Discoverer 10.1.2 For R12

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Using Discoverer 10.1.

2 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

Last Updated: 09 October 2007
This document contains information for using Oracle Business Intelligence 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. Section 1: Overview Section 2: Supported Architectures Section 3: Release Versions Section 4: Preinstallation Tasks Section 5: Installation Tasks Section 6: Postinstallation Tasks Section 7: Available Documentation Section 8: Conventions and Important Directory Locations Section 9: Installation of Additional Discoverer End User Layer patches Section 10: Known Issues and Limitations The most current version of this Note is 373634.1 on Oracle MetaLink.

Installation of Discoverer 10.1.2 with Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 on a standalone application tier server node, or in a separate Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 ORACLE_HOME on an existing application tier server node. Creation of the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer (EUL) on a database tier server node Import of the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Discoverer content into the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer (Optional) Installation of Discoverer Administration Edition 10.1.2 on a Windows-based PC that can be used to customize Discoverer For current Discoverer users, it also describes how to upgrade an existing Discoverer End User Layer from Discoverer 3i, 4i or 9.0.4 to Discoverer 10.1.2. The procedures in this document have significant effects on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 environments and should be executed only by skilled Oracle E-Business Suite database or systems administrators. Users are strongly advised to make backups of their environments before executing any of the procedures noted, and to test their environments before executing these procedures in production environments. Users must log off the system while these changes are being applied.

Section 1: Overview
Oracle Business Intelligence 10g Release 2, a key component of Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2, is an integrated business intelligence solution supporting intuitive ad hoc query, reporting, analysis, and web publishing. Business users at all levels of the organization can use Discoverer 10.1.2 to gain immediate access to information from data marts, data warehouses, and online transaction processing (OLTP) systems. Discoverer 10.1.2 enables report builders and analysts to create, modify, and execute ad hoc queries and reports. Casual users can view and navigate through predefined reports and graphs through business views that hide the complexity of the underlying data structures being reported upon. Discoverer 10.1.2 is tightly integrated with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. Release 12 users can use Discoverer to analyze data from selected business areas in Financials, Operations, Human Resources, Purchasing, Process Manufacturing, Activity Based Management, and more. This document describes how to install Discoverer 10.1.2 into an existing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 environment. Installation of Discoverer 10.1.2 into an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 environment consists of:
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Availability of Translations
Discoverer content for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 includes workbooks and the End User Layer for both regular Applications modules as well as Business Intelligence System (BIS) products such as Financials Intelligence and Purchasing Intelligence. This content is available only in US English, and there are no translations planned for other languages.

Section 2: Supported Architectures

Discoverer 10.1.2 must be installed on a standalone server accessing an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database, or in a separate Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 ( ORACLE_HOME on an existing application tier server node. This configuration does not include integration of Oracle Single-Sign-On, Oracle Internet Directory, or Oracle Portal with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (MetaLink Note 376811.1).

Section 3: Release Versions

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The following components must be used on the stand-alone instance: Component Name Oracle Application Server Oracle Business Intelligence Version

2.1 Migrate Discoverer 3i End User Layer customizations to Discoverer 4i

Refer to Note 139516.1 on OracleMetaLink for migration of Discoverer 3i customizations to Discoverer 4i.

2.2 Migrate Discoverer 4i End User Layer to Discoverer 10.1.2

Continue with migration of your existing Discoverer 4i End User Layer to Discoverer 10.1.2 as detailed below.

The following components must be used on the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 instance: Component Name Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Version 12.0

Section 5: Installation Tasks

This section outlines steps required to install Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2, Discoverer 10.1.2, and the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer. See Section 8: Conventions and Important Directory Locations for important information about entering commands listed in this section.

Section 4: Preinstallation Tasks

1. Read Discoverer 10.1.2 Configuration Guide

1. Install Oracle Discoverer 10g Release 2 (

Obtain Oracle Discoverer 10g Release 2 (, including,, from the Oracle Technology Network. Note that Oracle Application Server Release 2 ( installation will install component version OracleBI Discoverer as visible in the Help->About dialog. Documentation is labeled Oracle Discoverer 10g Release 2 ( The Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Configuration Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) explains how to run, maintain and support Oracle BI Discoverer. Review this guide before proceeding further.

1.1. Install Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (

You must install Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 components on a standalone server accessing an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database or in a separate ORACLE_HOME on an existing application tier server node. Choose one of the following installation options: Option A Install OracleAS Identity Management Infrastructure 10g ( and Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 ( type Business Intelligence and Forms Option B Install Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 (

2. Preserve Discoverer 3i Customizations (optional)

Skip this step if you are upgrading an existing Discoverer 4i End User Layer or if you are installing a Discoverer End User Layer for the first time. If you are upgrading from Discoverer 3i to Discoverer 10.1.2, you may wish to preserve your existing custom workbooks and business areas. Custom business areas built in Discoverer 3.1 may be migrated to the new Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer if: They do not reference any Oracle delivered content They use only Display Names which do not conflict with the Oracle delivered content, for example, by using a custom prefix Migration of Discoverer 3i content to Discoverer 10.1.2 is a two-step process:
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Step A.1 Install OracleAS If you are not planning to use Identity Management features Discoverer Infrastructure 10g ( Connection Management, Discoverer Portlet Provider, Step A.2. Install Oracle and Oracle SSO, you can Application Server 10g choose to install Oracle Release 2 ( type Business Intelligence Server
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Option A Business Intelligence and Forms You must install Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 ( installation type Business Intelligence and Forms in a separate ORACLE_HOME from the previously installed OracleAS Infrastructure. The Business Intelligence and Forms type installation is associated with an OracleAS Infrastructure during installation. The OracleAS Infrastructure might be on the same machine as the Business Intelligence and Forms type installation or on a different machine.

