Brochure - RICS Professional Education

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Professional Education

Specialised distance learning courses in real estate and construction


Specialised distance learning courses to enhance your technical expertise

As the worlds leading professional qualication and standard setting body for land, property and construction sectors, RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - has its nger on the pulse of property and construction markets the world over. Fast paced growth in infrastructure, construction and property markets in India, has driven the need for greater thrust on operational efciencies and nancial performance. The sheer scale and complexity in project developments are necessitating emergence of specialized and niche professions. Pre-empting enormous career opportunities, existing professionals in elds such as quantity surveying, asset valuations, real estate nance and investment, facilities management, project management, building inspection, geomatics, green buildings and energy conservation, are all willing to upgrade their

knowledge and skills. RICS also acknowledges the need for improvement in both quality and quantity of continuing professional development. But where do they go for specialised training? Taking cognizance of this vacuum of training options for the built environment professionals in India, RICS offers a wide range of specialised professional training courses aimed at up-skilling practicing professionals to bring them at par with international counterparts.

RICS oers a range of education courses across the project development lifecycle. The dierent programs will aide working professionals to acquire technical expertise and skills in delivering sound investment advice and valuation of real estate; project construction within desired time, cost and quality; as well as proper maintenance and management of developed facilities.

Property Valuation

Valuation professionals act as independent land economists to determine the value of land and property portfolios for mortgage, taxation, probate and collateral purposes

Facilities management

Facilities management professionals manage major facilities, such as residential complexes, shopping centres, ofces, universities, industrial, health and transport facilities

Finance & investment

Real estate nance & investment professionals work with property rms, banks and nancial institutions and provide investment relateds ervices linked to the nancial arrtibutes of property as an investment class, rather than its physical attributes

Real Estate

Corporate Real Estate

Property managers, asset managers, facilities managers, project managers and all those who want to improve the efciency, effectiveness & value for money of the property that they manage on behalf of the organisation.

Quantity surveying


Quantity surveyors are the construction industrys economists who manage and control costs within projects, involving the use of a variety of management procedures and technical measurement tools

Project Management Building quality & inspection

Building quality and inspection professionals are concerned with construction of new buildings to ensure construction regulations on structural safety, public health, energy conservation and disability access are observed in new building construction and alteration

Project management professionals provide management services over the entire construction process to achieve the required specication and quality of works, to ensure delivery on time and adherence to the budget


Professional valuations are vital to a healthy property market and a stable economy, forming the basis of performance analysis, nancing decisions, transactional or development advice, dispute resolution, taxation and various statutory applications. Robust practice standards form the basis of high quality valuations and the RICS Red Book of Valuation Standards is recognized as the Gold standard in valuation across the globe. The Red Book has been localised for the Indian market, making available for the rst time in India, a single set of globally consistent and locally applicable valuation standards are for different purposes.
To know more about the Red Book Global and India editions, visit

Leading transformation of the Indian valuation practice

Reporting Standards (IFRS), will necessitate asset accounting based on current market values, which will further open up a whole new dimension and market opportunity for valuation professionals. Despite its importance, the valuation profession in India has remained under-developed and unorganized, due to lack of adequate policy, academic and professional support infrastructure. RICS is committed to the cause of transforming the valuation profession in the country, by bringing in globally accepted and locally relevant standards along with best-in-class education, for the rst time in India. Towards this end, RICS has introduced advanced property valuation programs to up-skill existing practitioners to international standards and foundation level programs to help property and nance professionals diversify and specialize in this emerging eld.


Real estate valuers touch every aspect of development - from feasibility studies in the beginning of project to the determination of value when an asset is to be taken by the government to make way for growth. Valuation answers the question to whom and how much? Simple as it may seem, this answer requires a lot of judgment, a series of calculations based on different assumptions and meticulous application all of which require specialized skills. It is to enable this tough task that the expertise of the valuation professionals needs to develop such that credible nancial decisions can be made.

From traditional beginnings in civil engineering, planning and architecture, a separate valuation profession needs to evolve; one that provides vital links between property and capital. Indias drive towards adoption of International Financial

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Foundation Course in Commercial Property Valuation (FCPV)

6 months distance learning: 150 CPD hours

Designed to familiarize you with the basic principles of property valuation, understanding of valuation techniques and issues relating to undertaking of international valuation standards. In this course, you will learn about ve most widely used methods of property valuation, identifying the concepts of value, as well as recognising the situations where you will be required to carry out different types of valuation. Upon completion of this course you would acquire certain skills and competencies which would enable you to understand valuation concepts and equip you to prepare basic valuation reports.

