KMC Amendment Bill CP Law

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(L.A- Bill No. I of 2orl) (As passed by the Legislative Assembly)

A 8il1 further to amend the Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 to provide for the constitution Karnataka to institutionalise of Area Sabha and Ward Committees in the State of communitSr participation in municipal functions and

to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Municipal



is expedient






Corporations Act, 1976 (Karnataka Act 14 of 19771to provide for the constitution of Area Sabha and Ward Committees in the State of Karnataka to institutionalize community participation in municipal functions, and to provide for matters

connected therewith or incidental thereto; Be it enacted by the Karnataka State Legislature in the sixty first year of the Republic of India as follows, namely:{f) This Act may be called the

1. Short title

and conunencement.-

Karnataka Municipal Corporations (Amendment) Act, 2Oll. (2) lt shall come into force on such date as the State Government, may, by notification, appoint Karnataka Municipal









Corporations Act, 1976 (Karnataka Act 14 of 19771 for section 13A, the following shall be substituted. namelY:-

.CHAPTER-IIIA Area sabhas and Ward Committees (1) In this Chapter, unless ttre context

l3A. Definitions otherwise requires,(a)

and application.-

"Area' means an area, determined in the manner specified in section l3B; "Area sabha" means, in relation to an Area, a body of all the persons who are registered as voters in the electoral rolls pertaining to any polling station of that Area;



"Association" means a trust, society, association or orgarrization registered under Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 and fulfil the conclitions specified in sub-clause (iii) of ciause (c) of subsection (21of section 13H. -polling Station" means Polling station set up ior conducting elections to the CorPoration; *Ward Committee" means a committee constituted under section



(0 -Ward Development Scheme" shall be the development scheme prepared by the Ward Committee for the budget allotted to it by the CorPoration. (2) The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to such of the Corporations as may be notified by the State Government. of Areas.- The State Government shall by order

l3B. determine,-


(a) the areas into which each Ward may be divided: and (b) each area shall comprise the polling area of one or more conti$uous polling stations in a ward, but in any case not exceeding total area of five such polling stations: Provided that polling area of any polling station shall not be divided into two or more areas.

13C. Constitution

of Area Sabha._ (l) There shall be an Area Sabha for each

(2) au persons who are registered as voters in the electoral rolls of the polling stations in an area shall be members of that Area Sabha. of Area sabha.- (r) Each area shal have an area sabha representative who shalr be nominated by t].e corporation on the recommendation of the councilor of the particular ward: Provided that, if no recommendation is received within ninety days from the date of constitution or reconstitution of ttre corporation, the Commissioner shall recommend names to the Corporation for nomination. (2) If councillor of any warcl, for any reason ceases to be the Cou'cillor before the expiry of the term of the Corporation, ilre Area Sabha Representatives of ttrat ward shall also cease to be Area sabha Representatives and new Area sabha Representatives shall be nominated in accordance with sub-section (1). (3) The Area Sabha Representative shall be a member of that Area Sabha. (4) Any person disqualified for being elected as a Councillor shall not be nominated as Area Sabha RepresentaUr.e. 138' Term of office-- Except as pror,ided in sub-section (2) of section l3D, the term of office of an Area sabha Representative shall be co-terminus with that of the Councilor Corporation concerned: Provided that no person shall continue to be a Area Sabha Representative if, at any time during his tenure, he incurs any of the disqualifications prescribed by or under any law for the time being in force for the pu{pose of election to the Corporation concerned: 13D- Representatives

Provided further that no person shall conlinue or be entiiled to hold office as Area Sabha Representative of an Area sabha of which he ceases to be a member.


l S F . M e e t i n $ o f t h e A r e a S a b h a . . ( 1 ) T h e A r e a S a b h a s h a l l m e e t a t lover e a s t ttre shat preside Representauve sabha in three months. The Area

meeting of the Area Sabha' of be designated by the commissioner shall rank appropriate (2) An officer of theCorporationtoactasanodalofficerforeachAreaSabhaandwhoshallprovide alladministrativeassistancetotheAreaSabhaRepresentativeincrrnducting meetingsofttreAreaSabhq.Thenodalo{ficershallbetheconveneroftheArea SabhameetingsandshallconvenethemeetinginconsultationwithttreAreaSabha by meeting shall be recorded of the proceedings of the minutes A1l Representative. by him to the ward of the same shall be forwarded copy a and oIficer nodal the Committee. (3)AlldecisionsintheAreaSabhashallbeasfaraspossiblebearrivedat throughaconsensusofallthememberspresent.Whereconsensusisnotpossible, present' by ttre majority of the members the decision shall be taken

l s c . F . r r n c t i o n s a n d d u t i e s o f t h e A r e a S a b h a . - A n A r e a S a b h a mcapacity' ay' organizational and financial technical' havin$ regard to its managerial' andtheactualconditionsprevailinginttreCorporation,performanddischargethe namely:following functions and duties'

