1995.10.03 en Patent MagnetMotor EnergyThic US5455474 Permanent Magnets Motor Charles - Flynn

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EnergyThic Patents

Free Energy Engines Engineering

A Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices

Device Patent No 33: Last updated: 22nd May 2
"ource: Patric# $elly engp%#&ya'oo(co(u# 'ttp:))***(+ree,energy,in+o(co(u# 'ttp:))***(+ree,energy,in+o(co-

.'is patent gives details o+ a per-anent -agnet -otor *'ic' uses electro-agnet s'ielding to ac'ieve ontinuous rotation( .'e input po*er is very s-all *it' even a /,volt 0attery 0eing a0le to operate t'e -otor( .'e output po*er is su0stantial and operation up to 2 1 rp- is possi0le( 2onstruction is also very si-ple and *ell *it'in t'e capa0ilities o+ t'e average 'andy-an( 3t s'ould 0e realised t'at t'e po*er o+ t'is -otor co-es +ro- t'e per-anent -agnets and not +ro- t'e s-all 0attery input used to prevent loc#,up o+ t'e -agnetic +ields(

4" Patent 516551676

3rd 8cto0er 9//5

3nventor: 2'arles Flynn

Magnetic -otor construction

.'e present invention is a -otor *it' per-anent -agnets positioned so t'at t'ere is -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e-( A coil placed in t'e space 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnets is used to control t'e -agnetic interaction( .'is coil is connected to a source o+ electric potential and controlled s*itc'ing so t'at closing t'e s*itc' places a voltage across t'e coil and a++ects t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnets as to produce rotational -ove-ent o+ t'e output s'a+t(

US Patent References:
3 /:6:7 35:/! : 3:7 9!/ 37/: 3/ 3!!3:33 6959639 69!7669 675!75: 6!7599 6/72992 597/3 7 ;rus'less d( c( -otor *it' per-anent -agnet rotor "tarting Arrange-ent +or "olid,"tate Motor Gated Per-anent Magnet Motor Electric Micro-otor 2o--utatorless Motor Per-anent Magnet Motor =ig',po*er,density ;rus'less D2 Motor >ernier,type Electrodyna-ic Mac'ine ?otary,'ead Apparatus *it' Motor Magnet ;rus'less D2 Motor Direct 2urrent ;rus'less Motor 39 39 39 39 )9!9 )9!9 )952 )952 <uly1 9/:3 Angus et al Marc'1 9/79 ;rails+ord <une1 9/72 Monroe Marc'1 9/76 Lucien May1 9/75 $o'ler April1 9/7/ <o'nson Fe0ruary1 9/! 8ney <uly1 9/!! Pouillange 8cto0er1 9/!/ $a@a-a Nove-0er1 9// $i<anuary1 9//3 Porter 39!)93! 39!)256 39 )9!9 39 )2:! 39 )952 39 )92 39 )992 39 )952 39 )2:! 39 )9!9 39 )2:!

Foreign References: DE29 5 <uly1 9/: JP 25953 Fe0ruary1 9/!2 <P 9529 7! "epte-0er1 9/!2 <P 2!6 <anuary1 9/!7

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

.'e present invention is an i-prove-ent over t'e inventions disclosed in patent applications 7)3221929 and 7)!2!17 3( .'e devices disclosed in t'ose applications relate to -eans to produce use+ul energy using per-anent -agnets as t'e driving source( .'is is also true o+ t'e present invention *'ic' represents an i-portant i-prove-ent over t'e #no*n constructions and one *'ic' is si-pler to construct1 can 0e -ade to 0e sel+ starting1 is easier to ad%ust1 and is less li#ely to get out o+ ad%ust-ent( .'e present construction is also relatively easy to control1 is relatively sta0le and produces an a-a@ing a-ount o+ output energy considering t'e source o+ driving energy t'at is used( .'e present construction -a#es use o+ per-anent -agnets as t'e source o+ driving energy 0ut s'o*s a novel -eans o+ controlling t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e -agnet -e-0ers in a -anner *'ic' is relatively rugged1 produces a su0stantial a-ount o+ output energy and torAue1 and in a device capa0le o+ 0eing used to generate su0stantial a-ounts o+ energy t'at is use+ul +or -any di++erent purposes( .'e present invention resides 'as a +iBed support structure *it' one or -ore +iBed per-anent -agnets suc' as an annular per-anent -agnet -ounted on it *it' t'e pole +aces o+ t'e per-anent -agnet on opposite +aces o+ t'e -agnet( .'e device 'as one or -ore relatively +lat coils positioned around t'e edge o+ one o+ t'e +aces o+ t'e -agnet1 and a s'a+t eBtends t'roug' t'e per-anent -agnet *it' one or -ore ot'er per-anent -agnets attac'ed to it( .'e spaced per-anent -agnets and t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet 'ave t'eir polarities arranged to produce a -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e-( .'e device also includes a circuit +or selectively and seAuentially energising t'e coils to control t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e -agnets in suc' a -anner as to produce rotation 0et*een t'e-( >arious -et'ods can 0e used to control t'e application o+ energy to t'e coils including a ti-er or a control -ec'anis- -ounted on t'e rotating s'a+t( .'is design can 0e -ade to 0e sel+,starting or to 0e started *it' so-e initial 'elp to esta0lis' rotation(

3t is a principal o0%ect o+ t'e present invention to teac' t'e construction and operation o+ a relatively si-ple1 -otor,li#e device using per-anent -agnets in an uniAue -anner to generate rotational or ot'er +or-s o+ -ove-ent( Anot'er o0%ect is to teac' t'e construction and operation o+ a relatively si-ple1 -otor,li#e device 'aving novel -eans +or coupling and)or decoupling relatively -ovea0le per-anent -agnets to produce -otion( Anot'er o0%ect is to provide novel -eans +or controlling t'e coupling and decoupling o+ relatively -ovea0le per-anent -agnets( Anot'er o0%ect is to -a#e t'e generation o+ rotational energy less eBpensive and -ore relia0le( Anot'er o0%ect is to teac' a novel *ay o+ generating energy 0y varying -agnetic interaction +orces 0et*een per-anent -agnets( Anot'er o0%ect is to provide an ineBpensive *ay o+ producing energy( Anot'er o0%ect is to provide a su0stitute source o+ energy +or use in places *'ere conventional -otors1 generators and engines are used( .'ese and ot'er o0%ects and advantages o+ t'e present invention *ill 0eco-e apparent a+ter considering t'e +ollo*ing detailed speci+ication o+ pre+erred e-0odi-ents in con%unction *it' t'e acco-panying dra*ings(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering


Fig%& is a side vie* o+ a -agnetically po*ered device constructed according to t'e present invention(

Fig%' is an eBploded vie* o+ t'e device s'o*n in Fig(9(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%( is a +rag-entary side vie* o+ one o+ t'e -ova0le -agnets and t'e +iBed -agnet1 in one position o+ t'e device(

Fig%) is a vie* si-ilar to Fig(3 0ut s'o*ing t'e relations'ip 0et*een t'e ot'er -ova0le -agnets and t'e +iBed -agnet in t'e sa-e rotational position o+ t'e device(