This course is made of up of 12 units delivered across 24 weeks (6 month) Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Overview of investment and the property market Basis and purpose of valuations Inspection and investigation for valuations Measurement of commercial properties The comparative method The investment method using traditional cap rate method The investment method using Discounted Cash Flow The residual method The prots method

Unit 10 Depreciated Replacement Cost method Unit 11 International Valuation Standards and the RICS Red Book Unit 12 The valuation report

By the end of the course, you will be able to: Understand the property market, its operators and investment merits Understand why valuations are required and what purpose they serve Demonstrate concepts of value, price and worth Understand how to inspect and measure a property Understand the global application of codes of measuring practice

Demonstrate measuring and calculating oor areas for different types of property Analyse rental evidence applicable to the valuation task Understand the causes of change in rents, yields and land values Understand the principles of valuation practice for both freehold and leasehold Understand how to identify, select and use the different methods of valuation property Understand the importance of professional property valuation standards Understand what is required in valuation reports for specic purposes

Advanced Course in Commercial Property Valuation (ACPV)

6 months distance learning: 200 CPD hours
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Designed to provide advanced understanding to undertake complex valuation based on International Valuation Standards (IVS). This course investigates the methodologies required to undertake valuation of interests in urban property of purchase, sale, investment, rent review, lease renewal, mortgage, insurance and accounts. You will learn how to prepare seasoned valuations of range of commercial and residential property types from given data, understand and demonstrate the application of appropriate valuation methods, identify the problems associated with valuation work and discuss the extent to which these may be reduced and understand and follow professional regulations in valuation work.

This course is made of up of 15 units delivered across 6 months Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Valuing for investment Leasing and letting The valuation of retail properties Unit 4 Rent reviews Unit 5 Synergistic and marriage values Unit 6 Development appraisals Unit 7 Valuation on the basis of prots Unit 8 Using Depreciated Replacement Cost method of valuation Unit 9 Sustainability, contamination and their effects on value Unit 11 Complying with Professional Standards Unit 12 Valuation for commercial lending purposes

Unit 13 Valuation for accounting purposes Unit 14 Reporting valuation certainty and valuation accuracy

By the end of the course, you will be able to: Understand property investment opportunities Prepare and adapt spreadsheet for valuation and analysis of sales Understand lease terms and their inuence upon valuation Understand lease renewals on surrender and re-grant in valuation work and how premiums are calculated Understand the concepts to enable them to prepare valuations for purchase and

salebetween landlord and tenant Understand valuations of development land using appropriate methodologies Understand income statements of properties valued by reference to trading potential Understand the requirements of the professional standards and their impact on valuation practice Understand the methods and requirements for valuation and reporting for commercial lending and accounting purposes. Understand the need to consider and advise clients of valuation certainty and accuracy


The economic situation in the construction industry demands efcient project execution and tight schedules. Clients and employers are aware of the critical role that quantity surveyors play as cost managers and building economists. Involved across key activities - design economics and cost planning, procurement and tendering, contract administration, commercial management and lifecycle costing, quantity surveyors ensure certainty of building projects being completed on time and within budget and contribute value design solutions that optimise cost and procurement opportunities.

Strengthening skills for seamless execution and higher operational eciencies

The role of QS as the Measurer is no longer sufcient, as the market demands them to take the lead as Business strategists. Their scope needs to broaden to make strong presence in information, communication and technology (ICT), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Arbitration and Construction Law, Value Management and Construction Project Management. Other new opportunities include E-commerce, Financial Risk Management, Health and Safety, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management, Data/Information management and Life Cycle Costing and many others.


Continuing industry change and technological developments are presenting the quantity surveying profession with many challenges, threats and opportunities. Projects are themselves becoming bigger, more complex and potentially more risky. Amidst such an environment, success of quantity surveyors depends not only on their abilities to contain cost and improve efciencies, but also on their abilities to evolve in line with emerging trends, acquiring new knowledge skills and mindset and also to cultivate advantages in order to enhance competitive advantage and protability.

The foundation course in quantity surveying is aimed at helping engineers and professionals with preliminary knowledge of building technology, to learn basics of quantity surveying. On the other hand, the advanced course offers practicing quantity surveyors the opportunity to move to the next level of specialization.

