SD 3 Temuwuh: (Soal Bacaan Untuk Nomor 1-5)

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Alamat : Tanjung, Temuwuh, Dlingo, Bantul. Kode Pos 55783 ULANGAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP TAHUN PELAJARAN 2013/2014 Hari/tanggal : Jumat, 28 Maret 2014 Waktu : 07.30 09.00 WIB

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : IV (empat)


Choose the right answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d! Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang jawaban a, b, c atau d !

The text for number 1-5

(Soal Bacaan Untuk Nomor 1-5) My classroom is big

Hii, there. My Name is Sarah.Welcome to my classroom. This is my classroom. My classroom is big. There are 40 desks, a teacher desk, 43 chairs, a clock, 2 brooms, a duster, and a blackboard. My classroom is beside the library. There is tree behind my classroom so my classrooms air is always fresh. So, I like study in 7. Look at these pictures! my classroom. 1. Is the writers classroom big? a. Yes, there is. b. No, theres not. c. No, it is not. d. Yes, it is. 2. How many desks are there? a. 40 b. 43 c. 44 d. 45

6. Andin : Can you help me, Anton! Anton : What can I help you, Andin? Andin : . (Letakkan) this book on the table, please! Complete these dialogues! a. Put c. touch b. Read d. draw

The book is thick, the ruler is a. big c. short b. small d. long 8. Look at these pictures!

3. Is there two clocks in the classroom? a. Yes, there is. b. No, theres not 4. Where is the classroom? a. The classroom is in front of library. b. The classroom is beside the library. c. The classroom is behind the teacher office. d. The classroom is in the parking area. 5. Does the writer like study in her classroom? a. No, she doesnt b. Yes, he does c. No, he doesnt d. Yes, she does. c. Yes, it is d. No, it isnt

The ball is big, the eraser is a. big c. short b. small d. long 9.

There are three . on the table. a. scissor c. eraser b. scissors d. erasers


19. The cupboard is . (disamping) the door. a. on c. under b. in d. beside 20. The chalk is . (dibawah) the blackboard. a. on c. under b. in d. beside II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words! 1. Doni : May I borrow your pencil, Rina? Rina : Yes, sure, Doni. . one? Doni : The red one. 2. The students sweep the classroom with

I put my book in the a. table b. bag 11. c. cupboard d. blackboard

Ani writes on the .. a. table c. cupboard b. bag d. blackboard 12. I put my book into the .. a. table c. cupboard b. bag d. blackboard 13. We clean the blackboard with . a. ruler c. an eraser b. basket d. a chalk 14. I draw a picture with a. a pencil c. an eraser b. a pen d. a chalk 15. Mrs. Wati : The classroom is dark, Rudi. Switch on the ., please! Rudi : Yes, mom. Complete these dialogues! a. lamp c. chalk b. table d. chair 16. Mr. Agus : The blackboard is dirty, Nia. the blackboard, please! Complete these dialogues! a. Put c. Clean b. Draw d. Sweep 17. The books is .. (diatas) the table. a. on c. under b. in d. next to 18. The pencil is . (didalam) the pencil case. a. on c. under b. in d. beside

the . 3. Mr. Indra : Put the rubbish into the (tempat sampah), Reno! Reno : Yes, Sir.

4. Mrs. Dina : Please, . the text loudly! The students : Yes, mom. 5. I a letter on the table.

6. Mrs. Ina : The classroom is dirty. Please, .. classroom! The student : Yes, mom. 7. Mr. Aris : Students, lets ..... (bukalah) your book on the page 3! The students : Yes, sir. 8. The teacher writes on the blackboard with the .. (kapur). 9. There is a .. (jam dinding) on the wall. 10. There are five .. (penggaris) on the table. (sapulah) the


Answer these questions below! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut!)