(l)Itshallforwardproposalsforschemesancldevelopmentprogrammestobe implementedinthearea,tottreWardCommittee,orinitsabsencetothe Corporation,forinclusioninthewarddevelopmentschemeandprogramsand Corporation' sckremes implementecl b1' the (2)ltshallselecteiigiblepersonsfromtheareaforbeneficiaryorientedschemes ward committee the same for approval of the forward and corporation ttre of or in its absence, to the Corporation' (3)Itsha]Icrossverifftheeligibilityofpersonsgettingvarious assistancefromGovemmentsuchaspensionsandsubsidiesandsubmitlist ofineligiblebeneficiaries'ifany,totheWardCornmitteeorinitsabsence,to the CorPoration' (4)ItshallsupporttaxmappingandtoremindandencourageAreaSabha user charges' to pay municipal taxes and members of their obligations kinds of welfare

) (5) It may identiff measures. (6) It may identify (7) deficiencies in ttre sanitation arrangements and suggest the deficiencies in ttre water supply and suggest remedial

remedial measures. It may identi$ the deficiencies in the street lighting arrangements and suggest remedial measures. (8) It shall impart awareness on matters of public interest such as cleanliriess, preservation of the environment and prevention of pollution and parks and such other public amenity schemes in the area. t9) It may assist the activities in public health centers in the area, especially in disease prevention and family welfare and create awareness and to report outbreak of epidemics and natural calamities. in cash and

{10) It shall provide and mobilze voluntary labour and contributions through volunteer organizations.

kind for development programmes and to supervise such development works (11) tt shall promote harmony and unity among various groups of people in the Area and encourage cultural and sports activities: (12) It may co-operate with the Ward Comrnittee in discharging of any functions assigned to it. and (13) It shall perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the

Corporation in accordance with the bye-laws.

l3H. Composition, Committee.CorporaUon. (l)


area and manner of fitting of seats in Ward for each ward in ttre

There shall be a Warcl Committee

(2) The Ward Comrnittee shall consist of ttre following, namely:(a) the Councillor of the Corporation representing the Ward, shall be the Chairperson of the Ward Committee; (b) ten other members to be nominated by the Corporation: out of which, there shall be.(i) at least two members belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes; (ii) at least three women members: and

6 (iii) at least two members representing whatever narne called satisfying all residents Associations, conditions mentioned

below, namely:(a) its registered oflice shall be located with in the jurisdiction ward; (b) it shall represent majority of residents, or civic groups, or of that

commercial groups or industrial groups; (c) it shall have been actively engaged in its activitis for not less than three vears: and (d) it shall be a registered Association by whatever narne called, comprising of individuals who serve in a fiduciary capacity;

{3) Any person disqualified from being elected as a Councillor shall not be nominated as member of the Ward Committee. (4) An oflicer of appropriate rank shall be designated by the Commissioner of the Corporation to act as Secretar5r for each Ward Committee to provide all

administrative assistance to it. All minutes of ttre proceedings of the meeting of the Ward Committee shall be recorded by the Secretarlr and a copy of the same shall be forwarded to the Corporation. (5) The Secreta4r of the Ward Committee shall be the convener of the meeting of tJle Ward Committee who shall convene the meeting in consultation with Chairperson. (6) The Ward Committee shall meet at least once in a month.

{7) Decisions of ttre Ward Committee shall normally be taken by the mafority of the nominated members of ttre Ward Committee:

Provided that the Chairperson may exercise a Veto' over any decision by giving reasons in writing. binding. The decision of the Chairperson shall be fina1 and

(8) No act done or proceedings taken under this Act by ttre Ward Committee shall be invalid merely on ttre ground of arry vacancy in it. (9) The Commissioner or his nominee, shall be entifled to take part in the meetin$s and deliberations of the Ward Committee. The Chairperson of the Ward Committee may request the representatives of concerned departments as special invitees to par[icipate in the meetings. (10) The term of the nominated members shall be co-terminus with the term of the office of the Corporation. (11) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Corporation may in addition to the allotment of funds to various projects in the budget, also allot not iess than the prescribed amount towards ward development scheme to each ward which shall be utilised by the ward committee in the manner as may be prescribed. 13I. F\rnctions of the Ward Committee.discharge the following functions, namely:(a) prepare and submit Ward Development Scheme to the corporation for allotment of funds; ensure proper utilization of the funds allotted under ward (1) The Ward Committee shall


development scheme in the ward. (c) approve the list of beneficiaries for beneficiary oriented schemes of the Corporation submitted by Area Sabhas falling under that ward; scnrtinize list of ineligible beneficiaries submitted by the Area Sabhas and submit it to the Corporation; (e) supervise all prograrnmes and schemes being implemented by the Corporation in the ward; ensure timely collection of taxes, fees and other sums due to the Corporation; ensure water supply maintenance in the ward and finalize location of new public taps and public wells; ensure sewerage system maintenance in the ward; ensure proper solid waste management and sanitation work in the ward and finalize location of new public sanitation units;



