Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVI, No 1, January-February 1990
Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVI, No 1, January-February 1990
Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVI, No 1, January-February 1990
. Journal of .
VolumeXLVI, No.1 January-February 1990
HOUND /20!1!JJ/
45 Years of Borderland Sciences
The Journal of Borderland Research
0897-0394) is a publication of Borderland Sciences
Research Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box429, Garberville,
California 95440-0429 USA Phone: (7on 986-7211.
Contents are @1990 by BSRF, Inc. The Journal is
published six issues a year (bi-monthly) with the as-
sistance of the BSRF Associates. The Journal is
issued to members of BSRF.
Thomas Joseph Brown
Alison Davidson
Peter Undemann
Jorge Resines
Free-Thought Scientific Forum examining Uving
Energies and probing the parameters of Body, Mind
and Spirit. Donations of pertinent materials are ac-
cepted for publication in this Journal.
Inc. is an organization (California non-profit) of people
who take an active interest in observation of their
Physical, Mental and Spiitual environment personaly,
globally, and universally. Subjects of inquiry on this
Borderland between the Visible and Invisible
Manifestations of Reality include: Archetypal Forms
and Forces of Nature and the Use of the Imagination
and Intuition to Perceive Them, Ether Physics and
Etherial Forces, Ught and Color, Radionics and
Radiesthesia, Dowsing, Orgone Energy, Nikola Tesla
& The True Wireless, Viktor Schauberger's Water
Technology, Octaves of the Elements, Electricity &
The Evolving Soul, Initiation Science, Hollow Earth
Mysteries, Anomalies and Fortean Phenomena,
Hypnosis, POOtcvapl"tf a the Invisible, a1d Unidentlied
Flying Objects.
was founded by N. Meade Layne in February 1945
with the issuance of the first original
title to 1ba Jcunall m BorderBid Rasach. The
Foundation is a non-profit foundation incorporated
under California law, May 21, 1951.
1ba Board of BSRF, Inc. is:
Thomas Joseph Brown, Director
Alison Davidson, Secretary-Treasurer
Peter A Undemann, Vice-President
BSRF Membership fees ara:
$25/year worldwide, Regular Membership
$15/year, Senior Citizen & Student Membership
$50/year, Supporting Membership
$1 00/year, Sustaining Membership
$1000, Lifetime Membership .
Add $20/year for Air Mail postage on the Journal
lHE MAIN FUNCTION ofBSRF is to act as an educa-
tional clearinghouse for information. Active research
is being carried out and results are published in The
Journal of Borderland Research. The majority of
funding for BSRF come from the sales of research
materials and membership fees.
ALL INFORMATION is preser&d for lnformaliolaal
and Res a arch pwpases only. Auttlors are solely re-
sponsible for the opinions they present. In no way are
BSRF publications, books or equipment to be taken
as medical advice or instrumentation. We fully sup-
port a person's natural right to research and investi-
gate for themselves. We support the questioning of
authority. BSRF functions on the Universal Principle
of the Free Flow of Information and we stand on our
U.S. Constitutional Rights of Freedom of Speech and
Freedom of the Press!
Volullltl XLVI, No. 1
January-February 1990
1HB ROUND ROBIN Vol Feb. 1945
Meade Layne 1-4
COPPER- The SuiJstancz of Venus
Alison Davidson 5-7
Trevor James Constable 8-10
by Peter TompkiDs & Clristopher Bird
Book Review by Tom Brown 11-13
Report on tbe Slst Bio-Dyuamic
Tom Brown 14-16
by Moray King
Book Review by A W. Rice 16
MAN OR MATIER by F..rmt LeJus
Book Review by Gerry Vassilatos 17-18
TomBrown 19
Peter Undemann 20-21
Tom Brown 22-25
Letters, Reviews, Contacts 26-29
Vol. 1 February 1945 No. 1
A Bulletin of Contact and Information for Students of Psychic Research and Parapsychology
(This Issue of TheJoumal of Botdettand Research, Vol. XL VI, No. 1, marks the 45th anniversary of Its continuous pub- "
1/cation. Theorlglna/titletotheJBRwas TheRoundRobln. whlchwasedltedbyMeadeLaynefrom 1945to 1959. Riley
Crabb changed the name to the present one In 1959 when he took over from Meade and edited It t/111985. We are
here reproducing in full, the original Issue to show the polarity between the past and the present. Tom Brown, editor)
An Blplanatory Note
To 'lbole Interested
1bis is the first - and, for all we know,
may be the last - issue of this Bulletin.
Whether the idea is feasible and worthwhile
depends on the reception you give it, and
the interest you may take in it in the future.
The idea is a simple one. There are a
considerable number of educated and in-
telligent people who are not only interested
in wrious problems of psychic research and
parapsychology, but who carry on, to a vary-
ing degree, with experimental work of their
own. And there are others who would like
to do so, if they were in touch with persons
of similar interest, and had some means of
acquiring and giving out information. Our
own private correspondence shows that
there is a real need for some kind of clearing
house for facts and ideas. There should
also be some means whereby those who
wish to, could learn the names and ad-
dresses of other investigators, and perhaps
correspond with them to mutual advan-
tage. But there is no need to elaborate the
idea further, for those to whom this is being
1bis first issue, which is experimental
and tentative, goes to only some 15-20
people, and it is mimeographed because
printing is much too expensive under pres-
ent conditions. To get it to you costs be-
tween 20 and 25 cents. You are not being
asked to pay for it. But we do want to know
your ideas about it, and how much, if any-
thing, you would care to pay for future
issues. There are many ways, we think, in
which it could be built up into something
useful and interesting. We want to print
short articles, data, items of wrious kinds
supplied by our ''members," and addresses
and references and other helpful material
And perhaps a few notes, each time, of the
Fortean wriety. Nobody expects to make
any money out of the Bulletin, but we shall
have to have some help on the expense ifwe
go ahead with the idea. Let us know what
you think- and give us one or two names,
of people of the ''right sort" to whom we
could send copies.
As an illustration of the kind of service
we have in mind, take the matter of the
"vitality globules,'' or spiritons, to which
most of these pages are devoted. Dr.
Haley, resident of the catifomia Society for
Psychical Research, has been studying
them at intervals for years. Mr. Wllliam G.
Randall, an attorney of Pasadena and Los
Angeles, has recently made some valuable
observations. Mr. E.C. Krieger, an Ordi-
nance Engineer in Indiana, is actively inter-
ested, and had asked friends in the South
Pacific to make observations. Mrs. Helen
Totreck, in Massachusetts, takes an active
interest in this and similar problems. Testa
worked at it a bit, but didn't get very far.
What the ASPR and the Duke University
psychologists have to say, we shall detail
when andiftheyreplyto our letters. Maybe
the Fortean Society has some useful infor-
mation. The only worthwhile theory we
know about is that of D r ~ Haley; and it
ought to be better known and reinforced by
other investigation. Somebody ought to
find how to photograph these entities;
we're trying to do it here, but no luck so far.
Well, a few of these people are in contact by
correspondence, but there's no real coop-
eration, and the few available facts are scat-
tered about and hard to find And the
phenomenon is important enough, in its
implication, to merit continued study.
What we suggest is, that people now
interested in this and similar subjects, allow
us to print their names and addresses in the
Bulletin, and/or send us any pertinent data,
or suggestions and ideas, or inquiries some-
body else on the list may be able to answer.
(For instance, somebody tell us how to
photograph the spiritons). Whatever you
send in will have to be brief and compact,
because this is a bulletin for information
and contact; but the point is, you can often
find out where to make inquiry, and who
else is working on the same problem.
Another problem, which should inter-
est medical men and physicists is that of
''Vitic" or "carbon force". The present
writer said something about it in the
Fortean not long ago, and many letters of
inquiry came in. Now, it may be there is
somebody, somewhere, who knows all
about carbon force, but we don't, and we
would like to, and so would a good many
other people we know. Our main idea is, to
make such information accessible.
Having gotten this off our mind, let us
tum to the matter of the vitality globules, or
spiritons. Fll'Bt of all, how do you see them
and what do they look like? If you look
toward a patchofbluesky, and have the sun
behind you, and then focus your gaze in the
air about 5-10 feet ahead in front of you,
you will probably see a great number of
translucent or whitish specks, all in rapid
darting motion. Their paths are short, and
each one tlashes in and out of vision, nearly
everyone can see them, quite easily.
It is necessary to say at once, that these
are NOT muscae volitantes, NOT the
translucent disks, rods, straws, specks or
other small appearances familiar to most
people, and which are said to be caused by
foreign matter in the eye, or on it. All of
these move with the eyeball or eyelid, but
the globules do not. They appear to be, and
almost certainly are, "objective" entities,
paroptic, or "exentoptic." 1bis writer came
across a reference to them, years ago, in
some Thea;ophical writer (Leadbeater?).
Theyweredescribed by the term used here,
and were said to be atoms or units of "vital
solar energy, derived from the sun, and the
source of all life phenomena". All of this,
from Oriental wisdom.
It is worth noting, also, that the Qabal-
ists have their Aschim, or Souls of Fire, or
Fiery lives. They are rated as an Angelic
Order, that is, as living and intelligent enti-
ties, and belong to the Sephirah ofMaltuth
The Joums/ of Borderland RfJSfJfiiCh January-February 1990, Page 1
(the earth-plane) on the Tree of life.
These 1bea10phical and Qabalistic
concepts are necessarily incompatible with
views now developing in P.R. circles; that is,
that the globules may be vital or energic
units. Note Dr. Haley's views, described
further on.
It is reported that Nicola Tesla studied
the globules at one time, and thought they
were ''ionized particles." Perhaps -but
particles of what? The objection which
seems to us insuperable is expressed by Dr.
Haley. An ionized particle is just as mate-
rial as a dust speck (especially if big enough
so you can see it), hence should be affected
by strong winds, air currents, jets, fans and
the like. But no you can't blow a globule, at
least by all present reports. They would, of
course, permeate any wind or air jet, but if
they were ''material" particles, in ordinary
use of that word, it's incredible that their
motion and distribution should not be af-
fected at all.
Can they be seen under any other con-
ditions than those mentioned? Well, yes;
against a white porcelain wall or large sur-
face, indoors if the light is ''right." Also
(says Dr. Haley) you can see them by look-
ing at a ground glass screen placed in front
of a mercuryvapor lamp. They are then, he
says, more numerous than when seen
against the sk:y.
The 1bea10phical writer referred to
said they were much less numerous at
night. This (says Mr. Randall) is important,
if true. Someone with an Hg lamp should
check on this, by day and at night -and pass
on the results to the Round Robin.
Some persons see the globules as
faintly brown or yellow. Mr. Randall notes
luminous trails (this, just before sunset, and
while standing in the shadow of a steep
ridge, with air and sk:y above still sunlit). Is
this luminous trail an after-image? Is it
common to see them as colored? How
many people see them as momentarily
Mr. Keith Hayes, San Diego physicist,
is trying to photograph them. One would
suppose anything visible, refracting or dif-
fusing light, could be netted by some of the
modem photo-techniques. And if anybody
has doubts about their "objectivity," the
photographing ought to settle that. These
globules, however, are much more than a
mere optical curiosity. Consider briefty
what Dr. Haley has to say.
As noted before, Dr. Haley is President
of a group known as the caJifornia Society
for Psychical Research. He is in active
practice in San Francisco and has been
engaged in psychical research for many
years. The personnel of his group has
changed many times, but most of them
have been professional men of excellent
standing, several from university faculties.
No one, so far as we know, has ever ques-
tioned the character of these investigators
or their competence as observers. About
1925 Dr. Haleywrote a book, printed about
100 copies, now out of print and probably
unobtainable. Most of it is concerned with
idioplasticreproduction, creation, apporta-
tion of food stuffs. Put six pieces of apple
into a jar and take out eight, and so on. It's
one of the most astonishing records in
modem P.R. work, well documented, with
good photographs, and this casual mention
is an injustice. But, part of this book is
concerned with vitality globules, and Dr.
Haley has also put out some mimeo-
graphed material about them.
Dr. Haley calls the globules, SPIRI-
TON, thinks they are living, or vital in na-
ture, perhaps residual life atoms or "soul-
seeds;" and he believes that they produce,
or become, or are intimately related to the
so-called entoptic lights (really paroptic),
which are known to behave in an intelligent
manner, to give signals and warnings.
These lights in tum (Dr. Haley thinks) may
be dynamized by the human aura, and
under seance conditions are often seen to
contain, or to become human faces (a phe-
nomenon attested by many observers).
This is an elementary phase of materializa-
tion, and the spiriton, or globule, is some-
how connected with it. When the spiriton
appears as a light, it is called a spiroculon.
This is a very inadequate synopsis;
doesn't do even half-justice to Dr. Haley's
years of thought and experiment. But it
gives the drift of the theory, and helps ex-
plain why vitality globules seem worth
studying. And no one is entitled to any off-
hand, casual opinion on Dr. Haley's me-
ticulous work.
"What I have hoped for," he writes "is
that some investigators will experimentally
establish a connection between the non-
auric and the auric phase of the spiriton.
This would, when the demonstration of the
objective phase of the spiriton was made,
complete the proof; for we already have
ample photographic evidence of the reality
of both the spirit light and the ectoplasmic
emanation" (or aura).
Maybe somebody, somewhere, scien-
Page 2, January-February 1990 The JoumsJ of Bordetland Research
tist or layman, knows just what the globules
are, or has additional facts about them. If
so we hope this Round Robin will find him
out, induce him to let his light shine forth
onto the rest of us.
Re- the effect of the aura on the glob-
ules - if any, Somebody ought to experi-
ment with the Kilner screens. One n ~ ~
the aura with them, all right; maybe the
globules would be visible too. Or, with
some other kind of screen.
If anybody reeding this has Kilner's
book, and will extract from it the directions
for making the screens (cells), including the
proportions of dicyanin and alcohol (if
that's the solvent), and will send it to the
R.R, we'll be grateful and pass it on to other
people. Mr. F.C. Krieger wants it, particu-
Also, if anybody has Brian Brown's
book, Dynamic Power of the Inner Mind
(Doubleday, Page & Co. 1924) and will
lend it or sell it, address Mr. Krieger. Any-
body who knows anything about vrnc or
Carbon Force, please write Mr. Krieger,
and/or this editor.
Anybodywho has any ideas about how
to photograph vitality globules, please write
Mr. Hayes, and/or this editor.
Mr. Randall, looking for the globules,
has noted some very extraordinary appear-
ances; also has made a useful classification
of antopticperception. Maybe he will let us
have a condensed report for this bulletin.
Our idea is NOT to write all of this
bulletin ourselves, which God forbid! We
want items, suggestions, ideas, questions,
experiences from individual investigators,
in psychics, parapsychology, ESP in aU its
A maybe-related subject, to much of
what has been set down in this bulletin, is
the "paroptic vision" of Jules Romains
(Louis Farigoule ). About 1919 he finished
a book called EYELESS SIGHT, put into
English and printed by Putnam, 1924.
Paropticvision, as Romains used the word,
is visual perception of external objects,
without using the eyes - extra-rational; the
organs for this are epidermal ocelli. Boirac
worked on this, previously. The facts are
very remarkable, not too hard to verify,
caused quite a furor at the time. It seemed
to be, we still think it was, the most promis-
ing development of modem science for the
relief of the blind And then, there are
innumerable questions, for the psychic re-
search student, in the functioning of the
ocelli, or modified skin cells; some kinds of
''psychism" and clairvoyance may involve
them. Of course, to the pseudo-scientific
orthodoxy of the '20s, and of today, for that
matter, all these astonishing facts and
methods were taboo; a bas and Ah Bah
with them!
One would think that psychologists,
physiologists, medical men generally,
would follow up such leads, a little way
anyhow. Has anyone followed up with
Romains'work? If so, we have never heard
of it, but maybe that's our ignorance .. This
faculty of seeing without eyes ought to
interestP .R.menwhohave to do with dark-
Seance work- especially since the power is
enhanced by slight hypnosis._ The whole
knots.... On the practical side, and of su-
preme human interest, is the chance of
some degree of vision for the blind.. Is
there a single psychological laboratory in
this country, or anywhere, that has tried to
work out Romains' premises in a practical
way? Or is it one more of those things that
"science" is not yet ready for?
If any reader of this bulletin knows
somebodywhohas heard of somebody who
has read of somebody who has done any-
thing at all along the line ofRomains'work,
in the last 25 years, please pass us the infor-
Note: about the pamphlet, ''Letter to a
Soldier". Mr. Thomas Sugrue, (There Was
a River), now in charge of publications and
other activities for the cayce Foundation
(Association for Research and Enlighten-
ment), did the present writer the honor of
reproducing this ''Letter" or part of it, and
this brought in a number of inquiries. No
more copies available just now, but perhaps
we can have a few more mimeographed
This bulletin goes to a few people who
are interested (very deeply) in ''practical"
occultism, Yoga and Qabalistic techniques,
and similar studies. We hope they have not,
or will not, overlook PATIIWAYS
Merrell-Wolfe (pub Rich. R. Smith, New
York Oty, 1944). Mrs. Helen Lotreck,
Northampton, Mass., called our attention
to it. It's described on the jacket as A
Personal Record of Transformation in
Consciousness; author is said to be a
mathematician and scientist. One impor-
tant thesis is, that Recognition (Illumina-
tion, higher consciousness) can be attained
via the intellectual disciplines of the West,
especially thru the theoretical and specula-
tive concepts of modem science... This
makes astonishingly good Qabalism, by the
way, though the author makes no mention
of that Path. It's a contribution to Western
Yoga, at any rate, and seems to us very
Half-column article in TIME 2/5/45,
Spectral Appendectomy (in Brazil). Forty
witnesses, including policemen, newsmen,
three doctors ''Pitch-dark seance cham-
ber." One Dr.Gomez, mortuit 1925, mate-
rialized performs an appendectomy. No
anesthetic, but patient fells nothing. After
2 hours, appendix appears in bottle of alco-
ho~has disappeared from the patient, by
X-rayphoto. Rejoicing among spiritualists,
but catholic press and pulpit outraged,
particularly one Mon. Azevdo, who says he
can prove one of the doctors did it "under
cover of darkness." What we don't under-
stand is (on basis of meager facts) how a
surgeon could remove an appendix in
complete darkness. Explanation sounds
more incredible than the alleged facts, as is
not infrequently the case. We're inclined to
be credulous anyhow, because we know of
a case where a spirit or somebody extracted
an ulcerated tooth from a sufferer, put it in
a water glass on the table for all to see.