Fig%* is a +rag-entary vie* si-ilar to Fig(3 0ut s'o*ing a repulsion interaction 0et*een t'e relatively -ova0le per-anent -agnets(

Fig%+ is a vie* si-ilar to Fig(6 +or t'e condition s'o*n in Fig(5(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%, is a side vie* s'o*ing anot'er e-0odi-ent *'ic' is capa0le o+ producing even greater energy and torAue(

Fig%- is a +rag-entary elevational vie* si-ilar to Fig(3 +or t'e device o+ Fig7(

Fig%. is a vie* si-ilar to Fig(6 +or t'e construction s'o*n in Fig(7(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&/ is a vie* si-ilar to Fig(3 +or t'e device s'o*n in Fig(7 0ut *it' t'e polarity o+ one o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnets reversed(

Fig%&& is a +rag-entary vie* si-ilar to Fig(6 +or t'e device as s'o*n in Fig(7 and Fig(9 (

Fig%&' is a side elevational vie* o+ anot'er e-0odi-ent o+ t'e device(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&( is a sc'e-atic circuit diagra- o+ t'e circuit +or t'e devices o+ Figs( 91 7 and 92(

Fig%&) is a perspective vie* o+ anot'er e-0odi-ent(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&* is a si-pli+ied e-0odi-ent o+ t'e device s'o*ing t'e use o+ one rotating -agnet and one coil positioned in t'e plane 0et*een t'e rotating and stationary -agnets(

Fig%&+ is a si-pli+ied e-0odi-ent o+ t'e device s'o*ing use o+ one -ova0le -agnet and t'ree coils arranged to 0e in a plane 0et*een t'e rotating and stationary -agnets(

Fig%&, is a side vie* o+ an air coil *it' a voltage applied across it and s'o*ing in dotted outline t'e +ield o+ t'e coil(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&- is a vie* si-ilar to Fig(97 0ut s'o*ing t'e air coil positioned ad%acent to one side o+ a per-anent -agnet s'o*ing in dotted outline t'e -agnetic +ield o+ t'e per-anent -agnet *it' no electric potential applied across t'e air coil( Fig%&. is a side vie* si-ilar to Fig(9! *it' an electric potential applied across t'e air coil1 s'o*ing in dotted outline t'e s'apes o+ t'e electric +ield o+ t'e air coil and t'e -agnetic +ield o+ t'e per-anent -agnet( Fig%'/ is a side vie* si-ilar to Fig(9/ 0ut s'o*ing a second per-anent -agnet positioned a0ove t'e +irst per-anent -agnet and s'o*ing in dotted outline t'e -agnetic +ields o+ t'e t*o per-anent -agnets *'en no electric potential is connected across t'e air coil( Fig%'& is a vie* si-ilar to Fig(2 0ut *it' t'e per-anent -agnets in an di++erent relative position and *it' a voltage applied across t'e air coil1 said vie* s'o*ing t'e s'apes o+ t'e electro, -agnetic +ield o+ t'e air coil and t'e -odi+ied s'apes o+ t'e -agnetic +ields o+ t'e t*o per-anent -agnets

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%'' to Fig%'* are si-ilar to Fig(29 and s'o* t'e electro,-agnetic +ield o+ t'e air coil and t'e -agnetic +ields o+ t'e -agnets in +our di++erent relative positions o+ t'e per-anent -agnets(

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering


3n t'e dra*ings1 t'e nu-0er &/ re+ers to a device constructed according to t'e present invention( .'e device &/ includes a stationary 0ase structure including an upper plate &'1 a lo*er plate &)1 and spaced posts &+1'' connected 0et*een t'e-(

Mounted on t'e upper plate &' is a +iBed per-anent -agnet ') s'o*n annular in s'ape *'ic' 'as its Nort' pole ad%acent to t'e upper sur+ace o+ plate &' and its "out' pole +acing a*ay +ro- plate &'( ?e+erring to Fig%'1 t'e per-anent -agnet ') is s'o*n 'aving seven coils '+1(- -ounted +lat on its upper sur+ace( "even coils are s'o*n1 and t'e coils '+1(- 'ave electrical connections -ade t'roug' plate &' to ot'er circuit -e-0ers *'ic' *ill 0e descri0ed later in connection *it' Fig%&(( Anot'er -e-0er )/ is -ounted on t'e upper sur+ace o+ t'e lo*er plate &) and a si-ilar -e-0er )' is -ounted on t'e underside o+ t'e plate &'% A s'a+t ))1 Cs'o*n oriented vertically +or convenienceD eBtends t'roug' aligned 'oles in t'e -e-0ers )'1 &' and ')( .'e lo*er end o+ s'a+t )) is connected to dis# )+ *'ic' 'as a pair o+ curved openings )- and */ s'o*n dia-etrically opposite to eac' ot'er1 a little in +ro- t'e edge o+ disc )+( .'e purpose o+ t'ese openings )- and */ *ill 0e eBplained later on( "'a+t )) is also connected to anot'er disc *' *'ic' is located on t'e s'a+t so as to 0e positioned ad%acent to t'e coils '+1(-( Disc *' 'as a pair o+ per-anent -agnets *) and *+ -ounted on or in it positioned dia-etrically opposite to eac' ot'er( Magnets *) and *+ 'ave t'eir nort' and sout' poles oriented as s'o*n in Fig%'1 t'at is *it' nort' poles s'o*n on t'eir lo*er sides and t'eir sout' poles on t'e upper sides( .'is is done so t'at t'ere *ill 0e -utual -agnetic attraction and coupling 0et*een t'e -agnets *) and *+ and t'e +iBed -agnet ')( .'e polarity o+ t'e -agnets *) and *+ and)or o+ t'e -agnet ') can also 0e reversed i+ desired +or so-e purposes to produce relative -agnetic repulsion 0et*een t'e-( ?e+erring again to Fig%'1 t'e lo*er plate )/ is s'o*n 'aving a series o+ p'ototransistors *-1,/ -ounted on its upper sur+ace and spaced out as s'o*n( .'ese p'ototransistors are positioned under t'e centres o+ t'e coils '+1(- *'ic' are -ounted on -agnet ')( An eAual nu-0er o+ in+ra red e-itters ,'1-) are -ounted on t'e under
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Free Energy Engines Engineering

sur+ace o+ t'e -e-0er )' aligned *it' t'e p'ototransistors( .'ere are seven in+ra red e-itters ,'1-) s'o*n1 eac' o+ *'ic' is in align-ent *it' a respective one o+ t'e seven p'ototransistors *-1,/ and *it' one o+ t'e seven coils '+1(-( .'is arrange-ent is suc' t'at *'en t'e s'a+t )) and t'e co-ponents attac'ed to it1 including discs )+ and *'1 rotate relative to t'e ot'er -e-0ers including -agnet ')1 t'e curved openings 6! and 5 pass under t'e in+ra red e-itters and cause t'e p'ototransistors to s*itc' on +or a predeter-ined ti-e interval( .'is esta0lis'es a seAuence o+ energised circuits *'ic' po*ers coils '+1(-1 one at a ti-e1 *'ic' in turn1 causes a -o-entary interruption o+ t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een one o+ t'e per-anent -agnets *) and *+ and -agnet ')( E'en a coil is -ounted on top o+ a per-anent -agnet suc' as per-anent -agnet ') and energised it acts to concentrate t'e +luB in a sy--etrical -agnetic +ield resulting in a non,sy--etrical +ield *'en anot'er per-anent -agnet is a0ove t'e coil on -agnet ')( .'is results in uneven or non,uni+or+orces 0eing produced *'en t'e coil is energised and t'is causes a torAue 0et*een t'e t*o per-anent -agnets1 *'ic' tries to -ove one o+ t'e per-anent -agnets relative to t'e ot'er(

