Ultrasound Coding and Reimbursement Document 2009 Emergency Ultrasound Section American

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Jessica Resnick MD FACEP
Stephen Hoffenberg MD FACEP
Vivek Tayal MD FACEP
Eitan Dickman MD FACEP

Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank the following persons for assistance in
preparation of this material: David McKenzie, CAE ACEP Reimbursement Director,
Ken DeHart, MD FACEP, and Marilyn Bromley, RN Director Emergency Medicine
Practice Department

Note: The American College of Emergency Physicians makes every effort to ensure that
contributors to College-sponsored publications are knowledgeable authorities in their fields.
Readers are nevertheless advised that the statements and opinions expressed in this series are
provided as guidelines and should not be construed as College policy unless specifically cited
as such. The College disclaims any liability or responsibility for the consequences of any
actions taken in reliance on those statements or opinions. The materials contained herein are
not intended to establish policy, procedure, or a standard of care. Finally, this paper addresses
coding and reimbursement policy and regulation that are subject to change, vary by region and
vary by payor. The reader is advised to confirm that the material
addressed here is current for their specific location.
Table of Contents: Page

Introduction 2
I. CPT Coding
A. CPT Terminology 3
B. Limited vs Complete Ultrasound Studies 3-4
C. CPT Modifiers 4-6

II. CPT Codes for Emergency Ultrasound Procedures

A. Core Emergency Ultrasound Procedures 7-13
1. Trauma 7-9
2. Intrauterine Pregnancy 9-10
3. AAA/Urinary Tract/Post-void Residual 10
4. Cardiac 10-11
5. Biliary 11
6. DVT 11
7. Soft Tissue/Musculoskeletal 11-12
8. Thoracic 12
9. Ocular 12
10. Procedural Guidance 12-13
B. Adjunct Emergency Ultrasound Procedures 13

III. Payer Policy

A. ICD-9 Codes 13-14
B. Medical Necessity 14
C. Payment Edits 14-15

IV. Ultrasound Procedure Requirements

A. Procedure Specific Requirements 15
B. Image Documentation 15-16
C. Additional Recommendations 16

V. Technical component 16-17


The goal of this paper is to assist Emergency physicians in understanding correct and
compliant coding, appropriate documentation, payer policy, and issues surrounding claims
submission for Emergency physician ultrasound examinations they are currently performing or
may anticipate performing. The codes included in this document are based on the “core” and
“adjunct” ultrasound applications as described in the 2008 Emergency Ultrasound Guidelines.

The paper is organized into 5 sections:

1. Understanding CPT terminology

2. Emergency Ultrasound Coding

3. Understanding ICD-9 Coding

4. Ultrasound documentation

5. Reimbursement
Note: The American College of Emergency Physicians makes every effort to ensure
that contributors to College-sponsored publications are knowledgeable authorities in
their fields. Readers are nevertheless advised that the statements and opinions
expressed in this series are provided as guidelines and should not be construed as
College policy unless specifically cited as such. The College disclaims any liability
or responsibility for the consequences of any actions taken in reliance on those
statements or opinions. The materials contained herein are not intended to establish
policy, procedure, or a standard of care.
Finally, this paper addresses coding and reimbursement policy and regulation that are
subject to change, vary by region and vary by payer. The reader is advised to confirm
that the material addressed here is current for their specific location.

For a more in-depth understanding of emergency ultrasound procedures and guidelines please
refer to the Emergency Ultrasound Section of Membership on the ACEP website:
www.acep.org. Additional resources can be found at the end of this document.


A. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

Physician’s CPT is a system of descriptive terms and identifying codes for the reporting
of medical, surgical, and diagnostic services. This system provides a communication
tool for medical care and utilization review as well as a claim-processing tool utilized
by both governmental and private payers.
CPT codes describe what services have been performed. The Evaluation and
Management (E&M) codes 99281-99285 are the codes for cognitive services most
commonly utilized by and familiar to Emergency Physicians. Procedure codes describe
the performance of surgical or diagnostic procedures, for example, 12001 is the CPT
code for the repair of a simple laceration < 2.5 cm. Multiple CPT codes may be used
for the same patient, such as an E&M code plus a laceration repair procedure code for a
patient that was evaluated for syncope and suffered a scalp laceration resulting from the
Most ultrasound procedures performed by Emergency Physicians are accurately
described by current CPT codes and generally may be coded in addition to Evaluation
and Management codes. CPT codes commonly used by Emergency Physicians for
ultrasound applications are catalogued below (see Appendix A). In some cases
multiple ultrasound codes may be utilized for the same patient.
Finally, all physicians, regardless of specialty, utilize the same CPT codes. For
example an Internist, Surgeon, Family Practitioner or Emergency Physician might
utilize the critical care code 99291. A limited ultrasound of the pregnant uterus,
performed by an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, a Family Practitioner, a Radiologist or an
Emergency Physician would all be coded 76815.