If anybody who reads this has lived in
Pindamonhargaba (!!) We would like to
find out how or why 70% of the population
are spiritualists. And how about getting Dr.
Luiz Gomez de Amaral to do a few appen-
dectomies in the U.S.- by invitation of the
American Medical Association, of course?
The Journal of the American Society
for Psychical Research (ASPR) for Janu-
ary '45, has a 34 page Outline of Survival
Evidence, by Gardner Murphy. 'In this
outline no attempt has been made to
''prove" survival nor even to cite all the
more convincing types of cases, but to pres-
ent in organized form the classes of evi-
dence gathered by psychical research, with
typical examples of each.' (p. 34) The Jour-
nal is published Quarterly, $1.50 per copy.
Scientific Monthly of August 1944 has
an article by Dr. A J. carlson, President of
the American Assoc. for the Advancement
of Science. He says that the alleged objec-
tive evidence of the belief in survival is
entirely mythological!! II
Bernard Ackerman Inc., N.Y. pub-
lishes a compilation by A T. Baird of
Glasgow, called One Hundred Cases of
Survival After Death. It's a good job of
editing and very usefu~especially to the
newcomer to psychic research.. But ac-
cording to Dr. carlson (sup) it's presuma-
bly no more than another collection of
Journal of Parapsychology (Duke
Univ. Press, Durham, N.C.) carries on with
PKstudies, and there's a curious article on
telepathic skin writing, by David Efron.
And that reminds us, in some printed mat-
ter put out by the Church of light (Los
Angeles) there's a statement, that the
spread of cards thrown by machine was
predicted some 12 days in advance, in ex-
perimental work at Duke. If anyone bas the
first hand account of this, as issued by the
laboratory, we would like to see it. (Cost of
the Journal is now $4.00, issued quarterly).
We have been trYins for a long time to
find out just who YRAMwas. We know he
was a French occultist, wrote Le Medecin
deL' Arne, English version issued by David
McKay, Phila., still obtainable from Psychic
Observer book list, and elsewhere. And we
know he has been dead 10 years or more.
Beyond that, nothing. Inquired of the
London publisher but no results. The
English version is called Practical Astral
Projection; we think it's a valuable and
important book though we never heard
anyone else say so. But if anyone knows
who YRAM was, or where we can find out,
please pass it on to us.
Does anyone have a copy of another
book, by this same YRAM? Will you lend
it or sell it?
Formerly, Kilner screens ( dicyanin
cells for observing the aura) could be
bought made up. Does anyone know
where they can be had now?
Huxley defined science as trained and
organized commonsense. __
Kirchhoff and Mach describe science
as "a complete and consistent description
of the facts of experience in the simplest
possible terms."
"'There is no science but that of the
general," says Poincare; and "all facts are
scientific when used scientifically."
According to Malisoff, science is char-
acterized by technique of obserwtion and
by elimination of the personal equation.
Also, ''facts which cannot be questioned
are almost mythical." (And this last, we
think, should be written above the doors of
every laboratory.)
The aim of all exact science, says
Mertz, is "a complete and simple descrip-
tion admitting of calculation."
"Science is conceptual shorthand"
writes Pearson. Along with Poynting and
many others, he remarks that a ''law of
Nature" explains nothing, governs nothing,
is not a force or an energy, but is simply a
descriptive formula - telling How, not
The Joumal of Bordedand Research January-February 1990, Page 3
Religion, says Whitehead, is what an
indMdual does with his solitariness. And
again "It is the Art and theory of the inter-
nallife of men."
According to Tolstoy, religion is the
relationship which man acknowledges to
the universe, or to its Source or First Cause.
"A reasoning man must therefore be in
some sort of percept:r ...e relation to il"
Carlyle declares that "the thing a man
does practically believe, and lay to heart and
know for certain concerning his vital rela-
tion to the universe, is his religion."
Laddsdefines the minimum concept of
religion as the beliefin an invisible superhu-
man Power or Powers, conceived after the
analogy of the human spirit, on which man
regards himself as dependent for well-
being, and which he is in some sense re-
sponsible to - together with all the feelings
and practices arising from such belief.
"Any real religion," says Hoffding,
"implies and must give a world view."
Evelyn Underhill writes that the primal
object of religion is to disclose to us the
perdurable basis of life, and foster our
growth and communion with il
linguists tell us, there was no synonym
for the word REUGION among the Hin-
dus, the Hebrews and the Greeks, nor
among the Celts and Germans. To the
Romans, religion meant a social institution
and certain traditional rites. In the Orient,
religion was conceived as a science, that is,
as an organized body of knowledge, and not
at all as penonal emotiomillsm.
To all of which we add 4 lines from
James Stephens. "Instinct cannot advance
when thought has schooled it in the science
of unbelief, and the wall (about the Tree of
life) will not be conquered until thought
and instinct are wed; and the first son of that
bridal will be called The Scaler of the Wall."
We want to say a word for the Fortean
Magazine, now called DOUBT, and for the
Fortean Society and its able secretary Mr.
11ffany Thayer. The Society, of course,
carries on the work of Charles Fort and his
collaborators (he wrote the Book of the
Damned,NewLands,Lol WlldTalents). It
is committed to no cult or propaganda, is
the implacable enemy of the smugness and
complacency of official and "orthodox''
, By this last we mean the pronounce-
ments (very often) of scientific bodies,
learned societies and publications, univer-
sity departments, their bland ignoring of a
thousand strange happenings not explain-
able in terms of current theories - and of
their own stupidities and !allures.
These are the "damned facts" of which
Charles Fort wrote, scattering tares in the
snug fields of science with a kind of wild
contemptuous joy, but yet verifying and
documenting with a careful hand
Those of us who are interested in psy-
chical research and its allied subjects, also
have a long reckoning with the "scientific''
ignorance and intolerance. Of course,
there are now many hundreds of workers in
the sciences, some of them very distin-
guished, who are well informed and open-
mind on these matters, But as for "official"
science -well, the remark of Dr. Carlson,
quoted on page 6 of this bulletin, is suffi-
cient commentary.
As to the Fortean, then, we think it is
doing an admirable piece of work. We're
not so much interested, personally, in its
social and political iconoclasm, though
others may find it worth while. But the
effort to salvage the "damned" facts, hold
them up for an to see and for the confusion
of an orthodoxies, is a matter of very great
And once again, as to the in-and-out of
the Round Robin; it's the facts we're after.
We believe every fact is a child of God. We
don't care where it was born, or who nour-
ished and cherished it; but we're interested
in your reasons for accepting it, and for
thinking it maybe means this-or-thal We
quote Gregory, that "in science there is no
finality, there should therefore be no dog-
matism" - and also Strindberg, who wrote
that the whole business of man is ''not to
turn his back upon the lighl" This light
may be a poor thing, but our business is to
Page 4, January-February 1990 7he JoumaJ d Bordetland Research
make the best of it, try to feed and brighten
it, to make it shine into dark comers.
We have a few copies ofthe last issue of
the Fortean magazine DOUBT. Does
anyone want one of them, gratis? Or ad-
dress the Fortean Society, New York aty.
Single copies 25 cents or $200 a year for
DOUBT membership.
A Note for the Last Page
To my Personal Friends:
Nearly an of the periODS to whom this
Round Robin is being sent, are my friends,
by correspondence at least, if not by per-
sonal contact So I can add a note to most
of these bulletins, here on the last page,
where you can tear it off if you want to pass
the rest of the pages along.
I don't think any ofyou will believe lam
trying exploit our acquaintance for profit
It takes a good deal of time, as wen as some
money, to get out even so small a bulletin as
this. And if you think the whole idea isn't
worth bothering with, we can just forget it.
On the other hand, as I have said before, it
might be the nucleus of a really useful proj-
If you want to send in anything-items,
questions, references, data, experiences,
ideas, suggestions about the make-up of
the Bulletin, odd clips of ''Fortean" hap-
penings - and if you will pass the Bulletin
along, and/or send in a name or two of
persons of the ''right" sort, to whom I could
send copies, then it may be worth while to
carry on. And if you do write to me, be sure
to give your permission (if willing) to print
your name and address. You might pick up
some helpful and interesting correspon-
dents that way, and no advertisers will get
For the present, if you want to write to
anyone named in this issue, please send the
letter in my care.
My notion has been, to put out the
Round Robin about once a month. And
the actual cost to me (paper, mimeograph-
ing, envelopes, postage) comes to about 25
cents each copy.
And now, my best wishes to an of you.
N. Meade Layne -San Diego, Calif.
by Alison Davidson
'The breath of the west wind bore her
Over the sounding sea,
Up from the delicate foam,
To wave-ringed Cyprus, her isle."
.. .sings Homer to celebrate the birth of Aphrodite, the
goddess oflove and beauty. Also known as lshtar, Astarte
and Venus, she was bom from the blue-green waves of the
Mediterranean clad only in her red-gold hair; her gentle
beauty captured exquisitely by the Italian painter Bot-
Who has never been touched by the beauty of Venus,
watching her rise brilliant as the Morning or Evening Star
- turning golden-red as she sets, sinking back into the
ocean of her birth? "Beauty of Life" she is called, the
essence of women reflected in the shining warmth of the
metal copper.
The island of Cyprus is regarded as the home of both
Venus and copper where it has been extensively mined
since antiquity. The word copper is derived from the Latin
'cuprum' from cyprus, which in turn is said to originate in
the Assyrian word for copper, 'kipar'. Although copper is
soft and malleable, when blended with tin it forms the
harder metal bronze.
After gold and silver, copper is the oldest metal known.
Copper vessels have been found in Egypt dating back 4900
B.C. and earlier elsewhere. For hundreds of years copper
was the main metal used; ancient races such as theSumeri-
ans and Phoenicians made their weapons, helmets and
shields of copper. From 3100 B.C. both copper and bronze
were in use until the Bronze Age took over around 2100
B.C., preceding the more martial age of iron.
Copper's veins run extensively through the planet,
particularly in the 'alkaline' depths where it has a great
affinity for sulphur; Wilhelm Pelikan describes copper and
sulphur as "locked together in the earth in primaeval
times." (1) It is often found where there is volcanic activity,
at present the most lucrative copper deposits being found
in North and Central and South America, the Soviet
Union, Central and South AfricaandAustmlia, with smaller
deposits throughout Europe.
Perhaps the oldest & most puzzling copper mines are
located here in America, in the Keweenaw Peninsula and
on llse Royale in Lake Superior. In his bookAMERICAN
INDIAN MYTHS & MYSTERIES, Vincent Gaddis ex-
plores the mystery of these prehistoric mines which date
back to at least 5000 B.C. The extent of this vast mining
empire is incredible; there are thousands upon thousands
of pits ranging for 120 miles, and it is estimated that 2
million poundsofcopperwereminedon Isle Royale alone.
As Vince asks, "Who were these archaic miners? How and
to where did they transport this metal?"
'Truly science drivu out the spirit from the whole and proudly
displays the septii'Qte bits. Dead, all dead." Walter Lang
In this series of articles dealing with the Planets and
Metals we are seeking in a small way to restore the spirit to
the dead world of modem science. For this reason we
return to the ancient and sacred science of Alchemy de-
scribed as 'a total science of energy transformation' -
dealing not onlywith the transmutation of metals as physi-
cal substance (the alchemists really could change lead into
gold), but also as symbolic of the inner processes of spiri-
tual transformation.
In alchemical terms we could describe the dead-world
viewofmodemscience as the 'black phase' of the alchemi-
cal operation, the phase of eorruptionand decay. Here the
divine spark, or the spirit represented by the Sun appears
to die, suffocated in the dark chaotic realm of Saturn-lead.
Even the physical substance of gold appears to be
affected. After the early 1950's, Ul1y Kolisko found in her
experiments that the gold chloride solutions continually
failed to crystalize into their previous colourful forms. It
was as though the sun was eclipsed, somehow sickened,
and gold, the sun's element on earth reflected this. 1bis
darkening of the sun-gold coincided with the onslaught of
atmospheric nuclear testing an'tgreatly increased radio-
frequency use. "
Alchemists say that putrefaction precedes germina-
tion, that "the King Gold must be killed and buried, in
order that he may awake again to life, and who, ascending
through the seven regimes, attains his full glory."(3)
These seven regimes are the seven levels of conscious-
ness represented by the Sun, Moon and the five planets
visible to the naked eye. Each of these cosmic forces cor-
responds to a particular metal, andinourinvestigationswe
find that the properties of these metals are intimately
connected with our own nature.
Alchemically the Sun and Moon (gold and silver)
express the duality of the active and receptive poles of
existence- described in the first two articles of this series.
In the other five planets and their corresponding metals,
either solar or lunar qualities predominate, but without
reaching their full expression.
This is demonstrated in the planetary symbols which
are formed from the three basic figures of the circle (sun),
the semicircle (moon), and the cross of the four elements:
fire, water, air and earth: the four directions of space.
The Jouma/ of BotrleriBnd Resestch January-February 1990, Page 5
In the symbol for Venus (and copper) the Sun-circle is
rising above the cross, showing an infusion of solar power
which, in the alchemical operation, corresponds to the
inner sun rising but not yet perfected. In Venus the spirit
is inspiring matter to more perfect forms of expression; the
higher aspirations are tending to predominate over the
material desires of the Earth.
The earliest form of Venus was the Egyptian ankh,
symbol of universal life; the egg-shaped womb of the
goddess, the place where life is generated, surmounting the
cross of the elements. This womb from which the sun
emerges is represented by the copper cauldron of alchemy.
It is interesting to note that the christian religion removed
this womb-egg from the ancient symbol of life, to be left
only with the unbalanced cross of matter.
In Venus there is a desire, a necessity, for beauty and
harmonious union. Where she rules, there is beauty, song
and dance. Instruments and bells are made of brass with
the resonance of copper. Egyptian ladies used the copper
ore malachite for beautifying their eyes.
The influence of Venus is predominant in the horo-
soopes of artis1S, musidans, the aeatots of beautiful clothes
and jewellery. Artists use copper extensively for etching
and print making, and in pigments for colourful paints.
There are few substances on earth which possess the
beauty of this soul metal, the many rich colours of red
ranging from rose to almost gold
In the alchemical operation 'the colours of the pea-
cock's tail' appear, a bird sacred to Venus (and the African
goddess of love, Oshun) which owes its beautiful blue-
green plumage to the presence of copper. As much as 6%
copper has been measured in the wing pigmentation of
certain species of birds.
The crystallizations of Lilly Kolisko (4) using gold
chloride and copper sulphate were characterized by their
delicate colouration, nearly always creating a border of
light green at the top of the copper ''pictures".
This brilliance of colour is also displayed in copper's
various ores such as malachite, azurite, dioptase, chalcopy-
rite and bornite, ranging from green and blue through to
purple and red. If you ever watch copper burning you will
notice the characteristic blue-green flames with flashes of
red. The alchemists described Venus wearing a blue cloak
with a red spirit, these colours reflected even in Botticelli's
The blue-green waves from which Venus rises illus-
trate copper's special affinity to water- even the colour of
liquid molten copper is sea-green. Most copper ores
contain water, and the soluble copper salts such as copper
sulphate and copper chloride, with their beautiful green
andbluecrystals,consistcfupto35%water. Infirecopper
loses its colour and turns black; when exposed to the at-
mosphere is assumes the green or bluish deposit of copper
carbonate known as verdigris. While copper sulphate
(blue vitriol) dries into a white powder on contact with air,
it rapidly absorbs water to return to its crystallized state.
As Rudolf Hauschka writes (5) " ... copper absorbs
water and changes it into form and colour. This capacity
for organizing fluids is a characteristic copper attribute.
Plants perform this function in organic nature ... Copper,
which has the same tendency in the dead mineral world, is
closely bound up with all vegetative processes."
Copper's connection with the fluidic functions is also
demomtrated in oold-blooded animals such as snail\ mussels,
oysters, crabs and squid from the sea, which breathe with
the aid of a blood pigment rich in ooppetlmownas haemocy-
anin. (The conch on which Aphrodite rests is a type of
mussel) Mellie Uyldert notes: ''These soft, moist animals
belong to the sensory element water which is linked with a
person's emotional life. It is well known that oysters have
an aphrodisiac affect." (6)
Astrologically, Venus (or copper) rules the two signs
of Libra and Taurus. Where Libra represents the harmo-
nious balance of the scales, in the sign of Taurus the bull,
Venus shows herself as the patroness of skilled agriculture,
connected closely with plants and occupations dealing
with nature. Interestingly copper and some of its ores
imitate plant forms, veined leaves and tiny trees. Hathor,
an Egpytian form of the ~ o d d e s s shows her connection
with the generative forces of the earth in her cow-form (her
horns which are still used in bio-dynamic preparations for
gardening). She is 'union in beauty' and her name Het-
Hert means the 'house of Heru', the Sun.
Edible plants rich in copper include red clover, lettuce,
garlic, carrot, cabbage, chickweed, sunflower seeds, and
walnuts, among others.
Copper's involvement in the circulation of liquids is
also shown in the living organism, in the *venous blood
which carries the toxic substances to the excretory organs.
Copper is abundant in the female sexual organs, ruled by
Venus of course! and, according to Uyldert, copper in the
body is used up by sexual activity. She says this is the reason
why people with no outlet for these energies often get gall-
stones, which contain copper.
In the ancient temples of the goddess her cosmic
energies were conveyed by sacred prostitutes who con-
ducted the revitalizing and healing love of Venus, the
copper energy, maximizing the 'orgiastic potency' (to use
Dr. Reich's term) of the worshippers. For the sake of our
good health, at least, we should bring those temples back!
The liver is also rich in copper and liver extracts have
been used to treat copper deficiencies. These deficiencies
can cause malfunctions of the thyroid, unhealthy circula-
tion (particularly the legs), spasmodic cramps, epilepsy,
some mental illnesses, multiple sclerosis (whose sufferers
often have been deprived oflove and affection), and poorly
developed sexual characteristics.
I have often used homeopathic copper for children's
Page 6, January-February 1990 The Joumsl of Botrlerland Research
leg-cramps - growing pains - and it is also used for
conwlsions, deficient kidney action, diabetes, etc.