Fig%( s'o*s t'e position *'en one o+ t'e -agnets *) is located i--ediately a0ove one o+ t'e coils1 say1 coil '+( 3n t'is position t'ere *ould 0e -agnetic coupling 0et*een t'e -agnets *) and ') so long as t'ere is no voltage across t'e coil '+( =o*ever1 i+ a voltage is placed across t'e coil '+ it *ill interrupt t'e -agnetic coupling 0et*een t'e -agnets *) and ') *'ere t'e coil is located( .'is -eans t'at i+ t'ere is any torAue developed1 it *ill 0e developed to eit'er side o+ t'e coil '+( Eit'out energising t'e coil '+ t'ere *ill 0e +ull attraction 0et*een t'e -agnets ') and *) and no rotational +orce *ill 0e produced(

?e+erring to Fig%) t'ere is s'o*n t'e relative positions o+ t'e -ova0le -agnets *) and *+ +or one position o+ disc *'( For eBa-ple1 t'e -agnet *) is s'o*n located i--ediately a0ove t'e coil '+ *'ile t'e -agnet *+ is s'o*n straddling portions o+ t'e coils (' and ()( 3+1 in t'is position1 coil (' is energised 0ut coils () and '+ are not energised1 t'en t'e -agnetic coupling 0et*een -agnet *+ and -agnet ') *ill 0e oriented at an angle s'o*n illustrated 0y t'e arro* in Fig%)1 and t'is attractive coupling *ill tend to -ove disc *' to t'e rig't( "ince coil '+ is not po*ered up1 t'ere is +ull coupling 0et*een -agnet *) and -agnet ') 0ut t'is 'as no e++ect since it does not 'ave a directional +orce( At t'e sa-e ti-e1 coil (- *'ic' is t'e neBt coil over *'ic' t'e -agnet *) *ill -ove1 is also not po*ered up and so it *ill 'ave no rotational e++ect on disc *'(
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Free Energy Engines Engineering

As disc *' continues to rotate1 di++erent coils in t'e group '+1(- *ill 0e energised in seAuence to continue to produce a rotational -agnetic coupling +orce 0et*een disc *' and -agnet ')( 3t s'ould 0e noted1 'o*ever1 t'at all o+ t'e rotational +orce is produced 0y interaction 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnets and none o+ t'e rotational +orce is produced 0y t'e coils or 0y any ot'er -eans( .'e coils are -erely energised in seAuence to control *'ere t'e -agnetic interaction occurs1 and t'is is done in a -anner to cause disc *' to rotate( 3t s'ould also 0e understood t'at one1 t*o1 or -ore t'an t*o1 per-anent -agnets suc' as t'e per-anent -agnets *) and *+ can 0e -ounted on t'e rotating disc *'1 and t'e s'ape and si@e o+ t'e rotating disc *' can 0e ad%usted accordingly to acco--odate t'e nu-0er o+ per-anent -agnets -ounted in it( Also1 disc *' can 0e constructed o+ a non,-agnetic -aterial1 t'e only reAuire-ent 0eing t'at su++icient structure 0e provided to support t'e per-anent -agnets during rotation( .'is -eans t'at disc *' need not necessarily 0e constructed to 0e round as s'o*n in t'e dra*ing(

Fig%* and Fig%+ are si-ilar to Fig%( and Fig%) 0ut s'o* a construction *'ere t'e per-anent -agnets *) and *+ are turned over so t'at instead o+ 'aving t'eir nort' poles +acing -agnet ') t'ey 'ave t'eir sout' poles +acing -agnet ') 0ut on t'e opposite side o+ t'e coils suc' as coils '+1(-( .'e construction and operation o+ t'e -odi+ied device illustrated 0y Fig%* and Fig%+ is si-ilar to t'at descri0ed a0ove eBcept t'at instead o+ producing -agnetic attraction +orces 0et*een t'e -agnets *) and *+ and t'e -agnet ')1 -agnetic repulsion +orces are produced1 and t'ese repulsion +orces can li#e*ise 0e used in a si-ilar -anner to produce rotation o+ t'e -e-0er *'1 *'atever its construction( Fig%, s'o*s a -odi+ied e-0odi-ent *'ic' includes all o+ t'e ele-ents s'o*n in Fig%& and Fig%' 0ut in addition 'as a second stationary per-anent -agnet &/' *'ic' is -ounted a0ove rotating disc *' and 'as its coil -e-0ers suc' as coil -e-0ers '+A1(-A -ounted on its underside( Magnet &/' operates *it' t'e -agnets *) and *+ si-ilarly to t'e -agnet ') and can operate in precisely t'e sa-e -anner1 t'at is 0y producing attraction +orce 0et*een t'e -agnet -e-0ers or 0y producing repulsion +orces 0et*een t'e-1 eac' 0eing used to produce relative rotational -ove-ent 0et*een t'e rotor and t'e stator( 3t is also conte-plated to -a#e t'e construction s'o*n in Fig%, so as to produce attraction +orces 0et*een t'e -agnets *) and *+ on one side t'ereo+ and cooperating repulsion +orces *'ic' add to t'e rotation generating +orces produced on t'e opposite side(

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Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%- and Fig%. are si-ilar to Fig%( and Fig%) 0ut s'o* t'e relations'ip 0et*een t'e -agnets *) and *+ and t'e -e-0ers ') and &/' located on opposite sides( .'ese +igures s'o* one +or- o+ interaction 0et*een t'e rotating -agnets *) and *+ and t'e stationary -agnets ') and &/' located as s'o*n in Fig%,% 3n t'is construction1 t'e device produces attractive rotating +orce only(

Fig%&/ and Fig%&& are si-ilar to Fig%- and Fig%. eBcept t'at in t'ese +igures 0ot' attraction and repulsion +orces are s'o*n 0eing produced in association *it' t'e stationary -agnets on opposite sides o+ t'e rotating -agnets( Note also t'at t'e coils 0eing energised on opposite sides o+ disc *' are energised in a di++erent arrange-ent(