B. Limited Vs Complete Ultrasound Studies

CPT codes for ultrasound examinations are considered to be “complete” studies unless
specified as “limited” studies in their code definitions. A complete study, as defined by
the CPT, is one in which an attempt is made to visualize and diagnostically evaluate all
of the major structures within the anatomic description. CPT 2005 has further defined
the elements required for a study to qualify as a “complete” examination. Specifically,
this language is included in the Diagnostic Ultrasound instructions:
For those anatomic regions that have “complete” and “limited” ultrasound codes,
note the elements that comprise a “complete” exam. The report should contain a
description of these elements or the reason that an element could not be visualized
(e.g. obscured by bowel gas, surgically absent etc.).
An example of what would constitute a complete examination can be found in the
Abdomen and Retroperitoneum section of CPT 2005:
A complete ultrasound examination of the abdomen (76700) consists of real time
scans of the liver, gall bladder, common bile duct, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and

the upper abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava including any demonstrated
abdominal abnormality.
A limited study would address only a single quadrant, a single diagnostic problem or
might be a follow-up examination. In 2005 CPT modified the definition for a limited
If less than the required elements for a “complete” exam are reported (e.g. limited
number of organs or limited portion of region evaluated), the “limited” code for that
anatomic region should be used once per patient exam session. A “limited” exam
of an anatomic region should not be reported for the same exam session as a
“complete” exam of that same region.
This indicates that an examination that fails to address all elements of a complete
examination would qualify as a limited examination. Note: this approach adheres to the
paradigm of emergency ultrasound and reflects our approach of focused examinations.
The limited abdominal examination 76705 would be used to describe the ultrasound
examination of a more focused diagnostic problem, e.g. the presence or absence of free
intraperitoneal fluid in the clinical setting of blunt trauma.
Emergency Physicians may conduct complete examinations and code for them. It
should be noted that a complete or limited examination would be expected to be
substantially the same as that exam performed and reported by Radiologists or other
imaging specialists though performed for a different purpose.

C. CPT Modifiers
Modifiers are additions to the CPT code designed to expand the information provided
by the CPT code alone. Modifiers indicate that a service or procedure described by the
code is being used other than as defined in CPT. Multiple modifiers may be applied to
CPT codes. Failure to use appropriate modifiers may result in denial of payment, result
in overpayment and/or trigger an audit of your billing and coding practices. One should
be aware that the use of modifiers may draw attention to the claim by the payer and
may prompt requests for additional information. Despite these complexities, coders
must use the codes and modifiers that accurately describe the procedure performed or
examination completed.
An exhaustive discussion of modifiers is beyond the scope of this review. However,
the most common modifiers that may be utilized with ultrasound procedure codes are:
1) –26 Professional Component
Ultrasound CPT codes are combined, or “global” service codes. In this context a
global code is a combined technical component and professional component of the
examination. In the hospital setting the technical component, indicated by a –TC
modifier, is typically reported by the facility (i.e. hospital) and includes
reimbursement for the cost of equipment, supplies and technician salaries. The
professional component, indicated by the –26 modifier, is typically reported by the
physician for professional services and includes interpretation of diagnostic