Option B 10g Release 2 ( This installation type does not require installation and association to OracleAS Identity Management Infrastructure 10g ( Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 ( is available on a separate standalone CD and includes: Discoverer Server 10g Discoverer Plus 10g Discoverer Viewer 10g

2.1.2 Download the appropriate platform-specific one-off patch 6146747 for your Discoverer Server node from Oracle Support. Follow the installation instructions provided in the patch README to install the patch on your Discoverer Server.

2.2. Copy Database Connection file

Discoverer needs access to the Database Connection (dbc) file for the database you wish to connect to. A dbc file is a text file which stores all the information required to connect to a particular database. In the Discoverer10g $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file check the variable for FND_SECURE. This variable specifies the directory where Discoverer is trying to locate dbc files. By default this is set to $ORACLE_HOME/discoverer/secure. Create the directory $ORACLE_HOME/discoverer/secure if it does not exist. Then copy the dbc file from the $FND_SECURE directory of the 12 instance you are setting up Discoverer with to the Discoverer 10.1.2 $ORACLE_HOME/discoverer/secure directory you just created. Save the dbc file in lowercase. About DBC Files The default naming convention for the .dbc file for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 is <two_task>.dbc If you are getting error "Could not locate or parse the .dbc file corresponding to the given Oracle Applications instance" when trying to connect to your E-Business Suite Release 12 instance from the OracleBI Discoverer Connections Page, please verify the filename of your dbc file. If your dbc file name does not match above default naming convention due to using virtual names, make a copy of your dbc file on your OracleBI Discoverer node $FND_SECURE directory and rename the file to match above default naming convention. Discoverer will attempt to find the dbc file in following order what can be done for the marriage 1. 2.
$FND_SECURE/<two_task>.dbc $FND_SECURE/<database host name>_<two_task>.dbc

It is possible to associate the Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g installation to Infrastructure at a later point This installation type includes: in time, using Oracle Enterprise Manager. Please Discoverer Server 10g refer to section 2.2 How to Discoverer Plus 10g associate an OracleBI Discoverer Viewer 10g. installation with an OracleAS Infrastructure in the Discoverer Configuration Guide 10g Release 2.

2. Configure Oracle Discoverer 10g Release 2 ( 2.1. Apply the latest certified Discoverer Plus and Viewer Patches
2.1.1 Apply OracleAS 10g Release 2 patchset 2( delivered via patch 4960210 available on OracleMetalink for download.

Note : For ALL Operating Systems Except Windows and Sparc Solaris
Before applying one-off patches, install the Patch 5861907 on top of Orace 10g Application Server Patch set 2 ( Refer OracleMetalink Note: 413788.1, for more details.
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For more information about dbc files see Appendix 'Setting up and maintaining Oracle Applications' of the Oracle Applications System Administrators Guide.
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2.3. Update tnsnames.ora file

On your standalone Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 node, update file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and include the tnsnames entry to connect to your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database. Use the same entry as exists in the tnsnames.ora file on your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 application tier server node. The database name must match the two_task entry in the dbc file. Verify you can establish a connection to your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database using sqlplus.

Option A

Option B

Applications Navigator and Applications Navigator and Applications Favorites portlets Applications Favorites portlets Drawback: E-Business Suite users whose Applications SSO Login Types profile option is set to SSO, and who invoke E-Business Suite Discoverer workbooks via Discoverer's Connection Manager feature from standalone Discoverer clients will need to have their user credentials dual-maintained in both Oracle Internet Directory and the E-Business Suite FND_USER repository Users may access E-Business Suite Discoverer workbooks via Discoverer's Connection Manager feature from standalone Discoverer clients, with user credentials managed in Oracle Internet Directory

2.4. Enable access to the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Database

If SQL*Net Access security is enabled in the 12 E-Business Suite, you need to authorize the Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 node to access the 12 database through SQL*Net. Refer to step "Enable SQL*Net Access to the E-Business Suite Database for OracleAS 10g Hosts" in Note 376811.1 on Oracle MetaLink.

2.5. Implement Single Sign-On for Discoverer (Optional)

There are two options for authentication and user credential management for Discoverer 10g users who need access to E-Business Suite workbooks: Option A Without Single Sign-On 10g integration Integration between the E-Business Suite and OracleAS 10g via MetaLink Note 376811.1 is optional. Users may access E-Business Suite Discoverer workbooks via E-Business Suite menus via E-Business Suite Home Page Users may access E-Business Suite Discoverer workbooks via Oracle Portal and the E-Business Suite Option B With Single Sign-On 10g integration Integration between the E-Business Suite and OracleAS 10g via MetaLink Note 376811.1 is mandatory Users may access E-Business Suite Discoverer workbooks via E-Business Suite menus via E-Business Suite Home Page Users may access E-Business Suite Discoverer workbooks via Oracle Portal and the E-Business Suite
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If you select Option A, proceed directly to Step 3 If you select Option B, enable Single Sign-On on your Discoverer mode: 2.5.1. Verify you have associated your the Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g installation to Oracle Application Server 10g Infrastructure. Refer to the steps mentioned under Section 5, 1. Install Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 ( 2.5.2. Open file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf in a text editor Add the following text to the end of the file:
<Location /discoverer/plus> require valid-user AuthType Basic </Location> <Location /discoverer/viewer> require valid-user AuthType Basic </Location> <Location /discoverer/app> require valid-user
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AuthType Basic </Location>

If you are using Discoverer Administration Edition on Windows to refresh your End User Layer, please follow the steps below to set necessary registry settings. This step contains information about modifying the Microsoft Windows registry. Before you modify the Windows registry, back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore it if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: Q256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry On the Windows PC running Discoverer 10.1.2 Administration Edition: 3.3.1 Back up your current Microsoft Windows Registry