Foundation Course in Quantity Surveying (FCQS)

6 months distance learning: 150 CPD hours
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Designed to provide you with the core knowledge and understanding of quantity surveying techniques and issues relating to best practice including different forms of contract that appear internationally. In this course you will be introduced to concepts on various procurement options; the production of tender documents; the contractors tendering procedure and strategy; and the detailed process undertaken by the contractor to price tender documents.

This course is made of up of 6 units delivered across 24 weeks (6 months) Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Procurement Pre-contract estimating and tendering Contract administration Measurement Pricing Building Technology Papers

By the end of the course, you will be able to: Understand the principles of estimating and tendering Be able to demonstrate the basic principles for pricing simple domestic scale construction Understand the process required for the routine operation of a construction contract Demonstrate the main procurement routes available and the advantages and disadvantages of each Understand the tendering procedure followed by contractors Which form of contract is most applicable in a given situation Understand the procedure for

completing the contract form Understand the differences between the various different types of subcontractor Be able to value variation works under the JCT 11 standard form of building contract Understand the procedure for ascertaining the amount stated as due in an interim certicate Understand the steps a contractor should take to gain an extension of time Understand the liquidated damages provisions included in the JCT 11 standard form of building contract


Advanced Course in Quantity Surveying (ACQS)

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6 months distance learning: 200 CPD hours

Designed to provide you with advanced knowledge and understanding of quantity surveying techniques and practice including dispute resolution, project management and value and risk management. This course enables you to have an advanced understanding of the fundamental activities which comprise quantity surveying.

This course is made of up of 8 units delivered across 24 weeks (6 months) Unit 1 Procurement Unit 2 Pre-contract estimating and tendering Unit 3 Contract administration Unit 4 Dispute resolution Unit 5 Measurement Unit 6 Project management Unit 7 Value and risk management Unit 8 Life cycle costing

By the end of the course, you will be able to: Manage the strategic and administrative procedures involved in the procurement of construction work Understand the principal skills required by surveyors working in the construction industry Improve and develop the relationship between time, cost and quality in the construction procurement process and the alternative procurement routes available Understand the management and administration of construction contracts Identify and explain the role of

the various participants in your own domestic construction industry Understand the available options for the procurement of construction work Manage time, cost and quality on a construction project Understand the process of measurement and estimating Understand and consider contract administration regarding the legal basis for controlling construction projects



Time and cost overruns have been a cause of major hindrance to several projects. Lack of adequate skilled and semi skilled manpower, coupled with the absence of professional advice on project formulation and assessment have been responsible in limiting productivity and results expected from project delivery. It is fast becoming essential for the real estate and construction industry and its practitioners to adopt and implement project management techniques, which are regarded as essential ingredients for the successful and timely completion of projects.

Multi-tasking roles to ensure project delivery on time on budget

Today, project management professionals provide management services over the entire construction process to achieve the required specication and quality of works, to ensure delivery on time and adherence to the budget.


We are witnessing a change in the approach to the project management discipline. The focus is now on managing uncertainty and possessing a clear understanding and embracing and controlling risks within the various development stages. PM is now largely being perceived as an effective tool to conserve time and nancial resources, resulting in time and cost controls and ensuring projects are completed within stipulated budgets. PM albeit in its nascent stages - is fast emerging as a strong discipline, practiced by highly trained and certied professionals; as more and more organisations recognise the importance of managing projects effectively.

As a strong advocate ofprofessionalisingthe construction sector, RICS has introduced a certicate course in construction project management to supplement the core project management skills by covering an expanded, more complex set of topics. The programs are aimed at imparting skills to work on any project effectively and competently, while covering the essential and divergent facets that encompass project management.


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Certicate Course in Construction Project Management (CPM)

6 months distance learning: 300 CPD hours
Designed to familiarise, you with the process of project management examined in the context of various stages of projects and their increasing complexity - from project inception, brieng and procurement to post-contract management. In addition to introducing you to the legal obligations and potential liabilities of a project manager, the course will also provide insight on select project management tools and techniques, focusing on fundamentals of construction and real estate practice, dwelling on issues related to time, resources, benchmarking, change and innovation and risk.

This course comprises of 24 weekly topicsdelivered over 6 months Project Management Fundamentals Project Monitoring and Control Procurement and Financial Management Management of Projects Other Issues in Project Management

By the end of the course, you will be able to: Learn about the roles and responsibilities of a project manager. Be able to divide and plan different phases of the project. Understand the importance of project monitoring. Understand the concept of value management. Apply techniques to successfully

monitor project progression. Choose and implement different contractual. Develop project KPIs and monitor project success. Use and implement the different project planning tools. Apply the process of project control.

