International Copper Association Southeast Asia Annual Report 2012

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2012 Annual Report

International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd


ICA Mission
Defend and grow markets for copper based on its superior technical performance and its contribution to a higher quality of life worldwide.



ICA Value Proposition

Through collective funding, and effective member oversight, the following strategies can be executed much more effectively than by companies working individually. To position copper and the copper industry as addressing sustainable development issues to the benefit of society: Rural and slum electrification Energy efficiency and renewables for greenhouse gas reduction Green buildings Public health Food supply To maintain industry license to operate and ensure market access for copper products To increase copper intensity of use in products To defend established markets against intense substitution challenges caused by persistent high relative material costs To create new markets through technological innovation and promotion



Page Message from the President 7 Message from the CEO 9 International Copper Association Southeast Asia MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES & HIGHLIGHTS Electrical Safety & Connectivity Power Distribution & Harmonisation 14 20 26 30 34 11

Energy Efficiency in Industrial Sector Energy Efficiency in Residential Sector ASEAN Energy Manager Accreditation Scheme Energy Access & Alternative Energy Power Quality

38 42 46

Marketing and Communications

ICASEA Members 51 The Copper Alliance Global Network 52



Presidents Message
Southeast Asia has a population of approximately 600 million people. In 2011, the subregion enjoyed a combined gross domestic product of USD 2,178 billion.
Southeast Asia provides a large and growing pool of highly skilled, low-cost workers, shaped over years of domestic and foreign capital investment. The confluence of advantageous factors has rallied Southeast Asian development and remains its competitive strength. As the United Nations intensify cooperation among member states, Asia has taken a great leap forward in regional economic integration during the next decade. The 10-member Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is taking the lead in an ambitious drive to strengthen trade and economic links in their respective regions. An ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was planned for 2015 to nurture ASEAN as a single market and production base, a highly competitive economic region that offers equitable economic development, fully integrated into the global economy. According to studies undertaken by the Asian Development Bank, economic growth in Southeast Asia has slightly rose in 2012 due to stronger-than expected results through the third quarter of the year in several well-performing economies. Malaysias domestic demand continues to be strong, driven by private consumption and both private and public investment. The Philippine economy beat expectations as growth accelerated to 7.1% in the third quarter, compared with 3.2% in the same period last year. In Thailand, the economy is expecting a strong rebound due to the low base effect from the impact of last years floods. The other Southeast Asian economies are holding up relatively well. Overall growth in this sub-region is forecast at 5.3% in 2012 before edging up to 5.5% in 2013. The top five ASEAN economies will continue to grow at 5.9% and 5.8% in 2012 and 2013. A key success factor at ICASEA lies in its ability to serve as a responsive business partner to regional marketing bodies that shares common interest in the promotion of sustainable energy and electrical connectivity. For instance, active participation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in the drive for energy stability and security provided ICASEA a strong foundation to promote energy efficiency and procopper messages. Our program involvement with UNEP Southeast Asia Climate Change Network, Alliance for Mindanao Off-Grid Renewable Energy of USAID, Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy Governance, Policy and Regulation Dialogue, and other multi-lateral agencies are testaments to effective business plans to drive market transformation that will serve positive copper tonnage results. As the new President of the ICASEA Board, I am pleased to witness the market development efforts contained in this annual report. And I shall take this opportunity to stress the need to continue our pursuit for the ICA mission i.e. to defend and grow markets for copper based on its superior technical performance and its contribution to a higher quality of life, as we adapt to a dynamically changing world around us.

Robert Schaefer



CEOs Message
As the world moves rapidly towards a new age of technology and modernisation, the expectation for a more dynamic and interactive organisation grows in tandem.
2012 marks the 20th Anniversary of ICASEA. Over the past year, ICASEA has improved segmental and geographical programme coverage. We thank all members, partners and business associates for their continuous support. We hope to serve you better as we pursue the mission to create higher demand for copper-based solutions. I am pleased to report that ICASEA has made excellent progress in the year and our programme highlights were:

Third Annual Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy, Governance, Policy and Regulation Dialogue
Together with Asian Development Bank and the United States Agency for International Development, ICASEA was one of the key partners at the Third Annual Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy, Governance, Policy and Regulation Dialogue. This event served as a platform for ICASEA to present our market development programs and ICASEAs involvement in helping local governments in energy efficiency.

2012 Regional Technical Forum for the Harmonisation of Power Distribution System Program
This annual event brought together key management and technical representatives of ten Utilities under the LMS Harmonisation Programme. In June, this event was organised jointly with the Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) in Bangkok. The theme for this 6th Harmonisation Forum was Asset Management with special focus on power transmission and distribution. An memorandum of understanding was signed with MEA to renew the partnership in driving the LMS Harmonisation Programme to the next level. Another memorandum of understanding was also signed with the Northern Power Corporation of Vietnam to participate in the LMS Harmonisation Programme.

Advancing Renewable Energy in Vietnam

ICASEA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) on promoting wind power interconnection standards in the electricity market. ICASEA led a project inception meeting with EVN and key stakeholders to clarify project objectives, methodology and work plan. The series of meetings with EVN and other stakeholders gathered key and initial inputs for establishing technical criteria and developing the interconnection guidelines. In December, ICASEA conducted stakeholders consultations on the draft of technical criteria for wind power interconnection. This event was imperative to validate and verify recommendations from international consultants. In 2013 and beyond, ICASEA will be looking into further developing market development opportunities in energy efficiency and renewable energy in Southeast Asia. We will also be collaborating with larger network of multilateral agencies to expand and extend our market transformation.

Steven Sim




International Copper Association Southeast Asia

As global issues such as energy, climate change and health become more urgent, copper plays an important role in almost every industry. International Copper Association, Ltd. (ICA) and the network of national and regional associations responsible for program development and implementation with ICAs more than 500 current program partners around the world defend and grow markets for copper based on its superior technical performance and its contribution to a higher quality of life worldwide. Formerly known as Copper Development Centre of Southeast Asia, International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd conducts market development programs in most of the Southeast Asia countries through representative offices in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. As a professional service organization, our scope of operations encompasses: Establishing close relationship with key decision-makers in various sectors Operating a portfolio of market development and market defence programs Conducting scientific studies globally in the field of environment and health pertaining to copper products. Providing leadership in issues relating to copper product stewardship in the marketplace Developing technologies both to expand copper use in new applications and improve performance and competitiveness in existing applications Harnessing market intelligence to address opportunities and threats

International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd was established by ICA in 1992 in Singapore to influence market forces that can have a direct bearing on how much copper is used in the region. We also act as a strategic and networking base for the copper and associated industries associations.



ICASEA Market Development Programmes

2012 Programme Highlights




Electrical Safety & Connectivity

ICASEA focuses on enhancing safety, reliability, design, health and electrical efficiency, involving the correct sizing of building wire and cable, up sizing of wires and cables in older buildings, use of copper bus bars in switchboard and lightning protection. We are active in raising the awareness of the advantages and versatility of copper applications in building industry with the various stakeholders. They include the regulators, housing development bodies, private developers, contractors, consultants, engineers, architects, etc. The project supports the governments construction standard, aligns national electrical safety standard with the international standard and, at the same time, promotes industrial cooperation so as to establish a better distribution network system and provide sustainable service to the end-users. Our efforts behind these programs pave the way to untapped markets in the region. These programs have a positive impact on increasing building owners profitability while helping tenants or occupiers reap more savings. In addition, these programs provide networking opportunities for members and program partners.

Strategic Objectives
To increase copper density and ensure electrical safety in residential buildings through copper-intensive solutions.