One of the most famous uses of copper for many
centuries was a form of copper vitriol available from
apothecaries as the 'powder ofsympathy'; the power of this
remarkable powder for healing wounds was extolled in "A
Discourse Touching the Cure ofWounds by the Powder of
Sympathy'' written by an English nobleman at the court of
Charles I in 1658. Rather than using the powder on the
wound itself, a bandage with blood from the wound was
placed in a bowl of water containing a handful of dissolved
copper vitrioL Its cooling effect was transmitted etheri-
cally to the wound, (note copper's high level of conductiv-
ity) apparently resulting in a rapid healing.
Another use of copper as a medicine was to rub the
affected area with a piece of this metal a specific number of
times a day depending on the affliction. For influenza we
are told to rub the forehead with copper twice daily.
Copper's use in bracelets to alleviate rheumatism and
arthritis is well known; also its disinfectant properties -it
kills algae, fungi and germs. Put a copper coin in your
aquarium, orin a vase to keep cut flowers longer. Use brass
doorknobs to rid your visitors' hands of unwelcome germs.
There are many uses for this wonderful metal!
After silver, copper is the metal with the highest con-
ductivity for electricity and heat. Copper pots have long
been favoured in the kitchen for this reason-- also " the
medieval Dutchman brewed his clover medicine in a cop-
per pan, and the Chinese their poppy-juice, for Venus'
energy is transmitted to whatever is being cooked." (6)
Most of the copper produced today involves the use of
this metal as a conductor, in heavy industry and the manu-
facture ofvery sensitive electronic instruments, in electro-
plating, engine building and heating and cooling technol-
Haushka makes an interesting connection between
this power of conductivity and the angular velocity of the
planets. Briefly, the average angular velocity is expressed
in the degrees of movement of the planets, calculated over
thirty day periods. Haushka writes: ''The resulting figures
are surprisingly correlated with those found in physics
textbooks on the conductivity of metals ... The impetus of
the planets appears in a metamorphosed way as conductiv-
Lakhovsky with his copper coils was also concerned
with conducting and transforming cosmic energies (7).
His simplest coil consists of copper wire or tubing shaped
into a circle with the ends overlapping but not touching.
Placed around a plant or tree it enhanced growth, as we
found in our own garden, and even removed disease. As
far as I can tell Lakhovsky never said why he used copper,
but we have already found good reason in our study of
copper here. L.E. Beman also preferred to use copper as
a conductive medium for the body's natural energy in the
screens for his relaxation circuits. [See Biocircuits by
Leslie and Terry Patten for an analysis and comparison
between copper and silk circuits.(8)]
In the field of agriculture, appropriately, Victor
Schauberger (9) also focussed on the metal of Venus.
After noticing the detrimental effect of iron ploughs on the
soil - iron dried out the ground by disturbing the soil's
magnetic field - he began using copper instead with the
result being a dramatic increase in fertility. The copper
helped to retain ground water. He also used fine copper
filings to help 'charge' his irrigationancteompostmixtures,
both produced in egg-shaped containers or heaps. Once
upon a time, those same copper energies were fixed by
ritual copulation in the fields to ensure the fertility of the
In solution copper chloride- along with other metals
-has been used in the practice of chromatography, devel-
oped by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. (10) By studying the colours
and shapes crystallized on filter paper, he could determine
the cosmic energies operative in various extracts mixed
with the solution, e.g. to test the quality of compost heaps.
Blood extracts can be used likewise in copper chloride
solution to discover diseases in the blood which have not
yet shown any symptoms. , "At the same time, certain
medicinal herbs are seen to'!display the same shapes as the
blood which is being examined. This shows an essential
correspondence between them and the ill person, which
itself indicates their suitability as a remedy in the case in
question." ( 6)
Another property of copper reflects Venus' dynamic
power of attraction; it combines readily with other ele-
ments to form alloys and readily transforms other sub-
stances into complex salts. It is because of this versatility
in transforming and combining, Wilhem Pelikan tells us,
''the alchemists called copper "meretrix metallorum," the
harlot of the metals."
Indeed, everything Venus touches is seduced by her
1. Tim SECRETS OF METALS by WJ.lhelm Pelikan, Anthropoeo-
phic Press, N.Y.
2 LE MYSTERE DES CATIIEDRALES by Fulcanelli, Brothcmood
of life, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
3. ALCHEMY by Titus Burkhardt, Element Boob, Ltd., Dorset,
Great Britain.
4- GOlD AND Tim SUN by L. Koliako, Koliako Archive, Stroud,
Great Britain.
S. Tim NATURE OF SUBSTANCE by Rudolf Hauscbka, Rudolf
Steiner Press, London.
6. METAL MAGIC by Mellie Uyldcrt, Turnstone Press Ltd.,
Northamptonshire, C'JI'e8t Britain
BOOK by Tom Brown, Borderland Sciences, CA
8. BIOCIRCUITS by Leslie and Teny Patten, HJ. Kramer Inc.,
9. LIVING WATER by Olof Alerandersson, Turnstone Presa Ltd.,
Great Britain.
10. CHROMATOGRAPHY by Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer, Bio-Dyuamic
literature, Wyoming, Rhode laland.
The JoumaJ of Borded8nd Reseateh January-February 1990, Page 7
Trevor James Constable
Numerous readers of my COSMIC PULSE OF LIFE
(1976), have expressed their gratitude for the book's esoteric
insights into world trends. A revised and enJarged second
edition is due out in 1990, wherein this material is expanded.
Many orthodox analysts meanwhile, mainly in the financial
newsletters, are aware that the USA is being steadily and
systematically destroyed from within. Politically, economi-
cally,industrially,spirituallyandmorally, the USA is being cut
down. Behind this demolition stand numerous eminent and
influential Americans, most of them native-born citizens. In
all history, there has been no such treason and betrayal of
SJowly the reality is sinking into the financial newsletter
publishers that these now-avalanching operations are taking
place on an almost inconceivably vast scale. Every avenue by
which the USA can be diminished is being pursued with
astonishing energy and attention to detail There is little com-
prehension thus far, that the overall directing consciousness is
not human or that its scope and capacities dwarf the most
brilliant human beings into insignifiatnce. This was broached
in my COSMIC PULSE OF LIFE, and warrants overview up-
dating after more than a decade.
Nothingwill appear concerning these astral machinations
in any financial newsletter, because of pub lie resistance to and
incomprehension of anything that takes for granted planes of
Hfe other than our own. The Journal of Borderland Research
is therefore an appropriate forum to once again draw atten-
tion to world events from an esoteric viewpoint.
Man is better able in these times to understand the
existence of an "astral workshop" than ever before. The rise
of the computer age and the communications revolution
demonstrate with force and cJarity how much information
regarding every human being can be gathered and stored for
~ t a n t retrieval. The uses of such technology are obvious.
The misuse of such technology is already a world ethical
problem, completely insolvable in view of the gross imperfec-
tion of those human beings who own and control the comput-
ers. Tax officials in many countries for example, use comput-
ers to hound and harass people on an ever-increasing scale.
Suicides are a common result, and the provocateurs of such
crimes have no compunction about causing these deaths.
Given this background of contemponuy Barth, little imagi-
nation is required to conceive of an astral workshop, manned
by astral beings of evil and destructive intent, who can look in
on our plane via similar, but immensely more sophisticated
technology. These have virtually unlimited information about
our plane ofHfe and its beings, permanent interest in its evo-
lutionary status and their own agenda and reasons for partici-
pation in the affairs of this plane. Wlyit they Jack are the
physical-material bodies that are necessary for signifia-nt
earth plane action. This is the cybernetic scenario behind
current baleful events, including the eclipse and dismantle-
ment of the USA.
The earth plane is under preparation for the incarnation
in the mortal body of Abriman. He will walk the earth as a
human being. Ahriman is the third member of the Cosmic
triad involved in earth evolution. The occult sequence is the
incarnation ofLucifer inAsia four millennia ago; the incarna-
tion of Christ in the Middle Bast two millennia ago; and the
imminent incarnation in the West of Abriman, the spiritual
suzerain of the inferior forces, i.e. the forces standing beneath
Man. Nothing can prevent this event. Ahriman's advent is
Cosmic in design and integumented into the whole drama of
evolution. As incarnate huinans, what we do control is our
individual orientation and reaction to theAhrimanic event, to
which current world trends are a sinister precursor.
Dr. Rudolf Steiner has stated that ahrimanic goals include
total control of the earth, the making of this world wholly ahri-
manic. Steiner characterized Bolshevik Russia as a "grue-
some Ahrimanic creation". Rigidification and enslavement,
with an attendant darkening of consciousness and loss of
emotional warmth, foreshadow in ~ i a the Abrimanic workl
of tomorrow. Iron control of the popuJace is a cardinal social
symptom. Signifimnt steps toward such control of the world
as a whole are everywhere being taken, cunningly masked by
idealistic fronts.
Since the original version of this article was written, the
glasnost phenomenon erupted. This was prompt verification
of ongoing programs through which the ahrimanic powers
deceive mankind, in pursuit of their world control goal No
person aware of the structural nature of totalitarian mind-set,
could possibly be deceived by the grinning mask of glasnost.
Millions are nevertheless being deceived, including no doubt,
Mr. Gorbachev himself, who will be disposed of when his
purpose has been served.
Ahrimanic agents and aims always come to us as that
which they are not.Ahrimanis The Deceiver. Were ahrimanic
agents to disclose their true purposes clearly and frankly, the
public would react with total rejection. Those who are dis-
mantling and undermining America, therefore purport the
most idealistic and noble motives. Involved American aristo-
crats and financial mandarins use their distinctions and stand-
ing in support of world government goals.
The secret orders and secret societies into which wealthy
and influential Americans are inducted, usually at leading
universities, are for the most part abrimanic agencies serving
Page 8, January-February 1990 The .1outra1 of Botdedand R8S8111Ch
subversional goals in earth evolution. Highly educated and
decent men have to be persuaded that their clandestine
activities are for the benefit of mankind The deluding of such
individuals is typical of the deceptive nature of the ahrimanic
powers. The cultivated elitism of ordinary secret society
recruits is exploited, because such membership is an appealing
adjunct to university social life. In later years, they continue
to serve secret society aims, from positions of influence and
leverage in poli!D, finance and diplomacy. Most members
never pass beyond the periphery of these groups, or suspect
the power concentrated at the core in the hands of black
adepts, with direct linkage to the astral plane.
Yale University's Skull and Bones Society members oc-
cupy numerous key government posts, and are strategically
placed in high finance. President George Bush is a member of
this society, as was his father, to-
gether with the Harriman& and
learning support this goal, while learned professors fail to
explain why existing earthly governments - all run from the
shadows - are the agencies through which misery, war and
destruction are inflicted on mankind. World Government,
run from the shadows, canonlybringtotalmiseryto humanity.
Avoided like the plague is the common sense reality:
Earth has always beenoneworldandisoneworldnow. Within
its diversity lies its unity. A World Government, bending all to
a single authority, and controlled from the shadows, portends
the eradication of diversity. Were it not so, the ahrimanic
powers would not back and engineer Watld Government.
The USA stood as a prototypeofunityindiversity. All the
tribes of the earth were brought under one banner, in 50
states, yet were protected from each other's excesses by
constitutional government. America proved that such things
could be done, without circum-
scriptionofindividualliberty. The
many other famous brahmins. At
election time, the press averred
that Skull and Bones was just
another fraternity. Perhaps it is
indeed all innocuous and preppie.
Occultists nevertheless take slight
notice of newspaper evaluations.
They look for signatures. The
SkullandBonesescutcheonis the
universal designator for poison.
One hopes the newspapers are
Control of informational media is
central to the main ahrimanic de-
sign, and the limitation and rigidifi-
cation of thought in America today
strangely coincide with the so-called
uinformation age. "
individual became the sovereign
amid the mass. Such advances are
anathema to the ahrimanic pow-
Slow failure of American gov-
ernment has not been due to its
forms, which a future World
qovernmem coukl har<Dy SUiplSS.
Degeneration and inevitable col-
lapse have been brought about by
corruption of individual humans
who ensoul.American governmen-
tal forms, and by exalted and shad-
right in this case.
Secret society activity has ac-
celerated since World War I, synchronouslywith other prepa-
rations for the incarnation of Ahriman. Some activity has
openly surfaced in the various commissions and councils such
as those organized and financed by the Rockefeller interests
and those hidden behind the Rockefellers. These are typical
ahrimanic fronts, carrying another ahrimanic signature: they
represent themselves as that which they are NOT. These
groups form a shadow government in America, by which the
irritating impediment of elections may be circumvented. Dif-
fusion of such unelected rulers into every significant phase of
government suffices to exert control, no matter who is elected
by the public.
Ambitious political pushers quickly realized in America
that without the backing of the shadow forces, they can wield
no significant influence of any kind. Actual control has passed
in our time wholly to the shadow forces. Mere party poli!D
with its endless, fake confrontations and phoney antagonisms,
dupes the populace. These flummoxed millions remain un-
aware that the country is managed from the shadows, no
matter who faces the TV camera as president.
Massive shadow backing today looms behind the high-
powered drive for World Government. Only one force in
earth evolution stands to benefit from any such agency:
Ahriman. To make Earth wholly ahrimanic requires political
machinery, to manage the forthcoming attempt at the enslave-
ment of mankind Ordinary citizens of decency and goodwill
are being brainwashed to believe that "peace" can only come
to Earth out of World Government. Institutions of higher
owy financial figures. Corrupt representatives and judges,
rampant graft and controlled appointive officials are the
agents of a sad and ongoing debacle. Less evident but much
more potent are the financial czars. Money Power is the major
earthly agency of this corruption, but the corruptive will and
primary power reside in the same extra-human source that is
now illegally manipulating the world from its astral control
centers. The Money Power is a major worldly instrument of
theahrimanicwill, which is the source of corruptive continuity
and illegitimate earth plane power. Financiers are mere
Men who have riddled the USA with dishonesty and cor-
ruption, now seek to bring the entire world under the control
of international finance capitalism. These programs go for-
ward behind a vee of fake altruism and fraudulent cor "'m for
the human future. International finance capitalism has re-
placed the obsolescent nationally-based capitalism of the
immediate past. Withsophisticatedmodemcommunications,
and unimaginable financial power wielded at the tap of a
computer key, international finance capitalism is the ultimate
ahrimanic instrument. Sovereignty and independent govern-
ments get in its way, impede its maneuvers and frustrate its
Nothing of these machinations appears in the full light of
day, which is yet another signature of the powers of darkness.
Control of informational media is central to the main ahri-
manic design, and the limitation and rigidification of thought
in America today strangely coincide with the so-called "infor-
The JoumaJ of Bon1efiBnd Research January-February 1990, Page 9
mation age." Even bright people have barely an inkling of
what is happening. Those who have correctly analyzed the
situation are blocked from media exposure, in favor of endless
repetitions of the Establishment drumbeat Media control
deflects, diverts, obfuscates and suppresses the truth of cur-
rent events. Media clones intone about the ''tides of history"
-all of them using the same phrases - as impeding govern-
ments are set upon, to be destabilized and swept out of the way
of the grand abrimanic design.
Always these invasions of other nations' affairs take p1ace
behind phoney protestations about vio1ated human rights,
garnished with fake moral outrage. A free man aware of
ahrimanic workings sees only one dominant tide in today's
world: the tide of financial debt. Here is bondage for mankind
on an unprecedented scale. The existence of this bondage is
objective and inarguable. Woe betide that nation whose
capable leadership produces solvency. Geopolitical targeting
will ensue. The organization of that nation will be convulsed
with abrimanic ruthlessness if necessary, all behind a moralis-
tic facade. We live in a world of masks and veils.
Who issues the debt that has resulted in current interna-
tional serfdom? The same forces that invent the lofty-sound-
ing commissions, councils and clubs with their consuming
obsessions for World Government They are the same forces
that stuff such commissions and councils with famous anddis-
tinguished1ackeys. Most people who baskin the phoney gran-
deur of such memberships should question the origin of their
conscious thoughts about World Government Excarnate
ahrimanic beings access their human agents via subconscious
methods, utilizing sophisticated developments ofwhat already
exists on earth as radionics. The hysterical, maniacal, nazified
suppression of radionics in the USA is not an accident,
because immanent in radionics is the technology of remote
psychic control, as employed from the astral workshop.
The radionic rate or frequency of the human medulla for
example, is already known even on this p1ane, and is recorded
in the DrownAtlas as well as in other systems of radionic rates.
This decisive control organ can be directly tuned from the
astral workshop, and modulating intelligence impressed on
the human owner. Thus do life-negative sdlemes and thoughts
"arise" in the brains of secret society old boys who feel
destined, qualified and ordained to run the world. This is one
means by which the will of the abrimanic powers is driven up
into our world - through these men of earthly financial and
political power. Subversion of earth evolution could not
occur without earth p1ane action by incarnate humans, who
become literally the hands and feet of those spirit beings
incapable of function in this density, other than through
Greed is the main motive that leads human beings to mo-
nopolize commerce, misuse technology, waste natural re-
sources and distort and frustrate essential natural processes.
The latter includes rape of the Earth and despoliation of the
p1anetary beauty that is essential to the well being of Earth's
inhabitants. Leviathan is the abrimanic lieutenant under
whom the greedy ones function. Depictions of Leviathan are
to be found in certain occult books, produced by clairvoyants
who have seen this entity in his true form. Those motivated by
greed should take a sobering look some time at the astral
presence their greed summons.
Worst of all current crimes against mankind is the gradual
and tragic corruption of education, so that each incoming
generation is now shaped to accept, tolerate and participate in
world corruption. The revivifying power of youth is being .
increasingly diverted into a frantic youthful scramble for a
share of the spoils. Mankind cannot advance without steady
infusions of youthful moral force. America's millions of
youthful illiterates are victims of one ,history's grossest
crimes, their capacities dulled and diluted beyond redemption.
Men come and go from this plane. The scale and sequenc-
ing of the mighty events now climaxing bespeak a superintend-
ing intelligence not affiicted with mortality. This intelligence
always enlists the aid of certain earthlings. The periodic
emergence of secret societies into the open, at historical
junctures when incarnates were needed for earth p1ane action,
is well established. Dr. Rudolf Steiner's rare lecture series on
secret societies describes in detail how numerous specific
personalities of pre-1914 Europe were selected for murder or
assassination. Their purposes in European destiny were
assessed by the occult powers ofb1ack adepts in the secret so-
cieties. Where necessary to secret society aims, murder
removed these from the earth, to facilitate
manipulation of events. Events today are being manipulated.
The moral, social, economic, industrial, political and emo-
tional disintegration of the USA are attaining the kind of mo-
mentum that tends to be self-reinforcing. The ultimate
ahrimanic obscenity- politico-economic merger of the USA
and the USSR - has been in preparation for a long time.
