Monthlys Prep 1 - 10

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Parts of a Prescription 1. Patients Info 2. Superscription Rx symbol recipe, take thou 3. Inscription a.

. Basis active ingredient serves as basis for prescription b. Adjuvant serves to aid the basis c. Corrective used to correct undesirable properties of the basis d. Vehicle 4. Subscription instruction to the pharmacist 5. Transcription signa, instruction to the patient 6. Prescribers Info Beyond Use Date: 1. For non-aqueous liquids and solids not later than 25% of the time remaining until products expiration or 6 months, whichever is less 2. For water containing drugs 14 days at cool temperature 3. Others intended duration of therapy or 30 days; whichever is less POWDERS intimate mixture of dry finely divided drugs or substances that maybe intended for internal use Types of Comminution: a. Trituration use of mortar and pestle; grinding motion b. Pulverization with Intervention use of mortar and pestle; addition of solvent (ex. camphor and alcohol) c. Levigation - addition of non-solvent/levigating agent to form a paste d. Mills and Pulverizer for large production Blending Techniques: a. Spatulation used to blend eutectic mixtures or substances that liquefy b. Trituration c. Geometric dilution used to blend potent substances; diluent is added portion by portion d. Sifting use of a sieve; results to fluffy powder; for non-potent materials e. Tumbling for large scale production Types of Powders: A. Bulk Powder Dusting powder Used in bulk No specific dosage strength For internal (antacids) wide mouth bottle For external use sifter bottle B. Divided Powder With controlled dosage Also called paper tabs, chartulae, powder paper Types of Paper Used: a. Simple Bond Paper No moisture resistance Opaque b. Vegetable Parchment Onion skin, thin semi-opaque paper With limited moisture resistance

c. Glassine Transparent, frosted With limited moisture resistance d. Waxed Transparent Waterproof Methods of Preparation: a. Weighing most accurate; for potent substances b. Block and Divide PRESCRIPTION NO. 1 Therapeutic Use: Antifungal Route of Administration: Topical/External INGREDIENT Salicylic acid Benzoic Acid Camphor Menthol Phenol Starch PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS White crystals usually needles/fluffy white pwdr White crystalline flakes White crystals Waxy, clear white crystalline subs. White or clear acicular crystals Irregular, angular white masses or fine pwdr SOLUBILITY Sol. in alcohol, slightly sol. in water Insol. in water Slightly sol. water USE Dermatological problems; analgesic Topical Antiseptic Antimicrobial Cooling effect Antiseptic Filler, Binder



Insol. in cold water and alcohol

Procedure: 1. Triturate camphor, menthol and phenol. 2. Add salicylic acid then benzoic acid. 3. Add starch, portion by portion. 4. Pass through sieve #40. Incompatibility: Eutectic Mixture of Camphor and Menthol Remedy: Add phenol. PRESCRIPTION NO. 2 Therapeutic Use: Antifungal Route of Administration: Topical/External INGREDIENT Calamine powder Camphor Talc Starch PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Pink pwdr White crystals Very fine, white crystalline pwdr Irregular, angular white masses or fine pwdr SOLUBILITY USE Antipruritic Antimicrobial Filler, diluent Stabilizer, Filler, Binder

Insol. in water Insol. in cold water and alcohol

Procedure: 1. Triturate camphor in 1 drop of alcohol. (Pulverization with intervention) 2. Add calamine, starch and talc.


Pass through sieve #40. Nystatin: 1 : 10 = x : 20 x = 2 g nystatin

Equal quantities to give 20 g

Computations: Camphor0.08 parts Calamine pwdr..8 parts Starch.9.2 parts Talc.30 parts 0.08 parts: total parts = x : 10 g 0.08 parts camphor : 47.28 parts = x : 10 g x = 0.0169 g camphor 8 parts calamine : 47.28 parts = x : 10 g x = 1.69 g calamine powder 9.2 parts starch : 47.28 parts = x : 10 g x = 1.95 g starch 30 parts talc : 47.28 parts = x : 10 g x = 6.35 g talc PRESCRIPTION NO. 3 Therapeutic Use: Antifungal Route of Administration: Topical/External INGREDIENT Nystatin Zinc Oxide Talc Starch Calcium carbonate Nystatin: Nystatin Powder, USP Pure Nystatin (4,400 units/milligram) Nystatin Topical Powder, USP 100,000 units/gram Market: Nystatin Drops 100,000/gram Procedure: 1. Triturate zinc oxide, talc, starch and calcium carbonate. 2. Add #1 to nystatin portion by portion. Method of Preparation: Geometric Dilution Computations: Conc. of nystatin in powder = usual conc. x amount of nystatin/total g pwder ex. 100,000 units/g x 2 g nystatin/22 g powder = 9090.91 units/g 4,400 units/mg x 2000 mg/22000 mg = 400 units/mg Nystatin pwdr 1:10 w/ the ff. Zinc oxide Talc Starch Calcium carbonate PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS SOLUBILITY USE Antifungal Adsorbent/Astringent Filler, diluent Stabilizer, Filler, Binder Adsorbent/Astringent