Main Scope
Establishment of electrical design & installation standards and codes that favour copper usage Facilitation of supply chain support for marketing and awareness promotion Education of electrical installation and safety Strategic partnership for inspection systems to ensure proper electrical design and installation

Strategic Partnership
CHINA China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association, Electrical Wire & Cable Branch Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute (SECRI) INDONESIA PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Asosiasi Pabrik Kabel Listrik Indonesia (APKABEL, Indonesian Electric Cable Manufacturers Association) Electrical Contractors Association & Mechanical Indonesia (AKLI) National Committee for Electrical Installation Safety (KONSUIL) Association of Indonesian Electrical Contractors (AKLINDO) Electrical Professionals Association of Indonesia (APEI) Directorate General for Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia (MEMR) Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (Engineer Association Indonesia - PII) Masyarakat Kelistrikan Indonesia (Electrical Society Indonesia - MKI) MALAYSIA Malaysia Cable Manufacturers Association (MCMA) The Electrical & Electronics Association of Malaysia (TEEAM) PHILIPPINES Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines (IIEE) Philippine Electric Wire Manufacturers Association (PEWMA) TAIWAN Taiwan Electric Wire & Cable Industries Association THAILAND Department of Skill Development (DSD) under Ministry of Labour Thai Electrical & Mechanical Contractor Association (TEMCA) VIETNAM Ho Chi Minh City Electric Cable Association (HECA) Ministry of Industry & Trade (MOIT) Ministry of Construction (MOC) Vietnam Electrotechnical Industry Association (VELINA)




Programme Milestones
BSN approved the mandatory adoption of Amendment 1 of PUIL 2000. Workshops organized with PLN to disseminate the PUIL 2000 Amendment 1 (2007) Helped KONSUIL set up office in Aceh to inspect the installation for the rebuilt house, raised the awareness of electrical contractors on the compliance of electrical installations with PUIL codes and standards (2007) Facilitated the revision of PUIL 2000 (Amendment 2) to specify more safety related copper intensive solutions (20072008) Formed strategic partnership to launch an Electrical Safety Campaign in Bali with the support of power distribution company (PT PLN), inspector association, (KONSUIL), contractor association (AKLI), and designer association (APEI) 2007) The Bali Electrical Safety Working Committee: Finished Phase 1 re-wiring project of Bali Arts Center to ensure the electrical design and installation are in compliance with updated PUIL 2000 Amendment 1 standard. Improved public awareness of electrical safety in buildings and homes (2008) Conducted 2 Electrical Safety Workshops in South & North Bali for the Banjar heads (community heads) to let them influence their villagers about the importance of electrical safety (2008-2009)

Signed Memorandum of Understanding with TEMCA to launch a series of capacity buildings programs for skill development initiative in building wiring installation and electrical safety (2007) Completed two handbooks in collaboration with TEMCA, the Electrical Safety Handbook and the Electrical Installation Handbook which serve as training materials for the Train-the-trainers programme (2008) Organized visit tour for TEMCA to learn about the updated training and education system from Building Construction Authority Academy and Institute of Technical Education in Singapore (2008) Officially kicked off Train-the-Trainer Program with TEMCA, worked with national training body, Department of Skill Development under the Ministry of Labour, with two groups of TEMCA trainers completed. (2009) Conducted a lightning protection systems market study to get a bench mark of the current Thai market (2009) Extended cooperation with TEMCA to compile a data wire handbook (2010)

Approval of the code TCXDVN 394:2007, which ICASEA provided technical knowledge to Ministry of Construction (2007) Dissemination of the newly approved TCXDVN codes with Ministry of Construction in major cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (2007) Joint activity with new partner, Schneider Electric (Vietnam), in Ho Chi Minh City to target electrical contractors on new code (2008) Signed Memorandum of Understanding with MoC Vietnam to develop safety handbook based on TCXDVN 394:2007 on further popularize the electrical safety design issues to target audiences (2008) Invited the expert from China Shanghai Electrical Cable Research Institute (SECRI) to share experience with Ho Chi Minh City Electrical Cable Association during the China-Vietnam Cable & Wire Industry Communication Symposium 2008 (2008) Organized the kick-off meeting with Ministry of Construction, Schneider regarding the development of a new electrical code (2009)

Organized PUIL 2000 (Amendment 1) workshop in Bandung to educate engineers & contractors (2008) Organized electrical safety workshop in Medan (2010) Held a focus group discussion with APKABEL members (2010) Collaborated with APKABEL to publicize the newly published Indonesian national standards (SNI) regulation to cable and wire manufacturers (2011) KONSUIL Electrical Safety Inspector Certification in Padang, West Sumatra, the collaboration between ICASEA, KONSUIL and Director General for Electricity Indonesia. 120 new Electrical Safety Inspectors were certified. (2011)

Established working relationship with Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines. (2009 Jointly compiled a cable & wire manual with the support from IIEE, that served as the reference materials for electrical engineers (2010) Inaugurated the Electrical Safety Enforcement Awareness Campaign nationwide with the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines to promote electrical safety in residential dwellings through the adoption and enforcement of the Philippine Electrical Code (2011) Launched the Month of May under the legal obligation and commemoration of electrical safety in the Philippines. The proclamation is endorsed by the President of the Philippines. (2011)

Asia Region
Established the Asian Cable and Wire Cooperation Alliance (2011)



Electrical Safety & Connectivity

Key Achievements in 2012
Electrical Safety Enforcement Awareness Campaign in Philippines
The Electrical Safety Enforcement and Awareness (ESEA) Campaign Project continues its commitments in:- enhancing of the enforcement of the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC); providing capacity building to improve the skills of local inspectors; increasing awareness of the public on the importance of electrical safety, and strengthening the institutional cooperation between government and industry such as the local government units, developers, and contractors association, among others. For the subsequent year, ICASEA jointly launched Electrical Safety Month - endorsed by the Philippines President - at the national level with IIEE of Philippines. This is the first of its kind, an electrical safety campaign month, it not only proves the success and visibility of the ESEA, but also campaign sustainability in the long run. The ESEA Campaign Steering Committee rolled out various forms of media campaign through the whole country, which included Electrical Safety Fun Run with general public, television talk shows and radio interviews, education among community and electrical safety seminars designed for electrical technicians. The campaign achieved another milestone from the Department of the Interior & Local Government who endorsed the media campaign and issued official letters to all local governments for media partners engagement and cooperation. The media campaign aimed to raise public awareness for electrical safety standards and practices among general public.

Asian Cable and Wire Cooperation Alliance

Since the inauguration of the Southeast Asia Cable & Wire Association Symposium in 2010, ICASEA have forged a networking platform for cable and wire associations in Asia to enhance mutual communication and experience sharing. After effort made over three years, the Asian Wire and Wire & Cable Industry Cooperation Alliance (AWCCA) was successfully formalised in September in Shanghai, China. The Alliance was initiated by ICASEA, and ICASEA will serve as the Deputy General-Secretary during 2012-2014 term. Founder members from mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysian, Indonesia and Vietnam attended the ceremony and participated in the 1st General Assembly Meeting. The Asian Wire & Cable Industry Cooperation Alliance (AWCCA) aimed to:

Promote communication among wire & cable industry associations, relevant trade & professional groups and organizations as well as wire & cable manufacturing enterprises in the Asian region for the benefit of improving production technologies and competitiveness, Learn from and share success stories, best practices within the region, Offer timely feedback and information sharing regarding advanced technologies, Improve product standards and specifications within the wire & cable industry and share investment information among member states.

This regional cooperation alliance helps ICASEA maintain a close relationship with the cable and wire industry in different countries of the Asian region, and form partnership with leading cable and wire manufacturers to prevent the substitution threats such as copper-clad-aluminium cables and aluminium alloy cables.




Electrical Installation & Inspection Capacity Building in Thailand

ICASEA and the Thailand Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Association (TEMCA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in September to develop a training material on standardize installation practices of electrical inspection system to increase contractors familiarity with the inspection standard and reduce any potential problems of electrical installation system. The working relationship will enhance the knowledge and improve the installation skills for electricians and technician and promote the correct usage and application of copper products regarding in electrical system.

Malaysia Standards IEC 60364 Outreach Conference

Co-organised by TEEAM and MCMA, this conference covered topics in Electrical Installations on Buildings and Electrical Cable Designs & Standards. The two organisations are recognised as official Standards Malaysia (or SIRIM) designated Standards Writing Organisations. They are hence empowered to develop Malaysian Standards which are benchmarked to international best practices and have a bearing on the electrical and electronics manufacturing sector. The objectives of this conference is to obtain broad consensus from stakeholders on the definition of Malaysian Standards and established bases which will be presented as prospective for pan-ASEAN Standards in support of future ASEAN Directives. With the support from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and Energy Commission of Malaysia, the Malaysian electrical and electronics stakeholders will be in a favourable position to maximize benefits of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015.