When broached in the original version of this article 3 years
ago, such a merger seemed to shame the wildest fiction. In the
interim, ahrimanicmachinations have resulted ing1asnost and
the commitment of hundreds of billions of private American
capital to investment in the Soviet Union. Life has to be
pumped into the ahrimanic Frankenstein, a creation of the
forces of death and destruction, incapable of unaided exis-
tence. The USA is simultaneously weakened by the cupidity
and stupidity of its greedy investors, who blindly pave the way
for political merger. World Government can eventuate only
through such a merger.
The ahrimanic minions who have quietly worked for the
reduction of the USA as a prerequisite for this merger, may
not ever see the day when they will rule it all in the way they
dream- without being elected. The most important of these
misguided and greedy men are into their 70's. No matterwhat
secret societies they belong to, and regardless of their earthly
eminence, they all face the inexorable democracy of the grave.
Nobody ever plotted their way around that They must also
endure the shock and agony of their own betrayal and discard
by the ahrimanic powers. Loyal service in the back-to-front
ahrimanic world results in punishment
These vain and deceitful men are pursuing the ens1ave-
ment of their fellows under false banners of friendship and
service. There is so1ace for the victims of their wickedness in
the grinding wheels of the Lords Of Karma.
Page 10, JanuBIY-FebrUBIY 1990 The Jouma/ of Bordetland Research
Book Review
Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird
Harper & Rowe
Reviewed by Tom Brown
Here we have a most interesting new book which is an
incredible compilation of useful data. For those of you who
have read THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS by Tompkins &
Bird (circa 1973) SECRETS OF THE SOIL (SOS) will come
as an interesting sequel, with an amazing array of information
related to the plant world..
SOS starts with an introduction telling us bow bad off our
food and agriculture is. Those in the alternative fields of
research are well aware of this, but this book will reach far
afield of our circles so many "normal" people will be shaken
by hard evidence of our sad state of affairs.
Dr. Rudolf Steiner's input to agriculture flows through
many portions of this book, especiany at the beginning wherein
some aspects of Bio-Dynamic farming are covered. The
emphasis here is on packing cow manure into cow horns to be
buried in the earth over the wintertime. After the burial pe-
riod is over the horns are dug up and the manure has changed
to a humus-like compound quite different from the original
ingredient. A small portion of this substance, known as BD
Preparation 500, is then stirred into water barrels or buckets.
The stirring is done in a precise manner where a vortex is
formed in one direction and then a reverse vortex is formed.
This is done in a rhythmic fashion, to and fro, for one hour.
The vortex draws in cosmic influences, as well as potentizing
the water with the 500 in a homeopathic fashion. The final
mixture is sprayed over fields before planting and imprints a
specific impulse into the land which aids greatly in the build-
ing of healthy root structures.
The other BD Preparations, arbitrarily numbered 501-
508 are covered along with their uses, including an appendix
telling how to make them. BD #'s 502-507, various plants
treated in specific ways, are inserted into compost piles which
are then used as fertilizer. 501 is crushed quartz buried in a
cow hom over the summer and when removed is potentizedin
the same fashion as 500. It is sprayed over plants past primary
growing stages and is connected with light activities. 508 is
horsetail, a tea of which is sprayed on field and plant primarily
to act as a fungus regulator, and also to imprint the silica
impulse on the growing plant. It is also used as a moisture
Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer brought BD to the US and did
many years of scientific research into its properties and ac-
tions. He used the BD Preps as a base for special sprays which
are used as a compost starter and as a field spray to speed up
the process of green manuring (digging ina crop to fertilize the
soil). He developed a system called chromatography which is
a way of testing for life quality in soils, and can also be applied
to blood testing. While I was familiar with some aspects of
Pfeiffer's work this book informed me of a garbage disposal
project that Pfeiffer was working on. In 1950-52 Pfeiffer had
a commercial garbage processing plant in ~ California
which usedaspecial sprayto breakdown the organic materiah
in garbage and build them into a fertilizigg humus that was
growing incredibly healthy crops. Needless to say, opposition
from chemical fertilizer manufacturers aided in the demise of
the plant.
For the farmer or layperson SOS will act as an interesting,
albeit somewhat sensationalistic, introduction to BD prac-
tices, and it is hoped that once they are interested they will go
to the source material to get the complete story. It is not a
magic cure-all, as the book seems to imply, but a method of
creating a quality farm through hard work and awareness and
use of higher forces.
Australian Alex Podolinsky's thirty-five years of work
spreading the BD impulse in his country are covered. There
have been dramatic results from using the techniques as
presented by Alex, and the Australian Broadcast Company
ran a television show covenng his work. This has created a
strong interest among Australian farmers who want to grow
quality crops and maintain their land quality in the process.
Many thousands of acres of Australian desert have been
turned into lush farmland through the spraying of BD 500.
One point the book doesn't make is that Podolinsky uses
''prepared" 500 - that is his 500 Prep, once taken from the
horn, is then treated with 502-507.
The North Dakota farmofFredandJanet Kirschenmann
is visited. They have switched to Bio-Dynamic farming.
Though the early years of organic farming were tense and
weed filled, the Kirschenmanns kept going and are now doing
quite well. This was a very good chapter of the book as it also
showed insights into the neighboring farmer's minds -people
who would like to go organic or BD. They are "hooked" on
the agricultural chem-drugs that pump their crops up for sale,
but provide scant nutritional value to the end user, and leave
the fields wasted, needing a bigger fix next year.
The more I read this book, the harder it becomes to buy
food in the stores!
Patrick Flanagan has done some incredible work carrying
on Dr. Henry Coanda's search for the healthsecret ofHunzal-
and, where people regularly live disease-free well past the age
of 100. Joined over the last few years by his wife Gael Crystal
they have discovered many of the remarkable properties of
colloids-mineral substances suspended in liquids. The action
of glacial ice on mountain granite, in conjunction with the
vortex action of mountain streams, puts minerals into the
colloidal state. This remineralizes both human and land in a
very beneficial way. The work of Viktor Scbauberger is
touched upon in this section.
Patrick and Gael have developed a colloidal mineral con-
centrate, marketed as Crystal Energy Concentrate, which
The Journal of BotrleriBnd R8S881Ch January-February 1990, Page 11
lowers the surface tension of water, allows for better assimila-
tion of nutritional matter, and balances water content in the
cell, among other interesting properties. I was intrigued to
find that besides the many health-promoting properties of the
CEC it also increases the tensile strength of concrete by 50%!
There is a good chapter on chelation of rocks, that is the
breaking down (or metabolizing) of rocks, through organic
algae growth, into son and son nutrients. This is tied in with
quite well with the concept the title suggests. The first half of
the book covers the concepts of the son quite well, but from
that point the information remains vital, but not completely
coherent with the theme of the book. Noticeably absent was
any mention of Baron Albrecht von Herzeele whose experi-
ments circa 1870 showed that the son does not create the
plant, but that the plant creates the son. The Baron was
mentioned in THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS and I kept
expecting him to pop up as an impor-
tant key inSOS.
energies to the benefit of crops. Modem experiments have
shown this to be on track.
CaJJahan's research into the infra-red spectra and how it
is used by insects is very important data which applies to many
aspects of the borderland sciences. He has studied the anten-
nae of insects in comparison with various radio-frequency
antennas and has found many similarities. He claims that an.
agricultural field, when out of balance, produces a certain
wavelength in the infrared spectrum which attracts the insect.
From a mechanistic point of view this would seem most valid.
Experiments have shown that insects definitely react to these
vtbrations and this is a good point of entry into the subject.
What is completely ignored in this is the question of where the
insects come from. A wholistic view of the plant organism
considers the insect to be part of the plant's energy field which
appears when the plant needs it for whatever reasons (pollina-
tion, destruction, etc.) Without a
solid conception of where the insect
There are also good chapters on:
seed saving, (the storing and spread-
ing of varieties of natural seeds in
order to aDow continued organic di-
versity of earth's plant cover); weeds
as guardians of the son ("no such
Should you read this
book? Absolutely ...
appears from we are left wondering
their origin (from across the Bering
Strait or from tre etm:ric realms them-
selves). For a book that attempts to
go deeply into the spiritual view of
thing as a weed" Rolling Thunder
always said); John Hamaker's coming ice age theories and how
to stop it with rock dust remineralization; and related ideas;
and, Azomite, a natural colloidal silicate, (also known as dia-
tomaceous earth or montmorillonite) which acts very well as a
sonremineralizer. An interesting point is that the hills in Utah
where the Azomite comes from are pink. Haroldine, from
Lithium Labs, sent me some montmorillonite from the Pala
lithium mines in southern California. Perhaps the pink
indicates that the Azomite hills contain lithium.
There is a very interesting chapter on Sonic Bloom, a
foliar spray combined with digital sound that enhances food
plant production. We read of large crops of tomatoes grown
on sawdust. This chapter struck me as out of place in this
book, the reason being that the son condition seems to be
completely ignored in this system. This does not detract in any
way from the incredible potential of Sonic Bloom, but it does
divert from the general theme of the book. I was left wonder-
ing u Sonic Bloom is a beneficial impuJse to a sustainable ag-
riculture, or if it is J.lSt a quick way to feed many people,
financially benefiting the proprietary owners, without any
long term benefits to the son. The most important informa-
tion in this chapter pertaining to plants was Dan Carlson's ex-
periments with his daughter wherein they each got morning
glories to grow different colors by concentrating on them, and
the information on how the noises from birds and bugs are
essential to plant growth..
On the subject of atmospheric purification a ritual is
presented, consisting of burning dried dung in an inverted
copper pyramid, along withghee, rice and sandlewood. Titled
Agnihotra this is a most interesting purification method.
Dr. Pbillip CaJJahan's research into the stone towers of
Ireland is a fascinating chapter. He proposes that these towers
were designed to increase the flows of solar and earthly
these matters there was a gaping hole
OQ. this one.
Galen and Sara HieroD.ymus' work with radionic agricul-
ture is covered well. They have done some most interesting
and important work researching the subtle energies of the
plant world. Radionics can treat son and plant conditions from
a distance, this has been shown many times. Galen developed
what he calls the Cosmic Pipe which broadcasts energies to
fields in which they are placed. Various substances, such as
son treatment materials, can be placed in the unit for broad-
cast to the field. I can't help but get the impression that this
device is based on Eric Powell's Auto-Normalizer, which was
based on LB. Beman's substance Circuit research.
I personally hold the Hieronymus' work in very high
regard. However this book raised in me some serious ques-
tions about the overall capacity for radionics in an agricultural
situation. The effects of radionics have been shown for many
years. Insects can be gotten rid of, crop quality and quantity
can improve, but what of the overall quality of the son? Using
chromatograms, developed by E. Pfeiffer, BD prep 500 which
had been stirred for one hour, and a radionic copy of it were
compared. The BD 500shO'ws good vitality, the radionic copy
-none! This amazed me and I still haven't finished thinking
it out. Sara Hieronymus told me that she has been broadcast-
ingthe same set ofBD preps for years, thereby saving here the
need to buy or make it regularly. It is well known inBD circles
that the preps Jose their potency quite rapidly when taken out
of storage. Do Sara's radionic witnesses have any vitality left?
Is her good intent psychotronically overiding the true radionic
action? Lots of serious questions here for borderland re-
searchers. (Let us know if you have answers.)
Machaelle Wright Small has a garden she calls Perelandra.
She actively communicates with the plant and insect devas
(spirits) in this garden. If insects are infesting a crop she asks
them to pick one particular plant in the crop and take that for
Page 12, January-February 1990 The Joumal ot BotdedBnd Research
themselves- and it works!! I enjoyed this chapter as it shows
that real contact with the forces is necessary for any long term
viable agriculture, though this kind of talk might spook a few
farmers interested in other aspects of the book.
with psychicconditioningofvarious matel'i.U including plants
and water to treat plants. The Soviets are quite interested in
psychic activities and this is carried on in a somewhat official
manner there.
The first three appendices were so out of place that I
would recommend that the authors remove them from any
further editions of this work. Appendix A begins with "To
appreciate the agricultural wisdom ofRudolfSteiner and Alex
Podolinsk:y requires an insight into the hermetic tenets of a
spiritual movement Steiner first belonged to in Germany at
the tum of the century The Theosophical Society . " Noth-
ing could be further from the truth, and I can see why some
students of Steiner's works are a bit annoyed at this book.
Steinerwas involved brieflywith Theosophy (which has no ag-
ricultural impukewithin it), but left it when he got suspicious
of certain activities such as the promo-
tion of Krisbnamurti as the reincar-
nated Christ and the related scandal
conceptions of the etheric from the writings which be left
behind, and this appendix attempts to address this with some
of the available literature on the subject. There was absolutely
no mention of Dr. Rudolf Hauschka who experimentally
showed the direct relationship between the four ethers and
Vitamins A through D, and linked them with various sections
of the plant ( oi1s, hulls and peels, leafy vegetables, and, lipoids,
respectively). Hauschka's experiments were in many ways an
outgrowth of Baron von Herzeele's, and are an important key
to understanding the relationship of the etheric and elemen-
tal realms, with the plant world as They play an
important role in the true secrets of the soit
It is a bit difficult to piece together the etheric from any
writings. It is something which must be experienced, and
Steiner pointed to the study of plant metamorphosis, as
propounded by Goethe, as an important gateway to these
matters. In reality the finest of modem human minds are
barely capable of grasping the full conception of the etberic
realms, so I do sympathize with the authors, and I understand
their misorientation of the first three appendices. Such is the
incorrect orientation of our modem
minds which authors such as Ernst
vmm emerged because of certain
getting chosen as reincarnated saints
and such solely on their political con-
nections to the society. Steiner was
offered the chance to become John the
Steiner... worked hard to get
people to look outward to the
cosmos -- to the supersensible
realms, the source of the life
Baptist which he obviously could not,
andwouldnotgoalongwith. This type energies.
of scandal never entered into the An-
Lehrs, whose brilliant scientific outlay
TER was also absent from
this ma'terial, tried to straighten out.
Should you read this book? Abso-
lutely, there are large quantities of
excellent ideas you can begin imple-
throposophical movement which
Steiner founded on his own insights.
Theosophy represents an oriental impuke from the past
brought to the west. Steiner rejected this as a central world
viewandfromhis own clairvoyant insight developed a western
mystery tradition for the future, which includes his Agricul-
tural lectures of 1924, (which I feel are in many ways the
culmination of his previous scientific lecture series).
These appendices go on to talk about Charles Lead-
beater's Occult Chemistry, and bow he clairvoyantly saw
"quarks" in the late 1800's. This is a fascinating story, most
worthy of telling, but completely out of place and out of
context in this book. Leadbeater looked into matter, beneath
the threshold of the normal senses. Steiner considered this to
be the subsensible realm, the death oriented polarity, and
worked hard to get people to look outward to the cosmos- to
the supersensible realms, the source of the life energies. If
anyone reads Steiner's.Agriculture lectures theywillclearly see
that he consistently warns about orienting research in the
wrong direction, and I wonder how the authors would include
such orientation after claiming so highly for Steiner's insights
in the main portion of the book. I feel that these first three ap-
pendices will be very disorienting to people who haven't the
wherewithal to sort these deep matters out.
Appendix 4 is on Rudolf Steiner's etheric sciences and it
doesafairjob of trying to sum up his conceptions of the etheric
on a few pages. It is difficult to piece together Dr. Steiner's
houseplant or 10,000 acres of com. I
highly recommend it as you will be
introduced to some important works,
such as those of Steiner, Pfeiffer and Lilly Kolisko, as wen as
many other timely ideas such as Hamaker's Ice Age theories
which counter the hot greenhouse of "official" the
Flanagan's progressive research, and CaJJahan's insights into
the infrared. Ina book this size ( 444pp) there are always more
ideas than can be included ina review of this size. The authors
have apparently spent quite a bit of time compiliDg this book,
but it has the feeling of being rushed out. The appearance of
a number of errors adds to this conclusion. For example,AQ-
UALITHIA a natural telluricwater available through Lithium
Labs in San Luis Rey, California is listed as "aqua lithium
produced by a lab in San Jose"! This coupled with a number
of major typos (Steiner'sconceit,ratherthanSteiner'sconcept)
makes one wonder if anybody seriously proofread the book
before printing.
1be complaints I have against SOS are minor compared
to the beneficial aspects of the book, but they certainly needed
to be aired onamajorpublicationsuchas this, and they should
be kept in mind as a caveat while reading it. 1bere are source
addresses for much of the matel'i.U, such as BioDynamic
informationandsoilremineralizationdata, but neglected is an
address for the Flanagan's materials-after giving them an ex-
cellent write-up. Probably errors of omission due to haste in
production. Regardless, you will no doubt benefit on many
levels by reading this book.
The JoumaJ of Botrletland Resean:h January-February 1990, Page 13
Conference report:
Silica In Agriculture
51ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE, August 4-6, 1989
Rudolf Steiner College, Fair Oaks, California
The setting for the 51st Annual BD Farming and
Gardening Conference was on the site of the Rudolf
Steiner College and the Sacramento Waldorf School with
a Bio-Dynamic Garden. The location is in the middle of
the central valley of California h i h ~ received a warmth
and light impulse from the silica in the granite Sierra
Nevada mountains to the east. The theme was Silica in
Agriculture, The B-D Quartz & Equisetum Sprays, Their
Understanding, Application, and Effects.
The conference was set up so that there would be four
main lectures on the conference theme, as well as many
workshops that could be chosen from. A partial list of the
workshops follows:
A Practical Intro to B-D Farming-- James Barausky
Practical Aspects of the Silica Cycle in Agriculture --
Michael Jost
Equipment and Techniques for Farm-Scale Stirring and
Spraying B-D Preparations --Alan York & Anne
Understanding the Polarity of Silica & Calcium for Fruit
Production -Alan York
Making and Understanding the Eguisetum and Silica
Preparations - Hugh Courtney
The Art of Compost Making- Harald Hoven
Herb Growing -Heinz Grotzke
Bio-Dynamics in the Home Garden -Beth Wieting
New Perspectives on Beekeeping- Gunther Hauk
How to Work with Children in the Garden - Gunther
Creating a Total Farm Organism- Lincoln Geiger
Community Supported Agriculture - Rod Shouldice
Therewereonlythree time periods set on Saturday for
the dozen or so workshops so one had to choose wisely
which to take. This was a very hard choice, as I wanted to
go to all of them. I finally took A Practical Intro to B-D
Farming, Bio-Dynamics in the Home Garden, and, Mak-
ing and Understanding the Equisetum and Silica Prepara-
The talk Friday on Silica In Agriculture was given by
Heinze Grotzk:e. This was a wide ranging presentation
which really opened my eyes to what silica was and how
essential it really is in agriculture, as well as life in general.