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Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&' is a side vie* si-ilar to Fig%, 0ut s'o*ing t'e *ay in *'ic' several stationary and rotating -agnetic -e-0ers suc' as t'e discs ') and &/' can 0e -ounted on t'e sa-e s'a+t1 in al-ost any nu-0er o+ repeating groups to increase t'e a-ount o+ torAue produced 0y t'e device( 3n Fig%&'1 t'e sa-e po*er source and t'e sa-e circuit arrange-ent can 0e used to energise t'e p'ototransistors and t'e in+ra red e-itters( =o*ever1 depending upon *'et'er attraction or repulsion +orces are used to produce t'e rotation or so-e co-0ination o+ t'e-1 *ill depend upon t'e order in *'ic' t'e coils associated *it' t'e stationary -agnetic -e-0ers are energised(

Fig%&( is a circuit diagra+or t'e device s'o*n in Fig%& and Fig%'1 s'o*ing t'e circuit connections +or t'e coils '+1(- and +or t'e circuit ele-ents associated *it' t'e-( A si-ilar circuit can 0e used +or t'e construction s'o*n in Fig%, and Fig%&'% .'e circuit also includes connections to t'e various p'ototransistors and in+ra red e-itters( 3n Fig(931 t'e circuit 92 is s'o*n including a po*er supply 922 *'ic' -ay 0e a 0attery po*er supply1 a recti+ied A2 po*er supply or an A2 or pulsed po*er supply( .'e positive side &') o+ t'e po*er supply &'' is s'o*n connected to one side o+ eac' o+ t'e coils '+1(-1 coil '+ and t'e circuits associated *it' it

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Free Energy Engines Engineering

0eing s'o*n in 0old outline and including connections to one side o+ a resistor &'- and to one side o+ t'e p'oto transistors *-1,/( .'e opposite side o+ t'e coil '+ is connected to one ter-inal o+ M8"FE. &'+% .'e opposite side o+ t'e resistor &'- is connected to one side o+ t'e in+ra red e-itter ,'1 as *ell as to t'e corresponding sides o+ all o+ t'e ot'er in+ra red e-itters ,)1-)( .'e opposite sides o+ t'e in+ra red e-itters ,'1-) are connected 0y lead &(/ to t'e negative ter-inal side &(' o+ t'e po*er supply &''% Eit' t'e circuit as s'o*n1 t'e in+ra red e-itters ,'1-) are all continuously energised and produce lig't *'ic' can 0e detected 0y t'e respective p'ototransistors *-1,/ *'en one o+ t'e openings )- or */ passes 0et*een t'e-( E'en t'is 'appens1 t'e respective p'ototransistor *- *ill conduct and in so doing *ill apply positive voltage on t'e associated M8"FE. &'+1 turning t'e M8"FE. on1 and causing t'e voltage o+ t'e source &'' to also 0e applied across t'e coil '+( .'e circuit +or t'is is +rot'e source &'' t'roug' t'e coil '+1 t'roug' t'e M8"FE. &'+ to and t'roug' t'e lead &() to t'e opposite side o+ t'e source &''( E'en t'e supply voltage is applied across t'e coil '+1 it operates to li-it or prevent -agnetic co--unication 0et*een *'ic'ever one o+ t'e -agnets *) or *+ 'appens to 0e positioned ad%acent to t'e coil '+ *'ic' is in t'e space 0et*een t'at -agnet *) or *+ and t'e -agnet ')( .'is circuit is s'o*n in 0old in Fig%&(( ;y properly ti-ing and controlling t'e application o+ voltage to t'e various coils '+1(- in t'e -anner descri0ed1 t'e -agnetic coupling 0et*een t'e -agnets *) and *+ and t'e -agnet ') can 0e accurately controlled and cause angular -agnetic attraction 0et*een t'e -agnet *) Cor *+D and -agnet ')1 *'ic' angular attraction Cor repulsionD is in a direction to cause rotation o+ t'e rotating parts o+ t'e structure s'o*n in Figs% &2 '2 , and &'% 3t s'ould 0e understood t'at eac' o+ t'e coils '+1(- *ill 0e controlled in t'e sa-e -anner1 t'at is1 *ill 'ave a voltage appearing across it at t'e proper ti-e to control t'e direction o+ t'e -agnetic coupling in a -anner to produce rotation( .'e rotating portions *ill continue to rotate and t'e speed o+ rotation can 0e -aintained at any desired speed( >arious -eans can 0e used to control t'e speed o+ rotation suc' as 0y controlling t'e ti-ing o+ t'e D2 or ot'er voltage applied to t'e various coils1 suc' as 0y using an alternating or pulsed current source instead o+ a direct current source or 0y loading t'e device to li-it its rotational speed( 3t is especially i-portant to note t'at t'e energy reAuired to operate t'e su0%ect device is -ini-al since very little electrical energy is dra*n *'en voltage is applied across t'e various coils *'en t'ey are energised( A *ell #no*n eAuation used +or conventional -otor art1 is: Po3er 4in 3atts5 6 S7ee8 9 Tor:;e < .%** =ence1 $ 6 S 9 T < .%** .'is eAuation 'as li-ited application to t'e present device 0ecause in t'e present device t'e torAue is 0elieved to 0e constant *'ile t'e speed is t'e varia0le( .'e sa-e eAuation can 0e re*ritten: T 6 .%** 9 $ < S or S 6 .%** = $ < T

.'ese eAuations1 i+ applica0le1 -ean t'at as t'e speed increases1 t'e *atts divided 0y t'e torAue -ust also increase 0ut 0y a +actor o+ /(55( .'us i+ torAue is constant or nearly constant1 as speed increases1 t'e po*er output -ust increase and at a very rapid rate( 3t s'ould 0e understood t'at t'e present device can 0e -ade to 'ave any nu-0er o+ stationary and rotating -agnets arranged in stac#ed relations'ip to increase t'e po*er output1 Csee Fig%&'D and it is also possi0le to use any desired nu-0er o+ coils -ounted on t'e various stationary -agnets( 3n t'e constructions s'o*n in Figs% &2 ,1 and &' seven coils are s'o*n -ounted on eac' o+ t'e stationary -agnets 0ut -ore or +e*er coils could 0e used on eac' o+ stationary -agnet depending upon t'e po*er and ot'er reAuire-ents o+ t'e device( 3+ t'e nu-0er o+ coils is c'anged t'e nu-0er o+ lig't sources and p'oto,detectors or transistors *ill c'ange accordingly( 3t is also i-portant to note t'at t'e ti-ing o+ t'e turning on o+ t'e various p'ototransistors is i-portant( .'e ti-ing s'ould 0e suc' as t'at illustrated in Fig%)1 +or eBa-ple1 *'en one o+ t'e coils suc' as coil (' is energised to prevent coupling in one direction 0et*een -agnet *+ and -agnet ')1 t'e ad%acent coil () *ill not 0e energised( .'e reasons +or t'is 'ave already 0een eBplained(