Enforcement of Indonesian SNI Standards

Partnering with lndonesia Cable & Wire Association (APKABEL), ICASEA assisted in organizing two seminars in Jakarta in February and July to disseminate the new SNI (national product standards) regulation. The new SNI regulation covers quality standards of conductor specifications printing and section size definition on exterior casing of cables. The enforcement and publicity of the new SNI standards will establish strong bases for the promotion of copper as the preferred conductor for building wires.






Power Distribution & Harmonisation

An efficient power distribution and transmission system is a necessity for reaching the goals of sustainability, security of supply and competitiveness. And the goal of the LMS Harmonisation Program at International Copper Association Southeast Asia is to initiate harmonisation action, facilitate regional collaboration and drive the harmonisation process of power distribution systems in the Lower Mekong Sub-Region. A successful power distribution and harmonisation program in Cambodia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Thailand and Vietnam will result not only in reliable and efficient power distribution systems in the LMS but in the LMS but will also facilitate the implementation of the ASEAN Power Grid. This program adopts a three-pronged approach for agent of change actions to harmonise standards and processes - knowledge sharing, standards & processes, and skills upgrading. It has gained depth and breath since and at present, all nine distribution utilities in the four LMS countries are working together on this same mission. ICASEA continues to promote loss reduction and an efficient power distribution system through consensual approaches in two major areas - greater use of energy efficient transformers and the conversion of overhead lines to underground cabling.

Program Objectives
To harmonize different development stages of power distribution systems to improve safety, reliability & energy efficiency To ensure that copper is the conductor of choice for power distribution

Main Scope
Loss Reduction - Experience-sharing on reducing losses and capacity building for underground cabling systems Harmonizing of standards & specifications for higher efficiency transformers and power cables

Strategic Partnership
VIETNAM Hanoi Power Corporation Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation Northern Power Corporation Central Power Corporation Southern Power Corporation THAILAND Metropolitan Electricity Authority Provincial Electricity Authority LAO PDR Electricit du Laos (EDL) CAMBODIA Electricit du Cambodge (EDC) PHILIPPINES National Electrification Administration SINGAPORE Singapore Power




Strategic Milestones Strategic Partnership

Memorandum of Understanding #1 signed between CDCSEA and MEA in Feb 2005 to formulate regional co-operation strategy roadmap and action plans in harmonisation of power distribution systems in the LMS of power distribution system. Memorandum of Understanding #2 signed between CDCSEA, MEA and the 4 utilities (HCMCPC, HNPC, EDC and EDL) in Nov 2005 to strengthen technical and managerial capacities to successfully implement pilot project. Memorandum of Understanding #3 signed between CDCSEA and MEA for Harmonisation of Power Distribution Systems in the LMS in June 2007 to continue the strategic partnership towards facilitating the implementation phase in the 6 key areas identified with participating utilities. Memorandum of Understanding #4 signed between ICASEA and Danang Power Company and Haiphong Power Company, of Vietnam in April 2009. Memorandum of Understanding #5 signed between ICASEA and PEA in March 2010. Memorandum of Understanding #6 signed between ICASEA and Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC) in October 2010 Memorandum of Understanding #6 signed between ICASEA and NEA in May 2011

Capacity Building
Underground Cabling training programme (110kV) by MEA for HCMCPC in 2007. Underground Cabling (MV & HV) & Power Quality training programme by MEA for Hanoi Power Company in 2007. Underground Cabling Workshop by MEA for EDL in 2007 and Danang PC in 2008 Best Practices in managing reliable power distribution system, a study tour programme by MEA for HCMC PC in 2009 Underground Cabling training programme (110kV) by MEA for Danang PC in 2009. Best Practices from Singapore, a Senior Management Programme conducted by Singapore Power for HCMCPC, HNPC, Danang PC & HaiPhong PC Underground Cabling training programme (110kV) by PEA for HaiPhong PC in 2010. Submarine Cabling for Power Distribution System Training for Haiphong PC and Danang PC by PEA in 2010

Upgrading of Specifications
Regional Workshop on Loss Reduction held in March 2008. Formation of three Technical Working Groups for Power & Distribution Transformers, Power Cables and Conversion of Overhead to Underground Cabling Arising from the two reports of the technical working groups, two handbooks have since been developed Workshops were conducted to train functional staff of the utilities how to write and evaluate specifications.



Power Distribution & Harmonisation

Key Achievements in 2012

Upgrading of Underground Cable Specifications (LMS Harmonisation Track 2 / Stage 3 / Phase 2)

Dissemination Workshops for the LMS Power Cable Handbook were conducted by two facilitators from MEA in Vientiane for EDL in January and Phnom Penh for EDC in February. Over 40 and 30 staff from various departments in EDL and EDC respectively attended. They came from planning, engineering, technical, purchasing and testing. A key component of this workshop was how to prepare specifications, evaluate bidding submissions and testing the cables for contract acceptance.

2012 Regional Forum for Harmonisation of Power Distribution

This annual event brought together key management and technical representatives of ten Utilities under the LMS Harmonisation Programme. It was held in Bangkok on June 27-28 and jointly presented by MEA. The theme for this 6th Harmonisation Forum is Asset Management with focus on power transmission and distribution. The choice of venue was to showcase MEAs major underground infrastructural asset - the Chitlom Terminal Station and to use it as a role model for the LMS Utilities. An Memorandum of Understanding was signed with MEA to renew the partnership in driving the LMS Harmonisation Programme. An Memorandum of Understanding was also signed with the Northern Power Corporation of Vietnam to participate in the LMS Harmonisation Programme. Guest speakers at the Forum included the Deputy President of the UK Institute of Asset Management as well as experts from Japan, Australia, Malaysia and Thailand to share their experiences and knowledge in Asset Management. The Forum concluded with the launch of Track 5 of the Harmonisation Strategic Roadmap the formation of a Technical Working Group for Developing Asset Management Best Practices in LMS Utilities.




Collaborating with Metropolitan Electricity Authority

In the spirit of Memorandum of Understanding #3 that was signed at the 6th LMS Harmonisation Forum in Bangkok in June, both MEA and ICASEA proceeded to implement these two projects: 1. LMS Technical Working Group #4 (TWG #4) for Asset Management Best Practices Development of Implementation Guidelines for Distribution Transformers, Underground Power Cables and Switchgears. MEA to chair, and co-host the first meeting in Bangkok whilst ICASEA will facilitate the participation and attendance of representatives from the other eight LMS utilities and provide asset management resource support to the Group. 2. Development of Roadmap for Phase 2 of LMS Harmonisation Program. MEA has formed a team to conduct the technical study. This team is preparing the action plan. The Roadmap for Phase 2 is targeted for completion by mid-2013.

Conversion of Overhead Power Lines to Underground Cabling

National Workshop organised by EVNHCMC in Ho Chi Minh City for various stakeholders in the country on 31 October. ICASEA invited to share international experience in the conversion of overhead lines to underground cabling. ICA China presented The Shanghai Experience.

Southern Power Corporation of Vietnam joins Harmonisation Program

Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 16 November to officially induct SPC into the LMS Harmonisation Program which now brings together all nine distribution utilities in the four countries of the LMS. ICASEA also conducted a submarine cabling workshop in EVNSPC, Ho Chi Minh City on 16 November. Facilitated by ICASEA, PEA shared their many years of experiences in the design, construction and maintenance of submarine cables. EVNSPC is laying their first 110kV submarine cable to Phu Quoc Island, 48 km from the mainland.

Upgrading of Distribution Transformer Specifications - Electrical Cooperatives in the Philippines

The NEA-EC Distribution Transformer Handbook for updated technical standards has been printed and formally presented to the Electric Cooperatives for implementation at the 19th NEA-EC Consultative Conference on 1 August. It was held in conjunction with the 2012 National Electrification Awareness Month.






Energy Efficiency in Industrial Sector

Congruent to all electrical energy efficiency programs of ICASEA, the Energy Efficiency Industrial and Agricultural Sectors Program drives copper tonnage through increasing penetration of high efficiency products in the commercial and industrial sectors. This program furthers efforts in regulatory changes, upgrading of supply chain capabilities, and creation of market demand for high energy efficiency products. The objective of this program is to drive copper usage through increasing penetration of high efficiency products in the industrial and agricultural sectors.