tests/studies with preparation of a separate distinctly identifiable signed written
report. An unmodified ultrasound CPT code describes a combination of
professional and technical components as a global service. Unmodified codes are
utilized by physician offices, clinics or free standing emergency facilities not
operated by a hospital, that provide professional services as well as own and
maintain the equipment. Hospital-based Emergency Physicians would report
ultrasound CPT codes with the professional component modifier e.g. 76815-26
(Echography, pregnant uterus; limited; professional component). This modifier
would be used whether the examination was reported by the hospital on behalf of an
employed physician, under an agreement to reassign fees to the hospital, or
submitted directly by a physician or a physician group. Reporting an unmodified,
global CPT code by a hospital-based physician, when the equipment is owned and
maintained by the hospital would be incorrect and inaccurately reflect the service
provided. It should be noted that the fact that the Emergency Physician performs
the scan as well as interprets the scan does not impact use of the –26 modifier under
current CPT definition.
Finally, physicians contemplating arrangements such as equipment ownership in a
hospital setting and the utilization of global codes are advised to seek competent
specialized legal counsel. Financial relationships between physicians who utilize
hospital services that entail using the physician’s own equipment are subject to
multiple fraud and abuse statutes and regulations.
2) –52 Reduced Services
Under certain circumstances a service is partially reduced or eliminated at the
physician’s discretion. The usual CPT code is used with the added –52 modifier
indicating that the typical procedure was not performed as described, but rather at
some reduced level of service. An example of this would be transvaginal
ultrasound in a pregnant woman if a complete evaluation of the anatomic region is
not performed (76817-26,-52)
3) -59 Distinct Procedural Service
This modifier is used to report procedures that are distinct but have the same CPT
code. For example, if a patient had multiple foreign bodies in both the right upper
and lower extremities, the 76880 code for ultrasound extremity, nonvascular, real
time with image documentation, would be used twice, with a -59 modifier.
4) –76 Repeat Procedure by Same Physician
This modifier defines a repeat procedure by the “same physician” on the same date
of service or patient session. Practitioners in the same specialty, same group and
during the same encounter are viewed from a billing perspective as the “same
physician”. Payment is based on the group’s Medicare provider number, not the
unique physician identifier number. For example, if a patient with blunt abdominal
trauma and a negative initial thoracoabdominal trauma study (“FAST” exam) then
later becomes hemodynamically unstable, a repeat examination may be warranted.
The -76 modifier would be appropriate if the repeat exam was performed by the
same exact Emergency Physician or if the patient had been signed out to another

Emergency Physician and this second Emergency Physician repeated the study.
This scenario would be similar to a patient developing recurring chest pain 30
minutes after an initial normal EKG requiring a repeat EKG. Again, as modified
codes may draw attention based on pre-payment or post-payment edits (see III. C.
Payment edits under Payer Policy), it would be prudent to include explanation of
the medical necessity for repeated ultrasound examination in the study
5) –77 Repeat Procedure by Another Physician
This modifier defines a repeat procedure by another physician during the same
patient encounter. When an ultrasound procedure is repeated by another physician,
the first exam would not require a –77 modifier (i.e. indicating the exam was
subsequently repeated). The second exam would require use of the –77 modifier
and assumes that the second physician was aware that his/hers was a repeat
examination. For example, if a patient with blunt abdominal trauma and a negative
initial thoracoabdominal trauma study performed by the Emergency Physician
requires a repeat ultrasound due to hemodynamic instability and the second
physician is the Trauma Surgeon, the Trauma Surgeon should use the –77 modifier.
The Trauma Surgeon’s group Medicare provider number is different than the
Emergency Physician’s and warrants the -77 modifier instead of the -76 modifier.
As always the medical necessity for repeating these procedures should be
documented in the chart in addition to applying the modifier.

Note: A complete table of modifiers is available in Current Procedural

Terminology CPT 2009 (AMA Press).

II. CPT Codes for Emergency Ultrasound Procedures
Ultrasound usage by Emergency Physicians can be divided into two major categories as listed
in the 2008 Emergency Ultrasound Guidelines: A) Core Emergency Ultrasound Applications
and B) Adjunct Emergency Ultrasound Applications.


A. Core Emergency Ultrasound Applications

The core applications, described by the 2008 Emergency Ultrasound Guidelines,
include :
1. Trauma
2. Intrauterine Pregnancy
3. AAA
4. Cardiac
5. Biliary
6. Urinary Tract
7. DVT
8. Soft Tissue/Musculoskeletal
9. Thoracic
10. Ocular
11. Procedural Guidance.
Each of these applications is addressed below.

1. Trauma Ultrasound

Clinical guidelines for performing a FAST examination have been defined by

our College in the ACEP Ultrasound Imaging Criteria. These guidelines are also
supported by the joint AIUM and ACEP Guideline for the Performance of the
FAST Exam published in October 2007 (available at www.aium.org). The above
documents outline the traditional four window examination (3 abdominal and 1
cardiac) and include evaluation of the anterior pleural windows for
pneumothorax and additional cardiac windows to better evaluate for
hemopericardium as well as IVC physiology.

There is no CPT code that specifically describes the emergency ultrasound

trauma examination as this is not a single ultrasound procedure, but a
clinical approach to the trauma patient that utilizes a group of distinct
limited ultrasound examinations currently described by CPT. Coding for

elements contained within the FAST exam requires utilizing the same CPT
and ICD-9 codes which are utilized by other medical professionals
performing and coding for ultrasounds. Currently, there are three CPT
codes which reflect separately identifiable elements of the FAST exam as
described by the AIUM/ACEP documents: 1) cardiac 93308-26, 2)
abdomen 76705-26, and 3) chest 76604-26.