Magnet Motor 16)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&)1 s'o*s anot'er e-0odi-ent &)/ o+ t'is -otor( .'is includes a stationary per-anent -agnet &)' *'ic' 'as a +lat upper sur+ace &)) and a lo*er sur+ace &)+ t'at is circu-+erentially 'elical so t'at t'e -e-0er &)' varies in t'ic#ness +ro- a location o+ -aBi-u- t'ic#ness at &)- to a location o+ -ini-u- t'ic#ness at &*/( .'e t'ic#ness o+ t'e -e-0er &)' is s'o*n varying uni+or-ly( Near t'e location o+ t'e t'ic#est portion &)- o+ t'e per-anent -agnet &)' and ad%acent to t'e sur+ace &)) is an air coil &*' s'o*n +or-ed 0y a plurality o+ *indings( A s'a+t -e-0er &*) is %ournaled 0y t'e 0earing &*+ to allo* rotation relative to t'e stationary per-anent -agnet &)' and is connected to a rotating disc &*-( .'e disc includes +our spaced per-anent -agnets &+/1 &+'1 &+) and &++ -ounted on or in it( .'e per-anent -agnets &+/1 &++ are positioned to rotate close to t'e stationary per-anent -agnet &)' 0ut *it' t'e coil &*' positioned 0et*een t'e-( 2oil &*' is connected into a circuit si-ilar to t'at s'o*n in Fig%&( and so t'e circuit *ill not 0e descri0ed again( .'e principals o+ operation o+ t'e device &)/ s'o*n in Fig%&) are si-ilar to t'ose descri0ed a0ove in connection *it' Fig%& and ot'er +igures( 3t is i-portant to note1 'o*ever1 t'at t'e per-anent -agnets &+/1 &++ rotate relative to t'e per-anent -agnet &)' 0ecause o+ t'e increasing coupling 0et*een t'eand t'e per-anent -agnet due to t'e increasing perip'eral t'ic#ness o+ t'e per-anent -agnet( .'us t'e -e-0er &*- *ill rotate in a counter,cloc#*ise direction as s'o*n1 and eac' ti-e one o+ t'e -agnets &+/1&++ -oves into a position ad%acent to t'e t'ic#est portion &)- o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet &)' t'e coil &*' *ill 'ave voltage applied across it1 ot'er*ise t'ere *ould 0e a tendency +or t'e -e-0er &*- to stop or reduce t'e rotational +orce( 3n order to overco-e t'is t'e coil &*' is energised eac' ti-e one o+ t'e per-anent -agnets &+/1&++ is in t'e position s'o*n( .'e rotating disc &*- is connected t'roug' t'e s'a+t &*) to rotating disc &+- *'ic' 'as +our openings &,/1 &,'1 &,) and &,+ corresponding to t'e locations o+ t'e per-anent -agnets &+/1&++ so t'at eac' ti-e one o+ t'e per-anent -agnets -oves to a position ad%acent to t'e t'ic#est portion &)- o+ t'e stationary per-anent -agnet &)' t'e coil &*' *ill 0e energised and t'is *ill reduce or eli-inate t'e coupling 0et*een t'e rotating and stationary -agnets t'at *ould ot'er*ise slo* t'e rotating portions do*n( .'e circuit connected to t'e coil &*' includes t'e sa-e 0asic ele-ents descri0ed a0ove in connection *it' Fig%&( including varying a p'otocell &,-1 an in+ra red e-itter &-/ and a M8"FE. &-' connected into a circuit suc' as t'at s'o*n in Fig%&(( .'e ti-ing o+ t'e energising o+ t'e coil &*' is i-portant and s'ould 0e suc' t'at t'e coil *ill 0e energised as t'e respective per-anent -agnets &+/1&++ -ove to a position in align-ent or su0stantial align-ent *it' t'e t'ic#ened portion &)- o+ t'e stationary per-anent -agnet &)'(

Magnet Motor 17)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&* s'o*s a 0asic si-pli+ied +or- &./ o+ t'e present device *'ic' includes a rotary -e-0er *'A 'aving a single per-anent -agnet portion *)A -ounted on it( .'e device also 'as a stationary per-anent -agnet ')A *it' a single air coil '+A positioned in t'e space 0et*een t'e -e-0ers *'A and ')A in t'e -anner already descri0ed( .'e construction &./ is not sel+,starting as are t'e pre+erred e-0odi-ents suc' as e-0odi-ent &/ 0ut t'e rotary portions *ill rotate continuously once t'e device is started as 0y -anually rotating t'e rotary portions( .'e construction &./ *ill 'ave ot'er portions as descri0ed a0ove 0ut t'e output +ro- t'e construction *ill 0e less t'an t'e output produced 0y t'e ot'er constructions( Fig%&+ s'o*s anot'er si-pli+ied version '// o+ t'e device *'erein t'e -e-0er *'B is si-ilar to t'e corresponding rotating -e-0er *'A s'o*n in Fig%&*( =o*ever1 t'e +iBed structure including t'e per-anent -agnet ')B 'as t'ree *indings '+B1 '-B and (/B located at spaced intervals ad%acent to t'e upper sur+ace o+ it( .'e construction s'o*n in Fig%&+ *ill produce -ore output t'an t'e construction s'o*n in Fig%&* 0ut less t'an t'at o+ t'e ot'er constructions suc' as t'at s'o*n in Figs% &1 '1 , and &'% 80viously1 -any ot'er variations o+ t'e constructions s'o*n in t'e application are also possi0le including constructions 'aving -ore or +e*er coils1 -ore or +e*er rotating -agnetic portions1 -ore or +e*er rotating -e-0ers suc' as disc *' and -ore or +e*er stationary -e-0ers suc' as -agnets ') and &)'( Figs%&,1'* illustrate so-e o+ t'e underline principles o+ t'e present invention(

Fig%&, s'o*s an air coil '&/1 positioned in space1 *it' an electric potential applied across it( Eit' t'e energising voltage applied1 t'e electro,-agnetic +ield o+ air coil '&/ eBtends su0stantially eAually in t'e space a0ove and 0elo* t'e coil as s'o*n in dotted outlined(

Magnet Motor 18)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%&- s'o*s t'e air coil '&/ positioned ad%acent to one side Ct'e nort' sideD o+ per-anent -agnet '&'( 3n Fig%&- no voltage is applied across t'e air coil '&/ and t'ere+ore t'e coil does not produce an electro,-agnetic +ield as in Fig%&,( 4nder t'ese circu-stances1 t'e air coil '&/ 'as no e++ect on t'e -agnetic +ield o+ t'e per-anent -agnet '&' and t'e +ield o+ t'e per-anent -agnet is su0stantially as s'o*n 0y t'e dotted outlines in Fig%&-(

