Sound Finance Classical Economists
17. Drain Theory Dadabhai Naoroji
18. Dynamic Theory of Profit J .B. Clark
19. Elasticity of Demand Alfred Marshall
20. Employment Multiplier R.F. Khan
21. General Equilibrium Analysis
Leon Walras;
(developed by Vilfredo
22. Growth Definition P.A. Samuelson
23. Human Capital Formation Prof. Theodore.
24. Income distribution Theory (or) Keynesian Theory Kaldor
25. Indifference curve analysis J R. Hicks
26. Inflationary gap J .M. Keynes
27. Innovation Theory of Profit Prof. J oseph A. Schumpeter
28. Innovation Theory of Trade Cycle Schumpeter
29. Input Output analysis Wassily Leontief
30. Iron Law of wages of Brazen Law of Wages Lassalle WIN ACADEMY

Economics UGC-NET/SET


31. Kinked Demand curve Prof. Paul M. Sweezy
32. Labour Theory of Value Marx
33. Law of Market J .B. Say
34. Life Cycle Hypothesis
Modigliani, Brumberg
and Ando
Linear Programming
(It is also known as Mathematical programming and
activity Analysis)
George B. Dantzig
36. Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest J .M. Keynes
37. Loanable Funds Theory of Interest Knut Wicksell
38. Marginal Preference Theory Armstrong
39. Materialistic conception-of History Marx
40. Modern Quantity Theory Friedman
41. Modern Theory of interest Hicks-Hansen
Modern Theory of International Trade
(Factor - Proportion analysis)
Bertil Ohlin
43. Modern Theory of Rent Mrs. J oan Robinson
44. Modified version of Marginal Productivity Theory of Wages . Taussig
45. Monetary Theory of Trade Cycle R.G. Hawtrey
46. Monopsony Mrs. J oan Robinson
47. Optimum Theory of Population
Prof. Sidgwick;
(developed by Edwin
48. Over-investment theory of business, cycle Dr. Hayek
49. Over-saving theory of business cycle
Major Douglas and
J .A. Hobson
50. Peoples Plan M.N. Roy
51. Permanent Income Hypothesis Friedman
52. Portfolio Balance approach Tobins
53. Psychological Law of Consumption Keynes
54. Psychological theory of business cycle A.C. Pigou
55. Purchasing Power Parity Theory Gustau Cassel
56. Quantity Theory of Money
First Propounded by
Davan Zatti
57. Quasi Rent Alfred Marshall
58. Real Balance Effect Pigou
59. Rent Theory of Profit L. Walker WIN ACADEMY

Economics UGC-NET/SET


60. Representative Firm Alfred Marshall
61. Residual Climant theory Walker
62. Restatement of the Quantity Theory of Money Friedman
63. Revealed Preference Theory P.A. Samuelson
64. Revised Theory of Demand J R. Hicks
65. Risk Aversion Theory of Liquidity Preference Tobin
66. Risk Theory of Profit Prof. Hawley
67. Scarcity Definition Lionel Robbins
68. Selling cost curve Chamberlin
69. Social optimum Pareto
70. Statics and Dynamics concepts into Economics J .S.Mill
71. Statics and Dynamics concepts into Social Science August Comte
72. Statistical Utility Theory Neumann-Morgenstern
73. Subsistence theory of Wages
(developed by Adam
74. Sun - spot Theory of business cycle W. Stanley J evons
75. Accelerator
(developed by J .B. Clark)
76. Big Push Theory Rosenstein Rodan
77. Concept of Functional Finance
(developed by)
A.P. Lerner
Income Theory of Money
(or, the Saving- Investment theory of money)
Thomas Tooke
(Popularised by Keynes)
79. Multiplier Keynes
80. principle of maximum social advantage Hugh Dalton
81. Relative Income Hypothesis
First introduced by
Dorothy Brady and
Rose - Friedman
(Developed by
82. The term Micro and 'Marco Economics Prof. Ragnar Frisch
83. Theory of Absolute Advantage Adam Smith
84. Theory of Comparative cost David Ricardo
85. Theory of Opportunity Cost Haberler
86. Theory of Social Marginal Productivity J .B. Clark WIN ACADEMY

Economics UGC-NET/SET


87. Theory o f Unbalanced Growth Prof. Hirschman
88. Theory of Demographic Transition Frank Notestein
89. Theory of Monopolistic competition E.H. Chamberlin
90. Theory of Population Malthus
91. Theory of Product Pricing Marshall
92. Theory of Rent Ricardo
93. Theory of Surplus: value-and exploitation Marx
94. Time Preference Theory Fisher
95. Transfer Earnings Mrs. J oan Robinson
96. Uncertainty-Bearing Theory of Profit Prof. Knight
97. Vicious Circle of Poverty Ragner Nurkse
98. Wage Fund Theory J .S. Mill
99. Wage Theory of Profit Prof. Taussig
100. Wealth Definition Adam Smith
101. Wealth Flows Theory Coldwell
102. Welfare Definition Alfred Marshall
103. Welfare Economics A.C. Pigou

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