These CPT codes must be used judiciously and must be supported by ICD-
9 codes, which provide evidence of medical necessity for each ultrasound
examination. It should be noted that the process of comparing CPT
procedure codes with ICD-9 diagnosis codes are termed “edits” and are
used by payers to make an initial determination of medically necessity.
Further, screening ultrasound examinations, i.e. in the absence of abnormal
signs, symptoms, laboratory tests or pathologic diagnosis, may not be
reimbursable by many insurance carriers. Knowledge of which ICD-9
codes support use of the above CPT codes and are deemed to be
reimbursable services requires communication with your local carriers.

The CMS website contains local coverage determinations (LCDs), which

are documents prepared by regional Medicare Administrative Contractors
(MACs). These LCDs list accepted ICD-9 codes that would support the
medical necessity of corresponding ultrasound CPT codes. Regional
MACs set standards adopted by other MACs as well as many private
insurers. Some MAC websites are more user friendly than the CMS
website. LCDs are not available for all CPT codes, for example, there is no
LCD for chest ultrasound.

The LCD document ID number for transthoracic echocardiography is

L6980 (see Appendix B). The following ICD-9 codes which are relevant to
a traumatically injured patient are listed: 1. Traumatic shock (958.4), 2.
Unspecified injury of heart with open wound into thorax—laceration of
heart chambers and open wound into thorax (861.10-861.13), 3. Flail chest
(807.4), 4. Precordial pain (786.51), 5. Shortness of breath (786.05). Other
listed ICD-9 codes may also be deemed relevant. Despite the obvious
logic, Injury to other and unspecified intrathoracic organs with open wound
into cavity (862.9) is not listed as a reimbursable ICD-9 code and may
result in a coding rejection on a first-pass edit. However, a first-pass edit
rejection may be reimbursed after appeal when the service provider can
demonstrate the medical necessity of the ultrasound procedure. Certainly
the medical literature supports performing a focused cardiac exam and a
focused chest exam on patients with a stab wound to the precordium who
are intubated and who may have hemopericardium or a pneumothorax
prior to developing traumatic shock.

The LCD document ID number for abdominal and pelvic ultrasound is L28539
(see Appendix C). The following ICD-9 codes related to traumatic injury are

listed: Hypotension unspecified (458.9), Abdominal pain (789.00-09),
Abdominal rigidity (789.40-49), Contusion of abdominal wall (922.2),
Abdominal tenderness (789.60-69), Internal injury to unspecified or ill-defined
organs without open wound into cavity (869.0), Internal injury to unspecified or
ill-defined organs with open wound into cavity (869.1). Other ICD-9 codes may
also be deemed relevant.
We would emphasize again that despite the availability of 3 codes which
accurately describe a full trauma torso ultrasound evaluation, physicians and
coders should list only those appropriate for that patient.

2. Intrauterine Pregnancy
Evaluation of the female with abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding is a common
scenario in the Emergency Department. In pregnancy these complaints are
potentially life threatening. The Emergency Physician must differentiate between
early intrauterine pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, ruptured
ovarian cyst, ovarian torsion, as well as diseases that are neither gynecologic nor
pregnancy-related. In this context, the primary goal of bedside ultrasound is to
identify the presence or absence of an intrauterine pregnancy and presence or
absence of free fluid in the pelvic peritoneum in order to support clinical
The coding of ultrasound use in this setting is not always intuitive and depends
primarily upon two conditions: 1) is the patient known to be pregnant when the
ultrasound is performed and, 2) is the ultrasound performed to evaluate a non-
obstetric condition. When the patient is known by any means to be pregnant,
including a positive pregnancy test, and the physician is utilizing ultrasound to
evaluate the pregnancy or a suspected complication of pregnancy, then the
obstetric pelvic codes would be utilized (e.g. limited pelvic ultrasound in a
woman known to be pregnant (76815-26) or complete transvaginal pelvic
ultrasound in a woman known to be pregnant (76817-26 with or without -52
modifier for reduced level of service). When these criteria are met, the obstetric
codes are utilized regardless of the study result. Thus, the obstetric pelvic codes
would apply to the “known to be pregnant patient” even in the absence of an
intrauterine pregnancy identified by the subsequent ultrasound and even if the
patient was found to have an ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, molar
pregnancy or a non-pregnancy related condition.
If pregnancy is documented to be absent prior to the ultrasound examination and
ultrasound was utilized to evaluate pelvic pain, amenorrhea, vaginal bleeding or
non-gynecologic pelvic pathology, then the non-obstetric pelvic codes would be
utilized (e.g. limited transabdominal pelvic ultrasound in a woman known to be
not pregnant (76857-26) or complete transvaginal ultrasound in a woman known
to be not pregnant (76830-26 with or without -52 reduced service modifier).
This would hold true even if the result of the subsequent ultrasound examination
was an intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy.