20 g / 4 ingredients = 5 g per ingredient PRESCRIPTION NO. 4 Therapeutic Use: Antacid Route of Administration: Oral INGREDIENT Magnesium trisilicate Chalk Heavy magnesium carbonate Sodium bicarbonate PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Fine, white, odourless, tasteless pwdr White crystalline pwdr USE Antacid Adsorbent, Antacid Antacid Antacid

White crystalline pwdr

Procedure: 1. Triturate Mg trisilicate. Set aside 2. Triturate chalk. Set aside 3. Triturate heavy magnesium carbonate. Set aside 4. Triturate sodium bicarbonate. Set aside. 5. Mix all ingredients. Triturate. 6. Pass through sieve #20. PRESCRIPTION NO. 5 Therapeutic Use: Antacid Route of Administration: Oral INGREDIENT Aluminum hydroxide Magnesium trisilicate Peppermint oil Calcium carbonate PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Fine, white, odourless, tasteless pwdr USE Antacid Antacid Fragrant Antacid, Adsorbent

Very fine, white crystalline pwdr Irregular, angular white masses or fine pwdr

Insol. in cold water and alcohol

Procedure: 1. Triturate aluminium hydroxide using geometric dilution. 2. Add magnesium silicate 3. Add calcium carbonate 4. Add peppermint oil until desirable scent. 5. Mix. PRESCRIPTION NO. 6 Therapeutic Use: Heart failure and arrhythmia Route of Administration: Oral Ingredient: Digoxin Used for heart failure and arrhythmia

From Digitalis purpurea Available in: 250 mcg tablet, 2 mL ampule/vial (250 mcg/mL), 60 mL pediatric elixir (50 mcg/mL)

Procedure: 1. Crush and triturate tablet. 2. Weigh. PRESCRIPTION NO. 7 Therapeutic Use: Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antithrombotic Route of Administration: Oral Ingredient: Aspirin Used as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic Antithrombotic: 75 100 mg OD Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antipyretic: 300 900 mg every 4 to 6 hours Maximum dose: 4 g/ day Procedure: 1. Crush and triturate tablet. 2. Block and divide. PRESCRIPTION NO. 8 Therapeutic Use: Antibiotic Route of Administration: Oral Ingredients: Sulfadiazine Available in 500 mg tablet or 7.7 gr Antibiotic Sodium Bicarbonate Increases solubility of sulfadiazine Lactose Diluent if amount of the AI is less than 2 gr or 130 mg Corrective if amount of AI is greater than 2 gr or 130 mg As corrective, amount of lactose is equal to amount of the AI Procedure: 1. Crush and triturate the tablet. 2. Add sodium bicarbonate and triturate. 3. Add lactose and triturate. 4. Block and divide. PRESCRIPTION NO. 9 Therapeutic Use: Antibiotic Route of Administration: Oral Ingredients: Sulfadiazine

Available in 500 mg tablet or 7.7 gr Antibiotic Sodium Bicarbonate Increases solubility of sulfadiazine Acetylsalicylic acid Antipyretic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic To prevent gummy mass or hydrolyzation of ASA, double wrap the prep. Procedure: 1. Triturate each ingredient separately. 2. Mix the powder by spatulation. Incompatibility: ASA and Sodium bicarbonate form a mass Remedy: Do not triturate. Use spatulation method. PRESCRIPTION NO. 10 Therapeutic Use: Anticonvulsant Route of Administration: Oral Ingredients: Carbamazepine Used as anticonvulsant Even in solid dosage forms, it has stability problems Decreased bioavailability caused by tablet hardening Should be kept in a tightly closed container because it becomes dehydrated when exposed to moisture, decreasing its bioavailability Recommended dose: 5 20 mg/ Lactose Diluent Procedure: 1. Triturate carbamazepine tablet and put in 30 mg packet. 2. Add lactose to make 300 mg. 3. Weigh to check final weight. Computations: Carbamazepine 100 mg/powder packet 100 mg carbamazepine + diluent (lactose) = 300 mg powder packet Diluent = 200 mg lactose 100 mg packet = 100 mg/dose Sig.: Take 1 pwdr packet q.i.d, p.c. & h.s. Determine the prescribed dose (mg/kg/day) a. 35 lbs patient 35 lbs x 1kg/2.2 lbs = 15.91 kg 100 mg/dose x 4 doses per day = 400 mg/day 400 mg per day / 15.91 kg = 25 mg/kg/day OVERDOSED Amount of carbamazepine : 30 mg per packet Available strength: 200 mg/tab Ave wt./tab = 280 mg 200 mg : 280 mg/tab = 30 mg per packet : x x = 42 mg crushed carbamazepine pwdr per pwdr pocket

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