Save the mod_osso.conf file. 2.5.3. Re-start Discoverer services using opmn. 2.5.4. Start Application Server Control, display the Administration page, select the Private Connections link, and select the 'Allow authenticated OracleAS Single Sign-On (SSO) users to create and use private connections to SSO-enabled Oracle Applications databases, without entering a password' check box. Verify attribute enableAppsSSOConnection="true" in the <viewer> element of

For detailed information on Single Sign-On for the Discoverer node, refer to instructions in the Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Configuration Guide Release 10.1.2 (part number B13918-03): 14.7.1: Using Discoverer with OracleAS Single Sign-On 15.1 : About Discoverer private connections, OracleAS Single Sign-On and Oracle e-Business Suite users

3.3.2 Open the Windows Registry editor and create or update the following registry keys: Valu e

Registry Key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\Discoverer 10\Database\EnableTriggers HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle\Discoverer 10\Database\DefaultPreserveDisplayPropertyForRe fresh


3. Install Internet Developer Suite 10g (Optional) 3.1. Install Discoverer Administration Edition (Optional)
Install Internet Developer Suite 10g containing Discoverer 10.1.2 Administration Edition on a Windows PC if you wish to use Discoverer Administration Edition to customize your Discoverer End User Layer. Refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Administration Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).

3.4. Copy Database Connection file

On your Discoverer 10.1.2 Administration Edition node, create a directory where you will copy the dbc files of one or more 12 instances you are setting up Discoverer with, for example D:\secure. Copy the dbc file from the $FND_SECURE directory of the 12 instance you are setting up Discoverer with to the directory you just created. Then create a Windows System Variable FND_SECURE to specify the directory you just created, for example D:\secure.

3.2. Apply the latest certified Discoverer Administration Edition Patch

Download AS Patchset delivered via patch 4960210 from Oracle Metalink and follow the installation instructions provided in the patch README to install the patch on your Discoverer Administration Edition Server. Download the one-off patch 5985072 for your Discoverer Server node from Oracle Support and follow the installation instruction provided in the patch README

3.5. Update tnsnames.ora file

On your Discoverer 10.1.2 Administration Edition node, update file %ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and include the tnsnames entry to connect to your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database. Use the same entry as exists in the tnsnames.ora file on your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 application tier server node. The database name must match the two_task entry in the dbc file.
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3.3. Set Windows Registry Settings

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4. Migrate your existing Discoverer End User Layers to Discoverer 10.1.2.

If you are a new customer, implementing Discoverer for the first time, you do not have an existing Discoverer 4i or 9.0.4 End User Layer. Please skip this step and proceed with Step 6. If you already have an existing Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer which is being used with Discoverer 10.1.2, End User Layer migration is not required. Skip this step and proceed with Step 7. You can query the Discoverer version required to connect to an existing Discoverer End User Layer. Use sqlplus to connect to your existing Discoverer End User Layer and execute following query:
sqlplus eul_us/eul_us@db SQL> select ver_min_code_ver from eul5_versions;

Database User contains functional End-User Layers for both Discoverer 4i and 10g. After verifying that the upgrade was successful, you may drop the 4i End-User Layer. If you are migrating your Discoverer 9.0.4 End User Layer, the upgrade process migrates the existing End User Layer to Discoverer 10.1.2. After successful migration you cannot connect to the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer using Discoverer 9.0.4 Server.

5. Upgrade preferences and customizations from earlier Discoverer versions

If you want to upgrade preferences and customizations from earlier Discoverer versions, please refer to Appendix "Upgrading from earlier versions of OracleAS Discoverer" in Discoverer Configuration Guide 10g Release 2.

6. Create new Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer

If you do not have an existing Discoverer End User Layer, you must create a new Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer. Fresh installations of Release 12 Production do not contain a pre-installed Discoverer End User Layer. Only the Release 12 Vision database contains a pre-installed Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer. We recommend that you create a new tablespace to store database objects for the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer in your Oracle Applications database.

You must migrate your End User Layer to 10.1.2 if either of the following are true: If ver_min_code_ver is lower than 10.1.2 If the table eul5_versions does not exist in your End User Layer, but the equivalent table eul4_versions does exist (this is a Discoverer 4i End User Layer) Migrate your existing Discoverer 4i or Discoverer 9.0.4 End User Layer to Discoverer 10.1.2 by using the following command on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed in Step 1 . For UNIX:

6.1. Set Your Environment

Execute this step on your database tier with your environment pointing to your database ORACLE_HOME. To set the environment correctly, source the file:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi -CONNECT <EUL User>/<Password>@<db> -AUTO_UPGRADE For Windows:

%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk\bin\java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\discoverer\lib\eulbuilder.jar <parameters>.

6.2. Create the Discoverer Tablespace

Start SQL*Plus and create a tablespace named 'DISCOVERER' with an initial size of 200 megabytes, using the absolute path to the subdirectory where your datafiles are located:
% sqlplus /NOLOG SQL> connect sys/<sys_password> as sysdba SQL> create tablespace DISCOVERER datafile \ '[DB_ORACLE_HOME]/dbf/discoverer01.dbf' size 200M reuse \ extent management local uniform size 128K;

If you are migrating your Discoverer 4i End User Layer, the upgrade process creates a new Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer based the existing Discoverer 4i End User Layer. The existing Discoverer 4i End User Layer remains unchanged. A new schema containing the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer will be created under the same Database User. After migration, the
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SQL> / Statement Processed

Virtual Machines. You must configure OracleBI Discoverer Plus to use the same Plug-in version as being used for E-Business Suite R12. Perform the steps in this section to configure OracleBI Discoverer Plus to use the Sun Java Plugin 1.5.0_10 by default.