The presence of a known pregnancy does not affect the application of abdominal,
pelvic or retroperitoneal codes when ultrasound is utilized for non-obstetric
indications. For example, an abdominal code (e.g. 76705-26) would be utilized
to evaluate for gallstones in a pregnant patient; a non-obstetric pelvic code
(76857-26) would be utilized to evaluate flank pain in a known pregnant patient.
On the other hand, in trauma a known pregnant patient may require a limited
ultrasound of the “pregnant uterus” to evaluate fetal activity. The proper code in
this setting would be limited echography, pregnant uterus, transabdominal
(76815-26) and would be coded in addition to an emergency trauma ultrasound
examination if both were performed.
Transvaginal examination in pregnant and non-pregnant women may be utilized
to gain a higher resolution view of pelvic anatomy and is appropriately coded
with either 76817-26 (pregnant) or 76830-26 (non-pregnant). The transvaginal
CPT codes are complete examination codes and there are no corresponding
limited transvaginal codes. A thorough evaluation of the anatomic region with
image documentation would be expected when using this complete code. If
complete evaluation of the pelvic anatomy is not performed, the -52 modifier
should be used. If both transabdominal and transvaginal examinations are
medically necessary and performed, both can be coded. The planned sequencing
for every transabdominal ultrasound to be followed by a transvaginal ultrasound
would be inappropriate. Based on clinical requirements, the transvaginal
examination may be the only ultrasound performed and coded.

3. AAA, and Urinary Tract/Postvoid-residual,

An emergency ultrasound of the abdominal aorta in a patient presenting with

symptoms concerning for AAA or an emergency ultrasound of a patient with
suspected hydronephrosis would be coded for by 76775-26, a limited
retroperitoneal ultrasound. This study consists of fewer elements than a
complete retroperitoneal ultrasound. A complete retroperitoneal ultrasound
would require evaluation of kidneys, abdominal aorta, common iliac artery
origins, and inferior vena cava. If history suggests urinary tract pathology, a
complete retroperitoneal ultrasound may also consist of evaluation of the kidneys
and urinary bladder.

If sectional views of the kidney were imaged in this same patient, the limited
retroperitoneal code (76775-26) would still apply and would not be separately
billable. One exception to using the limited retroperitoneal code for urinary tract
pathology is when evaluating only for urinary bladder obstruction with a post-
void residual. A specific code exists for measurement of post-void residual
volume by ultrasound (51798-26). If post-void residual volume was measured as
a part of a limited retroperitoneal exam that included focused views of the
kidneys, the limited retroperitoneal code (76775-26) would be appropriate and
51798-26 would not be separately billable.

4. Cardiac

Transthoracic evaluation of the heart to evaluate for pericardial effusion, cardiac
function in arrhythmia or etiology of hypotension would be coded by 93308-26,
a limited transthoracic echocardiogram. This study consists of fewer elements
than a complete transthoracic echocardiogram. A complete transthoracic
echocardiogram would require 2-D and M-mode examination of all atria and
ventricles, all valves, the pericardium, adjacent portions of the aorta, and a
functional assessment of the heart. Additional structures that may be visualized
including the inferior vena cava, are included in the complete study.

5. Biliary

Evaluation of the gallbladder for gallstones would be coded by 76705-26, a

limited abdominal ultrasound. This study consists of fewer elements than a
complete abdominal ultrasound. A complete ultrasound of the abdomen would
include evaluation of the liver, gallbladder, common bile duct, pancreas, spleen,
kidneys, and the upper abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava.

6. DVT

Two-point compression ultrasound of the lower extremity to evaluate for DVT

would be coded by a limited duplex scan of the extremity veins (93971-26). This
study consists of fewer elements than a complete duplex study of the extremity
veins. A complete duplex scan of extremity veins would require integrating B-
mode 2-D vascular structure with spectral and/or color flow Doppler mapping or

7. Soft Tissue/Musculoskeletal

Soft tissue/musculoskeletal ultrasound is one of the rapidly growing areas of

emergency ultrasound. The most common use for soft tissue ultrasound is to
distinguish between cellulitis and abscess. Though no specific code exists for
soft tissue ultrasound, the May 2009 CPT Assistant provides guidance on
appropriate coding for these studies. These codes would also be used for
evaluation of foreign body or other cutaneous mass.

Correct coding for evaluation of a palpable soft-tissue mass is based on the

location of the subcutaneous abnormality. Reduced service modifier (-52) is not
required for any of these codes.