Fig%&. is si-ilar to Fig%&- eBcept t'at in Fig%&. t'e air coil '&/ 'as an electric potential applied across it and t'ere+ore 'as an esta0lis'ed electro,-agnetic +ield s'o*n again 0y dotted outline( .'e electro,-agnetic +ield o+ t'e air coil '&/ -odi+ies t'e -agnetic +ield o+ t'e per-anent -agnet '&' in t'e -anner s'o*n( 3+ coil '&/ is placed in contact *it'1 or close to t'e sur+ace o+1 t'e per-anent -agnet and it is energised so t'at its polarity is opposite to t'at o+ t'e per-anent -agnet t'en t'e +ield produced is si-ilar to t'at s'o*n in Fig%&.( Note t'at t'e +ield o+ coil '&/ and t'e +ield o+ t'e per-anent -agnet '&' directly 0eneat' t'e air coil '&/ are in opposition and t'ere+ore act to cancel one anot'er( 2oil '&/ *ould 0e de+ined to produce a counter,-agneto-otive +orce *'ic' acts to cancel t'e +ield o+ t'e per-anent -agnet '&' in t'e region *'ere t'e air coil '&/ eBists and t'e a-ount o+ t'e +ield in t'at region o+ t'e per-anent -agnet '&' t'at is cancelled is t'e re-ainder o+ t'e di++erence in -agneto-otive +orce 0et*een t'e region o+ t'e per-anent -agnet '&' and t'e counter -agneto-otive +orce o+ t'e air coil '&/( Note t'at1 since t'e +ield o+ per-anent -agnet '&' is only altered in t'e region o+ t'e air coil '&/1 t'e geo-etric -agnetic +ield c'aracteristics o+ t'e per-anent -agnet '&' can 0e altered selectively 0ased upon t'e si@e o+ t'e coil '&/1 t'e nu-0er o+ air coils '&/ and t'e a-ount o+ counter -agneto-otive +orce 0eing produced 0y t'e air coil '&/(

Magnet Motor 19)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Fig%'/ is si-ilar to Fig%&. eBcept t'at a second per-anent -agnet '&) is positioned at a location spaced a0ove t'e air coil '&/( 3n Fig%'/ no voltage is applied across t'e air coil '&/ and t'ere+ore t'e air coil '&/ does not 'ave an electro,-agnetic +ield( .'us Fig%'/ s'o*s only t'e co-0ined a++ect o+ t'e +ields o+ t'e per-anent -agnets '&' and '&)( "ince t'e per-anent -agnets '&' and '&) are positioned so t'at t'eir respective nort' and sout' poles are close toget'er1 t'ere *ill 0e a strong attractive +orce 0et*een t'e- at t'e location o+ t'e air coil '&/(

Fig%'& is a vie* si-ilar Fig%'/ 0ut *it' an electric potential applied across t'e air coil '&/ and *it' t'e upper per-anent -agnet '&) displaced to t'e le+t relative to its position in Fig%'/( Note t'at in Fig%'& t'e s'ape o+ t'e electro,-agnetic +ield o+ t'e air coil '&/ is concentrated and s'i+ted so-e*'at to t'e rig't and up*ard( .'is s'i+t o+ t'e electro,-agnetic +ield concentrates t'e -agnetic coupling 0et*een t'e -agnets '&' and '&) to t'e le+t t'ere0y increasing t'e tendency o+ t'e upper per-anent -agnet '&) to -ove to t'e le+t( A -uc' s-aller -agnetic coupling occurs 0et*een t'e rig't end o+ t'e per-anent -agnets '&' and '&) and t'us t'e +orce tending to -ove t'e per-anent -agnet '&) to t'e rig't is -uc' less t'an t'e +orce tending to -ove it to t'e le+t( .'is is illustrated 0y t'e si@e o+ t'e arro*s s'o*n in Fig%'&(

Magnet Motor 20)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

Figs% ''1'* s'o* +our di++erent positions o+ t'e upper per-anent -agnet '&) relative to t'e lo*er per-anent -agnet '&'( 3n Fig%'' 0ecause o+ t'e position o+ t'e upper per-anent -agnet '&) relative to t'e air coil '&/ t'ere is a concentration o+ t'e -agnetic coupling +orce tending to -ove t'e upper per-anent -agnet '&) to t'e le+t( .'is +orce increases in Fig%'( and Fig%') until t'e upper per-anent -agnet '&) reac'es t'e position s'o*n in Fig%'* *'ere all o+ t'e -agnetic coupling is directed su0stantially vertically 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnets '&' and '&) and in t'is position t'ere is little or no torAue as a result o+ coupling energy 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnets '&' and '&) tending to -ove t'e- relative to one anot'er( .'e principles illustrated in Figs% &,1'* are at t'e 'eart o+ t'e present invention and eBplain *'ere t'e

Magnet Motor 21)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

energy co-es +ro- to produce relative -ove-ent 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnets( .'e present device 'as application +or very -any di++erent purposes and applications including al-ost any purpose *'ere a -otor or engine drive is reAuired and *'ere t'e a-ount o+ energy availa0le and)or reAuired to produce t'e driving +orce -ay vary little to nil( Applicant 'as produced devices o+ t'e type descri0ed 'erein capa0le o+ rotating at very 'ig' speed in t'e order o+ -agnitude o+ 2 1 ?PMs and *it' su0stantial torAue( 8t'er lesser speeds can also 0e produced1 and t'e su0%ect device can 0e -ade to 0e sel+ starting as is true o+ t'e constructions s'o*n in Figs% &1 '1 , and &'( ;ecause o+ t'e lo* po*er reAuired to operate t'e device applicant 'as 0een a0le to operate sa-e using a co--ercially availa0le 0attery suc' as a nine volt 0attery(

9( A device to control t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een spaced per-anent -agnets co-prising: a +irst per-anent -agnet 'aving opposite sur+aces *it' nort' and sout' poles respectively1 a second per-anent -agnet spaced +ro- and -ova0le relative to t'e +irst per-anent -agnet and 'aving opposite sur+aces *it' nort' and sout' poles respectively1 one o+ *'ic' is positioned in close enoug' proBi-ity to one o+ t'e sur+aces o+ t'e +irst per-anent -agnet to produce -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e-1 a coil o+ conductive -etal positioned in t'e space 0et*een t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnets1 a source o+ electrical energy and s*itc' -eans connected in series t'ere*it' across t'e coil *'ere0y *'en t'e s*itc' -eans are closed t'e electrical energy +ro- said source is applied across t'e coil *'ere0y t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnets is c'anged1 and -eans to control t'e opening and closing o+ t'e s*itc' -eans( 2( A device +or producing rotational -ove-ent and torAue co-prising: a -e-0er %ournaled +or rotational -ove-ent a0out an aBis o+ rotation1 t'e rotating -e-0er 'aving at least a portion ad%acent t'e perip'ery t'ereo+ +or-ed o+ a per-anently -agneti@ed -aterial1 a stationary -e-0er +or-ed o+ per-anently -agneti@ed -aterial -ounted ad%acent to t'e perip'eral portion o+ t'e rotating -e-0er aBially spaced +ro- it *'ere0y a -agnetic interaction is produced 0et*een t'e stationary and t'e rotating -e-0ers in predeter-ined positions o+ t'e rotating -e-0er1 at least one coil positioned eBtending into t'e space 0et*een t'e stationary and rotating -e-0ers1 -eans including a source o+ electric potential and s*itc' -eans connected in series across t'e coil1 and -eans to predeter-inately control t'e opening and closing o+ t'e s*itc' -eans during rotation o+ t'e rotating -e-0er to vary t'e -agnetic interaction in a *ay to produce rotation o+ t'e rotating -e-0er( 3( Means to predeter-inately vary t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een +irst and second spaced per-anent -agnet -e-0ers co-prising a +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er 'aving nort' and sout' poles1 a second per-anent -agnet -e-0er 'aving nort' and sout' poles spaced +ro- t'e +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er 0y a gap 0et*een t'e-1 a coil positioned eBtending into t'e gap 0et*een t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnet -e-0ers1 -eans connecting t'e coil across a circuit t'at includes a source o+ voltage and s*itc' -eans connected in series t'ere*it' so t'at *'en t'e voltage source is connected across t'e coil it e++ects t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnet -e-0ers1 and -eans +or -ounting t'e +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er +or -ove-ent relative to t'e second per-anent -agnet -e-0er and relative to t'e coil in t'e gap 0et*een t'e-( 6( .'e device o+ clai- 3 *'erein t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnet -e-0ers are -ounted to produce -agnetic attraction 0et*een t'e-(