Project Management Fundamentals Denitions Roles and Responsibilities Pre-construction planning Project Brief Project Organisation

Project Monitoring and Control Gantt Chart Pert Chart CPM WBS Earned Value Analysis

Management of Projects Risk Management Quality Management Value Management Contractual Framework

Other Issues in Project Management Green Project Management Project Health and Safety Project Metrics People Issues in Project Management



ESSENTIAL FOR OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS As the nature of real estate projects becomes complex and with growing emphasis on energy efcient and sustainable buildings, facilities management is a practice area that has developed tremendous importance, with a projected global market size of ~USD 394.69 billion by 2017. In India the growth in the BPO, IT and ITES sectors, along with a booming retail sector have been the drivers of facilities management practice in India. Facilities Managers have an interesting, challenging and ever changing workload. Their responsibility for running support functions effectively means they make a huge difference to the efciency and productivity of a company,

Managing complex buildings in a competitive business environment

RICS is aware that FM professionals come from varied backgrounds, where roles differ signicantly. However, a broad consensus is emerging that a clear career path is needed to validate skills, experience and competency

and all its stakeholders. Using best business practice, a companys operating costs can be reduced while its productivity is increased. It is therefore important to recognise the role that a properly-constructed facilities management strategy can play in realising the core business aims and objectives of an organisation and the benets that can accrue from the alignment of the business and facilities management strategies. PROFESSIONALISING FM However, the availability of skilled professionals with the requisite knowledge and understanding of FM practice, coupled with the sector being largely unorganised continue to remain predominant challenges.

The course in Facilities Management is designed to bring clarity on how we present the real estate and construction industry as a dened career choice to the next generation of facilities managers. The program will provide preliminary knowledge on infrastructure management and operations, performance-oriented procurement, life cycle costing and service management.


Certicate Course in Corporate Real Estate & Facility Management (CRE-FM)

6 months distance learning: 200 CPD hours
This online course offers you the real opportunity for career progression by preparing you to be a proactive corporate real estate and facilities manager. It covers the key topics necessary to give you a good understanding of the role and is applicable to both the commercial and public sectors.Upon completion of the course, you will have a wealth of knowledge and tools to apply in the workplace to ensure that all property and facilities resources are delivering value for money.

This course is made of up of 6 units delivered across 24 weeks (6 months) Unit 1 Strategic CRE and FM Unit 2 Corporate Real Estate Life Cycle Unit 3 The FM Life Cycle Unit 4 The Workplace Unit 5 Facilities Support Services Unit 6 Management Information Systems

By the end of the course, you will be able to: Articulate and interpret the role of CRE and FM in the overall competitive strategy of the organisation in the context of when, where, what type and on what terms real estate services will be demanded Recognise and analyse the various factors that inuence the choice of a property for the business to occupy Appreciate the issues involved with acquisition and disposal of corporate real estate, and the

cost implications of its life cycle Examine the principal legal issues and liabilities of freehold and leasehold real estate Understand how the role of facilities manager can deliver improved sustainability performance and communicate its benets. Use whole life economics as the basis for informed decisionmaking in the property life-cycle Critically evaluate the effectiveness of alternative workplace strategies in meeting the requirements of the changing world of work



Build on what you know learn while you earn

In todays fast-paced business environment, our courses provide the ideal platform to underpin and support professional development, as they enable individuals to gain expertise, knowledge and key management skills over a short and exible span of time. To ensure you stay ahead in a fast growing real estate and construction sector in India, RICS professional courses are designed to:

Provide you with exposure to international best practices Equip you with the most relevant skills, as our courses are carefully structured with expert inputs from senior industry leaders who have contributed to course curriculum

Enhanced exibility through selfpaced learning which suits your personal learning styles and busy work schedules Provide you with 24x7 accessibility to programme materials via a cutting edge online learning academy (OLA) which allows you to interact with faculty and other candidates through discussion forums

Help you improve your career prospects as you gain knowledge from the worlds leading professional body for qualications and standards in land, property and construction Give you an edge in your membership application, as these courses satisfy the requirement for structured learning that an applicant must have undergone


What else you need to know?

Courses vary from 150 to 300 hours which need to be covered over a period of six (6) months or twenty four (24) weeks

Academic partners
Candidates will be evaluated through a written examination, which will be conducted in a secure class-room environment at the end of the course. The exams will be conducted across key metro cities, subject to candidateenrollments. A minimum score of 50% will be required to successfully complete the course. If required, candidates will be allowed to reappear for the examination during the successive course cycle. The number of reappearances would be limited to one. The College of Estate Management (CEM) is the leading provider of supported distance learning for real estate and construction professionals. CEM has a close relationship with the University of Reading, which validates its BSc and Masters Programs. CEM programs are accredited by RICS.