6.3. Exit SQL*Plus:

SQL> quit

7.1. Copy the Sun Java Plug-in 6.4. Create the Discoverer End-User Layer
Create the new Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer by using the following command syntax, executed on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed in Step 1. $ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi \ -CREATE_EUL \ -APPS_MODE \ -CONNECT system/<password>@<db> \ -USER <EUL_User_Prefix>_US \ -PASSWORD <password> \ -DEFAULT_TABLESPACE <default tablespace> \ -TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE <temp tablespace> \ -EUL_LANGUAGE US \ -APPS_GRANT_DETAILS <FNDNAM>/<FNDNAM password> For example: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi -CREATE_EUL -APPS_MODE \ -CONNECT system/manager@cus120 -USER EUL_US -PASSWORD EUL_US \ -DEFAULT_TABLESPACE discoverer -TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE temp \ -EUL_LANGUAGE US -APPS_GRANT_DETAILS apps/apps Alternatively, you may also use the equivalent Discoverer Administration Edition command line on Windows. Use the following syntax to create the End-User Layer using Discoverer Administration Edition: %ORACLE_HOME%/bin/dis51adm.exe /CREATE_EUL /APPS_MODE \ /CONNECT system/manager@cus120 /USER EUL_US /PASSWORD EUL_US \ /DEFAULT_TABLESPACE discoverer /TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE temp \ /EUL_LANGUAGE US /APPS_GRANT_DETAILS apps/apps /SHOW_PROGRESS Copy the Sun Java Plug-in 1.5.0_10 executable from your E-Business Suite R12 instance at location:

and save the executable to your Oracle Business Intelligence 10g Release 2 filesystem as:

7.2. Edit the Discoverer Configuration File

On the Oracle Business Intelligence 10g Release 2 filesystem, open the file

Find the plugin attribute within the <plus> element. This will show possible values "sun" or "jinitiator". Set the value to "sun":
<plus laf="plastic" lafJar="" lafClass="" logLevel="error" plugin="sun" helpSet="help">

Find the line with the tag <jvm name="sun"/>

<jvm name="sun" classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-0014-0002-0006-ABCDEFFEDCBA" plugin_setup="" version="1.4.2" versionie="1,4,2,mn" type="application/x-java-applet" plugin_page=" 6/index.html" disco_archive="disco5i.jarjar" d4o_archive="d4o_double.jarjar"/>

7. Specify Java Virtual Machine for Discoverer Plus

Chapter 5.9 of the Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Configuration Guide 10g (10.1.2) explains how to run Discoverer Plus with different Java

Update the line as follows to specify usage of Sun Plugin Version 1.5.0_10:
<jvm name="sun" classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0010-ABCDEFFEDCBA" plugin_setup="" version="1.5" versionie="1,5,0_10,mn"
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type="application/x-java-applet" plugin_page="" disco_archive="disco5i.jarjar" d4o_archive="d4o_double.jarjar"/>

Follow MetaLink Note 387859.1 titled Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 and apply the latest available AutoConfig Patch to your system.

2. Apply AD Patch 6459796 7.3. Save Your Changes and Restart Discoverer
This patch contains the latest version for Save the updated configuration.xml file Restart the Discoverer services using opmn. Download the Patch 6459796 from Oracle Metalink. Follow the instructions in the README to apply the patch. 3. Set Applications Profile Options for Discoverer using AutoConfig Verify that Discoverer Plus is now using Sun Plugin 1.5.0_10 by navigating to the following URL:

7.4. Testing Your New Configuration

Proceed with the following steps to allow AutoConfig to switch profile options for your remote, standalone Oracle Business Intelligence 10g Release 2 server. Login to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to Site Map > AutoConfig > Edit Parameters. Specify following variable: Variable Name

7.5. Alternative Configurations (Optional)

If you wish to selectively use either the Sun Plug-in or JInitiator for different users or groups, Discoverer supports specifying the desired Java Virtual Machine on the URL using the _jvm_name parameter. You can specify values sun or jinitiator. For example, invoke Discoverer with the following URL to use JInitiator: tor




For Discoverer Plus invocation from E-Business Suite Release 12 functions, you can specify the _jvm_name parameter with the profile option ICX: Discoverer Parameters at the Site/App/Resp/User level to selectively use the Sun Plug-in or JInitiator for given user groups. For more information, see MetaLink Note 393931.1 titled "Upgrading Sun J2SE (Native Plug-in) with Oracle Applications 12.0 for Windows Clients".

Discoverer s_disco_url Set the <protocol>:// URL value of this <machine.domain>:<port> variable to for example: the base URL where Discoverer is available. Run AutoConfig to generate all configuration files for the APPL_TOP and the ORACLE_HOMEs in its supporting technology stack:

Section 6: Post-Installation Tasks

This section describes steps for configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 to use Discoverer 10.1.2, and for loading the Applications-specific content and workbooks into the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer.

4. Set Applications profile options in Oracle Applications

Log into Release 12 with the System Administrator responsibility Navigate to the Profile > System form Query the %Discoverer% profile options.
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1. Apply the latest AutoConfig patch

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Ensure the following ICX profile options in Oracle Applications are set to: Profile ICX: Discoverer Launcher ICX: Discoverer Viewer Launcher ICX: Discoverer Release Description URL that points to Discoverer Plus Servlet. URL that points to Discoverer Viewer Servlet Single number specifying the Discoverer release Specify whether Discoverer Viewer should be launched instead of Discoverer Plus (default). Value
http://<HTTP Server>:<Port> /discoverer/plus ?Connect=[APPS_SECURE] http://<HTTP Server>:<Port> /discoverer/viewer ?Connect=[APPS_SECURE]

User Layer language will be used regardless of the individual user's language preferences. This profile does not affect the National Language Support parameters passed to Discoverer. The Discoverer User Interface will still appear according to the users ICX_LANGUAGE and


ICX: Discoverer use Viewer

Yes | No

The EUL prefix in combination with ICX: the Language code Discoverer make up the EUL Default End owner at runtime. User Layer For example EUL Schema owner EUL_US Prefix has EUL prefix EUL. Since the End User Layer content is currently available in US English only, it is possible to override the user's general language preference for the Discoverer End User Layer using this profile option. The specified End
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profiles. The User Interface language will only change for valid combinations of ICX_LANGUAGE and ICX_TERRITORY. This profile can be used to optionally pass additional ICX: URL parameters to Discoverer Discoverer. Parameters Compare Note 186120.1 on Oracle MetaLink. This profile can be used to specify the DBC Filename Discoverer should be using to connect to the E-Business Suite database. By default, this
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ICX: Discoverer End User Layer Language Override

American English

Discoverer DBC filename override


profile should remain NULL, in which case Discoverer will use the default dbc file for your E-Business Suite database.