Strategic Approach
Regulatory standards - Support national standards bodies and regulatory authority on the development and implementation of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for electric motors; - Capacity building for government agencies on energy efficiency regulations and policies, as well as implementation of Energy Standards and Labeling Program Capacity building and technical capability improvement - Work with various international funding agencies (e.g. UNEP) to co-fund activities on capacity building and technical training workshops Demand creation and market transformation - Collaborate with government bodies, industrial/trade associations, financial institutions, and other NGOs to scale up replacement of old industrial motors and agricultural pumps in the ASEAN region - Continue collaboration with other NGOs and international donor agencies to develop case studies and demonstration projects for high efficiency motors.

Strategic Partnership
REGIONAL United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) - Southeast Asia Climate Change Network INDONESIA Directorate of Energy Conservation Indonesia Gabungan Elektronik Indonesia (Gabel) MALAYSIA Energy Commission Malaysia PHILIPPINES Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH International Finance Corporation, Philippines European Chamber of Commerce Philippines (ECCP) Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc (IIEE) THAILAND Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) Thailand Department of Fisheries Federation of Shrimp Cooperatives of Thailand (FOSCOT) VIETNAM Research Center for Energy and Environment (RCEE), Vietnam Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) Vietnam Standards and Quality Institute (VSQI)




Programme Milestones 2006

Completed high efficiency motors capacity building with Hanoi Electrical Engineering Company - CTAMAD (2006) Completed MEPS for motors and transformers in Malaysia (2006) Initiated the establishment and development of EE&C Office in Vietnam (2006) Supported TISI to establish the Thai National Standards for Induction Motor, two codes (2006)

Co-organized a workshop on fiscal incentive scheme with PTM in Malaysia in 2009. The workshop facilitated useful exchanges between government agencies and private sector and resulted in simplified procedures and higher number of successful incentive awarded. Invited to join as a member of the steering committee for the GEF-funded BRESL project.

Completed capacity building with Malaysia Energy Centre (PTM) on HEM in 2007 CDCSEA and Malaysia Energy Centre (PTM) cohosted a fiscal incentives workshop for the motor manufacturers in Malaysia

Collaboration with IIEE in Philippines to develop manuals for electric motors and transformers. The manuals were launched at the IIEE Annual Convention in Nov 2010. ICA signed a MOU with GTZ to join hands in promoting energy efficiency measures in shrimp farming sector in Thailand.

Strengthened relationship with ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and participated in ASEAN Energy Efficiency & Conservation - Sub Sector Network annual meeting in 2008. Recommendations for harmonization of standards & labeling were accepted during the meeting. With the support from CDC, TISI completed translation of IEC motor testing standards to Thai language in 2008. A visit to CNIS testing laboratory was also arranged as part of capacity building program.

Conducted an International Conference on Asian Standards and Labelling Jointly conducted a policy dialogue on ASEAN energy efficiency with the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC-WEACT)



Energy Efficiency in Industrial Sector

Key Achievements in 2012
Third Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy, Governance, Policy & Regulation
Together with Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), ICASEA was one of the key organisers of the Third Annual Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy, Governance, Policy and Regulation Dialogue. This event served as a platform for ICASEA to present our market development programs and ICASEAs involvement in helping local governments in energy efficiency. Initiated in 2010, the Dialogue enables Asian policymakers and regulators to exchange their experience on governance practices, and policies, laws, and regulations that establish incentives for public and private sector investments in Clean Energy. Dialogue participants have recognized urgent need to increase the effectiveness of clean energy governance, laws, policy, and regulation to spur reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, expand energy access, reduce regional pollution, and increase energy security.

Energy Standards and Labelling in Vietnam

Partnering United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Vietnam, Global Environment Facility (GEF), Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), ICASEA organised the first workshop of its kind under the Training Campaign of Energy Labelling Regulation to Responsible Stakeholders in Vietnam. ICASEA and MOIT also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to show commitment for the support of information sharing on energy labelling regulation to responsible agencies in provinces and cities and capacity building to affiliated departments at respective provincial energy offices based on Circular No. 07/2012/TT-BCT (of the Ministry of Industry and Trade defining the energy labelling for means and equipment using energy). Under the MOU, a total of six training sessions have been conducted. This program aims to build capacity of provincial officers and stakeholders on energy efficiency law, technical regulations and knowledge on energy standards & labelling schemes. The training program attracted more than five hundred participants across five major cities in Vietnam. Feedback from participants will be reviewed to improve market monitoring, verification, and evaluation systems in Vietnam.

Pilot-Phase in Shrimp Farming Integrated Energy Solutions

The project aims to promote integrated energy solutions, high efficiency motors and photovoltaic systems among shrimp farms and agro sectors in Thailand and the Mekong region. In 2012, ICASEA and its partner, Grontmij AB, Federation of Shrimp Cooperatives of Thailand (FOSCOT), have completed the implementation of a pilot project that combines high efficiency motors for aerators and solar photovoltaic systems; and the development of investment and financial models (i.e. energy service company project and clean development mechanism financing). The transfer of these models to the private sector is an integral part of the project design.

Philippines Energy Efficiency Forum with ECCP and IFC

ICASEA joined the European Chamber of Commerce Philippines (ECCP) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) as event partner for the Philippines Energy Efficiency Forum. The forums were held in two major cities (Manila and Cebu) in Philippines and attracted over six hundred paid participants, made up mostly of senior management and decision makers from major industry and commercial sectors. This event successfully generated high level of interest in energy efficiency. Following the forum, ICA will be discussing addition of high efficiency motor as a component of ECCPs Smart Energy Program.






Energy Efficiency in Residential Sector

The Energy Efficiency Initiatives for the Residential Sector is a market development program targeted to stimulate manufacturer and consumer interest in highly efficient home appliances. ICA aims to forge nationally and regionally recognized definition of energy-efficiency through the establishment of performance tiers that policy makers and manufacturers can adopt for use in producing and encouraging the use of energyefficient home appliances. ICA actively cooperate with international strategic partners, such as United Nations Environment Program, Asean Centre of Eenergy - ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Subsector Network, etc., in a bid to facilitate energy efficiency implementation in both regional and country/national levels The program will focus primarily on raising energy efficiency levels of air conditioners in the market.

Strategic Approach

Regulatory Changes - Close collaboration with government agencies, energy centers and national standards organizations to develop roadmap towards mandatory Minimum Energy Performance Standards - Provide technical assistance to national standards organizations in the setting up of testing laboratories and development of test procedures, certification and accreditation processes - Collaboration with government agencies to develop incentive schemes for manufacturers of high efficiency air conditioners Supply Chain Engagement - Capability and support of the supply chain is critical in the success of the market transformation program. This project will involve local manufacturers in regulatory changes and harness support to produce energy efficient products - Provide technical assistance program to build the capacity of local manufacturers Demand Creation - Develop market transformation program to increase the penetration of energy efficient air conditioners - Develop financing mechanisms with participation from international financial institutions to reduce cost barriers and create sustainability in the market

Strategic Partnership
REGIONAL United Nations Environment Program - SEA Climate Change Network China National Institute of Standardization INDONESIA Directorate General New Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia (MEMR) Electrical Home Appliance Manufacturer Indonesia (GABEL) Electric Motor Manufacturer Association Indonesia (APEMI) Balai Besar Barang & Bahan Teknik Laboratory (B4T) National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) MALAYSIA Malaysian Energy Commission Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia PHILIPPINES Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines Department of Energy - Energy Research and Testing Laboratory Department of Energy - Energy Utilization Management Bureau Department of Trade and Industry - Bureau of Product Standards THAILAND Thai Industrial Standards Institute Engineering Institute of Thailand The Federation of Thai Industries-Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry Club VIETNAM Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) Vietnam Standards and Quality Institute (VSQI)




Programme Milestones 2008

In April 2008, the Vietnamese government issued voluntary MEPS for Air-conditioners after a study tour to China and Korea organized by CDC SEA, based largely on the China Air-conditioners EER standards. It is their intention to issue the mandatory MEPS after two years (2010). In December 2008, the Ministry of Industry & Trade (MOIT) of Vietnam collaborated and co-funded a study with CDC SEA to study the Electrical Home Appliances Demand Trend in Vietnam, with special focus on the energy consumption and the opportunities for energy efficiency programs (Demand Side Management).