1. Mentions five (5) things in the classroom!(Sebutkan 5 benda didalam kelas!) a. b. c. d. .. e. .

2. Mention five (5) colors in English!(Sebutkan 5 warna didalam Bahasa Inggris!) a. d. .. b. c. e. .

3. Arrange these words into a good instruction! (Susunlah kosakata berikut menjadi perintah yang baik) a. this Put book table the on - ! Answer : . b. a picture on Draw your drawing book - ! Answer : .

4. Arrange these words into a good sentences! (Susunlah kosakata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik) a. are two There big table bags the on Answer : . b. a correction fluid in bag There the is Answer : . 5. Arrange these dialogues into a good conversation! (Susunlah percakapan berikut menjadi percakapan yang benar!) 1. Budi : Yes, of course. What can I do for you? 2. Ratna : Can you help me, please? 3. Ratna : May I borrow your ruler? 4. Ratna : The long one. 5. Budi : Yes, Sure. Which one? Answer : . : . : . : . : . :


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. C

11. D 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. A

16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C

II. Isian

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Which broom dustbin/garbage read write

6. sweep 7. open 8. chalk 9. clock 10. rulers

III. Uraian

1. Table, chair, blackboard, cupboard, Eraser, bag, etc. 2. Red, White, Black, Yellow, Green, Brown, Purple, etc.

3. a. Put this book on the table! b. Draw a picture on your drawing book! 4. a. There are two big bags on the table b. There is a correction fluid in the bag 5. Ratna : Can you help me, please? Budi : Yes, of course. What can I do for you? Ratna : May I borrow your ruler? Budi : Yes, Sure. Which one? Ratna : The long one
Pedoman Penilaian

No. 1 2 3

Bentuk Soal Pilihan Ganda Isian Uraian

Jumlah Soal 20 10 5 35

Bobot Soal 1 2 4

Skor 20 20 20 60


5. What number is it? It is number a. twenty c. forty-five b. fourteen d. forty 6. Budi : Good morning, Rina Rina : .., Budi a. Good night c. good bye b. Good morning d. good afternoon 7. Our uniform is and . a. Black and blue c. black and white b. White and blue d. white and red 8. Look her wall! That is . (kuning) a. yellow c. blue b. white d. black 9. Mrs. Rina is my .. (ibu) a. grandmother c. father b. grandfather d. mother 10. We hear (mendengar) with out a. eyes c. mouth b. ears d. hand 11. We take a bath (mandi) in the . a. Bath room c. living room b. kitchen d. dining room 12. This is a (sendok) a. Plate c. fork b. bowl d. spoon 13. We clean (membersihkan) the blackboard with .. a. ruler c. an eraser b. basket d. a chalk 14. We walk (berjalan) use .. a. head c. foot b. body d. hand 15. I am (seorang murid) a. a boy c. a student b. a man d. a teacher 16. Sinta : Where do you live? Dewi : a. I am 12 years old c. I am a student b. I live in Jakarta d. I am a boy

17. Thing in the classroom is . a. soap c. stove b. glass d. blackboard 18. Thing in the kitchen is .. a. soap c. book b. stove d. blackboard 19. Thing in the living room is . a. towel c. chair b. soap d. spoon 20. Thing in the bath room is .. a. Toot brush c. table b. chair d. book

II. Fill in the blanks below! (Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!) 1. The students sit down (duduk) in the .. 2. Six plus four is .. 3. This bag is .. (biru) 4. 21 dalam bahasa Inggris di baca .. 5. Sampai jumpa minggu depan, bahasa Inggrisnya .. III. Answer these question below! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut!) 1. Mention 4 parts of your head! (Sebutkan 4 bagian yang menjadi anggota kepalamu!) Answer: .. 2. Write the colors in English! (Tulislah warna-warna tersebut ke dalam bahasa Inggris!) a. Bitu b. Merah c. Kuning d. Putih Answer: .. 3. Write down number 15, 21, 35, 60 in English Answer: .. 4. Mention 4 kinds in the bath room! Answer: .. 5. Mention 4 things in the kitchen! Answer: ..

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