Ideas in this talk ranged from the mineral and chemical
activities of silica in the cycles of growing plants to ancient
conceptions of releasing gnomes by crushing silica rock
and using it in BD preps.
Both Saturday and Sunday began with Eurythmy and
Speech exercises. The Speech exercises were quite enjoy-
able, as motion was incorporated at different times of a
statement to change the inflection. Eurythmy is a form of
exercise developed by Rudolf Steiner which incorporates
movement in harmony with language. The energies I felt
flowing through my limbs while doing Eurythmywere the
same as those aroused during Taoist yoga practice. It is my
impression that Eurythmy is a western internal art, and an
enjoyable one at that!
The Saturday morning lecture was by Michael Jost,
former Professor of Plant Pathology at Michigan State
University. This lecture delved into the types of silica and
how they are related to agriculture, including the silica
content of insects. There was some interesting informa-
tion on how the leaf angle of rice, a high silica plant, drops
with the lack of silica content. Michael also discussed the
cycles of the earth and how they are used to prepare
crushed silica crystals into the BD Prep 501. It is buried in
a silica-based cow hom during the summer when the earth
is asleep. This lecture also included a slide show on the
hom motif through the ages. There was one slide showing
an African compost heap with horns placed on top, as well
as many connections through mythologies of ancient civi-
lizations ranging from the Mediterranean through Chi-
nese unicorns to Polynesian phallus-horns. A very inter-
esting presentation.
I then went to the Practical Intro to B-D Farming
workshop. The leader, James Barausky, had lumps of clay
passed around so that people could work with their hands
while the information was being passed. James first went
through a chronology of Rudolf Steiner's works, showing
that the Agriculture lectures came near the end of his life,
when the practical fruits ofhis works were manifesting. He
spoke of the necessity of a relationship to cow manure in
developingaBD farm, and of meditating on the cycle of the
year. There were also discussions of the main mineral con-
stituents of the plant world and how they relate through
various intertwined polarities. There were many practical
ideas presented on what types of manures make the best
compost, as well as what to feed animals for proper nutri-
tion. This was a very good workshop as it delved into the
deep processes which are behind Dr. Steiner's agricultural
impulse, as well as getting down to the practical world of
Page 14, January-February 1990 The Journal oiBofdefiBnd Research
piling up the manure for compost and planting the seeds.
In theaftemoonlfirstwent to the Bio-Dynamics in the
Home Garden workshop. This was a very open workshop
where everyone first expressed the reasons they were there
and the information was then oriented toward the most
practical means of helping people advance in their work.
This covered many ideas, from what to plant to what to do
about fields that were previously treated with chemical fer-
tilizers. This also included a discussion of the making of
the BD Preps, and how to properly construct a compost
pile. The importance of the calendar was discussed, with
the Kimberton Hills Agricultural Calendar as a base. The
use oflunar rhythms was discussed on a practical level and
I enjoyed learning that all the plants called ''weeds" are
actually plants that are related to the lunar rhythms- they
germinate towards the full moon. By weeding just after a
full moon one will do much better than iftheyweed before.
I've since tried this since and it works! The calcium-- silica
polarity was discussed with their respective characteristics
in plant growth. For example, calcium is behind fleshy
plant growth, with big cells. It is related to earthly nourish-
ment. Silica forms the finer parts of plants, such as in
asparagus plants, and aids in seed forming. It is a cosmic
impulse. This ended with a discussion of how BD farming
and gardening was the least manipulative of viable agricul-
tural approaches.
From there I went to the Making and Understanding
the Equisetum and Silica Preparations with Hugh Court-
ney, who make the BD preps for the BD Association. This
covered what are known as BD preps 501 and 508. 501 is
crushed silica crystal which is buried ina cow hom over the
summertime. 508 is Equisetum Arvense, common horse-
tail, and is crushed, dried, and a tea is made from it.
Equisetum, when burned, produces about 99% silica in the
ash. As Rudolf Steiner gave basic ideas to follow there are
many opinions as to the exact procedures to follow and
there was some discussion of this at this, as well as the other
workshops. The answer was always the same - try it and
see, for BD is not an intellectual pursuit, but a means for
producing quality foods that will allow the human to grow
physically and spiritually. This workshop was very com-
prehensive and covered many ideas related to the use of
these two BD preps.
Hugh related an interesting anecdote on his work. He
related a certain spraying cycle of the BD preps he uses,
Barrel Compost, 508, 500, 501 and then a milk & honey
spray he uses to "seal" the others. This takes place over a
several day period and just about every time he goes
through the cycle it produces rain. I responded with my
experience of winds starting up about 15 minutes into the
vortexianstirring ofBD preps, winds that last up to an hour
after stirring. It only makes sense that if you are adding the
BD preps for balance of field and crop that nature herself
will respond with the necessary input. The name Viktor
Schauberger came up in this discussion and it was very
interesting to note that the people involved withBD, while
remaining focused on their work, are also well aware of
other happenings in the field.
Hugh related a bit of information which I felt was the
most important piece to emerge at this conference, which
was a most important event in itself. In Australia Alex
Podolinsky has been using ''prepared" 500 as a spray to
benefit the agriculture of that continent. In this workshop
Hugh discussed the following relationships: Asia/Austra-
lia is related to the cosmic polarity of our planet, which
makes 500, the earthly prep, the most..iJJ.lportant BD prep
for balancing agriculture in that area. Podolinsky's dec-
ades of success gives that view much merit. The Americas
are related to the earthly polarity so that a cosmic impulse,
given through BD prep 508, is greatly needed. Europe and
Africa are central, and Hugh related theBD preps 502-507
as the impulse needed there. Of course all the preps should
be used, but there is a major need on the American
continent for the cosmic impulse in agriculture. Hugh
calls the 508 the ''forgotten prep" and feels that its use
must become more widespread for agriculture to gain its
fullest potential Something struck me to the core when I
heard this, and I hope that alternative agricultural infor-
mation sources pick up on this. It should be noted that
there was no one from agricultural press at
this conference!
Saturday night Gunther Hauk gave his presentation
on The Plant in its Total Environment. rm notsurewhich
impressed me more- thecontentofthetalk or the manner
of presentation. Actually they were wrapped into one
impulse that was for me the high point of the conference.
Gunther discussed the form and color of the plant, the
etheric forces streaming from higher beings, and the ac-
tions of the elemental beings. He related the four ethers
with the gnomes, undines, sylphs, and fire beings. These
were discussed in a manner that one knew the presenter
had direct experience with his subject. The various facets
of nutrition and their actions on the diverse parts of the
bodywere presented. A very important point was brought
up, and that is that the agriculture of today gives us food
which provides for poor formation of the body and mind.
Steiner's impulse to agriculture was so that the higher
forces of the cosmos could stream through the human race.
This is not possible today due to the low quality of food.
The BD group makes sure that the children get the best
food, as they are the reason behind building for the future.
Gunther Haukalso gave a workshop on New Perspec-
tives on Beekeeping, which I didn't attend, but heard
reports on. I never gave this subject much thought, but
Rudolf Steiner gave a full lecture series on beekeeping.
Gunther told of how bees may not survive this century!
Steiner indicated this and it is becoming rapidly true.
Those of you with interests in this area should check this
Continued on following page ...
The Joumsl of Borderland Research January-February 1990, Page 15
Book Review
by Moray B. King, Paraclete Publishing
Box 859, Provo, Utah 84603
. Reviewed by A W. Rice
Mr. King holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and an
M.S. in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsyl-
vania and is presently employed in the engineering profession.
Obvious from reading his work Tappingthe Zero-Point Energy
he is also an avid researcher and master of the subject of free
energy and borderland science.
BD Conference continued ...
Sunday morning's lecture on Silica - Substance and
Process was by Dennis Klocek. This was another presen-
tation of a high order. I got so engrossed in this one that
I didn't take many notes. Dennis discussed the span of
existence for silica from the formations of mountains to
the life of plant and human. There are many types of silica
stone and they break down and are used in various ways by
nature. The silica process is an integral part oflifeon earth
and reacts with substance in many ways. This was a very
deep presentation of amazing clarity, and rm sure that
quite a bitofvaluableinformationis imbedded somewhere
within my subconscious mind, ready to be used sometime
in the future. This talk ended with a bit of discussion of
rock dust (silica) being used in agriculture.
After this there was a plenum on the conference theme
and it was a lively discussion of presenters and presentees.
Following that was the Annual General Meeting, and that
ended a most enjoyable conference.
This presenters at this conference held very tightly to
the theme. There was definitely an impulse from a higher
source manifesting through the many presentations. I
don't think this was intentional - everyone came to tell
what they knew on an individual basis - but it seemed
apparent to me while taking an overview after the event.
The presentations at this conference were not re-
corded or videotaped. In some ways this is a good idea.
One of the farmers in attendance told me he was against
recording these lectures because they really needed to be
carried in the heart. In my average state of mind there was
simply too much quality information to absorb at once
while considering the practical side I wished to put into
practice. I was literally stunned for days afterwards, con-
sidering the many ideas I heard, and I would love to watch
all of the lectures again. There is a great need for lectures
and presentations of this quality to be made available to a
wider audience, and I hope that the BD Association con-
siders this before next year's conference. On the other
hand, it is so much easier to not have the electronic world
absorbing the flows of energy coming through those pre-
senting, and this could potentially have a profound effect
on the subtle levels.
Oh, I forgot to mention the food - it was incredible!
The book consists of a compilation of nine of his essays
authored between 1976 and 1989, each concerning the theme
of zero-point energy and the non-random coherence of that
energy into usable form both by natural and artificial means .
There is some repetition from one essay to the next but in this
case that turns out to be a plus, especially for those of us who,
like myself, need to hear it several times before we get it
straight. Also much to its credit this 170 page book bas 54
pages of bibliography which can be a real treasure to the
serious researcher.
Anyone who bas looked into the r ~ energy literature
knows that there are many mysterious deviCes, schemes and
theories that allegedly obtain various energies from "etheric
spaces" and deliver them unto dedicated tinkerers and secret
government labs the world over. Well maybe.
Since we all know that the conservation of mass and
energy laws forbid the delivery of something for nothing the
obvious first question we ask is ''where does all this free energy
come from?" This is the question Mr. King answers in no
uncertain terms. He says the base source for virtually all
anomalous phenomena, especially the act of obtaining free
electromechanical power from ''thin air'' is something called
zero-point energy of ZPE for short. ZPE is submicroscopic
motion of point particles. It is everywhere, contained in all
space. There is a lot of it and it is so densely packed that is
measured in mass terms rather'than energy terms. It is stated
as being 109
grams per cubic centimeter or more than Barth
mass for each cubic millimeter. So much for the energy
The second question is how can we get at the ZPE and
transform it into energy of usable quality and quantity? Well
if you believe that energy has been obtained from sources
other than chemical or nuclear reaction then you can say that
researchers, past and present have shown many different
avenues to the tapping of ZPB. Many of the better docu-
mented cases of alleged free energy and antigravity are men-
tioned and discussed inlightoftheir possible common connec-
tion to the energy ''wellhead" of ZPB. Most notable is the
excellent essay on the Pons/Fleichmann cold fusion experi-
ment, an experiment that seems to have given many lesser
authors and publishers a rather nasty case of lock-jaw.
Also evident in the work is Mr. King's coherent cosmology
that suggests how the naturalgeometricstructureofspacecan
cause the ZPE of the quantum sea to become self organized
in a way that leads to the formation of atomic particles,
physical forces, and even life itself.
The only weak point I noted was that the aspect of time
and timic direction as it pertains to ZPE was not addressed.
Mr. King relies on a multi-dimensional hyperspace model toil-
lustrate and explain his subject and yet does not really say
which dimension is which or let on as to whether or not time
is included as one or more of these physical dimensions.
However he may have intended that the Einsteinian 40
concept of time should be applied without having to digress
into the subject of Relativity.
In summary I would say the ''Tapping the Zero-Point
Energy'' is one of the best ''New Physics" publications to date.
Get a copy now or wait for the second printing!
Page 16, January-February 1990 The Joumal of Botdelland Research
Book review:
by Ernst Lehrs
Introduction to a Spiritual Understanding of Nature
on the Basis of Goethe's Method of 7Taining Observation and Thought
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, ISBN 0-85440-430-9
Reviewed by Gerry Vassilatos
This most excellent text belongs in the library of every
serious researcher. Both a student of Dr. Rudolf Steiner
and himself a researcher, Ernst Lehrs represents an epoch
of alternative thought. In the brilliant clarity of his expo-
sition and the sheer breadth and scope of his great treatise,
we are elevated into a new realm of insight and inspiration.
Learning from his briefbiography that Lehrs was hired by
Steiner to teach science in the Stuttgart school, and I
myself a science teacher, I was startled into certain conclu-
sions. First, the freedom which was his to exercise opened
communication of truths he had culled from his Goethean
view of Nature must have been quite an experience for his
pupils. No doubt, these persons have become models and
sources of the living natural science which found expres-
sion under Steiner. Second, Lehrs himself must have
participated in the most lofty of the academic transporta-
tions while relating in such an open and frank manner with
those students. The freedom to express one's deepest
beliefs and practise them is indeed a rare privilege. Most
of the persons I know who are engaged in any form of
alternative thought and research must do so at the expense
of''their double-life." This is a sadly modem truth, that
persons educated and enlightened to these marvelous
truths ooncerning natmal phenomena, must support them-
selves very often in positions which contradict their beliefs.
As a teacher I may tell you that the public school curricu-
lum is simply a tool of the propagandists. Their aim is to
maintain dogma in the face of overwhelming rebuke. So
much has been learned in the alternative sciences that it is
not a wonder to me any longer why the truth must take to
the underground and be labelled as such. Ernst Lehrs was
bold the day he approached Dr. Steiner in conversation of
these facts, and wonderfully met by Steiner's unexpectedly
gracious response.
One of the most illuminating discourses, among the
many episodes in this text, dealt with the condition of
modem man. The why of our present position in scientific
''reasoning'' and "skepticism" was discussed in startling
depth. Just for the fact that Lehrs was the contemporary of
many of the legends of early etheric physics, makes this
valuable. He traced the history and steps which these early
researchers took in approaching natural experience. Theirs,
he pointed out, was to prove a vain quest even in the sight
of their wonderful findings. This was so, he says, because
of critical tlaws in perception. From the start man was
doomed to fall into a pattern of"onlooker-consciousness"
and not participant-experience. The record of this travel
through science history annotates the forgotten lore in
every field and of every major name revered. Why Sir
William Crookes began to investigiteovacuum discharge
phenomena after his dear brother's passing was an espe-
cially touching episode. The many nuances of any period's
developing thought is vital in our understanding the why
and how of our present problems. Indeed, this book is
another one of those treasure finds wherein we find heal-
ings of the psyche and a refreshing look at our own initial
quests. Oearly, the beautifully whole science of Natural
Energy and Manifestation common to many at the cen-
tury's tum, is ever-present in these pages. The numerous
lovely etchings reminds me of the many great works which
include those of Baron Von Reichenbach, Charles Fort
andJ. W. von Goethe. This latter luminary forms the great
basis for the poise and which Ernst Lehrs exhibits
so elegantly in this marvelous essay.
Many lost episodes of our modem position are cov-
ered in great detail, and this is to continue throughout the
writing of the book. Bibliography and cross-referencing is
very good for those of us, who as myself, are bibliomancers
of the arcane and the obscure. It is a quote of Sir William
Crookes' which probably coined the name of our own
journal, when the ''Borderland Science" of etheric trans-
formation was mentioned. A detailed account of these
discourses is made.
The author goes into wonderful detail concerning the
methods and foundations of the science of Goethe. In fact,
one finds a very profound bulk of the Goethean system of
perception-participation all too well outlined in good
perspective by an aficionado. Lehrs took his teachers' own
lessons to heart, becoming perhaps one of Goethe's own
best pupils. We are shown, in context, the method of
perceiving oounterspace and etheric 1brmative 1brces clearly
taught. The color theory of Goethe is mentioned in
relationship with many other phenomena, and Lehrs does
bring the theory into his contemporary viewpoint- which
is refreshing in giving the original essay even more force
and power than it already has. For, in the color theory of
Goethe, we find the marvelous detail which Newton's
prism-based notions lacked. And Lehrs is a brilliant and
good teacher. One feels the kindness which his pupils must
have enjoyed under his teaching. The total scope with
which weather phenomena and earth formations are brought
together in a lovely sweep proves the mastery of the author
both in the classroom and as a writer. Remember, the main
thrust of the treatise is to show a new mode of cognition,
The Joumal of Borderland Research January-February 1990, Page 17
and the wonder-filling healing promise which such a view-
point holds for its participants. The lesson to us, his
readers, is both to enjoy and partake. Lehrs made this an
easy thing in the common-sense language so typical of
Goetheandescriptives. Having been highly recommended
by the De Ia Warrs in England as well as by Mr. Trevor
James Constable indeed adds all the heavy weight in ob-
taining copies while they are to be found. Very often such
v.urks are almlutely im-
possible to find. Even
when located by other
bibliomanrers, the oos1S
are somewhat eye-open-
ing. At tbe present prim,
(US$24.95) this 530
page tome is also an ex-
cellent purchase.
ments of the things you hope to reach between lines, you
will realize the worth of this text. Though several topiaare
freely discussed in chapter after unbelievable chapter, yet
the lesson is marvelously one. And the lesson is taught as
if itself is an exercise in participation, not mere observa-
It is certainly hoped that other books of Ernst Lehrs
will turn up. His is as important a style and presence as
Steiner and as Goethe
before them both. One
must sit back and real-
ize that theirs was and
is a tradition of West-
em Mysticism. They
preserve the wondrous
joy which the European
alchemists shared in
their developing arts.
Seeing the glorious
wholeness of all of Na-
ture, while being part
of that unfolding drama
is our quest and goal.
We seek to find the
deeper wonders which
inner sight teaches us
from childhood's dawn.
Many of the items of
written and shared in
such texts. That others
have had the same ex-
. perience as each one of
us is a warmly glorious
sensation. Many of the
personal views
are again given fresh life
by Lehrs during the
reading of his descrip-
I highly recommend
thisteatoyou. AJong
with this, 1 also recom-
A very lengthy and
thorough desaiption of
the various ethers of
Steiner is given to us.