5.1. Run the "Generate Business Views by Application" Concurrent Program

Regenerate your Business Views by running the "Generate Business Views by Application" concurrent program using the Business View Setup responsibility: Logon to Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN Choose the "Business Views Setup" responsibility Navigate to Reports > Run > Pick Single Request > "Generate ALL Business Views" In case you don't have "Business Views Setup" responsibility assigned to SYSADMIN user, please do the following: Logon to Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN Choose the "System Administrator" responsibility. Navigate to Security > User > Define and add responsibility "Business Views Setup" to user SYSADMIN. For additional details and background, refer to the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide .

You may switch the ICX_DEFAULT_EUL profile at the responsibility level if you are planning to implement multiple End User Layers. For example:
EUL_US for Business Intelligence System content EULEDW_US for Embedded Data Warehouse content

Then you can set ICX_DEFAULT_EUL to EULEDW for Embedded Data Warehouse responsibilities like "Financials Intelligence - Enterprise Data Warehouse". Those responsibilities will then use the Embedded Data Warehouse End User Layer.

5. Regenerate your Business Views (Conditional)

The remaining steps include patching your End User Layer to the latest level and are required only if you received new .eex files. For example, you need to complete the following steps only if you migrate to Discoverer 10.1.2 as part of uptaking a E-Business Suite Release 12 Maintainance Pack release, or if you implement the Discoverer End User Layer for the first time. If you have only migrated your existing 4i End User Layers to Discoverer 10.1.2 without patching new eex files, you can skip the remaining steps in this section and proceed with Section 7. Most of the Discoverer folders delivered as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Discoverer content are based on Business Views. Business Views hide the complexity of the underlying Release 12 data model from non-technical users. Before you import or refresh the Discoverer .eex files you must regenerate all Business Views. This will enable the Discoverer import and refresh process to pull in the translated prompts for Key and Descriptive Flex Fields of your Business Views into your End User Layer. Make sure that every flexfield structure has at least one valid segment, and that all flexfields are frozen and compiled.

5.2. Check for Errors

After regeneration of the Business Views has been completed, check the Business View Generator output file. It should not contain any errors.

5.3. Recompile APPS objects

Recompile all objects in the APPS schema using adadmin.

5.4. Check Business Intelligence System Views

Ensure that the Business Intelligence System views exist and all Business Intelligence System views are valid by issuing the following command in SQL*Plus:
% sqlplus apps/<password>@<db> SQL> select object_name from user_objects where object_type = 'VIEW' and status = 'INVALID' and ( object_name like '%FV_%' or object_name like '%FG_%' or object_name like '%BV_%' or object_name like '%BG_%' );

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If necessary, recompile those objects so that all views are valid. The Discoverer refresh process may stop if a select statement from a invalid Business Intelligence System View causes the following error:
ORA-04063: view "APPS.<View Name>"

Execute the following command on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed in Step 1 . $ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi \ -CONNECT <EUL schema>/<password>@<db> \ -GRANT_PRIVILEGE \ -USER SYSADMIN \ -BUSINESS_AREA_ADMIN_ACCESS % \ -WILDCARD \ -LOG <log file name>

All invalid objects and errors must be resolved before you can proceed with the next steps, including import and refresh of the Discoverer End User Layer. Discoverer Administration Edition will drop End User Layer objects with dependencies on invalid Applications objects during the refresh process.

6. Set up Applications User/Responsibility for EUL Administration: SYSADMIN/System Administrator

The Release 12 System Administrator account must be granted permission to update and alter Discoverer 10.1.2 content.

7. Access directory $AU_TOP/discover on your E-Business Suite Release 12 instance from your Oracle Business Intelligence 10g BI instance
Discoverer .eex files are patched to your application tier server node, directory $AU_TOP/discover . Those files must be accessible from the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed. Please mount your applications tier server node, directory $AU_TOP/discover on your standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed. If you are unable to mount this directory, you can also zip and ftp the entire
$AU_TOP/discover directory. In this case, make sure that you include the

6.1. Grant End User Layer Administration Privileges

Grant the End User Layer Administration privileges for user SYSADMIN using the following command, executed on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed in Step 1 . $ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi \ -CONNECT <EUL schema>/<password>@<db> \ -GRANT_PRIVILEGE \ -USER SYSADMIN \ -PRIVILEGE administration \ -PRIVILEGE all_admin_privs \ -LOG <log file name> For all further End User Layer Administration activities you must use the Oracle Applications User with the System Administrator responsibility (e.g. SYSADMIN). This Applications user must import and own the Workbooks and Business Areas of all future Discoverer patches and share them as applicable with other Applications users and responsibilities.

directory structure (ie. use zip -r) when you create the zip, and preserve the directory structure when you unzip the file on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed. The directory structure will include the import shell scripts $AU_TOP/discover/, $AU_TOP/discover/ and the language specific subdirectories containing the set of .eex files. Linux users Only : Replace the line LD_ASSUME_KERNEL= 2.4.19 with following lines in $ORACLE_HOME/discoverer/ before Import/Refreshing the EUL. KERNEL_VERSION=`/bin/uname -r | cut -d "-" -f1`

6.2. Make sure user SYSADMIN has full security access to all Business Areas
This step is not necessary for the first import into a new End User Layer because the End User Layer does not contain any Business Areas at this point. But for all subsequent future imports, ensure that the user SYSADMIN has full access to all Business Areas.

