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ZOOLOGY (lec) Aljane Mae Manalo MLS 1-B January 30, 2013

Exercise 13 Taxonomy

I. Classify the ff. Animals into phylum and class.

ANIMAL 1. Paramecium 2. Venus flower basket 3. Bath sponge 4. Squid 5. Clam 6. Crab 7. Starfish 8. Milkfish 9. Tapeworm 10. Earthworm 11. Ascaris 12. Jellyfish 13. Corals 14. Sea squirt 15. Man

PHYLUM Ciliophora Porifera Porifera Mollusca Mollusca Arthropoda Echinoderms Chordata Platyhelminthes Annelida Nematoda Cnidaria Cnidaria Chordata Chordata

CLASS Ciliatea Hexactinellida Demospongiae Cephalopoda Bivalvia Malacostraca Asteroidea Actinopterygii Cestoda Oligochaeta Secernentea Scyphozoa Anthozoa Ascidiacea Mammalia

II. List down five minor phyla which consist of small number of animals. Give an example of an animal in each phylum. MINOR PHYLA 1. Acanthocephala 2. Entoprocta 3. Gastrotricha 4. Kinorhyncha 5. Nematomorpha EXAMPLE Polymorphus spp. (parasites of seabirds) L. compressa sp. n. found on the polynoid Lagisca extenuata Urodasys viviparous Echinoderes A. sulawensis

III. Give one distinct characteristic that separates the following phyla with the others. 1. Phylum Porifera- It has numerous pores on its body surface 2. Phylum Sipuncula- Its body is unsegmented with its intestines looping and the anus found on the side of the body 3. Phylum Tardigrada- These are segmented animals and notable for being one of the most complex of all known polyextremophiles 4. Phylum Onychophora- Noted for its curious behavior when mating for bearing live young 5. Phylum Acanthocephala- Known for the presence of proboscis which is used to pierce and hold the gut wall of its host 6. Phylum Entoprocta- Tiny sessile animals with anus found inside 7. Phylum Cnidaria- These animals have nematocysts which protects and help them capture their prey 8. Phylum Chordata- This includes humans and some vertebrates with its most distinctive features like the notochord, nerve cord, and visceral clefts and arches 9. Phylum Priapulida- They are identified for their extendable proboscis which is similar to a mans penis (thats why its best known as the penis worm) 10. Phylum Arthropoda- They are one of the most diverse and notorious by having a exoskeleton, segmented body and jointed appendages

IV. What is the binomial system of nomenclature? Give 5 common names of animals with their corresponding scientific name. In the world of biology, you can observe that the names of organisms/living things comes with a Latinized name. The system of naming and designating species of living things is called Binomial System of Nomenclature or Binary Nomenclature. This system was first proposed by Carl Linnaeus. It is composed of two Latin names; the first one which is capitalized in the first letter is the genus, the second name is its species.

Examples: a. Cricket- Gryllus assimilis b. Swordfish- Xiphias gladius c. Black carpenter ant- Camponotus pennsylvanicus d. Walrus- Odobenus rosmarus e. Lemon shark- Negaprion brevirostris

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