All the while, through-
out the entire length of
tbe book, Mr. Lehrs has
been teaching us both
howto par-
ticipate, and how to
experience understand-
ings concerning natu-
ral wonders. Even the
most ordinary seeming
items are made to fit
into a total world-view.
Even as Wagnerian
music is global in scope
and depth, so too is this
excellentworkby Ernst
Lehrs. Each paragraph
of the book has some
fresh insight for you.
Every page will cause realize some un-
expected thing, and may
in met oousolidate some
of)Uur loose-ends. The
writer, qualified and
sincere, leaves no stone
Plate n from Man or Matter showing the various cloud
modifications as Indicated by Luke Howard.
mend that you take
serious time to obtain
and study the books of
unturned. The conversation is easy to read, and is abso-
lutely filled with gems of every unexpected kind - seeing
that Lehrs was, himself, a treasure of learning. Teachers
such as these must be revered and studied. We cannot
hope to make advances when our own modes of knowing
are so frightfully admixed with the inert philosophy of
modem dead organized science. Whenever you have
looked through a science text, hoping to find clear state-
Goethe and Steiner,
which preserve the peculiarly wonderful tradition and feel
of another time. While we hope to find ourselves in their
paths oflearning during our own time, it is both a vital and
connective experience we gainwhilelookingback. We will
find our own errors being corrected by these good teachers
of ours. Their words live on in truth, abiding in the hearts
of those who cherish and honor the deep glories of truly
knowing Space and Earth.
Page 18, JBnUBIY-FebtUBIY 1990 The Jouma/ of Borderland Research
Workshop report:
with Walter and Rhetta Baumgartner.
November 3-S, 1989, Millbrae, California
This workshop came off quite well
Many of those in attendance came with
ideas of their own to share and many good
connections were made. After the end
early on Sunday evening there were many
satisfied people saying farewell
It began Friday, November 3rd, with a
lecture titled "A Survey Of Our Techno-
logical Impact Upon Our Planet AND
How We can Find Solutions To Our Cri-
sis." The first half, given by Rhetta was a bit
gloomy-it was a well put together state-
ment of our society's dangerous position.
The second half, given by Walter was quite
upbeat with an introduction to vortexian
concepts and how they can be manifested
using the ideas of Vlk:tor Schau berger and
Walter Russell
Schauberger worked with water in
many ways to harness its energy and to
allow it to act in its natural manner. He
developed water purification systems that
created natural spring quality "living'' wa-
ter. He also developed agricultural tools
made of copper, and designed to work the
soil in a natural fashion. Walter Russell, a
gentleman who had an incredible enlight-
enment into the nature of energy and mat-
ter earlier this century, developed a wave
mechanics for understanding the universal
action of the vortex.
Saturday began with a step-by-step
introduction to two polarities of motion -
centrifugal and centripetal. Following this
was a slide show going from microscopic
life, based on the vortex principle, to the
cosmicvortices of the galaxies. This led into
a talk, with models and slides, of Russell's
wave mechanics theories.
The afternoon brought on a more
hands-on aspect to the workshop when a
vortex bottle was passed around for all to
experiment with. It took a while for the
bottle to pass around the room as just
about everyone was noticing new nuances
which they had never noticed before in
vortex action. This led into a lecture on
"Water AsAUving Organism, Its Metabo-
lism, Characteristics, Its Importance As A
Carrier Of Ufe Force, Its Destruction And
Its Revitalization."
We then took a break and had a taste
ofVortexyaHealth Water, whichismadein
a device similar to Schauberger's "living
water'' devices. My impression of the water
was that of a mountain soda spring. It
tasted good and rd certainly like to do a bit
more experimentation with it. The com-
ments varied. Peter lindemann snuck an
extra glass and later told me that the water
energized him and livened him up.
The Vortexya device was then demon-
strated. It consists of an egg-shaped glass
vessel with a sealable cover. This cover has
a C0
injection valve and a pressure valve.
Distilled water is taken and trace minerals
are added. The water is pressurized with
the C0
and it is placed on a magnetic
stirring machine which creates a vortex in
the jar. This is run ina refrigerated environ-
ment for an hour or more and then served.
The oxygen in the C0
is released after
drinking giving the system more vital en-
ergy. Production considerations on the
Vortexya device are in progress and they
will be available soon.
After dinner came what I considered
to be the highlight of the workshop-The
Wasserfadden (Water Thread) Experi-
ment. I wasn't sure exactly what this experi-
ment was going to be, though I had read of
it previously in writings on Schau berger.
Basically it consists of two falling streams of
water placed about 18" apart. Each stream
passes through a copper sheet (or tlat coil
as the Baumgartners used) with a hole in
the center, and drops about three feet into
a small plastic bucket with a copper plate on
the inside bottom. The copper plate at the
bottom of one stream is connected via wire
to the plate or coil at the top of the other,
and vice versa. As soon as the streams
began to fall they would spread out and the
outer perimeters of the stream would begin
to levitate to the top plates. A hand placed
near the stream could feel an ion wind
moving upwards. What makes this more
interesting is that when you stick a ftuores-
cent tube into one of the streams it lights
upl If you touch one of the top plates you
will get a good shock.
This experiment, which was apparently
first developed by Lord Kelvin, shows very
interesting electro-static effects of water.
Usually electro-statics must take place un-
der extremely dry conditions. This is proba-
bly the same mechanism that gives us nega-
tive ions around waterfalls and crashing
waves. To see its energy potential, to hold a
gas tube in water and see it glow, is to see
the potential for a new technology.
Walter said that the San Fransiscoarea
water, which tastes of heavy chemical addi-
tives, did not produce as good of an effect as
did the artesian water they had used a week
or so previously at a workshop in Hawaii.
On the islands, with pure water, the tube
glowed incredibly bright. Quality definitely
has something to do with it.
Sunday started with a lecture: "De-
signing Machinery Based on Natural Prin-
ciples: Practical Applications Being Re-
searched For A New Fuel, New Power
Generators, Prime Movers, New Trans-
portation, and Propulsion Systems." This
covered a wide range of topics and included
a lot of questions from the audience on
practical avenues to pursue in realizing the
dream ofvortexian eJMqY.
There were two extra events thrown in
that made for a memorable workshop. The
first was a showing of a privately issued
video of Trevor James Constable's latest
work with rain engineering and pollution
control using vortexian technology. The
future vortexian technology could be seen
in practice today. This video went over big
with the group, and the room was full de-
spite the video being run during the second
half of the lunch hour.
After that we were treated to a lecture
by Jake Possell, a man who has done an
incredible amount of work upgrading the
turbine and pump conceptions of Nikola
Tesla into a viable technology. The Possell
pumps can pump just about anything
vaguely related to liquid, including the
heaviest weight crude oils, while possessing
the finesse to pump live fish without harm.
It was a pleasure to have such a dedicated
pioneer come in person and talk about the
latest happenings. Many questions were
fielded during this period and we were all
pleased to find this technology becoming
more and more available. Tbanks for
coming Jakel Those interested in the Pas-
sell pumps can get more information from
Energy Unlimited, Box 493, Magdalena
NM 87825, (SOS) 854-2634.
The afternoon finished with a short-
ened program on Vortexian Agriculture,
Pollution Control, Waste Water and Sew-
age Treatment devices. After that the
conversations went on till everyone had to
make for the home front. All in all an
enjoyable and informative weekend and
Walter & Rhetta are to be commended for
their dedication to spreading this wealth of
There are two Vortexian Mechanics
Workshops coming up. FirSt is in Tampa,
Florida, on March 9-11, 1990. For infor.
mation on this one contact Tom Taylor at
theE.U. Workshop#(319)732-3121. The
second will be in Los Angeles, April 6-8,
1990 and is sponsored by BSRF (contact
BSRF for info). The cost for these 3 day
workshops is $175.
The Joumal d BordetiBnd Resesrch January-February 1990, Page 19
Free Energy/ You\re heard about it. You\re wished
you had some. rve told you that this column is going to
explore it. So you may ask, "Where is it"? Where's all
the free energy?
Well, Pm going to tell you. Since the BSRF labora-
tory is not funded it's up to all of us individually. All you
experimenters who built ball-bearing motors, checked
out the neutral-line on your magnets or dropped spin-
ning balls, you and I are going to build a free energy ma-
chine in 1990. In this article and in the5 thatfollowitthis
year, you and I are going to explore every detail of how
to build a self-running de-
vice that gains all its energy
from the natural environ-
This exploration will
look very carefully at the
laws of action and reaction,
motion, conservation, effi-
ciency, loss, friction, the
problems encountered by
past experimenters, theolB,
mathematical formulas and
calculations as well as the
art of taking accurate meas-
urements. No laws will be
broken and no stone will be
left untumed.
There are two kinds of
help we need the most. The
first is people who will think
and actually do original
experiments, using the sci-
entific method, and report
them to us. The second is
people who will honestly
critique the reports for sci-
Without drawing out the suspense too much further, the
device will be a self-actuating water turbine powered by
gravitational and centrifugal forces.
I first enanmtered tim roucept #8 of ENERGY
UNLIMITEDmagazine edited by Walter Baumgartner.
The device is called '"The Messias Machine" and is the
invention ofAl-Masih Daruish Al-Khoos, a Syrian man
born in 1926.
The basic idea is pictured here in the top drawing.
Water in an upper reservoir (A) falls in the gravity field
through pipe (B) to tum
turbine (C) and end up in
the lower reservoir (D). The
water is then returned to its
of RoTA7ioN
former high potential by
travelling up the inner sur-
face of rotating cone (E) by
the action of centrifugal
i>rre, moving from the Jo\\er
reservoir (D) up to the upper
reservoir (A) to start the
cycle again.
No one has built a self-
running device on tim
concept that I know of. No
patents were ever filed to
my knowledge. The con-
cept is in the public domain.
Since our project has
obvious similarities to a clas-
sical perpetual motion
drawings of two of them,
based on the endless water-
wheel concept. Both draw-
ings date back to 1618 and
entific aa:uracy. Hopefully,
some skeptical, yet sympa-
thetic scientists and engi-
neers will fill this role for us.
were the idea of an English
physician named Robert
Fludd. As you will notice, a
On this stage, I present the project for the year.
Since the device is a machine, it will have losses. So I
have decided that our project should have minimum
losses so that our energy gained from the environment
may also be small. To accomplish this I have decided on
a purely mechanical, hydraulic concept that has no elec-
trical or magnetic forces in the primary energy cycle.
waterwheel is used to con-
vert the downward cycle of the water to mechanical
motion in both designs. In the first drawing, the
Archimede's screw is used on the upward cycle of the
water, and in the second drawing, the water is raised in a
tube containing a chain with wooden disks mounted on
it. In both cases, mechanical work is required to raise the
water against gravity since only gravity, friction and
Page 20, January-February 1990 The Joums/ of Botrletland R8S881Ch
mechanical efficiencies of the waterwheel are involved.
Since gravity supplies all the energy gained in the fall of
the water, simply reversing the process, minus frictional
losses, represents no gain so that these systems cannot
In our design, gravity is used on the downward cycle
to supply rotation of a turbine. Our return path, or
upward cycle is what is of significance here. Rotation
supplies us with anew force
that we are going to har-
ness. This force is centrifu-
Thus, two natural forces can be harnessed to pro-
duce work in our device where the fundamental motion
is conserved and all we have to do is overcome the fric-
tion. The one moving part, an integrated turbine and
rotating cone can be suspended in powerful permanent
magnet powered magnetic bearings to reduce the rolling
friction to near zero. The only losses then would be air
friction against the cone and water friction where the
non-movingwater meets the
bottom of the rotating cone
gal force. By rOtating a Mtllrace
conical surface, where the
in the reseiYOir.
Since these water and air
dmg factors are pretty small,
the main design parameters
become: how high must the
rotating cone be to produce
a sufficient head of water to
drive the turbine at opera-
tional speeds? Given some
turbine efficiencies, the rest
should be predictable by
mathematical calculation.
lower radius is shorter than
the upper radius, we can
harness centrifugal force to
push the water back up along
an inclined plane. This situ-
ation is fascinating to pon-
der. Since centrifugal forces
inaeasewith both the square
of the speed of rotation and
the radius, the force on the
water at the top of the cone
is even greater than at the
bottomofthecone. Thisar-
rangement is capable of
raising water to any height
that is reasonably practi-
cable. The only energy re-
quired to do this is the en-
ergy required to bring the
rotating cone up to operat-
ing speed and that required
to overcome the frictional
losses to maintain that speed.
Since the bulk of the energy
is conserved in a flywheel
action, and since mechani-
cal force is not required to
lift the water, the upward
and downward flow of wa-
ter should be able to mutu-
ally support each other to cause a continuous action.
"Energy'' is defined as the ability to do work and
"work" is defined as that which occurs when a "force"
acts upon a "mass" to move it a certain "distance." The
simplified formula for this is W=FXD or Work equals
Force times Distance. No one will argue that I can
produce a positive work output harnessing the falling
gravity potential of the water with my turbine. Also no
one should argue that I can produce a positive work
output harnessing the rising centrifugal potential of the
water moving on my rotating cone from a shorter radius
to a longer radius.
To get things started, I
bought an 8" plastic funnel
at a kitchen supply store and
attached a small shaft to it
so I could rotate it with my
hand drill. With the help of
a friend, a motor speed
control, a strobe type ta-
chometer and a bucket of
water, I was ready to start.
Rotating the funnel with
its bottom immersed in the
bucket of water, demon-
strated the rollowing effects.
At 210 RPM, water began
spilling over the top of the
plastic funneL The article
suggested that the surface
texture of the rotating cone
might also make a differ-
ence. So with that in mind, I lined the inside surface of
my funnel with wet newspaper. Sure enough, the new ar-
rangement had water spilling out the top at 170 RPM
Next, we checked some flow rates. At 170 RPM, the
rotating cone delivered 6 oz. of water to the top in 1
minute. Next, we increased the speed 50% to 255 RPM
At the new speed, the rotating cone delivered 18 oz. of
water to the top in 1 minute, a 300% increase.
OK, that's enough. Now it's time for you to get
wet ... .I mean involved. Borderland hosts its First Inter-
national Congress in June 1990, rd love to see a working
model there from one of our associates. Let's get busy!
The Joum8/ of BotrletiBnd Research January-February 1990, Page 21
This issue marks the 45th anniversary of publication of
this Journal// It has gone through definite changes over the
years, both in physical make-up and in philosophy of content.
Both are inevitable to a growing organism, and while the
physical production techniques must strive to keep pace with
the times, the drive for materials in this journal
must be ahead of, and strive to set, the pace of the times. At
45 our organization looks not to the past, but to the future.
The term "borderland" is used in several ways, but has
one main definition in our context. Meade Layne used
borderland to designate the area of contact with the unseen
spiritUal forces. Color forms on the border between white and
blackwhen viewed tl:.:tougha prism, indicating that the forma-
tion of color is a borderland phenomenon. Borderland has
also been used to designate "fringe science" types of ideas.
Fringe science is oriented toward ideas that are generally
incapable of being understood by the mainstream, and gener-
ally works with unseen and unknown energies and activities.
This is in accord with the maincontextualdefinitionl use. The
border we speak of is the border which separates the seen from
the unseen, the ponderable from the imponderable, the physi-
cal from the spiritual, the known from the unknown.
We have borders above to the cosmos and borders below
going into the earth. These have been probed for millennia
with the imagination, but have only been probed in the
physical over the last few decades through great efforts of
technology. Our rockets into space have begun to cross the
physical barriers to our environment on the surface of this
planet, and this may have severe consequences which are yet
to be realized. Drilling probes into the deep earth have been
done in various places on this globe, but going down deep into
dense matter is a bit harder than going up. Of course the
caverns of the world offer deep world entrances, and the lore
of caves leaves us with many mysteries of the unknown.
So in borderland research these borders can be crossed,
and what is beyond them perceived, in many ways, physically,
mentally and spiritually.
Psychic research is one direction. Developing c1airvoy-
ance does not mean that one can "see" thing which are not
visible to others, but they are able to see that which is before
their very eyes without the conceptual blockages inherent in
our current status quo consciousness. It is a higher state of
awareness where sight comes through not only the eyes but
through the whole being through the activities of the devel-
oped imagination.
For an example let us consider pJant life. In most cases
there is the seed, the young stages of the leaves, the flowering
and fruiting. At which stage can you say ''this is the pJant, this
is the whole of the pJant?" The pJant is a temporal phenome-
non and the physical pJant we see on any given day shows the
growth state and condition of the temporal being behind it at
that point in time. To understand the whole of the pJant one
must study its entire life cycle and its interactions with its
universal environment. When one can see the metamorpho-
sis of form being driven by the flow of cosmic events then one
can begin to approach the basic of the etheric
world, for the etheric world is a temporal one. So our
clairvoyance in this field is not one of seeing something that is
not visible to all, but in seeing what is truly there to anyone
with the insight. This type of sight comes through thorough
observation of, and contemplation on, natural phenomena
with the use of the imagination and intuition. Directly related
to this higher sense of seeing is the visual ray experiments such
For many years borderland researchers used mediumsbip
to obtain answers from the beyond. Meade Layne relied
heavily on the information gained from the ''Inner Circle", a
group of cmembodied entities cbanneDtrl through Mark Probert.
In those early days ofBorderland Sciences the use of mediums
was not as it is today. Meade Layne and others would go to the
Inner Circle to ask questions and bounce ideas around. They
were probing and questioning. Riley Crabb built on much of
this material to pursue research into the occult connections of
the flying saucer mysteries.
Page 22, January-February 1990 The Joumal of Botrlelland Research
Today people go to channels to relieve themselves of
responsibility for their future. They allow their spiritual
growth to be determined by disembodied souls, entities whose
general story seems to be, "I am here to help you, let me take
over your mind and speak through your lips (and dig in your
wallet!)." Some help! This is not really a pathway to higher
states of consciousness, though it is a pathway across the
But clairvoyance, without proper orientation in the uni-
verse, can lead one to pursue false paths. A classic example of
this is the occult chemistry of Theosophist Charles Lead-
beater. Leadbeater was able to discern the atomic and suba-
tomic structures of elemental matter through his clairvoyant
vision-he would isolate an element from nature, slowdown its
activity psychokinetically, and view its structure. Modem
research with high energy accelerators bas shown Leadbeater
to be on cue, and there can be no doubt that he had deep
insight, but his orientation was that of modem science in these
researches and that orientation bas left us with a world full of
problems. What is interesting is the polarity of action against
nature present in these thoughts. Leadbeater, with his inter-
nal volitional force, slowed down the materials and the mod-
em scientists, with their electrically driven atom smashers,
speed the matter up.