Magnet Motor 22)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

5( .'e device o+ clai- 3 *'erein t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnet -e-0ers are -ounted to produce -agnetic repulsion 0et*een t'e-( :( .'e device o+ clai- 3 *'erein t'e -eans -ounting t'e +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er includes -eans -ounting t'e +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er +or rotational -ove-ent relative to t'e second per-anent -agnet -e-0er and t'e s*itc' -eans includes cooperative optical -eans 'aving a +irst portion -ounted +or -ove-ent *it' t'e +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er and a second portion associated *it' t'e second per-anent -agnet -e-0er( 7( .'e device o+ clai- : *'erein t'e s*itc' -eans includes a lig't source and a lig't sensitive -e-0er associated respectively *it' t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnet -e-0ers1 and control -eans +or t'e- -ounted +or -ove-ent *it' t'e +irst per-anent -agnet( !( .'e device o+ clai- 3 *'erein t'e second per-anent -agnet -e-0er is an annular per-anent -agnet -e-0er 'aving one o+ its poles on one side o+ t'e gap and t'e ot'er o+ its poles opposite t'ereto1 -eans -ounting t'e +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er +or rotational -ove-ent relative to t'e second per-anent -agnet -e-0er1 said +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er 'aving one o+ its poles on one side o+ t'e gap1 and a plurality o+ circu-+erentially spaced coils -ounted in t'e gap 0et*een t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnet -e-0ers( /( .'e device o+ clai- ! *'erein t'e +irst per-anent -agnet -e-0er includes t*o circu-+erentially spaced portions( 9 ( Means +or producing rotational -ove-ent co-prising: a support structure 'aving a +irst per-anent -agnet -ounted t'ereon1 said +irst per-anent -agnet 'aving a nort' pole ad%acent one sur+ace and a sout' pole ad%acent to t'e opposite sur+ace1 -eans +or -ounting a second per-anent -agnet +or rotational -ove-ent in a plane parallel to t'e +irst per-anent -agnet1 t'e second per-anent -agnet occupying an curved portion o+ said -ounting -eans less t'an t'e entire circu-+erence o+ said -ounting -eans and 'aving a nort' pole ad%acent to t'e opposite sur+ace and positioned so t'at t'ere is a -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e spaced +irst and second per-anent -agnets across a gap 0et*een t'e- in at least one position t'ereo+1 at least one air coil positioned in t'e gap 0et*een t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnets1 a source o+ electric potential and s*itc' -eans +or controlling t'e application o+ t'e electric potential +ro- said source across t'e air coil1 t'e application o+ voltage across t'e air coil e++ecting t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e +irst and second per-anent -agnet -e-0ers in certain positions o+ t'e second per-anent -agnet relative to t'e +irst per-anent -agnet and in suc' a -anner as to produce rotational -ove-ent o+ t'e second per-anent -agnet( 99( .'e device +or producing rotational -ove-ent o+ clai- 9 *'erein a t'ird per-anent -agnet is -ounted on t'e support structure on t'e opposite side o+ t'e second per-anent -agnet +ro- t'e +irst per-anent -agnet so as to esta0lis' a second gap 0et*een t'e- and so t'at t'ere is -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e second and t'ird per-anent -agnets1 and at least one second coil -ounted in t'e gap 0et*een t'e second and t'ird per-anent -agnets to predeter-inately e++ect t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e- in certain positions o+ t'e second per-anent -agnet relative to t'e t'ird per-anent -agnet t'ere0y to contri0ute to t'e production o+ rotational -ove-ent o+ t'e second per-anent -agnet -e-0er relative to t'e +irst and t'ird per-anent -agnets(

92( .'e device +or producing rotational -ove-ent de+ined in clai- 99 *'erein t'e s*itc' -eans +or applying voltage +ro- t'e source across t'e coils includes a lig't source and lig't sensor one -ounted on t'e support structure and t'e ot'er on t'e rotating -eans to produce a s*itc'ing action to apply and re-ove voltage +ro- across t'e coils in predeter-ined positions o+ t'e second per-anent -agnet relative to t'e +irst and t'ird per-anent -agnets( 93( Means +or producing rotary -otion using -agnetic energy +ro- per-anent -agnets co-prising:

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EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

a +iBed per-anent -agnet 'aving opposite sur+aces *it' nort' and sout' poles respectively ad%acent t'ereto1 a s'a+t 'aving an aBis and -eans %ournaling t'e s'a+t +or rotation in a position eBtending nor-al to t'e opposite sur+aces o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet1 a -ova0le per-anent -agnet and -eans -ounting t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet on t'e s'a+t +or rotation t'ere*it'1 t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet occupying an curved portion o+ said -ounting -eans less t'an t'e entire circu-+erence o+ said -ounting -eans and 'aving opposite sur+aces *it' associated nort' and sout' poles respectively1 one pole o+ said -ova0le per-anent -agnet 0eing positioned to -ove in close enoug' proBi-ity to one o+ t'e opposite sur+aces o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet to produce -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e-1 at least one coil -ounted in t'e space 0et*een t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet and t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet1 energising o+ t'e coil e++ecting t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e +iBed and t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnets *'en positioned 0et*een t'e-1 and -eans connecting t'e coil to a source o+ energising potential in selected positions o+ t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet relative to t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet( 96( .'e device +or producing rotary -otion o+ clai- 93 *'erein a plurality o+ coils are -ounted in a coplanar relations'ip in t'e space 0et*een t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet and t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet1 t'e -eans connecting t'e coils to a source o+ energising potential including -eans +or energising t'e respective coils in a predeter-ined seAuence( 95( .'e device +or producing rotary -otion o+ clai- 93 including a second -ova0le per-anent -agnet -ounted on t'e -eans -ounting t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet +or -ove-ent t'ere*it'1 said second -ova0le per-anent -agnet 0eing spaced circu-+erentially +ro- t'e a+oresaid -ova0le per-anent -agnet( 9:( .'e device +or producing rotary -otion o+ clai- 93 *'erein a second +iBed per-anent -agnet 'as opposite sur+aces *it' nort' and sout' poles respectively ad%acent t'ereto and is -ounted on t'e opposite side o+ t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet +ro- t'e a+oresaid +iBed per-anent -agnet and at least one coil -ounted in t'e space 0et*een t'e second +iBed per-anent -agnet1 and t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet( 97( A device +or producing rotary -otion de+ined in clai- 93 *'erein t'e -eans connecting t'e coil to a source o+ energising potential includes a +iBed lig't source and a +iBed lig't sensitive -e-0er -ounted in spaced relations'ip and -eans on t'e -ounting -eans +or t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet +or predeter-inately controlling co--unication 0et*een t'e lig't source and t'e lig't sensitive -e-0er during rotation o+ t'e -ova0le per-anent -agnet( 9!( A -agnetic -otor,li#e device co-prising: a +iBed support structure 'aving a per-anent -agnet -e-0er -ounted t'ereon1 said -e-0er 'aving opposite side +aces *it' a nort' -agnetic pole ad%acent one side +ace and a sout' -agnetic pole ad%acent t'e opposite side +ace1 a plurality o+ coils -ounted ad%acent to and arranged a0out one o+ t'e opposite side +aces1 an ori+ice t'roug' t'e per-anent -agnet -e-0er at a location inter-ediate t'e coils1 a s'a+t eBtending t'roug' t'e ori+ice +or rotation a0out t'e aBis t'ereo+1 a -e-0er attac'ed to t'e s'a+t +or rotation t'ere*it' and spaced +ro- t'e one opposite -agnet side +aces1 at least one -agnet -e-0er attac'ed to a seg-ent o+ said rotating -e-0er +or rotation t'ere*it'1 eac' o+ said rotating -agnetic -e-0ers 'aving a -agnetic pole +ace positioned in spaced relation to t'e one opposite pole side +ace o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet -e-0er1 t'e plurality o+ coils 0eing in t'e space +or-ed 0y and 0et*een t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet -e-0er and t'e at least one rotating -agnet -e-0er1 and