In April 2010, completed development of air conditioner installation handbook in Thailand targeting at the practitioners. In June 2010, invited policy makers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam to speak at the International Air-conditioner Forum in Beijing. This forum brings together key officials from Southeast Asia to share experience and explore requirements for harmonization of standards. A visit to CNIS testing laboratory was also arranged as part of capacity building program. In August 2010, coordinated The Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) to technical visit ICA Chinas member at Compound copper tube for air-conditioner in Shanghai, China

In 2009 (1Q), ICASEA and IIEC organized a stakeholders workshop in Philippines to present the findings results of a market research and gathered support from the air-con industry to review MEPS. ICA, Department of Energy - Energy Research and Testing Laboratory Services (ERTLS) and Department of Trade and Industry Bureau of Product Standards initiated the review of MEPS for air-con in Philippines. The implementing guidelines have been approved at end-2010. In December 2009, jointly hosted a dissemination workshop with MoIT in Vietnam to present findings from household electricity usage survey.

ICASEA conducted a workshop for Harmonization of Energy Efficiency Standards in South East Asia for Air Conditions and Refrigerators at Hilton Petaling Jaya Kuala Lumpur in Jan. ICASEA collaborated with the Directorate of energy conservation of Ministry of Energy Indonesia and conducted training on energy efficiency and labelling. The event included participants from household appliance, electric motor and air conditioning industries. Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Commerce, National Standardization Body Indonesia, related associations and universities were also invited. In December 2011, ICASEA signed MOU with Electrical & Electronics Institute(EEI) and The Federation of Thai Industries-Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industry Club (FTI) for project Adoption of Small Diameter Copper Tube Heat Exchanger for Room Air Conditioner in Thailand



Energy Efficiency in Residential Sector

Key Achievements in 2012
Kick-Off Meeting - Harmonization of Air Conditioners Energy Efficiency Standards in ASEAN
ICASEA conducted the Kick-Off Meeting - Harmonization of Air Conditioners Energy Efficiency Standards in ASEAN in Jakarta in January. The focus was to firstly achieve harmonization of test method for air conditioners in ASEAN as it is an important step towards harmonization of Energy Efficiency Standards in ASEAN. The program further aims at helping ASEAN countries upgrade their Minimum Energy Performance Standards and High Energy Performance Standards through the provision of technical assistance for the development of national roadmaps. In this regard, it was mentioned that the EE&C SSN could also establish a regional benchmark for MEPS and HEPS as well as guidelines to provide a general direction and possible longterm harmonization of energy performance standards in ASEAN. National roadmaps would then include steps to move progressively towards the ASEAN benchmark. The meeting also noted that the harmonization of testing methods must start with unifying the definition of air conditioners among ASEAN countries. The Market Study conducted by UNEP and ICA revealed that there are few differences in the definition of air conditioners among some ASEAN countries. For the success of the ASEAN efforts towards increasing the energy performance of air conditioners, but also of other appliances, the meeting agreed with the importance of consumer awareness.

APEC Market Compliance Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling
Ensuring compliance in energy efficiency programs for appliances and equipment is high on the agenda of energy efficiency standards and labelling programs. Compliance mechanisms affect industry, accreditation bodies, testing organizations, and other stakeholders. In June, the APEC Expert Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EGEEC) hosted a APEC Market Compliance Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programmes workshop in Beijing. The event is supported by the China National Institute of Standardisation (CNIS), the Collaborative Labelling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP), the Australian Government and ICA. ICASEA invited key government officials from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines as speaking participants. They are mostly representatives from regulators. The compliance conference will also provide program managers and policymakers across the APEC region with a unique opportunity to share experiences and consider new compliance initiatives, programs, and processes.

Minimum Energy Performance Standards in Indonesia

ICASEA and Directorate Energy Conservation, Directorate General New Renewable & Energy Conservation signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the development and implementation of MEPS for air conditioners and electric motors in Indonesia. The MEPS development and Implementation in Indonesia for air conditioners and electric motors targeted to finish on 2013. The working group for electric motors has also been officially formalized. DEC will also provide co-funding for this development exercise. DEC is an government arm of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia. DECs role is to formulate and implement policies and technical standardization in the field of new energy, renewable, and energy conservation in Indonesia.






ASEAN Energy Management Accreditation Scheme

Under the ASEAN Energy Management Accreditation Scheme (AEMAS) program, training and certification are provided to senior energy managers who subsequently lead the implementation of sustainable energy management systems within their industries. Upon adoption and implementation of a sustainable energy management system (SEMS), energy-intensive industries will seek for Energy Management Gold Standard certification. The Energy Management Gold standard certification is obtained only after demonstrating actual implementation of a sustainable energy management system and achievement of measurable energy savings. The program has the potential to directly result in savings of about 100,000 MWh, corresponding to a total of approximately 55,000t CO2 emission reductions. The program also contributes to increase the professional standing of certified energy managers, and to raise the profile of certified companies.

Program Objectives
To reduce energy consumption from the manufacturing industrial sector and energy-intensive buildings in Southeast Asia

Main Scope

Training and certification of local trainers and auditors Training and certification of energy managers from energy-intensive industries and buildings Providing certification for energy end-users upon adoption of sustainable energy management systems and achievements of energy savings

Program Associates and Agencies

REGIONAL ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) Regional Program Coordinator Action for Sustainable Development, France (ASD) Technical Partner / AEMAS Regional Technical Advisor ASEAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub-Sector Network (EE&CSSN) AEMAS Regional Steering Committee United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Southeast Asia Climate Change Network - Associate CAMBODIA Department of Energy Technique, Ministry of Industry Mines and Energy, Cambodia (MIME) - Associate INDONESIA Pelangi, Indonesia Country Coordinator for Indonesia LAO PDR Department of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Laos (DOE) Associate MALAYSIA Greentech Malaysia Country Coordinator for Malaysia PHILIPPINES Energy Efficiency Practitioners Association of the Philippines (ENPAP) Country Coordinator for the Philippines THAILAND Department for Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Thailand (DEDE) Chair of AEMAS Regional Steering Committee, and Chair of AEMAS Council for Thailand VIETNAM Research Center for Energy and Environment, Vietnam (RCEE) Country Coordinator for Vietnam




Strategic Milestones 2009

Feasibility study developed and approved by Southeast Asian governments Detailed establishment plan developed and approved by Southeast Asian governments and key stakeholders Training curriculum developed Energy Management Simulation Software developed Proposal for funding of the establishment of AEMAS approved by EC Switch Asia Drafted AEMAS institutional structure: AEMAS Regional Body (ASEAN Centre for Energy); AEMAS Country Chapters; AEMAS Steering Committee (ASEAN Energy Ministries level) established

National AEMAS Councils established in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam First trainers trained and certified in Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam First energy managers trained and certified in Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam AEMAS national launching conferences held in Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam First issues of AEMAS national and regional newsletters published First two companies certified in Malaysia First three companies certified in the Philippines

AEMAS regional Steering Committee established, and first meeting of the PSC organized Training and certification procedures for energy managers revised and finalized AEMAS Country Experts trained in Bangkok



ASEAN Energy Management Accreditation Scheme

Key Achievements in 2012
Training of Energy Managers & AEMAS Council Meeting Thailand
About 600 energy managers are now certified at regional level. In Thailand, five training workshops have respectively been organized from January to June in Bangkok. The second meeting of the AEMAS Council-Thailand was held on Wednesday 25 April 2012, at the Pullman King Power Hotel in Bangkok. The meeting, Chaired by the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Ministry of Energy of Thailand was attended by 21 participants representing 16 organizations.

Development of cooperation with training centres

Two training centres have been accredited in Thailand: SGS Thailand - This is the Thai arm of the internationally renowned company specialized in certification services to industries. They have also been accredited as AEMAS Certified Body PT Convergence Co., Ltd. this is local Thai consulting company with extensive experience related to energy management Both organisations have been accredited as AEMAS Certified Bodies.