Rudolf Steiner had several pertinent comments about
this orientation:
"Spiritual Science always tries to look into the effects of
living things on a large scale. It does not pry into the minute
and microscopic, for that is not the most important. It does
not primarily concern itself with the conclusions which are
drawn from the minute-from microscopical investigations.
To ome:tve circumferenre ci.Nature's
workings-that is the task of Spiritual Science. But we must
first know how to penetrate into these wider workings of
''What does science do nowadays? It takes a little plate
and lays a preparation on it, carefully separates it off and peers
into it, shutting off on every side whatever might be working
into it. We call ita 'microscope.' It is theveryoppositeofwbat
we should do to gain a relationship to the wide spaces. No
longer content to shut ourselves off in a room, we shut
ourselves off in this microscope-tube from all the glory of the
world. Nothing must now remain but what we focus in our
field of vision. By and by it bas come to this: scientists always
have recourse, more or less, to their microscope. We, how-
ever, must find our way out again into the macrocosm. Then
we shall once more begin to understand Nature-and other
things too."
Electrical research is another area of prime borderland
research. While the term "occult" puts many people off, it
1. AGRICULWRE -A Course of Eight Lectures by Rudolf
Steiner, Given at Koberwitz, Silesia, June 7-16, 1924, Bio-Dy-
namic Association, London, 1958
should be realized that electricity is an occult foroo whose
effects we only see when equipment is properly engineered.
Four to five hundred years ago one would probably be burned
at the stake if it would have been possible for them to demon-
strate electrical devices.
Electricity is considered by some to be a degraded form of
the Light Ether, that the etheric force gets bound up in matter
in a way that it can be used. But being bound up in matter it
provides mankind with the option of using it properly or
improperly. Many articles on the detrimental effects of elec-
tric fields have been published, andmore_ltpdies are no doubt
underway on this important topic. There are also some
records of electro-therapeutic devices that used this force for
healing. Teslaenvisioned a worldwide electrical power system
and did the basic testing to show himself that it was viable, and
needed but to be built. Tesla was a man of great intellect and
was a reader of Goethe and other great minds. One would feel
that he was in some way familiar with Goethes Farbenkhre
(color theory). The type of electricity being sent around our
globe on wires is of a different, lower form that that ofTesla's
transmission of electricity without wires. It is quite possible
that Teslas electricity was of a beneficial nature. Tesla did
research into electro-therapeutics and was no doubt aware of
both beneficial and detrimental effects. With the power
system he envisioned on line, we may not have ended up with
the electrical problem we arejust beginning to see the ''tip of .
. the iceberg" of.
This point needs clarification and elaboration beyond
what most people now imagine. We periodically mention
certain aspects of Dr. Lilly Kolisko's experiments with the
crystallization of metallic salts rising contra gravity. These
experiments were done to establish whether or not the planets
bad any direct connection to the metals as alchemical lore
The connections they investigated are Gold-Sun, Silver-
Moon, Mercury-Mercury, Copper-Venus, Iron-Mars, Tin-
Jupiter, Lead-Saturn. For example Dr. Kolisko would take a
gold chloride solution (1%) and allow a portion of it in a
laboratory dish to climb a segment ofblotter paper. As it dried
the fine details of crystalline form could be seen. After many
experiments the characteristic form of each metal's salt could
be understood. It was scientifically established that the actions
of cosmic bodies would have direct effects upon the crystalliz-
ing actions in the lab. Gold chloride would not crystallize
properly during several solar eclipses that Dr. Kolisko re-
ported on (1927, 1947). A darkening effect was noticed on
these slides.
Just recently I came across this in the recollections of Dr.
RudolfHauschka, founder ofWala Pharmaceuticals: ''In the
course of researches into the delicate changes in matterwhich
are revealed in the capillary-dynamic method, an alarming
symptom came to the fore. At one of the Easter conferences
of the Anthroposophical Doctors' Working Group in Com-
burg in 1964, Frau Kolisko, the past-master of the capillary-
dynamic method, spoke on 'Gold and the Signs of the Times.'
In earlier years she bad demonstrated by means of the Steigbild
(literally rising pictures, also known as chromatograms) the
connections between the metals and the planets, and in
The JoumaJ of Borderland Research January-February 1990, Page 23
particular the effect on gold of an eclipse of the sun. During
an eclipse of the sun the gold Steigbild which normally glows
with beautiful colors, shows a darkening and the emergence of
grey formations. Frau Kolisko now showed a series of gold
Steigbild produced in the Jast years almost hourly and at an
times of the day and of the year. Without exception an of them
showed the same sinister dark formations which had appeared
earlier, in the first half of the century, only at the time of a sun
eclipse. She closed her lecture with a question to the doctors,
namely whether, considering the change now in gold, they
could still be answerable for its
electrical treatment of animal fodder:
"You must considerthewholepart played by electricity in
Nature to the effect that human beings cannot go on
developinginthesamewayinanatmosphere permeated on an
sides by electric currents and radiations. It has an influence on
the whole development of man. This is quite true; man's inner
life will become different if these things are carried as far as is
now intended. It makes a difference whether you simply sup-
ply a certaindistrictwithsteam-engines or electrify the railway
lines. Steam works more consciously, whereas electricity has
an appaJ.IinH unconscious in-
use as a medicine. There was no
doubt about it: since the middle
of the century gold had become
different - it was sick. Or, to
express it differently, the connec-
tion between the spheres of the
sun which stream down and the
metal which they permeate is dis-
fluence; peopfe simply do not
know where certain things are
coming from. Without a doubt
there is a trend of evolution in
following directDn. Consider
how electricity is now being used
above the earth as radiant and as
conducted electricity, to carry the
news a quickly as possible from
one place to another. This life of
men in the midst of electricity,
notably radiant electricity, will
presently affect them in such a
way that they will no longer be
tibJe to umersmm the mws '\\bm
the receive so rapidly. The effect
is to damp down
Such effects are already to be
seen today. Even today you can
notice how people understand
the things that come to them
with far greater difficulty than
they did a few decades ago.
The main culprit in this sick-
ness of earthly matter is none
other than the electrical environ-
ment that has manifested on this
planet Certainly there were radio
oommJmimtions going during Dr.
Koliskos early experiments, but
as this chart from Trevor
LIFE shows, the post WWII
environment WdS heavy with these
sigDak, culminating in tcxlay's total
saturation point Imagine what
the Steigbild would have shown
in previous centuries before the
electrical force began its mani-
"It is a remarkable fact that
as a rule in the early stages it is
heralded as a remedy-a means of
Entire planetary environment penneated WIUl pulsed electro-
magnetic radiation- an unprecedented condition.
Nuclearproliferationmust also be considered as adding to
this phenomenon, but electricity is the degraded form of the
light ether, whose source the sun is related to gold. Walter
Russell, inATOMIC SUICIDE, indicates that the spread of
nuclear energy will destroy the atmosphere surrounding this
planet and now scientists are scratching their heads as the hole
in the planetary ozone layer gets larger. (Of course chlo-
rofluorocarbons and New Zealand sheep farts have an been
blamed for the ozone depletion, but nuclear energy is the
primary cause.) This atmospheric destruction could well aid
in cutting off gold from its cosmic wellspring of life.
Rudolf Steiner had many insights into the true nature of
electricity, its relationship to humanity and its role in our
future. Pertinent to the matter at hand let us consider the
following remarks, a portion of his answer to a question about
2 AT TilE DAWN OF A NEW AGE by Rudolf Hauschka,
Steiner Book Center, N. Vancouver, Canada, 1985
healing Then the prophets get
hold of it It is strange, where a new thing appears, clairvoyant
perception is often reduced to a very human level! Here is a
man who makes an sorts of prophecies about the healing
powers of electricity, where no such thing would previously
have occurred to him. Things become fashionable! No one
was able to imagine healing people by electricity so long as
electricity was not there. Now-not because it is there, but
because it has become the fashion- now it is suddenly pro-
claimed as a means of healing Electricity-applied as radiant
electricity-is often no more a means of healing than it would
be to take tiny little needles and prick the patient an over with
them. It is not the electricity-it is the shock that has the
healing effect.
''Nowyou must not forget that electricity always works on
the higher organization, the head-organization both of man
and animal; and correspondingly, on the root-organization in
the plant It works very strongly there. If. you pour electricity
through the fcxxBtuffs-JOu aeate :fi:xxktu1Is which will gradu-
ally cause the animal that feeds on them to grow sclerotic. It
Page 24, January-February 1990 The JoumaJ of BotrJedand Research
is a slow process; it will not be observed at once. Electricitywill
not at first be recognized as the cause; it will be ascribed to an
manner of other things.
''Electricity, once and for an, is not intended to work into
the realm of the living-it is not meant to help living things
especially; it cannot do so. You must know that electriclty is
at a lower level than that of living things. "3
How pertinent and timely these words are today on many
leve1s of borderland research. Electrical/electronic medicine
has the glamorous position on stage at most of the confer-
ences, and in many people's minds, in today's 'borderland'
field. People are racing to buy instruments which are designed
by electronic engineers with little or no training in the compre-
hensive constitution of humans. It is the fashion/ There is no
consideration that true healing comes from the spiritual
realms, that the spirit is always healthy, and that dis-ease
comes from a condition where the various subtle leve1s of the
body are not aligned properly with the physical.
These electrical instruments have the potential to work
on many people to treat symptoms. Butwhatofthe long term
effects of the subsensible electric current? Considering the
alarming state of affairs viewed through the information just
presented I pose the question to the reader, ''Do you prefer
the natural or the unnatural forms of treatment?" Many
people flock to electronic medicine because they feel that the
petro-chemical drugs that are prescribed by the medical estab-
lishment are detrimental to their long term health. Very
possibly so, but will electricity be any better? What about your
own vital energy and its relation to cosmic life forces?
Electrical stimulation of the body treats a symptom and
fails to allow for the body's natural healing process. As
electricity is an externalized partofhumanity's inner volitional
force we can see that there will be definite effects from the
subsensible current. But the effects will be relative and the
inner healing process put on secondary mode. Electro-
therapy, while emerging as a viable medicine of the future, still
ignores the natural healing process.
This does not mean that we should not research electro-
therapy. In what may seem a contradiction to many readers,
I am 100% for further research into this area. It will no doubt
be of benefit to many. Our relationship with electricity is one
of the greatest questions of our time. People unconsciously
use this force, and the results are such as those noted by Lilly
The researches of Leon E. Beman and Wilhelm Reich
provide a solid ground for research into balancing and aligning
the human vital force with the physical body. Beman worked
with connecting opposite polarities of the body in order to
overcome and get around energetic blockages. Dr. Reich
worked with an innovative technique of therapy and massage
that he developed in order to 'unarm.or' the human, release
the blockages. Dr. Reich also developed the orgone accumu-
lator, based on his discovery of a mass-free atmospheric life
energy. The use of Dr. Reich's orgone accumulators was not
3. see footnote 1
reoommemed around electrical appJiances, fluorescent Jights,
X-ray tubes and the like because they were life-negative. In
light of Dr. Lilly Kolisko's forboding discovery of the status of
gold we must reconsider the wide-6ca1e usage of orgone
accumulators. They concentrate the energy that is there, and
we must consider its current status.
LB. Beman did many experiments with 'substance cir-
cuits', that is circuits of wire connecting polarities of the body
in which substances are inserted. J. Cecil Maby, who partici-
pated in many of Beman's experiments, insisted on using a
high-frequency con in the circuit. Beman relented, and could
identify the substances -they wm: coming tbrough the elec-
trified circuit -but he got much clearer and stronger indica-
tions from the simple copper wire circuits he developed.
With our present world condition in mind we must con-
sider the appropriate individual paths to take in researching
the borderlands. The ancient cultures of this planet were in
tune with the cosmic forces as well as the earthly forces. Our
present culture has cut off the cosmic forces, as is ominously
evident in Lilly Kolisko's 1964 report, and has twisted its use
of the earthly forces- merely taking what it wants with no al-
lowance for the renewal of the planetary life force.
So the square has taken over and the circle made subser-
vient. Modem architecture sJlows the square overtly, with
happenstance circles not tied iil according to the old cannons
of measure. Ancient architecture built in harmony with earth
and sky and this is now being used in our present world by a
scant few aware souls. The circle and the square must be in
harmony polar op}Qites, rhythmk:ally amying Jiving ilrces,
and not in conflict with each other as in our present situation.
So in borderland research we must again strive to recon-
nect with the cosmic bearings which bring the constant re-
newal of life and the inteDectual impulses of a higher order.
This can be done through many means and this Journal is in
existence as a medium of exchange for these manifold ideas.
Ancient cultures have left us many mysteries and these
must be investigated to allow our developed imagination to
build a complete world picture. Energy researches must be
carried on to investigate the beneficial and detrimental effects
of the electrical forces on one hand, and the development and
use of equipment that will tap the higher forces on the other.
Tied in directly with that are the conceptions of electro-
therapy, but we must consider that research important but
secondary to research into the subtle energies such as radion-
ics, homeopathy, radiesthesia and dowsing. Plant metamor-
phosis must be studied as an overallkeyto the ethericsciences.
UFOs, the perichoresis of our modem world view, must be
looked at from many angles, keeping in mind that they are
phenomena on the horizon line of our sensory capacities.
And thus Bol'tb'Jand c i e n c e s ~ Foundamn JDOYeS
into the future. With our feet on the earth, and our eyes
toward the cosmos we ask you to think for yourself and
attempt the same. This work requires one great task, the com-
plete reorientation and continued growth of your world view.
Those who are capable of going in that direction are ready for
advancement. And it is for them that this Journal exists.
The JoumaJ d Botr:Jedand Research January-February 1990, Page 25
The B.S.R.F. Bulletin Board is a section for Letters, Reviews, Events, Contacts & other useful information for
Borderland Members to aid in their researches. We encourage BSRF Members to submit contributions & infor-
mationto B.S.R.F. Bulletin Board, PO Box429, Garberville CA 95440. Letters should be addressed to LETTERS
TO THE EDITOR, c/o the above address. .
"First I must express my deepest gratitude for your very,
very precious Journal! Every issue has something new and
interesting. I am sorry not being able to send money, your
magazine is fully worthy thereof.
"Secondly, I would inform you that the article BREAD
FROM STONES has fascinated me and my acquaintance
whom I translated this article for. He is an agriculture
specialist, is industrially growing useful earthworms for mak-
ing humus and is very interested in all other modem methods
of improving agriculture.
"This information on stone fertilization is so important
because it can cause a true revolution in agriculture, especially
here in Poland. therefore we both are asking you to help us
kindly as you can in following matters: (because you are so
widely oriented in all matters as it is seen from your articles
V.ew from the Borderlands):
1 )where can one buy:
a) the full edition of BREAD FROM STONES?
b) Samson Morgan's book CLEAN CULTURE?
2) where can one get more information on earthworm
growing for industrial purposes, is there any literature on the
3) What are sources of 'Natural Agriculture', Viktor
Schauberger's methods, etc., etc.
4) Perhaps Mr. Raymond Bernard could kindly contact
me thereon and on more in modem agriculture methods.
5) Are there any international meetings on earthworms
growing and similar matters?
"Please understand, that my acquaintance, Mr. Wilk, can
become an initiator and pioneer of such revolutionary meth-
ods in Poland through this Stone Meal fertilizer because he
wants to make at once practical experiments thereon and
inform the whole country about his results. So do not hesitate
to help him as possibly you can.
''With great gratitude, reverence for your total informa-
tional activity and Love,"
Bohdan Spolitakiewicz
Sopot, Poland
It naturally makes us feel very good here that the informa-
tion that we are putting out is being taken and put immP!Jiately
to use. We wish you and your fellow workers many blessings,
as we see on the "news" here the many changes sweeping
central Europe. A revolution in agriculture is necessary
worldwide, and rock dust remineralization is a vital key. I
would also recommend thatyoucheckinto European sources
for Bio-Dynamic farming information, as it can be used in
complete harmony with the stone meal fertilizer, and is really
an all inclusive method of running a farm organism. Bio-
Dynamic compost draws many earthworms from the earth
into its activity sphere.
Also, Walter &RhettaBaumgartnerofBnergy Unlimited
are actively pursuing Schauberger's agricultural methods and
are presenting them in their their newsletter
CAUSES. Perhaps you could find further sources in Europe.
We hear that UVING WATER, an excellent book about
Schauberger, is being reworked for a new edition.
I don't have any current information on earthworms, but
some of our readers may have that information and will send
it in so it can be printed in future journals.
published by Health Research, PO Box 70, Mokelumne Hill,
California, 95245, and are also available through BSRF.
Raymond Bernard has beendeadmanyyears, I don't recall the
exact story now. It was through the tremendous work of Dr.
R.G. Wilborn of Health Research that his works, as well as
many others, have remained available for researchers.
"After reading your articles about Michael Heleus' As-
tronics work, I decided to consult with him and see what his
system was all about. My first conversation on the phone
turned out to be very interesting. He played a couple of tones
over the phone and I began to feel some very strong sensations
in my body. The first sensation I felt was a strong energetic
feeling that pulsed through my legs. I also had a pressure build
up inside my head and Michael instructed me to listen to the
tone and the feeling released. This initial contact impressed
me so much that I decided to start the Astrosonics personal-
ized program.
"The first tape that Michael sent me re1ated to astrologi-
cal sexti1es and trines that were present in my horoscope.
After using this tape several days I began to experience quite
a bit of light that appeared in my meditations and whenever
eJse I closed my eyes. This light was not there previous to using
the tapes. I also began to have quite a few body sensations
come up while using the tapes. There were several types of
sensations, a light tingling on the surface of the body, a muscle
twitching in various parts of the body, contraction and release
of large muscles in the body and sometimes sharp and dull
painful sensations would arise. MichaelHeleus had instructed
me to just keep my attention on the sensations while listening
to the tape and usually within a short period of time the
sensations would stop. My interpretation of these feelings in
that the tapes stimulate energy in the body and also cause the
body to release tension, trauma and stored blocks held within
the body caused by both physical and psychological problems.
