Freindenhaus Price Quotation

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Boo(in Na!e" ,ate o% E+ent" T&$e o% E+ent" Total Nu!#er o% 'ersons" Rate o% $ac(a e 5$er head6" 'ac(a e Inclusions7A!enities" Ms) *ene+ie+e S) Tatad No+e!#er -./0-1 02-3 4a#or Mar(et Anal&sis 32 $ersons '-1222)227head7da& 5Attached here is the Menu Selection6 *omplimentary 0se of the Function 1oom as per packaged availed / *omplimentary Superior 1oom for 2 nights during the event. -asic -anquet Service 3 Set40p 1egistration 5able Set4up 0se of 6*7 8ro+ector 0se of "idescreen 0se of "hiteboard 0se of Sound System Free "9F9 *onnectivity inside the function room 8ads and 8ens :ints and *andies Free4flowing *offee Free parking 32 $ersons 8 'h$-1222)227head7da& 8 9 da&s : 'h$-021222)22 Total" 'h$-021222)22 ;Note" Total Char es <ill #e #ased on the total head count uests) This !ust #e con%ir!ed %irst #& the client) No+e!#er 91 02-3 Char es" 'h$ -1222)22 'h$ -1>22)22 'h$ 322)22 'h$ @22)22 'h$ >22)22 'h$ >22)22 'h$ >22)22

Total Char es

Re=uest %or de$osit on7#e%ore "

Other E+ent Additionals7Incidental Char es S$eci%ied Add/ons7E+ent Incidentals" Quantit&" E8cess 'erson 'er $erson7'er da& E8cess Hour 'er hour Cor(a e Fee %or ?ines 'er #ottle Cor(a e Fee %or S$irits 'er #ottle Cor(a e Fee %or Food 'er Food7,ish Cor(a e Fee %or Ca(e 'er Ca(e Use o% Electricit& 'er Soc(et

Friedenshaus Hotel School, reserves the right to impose meeting rental fees if you require additional function or breakout rooms. Should there be another party willing to confirm the same reserved function rooms on the same dates, we shall inform you immediately and shall wait for your final advice within 48 hours. Should we receive no advice during the said period, we shall release your tentative blockings to accommodate other reservations Friedenshaus Hotel School will not be held liable or responsible for failure to carry out our obligations mentioned herein directly or indirectly brought by consequences of war, riots, cts of !od or any other conditions beyond the control of the hotel. Billin Arran e!ent" "e require an initial payment of fifty percent #$%&' in the form of cash, credit card or company check, payable to( St. Scholastica)s *ollege. ll check payments are sub+ect for , working days banking clearance. -alances to be settled on the event)s actual date. Note" All other incidental char es to #e $aid in %ull i!!ediatel& a%ter the %unction . Cancellation 'olicies" .%& of the total charges shall be imposed for cancellation /$ days prior to the date of event. Full cancellation charge shall be imposed for cancellation made seven #.' days and less prior to the date of event.

're$ared #&" Au!arie Santos Sales and Mar(etin O%%icer Noted #&"

CONFORME( 9 hereby agree to the terms and conditions specified by the Friedenshaus Hotel School with regards to -anquets, ;vents and Socials.

!uest Signature over 8rinted <ame

Martina Morales Resident Mana er

March 4, 2014 GENEVIEVE S. TATAD DOLE-NCR Re: Labor Market Analysis on November 19-21, 2014

Dear Ms. Tatad, War !reet"#!s $r% the &r"ede#sha's (%te) Sch%%)*

We are +)eased t% s', "t $%r -%'r re."e/ %'r +r%+%sa) %$ -%'r Labor Market Analysis at %'r Speisesaal th"s c% "#! November 19-21, 2014. I#c)'ded "# th"s sa"d +r%+%sa) are the t%ta) #' ,er %$ +ers%#s e0+ected, rate %$ the +ac1a!e, the +ac1a!e "#c)'s"%#s2a e#"t"es, a#d the t%ta) char!es t% ,e sett)ed. We h%+e -%' /")) $"#d"#! "# %rder. We /%')d a++rec"ate "$ -%' c%')d s"!# the d'+)"cate c%+- %$ th"s c%#$"r at"%# c%#tract a#d ha.e "t ret'r#ed t% 's as a# "#d"cat"%# %$ acce+ta#ce. Sh%')d -%' ha.e a#- %ther c%#cer#s %r $'rther 3'er"es, +)ease $ee) $ree t% !et "# t%'ch /"th the '#ders"!#ed at these #' ,er4 0506-7289606 %r se#d 's a essa!e at th"s e a") address4 $r"ede#sha'sh%te)"%#s:-ah%%.c% O#ce a!a"#, tha#1 -%' $%r th"s %++%rt'#"t- t% d% ,'s"#ess /"th -%' a#d /e )%%1 $%r/ard t% the +)eas're %$ /e)c% "#! -%'r !'ests here at the &r"ede#sha's (%te) Sch%%).

S"#cere)-, A' ar"e Sa#t%s Sa)es a#d Mar1et"#! O$$"cer

N%ted ,-4

Mart"#a M%ra)es Res"de#t Ma#a!er

Proposed Men Sele!tion

"ay 1 AM Sna!ks #Plated$ G%t% a#d T%1/a;t <a,%Iced Tea L n!% #Mana&ed ' ((et$ S+a#"sh T'#a a#d Shr" + S%'+ &ett'cc"#e A)$red% <)ac1ed Ch"c1e# (%#e--S%- G)a=ed >%r1 Shr" + Te +'ra Stea ed R"ce Carr%t C'+ca1es PM Sna!ks #Plated$ C)',h%'se Sa#d/"ch Iced Tea "ay 2 AM Sna!ks #Plated$ D"#'!'a# at >'t% Le %#ade L n!% #Mana&ed ' ((et$ S/eet >%tat% a#d >' +1"# S%'+ /"th >a#desa) Cr%'t%#s ?a+ Chae Sa)sa Ch"c1e# Sa)t a#d >e++er S+arer",s Gr"))ed <)'e Mar)"# /"th Ma#!% Sa)sa Stea ed R"ce Ch%c%)ate C'+ca1es Le %#ade PM Sna!ks #Plated$ Cheese,'r!er Sa#d/"ch Le %#ade "ay ) AM Sna!ks #Plated$ >a#c"t S%ta#!h%# Iced tea L n!% #Mana&ed ' ((et$ <')a)% Re))e#%#! <a#!'s @a)dereta#! Ma#%1 >%r1 <ar,e3'e <"#a!%%#!a# &r"ed R"ce &resh &r'"ts PM Sna!ks #Plated$ T'#a Sa#d/"ch Iced Tea

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