Neck 76536-26

Upper extremity 76880-26

Axilla 76880-26

Chest Wall 76604-26

Breast* 76645-26

Upper Back 76604-26

Lower Back 76705-26

Abdominal Wall 76705-26

Pelvic Wall 76857-26

Lower Extremity 76880-26

Other Soft Tissue 76999-26

*April 2009 CPT Assistant did not include breast ultrasound on the list of soft
tissue codes; however, it is included in this list as a complete reference for soft
tissue codes used in the Emergency Department. Breast ultrasound has its own
CPT code as above and would be appropriate for evaluating for a breast abscess.

Coding for musculoskeletal ultrasound is not well developed. The only codes
that exist are extremity ultrasound, non-vascular, B-scan and/or real time with
image documentation (76880-26), complete infant ultrasound hip, and limited
infant ultrasound hip (76886-26). Ultrasound for miscellaneous
musculoskeletal indications including fracture evaluation, tendon rupture, or
muscle tear would all be coded by 76880-26.

8. Thoracic Ultrasound

Thoracic Ultrasound is a newer area for emergency ultrasound. Proper coding

was recently addressed in the May 2009 CPT Assistant (Volume 19 Issue 5).
Though the CPT description of chest ultrasound includes evaluation of the
mediastinum, the May 2009 CPT assistant clarifies that an ultrasound of the
chest for pleural fluid or pneumothorax does not require examination of the
mediastinum in order to bill for a complete study. Evaluation of the chest for
lung sliding in a patient with shortness of breath and a history of pneumothorax
would be appropriately coded by 76604-26.

9. Ocular Ultrasound

Ocular ultrasound is used to detect posterior chamber and orbital pathology as

well as evaluation of the optic nerve sheath diameter. All of these studies would
be appropriately coded by 76512-26, ophthalmic ultrasound, diagnostic, B-scan
(with or without superimposed non-quantitative A-scan). Ocular foreign body
has a separate code (76529-26).

10. Ultrasound Guidance Procedures

For billing purposes, there are three main categories of ultrasound-guided
procedures: 1. Ultrasound-guidance for needle placement (76942-26) 2.

Ultrasound-guidance for vascular access (76937-26) and 3. Ultrasound-guidance
for pericardiocentesis (76930-26).
Ultrasound-guidance for needle placement (76942-26) continues to apply to
virtually all localization and needle placement procedures performed by
Emergency Physicians other than vascular access and pericardiocentesis.
Examples would be the following procedures performed with ultrasound
assistance: paracentesis, thoracentesis, suprapubic aspiration, lumbar puncture,
foreign body removal. In 2005 CPT changed such that coding requirements for
all procedure guidance codes required permanently recorded images. Currently,
the 76942-26 code requires permanently recorded images of the site to be
localized, but does not require a real-time image of the needle in the target.
Ultrasound-guidance for vascular access (76937-26) requires special real-time
image documentation. The static technique, in which the operator identifies the
vessel by location, depth and angle then marks the skin and sets the transducer
aside for line placement, is not reimbursable. The 76937-26 code requires the
following: “Ultrasound guidance for vascular access requiring ultrasound
evaluation of potential access sites, documentation of selected vessel patency,
concurrent realtime ultrasound visualization of vascular needle entry, with
permanent recording and reporting (List separately in addition to code for
primary procedure). An example of adequate image documentation for vascular
access is a single thermal print of the angiocatheter needle in the vessel obtained
while the procedure is occurring. A cineloop, foot pedal, DVD recorder, or an
assistant is helpful in obtaining this image.
Ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis (76930-26) has its own unique code.
Diagnostic and procedural ultrasounds may be billed on the same day during the
same encounter as long as each one is not subsumed in the other. For example,
ultrasound-guidance for vascular access (76937-26) specifically states that
diagnosing potential sites is subsumed in the procedure. For other procedures,
such as ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis, if a focused cardiac ultrasound was
performed to diagnose the tamponade, then a diagnostic code and a procedural
code would be appropriate.
In addition to the ultrasound-guided procedural codes, the surgical code for the
actual procedure being performed is applied. In the pericardiocentesis example,
the surgical procedure itself (33010, pericardiocentesis; initial) and the
ultrasound guidance procedure (76930-26, ultrasound guidance for
pericardiocentesis) is coded. A more common example would be ultrasound-
guided central venous access in which the surgical procedure (36556, Insertion
of a non-tunneled central venous catheter, age > 5 yo) would be coded in
addition to the ultrasound-guided vascular access procedure (76937-26). See
Appendix A for a listing of procedural and separately billable surgical codes.