"The Astrosonics tapes also appear to me to duplicate a
couple of the inner sounds that theshabtyogasystem (yoga of
light and sound) trains its practitioners to hear while meditat-
Page 26, January-February 1990 The JoumaJ at BotrJetland Research
ing. These sounds are quite unusual and I have never heard
them reproduced in the outer world. My experience with this
yoga system is limited and Astrosonia may produce a whole
variety of these inner sounds. I am also experiencing a shift in
attitude regarding some of the issues that are in my life. These
so far are subtle shifts and I will need more time to evaluate
them as I have been using the tapes just several months. I can't
quite tell exactly what is happening but I do know that some-
thing is changing psychologically for me.
''I have explored quite a few systems of transformation
from therapy to different yoga systems and other types of
healing. So far I have foundAstrosonia to be one of the most
powerful and innovative tools that I have been able to experi-
ence. It is still too early for me to evaluate all of the benefits
of Astrosonia and I am really looking forward to experiment-
ing with Michael Heleus' work in the future. Thank you for
presenting his work in The Journal of Borderland Research."
Sincerely, Mike Mohoric, Reno, Nevada
It is always good to get feedback on the materials we
present. I feel that Michael Heleus has done some very
important work, and that is why it appeared in this Journal.
We have also received other reports from people who have
contacted Michael One person told me that during his first
phone conversation some of the tones were played. 'That
person had a spontaneous out-of-the-body experience! I
myself have had some interesting, and lengthy, talks with
Michael, and the tones definitely produce unexpected and
interesting effects. BSRF sells a video on ASTROSONICS
and Michael Heleus can be contacted directly at: 160 Wash-
ington SE #167, Albuquerque NM 87108, (505) 865-3169.
This is a list of materials received for review. BSRF
members who would like to do longer reviews of these
can contact BSRF for more information.
ELSEWHEN, The Official Newsletter of the Temporal
Anomaly Research Association, PO Box20173, Keizer, OR
97307-1073. We've received the introductory issue and while
the first is small it look promising and very interesting. A
partial list of the subjects to be covered are: Time Travel &
Time Warps; Lake Monsters & Sea Serpents; Bigfoot; Crypto-
zoologicalSpecimens; Ghosts; Vampires; UFO's and USO's;
Lost Civilizations & Technologies; Mystery Spots & Vortices;
Out-of-pJare Artifacts; IInpaWbJe Fossm; Spontaneous Human
Combustion; Scandals & conspiracies; Survival ofDinosaurs;
and ..... .!I Looks good. $6/year ( 4 issues) in US; $8/year in
Canada; $10/year elsewhen, I mean elsewhere.
CA 94530, ISBN 0-9621855-0-7, $10.95. This well done little
book is probably the best book readily available for people
interested in researching orgone accumulators, devices devel-
oped by Wilhelm Reich, and their effects. This new edition has
a very brief forward by Eva Reich and an author's preface. In
the preface and on the advertising mailers Jim states that ''In
a court decision unique in American history, his (Wilhelm
Reich's) books were ordered burned by the U.S. Federal
government in 1957". This decision was not unique because
about a decade earlier the books and equipment of Dinshah
Pestanji Ghadialiwere ordered burned by the courts. The bulk
of this book is excellent material covering a wide range of
information. The discovery of orgone energy and its relation
to other unusual energies discovered by scientists are covered,
especially the work of Dayton Miller who showed tbat the
Michelson-Morely experiments, rather tbandenying the exis-
tence of an ether, actually led to the discovery of a d:ynamk:
ether with effects in harmony with Dr. Reich's findin&' on the
orgone. This is followed by a lengthy n o n the safe and
effective use of orgone accumulating devices. The third
section is full of plans on how to construct various orgonc
accumulators, boxes, blankets and related tooJs. There Js an
extensive bibliography and an Appendix "The Psycho-Physio-
logical Effects of the Reich Orgone Energy Accumulator" by
StefanMushenichandRainer Gebauer. Allin all, an excellent
handbook for the orgone researcher.
Advanced ELF Research, Box 1552, Alberta, Canada T4V
2NI, has sent us two titles, THE 3KEYS TO GOOD HEALTH,
and THE DIVINING ROD AND I, both written by Albert L.
Wilk. The 3 Keys in the first book are: 1. Avoid internal medi-
cations; 2. Make anything you eat or drink wholesome; 3.
Shield yourself from u n ~ t y environments. This is a
serious title covering m.anY facets of health, and how our
environment can interfere. It also covers magnetic and elec-
tric healing research, as well as many unorthodox medical
practices from radionia to Christian Science, and has reports
on diseases which may potentially respond to extreme low
frequency waves.
The second title, THE DIVINING ROD AND I, covers a
wide range of scientifically oriented dowsing information on
how to find underground water, petroleum, natural gas, and
geopathic zones. It takes a very serious view of the relation-
ship between geologists and water diviners, with research in-
formation in support of the dowsing reactions. Both these
books look like well done research reports and should be
checked into by those with interests in these fields. $16 each,
US or Canadian
EAR1H RADIA'l10N by Kathe Bachler, The Startling
Discoveries of a Dowser on more tban 3000 apartments,
houses, and work places. ISBN 0951415107. "New advances
in the causation of cancer, allergies, arthritis, learning difficul-
ties and many other diseases." A thorough and well illustrated
book on the recognition and correction of geopathic distur-
bances of sleep, health, and school performance. This is the
most comprehensive book that I've seen on the subject. It
even has a note "For Christians Troubled by the EthD of
Dowsing" by the Archbishop of Salzburg in which we are told
it's all OK as long as we pray. Published by WORDMAS-
TERS, Parkfield House, Parkfield Road South, Didsbury,
Manchester M20 ODB, U.K.; and is available through and
was submitted by I1se Pope, 1 Gary Close, Romford, Essex,
RM1 4AE, U.K., British price is listed as 6.95 Pounds, U.S.
price unknown.
The Jouma/ of Borderland Research January-February 1990, Page 'Z7
ALLERGIFSAND CANDIDA With The Physicist's Rapid
Solution by Steven Rochlitz, From Human Ecology Balanc-
ing Sciences, PO Box 1134, Setauket, NY 11733, (516) 467-
6184; ISBN 0-945262-26-4,$19.95. The press release says that
the author was allergic to the 20th Century. This book, one
of several he has written, covers many of the techniques he
developed to heal himself. Covers allergies & the immune
system; diabetes & allergy; food addictions & allergy; Candida,
Epstein-Barr, Chronic Fatigue; biofeedback & kinesiology;
brain hemisphere integration; heart integration; energy bal-
ancing and ecological nutrition; and more. It even covers
weather sensitivity, a cause of much human suffering that is
completely ignored everywhere. Glad to see this information
getting out. Very comprehensive with appendices and re-
source listings.
'r AI CHI CHIHI-Joy Through Movement, taught by Justin
Stone, from Sa tori Resources, PO Box 397, Santa Barbara,
CA93102,(805)687-8737. Wereceivedbothavideo($39.95)
and a book ($10.95) with this title. It is a simplified and easy
to use form of exercise based on T'ai Chi, designed that all-
even the elderly-could use it. This form uses 20 basic move-
ments, all of them designed for easy learning and use, to teach
one to contact their own force and strengthen their body, aid
in better balance, and allOw general improvement in your life.
Practices such as these are excellent for stress reduction, and
weight and blood pressure control For people interested in
the internal arts but find many of the systems quite complex,
this will come as a welcome practice. Definitely worth check-
This is the section where researchers may contact
those of like mind or seek out sources of information.
We also list various mailers received. Please be kind
and considerate and send a buck or two when writing
for information.
158, North Garden, VA 22959. Source for over 365 varieties
of Heirloom and traditional vegetables; medicinal, culinary,
and ornamental herbs, sunflowers and old fashioned flowers;
heirloom fruit trees and shrubs; cultural and historical infor-
mation; seed saving information and supplies; and a planting
calender all in their $3 catalog.
et al, The Newsletter of Pemberly Kent Publishers, 2121
Garfield Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108-9908. This
paper has been keeping us updated on the progress of DIS-
TANT VISION- Romance&Discoveryon an Invisible Frontier
by Elma Gardner Farnsworth. This book is the story of the
inventor of electronic television, Philo Taylor Farnsworth II,
who has somehow not made it into the history books. Farns-
worth was as important as Tesla in developing our modem
technology, and was just as ignored by the establishment. This
book should become extremely popular among energy re-
searchers, as well as people who like a good, exciting story. It
will certainly help set the historical record straight and let
people know about some fascinating researches. The book,
slightly overdue, is now complete and is going through pre-
printing proofreading. Reservations for Collectors Editions
are still being taken, as well as advance orders for the regular
edition. This group deserves your support, not only for the
excellent information they are about to put out, but for the
lifetime of dedication to a family ideal that has gone into its
production. Send a couple $ to get the latest issue of et al.
The Aeolian Outlook, c/- Dennis Klocek, 4736 Martsmith
Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628. The Aeolian Outlook is a publica- -
tion that is designed to promote thoughtful interaction be-
tween a subscriber and the daily weather_Allap found in the
newspaper. Each monthly chart depicts the north American
continent analyzed on a weekly basis. Each week the predicted
highs and lows are projected onto the map by astroclimatol- projection. This technique utilizes planetary data such
as declination, latitude, right ascension and rising and setting
times to project curves into areas of possible weather distur-
bances. On the chart these are rendered as circles with low (L)
or high (H) designations. Lows are tracked with arrows to a
point of ]andfall Highs that could become stationary, and
therefore blocking, are factored into the tracking information
on the right side of the chart. Lows seeking a landfall must
contend with blocking highs that steer the jet stream north or
south of a particular latitude.
The west to east flow of fronts across the Pacific Ocean
has been a statistically satisfyiiig feature of the Aeolian Out-
look. The north to south oscillation of the jet streams has
proven to be a more elusive goal Earthquakes and solar flares
can radical1y alter jet stream patterns overnight into com-
pletely opposite flows. This makes prediction a sometimes
frustrating task.
The purpose of the Aeolian Outlook is to provide a
reasonable celestial based model which can initiate broader
dialog concerning these problems. To this end each monthly
chart will be followed up by another chart which will depict the
actual patterns and tracking information for the month. This
update will note correct predictions and analyze pattern shifts
from an astroclimatological point ofview. Historical evidence
will be brought forward to shed light on the diverse influences,
both terrestrial, and celestial, which modify atmospheric pat-
terns over the Pacific Ocean and over the North American
TheAeolian Outlook is intended to introduce a subscriber
to the daily flow of prediction/reflection/new prediction that is
the way to a future star based climatology that is rooted in the
rigor of mathematia, but is equipped to track the chaotic
systems swroundingweather phenomena as they Jll0\1e through
their fluid changes. Each year these methods yield deeper and
more accurate insights into the relationships between celestial
motion and the nonlinear chaos of the weather. It is hoped
that you would consider joining the others who are on this
adventure of discovery.
Aeolus was the Greek god of the winds. His priests and
priestesses predicted future events by observing the winds and
their ever shifting patterns. The Aeolian Outlook is published
in the spirit of these ancient mysteries but rests upon the
tremendous astronomical and mathematical advances of the
Page 28, January-February 1990 The JoumaJ of Borderland Research
modem mystery schools. Please consider taking a positive
step in order to get to know your rapidly changing world at
another level where star wisdom streams into the very air
around us. The price for six months of the Aeolian Outlook
and theAeolian Update is $40.
Tom Elliott, 4002 Stearns Hill Road, Waltham, MA 02154,
(617) 647-2825. Tom is writing a book on UFO encounters
and is looking to contact people who have bad such contacts.
He is looking for re1atively unpublicized cases which involve
sober, reliable witnesses and which may have some unique
''twist" to them. Tom's qualifications include 30 years as a
science writer, producer of Personal Perspectives, a weekly
TV series unconventional people, beliefs, and
Suite 9, 184 PaJoma Avenue, Pacifica, CA 94404, (415) 359-
8002, published by J. Porter Weldon and edited by Antony C.
Sutton. FfiR announces that is will begin publication of a
unique newsletter on January 1, 1990. The FfiR will cover
much of the underground energy and scientific network and
make this information available to those who need to keep
informed. Some of the subjects listed to be covered are:
Weather Control; Over-Unity Electrical Generation; Natural
Healing; Acoustical Levitation; Creation of Life Forms; and,
Implosion Vortex Energy a Ia Schauberger. Looks to be a
comprehensive source for information. $250/year (12issues );
$350 overseas airmail
SEARCH FOR HEALTH from Associated Partners West,
PO Box 3048, Iowa Oty, lA 52244. This newspaper/catalog
covers many aspects of our modem world's poor health, such
as constipation and toxic overload, and offers many health-
promoting products such as oxygen enhancers, acidophilus,
and trace mineral supplements. Also is a source for real salt
(not the kind in the stores), stone mills, air purifiers, and more.
Excellent article on Medical Ozone. Whetheryou are looking
to buy or not, this is a well researched and highly informative
paper. Get on their list.
Weaver Publishers, Box 1961, Burlingame, CA 94010, ( 415)
347-9693. This 1atest issue is over 350 pages! Extensively
covers and updates information, first brought out in John
remineralization with rock dust. Among the mass of data this
bulletin contains criticisms of the coming ice age theory with
direct answers. Also has many pertinent newsclips and articles
from worldwide sources and data on reforestation, biomass
energy/alchohol fuels; worldwide starving; and more. Sug-
gested donation is $10, but I would suggest that people send
in as much as they can to these people. $100willsend 10 issues
to people of your choice. Editor Don Weaver is doing an
excellent job, certainly a 1abor of love for this p1anet.
Change in ordering procedures
Border1andSciences Research Foundation is a non-profit
educational foundation. We take our work quite seriously
here and feel that service comes above our personal gain.
However, certain needs of life cannot be neglected and we
have come to a point of necessary change in the way that we
do business.
When Riley Crabb retired in 1985 and turned BSRF over
to Alison and myself we actively pursued researching and
publishing more materials. We wanted to create an informa-
tion service for BSRF members and thought it would help to
make items available at a discount, that is, where books could
be purchased through the mails for less that they could be had
ina store. In concept this has worked We sell many
books at a discount. Inreality, afterfourye4ts, we find that this
type of service, with the amount of business we do, does not
allow for proper maintenance of the foundation. The busi-
ness itself, intended as a fund-raiser for the foundation, has
turned into a break-even workload that absorbs over 90% of
our time, to the definite detriment of the research work we
wish to pursue, and also to life in general.
After a thorough analysis of our situation we have come
to the point where we must end the discount service on the
books. It is that or end the business -it simply cannot carry
on as it is.
There are so many quality books from around the p1anet
that we wish to make available to our members, but we cannot
proceed to even keep the basD in regu1ar stock with our
current business status.
BSRF carries a unique line of research materials, much of
which is not available anywhere else, and we wish to keep this
line of information open and expanding. We appreciate your
understanding of this situation and we apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause you.
There are many positive changes that will occur as we gain
a better financial stance in our business -more titles in print,
upgrading the quality of service, upgrading the quality of the
Journal, etc. We are of course always working on these
aspects, but change must come to facilitate their proper
The amount of work here demands more time than we
have available. Filing of information is years behind, with
many incredlble files stacked everywhere in boxes and on
shelves, 20+ boxes rotting in a shed Filing cabinets and book
shelves are needed. We have the core materials for a tremen-
dous information and research library and file, but money is
definitely needed to continue to put this together and main-
tain it as a service to researchers. Donations go directly into
our working fund and are used for the benefit of the founda-
tion. We thank those who have helped us in the past, and we
look to those who are interested in helping in the future.
The general BSRF membership fee has been raised to
$25Near. We have also added a senior citizen (over 65) and
student (proof of status required) rate of $15. Supporting
membership remains at $50; Sustaining membership is $100;
and Life is $1000. Your membership fee gets you The Journal
of Borderland Research, and keeps the Jamps (and furnaces) lit
at headquarters.
The Joumal of Borderland Research January-February 1990, Page 29
Bulk Rate
U.S. Postage
Garberville CA
P.O. BOX 429 *GARBERVILLE, CA 95440-0429 * U.S.A.
Toward a Science of the Etheric .
June 14-17, 1990 at the Miramar Resort Hotel in Santa Barbara, California.
Trevor James Constable, author of The Cosmic Pulse of Life, KEYNam SPEAKER
Dennis Klocek, author of Weather- Soul Life Of The Earth & The BioDynamic Book Q[ Moons, .AsTRo-MErooROLOGY
Leslie & Terry Patten, BioCIRcurrs -AMAziNG NEW TooLS FoR ENERGY REALm
Walter & Rhetta Baumgartner, VoRTEXIAN MEcHANics & IMPLOSION, with demonstrations of the Vortexya Water
Conditioner and the Wasserfadden (water thread) Experiment
Christopher Hills, author of Nuclear Evolution and Supersensonics, MAITER, FoRM AND ENERGY
Maria Kinzell Hardy, CoLOR CAN CHANGE YoUR LIFE
* Burvl Payne, author of The Body Magnetic, DEMONSTRATION OF AN INSTRUMENT 'TIIAT DEI'ECIS A NEW
Jim Murray. NEW ENERGY DlSCDVERIFS, report on new patented device bw;ed on Tesla's rotating magnetic field theories
Michael Urban, THEAIDS/SYPHIUS CoNNECI'IoNwithlatest updates
. Michael Theroux, El..B::nucrrY AND nm Emmucwith demonsttation of an air-wound Tesla Transformer powered with
*Peter Undemann, MAsmaiNG nm ART OF SELF-HEALING
*Tom Brown, THE REAurY OF nm Emmuc FoRCES
The oost of the convention to BSRF members will be $175. A $SO deposit will be taken to reserve your place. Early
sign-up fee is $150when paid in full by February28, 1990. A$25 surcharge will beaddedfornon-members who want to
attend but do not wE1 to join. Send fees to BSRF, PO Box 429, Garberville CA 95440. Call (707) 986-7211 for more ini>.
Basic rooms at the Miramar are $75.60 per night (including tax) single or double occupancy. They also have more
luxurious rooms with ocean views. It is a 14 acre resort hotel on the Pacific Oooan with very good oonven1ion faalitiffl. The
reservation number for rooms is 800-322-6983
A Jist ofb\er am hotels as \\ell as a campground andRV park are ak> bcing put together and will be supplied to floe
who sign up, as well as a United Airlines discount number. We recommend an earlysignup and reservations.
Fordisplaybooth information oontact Peter Lindemann, 3463 Santa Barbara, 93105, (805) 966-5058.