if [ $KERNEL_VERSION != 2.4.21 ]; then export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 else export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.21

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fi Note : Do not set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL for Operating Systems RHEL5,OEL5,SLES10. And for RHAS 2.1 set its value as 2.2.5

8. Import Discoverer Content for Release 12 using mode=complete

In this step, you will run AD utility on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed to import the Discoverer loader files (.eex files) for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 into the Discoverer End User Layer. 8.1. Check Your Location On the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed, move to the mounted or copied ... /discover/ directory where is located

fndnam=<APPS FNDNAM> secgroup=<secgroup> topdir=<topdir> language=US eulprefix=<eulprefix> iashome=<iashome> [eultype=<eultype>] [mode=<mode>] [driver=<driver>] [filelist=<filelist>] [logfile=<logfile>] [parfile=<parfile>]

Where: Parameter Description

secgroup topdir

APPS responsibility security group Top level directory where Discoverer files are available Oracle Application Server 10g / Business Intelligence 10g Oracle Home directory.

8.2. Improving the Speed of the Import Process

Performance of the import process greatly depends on: Network latency between the Oracle Business Intelligence 10g node and the database Available resources on your Oracle Business Intelligence 10g node Depending on these factors, the import process may take less than one hour or up to several hours to complete for the entire set of Discoverer baseline .eex files. To minimize overhead from network latency during the import process, it is strongly recommended that Oracle Business Intelligence 10g be installed on a machine that is close to the database server and has a fast network connection.

eulprefix EUL schema prefix. For example, use eulprefix=EUL for schema EUL_US eultype OLTP - default, for standard Applications 12

Discoverer content
EDW - for Enterprise Data Warehouse Discoverer

content Use eultype=OLTP to import the Discoverer 10.1.2 content for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
mode COMPLETE - import all Discoverer content. DRIVER - default, import specific subset of files FILELIST - import specific subset of files

8.3. Start the Import Process

Start the import process of the Discoverer loader files (.eex files) using the shell script Use the following syntax for the script:
% sh \ connect=<APPS admin user>/<password>@<two_task> resp=<APPS administrator responsibility> gwyuid=<APPS GWYUID>
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For the initial full import of the Discoverer 10.1.2 baseline files, use mode=complete. This mode will upload all .eex files (*o.eex) from the .../discover/ directory into the Discoverer End User Layer.

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Specifies a comma-separated list of driver files to be loaded. This parameter is required if


eulprefix=EUL \ eultype=OLTP \ mode=complete \ iashome=/oracle/iAS/bi \ logfile=import_complete_eul_us_cust120.log


Specifies the filename of a file containing a list of files to be loaded. This parameter is required if

8.4. Check for Import Errors

Check the logfile after import. This should be a clean import logfile. You should be able to see that the import utility exited with status 0 and the logfile contains the message Import completed successfully. You can safely ignore the following messages in the import log:
<topdir>\<language>\<file>.eex: The import process did not import or modify any data.


Log file where the script logs the result of the import process. Default filename is


Filename of a command-line parameter file containing entries of the form PARAMETER=VALUE. Parameters specified at the command line take precedence over those specified in the parameter file.

Notes: All parameters must be specified on a single command line or in a parameter file. Name-value pairs must not contain spaces. For example:
PARAMETER=VALUE is acceptable PARAMETER = VALUE will generate errors

This messages provides information that <file>.eex is an empty obsolete file and does not modify any data during import.
<topdir>\<language>\<file>.eex: The identifier for ... contains one or more of the characters ! ~ - * ( ) ' which will be de-supported for use in identifiers in future releases of Discoverer - see release notes for more details.

You can safely ignore this message using Discoverer 10.1.2. See release notes for more details. Refer to Section 10 for additional known import warnings captured in the log file during import of the full set of eex into an E-Business Suite R12 Vision Database.

For example: Mount or copy the directory $AU_TOP/discover as

/user1/au_top/discover cd /user1/au_top/discover (where is located)

8.5. Post-Install Patching Considerations

As E-Business Suite Release 12 products continually update and improve support for Discoverer in subsequent releases, it will be necessary to install additional Discoverer loader files after this initial installation. Please refer to Section 9 for details on importing subsequent patches using mode=driver.

Start the full import of all .eex files in topdir/US, where topdir is specified as a parameter
sh \ connect=sysadmin/sysadmin-password@db resp="System Administrator" \ gwyuid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB \ fndnam=APPS \ secgroup="Standard" \ topdir=/user1/au_top/discover \ language=US \

9. Refresh the Discoverer 10.1.2 End User Layer

After the Discoverer 10.1.2 content for Release 12 has been imported into the Discoverer End User Layer on the database tier, the End User Layer must be refreshed against the Release 12 data model. This ensures that all references between business areas, folders, workbooks, business views, flexfields, and Release 12 database objects are valid.
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On Unix platforms you may run the refresh process on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed. Alternatively on Windows platforms you may run the refresh process on the machine where Discoverer Administration Edition is installed.


Database name as specified in your tnsnames.ora file. Oracle Application Server 10g / Business Intelligence 10g Oracle Home directory. Log file where the script logs the result of the import process. Default filename is



9.1. Check Your Location

Move to the ... /discover/ directory where is located.

9.2. Start the Refresh Process

Start the refresh process against the database using the shell script Notes: For the refresh process you must use the Applications User/Responsibility SYSADMIN:System Administrator to logon rather than the End User Layer database schema owner. The End User Layer database schema owner doesn't have the necessary grants for the APPS schema and the refresh process would drop Discoverer folders! Using for the refresh enforces using Applications User/Responsibility in the connect string. Syntax for the script:
% sh connect=<APPS admin user>/<password>@<twotask> resp=<APPS administrator responsibility> gwyuid=<APPS GWYUID> fndnam=<APPS FNDNAM> secgroup=<APPS security group> eulschema=<eul schema> eulpassword=<eulpassword> twotask=<twotask> iashome=<iashome> [logfile=<logfile>] [parfile=<parfile>]

Filename of a command-line parameter file containing entries of the form PARAMETER=VALUE. Parameters specified at the command line take precedence over those specified in the parameter file.