B. Adjunct Emergency Ultrasound Applications

Adjunct Emergency Ultrasound applications addressed in the 2008 Emergency

Ultrasound Guidelines include Advanced Echo, Transesophageal Echo, Bowel,

Adnexal Pathology, Testicular, Transcranial Doppler, and Contrast Studies.
Codes for these studies, when available, are listed in Appendix A.

III-Payer Policy: ICD-9 Coding , Medical Necessity, and Payment Edits

Every payer, including Medicare, has its own rule sets regarding what services are covered,
what constitutes a medically necessary service and what coding combinations are permissible.
A. ICD-9 Coding:
ICD-9, the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, is a cataloging tool
developed by the World Health Organization for the international comparison of morbidity
and mortality data. ICD-9 codes may be driven by diagnosis, symptoms, signs, abnormal
diagnostic tests, by external causes of injury (E codes) or factors influencing health status
(V codes). ICD-9 codes are often used by payers to determine why you performed a
procedure as opposed to CPT codes that explain what procedure(s) were performed.
Carriers often look first at these ICD-9 codes as an indicator of medical necessity by
developing, as a first-pass edit, lists of ICD-9 codes that support certain CPT codes.

Medicare carriers are required to publish bulletins that clarify their view of proper coding,
including coding for ultrasound procedures. These bulletins often include lists of
indications and limitations of coverage as well as lists of covered ICD-9 codes. These
bulletins, previously termed Local Medical Review Policies or LMRPs, are now termed
Local Coverage Determinations or LCDs. The bulletins may be searched through your
local Medicare carrier under LCD for specific indications. For example, searching for
ICD-9 codes on the CMS website
(http://www.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/search.asp?clickon=search) which support transvaginal
ultrasound would yield the following document number: L28134. This LCD document
provides information specific to Connecticut and New York on pelvic and transvaginal
ultrasounds and appropriate ICD-9 codes. Unfortunately, these documents are challenging
to find and are rarely published by non-governmental insurance carriers.
B. Medical Necessity
Medical necessity or medically necessary services are described as those that are felt by
payers to be safe, effective and consistent with the symptoms or diagnosis of the illness or
injury being treated. This determination may at times be subjective or may not reflect the
most current application of medical technology. Services that are regarded as experimental
or investigational are frequently deemed to be medically unnecessary.
The protocol-driven use of ultrasound for a class of patients, e.g. all those in motor
vehicle accidents or all “trauma activations”, may be deemed medically unnecessary
or a “screening examination” when not driven by patient-specific signs, symptoms or
abnormal laboratory values. Screening examinations are generally not covered
services by Medicare. Mammography and screening for AAA by ultrasound are
specific exceptions to this rule. It should be noted that AAA ultrasound screening
examinations require a family history of AAA or male and over 50 years old with a
tobacco history and are performed in the context of a defined “Welcome to Medicare”

examination. These screening examinations are not an Emergency Department
C. Payment Edits
Edits are policy-driven computer programs or manual reviews that check information
available on payment claim forms in an effort to identify the coding of services with a
higher probability of being incorrect or medically unnecessary. Those identified as having
a high probability of being unnecessary are denied payment. These edits cannot identify all
circumstances that may warrant legitimate use of the code. Documentation of medical
necessity for the study in the medical record will be essential in any effort to overcome a
first-pass edit denial. Edit type examples include
1. Procedure to diagnosis (“diagnosis” or “payment” edits): Here the CPT code is
compared to a list of previously approved ICD-9 codes. The procedures that are
previously approved as compatible with the ICD-9 are automatically paid. All other
CPT codes are denied, but may later be approved with additional information.
2. Procedure to procedure: The CPT code is compared to a second CPT code. The edit
is designed to assure reporting a group of procedures with the most appropriate
comprehensive code. For example, reporting a limited abdominal ultrasound (76705-
26) during the same visit as a complete abdominal ultrasound (76700-26) would be
rejected since the 76705-26 would be inclusive of the limited study. These correct
coding initiatives for CMS (CCI edits) can be found at the following website:
3. Frequency to time: Multiple limited retroperitoneal examinations reported on the
same date of service may be rejected unless there is an explanation to why the exam
needed to be repeated. For example, it would be inappropriate to code for evaluation of
the right and left kidneys as separate limited exams. It would be appropriate to code for
repeat ultrasound of the abdomen in an unstable trauma patient in whom you are
looking for hemoperitoneum over time (76705-26,76).
4. Site of Service: The CPT code is compared to the site where the service was
rendered. A global ultrasound service (without using the -26 modifier) coded by a
hospital-based physician would be rejected.