Magnet Motor 24)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

-eans to selectively and seAuentially energise t'e coils as t'e s'a+t rotates to predeter-inately control t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e at least one -agnetic -e-0er and t'at +iBed per-anent -agnet -e-0er( 9/( .'e -agnetic device o+ clai- 9! *'erein t'ere is an odd nu-0er o+ coils -ounted in t'e space 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnet -e-0er and t'e at least one rotating -agnetic -e-0er( 2 ( .'e -agnetic device o+ clai- 9! *'erein t'e at least one -agnetic -e-0er attac'ed to t'e rotating -e-0er +or rotation t'ere*it' includes t*o circu-+erentially spaced rotating -agnet portions( 29( A device +or producing rotary -otion co-prising: a support structure 'aving a *all -e-0er1 a s'a+t and -eans %ournaling t'e s'a+t +or rotation in t'e *all -e-0er a0out its aBis1 a per-anent -agnet -e-0er -ounted on t'e *all -e-0er eBtending a0out at least a portion o+ t'e s'a+t1 said per-anent -agnet -e-0er 'aving one pole ad%acent to t'e *all -e-0er and an opposite pole spaced t'ere+ro-1 a -e-0er -ounted on t'e s'a+t 'aving at least t*o -agnetic -e-0ers oriented to produce -agnetic interaction *it' t'e per-anent -agnet -e-0er1 a plurality o+ coils -ounted in coplanar relation eBtending into t'e space +or-ed 0y and 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnet -e-0er and t'e at least t*o -agnetic -e-0ers and -eans to seAuentially apply a voltage across t'e respective coils to vary t'e -agnetic interaction 0et*een t'e per-anent -agnet -e-0er -ounted on t'e *all -e-0er and selected ones o+ t'e at least t*o -agnetic -e-0ers( 22( A device +or producing rotary -otion using -agnetic energy +ro- per-anent -agnets co-prising: a +iBed per-anent -agnet 'aving opposite sur+aces *it' nort' and sout' poles respectively ad%acent t'ereto1 a s'a+t and -eans +or %ournaling t'e s'a+t +or rotation eBtending nor-al to t'e opposite sur+aces o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet1 at least t*o rotata0le per-anent -agnets and -eans -ounting t'e- +or rotation *it' t'e s'a+t1 t'e rotata0le per-anent -agnets 'aving opposite sur+aces *it' associated nort' and sout' poles respectively1 one pole o+ eac' rotata0le per-anent -agnet 0eing positioned close enoug' to one o+ t'e opposite sur+aces o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet to produce -agnetic interaction t'ere0et*een1 a plurality o+ spaced coils arranged to 0e coplanar and positioned in t'e space +or-ed 0y and 0et*een t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet and t'e rotata0le per-anent -agnets1 and -eans to apply a voltage across respective ones o+ t'e coils in a seAuence so as to predeter-inately a++ect t'e interaction 0et*een t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet and t'e rotata0le per-anent -agnets in a -anner to produce rotation o+ t'e at least t*o per-anent -agnets( 23( A device +or producing rotary -otion using -agnetic energy +ro- per-anent -agnets co-prising: a +iBed annular per-anent -agnet 'aving a +lat sur+ace on one side and an opposite sur+ace o+ 'elical s'ape eBtending t'erearound +ro- a location o+ -ini-u- t'ic#ness to a location o+ -aBi-u- t'ic#ness approBi-ately ad%acent t'ereto1 t'e annular per-anent -agnet 'aving one o+ its poles ad%acent to t'e +lat sur+ace and its opposite pole ad%acent to t'e 'elical opposite sur+ace1 a s'a+t and -eans +or %ournaling t'e s'a+t +or rotation eBtending su0stantially nor-al to t'e +lat sur+ace o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet1

Magnet Motor 25)26

EnergyThic Patents
Free Energy Engines Engineering

a per-anent -agnet and -eans -ounting it on t'e s'a+t +or rotation t'ere*it'1 said per-anent -agnet 'aving opposite pole +aces and 0eing positioned so t'at t'ere is -agnetic interaction 0et*een said per-anent -agnet and t'e +iBed annular per-anent -agnet1 at least one air coil positioned in t'e space 0et*een t'e +iBed and rotata0le per-anent -agnets1 and -eans to apply a voltage across t'e air coil *'en t'e rotata0le per-anent -agnet is ad%acent to t'e t'ic#est portion o+ t'e +iBed per-anent -agnet to c'ange t'e -agnetic interaction t'ere0et*een1 said last na-e -eans including a source o+ voltage and s*itc' -eans in series *it' t'e source +or controlling t'e application o+ voltage across t'e air coil( 26( .'e device +or producing rotary -otion o+ clai- 23 *'erein a plurality o+ rotata0le per-anent -agnets are -ounted at circu-+erentially spaced locations a0out t'e s'a+t +or -agnetic interaction *it' t'e +iBed annular per-anent -agnet1 t'e s*itc' -eans controlling t'e application o+ voltage +rot'e source to t'e air coil *'en one o+ t'e rotata0le per-anent -agnets is positioned ad%acent to t'e t'ic#est portion o+ t'e +iBed annular per-anent -agnet( 25( .'e -eans +or producing rotary -otion o+ clai- 23 *'erein t'e s*itc' -eans includes cooperative optical -eans 'aving a +irst portion associated *it' t'e +iBed annular per-anent -agnet and a second portion associated *it' t'e rotata0le annular per-anent -agnet(

Magnet Motor 26)26

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