Marketing Promotion and Industry Outreach

The AEMAS Country Coordinator for Thailand has provided a presentation in the framework of Renewable Energy Asia 2012. Several participants have expressed strong interest to collaborate with the AEMAS scheme. In addition, ICASEA has managed a booth in the framework of the four-day Entech Pollutec exhibition. This booth was a positive way to increase the visibility of AEMAS and the EMGS. Following the request of many stakeholders in Thailand, a specific website has been developed and came online in September.

Certification of Participating Organizations

The total of organizations certified at regional level has raised to 6 organizations. In Thailand, two major Thai organizations have applied to receive EMGS certification in 2012. Audits have been conducted in November. These two organizations are: The Energy Complex Company Limited (EnCo). The Energy Complex has been jointly established by PTT Public Company Limited (Thailand) and PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (Thailand). Chilled and frozen pork meat, and chilled and frozen cooked pork meat and ready to eat products manufacturing unit in Chachoengsao this facility operates under the management of the Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL. Group (CPF), Thailands leading agro-industrial and food conglomerate. EnCos certification has been confirmed in December.






Energy Access & Alternative Energy

Southeast Asia faces challenges of very high energy demand growth, large part of the population remaining without access to electricity (160 million or 28% of the regions total), and increasing GHG emissions (the gap in per capita emissions with the developed countries is narrowing from a factor of six to three). Renewable energy options, both on-grid and off-grid, may provide solutions to these challenges. Renewable energy technologies that have large potential in Southeast Asia, in terms of both resource endowment and application, are solar and wind (both on-grid and off-grid options), centralized and distributed biomass generation (particularly from agroindustries), and hydropower (including mini- and micro-hydro). In addition, Indonesia and the Philippines have large geothermal resources that remain untapped. The key objective of this program is to increase copper consumption through increased uptake of renewable energy technologies (with high copper contents) in Southeast Asia.

Strategic Approach
The strategic approach for this program is based on the elimination or removal of different types of barriers

Regulatory and Institutional barriers - Support the introduction of favorable regulatory frameworks and policy mechanisms to encourage investments in renewable energy technologies. - Build capacity of policy makers on these regulatory changes Technical barriers - Collaborate with supply chain to promote and raise awareness on the benefit of copper based technologies - Build local technical capacity to operate and maintain renewable energy technologies - Address technical issues in integrating renewable energy technologies to existing power systems Financial and commercial barriers - Increase awareness of the financial sector on the viability of renewable energy investments - Build their capacity to evaluate or conduct due diligence of renewable energy projects - Explore potential of carbon finance in overcoming financial barriers - Identify and develop commercial models in the region that showcase viability of renewable energy projects - Build capacity of entrepreneurs to develop and implement renewable energy projects

Strategic Partnership
REGIONAL United States Agency for International Development, Alliance for Mindanao and Multi-Regional Renewable/Rural Energy Development Program (USAID-AMORE) Winrock International (USA) INDONESIA Directorate General New Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia (MEMR) Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Indonesia Jejaring MikroHidro Indonesia (JMI) PHILIPPINES Technical Education and Skills Development Agency (TESDA), Philippines VIETNAM Vietnam Electricity (EVN) Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), Vietnam Danang Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Vietnam Institute of Energy, Vietnam




Program Milestones
February 2011 - Signed separate Memorandum of Understandings with Winrock International and Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority to undertake joint-activities under the USAID-AMORE Phase 3 program towards increasing electricity access and commercialization of small-scale RE projects in rural Mindanao (Southern Philippines) March 2011 - Conducted, under USAID-AMORE, training of BRECDAs (rural village enterprises) in the management, operation, and maintenance of SHS June 2011 - Co-organized under USAID-AMORE the start of a series a Renewable Energy Business Expositions that gather suppliers, entrepreneurs, and micro-finance institutions under one roof towards the development of a local market for renewable energy technologies June 2011 - Co-organized with Vietnam Institute of Energy a workshop in Hanoi to share regional experiences on renewable energy policy and project development November-December 2011 Conducted under USAID-AMORE a two-tiered training aimed at mainstreaming the photovoltaic education and certification process into the national government educational system. The training has resulted in the graduation of 21 TESDA accredited and certified installers, maintenance personnel and designers. December 2011 Co-organized with Danang DOST a workshop in Danang on potential and development of solar energy in Vietnam December 2011 - Co-organized a workshop with Micro Hydro Network Indonesia (JMI) to disseminate knowledge and experiences on microhydro technologies towards improving rural energy supply using renewable energy sources



Energy Access & Alternative Energy

Key Achievements in 2012
Alliance for Mindanao arid Multi-regional Off-Grid Renewable Energy (AMORE 3)
Under the Alliance for Mindanao Off-grid Renewable Energy Program (AMORE), a first segment of the Microentrepreneurship and Sustainability Training in Pagadian received 25 officers from five Barangay Renewable Energy and Community Development Association (BRECDA) chairpersons of Zamobanga del Norte and Zamboanga del Sur. These BRECDAs were selected based on their potential for solar business. The second segment was held in partnership and co-sharing with a microfinance institution, Center for Agriculture and Rural Development or CARD, in June. The BRECDAs of Bantol and Magsaysay were the participants in the said training. Supported by ICASEA, AMORE piloted the training program for teachers on Teaching Energy which was attended by teachers and Department of Education representatives. A curriculum on renewable energy was developed as an instructional guide to teachers in demonstrating the utilization of renewable energy. The curriculum includes materials that explain the uses of copper as indispensable material for conducting/distribution of electricity. The program has also completed the organizational, business plan and sustainability trainings for four Davao BRECDAs in August. BRECDA refers to Barangay Renewable Energy and Community Development Associations In addition, the organizational strengthening, business plan and sustainability trainings for 15 Maguindanao BRECDAs (under the BDA Program initiative) was held in September at South Cotabato of Philippines, which was participated in by 60 officers of the BRECDAs. In December, a total of 22 participants attended the first batch of training on National Classifications II on solar photovoltaic Installation at the TESDA-ARMM Regional Manpower Development Center (RMDC) in South Cotabato City (Mindanao). The training program covered modules on Introduction to Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Basics of Electricity, Safety, PV Systems Components (Load, Battery, PV Modules, Charge Controller), Systems Installation and Commissioning.

Driving Renewable Energy Development in Vietnam

ICASEA led the project inception meeting with Vietnam Electricity (EVN), local and international consultants, and other key stakeholders in Sep for the wind interconnection project. Interconnection is the process of hooking wind power generator into the larger electricity grid using sound and reliable transmission facilities. The inception meeting with EVN clarified the objectives, methodology, and work plan of the project. The series of meetings with EVN and other stakeholders gathered key and initial inputs for establishing technical criteria and developing the interconnection guidelines. ICASEA conducted stakeholders consultations on the draft technical criteria for wind power interconnection. In December 2012, ICASEA and EVN led the technical consultations on the draft report of an international consultant on the technical criteria for interconnecting wind power to Vietnams power systems. Representatives from various wind energy stakeholders, including different EVN departments, MOIT, ERAV, IE, technical universities, project developers, technology suppliers participated actively in the consultations to validate and verify recommendations from international consultants.

Renewable Energy Stakeholders Consultation in Indonesia

Conducted renewable energy workshop and stakeholders consultation on Desa Mandiri Energi (i.e. energy self-sufficient village). This workshop and consultation-rolled-into-one was held on November 30, 2012 in Makassar, South Sulawesi and attended by representatives of local government. At the event, ICASEA presented an introduction on renewable energy and its positive contributions to global energy and environment concerns. A number of Indonesian agencies, led by the Directorate of New and Renewable Energy, also made overview on various renewable energy technologies. GIZ presented best practices on off-grid renewable energy-based rural electrification, based on its mini-hydro program in Indonesia. ADB also discussed the services and potential contribution of its Energy Access for All initiative to Desa Mandiri Energi.






Power Quality
ICASEA envisions being a network of key Asian regional and local stakeholders that will support the awareness raising and capacity building activities to be implemented under the Asian Power Quality Initiative. Our programs for power quality are specially designed to reduce production line disruption and economic losses due to poor power quality in manufacturing industries in Asia. Through increasing competitiveness of Asian manufacturing industries, the project enhances trade potential and attractiveness, i.e. export of manufactured goods and industrial partnerships, between Asian manufacturing industries and international organizations.