All parameters must be specified on a single command line or in a parameter file. Name-value pairs must not contain spaces. For example:
PARAMETER=VALUE is acceptable PARAMETER = VALUE will generate errors

For example, change your directory to the location of

cd /user1/au_top/discover

Start the refresh process of all existing eul folders against the database
sh \ connect=sysadmin/sysadmin-password@mydb resp="System Administrator" \ gwyuid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB \ fndnam=APPS \ secgroup="Standard" \ eulschema=EUL_US \ eulpassword=EUL123 \ twotask=mydb \ iashome=/oracle/iAS/bi \ logfile=refresh_eul_us_mydb.log

Where: Parameter

Description Full EUL schema name, for example


eulpassword EUL schema password.

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Expect several hours for the refresh process for all Business Areas to complete, depending on your flex structure. The refresh utility will refresh all folders in your End User Layer one by one and should exit with status 0. Once completed, your End User Layer is now refreshed. Flex columns have been pulled in to the folders using the flex prompts in the language of the End User Layer as Item Display Names.

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi -help grant_privilege

Example 1: Grant Discoverer User privileges to responsibility "Financials Intelligence"

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi \ -CONNECT <EUL schema>/<password>@<db> \ -GRANT_PRIVILEGE \ -ROLE "Financials Intelligence" \ -PRIVILEGE all_user_privs

10. Grant Access to Responsibilities, Users, and Workbooks (Optional)

Individual Discoverer users may be granted access to specific Release 12 responsibilities, which in turn provide access to Discoverer business areas and workbooks. Either the Discoverer 10.1.2 eulapi command-line utility or Discoverer 10.1.2 Administration Edition can be used to associate business area access with Release 12 responsibilities, and to identify workbook access privileges for responsibilities and users. The procedures described in this step may be used as guidelines for planning your Discoverer reporting security. Your Discoverer reporting strategy may be defined to reflect your corporate data security strategy, policies, and business requirements. Discoverer security is flexible and highly granular, and you may wish to provide broader access for specific individuals who need to be able to see data enterprise-wide, i.e. across organizational boundaries. Example: You may wish some Financial analysts to have access to all of the Financials Intelligence business areas, such as the Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables. To do this, grant access to all of the Financials Intelligence business areas to the Financials Intelligence responsibility. The Financials Intelligence responsibility may then be granted to the individual Financial analysts who should have access to those areas.

Example 2: Grant security access for business area "General Ledger" to responsibility "Financials Intelligence"
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/eulapi -CONNECT <EUL schema>/<password>@<db> \ -GRANT_PRIVILEGE \ -ROLE "Financials Intelligence" \ -BUSINESS_AREA_ACCESS "General Ledger"

10.2. Grant Security and Privileges using Discoverer Administration Edition on Windows
If you have already granted security and privileges using the Discoverer 10.1.2 eulapi command-line utility, you may skip this step. Log in to the Discoverer Administration Edition 10.1.2 as the Applications User which was granted full Administration Privileges and Security:
<OracleHome>\bin\dis5adm.exe /CONNECT "SYSADMIN:System Administrator/<password>@<db>" /EUL <EULprefix>_<Lang>

10.1 Grant Privileges, Security and Workbook Access on Unix

For information about delivered Business Areas with Oracle E-Business Intelligence Suite please refer to Chapter 4 of the Oracle Business Intelligence System Implementation Guide . You must grant security access to the Oracle Applications responsibilities you would like to use for each Business Area. You may use the Discoverer 10.1.2 eulapi command line utility on the standalone application server where Oracle Business Intelligence Server 10g Release 2 was installed in Step 1 to grant privileges, business area security and workbook access. For help on usage of the eulapi command-line utility, type:
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Use the Help -> About Discoverer... dialog to make sure you are connected to the correct End User Layer (<EULprefix>_<Lang>; compare the import options used above). You can change the EUL in the dialog Tools ->
Options -> Default EUL.

Using Tools -> Privileges Check "User Edition" privileges for all Applications Users and Responsibilities who should be allowed to open workbooks. Using Tools -> Security Grant Business Area access to Applications Users and Responsibilities who should be allowed to query the various Business Areas.
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10.3 Share Workbooks using Discoverer User or Plus Edition

You must grant shared workbook access to the Oracle Applications responsibilities to be used for workbook analysis. Log in to the Discoverer User or Plus Edition 10.1.2 as the Applications Administration user who imported the eex files in Section 6, Step 7 . Use the Help -> About Discoverer... dialog to confirm that you are connected to the correct End User Layer (<EULprefix>_<Lang>; compare the import options used in above). You can change the End User Layer in the dialog Tools -> Options -> Default EUL. Using the File -> Manage Workbooks... -> Sharing... dialog. Share the workbooks to the Applications Users and Responsibilities that should be allowed to open the various workbooks.

The following typographical conventions are used in this document: Convention Meaning

In examples of commands you type online, a backward slash at the end of a line signifies that you must type the entire command on one line. Do not type the backslash.

Mono space Represents command line text. Type this text exactly as text shown.

