Schenck Fip 401
Schenck Fip 401
Schenck Fip 401
% Compact weighing electronics for continuous measuring systems Comprehensive basic functionality with application specific features Enhanced operating reliability through diagnostics and self-testing functions Integrated display and control panel High operating convenience, automatic calibration programs Serial interfaces; protocols via 3964(R) or MODBUS
% %
Application The INTECONT PLUS Weighing Electronics is specially designed for continuous weighing tasks in continuous production processes. It is the right solution whenever continuous processes require material flows to be measured and acquired with high accuracy with the use of % % % Belt weighers (MULTIBELT), Solids flow meters (MULTISTREAM), Coriolis mass flow meters (MULTICOR).
Equipment The system is supplied as front-of-panel mounting unit or with wall-mounting housing for local installation. Operation is via ergonomically styled keyboard organized by operating and service functions. A luminescent, anti-glare two-line display ensures easy reading of results. For connection to EDP systems, serial interfaces (3964(R) or MODBUS) are available. Commercial printers can be connected via RS232 interface.
Operating Principle The INTECONT PLUS functionality varies depending on type of scale used. However, all variants have the following common features: % % % % % % % % % % System accuracy for weighing tasks better than 0.05% (DIN EN 61143-1) Manual and/or automatic zero setting Full feed/dribble feed control for accurate batching High electromagnetic compatibility Galvanically isolated outputs Fail-safe data memory (EEPROM) Integrated diagnostics and self-testing Functions (SPC) Factory presettings for simple and quick commissioning Auto calibration (automatic calibration programs, self-starting taring) Calibration intervals with signal output (intervals selectable at will)
This also covers special applications, e.g. legal-for-trade weighing or use in the hazardous area. The INTECONT PLUS Weighing Electronics is primarily designed for applications with a need for convenient and elaborate display, control and monitoring capabilities, in addition to basic measuring functions. The weighing electronics ensures repeatability and transparency of the production process.
% % %
Flow rate pulse (level and pulse width set by parameter) Status, event, calibration and quantity reports Simulation mode for testing and learning.
Dimensions (mm)
INTECONT PLUS for Front-of-Panel Mounting
Weighing Functions Depending on mechanical system used, current flow rate is acquired through % % % Belt load and belt speed (belt weighers) Reactive force (solids flow meters) Direct mass flow measurement on the Coriolis principle (mass flow meters).
In addition to the comprehensive basic equipment, the following weighing functions are available: % Belt weighers % Accurate belt speed measurement Belt influence compensation (BIC) Belt run monitoring Shifting of weighing to point of discharge Legal-for-trade variant (upon request) INTECONT PLUS Wall Housing Belt Weighers, Solids Flow Meters INTECONT PLUS Wall Housing Coriolis Mass Flow Meters
Bottom View
Protection Inputs
FSP 0011 - program module for Siemens S5 (115U / 135U) for serial interfacing
Data are made available in data module. User prerequisite: CP524 or equivalent
INTECONT PLUS Variants INTECONT PLUS - FIP 401 With 3964(R) or MODBUS protocol, 24 VDC suitable for belt weighers, solids flow meters and Coriolis mass flow meters INTECONT PLUS FIP 401e With 3964(R) protocol, legal-for-trade, suitable for belt weighers and Coriolis mass flow meters
Options Wall housing with power supply 120 V ... 230 V for belt weighers and solids flow meters Wall housing with power supply 120 V ... 230 V, control unit and power switch, for Coriolis mass flow meters Power supply, 120 V (for plug socket) Power supply, 230 V (for plug socket) Power supply, 120 ... 230 V (control cubicle) Analog display Pulse counter, non-resettable Pulse counter, resettable Event printer S5 interface module via 3964(R) S5 interface module via MODBUS Special scale/weighing electronics interconnecting cable
BV-D2061GB XBS 05.1002. We reserve the right to discontinue or change specifications at any time without notice or obligation.
Measuring and Process Systems SCHENCK PROCESS GmbH D-64273 Darmstadt Phone: +49 (0) 61 51-32 10 28 Fax: +49 (0) 61 51-32 11 72 E-Mail: [email protected]