IV-Ultrasound Procedure Documentation

A. Procedure Specific Requirements:
There are three specific requirements for reporting procedures in the Emergency
Department: 1. a written report, 2. test indication, and 3. interpretation. These
requirements are also applicable to reporting ultrasound procedures.
1. “A written interpretation and report must be completed for each test performed
and must be maintained in the patient’s medical record.” This written
interpretation and report may take the form of a separately identifiable procedure
note within the Emergency Department medical record, such as typically used
for procedures like lumbar puncture. Alternatively, the report may take the form

of a separate note appended to the medical record, such as typically done for
consultative radiology reports. The responsible physician must sign the report
(see CMS memo regarding X-Ray/EKG Interpretations in the ED
2. “Medical record documentation must indicate the medical necessity [of the
diagnostic test]”. This would be the test indication.
3. “The report must describe the structures or organs studied and supply an
interpretation of the findings”.
B. Image Documentation (archiving of images)
CPT requires that all diagnostic and procedure guidance ultrasounds have permanently
recorded images in order to meet coding criteria. Previously the need for image retention
has been a point of discussion however CPT has ended any debate. In short, when you
code and bill any ultrasound study always archive an image. It is recognized that care of
the emergency patient should not be delayed by the time consuming work of image
archiving, however without an image these studies can be documented, but not coded or
billed (note: there are several ophthalmic ultrasound biometric codes that are excluded
from this requirement).
CPT does not indicate image documentation specifications, e.g. how many images, what
views, what medium is utilized for storage or where images are stored. Image retention is
subject to facility policy and may differ from department to department. A minimum of
one image demonstrating relevant anatomy/pathology for each procedure coded should be
retained and available for review. At some point in the future image retention
requirements may be more clearly defined.

C. Additional Recommendations for Ultrasound Documentation

The following additional recommendations should assist in correct coding, though not
specified by Medicare carriers:
1. The report should identify who performed the procedure. This will help avoid
confusion as to whether the physician performed and interpreted the test, or simply
reviewed the report of another provider.
2. To facilitate accurate coding, the scope of the study should be described. The
performing physician should indicate whether the study was a limited or complete
examination, if this was a repeat examination by the same physician, a repeat
examination by a second physician, and/or a reduced level of service.
An example of an Emergency Medicine ultrasound report for a patient with right upper
quadrant pain and intractable vomiting follows:
Emergency Ultrasound Report (identifying header or separate note)
"I performed a limited abdominal ultrasound exam of the gallbladder to evaluate
for gallstones. Indication: right upper quadrant pain and intractable vomiting.
Findings: No gallstones were seen. The anterior gallbladder wall measured 2

mm. The patient had a negative sonographic Murphy’s sign. The common bile
duct was 4 mm in diameter. Pertinent images are attached to the chart.
Impression: no evidence of gallstones or cholecystitis.

V. Technical Charges
Technical charges cover hospital overhead involved in performing ultrasounds in the
Emergency Department. Billing technical charges separately from professional charges
again assumes the ultrasound machine is owned by the hospital, not the physician. CPT
codes for technical charges should be identical to the physician charges except that there
is a technical component (-TC) modifier instead of a professional component (-26)
modifier. An ultrasound image and report must be in the patient’s medical record in
order for a technical charge to be billed. Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment
System considers the technical component of ultrasound-guided procedures to be a
packaged service which is paid for through reimbursement for the procedure being
performed. Of note, Medicare reimbursement for technical charges is often more robust
than the professional charges.

References: For additional information regarding emergency ultrasound procedures and the
coding of these procedures the reader is referred to the following publications:
1. ACEP Emergency Ultrasound Guidelines – 2001 (www.acep.org)
2. Use of Ultrasound Imaging by Emergency Physicians (Policy number 400121; www.acep.org)
3. Current Procedural Terminology CPT 2009 (AMA Press; www.ama-assn.org)
4. CPT Changes – An Insider’s View 2009 (AMA Press; www.ama-assn.org)
5. Physician ICD-9-CM (Medicode; www.ingenix.com)
6. Principles of CPT Coding (AMA Press; www.ama-assn.org)
7. Healthcare Fraud and Abuse: A Physicians Guide to Compliance (AMA Press; www.ama-
8. Medicare Correct Coding and Payment Manual for Procedures and Services (St. Anthony
Publishing; www.ingenix.com)
9. Medicare RBRVS: The Physicians Guide 2009 (AMA Press; www.ama-assn.org)
10. Ultrasound Coders User’s Guide (American College of Radiology; www.acr.org)
11. MedLearn 2009 Ultrasound Coder
12. CPT Assistant May 2009 Volume 19, Issue 5


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