<> or []

Text enclosed in angled or square brackets represents a variable. Substitute an appropriate value for the variable text. Do not type the brackets. Directory paths in this document are relative to the top level installation directory for the Oracle E-Business Suite. e.g. if you installed the Oracle E-Business Suite under a directory named /my/appsinstall and are pointing to an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database named mytestdb, then <dbname>ora/iAS/Apache in this document will mean the fully qualified path: /my/appsinstall/mytestdbora/iAS/Apache

10.4. Test Discoverer Responsibilities and Workbooks

Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with a userid that has been granted one of the responsibilities defined above. Open the Release 11 workbooks assigned to that responsibility and verify that they can retrieve and display data. Repeat for each responsibility that has been defined. Congratulations! You have completed your Discoverer 10.1.2 implementation and your Discoverer content for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 is ready for use.
Directory Paths

Section 9: Installation of Additional Discoverer End User Layer patches

After you have successfully installed or migrated your Discoverer End User Layer by following the above steps, you may need to install and import additional patches for your End User Layer at a later date. This section explains the how to use for installing patches to the End User Layer. Essentially the steps are the same as described above for the interoperability patch, with the key difference that you import only those .eex files included in the later Discoverer content patch. Check the readme of the Discoverer content patch for any necessary required prerequisite patches to be applied. Apply the required prerequisite patches before applying the patch to the Discoverer End User Layer. You may need to regenerate some or all of the Business Intelligence System Views for the product updated by the additional content patch. After importing

Section 7: Available Documentation

Oracle Discoverer Documentation Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 Documentation Installing Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release R12

Section 8: Conventions and Important Directory Locations

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the content patch, you may need to refresh the Business Areas for the product affected by the additonal patch.

Start the import for just the eex files for the Discoverer patch. Syntax for the adupdeul script in driver mode: sh connect=sysadmin/sysadmin-password@db resp="System Administrator" gwyuid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB fndnam=APPS secgroup="Standard" topdir=D:/au_top/discover language=US eulprefix=EUL eultype=OLTP mode=driver driver=c1234567.drv

1. Import using mode=complete

When importing all of the Discoverer content for Release 12 for the first time, the script was run with the command line parameter mode=complete Mount or copy the directory $AU_TOP/discover as
/user1/au_top/discover cd /user1/au_top/discover (where is located)

Start the full import of all .eex files in topdir/US, where topdir is specified as a parameter. For example:
sh connect=sysadmin/sysadmin-password@db resp="System Administrator" gwyuid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB fndnam=APPS secgroup="Standard" topdir=/user1/au_top/discover language=US eulprefix=EUL eultype=OLTP mode=complete iashome=/oracle/iAS/bi logfile=import_complete_eul_us_cust120.log

logfile=import_c1234567_eul_us_cust120.log Check the logfile after import. This should be a clean import logfile. Verify that the import utility exited with status 0 and the logfile contains the message Import completed successfully. Refresh the Business Areas for the product affected by the patch.

3. Use a Parameter File for

Optionally you can create a parameter file in the same directory where is located using a text editor. You can save parameters which are likely to stay the same for any patch. Instead of specifying those parameters for each patch you can then just specify the parameter file. Example for import of the eex files from patch 1234567 using a parameter file: Specify parameter values in a parameter file, for example oltpeul.lst

2. Import using mode=driver

When importing an individual content patch for an existing Discoverer End User Layer, run the script with the command line parameter mode=driver Example for import of eex files from patch 1234567: Mount or copy the directory $AU_TOP/discover as /user1/au_top/discover
cd /user1/au_top/discover (where is located)
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resp="System Administrator" gwyuid=APPLSYSPUB/PUB fndnam=APPS secgroup="Standard" topdir=D:/au_top/discover eulprefix=EUL eultype=OLTP iashome=/oracle/iAS/bi

Start the import for just the eex files of a given patch 1234567 with parameter file oltpeul4.lst sh connect=sysadmin/sysadmin-password@db language=US mode=driver driver=c1234567.drv parfile=oltpeul.lst logfile=import_c1234567_eul_us_cust120.log

/SLOTS/slot06/appmgr/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/discover/US/f iiarbilwbo.eex:Could not locate the Eul User with name 'EUL_US' in the target End User Layer /SLOTS/slot06/appmgr/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/discover/US/p oapoaprchsngbao.eex:A Business Area Grant has not been imported because it depends on the Eul User with name 'Purchasing Intelligence' /SLOTS/slot06/appmgr/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/discover/US/f iiarnrndrv01flo.eex:An imported Item Class had display name 'Unbilled Receivable Distributions: Transaction Number' renamed to 'Unbilled Receivable Distributions: Transaction Number 1' /SLOTS/slot06/appmgr/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/discover/US/p jipaprsntypeflo.eex:An imported Item Class had display name 'Person Type' renamed to 'Person Type 1' A folder named 'School District Tax Information' was created or modified during the import but is not in a business area. A folder named 'CE IDA Sources' was created or modified during the import but is not in a business area

Section 10: Known Issues and Limitations

1. Marketing Online List Generation feature
Marketing Online List Generation feature relies on the format of the sql generated by Discoverer. Marketing Online customers must set following server preference. 1.1. Open the file <ORACLE_HOME>/discoverer/util/pref.txt in a text editor 1.2. Add following preference setting to the Database section of the
pref.txt file: [Database] SQLType = 3

3. Windows specific "afenv: can't open registry key." errors

This error will be seen during EUL import and refresh process. These erros can be safely ignored. Change Log Date Description
Initial document created. Updated patchset Information

1.3. Save the updated pref.txt file. 1.4. Run the script

Jan 24, 2007 Oct 09, 2007

2. Warnings in the End User Layer import log file

Note 373634.1 by Oracle Applications Development

Import of the full set of eex files into a E-Business Suite Release 12 Vision Database completes successfully with the following warnings written to the import log file. These warnings are not considered critical and are expected to be addressed by a future patchset.
/SLOTS/slot06/appmgr/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/discover/US/i scwshshptlctflo.eex:Duplicate element definition: Date Hierarchy with identifier 'ISC_DEFAULT_DATE_HIERARCHY'

Copyright 2007 Oracle Corporation Last updated: October 09, 2007

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