Program Objectives
To raise awareness of managers and decision-makers in manufacturing industries and commercial buildings on power quality issues and practices To build capacity of electrical engineers and electrical system designers on power quality so to enhance the competitiveness of these manufacturing industries through better production quality, reduced production line interruption and production cost.

Main Scope

To conduct benchmarking survey to understand local power quality situation and develop appropriate strategies and actions To raise awareness on economic, social and national impact of power quality to local stakeholders To establish national frameworks to develop technical knowledge center and the dissemination of technical information and solutions to power quality To assist in the development of power quality standards based on international best practices To ensure the sustainability of each chapter of Asian Power Quality Initiative

Strategic Partnership
EUROPE Leonardo Power Quality Initiative University of Bergamo, Italy MALAYSIA Congress International des Reseaux Electtriques de Distribution, Malaysia (CIRED) The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) INDONESIA Directorate General for Electricity, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia (MEMR) Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII) PHILIPPINES Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines (IIEE) THAILAND Electrical and Electronics Institute, Thailand (EEI) Engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT) VIETNAM Vietnam Engineering Electric Association (VEEA)



Programme Milestones 2008

Power Quality Alliance established in Thailand Established Knowledge Center containing case studies, e-learning software, power quality briefs, technical articles, newsletter, etc. Website established to house the knowledge centre: www.

Power Quality Alliance established in Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam APQI Philippines Chapter launched in Manila, Philippines with the EU-APQI Support Network and Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IIEE) APQI Vietnam and Malaysia Chapters launched, with press coverage, in August 2009 APQI promoted at the 2009 Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines (IIEE) national convention in Manila

APQI Loss Survey Workshop organised in Kuala Lumpur APQI Vietnam Workshop was organised to raise awareness for upcoming APQI loss survey

ICASEA developed the Thailand Power Quality Workshop and Case Studies Book APQI Vietnam hosted workshop for NPCs key customers to present power quality concepts and its impact on their businesses. ICASEA worked with the United Nations Environment Program on the development of business cases on opportunity cost of power quality issues.



Power Quality
APQI Indonesia Chapter Establishment

Key Achievements in 2012

Power Quality Loss Assessment & Analysis
In 2012, ICASEA and United Nations Environment Program collaborated to carry out a power quality loss assessement and analysis exercise. The exercise was designed to identify and benchmark the costs related to poor power quality in industry and services. The information obtained from the survey helped to create awareness among policy makers and businesses on the impact of power quality in terms of technical and economic losses. The survey was conducted over a 1-year period in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Altogether, more than 120 interviews were carried out. The methodology for designing and conducting this survey is consistent with Economic Framework for Power Quality developed by joint working group by CIGRE, CIRED, C4. 107. Survey result demonstrated both industry and services sectors lost up to USD1 billion annually as a direct result of unreliable and inconsistent electrical power installation. Indonesia and Vietnam were discovered to be facing heavy power shortage problem, while voltage dips caused 59.4% economic cost among more than 40 interviewed businesses in Thailand. In June 2012, the survey results was presented at the EPRI Power Quality and Smart Distribution 2012 Conference and Exhibition: Managing Complexity of the New Grid in Texas, United States by ICASEA program representative. The event was attended by electric power end users, distribution engineers, reliability and power quality professionals, and related technology manufacturers around the world.

The Asia Power Quality Initiative (APQI) - Indonesia Chapter was now established with formal support from Directorate General of Electricity of Indonesia. To date, the APQI Indonesia Steering Committee is made up of 10 senior members. The launch event received more than 200 participants and co-funding support from the power quality industry. With support from government, ICASEA anticipates higher awareness for power quality issues which in turn translate into higher opportunities for copper-based power quality solutions.

Ascent of APQI Malaysia Chapter

Two Power Quality seminars were organized by APQI Malaysia Chapter and sponsored by ABB Malaysia. They were held in June 2012, Kuala Lumpur and Penang to raise awareness on power quality problems and some related mitigating solutions. A speaker from the Energy Commission of Malaysia highlighted the power quality regulations and financial incentives. In Oct 2012, APQI Malaysia participated in a Power Quality Baseline Study Workshop for Peninsular Malaysia conducted by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) funded by Energy Commission of Malaysia. The workshop disseminated the findings on analysis of power quality events and its related economic losses, suitable mitigations and validation of standards regarding power quality.

2012 Power Quality Asia Conference in Philippines

ICASEA conducted the 2012 APQI Conference in Manila. The conference served as a platform for knowledge and experience sharing to manage power quality issues. 25 international speakers from 10 countries participate in the conference and 120 delegates join this event. The conference provided a positive influence on market awareness which, in the long run, will lend a helping hand to program sustainability in the region.






Marketing and Communications

In alignment with Global Communications Strategy, the Communications Program continued to focus on the four-pillar strategy of Image Development, External Identity, Issue Management and Marketing Communications. In 2012, the Southeast Asia Communications Function focused on capitalising the Copper Message House and leveraging digital platforms for marketing communications.

Community Outreach Program

As part of the Copper Community Outreach exercise, ICASEA ran a series of exhibitions in Singapore regional libraries. The objectives of the exhibition is to raise awareness of copper and the advantages of copper as the preferred material in everyday lives, and to inform library goers about the new book, Copper: The Preferred Material, made available for loan at all libraries in Singapore. The travelling exhibition series focused on promoting coppers benefits and essentiality to daily life. Copper is the stalwart of countless processes. It holds machines, jobs, and whole industries together. While many inventions and discoveries have made the way we live more comfortable, few can compete with copper. It takes top billing in just about every facet of life. The exhibit centered primarily on the indispensable contributions of copper to our lives today. We will look at coppers role in sustainable development, how copper enhances our quality of life and coppers contribution in innovation and technology.

Where-is-Copper Workshops
During the community outreach exhibition seasons, workshops for young learners were also carried out to demonstrate the concept of copper as preferred electrical conductor and electrical conductivity using simple analogies and interactive question-answer approach. From a diverse spectrum of daily copper use, electricity and power consumption is easy to relate among young learners. Through this activity, the electricity safety awareness and messages were also delivered.






Marketing and Communications

A New Identity - Copper Alliance
The protection of visual identity and brand integrity is probably one of the most important issues when it comes to developing concepts in which corporate identity is communicated. In 2012, ICASEA unveiled the Copper Alliance brand identity on all print and digital media, from business stationery suite to marketing communication tools to website redressing.

The Copper Alliance brand represents a network of regional copper centers and their industry-leading members, led by ICA.
Copper and the copper industry are positioned to make a positive impact on many of societys greatest challenges. When combined with coppers superior performance, ICA, with its use of the Copper Alliance brand, will be better able to effectively carry out its mission.

2011 Annual Report

International Copper Association Southeast Asia Ltd

Better for People

Copper alloy mesh is a proven technology
Copper's natural properties prevent biofouling, the unwanted growth of marine organisms on aquaculture enclosures, to create healthier conditions for raising fish - and healthier fish and cleaner oceans are good for people. Copper also helps farms reduce fish handling, fish escape, net cleaning and discharges - and achieve their goal of using more responsible farming practices.



Sustainable Energy Marketing Communications Toolkit Creation

Marketing communication is a fundamental and complex part of an organisations marketing efforts. In 2012, ICA Asia Communications Team developed a set of Sustainable Energy marketing communication toolkit. This toolkit creation exercise is a joint effort through collaboration with the Asia Sustainable Energy Team. This toolkit is specially designed to generate an effective flow of information on market development opportunities in Asia as a region. Built based on a building-block matrix concept, it allows internal users to select and collate marketing kits based on individuals needs.

The matrix concept covered both marketing proposition of ICA Asia Sustainable Energy Program and Key Copper Applications in two sets of message pillars. PROGRAM PILLARS Power Distribution Energy Efficiency Alternative Energy Energy Access COPPER PILLARS Copper & High Efficiency Transformers Copper & High Efficiency Motors Copper & Motor Rotors Copper & Power Cables

ICASEA will develop digital materials and videos in the second phase of the toolkit development exercise.