) (h) (i)

8 (j) ensure maintenance of street lighting in the ward and finalize

location of new street lights; (k) ensure maintenance of parks, open spaces, greening of area in the ward: (l) ensure afforestation, and implementation schemes; (m) mobilize voluntary labour and donation by way of goods or money for implementation of Ward Development Scheme and various programmes and schemes of Corporation; (n) inform ttre Corporation regarding any encroachment of land of rain water harvesting

belonging to the CorPoration; (o) perform such other functions Corporation as Per its bYe-laws. (2) The procedure to be adopted by the Ward Committee in the transaction of its business shall be as may be prescribed in the mles' l&I. Bye-laws.- Every Corporation to which this Chapter is made applicable shall notiff bye-laws for transaction of business and for finance and accounting procedures goveming the working of Area Sabhas and Ward Committees' within six months from the date of coming into force of ttris Chapter in that Corporation. t3K. power to make rules.- Subject to the provisions of this Act, the State Government may, after previous publication, make n-rles to provide for any matter which is to be or may be prescribed by rules. 13L. power to remove difficulties.(l) If any difficul{y arises in giving as may be assigned to it by the

effect to the provisions of ttris Act, the State Government may, by order, published in the official Gazette make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of ttris Act as may appear to be necessaly for removing the difficulty. (2) Every order so made shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made before each House of the State Irgislature."

STATEMENT OF OEJECTS AITD REASONS (As appended to at the time of introduction)

One of the mandatory reforms to be undertaken by the State Government under ttre Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission is to enact a law parlicipation in the Municipal Corporations having a

providing for community population

exceeding three lakhs.

It requires the establishment of a ttrree tier

structure of governance at the level of municipal council, ward Committee and area sabha.

The State Government, in the Memorandum

of Agreement (MOA) entered

into wittr Government of India has already committed to fulfil this reform, and passed orders dated: 05-10-2007 aJlirming the same.

Therefore, it is considered necessary to amend the Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 (Karnataka Act 14 of 19771to provide for the following:-

(i) (ii)

Constitution of Area Sabhas and Ward Committees. Entrusting functions and duties to the Area Sabha and Ward Committees and



Hence the Bill.


There will be no extra expenditure involved in the proposed legislative measure.


Clause 2. In following sections souglrt to be inserted by clause 2 of the Bill, namely:-


in section l3H,

sub-section (ll) empowers the State Government to make rrles allotted regarding the manner of utilisation towards the ward of



schemes in each ward. sub-section (2) empowers the State Government to make rules regarding the procedure to be adopted by the Ward Committee. in its transaction of business.


in section 13 I,









to make rules for any matters for which rules are required to be made.

The above delegation of legislation power is normal in character.

S. SUR-ESH KT'IT,IAR Minister for Urban Development, Municipal Administration, Law, Parliamentary Alfairs and B.W.S.S.B.

V. SHRDDSH Secretary Karnataka lrgislative Council

ANNEXURE Extract from the Karnataka Municipal Corporations (Karnataka Act 14 of 1977l Act, f976

13A. Wards Committee.-(1) Where the population of a city is three lakhs or more ttrere shall be constituted Wards Committee consisting of one or more wards v/ithin the territorial area of the Corporation. (2) Each Wards Committee shall consist of,(a) the councillors of the corporation representing the wards in the Corporation; and (b) not more than five persons having knowledge and experience in municipal administration, nominated by the Government: Provided that a person shall not be qualified for being nominated and for being a member of ttre Wards Committee, if under the provision of ttris Act or any other law for the time being in force, he is not qualified for being elected as and for being a councillor; (c) not more than two members nominated by the Government from such non-Government organisations and community based organisatons working, within the area of the Wards Committee. as the Government may speciSr in this behalf. (3) The term of oflice of the members of the WarCs Committees shall be co-exLensive with the term of office of the Councillors of the Corporation. (4) Where a Ward Committee consists of two or more wards, one of the members of the Wards Committee representing a ward in the Corporation shall be elected to be the Chairman of the Wards Committee in such manner as may be prescribed. (5) The Chairman of tJ:e Wards Committee shall vacate the office as soon as he ceases to be a councillor. (6) In the event of the office of the Chairman falling vacant before the expiry of its term, the Wards Committee shall elect a new Chairman: Provided that a Chairman so elected shall hold oflice so long only as the Chairman in whose place he is elected would have held the office if such vacancy had not occurred. (7) The functions and duties of a Wards Committee and the procedure to be adopted by a Wards Committee for the transaction of its business shall be such as may be prescribed.

Government Press,Bangalore Jan 12th 2Al1 , p7, W.D. , Copies 150

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