The courses will be delivered through an online resource, known as the online learning academy (OLA). Access to the course curriculum will be made available as knowledge les, which will contain an intelligent mix of tools and resources to help you gain knowledge of all aspects of the curriculum. Prior to the course commencement, a study pack containing log-in access details and a user guide for the OLA will be provided.

On successful completion of the course, a certicate of completion will be awarded by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

The University of Salford (Salford) is recognised, as a premier location for studying undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and researching the Built Environment. With over 60 academic staff, many of whom are recognised as world leading thinkers in their eld, Salfords teaching and research are ranked amongst the very best in the UK.


To enroll for any of these courses please return the following to our correspondence address:
A copy of the application form duly completed with all information. The application form is available for download from the website Two certied copies each, of all your academic records Demand draft or pay order in favour of RICS India Private Limited Correspondence address: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors 48-49 Centrum Plaza Ground Floor Sector Road, Sector 53 Gurgaon Haryana 122002 T +91 124 459 5400 F +91 124 459 5402


For further details about these training courses, please contact us at: Shagun Kaushal +91 8800568989 visit the website at


Some of our other training products

RICS oers a range of training in various formats. Find the right training for your needs.


Short, online courses to help you develop and improve your skills at your own pace. Courses range from core management competencies to specialist areas of learning.


Live interactive training sessions hosted by industry experts. Available over the internet to study from the comfort of your desk, saving you time and money on commuting.


One day workshops on niche subjects, latest trends or best practices. Delivered across metropolitan cities by industry experts and academicians.


A range of podcasts are available to download free of charge as well as an ethics module for RICS members. For more info, visit


Advancing standards in land, property and construction.

RICS is the worlds leading qualication when it comes to professional standards in land, property and construction. In a world where more and more people, governments, banks and commercial organisations demand greater certainty of professional standards and ethics, attaining RICS status is the recognised mark of property professionalism. Over 100 000 property professionals working in the major established and emerging economies of the world have already recognised the importance of securing RICS status by becoming members. RICS is an independent professional body originally established in the UK by Royal Charter. Since 1868, RICS has been committed to setting and upholding the highest standards of excellence and integrity providing impartial, authoritative advice on key issues aecting businesses and society. RICS is a regulator of both its individual members and rms enabling it to maintain the highest standards and providing the basis for unparalleled client condence in the sector. RICS has a worldwide network. For further information simply contact the relevant RICS oce or our Contact Centre.

RICS HQ Parliament Square, London SW1P 3AD United Kingdom Worldwide media enquiries: e [email protected] Contact Centre: e [email protected] t +44 (0)24 7686 8555 f +44 (0)20 7334 3811

United Kingdom Parliament Square London SW1P 3AD United Kingdom t +44 (0)24 7686 8555 f +44 (0)20 7334 3811 [email protected]

Europe (excluding United Kingdom and Ireland) Rue Ducale 67 1000 Brussels Belgium t +32 2 733 10 19 f +32 2 742 97 48 [email protected] Ireland 38 Merrion Square Dublin 2 Ireland t +353 1 644 5500 f +353 1 661 1797 [email protected]

Asia Room 2203 Hopewell Centre 183 Queens Road East Wanchai Hong Kong t +852 2537 7117 f +852 2537 2756 [email protected] Oceania Suite 2, Level 16 1 Castlereagh Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia t +61 2 9216 2333 f +61 2 9232 5591 [email protected]

Americas One Grand Central Place 60 East 42nd Street Suite 2810 New York 10165 2811 USA t +1 212 847 7400 f +1 212 847 7401 [email protected] Middle East Oce G14, Block 3 Knowledge Village Dubai United Arab Emirates t +971 4 375 3074 f +971 4 427 2498 [email protected]

South America Rua Maranho, 584 cj 104 So Paulo SP Brasil t +55 11 3562 9989 f +55 11 3562 9999 [email protected]

Africa PO Box 3400 Witkoppen 2068 South Africa t +27 11 467 2857 f +27 86 514 0655 [email protected]

India 48 & 49 Centrum Plaza Sector Road Sector 53, Gurgaon 122002 India t +91 124 459 5400 f +91 124 459 5402 [email protected]

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