ICASEA Members

BHP Billiton Ltd


Fluke Southeast Asia Pte Ltd

Minerals and Metals Group

Oriental Copper Co Ltd

PT Freeport Indonesia

PT Smelting Gresik Smelter & Refinery

Wieland Metals (S) Pte Ltd

Xstrata Copper


Copper Alliance Global Network

John J. Holland President International Copper Association, Ltd. 260 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10016-2401 US Phone: 1 (646) 253-2521 Fax: 1 (212) 251-7245 Email: [email protected] John Fennell Chief Executive Officer International Copper Association, Australia Suite 1, Level 7, Westfield Towers 100 William Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2011, Australia Phone: 61 (2) 9380-2000 Fax: 61 (2) 9380-2666 Email: [email protected] Toshinobu Hidaka Executive Director Japan Copper Development Association Usagiya Building, 5F, 10-10 1-Chome, Ueno, Taitoh-ku, Tokyo 110-0005, Japan Phone: 81 (3) 3836 8801 Fax: 81 (3) 3836 8808 Email: [email protected] Sanjeev Ranjan Chief Executive Officer International Copper Promotion Council (India) Hiranandani Business Park Powai, Mumbai, 400 076 India Tel: 91-022-6693 7989 Fax: 91-022-66939282 Email: [email protected] Angela Vessey Centre Director & European Copper Development Association, UK 5 Grovelands Business Centre Boundary Way Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TE United Kingdom Phone: 44 (0) 1442 275 705 Fax: 44 (0) 1442 275 716 Email: [email protected] Olivier Tissot, Director Centre dInformation du Cuivre Laitons et Alliages 17, rue de lAmiral Hamelin F-75016 Paris, France Phone: 33 (0) 1 4225-2567 Fax: 33 (0) 1 4953-0382 Email: [email protected] Dr.-Ing. Anton Klassert Chief Executive Officer Deutsches Kupferinstitut Berufsverband e.V. Am Bonneshof 5, Fourth Floor 40474 Dsseldorf, Germany Phone: 49 (0) 211 4796-313 Fax: 49 (0) 211 200-8487 Email: [email protected] Nick Vergopoulos Director Hellenic Copper Development Institute 252 Piraeus Str. 177 78 Tavros, Athens, Greece Phone: 30 210 4898 296 Fax: 30 210 4898 311 Email: [email protected] Robert Pintr Director Hungarian Copper Promotion Centre 1053 Budapest, Kpr u. 9., Hungary Phone: 36 1 266-4810 Fax: 36 1 266-4804 Email: [email protected]

Richard Xu ICA Regional Director, Asia International Copper Association Ltd, China Beijing Office Room 1202-1205, 12F, Canway Building, 66 Nan Li Shi Road, Beijing 100045, Peoples Republic of China Phone: 86 (10) 6804-2450 Fax: 86 (10) 6802-0990 Email: [email protected] Shanghai Office Room 2814-2824, 28F, Central Plaza, 381 Huai Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai 200020, Peoples Republic of China Phone: 86 (21) 6391 5816 Fax: 86 (21) 6391 6331 Email: [email protected] Colin May Subregional Director - East Asia International Copper Association, Korea Suite 704, Acro Tower, 68 Mapo Street, Mapo-gu, 121-815, Seoul Phone: (82-2) 552 - 3828 Fax: (82-2) 552 - 3830 Email: [email protected] International Copper Association, Taiwan Room 5A20, 5F, No.5, Xinyi Road. Sec.5, Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan, 11011 Phone +886-(0)2-2758 6507 Mobile +886-(0)911811876 Email: [email protected]


John Schonenberger ICA Regional Director - Europe Chief Executive, European Copper Institute Avenue de Tervueren 168, b 10 1150 Brussels, Belgium Phone: 32 (0) 2 777-7070 Fax: 32 (0) 2 777-7079 Email: [email protected] Paul Becquevort Director Copper Benelux Avenue de Tervueren 168, b 10 1150 Brussels, Belgium Phone: 32 (0) 2 777-7090 Fax: 32 (0) 2 777-7079 Email: [email protected]



Vincenzo Loconsolo Director Istituto Italiano del Rame Via del Missaglia 97 I - 20142 Milano, Italy Phone: 39 02 8930-1330 Fax: 39 02 8930-1513 Email: [email protected] Michal Ramczykowski Director Polish Copper Promotion Centre ul. Sw. Mikolaja 8-11 50-125 Wroclaw, Poland Phone: 48 (71) 781-2501 Fax: 48 (71) 781-2504 Email: [email protected] Diego Garca Carvajal Director Centro Espaol de Informacin del Cobre Calle Princesa 79 - 1 izda. 28008 Madrid, Spain Phone: 34 (91) 544 8451 Fax: 34 (91) 544 8884 Email: [email protected] Pia Voutilainen Director Scandinavian Copper Development Association Vaisalantie 2 FI-02130 Espoo, Finland Phone: 358 40 5900 494 Fax: 358 9 412 3022 Email: [email protected] Vadim Ionov Executive Director National Copper Center Office 123, IPBC, Aviacionniy Pereulok 5 Moscow 125167, Russia Phone: 7 (495) 223 6981 Fax: 7 (495) 223 6346 Email: [email protected]

Evert Swanepoel Managing Director Copper Development Association Africa 53 Rendell Road Wadeville, Germiston, South Africa Phone: 27 (11) 824 3916 Fax: 27 (11) 824 3120 Email: [email protected]

Antonio Maschietto, Jr., Executive Director Procobre-Brazil Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 1685 4 andar conjunto 4 E Cep 01452-001 Jardim Paulistano Sao Paulo SP, Brazil Phone: 55 (11) 3816-6383 Fax: 55 (11) 3816-6383 Email: [email protected] Efrn Franco Villaseor Executive Director Procobre-Mexico Av. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz 14 Oficina 604 54000 Tlalnepantla, Estado de Mexico, Mexico Phone: 52 (55) 1665-6330 x103 Fax: 52 (55) 1665-6562 x102 Email: [email protected] Miguel de la Puente Quesada, Executive Director Procobre-Per Av. Felipe Pardo y Aliaga N 680 (Antes Camino Real N 1121) Of. 1005, San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru Phone: 51 (1) 221-1201 Fax: 51 (1) 221-1201 Email: [email protected]

Andrew G. Kireta, Sr., ICA Regional Director - North America President & Chief Executive Officer Copper Development Association Inc. 260 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor New York, NY 10016-2401, USA Phone: 1 (212) 251-7223 Fax: 1 (212) 251-7234 Email: [email protected] Stephen A. W. Knapp Executive Director Canadian Copper and Brass Development Association 49 The Donway West, Suite 415 North York, ON M3C 3M9, Canada Phone: 1 (416) 391-5599 Fax: 1 (416) 391-3823 Email: [email protected]

Miguel Riquelme Alarcn ICA Regional Director - Latin America Acting Center Director Chile International Copper Association, Ltd. Vitacura 2909 of. 303 Las Condes, Santiago, Chile Phone: 56 (2) 335 3386 Fax: 56 (2) 335 3264 Email: [email protected]


ICASEA Singapore Office 23 Middle Road, #06-01 Singapore 188933 Tel: (65) 6334 3828 Fax: (65) 6334 6221 ICASEA Bangkok Office United Business Center II, Suite 1208, 12th Flr, 591 Sukhumvit Road (Soi 33), Wattana Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: (66) 2 662 3465 Fax: (66) 2 261 8615 ICASEA Ho Chi Minh City Office 6 & 7 Floor Me Linh Point Tower, 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Tel: (84) 8 3520 2820 Fax: (84) 8 3823 7840

ICASEA Jakarta Office 45/F Menara BCA Grand Indonesia Jl. MH.Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310 Indonesia Tel: (62) 21 2358 5674 Fax: (62) 21 2358 5601 ICASEA Kuala Lumpur Office 1005, Blk B, Level 10, Phileo Damansara 1, 9 Jln 16/11, Off Jalan Damansara 46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: (60) 3 7662 3326 Fax: (60) 3 7662 3328 ICASEA Manila Office Suite 907-A West Tower Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605, Metro Manila, Philippines Direct/Fax: 63 2 667 3686 Main Line: 63 2 631 4648 local 804

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